breakingspines · 2 years
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an entry for a contest in january 2021
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mercless · 2 months
🔪 and what if i just copy/pasted dreadnova talon into odyssey and was finally at peace
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aurelion-solar · 2 years
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Wild Rift Background Art by Yongkun Xu - Spirit Blossom, Mythmaker, Chromacrashers, Dreadnova, Coven & Ranked
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league-of-skins · 1 year
Darius, the Hand of Noxus
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League of Legends
Original Darius
Lord Darius
Bioforge Darius
Woad King Darius
Dunkmaster Darius
Academy Darius
Dreadnova Darius
God-King Darius
High Noon Darius
Lunar Beast Darius
Crime City Nightmare Darius
Spirit Blossom Darius
Porcelain Darius
Wild Rift
Original Darius
Academy Darius
High Noon Darius
Lunar Beast Darius
God-King Darius
Dunkmaster Darius
Dreadnova Darius
Supreme Cells Darius
Legends of Runeterra
Original Darius
Rift Master Darius
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league-ref · 4 years
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Batch request
High res: Lulu | Kindred | Elise | Sivir | Darius | Leblanc | PentaKill Sona | Odyssey Sona | Base Sona | Jinx
Please consider donating to our Ko-fi’s as we do this in our free time o/ Zhonja | Galactic Titty
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uclis · 5 years
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notoriouslydevious · 5 years
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Dreadnova Sylas by hyo_oppa
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vartiusdraws · 5 years
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Skintober Day 2 - Steel Valkyries. Dreadnova Mordekaiser!
Once a mortal star-emperor, Sahn-Uzal uploaded his mind into a network that controlled all of his machines, including massive, starship-sized mechanical behemoth - Mordekaiser-K1.
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truefinalboss · 5 years
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Skintober Day 2- Dreadnova Talon
I picture the blade on his arm and the ones on his cape as being red and the rest of his clothes and armor being black/grey with small red highlights. The mini jetpack would activate when he jumps a wall or lunges with his Q.
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richardautum · 6 years
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Here are the updated sketch pieces by the way. I gotta work harder to get the results I want though. Practice Practice Practice.
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lolskinconcepts · 7 years
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Dreadnova Jhin by SlownDamn
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mercless · 5 months
🌌 - Does Talon change their type of weapon (dagger to axe) or style of fighting (from melee to ranged) across verses?
Canon & Headcanon
Their armoury doesn't particularly change much (until i start progressing 'canon' verse and Talon maybe gets access to new toys but anyway) Their custom-made armblade, numerous throwing blades, and personal collection of knives (like in canon verse keeping the broken blade of Katarina's old pair...) I also count a few other equipment; the blade cape is a weapon as well as defensive item, The metal plating on their glove fingers and boot covers get sharp to make scaling buildings easier, but also not something fun to get hit by. Styles of fighting involve hand-to-hand, knives and throwing, their arm blade and using their blade cape defensively & to keep opponents at bay. But their best known technique is watching their target from above and dropping on them at the perfect moment in one fell swoop.
Having gone through Dreadnova corp. training, Talon knows how to use standard assigned soldier equipment. They don't like using firearms though, and have curated an armoury to their liking with ray-blades and the blade that works in tandem with their exosuit components. For as bright and damaging as these weapons can be, they are far more suited for espionage than an alerting round of bullets. Their training covered hand-to-hand combat too, but Talon much prefers covert takedowns. When in a fight, they'll rely on their installed augments to help find their enemy's weak points, and using the exosuit's invisibility features to keep out of enemy visuals, and keep them confused.
Talon is outfitted with a throwing blade dispenser on their left forearm, which carries multitudes of the small, searing blades, and a larger arm blade that relies on concentrated light to cut. Their cloak is also fashioned with these blades, but it is less so a weapon than to keep their back protected. Besides counter-espionage, Talon's main operatives are to gather intelligence and stalk targets. They are to wait until a target has been locked on to before throwing blades for maximum efficiency, and they have non-lethal and lethal modes for their combat.
Zombie Slayer
Talon doesn't rely on any one kind of weapon and will take anything they can get their hands on - even shards of glass or even particularly sharp, broken metal. These DIY 'weapons' made of scrap found around the city have gotten... less so refined than made efficient, as they survive for longer. Something like survival gear, a small hand axe or even the coveted swiss army knife would be like winning the lottery. Learning basic engineering, chemistry and wiring has given a boost to their damage with blowtorches, acid, and even electrocuting. The makeshift blade on their arm stump is replaced whenever necessary too, though usually with metal. Rather than a fighting 'style', Talon avoids conflict at all costs. Avoiding other groups of people whenever possible, using the urban terrain to keep the undead away. But when it does get hairy, they aim for the quickest kill possible. Their 'go-to' move is to stab the side of the head.
Star Destroyer
Talon relies on the power Umbra gives them to create weapons, usually in the form of sharp, dark matter feather knives and arm blade. Though their aim is inately good, there is a lot of room for skill with the armblade. But given the whole 'unfettered by space' part it's not that big of a drawback.
High Noon
With fiendish magic Talon can produce weaponry, and prefers conjuring blades to be up close and personal with taking souls. Closer to the height of their power, these weapons would be summoned with as much thought as becoming one with the darkness on a moonless night. Now it takes concentration, so when there's no longer a need of words Talon needs to be prepared. The blades first appear as iron fresh out of a fire, and will slice and sizzle most things they come in contact with. After a brief time, they will smoke and cool slowly. When they have completely cooled, they're brittle and if disturbed, crumble. The fighting style includes never taking a fair fight, pinning down prey with thrown blades before finishing the kill with the blade on their wrist. The fear glistening back at them used to be fun.
Crimson Elite
weird hybrid child again so mostly just canon, I can imagine the beginnings of magic influences added in or like runic weaponry too but idk.
Out of the game, Talon doesn't really have fighting skills. Self defense classes are attended to stay healthy, but they know the dangers of knives all too well. In games, they'll go for the most important target on the enemy team, usually the squishy carry or the enchanter support keeping the opposition safe. Otherwise, they'll play the nuisance just too close to the backlines, or force the enemy team to send too many people to deal with them to stall out the game, or help their team secure an objective.
Rift Quest
A homebrew, retractable arm blade Talon made along with a hesitant GM, and numerous throwing blades that are all enchanted to return to the wielder. Their combat style plays around sneak attacks and their, again, homebrew playstyle of bleeding enemies out with damage ticks in case the handful of dice from the sneak attack wasn't enough.
bonus Modern verse I've not made officially
Talon's been trained to know hand-to-hand combat, and has combined it with their street smarts. They carry a knife on them at all times for protection, and has made playing with butterfly knives a hobby of theirs. If they ever get in a tussle, their first priority is to dodge their opponent, and then take them out in the smallest amount of jabs and hits possible. Knives are only brought out for intimidation, or if they really mean business.
compared across the verses
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azuries · 7 years
How did the first time the Star Guardian gang and the Dreadnova working together go?
imagine heaven and hell collided for a day
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aurelion-solar · 2 years
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Steel Valkyries Chroma Summoner Icons:
Aether Wing Kayle
Admiral Glasc
Bullet Angel Kai’sa
Dreadnova Gangplank
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league-of-skins · 1 year
Gangplank, the Saltwater Scourge
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League of Legends
Original Gangplank
Spooky Gangplank
Minuteman Gangplank
Sailor Gangplank
Toy Soldier Gangplank
Special Forces Gangplank
Sultan Gangplank
Captain Gangplank
Dreadnova Gangplank
Pool Party Gangplank
FPX Gangplank
Gangplank the Betrayer
PROJECT: Gangplank
Legends of Runeterra
Original Gangplank
Spooky Gangplank
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[[ I’m a slut for dreadnova skins.. ;;
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