#Dragon Fruit in the First Trimester
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ladywellcare111 · 2 years ago
Dragon Fruit During Pregnancy: Benefits and Side Effects | Pitaya
Dragon Fruit During Pregnancy: Benefits and Side Effects | Pitaya #Dragon #Fruit #During #Pregnancy: #Benefits #and #Side #Effects | #Pitaya,is #it #safe #to #eat #dragon #fruit #during #pregnancy,dragon #fruit #benefits,dragon #fruit #pregnancy,dragon
Pregnancy is when expectant mothers are extra cautious about their diet and nutritional intake. With various fruits available, one fruit that often sparks curiosity is the dragon fruit, known for its vibrant colors and unique appearance. Dragon fruit is visually appealing and offers several potential health benefits. This article will explore whether dragon fruit during pregnancy is safe and…
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 2 years ago
Hello, can you order the request for Dragon Goddess Mother, for Buddha and Beelzebub?
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-Getting pregnant was one of the best things that have happened for Buddha, he was so attentive, constantly by your side, talking to your belly, telling it all about the snacks that would enjoyed together.
-When it was found out that you were having twins, Buddha was stunned, dropping to his knees and wrapping his arms around your belly, nuzzling his cheek against it, “Our babies~”
-Your pregnancy was mild, at least until your last trimester, when you were so round that it was nearly impossible to stand up on your own, and you were so off balanced that you nearly scared Buddha half to death more than once when you nearly toppled over.
-It became unsafe for you to walk around but your beefy husband had no issues carrying you everywhere, shushing your worries about being heavy and constantly reassuring you that you were still as light as a feather.
-Your twin sons came over to look just like their father, which did cause some pouting on your part, until he showed you that they had your stunning eyes, which brought a smile to your face.
-You were okay with your boys having snacks, but made it a rule that they can’t have too many sweets at once, as you wanted them healthy.
-Your boys were very mischievous however, using their looks to get extra sweets from their papa, who could never tell them apart and thought he was giving them the allotted amount, while you however, could easily tell them apart and knew their game.
-It was only when Kand returned that they listened to your one rule without fail, after he tried to attack Buddha and you shifted into your dragon form and easily put him in his place, defending your husband and children from your ex.
-Seeing your power, seeing what you could really do, made them both very wary of upsetting you, but the only rule you tried to enforce was not too many sweets, which they started to follow, one to not make you mad and after you told them that once they were older, only if they were strong and healthy, that they too could turn into dragons.
-Buddha was a doting father and an even more loving husband, constantly doting on all three of you, but he was quick to realize that his boys thought they could trick him and play pranks on him, when you had to leave to visit your mother for a few hours.
-After getting a few pranks pulled, and getting his sweets stolen and hidden from him, and teasing him, being little brats, but they knew he wasn’t mad; he tilted his head back, “I’m gonna call mama!”
-Instantly his sons were in his arms and he hugged them tightly, making them giggle which made him grin before he picked them up, “C’mon you two, lets get some fruit snacks and I’ll tell you some stories about mama.”
-You giggled when you returned, finding all three of your boys passed out under the tree, snack wrappers all around them which made you roll your eyes, but you couldn’t help but take a picture before leaving them be for a bit longer.
-He turned to you, wide-eyed, like you were lying, when you told him you were pregnant. After showing him the small pile of tests you took, all positive, he couldn’t help but sink to his knees before you and wrapped his arms around your hips, tears cascading down his cheeks in joy at the news of a child.
-He reacted differently when you found out that you were having twins, his eyes went wide like before but a huge grin spread across his normally stoic face, throwing his hands up to the sky, “Damn I’m good!” you bopped him on the head lightly for that comment.
-Your morning sickness was pretty bad, but only in the first trimester, you worried your husband when you could barely hold anything down for days, worried for your health and the health of your children.
-Your cravings are what was a little more unusual, not so much what you wanted, nothing too crazy, watermelon with pepper, ice cream and potato chips, but you got them at the most random of times, like 3 in the morning, and they were sometimes strong enough that if you didn’t get them you would burst into tears.
-Beelzebub took everything like a trooper, handling your tears as you cuddled him, talking to your belly to calm your babies down, and having to help you up once you got too round to stand safely on your own.
-Your boys were beautiful, dark hair and sharp gold eyes, they looked just like their father, except for your eyes, they were perfect.
-As they grew, they quickly showed their personalities were very open, constantly running around to play, having fun, and being balls of energy from the time they were awake until they went to sleep.
-Beelzebub was annoyed that he couldn’t tell his children apart, but you could, being the only person able to, which you thought was a bit amusing, so did your boys, who played pranks on their father all the time.
-When you were summoned by your father for a short meeting with other constellation gods, you told all three of them to behave, which made all three pout, which made you laugh softly.
-As soon as his back was turned the twins were gone, leaving Beelzebub who sighed in defeat before going after them, searching high and low, playing an unwanted game of hide and seek.
-He could hear them laughing as they ran away, finding new hiding spots but he couldn’t help but smile, knowing his boys were having fun.
-He froze when he heard them call out for help a short while later and found them both up the large tree in the backyard, having climbed up with no issues, but once they saw how high they were, they panicked and called for him.
-He got them down easily and soothed their tears while they held hands, finding comfort with each other before he smiled, “C’mon, let’s go get you something to drink and we take a break. I can tell you a story if you want?”
-They beamed up at him, wanting to hear more stories about you, as they had only recently seen you transform into your dragon form, which made him smile, happy to oblige them.
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ladylilithprime · 4 months ago
Day 22: Ladies
(Takes place in the Faerie Court of Avalon, NJ series. Donna Hanscum is a selkie sheriff. Amelia Everett Richardson is a veterinarian specializing in magical animals and animal forms. Matthew Pike is their foster son and best friends with Jack Kline Winchester, who is the adopted son of the faerie whose magic helped Amelia transition in exchange for her first born child-- Amelia's suggestion. The child's sire is either John Castiel Novak or James Constantine Novak, who are twins and Sam's husbands, and donated their sperm to the cause by way of artificial insemination.)
I NEVER THOUGHT that I would say I miss morning PT," Amelia Richardson groaned as she carefully eased herself down into the embrace of the large, overstuffed armchair that had pretty much been declared as her chair from the moment she had been invited to move in. They had just returned from another appointment with Meg, an almost 900-year-old dragon woman who had taken charge of Amelia's health care for the time despite technically only being a registered nurse at the hospital. Immortal credentials were hard to transfer over despite the Magical Revelation, but everyone Amelia had asked said Meg was more than capable, which was good enough for her. With a swing by Lighthouse CommodiTeas for a couple drinks and to drop Donna's foster son, Matt, off for a sleepover with his best friend, that meant that Donna and Amelia were going to have the apartment to themselves... and here Amelia was, sore and exhausted and wishing she was still doing the PT from her brief stint in the Marines again!
"Do you really?" Donna asked, eyebrows raised skeptically. Amelia thought about it, then made a face.
"No," she admitted and sighed. "I miss having the stamina to go up two flights of stairs without being winded. Not really looking forward to the long haul effort it's gonna take me to get back in shape after the munchkin pops out, either."
She placed a hand over her extended abdomen and immediately felt the roll and flex as the baby inside her womb shifted position and pressed back. There was still at least half a month to go on the incubation period, and while Amelia had no desire to rush things along and risk the baby's health from coming out earlier than intended, she also knew that she was quite ready to have the whole thing over and done with.
"It'll take longer than you'll like, but it won't take as long as you think," Donna promised with a pat to Amelia's shoulder as she passed. "Hungry?"
"Yes," Amelia admitted, a little sullenly. It felt ridiculous to be hungry when they'd just had lunch three hours ago. "Do we have any salt and vinegar chips left?"
"I got a few more cans yesterday," Donna called back as she disappeared into the kitchen. She was back a moment later with a can of the requested chips and a bottle of the Green Machine fruit smoothie, both of which she handed to Amelia. "Don't give me that look, Meg said to keep your iron levels up for the baby on account of the faerie magic at work."
"I know, I know," Amelia sighed. She obediently opened the smoothie bottle and gulped down a third of it before going for the chips. "So, we have the place to ourselves with the only kid still here being the one inside me... I know I can be a little oblivious, but this feels like a set-up for either a romantic evening or a serious conversation."
"Kinda," Donna admitted, ducking her head a little sheepishly. She dragged the ottoman over and sat down on it in front of Amelia, then lifted the other woman's feet into her lap, gently tugging off her shoes and rubbing soothing fingers over the marks left behind by them on Amelia's swelled feet and ankles. "This thing between us... it's working pretty well, right?"
"Yeah?" Amelia bit her lower lip, wrestling with the sudden spike of anxiety. "I mean, I kinda thought so. I know this... me living here... only really started because I had that dizzy spell right at the end of the first trimester and Meg put her foot down about me living alone while gestating..."
"Charlie would've offered to take you in as a roommate if I hadn't volunteered first," Donna admitted, ducking her head a little. "I almost had to arm wrestle her for it. And it wouldn't have made a difference in our dating, except for the driving back and forth. I kinda worried that you'd think I was jumping the gun, going from dinner out to moving in after just two months, but...."
"But I was already head over heels for you and jumped at the chance to move in with my gorgeous girlfriend, who actually wanted me to move in," Amelia finished with a crooked little smile that probably didn't do anything to hide the way her heartrate had picked up. She hesitated, then added softly, "Sometimes I wonder how things might've gone between us if we'd met earlier... before I was a real woman...."
"You were always a real woman, Lia-love," Donna broke in gently but firmly. "You might not've realized it at the time, but--"
"I was an angry shell of a person trying too hard to be a man because that's what was expected of me even by me," Amelia interrupted, shaking her head. "And as much as it pains me to say... you really wouldn't have liked me back then. I was a complete asshole, too lost in my own pain to care how much pain I put the people around me through. Being a woman... being allowed to be a woman... has made me a better person overall, and being with you just makes me keep wanting to work at being better. Because you deserve the best, and while I don't exactly think that's me, I'm just so damn grateful you're willing to settle for me anyway that I'll keep trying to be the woman you deserve in your life."
Donna's eyes were suspiciously bright as she reached out and fumbled to take Amelia's left hand in hers. She brought it up to her lips for a kiss, then turned it enough to kiss the base of Amelia's bare ring finger. And then, to Amelia's astonishment, Donna brought their twined hands together to touch the little gold locket she wore in the hollow of her throat.
"I showed you what's inside the front cover of this locket, right?" she asked, her voice thick with emotion. Nonplussed but feeling the unexpected weight to the question nonetheless, Amelia nodded, heart in her throat. "There's a compartment in the back... behind the engraved iris blossom. It's enchanted to have an expanded interior... because it's where I keep my pelt."
Amelia felt her heart practically slam to a stop in her chest before picking up triple its normal speed in shock. "Didi--"
"I don't expect you to do anything with this information," Donna went on, looking up into Amelia's eyes earnestly. "I keep it here because I never know when I might need to 'fursuit up' for an emergency, and I know you well enough to know you respect that and wouldn't try to hide it or anything... you'd probably bite the head off of anyone who did try and take it, knowing what's in it."
"Damn right, I would!" Amelia choked out, her vision starting to go a bit blurry around the edges. She'd take on anything and anyone that put her Donna in danger! "Why--"
"This thing we have is working real well," Donna said with a slight shrug, squeezing Amelia's hand gently. "I just wanted you to know where it is. So you'll know if something happens and it needs looking after."
The dam broke and Amelia burst into tears, too overwhelmed to do anything but cry and clutch at Donna's hand. She felt her girlfriend - was she her wife now? Fianceé? - lean forwards and draw her into a tender embrace. She collapsed against the other woman's chest and sobbed, choking on a wet laugh when the baby protested the suddenly squished position with a sharp kick.
Thank you, she wept, unable to voice the words properly. I love you. I promise I won't let you down.
And the kiss Donna pressed into Amelia's hair felt like a truer benediction than that of any god.
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ultrastarseeker · 2 years ago
RANDOM FANFIC IDEA(that anyone can use if they want, just credit me.)
AU: MK dies from over using his power but Wukong manages to trap his soul into a jar. Now the crew has to figure out how to get MK back, since they want to keep him in their lives. With the help of Nezha, they figured out there’s a potion to rebirth MK but they need a host to get pregnant for it.
Now I’ve created four routes for this AU, I might make more if I want to, but anyways the routes are:
Lotus baby: Nezha takes the potion and pours it into a Lotus seed, he explains that no one needs to actually get pregnant, they just need a host. So Nezha takes care of the Lotus seed until it blooms and reveals a baby monkey MK with faded pink hair. Nezha becomes official brothers with baby MK who now has Flower powers and Monkey king powers.
(TW: Mention of miscarriage)
Dragon egg: Mei takes the potion and explained that her mother recently had an (unfortunate) unfertilized dragon egg that they could put the potion in. So they take the potion to Mei’s parents and at first they refuse but then Mei’s mother still wanted another baby, so she agreed and put the potion into the egg which fertilized it. Mei’s family takes care of the egg for the next year and nine months and then BOOM, Mixed dragon-monkey toddler MK was born and then raised by Mei’s parents.(btw MK is a toddler because he grew in the egg since dragon hatch from eggs and live a really long time.)
(This is the part where Mpreg is mentioned, so if you’re uncomfortable with that then skip these two routes, Please.)
The freenoodles piglet: Tang decided to be the host since He and Pigsy raised MK, and drank the potion. Pigsy (with the help of the others), help Tang with troubles and joys of pregnancy. When Tang gives birth to Our pride and joy, MK, he now only has a monkey tail and claws while the rest of his body is human. Tang and Pigsy raise MK again but now with the powers edition. :)
The Shadowpeach infant: Wukong begs Pigsy and Tang to let him give birth to MK, since he felt that MK and he developed a Father and child bond and the fact that he feels guilty that MK died from his mistakes. Pigsy and Tang reluctantly agreed(Pigsy: Damn those baby monkey eyes.), and Wukong drinks the potion. Now after everyone talked about it, Wukong was going to stay in Flower Fruit Mountain for the pregnancy since it’s safer but there was a problem, who would help Wukong during his second and third trimester? Suddenly A emo monkey appears! Macaque volunteered since he knows how demon monkeys work since he is one, he can easily tell the others when MK is being born with shadow clones, he has a father-son relationship with MK too, and he already lived on the mountain anyways. (Wukong raised an eyebrow at that but anyways) Wukong agreed and the two of them went to FFM. During this pregnancy, They worked out more of their communication issues and got back together(DBK: for the fifth time in a row!), The Demon Bull Family visited(even though we never got to see how Wukong and the demon family worked it out!), Pigsy and Tang fuss over Wukong like a lot. And then MK is born like a regular monkey demon with Wukong’s powers.
Now here are some extras you can put into the story routes!
Redson having a crisis since she had a crush on MK but getting over it as they realized that his MK won’t be coming back and he should embrace this new MK. (This is for Spicynoodles fans if you want angst for Redson. Also if you want Redson could develop a crush on Mei instead if you’re also a Dragonfruit fan.)
Wukong, Pigsy, Tang and or Macaque fussing over MK’s host like the dads they are. This will annoy the caretakers and they’ll tell them that they need to realize that MK is being taken care and that they(the caretakers) need a break from their fussiness! The MK dads (reluctantly) agree and take a step back. (Wukong and Macaque ignores this and use bug transformations to spy on MK’s host without the Caretakers noticing, expect for Nezha. Don’t worry Nezha scolds them for being clingy.)
Crazy baby MK shenanigans(I gave y’all a lot of potential for this. >:3 )
This is a goofy idea that I randomly made, so just have fun with it. I might make it myself once I’m done with my other fanfics.
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melsie-sims · 4 years ago
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It was the final few hours of her third trimester and Hailey was getting a little nervous about the birth. She decided to take on a new hobby in hopes of preparing herself for labor. 
Meanwhile, Rusty was expanding the garden slightly and even managed to graft together snapdragons and strawberries together. They’ll have their first dragon fruit sooner than later!
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