#Dragon Blazers
windmills123 · 2 years
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If you do that, you'll find a door that doesn't appear ANYWHERE else in the game.
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deltaswapjevil · 2 months
Deltarune The Other Puppet Take
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Krizriel is a fusion of Kris and Asriel like Spamton is a fusion of Spam and Mettaton. They were the protagonist of an old PC game called Dragon Slayers but the game started to get really buggy and annoying almost like the player character was resisting inputs and the game faded to obscurity. Why'd this happen? Well Krizriel met a mysterious person who showed them the futility of their life. Forced to play out a game the way someone else wants to. Never following the route they want to. So they started trying to resist the players controls but even after people stopped playing the game they still feel something is controlling them from somewhere just out of their reach...they want you...no they need you to...TAKE THEIR SOUL
Suzilla was an old classroom plush that was very well loved by the children and began to deteriorate until it was simply discarded to the closest since it was leaking stuffing everywhere and beyond repair. She became a bully of the closet so she all the other closet people abandoned her (were put into boxes for clean out but she was too big) leaving her all alone. She then met a mysterious stranger who told her she was now free to be herself without worry of judgement because she's now all alone. She has grown lonely however and waits for someone to join her in her freedom where she built a colosseum for battle to THRASH YOUR ASS!!!
I might tweek the back stories a bit to focus on not wanting to be forgotten rather than wanting to be free as the secret boss freedom let Motif is swapped with Don't Forget
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i was playing dragon blazers today and i awas on my way to fight the asecret boss when suddenly my game forze
kris told me to check my sVAE fiele and it got wiped out
i dont kjnwo what happened but now im mad
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wolfkitty42 · 6 months
Updated the party mockup
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squiddo01 · 3 months
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so i may or may not have tried to draw varik in an anime style and it may or may not have turned out good so well in fact that his friends seem to have noticed the art style change
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(btw, if you dont know who these bozos are, now you do)
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Had to cover the name as it contained personal information, but no, krispchippotassium123. I do not know how to finish the ice palace maze. Holidaygirl1225 is busy right now... we are studying for a test. However, worry not! I will let her know of your question.
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holidaygirl1225new · 1 year
Update on the key...
I got the door unlocked! It leads to place called "Snowed In Forest" and has a BUNCH of really hard enemies.
Amira seems to unlock a new spell at this point called 'Snowgrave'... I'd use it but it sounds like the type of spell to kill all of the enemies and I'm on a pacifist route right now. Plus I never actually had the heart to do an actual genocide route... I love all the characters too much! XD
If anyone else can do this and see what happens when you use the spell PLEASE sign my guestbook.
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what is dragon blazers in this au
Noelle's favorite JRPG game. It has some relevancy in this AU but I can't tell more about that.
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I’ve been playing a lot of Dragon Blazers lately. Not the new content! I only play that with my dad! I’ve been going back, though. There are some things….
There’s a secret door in the cross shaped ice maze.
I know what you’re thinking! Sounds totally fake, right? XD but it’s not! It’s there! You just need to be pretty determined to find it XP and I’m, um, REALLY stubborn, lol. I explained it in a post on my old blog if anyone’s interested.
I could never find a key, and after a couple weeks of searching I gave up on ever finding out where that door might lead. I figured the devs had just been eating a little too much fruitcake when they made that part XD But, recently, I started thinking…what if it doesn’t need one? What if, in order to open it….I just need to be stronger...?
Yesterday I tried it. I played the game normally from the beginning until I got to the maze. It’s been a while since I’ve done that, and I was worried I wouldn’t be able to find the door again, but it was actually way easier than I expected. It was locked, like always. But instead of giving up, and doing something else, I…I went back.
If you haven’t played Dragon Blazers, you wouldn’t know this, but enemies actually respawn every time you leave a room. You can just go back in and fight them again. A lot of players will use that feature to grind and get super powerful so they can defeat big bosses easily…or some people just like fighting. But I wasn’t doing just that. I decided to kill every enemy, from the ice monsters guarding the maze all the way back to the weakest plant ones at the beginning, using Iceshock.
The King of the Ice Kingdom wanted the world to be covered in ice, right? So…if I did his job for him…maybe I’d get to find out the secret behind the door? Kind of a stretch, I know, but I really wanted to see what would happen.
I got all the way to the beginning of the game, and then I went back through it again. I froze them all again. It took FOREVER XD I played ALL NIGHT. I was so scared my mom would hear me and turn off the game so I’d lose all my progress. Finally, I got back to the maze. The door was RIGHT THERE. it was like it had been waiting. I tried it again……and…. guess what.
It was still locked. Hahahaha….I got so mad, I threw my controller across the room like one of those gamer stereotypes X)
I don’t know why I thought that would work. This isn’t the kind of game where your choices matter.
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minunwithacannon · 2 years
Toby released a new music video on the anniversary of Deltarune. It concerns a video game that seemingly gets discarded and broken. And a love story between the two protagonists, or read another way between the female lead and the player. The girl has heart designs, and a star like the SAVE points can be seen. The final boss of this game is a dragon, and it has three save files much like Deltarune.
Far below the video on the site, you can see the girl in the video alone in the dark.
Calling it now, the game is meant to be an entry in the Dragon Blazers series and the girl is the Secret Boss of Deltarune Chapter 3.
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oblisker · 2 years
guys guys if skies forever blue is dragon blazers wouldn’t it be so adorable if noelle named the pink girl after susie… haha… just a thought
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todayisafridaynight · 4 months
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neblosinha · 4 months
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I am alive (barely) and I am back bearing gifts 🤲🎁
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shayminlucario07 · 2 months
It absolutely means EVERYTHING that the battle theme is named after one of Susie's abilities
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wolfkitty42 · 6 months
Updated the party mockup
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squiddo01 · 10 months
Doing something a bit different this time
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so i made a group of ocs (varik isnt an oc, hes from brandish and the earthbound halloween hack), and i plan to use them in the future for something, however i might as well show you them now
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for context, they're supposed to be the protagonists for dragon blazers III, a game mentioned a few times in deltarune
you may not see much of them for now, but i feel as though theyll show up more in the future
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