aller-geez · 1 year
Get to know — Draeko Grey
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24 // He/Him // Gay 🏳️‍🌈 // Shifter Mutt (Bighorn Sheep, Chinese Water Deer [Vampire Deer], and African Wild Dog)
Full name: Draeko Aleksander Grey
Nickname: Drae
Date Of Birth: March 5th, 1999
Big Three: Pieces 🌞 Gemini 🌝 Aries ↗️
(under construction!!!!)
Physical Appearance —
Age: 24
Eye Color: Right eye is mint green, Left eye is grey
Hair Color: Split pastel pink and pastel mint green, pink on right side, green on left side
Weight: 108 pounds
Height: 5’4
Race: Shifter Mutt (only mutt ever to have 3 species at once, (Bighorn Sheep, Chinese Water Deer [Vampire Deer], and African Wild Dog))
Distinguishing Marks or Characteristics: Always has deer ears, never human ears. Always drawn with ram horns, which depict a real place in the galaxy, always changing. Is always wearing at least one article of clothing that is pink plaid
Has snake bites, his bridge pierced, his tongue pierced twice, an array of ear piercings, his collarbones and hips pierced, as well as back dimple dermals.
Personality —
Greatest Strength: Seeing the positive in every situation
Greatest Weakness: Taking on his friends struggles, essentially burning himself out
Draeko’s Soft Spot:
Mannerisms: Sweet, sunshine character 🖤🌞
Miscellaneous Trivia —
His ram horns show different spots within space and he can change the location at will, allowing him to accurately read the stars & planets; can give psychic readings based upon that.
Diagnosed Bipolar - 1 ; medicated.
Met Remi & Levi in rehab after getting severely addicted to cocaine and fentanyl, and cruising skeevy sex parties
Sneeze Content —
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Seasonal allergies that are worse in spring and fall
Grass pollen
Any kind of lily flower
Strong scents or perfumes
How severe are they?
At their worst, Draeko is incapacitated all day, locking himself away in his room alone as to not bother anyone with his constant, rapid kitten-like sneezes, the ticklish cough that gets occasionally brought out by a particularly harsh sneeze, the allergic tears that frequently roll down his cheeks from the intense tickle in his sinuses, and/or his full, congested nose that require him to snort and sniffle to keep the mess from dripping down his face.
Do they get sick often?
No, Draeko usually has a great immune system and doesn’t get sick often.
How bad is it usually?
Since he doesn’t get sick often, when he does, it completely takes the mutt out. He’s melted into a huge blanket on a bed for at LEAST 3 days minimum and very much expects to be carried around via piggyback ride if he for some reason has to leave the bed. Draeko LOVES to be babied by anyone, regardless of their status to him.
Do they stifle?
99.99% of the time, Draeko pinches his nostrils shut while sneezing, resulting in a stifle usually followed by a breathy “Chiiew!”
The only time he doesn’t stifle them is if they come so fast that they even take him off guard, or if he can’t get a hand free in time. Can get pretty messy without stifling.
How loud are their sneezes?
Quiet and kitten-like
What do they sneeze into?
His pinched nostrils, or a pink plaid handkerchief on occasion.
How often do they sneeze?
Often. He’s so used to his allergies and just overall sneeziness that he won’t even stop what he’s saying before a fit, and will keep trying to finish his thought before the fit is over.
How many times do they sneeze in a fit?
Excessively! No less than four times, and extend on for a while.
Do they have build-ups or are they sudden?
Small amount of build up, with the majority being right before the first sneeze in a fit.
Do they sneeze in public?
Yes, Draeko isn’t self conscious about his sneezes at all.
Some examples of their sneezes?
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Backstory —
Draeko was born to his Chinese water deer mother, and big horn sheep father as the first of his kind, a mutt of 3 shifter species. 2 species was rare in itself, but 3 species was unheard of. The first few years of his life, he spent happily with both parents who loved each other very much. However, once his shifter natures began to emerge and it was apparent he was different and a species that neither parent had lineage for, his father began to resent him and his mother. His father convinced himself his mother had cheated on him, this being the only explanation he could come up with that his child would have African Wild Dog DNA. One night in the middle of the night, his father had been drinking, and after a while of sitting in front of the blue screen of the tv, loaded the shotgun he owned and shot Draeko’s mother in the head 4 times, before attempting to take Draeko’s life at 5 years old. However, the only shot he managed to put in the mutt child wasn’t fatal, only hitting non vital spots, and he managed to lay still enough to convince the man he was killed. His father then prayed and shot himself in the head, before falling to the floor. The scared child tried to wake his mother, and when that did no good, he could only run. He ran far, far away, as far as his small legs would carry him until he collapsed in the middle of a field. When he awoke again, he was surrounded by strange looking men that all crowded around him, mumbling to each other as they stared. Suddenly, the sea of people split, and a large, stout man with a long red beard emerged, slowly making his way towards the mutt child, before he bent down to a more eye level height, Draeko cowering behind his small hands. The man soothed him, and told him he was almost hit by their wagons, but they managed to avoid him just in time. “Wagons?” The mutt child asked, confused.
“We’re part of a traveling circus, and you’re welcome to stay as long as you’d like if you got no where else to go.” The kind man offered, extending a hand out to the boy, who took it graciously coming to his feet. The man offered him food, his own cot, and the familiar feeling of family he lost so suddenly. Draeko grew up with the circus crew, and it was becoming more and more apparent that the people who bring the most laughs and smiles to others are usually some of the saddest people outside of that. He strived to only see the silver lining on the clouds after this, making it his mission to be the uplifting spirit among the weathered men. But soon the pressure of being the strong one no matter what began to wear on the mutt, and at 14 he became addicted to cocaine, and frequently visited sex parties and clubs until his addictions spiraled out of control, and he found himself also addicted to fentanyl. When he could no longer keep his problems under wraps and away from the men of the circus that he called family, his ‘father’ convinced him to check himself into rehab to find himself and his own happiness again, instead of trying to be that for someone else.
Reference Sheet —
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