#Dracula bbx x reader
captain039 · 3 years
Little Flower
Dracula BBC x reader
Warnings: Olden times, sexual, age gap, vampire things, sexual harassment, abusive fiancé, swearing, slightly dark and questionable xD
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You stared at the large group of people. You didn’t even know them, besides your friend Grace and her parents and brother. Everyone else was strangers, your future husband was a stranger to you. A lord William Anslem. Same town as you just another house. Your parents had held a ball in one of their larger estates, thinking it would be time to announce to everyone that you were to be married. You didn’t even know you were destined for marriage till yesterday. Your parents were gushing over the groom and left you to socialise like a good lady with the rest of the town. People congratulated you, wished you the best, gave their blessing. You didn’t know any of them nor did you care for the congratulations or blessings, it was all pointless.
Thankfully the dancing had begun, your so called fiancé already dancing with other women while half drunk. You glared at him when someone approached you.
“A glare for the future groom?” He asked as you looked to him. The man was tall, older than you and well kept with dark eyes.
“Oh- sorry sir” you said softly as he chuckled shaking his head.
“Don’t apologise dear, I don’t like him anyway” he stood by you as you both watched couples prance around.
“I thought I was supposed to be first dance and we’d dance the night away, talk and maybe have some sort of connection but there he is half drunk and cooing over women half his age” you rolled your eyes and made a disgusted face as he coped with a young woman.
“Sorry sir I shouldn’t say those things” you quickly added trying to keep your face uplifted and bright.
“Say what you please my dear it doesn’t bother me” he said sipping his wine. You looked to him, you didn’t recognise him.
“I’m sorry sir I’m afraid I don’t know who you are” you said as he turned to you.
“Count Dracula” he held your hand and brushed his lips over your fingers.
“Oh, Lady Y/n” you smiled softly his fingers slipping from yours.
“If I’d known you were a Count-“ you began and he gave you a small smile.
“Don’t worry yourself” he said and you sighed. This man was made you at ease, listened to your ramble and stood by your side like a gentlemen.
“I-“ you began but stopped glancing to your fiancé.
“Want to dance?” He read your mind and you smiled nodding.
“Perhaps he’d show me some attention if I danced with another man” you said though it was petty the Count smiled and laid his glass on the table.
“It would be an honor” he held his hand out and you took it. He lead you to the dance floor right in the middle as a soft tune played. You both moved in sync, his hand on your lower back and the clasping your hand. You smiled as you danced, you felt enjoyment moving with him. Others spread out as you two made your ground wider, they watched and whispered but your mind was focused on him. A strange Count from somewhere unknown dancing with you.
You caught your fiancé’s stare, anger boiling in his eyes. You faltered and the Count noticed following your gaze.
“Ignore him” he leant down and whispered pulling you a little closer.
“Perhaps my pride got the best of me” you whispered your heart beating a little faster.
“I’m sorry Count” you stopped and pulled away from him. You gave a bow and left to get some air ignoring the whispers and hard glare from your husband. You stood on the balcony admiring the garden when you heard footsteps. You expected your mother but instead your fiancé forced you to the wall. You gasped his hand around your throat as your eyes went wide and heart pounded in your chest.
“You think you can dance with another man?!” He hissed the drink clear on his breath.
“I’m sorry my lord” you struggled for breath as you held his wrist.
“You’re sorry, you’re a whore dancing with another man” he growled letting your throat go. You gasped for breath as he pressed himself against you. You turned your head to the side avoiding his sneer and venom.
“You’re mine, I’ll ruin you, you’ll bare my children and be the good wife you’re meant to be” those words haunted you. You felt tears in your eyes as he let go and left you there. You held your neck feeling stinging and ache from where his hands were. You cried silently covering your mouth and shadowing yourself against the wall.
“Y/n?” You heard your best friend Grace and turned to her. She frowned and rushed to you holding your shoulders as you shook.
“Oh dear, what happened?” She whispered wiping your eyes.
“William- he choked me, said he’d ruin me, force me to bare him children and be a good wife” you sobbed softly and leant against her shoulder. She held you tightly and hushed you.
“I knew he was bad from the beginning” she hissed.
“Can we speak to your mother?” She pushed you back slightly and you shook your head while wiping your eyes.
“Gods” she huffed hugging you again.
“I’ll die before you marry that man” she gripped you tightly and her words sounded like a promise which scared you.
“All I did was dance with the count” you whispered and she tensed slightly.
“Count Dracula?” She asked pulling away.
“Yeah” you nodded and she frowned.
“Be careful of him, they say he’s the devil himself, don’t get to close” she said hushed making you frown.
“Y/n!” You heard your mother and flinched.
“Gods” you muttered as you gave Grace one last hug and followed your mother’s voice. You wiped your eyes and took a deep breath before finding her. You smiled a little fake confused.
“Where the hell were you!?” She snapped grabbing your hand and dragging you.
“Mother!” You said trying to tug your hand back.
“Running from your own engagement party! Gods can’t you do anything right?!” Her words hurt. They always hurt.
“Sorry mother” you whispered as she tsked.
“Go find your fiancé and talk to the guests” she pushed you along and you gulped scanning the crowd. You found him surrounded by women as your heart broke a little more. You looked around more finding the counts gaze. You gulped holding your neck which made him frown. You tore your eyes away and went to your fiancé with a heavy soul.
You stood by him as you didn’t talk as guest congratulated you both and gave their blessings. He still had a drink in his hand and a woman on his other arm. He laughed loudly and puffed his chest out at her compliments. She gave you looks which you tried to ignore, smirks and stupid giggles as she ran her hands over the man. Your mother had appeared and pulled you to the side.
“What the hell are you doing?” She hissed pointing to the two.
“What am I supposed to do? Neither of us want this marriage and we aren’t married yet” you said unsure of how to answer.
She tsked fanning her face with her fan.
“Can’t even seduce a man” she left with those words and you felt broken.
Your mother’s words haunted you for a while. You leant against the wall with tears in your eyes before you saw your fiance and the woman leave upstairs in drunk giggles. You clenched your jaw and tried to take a deep breath. You went to follow, you ended up in the hall before leaning against the wall in a heap of tears. You could hear them through the door as they laughed and shuffled around.
“Why do you shed tears for such a mortal” you froze at the voice behind you but recognised it as the count.
“If I can't seduce my own fiance and keep him loyal what use am I?” you whispered.
“A marriage is a two person connection” he whispered his fingers on your neck. You tensed covering your marks with your hand.
“Did he make these?” He asked and you nodded. He snarled softly almost like he tried to keep it in.
“That boy in there has no idea of how to treat a woman” he sounded angry and disgusted, it made you tense thinking he might hurt you also.
“Well that boy in there is what I’m stuck with” you mumbled defeated. His arm went around your waist and held you close to his body.
“You’re not stuck with anyone darling, this is your life, take control” he whispered in your ear. You took a breath and relaxed against him, maybe if you could marry this man instead, higher profile that that boy in there.
You grimaced when you heard loud moaning from the room. You flushed and turned in the counts arms.
“Can we leave?” You asked softly. This man was a stranger yet you felt safe in his slightly cold embrace. Your words made him smile as he held your hand in his arm and led you to the front of your house. Your mother watched you with wide eyes and shock written over her face you huddled a little closer to the count who followed your gaze.
“She doesn’t control you” he whispered as you looked away and kept your head down. Outside there was a dark carriage waiting. He opened the doors and you stood for a moment. He watched you, studied your decision as you took a breath and went inside. The carriage began to move and you watched the house get smaller and smaller. You let out a sigh and sagged a little against the chair. You didn’t question where or why, you should’ve, nobody should go off with a strange man this late at night.
The ride grew longer and longer till you yawned finally.
“Sleep” the count was by you and whispered to you. His words lulled you to sleep and you rested your head against his shoulder not seeing the smile he held.
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