#Drabble Challenge 7
forgottenedmund · 8 months
arthur & edmund: "don't you dare throw that snowba--goddamnit!"
[ 15 years ago ]
"What on earth are you doing?"
It was snowing. And not just any snow: it happened to be the first snow of the season. The entire courtyard was covered with it. Edmund had stopped on their walk to grab himself a handful of the stuff.
"We don't have time to play in the snow." Arthur continued. There was no patience in his voice. All five of the Varmont children had been presented to their father that morning on one of his rare appearances. He had tested them all (Guinevere, Arthur, and Edmund more than the rest) and Arthur and Edmund had both been found wanting. It was Guinevere who had won the round and with this victory, he had asked her to stay behind after the other's left.
The jealousy and frustration Arthur felt at this slight was apparent.
"Arthur's right, Edmund," Sebastian said softly. "Our tutors are expecting us."
Edmund stood upright, packing a handful of snow in his hands.
Arthur arched an eyebrow, "Are you going to throw that at me?"
"Of course not," Edmund replied sarcastically. "I never throw a snowball after I've gone through all the effort of making one. That's the real fun."
Arthur did not appreciate his brother's sarcasm -- especially in this moment. "Stop being such a child."
"I am a child. And so are you." Edmund would have thrown it at him right then if he'd been confident he wouldn't miss. His throwing arm wasn't particularly strong and he didn't want to look like an idiot just now.
"I am not a child!"
Edmund supposed, in a way, he was right. Despite Arthur's rather childish declaration of not being a child, they hadn't had much of a childhood thus far. The three of them had been pitted against each other for their father's throne since the day they'd been born and Sebastian was always trying to run interference whenever their tempers flared. The only one who had ever really been allowed to be a child was Cassandra, who was too busy trying to catch snowflakes on her tongue to notice that her brothers were on the verge of fighting with each other.
"Alright, enough. Let's go," Sebastian interjected.
Arthur and Edmund stared at each other for a few more moments without saying a word. It was Arthur who turned first and started to head off after Sebastian. The fact that Edmund still hadn't dropped the snow in his hands had not escaped him. And after he'd turned around, he gave his brother one final warning,"Edmund, don't you dare throw that sno-- Goddammit!!"
At that moment, a snowball came crashing into the back of Arthur's head. To say that Arthur looked infuriated as he turned round, was an understatement. Before he could say another word, Sebastian stepped between the boys. "Arthur, Edmund I -- "
"-- I told you not to throw that snowball!" Arthur pushed passed Sebastian, heading straight for his youngest brother.
"I didn't." Everyone looked down to see that Edmund still had the snow in his hand. It was hardly resembled anything more than a melting mess, now.
"What -- ?"
Everyone turned then to see Cassandra standing behind Edmund, eyes wide as she witnessed her brother getting angry. She'd seen Edmund making snowballs earlier and, while everyone was talking, had begun making one of her own oblivious to the tension that had been rising. She'd honestly meant to throw one at Edmund, but she'd thrown it too hard and it passed up over his head and landed, instead, on Arthur's.
"Nice shot." Edmund was both impressed (even if he knew Cassandra wouldn't have been able to replicate that again if she tried) and amused (it took everything he had not to laugh -- Arthur truly looked a ragged mess).
But Cassandra beat him to it yet again and although her brother's were all suddenly afraid that she might cry, the next minute she started to laugh at how ridiculous Arthur looked. Whatever tension had been growing between Arthur and Edmund began to fade away and it was now Arthur's turn to laugh.
"Your turn!" Cassandra shouted.
Arthur bent down and made a snowball of his own. "Don't think you I won't get you back, just because you are a girl!"
Cassandra squealed, laughing as she ran to hide behind Sebastian, "You won't be able to catch me!"
"Hmm, perhaps you are right," Arthur mused and, instead, he tossed one to Edmund instead.
"Not too old for this, after all?" Edmund raised an eyebrow.
"Guess not." Arthur shrugged.
It was Edmund's turn to throw and this time he hit Sebastian who had long ago given up on trying to get any of them to their lessons on time.
Moments later, the four of them were properly drenched from the snow and they'd managed to leave their footprints over almost every inch of the courtyard. It had been a long time since they'd played like this: forgetting every care they had in the world.
"What on earth is going on? Look at the four of you. Absolutely Deplorable."
All four of them stopped in their tracks and stared at Guin. No one had noticed her step outside and, noting the disapproval on her face, each of them were suddenly ashamed at this display. It was not befitting of princes and princesses.
"If you are going to have a snowball fight, you must do it properly. Not a single one of you have constructed a fort. How can you prepare your arsenal if you do not have the right defenses? Come, let me show you all how it is done."
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cloyingcadaver · 4 days
#╳┆ dayne speaking ┆◜ ooc ◞#fuck it. I will be adding t.gcf muses here when I inevitably switch back into rp mode#but probably by request and with plotting only. or maybe just drabbles to start.#I’m leaning towards xl and hc both of course & im currently feeling incredibly protective of them.#but mq is so tempting…#also I drafted the fucking. DMT trip coffin fic but somehow managed to make up a cultivation path to go along with it#mostly because - like everyone else - I am still trying to wrap my brain around the logistics of xl being trapped in a coffin for a century#and I’m fascinated by the theory that the brain releases DMT before death + how that coincides with -#near-death out of body experiences#plus the effects of psychedelics on the brain + spirit#especially in a sandbox where the universal flow of energy is a more tangible concept#it’s crack treated seriously#I don’t have to do angst all the time…… I do have a sense of whimsy#actually don’t look at me#im skulking around in the darkest corners of fandom#also maybe it’s just bc I haven’t read ff in like…. 7 fucking years but some of the fics in this fandom have blown my fcking mind wide open#there are things I can never repeat that have been permanently branded into my brain chemistry#and that’s saying a lot considering …. I’m me#not saying I didn’t enjoy it. only saying what the fuck (affectionate)#surprised and delighted to be out freaked#part of me is taking it as a challenge tho. unfortunately for everyone#me seeing the weirdest shit imaginable: I must step up my freak
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52drabbles · 7 months
Week 7
Feb 12 - Image:
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withdrawingramen · 1 year
night duty (angstpril + whumpril)
angstpril d7 - sleepless nights. / @whumpril d7 - "you look pale."
CW: lady/female whump, whumpee w/ c-ptsd, nightmares, mild and subtle reference to choking, ref to fibromyalgia, overworked non-human whumpee Everything around her flitted between dark and light. Sihyeon's head felt like it was filled with bubbles, submerged deep into the unknown. But she couldn't breathe. She knew she was struggling. The surface was way farther than it should be. Her hands didn't reach out for the surface, instead, they clawed on her throat. Seaweeds? Corals in the sea? Something wrapped tight around her throat and she couldn't get rid of it. She despised that feeling. Ever since that incident years ago, she hated having anything around her throat. Forget the surface, whatever gripped her throat had to come off. Sihyeon thrashed in the superficial water, desperate to free her neck from- chains? When did they become the exact same chains from years ago? She recognized them well, they'd always be around her wrists when she was in the facility.
This time, they stretched out beyond her. From above and below the surface, reigning her in from everywhere. The surroundings shifted around her violently, but her vision got clearer in contrast to the water continuing to compress her throat. The surface was visible, the chains extending beyond it. Sihyeon now reached out to grasp the chains and pull them towards her, trying to regain control. There was clarity, now. Someone held the chains that encased her throat. A tall, human figure. Sihyeon instantly recognized him, the figure holding the chains in one hand, the other tucked into a pocket. She grabbed them now, screaming underwater. The water she inhaled flooded her lungs until they were filled with it. - There was a soft ringing that greeted Sihyeon as she blinked slowly, her phone buzzing on her lap. She straightened herself up, observing the environment around her. She'd fallen asleep on the bench in front of the dorms. An uneasy feeling rose in her chest and stomach as she rubbed her eyes, noticing the black boots in front of her. She looked up, her supervisor looking down on her, phone in hand. "Looks like you've been waiting for a bit." Kurai spoke softy, cutting the call. "I was afraid I'd have to shout in the middle of the night to get you to wake up." It had to be around 1 am, the street illuminated by bright street lights. There was one right beside the bench she'd been asleep on. "Let's go. We'll take about half an hour to reach the accident site." Her supervisor gestured towards his car a few blocks away. Sihyeon merely nodded without saying a word, grabbing her bag and phone. She stood up, slightly wobbling. Kurai tilted his head. "You look pale." "Huh?" "That lamp is quite bright, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to tell." "I haven't been sleeping well." Sihyeon sighed. "Makes two of us." He replied, walking towards his car. She followed and got into the vehicle along with him. "Don't forget the seatbelt." Sihyeon complied, but flinched instantly as a pang ran up her ribs. "What's up with you? I don't recall doing anything to you this week." Kurai asked as the car geared into motion. "Nothing." Sihyeon breathed out the lie, gathering herself. Her body abruptly felt sore, as if she'd been lifting heavy weights for the last few hours. She gulped, letting her head rest against the shut window. "One of the less-injured victims is apparently a migrant and all she speaks is what I assume, from the preliminary report, only Korean. That's where you come into picture." Sihyeon hummed back in response. "We can't find a translator at this hour." Kurai didn't continue. "I haven't spoke to anyone in Korean since years, man." Sihyeon complained, massaging her shoulders. "Doesn't mean you automatically forget your mother tongue." "I'll try." "You will. You can take the next day off, though. We aren't going to get any sleep tonight, so take a nap if you want to." "How generous." Sihyeon snickered, shutting her eyes. No sleep came to her despite the exhaustion running through her bones. The image of the chains, and the man who drove beside her kept flashing before her mind.
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Flufftober Day 7 - Oh, What A Night
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Javi Gutierrez x Reader
Flufftober Day 7: Movie Marathon
Summary: You and Javi attend the premiere of his latest movie.
Fluff, gender-neutral pronouns, gender-neutral terms of endearment (in both English and Spanish), Javi being adorable and in love.
Warnings: very brief swearing, smut references, Javi having anxiety and emotions, no use of Y/N
Word Count: 1.6k words
A/N: I completely forgot we were in October now so I'm getting to this a bit late! I felt obgligated to start with one of Pedro's characters (god, that man has a chokehold over me 😍) and where better to start than with this ball of absolute sunshine. Also, I wrote this more as a Movie Night than as a Movie Marathon, but oh well! Also also, Frankie Valli has been stuck in my head all day, hence the title! Taken from @flufftober's 2022 prompt list.
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“Are you ready, darling?”
You reached your hand to place over the shaking one of your husband. Javi looked up, the soft caress of your hand on his breaking him from his train of thought. His rich brown eyes stared deeply into yours, but held such nervousness and vulnerability.
No wonder – this was one of the biggest nights of his life.
Tonight was the grand premiere of his second movie.
After the success of his and Nick Cage’s first film, a second was greenlit almost immediately with studios scrambling over each to get a piece of their next project. The boys set to work, spending countless days and nights gallivanting around Majorca, brainstorming the craziest ideas for their next adventure into Hollywood. And you got the joy of watching it all. Living with Javi was everything you could have dreamed of and seeing those two pitching crazier and crazier ideas to each other over the breakfast table was the cherry on top. Of course, some days were hard; finding the two of them passed out in a ditch from their LSD-fuelled escapades filled you with worry and anger, and not seeing Javi for weeks or maybe months on end when he was required in America and couldn’t bring you with him was more than your heart could bare. But seeing that little puppy dog of a man’s face light up when he eventually got home and back into your arms made it all worthwhile. And the phone sex wasn’t bad either…
Now everything was filmed, edited and prepared and tonight was the night when the first people ever would see the product of all their hard work. And you had the honour of being there too. You and Javi were pampered and dressed to the nines, currently sat in your fancy limousine which had just parked up at the premiere. Camera flashes bounced off the windows in dazzling displays and the roar of anticipation from the paparazzi slowly rose as they fought to see who had just arrived.
Javi’s anxiety was also rising, the stress and excitement etched clearly upon the contours of his face. You unbuckled your seatbelt with one hand, keeping the other firmly linked with his as you shifted into the centre seat of the car next to your husband. You hand came to hold his face, Javi leaning into your touch with a gentle smile.
“You’ve got this, baby. You’ve worked so hard, I’m sure it will be amazing. Tonight is your night. You deserve this.” You spoke to him so softly, all your care and attention focused upon him. You both stared into each other’s eyes, blocking out all the noise from outside; you were the only two people in the world right now. The most important to one another. Above all else. You could see the worry start to melt out of Javi’s face as he listened to your kind words. He brought your foreheads together, eyes closed in calm for a just a second. Only focused on you.
“I know. I know. Gracias, mi amor,” Javi whispered to you, holding you closer. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Javi,” you replied with a smile as your lips were brought together in a short, but tender kiss. You both pulled away, Javi collecting himself together and adjusting his tie.
“Alright, let’s do this.”
Javi pushed open the door of the car and you were both immediately blinded by a fury of flashes as the reporters gazed upon your husband. As you waited back as he got out of the car, you saw Javi gain an almost ethereal glow in the flashes of light; your own personal angel bathed in holy light.
Javi turned to you, a grin on his face, all the previous worry now replaced with exhilaration and glee. He offered a hand to you and helped you climb out of the limousine to stand next to him.
If your retinas weren’t already scorched, they certainly were now as you and Javi walked up the red carpet, posing for photos and greeting some fans who had lined up outside the cinema for a glimpse of your husband. Javi’s arm stayed firmly hugged around you as your made your way up through the hordes of screaming photographers. You couldn’t wait for tomorrow when you would find one photo in particular from the event: Javi’s arm around your waist and lips pressed against your cheek in a kiss and you blushing at his public display of love and affection for you. The golden couple. Whispers of jokes about your situation or about people you could see around you passed between the two of you as you posed, both of you having to bite your lips to not be seen belly laughing in the middle of a Hollywood red carpet.
“God, mi ángel, you look so beautiful,” Javi purred into your ear, lust licking his words like a flame. Red flushed across your cheeks at his complement. You pushed your lips together with forceful desire and the crowd went wild. Javi quietly moaned against your lips, rapid shutter clicks from the press around you masking the sound from unwanted ears. It took all your willpower to pull away before the two of you ended up making out like teenagers in front of the whole world. You and Javi returned to modelling for photos, now with light blushes and knowing smirks on your faces.
The second man of the hour eventually presented himself to the crowd as Nick Cage made his way up the red carpet after you. He greeted you both – Javi with a bear hug and you with a hug and an elegant kiss in your hand. You moved off to the side as the writing duo posed together for the cameras and you smiled with so much adoration at the sight of the love of your life living his best life. Damn, he looks good in a suit. That tousled hair. That million dollar smile. That just-too-tight tuxedo. Good lord…
Your thoughts had to be quickly pushed aside as Javi joined you again as you and the rest of the cast and crew made your way into the cinema for the premiere. Attendants guided you to your front row seats and Javi’s hand immediately found yours again as soon as you sat down.
“I can’t wait for you to see this, amor,” Javi said with excitement. You were his rock, his judgement and his guiding light; your opinion was the most important of all he would hear tonight.
“I can’t wait to see it either,” you said with a smile. “Do you think you can cast me in your next movie? I could get used to this life. This is the fanciest movie night we’ve ever had!” Javi laughed as you settled into your plush seat, moments away from wanting to curl up with your husband under a warm blanket with popcorn like how you would usually do at home during a movie marathon.
“Absolutely, mi vida,” Javi chuckled. “I’ll write the part especially for you – the star of the show. Ooo, you could play Nick’s crime fighting partner and take down all the bad guys all by yourself!” It was now your time to chuckle back at his adorable little mind running away with him. So fucking cute. You could listen to Javi ramble on about his interests forever �� the way his eyes lit up when he spoke, the way his whole body moved animatedly as he explained why he loved such a little hyper-specific part of the film he had just watched, the way his curls bounced about as he tried to singlehandedly act out a fight scene for you with more spark than an Energizer bunny. It was… gorgeous. But you were hardly alone in your wonder: Javi could listen to you talk about your own loves for hours, just gazing up at you with so much love in his eyes. He was absolutely obsessed with you.
Javi continued to babble on until the lights in the cinema eventually went down and you settled into the movie. Swirling colours covered the screen as all the hard work and effort of Javi and Nick was seen on screen for the first time. And what a result it was. Staring up at the screen, you could see so much of your husband in the movie: his sense of humour in the dialogue, his insecurities in the characters, his love of cinema in ever inch of the screen. The pure honesty on show astounded you as you found yourself stealing looks and smiles with Javi as you saw his fingerprints all over the story.
Eventually, the final fanfare sounded and the credits rolled. Rapturous applause filled the room as the audience raved and roared for the film. Everyone took to their feet in a standing ovation as Javi and Nick took a bow, a sheepish smile of pride on your husband’s face. The men shared a celebratory hug until Javi returned to your side.
“So…” Javi asked shyly. “What did you think?” Those nerves were back as he waited with baited breath for what you had to say.
“It was amazing, Javi!” You basically shouted at him as you attacked him in a massive hug.
“Really?” Javi replied, almost in disbelief.
“Yes! Really. You’ve done so well, honey. I’m so proud of you.” Cupping his face, you brought your lips together in a celebratory kiss. Javi grasped onto your hips with so much force, hugging onto you with everything he had. He dipped you slightly as your soft lips caressed each other’s with a sigh. Pulling away, tears of relief rolled down Javi’s cheeks as pure emotion filled his heart.
“Thank you. I love you so much.” You reached up to brush away his tears as Javi spoke so with so much desperate passion.
“I love you too, Javi.”
Your lips pressed together again, now left almost completely alone in the cinema as the audience departed. You both just stood there, hanging onto each other, surrounded entirely by the love you shared.
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gleedrabbleblog · 2 years
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This week's word is...coffee!
Bonus word...monster!
Don't forget to tag @gleedrabbleblog when you post! Happy creating!
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This week's word is...soup!
Bonus word...orange!
Don't forget to tag @schittscreekdrabbleblog when you post! Happy creating!
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flingpoly · 2 years
Ameyume with number 23?
#23 - Our Lawyer Made Us Change The Name Of This Song So We Wouldn’t Get Sued
“It’s just past 8 and I’m feeling young and reckless, the ribbon on my wrist says “Do Not Open Before Christmas”. We’re only liars, but we’re the best. We’re only good for the latest trends.”
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This week's word is...eternal!
Bonus word...mysterious!
Don't forget to tag @heartstopperdrabbleblog when you post! Happy creating!
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augusnippets · 3 months
Prompts are out!
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plain text and "rules" under the cut
path of hurt:
day 1: gaslighting/hypnosis/brainwashing
day 4: amputation/degloving/vivisection
day 7: waterboarding/drowning/choking
day 10: execution/fake execution/begging for mercy
day 13: drugging/poisoning/cannibalism
day 16: humiliation/dehumanisation/conditioning
day 19: collared/branded/chipped
day 22: captivity/recapture/tearful goodbye
day 25: intimate whumper/sadistic whumper/reluctant whumper
day 28: mind control/body control/betrayal
bonus prompts: forced to watch/whipping/stalked
path of comfort:
day 2: platonic bathing/hair care/make-up
day 5: drunk caretaking/concussed caretaking/feverish caretaking
day 8: reunion/found family/friends
day 11: escape/breaking the conditioning/safe and sound
day 14: toys/gifts/celebration
day 17: forgiveness/grace/resolving a misunderstanding
day 20: homemade meal/quenched thirst/favourite treat
day 23: massage/wiping away tears/gentle touch
day 26: nightmare/warm blanket/snuggling
day 29: singing/first words/inside jokes
bonus prompts: tending to nonhuman whumpee's nonhuman parts/protective caretaker/whumpee wearing caretaker's clothes
secret third path — whumperless whump:
day 3: thunderstorm/blizzard/heat wave
day 6: car accident/plane crash/ship wreck
day 9: hypothermia/overheating/dehydration
day 12: lost/trapped/avalanche
day 15: food poisoning/starvation/throwing up
day 18: apocalypse/infection/self administered medicine
day 21: delirium/vertigo/hallucinations
day 24: animal attack/bear trap/land mine
day 27: migraines/chronic pain/phantom pains
day 30: self-harm/addiction/overdose
bonus prompts: flashbacks/relapse/medical complications
day 31 — bonus day :) write whatever you feel like writing today or have a nice day of rest
AuguSnippets is an event that encourages the short and sweet of the whump genre. Ideally, your drabbles would be under 500 or even under 100 words, maybe even just a dialogue prompt. This, however, does not mean I won't reblog longer prompt fills! Don't stress too much on that limit. I just think it's sometimes nice to challenge yourself to write shorter drabbles, and it can also work as a very good exercise to write daily or semi-daily, and it doesn't need a lot of prep.
As for tagging your work, please use the appropriate trigger warnings. This is so everyone can stay safe and avoid potentially triggering topics while participating. Also, if your work is nsfw, please don't forget to tag it as mature content! If your work is not tagged properly, I won't be able to reblog it! Thank you!
Our special tag will be "#augusnippets day [x]". On the first day that would be "#augusnippets day 1". This is so I and others can find your work easier! You can also tag the blog, that's an even more surefire way to get me to notice your prompt fill :)
Is this a writing only event?
Yeah, this one is exclusively writing focused.
Do I have to use the special tag or tag this blog?
Not if you don't want to get featured on this blog :) It's just so I can find your work easier and reblog it here! If that's not something you're interested in, just scribble away without it.
Is the "under 500" a hard limit for the word count?
No, but I encourage everyone to try and keep to it in the spirit of this event.
Can I submit nsfw works?
Yes! Just please tag it properly :)
Can I mix and match the prompts from different paths?
Yes! Have fun!
What do I need to do to get the completionist badge?
Either you need to complete one whole path, or complete 10 prompt fills altogether while mixing and matching. Those who complete all 30 days (and maybe even the bonus day) will get something extra special!
Can I write fandom related things?
Yes! This event is both for original characters and fandom related writing.
Will there be an AO3 collection?
Yes! Here
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jakesangel · 4 months
jake dating idol!reader ꣑୧ - headcanon ver - requested
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we all know dating in kopop is seen as prohibited and w a passionate jake who is someone who loves w his whole heart it would be hard for him to make a decision between his love for you or his love for being an idol. but as you're an idol as well, there won't be a decision to do but just dating behind the cameras.
end of the year ceremonies
he is trying super hard to not look at you. you're all dolled up it's almost impossible so he just wouldn't look at your way. even when bowing he wouldn't dare to look up just aknowledging your presence tho in his body, his heart is going the fastest.
during your performance, his jeans will be bobbing a normal amount still wanting to show you support but not daring to catch date scandal. even tho he tries to not beam at you smile whne your face is on the screen, he can't help it but lose it whne you wink at the fans.
he would ask his company if he can do a tiktok challenge w you n is more than happy to see you backstage. he also tries to keep his compute as it's being recorded, but everyone can tell the soft eyes words he has for you.
would never fail to put one of your songs in his livestream, singing along w you.
would talk about the interaction w engene if they brought it up or even fake a comment so he can have an excuse to talk about you. would compliment idol you, saying that your veri talented n sweet.
i don't think he will talk to about you in weverse as he only talks about himself, layla n the members.
music shows
he is so happy when he realized the both of you have a comeback at the same time. that means for a month, he will get to see you everyday ᵎᵎ
he will be watching your performance on the tv's back room and will text you right away telling how good you were.
again he will ask for a tiktok challenge w you.
would sneak into your back room, your members/staff aware of your relationship, aww-ing at the both of you.
bring flowers when you win n he would be giving them to you
off camera
he would sneak out of his dorm quit often, not letting you come in his because 1. you're his princess n shouldn't be outside whne it's dark 2. he is living w 7 other men, meaning the dorm is never the cleanest.
he will text you lot of time, w lots of i miss you or you're so pretty today n he will send you your viral content saying how proud he is n how lucky he is to be dating you.
he would flirt w engene lots more to make you jealous so you can text him as well n he'll then have a reason on giving you more love n attention.
the drabble ver
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notes : thank you anon for your idea >< i hope you like it <3
@imaluckygirl @luvj4key @stwrjvke @amouriu @neos127 @goldenretrieverjakezgirlbaby @jaeyunpinkyring @pockettwinzz @jwsdoll @heeheeswifey @sjylouvre @txnwvc @oopshee
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pikahlua · 3 months
Fourteen Days of My Hero Academia
Greetings, friends! The ending has been announced for beloved shounen manga My Hero Academia by Kohei Horikoshi, and I thought it would be a nice opportunity for everyone to express their love of this amazing series! So I am posting a series of prompts for everyone if they would like to participate in this little fandom challenge.
The idea is that, on each day listed, you will create and post something with respect to the day's theme. By create, I mean whatever your heart desires. It could be a fanfic, a fanart, a fanvid, a moodboard, a diorama, a meta post, a screenshot, a poem, a drabble, a few sentences of reflection, anything really! Whatever your brain dreams up! The only requirements are that it qualifies as some sort of fan creation for MHA and that it pertains to the day's theme. The final day of the event will be the official release date of the final chapter of MHA: August 5th, 2024.
Any given day may have multiple prompts. You do not have to do all of them (unless you really, really want to), rather you may pick the one prompt that inspires you the most! And feel free to interpret each prompt however you like. For example, on day 8, you may wish to interpret "line" as a spoken piece of dialogue or as a drawn shape such as the way Horikoshi does creative paneling. On day 11, you could interpret "name" as a nickname, a code name, the kanji in a character's name, or any special meaning in a character's name. Let your imagination run wild!
You may skip out on days if you wish or need to. You may put as much or as little time and effort into this as you like. You could start working now to make some big works, or you could use this opportunity to do a little daily journal project. The sky is the limit! The goal here is to spend some time thinking about MHA before it ends and to make a collection of little fanworks for everyone to enjoy in the process!
Please tag your submissions as #14DaysofMHA (ideally as the post's first tag) so that everyone can enjoy them!
Without further ado, here are the prompts! Thank you @siflshonen for the assistance brainstorming them!
Fourteen Days of MHA Daily Prompts
Day 1 (July 23rd): Family, Home, House
Day 2 (July 24th): UA Academy, Education
Day 3 (July 25th): Weather, Light Fades to Rain
Day 4 (July 26th): The Ladies
Day 5 (July 27th): Quirk, Special Move
Day 6 (July 28th): Minor Character
Day 7 (July 29th): First Impressions, Just One Bad Day
Day 8 (July 30th): Title, Lyric, Music, Line
Day 9 (July 31st): Legacy, Story, Past, Childhood
Day 10 (August 1st): Emotion, Heart
Day 11 (August 2nd): Symbol (of), Name
Day 12 (August 3rd): Face, Smile, Humor
Day 13 (August 4th): Future, Growth, Change, Evolution
Day 14 (August 5th): Anything you want
Feel free to send asks if you need clarification on anything. I will try to edit in any new information to this original post for everyone's convenience!
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sttoru · 1 year
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a brand new series which explains how you should approach new challenges including everything about parenthood.
a step by step guide made of drabbles & one shots, showing you personal experiences by none other than the (self-proclaimed best dad) toji fushiguro, his son megumi and his wife (you).
newly added advice every week! suggestions, questions or requests regarding any situation a parent could find themselves in are allowed. send them to this address and toji will try and answer them.
P.S do not ever take toji’s advice seriously and do not copy his behaviour. he doesn’t know what he’s doing since it’s his first child. plus, his way of parenting is extremely questionable).
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1. how to take care of your pregnant wife?
1. how (not) to hold a baby?
2. how (not) to joke with your child?
3. how (not) to bathe your child?
4. how (not) to introduce your child to new foods?
5. how (not) to soothe your child after a nightmare?
6. how (not) to take care of your child while your wife sleeps?
7. how (not) to keep an eye on your child?
8. how (not) to flirt with your wife in front of your child?
9. how (not) to encourage your child to say his first word?
10. how (not) to ask your child for some help?
11. how (not) to measure the height of your child?
12. how (not) to react to your child’s first steps?
13. how (not) to react when your child can’t sleep?
14. how (not) to react when your child interrupts you and your wife?
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more to be added. . .
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𝐉𝐀𝐁𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐍 © 2023. banner made by me.
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novalpha · 1 year
𝙎𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝐎𝐓𝟏𝟑 𝙍𝙚𝙘𝙨
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[ Contains poly, single member at once x reader, and others..]
♡ Fluff || ୨୧ Angst || ★ Smut || ꗃ SMAU || ✹ Humor|| ⌗ Series || ✿ Drabble || ♤ Mature (No smut)
❙❘❙❙❘❙❚❙❘ ⌕ The Xperiments ⌗♡୨୧ -> @gamerwoo
Synopsis : Growing too strong to stay at the lab you grew up in, you’re shipped off to South Korea to continue your life in their much bigger and more high-tech lab. That’s where you meet thirteen other experiments who are just like you, only knowing life inside the labs which consists of constant inhuman studies and awful mistreatment. However, being kept solitary for your whole life, you find it difficult to trust even the experiments who know exactly what you’ve gone through. But the labs simply creating these experiments because they can may not be the only reason for your existence, and trusting the other experiments might be your only way to freedom – assuming you can stay hidden from the white coats.
❙❘❙❙❘❙❚❙❘ ⌕ Play along ★⌗ -> @xddaengx
Pt 1 , Pt 2 , Pt 3 , Pt 4 , Pt 5 , Pt 6 , Pt 7 , Deleted Scene , Pt 8
Summary: Your boyfriend proposes the idea, that he shares you with his 12 best friends.
❙❘❙❙❘❙❚❙❘ ⌕ Challenge Me ♡୨୧★⌗✹ -> @seokgyuu
Synopsis: you have never been a person who turns down a challenge, but when your best friend challenges you to hook up with 13 boys in one semester you kind of wish you were.
❙❘❙❙❘❙❚❙❘ ⌕ Horanghae ⌗♡★ -> (Hoshi centric, OT13) @horanghaejamjam
Summary: Everyone knows that Soonyoung loves tigers. The term Horanghae literally means “I tiger you”. Needless to say, the Seventeen members shouldn’t have been as surprised as they were the night he came home with a very timid white tiger curled against him.  
❙❘❙❙❘❙❚❙❘ ⌕ Kitten ears ♡୨୧★⌗ -> @hansols-yoda-boxers
Synopsis: Your first family wasn’t terrible, but they weren’t very loving either and they didn’t have much space for you so you were happy to leave. Except that you were useless when it came to working so the shelter was really your only option. After a lot of waiting you were happy that you might finally be getting a family that really wanted you and cared about, despite how painfully shy and skittish you could be.
Now you just had to worry about how to handle your next heat.
❙❘❙❙❘❙❚❙❘ ⌕ And the universe said ⌗♡୨୧♤✹ -> @thepixelelf
Synopsis: When soulmates are suddenly thrust upon the world, you are one in a million who wishes they weren't -- and that's before you meet the person (people?!) making your life much harder than it needs to be. And before someone asks you to sign an NDA.
❙❘❙❙❘❙❚❙❘ ⌕ Under the Sun ⌗♡୨୧♤ -> @wooahaes
Summary: It all starts when you wake up in a field without a name or any memories to define yourself with. Thirteen men take you in as one of their own, and slowly you begin to wonder what is going on within this world... and between you and one of them.
❙❘❙❙❘❙❚❙❘ ⌕ thief | ʇsᴉǝɥ ★⌗ -> @meltwonu
synopsis: Working under Jeonghan had it perks. On most days, he was kind and even a little lazy; opting to let you approach certain projects on your own while letting you keep half of the profit. But on the days you royally fuck up are the days that remind you that he’s the one in charge, despite him giving you some semblance of authority.
Seperate member x reader (OT13)
❙❘❙❙❘❙❚❙❘ ⌕ Tales from the pack ♡୨୧★⌗ -> @gamerwoo
Summary: The adventures of werewolf!Seventeen as they try to cope with finding their mates, and try their best to stay hidden from the eyes of the humans who want them dead.
❙❘❙❙❘❙❚❙❘ ⌕ Imprinted ♡୨୧★⌗ -> @gamerwoo
Summary: How the thirteen boys met their mates in a modern day world where werewolves must try to blend in with society but keep their secret hidden.
❙❘❙❙❘❙❚❙❘ ⌕ Tales from Camp ♡୨୧★⌗ -> @kwanisms
Synopsis: Thirteen friends reconnect on a camping trip, reminiscing about their times as camp counselors when they were in college.
❙❘❙❙❘❙❚❙❘ ⌕ Don't listen in secret ♡୨୧★⌗ -> @j6shua
imagine being best friends with idol group seventeen! very fun! and you get to sleep with them as a friendly favor! yay... hold on,
in order words, adventures as all of seventeen’s fuck buddy organized into a series masterlist
❙❘❙❙❘❙❚❙❘ ⌕ SVT hospital ♡ꗃ୨୧ -> @taeyegu
summary ━ four different departments, four different love stories, all in one hospital; hospitalplaylist!au
❙❘❙❙❘❙❚❙❘ ⌕ In pursuit of wedded bliss ♡୨୧⌗ -> @fantasyescapes17 (A Seventeen Regency!AU Series)
It is the season- and London is full of eligible bachelors and bachelorettes, waiting to be swept up in a whirlwind of romance, passion and matrimony as they each fight their own battles for happiness in London's elite society.
Single member x reader (ft OT13)
❙❘❙❙❘❙❚❙❘ ⌕ Fate and desire ♡୨୧⌗✹ -> @gamerwoo
You know you’ve found your soulmate when your pendant turns red. It’s just your luck you meet an entire host club of 13 boys – save for your best friend, Jeonghan, and his boyfriend – all at once. Your pendant is now red, and all of theirs are always hidden in their shirts. But one person in particular kind of makes you want to forget about the whole “fate” thing.
[ More ot13 fic recs will be updated ]
Want more seventeen fix recs? -> Click here
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dollfaceksj · 1 year
taste of a poison paradise | jjk (m) MASTERLIST
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➥ PAIRING: jungkook x fem!reader
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➥ SUMMARY: Jeon Jungkook is your junior and a great student, obsessed with anime and video games. To you, he’s a Grade A geek. However, you soon find out the reason why he’s so quiet around you is because your mutual friends have told him to stay away from you for your sake, not his. Why? You wish you weren’t so curious because now you’re determined to find out.
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➥ GENRE: slowburn ⋆ angst ⋆ fuckboy!jk ⋆ e2l
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➥ CATEGORY: crack drabble series (bullet-point format)
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➥ WARNINGS: explicit sexual content, (eventual smut), plot twist, improv, interactive, angst, love triangle cause theres a bit of yoongi x reader, reader is curious and nosy, arguing, jealousy, jk is TOXIC and so is READER, switch!jk & switch!reader, spit kink, spanking, hairpulling, slapping, protected sex, unprotected sex (wrap it up), sad childhoods, trauma, lots of trauma, sensitive topics, minors DNI
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➥ STATUS: completed
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⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
— i n d e x ↓
♢ #1 jungkook gets down like that
♢ #2 jungkook likes role-play
♢ #3 jungkook doesn’t like you
♢ #4 jungkook wants to apologize
♢ #5 jungkook doesn’t like being called a fuckboy
♢ #6 jungkook wants his expensive sneakers back
♢ #7 jungkook can only offer good dick and math notes
♢ #8 jungkook wants to talk
♢ #9 jungkook buys you a bar of kinder
♢ #10 jungkook wants you to take his bait
♢ #11 jungkook wants what’s best for you
♢ #12 jungkook doesn’t know what to do when he’s nervous
♢ #13 jungkook has some mud on his clothes
♢ #14 jungkook accepts your challenge
♢ #15 jungkook thinks you have a filthy mouth
♢ #16 jungkook can’t stop himself
♢ #17 jungkook has experience in being quiet
♢ #18 jungkook craves love and affection differently
♢ #19 jungkook wants your phone
♢ #20 jungkook doesn’t think he bares all the blame
♢ #21 jungkook thinks you have fallen for him
♢ #22 jungkook is up to date with your instagram stories
♢ #23 jungkook knows more about you than you think
♢ #24 jungkook doesn’t want to hear another word from you
♢ #25 jungkook hates everything about you
♢ #26 jungkook thinks you should end it
♢ #27 jungkook might as well admit defeat
♢ #28 jungkook wants just a little bit
♢ #29 jungkook is never drinking again
♢ #30 jungkook wants to be good to you
♢ #31 jungkook wants you to be sure
♢ #32 jungkook doesn’t want to leave
♢ #33 jungkook and mia
♢ #34 jungkook and the significance of the fallen angel
♢ #35 jungkook and his only friend
♢ #36 jungkook and his enemy
♢ the end.
— s i d e d r a b b l e s ↓
♢ #1 the one in the elevator
♢ pending…
— e x t r a s ↓
♢ playlist
♢ f.a.q.
♢ cross-posted on ao3
♢ pending…
➸ request here
➸ support me by buying me some coffee if you want ☕︎♡
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kithtaehyung · 9 months
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drabble: first one pairing: 3tan!yoongi x reader(f) rating/genre: pg ; fluff ; three tangerines au note: uhh. surprise and happy holidays LOL. based on this ig reel sent in the discord multiple times, this little slice is gonna kickstart the "3tan does sm" mini series! basically this little ongoing collection will have all the drabbles/requests based on social media things y'all send in. if it inspires me, i'll make a drabble or something out of it hehehe. enjoy! warnings: nothing big. just 3tan yoongi lol links: three tangerines mlist ; masterlist drop date: december 28, 2023, 7:07pm est word count: 1.1k
In the middle of winter, you decide that tonight is the perfect time to try something new. 
Which leaves Yoongi confused as hell because this attempt requires him to be outside in the freeze, when the two of you were just bundled up in blankets and watching a movie minutes ago. 
But he can scold your lack of attention span and tendency to watch videos during long movies later. 
“What am I doing?” 
Placing him on one spot of the sidewalk just outside his apartment, you urge, “Just, hold on. Stay right there.” 
Giggling, you give no other instructions, instead rushing forward to bring your phone to a nearby bench. When you set it down to see what the camera catches, you determine that you look fine enough, so you tell Yoongi—who is simply standing there and still looking devastatingly handsome—what you wanna do. “Okay, pull up the video I sent you.” 
“Shouldn’t we go back inside?” 
“Yes, yes, after this.” 
When you walk up, he pulls up the link, and you both watch as people run to their partners and rush them out of frame, spinning them around or chasing them away. 
Ever consistent, Yoongi is both unfazed and wondering what goes on. “What’s the goal of this again?” 
Shrugging, you’re just happy he’s not tugging you back indoors yet. “I don’t really know, but. I just wanna see how you do it.” 
“Mm…” He looks one more time, cementing his answer with the way he smushes his lips. “Fine.” 
“You’ll do it?” 
“Uh huh. But this is just for you.” 
Right. Because of course this can't be seen anywhere else. Your smile is rueful with a tinge of holiday hope, “I know.” 
And Yoongi’s expression carries the same weight. 
Maybe one day this conversation will be a lot different. Just like the way your quick stay at his place while your brother is at a work dinner will prove a lot longer of a night. One day. 
Cheering yourself up, you practically bounce back to where the bench is, slipping a bit with a tiny “whoops” before reaching out to press record. Backing up onto the sidewalk, you throw up peace signs, poses, do a few different filler moves until Yoongi does his part. 
But nothing happens. 
And no one appears by your side. 
So you turn to see if he actually left but goddamn it is he recording you? “What the!” 
Yoongi just laughs as you kick your head back in laughter, and stops holding his phone up. “So cute.” 
Damn it, he can’t give you this fluttering feeling while being annoying! “Focus!” 
Groaning, you turn your recording off and then back on again, repeating some of the same things for the camera and shuffling a little in place to warm up. Because it is freezing and this idea could have waited another season or two. 
And when you look to the side after a pause, Yoongi is recording again. 
You bend forward to shield from the chill, your yell echoing throughout the small little courtyard, “Yoongi!” Does he have to keep grinning like that? There’s no time for prolonging this even more! “I cannot with you right now.” 
After another attractive huff of amusement, he keeps going, “I can’t help it! You’re being adorable.” 
Well. At least Yoongi’s having his fun. If anything, he’s stalling because he doesn’t wanna do whatever challenge this is. So you can drop it. “Ugh… Never mind, we can go inside.” 
After grabbing your phone, you walk up to him again before he stops you. And you think it’s because you were about to slip once more, but his low tone gets you to see his face under those locks. 
“Nah, we can do it.” When you give him a pouting frown, his teeth shine. “Serious!” 
Easily placated, you’re back to grinning. “Okay, for real this time! It’s cold!” 
“I know! You didn’t even let me get my beanie!” 
Laughing out your guilt, you warn him over your shoulder, “If you run into me, you better not knock me over.” 
“I won’t, doll.” 
“Okay!” Placing your phone down for hopefully the last time, you hit record, seeing yourself sigh before gingerly walking back to the sidewalk. 
In hindsight, maybe it wasn’t the best idea to try and get Yoongi to do this. It’s colder than hell’s deepest frost at this point, and some snow is still falling from darkened skies. 
But all the little reactions in the videos looked too cute, and you are genuinely curious to see what he’s gonna do. So even through your poses, you brace yourself. Is he gonna run in for a hug? Is he gonna rush you off with a big warm embrace? 
…Is he really not gonna do anything?
Feeling a little bad, you drop the cute poses and turn. 
Only to feel him right at your side, gathering you with a soft, strong arm and leading you down the sidewalk. 
Well, damn.
The gesture is so him that, for a second, you genuinely think that he saw something and led you out of harm’s way on instinct. But as you look around, you don’t see anyone else in the wintry courtyard besides the two of you. 
“What’s wrong?” 
Your vision flicks away from the lighted trees dotting the area. “Oh, nothing, I was just…” 
“Wanna run it back? If we do let’s go somewhere else. It’s icy right there.” 
Blinking, you see his eyes full of pure curiosity and attentiveness. 
And suddenly you wanna go back inside for a completely different reason other than warmth. 
“That felt perfect,” you whisper, eyes lowering to his ever inviting lips. “Lemme check it.” 
Leaving his cozy side, you go back and retrieve your chilly phone, stopping the recording that you are relieved you successfully started. Both you and Yoongi watch as you play the full thing, and after he leads you out of frame, your jaw drops. 
“Oh, my god. This beats all the ones I’ve seen.” 
“Damn… Now I’m actually sad I can’t post this.” When you laugh, it’s not all joyful. Turning to him, you pretend to be mad. “Why are you so cool?” 
Huffing small, Yoongi looks up and around you before giving your cheek a kiss, and your knees weaken at how tender it is. “Send it to me,” he murmurs. 
“You want it, too?” 
“Just a little longer, babe.” He gives you another peck on your very cold nose. Then both cheeks. And your forehead. 
All while you’re out in the open where anyone could witness. 
Just his willingness to amuse you was already perfect. Yoongi didn’t need to do any of that, and he certainly didn’t need to be so charming with his stylistic choice. But he did it all anyway while freezing his pretty ass off.
And his next words make your chest yearn to stay with him—for every holiday season and silly trend that comes around. 
“Then this’ll be the first one of us we post.”
fin. :)
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🌨️ what do we feel! i needed this little drabble :')) 🌨️
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a/n: did i mean for this to be a full blown drabble? no! was this the video that bo originally sent me that i flailed over? no! but it's the reel i saw and apparently had been sent in the server multiple times. so here we are with a surprise hahaha.
enjoy your holidays, everyone! and if you have anything social media related that 3tan reminds you of - or you can see the 3tan crew doing - send them in and maybe i'll get inspired again. :D this didn't take me long at all and i wanted to do it, so no worries about extra work!
a/n 2: 3tan12 is going strong alongside the holiday fics! should be posting teasers and taglists for those, too. very very excited for all of them mwahaha
🌨️ links: three tangerines mlist ; masterlist
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