#Drabble ⚜︎
sanpatron · 1 year
While I wouldn't consider the drabble explicit by any means, I still think it's necessary to put out a warning for anyone who might read it as I'd consider this quite heavy material. It ain't a happy post by any means as the intention is to go over Django's current state of mind and how he's been dealing with everything in his life that has led up to this moment. No holding back. Everything on full display. To anyone who does wind up reading this, I thank you for your time and hope you found something to enjoy regardless of how it's written.
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I'm in bed again. Can't be bothered to move. Can't be bothered to go out. Can't be bothered to do a single damn thing that isn't just wallowing in my own misery. I'm tired. I'm sick of everything. I'm so done with myself and this constant pain I've been consumed by. How fucking stupid of me to think I'd be allowed to be happy on this godforsaken island. People like me don't deserve that. People like me are incapable of holding on to anything remotely good. I'm so fucking naive. I shouldn't have let myself get this lost in my emotions. Fuck them. I wish I could get rid of these awful things. Turn myself into an unfeeling piece of shit. I want to be completely devoid of any humanity. There's no point in trying anymore. Let me become a weapon. That's all I'm good for. That's all I'll ever be.
Four years and counting of this bullshit. And what for? I still have no idea. I don't think anyone who's stayed long enough knows either. Wouldn't be surprised if this turned out to be some kind of sick joke played on all of us. Sure feels that way to me. What the fuck do they even need a gangster on this island for? Am I meant to do something? Am I just a tool for them to use in case of another attack? For fucks sake just tell me already! PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD TELL ME ALREADY. I DON'T KNOW WHY I'M STILL HERE WHEN I HAVE NOTHING LEFT.
This is Hell. This is my eternal punishment. Strip me of everything that made me who I am; my gang, my friends, my power. Take it all away and dump me here in some fucking hellhole where I can't do a single god damn thing about it. All the talk about fire and brimstone, demons tormenting you for eternity, none of that compares to this. It's a slow and agonizing waking nightmare that I will never get out of. I am doomed to rot here, living out a mundane existence until all my previous memories wither away like my will to continue.
For a moment I decide to sit up in bed and look out one of the windows. Before me is the Cotes Ward, with the rest of the city just barely in view. To think for a while I was actually fine staying here. That I could make a new life and live comfortably. Fuck easy living. Fuck being normal. I ain't that. I never will be.
As I continue to stare out across the city, one of my dogs decides to lie down next to me. Maybe I'm crazy—wouldn't be surprised—but I feel like they can all tell how tired I am. I can see the sympathy in their eyes. They don't need to understand what exactly led me down this path. All they need to know is that I'm sad. That I'm hurting. That I'm in such terrible pain. Those concepts are easy enough to grasp. Universal, even. And while I take great comfort in knowing that they feel for me, I really don't think this is what's going to set me free.
It's honestly suffocating. I don't know how in the hell people can even deal with this shit—especially with no one to talk to. Honestly, who the fuck can I even go to here? There's not a single soul who'd get me. Nobody wants to relate to a fucking criminal of all people. Actually, why do I even still call myself that? It's over! It's done! That life has been dead for years now! Everything I worked so hard for gone in an instant. It's all a sick joke. Fuck them! Fuck them! Fuck them! FUCK THEM! FUCK THEM! FUCK THEM! FUCK ME OF ALL PEOPLE! i can't even revive my own fucking gang here without messing it all up! Jesus Christ, and here I thought I was gonna go places?
I should be dead.
I should be dead.
Can't even fucking die here.
Can't fucking end this suffering.
Can't do anything but live with it.
I don't want to. I don't want to.
My eyes open and I find myself yelling into a pillow. My poor dog is concerned. All of them have entered the bedroom now. I look at them with such exhaustion in my eyes. Wish I could cry it all out. Don't think I can anymore. Don't think I even know how to. Hate this. So tired. So very very tired.
I have no one on this island. I have no one who will stay with me. All of it is conditional. All of it is meaningless. There is no point in making connections anymore. There is no point in trying. There is no point in doing this for her, for myself, for anyone.
I accept my punishment. This is my eternal Hell. My prison.
I give up.
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classyinnie · 2 years
“Did you ever plan on getting a relationship?” The interviewer asked.
"No, I was too preoccupied with volleyball to care."
“What made you change your mind?” 
Beyond the reporters, mics, and cameras, his gaze finds yours in the crowd. "The mere possibility that someone out there was worth the wait."
The interviewer noticed the softness in his eyes and tried to follow his line of sight, but he had already directed his gaze back to them before they could turn around. 
“Well, were they worth the wait?”
He smiles. “Always.”
—ATSUMU, Kageyama, OIKAWA, HINATA, Sakusa, Ushijima, Suna, Bokuto
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sansloii · 2 months
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Another drabble I wrote @ 2am | @rexpyre
It's so easy to get lost in him and while she holds fast to her sense when he had her laid out across a desk or table, pushed up against whichever wall her back met, or even pinned down among the sheets of her bed; she never quite seems to have a good grip on it.
A slippery thing, it was — is, and it passed through her fingers as if she never tried. Part of her hoped that it'd ground her where holding onto Ignis could not — that whatever purchase she found in seeking that ( whatever “that” was for her ) would offer her more of a…safety net, if that at all made sense. She never got quite used to the feeling of surrendering — not as completely as she did with Ignis — and every intense high that he brought her to came with an all too vulnerable low. That, she didn't necessarily hate, per se, but it takes some getting used to.
The “high” always stutters and swells in the pit of her chest but it always feels like it's lodged in her throat much too soon. Her head presses back into whatever surface lies behind it, and her back lifts away from ( the bed, the wall, the desk ) that Ignis is claiming her on. Her legs are bent at the knee and squeeze around his hips, but not too much to allow him room to move. His hands do as they like — as do hers — but when they find their place at her hips and begin to pull her into each one of his thrusts, she can't focus on anything other than that. Her lips part and whatever noise he's trying to coax out of her is quick to roll off her tongue between soft pants and shuddering breaths that part of her hated because of how they sounded.
Listening to her own breath hitch at the back of her throat is always so nerve-wracking ; she has half a mind to hold the breath that would accompany a whine or a pathetic little moan that'd follow suit soon. It's like a bubble in her chest… and even if she exhales slowly, it still pops. It does sound like her, doesn't echo her own voice in her head, but it is.
That whine is her ; That prayer of his name on her lips is her. The pleas to go faster, to be rougher, to grind just a liiittle bit deeper — still her.
Holding onto him — clinging to him — would keep her present for some time… maybe even a little longer, but never indefinitely. She could root her nails in but it would never serve to keep her grounded and to tell herself otherwise is a lie.
Anticipation wells up into her throat, along with another gasp. Her thighs tremble and squeeze around the hellhound's waist as her toes curl. Four red lines drag their way down the partial length of his back — from shoulder to just below his shoulder blade — though they paled in comparison to the tokens of his affection that ached across her shoulders — the left, especially. Her head lulls to the side, as though restless, and the pleasantly uncomfortable clench of muscles is quick to follow suit. She's close, but not quite there yet — at least she doesn't think so.
But the tears say otherwise, though, and the sharp breaths hiss about what a liar she truly is. “I-Ignis…” Dakota starts, but that's all she can hope to say before her voice gives out on her.
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cloudpools · 9 months
Emoji RP Prompts
Send me an emoji and I will write about our muses....
🎉Planning a surprise birthday party together. 🌹 Meeting at a quaint coffee shop for a first date. 📚Bonding over a shared love for books at a library event. 🍕Having a cozy pizza night and sharing childhood stories. 🎈Taking a hot air balloon ride. 🌟Attending a community stargazing event and sharing telescope views. 🚲Going on a weekend bike ride adventure. 🏖️Building sandcastles and watching the sunset at the beach. 🎤Singing at Karaoke night and discovering each other's favorite songs. 🍜Trying out a new recipe together in the kitchen. 🚀Embarking on a DIY home project and getting creative. 🚢Taking a boat ride on a serene lake. 🎭Participating in a community theater production. 🚗Road tripping to explore hidden gems in their own city. 🍓Picnicking in a beautiful botanical garden. 🎮Playing video games together and discovering friendly competition. ⛰️Hiking to a breathtaking viewpoint and sharing deep conversations. 🍨Trying unique ice cream flavors at a local parlor. 🎸Jamming together in a impromptu music session. 🎳Having a friendly bowling competition with lots of laughter. 🚂Taking a scenic train journey to a charming town. 🌆Exploring the city's nightlife on a vibrant evening out. 🎨Painting each other's portraits in a cozy art studio.
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puckish-rogue · 3 months
Tag Dump 2
the squeakquel
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ealdfrith · 9 months
test post
⧼♞⧽ NULLA A AUCTOR DIAM. Maecenas efficitur congue eros, eu lacinia tellus vehicula eget. In efficitur risus tincidunt, congue eros quis, faucibus ipsum. Nulla molestie ante vel condimentum commodo. Aliquam vel felis fringilla, posuere ipsum ut, molestie leo. 
Suspendisse condimentum, leo eu lacinia iaculis, turpis quam vehicula ex, at blandit ex est eu dui. Phasellus rhoncus diam purus, at aliquet erat facilisis vitae. 
test link
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla et risus mauris. Nam eu enim ut tortor venenatis pretium. Curabitur viverra leo ligula, non venenatis orci scelerisque ac. Ut semper est nibh, eget blandit mauris vulputate a. Morbi arcu lorem, luctus et dictum vel, elementum efficitur ante.
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mercifulmemories · 2 years
Gui should have been used to the subways by now. The schedule still seemed to elude him. This particular station had a lack of upkeep. That made him wonder if they were letting it get decrepit so that they could close it down, and have the justification to build one elsewhere. But that logic didn't make sense, did it? 
Then again, politics never made sense.
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pastafossa · 15 days
Pastafossa's Tentative Tuna-Tober Masterlist
Below you'll find my masterlist for the Tuna-Tober Prompt Challenge that I'll be working on in the month of October! It has a collection of fluff, angst, and kink prompts, and I'm hoping to drop at least one drabble or fic a day. This list is subject to change as we get closer to Tuna-Tober as I see what clicks with my muse and what doesn't! I've got a few days I'm still undecided on which prompt I want to fill, and with which character (and I have a few I want to see if I can combine some of the kink prompts with). As for now, this list includes: Matt Murdock, Bucky Barnes, Din Djarin, and Michael Kinsella!
 🌧️ = Angst // 🌻= fluff //🔥 = Smut
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Day 1: Somnophilia (Matt Murdock)🔥
Day 2: Flower Crowns (Matt Murdock) 🌻
Day 3: Broken + “I feel real when I’m with you.” (Matt Murdock or Michael Kinsella) 🌻🌧️
Day 4: “Are you blushing?” + Sixty-Nine (Matt Murdock) 🌻🔥
Day 5: Watergun Fight (Bucky Barnes)🌻
Day 6: "Shh, I've got you now. I'm here." + Love Bites + “Spread your legs for me.” (Matt Murdock or Michael Kinsella)🌧️🌻🔥
Day 7: Nightmare (Matt Murdock)🌧️
Day 8: Overstimulation (Matt Murdock)🔥
Day 9: “You don’t need to do that.” “I want to.” (Michael Kinsella)🌻
Day 10 (Undecided On Which): "I'm not good enough." ⚜ A Hug That Lasts A Little Too Long ⚜ Strap-on/Pegging (Undecided Character)
Day 11: Tears + “I’d be lost without you.” (Matt Murdock)🌻🌧️
Day 12: “You remembered?” (Matt Murdock)🌻
Day 13: Playful Kiss + Almost Getting Caught (Bucky Barnes)🌻🔥
Day 14 (Undecided On Which): "Please look at me." ⚜ Sleep Talking ⚜ Accidental Stimulation (Undecided Character)
Day 15: “Are you jealous?” (Din Djarin)🌻
Day 16: Exhaustion (Matt Murdock)🌧️
Day 17 (Undecided On Which): "I'm not leaving you." ⚜ Tickling ⚜ “Touch yourself for me.” (Undecided Character)
Day 18: Scars OR Pillow Fort (Matt Murdock or Michael Kinsella)🌧️🌻
Day 19: Touch starved (Undecided Character) 🌧️
Day 20: "Who did this to you?" (Matt Murdock)🌧️
Day 21: Fainting/Collapsing (Matt Murdock)🌧️
Day 22: Breathless Kiss + Aphrodisiacs (Matt Murdock)🌻🔥
Day 23: “If you won’t take care of yourself, I will.” (Undecided Character)🌻
Day 24: Drugged + Drunken Confession (Matt Murdock)🌧️🌻
Day 25: "What's Wrong?" + Playing With Their Hair (Matt Murdock)🌧️🌻
Day 26: “Shut up and kiss me.” + Under The Desk (Matt Murdock) 🌻🔥
Day 27: Near Death Experience (Matt Murdock) 🌧️
Day 28: Chronic Pain (Matt Murdock)🌧️
Day 29: "Talk to me, please." (Matt Murdock)🌧️
Day 30: "You're not alone." (Undecided Character)🌧️
Day 31: "Why wasn't I enough?" (Matt Murdock)🌧️
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The Not Yet Forgotten Introduction
hello and how are you, fellow Wanderers?
Welcome to the Writing Blog! We are the Not Yet Dead Authors, the Storyverse Amalgamations System! You may refer to us as Natsume as a whole, or say hi to any of the specifics who are also running around within the blog / do the writes!
Our pronouns are we/they, and we are an aromantic / asexual genderfluid cluster of whispers drowning in the Void for more than two decades. So just another set of Wanderers who wish to reach out and touch the Worlds in a more pronounced way!
Full Introduction Under the Cut
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A Proper Introduction
We write mostly fantasy but also dabble in horror, science fiction, dystopian and other works and writing styles. It's mostly just whatever it is that catches us in a choke hold and demands words for our continued Existence.
We do hold our own universe, the Storyverse, that we will hint, note, and talk about, depending on things, as well as a multitude of Worlds that will be given over to the Stories happening within them.
Our writing formats include: fanfiction, short stories, drabbles, flash fiction, novels, poems, and prompt responses! We enjoy rolling through forms and trying out different ways of telling and sharing stories, so please note that there will be a lot of everything on here.
We follow from the System's Blog, @365runesofthesystem, and will try to be really active in the community, so if you see us around, then feel free to indulge us! We love to be tagged in games and sent asks and the like and will try to get to all of them in due time.
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The Amalgamations of our Creations
We actually have so many Works that we kind of jump around with, but we will present to you a few of them! Hopefully as we grow and get better with things, we will be able to actually display them in a good way!
Links To Be Updated
⊱ ─── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ─── ⊰
Grayland's Shadow
⚜ Original Work | Standalone Novel ⚜ Supernatural Horror | Low Fantasy, Horror Elements ⚜ First, Second, Third Person Present Tense ⚜ Mature Content: Death, Death Mentions, Murder, Blood, Implied Gore, Violence ⚜ First Draft | Revising and Editing ⚜ Second Draft | Scene Writing and Draft Rewriting
Intro Post | Page | Writing Tag
⊱ ─── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ─── ⊰
The Vagabond Child
⚜ Original Work | Series of Short Stories ⚜ Dystopian | Apocalyptic Aftermath, Survival ⚜ Third Person Present Tense ⚜ No Major Mature Content Warnings ⚜ First Draft | Revising and Editing ⚜ Second Draft | Worldbuilding, Outlining, Scene Drafting
Intro Post | Blog Page | Writing Tag
⊱ ─── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ─── ⊰
The Cityscapes of the Dragoons
⚜ Original Work | Standalone Novel ⚜ Fantasy | Action and Adventure ⚜ Dual Perspectives | Third Person Present Tense ⚜ No Mature Content Warnings ⚜ First Draft | Worldbuilding, Outlining, Scene Drafting
Intro Post | Blog Page | Writing Tag
⊱ ─── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ─── ⊰
A Magician & A Curse
⚜ Original Work | Standalone Novel ⚜ Fantasy | High Fantasy, Horror Elements ⚜ Dual Perspectives | Third Person Present Tense ⚜ Mature Content: Murder, Body Mutilation, Violence ⚜ First Draft | Worldbuilding, Outlining, Scene Drafting
Intro Post | Blog Page | Writing Tag
⊱ ─── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ─── ⊰
A System of Corruption
⚜ Original Work | Standalone Novel ⚜ High Fantasy | Action & Adventure, Superhero Elements ⚜ Third Person Present Tense ⚜ Mature Content: Violence, Blood / Blood Mentions, Death ⚜ First Draft | Worldbuilding, Outlining, Scene Drafting
Intro Post | Blog Page | Writing Tag
⊱ ─── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ─── ⊰
If you want some more information about these Works or any of the others, you can check out our Original Works Masterlist or Fanworks Masterlist, to see what we write and how we do things!
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greycaelum · 2 years
La Luna Chapters
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"To offer you the crown, I lost my throne..."
"You cost me the kingdom I'm supposed to protect."
"I have neither a crown nor a throne, but I can give you a home."
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vampire gojo x reader x lycan sukuna
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Three souls entangled, the moon, the king, and the cold blood. When her fate abandons her, destiny finds a way to bring her back to life.
Your knees faltered as you sink down to the ground, and hollers of pain and heat of fire burned deep into your senses. Why did it come to this? All you wanted was to protect your fated mate... The fates dictated, for you—Goddess of the Moon to be the better half of the King of Lycans—loyalty and duty urge you to come down from your throne and leave your responsibility to help him conquer the Crown that was rightfully his against the usurpers. So why? Why is it that you became the root of this war?
The King's eyes flared with a deep-seated loathing. The blame of all these deaths and losses that all traced back to your one action of doubt and weakness scorched piercingly in his eyes. "Having you as my mate is the only regret I ever had since my birth." Ruthless steel plunged unhesitatingly into your heart.
And everything snapped... The reality you have no place here in earth. That your mate has deemed you no more than another enemy he must slay for his victory despite your endeavors to secure his claim. You might be his mate, but you will never be his choice or his priority.
The last thing you remembered was red eyes filled with scorching disdain. He turned his back and abandoned you to your own pool of blood.
With nothing, not a sliver of memory or a penny to fill your belly all you know is that you've been fleeing all your life until everything finally ended. A human, fragile and breakable against the wrath of the snowy mountain. Laying on the cold snow with your mangled body, you could feel the frost and threshold of the underworld claim you... What a pathetic life. A miserable way to die without anyone to mourn for your soul.
“Do you want to live?” Live? Then what? Be hunted by those people as they drive you to death once again? “I h-have nothing m-more.” Ironically you’d rather freeze to death here alone than go back and seek comfort from strangers who will sooner or later exploit you. Cold blue eyes glimmered and extended his hand to you. “Then live for me.”
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⚜︎ Cold [ 📜 one-shot ]
—Grand Duke Satoru hastily comes home from his trip to find you thirsty for his blood and yearning for his hold.
⚜︎ Bonds [ 📜 one-shot ]
—Grand Duke Satoru tries to resist his instincts from drinking your blood, but the hunter couldn't stay away from his nature of seeking his mate
⚜︎ Encounter [ 📋 drabble ]
—The Grand Duke and the King encounters each other, the other protecting his mate and the other searching for his queen.
⚜︎ Feral [ ✒️ headcanon ]
—What triggers the Grand Duke?
⚜︎ Spring [ 📋 drabble ]
—finding a new pass time as the season of bloom arrives, the garden is bound for changes
⚜︎ Clarity [ 📋 drabble ]
—in his damned eternity your his piece of clarity
⚜︎ Premonitions of Past [ 📜 one-shot ]
—the past comes haunting back
⚜︎ Thoughts [ 📜 one-shot ]
—there are thoughts you don't need to know
⚜︎ Trick or Treat [ 📋 drabble ]
—you got your cookie, now he wants his
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sanpatron · 2 years
Every nerd down in Spirale liked Christmas a lot...
But The Boss, who lived somewhere in the Cotes Ward, DID NOT!
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The Boss hated Christmas! The whole Christmas season!
Now, please don’t ask why. No one quite knows the reason.
It could be his head wasn’t screwed on just right.
It could be, perhaps, that his Jordan’s were too tight.
But I think the most likely reason of all
May have been that his heart was two sizes too small.
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But, whatever the reason,
His heart or his shoes,
He stood there on Christmas Eve, hating these Fools,
Staring down from his penthouse with a sour, Bossy frown
At the warm lighted windows below in their town.
For he knew every Fool down in Spirale beneath
Was busy now, hanging a mistletoe wreath.
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“ And they’re hanging their stockings! ” he snarled with a sneer.
“ Tomorrow is Christmas.... Eve! It’s practically here! ”
Then he growled, with his Boss fingers nervously drumming,
“ I MUST find some way to stop Christmas from coming! ”
For on the twenty-fifth he knew...
All these freakish gargoyles
Would wake bright and early.
They’d rush for their spoils!
And then! Oh, the noise! Oh, the Noise! Noise! Noise! Noise!
That’s one thing he hated! The NOISE! NOISE! NOISE! NOISE!
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Then the Fools, young and old, would sit down to a feast.
And they’d feast! And they’d feast!
And they’d FEAST!
They would feast on their pudding, and whatever they scrounged up from the Mist!
Which really made The Boss remarkably pissed!
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They’d do something
He liked least of all!
Every FOOL down in Spirale, the tall and the small,
Would stand close together, with Christmas bells ringing.
They’d stand hand-in-hand. And the Fools would start singing!
They’d sign! And they’d sing!
And the more The Boss thought of this Stupid-Christmas-Sing,
The more The Boss thought, “ I must stop this whole thing! ”
“ Why, for.. four-or-so years I think, I’ve put up with this stink! It’s like putting me down! ”
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“ I MUST stop this Christmas from coming! .....But HOW? ”
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classyinnie · 1 year
He hates you.
He hates the way you wear your emotions on your sleeves. It’s excruciatingly endearing to find your gentleness in a world that does nothing but provide you with worries. He hates how, despite your doubts and trepidations, you still look at it with such wonder one couldn’t even fathom or place.
He'd always wondered how such a pure soul—beaten and calloused—can look at the endless possibilities before them and believe they’re worth it.
He considered he might be a coward then, for don’t we all have fears that stop us from stepping beyond the line that confines our capabilities?
He hates your gentleness. How you look at people like they hold the world in their hands. How you listen intently to everything they have to say. How you would offer a hand even if your arms are already full.
He hates the way you wear kindness. How it’s perfectly knitted to your skin, it’s almost second nature. He hates how you would go out of your way to put others before yourself.
"Selfless", he would call you.
"Pushover", he would label you.
But insults were a mere façade to the raging questions in his head as to how. How do you have so much to give?
But most of all, he hates himself for not hating you. Not even a fraction.
You are like a printed polaroid; he wants to vigorously shake to reveal the entire picture.
A pipe dream, that’s what you are. But that doesn't erase the fact that he once stooped so low to even—in his unabashed desperation—consider asking himself if he is worthy enough to experience what it's like to be cared for by you.
—Tsukishima, Iwaizumi, KYOTANI, Osamu, KAGEYAMA, Kenma, Sakusa, Suna
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sansloii · 3 months
random drabble i wrote at 2am | @soulsxng
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The steps that carry him to his husband are soft this morning, with the raven coming up behind Lerato slowly to give him a groggy, but loud enough “Good morning.” His arms lift to find their places wrapped around the other's waist and pull the ancient against his front as he steps forward. The embrace is gentle but secure, allowing Lerato the freedom to move if he so chose but still offering that… closeness that he's grown to crave. Joseph's chin comes to rest on an open shoulder and he takes to swaying with Lerato, moving side to side in rhythm with a softly hummed tune.
Lerato's hands, like clockwork, come to rest atop his arms.
Whenever he thinks on it — on his husband and their relationship — a deeper part of him finds it so… surreal. There will always be a small voice, at the back of his head , that will tell him that he's undeserving of this — of Lerato — or will fill his head with fears of the ancient being torn from him without warning. It's a terrible thought and one he's discussed , in part, with his husband before. To that point, he remembers what he and Lerato had discussed then.
He didn't like the notion of it… being “natural” to feel this way… to have the “gentle” reminder of what would be if they were they not together. It always made him feel as though he was asking for it to happen. There's no part of him that wants that — not even spoken in jest — and the very thought of it being a possibility…
…Perhaps, though, he clings fast to his husband now. That is why he treasures him and why he adores him so. Every soft smile and unspoken greeting, each moment sat in silence together and the gentle affections — gods, he loves this man.
Joseph lifts his chin from Lerato's shoulder, if only to press a kiss to it paired with a squeeze. That kiss is followed by another… and another… and another, with each one following the curve of his beloved's shoulder up to his neck. He can feel the Lerato's skin heat up beneath his lips, and he could see the tell-tale swirls and dustings of gold tinting the surface of his skin.
He can feel Lerato's head tipping to lean against his and — oh the way he just… sinks into the embrace is a better feeling than he can describe. It comes the moment he's pressed the final kiss to the junction of Lerato's neck and shoulder, and is followed by a soft laugh and an equally soft question. “What's gotten into you this morning?” Is what his husband asks, but it's in a way that… honestly doesn't need an answer, and the ajin provides little else save for a small nudge of his head against his husband's when it lifts. Lerato, in turn, responds by lifting a hand to his cheek. It doesn't take much coercing to have Joseph's head lift a little more and turn towards the ancient further. Lerato then cranes his own head back a bit and what Joseph had gifted him… he returned in kind.
The affections are mixed with words only shared between the two of them. A smile tugs at the corners of Joseph's lips as he then joins his husband in exchanging sweet nothings.
“My siojaa…”
“My one and only…”
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cloudpools · 2 months
Kamui hadn't even realized he had collapsed, up until his eyes slowly opened. Immediately, the pain of every wound he got from the earlier battle hit him at once. He was no stranger to pain, but sometimes recklessness resulted in more than usual. It always hit him like a truck whenever the adrenaline wore off.
A slew of bodies had surrounded him, all samurai who thought it'd be smart to target him because of his reputation. Deeming him 'too dangerous' to allow to live.
Yet, he was the only one alive right now out of every body on the ground. He won. They lost. it was their own fault.
Right now though, he really needed to get back to his ship. Or else he'd be lectured by his vice commander again. Which leads to him trying to force himself up. It was difficult, every limb ached excruciatingly. More blood would seep from his wounds, and he'd end up coughing blood, his breathing becoming heavy.
Would this make him stop fighting? Probably not. It was a part of him to yearn for fighting, he couldn't ever truly give it up. He didn't want to.
Even as his body trembled when trying to pick himself up, that didn't even cross his mind. But his body failed him, and he was curled up into a bloody, pained mess. His senses were ten times more wary given his vulnerable state and he almost immediately sensed the other come close.
Kamui would look up from where he had been kneeling, and saw Nara. Displeasure certainly let itself be known. Kamui didn't like being seen in such a state by people he didn't care for or trusted.
''Get away from me, before I kill you Nara.''
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Despite his threat, the likelihood of him even being able to get up was very unlikely. His guard was up, and even if they did have somewhat friendly conversations before, he had no issues with killing her. It wasn't like he was attached. She's worthless to him.
''I really have no issue adding you the bodies around me right now, so do what I say. Or else.''
Nara had caught wind of the rumor too late. Usually, they weren't even something she entertained, but when she overheard a certain red-haired foreigner was in a brawl with over a dozen samurai, she tuned in to learn where the fight was taking place. Did they have no honor? Where was the virtue in uneven odds? Though she doubted he would accept (or even need) her help, Nara made haste to the site of the battle...
And what she finds is a bloodbath.
Carefully, the samurai makes her way through the carnage until she finds the culprit at its center. One didn't need to be a doctor to tell that his wounds were severe, and as usual, she was greeted with his vitriol. It was hard to tell if he was embarrassed to have her find him like this, or if the adrenaline of the fight still had him on edge. Either way, she doesn't hesitate despite his threats.
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"Killing me would be unwise." Kneeling down beside him, she begins to rip long pieces of cloth from her hakama. "You are in need of medical attention and no one will approach you in this state." There isn't an ounce of pity in her features or her voice. Sapphire eyes glance around the space once again, taking in the massacre. Part of her is appalled... So much needless, brutal killing. But the warrior in her is impressed. He'd really managed to take them all on on his own.
"Your victory will be for nothing if you die here. It is not weakness to accept aid from a..." What were they? Friends? Acquaintances? "... rival," she settles on. With a neat pile of bandages prepared, she attempts to wrap his wounds. Surely he would let her do this much...
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ratherbefangirling · 2 years
I need you :drabble
Pairing : yan idol bts x reader
Warning : Yandere, Toxic, drugging
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You leave them.
They had an important schedule something they couldn't avoid. some diplomat work. They were big shots and you you were nothing.
And you just leave. You had a fight with them and were very frustrated.
It wasn't that tough because even though they'd told you to stay put and lock the door. You'd used resin to imitate a key long back using soap as mold.
You had almost been discovered washing the key and you'd lied about a cleaning hack you'd seen.
You aren't actually dating you're just all of their bestfriend. At least that's what they say.
But due to the post pandemic recession you lost your job so you had to rely on your parents for your expenses as you were still in university.
They wanted to hang out with you and offered you a meal and a free meal never hurt anybody
But you got sick after the food so they couldn't let you go. They even brought all your stuff from your apartment. Hobi carefully making sure everything was carefully organised and ofcourse noting your preferences. Jungkook in tow with him for the muscle.
Meanwhile Yoongi and Jin take care of you. Namjoon too is sick.
You thought running away would be nice.
Must be something in the food they say innocently as if they purposely didn't add things. And because of Namjoon's sacrifice you wouldn't ever suspect them.
Except your present life sucks. You had been getting a masters degree for which you had to work hard to get into but since you got in because of a special scholarship all your peers looked down on you and spread rumors about you.
Your friends were lukewarm and when you tried to explain things to them you weren't sure they understood as they nodded blankly and moved the conversation forward. You missed bangtan who would hang off every word you say.
Your teachers were no better always making you the butt of classroom entertainment.
'What do you have to cry about when you got a free scholarship and the rest of us work like crazy to pay of debt'
You start getting depressed. You try to hang out with your friends and things seem ok for a while but when with your friends all you can think of is Jin stopping his gaming marathon when you wanted cookies or Taehyung and you sitting and ruining Jungkooks art supply because you were bored, causing Jungkook to pout the whole day until you promised to buy him any food he likes ( It had been a bit heavy on your pocket but since you were not spending regularly on your groceries so it wasn't a big deal ) or how Yoongi would let you inside his studio so you could work in peace or Namjoon would go with you to the Library always stopping at a cute cafe or Hobi would just always brighten your day always reminding you to carry an umbrella when the forecast pointed to rainy weather or Jimin and you would just lay together watching trash TV and eating cheese balls.
Your phone rings and you see messages from the boys.
You didn't reply to the boys messages ashamed of yourself.
When you reach your place you find Hobi standing outside.
"Y/n." And somehow seeing him breaks down your walls and you launch yourself in his arms.
Instantly he is cooing over you.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." You keep apologising.
Hobi had expected you'd be cold to them but he is pleased by your reaction. Ofcourse he was itching to ruin whoever made his darling cry but that will have to wait.
They had gotten together discussing maybe they had come on to you too much all at once. Taehyung had even suggested its better if you left for a while. It would help your mind adjust to what's to come.
Few hours later you're on their living room couch swaddled with blankets a warm beverage in your hand.
"I just thought you'd hate me. I ruin everything. I couldn't bear it if you hated me too." You were still very sensitive.
Jungkook too had teared up and was currently being comforted by Jimin. Jin was fussing over you.
"We could never hate you baby." Namjoon says.
"Why don't you do your masters online and stay with us." Taehyung suggests.
"Tae is right y/nie , even kook is doing his masters online." Jimin adds.
"But..." You say.
"It's clearly making you miserable. Don't let something you love doing turn into hate because of idiots."
"Hyung is right y/n. Its your call obviously but we hate the thought of you being so miserable."
"Ok." You acquiescence.
Their cheers make you laugh. You suppress a yawn.
"Good. That's settled so when are you moving in with us."
"Moving in?" You question brain slightly fuzzy.
"You look exhausted sweetheart." Jin says disapproving. "You clearly can't take care of yourself. Why don't you let us do it."
"But soon you'll be going to tour."
"Don't worry about it we will take you." Jungkook adds.
"But how?"
"You can still study online even if you are not in the country." Yoongi adds.
"Come on it will be fun." "You have to come." "There's so much I wanna show you." Their voices start to blur along with your vision.
"Our Baby is tired. Jungkook put her to bed."
"It's nice we can have her forever." Someone says.
"Don't get too excited hoba."
"Look at your smiles.. so scary"
"Hush. Don't disturb our baby."
"Sweet dreams love." And you feel a kiss and you let sleep engulf you in the warmth of their bed.
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Permanent Taglist: @mintsugarmy
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mercifulmemories · 2 years
The gentle rocking of the ship was soothing to him. Gui enjoyed being out at sea, hearing the water around them, and smelling the salt in the air. Being out on the sea may not have been the best, knowing there was a storm brewing a few miles away, but it meant that he would get a good light show while they sailed. He had been planning on sailing for months, but being a vampire generally put a wrench into that. But sailing by himself made it even better, because he could rest during the day, and sail at night. His vision was better than humans at night, so he would be able to sail just as effectively during the night. And it was much more peaceful, in his opinion. There was something so relieving about the sea.
The way the cloud formed, tall and looming, full of threat, he could feel the electricity in the air, which meant there was definitely a storm coming. He smirked to himself, soon watching the lightning hit the water, and light up the cloud above him. This was going to be a good one.
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