#Draal x River
sorceress-coffee · 2 years
RoA Ch 31 A Night to Remember
Ao3 Link
“We need help! We need Vendel!” Jim yelled trying to carry Barbara to the Heartstone where Vendel’s study resided.
The trolls began to grow restless seeing another human. Mom collapsed, breath coming in short gasps and she held onto her neck.
“Someone get Vendel!” I yelled, rushing to Jim and mom, magic flowing as I bypassed my own wounds and tried to stabilize her. “It’s going to be okay mom.”
Claire called out to Jim as she and the others came to investigate the commotion.
“What happened?” Blinky asked as he kneeled next to us, taking in mom’s state.
“Strickler got hurt, and I can’t heal this,” Snarling, I pulled my magic back, whatever that damned spell did making it impossible for me to heal mom.
Draal helped Strickler out of the car, knowing if we left him to the other trolls, he’d be dead.
One of the larger trolls growled, trying to reach past Draal for Strickler. “The changeling! Let’s crush him”
Draal’s mechanical arm latched onto the troll’s fist, letting out an ear-splitting roar in his face.
“Stop!” Vendel’s voice cut through the chaos, “You will refrain from killing the changeling, unless you want to be responsible for killing not only the Trollhunter’s mother, but Lady River’s guardian.”
The angered trolls slowly stepped away from Strickler, allowing Draal to escort him to Vendel. “I’ve got this one,” he grumbled, taking Strickler to the examination dwell.
“Quickly, Blinkous, help them with their mother,” Vendel ordered, rushing deeper into the Heartstone.
Blinky carefully picked mom up, wincing as the movement caused her to cry out. “You’re going to be okay Barbara.”
Mom stared up at Blinky’s face, in confusion, “Mr. Blinky?” Her head rolled back as she finally lost consciousness.
“Can Vendel fix this?” Claire asked, as we all rushed to the examination dwell with Blinky.
Frowning, I looked down at my hands, even in my troll form they were still covered in blood from my attack on Angor Rot. “I can’t heal her. No matter how much magic I push into the wound it does nothing.”
“It’s not your fault or error, Lady River,” Blinky sighed as we entered the Heartstone chambers. “Due to the nature of this curse, Barbara’s only hope is to break the spell that entwines her fate with Strickler’s.”
“Here,” Vendel stopped our group, having already ushered Strickler in. “I must treat them both, careful now.” He slowly took mom from Blinky’s arms, careful not to jostle her.
Draal joined us at the steps leading into the healing chamber, settling down to one side of the entrance. Glancing at my hands he made mention of the untreated wounds.
No one was willing to speak. Jim and I alternated pacing, while the other took up spots on either side of the chamber entrance. As I was pacing, I kept shifting in and out of my troll form. The blast I used against Angor Rot had taken up quite a bit of my mana, on top of the magic I used during the car chase and trying to heal mom, there wasn’t enough to power the collar. Hours into shifting back and forth, I finally collapsed on the steps with Draal, stuck in troll form.
Draal carefully took my bloody hands and began cleaning them. Carefully removing the blood and debris from the stone-like flesh. Once clean, it was easy to see the damage had gone further than my palms, lined where burnt flesh had been in my human form barely stopped under my elbows. Sighing softly, Draal carefully bandaged each arm, making sure he didn’t chip more flesh.
After hours longer, Vendel emerged with Strickler who was now sporting an arm sling.
“Vendel!” Jim ran to the elder troll, worried at only seeing Strickler. “How’s mom?”
Vendel sighed, “She is resting, keeping her in the Heartstone chambers is aiding to ease her pain.”
“We need to break the spell, Blinky said her life depended on it,” Jim pointed out, hoping Vendel could do it.
Vendel nodded slowly, glancing at Blinky, “I agree with his assessment. She cannot properly heal while still bound to the Changeling,” he cleared his throat, “Unfortunately, this is Gumm-Gumm magic, and thus I don’t know the proper incantation. That is also why River’s healing was ineffective.”
Growling, I stood carefully. “You might not, but Strickler does.”
Arrrgh and Toby kept Strickler cornered as I approached. He flinched back, eyes going wide at the murderous snarl splitting my face. He put his uninjured arm up defensively, “I don’t have it,” Arrrgh growled, looming over Strickler, “with me! It’s in the Book of Ga’huel. In my office.”
“Let’s go,” I stepped back from Strickler barely making it to Jim before dropping to my knees, completely exhausted. “I might have to sit this one out.”
Draal rushed to me, carefully picking me up to sit in his stone arm. “You overdid it, at least we’re in Trollmarket this time.”
“It’s probably for the best River,” Toby piped up, grinning. “That crazy psychopath will be there.”
Jim groaned, “I forgot about Angor Rot!”
Toby tilted his head in confusion, “Uh, no. Coach Lawrence! It’s the Spring Fling Dance and he’s gonna be roaming the halls.”
Jim winced, turning to Claire, “The Spring Fling. I’m sorry, Claire.”
She shook her head smiling, “Your mom’s life is more important than some stupid high school dance.”
Jim sighed, holding her hand, “I know, but I was looking forward to our stupid dance.”
Groaning, I leaned against Draal’s shoulder, “yeah, okay. I really should sit this one out then. Will you two be okay?”
Claire nodded, pulling Toby to her as she activated the Shadow Staff. “We’ll be fine. Just need to get into Strickler’s office and grab the incantation.”
“You must go now, we don’t have the luxury of time,” Vendel urged.
Claire opened a portal, pulling Toby and herself through and closing it behind her.
Arrrgh glared at Strickler, “What about the Changeling?” Nudging him forward carefully, so as to not hurt mom.
Vendel glared at him, pointing further into the depths of Trollmarket, “Throw him in the hold for now. We can’t risk him trying to run away.”
Arrrgh and Blinky escorted Strickler away, careful not to harm him.
“Come now,” Vendel waved us into the healing chamber where mom was resting. “I’m sure you want to be with her.”
Jim nodded, “Let’s go Draal,” he smiled at us, following closely behind Vendel.
Draal kept a bit of distance, nuzzling my hair. “Are you alright?  You haven’t used that much magic since the change.”
I flexed my hands slowly, careful of the bandages he had wrapped over the wounds. “I’ll be okay, just need some rest.” A frown fell over my face thinking back to the ambush.
Draal smooshed his mouth against my cheek, cutting through my thoughts. “You’re worrying.”
Smiling, I pushed his face away to look up at him, “Reading me like a book now?”
Smirking, he nuzzled carefully into the palm pushing him back. “Not exactly a hard read. Well,” he chuckled, having heard all of Toby’s arguments for my denseness, “not for me at least.”
Carefully slipping off of his arm, I pulled him into a tight hug. “Worried about dad, he stayed behind to hold Angor off. It’s been hours and we haven’t heard anything from him.”
Draal hummed, running his mechanical hand over my hair. “He’s one of the strongest Changelings I’ve ever met. If anyone stands a chance fighting Angor it’s him. He may be lying low now that it’s night again.”
“True, Angor was focused on following after us. If he’s running around on the surface now, staying hidden is probably safest.” Smiling, I tugged Draal into the room mom was resting in as Vendel walked out.
“She’s awake at the moment, careful though,” he sighed, looking over to where mom was speaking with Jim. “She’s very weak and may be in a fragile state.”
Nodding, I slowly approached the slab she was resting on, Draal staying close just in case my legs gave out again.
Mom spotted me before Jim, smiling through the pain. “There you are, Jim was explaining your camping trip.” Either her eyesight was worse than I thought without her glasses, or she was taking my troll form in stride.
“You told her about Gatto’s Keep?” I asked in surprise, glancing at Jim. “Not exactly the easiest mission.”
“Right,” she turned her head carefully, trying not to aggravate her wound. “What about Steve crashing his Vespa?”
Jim winced, “Um, vulture troll.”
“Those are immune to sunlight,” I explained, seeing the gears working in her mind at the time of day the accident happened.
Mom shifted, seeing Blinky and Arrrgh enter, staying near the entrance with Draal. “Your guidance counselor?”
“Blinky,” Jim smiled. Blinky might just be his favorite troll to talk about. “He does give a lot of guidance.”
“And he was helping with everything you talked about,” I smiled softly, Blinky had in fact helped me find out more about my mother than anyone else, other than Garridan.
Mom winced, trying to process everything. “I just,” shaking her head slowly. “Neither of you should be putting yourselves in danger like this.” Eyeing my bandaged hands, she continued, “I’m your mother. I protect you. Both of you. That’s the deal.”
“We’re fine, mom.” Jim tried to reassure her. “You don’t need to protect us. I think this is what we were meant to do.” The amulet, responding to Jim’s resolve, activated, the armor appearing. Jim frowned looking down to their clasped hands, “We should’ve told you sooner. I should’ve told you sooner. Maybe, none of this would’ve happened.”
I grasped his shoulder tightly, knowing he was blaming himself for mom’s state. If we had told her, would things be much different?
Carefully, mom lifted her hand to the amulet in the armor. “You’re supposed to be able to tell me anything.” The armor dispersed at her touch, the amulet falling onto Jim’s lap.
“We shouldn’t have lied, you deserved to know what was going on,” I spoke up, taking her hand carefully.
“Jim, River,” Vendel’s voice cut in as he entered the chambers again. “A word please.”
I nodded, carefully getting up and letting Jim have another moment with mom as I headed to Vendel. “Is everything okay?”
“Did Claire and Toby get the book?” Jim asked as he joined us.
Letting out a sigh, Vendel shook his head. “They have yet to return. Though, I’m afraid we have a new problem.”
“What’s going on?” This didn’t sound good, at all.
Vendel motioned for us to follow him, leading us out to the hold. “Your changeling teacher is refusing to undo the binding spell.”
“What?!” Snarling, my eyes began to glow as rage set in. If we saved him just to watch mom die, I’d find a way to resurrect him and tear his head off.
Jim grabbed my shoulder before I could push past him. “We’ll talk with him.”
Nodding stiffly, I let Jim take the lead, trying to reign in my emotions.
When we reached the entrance of the hold, Jim summoned the armor and Daylight. Gaze harsh as we stormed inside to find Strickler sitting in the middle of the stone floor, cowering from the trolls sent to guard him.
“Jim!” He yelped, relieved for a moment. Glancing between our faces, his relief morphed into fear.
“What do you mean, you won’t undo the binding spell?” Jim growled out, grip tightening on Daylight. “I thought you care about our mother!”
“I do,” Strickler admitted with a sigh, glancing down at his hands. “Much to my surprise, and quite deeply too.” He finally lifted his head to look Jim in the eye. “In fact, I might even,” Jim cut him off.
“Do not finish that sentence!” He snarled, “If you actually cared about her, you would undo the spell.”
“And then what?” Strickler glared at the trolls guarding him. “You see my predicament, Young Atlas. I have my own interests to consider here.”
“Staying alive,” I cut in, glaring at my former teacher. “You’re scared of breaking the binding spell because every troll here wants you dead. After everything you put us through, we would have nothing holding us back from tearing you apart.”
Jim seemed to consider this for a moment before sheathing Daylight. “I won’t harm you. I promise.”
The trolls snarled, not liking the deal Jim was making.
“And your troll friends?” Strickler remarked. “They have no love for me, as my present confinement demonstrates. And you?” Strickler glowered as he stood, careful of his injured arm. “What’s to stop you from throwing me to the wolves the second my connection with your mother is severed?”
“It’s called ‘honor.’ I don’t expect you to understand it.” Jim quipped, standing between Strickler and I.
“Fair enough,” Strickler flinched back, “but you can understand my reluctance.”
“Once you break the binding spell, you’re free to go. No strings attached.” Jim declared, “I won’t let anyone hurt you. I give you my word.”
“You have our word,” I stepped up, eyeing the disgruntled trolls. “Our allies will not harm you. Human, troll, changeling, or familiar.”
Strickler stared at us for a moment, carefully weighing our words, before sticking his uninjured arm to Jim. As Jim went to take his hand, the wound on Strickler’s neck flared causing him to collapse in pain.
Rushing to his side, Jim and I carefully helped him to stand.
“You’ve given me much to consider, Young Atlas. Lady Mordred.” Strickler spoke, clenching his teeth as the pain persisted.
“Let’s go, the Heartstone might ease your pain,” I summoned Midnight, using it to help me walk back as Jim and Strickler followed me to the healing chamber.
Vendel met us at the entrance, ushering us in quickly. “She’s not doing well.”
Jim and Strickler rushed to her side. I stayed close to Draal, still exhausted from our ambush and the resulting chase.
A few moments of quiet broke into footsteps rushing towards us. Draal pulled me away from the entrance, worried the trolls were angered that Strickler was no longer locked up and decided to take him forcefully.
Garridan burst into the chamber, troll form looking ragged and exhausted. He was clutching a book carefully. “This,” he held out my mother’s grimoire. “When Angor left, it began to glow.”
I pushed past Draal and almost tackled Garridan, relief flooding my system. “Dad!”
Garridan sagged slightly in the hug, using the arm that wasn’t holding the book to hug me. “I’m alright, just tired. I think you need this.”
Pulling back after a moment, I took the grimoire, opening to the glowing page. “It’s another healing spell?”
Garridan nodded to mom and Strickler. “It may help them.”
“But, it’s a curse,” I tried to explain, knowing the incantation Vendel taught me didn’t work.
Vendel approached us, “May I see the book?”
Nodding quickly, I handed over the grimoire. Why would I need another healing spell?
“This is Gumm-Gumm magic,” he explained, reading over the incantation. “They don’t have healing spells, all this will do is ease the pain enough for,” he paused. “Draal, get a piece of Heartstone, I don’t care if you have to cut it off. River, come.” He turned, leading me over to mom and Strickler.
“Why is there a Gumm-Gumm spell in mom’s grimoire?” I asked, following Vendel, sitting next to mom where Strickler was standing.
“As I was saying,” Vendel set the book on the slab. “This spell is used to ease the pain of a wound, allowing the injured Gumm-Gumm to continue fighting. It masks the pain enough for strength to return to their body.”
My eyes went wide, looking over the script. “This could help mom fight the effect of the curse?”
Vendel nodded, “You need to unlock more mana, that’s why I had Draal get a piece of the Heartstone. Trolls rely on the Heartstone for sustenance, you however, are able to draw magic directly from it.”
Draal returned with a piece of Heartstone that was almost as big as Jim. “This was the smallest chunk I could get without causing damage.”
Nodding, Vendel instructed him to set it near me. “This may cause the wounds to flare up as you’ll be pulling and using quite a bit of mana for this.” He explained, worried about the wounds covering my arms.
“No,” mom croaked out, weakly grabbing the bandaged arm closest to her. “You’re already hurt because of me. I’ll be okay.”
Frowning, I held her hands carefully. “Mom, what would you do if you had a patient that was critically injured and you had the tools and ability to help them?”
She sighed, laying her head back, “I’d do everything in my power to help them.”
Leaning over, I kissed her forehead, just like she used to do when she would treat scrapes Jim and I got as children. “I’m a healer, it might not be modern medicine, but I learned how to take care of my loved ones from you. Please, let me help.”
Smiling softly, I could see the understanding in mom’s eyes as she nodded, “Okay.”
Setting her hands to her sides, I stood carefully and approached that giant chunk of Heartstone. “I know it didn’t last time but, this one isn’t going to explode, right?” I asked Vendel, referring to the mana crystals on my 19th birthday and when I helped him transfer the gravity cure to Toby’s Warhammer.
“No, that was an unfortunate response to your magic fluctuating,” he explained quickly, taking one of my hands and setting it palm flat on the stone. “This time, focus on the magic flooding your mana pools.”
I closed my eyes, letting the room fade away as I tapped into my mana. As the darkness finally consumed my mind, lava-like pools slowly appeared, along with the Heartstone chunk I was holding. There was still so much untapped magic.
Breathing deep, I focused on pulling the magic to me from the crystal. For a moment it seemed to be working, but the more I pulled from the crystal, I realized I wasn’t exactly absorbing it. A giant bubble of pure magic floated on my palms.
I walked to one of the lava pools and tried depositing it there, but it seemed to just float on top. This didn’t make sense. If all of this was my mana, why couldn’t I tap into it now? Why can’t I add this to the pools?
“This way,” a soft voice called out from further down the pools.
Confused, I quickly turned, only to see a soft blue glow. It began to move further into the darkness where the pools’ flow started to choke off. I took off running after it, following it further into the darkness.
The blue glow began to circle something in the distance. “Here, Moonlight,” the voice called out again.
Slowing as I finally approached it, I could make out the outline of a woman. “Who are you? How did you get in here?”
The woman looked like the Trollhunter’s of the void, was she a spirit? Turning to face me she smiled softly. “It’s been a while my little moonlight.”
I almost dropped the bubble of magic at the sight. The woman looked like me, but not quite. She was older, wearing a simple renaissance styled dress. “Ganieda? Mom?”
Ganieda nodded, “It seems Sylvina was able to keep you safe, though,” she looked towards the mana pools, “it seems sealing your magic caused more problems than we anticipated.”
“How? Dad said you died,” I couldn’t tell if I was on the verge of laughing hysterically or crying, maybe both.
“Not exactly. You regained some of your memory from the battle it seems.” Sighing softly, she waved her hand, memories pulling to us as if we were in the void. She watched the memory I had of her death as I turned away from it. “You fought bravely.”
“What are you talking about?” My head snapped to her, a child, even a troll child, couldn’t fight in a battle like that.
She shook her head, “That is for another time. For now, Barbara needs your help.” She stepped back and gestured down to the inky floor.
When I looked down I let out a yelp. It was me? My troll form and my humanoid form were encased in the floor of my own void. “What is that? How am I there?”
“The connection to your physical vessel,” she explained, before pointing to the stream of mana that was thread thin. “When your magic broke the seal, you were unable to do it properly. Only able to make this small fissure.”
“Wait, we had to cap my magic because it was killing me. You can’t tell me this amount of magic could do that.” I tried arguing, confused as to how a miniscule amount of mana could do that much harm.
Ganieda kneeled down between my vessels. She settled a hand over the heart of each form. “The change was caused by the mana that had been stored within your vessels since the time your magic was sealed. Without a proper flow, you’ll only grow weaker.”
Growling, I threw my hand out towards the stream, “How am I supposed to fix this? None of this makes sense! Why won’t the Heartstone magic meld with the,” an explosion cut me off. Snapping my head towards the thread like flow, was a new fissure created by the Heartstone mana leaving my hand.
“It seems you have your answer,” Ganieda smiled, standing up. “You need to open the flow with the magic you’ve gained from the Heartstone.”
Calming slightly, I turned to fully face the new fissure. “And Vendel said it wouldn’t explode.”
“It’s a common theme with our family,” she smiled. “Now, focus on breaking open the stream.”
Nodding, I held my arms out, forcing the mana from the Heartstone into the fissure I had created. Instead of making a clean path similar to the small stream, I let it run jagged. My mana began to flow faster towards us, melding with the mana from the Heartstone.
“There we go,” Ganieda grinned, gesturing to my vessels. “Now, try connecting them.”
I began pulling my mana faster, the fissures began to break through the darkness surrounding my vessels. With a final push I broke into the vessels and allowed my mana to flow freely into them.
Ganieda grasped my shoulder, her pride showing clearly. “You’ve connected with your mana again.”
“What will happen now?” I asked, reaching up to hold the hand on my shoulder.
“For now, you can focus on Barbara. She’ll need all the help you can give her to fight that curse.” She explained, face falling quickly. “I will return to my sleep, until you have further need of my grimoire. Your battles are far from over my little moonlight.”
Turning quickly, I hugged her as tight as I could, tears falling fast. “You have to leave?”
Pulling me close, her form began to fade, “For now, but I will see you again.” She kissed my forehead before everything faded.
“River?” Draal’s voice was the first I could hear, “Love, what happened?”
I looked at my hands, the bandages coming loose as my mana was able to flow into the collar freely and I was back in my human form. “Ganieda,” was all I could choke out for a moment.
Draal pulled me from the stone, holding me tight. “Are you okay?”
I nodded, scrubbing the tears that had been falling since I touched the stone. “I’ll be fine,” pulling from his grip, I smiled softly. “I need to help mom now.”
Draal helped me over to the slab, settling me next to mom.
Mom looked worried sick, “River, if this is hurting you,” she tried to argue, grasping my hand.
I shook my head, looking over the Gumm-Gumm incantation. “I’m not hurt mom, I’ll tell you what happened when you’re all healed up, okay?” I looked her in the eyes, “I promise.”
Nodding, she rested back onto the pillow. “Okay sweetie.”
I began to recite the incantation causing a soft orange glow to form in the center of my chest. As I read, the glow slowly spread down my arms towards mom. As soon as it touched her skin, you could see her physically relax as the pain eased. Smiling, I continued with the incantation and reached my other hand out to Strickler.
At first, he didn’t move, too stunned that I would offer him my help after everything he’s done. Garridan came from behind him and pushed him towards me. With that, Strickler used his uninjured hand to grasp my own, allowing the magic to flow to him as well and ease his pain.
Time began to blur as I continued to recite the incantation over and over. At this point, mom was on borrowed time, but I would do everything in my power to make sure she would survive breaking the binding spell.
A shadow portal opened above mom’s head. Peering in, I could see the shadow staff approach at an alarming rate. As it came through, I barely ducked out of the way before it could pierce my skull.
The staff ended up stabbing part of the Heartstone wall as the portal closed.
“The incantation!” Blink yelled out, excitedly pulling the staff from the crystal wall.
Jim frowned, watching the portal close, worried. “But where are Toby and Claire?”
“If this was at school, I’m sure they’re still there,” I tried reassuring him. “Maybe they got caught by Coach and this was the only thing they could do.” Mom groaned out in pain, I quickly began reading the incantation again.
Vendel took the paper from Blinky, reading over the counter curse. “We must prepare the conjuration at once!” I could hear him muttering, a pause as he let out a soft sigh. “Oh, it seems there is another problem.”
Jim let go of mom’s hand, pulling on his hair as he stared at Vendel in disbelief. “What do you mean ‘there’s another problem?’”
Vendel approached us, holding the page out to Jim. “The incantation as you know makes Barbara experience whatever trauma befalls Strickler. Unfortunately, breaking the binding spell will also erase her memory.” He spoke gently.
Jim and I both tensed. After everything we worked through with mom. After learning what I really was. She was going to forget all of it?
“What are you saying?” Mom asked, barely able to focus on Vendel. “I’m gonna forget Trollmarket? That Jim’s the Trollhunter? River’s magic?”
“We’ll leave you with a moment of privacy. Then we should enact the conjuration.” Vendel bowed his head. Turning, he led Strickler away from us.
Jim smiled stiffly, shrugging slightly as he tried to play off his anxiety of mom finding out. “Guess we’re gonna have this conversation again.”
Mom took his hand, holding tight. “Jim. listen to me. Promise me we will. Okay? It took all of this for you two to tell me about,” wincing she grasped his hand tighter, “your other lives.”
Jim held her hands carefully. “I just didn’t want to worry you. And I know we have.” He stared down at their hands holding back tears.
“Yes, yes, you have.” she agreed, carefully reaching for my hand. I held her hand close to my heart. “I am worried. I’m scared. But listen to me. It is my job to worry. And it’s not your job to protect me.”
Mom smiled softly at both of us. “I want you two to know something. Even before you found this amulet- before the magic- way before all of this- you two were always my heroes. My beautiful kids”
“I love you, mom.” Jim held her tight.
Smiling, I leaned into the hug, careful not to crush mom. “I love you too, mom.”
The chamber opened as Vendel and Strickler returned. Vendel held his hand out to me. “The time has come. River, I will need you to act as the Heartstone.”
I nodded quickly, prepared to help in any way I could.
Vendel gestured to mom and Strickler, “Take their hands.”
Mom quickly grasped my right hand as Strickler took my left.
Grasping my hand tight, Strickler tried speaking to mom.
“Don’t talk to me,” Mom’s reply cut him short. “You’re the one thing I’m looking forward to forgetting.” She turned her head to face Jim, not wanting to look at Strickler.
His face fell completely, heartbroken but unsurprised by mom’s response.
Vendel began the incantation, the fiery glow of Heartstone magic spreading through my veins.
“Jim,” mom tried to focus, “promise me. After this is over, don’t keep your trollhunting a secret from me anymore. Promise me.”
I snarled as the magic intensified and started burning my skin. Shifting into troll form quickly to keep the damage to a minimum. I focused on the incantation Vendel was chanting. The magic of the binding spell began to transfer from mom, through me, and back into Strickler. My eyes began to glow fully orange, the Heartstone pulsating all around us.
I could barely hear Strickler’s screams and his final apology as the magic flooded my senses. Mom’s hand slowly fell from my grasp and the spell was broken.
Strickler fell back as the final bits of magic left me, passing out from the pain.
Closing my eyes, I took a slow, deep, breath. As the magic calmed around me and the Heartstone ceased pulsating, I opened my eyes, returning to a soft sky blue.
“We need to get her out of here before she wakes up,” Jim sighed, relaxing for the first time since Strickler returned to Arcadia.
“You’re not going to tell her, are you?” I asked, seeing his torn expression as I shifted back into my human form.
Jim stared at mom, gripping the amulet tightly. “I can’t let her get hurt again.”
Sighing, I stood up. “Very well, we should take her to the hospital then.”
“We’re going with you,” Draal came up, grasping my shoulder.
Garridan carefully picked mom up from the stone slab, “It’s still dangerous out.”
Jim nodded, silently leading us out of the healing chambers and Trollmarket.
Our group remained in tense silence as we returned to the house. I ran into the house to retrieve mom’s keys before returning to the boys. “We’ll take her to the hospital. Dad, Draal, can you try to fix the house while we’re gone? I don’t think mom is going to remember our ‘school project.’”
Garridan nodded, helping Jim get mom into the backseat before heading inside.
“Are you okay with this?” Draal asked while Jim stayed with mom.
Frowning softly, I looked up to him. “I don’t know. I know it was the worst case scenario, but she took everything about us in stride. You know, other than pepper spraying us.”
Draal grunted a laugh, nuzzling my cheek with his nose. “You two should talk it over, it’s both your lives you’ve had to hide.”
I nodded, kissing his cheek before pulling away. “I’ll see what I can do. I’ll let you know.”
Getting in the car, I started the engine quickly and took off to the hospital, trying to think of an excuse for mom’s unconsciousness and memory loss. “Any ideas for an explanation?” I asked, looking back at Jim in the rearview mirror.
Jim glanced up, “Passed out? Hit her head?”
“She has been working a lot of extra shifts lately, not to mention Wanda messing up her schedule all the time.” I sighed out, pulling up to the ER drop off.
Jim quickly got out of the car and ran in, a couple nurses I recognized as mom’s work friends came out with a gurney. They carefully removed mom from the back seat and strapped her to the gurney.
“Stay with her, I’ll go park.” I instructed Jim, waiting till he nodded before taking off.
Finding mom’s assigned parking spot, I turned the car off and laid my head against the steering wheel. How could Jim not want mom to know? Having a parent know, understand what we were going through? Did he really want to lose all of that? We didn’t tell her before and this was the result.
I shook my head harshly before getting out of the car. I’ll leave this to Jim, he’s the Trollhunter, he’s aunt Barbara’s child. If anyone gets to make that decision it’s him.
As I wandered through the ER entrance, one of the nurses that initially came to get mom escorted me to the back, directing me to the second floor.
Once I was out of sight, I teleported near Jim’s energy and found the room quickly.
“Any trouble?” I asked, sitting next to him.
Jim shook his head, brushing mom’s hair from her face. “No, the doctor that saw her agreed that she had been working too many hours. Wasn’t surprised at the outcome at all.”
I hummed softly, staring at Jim as mom slept peacefully.
Fidgeting, Jim finally looked me in the eye. “I can’t do it.”
Nodding, fully expecting that answer. “She’s gonna be pissed if she finds out again.”
“We’ll just have to be more careful,” Jim leaned back in his chair, wincing. “Maybe we should limit gatherings at the house.”
“Draal lives with us,” I pointed out.
“Right,” He groaned, “okay, while mom is recovering at least, we should limit our gatherings to the basement. She never goes down there anyway.”
I snorted, surprised that she hadn't found the mini troll apartment we had made in the basement. “Fair enough.”
Jim looked me over, pausing at the collar, “Are you actually okay with this?”
“It’s not my call,” was my instant reaction.
Frowning, Jim reached out, grabbing my hand tight. “I’m asking you to hide our other life, your magic, but I really think we can keep her safe this time.”
I gripped his hand, staring down at my fleshbag hand. “This isn’t another life for me, it’s the only one I have.”
“River, sis,” Jim tugged my hand gently until I looked him in the eye. “Please?”
Letting out a deep sigh, I nodded, pulling my hand free from his grip. “Fine.” I got up, heading to the door of mom’s room. “Let me know how she does. I’m going to check on the house.”
“River,” Jim tried to stop me. “I’m sorry.”
I shook my head. “If you think it’s for the best, I’ll play along.” I left quickly, heading into a deserted section of the hospital before teleporting out, slowly getting closer to home.
Once I was near the house I decided to walk home. I adjusted the collar, hand running over the gem from Draal.
“You’re looking a little blue, and not in the stone skin kind of blue.” Garridan was on the front porch, frowning as he saw my face.
Shrugging, I walked past him. Looking over the house I was relieved it looked mostly put back together. “Just, didn’t think I’d have to go back to acting human so soon.”
Garridan nodded, leading me back to the basement stairs. “I understand that pain, but there might be something to cheer you up.”
Tilting my head, I could hear music coming from Draal’s room. I nodded and headed down into the basement, stopping when I caught sight of Draal messing with my old radio. “Um, love? What are you doing?”
Draal jolted upright, stopping on a station playing Aurora Borealis by Bohnes, one of my favorite songs. He gave me a lopsided grin and ushered me into the room. Taking my hand he pulled me close and began dancing slowly, just shifting side to side. “I believe I owe you the right of passage of your first dance. I might not be able to take you to your human learning dungeon dance, but I thought this might work.”
Smiling softly I rested my forehead against his shoulder. “Thank you love, I needed this.”
Draal hummed, mechanical hand gently pushing the hair from my face. “I’m assuming it didn’t go well?” He asked, referring to my conversation with Jim about telling mom.
I sighed, nuzzling under his chin. “Not really. I’m letting him choose, even if I don’t agree with him.”
Nodding, Draal continued to lead the dance. After a while, he let out an amused snort. “We could still crash the human party, the panic might be amusing.”
I choked back a laugh, gently slapping his shoulder, “Draal! The troll irritated that humans started invading Trollmarket, suggesting that we expose Trollkind for laughs?” Giggling, I could feel tears gathering in my eyes, though they were happy tears. “The scandal that would cause!”
Draal shrugged, grinning down at me, “You’re worth it.”
After everything that happened these last few days, nothing prepared me for the relief those three words coming from Draal would cause. We had been fighting, panicking, pushing past physical, mental, and magical limits non-stop since Strickler showed up. I gained the acceptance of the mother who raised me and lost it all in one night. The person I’ve been closest to my whole life is now asking me to hide everything that I am. But that one sentence from Draal? Three simple words? I felt like I was home. Draal is my home.
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deadguydeathmatch · 1 year
The Dead Guy Death Match Bracket Is Here!
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Round 1 will be split into 4 waves of 16 24 hour polls and each wave will be posted 24 hours after the previous. The first wave will start on Tuesday the 18th of April at 3pm BST
The matchups are listed under the readmore and will be hyperlinked to the polls when they go up.
The matchups were all randomised although I did make minor adjustments if I thought one was much too unfair.
Also tagging @tournamentdirectory as I haven't already
Wave 1:
Charles Foster Kane (Citizen Kane) Vs Gavroche Thenardier (Les Miserables)
Leif (Bug Fables) Vs Queen Serenity (Sailor Moon)
L (Death Note) Vs Jonny D'Ville (The Mechanisms)
Noah Czerny (The Raven Cycle) Vs Lee Everett (The Walking Dead)
Pat Butcher (BBC Ghosts) Vs Xerxes Break (Pandora Hearts)
Captain Orimar Vale (Skyjacks Campaign Podcast) Vs Laura Palmer (Twin Peaks)
Diallos Hoslow (Elden Ring) Vs Rachel Amber (Life Is Strange)
Andrei Grandier (Rose Of Versailles) Vs Constance Blackwood (Ride The Cyclone)
Spock (Star Trek) Vs Maria Robotnik (Sonic The Hedgehog)
Kravitz (The Adventure Zone) Vs Sal Fisher (Sally Face)
Mari (Omori) Vs Ianto Jones (Torchwood)
Nate (Leverage) Vs Max (Sam and Max)
Owen Carvour (Spies Are Forever) Vs Vylad Ro'Meave (Minecraft Diaries)
Neil Perry (Dead Poet's Society) Vs Sayaka Miki (Madoka Magica)
Flapjack (The Owl House) Vs Maes Hughes (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Loki (Marvel) Vs Adam Faulkner Stanheight (Saw)
Wave 2:
Obi Wan Kenobi (Star Wars) Vs Diggory Graves (Hello From The Hallowoods)
Hugo Oak (Kipo And The Age Of Wonderbeasts) Vs Leonardo Hamato (Rise Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie)
Chara (Undertale) Vs Magnus Chase (Magnus Chase)
River Song (Doctor Who) Vs Micheal Afton (Five Nights At Freddy's)
Catherine Earnshaw (Wurthering Heights) Vs Tara Maclay (Buffy The Vampire Slayer)
Laudna (Critical Role) Vs Aerith Gainsborough (Final Fantasy)
Mia Fey (Ace Attorney) Vs Jay Gatsby (The Great Gatsby)
Meiko 'Menma' Honma (The Flower We Saw That Day) Vs Claire Foley (Professor Layton)
Grelle Sutcliff (Black Butler) Vs Skelly (Hades)
Ethan Winters (Resident Evil) Vs Portgas D Ace (One Piece)
Polly Geist (Monster Prom) Vs Hua Cheng (Heaven's Official Blessing)
Avatar Kyoshi (Avatar The Last Airbender) Vs Galivar Kholin (Stormlight Archive)
Pink/Orchid (Animation Vs Animator/Minecraft) Vs Lewis Pepper (Mystery Skulls Animated)
Gideon Nav (The Locked Tomb) Vs Stoick The Vast (How To Train Your Dragon)
Evelyn Hooper (Less is Morgue) Vs Manny Calavera (Grim Fandango)
Kokichi Oma (Danganronpa) Vs Silco (Arcane)
Wave 3:
Eurydice (Greek Mythology) Vs Rosencrantz and Guildenstern (Rosencrantz And Guildenstern Are Dead)
Jack Twist (Brokeback Mountain) Vs Charles Vane (Black Sails)
Howard Hamlin (Better Call Saul) Vs Jason Grace (Riordanverse)
Nora Hildegard (The Vampire Diaries) Vs Gerard Keay (The Magnus Archives)
Manny (Swiss Army Man) Vs Matoro (Bionicle)
Wen Ning (Mo Dao Zu Shi) Vs Kikyo (Inuyasha)
Yuri Nakamura (Angel Beats) Vs Simon Kain (Pathologic)
Deep Throat (The X Files) Vs La Signora (Genshin Impact)
Esmeralda (The Hunchback Of Notre Dame Novel) Vs Ursula Zandt/Silhouette (Watchmen Comics)
Nageki Fujishiro (Hatoful Boyfriend) Vs Tuba (Infinity Train)
Beetlejuice (Beetlejuice) Vs Arthur Morgan (Red Dead Redemption)
Oda Sakunoske (Bungou Stray Dogs) Vs Rose Quartz (Steven Universe)
Duncan (Dragon Age) Vs Junpei Yoshino (Jujitsu Kaisen)
Quincey Morris (Dracula) Vs Connor Murphy (Dear Evan Hansen)
Deadman (DC Comics) Vs Breakdown (Transformers)
Draal The Deadly (Troll Hunters) Vs Castiel (Supernatural)
Wave 4:
Matsuri Kanroji (Demon Slayer) Vs Midori (Your Turn To Die)
Kelsier (Mistborn) Vs Peter 'Parker' Yang (Malevolent Podcast)
Tadashi Hamada (Big Hero 6) Vs Noriaki Kakyoin (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Erik (The Phantom Of The Opera) Vs Matthias Helvar (Six Of Crows)
Tigerstar (Warrior Cats) Vs Boromir (The Lord Of The Rings)
Joel Miller (The Last Of Us) Vs Pedro Madrigal (Encanto)
Rufus Emeterio (They Both Die At The End) Vs King Arthur (King Arthur)
Bunny Corcoran (The Secret History) Vs Lenore (Nevermore Webtoon)
Sliver Of Straw (Rain World) Vs Bow (Inanimate Insanity)
Chidi Anagonye (The Good Place) Vs Nicholas D Wolfwood (Trigun)
Tiso (Hollow Knight) Vs Okudera (Yakuza 5)
Koki Kariya (The World Ends With You) Vs Horst Cabal (Johannes Cabal)
Mr Boddy (Clue) Vs Garret Jacob Hobbs (Hannibal)
Eddie Kaspbrak (IT) Vs Emily (Corpse Bride)
Ash Lynx (Banana Fish) Vs Ophelia (Hamlet)
Eddie Munson (Stranger Things) Vs Kili (The Hobbit)
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444namesplus · 9 months
a adar adderport aelyndar aerenal ahdryatmin ak an and aqat arcanix ardev ardhmen areksul argarak argonnessen argonth arolangard aruldusk arythawn ash ashtakala askelios athandra atoll atur aundair avaroth aventus b baran barra barrel barren bastion bay below bitter black blackbriar blackcaps blackwood blade blades blood bluespine bluevine boneyard borunan brek breland brey bright broken brom bull by byeshk c cairdal castle category cauldrons caves cazhaak cerulean chance chasm citadel city clanhold corvagura cove crag cragwar crescent crimson crossing crown crying cyre d dagger dannel danthaven dar darguun dark daskaran dawn dead deathsgate deep deepdark delethorn demesne demon desert desolate desolation deth dhak dhakaani dhavin dol dollen dolurrh dor dowron draaka draal dragon dragonreach dragonroost dragonwood dread dreadhold drik droaam drum durat duskwing duskwood dvaarnava e eastwood eberron eldeen empire endworld erlaskar esk eston everice eyes eyrie f face faded fairhaven fairhold fangs farlnen festering field fields fire first fist five flamekeep flint forest fort frostfell g galethspyre galifar games ganitari gap garay gate gatherhold gathering ghalt ghoza glass gloaming glowing glyphstone goradra gorge gorgonhorn gray graywall great greenheart greenland greentarn grimwall gulch gundrak h haka halkhad hall harbor harrowcrowns harrowgard harvest hatheril havrakhad haztaratain highwater hills hilt hoarfrost holds hollow holt howling hydra i ice icehorn icemaw inner ironroot irontown island isle j jarp jern jhegesh jin jungle k ka kalazart kanatash karnel karrlakton karrnath karrnwood karthoon kasshta keep keeper kenn kennrun ker kerkulin keth khashana khorvaire khyber king kingdom knowledge korranberg korrandar korth korthos korunda krag kraken krona l lair lakashtari lake lakeside lanamelk lanharath larunor last lathleer lessyk lhaz lhazaar lidless light liugwen location locations loom loran lorn lost lyrenton m making maleer malharath malshashar mar maradal marches marguul marketplace marquan marsh mel menechtarun merylsward metrol mevakri minharath mirrors mist mistmarsh monastery moonshadow moonwatch mordai morningcrest mountains mournland mror mun n nail narath natek nathyrr nations nevitash new newthrone nightbit nightwood norinath novakri nowhere o obsidian of olath on onatar orcbone orgalos orioth orthoss oskilor otharaunt overlord p pain panitari parmelk pass passage paw peak peaks peninsula pillars pit plains plateau port post pra pride principalities pylas q qalatesh qat quesk questor r rage rath ravar reaches realm red regalport region rekkenmark rellekor rest reven rhashan rhenshia rhonewatch rhukaan riedra ring ringbriar river rock rotting ruins ruukosi s sarlona saval scions sea seaside seawall senne sentinel seren seven shadow shadukar shae shalquar sharavacion shargon sharn shavalant shield shining siber siberys sigilstar silver sinara siyar skyfall smuggler sorashana sorrowdusk sorrows sound springs starilaskur starpeak sterngate stone stonespur stormhome stormhorn stormreach storms straits sun sunscale sword swoz sylbaran syrkarn t taer tal talaear talenta tamor tanar tangleroot tansend tantamar tapestry tarandro tariston tarn tashalatora tashana teeth tellyn tempest teryk thakakhad thakashtai thaliost tharkgun thatari the thinharath thousand thrane three threnal thronehold thunder thunderwall thurimbar til titan tol tooth tor torch torvhak totens tower traelyn trag traglorn trebaz trolanport tronish tundra turakbar twilight type tzanthus ul underdark v valaestas vale valenar valiant valiron valley valshar varna vast vathirond vedykar venomous verge vigilant vom vralkek vulyar vurgenslye w ward warden wastes water whisper white windshire wolf woodhelm wroat wrogar wyr wyrmwatch wyvernskull x xandrar xen xephanan xirek y yrlag z zantashk zarash zi zilargo zilspar znir zolanberg zombie
0 notes
Draal coming back in the salvageable heartstone au x Reader (sorry for the lack of detail in the last ask)
It was funny. Draal sacrificed himself for Jim. It was as simple as that. He was gone. Just another sacrifice in this endless war against the Gum Gums. Except... you didn't believe that. You were the only one who refused to accept he was gone.
When everyone had given up hope of him coming back you went to Merlin's tomb. That stupid cave where it happened. All because of Angor and you walked in unafraid. You walked through the challenges before sliding into the cavern full of blue crystals. The crystal cave was destroyed as releasing the staff had made it all fall apart but following the sound of the rushing river where Draal fell you were able to climb down one of the tilted crystals to the ground. Draal was turned to rock with Creepers Sun. He wasn't dead. At least if he hadn't shattered on impact when he hit the water he wouldn't be dead...
You shivered pulling your jacket closer as the howling wind in the cave whipped your hair in every direction, nearly pushing you over into the cold water. Looking around you investigate and note that the wind could've been another factor. Solid rock hitting the water would crack and sink but the wind probably helped cushion Draal's heavy fall.
Glancing around you try to find a clue to see where Draal hit. A dent in a crystal... some rock dust, his metal arm. Anything. Anything would've helped. Unable to find clues in the dim light you turn on your flashlight and begin to look more closely at the water and all the crystals surrounding you. You see something gleam from under the surface of the water and getting closer you gasp.
Jumping without hesitation you dive into the frigid river. You immediately feel soaked to the bone and freezing cold but you don't care. You kick sinking further into the darkness and looking for that shine you saw, your hands touch the river bed. Brushing your fingers against the sand you feel a crystal. Holding the object tightly you identify it as a necklace. Hope welled into your chest at feeling Draal's courting crystal.
Feeling around the necklace not caring about your burning lungs you grab a cold stony hand and moving up feeling around you grab Draal's shoulder. Digging your hands under him you push his heavy body up. Running out of air you grab his hand before clinging to the side of the river and slowly forcing yourself up. Several minutes later on the verge of passing out your hand feels air.
Breaching the surface you gasp shaking and choke on water as you try and take in the oxygen you so desperately need.
Holding his hand tighter as you breath in you being to cry. It's alright... it's okay... you had him. It was okay... Draal was safe you had him. Pulling yourself onto land you let yourself rest for a minute chest and arms sore before slowly lifting him up. It was him. It was Draal! He was alive. Hugging his stone cold statue form you begin to cry. He was okay! His metal arm was missing and he was a bit cracked in some places but he could be fixed! You had the cure you just had to get him home.
It was okay. You found him. He was okay. Kissing him crying you smile. You would be okay. And so would he.
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An Interesting Quarry
I've watched Trollhunters twice and I am complete Angor Rot trash. (Also Draal)
So much so that I've decided to indulge others with an ' X reader' thing involving him.
This is set entirely off a random thought that popped into my head few hours ago.
'Does he only ever use his mark on Trollhunters, or does it apply to anyone that might interest him?'
it's a really weird, stupid thought, but I have a plot bunny and I need to let it loose. Bare with me.  Troll!reader by the way
EDIT: I now have a follow up for this. It's called ' Always Mine ' feel free to check it out, and if you want, I will take request for writing.
You had no idea what was so important about this weird ring that your father gave you before he disappeared off the face of the earth. And you weren't really curious enough to research it either. Still you kept it on you, simply because it was your father's.
However, when ever you would venture out from your home, and into the human world, you would get the inexplicable feeling of being watched. Well more than watched, it almost felt like someone was hunting you.
It was most definitely unnerving to say the least.
This continued for about a month before you decided to bait whoever was watching you, if it was possible. Finding a nice clearing with a clear view of the sky and a cliff, you made yourself comfortable.
With your back securely against the cliff face, you waited. As you waited, you carefully scanned the area, gazing up into the night when you felt it reasonably safe to do so. And looking back from one such break, you finally saw your stalker.
You couldn't help but to notice that he was tall as he lingered by a tree, his burning eyes locked onto the accessory you twiddled between your fingers, before they rose to meet your cool (E/c) stare. You both took the time to size one another up.
While you were no highly trained warrior, you could tell he was dangerous even from this distance. There was a sort of poised tension in his stance, and you had no doubt that he could wield the staff in his hand quite well. Not to mention, execute what ever other tricks he had up his metaphorical sleeves with tactical flair.
You tried to find more giveaways about his skill, but were unable to glean anything more from this distance. It would also be a folly to try and move to study him closer. He'd just lead you right into a trap, you felt.
Finding nothing else to do except study his looks, which you weren't quite so intent on, you decided to break the silence with the second thing you had noticed about the dangerous stranger.
"You have very pretty eyes." you called out to him, leaning back on the cliff as you rolled the trinket over your stony fingers, taking comfort in the soft clinks it made with the motions.
He blinked once. Twice.
Oh, you had surprised him. At least you thought you did. It was hard to tell.
As the silence began to ring once more, you spoke again.
"Is this your ring? Did the old man cheat it off ya somehow?" You inquired, thinking to all the times another troll came into your home to pick fights with him for the very same reason.
He started at your first query.
"Yes, that ring belongs to me." He spoke in a wonderfully gravelly voice.
No. Don't go down that line of thinking.
"Would you like it back?" You asked once more, arching a brow as you held up the item in questioned between your thumb and forefinger.
"Yes. Bring it here." He demanded.
You scoffed. 'Why don't you come get it? You're already standing anyway."
He regarded you for a moment with narrowed eyes, before you heard him sigh gruffly and begin to move.
As soon as he stepped into the moonlight, you realized that you had screwed up in such a monumental way. For it was Angor Rot who was making his way towards you.
As he walked, the moonlight made certain things catch your eye. The gems flashing just beneath his rocky skin, the bands of gold wrapped around his rather geometric horns, the gold rings piecing his chin. The way his pale stone-flesh seemed to glow in this light...
Stop that!
He came to a stop in front of you, and you knew your face was a blank look of shock from the smirk on his face. He held out his hand.
"The Inferna Copula, if you will." He rumbled.
You peered up at him, looking unimpressed despite everything.
"How do I know you won't just kill me when you have what you want?" You huffed.
'(Y/N) stop it. you are toeing a very dangerous line' You reminded yourself.
He seemed amused however. "You don't."
"Gee that's reassuring." You drawled with a roll of your eyes.
"I could always kill you and take it anyway." He reminded sweetly, still patiently holding out his hand.
When he puts it like that...
Refuse to give him the rin- the Inferna Copula - and be killed for your cowardice, or take a dive and give him the trinket, with a chance to get away unscathed.
In the end it wasn't that difficult of a choice, and you held out your hand over his, and dropped the ring into his palm.
He grinned wickedly as he took it in his other hand and put it on his finger. He then turned back to you and patted your head.
"That's a good troll." He purred.
You swatted his hand away and growled lowly. "Don't touch me."
He chuckled and turned on his heel, while you hurriedly got up and began to scamper off.
You stopped. Something felt wrong. You felt your sides and whirled around back to the assassin. As if sensing your incensed stare, he held up the pouch you kept your knick-knacks in. He then turned to grin at you and disappear behind the tree you first saw him standing under.
"Hey!" You called, running after him, somewhat blinded in possessive anger.
You followed him as he danced and vanished in the forested area, distantly aware that you were falling for the same trick you avoided at the beginning of the interaction.
You burst into another clearing, and saw him standing under the shade of a tree. And saw the stasis trap just a bit too late. You tried to backtrack before it took effect, but, you know what they say. Too little, too late.
You were frozen in a backwards leaning position, your face frozen in surprise and remnants of anger. Angor Rot chuckled as he approached the beans, clearly amused by you predicament.
He looked to the ring on his finger then back to you before he began to speak.
"Since I'm my own master now, I do believe I can engage in a bit of sport." He chuckled, staring pointedly at you.
If you could've, you would have widened your (E/C) eyes in fear as you got a tingling sensation tracing along the right side of your face.
Oh crap. This is bad. This is very, very bad.
The sensation stopped, and the magician smirked.
"See you soon, little troll." He hummed as he dislodged one of the stones and disappeared though a portal. Then you fell onto your back, staring hopelessly at the stars.
Well this was a fine mess you've gotten yourself into. You turned your head and blinked. At least he was nice enough to leave your knick-knacks behind.
For a widely feared assassin and Trollhunter killer, he was very considerate.
To say you didn't leave your home for a long time was an understatement. You called in favors and began training with a few other warriors in your local cavern. It wouldn't do much, but at least it was something.
Eventually, you began one of the better fighters in the area, and only then did you feel sure enough to leave on what had been your nightly excursions.
Stepping out into the world and taking all of three steps before you heard a gravelly voice say. "And here I was beginning to think you had went and died in the safety of your home like a weak hearted coward."
Thanks to your new reflexes, you had a dagger in your hand and threw at the other troll in under three seconds.
But being he was who he was, he merely caught the projectile between his fingers. He looked up from his ring and at your dagger, slightly raising his brows.
 "It got closer than I thought it would. I'll give you that. Just like I'll give you a ten second head start."
Spending a second to hit his shadow staff with another dagger, sending it a ways off, you dashed to the southeast, using you considerable speed to cover close to 50 yards before sharply veering North, using any slightly precarious thing to try and make obstacles.
You came to a larger river after 9 seconds, and without hesitation, dove into the dark water, swimming with the current to send you further downstream.
Seeing a shadow above water, you clung to a boulder in pacing. Two orbs of yellow stared down at you and a pale hand breach the surface, fishing you out.
"Really? is that the best you can do?"
You glared.
OK. You knew how to get out of this. hand on his shoulder, grab the other wrist, foot on the hip. You jumped, breaking his hold on you, while simultaneously (hopefully) causing pain and snitching his Shadow staff from him.
You landed on the other side of the river and took off again, Angor Rot's staff in hand.
Your eyes frantically analyzed the surrounding area. That wouldn't work. That's too predictable. He could get in the trees too. Come on, come on, come on was there anyth -!
Your eyes zeroed in on the hole in the ground, just large enough for you to squeeze though. You dove for it, just as you heard the sounds of another pair of feet. On your way in, you made sure to all but collapse the entrance. You didn't glance back as you tunneled deeper, taking a right fork, coming out covered in dirt, and once again breaking into a sprint.
Only to be stopped short by the steep side of a cliff. You groaned and turned around anyway, waiting a few moments for the assassin to reveal himself.
"That was an impressive chase, little troll. Short but eventful." He commented.
Before you could stop yourself you snapped. "Stop calling me little troll. I am (Y/N)."
He stared at you, his face unreadable before he began to smirk, amused by you for some reason. You merely glared at him in return. You glanced up to the stars above and the cliff over your heads.
If you were going to fall tonight, you wanted to just be a little closer to the stars. You eyed the staff in your hands. No that wouldn't work.
You looked back to the assassin, only to find him much closer, and oh this is gonna hurt.
His fist hit your abdomen and you were sent tumbling.
You recovered quickly and sprinted along the side of the cliff, climbing as soon as you had cover.
He paused just under you, looking around, as if aware that you weren't on solid ground any more. He probably did but still.
You carefully grabbed a loose stone and threw it someway away to lead him astray. Against all odds he followed the disturbance, and you continued your climb.
Once you got to the edge to heave yourself up, you were vaguely aware of a lending hand. Grateful for the climb to be over, you foolishly took it and let them help you up so you were on you knees.
You looked up to thank the helper, only for your face to freeze as you locked eyes with Angor Rot.
Really should have seen that one coming.
He flipped you over his shoulder with ease, knocking the wind out of you.
Okay you actually saw that coming.
So as he loomed over you with his staff, looking ridiculously pleased with himself, you huffed.
"Look, if you're going to kill me, at least let me look at the stars while you do."
His expression shifted some to stare curiously at you, seeming to assess a strange creature before him.
"And end the hunt so soon?" He asked gruffly, moving from your line of vision.
You sat up to follow him with your narrowed yes. 'What do you mean 'end the hunt so soon?' The hunt's already over!" You hissed.
He feigned a look of surprise. "That? No, no. That is merely the promising beginning of a game of cat and mouse."
You stared at him with wide eyes. "Angor Rot?"
"You are absolutely insane." You huffed and fell back to look at the stars once more.
You heard him chuckle and move, before you were aware of someone quite close to you.
You turned you head and lo and behold, there was Angor Rot, stargazing with you.
That was an insane idea in on itself. Still, the company was nice. even if said company was a soulless assassin who hunted Trollhunters.
The man of the hour turned his head, peeking over the rim of his horn to look at intriguing troll beside him.
Such an interesting quarry.
How long would it be before the hunter caught the hunted completely unaware?
How long until he grew bored? Maybe he wouldn't. That seemed unlikely at any rate, they were... refreshing.
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sorceress-coffee · 2 years
RoA Ch 36 Grand Theft Otto
Ao3 Link
RoA Disclaimer: The Trollhunter universe and characters don't belong to me. River, Eri, Eemeli, Ms. Kamaria/Sylvina, Garridan, Ganieda, and the Eclipse Guard are my own characters (List is subject to change as the story progresses). The lore is a mix of old Arthurian legends, ToA cannon lore, and my own that I've developed for RoA.
If anyone is interested, I have a playlist on Spotify called 'River of Arcadia Phase 3' if you would like to listen to it. 'Atlas Falls' by Shinedown is a recent addition and seems to fit RoA very well. There are playlists for River, Phase 1 and Phase 2 as well. River's playlist hasn't been updated since I began separating it into phases.
                                                                                A stakeout the night after we almost drowned was not how I was planning on resting up. Blinky and Claire were sitting up front with binoculars, watching the street as we tried to lay low in the car. I don’t even want to know where Blinky found it.
To my right Toby was munching on as many gooey and sticky snacks as he could now that his braces were off as of this morning. NotEnrique took a spot on my lap as he was bickering with Blinky, wanting to see exactly what kind of changeling we were up against. Draal took the spot on my left, mostly there to make sure I didn’t fall asleep, recovering slower from being a magical battery than Claire was. Whatever happened when our magic melded seemed to give her an extra boost once she slept off the initial exhaustion.
“Do we even know who we’re looking for?” Claire’s question snapped my attention back to the stakeout.
Blinky was watching a police officer pick up litter before walking off. “It appears Strickler corresponded with a German named Otto Scaarbach.”
NotEnrique snickered, pulling himself up from my lap to the back of Blinky’s seat, “That’s his name? Might as well call him ‘Mr. Evil Man.’”
I rolled my eyes, leaning my head back against the headrest, “I know we’re trying to find the cure, but Strickler’s old associate is probably the last Changeling to hand it over.”
“How do you even know he’s going to be here?” NotEnrique asked, laughing as Blinky used ‘interneted’ instead of emailed.
“Silence, you impudent runt.” Blinky huffed, watching the streets as he explained. “I interneted him as Strickler, asking to meet.”
“Again, didn’t he abandon Strickler?” I asked, trying to point out the obvious issues with this plan.
“She has a point, Galadrigal,” Draal huffed, feeling like we were wasting our time with Otto. “The reason Strickler had to come to us for help was because the Janus Order kicked him out. You think one of them will show up to meet him now?”
Blinky pouted, “With Angor gone, Strickler’s presence itself is no longer a threat to whoever he’s around, with that, his contact may believe it worth trying to meet with Strickler. But, when he discovers he’s been stood up, he’ll lead us back to the Janus Order.”
“Couldn’t we have asked Eemeli for directions?” I sighed, unsure why we couldn’t have an easy win for once.
“Sorry, moonlight,” Notenrique chuckled, sitting back down, “Not every Changeling working for the Janus order has ties to every hideout, besides, neither of us were here long enough to be invited before switching sides.”
“If anyone’s hungry, I’ve got peanut brittle, popcorn, marshmallow goop, and 16 flavors of bubble gum,” Toby interrupted, partially trying to cut the tension, mostly just distracted with no longer having braces.
Claire rolled her eyes, looking into the backseat, “We get it Tobes, you just got your braces off.”
“Oh,” Toby chuckled, patting his cheeks, “Did you notice?”
“Keep goofing off and you’re going to need them again,” I huffed, trying to keep his snacks from overflowing the entire backseat.
Claire and Blinky spotted a very suspicious man heading for the streetlight.
Peering past Draal, I rolled my eyes, “Trench coat and fedora, so not suspicious,” I snarked, grabbing Midnight’s collapsed form.
“Slip out quietly,” Blinky instructed, keeping 2 of his 6 eyes on ‘Mr. Evil Man.’ “One false move and we might spook him.”
“Right! Follow him back to the Janus Order. Piece of cake, let’s go!” Toby grinned, throwing his door open and immediately falling out, slipping on all the bubblegum he had pulled out.
Wincing, I turned to see Otto flinch at the noise, trying to locate the cause of it.
Calire shushed Toby as he fell again, letting out a loud yelp, effectively scaring off Mr. Evil Man. “We can’t lose him. You drive, Blink. River, Toby and I will follow on foot.”
“One magic enhanced Changeling chase, here we come,” I huffed, flashing out of the car to avoid Toby’s gumballs everywhere, “Draal, make sure he doesn’t kill anyone with his driving.”
Draal laughed, jumping into the passenger seat as Claire got out, Blinky speeding off before he could respond.
We quickly began following Otto trying to keep a quiet distance, only being ruined by the candy dropping from Toby’s bag. As Blinky drove past him, Otto disappeared, “Can changelings teleport?” I asked, looking around quickly, snarling as I spotted the trench coat heading into a street blocked off for construction. “This way.” I took off sprinting, it seemed Mr. Evil Man knew someone was following him, might as well give him something to try running from.
I could hear Claire telling Blinky we had a new plan, one captured Changeling coming right up. Teleporting in front of Otto, my right eye glowing blue as the markings from my troll form glowed orange with magic, “Not exactly blending in there, are you?” I asked, his eyes going wide at the sight of daylight, he turned down another street, prolonging the chase.
Toby came flying by using his warhammer as a clever mode of transportation. And he ran into a truck. Wincing I saw the warhammer slam into his face. I really hope he knows my taunt about needing braces again was a joke.
Claire paused, letting the other’s know Toby was down. I kept running for Otto, if we were going to have a chance at saving Jim, this was it. Blink boxed the alley in as we approached, slowing down in case Otto tried anything.
I could feel energy near us shift and the sound of spray paint. I grabbed Claire’s shoulder before she could ambush anyone innocent. Walking around the dumpster myself, I eyed how the kid was using the spray paint, noticing how thin the paint looked. “If you actually knew how to use that, you’d know to shake the can first.” I glared down, still on high alert as the teen turned to face me. Shock written on his face before he pushed past me, running into the street.
“Where’s Mr. Evil Man?” Claire asked, watching the kid run.
I kneeled down, picking up the paint can, recognizing it immediately. “If I had to guess, that was him.” This paint was only sold by Ms. Kamaria, and I was the only one who purchased it.
“What do you mean? That wasn’t the guy we were chasing,” Claire looked down, trying to figure out why I was so fixated on the paint can. “River, what’s wrong?”
Draal came running over from the car, worried when he saw I wasn’t making a move to get up. “Why did you bring your paint?” He asked, recognizing the can as well.
I turned the can upside down, snarling as I looked over the bottom, my initials were marked, plain as day, something I did with all my paints in case I misplaced them, a habit I was terrible with growing up. Over the initials someone drew a sun. “The bastard either broke into the house or school to get this.”
“Wait, you thought that was Otto and you let him go?” Claire asked, “This was our one shot!”
I shoved the can against her chest, as Toby and Blinky finally caught up, “This means he knew we were the ones that messaged him, and he still came.”
“Maybe the information James and Eemeli are leaking is working?” Blinky asked, trying to dispel the tension.
“He is gauging how desperate we are for the antidote,” Draal snarled, not liking that Otto was either in my paint supplies at school, or worse, in my room at our home.
“River,” Toby winced, holding his face, “I think I broke my jaw.”
I winced, hovering my hand over the side of his face and pulling back feeling the extent of the damage, “Sorry Tobes, I don’t think you’ll want malformed bones. It’ll be best if you get that looked at by a professional.”
Claire handed the paint back to me, sighing. “We should head out, it’s not like we’ll be able to find him again anytime soon.”
With that, we all split up. Blinky took Claire home before returning the car to wherever he stole it from. Draal and I walked Toby home, making sure he got some ice on his face before heading out.
As we approached the front door, I snarled, feeling on edge knowing Otto could have broken in.
Uncle James opened the door, confused on why Draal and I were just standing on the porch. “I’m guessing the stakeout didn’t go as planned?”
I handed him the paint as Draal and I walked in, flopping down on the couch.
Sighing Draal ruffled my hair before explaining the can to Uncle James. “With all of us being at the learning dungeon or Trollmarket, it wouldn’t have been hard for him to break in.”
“I haven’t smelled anything off, even in his human form he’d give off a strange scent.” Uncle James explained, trying to help calm my anxiety.
Could something cover that though? My eyes widened as I jumped to my feet, running up the stairs and straight for my room. As soon as I opened the door, the stench of fresh paint filtered into the hall. Shuddering, I realized the yellow paint Otto had used tonight was covering the walls of my room. He had literally left a mark, letting us know he was here.
Suns were painted everywhere. It seems Changeling’s were loyal to more than Gunmar.
“Bushigal!” Draal snarled, running in after me, he covered his nose as he took in the paint covering my room.
Uncle James winced, peering into the doorway, “That would explain not being able to smell him,” Walking in, he glared at the larger of the suns painted. “He really had to drive it in, didn’t he?”
“Why would he do this?” Draal asked, not connecting the dots as fast.
“Morgana,” I seethed, letting my claws out and slashing through one of the suns, feeling irritated and violated at having anything to do with her in my room. It was bad enough I had the painting, now stuffed in the back of my closet, that Ms. Kamaria said I needed to make.
“The Janus Order works for her, I thought they were agents of Gunmar?” Draal asked, pulling me from the walls before I could do any more damage.
“To be an agent of Gunmar is to be an agent of the Eldritch Queen, which is why Garridan and I worry about finding the order in Arcadia.”
“Great, so here or the Darklands, I’m a liability,” Growling, I stalked out of the room, not wanting to see the damned suns any more.
Draal frowned, following close, “Are they hunting her?” He asked James, worried about being stuck in his fleshy form, unable to protect me at the moment.
Uncle James shook his head as we settled in the living room again. “My reports state that it is unlikely, at this point, I think it’s more of a calling card. They’re telling us they have what we want.”
“Think they’re willing to negotiate?” I asked, rubbing my temples. I knew Otto showing up to meet with Strickler was too easy.
“I think you’ll have to be part of the negotiation. They know we have the bridge, they know you’re capable of opening it, to some extent. If they want Gunmar released, us opening the bridge to save my son is their best bet. However, targeting you for the negotiation means you may have or can get something they need.” Uncle James explained, showing us reports from his spies stating that, other than Eemeli, there aren’t Witch Hunters assigned anywhere near Arcadia.
“Other than myself, what could they want?” I asked, irritated that we had more questions than answers it seemed.
“A sample of your blood, possibly a stone made of your magic. Honestly, with the information I’ve been given, it could be anything.” He sighed, looking over at Draal and I. “Why don’t you two get some rest, Draal and I can fix your room while you’re at school tomorrow. I’ll keep watch over the house tonight.”
I went to argue but Draal’s hand on my shoulder cut me off, “You’re still exhausted from stealing Killahead Bridge, and after tonight you’ve overdone it,” Even in his fleshy form he could tell I pushed well past my limits tonight. “Besides,” He was cut off by a yawn, also exhausted from our last few adventures, “until I turn back to normal, I’m stuck needing sleep.”
I nodded, heading down to the basement without argument. I flopped face down on the nest, wanting nothing more than to bash Otto’s skull in at the moment.
“You’re angry,” Draal got into the nest with me, nuzzling the side of my face. “And you’re plotting murder or dismemberment.” He chuckled, running his fleshy hand through my hair, taking the braid out so he could play with it, something he realized helped to calm me down.
“Is it showing?” I grumbled, flexing my fingers. I couldn’t feel Eclipse running along my skin, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t leaking out.
“Not literally,” Draal nudged my shoulder, gently pushing me until I let him roll me onto my side. “But you are pouting.”
I puffed out my cheeks, glad I had control on the  Eclipse magic since my revelation with NotEnrique, still mad at the damned Changeling that vandalized my room. “I want to bash his skull in,” I admitted, not liking that the Eldritch Queen was basically plastered all over my room.
“Murder it is,” He chuckled, pulling one of the blankets up, “Now, I’m happy to help, but I don’t think killing our only contact that is seeking us out would be wise.”
My brow knit together, eyeing Draal, “Who are you and what have you done with my mate?” I asked, teasing him.
Barking out a laugh, Draal tugged me close, making sure I had room to move, “I’m filling in for Vendel until her Highness-lady gets kicked out of Trollmarket.” He snickered, knowing we couldn’t go to Vendel due to the Tribunal’s edict.
I groaned, hiding my face against his chest, nuzzling my head up under his chin. “Remind me to bash her head in with that stupid crown she wears, maybe I can use it on Mr. Evil Man too.” I snickered, yawning as Draal and I curled up.
“Will do, but for now, I think you’ll have to settle for dismembering them in your sleep, love.” Draal chuckled, kissing the top of my head. Between our conversation about kisses and him being turned human twice, he’s been increasingly fond of the gesture.
I drifted off before I could respond. Once again, my dreams lead me to a shadowy castle. The corridor I was in looked like the one from my memory of Douxie finding me for my nap. I wandered the halls aimlessly, surprised at how detailed the dream was. A presence made itself known behind me, softly tapping the middle of my back. I turned quickly, having to look down to see a green fae-like creature with antlers.
She giggled softly, waving me to follow her. Odd, I don’t think I’ve dreamt about her before. Deciding to follow, we headed in the opposite direction that I was wandering. She couldn’t be a memory, magical beings weren’t able to freely roam camelot’s halls.
“You’re out of place,” The creature spoke sweetly, looking back with a smile on her face.
Confused, I frowned, “This isn’t a memory?”
“Shadow realm, strange for moonlight to dream here,” She spoke, again, gesturing to the dark halls. Now that she mentioned it, when I last dreamt of the castle it was also dark.
“That doesn’t sound good,” I went to pull the strings of my hoodie, a nervous habit, instead my hand met metal. Looking down, I could see a dark dress, similar to the one in the locket portrait of my family, a metal chestplate the only difference. “That’s new.”
“Memories are shifting,” The creature turned, touching the chestplate, suddenly the metal darkened, the dress I had been wearing was replaced with a shorter red robe, a hood falling over my head. “My memory.” Was all she stated, turning back around and leading me out of the castle.
I stopped short, seeing that we were in fact, in the shadow realm. “I can’t.”
Turning back the creature took my hand, smiling softly. “Taking to memories.” She explained. As soon as her hand touched mine, a comforting warmth spread through my chest.
“My memories, but,” I winced, remembering Angor Rot taunting me about a broken mind, and then when mom pulled up the memory of her death, saying it was messed with. “What if they’re wrong again?”
She smiled, pulling me off the castle grounds and flying off into the Shadow Realm, “Not wrong, taken. Changed.” We flew over memories of battles, forests, Troll villages, and caverns lined with precious gems. “Hidden here, by Morgana.”
I flinched at the name, feeling dread overtake my senses. “No!” I yelled, pulling from the creature, “I’m not letting her mess with my head ever again!”
The creature quickly came to my side, making sure I didn’t drift too far from her so I wouldn’t be lost in the shadow realm. “You are little light,” She spoke softly, using the name Merlin had called me, “She will not hurt you. I won’t allow it, I promise.” Determination filled her eyes, reaching her hand out for me once again, letting me choose.
Slowly, I reached out, settling my hand in her’s. I couldn’t understand why, but I knew if this creature made a promise, it was binding. “Okay, I trust you.”
Smiling softly, we floated down to an island cast in shadows. The only thing of note was the large cave we were heading towards.
“Why would she hide my memories in a cave?” I asked, surprised they wouldn’t be hidden in the castle.
The creature tilted her head in thought, “Primordial magics rest here as they do in your home. This was only place powerful enough to hold your memories at time.” She explained, hand ghosting over the cave wall, causing thousands of illuminating flowers to bloom within, casting green and pink lights over the shadows. “Only place strong enough to hold her.” She pointed up ahead.
My grip on her hand tightened as I saw a woman fully covered in gold armor trapped inside some sort of crystal. “That’s really her? That’s Aunt Gana?” I winced as gold flooded the cave, worried I had somehow released the one being I was truly terrified of. Instead, a golden figure matching the woman in my memories of Aunt Gana appeared, no armor or malice in sight.
Smiling softly, she dispelled the shadows surrounding us. “I had hoped you would reach this place one day, little light.” She spoke, all the harshness and vile I was expecting was nowhere to be found.
A thought struck me then, “You didn’t call me ‘Sunshine.’” I confronted the spirit vessel, confused on why there seemed to be two completely different versions of the Eldritch Queen in front of me.
Morgana’s spirit let out a sigh, turning back to look at her trapped form. “We are the same, though our imprints are from different times. The being you know as the Eldritch Queen was corrupted over time,” She looked to the creature guiding me, nodding to her. “Magic as ancient as the beginning, influenced and corrupted the body you see trapped. I believe your teacher warned you, perfection is not for everyone, it could hold some back,” she waved to the creature, “and destroy others.” She motioned to her armored from once again.
Dread filled me, if this version of Morgana could see me, then so could the one behind her. “You’re able to spy on us?”
She shook her head, pulling out a pale blue orb, it looked like condensed daylight. “I only know what Merlin has offered to tell.”
“Why would he tell you anything? You’re the reason his sister is dead, you separated our family. Hell, you’re the reason I’m in this time!” I snarled, the orange of my spirit-form being overtaken by Eclipse’s red.
Instead of answering, Morgana simply shook her head, “It’s not the time, nor my place to answer those questions.” She reached into the armored body, pulling out an orb of pale blue magic. “This is why you are here. I’ve been guarding these for over nine centuries.”
“Why guard something you stole?” I was so confused. Why would Morgana help me at all? If she took them, why would she give them back?
“I protected them, little light. She stole them,” She sighed, referring to her trapped form. Turning and holding the orb out to the creature guiding me. “They will return slowly so as to not overwhelm your mind, however,” She pulled a small droplet of magic from the orb, handing it directly to me. “This is the one you’re worried about the most. Ganieda’s final fight with the Eldritch Queen. When you feel you are ready, break the crystal. Until then, keep it close, little light.” I carefully took the raindrop of magic, watching it solidify in my grasp. With a final smile, Morgana, no Aunt Gana, began to fade. “I hope to meet you again, under friendly circumstances.”
I shot up in the nest, breathing hard and covered in sweat. What kind of nightmare was that?
Draal instantly woke up, sitting up slowly so he wouldn’t startle me. “Love, what happened? Are you alright?”
“I don’t know,” I winced, hands clenched so tight that my fingers were digging into the flesh of my palms. “A nightmare I think.”
Frowning, Draal took my hands. Slowly he rubbed the right one until it loosened up then began working on the left. As he loosened my left hand, a glowing raindrop fell, landing between us on the blanket.
“Were you in the mana pools?” He asked, carefully picking up the raindrop, just in case it was rigged to explode.
“Oh, no,” I flinched back, realizing exactly what it was. “Don’t break it, I,” I fumbled, trying to wrap my head around what happened. “Dreaming in the shadow realm, little green antlers, memories!” I yelped, trying to keep myself from panicking. I had come face to face with Morgana, the one from my earliest memories.
Draal’s hand froze, careful not to apply too much pressure to the crystal. “Love, you’re not making sense. What do you mean? Were you in the shadow realm?”
I nodded, carefully holding my hand out for the crystal, Draal carefully placing it in my palm. “I don’t know how. I thought I was dreaming of memories, then this little green fae-creature came up, she was so tiny!” I tried reeling my thoughts in, “She told me I was in the shadow realm, should have been obvious with how dark everything was,” I shook my head, trying to think straight. “She took me to where Morgana sealed my memories.”
Draal snarled, pulling me close. Any mention of the Eldritch Queen set him off. It seemed every time we tried to distance ourselves from her, she had a way of crashing back to the forefront of our worries. “It led you astray? How did you come back?”
Shaking my head quickly, I looked down at the crystal in my palm. “She didn’t. We, well, I saw Morgana, two of her actually. The one we’re terrified of, and the one I grew up with.” Holding up the crystal to him again, I frowned, unsure what to do with it at the moment. “The creepy one is sealed in some sort of prison, but the one I knew, she was protecting my memories from being destroyed.” Sighing, I really hated how complicated everything seemed to be getting. Between Merlin’s prophecies and Morgana in general, I didn’t know who was making it worse at the moment. “Something happened to her, she’s split. When she and the creature gave me my memories, she pulled this one out. It’s about mom’s final battle.”
Draal nuzzled the top of my head, having patiently waited for me to figure my words out before responding. “Have you seen it yet?”
“No,” I sighed, curling up against him. “She said the memories would return slowly so they wouldn’t overwhelm me, but she gave me the choice on this one. All I have to do is break the crystal when I’m ready.” I paused, carefully setting the crystal inside the family locket, wanting to keep it close. “What if I’m never ready?”
“One day, you will be.” Draal assured me, wincing as light filtered in the tiny basement windows. While he was human we kept the covers opened slightly to judge the time of day better. “For now, it is probably best to get ready for the learning dungeon. Your uncle and I will take care of the mess upstairs. Take this time to relax, you have most of the day to not worry about magic and monsters.” He chuckled, helping me out of the nest.
Smiling, I kissed his cheek. “Thank you, love.” Flashing up to the second story bathroom, I focused on the clothes I wanted from my room and got to work on cleaning up for the day. Once washed and dressed, I pulled my hair back into a high ponytail and teleported downstairs just in time to see Uncle James and Draal head up stairs.
Grabbing my backpack, I chuckled seeing Eemeli and Claire arguing in his car, slipping into the backseat, I looked over at Toby’s house, “Are we waiting on Tobes?”
Eemeli snickered, taking off before answering, “Nope, Nana said he was at the dentist. One day without braces and he manages to break his jaw.”
“I’m surprised Draal isn’t coming along,” Claire glanced back, having gotten used to our temporarily fleshy Draal accompanying us to school. “Is everything okay?”
“Other than finding out where Mr. Evil Man got the paint from? Yeah, we’re fine. Draal and Uncle James are fixing my room.”
“Wait, you actually ran into Otto?” Eemeli yelped, looking at me through the rearview mirror.
“Told you so,” Claire stuck her tongue out at Eemeli. I’m guessing that’s what they were arguing about. “Wait, what happened to your room? He broke into your house?”
“Yup,” I snarled, sitting back and trying to keep my composure. “After talking to Uncle James last night, I realized the only thing in the house that could cover his scent was probably paint fumes. When I got up into my room, it was covered in spray paint suns. The walls, ceiling, hell he even covered my bed in the fucking things!” So much for composure.
Eemeli stiffened, “That’s not good, they’re calling you out specifically, why waste their time though? You could literally turn them to stone if they tried to even touch you. I don’t think they have the facilities to hold you hostage. Not to mention you’re unlikely to hand over anything to them.”
“That’s just it though,” Claire sighed, realizing last night was a total setup for us and not the other way around. “River would do anything to get Jim back, except go into the Darklands herself. If they want something highly specific from her, and they know we’re desperate, they may think she’ll hand over whatever they’re after.”
“Not completely wrong, though at this point, I’m starting to question if I’m any more dangerous in the Darklands than I am out here. If I have to help power the bridge and if Gunmar does manage to escape, what’s to stop him from using his soul sucking sword on me right there?” I huffed, having been worried about the thought since Jim and I managed to open the bridge together.
“Like Draal will give him the chance,” Eemeli snorted, parking at school. “Come on, let's go play human teenagers for a few hours. Who knows, maybe seeing Steve’s bruised face will cheer you up.”
I groaned, “I can’t believe Draal suckerpunched him after Toby said he wasn’t worth it.”
Clarie giggled, “You’ve got to admit, you’ve got one protective hubby.”
“I thought we were still using fiancé,” I laughed, shaking my head at her antics.
“Is there really a difference for trolls?” She asked, genuinely curious.
I paused at our lockers, “I have no idea, from what Draal explained there’s not-courting, courting, challenging, and mates.”
“See, you’re basically married.” She teased, grabbing her books.
We split off to our classes after that. Art was pretty uneventful. After Eri crashed the first show, we were working on individual pieces for a makeup show. I was planning on using the painting I had done of Ganieda in the mana pools for that, instead I pulled out a new canvas and began working on a dark background, mimicking the cave from last night’s dream. Something itching in the back of my mind.
Instead of Morgana, I began outlining three different creatures. The first was the little green fae-like creature that had guided me through the shadow realm, surrounding her in flowers, her body giving off a pink and green glow. By the time the bell rang for the next class, I only had some basic shapes down for the other two figures, still unsure about them.
Eemli and I walked out to the lockers to see that Toby had finally made it to school. The students around us apparently had a lot to say about whatever the dentist had to do for his broken jaw.
“Hey, Tobes,” I opened my locker, glaring at a yellow spray painted sun. Stuffing my mother’s grimoire in my backpack, I slammed the door shut. “How’d your appointment go?”
“You can hardly notice it,” Claire winced, having her first period with Toby.
Toby pulled back from his locker, closing it roughly before turning to face us. His entire face was encased in metal bars connected to his face. I’m really wishing I was comfortable healing bones now. “I look like somebody tried to build a cyborg, then gave up.
I grasped Toby’s shoulder, wincing at all the nuts and bolts carefully holding the headgear in place. “I can talk with Vendel later and see if there’s a magic option, that way you can get that off faster.”
Sighing, Toby nodded, picking up his bag. “I’m just going to head to class, this day can’t get any worse.” He walked off, even more dejected as the teens around him pulled away at the sight of his face.
“Seriously? It’s just medical equipment, Eli didn’t even faint at the sight of my eye the first time I came to school without the bandages.” I huffed, heading with Claire to our next classes.
Claire shrugged, “Human teenagers, not exactly the most logical people on Earth.” She snickered, heading into her class.
Growling softly, I headed to my science class with Eli, slamming my books on the desk we shared.
“Everything okay?” He asked, ignoring Steve as he shoved past us to his desk.
I nodded, plopping down into my seat, “Having trouble understanding the way teens think.”
Eli chuckled, keeping quiet as the class began, “You say that like you aren’t one.”
I shot him a pointed look before glancing down at the little notes he kept making about me. Alien was the forerunner, not surprising with Eli’s obsession with science and space. “Let’s just say that isn’t the right track.”
Eli grinned, crossing out his alien notes, now making small notes on different cryptids and creatures. Witches, werewolves, and vampires were now tied, I wonder if there are werewolves and vampires, might ask Draal about that later.
Steve shoved past Eli after asking to use the bathroom, glaring at us as he headed out. That boy had a serious hang up over Jim.
“Any other info you can give?” He whispered, hiding the notes whenever our teacher walked by.
I hummed in thought, this might give it away but hey, even Draal’s been routing for Eli to guess it. “We’re very connected to crystals.”
Eli’s eyes grew wide, circling ‘witch’ before going through a list of creatures off the top of his head that could also be connected to crystals, fairies were the only other thing he could list. “You wouldn’t happen to have a pair of wings would you?”
I grinned, picturing Strickler’s troll form as a tiny fairy. “Personally? No.”
Before Eli could ask, the bell rang. “We can continue this later.”
As we walked out I spotted Darci running off in tears as Toby dropped Claire to the floor. “What the hell happened?”
“No Darci!” Toby tried to follow her only to run face first into a locker. As he sat up on the floor he let out a gasp, horror taking over his expression.
“What is going on?” I asked Claire as we quickly went to Toby’s aide.
Claire sighed, upset that she inadvertently hurt her friend. “Toby’s headgear is picking up local radio signals, if you lean close enough to his mouth you can hear it.”
I sat next to Toby, leaning in to hear a woman’s voice, “Nineteen. Seventy-six. Thirty-five. Eleven.”
“It’s numbers?” I asked, confused on what he was listening to now.
“Don’t mess with it,” Toby yelped, “I think Blinky is gonna wanna hear this for himself.”
Now that’s interesting. “Think you can last the rest of the day with whatever that is playing?” I asked, helping him to stand.
“Yeah,” He groaned, not excited to have whatever that was playing on repeat.
As the day wore on, Toby looked more and more like he was gonna snap. “Tobes, have you considered writing down whatever you’re hearing?”
Toby gave me a dull look, opening his notebook to pages that started off as notes and quickly devolved into the message he was hearing. “It happened in every class. I’m just glad I can somewhat focus on Gun Robot. If coach shows this in class again I’ll have it memorized.”
I smiled, glad he was trying to keep his spirits up, even if whatever was happening was slowly driving him insane. It’s like wearing permanent headphones and having no control of what you’re listening to.
Eli sat with us, glancing at Toby’s notebook before opening his own on my desk. “So, about earlier, am I close?” He whispered, keeping the book hidden from Claire and Toby’s eyes.
I looked down to see ‘witch’ written in bold letters, and notes upon notes of why Eli thought that was correct. We really haven’t been as subtle about our Trollhunting as we thought.
I nodded slowly, smirking, “You’re sort of half right. Wrong term but that’s a cultural thing.”
“Half right?” He asked, confused about what he was missing.
“That’s my mom’s side of the family.” I grinned. With that, Claire and Toby went stiff, trying to look at whatever Eli was showing me.
Shaking my head, I waved them off, “Don’t worry, it’s between me and Eli.”
They settled down, but for the rest of class they couldn’t help but cast questioning glances whenever Eli would ask an ‘invasive’ question, and I’d give an honest answer, including that I don’t own a cauldron but I do work with potions from time to time, but that’s not what I’m limited to.
“Are we gonna talk about that?” Claire asked as we were waiting for Blinky and Draal on the roof of the school, Blinky said something about getting a better signal and the staff wouldn’t find us up here while they were closing down the school.
“About what?” I asked, reading through an anatomy textbook and mom’s grimoire to see if I could find a spell for bones specifically.
Toby huffed, plopping down next to me, “That magic talk with Eli. Or did you forget all about your conversation in history?”
“Oh,” I closed the books, looking at Toby and Claire, “Right, that.” I pulled the strings of my hoodie, thinking of how to tell them, deciding blunt was the best option. “Eli’s seen a lot of things we thought no one noticed. He knows Jim is involved somehow. He’s caught us teleporting off of campus, and my eyes glowing. After the battle with Angor and things were really rough, he put two and two together. So, I promised if he could guess what it was, well, what I was, then I would explain the things I could that wouldn’t put him directly in danger. Then he asked about Jim’s involvement, I told him that would have to come from Jim, if he decided to tell him.”
“So he knows you’re a wizard?!” Toby gasped out, careful not to hit his headgear.
“Who knows about Lady River?” Blinky’s voice pulled our attention to him and Draal’s human form climbing the ladder to the roof.
“My friend Eli found out,” I shrugged, “We haven’t been very subtle.”
Draal chuckled, knowing it was only a matter of time, “Does he know everything?”
Smiling, I shook my hand in a so-so manner. “He knows about what my mother’s side of the family is. Nothing specific and nothing that would put him in direct harm.”
“He knows magic exists! That you’re a wizard!” Blinky yelped, starting to panic, “That puts him directly in harm's way!”
“No, knowing me at all would put him in harm’s way,” I argued, knowing that if the Janus Order wanted info on me, they could ask almost anyone I came into contact with. “The same goes for mom, Ms. Kamaria, hell, even Stuart the taco truck owner.”
Blinky pulled his jaw from the floor, slowly accepting my reasoning. “You haven’t divulged any information on Master Jim have you? You promised master Jim you wouldn’t tell anyone”
Draal stiffened, knowing Blinky was about to be torn into, he took a step back from the troll.
Snarling, I got in Blinky’s face, glaring into his six shocked eyes. “Listen well Blinkous. I promised Jim that I wouldn’t tell mom about him being the trollhunter, or ANYTHING about who I AM. I never promised him I wouldn’t tell ANYONE else. If you ever try using my word against me again, then make damn sure you know EXACTLY what I said, or Deya help me, you’ll be a matching statue of Unkar the Unfortunate.”
Blinky paled as much as a terrified blue troll made of stone could. “I see,” he squeaked out, clearing his throat to recover. “Yes, of course. Apologies, Lady River. I did not mean to offend you.”
I huffed, nodding at him before plopping down near the edge of the roof. “You’re here for Toby. Have fun with that.”
Draal came and sat next to me, our feet hanging off the back side of the school roof. “I honestly thought Blinky was going to be a statue after that insult.”
Pouting, I nudge my shoulder into his, looking out towards the mountains a few miles off in the distance. “I thought about it. But you can’t always be my impulse control, gotta do it myself sometimes.”
“Your inner Vendel came out,” he snickered, pulling me into his side, keeping his arm over my shoulders. “The old goat would be proud.”
“That I tore Blinky a new one, or that I told Eli I’m magic?” I smiled, leaning into the hug.
“Mostly Blinky,” He grinned, knowing Vendel would blow a gasket if he found out another human might be on their way to Trollmarket. “I’m proud of you though.”
“Draal, the troll irritated by the mere presence of humans, proud that another might be joining us,” I giggled, thinking back to our first meeting. “Your time as a fleshy has really changed your views on us, huh?”
“No,” He smirked, leaning over to smoosh his face against my temple in his more troll-like ‘kiss’, “you and the trollhunter have changed my mind. Your fleshbag mother as well. She is terrifying.”
Grinning at the ‘kiss’ I turned to look over his human face, “Thank you, it means a lot, love.”
“Great Gronka Morka!” Blinky’s cry drew our attention back to the three other beings on the roof. Claire was pulling Toby around by his headgear, Toby about to fall over at any moment while Blinky held what looked to be a handmade gramophone speaker to his mouth. “Tobias, I believe your headgear is picking up the secret transmissions of the Janus Order!”
“That would explain the ‘Janus initiative’ part,” I huffed, Draal getting up from the roof's edge and offering his mechanical hand to me. Smiling, I took his hand and let him help me up, heading over to the others.
“Where two faces meet.” Claire recited, wondering why that was important.
“It could be a secret combination,” Blinky speculated as he and Claire continued to pull Toby back and forth.
“Why does that phrase sound familiar?” Draal asked, rubbing at his beard in thought.
‘Where two faces meet’? It did sound rather familiar. I used the hand Draal wasn’t holding to grasp my locket.
“Or lead us to a passage in a book,” Claire was throwing ideas back and forth with Blinky, each idea more unlikely than the next.
“Or coordinates!” Toby tried to shout, tired of getting yanked back and forth.
“‘I hope you and Jim never see where two faces meet.’” I recounted the ending of my father’s letter from my 19th birthday, the day I found out exactly what I was. “He was talking about the Janus Order!”
Toby pushed away from Blinky and Claire, coming to stand with Draal and I, pointing to me as I had my revelation. “They’re coordinates! They lead to someplace here in Arcadia!”
“That would explain why your father was worried you’d stumble upon them,” Draal grinned, turning to Toby. “Good job fleshbag.”
“How do you propose we figure out where these coordinates lead?” Blinky asked, “I don’t believe I have any updated maps of this area.”
“Don’t need it,” I grinned, entering the numbers Toby gave me into the navigation app on my phone, “And with that,” I grinned, turning my phone to show Blinky. “We have our location. And I know exactly where it’s located.”
“Can you teleport us that far?” Draal asked, not wanting to waste time, knowing Mr. Evil Man could be a problem if we didn’t deal with them soon.
Nodding, I grabbed Toby’s hand, Blinky and Claire quickly grabbing onto us, I teleported us to Ms. Kamaria’s store.
“Your art store?” Toby asked, confused.
Ms. Kamaria came up behind him as he looked around confused. Bopping him on the top of his head with her cane, she turned to look over Blinky and Draal, snickering at Draal’s form. “Again?”
“Not from Gatto,” He huffed, glaring the old woman down.
Blinky was confused, “Lady River, I do not believe we are in the right location.”
“No, we’re in the location I had the strongest emotional connection to that was near the coordinates.” I explained, showing him the location was extremely close to us.
“And the little shop keeper?” He asked, not having met Sylvina in this form.
Ms. Kamaria smirked, “Does your mind age too fast Galadrigal?”
“Sylvina!” Blinky jumped behind me, obviously scared of whatever Ms. Kamaria could do to him.
Shaking her head in amusement, Ms. Kamari turned her attention to me, sighing softly as she looked across the streets to where the coordinates showed. “I’m assuming it’s time you see where two faces meet.”
“You knew where they were?” Draal snarled, irritated that we didn’t think of coming to the wild spirit for guidance now.
“No, but I had my suspicions, spirits are not all knowing, unless we know what we are looking for, or who.” She grinned, shooing us out of her store as the last cars of traffic left town. “Keep your guard up, the Janus Order uses underhanded tactics, as you have learned.”
Nodding, I led the others across the street to another shop. “And here we are.”
“A travel agency?” Claire asked, confused why the Janus Order would use this as a front. “These places still exist?”
Nodding, grabbing onto the others, I teleported us inside the door.
“Keep quiet,” Blinky instructed in a whisper.
As we slowly walked further into the agency, Toby began to dance and hum along to whatever music he could hear. Everyone turned to shush him as Draal whacked his headgear, effectively shutting off whatever music he was hearing.
Looking around, Blinky fell into trainer mode, giving us directions. “Scour the room. Look here, here, here, and here.” He used all four hands to point in different directions. “This place might hold a clue to the location of the Janus Order.”
We began looking through different sections of the agency, I began carefully pulling books off the bookcase, wondering if this would be like our adventures of breaking into Strickler’s office. As a halfling, could I open a Changeling lock?
I could hear Toby and Claire talking about the fetch, apparently with the headgear, Toby couldn’t look inside, and Claire was too scared to see the place her brother was held captive until we stormed the Darklands for Jim.
“Let me see,” I huffed, taking the Fetch from Toby.
Claire grabbed my arm, trying to stop me, “Wouldn’t that be in direct violation of your word?”
“Do you honestly think my shoulders will fit through this thing?” I snapped, irritated at how many people were questioning my word today.
Her hand dropped quickly, taking a step back from me. “I guess not.”
I stuck my head through, looking around, I realized this was the cell they had been keeping Jim in. “Where the hell is he?”
“Little witch,” A voice spoke, one I never thought I’d hear again. “So the Trollhunter spoke true.” Looking up, I could see the green glow of Nomura’s eyes through one of the holes.
“One second,” I snarled, pulling my head out. “Toby, throw as much food as you have on you into the fetch right,” I moved, making sure it was far enough back in the cell that if Gunmar’s soldiers brought Jim back, they wouldn’t notice it. “Here.”
“What’s going on?” Claire asked as Toby took the fetch and did as instructed, emptying all his snacks and untouched lunch into the fetch.
“We found Jim’s cell, and someone else.” Looking at Draal, I took a seat near the cleared off bookshelf. “Keep looking, I have words for a very specific Changeling.”
Draal nodded, understanding exactly who I was referring to.
Closing my eyes, I focused on Jim's cell. Feeling my body fall away, I opened my eyes, staring down Nomura’s glowing green orbs.
She sneered at my presence, eyeing my orange spirit-form. “You’ve changed, witch.”
“And you’re locked away just like Jim, why?” I asked, in no mood for games or dodging questions. I floated into her cell, catching the changeling off guard.
Eyeing me for a moment, she huffed, sitting back against the cell wall she shared with Jim. “Gunmar had to punish someone for the death of his son, he needs little Gynt alive for you to have a reason to open the bridge.”
“Jim mentioned that Gunmar knew we were coming.” I sighed, feeling as if things just got much more complicated with Nomura involved. “‘Little Gynt’?”
“‘In the hall of the Mountain King,’ the hero boy of the story is referred to as Peer Gynt.” She explained, looking me dead in the eyes.
“Careful,” I snickered, “If you name something that usually means you’re attached to it.”
Nomura let out a gravely chuckle, wincing as she grasped at her chest, she was still injured from whatever punishment Gunmar put her through. “I’ve heard that’s the case with humans, would explain Stricklander’s attachment to you two.”
“Sit still,” I huffed, kneeling next to her.
Snarling, she tried to pull back. Far too weak to move more than a few inches, she glared over my form. “What do you think you’re doing, witch?”
“Well, I was trying to heal you, but if you prefer, you can stay in pain.” I huffed, hands on my hips as I scolded her like a child.
Shock was the first emotion Nomura truly showed during our conversation. She slowly nodded, allowing me to get closer once more.
I laid my hands carefully on her shoulders, pouring my healing magic directly into her. I could feel her tension ease as her wounds were healed until she could sit up straight.
“Better?” I asked, pulling back from the changeling, allowing her space once more.
“Yes,” She eyed me carefully, “what do you wish in return?”
I opened my mouth to deny her request, pausing as my eyes trained on the wall behind her.
“He’ll be back,” She spoke, realizing the only thing I’d ask is for information on Jim. “Not for a while though. The guards dragged him off right before you decided to ‘pop in’.”
Nodding I sat back, eyeing her as I thought over the injuries I could feel when I was healing her. “Do you,” I paused, wondering if Draal might snap if he knew what I was about to ask, Kanjigar will for sure. “Do you want a way out?”
Nomura studied me as if I had suddenly grown three heads. “You can’t be serious.”
“Do you want a way out?” I asked again, not sure how long I could wait for her reply.
She let out a cackle, holding her head in one hand as she stared at me with disbelief. “What are you?”
Smiling slightly, I shrugged, “Honestly, that list keeps growing.” I stood, giving her a slight bow before standing straight, head held high. “I am River Marie Wyllt. Merlin’s heir. Daughter of Lady Ganieda and General Garridan. Half Changeling.” I snickered as her mouth fell open at that, “And as far as the last Tribunal meeting, I am officially the leader of the Changelings of Arcadia. I know, I know, I never do anything simple, do I?”
Nomura kept opening and closing her mouth, trying to process everything. “No, no you do not.” She settled on, shaking her head. “I’m also starting to believe Draal has a type he’s not aware of,” she snickered. Standing, she circled me slowly. “So, if I do take your offer, would that make me one of your ‘Changelings of Arcadia’?”
“Only if you want to stick around without the trolls giving you a hard time.” I laughed, knowing full well Nomura could care less how the trolls viewed her.
“I’m not going to have to call you ‘my lady’ or ‘my queen’ am I?’ She asked, amused at the offer now that she knew it was serious.
I gagged, already hating the idea, “For the love of Deya, please never call me those again,” I shuddered, mind going straight to her highness-lady. “I’m about ready to commit regicide whenever I enter Trollmarket, that is a pedestal I will gladly jump off of.”
Nomura seemed to think over my answer, nodding to me, “Very well little Isolde. I will keep watch over the Trollhunter as best I can, while you work on the path out.”
Why did I feel like the new name was a dig at my previous request? “What, no questioning my word? My honor? Anything?” I asked, surprised Nomura agreed so easily.
Letting out a chuckle, I think my surprise was all Nomura needed to know the kind of weeks I’ve had since Jim crossed into the Darklands. “I’ve had plenty of talks with little Gynt, if you give your word, you’ll make it happen. Come hell or high water it seems.”
“Flooding the Darklands, not a bad idea,” I teased. “Then you have my word, even if I have to come in myself.”
“Curious, the Trollhunter said you promised the opposite.” Her eyes narrowed.
I shrugged, “I promised I wouldn’t come into the Darklands when we were all supposed to be storming this place together, I also promised due to the threat of the Eternal Night. Now, with how close the Janus Order truly is, it won’t matter what side of Killahead I’m on. My existence is enough of a threat.”
Snorting, Nomura gave me a sharp-toothed grin, “Truly a changeling, finding cracks in agreements and promises.” Thinking over my statement she nodded as my form began to fade, “wait for the phone to ring, you’ll know what to say.”
My brow furrowed at her words as I awoke in the travel agency once again, she caught on quickly. “Where’s the phone?” I asked, slightly groggy from the length I was able to stay in the Darklands.
“Phone?” Draal asked, helping me to my feet, it looked like the others were still tearing this place apart. “What happened?”
“Tip from Nomura,” I explained, looking over the room.
“Evil lady?!” Toby gasped out, glad he wasn’t able to stick his head through the fetch now. “What tip?”
“She said to wait for the phone to ring, and that I’d know what to say.” As I finished speaking, a phone on the back desk began to ring. Quickly walking over to it, I glanced at the others before picking it up. “Hello?”
A woman’s voice sounded through the phone, “Welcome to Omni Reach Travel. Where would you like to go?”
Where? Thinking back to my father’s letter and the transmission Toby picked up, I took a deep breath before answering. “Where two faces meet.” The call cut. Was that the wrong answer? Hanging up the phone, I glanced back at the others, shrugging.
The floor under us shook and slowly began to lower. We were standing on an elevator! Draal steadied me as we all took in what was happening. “Looks like she was right.” He huffed, glancing up as we sank deeper below Arcadia. Murals of Killahead bridge and the Darklands stretched on as we kept going.
“What are we going to do?!” Toby panicked, not wanting to face a horde of changelings with just us five. “We have to get out of here!”
“It’s too late to turn back now,” Blinky shushed him. “We must face what’s before us with courage and, beyond all else, a warrior’s dignity.”
“I thought the first rule of Trollhunting was to always be afraid,” I quipped, still irritated with Blinky’s earlier comments on the roof. Out of all the people who wouldn’t question me, Nomura was like, second to last on my list. Gunmar was probably last.
Toby yelped as we came to a giant mural of Gunmar, falling back into the desk chair as we reached what looked like elevator doors. Changelings were very advanced compared to Trolls.
“Welcome to the Janus Order,” a robotic female voice greeted us as the doors opened, revealing a hallway lit by a statue of an eye, the iris changed out with two side profiles of faces, one troll-like and the other human-like. Scratch that, I think Changelings are a bit too over dramatic, looks like Strickler got it honestly.
I pulled Toby up as the pathway lit up section by section. “Keep quiet, we don’t know how close anyone is.”
Blinky rubbed his stone chin in thought. “The Janus Order. This must be one of their bases of operations. By Gorgus, we were seeking a trail of breadcrumbs and wandered straight into the baker’s oven!” He panicked slightly, a little too loud for my liking as we exited the elevator.
“You think?” I asked sarcastically.
Draal nuzzled my cheek, holding my hand tight as he took up watch over my left side. “You seem calm.”
“Otto wanted negotiations with me, now he gets them express delivered to his doorstep.” I shrugged, at this point, Changelings were no longer the boogeyman Trolls pretended we were, even if the majority was working for Gunmar.
“We will have to improvise to keep Lady River safe, the antidote must be in this building.” Blinky seemed to ignore the part about the negotiations, or he was just ignoring me specifically at this point. “We’re in the den of spies, so try to walk lightly. Now fan out.” He ordered, taking off on his own before anyone could stop him.
“He does realize we have no idea how large this place is, right?” I asked, glaring at Blinky as he disappeared around a corner.
“Not a clue,” Draal rolled his eyes. “And neither do they,” sighing as he caught the last glimpses of Toby and Claire rounding another corner. “So how do you want to do this?”
“I was gonna go the direct approach seeing as that’s what Otto did,” I sighed, heading in the same direction as Claire and Toby. Before we could catch up, they walked through a door that locked behind them.
“You could teleport after them, but if there are changelings on the other side, they’d recognize you right away.” Draal offered, smirking as he saw the mischievous glint in my eye. “Direct approach?”
Grinning, I teleported us to Claire and Toby, “Since we were invited, shouldn’t we try asking for Otto?” I suggested as Toby was petting a tapestry, startling him enough that he ripped it down, revealing a communication room filled with changelings. “There you go,” I snickered.
Claire marched over, using a thick Spanish accent to yell at Toby as a woman ripped her mask off and marched over to us. “You’re right, Don Carlos.”
I arched a brow at her, confused by the charade.
She slapped the back of Toby’s head, “The Janus Order deserves a bigger banner than this toilet paper.” Was that supposed to ease the marching Changeling or insult her? “All hail Gunmar!” On second thought, we might be down two Trollhunters soon.
The woman approached us, eyeing all four of us. “I don’t recognize you four. What command post are you from?”
Claire glanced back at me and I only shrugged. She started the charade, she could finish it.
Draal glanced between the changeling and me, confused on how she didn’t recognize me.
Squeezing his prosthetic, I tried letting him know I thought it was suspicious too.
“Tapachula, Mexico.” Claire answered, hoping confidence would work here.
“You,” The changeling glanced back at me before looking down at her clipboard. Oh yeah, she definitely knew. “Must be the new transfer, Esmeralda!”
“Si, I am she,” Claire answered, not realizing her charade was already over.
“Esmeralda! Oh!” The changeling began to fangirl, “This is a huge honor!” The other changelings looked around the room, looking like they were just as confused as I was about whatever the hell we were watching. “You were the one who destroyed the dam and killed hundreds of fleshbags to protect our base!” She quickly shook Claire’s hand, glancing back at me again.
“Ugh, that was a crazy day.” Claire answered, obviously having no clue what the woman meant. “Not gonna lie, they had it coming.”
“You’re late for your orientation,” The changeling smiled sickly sweet, ushering us all further down the hall. “I’ll take you there now.”
Draal and I followed silently, either she was going to trap us or take us to Otto. Turns out, there was an actual changeling orientation. She handed us matching black masks and directed us to our seats.
“Well this is awkward,” I held the mask tight as we settled in our seats. Watching Strickler on a giant screen, the film looked ancient as it was now discolored. “Never thought I’d be seeing him again so soon.” The way the film played out, it looked like one of those silly documentaries you’d show elementary school students.
Out of the corner of my eye, I caught Otto speaking with the changeling that lured us here. Looks like I was also right, she brought us directly to Otto. My attention was pulled back to the screen as Strickler began to speak of the Pale Lady. I could feel my sclera change at the mention of the Aunt Gana I was most familiar with, the murderous rage witch.
“We gotta go,” Toby grabbed our attention.
Looking past him, I could see security and Otto smirking at us, their eyes going wide at the sight of my sclera. Since Strickler had no idea until he went rogue, they wouldn’t know either.
Every changeling around us turned, eyes glowing gold as they glared at our group. You know, Otto may want to talk to me, but Draal and the others? They might want them dead.
I grinned, sclera glowing bright for the changelings to see, “Adios!” I grabbed the others and teleported out of the room in a random hall.
“What happened to the direct approach?” Draal asked as we began to run, going to look for Blinky.
“He wants me, don’t know what they’ll do to the rest of you.” I explained quickly. “I can come back once I get the rest of you out of here!”
“Stop them!” The woman yelled, apparently I teleported us closer to the orientation room than I had meant to.
“You’re tired,” Draal pointed out, seeing the irritation on my face. “Spent too much mana in the Darklands.” He remarked, having seen the change in my magic when I healed Nomura.
“I’ll decide if it was worth it later,” I huffed, heading back towards the elevator, keeping Toby and Claire in front of me.
They came to a halt as the P.A. system announced that there were intruders in Wing B. Two changelings stood between us and the elevator. Before they could get close, Toby threw the remainder of his gumballs on the floor, causing the changelings to slide past us and hit the Janus Order sign. Claire opened a shadow portal behind them, causing them to fall out who knows where.
We quickly ran and hid behind the statues of well known changelings, listening as the mob from the orientation room passed us.
NotEnrique came by, waving us into a room.
Claire and Toby took after him, before Draal followed, I grabbed his wrist, sniffing the air. “Not him,” I snarled, we hadn’t stopped to get NotEnrique on the way, and he didn’t know where the Janus Order hideout was, if I was correct about Otto, Claire and Toby had just followed him.
“We’re still going,” Draal pulled me up, tense now that he knew for sure we were walking into a trap. As we entered the room, Otto was tying up an unconscious Toby and Claire to chairs, next to an already incapacitated and bound Blinky. “Bushigal!” Draal let out a yelp as the woman from before knocked him out, having expected us to follow behind.
Snarling, I quickly stood between the female changeling and Draal’s unconscious form. “You fucked up.”
“Really, now?” A thick German accent asked from behind. “It seems all your allies are out cold, and you’re surrounded by changelings that are actually loyal to Gunmar.”
I glanced back to see a smug smirk stretching over Otto’s face. While smug, he was still cautious as he pulled Draal’s unconscious form to another chair, tying him up with the other Teens. “Gunmar? And here I thought he was a means to an end.” I snapped my teeth at the female as she drew closer, gloved hands carrying metal shackles.
Otto seemed taken back by my answer, nodding to the female changeling. “If you want your friends to survive until they wake, you best behave.”
“Really?” I grinned, knowing he was avoiding my question. “Well, if you don’t want to talk about her, I might as well play along.” Glaring at the female in front of me, I held out my wrists, allowing her to close to the iron cuffs around them, instantly burning my flesh.
Looking up, the female changeling seemed to be shocked that I hadn’t reacted to the burns, glancing over my shoulder to Otto. Burns from Daylight hurt much more than iron burns ever could, that or it’s because my stone skin was helping my fleshy form.
I turned to face Otto, glaring down the changeling that led us on a chase specifically to send me a message. “When it comes to negotiations, you’re not very subtle about who you want to speak with.”
Otto glanced at my wrists, color draining from his face as he realized the iron was definitely burning my skin, and I had yet to react or acknowledge it. “What are you really, Sunshine?”
“You know, if you’re going to use Morgana’s name for me, then you really can’t ignore my questions pertaining to her, can you?” I tilted my head in confusion as Otto and the female Changeling went stiff, turning swiftly to a vintage record player with a gramophone speaker.
“Do you think because you hold her favor that you can speak her name?” The female changeling snarled, holding a sharp object to my back. I assumed the sharp object was a blade.
“Favor?” I snarled, teleporting behind her, quickly slipping my bound wrists over her head, pulling back till the iron was held tight to her throat. “I call her Morgana because she is my aunt, and that is her name. If you don’t want to hear it, that’s your problem.”
Otto put his hands up quickly, glaring at the changeling that I know had in a chokehold. Good thing I wasn’t holding a gaggletak to her throat. “Now, now, Sunshine, there’s no need for violence.”
Giving him a blank stare, I pointedly looked at each of my friends he had knocked out and tied up. “You really want to go with that? Fine.” Even as the burning from the shackles intensified, I poured my magic into my hands, grabbing the female changeling’s face. I focused on the feeling of falling asleep and poured the magic directly into her. Not a moment later, the changeling passed out, slumping out of my hold and down to the floor. “Now for you.” I bared my teeth at Otto, letting my right sclera burn.
Otto seemed to choke, the glow of my eyes catching him off guard again. “You’re truly a changeling?”
“‘Halfing’,” stalking forward, the least I could do is answer a question or two before I tore him apart. “You know my mother, my father on the other hand? General Garridan.” Is it bad that I found the look of pure horror on Otto’s face funny? Probably.
“The heir of Merlin is half changeling,” He let out an exasperated laugh, backing us as I drew closer. “And you fight as the human Trollhunter’s pet?” He sneered, trying to get a rise out of me.
I grinned, tilting my head. “The trollhunter is my cousin by blood. Tell me, has there ever been a ‘halfling’ trollhunter before?” This news seemed to scare him just as much as I had. “Don’t worry, Strickler only found out after you abandoned him. Now, this ‘pet’ business, what put that in your head?”
“You’re stronger and older than the Trollhunter, yet you take orders from him,” Otto glared, trying to take charge of the conversation again. “We know he’s asked you to lie to your guardian after he almost got her killed.”
“Stricklander and Angor Rot almost got her killed, not Jim.” I snarled, the burns were starting to get on my nerves.
“So you’re fine with lying to her?” Otto smirked, thinking he hit a nerve. The bastard did, but I didn’t have to let him know that. Just needed to keep him talking till the others woke up.
My grin turned malicious, my iris narrowing as I allowed more of my trollish features to slip through the glamour. “Aren’t all changelings exchanged with their human counterparts as babies? Did you ever feel bad about lying to the family that ‘raised’ you?”
Otto stiffened, not expecting his questions to be thrown back in his face. “If you’re half changeling, why do you fight the Pale Lady? Why turn your back on your people?” He sneered, sounding almost desperate.
I lunged, picking him up by his collar and holding him off of the ground. “She tore my mother apart in front of me as a child, used me as a bargaining tool to kill Merlin in their final fight, and separated my father and I from our true time. Take your pick.” My right iris glowed blue with daylight, a silent threat to the changeling hanging in my grasp.
“If you turn me to stone, you’ll never get the antidote,” Snarling, he tried pulling away from my hands.
I dropped him suddenly, my grin replaced with a dead stare. “Then stop wasting my time and patience and start negotiating. You wanted to speak with me directly, so what the hell do you want?”
“That simple?” Otto glared at me from the floor, knowing on his own he wouldn’t be able to stop me, not while he was cornered.
Snarling, I thought of the burns on my wrists and the feeling of fire. I know I’m pushing it, but scaring this jerk would be worth it. My hands lit up as I pulled on the Eclipse magic, black flames spread from my palms up over the iron cuffs, melting them off of my wrists.
Otto stared at the puddle of molten iron bubbling between us in shock.
“Never seen a wizard use their brain?” I rolled my eyes, flicking off what little iron remained on my wrists. “Now, about that antidote.”
“Why do you want it?” Otto asked suddenly.
I thought Eemeli and uncle James fed all the information out. “To cure Arrrgh.”
“Why?” He pressed, eyes finally shifting from the iron puddle to me.
Tilting my head, I tried to get a read on whether he was fishing for lies, or if he hadn’t gotten all of the information. “Let’s get straight to the point Mr. Evil Man,” I walked back over to my friends, seeing the first stirrings of them waking up. “You want a chance to free Gunmar, so you can free Morgana. And don’t try lying to me, I’ve already spoken with her.” I glared, over my shoulder, seeing he was about to interrupt me. At my words, he snapped his mouth shut hard, eyes wide in shock. “Gunmar has Jim captive, and because of that, we can’t open the bridge, and no, I can’t open it on my own.” My jaw tightened, realizing how much changelings withheld information from each other, even when they’re on the same side. “So, your only hope of getting Gunmar, is that antidote. We heal Arrrgh, Kanjigar uses him as a vessel, and we open the bridge. So, I’ll ask again. What do you want?”
Otto seemed to contemplate my words for a few moments, “Are you guaranteeing my Lord’s freedom?”
I arched a brow at him, “No.”
He seemed to have expected it. “Once we deal with you friend, I will tell you what I want in exchange for the antidote.” He got up, heading straight for Toby.
Glaring, I stood between them, snarling at Otto, “You think I’ll let you touch him?”
Otto held his hands up in defense, “Perhaps I misspoke, I meant that I would deal with how you tracked us down.”
Toby and the others began to wake up, all coming out of their sleep induced fog quickly as they realized they were tied to chairs. Draal seemed to notice Otto and me first.
“If you lay a hand on her, I’ll gut you open like a fish!” He snarled, pulling on his restraints.
Turning, I went and stood by Draal’s side, mostly to keep him calm until I had answers.
“My deepest apologies,” Otto smirked, moving the record player near us before turning to Toby. “You must understand our irrational fears when discovering intruders crashing our private party.” He tried to seem threatening as he waved his finger towards the rest of us. Deya, I miss Strickler’s overdramatics compared to this. “You did not get an invitation.”
“You’re not like the others, are you?” Claire asked, trying to pull Otto’s attention from Toby, confused on why I wasn’t stepping in. “You changed into NotEnrique.”
Otto’s form was surrounded in light before the teen we caught in the alley stood before us. “Yes. I am a changeling polymorph. I can take the form of anyone. It was surprising to realize that the heir of Merlin saw right through it.”
“Next time, don’t use my paint.” I glared, keeping my hand on Draal’s shoulder.
Otto chuckled, turning back into his normal form. “One of the perks of being the Grand Commandant.” He picked up a screwdriver, heading back for Toby.
“I don’t care who you are! You can torture us all you want, we’re not talking!” Claire glanced at me, hoping I would jump in.
“I’ll talk!” Don’t listen to her!” Toby tried to bargain, terrified of what Mr. Evil Man could do to him. “I have loose lips! I’m a chatty-fatty!”
Draal glanced up at me, having no idea what those sequences of words meant. I shrugged, mouthing ‘later’. At least he was calm now that Otto didn’t seem to be threatening me directly.
Claire scoffed, turning a full glare at me, “Aren’t you going to do something?”
Leveling her with a blank stare, I lifted one of my wrists for her to see the fresh burns. “Already did. Congratulations, you’re not dead.”
“Lady River, I don’t believe this is the time for jokes!” Blinky panicked, surprised that this seemed to be the one time I wasn’t running into something head first.
Otto shushed the others, shaking his head, “So much noise.” Turning his eyes back to Toby I zeroed in on the polymorph changeling. One wrong move and I’d turn him to stone. “Now, let us discuss what we should do with you.” He turned to the record player and began winding it. Distorted music was playing, then Morgana’s voice began to speak through the gaps in the music.
A cold chill ran down my spine, my grip on Draal’s shoulder tightening as I realized this was the Morgana trapped inside gemstones, not the one I grew up with. This was the voice of the woman who tore my mother apart.
A malice filled voice whispered out, just loud enough for me to catch whispers in the old tongue, “Sunshine is the key, keep her happy and I will be free.”
Otto nodded, seeming surprised by the words, yet willing and ready to follow them without question. So, he really didn’t care about Gunmar, he just needed the warlord to free Morgana.
He pulled out the screwdriver again, going back to Toby. “It seems there is a change of plans.” He smirked, looking over to me, “The Janus Order would like to propose a trade.”
So that’s why he wouldn’t answer the question. He had to wait for her to tell him what to do.
“A trade for what, Mr. Evil Man?” Blinky asked as Otto walked past him. A changeling outside of the room, reached in, handing Otto a book similar in looks to ‘A Brief Recapitulation of Troll Lore’ Vol. 1, I haven’t had a chance to read the other volumes yet.
Thumbing through the book, Otto paused, “The antidote for creeper’s sun. Correct me if I’m wrong, Sunshine,” he looked over at me, waiting for a moment before looking back at Blinky, “but you’re stone friend, Arrrgh, needs this.” He smirked, knowing the only reason he had that bit of info was because I told him.
“What’s the catch?” Calire asked, glaring up at Otto.
“Such a clever one,” Otto said sarcastically, getting into Claire’s face. “For the life of your friend, we wish only Vendel’s walking staff.”
“A piece of the Heartstone,” I interrupted, “Why do you want that?”
“His staff is sacred!” Blinky broke in, glaring at Otto, “It was forged from the center of our Heartstone!”
“And therefore, exceptionally rare,” Otto brushed Blinky off.
“Not to mention, potentially powerful, given to the right person.” I sighed, having a bad feeling where this was going. If I was right, we’d all but be handing over an energy boost to Gunmar, if the similarities we share run that deep. I can draw more magic from the hearthstone now that I’ve somehow merged with it. Since he was born from one, could he draw similar powers from another?
“Consider it a one-time offer,” He grabbed a standard dental tool for removing braces and headgear, and returned his attention to Toby.
Toby began yelling out, trying to get away from Otto as the changeling began removing his headgear. The others wincing and looking away.
“Torture?” Otto smirked, holding Toby’s headgear up, “This is just to take the headgear off. We can’t have you listening in on our secrets anymore, can we? Besides, we’d never hurt friends of Sunshine, the Pale Lady wishes to stay in favor with Lady River.”
Toby licked over his teeth, sighing in relief as he realized he wasn’t going to be torn apart. “Thank you.”
Otto untied the humans and Blinky, ordering the Changelings outside to escort us back to the surface. “One last thing, Lady River.”
I glanced over my shoulder, glaring at the polymorph. Now what?
Otto’s face split into a sadistic grin, “You have given me much to think over, and I do hope I have given you something to think on as well, yes?”
Instead of responding, I turned and followed the others back to the elevator. A masked changeling taking us on a slow ride back to the surface.
“What was that about?” Draal asked, staying on my left and eyeing the changeling.
I glanced at our escort, smirking, making sure to speak loud enough for them to hear. “Seems like Otto didn’t get all the information, which means someone here is withholding valuable information. Strickler wasn’t the last traitor Otto had to worry about.”
“And the other part?” Claire asked, tone clipped as she was still mad I hadn’t stepped in earlier.
“Otto’s under the impression I’m fine with being some sort of ‘pet’, fighting alongside his master’s enemy. I gladly informed him that Jim and I are related by blood. If one of us is a halfling, so is the other.” I explained, shrugging off her anger. She can be mad at me all she likes, the only thing I care about at the moment is figuring out a way of getting Vendel’s staff without him knowing it’s us.
Glancing at the changeling, Claire elbowed me in the side, “Why didn’t you do anything?” She whispered. Apparently she wasn’t okay with me passing over her anger.
“I did, you were unconscious.” I glared down at her, irritated now.
“The changeling on the ground?” Draal asked, glancing between me and Claire.
I shrugged, trying to ease my own tension, “I got bubbles down, figured I’d give knocking someone out a try.”
Humming, Draal looked down at my wrists, having noticed the burns while he was threatening Otto. “Iron?”
“Shackles, they honestly thought that would hold me.” I winced, mind tuning back into the pain I was still in. I should deal with that.
“It should have,” Blinky interrupted, eyeing the burns on my wrist, “Iron hurts magic, it’s why trolls, changelings, and sorcerers can’t escape iron cages, unless you had something like the shadow staff on you, but even then, you wouldn’t have enough magic to use it.”
“I melted them,” I shrugged again, healing the burns just enough so that the pain wasn’t too noticeable. Blinky got one thing right, you’re really drained of magic after coming into contact with iron.
“Melted?!” He gasped out as the elevator came to a stop. The changeling waited for us to get off of the platform before heading back down. “How in Deya’s name do you melt them?”
“Fire wasn’t hard, Eclipse made it easier.” I huffed, holding my palm out, focusing on the flames again. Black fire came to life in front of Blinky’s eyes.
“Whoa,” Claire leaned over, anger seemingly forgotten at the new spell. “You can make shadow flames? Can I do that?”
“SHE shouldn’t be able to do that!” Blinky gestured to all of me, exasperation filling his tone. “Shadow magic does not conjure flames, that’s elemental magic!”
“And yet I’m holding black flames,” I huffed,  my ‘rule breaking’ making Blink slowly go insane.
Blinky huffed, glaring at the flames, “Right, because nothing about you can be normal? Can it?” He asked, not having meant it as an insult.
I winced, pulling back from Blinky quickly. Closing my hand to extinguish the fire, I started walking towards home.
“Not cool,” Toby huffed at Blinky, following after me, Draal close behind him, staying back long enough to growl in Blinky’s face. “River! Wait up!” Toby ran up to my right, knowing Draal prefers to be on my left now. “Look, Blinky was being a jerk. There’s nothing wrong with you.”
I looked down at him, right iris glowing red as my emotions ran rampant, “Isn’t everything?” I asked, moving to walk faster.
“No, it’s not!” Toby ran in front of me as we reached the dirt path that would take us to the back of my house.
Surprised at his outburst, my steps faltered coming to a stop. “Toby, everything about me is wrong!” I snapped, red lines glowing over my arms. “I’m in the wrong time, I was raised the wrong way for what I am, I’m using the wrong magic, I use said wrong magic the wrong way. Hell! Depending on who you ask, I’m on the wrong side of this war. So tell me, how is all that not wrong?!” I gestured to all of me, the red and black of my Eclipse magic showing, even through my clothes.
“Because you’re you!” Toby huffed, refusing to back down. Apparently a wizard on the verge of a mental breakdown with fluctuating magic was less terrifying than Otto with dental tools. “You don’t do normal, sure. But, normal to who? A bunch of teenage humans? Trolls stuck in tradition? Changelings that run on deceit, who’s only goal in life is to free the witch that hurt you?” He asked, crossing his arms over his chest as my face fell in disbelief. “You’re not human, you’re only half wizard, and you’re half changeling. You’re different and you get to do things your way!”
“My way?” I asked, shaking my head, “There are rules to magic, to everything.” I tried to argue with him, but apparently Toby wasn’t going to hear it.
“Rules written by people that didn’t know you would happen, rules that apply to how they do things. What about the rules to being a Trollhunter? Rule number two is to always finish the fight, every troll before you and Jim took that as killing their opponent, and what do you two do? We have a gnome living in my Nana’s dollhouse,” He gestured to Draal, “Your husband is still breathing and not a pile of rubble at the bottom of whatever surrounds the forge,” Huffing, he pointed his finger in my face, “You spared and befriended a changeling witch hunter who was hunting you, you trusted NotEnrique before anyone else, and you safely escorted Strickler out of Trollmarket when everyone else wanted to kill him!”
I blinked, staring at his finger in my face. Truly at a loss for words.
“So, yeah.” Toby shrugged, pulling his hand back. “You may be different, but you’re the only person who’s gotten this far. If Blinky thinks that’s a bad thing, or if Claire wants to be a jerk, whatever. You have me and Draal. I’d say Jimbo, but I still think you want to give him a left hook on sight.”
I rushed Toby, hugging him tight. Draal grasped my shoulder, just letting me know he was there.
Tobes was right. It doesn’t matter what others think, there’s no one else like me. “Thank you.”
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sorceress-coffee · 2 years
RoA Ch35 Skullcrusher’s Lair, Drowning in Hope
Ao3 Link
“We need to find out what they’re planning,” Claire was arguing with Blinky.
Blinky sighed, after the events of last night, we had been put under strict orders by Vendel and the Tribunal that we weren’t allowed anywhere near the Vault. “You know we can’t get close to it, even after Lady River’s display the Krubera are guarding the Bridge, and Usurna is in talks with Vendel.”
“That’s my point,” Claire was trying to get through to the six-eyed troll. “Why haven’t they left? She’s scared of River, and after her warning to leave, she’s still in Trollmarket and planning something with the Bridge.”
“Blink,” I pulled his attention from their argument, nodding to Claire, “She’s right. I’ll go with Claire to see what she’s planning. In the meantime, see if you can locate any information on the cure.”
Grumbling, Blinky nodded, maybe we should switch him back to regular coffee. “Very well, Tobias, you’re with me then.”
“Hey, why don’t I get to go on the super stealth mission?” Toby pouted, his chubby tracker going off, the same alarm that sold us out to the goblins on his last ‘super stealth mission.’ “Oh, right.”
Turning to Claire, I nodded to the shadow staff, “If we’re going to the Heartstone, using that is the better option.”
Draal cut in, worried about me going through the shadow portals, “Wouldn’t it be easier for you to teleport?”
Claire activated the staff, answering for me, “Not if we don’t want to draw their attention, when River uses her magic close to the Heartstone they affect each other, remember when it turned red as she beat the crap out of Angor?”
Sighing, Draal nuzzled my cheek, annoyed that he was still in his fleshbag form, not being able to leave Blinky’s Library without me, Claire, or Uncle James. “Very well, just be safe.”
“I’ll be fine, love.” Smiling, I kissed his cheek, “We’ll be heading out to school later, you can come along.”
Grinning, he nodded, squeezing my hand once before letting go. “Your fleshbag classmates are amusing. This time I would like to meet the Eli.”
Smiling, I nodded as I went to Claire, “Promise!” I jumped into the portal first, waiting for Claire in the Shadow dimension. This place sent a chill up my spine, the entirety of this world feeling hollow, lifeless.
Claire fell into the shadow dimension, grabbing onto my left hand. “Ready?”
“Yeah,” Pausing, I could see the outline of a castle far off, something about it felt like I was being pulled.
“River?” She yanked my hand, drawing my attention back to her. “You sure you’re okay here?”
I rubbed my left eye, feeling the burning sensation from when Angor Rot dug his magic covered claws into my flesh, “The sooner we reach the other portal, the better. Just feels off.”
Determination filled Claire’s expression, “Got it, one express ride to the portal coming up.” Holding my hand tight, she focused for a moment before we were pulled away from the portal behind us at breakneck speeds, dropping carefully through a second portal into the Heartstone chambers.
Quietly, we made our way towards Vendel and Usurna’s voices, hiding amongst the stalagmite-like crystals.
“The Trollhunter and your wizard have gone too far.” Usurna’s voice grated, trying to keep level as she addressed Vendel. “The denizens of Trollmarket will not be safe until Killahead Bridge is destroyed once and for all.”
My teeth grit tight enough that my jaw popped, Claire grabbed my arm before I could do anything. If her highness-lady thought I would just sit back and let them destroy Jim’s only chance to come home, I’m bashing her head in with that stupid crown she wears.
Vendel’s fist tightened, “You know as well as I, Usurna, the pieces cannot be destroyed.”
“No,” her highness-lady admitted, turning to face Vendel. “But they can be thrown into a hole so deep that no living thing can hope to find them.”
“And I suppose you know of such a place,” Vendel sneered, disgusted that she would suggest this. “I cannot agree to this! You are signing the boy’s death warrant, and your own if Lady River ever hears of this!”
“He signed it himself the moment he crossed into the Darklands,” She argued, teeth bared in anger. “Your Wizard puppet doesn’t scare me Vendel, my fighters could tear her apart before she had the chance to react. The edict has already been made. Killahead Bridge will never be found again.”
Claire grew tense, terrified for Jim if the queen won this time.
My teeth gnashed together, using every ounce of control to keep myself from tearing into her highness-lady right here.
Vendel seemed to deflate, Usurna turning to leave, a smug look plastered over her face. Glancing to the queen, Vendel’s words cut through her façade. “The same fighters that can’t even touch her?” He asked, eyeing Usurna’s form as she went stone stiff. “The guards who are so sensitive to daylight, that merely touching her skin has turned their flesh to rotted stone? Are those the fighters you speak of Usurna?”
A heated glare took the place of the queen's smugness as she turned back to face Vendel. “Are you threatening me, old goat?”
“Oh, I’ve never threatened you before, and I don’t need to now.” Vendel spoke, leveling her with his own glare. “Your first visit showed that you couldn’t manipulate her, this visit showed why you should fear her, and your last fight with my student?” He paused, slamming his Heartstone staff against the floor. “That should have shown you just how far you are from ever touching her. You will never have Merlin’s heir. You signed yourself to that fate when you ordered the destruction of the Bridge. She may be young, but she has slain foes far worse than you could ever hope to be. Edict or not, River will not take this lying down.”
“Then she will face trial as a traitor to all Trollkind,” Usurna snarled.
Vendel simply smirked, amused by the queen’s argument. “You’d have to recognize her as a Troll for that to happen. I doubt you or the other Tribunal members will ever recognize a Changeling as one of our own.”
I pulled on Claire’s arm, having heard enough.
Nodding, Claire opened a shadow portal under us, sending us directly through to her home. “Sorry, couldn’t focus on someone specific.”
I shook my head, plopping down on the floor by her bed, pulling my knees to my chest. Everything felt hot. My left eye continued to sting as I tried to reign in the rage I felt.
“Whoa, what happened to moonlight?” NotEnrique’s voice pulled our attention to him as he pushed a box filled with his belongings into Claire’s room.
Claire sighed, seeing the eclipse tendrils trying to form, hoping that going through the shadow dimension wasn’t affecting it. “Bad news from Vendel, and a threat from the Krubera Queen.”
“Never liked her, don’t worry, moonlight, we can always sick the gnomes on ‘er.” NotEnrique grinned, trying to cheer me up.
Claire noticed the box, frowning. “Leaving already?”
NotEnrique sighed, rummaging through the box, “Well, I was thinking,” he went over to her mirror, staring at his reflection. “Now that your brother’s out of the Darklands, I’m stuck looking like this, forever.”
“What are you going to do?” She asked, worried about him going off on his own.
“Who knows?” NotEnrique shrugged, “Trollmarket ain’t my style. Probably find some comfy hole to make my own. Take the A-train down to Trouble Town. Got no reason to stay around here anymore.” He hopped up on her reading bench, opening one of the windows.
Smiling, Claire grabbed the stuffed rabbit that was hers, holding it out to NotEnrique. “Keep it, she’d miss you.”
NotEnrique glanced from Suzy to Claire before carefully taking the stuffed rabbit, hugging it close.
“But,” Claire began, glancing back to my form, still curled in tight, right iris glowing turning red then back to blue. “What if there is a reason for you to stay? Vendel and the Tribunal have, technically, recognized the Changelings who’ve helped us as their own tribe in Arcadia. Plus, you could help me, help both of us, save Jim.”
My head snapped up at the words, realizing Claire had a plan.
NotEnrique grinned, “Does this mean I get to hang in the Lake house now?”
Claire looked back to me, waiting for an answer.
Nodding quickly, I wanted to see what she was thinking of. Out of everyone, NotEnrique was always welcomed at our home.
“You’ve convinced me,” NotEnrique smirked, hugging Suzy tight. “So, how can I help?”
“The Tribunal is going to transport Killahead Bridge where no one will be able to find it. I need you to hide with the pieces of the Bridge.” Claire explained, pulling out the shadow staff.
“Ya need an anchor to the Bridge,” NotEnrique realized, nodding in thought. “Alright Spongeface, I’ll smuggle myself away, Suzy can keep me company till then. Ya better keep an eye on moonlight though, anymore colors and she gonna start looking like an opal.” NotEnrique winced, watching my magic shift between the pale blue of daylight, the Heartstone mana, and the newly developed red eclipse.
“I’ll be fine, NotEnrique,” I smiled, trying to reassure him.
“‘Ey, I might’ve been playing ‘baby’ for a few months, but I wasn’t born yesterday. Yer’ angry, moonlight. And ya’ should be. Their messin’ with yer’ family.” He grit out walking over to me, “Yer’ magic is goin’ all wonky, and ya’ know why, so I won’t bother goin’ into all that,” sighing, he punched my shoulder, much like I do with Jim when I’m giving him a hard time to drill something in his head. “So yer’ a little spooky? Big woop, just figure out yer’ thing.”
“My thing?” I asked, a little more confused than I was at the start of his lecture.
“Spongeface has been usin’ anger, that’s helped her enough so far, but I’ve been around shadow magic most me life,” He shrugged, looking at the shadow staff. “From what I’ve seen, you can use any strong emotion to power it.”
“But I’m not supposed to be able to use it in the first place, the only reason I can do this is because of the Triumbric stones in the Amulet.” I sighed, wishing I had a better understanding of my own magic. The more I learned, the more I felt like I was falling behind.
Scoffing, NotEnrique rolled his eyes at that, “Why? ‘Cuz you can use daylight? If there wasn’t light we wouldn’t have shadows, right? Can’t really separate them.”
Tilting my head, I thought over his statement. A shadow was born from something existing in front of a light source, the same could be said for eclipses, right? A lunar eclipse happens when the Earth blocks the light of the Sun from reaching the Moon, and a solar eclipse happens when the Moon blocks the Sun from reaching the Earth.
Toby’s ringtone sounded from Claire’s phone, “Sorry,” She grabbed her phone, reading the text. “We should get back to the Library, Toby think’s Blinky got into the coffee again.”
Nodding, I smiled at NotEnrique. “I’ll keep that in mind Squishy. You get him to the Bridge, I’ll see if I can placate Blinky’s caffeine high.”
Claire opened a shadow portal, pulling NotEnrique in with her.
Waiting for them to disappear, I concentrated on my mana. Focusing on the feeling Eclipse had when it took over my magic last night. Taking a deep breath, I felt the shadows extend over my hands and feet, slowly crawling up my flesh. Red glowed in the pattern of the carvings of my stone flesh, mimicking the Eclipse armor Jim now wore. This didn’t feel much different from daylight, though it didn’t burn my human flesh either. Opening my eyes, I looked over the patterns of red against the shadows forming over my arms. Concentrating again, I tried to pinpoint what I felt as I seemed to be in control at the moment.
Hope warmed my chest, the feeling had returned once more when the Amulet spoke to us. The fallen Trollhunters have found a way to save Jim, now we just had to focus on saving the Bridge. Focusing on hope, the red glow seemed to feed off of it, burning brighter.
I know there will be times when anger and pain outweighs everything else, but as Blinky stated, ‘even the word hopeless isn’t void of hope’.
Smiling, I watched as the shadows faded and the red glow died out. The Eclipse armor was made to give the Trolls, every living creature, hope. The hope that we would one day live in a world without the threat of Gunmar looming over us.
Turning my mind to Draal, I focused, leaving Claire’s room in a flash of light, appearing once more in Blinky’s Library.
Draal jumped, calming down once he saw it was only me. “You’re getting very good at that.” He smiled, seeing that I haven’t tired myself out.
“Perspective helps,” I grinned, sitting with him as I turned to see Blinky tearing through a book. “Did he actually find the regular coffee?”
Humming in thought, Draal eyed the studious Troll, “Not sure, Toby thinks he found your stash, but it doesn’t look like anything’s missing.”
Eemeli groaned as he dropped on a seat at our table. “He’s been like this since you left, even James is on edge, something I didn’t think was possible until today.”
I glanced over at Uncle James, watching as he kept his focus on dodging books and scrolls, Blinky hazardously tearing his own library apart for any record or excerpt on Creeper’s Sun Poisoning.
“Aha!” Blinky shouted, pulling everyone’s attention, “Oh, no, grumbly gruesome.” He groaned, deflating as he read further.
“Is that good or bad news?” Toby asked, stomping on a scorch beetle.
“The poison was created by the ancient guild of changeling spies, as old as they are mysterious.” Blinky huffed, scratching at his stone chin in thought. “If you’re fortunate enough to find a member, you’ll unfortunately find death.”
Eemeli snorted, “Unless you’re River. You’re what, five Changelings in, and only one death? And that was at the dentist's office.” Pausing, he seemed to realize the entirety of what Blinky said. “Wait, you’re saying the Janus Order created the poison? I never heard of it being us, well, them now.”
“I must admit, even with the spy network in place, this knowledge eluded me as well.” Uncle James frowned, Walking over to see the passage Blinky read.
Sighing, Blinky walked over to Arrrgh, “If the cure for Arrrgh lies with the Janus order, it may as well lie with your,” his arms flailed as he tried to think of a simile for Toby, “Easter Bunny.”
“Hey, what was all that talk about finding hope when things are hopeless?” Toby asked, patting Blinky on his upper shoulder.
“Besides,” I cut in, walking over to them. “It’s not like we have to start from scratch. We’ve got two Changelings that worked for them, and one that has a network of spies within. What if we fed them information?”
“What kind of information?” Uncle James asked, curious where my mind was going.
“Exactly what we’re looking for.” I smirked, turning to the others. “Make it seem like one of their spies found out what we’re looking for, that we’re desperate. Their goal is to free Gunmar right? Something they can’t do without the Trollhunter.”
Eemeli grinned, sclera glowing with excitement, “I know exactly who that information should go to then.”
James nodded, looking at Eemeli. “We’ll work on that then.”
“Work on what exactly?” Vendel’s voice caught us off guard. Turning to the entrance of the Library, he was glowering over us.
No Krubera in sight, not sure if that was good or bad news.
“Need I remind you, after yesterday’s incident, the Tribunal has you under my strict probation?” He asked, watching Blinky fumble with the books. “Out with it!”
“We’re,” Toby sighed, looking back to Arrrgh, “Looking for a miracle to save my wingman.”
Vendel glanced at Arrrgh’s remains before glaring at Blinky again. “So, you aren’t meddling with the Tribunal's edict to bury Killahead Bridge where no troll nor mortal can ever reach?” He asked bluntly, fidgeting with his Heartstone staff.
“They’re moving the Bridge?” Blinky was shocked.
Claire portaled further into the library, coming to find us from Blinky’s storage. “We need to move on without Jim. Don’t worry, Vendel. We’ve accepted the Tribunal’s decision.” She spoke, elbowing Blinky in the side before he could argue.
“We have,” Toby agreed as Blinky elbowed him in turn, glancing back at me.
Vendel hummed, turning his full attention to me. “Is this true?”
I pulled the Amulet from my pocket, staring at it before I nodded. “Jim chose to go into the Darklands. He put more than himself in danger with that choice. If the Tribunal has decided to move the Bridge, who am I to argue with their decision?” I asked, looking Vendel directly in the eyes.
I could see a flash of realization cross his eyes at my words. Vendel for a while was the closest person I had to a father, he was my teacher, the only person who knew me better than him was Draal. He could tell with that statement, exactly what I knew. “Very well, I wish things were different, but, to go against the Elder Word is to court treason, war.” Mumbling something about them being severely underpowered for that.
“We all have to live with the consequences.” Claire assured him.
“Very well. Tidy away.” Vendel paused, nodding at me before he left.
Toby sighed, looking back at me, “Why do I feel like there was more going on? How could you say you agree with them?”
“Because she doesn’t,” Draal smirked, clasping my shoulder, “And Vendel knows her well enough that she never would.”
“So all of that?” He asked, still confused.
Claire grinned, “Was all a show in case her highness-lady is lurking about. River’s become a terrifying thorn in her side.”
Uncle James scoffed, shaking his head, “The Queen realizes she’s a Krubera, right? River’s magic is deadly as it is for normal Trolls, even more so for a Krubera.”
Eri slithered into the Library, hissing in annoyance, “Doesn’t look like she’s leaving Trollmarket anytime soon.”
I reached down, letting her curl around my arm. “What’s going on?”
“Queen annoyance is looking over the Bridge being packed up personally. From what I heard, they’re shipping it off to the deepest hole in the Earth’s surface. Don’t know where that would be.” She explained, head fins fanning out. “I’ll keep an eye on them while you’re at the learning dungeon.”
Petting her head softly, I reached into my bookbag pulling out a box of cookies. “Here, these will keep your sweet tooth satisfied while we’re away. If anything happens, come get Blinky, okay?”
Swiping a cookie from the box, Eri nodded, slinking down on to the table, mouth full of cookies. “Yes yes! Keep her safe, pebble!”
Draal huffed, flicking her snout lightly, “Yeah yeah, let’s get going.”
“Wait, what’s the plan?” Blinky asked, worried we were losing the Bridge.
Claire held him back, “Don’t worry Blink. I’ve got NotEnrique stowed away with the Bridge, that way I have an emotional anchor.”
Toby began to jump, excitement claiming him as he realized what we were planning. “An emotional anchor for us to shadow jump in, to get the pieces back! We’re gonna steal a bridge! Magic bridge heist!”
“Come on, T.P., Draal’s right, we gotta get to class.” Claire spoke, following Draal and I out of the Library.
“‘T.P.”?” He asked, confused by the nickname.
Claire snorted, glancing back at him. “Toby Pie.”
Toby cringed, shaking his head. “Uh, no. I don’t like it.”
“I think it works,” I grinned, holding my hand out for Claire.
“Don’t fight it,” she snickered, grabbing on to Toby. With that, I teleported all four of us up to the canal.
Toby and Claire taking the lead as they argued over his new nickname.
“I think it’s better than ‘Jim the baby-handed.’” Draal smirked, holding my left hand in his mechanical hand as we walked.
“Much better,” I agreed, “Nowhere near Draal the Deadly though.”
“Or ‘River the Explosive’,” He teased, squeezing my hand lightly.
I shrugged, “The only ones that need to fear ‘River the Explosive’ are walls.” I shot back, jokingly feigning indifference towards the name.
Draal smirked, kissing my cheek as we reached campus, “Or my father. Though he really has to fear ‘River, thrower of sacred amulets.’”
Pouting, I squeezed his hand back, “You’re lucky you’re cute, even when you’re squishy.”
“I’m cute now?” He chuckled, following me to my class as we separated from Claire and Toby.
“Hmmm,” I paused outside of the office, flicking my hand and pulling a visitor’s slip to my hand. “Yes, cute.” Smirking, I handed him the pass. “If anyone asks, you’re here to keep an eye on me as a wellness check.”
“I’m guessing this has to do with whatever that’s for?” He asked, pointing to a sign for the ‘Save Jim Lake Jr.’ bake sale. “Is that part of the cover?”
“Sort of?” I sighed, “Eli, my fleshy best friend, put it together. He knows something is going on, but he hasn’t guessed what exactly. He’s been helping me cover for Jim’s absence.”
“Are you going to tell him?” Draal asked, purely curious.
I glanced at his face before looking down, right hand coming up to pull on my hoodie strings. “I promised if he guessed close I would tell him. He knows whatever is going on is dangerous and that something happened to Jim. He also knows I'm not supposed tell him.”
“Why?” Draal stopped in tracks, his mechanical hand holding my left stopping me as well.
“I’d be bringing another human into Trollhunting. Aren’t we trying to avoid that?” I asked, confused that Draal was even asking why.
“So? Jim has Toby, his best friend. Has had him since the start. Not to mention, Claire got dragged into Trollhunting due to the Changelings. Why can’t you have your friend with you?” He pushed, keeping his voice low as the halls cleared.
“I,” Pausing, I realized the only reason I didn’t include Eli was that Jim had decided it was too dangerous before I had the chance. “I’ll think about it.” I answered as the bell rang.
I pulled Draal into Ms. Harper’s class, introducing them quickly. “He’s here on my doctor’s request. Since Draal knows me best, they figured he'd be able to do an accurate wellness check. I hope you don’t mind.”
Ms. Harper seemed to light up, shaking Draal’s mechanical hand eagerly. “Of course I don’t mind! Oh, I’ll email your other teachers. If they have any issues, Sr. Uhl will get onto them.” She snickered, quickly going to her paint splattered laptop.
“I assume this is your art class?” Draal chuckled as I led him to my station. “Whoa,” his eyes went wide as I uncovered a large canvas.
The canvas was entirely black, ‘glowing’ fissures breaking apart the abyss. In the center was the spirit-form of my mother from when we met in my mana pools.
“Yeah, I think Ms. Harper was starting to get worried.” I admitted, knowing most of my pieces were happier subjects, or at least, not this dark. I sat down, explaining the project to Draal.
“So, the black abyss is where your mana pools reside, and you can connect to others?” He asked, trying to follow along.
Nodding, I went to work on finishing Ganieda’s form, having to switch to traditional paint over my spray paint. “That’s how I was able to find Merlin. My mom found me when I was trying to help Aunt Barbara, she guided me in reopening my mana pools correctly.”
“So, your mother is alive?” Draal’s simple question made me go stiff as stone. “Love?”
I shook my head, trying to keep my mind anchored to the present. Draal's hands carefully took mine, slowly prying the paint brush from my grip.
“I,” taking a deep breath, the touch helped me ground myself. “I asked her how she could be there if she was dead. She saw the memory I had of her death, she said something along the lines of her being ‘dead’ wasn’t quite right.” Mumbling quietly, I tried to think back to our conversation. “I don’t know what that means.”
“Maybe she’s in a similar state as Merlin?” He asked, “From what we know, he sent his physical body into a sleep so deep, it feigns death.”
“That’s possible, he’s been able to watch over us from the mana pools. Maybe mom can do the same.” I thought back, “Merlin would know, he was the one that took care of her after dad and I fell through the portal.”
The bell rang, startling Draal and me, I quickly put my tools away. “Looks like you get to meet Eli next,” I grinned pulling him with me to Ms. Janice’s classes.
As we entered, Ms. Janice waved us off as I showed her the slip. “Ms. Harper has informed us, Mr. ‘Garson’, please take the seat to River’s left.”
Draal nodded, having seen the last name on the note I had forged.
Steve’s groan cut us off as he saw us approaching my seat. “Great, this guy is back? What happened to you being River’s date for the dance, huh?” He sneered, trying to size Draal up.
“When do you think the car accident was?” Draal snarled, taking the seat he was instructed to, turning his back on Steve.
Steve was sputtering as I took my seat. I grinned seeing Eli walk in. “That’s him.”
Eli looked up, head tilting as he saw Draal sitting next to me. Quickly he took his seat on my right, “Hello! Are you new here?”
Draal shook his head, waiting for me to explain.
“Right, Eli” I smiled, gesturing to Draal, “This is my fiancé, Draal. He’s visiting for a little while. Draal, this is my best friend, Eli.”
“I have heard much, Eli,” Draal held his right hand out, copying the human greeting of shaking hands.
Eli’s eyes lit up at the sight of Draal’s prosthetic, immediately knowing it wasn’t normal. Shaking off his excitement, Eli shook his hand quickly. “I heard River had a boyfriend, I didn’t realize you were engaged.”
I pulled at the string of my hoodie, laughing softly. “That’s a long story.”
Steve grumbled behind us, “Oh great, the Jim Lake Jr. hoax squad has another member.”
Draal stiffened, watching for my reaction.
Turning in my seat, I leveled Steve with a glare, making sure to keep a hold on my magic. “I don’t remember asking for your opinion on Jim’s ailment, Palchuk.”
“You mean the hoax?” He sneered, adjusting the stupid spring fling crown on his head. “You really think we buy that? You’re all hiding something, and I’m going to prove it.”
Snorting, I turned my back on him, settling in for class to start. “Good luck with that.” Taking a deep breath, I felt my hold slip as my right iris glowed red.
I could hear Eli go rigid as he saw the glow. Quickly blinking, the glow died down as I looked at him, an apology written over my face.
Eli nodded, realizing whatever he just saw had to do with our promise. During class, instead of taking notes on trig, Eli was filling the pages of his notebook with theories. It looked like ‘Aliens’ or ‘Magic’ was in the lead. Looks like I’m going to have that talk with him sooner than I thought.
The rest of the morning went by without incident. Draal and I met up with Claire and Toby, getting ready for lunch. “Alright, who else is tired of dodging questions?” I groaned, throwing my backpack into the locker, only taking Midnight’s collapsed form out to clip it to my belt.
Sr. Uhl’s voice came over the loudspeaker, congratulating the school for the success of the ‘Save Jim Lake Jr.’ bake sale, while Eli was taking donations in the quad.
Steve got us in his sights, zeroing in on Eli first, he used the hand scepter to flick the cup out of Eli’s hand. “Donate, my butt!” He sneered, spying Toby’s back as he was busy opening his locker. “Make way for the king!”
Draal glared Steve down as he went to help Eli pick up the money Steve scattered.
“‘Save Jim?’ “ He asked, forcing Toby to turn around and face him.
My fists tightened, knuckles going white as I reigned my anger in. Steve wouldn’t survive a blast of magic.
“What a load of crock!” He snarled, pulling Toby up by the straps of his backpack. “Admit it, ‘Dumbzalski,’ he’s not sick. He’s just faking this because I won Spring Fling, and he’s trying to steal my thunder.”
Where was a troll to hold me back when I needed it? Steve’s a jerk, but he’s not Gunmar. The gaggletack proved he’s not a changeling either. Don't kill the bully.
“Let go of me!” Toby struggled, fist balling up as Steve continued.
“And what are you gonna do about it, Dumbzalski? Sick River on me? Can’t fight me yourself?” Steve snarled, trying to rile us both up.
“Let him go, Steve. Go back to the ‘80s, where bullies belong,” Claire cut in, getting her things from her locker, glancing past the boys to me. “Besides, no one cares about your stupid dance crown.”
“What?” Steve floundered, letting go of Toby, “Everybody bows to the king!”
The students gathering around us began to agree with Claire, tearing Steve’s ‘king-ness’ down fast.
“I ‘internetted’ somethings, and there’s never been a single case of Jim Lake Disease, like, ever!” He ground out, trying to get the students on his side.
That’s what Eli went with? Sighing, I grabbed Steve’s shoulder, pulling his attention from the crowd. “Congratulations, you learned that a new disease can get its name from the first person to ever have it.” I snarked, daring Steve to do anything at this point.
Snarling, Steve pulled away from me, pointing in my face. “You plebs can only cover for Jim for so long. I’m onto you.”
“Oh, no, whatever will we do?” I asked in a monotone voice. “If you want to keep that finger, I suggest getting it out of my face.”
Draal’s mechanical arm draped over Steve’s shoulder, grinning viciously at him. “I’d listen to her, she’s an expert at removing people’s limbs.” Snickering, he waved the fingers of the prosthetic in his face.
Horrified, Steve pulled away from us quickly, hiding his hand behind his back. “Whatever!” He walked off.
With Steve dealt with, I turned to look for Eli.
“Your friend went to the lunch room to collect ‘donations’.” Draal spoke, knowing who I was looking for.
“Thanks for helping him,” I smiled, taking his mechanical hand and going to Claire and Toby as Toby sized the air up, doing quick little punches.
“I hate that guy,” He huffed, having wanted to hit Steve in the moment. “I wish I could punch him in his perfectly-chiseled face.”
“He’s not worth it, Tobes,” Claire pointed out, shaking her head.
“I’m surprised he didn’t end up in the wall,” Draal chuckled, elbowing my side.
“Hey, I know when and when not to attack. Besides, he’s human, not much I can do against that without it being fatal.” I grumbled, in the same boat as Toby at the moment. “Now, if it was day one? You bet he’d get a left hook.”
“Left hook?” Draal asked, confused on when hooks got brought into the conversation.
“River’s left handed,” Toby piped up, “‘Left hook’ means a left handed punch. Or a ‘southpaw’ punch.” Seeing Draal about to ask, Toby clarified, “Southpaw means left handed too.”
“Would that make the right hand a ‘northpaw’?” Draal looked to me, the terms confusing him.
I shrugged unsure of that myself, as Claire’s phone went off, “Is it him?”
Claire grinned, answering it right away, “Where are you?”
Even from here I could hear NotEnrique on the other side, “I got no clue where on Earth I am, but come and get me!”
“Hold tight,” Claire spoke, pulling the speaker from her ear. “We have to find a secluded spot.”
“You get the bikes, I’ll find a spot,” I told Claire. Draal and I ran off before she could answer. All I heard was Toby asking about Jim’s assignment she was supposed to turn in after lunch.
Once we were out of sight, Draal took my hand, getting ready to teleport. “Any ideas?” He asked, knowing it would have to be safe from the Krubera. “Can’t exactly build a bridge in your backyard.”
“Close,” I grinned, teleporting us to my favorite spot since meeting Draal, the back of the billboard where we had our dates.
Draal took a moment to look around, realizing where we were, “As sweet as this is, Love, I don’t think a bridge will go unnoticed up here.”
Smiling, I pointed to the forest in front of us, “That’s where we’re going. This was the easiest point I had an emotional anchor to.” I explained, kissing his cheek before teleporting us down into the woods.
A smug grin split his face. “Our first ‘dates’, yes?”
I pulled my phone out, sending the location to Claire and Toby, “Surprised?”
Draal shrugged as we settled in. waiting for the others. “Not entirely, it’s a logical spot, just surprised it was the first place you thought of.” He teased me.
Rolling my eyes, I elbowed him, “Oh, well sue me for having a sentimental thought.” Chuckling, I leaned against his shoulder.
Draal hugged me close, humming in thought. “Why did you send the others for bikes?” He asked, wondering why I didn’t teleport all of us here.
“It’ll be easier for me and Claire after we get the pieces.” I explained, knowing wherever NotEnrique was, it would be further than we’ve ever traveled. “We’re planning on using shadow portals, but Claire doesn’t have the training or mana to do this alone.”
Draal winced, realizing what I meant, “You’re planning on being a battery? I thought you hated those plans?” He huffed, knowing I was against it before.
“NotEnrique told me something this morning, something that cleared my mind over this,” I pulled up my sleeve, focusing on my hope for the plan, to steal the bridge, to save Jim, the eclipse magic began to spread, black tendrils alight with red mana.
Draal stiffened at the sight, eyeing me as I was still calm. “What could the whelp have said for you to do that while being calm?”
“Two things, really.” I let the magic fade, showing him it was completely gone. “Without light, there wouldn’t be shadows, they’re two halves of a whole.”
Snorting, Draal smirked, “Like you and Jim.”
“And like eclipses.” I smiled, letting him in on my revelation.
“And the second thing?” He asked, surprised NotEnrique could hold any wisdom in his tiny being.
“Shadow magic is powered by strong emotions, feelings. He said he’s seen any strong emotion fuel it, not just anger.” I explained, smiling up at him.
“What did you use?” He asked, turning my hand over, seeing that the shadows had completely left at will.
“Hope,” Snuggling into his side, we watched the shadows of the trees grow as time passed. “Hope was strong enough to lead me to Merlin, strong enough to allow my spirit into the Darklands, and strong enough to power Eclipse.”
“Is that what we’re calling it?” Draal chuckled, “Seems fitting, daylight and darkness in one.”
Nodding, my head snapped up as I heard leaves rustling ahead of us, left hand resting over Midnight as we waited.
Toby broke through the brush, groaning as he spotted me and Draal, “Found them!”
Claire ran into the clearing grinning, “This is perfect! Far enough from the city that people won’t find it by accident.”
I gave a mock salute with my pointer and middle finger, “Glad to help, let’s get going. Toby, you and Draal are staying here.” I spoke getting up and standing with Claire.
“Why do you get to go?” Toby pouted.
“I’m the backup battery,” I snickered as Toby’s face fell. “I have a feeling this is going to be draining for both of us.”
“That’s why we had to get the bikes?” He asked, as Claire opened the portal, jumping in first.
“Yup!” I grinned, falling backwards into the portal, floating next to Claire in the shadow dimension. “Ready.”
“You sure?” She asked, hesitating at the idea of using me as a battery. “You could stay with the boys.”
“I’m good,” I righted myself to stand next to her, holding my hand out for her. “I’m focusing on hope.”
Smiling, Claire knew I was referring to our conversation with NotEnrique, “Okay, if you change your mind, teleport back, alright?” She grabbed my hand, shooting off for NotEnrique.
“Promise,” I grinned as we fell out of the shadow portal and into complete darkness. I flooded my palms with my magic, an orange glow lighting up wherever we were. “A cargo box?”
“NotEnrique? Where are you?” Claire asked, looking over the crates.
“Spongeface? Moonlight?” NotEnrique poked his and Suzy’s heads out of a box. “Took you long enough.”
“What are you doing in there?” Claire asked, glad to see he was okay.
“I, uh,” NotEnrique stammered, holding up the rabbit, “Suzy’s a little scared of the dark.”
I didn’t realize trolls could be scared of the dark, they have excellent night vision from what I’ve seen. Maybe it’s a Changeling thing? “You two okay?” I asked.
“All the freaky noises in this place are giving her the heebie jeebies.” NotEnrique explained, coming out of the box fully.
“I’ll keep the lights on, Suzy doesn’t have to worry about the dark anymore.” I smiled, ruffling the hair on his head.
“Alright,” Claire grinned, opening a portal, “Let’s get to work.” The ground seemed to sway under us. “Where are we?”
“All’s I could make out was someone saying ‘starboard’ or ‘captain’,” He told us, helping Claire push the crate into the portal. “We could be on a spaceship, for all I know.”
I snorted, that would make Eli’s day.
We listened as voices grew closer to the box, “Yeah, yeah, the paperwork says dump it here.”
“Dump it?” Claire asked.
The box began to move, realization hitting us like we were hitting the water. “Cargo ship!”
“They’re dumping us into the ocean!” Claire began to panic, the portal closing as she lost focus.
“The ocean? But I-” NotEnrique stammered, telling us that Suzy couldn’t swim.
All of a sudden, gravity left as we were dumped into the ocean, the crates and our bodies floating right before we hit the water, slamming back down onto the floor.
Getting up quickly, I let the glow climb up my arms as I helped Claire up, “Panic later, we can’t stay in here forever.”
“Right,” Taking a deep breath, Claire grabbed the shadow staff, thinking of Toby, she opened another portal.
Quickly, the three of us got to work, pushing as many crates as we could into the portal. Panic began to set in again as the metal groaned, water beginning to pour in.
“The metal can’t hold for long! The water’s going to pour in at any minute!” Claire yelped, trying to focus on another portal, pouring too much of her energy into it as she panicked.
“Claire,” I grabbed her shoulders, pushing my magic into her, an odd sensation creeping up my spine as I connected to her shadow magic, “Focus on the portals, open them under the crates.”
Nodding, it seemed like our work began to move faster. Claire's magic quickly fed on my own as our shadows intertwined. I could feel the pull of the shadow staff through Claire. At one point NotEnrique admitted to some questionable acts in order to get Claire angry enough to power the staff. Seconds felt like hours as we continued working under the literal pressure of the ocean.
Down to our final crate, metal bolts gave way, water pouring into the crate exponentially faster.
“Oh, no!” NotEnrique yelped as we climbed on top of the crate. “Time to bail out of this deathtrap, moonlight!”
“No!” Claire glared, grip tightening on the shadow staff, “We lose the bridge, we lose Jim. We need this last crate.”
“Alright then, just power up that staff and make a portal under the crate, or we’re doomed!” NotEnrique had a death grip on Suzy.
Claire and I tried to focus both of our mana directly into the staff but it wasn’t working. At this point we were both drained.
“I can’t! I’m exhausted!” Claire cried, the tiny portal she managed to make closed immediately. “How did you work like this?” She asked me as the water reached us sitting on the crate.
“Life or death usually put things in perspective during our fights,” I answered, feeling as drained as I was after fighting Bular. “If we don’t get this portal opened then not only does Jim die, we do too.”
“Look at me, big eyes,” NotEnrique climbed over Claire’s head, the water quickly climbing up to our chests. “Dig deep. Maybe anger’s not your thing. Maybe you gotta find somethin’ stronger inside.”
“I can do this!” Claire spoke as the water reached our chins, repeating it like a mantra.
We all took a deep breath as the water completely filled the crate, I grabbed onto Claire’s shoulder, pushing the last of my magic directly into her. After that things began to get fuzzy as my lungs burned for air.
It felt like an eternity as the light I was giving off faded and we were drowned in darkness.
Gasping for breath as the water gave way I could feel someone hugging me tight.
“Come on Love, you’ve gotta be alright,” Draal's voice broke through the fuzzy darkness.
As my lungs filled with air, my vision slowly came back. “Never,” I gasped, gripping his shirt tight, “again.”
Draal’s shoulders dropped in relief at my voice, pulling me impossibly tighter to his chest.
“Need air,” I winced, Draal easing up just enough to let me breathe. “Others?”
“They’re okay, you’re okay,” Draal spoke softly, waiting till I could sit up on my own.
“Moonlight okay?” NotEnrique’s voice sounded raspier than before.
Draal nodded, letting the Changeling close. He looked a little worse for wear.
“Never leave Pudgebucket ta’ do CPR,” He huffed, curling up next to me.
“Noted,” I sighed, hand falling to rest over his scruff.
Toby pouted, but was glad overall that he was able to save NotEnrique. Claire was still getting her breath back as well sitting against the final crate we needed. Steve appeared to be out cold, looks like something knocked him out if the bruise on his chin was from tonight.
Wait. Sitting up far too quickly, as everything began to spin, “What the hell?” I gasped out, lungs burning as panic set in.
“Don't worry, he didn’t see much,” Toby quickly explained. “He followed us out here, I had to use the Janus mask, he thinks we’re lying about Jim. He made me record a stupid “Steve was right’ video, as Jim, then he freaked out when Jim ‘ran away.’ Uh, not to mention he pissed Draal off.”
I stared at Toby in disbelief. What part of that was supposed to be helpful? “Knows?!”
“Okay, maybe it’s bad, but it’s Steve! Most of the school thinks he’s gone crazy with power!" Toby tried again.
“Phone.” I ordered, pointing to Steve.
Toby ran and got Steve’s phone, handing it to me quickly. “Yeah, so you wouldn’t happen to be able to erase memories, would you?”
I stared at him blankly before opening Steve’s phone and deleting the video he took of ‘Jim’. “Video, change.” I handed the phone back to Toby.
“Oh,” Toby caught on, “Change the video, gotcha!” Grinning maniacally, we watched as Toby scooped up the crown and hand scepter, recording a video basically stating that we pranked him.
Draal sighed, having been with Toby through the whole ordeal with Steve.
“You okay?” I asked, nuzzling under his chin.
“The Palchuk really messed with Toby,” He grumbled, gritting his teeth as he glared at Steve. “He’s jealous of Jim and is taking it out on his friends and you.”
Nodding, I looked over to Steve’s knocked out form, “How?”
Draal grumbled, his fist tightening in my sweatshirt, “He threatened my family, questioned their honor, and used the human slur ‘freaks’.” Pausing, he pouted as he saw the look of disbelief on my face. “So, I punched him.”
Snickering, I didn’t know if I had the heart to reprimand him, “Freak is not,” wincing I had to pause, between drowning and using up my magic, everything hurt, “always a slur, was in this case. Worth it?”
Draal grinned, kissing my cheek, “Yes.”
I smiled at the kiss, curling up against Draal as I realized how easy it was for Steve of all people to find us. “Not subtle.”
“When we ran off? No, not at all,” Draal sighed, pulling NotEnrique onto my lap, standing up while holding us. “We should do something with him.”
“I’ve got an idea,” Claire cut in. She and Toby were able to get Steve onto the back of her bike.
Draal carried me as they carefully rode their bikes into town. Stopping near the park, they unloaded Steve onto a bench, leaving his scepter on the ground and his crown on his butt. If we didn’t know what happened, it would look like Steve went on a tirade and passed out in the park.
“Good to go!” Toby grinned, choosing to walk his bike the rest of the way.
Claire was strong enough to walk her bike, and we all headed for my house. Mom should be at work and we could all pile together in the living room.
Toby opened the door for us, leaving the bikes out front. Draal settled me and NotEnrique on the couch before heading to the basement, getting as many blankets and pillows together as he could. Claire slumped on the second couch, once she was settled, NotEnrique crawled back over to her, passing out as soon as she handed him Suzy.
Once Draal returned, Toby locked up the house and helped him distribute blankets and pillows. Toby settled on a reclining chair, turning the tv on at a low volume so we had some background noise and off to sleep he went.
Draal climbed over me, settling against the back of the couch and pulling me up to lay on his chest. “You’re exhausted,” he whispered, petting my hair out of my face.
“Drowning will do that,” I yawned, nuzzling my face into his chest. “More comfy when stone.” I pouted, still not used to my temporarily human mate.
Chuckling, Draal pulled the blankets around us, humming a Trollish lullaby softly. It wasn’t long until sleep overcame me.
Instead of nightmares about our time drowning tonight, my dreams were filled with a familiar castle. Inside I found a single chamber home to a giant green crystal. Leaning in to take a closer look, there was a faint red glow in the center.
Suddenly, I felt myself being pulled from the crystal into a dark chamber. Where am I now?
“River?” Jim’s voice was quiet.
I looked up to see that we were in a cell, closed in by jagged crystals. “Jim? Where are we?”
Jim sighed in relief, realizing he wasn’t seeing things. “Gunmar’s lair.”
“What?!” I hissed, keeping my voice low as he was.
“They’re keeping me alive, for now.” Jim sighed, holding up a Nougat Nummie with ‘KIC’ written on it. “He knows.”
We sat in silence for a moment, “We have the bridge,” I finally told him. “The Trollhunters say Arrrgh is the key.”
“But,” Jim winced, anguish spreading through him at the mention of Arrrgh.
I ran my hand through his hair mana barely able to make any contact in my weakened state. “There’s an antidote, we’re working on getting it.” I smiled softly, vision fading as Jim looked up to me. The last thing I saw was hope, Jim regained his hope that we were coming for him, that he’d come home. That he could see Arrrgh alive and well. “We’re coming, That’s a promise.”
UPDATE: Next week's chapter may be late. Due to surgery I only have the use of one hand at the moment so typing and editing is difficult. Good news is that my drawing hand is fine so I've been working on art for the fight with Angor, River's chosen family, and her 'upgrade' coming up in Phase 4. Those will be posted on my Tumblr https://sorceress-coffee.tumblr.com when completed, they will be linked in the Table of Contents pinned to the top of my page. For now, I can answer questions but it may take me a little while to get to, if your comment has been marked 'read' it may be that I can't answer without spoilers, if it has not been marked 'read' then I'll be getting to it as soon as possible. Thank you for all the support!
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sorceress-coffee · 2 years
RoA Ch33: Shadows of Rage
Ao3 Link
It’s barely been a day since Jim decided to enter the Darklands, and Blinky has us running to RotGuts. He and Garridan thought it would be best to hide that Jim was missing until we could find a way to rescue him. Apparently, something called a Janus Mask would help with this but I haven’t been paying attention, only allowing Toby or Draal to drag me along.
Everything felt numb. I couldn’t believe after everything we’ve been through, Jim would abandon the plan, his friends, and face Gunmar alone. The idiot had a death wish.
“Yes, my good Troll,” Blinky’s voice cut through my thoughts, the somberness in his usual excitable tone accentuating how we all felt about Jim’s choice. He was currently trying to bargain with Rot or Gut, I could never keep them straight, explaining why we needed a Janus Mask in the first place. “We are trying to keep the humans from panicking at Master Jim's temporary absence.”
I grit my teeth, pulling back from the group. All I’ve heard is excuses and poor logic trying to justify Jim’s choice. But that’s all it was. A choice. He chose to leave. He chose to go alone. My hands began to glow as the numbness slowly turned to anger.
Draal’s attention snapped from the door trolls to me. Carefully approaching as the others continued to bargain, he slowly took my hands in his mechanical one. “Let’s go.”
Nodding, I allowed him to drag me off again. I didn’t care where we were going as long as I didn't have to listen to the others talking about Jim.
After a while I realized we were no longer walking the streets of Trollmarket, instead we were heading further into the crystal caves. As we entered a larger empty chamber, I noticed it was the same one we used when Draal started training me.
“Are we sparring?” I finally asked. The first words I’ve spoken since Vendel wrapped my left eye last night.
“Not exactly,” he hummed, pulling me close. Slowly, we began swaying, dancing like we had in the basement.
Tears began to spill from my good eye as I hid my face under his chin. I gripped his hand tight, listening closely as he hummed softly, a tune I didn’t recognize but felt calmed by. My magic began to calm as rage turned to sorrow, allowing me to shift back into my human form.
“You have every right to be angry, love,” He spoke softly, continuing to sway us back and forth. His mechanical arm reached up, carefully holding the left side of my face as he pulled back to look me in the eye. “You did everything you could to stop him, but it was his choice.”
Growling softly, I tried to pull away, scrubbing at the tears spilling over the right side of my face. “I know, but it wasn’t enough. Nothing is enough!” I stopped trying to pull away, instead leaning my forehead against his chest, trying to reign in my thoughts and anger.
Hugging me tight, Draal let out a sigh, knowing how I felt, having watched his father turn his back on him every time he donned the armor. “He felt this was the battle he had to finish alone, after losing Arrrgh, I’m sure he felt there was no other option,” he paused, nuzzling the top of my head. “That doesn’t excuse him from going back on his word or leaving us behind.”
I went rigid, Draal being the first to voice exactly what Jim had done instead of only trying to reason why he did it and hoping it would be okay. I felt betrayed, after everything Jim and I went through, after everything we learned, and he just left? But, Draal felt it too, he lived this everyday that Kanjigar was the Trollhunter.
“How do you deal with this?” I asked, unsure how Draal was able to cope for so long.
“I didn’t, not at first,” Draal sighed, pulling us back against the crystal wall, sitting down with me in his lap. “I was angry, you and the others only saw the end of it. For a long time, I did everything I could to spite him, to spite the mantle.” His stone hand came up, petting my hair back, “You know Nomura and I have a history. I wanted to piss off my father, she wanted a way to hurt him. Things ended violently, as it does when she’s involved. My father barely made it out alive, after that I vowed to do everything in my power to be worthy of fighting by his side. I thought if I could be worthy of the amulet, I could be worthy of his time.”
I pulled the amulet out, glaring at the damned thing. It may have brought us together, but it caused us so much pain as well. “Then it called to Jim,” I spat out, unsure who I was angrier at, Jim, the amulet, or Merlin for making the stupid thing.
Draal chuckled, a hollow sound devoid of amusement, “Yes, it did. I may despise the pain it brought, but I am grateful not to be the Trollhunter.”
I looked up at him in confusion. Being Trollhunter had meant everything to him, even when he was training Jim, you could tell he was still unsettled at not receiving the amulet. “Why?”
Draal smiled, nuzzling my cheek. “I didn’t follow in my father’s footsteps. Instead, I have a mate I love deeply, a family of Trolls, fleshbags, and Changelings, and I still get to fight Gumm-gumms. If I had become the Trollhunter, I wouldn’t have any of that, especially if I was like the Trollhunters of the past.”
“You’d be fighting alone,” I realized, knowing the Draal we first met would have done exactly as Kanjigar did.
He nodded, taking the amulet from my hands to examine it. “Even if it calls to another, I do not wish to be the next Trollhunter.”
“Do you think he’ll be okay?” I asked softly, curling up against his chest.
Draal hummed in thought, carefully placing the amulet back in my hands. “He’s the brightest Trollhunter since Deya the Deliverer, if any Trollhunter has a shot at killing Gunmar, it’s Jim.”
“What if it calls to someone? What do we do then?” I grit my teeth, clutching the amulet close in shaking hands.
Shaking his head, Draal stilled my hands, “We will bring him home, even if I have to force the damned thing to open the bridge myself.” He huffed, smooshing his snout against my cheek in a kiss.
I perked up at that, looking down at the amulet. Slowly I let my magic bleed into it, turning the blue crystal orange for a moment. Looking up, my question to Draal died in my throat. He was gone. Quickly getting up, I realized I was no longer in the crystal cavern. “What the hell?!”
“Not quite hell,” Kanjigar’s voice rang through, his spirit glowing orange. “It seems you can cross over without the Trollhunter present.” He observed, just as shocked as I felt at being in the void.
“I didn’t stick my hand in the soothscryer! I wasn’t even in the Forge!” I yelped, looking over the cavern we were standing in, it was clear that we weren’t in the void version of the Forge.
“I know, little one,” Kanjigar sighed out, not sure how to deal with me panicking. “You called us to you.” He supplied quickly, trying to explain why I was there.
“How?” My grip tightened on the amulet. Looking down I realized it was still glowing orange, the same hue Kanjigar’s soul was taking on at the moment. “Wait, all I did was use my magic on it.” I looked up at the felled Trollhunter, “Is that why you’re orange?”
“Possibly,” he looked over the arms of his spirit form, unsettled by the change. “It would stand to reason your magic would affect the amulet and the Trollhunters. He left it with you?”
I snarled, glaring up at him, “Of course he did! He went into the Darklands alone! He took your ‘finish the fight alone’ to heart, and now he’s trapped in the Darklands alone, by himself, without this damned thing!” I threw the amulet as hard as I could, when it was a few feet away it shot back to my hand, honing in on my magic.
“We killed Bular, the last Gumm-Gumm, took down Angor Rot, the Eldritch Queen’s puppet, for what? Jim to waltz into the Darklands to get himself killed? If it wasn’t for Strickler we wouldn’t even have the last Triumbric stone.”
Kanjigar seemed taken aback by my anger, the void we were in turning red as it grew, “You didn’t follow.” Was all he said, I snapped.
“OF COURSE NOT!” I screamed, orange magic cracking and breaking the crystals around us. “I know why I can’t go in! Gunmar gets a hold of me, its lights out for everyone. I KNOW!” I began to lose control of my form, repeatedly slipping between human and troll. “I promised I would stay here, while EVERYONE went in to fight Gunmar, and what does he do? He abandons us, abandons everything!” Black began to seep into the orange cracks my magic was making. “And you know what?” I bared my teeth, getting in Kanjigar’s face black overtaking my sclera, “If I didn’t love Draal, I sure as hell wouldn’t be here. I’d be right by Jim’s side. But I made a promise to my mate that I’d stay. So tell me, how the hell would you do damage control? Because a lot of people are going to notice Jim missing, and if his mother finds out, she will find a way to break into Trollmarket and tear a disembodied soul apart!” I snarled, shoving my finger into Kangiar’s chest, able to make contact with my magic.
Eyes wide, as if he were actually afraid of me and the thought of Barbara tearing into him, Kanjigar gulped, floating back a bit. “Let me consult with the Trollhunters trapped by Angor Rot, their spirits need to rest for now, but they may have gained knowledge from the assassin or the Pale Lady.” He spoke quickly, trying to placate my rage.
The black quickly receded from my magic, leaving me feeling nauseous. How the hell did Claire use magic based on anger so well? She needs therapy. Well, we all do at this point. “And this thing,” I shoved the amulet in his face, “What do we do if it calls another?”
“It won’t,” a simple reply that I was not expecting.
“Come again?” That can’t be right, if Jim was lost to us, there would have to be another Trollhunter, right?
Kanjigar sighed, pushing the amulet out of his face to look at me. “Jim was to be the last, why do you think we were so adamant about him staying alive long enough to finish the fight?”
“How? The others think if something happens it will call someone else. If Jim is the last, what happens?” I pulled the amulet close, gripping it tightly.
“I don’t know, even with all the counsel of past Trollhunters, we knew a human Trollhunter would be the last,” Kanjigar explained, looking over the amulet solemnly. “The amulet passes on certain knowledge from Trollhunter to Trollhunter, but we are uncertain why. Deya won’t speak on the matter either. And she knew Merlin.”
“Joy,” I huffed, rubbing at my temples. “If I ever meet the old Wizard, he won’t ever hear the end of this.” I could feel a pull on my soul as the void began to shift around Kanjigar and I. “What’s going on?”
“Someone is pulling you back,” Kanjigar watched as the void began to fade, “I will speak with the others, next time, use the Soothscryer, it’s safer.”
My reply was caught off as I bolted upright, having been laying on a stone bed.
“She’s okay!” Toby’s cheers cut through my confusion.
Blinky appeared to be holding him back from tackling me at the moment.
“What happened?” I groaned, slowly releasing the grip I had on the amulet.
Garridan dropped to sit on the stone next to me, hugging me tight. “You scared us is what happened.”
Draal was holding my hand in his mechanical one, careful of the grip. “When we were talking, you suddenly stopped responding. When I tried moving you, you were as stiff as a board, your eye and the amulet were glowing orange.” He explained, worry lacing his voice as his grip tightened around my hand. “You looked like you were in your mana pools again, so I wasn’t worried, but,” He pulled my arm up, showing me the inky black traces of dark magic slowly receding from my human form. “I was worried something was wrong with your magic and rushed you to Vendel.”
Vendel dropped a heavy, ancient looking book near my feet on the stone bed. “Yes, it seems whatever you were doing caused your anger to spiral and manifest into shadow magic, which may have negative effects seeing as shadow magic is the opposite of daylight. I’m surprised you could even conjure it.” He eyed me, checking over my limbs where the magic was slowly disappearing. “What caused you to snap?”
I winced, looking down at the amulet. “I accidentally called on the Trollhunters.” I glanced up at Draal sheepishly, “And I may or may not have yelled at your dad, and threw the amulet at his head.”
Draal looked bewildered for a moment before letting out a bark of laughter, “You threw it at him? What did he say to cause that reaction?”
“He said I didn’t follow Jim, and I just,” Sighing I set the amulet aside, pulling my knees up to my chest. “I guess it was the last straw.” I shrugged, unsure if I should tell the others about the amulet, about Jim. “He’s seeking help from the Trollhunters Angor trapped. Said they might have an idea of how to help Jim.”
Draal nodded, squeezing my hand, he could tell I was holding something back, silently asking if I could go on.
I winced, squeezing his hand back. Later, I will tell him later.
Garridan sighed, rubbing my back. “I see, on that note, I may have someone who can help as well.” He offered, trying to help lighten the mood. “Though, if your aunt sees him, we’ll be down another Changeling.”
My head snapped to look dad in the face. Was he serious? “He’s coming back? When?”
“It’ll take him a few days to get here, but he’s been around longer than we have in this time, and he has a network of spies within the Janus Order. If anyone knows what is going on in the Darklands, it's them.” He smiled, squeezing my shoulder. “However, that does come with some bad news.” He sighed, “Once James has arrived, I will need to return to Camelot. One of us must be present at the moment.”
Draal ushered the others out of the Heartstone chamber, giving Garridan and me some time alone.
“So you have to leave again,” I frowned, holding his hand tight. I knew he’d have to return, I just didn’t think it would be so soon.
“Yes, though,” he nudged my chin with his knuckles, smiling. “Once this is all over, maybe you can come see it? See Camelot again.”
Nodding, I hugged him tight, unsure if I was ready to watch him leave again. “Can we keep in contact this time?”
Garridan held me tight, nodding quickly, “Of course, I’ll make sure to get one of the cell phones. James has been trying to get me to use one since we arrived in Arcadia.” He chuckled. “Seeing as I will have to return, is there anything you want to know? About your family, our time in Camelot?”
I leaned into the hold thinking for a moment. “How did you and mom meet?”
Garridan barked out a laugh, slapping his hand against his forehead at the memory. “That! Of course you want to know about that. Where to start? Ah, well, first off, I wasn’t assigned to the castle yet. In fact, when I met Ganieda, I wasn’t a Changeling yet.”
“Story for another time?” I asked, unsure if he’d be willing to talk about it.
“It’s involved in this story, don’t worry,” He smiled, squeezing my hand to let me know he was okay with telling me. “I was on patrol near the border of the Wild Woods when I heard the cry of a nature spirit, a friend to all magical creatures. Humans had attacked her, and she was left wounded in the forest. When I reached her, your mother was already there, she ran from the guards in order to help the spirit. It was the first time I had seen a sorceress help others of magic descent. When I neared, she turned on me, trying to protect the spirit from me.” He let out a laugh, thinking back to it. “Sort of reminds me of you and Draal to be honest. You take after Ganieda more than you could know.”
I smiled, pulling the locket from under my sweatshirt, opening it to see the family portrait inside. “I miss her.”
“I know little one,” he hugged me close, looking over my shoulder at the picture.
“After that, if I found an injured troll, goblin, or spirit, it seemed she was always there to help. Turns out the nature spirit she saved had been bringing her to heal the injured inhabitants of the Wild Wood.” He smiled softly, reaching out and taking the locket carefully.
“When animosity between humans and magic grew, the pale lady, the Eldritch Queen, sought to allow trolls equal footing in the day to fight back against the humans. When I learned about this, I volunteered. I didn’t care what it would do to me as long as I could help my fellow trolls. I won’t lie, the process of having your soul bound to another the way changelings are bound to their human familiars is painful. But after everything, your mother and you? I would gladly take on that pain again and again.” He paused, knowing this would be an uncomfortable part of the story.
“Most of the humans chosen were guards in the castle, that way we could infiltrate their ranks and spy on the army.” Wrinkling his nose at the memory, he let out a huff. “I took on the role of General, and quickly found out we worked closely with the sorcerers in the castle. At that point I saw your mother nearly everyday, unless she was called away to heal someone in the Wild Wood. We grew closer, and after a while I felt sick at the thought of hiding what I was from her, so I did the stupidest thing I could think of. I told her everything, and I showed her what the Eldritch Queen created.”
“Something tells me she didn’t take that well,” I sighed, knowing how I reacted to Eemeli at first.
“She took me being a troll in stride, what her friend did though? I don’t think she could ever look at her the same after that. I made it clear I volunteered though. I chose this. It wasn’t till after you were born that we found out Gunmar was kidnapping younglings and turning them into Changelings.” He snarled.
“Do you want to stop?” Worried he was too upset at the memory.
He shook his head, calming down after a moment. “I’m alright, back to the story, yes?” Smiling softly he took a moment to think. “Ganieda and I were close friends after that. It took years for me to convince James to meet her as a troll, but he finally relented. The picture of us in your mother’s grimoire was a memory from the night I began courting her. Let’s just say I learned that a bouquet of flowers was not the same as an entire tree that night.”
I laughed, knowing I would want that story one of these days. “Promise you’ll tell me that one later?”
“I promise my little moonlight,” He smiled, petting back the bangs from the injured side of my face carefully.
“Why did you and mom start calling me that?” I asked, “The Eldritch Queen called me sunshine.”
“Ah, that,” Garridan winced. “Well, you were born in the Wild Wood during a moonless night,” The memory brought a small smile to his face. “We knew right away that you had magic, your hands were glowing the softest pale blue when you were born. Your mother thought your magic lit up the woods like the moonlight itself, and since then, most of us referred to you as moonlight. Sunshine on the other hand,” he sighed, the Pale Lady in general was an unpleasant memory. “I think it was a dig at Merlin and daylight to be honest. You were born, essentially, holding daylight, something only Merlin and your mother were able to do until you were born.”
“So it’s a literal nickname,” I snickered, still hating the name. “Doesn’t make it better.”
“Your mother wasn’t fond of it either, but seeing how close to the edge her friend was, she didn’t want to push her further.” Garridan sighed, the memories right before the battle being the most painful. “Do you remember anyone else? I know your memories have been coming back slowly.”
“I know the man in green I used to dream of was Merlin, and the lady in gold was the Eldritch Queen,” I paused, thinking back to the memories from the pixies. “There’s one I’m not sure about though. It was a memory from Angor’s pixie attack on the school. There was a boy, maybe a teen? He had been looking for me.” Willing my mind to fill in the details of the broken memory. “There was music and I think I fell asleep on a cat?”
“Does the name Hisirdoux sound familiar?” Garridan asked, smiling softly.
“Not really?” I shrugged. That couldn’t be right, it was close but off, “Hisirdoux? Doux?” I paused, a soft melody from a lute filling my mind, almost like a lullaby. “Douxie.”
“You never were able to get his full name down,” He chuckled, watching as recognition filled my good eye.
“Big brother, he used to sing lullabies and the cat-thing, it had wings!” I jolted up from the hug, the image of a black cat with bat-like wings flying around an old study. “Why did it have glasses? Did it have glasses?”
Nodding, Garridan pulled me back down to sit on the stone bed, keeping an eye on the black markings still staining my skin. “That would be Archie, and yes he wore glasses, however he’s actually a dragon, not a cat.”
“Dragon,” my eyes went wide, hand slapping my forehead, yelping as I hit the longest part of the gash over my eye, “Of course they’re real, and that was stupid.” I groaned, carefully holding the part of my face I had hit.
Garridan pulled my hands away, sighing as he saw blood seeping through the bandage Vendel had placed. “And we’re going to Vendel again. Stay here, no more hitting your head.”
I gave him a thumbs up, delving further in the memories as he went to get Vendel. I remember curling up near a window with Douxie and Archie, playing with the sun rays as my little blue hands pulled them with my magic. I know these are my memories but it was odd to see them now, this was 900 years ago, and yet, it felt like it could’ve been yesterday. I drifted further into the memory, nearing the battle of Killahead. The dungeons, I don’t know why I liked going down there, I think my friend was there? Maybe a story for another time.
“Great Gronka Mora!” Vendel groaned loudly, seeing red staining the bandage over my face. “How is it that you can injure yourself by merely sitting?” He huffed out grabbing fresh bandages and healing ointment, “Do not try healing it, we don’t if that,” He points to the inky stains lingering on my arms and hands, “will affect your magic.”
“Noted,” I frowned, looking over the marks as Vendel was cutting the old bandage off to see the damage I had caused.
“At least you’re speaking again,” He muttered, carefully examining the wound.
I winced, knowing my silence and anger had worried my teacher and my friends. “I’m so-”
“Don’t you dare,” Vendel cut my apology off. “There is nothing for you to apologize for.” He carefully cleaned the wound of any new blood, holding the gauze firmly to stop the current bleeding. “You have every right to be upset and angry with your brother. We all feel the same to some degree, he had your trust over all others.”
I glanced down, knowing Vendel was right, but it was still hard to discuss. I couldn’t push it off forever, and when I was trying to talk it out with Draal I got void-napped. “How would a sorceress act in this situation?” I tried falling back on something Vendel could use as a teaching moment, he loves helping others learn, even if it frustrated the hell out of him, Blinky.
Looking over the uncovered side of my face, Vendel’s frown deepened. “Of the few I know or knew personally? One put himself in a false death state, another died trying to protect people, as far as I’m aware the youngest helps run an occult book shop, but,” He trailed off, seeming torn on whether he wanted to continue. “The sorceress in a situation that most resembles this? She fueled an all out war between humans and magical creatures, killed any who got in her way, and tore apart the last friend willing to reach out to her.”
Wincing, I had a feeling I knew exactly who the last one was. Glancing at the door, making sure my dad wasn’t returning for the moment, I focused back on Vendel. “The Eldritch Queen, what,” I paused trying to figure out how I wanted to ask him.
“How did she ‘snap’? What pushed her over the edge?” He sighed, carefully wrapping the bandage around the left side of my face. “I was being serious when I said this was a similar situation. Her brother, in his own grief, banned all magic and magical creatures from Camelot, any that were found were either thrown into the dungeons or killed on sight.” Tying the bandage at the base of my head, Vendel settled on the stone bed next to me. “What would you do, if one day, Jim decided he wanted nothing to do with magic? With trolls, or changelings, or even you?”
I gripped the amulet tight, anxiety flaring up in my chest at the thought. “At that point? I might snap. That would be him telling me he didn’t want anything to do with me, or what I am.”
Nodding, Vendel gently rubbed my back seeing that the anxiety was causing the black marks to slowly crawl up my forearm. “Easy, it's a hypothetical River.” He waited for the markings to slow to a stop before continuing. “From what I know, Merlin was only allowed in Camelot because the Pale Lady showed signs of magic at a very young age and needed a teacher. Merlin’s sister was welcomed as a healer soon after and she grew up alongside Morgana, the Eldritch Queen.”
“Aunt Gana,” I mumbled, remembering the seemingly sweet lady she had been at the start of my pixie induced nightmare.
Vendel nodded, hand gripping my shoulder, “The youngest was acquired after fleeing from Camelot guards. I believe you may have grown up with him from what your father has mentioned.” A frown marred his face as he thought back to the time of Killahead. “The Eldritch Queen, Lady Morgana, could no longer ignore her brother's misdeeds to her people, and thus she allied herself with the strongest troll of the time, Gunmar.”
“He drove her into betrayal?” I asked, shocked. No matter how angry I was at Jim, no matter how much I wanted to hit him over the head with Daylight, I could never see myself betraying him. Even now, with my anger? I still want to help bring him home. I could never leave him trapped in the Darklands. But I didn’t stop him…
Vendel grabbed my hands quickly, pulling me from the dark thoughts, looking down I could see the black tendrils had climbed above my elbow. “River, you need to speak. You need to tell someone what is going on. This magic could kill you.”
I went rigid. Wasn’t it bad enough that daylight was killing me before I found my changeling form? Now I have to worry about this?
“River, little one. Breath,” Vendel kneeled in front of me, slowly breathing in then out, getting me to copy the rhythm. “Easy, it’s alright to be upset, but holding it in will only do more damage the longer it grows.”
“I didn’t stop him,” I choked out, trembling as the tears spilled from my right eye again. I hated showing this much emotion, but between Draal and Vendel? I don’t think I’ve ever felt safe enough to drown in it before. A sob broke through my chest as I clutched tightly to Vendel's fingers, finally allowing myself to fully break. “He left, and I didn’t stop him! I should’ve grabbed him, forced the bridge to close, anything!”
“You couldn’t move, River. The amulet had drained most of your mana to rebuild and open the bridge. If it weren’t for your changeling form, you would’ve been completely covered in burns.” Vendel reasoned, keeping his voice calm as he helped me work through this.
“He promised,” I sobbed, forehead landing on Vendel's shoulder as I tried to curl up on myself. “He promised and he left. I know it was his choice, I just went over this with Draal, but how? How could he turn his back on everything? On everyone?”
“River, what would you do in his place?” Vendel asked, letting me curl into his chest, hugging me tight.
“I,” choking back, I tried to think about it. If Jim and I were in a complete role reversal, what would I do? Toby and I had truly let our rage out on Angor when he killed Arrrgh, but Jim? He was still trying to protect everyone. We’ve been told over and over how a Trollhunter should act and fight, how no matter what, the fight would be finished alone. “I would've gone into the Darklands.”
Vendel waited for a moment, knowing I still had to come to terms with the thing that hurt most.
“Even if it meant leaving everyone behind. Going back on my word.” I sighed, the tears slowly coming to a stop. “I don’t think I would’ve done anything different in his place.”
“You have every right to be angry with him, I do not bring this up to undermine your anger,” Vendel noted, gently patting the back of my head. “Just know that the Trollhunter did not choose this path lightly, however much we ALL disagree with him.”
I look up at Vendel, carefully taking his face in for a moment. “You don’t think he should’ve gone in, do you?”
Vendel shook his head. “No, I don’t think he should have gone in alone. Once that boy makes up his mind, not even the threat of Gunmar can change it.”
“Literally,” I sighed, watching as the black tendrils receded from my elbows to wrapping around my wrists.
“She doesn’t know, does she?” Vendel’s question caught me off guard.
“What?” Unsure of what he was talking about now.
“Your mother, Barbara,” Vendel nodded to the collar around my throat, a comforting presence even if its function was no longer needed.
“Oh, that,” I sighed, knowing he referred to my answer last night, refusing to tell mom what happened. “Jim decided he wanted to keep it from her, keep everything from her.”
“Does the Trollhunter speak for you?” He asked, knowing it was a touchy subject still.
I shrugged, unable to find the energy to be angry over it right now. “Usually? No. In this case? She’s his mom, if it’s what he thinks is best, then I’ll play along and play human.”
Vendel’s brow ridge furrowed at that, obviously disagreeing with me, “She may be his birth mother, but she raised you. You are her daughter in every way that is important.” He clasped my shoulder, making me look up at him. “If you are worried for her safety and do not wish to tell her now, I understand. If you’re only doing this for Jim, then I strongly suggest you think it over. I know you want to hide the injury, but there’s nothing we can do about it. She’ll be more worried later on if she sees it, than if you let her know now, even if it's a lie.”
“A lie?” I asked, confused on why Vendel would suggest I lie to her after everything.
“Only if you choose not to let her know about your Trollhunting,” He smiled softly, knowing that it was a large battle on it’s own for me.
“I’ll think about it,” I hugged Vendel tight, thankful I could rely on him. “Thank you.”
Vendel hugged back for a moment before pulling away and slowly standing up. “Come, I’m sure the others are still worried about you. Blinky and Claire have been trying to keep Tobias from running in here to drag you out.”
I smiled softly, getting up to follow Vendel out of the healing chambers, taking a less populated way to Blinky’s Library. It was hard to see Arrrgh’s stone form sitting amongst the piles of books and scrolls. Toby seemed to be taking it like a champ, he and Blinky coping by talking to him still.
Claire was the first to notice Vendel and I, Draal having to help Blinky tie Toby down before he could run off to the healing chambers again. She carefully placed my mother’s grimoire down, running for Vendel and I. “Are you okay? Is it getting better?” She asked, glancing at the black markings completely covering my hands with tendrils wrapping over my wrist. “Does it hurt?”
I held my hands up, showing the markings, “They’re better, slowly receding. I’m surprised this doesn’t happen to you with the Shadow Staff.”
“Lady Claire has a gift for shadow magic itself, you on the other hand hold daylight as I explained before. You shouldn't have been able to conjure shadow magic, let alone to this degree.” Vendel explained, “Seeing as it was directly tied to your emotions while in the void, I suggest staying amongst the living until the markings disperse at least.”
I groaned, looking over the marks again, “Any suggestions on explaining this one to mom? It doesn’t exactly look like paint,” I pouted, my go to excuse thrown right out the window.
“Well,” Blinky crowded us, having given up on trapping Toby now that I was in the Library, leaving Draal to untangle the fleshbag. “Humans can bruise severely, yes? If you have an explanation for your eye, perhaps it would work for your hands?”
“I wasn’t planning on telling her at first,” I admitted, wincing at the confused noises coming from everyone but Draal and Vendel. “Jim did tell mom that she was in a car accident with Strickler after spending time together. She thinks he’s at another hospital recovering while she made out with only a concussion.” I frowned, still not liking the idea of lying to her, “I suppose I could say the injuries are from the accident, I haven’t actually looked at her since I left her with Jim in the hospital.” I mumbled the last part, not wanting to go down that train of thought again.
Claire squeezed my hand, pain filling her eyes as she nodded. “Toby and I can back you up on that, we still have pictures of Strickler’s car from you crashing into Trollmarket with it.”
I nodded, thankful I had her and Toby to help topside with Arcadia. “Alright, it’s time we started planning.” I reigned my emotions in, setting my focus on damage control until we could find Jim. “Mom thinks Jim and I are staying with Toby and Claire until tomorrow. At that point she’ll be expecting both of us at home.”
Blinky grinned, “We have that partially covered!” Rushing to the back of the Library, he quickly rejoined us, pulling along a disgruntled and barely untangled Toby. “Tobias, please demonstrated our current method of ‘Damage Control!’”
Toby grumbled, swiping a mask that Blinky was holding with two of his four arms. He pointed it at me, pouting, “I know you’re probably pissed, but please remember it's me, I don’t think I can take a powered up River punch.”
Confused, brow arching slightly as I waited for Toby to do whatever it was he thought would piss me off.
Wincing, Toby put the mask over his face and in a flash of light, Jim was standing in front of me, looking scared out of his mind. “Please don’t hit me!” came Jim’s voice.
Snarling, I realized I had instinctually pulled my fist back, ready to strike. I forced my hand down before the black tendrils could get past my mid forearm. “Explain. Now.”
Toby ripped the mask off as fast as he could, returning to his normal self. “Blink! Your turn!” He squeaked out, moving quickly out or arms reach.
Blinky took the mask from Toby, holding it out to show the carving of two half faces on the mask. “This is a Janus mask, named after the Janus order itself. It allowed non-changelings to take the form of another while wearing it. However, if the wearer was a troll, the glamour would not protect them from sunlight. Hence why Tobias, Lady Claire, Eemeli, or yourself would have to wear it during the day.”
“Yeah, not happening,” I snarled, inching away from the mask. I may have come to the realization that, in his place, I would’ve done the same, but I’m still pissed about it.
“We figured, besides, Jim has to be seen with you,” Claire cut in, giving Blinky a hard look to make sure he understood I would not be posing as Jim under any circumstances.
“We do have the issue of Jim’s Trollhunter duties and school,” Garridan addressed, reading over a passage on the Janus mask. “There may be a solution in a few days, however, at the moment, we won’t be able to hide that Jim is absent from school.”
“The school can’t contact mom because of the concussion, and I’m the only person of legal age on Jim’s emergency contact list.” I sighed, rubbing my temples. This was going to be an issue.
“Anyone need another doctor's note?” I could hear the grin in Eemeli’s tone.
I looked up, seeing Eemeli walk into the library in his human form, holding up an official looking slip of paper. “Is that another standard Changeling sick note?”
“Nope, I modified it so that Jim may be absent for a while,” He smirked, handing the note to me.
Looking it over quickly, I nodded, carefully stashing it in my backpack. “Alright, School and home are taken care of, what about Trollhunting?”
“I can take most of that on,” Claire offered, “The Trolls seem to like me enough, and if it’s something out of my depth I could get help.”
Smiling, I nodded, “Okay, you’ll take care of most of the Trollhunter duties, if you need help come get me. I don’t mind helping. Eemeli, seeing as you still have contacts in the Janus Order, see if you can dig up anything that might help us get to Jim, once uncle James gets here he can help you with that.” I turned my focus to Draal, smiling apologetically, “How do you feel about spending a lot of time surrounded by piles of books and Blinky’s rambling?”
“I’m assuming you will be there to keep Blinkous alive,” Draal chuckled, “I will protect the house while Barbara is recovering, just in case the Janus order gets bold in Jim’s absence. When she is working, I will help with research here.”
“Wait!” Toby yelped, pulling on his hair in stress, “We forgot the most difficult part!”
We all turned to Toby, confused on what we could have missed. Everything we mentioned was difficult enough, what could be more difficult?
“How are we going to lie to Sr. Uhl?! He can smell a lie from a mile away,” He wheezed, actually panicking over this.
I quickly grabbed Toby by the shoulders, forcing him to look at me, “I will talk with Sr. Uhl. It’s my responsibility after all.”
“I didn’t know humans could smell lies, did you?” Blinky asked Draal.
“They can’t, Blinky, it’s just a figure of speech. Sr. Uhl seems to be able to tell when someone is lying about school related things, I think it just comes from years of teaching.” I explained, calming Toby down.
“You’re a terrible liar!” He squeaked, knowing I hated lying and was purposefully bad at it when I ‘had to’ lie.
Eemeli grinned, coming up from behind Toby and lending on his head like an armrest, “Don’t worry fleshbag, River’s a changeling. It’ll come naturally.”
Garridan rolled his eyes, putting away the passage he was reading. “Changelings aren’t inherently good liars, if I remember you and Strickler were particularly bad when I was a Gumm-Gumm general. I had to save you two from Arrrgh wrath more than once.”
Silence fell over the room as we each glanced at the stone Troll in the corner of the Library, Toby’s sigh breaking the tension. “I think we should head out, Nana is expecting me home soon anyway.” And with that, we slowly parted ways. Draal and I stayed with the Changelings and Blinky to begin our research as the teens returned to the surface. I was not looking forward to the school week.
After organizing and separating books all night, Eemeli and I packed up to head for the surface. Planning to meet Toby disguised as Jim and Claire at my house.
Eemeli slowed his steps, glancing at the uninjured side of my face, “So, any ideas?”
“To help Jim, explain this to mom, or for breakfast?” I quipped, rubbing my eye, losing half my sight was straining the eye muscles.
“The injuries, and the shadow magic stains,” He nodded, the ‘bruises’ calming down, only covering my fingers and creeping up my palm at the moment.
“Car accident, mom thinks we were all on our way somewhere which is why Jim was with her. Strickler was taken to another hospital, and she hasn’t seen my face since the ‘accident’.” Sighing, I carefully settled my hand over the bandage, making sure it wasn’t bleeding through. “If she asks, I’ll say I was taken to the hospital Strickler was at. She wouldn’t have access to my files at the hospital either way, seeing as she’s my aunt.” I explained my thought process, wincing as the house came into view, mom’s car in the driveway.
“And Toby said you suck at lying,” Eemeli chuckled, heading up the porch and into the house with me, staying close in case I needed a quick escape.
We heard a crash in the kitchen, Eemeli and I quickly ran in to see ‘Jim’ destroying the kitchen as he tried to cook what looked like rubber. Mom sitting at the counter watching in horror. She looked up, our movements catching her attention, eyes going impossibly wider at the sight of my bandaged face. “What happened?!” She almost screeched, knocking the stool over as she ran to me, carefully holding my face as she took in the bandages. “River? Are you okay?”
“I’m fine mom,” I sighed, trying to pull the hand on the left side of my face away, wincing as she caught sight of the black tendrils.
“Fine? This isn’t fine, young lady.” She scolded, taking my hands. “What in the world happened?”
“The car accident,” I blurted out, wincing as shock overtook her features. “When we got hit in Mr. Strickler’s car, my head went through the door window and I slammed my hands into something.” I quickly explained.
‘Jim’ recovered quickly, realizing where I was going with my story. “That’s right, you haven’t really seen River since the accident. She wanted you to focus on getting better before worrying over her.” He explained, trying to back me up.
“I’m your mother, it’s my job to worry about you,” She frowned, making sure the bandages were secured. “How bad is it sweetie?”
I glanced at my hands still in her hold, gripping her fingers tight. “My hands are, other than that, I was assured they’d be fine. My face was cut pretty deep, and the doctors think my eye was too damaged to heal.” I spoke softly, thinking back to what Vendel said when he first treated the wound.
“Why didn’t the doctors tell me? They should have told me you were hurt.” Barbara huffed, going to the freezer and getting an ice pack, carefully placing it in my hands, going full mom-doctor mode.
“I was taken to the same hospital as Strickler, since I wasn’t exactly conscious they were unable to get in contact with anyone.” I fumbled, unsure how to continue.
“Strickler’s my uncle,” Eemeli stepped in, his cover having been that he moved to Arcadia to live with his uncle. “He woke up first and was able to contact me. I let him know you were still unconscious and Jim was safe with you, coming out with barely a scratch. When River finally woke up and was discharged I picked her up.”
Mom smiled, giving Eemeli a tight hug, “Thank you for looking out for them.”
Eemeli shrugged, stone stiff in the hug, “No problem, River’s my best friend after all.”
“Does Draal know?” She asked, catching us off guard, “I know he went back to school, but have you contacted him?”
I smiled softly, nodded, “I have, he tried coming out but I made sure he stayed at school, there’s not much anyone can do about it and he needs to focus on his finals. He’ll visit again, don’t worry.”
“Okay, maybe I should give you a ride to school then,” Barbara went to look for her keys.
“Don’t worry about that mom, Eemeli was picking us up!” ‘Jim’ grinned, the rubber substance forgotten on the stove. “We need to get going and you’re supposed to be resting.”
Mom sighed, letting us go, “Alright, just be safe. Thank you for picking them up, Eemeli. Take care,” she smiled walking us to the door, Eemeli’s car having been parked in front of Toby’s house.
We waved goodbye to mom, carefully piling into the car and heading to Claire’s house.
“You really can’t cook, can you?” I turned to the back seat as Toby pulled the Janus mask off.
“I panicked!” Toby pouted, stuffing the magic item into his bag, “She thinks her taste is off due to the concussion.”
“Let’s just be thankful for that then,” I sighed, making sure I had the doctor's note for Jim as we pulled up to Claire's house.
Claire ran out, getting into the car as fast as she could, “Everyone ready?” She asked, knowing today was going to be all about dodging questions. “Any plans?”
“Jim’s in the hospital, they’re running tests on him,” Eemeli supplied, quickly turning around to head for the school.
“If anyone wants to see him, let them know he’s in quarantine until the doctor’s figure out what’s wrong, we aren’t sure if he’s contagious.” I finished, pulling the note out. I’d have to drop it off at the office before classes today.
“You want us to come with?” Claire asked, handing me bandages to hide my hands.
“Maybe,” I sighed, taking the bandages and wrapping them carefully, hiding as much of the shadow magic stains as I could. “I’m really starting to question how you use shadow magic so well,” I pouted, looking back over my seat at her.
Claire shrugged, “I’m not at a disadvantage, maybe Merlin and your mom couldn’t use it either?” She wondered, hiding the collapsed shadow staff in her backpack.
“Speaking of, what happens if those marks keep growing?” Toby asked, worried after hearing Vendel explain they could hurt me.
I settled back into my seat, staring out the window, “If what Vendel says is accurate, and it usually is, nothing good will happen if it spreads. Meaning I need to keep myself as anger-free as possible until they disappear.”
“Gotcha!” Toby grinned, nudging Eemeli’s shoulder, “Looks like we’re on ‘Keep psycho Steve away from River at all costs’ duty!”
Eemeli snorted, rolling his eyes, “Kind of hard when he has classes with her that we don’t.”
“I’ll be fine, I can ignore Steve long enough for this to heal up,” I groaned as we parked near the school, seeing Darci and Mary waiting for Claire. “On second thought, maybe I’ll hide in Trollmarket.”
“You’re not going to be able to avoid everyone forever, you didn’t want to hide the injuries after all,” Claire jumped out of the back seat, waving at the girls before pulling my door open, “It’ll be fine, car accident right? Toby texted me.”
I nodded, getting out of the car, following Claire as Toby and Eemeli kept an eye out for obnoxious teenage boys.
“River?!” Mary’s screech was almost deafening, “What in the world happened to you?” She and Darci came running right over, fussing over the bandages covering my face and hands.
“Kind of the reason why I missed the Spring Fling,” I winced, pulling my head back so Mary couldn’t touch the face bandage, not wanting it to reopen again.
“The car accident Dr. Lake and Mr. Strickler got in. Dr. Lake offered to help chaperone the dance so Jim and River were riding with them.” Claire supplied quickly, making sure the girls were giving me room to breathe.
“Not exactly the easiest night, but we’re all more or less okay. Jim’s still in the hospital though.” Knowing Jim hadn’t gone inside the dance, no one knew he had picked Claire up that night. “Will be for a while.”
“Damn, are you sure you’re okay coming back to school?” Darci asked, taking my bag from me, the four of us heading towards the office.
“I’ll be okay, besides, I have to give Jim's doctor’s note to the office. We’re not sure when he’ll be back right now.” I smiled, holding up the official looking documentation.
Mary huffed, getting in front of me, poking me on the nose, “You listen here, I know having girl friends is new to you, but if you need anything we’re here, got it?”
My eyes went wide at the ferocity Mary had displayed, I nodded slowly, letting her know I did understand.
“I’ll drop your bag off at your first class,” Darci offered, her and Mary taking off as we reached the office, “Take it easy!”
“I was not expecting that,” I blinked, watching the girls head off.
Claire smiled, resting her hand on my right shoulder, pulling my attention back to her. “Friends do that, look at Toby, he threatened to fight Draal to get to you when Garridan asked for Vendel’s help last night. Glad you only reopened the wound.”
Smiling softly, I could hardly picture Draal taking the threat seriously, but a concerned Toby was a force to be reckoned with if Blinky and Draal were having difficulties holding him back. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
We quickly entered the office, the ladies at the front desk directing us to the Principal’s office, where none other than Sr. Uhl was sitting at the desk, trying to get everything in order.
Claire stiffened, staying by the door at the sight of our Spanish teacher, any input might set off his internal lie detector after all.
“Sr. Uhl?” I asked, approaching his desk.
His head snapped up, eyes going wide at the sight of the bandages covering half of my face.
“Dios mio!” He yelped, standing from the desk, “What happened?”
I winced, holding out the doctor’s note quickly. “Car accident, Mr. Strickler had picked up my mom, Jim and me for the Spring Fling. Mom made it out with a concussion but I wasn’t exactly that lucky. From what I know, Mr. Strickler was still in the hospital and Jim,” I trailed off, looking down at the paper.
Sr. Uhl carefully took the offered note, reading over quickly, “I see, Mr. Lake hasn’t woken up, possibly due to underlying issues?” He asked, looking up from the note.
“He began running a fever soon after being brought to the hospital, the doctor’s are unsure if the accident caused the coma or if it possibly agitated an underlying issue. They have him quarantined just in case while running tests.” I explained, trying to keep my voice even, though I ended up choking on a few words.
Sr. Uhl’s face fell quickly, taking me being choked up as being emotional over the state my brother was supposedly in. “I will file this away, you focus on healing. If you need any help with school work or anything else, do not hesitate to come to me. I will be postponing any tests or at home assignments for my classes as well, so for now, instead of your TA duties I would like you to take that time to rest.” He instructed, leading Claire and I out of the office. “Pick up a note at the front desk to excuse your tardiness.”
“Thank you Sr. Uhl,” I gave him a small smile, quickly leaving with Claire to pick up the notes and heading out to the courtyard.
“Either Eemeli was right about lying coming natural to Changelings, or you’re Sr. Uhl’s favorite student,” Claire teased, walking me to Ms. Harper’s class. “Are you going to be okay?”
“I’ve got most of my classes with Eemeli or Eli, I think I’ll manage,” I smiled, waving her off to her own class. If today was as easy as lying to Sr. Uhl, I’d be back in Trollmarket in no time.
Aaaaand, so much for this being easy. I sighed as Ms. Harper spent the majority of our class hovering over me and Eemeli. I knew she was very invested in her students, but this degree was almost suffocating. I barely managed to make it out of the class with the shadow magic growing to cover my wrists. Didn’t think I’d find this much ‘caring’ so irritating.
“You’re mumbling out loud,” Eemeli chuckled, amused at how often he had to step in between Ms. Harper and myself. Currently he was glaring down anyone that seemed interested in the bandages covering my face and hands.
“The intrusive thoughts are starting to win,” I pouted, pulling my hood up knowing my next class would only grate on my nerves. I loved Ms. Janice, but she had a flare for the overdramatics.
Eemeli paused as we reached my class, peeking in ahead of me. “You sure you don’t want to run away? I’m sure ‘principal’ Uhl would send you home.”
I sighed, shaking my head, “No, I made up my mind. Other than coming out in my troll-form, I don’t want to hide away.”
“Are you doing this to spite Jim?” Eemeli asked bluntly, knowing exactly what Jim had asked of me.
“I didn’t think of it that way,” Frowning, I held his gaze, “Oddly enough, I have quite a few human friends, and I don’t like lying to them. I have to keep enough secret, I don’t exactly want to hide my own face now too.”
“One of your faces,” Eemeli snickered, patting my shoulder as he pushed me towards the classroom door. “Good luck in trig, Eli’s already there!”
I stumbled into the classroom, glancing up to see Eli’s concerned gaze locked on me. Well, if there was one human, outside of Claire and Toby, I could trust, it was Eli. We’ve been friends as long as Toby and Jim have been. I waved, quickly taking my usual seat next to him, in front of Steve.
“Are we going to talk about it?” Eli asked, knowing that, recently, I’ve been electing to keep things to myself.
Frowning, I pulled my hood back so he could see the extent of the bandages at least. “Car accident, same one my aunt was involved in.”
Eli’s brow furrowed as I referred to Barbara as ‘my aunt’ instead of ‘my mom,’ the little gremlin was always observant. “Shouldn’t you be at home recovering?” He asked instead, his worry drowning any suspicions he had at the moment.
A low whistle came from the front of the class. Great, I had almost forgotten about Palchuk. “Wow, River. Who’d you get in a fight with now? You look awful.” He snickered, taking his seat behind Eli and I.
For a moment, I debated ignoring Steve before a predatory grin broke over my face, turning to look him in the eye. “What’s wrong Palchuk? Scared you’re next?”
Tensing in the seat next to me, Eli glanced between us, shocked at the switch my mood had taken.
Steve scoffed, glaring at the bandage over my face. “Yeah, right! Nothing can touch the Palchuk.” He hissed.
I tilted my head, sneering at his still chipped tooth. “Really? Jim certainly did.”
Steve went to retort but Ms. Janice walked in, silencing the class. She only paused to nod at me before going about the lesson. It seems Sr. Uhl must’ve spoken to some of the teachers.
I could barely keep up with the notes, mind wandering to whatever the hell caused me to react to Steve like that. The guy pisses me off, sure, but unless he was directly threatening someone, I could usually ignore him. A small burning around the middle of my forearm drew my attention completely from the lesson. I shifted the sleeve of my sweatshirt to see that the shadow stain had grown again, covering most of my lower arm.
Why was it fluctuating so much? I wasn’t all that angry or irritated at the moment. Maybe I could Blinky after school.
“River?” Eli’s voice cut through, pulling my attention. “It’s time for lunch. Do you need to go to the nurse?” Worried, he glanced down at my arm, seeing the black tendrils move. “What’s that?”
“Nothing!” I yelped, pulling my sleeves down quickly. “Sorry, Eli. I guess I’m not doing so well after all.” I tried to placate, rushing to grab my bag.
“What’s really going on, River?” Eli finally asked, refusing to drop it this time. “You’ve been acting strange since you started drawing those monsters.” He huffed, thinking back to the day Jim found the amulet and I had accidentally sketched out Kanjigar from his remains.
I bit my lip hard. If there was anyone I trusted, it was Eli. But, could I really tell him? I can’t exactly explain moving tattoos to him. “I,” Sighing, I knew my answer, “can’t really explain it. Not without getting you into a lot of trouble. Can we please drop it? For now at least?” I asked, holding his gaze so he knew I meant it.
“This is worse than some car accident, isn’t it?” He asked, frown covering his face in thought.
I nodded mutely, giving him at least that much.
“For now, I’ll drop it, but if you keep coming to school hurt, someone’s really going to notice.” He finally gave in, moving out of the way so we could leave the classroom. “If I figure it out on my own, can I at least ask you then?”
Pausing, I weighed the options in my mind. On one hand, Eli could go looking for trouble, with Bular gone and the Bridge sealed in Trollmarket, it would be close to impossible for him to find it. On the other hand, if he did find out, and didn’t come talk to me or the others, he could end up in a lot of danger. “Okay, if you think you’ve figured out what’s going on, before I think I can tell you, you can come ask me. And I promise, if you’re correct, I will let you know.”
Eli seemed to ease up at that, bumping his elbow into mine, “Deal. I mean, I saw those monsters in the fall, wonder if it has something to do with that!” Eli grinned, pulling out his conspiracy theory notebook, “I’ll get back to you on this!” He waved as Toby and Claire found us.
“What’s that about?” Claire asked, confused about Eli's excitement.
“Let’s just say he’s a lot closer to joining the Trollhunters than he realizes,” I sighed, rubbing my right temple. This was going to be very interesting. Wonder how he’d react to Draal?
“Uh, River?” Toby piped up, pulling my hood over my head, “If you’re angry we really need to get it under control, it's spreading!” He hissed, pulling the drawstring tight.
“Shit!” I yelped, looking into my hoodie to see that the markings had indeed grown over my chest and were snaking up towards my neck. “Not good.”
“Come one, we’re eating off campus.” Claire dragged us to a deserted hallway, pulling the shadow staff out.
Toby winced, stepping between me and the staff, “Is that smart? What if it only gets worse going through a portal?”
“We don’t have many options, Robes, I’m not supposed to use my magic.” I frowned, worried as well but needing to get to Trollmarket, now.
Claire opened the portal under us, jumping in after. She grabbed Toby and I, flying straight for another opening, one that had us falling into the Library.
“Great Gronka Mora!” Blinky yelped, having narrowly dodged us. “What in blazes are you doing?”
“River’s getting worse!” Toby squeaked, pulling my hood down.
Blinky’s jaw dropped as he saw shadow tendrils curling over the right side of my face. “Garridan!” He called out, looking around for my father, “Where in the heavens has he gone to?”
Snarling as the black bled into my sclera, I shoved Blinky out of my face, “Oh shut up! Since when did panicking ever do us any good?”
Claire and Toby were stunned silent as they watched me push Blinky.
“I mean really?” I laughed, “All that’s done is pick a fight with Draal, have us chased by a horde of goblins. You couldn’t even get a clear warning out to us during the ransom call. We lost the Killstone, destroyed Angor’s soul, and got ARRRGGHH KILLED!” Magic radiated off of me, causing cracks to form under my feet.
“Well,” A male voice cut in, one I hadn’t heard in years, “You weren’t kidding when you said she’d been infected with shadow magic.”
My head snapped to the voice, a man stood with my father, wearing the same Eclipse Guard uniform. He almost looked like an older version of Jim only he had dark eyes instead of blue.
“You,” I snarled, shifting into my troll form, claws at the ready.
Uncle James had finally returned to Arcadia. Poor timing for him it seems.
“Garridan, Lady Claire, keep her at bay, I’ll need a moment to get the elixir ready.” He instructed as I lunged for him.
Draal’s boulder form came in fast, knocking me as hard as he could into a pile of books. “Sorry love, but you need help.” He grunted, trying to pin me down.
A gold glow came from my blinded eye, dimmed only slightly by the bandages. “Let me go!” I screeched, trying to rip myself from Draal’s hold. “I’m going to tear him apart!”
“And when this magic isn’t infecting you, you’ll be more upset if you get to tear him apart.” Draal tried to argue, wincing as my claws sunk into his arm, keeping his grip as tight as possible.
“What is going on?” Blinky asked, Draal’s entrance finally pulling him from the shock of my words. “What has gotten into Lady River?”
“The shadow magic,” Garridan spoke through gritted teeth as he joined Draal, trying to keep me pinned down. “I told James what was happening and he rushed as fast as he could. We’ve only seen a sorceress react to shadow magic like this once before. It’s like an infection, the more a person feels, whether positive or negative, the more the magic feeds off of them.”
“And, like any other magic spell or curse, there is a counter,” James supplied, quickly mixing several vials together. “However, this counter requires someone to take it with her. And depending on their physiology the side effects could be anything.” He frowned, mixing two final vials.
“I’ll take it,” Draal spoke immediately, “She’s my mate, if she needs help, I will answer the call.”
“That’s very noble Draal, but we don’t know what it will do to you,” Garridan winced as I swiped at his face, barely pulling back in time. “I was the extra the last time we had to deal with this, I grew very sick and could shift out of my human form.”
“Doesn’t matter,” Draal growled, looking over to James. “We’ll take it.”
I clenched my jaw shut tight, growling up at them. They couldn’t make me take it! I wouldn’t take it!
James frowned, handing the vials to Draal, “This is going to be a lot harder than last time, Ganieda only set the study on fire.”
Draal took the vials, noticing my clenched jaw he seemed to come to a decision. “You might not like this,” he huffed towards Garridan before taking both vials in his mouth.
“Don't drink both!” Garridan yelped before Draal took hold of my face and did the last thing any Troll would expect.
Draal kissed me. Shocked at the sudden kiss, my jaw loosened enough for Draal to force half the liquid into my mouth. I struggled at first, trying with everything I had not to swallow, but eventually my need for air outweighed my anger and I swallowed the elixir.
Draal pulled back, swallowing the half he needed to take. “How long until it takes effect?”
Groaning, I slowly stopped fighting him and Garridan, mind clearing as I fully realized where I was. “What did I do now?” I croaked out, exhausted as the black receded from my sclera, the gold glow in my left eye dying out completely. The shadow magic slowly receded from my face, trailing down and disappearing under the bandages covering my hands.
Garridan carefully cut the bandages away, revealing that the markings were completely gone. “It seems your uncle saved you along with Trollmarket.”
Uncle? What the hell was he talking about?
Draal helped me sit up, and sure enough, there was uncle James, hands on his hips looking as much the scolding father figure as I remembered. “Oh,” I coughed, everything hurts right now. “That uncle.”
“Young lady,” He started, seeming to slip right into his old parenting role. “If anyone is going to tear me apart for benign here, it’s Barbara.”
I blinked, confused. The last thing I remembered was talking with Eli. “I’m a little lost here.”
“The infection caused you to say some pretty harsh things, I’m surprised you don’t remember.” Blinky spoke, looking over the ingredients James had used, taking note just in case.
“Last thing I remember was talking to Eli at lunch,” I frowned, looking over everyone, “I’m sorry for what I said though. Is everyone okay?”
“Other than a few scratches? We’re all fine,” Garridan smiled, glad I was rid of the shadow magic. “I don’t recommend wielding the shadow staff, ever.”
“Noted,” I sighed, Draal’s arm that was holding me began to feel warm, warmer than usual. “Draal, are you okay? Did I burn you?” I asked quickly, checking his stone arm, only seeing where my claws had made marks.
Draal shook his head before sneezing, “Oh no,” the familiar cloud of magic leaving him. “Blinkous, where are the human clothes?”
“Human clothes?” Garridan asked, as Toby, Claire and Blinky began scurrying around the library.
Toby and Claire grabbed one of the blankets we kept here and threw it over Draal as the sneezing became more frequent.
“What was in that potion?” Toby asked as Draal's large Troll form suddenly shrank under the blankets.
“A lot of ingredients,” James bit his lip, trying to keep from bursting into laughter, “Maybe it just turns a troll human? Would it turn a human into a troll?”
“Not the time,” Garridan sighed, helping me stand as Blinky ran in with the clothes Eemeli had let Draal borrow.
“It seems we know what concoction we were hit with last time, my friend.” Blinky sighed, getting a disgruntled, and very much human Draal behind one of the book mountains so he could get dresses, Draal’s prosthetic sitting on the floor.
“Looks like we’ll need the small one again,” I sighed, this might make things difficult.
Garridan moved the larger prosthetic to the table, “Good thing the effects are only temporary, it took about two weeks for it to wear off for myself.”
“At least we have a time frame this time,” Draal grumbled, stepping out in his human form, Blinky having kept the human size prosthetic was helping him install it.
Shifting back into my human form, I walked over to him, hugging him tight once Blinky was done. “Thank you, love.”
Draal’s unease at being human again seemed to melt with the hug, holding me tight. “My mate.”
James made a quiet gagging sound from behind us, loudly whispering to Garridan, “I know you warned me they could be overly lovey dovey, but it's like watching you and Ganieda dance around each other again.”
“We can hear you,” I huffed, nuzzling my nose under Draal’s jaw just to rub it in.
James shook his head. “Right, I definitely have to get used to that.”
“Tell me about it,” Garridan snickered, having approved of Draal right away, but there was something about a father’s daughter growing up, he hadn’t been ready for the reality of his absence and neither had James.
“So, we’re planning on breaking my son out of the Darklands?”
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sorceress-coffee · 2 years
RoA Chapter 37 KanjigAAARRRGGHH!!! & Homecoming
Chapter 37, Phase 3 of River of Arcadia
Ao3 Link
Disclaimer: The Trollhunter universe and characters don't belong to me. River, Eri, Eemeli, Ms. Kamaria/Sylvina, Garridan, Ganieda, and the Eclipse Guard are my own characters (List is subject to change as the story progresses). The lore is a mix of old Arthurian legends, ToA cannon lore, and my own that I've developed
for RoA.
Toby ended up spending the night with Draal, NotEnrique and I. We all spent the night down in the living room, watching action movies and eating take out. Currently we were trying to figure out how to get Vendel’s staff.
“Why can’t you just teleport in n’ take it?” NotEnrique asked, wondering why this was so difficult.
Toby shook his head, “Remember when she snapped at Angor Rot? The Heartstone responds to her magic. If she teleports inside, the Heartstone is a dead giveaway that she’s close and using magic.”
I groaned, teeth ripping through my slice of pizza. “We could ask Claire to portal us in again.”
NotEnrique snorted, having caught the last bit of conversation earlier in the night. “You and Pudgeface don’t seem to be seeing eye ta’ eye, moonlight.”
Shrugging, I was trying to keep it from irritating me too much, “I just want to get Jim out of the Darklands, if she wants to be mad at how I do that, oh well.” Huffing, I stretched my hand out, playing with the dark flames.
“That doesn’t hurt?” Draal asked, eyeing the flames closely, just as confused by my magic as the others.
“Nope, if it hadn’t melted the iron, I’d almost say it was cold.” I looked over the flames closing my hand to extinguish them again.
“How are you still doing that when you’re tired?” Toby asked, knowing I had been exhausted after barely being able to teleport us out of the orientation room.
“Different magic,” NotEnrique smirked, fascinated by the flames. “Spells don’t take the same amount of mana.”
“So, just to compare,” Toby began, looking unsure if he wanted to ask, a mischievous glint telling me he got over it. “Let’s say we compared their mana pools, whose is bigger?”
“Moonlight’s” NotEnrique laughed, jabbing his thumb at me, “Only Wizards with more mana MIGHT be Merlin and the Witch.”
Tilting my head, I wondered where that would put Claire then. She was a new wizard but seemed to have the shadow staff down well enough. “Alright, so how would you scale them?”
NotEnrique thought for a moment, humming to himself. “Lake Shasta versus the Pacific Ocean.”
My eyes widened in shock, that was definitely not the scale I thought he’d go with. “That doesn't seem off to you?”
Toby let out a low whistle, having to search up the sizes on google to get an idea of how far apart NotEnrique thought Claire and I were. “That’s terrifying.”
“She’s a baby witch with a fancy staff. The only reason she can use it like she does is because she feels strongly. You were an actual baby that learned how to teleport all around Camelot. Your uncle’s very fond of baby stories.” NotEnrique laughed, shaking his head.
“Hey!” Uncle James came out of the kitchen, watching over the house while we were supposed to be sleeping or planning. “You have a little wizard running around and she just goes ‘poof’ one day. See if you don’t panic.”
“Do I want to know?” I asked.
Uncle James shuddered, “I thought your mother was going to tear my spine out. The day you learned how to teleport, I was on baby watch.”
I shifted uncomfortably, holding the locket where I kept my memory of mom’s final fight.
Draal nudged my knee with his own, before turning to the others. “Shouldn’t we get back on track? We need to get Vendel’s staff.”
NotEnrique stuck his tongue out at Draal, but otherwise conceded to getting back on topic.
“It’s not like Vendel would just hand it over if we asked nicely,” Toby pouted, “Even if River asked for it.”
Draal hummed, tilting his head in thought. “No, but we don’t need the real Vendel to hand it over.”
I looked at my mate confused. Where exactly was he going with this?
“The Janus Mask, someone other than River could go in disguised as Vendel and take the staff. That way no one knows it’s us, and the Heartstone doesn’t give you away.” He smiled at me, proud of his idea.
Grinning, I kissed his cheek, “That’ll work! Who’s going as Vendel?”
NotEnrique gagged at the display of affection, throwing popcorn at Toby, “Pudgebucket has the most experience with the mask, why not him?”
“First the shattered king, now Vendel?” Toby groaned, not actually saying no. “I guess if I have to.”
Nodding to the boys. We finalized our plans.
“We should still let Blinky and Claire know.” I spoke up, knowing the boys were being overprotective since last night.
“Are you sure, love?” Draal asked, nuzzling my temple.
Smiling, I nodded, calling Claire myself.
“River?” Claire’s groggy voice cut through the line. “My alarm hasn’t even gone off. What’s going on?”
Crap, I forgot how early it was. “Uh, sorry. I forgot you sleep. We came up with a plan to get Vendel’s staff. Thought I’d let you and Blinky know.” I explained quickly.
“Already?!” That seemed to wake her up, already sounding more alert. “What are we doing?”
“Tobes’ is going in with the Janus Mask, as Vendel. Hopefully he’ll be able to get it without trouble. If anything does happen, I’ll need you on hand with the shadow staff to get him out.”
“Why can’t you teleport him?” Claire asked, voice sounding clipped again.
Seriously? Not even time for school and she’s back to being mad? “Really? The giant Heartstone connected to my magic alerting her highness-lady and the tribunal to me? That didn’t cross your mind as an issue?”
Claire seemed to be taking my words in, or ignoring me. It was a 50/50 chance at this point. “I’ll be there, it’s the only way we’ll get Jim back.” Before I could respond, she hung up.
Irritated, I glared at the phone before dialing Blinky’s number, having a phone installed in the library for better access when we couldn’t be in Trollmarket.
“Blinkous speaking,” Blinky picked up right away, the sound of pages turning alerting me to him reading.
“It’s River,” was all I could get out.
“Lady River!” Blink yelped, whatever book he had been holding crashed into something, hopefully it was just the floor. “I would like to formally apologize.” I definitely wasn’t expecting that.
“Uh,” I glanced at the others, this was definitely two very different conversations. “Okay?”
“I realized after you left that the words I used were taken as an insult, and I meant in no way to insult you.” Blinky sighed. “It seems I’ve been doing that more as of late. I do sincerely apologize, Lady River.”
“Blink, I’m fine. You can stop apologizing.” I shook my head, thankful that he realized what he’s been doing and is trying. “I accept your apology, but we need to talk.”
“Of course!” Blinky agreed, waiting for me to elaborate.
“We have a plan, Toby’s going in disguised as Vendel to get the staff. If anything goes wrong, that doesn’t require him being shadow portaled out, I need you to step in. If Claire has to get him out, I need you to cover up that shadow portals are being used. We can’t let anyone know it’s us.”
Blinky hummed, “Of course, I will await Lady Claire’s arrival for the plan.”
“One more thing,” I grinned, remembering how Draal reacted to the question I was about to ask Blinky. “Would you please just call me River?”
“Ah, the title is unnerving?” Blinky laughed, it seems he may have had a similar conversation with Jim. “I will try, L- River.”
“I can live with that.” I grinned. Letting Blinky go, the rest of us got what little sleep we could before school.
Draal had chosen to stay behind, going to Trollmarket to visit the Forge, knowing the time Garridan said his fleshiness would end was approaching, figuring it would be safe to stay out of the sun.
Toby and I rode our bikes to school today. Eemeli had switched out with Eri, letting her rest in Blinky’s library while he kept an eye on Usurna.
“So, any ideas why Claire is acting off?” Toby asked when we dropped Draal off in the canal, heading off to school.
“Not really, she’s been off since we got Killahead back. I thought it was just nerves.” I shrugged, not knowing why Claire’s had an issue with me since. We locked our bikes up, waving to Claire, Mary, and Darci as they walked in together.
Claire barely waved as the other two waved quickly, continuing whatever conversation they were having.
That’s not good. Sighing, I headed straight for art after waving Toby off. Maybe he’d have better luck with her in their first period.
I sat down, uncovering the painting I started working on the day before. Tilting my head as I examined the little green fae-like creature, I turned to the second figure. Something in my gut was telling me to use blues.
Carefully I outlined a creature shadowed by a dark hood, a skull with large horns protruding from the sides adorned the top of their head while I gave them a staff with a large blue crystal at the top that almost looked like a blade.
Before long, I ended up in Trig, sitting in my normal spot next to Claire. Whatever the hell was going on with her left the entire class tense. It felt like one wrong move and everyone’s backs would snap, good thing lunch was next.
As soon as the bell rang, Claire packed her bag and headed for the cafeteria. Before she could make it, I grabbed her arm and teleported us to the roof.
“Are you ready to talk or are you going to be acting like this until Jim’s back?” I asked, done with today, and we haven’t even tried to get Vendel’s staff yet.
“Like what?” She snapped, pausing at her own outburst. “Oh.” She seemed to deflate.
“So, you want to talk, or keep snapping?” I huffed, sitting towards the back of the roof, making sure we were out of sight. Claire seemed to be torn. Whatever was going on seemed to be really messing with her. “Or we can sit in silence, or you can head back down. Your choice.”
Coming to a decision, Claire sat next to me. “I don’t get it.” She huffed.
That couldn’t possibly be the end of that thought. I waited, watching as Claire tried to gather the words she needed.
“You’ve done nothing but blow yourself up, and with a few words from NotEnrique, your magic is on an entirely different level!” She burst out, glossing over a lot of other shit I had to go through, not just a pep talk. “I could feel it when you were helping me open shadow portals! How the hell do you learn like that? Next thing we know, you’re using sleeping spells and shadow fire? Something that, according to Blinky, is impossible.”
“That’s the issue?” I asked, confused on why our differences were what was upsetting her. “Claire, I’ve been using magic longer than you’ve been alive. So, yeah, there’s going to be a lot of differences. That doesn’t mean you won’t be able to do similar things later on.”
“I thought you just started using magic,” She huffed. Ah, time jumps really mess with your perception of age.
“Claire, I’m roughly in my late 30s, maybe early 40s. If I had to guess, I was maybe 6 or 7 years old when I actually started to use magic on purpose, maybe younger.” I explained, “I only look 19 because I began aging like a human when my magic was sealed.”
Claire seemed to ease with that, looking over to me. “You said you forgot I sleep?”
Groaning, I rubbed my temples, “Trust me, even I forget how far apart we are in age and magic.” I looked at her, crossing my legs. “I don’t need to sleep like Jim and Toby do. I’m more like a troll. With gaining magic from an outside source, I THINK,” I interrupted her before she could do the same to me, “you may or may not go through the same changes. I don’t even know if your aging will slow, or if you actually have magic in your blood and it took something to focus it on to awaken it.” I really wish we could speak freely with Vendel right now.
“What about the flames? How can you do something impossible?” She asked, having heard the rest of Blinky’s rant after I had run off last night. “Why don’t you do anything normal?”
I winced at the last question, “Normal for who? I had it pointedly drilled into my skull last night that I’m only half wizard. Whatever their formal teachings are, might not work for me. I started learning based solely on feelings, I still use spells but once I understand how they feel, I don’t have to use incantations.” I explained, trying my best to word it.
“What did you do while we were unconscious?” She finally asked. Well at least there was the root of last night's problem.
“I knew it was a trap the moment the female changeling looked over your shoulder at me. Strickler had the Janus Order hunt me down, did you honestly think they wouldn’t recognize me?” I asked, referring to her charade as Esmeralda. “I let them shackle me because we were surrounded. Once it was just her and Otto, and she threatened me, I knocked her out. Otto kept trying to gain the upper hand, but instead, he found out just how much Changelings supposedly loyal to Gunmar lied or withheld valuable information. He didn’t know why we needed the antidote.”
“And you just told him?” Her hands tightened, knuckles going white.
“I told him we need Arrrgh in order to open the bridge, and if he wanted any chance of getting Gunmar out, then he’d have to give us the antidote.” I shrugged, looking out over the mountains bordering the outskirts or Arcadia. “He couldn’t tell me what the Janus Order wanted, not until Morgana told him.”
“The creepy voice in the music,” She shuddered, not understanding the old tongue, but having caught the whispers.
I nodded, tensing at the memory myself. “The Janus Order sees Gunmar as a means to an end. They need him to free Morgana, why that is, I don’t know.”
“So you stalled him and got more information than we thought we needed?” Claire seemed to realize what I had been doing.
“Yes, and I hope so. I don’t understand it myself, but Morgana created Changelings,” I did not like having another part of my life tied to the malice filled version of the witch. “Which is why Otto now seems to think I’m betraying my people.”
Claire snorted at that, “Yeah, but you’re only half Changeling.” She teased, the tension that had been between us seeming to melt. “Do you think I’ll be able to do more than wave the shadow staff around?”
Nodding, I smiled. “Let’s put it this way, I thought the only thing I was good at was blowing up walls and myself. If you want my help, I’m here. We just have to figure out the best way for you to learn YOUR magic.”
Claire slumped slightly, “I’m sorry for being a butt.” Referring to her own fight with Toby before, “We’re a team, I should be acting like I’m part of it, not comparing abilities.”
Shrugging, I nudged her shoulder with mine. “It’s hard to do sometimes, we’re the only Wizards in Arcadia as far as I know, we just need to keep in mind that we learn from each other. I learned more about my teleporting from you than on my own, and it helped me connect to Jim in the Darklands.”
“Emotional anchors?” She asked, surprised she was the one who helped.
I nodded, clasping her shoulder. “I knew emotion powered magic, but using it to locate someone or something hadn’t crossed my mind. I viewed emotions similar to a battery.”
Claire nodded along with my explanation, seeing how my logic and her’s had differed. “We help each other grow.”
Flicking my hand out, I held the black flames. “Want to try?”
Claire’s eyes gleamed in wonder, reaching her hand over the flames carefully. “It’s cold?” Confusion etched over her face, fingers dancing through the flames.
“From what I can tell, it’s not shadow magic, not like the staff at least.” I turned our hands over, letting the flames rest in her palm. “Whatever upgrades the Triumbric stones gave Jim’s armor, it seems the magic tied itself to me. Think you can manipulate it?”
Eyes focused on the flames now held in her palm. Claire’s fingers began to twitch watching as the dark flames began to produce a purple glow instead of red. “Is that mine?” She asked excitedly.
“I think so,” I grinned, wincing as the warning bell rang. “Ready?” Offering her my hand to teleport us down.
Claire closed her fingers, extinguishing the flames in a similar manner I had the night before, resting her hand in mine. “Ready.”
I pulled us to a bathroom that was usually deserted, sighing in relief that the bell had seemed to have chased off any stragglers. “You going to be okay?”
Nodding, Claire sighed, “If you’re mad at me, I totally get why. I’ve been a real butt.”
I shrugged, ruffling her hair as we exited the bathroom, heading to our last few classes. “It’s a learning curve, we all have them.”
Grinning we parted ways, the day blurring by until we portaled into Blinky’s library after school.
Blinky jumped as we fell from the ceiling, holding his two right hands over his chest. “You’d think I’d get used to that.”
Chuckling, Draal came out of the back rooms, finally back in his troll form. “You three seem in high spirits.”
Grinning, I launched myself over Blinky, shifting into my troll form as I tackled Draal. “You’re not squishy!”
Toby pouted, seemingly disappointed that Draal was back to his normal self. “Does this mean we can’t scare Steve anymore?”
“We could always give him something to really be scared of,” Claire snickered, the idea of unleashing a Trollish Draal amusing to all of us.
“The whelp would crack,” Draal sneered, handing the Janus mask to Toby. “Ready for your next role?”
Toby groaned, putting the mask on and turning into a carbon copy of Vendel, “This sucks,” ‘Vendel’ groaned, waving his arms out, trying to get used to the new proportions.
Releasing my hold on Draal, I grinned turning to Toby, hands on my hips as I watched him adjust. “You remember the plan?”
‘Vendel’ huffed, dragging his hands down his face, “Yes! For the hundredth time. Go in, get the staff, walk out.”
“And?” I snickered, having added one rule after dealing with his slips as Jim.
“Talk the least amount possible.” Grumbling, ‘Vendel’ headed out of the library and directly towards the Heartstone.
Claire and I shadowed him using her portals, making sure the real Vendel couldn’t intercept him before grabbing the staff.
We watched as Toby-Vendel reached the center chamber of the Heartstone, two guards standing by, all he had to do was walk past them calmly, grab the staff, and walk back out.
“Ah, guard person,” Toby-Vendel stumbled slightly as he approached the guards. The trolls stationed there watched him in confusion. “Just returning to pick up a few things and such. Uh, carry on!” He waved them off, heading towards the staff leaning against a stone slab.
Claire sighed, shaking her head at Toby’s antics.
Whispering, I watched as the disaster unfolded, “This is why we have the no talking rule”
“Awesome sauce!” Toby-Vendel cheered, picking up the staff. “I mean, splendid and whatnot.”
The guards watched ‘Vendel’, confused by his behavior.
I pulled Claire back out of sight as the real Vendel came marching in, snarling that the guards had left their post. “What is the meaning of this? An imposter!”
Dumbfounded, the guards looked between both Vendels, utterly at a loss.
“Guards, seize him!” Vendel demanded.
I winced, getting ready to pull Toby out of there. If Vendel found out we were behind this, he might ban us from Trollmarket altogether.
“No, dudes, seize him!” Toby-Vendel argued, “If I’m not the real Vendel, how come I have the, uh, staff thingy?”
Did he honestly think that would work?
I watched in disbelief as the guards tackled the real Vendel, going so far as to pin him down. Toby quickly made his escape, running to where Claire and I were hiding. Before anyone could check, Claire opened a portal under us and we landed back in her bedroom.
Toby groaned, ripping the mask off. “I’m never doing that again!”
“What happened to not talking?” I asked, picking up the staff carefully.
“What? I panicked!” Toby pouted, kicking lightly at my foot closest to him. “When are we meeting Mr. Evil Man?”
“Tonight,” I huffed, sending Otto an email using the one Blinky had originally contacted him with, trying to pose as Strickler. “We’ll be meeting in the canal, south of Trollmarket.”
“I can’t believe those guards body-slammed Vendel,” Claire snickered, trying to lighten the mood. “How mad do you think he is?”
“Hopefully they still have a job, maybe not as guards though,” I sighed, magic thrumming between me and the staff. “That was a little too easy, but I’ll take it.”
We waited out the rest of the afternoon at Claire's place, Blinky calling only to let us know they’d meet us at the exchange spot and that Vendel appeared to be on a warpath.
As night fell, I teleported us to Draal, landing in the opened canal. I felt my skin crawl as we waited for the changelings.
“You alright?” Draal asked, nudging my shoulder as lights could be seen in the distance, slowly growing closer.
I nodded stiffly, eyes locked on the cars pulling up. “I’ll be better once we have the cure.”
“I dearly hope we are doing the right thing,” Blinky sighed, eyeing the Heartstone staff in my grip.
Toby’s face was set in firm determination, “Anything to get Arrrgh back.”
“Looks like the creep patrol is here.” Claire huffed as the cars came to a stop a mere twenty feet away.
“Ready to see how a hand off works?” Toby glared, stepping forward.
“Tobes, even with all your spy-flick knowledge, it might be safer if I handle this.” I spoke up, using the staff to keep him back as Otto got out of the middle car.
Otto walked to the midpoint between us and the cars, eyes never leaving the staff. “I have the antidote,” he pulled out an envelope.
I walked forward, all eyes on me. Reaching out at the same time, Otto’s right hand closed on the staff as mine clasped the envelope. Taking a deep breath, I let go of the staff, pulling the envelope back and reading through the paper.
“This is only the ingredients,” I snarled, my right eye glowing red as I glared at Otto.
“A little insurance, in case you tried your disappearing act again. Boil these in oil until it burns, and that will bring your friend back.” He groaned, fighting with the Goblins who kept locking the car door, finally getting the staff into his car. “Pleasure doing business with you.”
“If this doesn't work, you won’t be able to hide,” I snarled, fangs shifting out in warning.
Otto waved my threat off, “I’m under direct order to keep you happy, Sunshine. I’ve given you the antidote and the instructions. The rest is up to you.” As soon as Otto was in his car, all three left.
Claire sighed, the exchange still unnerving all of us. “We did the right thing. Right, guys?”
“Desperate times,” Blinky huffed, glaring at the taillights of the changelings’ cars, “desperate measures. Now we must concern ourselves with some shopping.”
“Won’t find this in a grocery store,” I sighed, handing the list to Blinky. “Any ideas?”
Blinky hummed, fully reading through the list. “Where might we find the tears of one untouched by love’s first kiss?”
We all turned to face Toby. He glanced around at us in disbelief, “What? I’ve been kissed. Many times!”
“Your nana doesn’t count.” Claire argued, causing Toby to deflate on the spot.
We quickly headed back to the Forge. Most of the ingredients were easy enough to get at RotGuts, Blinky and Toby going to procure the items as Claire and I readied the appropriately gothic cauldron.
“Didn’t think I’d be making potions anytime soon,” Claire grinned, excited that she was getting to help more on the magical side of our group. It seemed with everything going on, all she had really been seeking was a mentor.
“They’ll be important to learn, maybe start a grimoire of your own,” I smiled, copying the full antidote, ingredients and instructions, into a blank page of my mother’s grimoire. “Want to try lighting the logs?”
Nodding quickly, Claire sat in front of the cauldron, concentrating. After a few minutes, her brow furrowed in frustration. “I don’t think I understand the 'feeling translating into being' part of how you do YOUR magic.”
I flipped to an early page of the grimoire, sitting the book next to Claire, “Why don’t we try a spell then?”
Looking over the words, Claire hovered her hands over the logs, slowly reciting the spell. After a couple tries, purple flames sparked to life, slowly spreading to warm the cauldron. “I DID IT!” Claire jumped up, bulldozing me over in her excitement.
Laughing, I sat up, careful not to get too close to the flames. “Alright, looks like we can start with written spells and go from there.”
Draal brought Arrrgh’s remains into the Forge, carefully placing him so his face was directly over the cauldron. “Well done, it seems you’ve found your spark youngling.” He smirked, nodding to the purple flames.
“Hurry!” Toby’s voice broke through the Forge, carrying something that looked wet in his hands. “They’re slimy!” He gagged, dropping his items on a little table near Claire and me.
“I believe L-,” Blinky coughed, setting his items near us, “I mean, River, and Claire will have the best chance at brewing the antidote.”
“Already have the enchanted fire going,” I grinned clasping Claire’s shoulder, “Thanks to our newest Wizard in training.”
“Impressive,” Uncle James chimed in, studying the fire, “I’ve never seen someone with purple magic before.” He grinned seeing mom’s grimoire, “Glad you’re getting some use out of that thing. If you stumble on any pictures of your dad, I have all the embarrassing stories to go with them.”
Smiling, I nodded to Uncle James, “Maybe once Jim is home. First things first, swamp maggots.” I picked up the slimy black creatures, carefully adding them to the oil first.
“I hope this works,” Blinky sighed, eyes locked on Arrrgh’s stone face.
Draal sneered, crossing his arms over his chest, “If not, River’s going on a hunting spree. We can sic Eemeli on them as well.” He turned, heading with Uncle James to the Forge entrance, keeping guard as we worked.
Claire opened a milk carton, sniffing to make sure it was sour, gagging as she added the entire thing into the cauldron. “This is disgusting.”
I winced, throwing a live mouse in next, “Don’t think I’ll get used to live ingredients.”
We added various oils, liquids, a dash of pepper, and a gnome skeleton (hat must be included).
Toby groaned and punched himself in the face as he was technically the second to last last ingredient. Seeing as that didn’t work, Blinky stomped as hard as he could on Toby’s foot causing him to cry out in pain. He wiped the resulting tear and added it to the mixture.
Once everything else was in, I added a small condensed stone of my hearthstone magic and slowly stirred the concoction until steam began to rise. All of our attention was on Arrrgh as we each held our breath.
Teal mist exploded from the cauldron, cutting off our sight of Arrrgh.
“It’s working!” Claire yelped as we stepped back from the mist quickly.
Just as fast as it had appeared, the mist receded into the cauldron, and Arrrgh was still a stone statue.
Toby scoffed, going to the cauldron, “I don’t get it. What happened?”
“Nothing,” Claire sighed as they approached Arrrgh, “It didn’t work. The list was bogus!”
“We did everything right!” Toby cried, hugging Arrrgh, “The Trollhunters said we could save him.”
As the other’s turned away, I could feel a pull on my magic. Arrrgh's body began to glow pale blue, as if he was encased in daylight. “Toby!” I yelped, watching as Arrrgh began to move.
As the light dimmed out Arrrgh began to shake himself awake, slowly adjusting to movement again.
“Deya’s grace be upon us,” Blinky gasped out, all of us rushing to Arrrgh.
As Arrrgh opened his eyes, they were glowing a dark purple and he looked angry. He let out a roar, slamming his arm into the cauldron.
I pulled Toby away before Arrrgh could hit him.
Snarling, Draal ran to us, trying to calm Arrrgh only to get hit in the face with a flying cauldron.
Taking off, Arrrgh began to bulldoze over us, slamming into the weapons stand.
“He’s disoriented!” Blinky called out, “Quiet him before he alerts all of Trollmarket.”
Toby tore from grip, running up to the exit as Arrrgh took off after him. Turning around he held his arms up as Arrrgh went to strike. “Whoa, Arrrgh! Easy, easy!” He was trying to get through to him. “It’s me, your wingman!”
A final roar ripped from Arrrgh as his fist slammed into the door above Toby, the purple glow fading as he seemed to shake off the disorientation. “Wingman.”
Toby grinned, cheering as he jumped into Arrrgh’s arms, “He’s back! Oh, I knew he'd be back!”
Helping Draal to his feet, we followed the others over to Arrrgh, relieved that he was no longer tearing through the Forge.
“My friend!” Draal cheered, sharing a side hug with Arrrgh, Toby refusing to let go of the large Troll.
“You’re okay,” I grinned, hand resting over the amulet glowing on Arrrgh’s chest.
Blinky slowly walked up to Arrrgh, on the verge of tears. “I had all but assumed I would never see you again, old friend.” Toby finally moved so Arrrgh could properly hug Blinky.
“How did I?” Arrrgh tried to ask, looking at each of us, “Where’s Jim?” He asked, looking over the Forge for him.
Claire came to Arrrgh’s side, “He, uh, went to the Darklands so that no one else would get hurt.”
Arrrgh let out a whimper, before a determined look settled over his face. “Must get Jim!”
“Oh, yes!” Blinky cheered, “So you do know how to save him. The amulet proclaimed that you are the key to the hunter. So tell us, what must we do?”
Arrrgh looked confused, trying to think. “Umm,” his ears twitched as the Soothscryer activated itself calling Arrrgh by his full name, pulling our collective attention to it.
“I think we have our answer.” I sighed, clasping Arrrgh’s shoulder. “The Trollhunters need your help to save Jim. If you go into the void to speak with them, I’ll be by your side.”
Arrrgh seemed to relax, knowing whatever was about to happen, he wouldn’t be alone this time. We both approached the Soothscryer and Arrrgh settled his right hand into the blinding light.
We entered the void, Arrrgh fully himself, and me in my spirit form, the forge mixing blue and orange as it fed off of my magic.
“Uh?” Arrrgh asked, staying as close to me as he could without going through me. “Hello?” He called out, unsure what to do.
Kanjigar took form in front of us, addressing Arrrgh. “You are the first outsider since time began to see our sacred realm. Welcome, Aarghaumont, to the void between worlds.”
Arrrgh inched behind me at first, slowly registering who the troll was. “Kanjigar, why?”
Kanjigar sighed, nodding to me in greeting. “I know you have many questions.” Placing his hand on Arrrgh's shoulder, Arrrgh’s mana lines began to glow with the magic of the Amulet. “There is a reason you were chosen.” He seeped into Arrrgh’s body, voice still projecting around us. “There is a reason we need you.”
Arrrgh’s eyes began to glow pale blue, the possession of the previous Trollhunter seemed to be a success.
The world tilted and I fell back into my body as the void disappeared.
“Did you meet the spooky troll ghosts?” Toby was asking as I came to, still standing next to Arrrgh.
Claire and Toby gasped, jumping away from Arrrgh as he opened his eyes, revealing the pale blue light.
“He did convene with us.” Kanjigar answered, causing Toby to tumble back further. He stood up straight, Arrrgh’s full height towering well over all of us. “But I am not Aarghaumont.”
Blinky gasped, bowing quickly, “Kanjigar the Courageous.”
“Whaaaa?” Was all Toby could get out, mouth hanging open in shock.
“At ease, Blinkous.” Kanjigar grasped his shoulder, taking the overly dramatic ghost entrance far too seriously. “Yes, it is I.”
Draal slowly approached us, shock etched over his face. “It is you, father.”
Kanjigar smiled, pulling Draal close. “Well met.”
Draal rushed him, hugging Kanjigar tight.
Chucking, Kanjigar happily returned the hug. “My son.”
Once they parted, Blinky seemed to shake his shock off enough to ask questions again. “But how? What has happened to Arrrgh?”
Kanjigar placed his hand over his chest, “Your friend is here with me,” He began to explain, making sure to placate the fears of Arrrgh’s family. “Arrrgh walked the line between life and death, so he alone could become a vessel for me to aid you.”
Toby didn’t seem to be okay with this. “Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hey there, troll-tergeist! Give me my wingman back!”
“At ease, Tobias Domzalski.” Kanjigar approached the teens, “I will only stay until my work is done.”
“But excuse me,” Claire interrupted, raising her hand to speak, “Lord Sir Kanjig-Arrgh,” Wincing at her own fumbling, she glance at me before turning her focus back to Kanjigar, trying to get her question out, “What exactly are you here to do?”
“I thought you knew.” He looked back at me, “Only a Trollhunter can open the Killahead Bridge.”
“There they are!” Guards began to rush into the Forge, Vendel’s disgruntled voice giving them orders.
Draal and Kanjigar exchanged a glance before springing into action. Taking his boulder stance, Draal quickly took off after the farther trolls.
Kanjigar stood tall, “For the glory of Merlin, Daylight is mine to command!” The sword appeared, shocking the guards that had closed in on him as well as Vendel.
“Arrrgh? He asked, stern glare tearing towards me. “What dark powers have you meddled with?”
Draal easily took out the guards as the forge began to lift. Claire and Blinky made it off safely as Toby hung on for dear life, as the platforms began to shift, Kanjigar took off, grabbing Toby before he could fall into the gears. “We have little time.” He ordered, ushering us all to the back exit Draal cleared. “This will take us to Bone’s Alley.”
“But father,” Draal tried to question Kanjigar, only to be pulled along by the old troll.
“Come with me, son. We are together at last. River, think you can block them?” He asked quickly, gesturing to the guards slowly getting back on their feet.
Nodding I slammed my hands down onto the rocky ground of the forge, praying to Deya that this would work. Orange magic spread from my chest down my arms and into the earth, as I pulled my hands up harshly, the rock came with it, forming a barricade around the exit we took. “It worked!”
Draal grinned, grabbing me by the Heartstone belt of my armor and pulling me along with them. “Very effective!”
We snuck through the alleyway, watching as Kanjigar broke off to attack to guard trolls from above. Blinky fangirling over the move. “Kanjigar’s creeping spider! A signature move!”
Draal’s grin split his face as Toby and Claire were awed by his father. We rushed into Blinky’s library, Kanjigar grabbing seemingly random items as Chompsky chattered at him.
“Claire Nunez, I require a portal to Killahead Bridge. Quickly” Kanjigar grabbed a few more tomes, and Chompsky.
Claire quickly activated the shadow staff. Focusing on the bridge she opened a large portal.
Kanjigar threw the items he gathered into the portal. “Quick, everyone through!” A crossbow bolt hit the shadow staff sending it into the portal. “Fudge-knuckle!” Claire ground out, all of us turning to stare at the large orange troll holding a crossbow.
“Big mistake,” I snarled, shifting into my troll form, running straight for the troll, horns down, I pumped enough magic into my body in order to send the troll flying into a wall, knocking him out.
Kanjigar smirked, nodding at the quick dispatch of the troll. “We’ll take the gyre.”
Taking off at a full sprint, Draal grabbed Blinky as I picked up the teens, Uncle James shaking off his human form so he could run full speed.
Blinky yelped trying to get Kanjigar to pause. “Kanjigar, why don’t you simply talk with Vendel and the Tribunal?” He asked as Kanjigar got everyone else on the gyre. “Surely, one of Trollmarket’s greatest champions could persuade-”
“Talking requires time, Blinkous,” he cut Blinky off quickly, “something we do not have.” At that, Blinky rushed onto the gyre. “Things are dire.” He began adjusting the controls of the gyre. “If we do not act now, James Lake, Jr. will die.”
“What?!” I snarled, holding tight to the bench as the gyre shot off, faster than even Blinky took it.
“But Killahead’s in the woods. There’s no gyre station there!” Blinky tried to argue, unsure of how we were getting there.
“We don’t need one. River?” Kanjigar asked, looking back at me.
My eyes widened realizing what he was asking, choking at the thought of teleporting us and the gyre to Killahead at this speed.
Claire grabbed my hand, pulling my attention from Kanjigar to her. “It’s only impossible for those who don’t try!”
I nodded, pulling myself up to the front of the gyre. “HOLD ON!” Growling, I focused on encasing the gyre itself with my magic. An orange bubble of pure magic forming around us.
Uncle James grabbed onto Toby and Claire, trying to keep everyone in the gyre. “Keep your heads down!” He ordered the teens, feeling the magic shift around us.
I slammed my hands down on the gyre controls and in a flash of light we were falling out of the sky towards Killahead bridge. Slashing my hand to the left, I summoned a wind tunnel to push us away from the bridge enough that we didn’t crush it, using the same tunnel to slow our descent until we hit the ground with a thud, hardly doing any damage.
Groaning, we all carefully climbed out of the gyre, most of us falling to the ground in relief. “Eemeli better be glad he missed that,” I snarled, looking up as Chompsky was arguing with the bridge pieces.
Kanjigar quickly jumped out of the gyre, “Well done,” He grinned, helping me to my feet so we could focus on the bridge as the others’ grounded themselves.
Blinky freaking out about being fugitives, Draal shrugging it off as Uncle James checked on Toby and Claire, making sure they were still intact.
“Forget what they think. We must concentrate on what we do.” Kanjigar scolded, “We have all that we need.”
“How does this crazy crime spree help us save Jimbo?” Toby asked, trying to keep his stomach inside of his body.
“Friends, I have seen the impossible.” Kanjigar spoke, carefully gathering the items he brought. “A vision of you saving James Lake, Jr. but, to do so, you must follow the path I lay before you.”
Claire regained her shadow staff, grinning up at Kanjigar. “We’ve done the impossible before. We can handle it.”
“I have my war hammer!” Toby cheered, activating his weapon. “It’s hungry to smash.”
“No,” Kanjigar cut them off, shaking his head. “No weapons. In my plan, you will need nothing else but the knowledge and tools I will give you.” He held his hands out for the Shadow staff and war hammer.
“What possible chance do we stand if we are unarmed?” Blinky panicked, trying to reason that they needed weapons.
“Each of you will be charged with a task. You must follow them to the letter if there is any hope of survival. Claire Nunez, take this.” He held out a dark metal crank, “In the Darklands, it will aid you in a key moment.” Turning to Blinky he held out a dark rod with a purple crystal on top, “Blinkous, take this flare crystal. It’s blinding light will save your life.”
“My life?!” Blinky yelped, taking the item quickly. “Could I get some specificity on that statement?”
Kanjigar turned to Toby. “Tobias Domzalski. You must ensure that your team only brings back James Lake, Jr. No one else.”
I went stiff at that, Draal glancing at me quickly. We had promised to bring Nomura along as well. There was no way I was going to leave her trapped in the Darklands.
“James Lake Sr.,” Finally, Kanjigar turned to uncle James, “You will be in charge of protecting the younglings as they make their way through the Darklands.”
Uncle James kept close to Claire and Toby, adjusting the claymore on his back, and it seems Kanjigar wasn’t going to take his sword for this trip.
“Father,” Draal interrupted, seeing the gears in my mind going, “What is my task?”
Kanjigar sighed, grasping Draal’s shoulder, “I know you wish to go into battle, but I need you here. Of all of you, your responsibility is greatest. You keep watch so that Gunmar does not escape.” Kanjigar turned to look at me. “You must protect Merlin’s heir. If your friends do not come back, you must make a choice.”
Draal sighed, “I understand.”
Kanjigar pulled him forward slightly, pressing their brows together.
“Wait, we don’t even know our way around the Darklands!” Claire piped up, knowing this was happening now.
Kanjigar grinned, looking over to Chompsky. “But your gnome friend does. He will be your guide. Jim’s time is short. I sense Gunmar readying to destroy him.”
Toby began trying to convince Chompsky to help us, apparently upgrades for his doll girlfriend were the best bargaining chips.
“Merlin’s heir, River.” Kanjigar turned to me, pulling me away from the others. “I know of your oath to the Changeling, do you believe her worth saving?”
I nodded quickly, “I do.”
Kanjigar held his hand out to me, palm up, “Your weapon.”
Glaring, I rested my hand on Midnight, “Is this your way of trying to keep me here?”
Kanjigar shook his head, waiting. Slowly, I pulled Midnight from my belt, setting it in his hand. Carefully he pulled the amulet from his chest, the glow of Eclipse returning to it. Holding the amulet over Midnight, the red glow engulfed the blue veining of my lance, morphing the magic laced within. “If Gunmar should find you, it would do well to have a weapon that can injure him, should you tire from using magic.” He placed Midnight back in my hands, keeping his voice low while the others were dealing with Chompsky. “I cannot keep you from interfering, should you choose to enter in your spirit form, Gunmar’s blade will not harm you.”
My grip tightened on Midnight, looking up at Kanjigar confused, “You’re not going to stop me?”
Kanjigar shook his head, “Your word is the stone with which you etch honor, to keep it, you would tear the realm apart.” He held a hand up to stop me before I could interrupt him. “Draal must stay behind for you to enter the Darklands, if the threat of Gunmar is near, he will need to move your body.”
“You planned on me going in,” I realized, “but, you said we could only bring Jim back.”
Shaking his head, Kanjigar looked to the teens, “I said Tobias’ team could only bring Jim back, you won’t be with them, not initially. Your spirit will help those trapped to escape.”
Nodding, I walked with him to the middle of the bridge pieces. “Understood, ready?”
Kanjigar held the amulet out, summoning the pieces of the bridge to rebuild themselves. Once fully built, he climbed to the top of the bridge.
“What is the plan, Kanjigar?” Blinky asked, not liking that we were about to enter the Darklands with little to no instructions. “I have naught but a flare and more questions than answers.”
“I cannot reveal more,” Kanjigar sighed, trying to quell Blinky’s frustration, “for to know your future is to risk dooming it. Trust in yourselves and me, and all will be clear soon enough.”
“Don’t worry!” Toby grinned, “With super Trollhunter Kanjig-Arrrgh by our side, two for one, boom!” He punched the air, excited at the prospect of seeing Kanjigar in action. “We can’t lose!”
Kanjigar carefully held the rope meant for Arrrgh, getting ready to open the bridge. “I’m afraid I will not be joining you in the Darklands. After I open the bridge, I must use the last of my power here to keep it open.”
“Can’t River keep it open?” Claire asked, “She’s helped power the bridge before.”
“Merlin’s heir has a vital role to play, while her spirit is away, she will not be able to power the bridge.” Kanjigar nodded to me. “Besides, you will need Arrrgh, not I. He will make his own way.”
“Oh, dear,” Blinky sighed, “Is that another one of your riddles?” He asked, waving the crystal flare at Kanjigar.
Kanjigar held the amulet out, “One revolution of the amulet’s arm is all the time I can grant you before the bridge closes! Best of luck, Trollhunters!” He called out, acknowledging each of us as a Trollhunter. He slammed the amulet into its place on Killahead bridge, effectively opening the portal to the Darklands. Kanjigar’s spirit was pulled from Arrrgh’s body, allowing the large green Troll to join the others.
“Save Jim.” Arrrgh nodded, understanding what he must do.
“Remember what you must do, my son!” Kanjigar called to Draal, with a final nod from him, Kanjigar’s spirit smiled as he was absorbed into the amulet.
“This whole thing is nuts,” Claire gripped the crank she was given. “Are we really doing this?”
“If we don’t, Jim dies.” I huffed, sitting next to the gyre, keeping an activated Midnight on my lap. “I’m going straight for Jim, I’ll see you on the other side.”
“River,” Draal grabbed my shoulder quickly. “I will only move you if you are needed here.” There was a glint in his eye as he looked past me to the mechanical vehicle of doom behind me.
Grinning, I nodded, slowly closing my eyes, I let myself fall from my body, heading straight for Jim and Nomura.
As my spirit form floated above Jim I could see Chompsky handing him a rock.
“Oh, thank you.” Jim paused before tossing the rock our little gnome friend handed over. Glancing to his left, he let out a squawk falling back from the gnome. “Chompsky?!”
“He moves fast,” I grinned, floating down next to Jim.
Jim snapped his head to me, as Chompsky waved and took off to get the others. “River?! What’s going on?”
“We’re on the move, Chompsky’s getting the other’s,” Looking over to the second cell, I realized Nomura was missing. “Where is she?”
Jim shook his head, trying to reign in his shock, “They just took her to see Gunmar, won’t be long till-” Footsteps cut him off, then the sounds of Toby and Claire. “Up here!” Jim called out, excitement taking over.
“Jimbo?” Toby called out as Chompsky returned with our friends, Uncle James close behind in his troll form. “Oh, my gosh, Jimbo! You’re not dead!” Toby cheered, rushing to the orange crystal spikes keeping Jim locked up. Reaching through, Toby hugged Jim as best as he could.
“It’s you!” Jim cheered, hugging him tight, “It’s you, Tobes!”
After a moment, Toby pulled away so Claire could see Jim. I floated over to uncle James nudging him towards the cell. Cutting off Claire and Toby’s recount of how we got here. “Guys, we need to hurry, we can tell Jim everything once we’re topside.”
Jim nodded, “Right, Tobes, hurry up and use your war hammer to bust me out of here.”
I face palmed, “That’s gonna be an issue,” Jim looked at me and uncle James confused, not recognizing his father in troll form. “No war hammer, no shadow staff, will your claymore work?” I asked, turning to my uncle.
Nodding, he unsheathed his claymore from his back, once Jim took a few steps back, he slashed down against the crystal spikes with all his strength, only they stopped his sword dead in its tracks. “Son, it doesn't look like conventional weapons will work.”
Jim’s mouth dropped open, hearing his father’s voice coming from the troll, “Dad?! You’re here?”
“Like hell I was leaving you in Darklands, Garry sent word about you ‘jumping ship’ on your own.” He scolded lightly, sheathing his sword.
“Wait a minute!” Claire grinned, pulling the crank Kanjigar gave her from Toby’s backpack. “Kanjigar said I need this thing for a key moment. This is a key!” Rushing to a circle opening next to Jim's cell, she inserted the key, unfortunately it seems she didn’t have the strength to turn it as Chompsky came chattering back.
“Guards,” Uncle James snarled, turning to face the path they were coming from.
“Hide!” Jim instructed. “Now!”
I pushed Uncle James to follow Claire and Toby, we accidentally ended up in another cell as the guards came to get Jim. “Keep him quiet,” I instructed Claire and Uncle James, Toby’s nervous murmuring a dead give away to our presence.
“Your time has come at last, flesh bag.” A troll that looked oddly similar to Blinky spoke. He was leading a group of Gumm-Gumm guards to Jim’s cell. They quickly dragged Jim out, heading out of the cells.
Turning back to the trapped group, I looked over each of them as panic set in over their faces. “Chompsky, get the key, I don’t think it was for Jim’s cell. Uncle James,” The gnome saluted, heading out to the key once the guards cleared out. “Uncle James, I’ll follow Jim.” Grabbing his hand, I placed my left hand over his, concentrating on condensing my mana into a stone. “Use this to find us. Your priority is Jim.”
“What about you?” Claire asked, wondering what Kanjigar saw as my role.
“I’m here as a diversion, and for someone else.” I nodded, knowing it was better to be up front at this point.
Toby groaned, “You’re talking about the evil scary lady, aren’t you?” He asked, referring to Nomura.
“She’s been keeping Gunmar’s attention off of Jim while he’s been here, I promised her a way out,” Floating out of the cell as Chompsky returned with the key, I followed after the guards quickly, staying well above their heads and out of sight.
A soldier stopped the Blinky look alike, whispering to him.
“Take the hunter to the Crucible. I will be there shortly.” He ordered, heading off down another path.
The guards continued on their way. Once they reached a large opening, they threw Jim forward.
I flashed to the other side of the room, keeping as far above the trolls as possible, not wanting them to see me yet.
“If beasts won’t break you,” a menacing voice filled the room, “perhaps your friend will.”
Gunmar. I glanced around the pillar I had hid behind, only to see that it was actually a section of Gunmar’s throne.
“Know thyself, and know thy enemy.” Gunmar sneered as a large set of doors opened.
Nomura walked out, ears falling flat as she saw her next opponent was Jim.
“Not you,” Jim winced, “no.”
“A battle to the death!” Gunmar ordered the soldiers near cheering for what was to be a horrific fight.
Jim summoned the Eclipse blade, taking a defensive stance as he watched Nomura.
How the hell was I supposed to get them both out of here?
“A battle to break your will!” Gunmar sneered, glaring over the changeling and Trollhunter. “If the impure cannot break your armor, her death surely will. You shall be mine.”
I watched from behind as Nomura pulled her twin blades from her back, snarling at Jim.
He glanced up to where I was floating, trading his blade in for the shield, whispering to Nomura.
“You don’t,” Nomura snarled, readying her blades, “I do. Sorry, I really was getting to like you.” She charged forward blades ready to slice through Jim.
He quickly brought up his shield, trying to hold off her attacks. Trying to reason with her.
She planted a kick directly into his shield, knocking him further from Gunmar’s throne.
“Home is gone!” Nomura screeched, whatever Jim had said was getting under her skin. She doubled her efforts, putting all her strength in each slash, forcing Jim to switch from the shield to his sword.
She tossed Jim across the arena, the glow where his amulet should reside slowly began fluctuating.
“His will, it’s weakening!” Gunmar's voice broke through my thoughts. “You’re holding back.” He jeered, trying to get a rise out of Jim. “Kill the changeling! This will not end until you take her life.”
Jim used his sword to pull Nomura’s blades from her grip, throwing them out of reach. Once she was unarmed he took off running, trying to prolong their lives. Giving chase, Nomura easily caught up to Jim, throwing him into the face of a giant statue.
Once the rubble cleared, I could see him using the shield as a board, sliding down the arena walls as Nomura retrieved her blades. Sliding under her before she could react, Jim used her hair to pull her back, the Eclipse blade resting against her neck.
“Will you listen to me? There’s a way out.” He tried to explain as she struggled against the blade. “Claire and Toby, the others, they’re here to save us.”
“You cry for your friends, but there is no rescue.” She sneered.
This wasn’t looking good, if the others didn’t make it soon, we’d be down a changeling and a Trollhunter. Looks like it was time for that diversion.
I flashed down onto the arena floor, the presence of my magic strengthening Jim’s armor as I turned my back to them, choosing to face Gunmar.
“Little Isolde?” Nomura was the first to recover from my entrance.
Extending my hand, a rush of Eclipse flames burst to life around us, keeping a division between us and the Gumm-Gumms for now. “I told you I was getting you out. I meant it.” I snarled, eye focused on Gunmar.
“What is this?!” Gunmar roared, standing from his throne. “Who are you, witch?”
“No one dies today.” Jim whispered to Nomura, “We’re all going home.”
I grinned viciously, as Gunmar watched my magic breathe power into Jim’s armor. “I’m River, daughter of General Garridan and Lady Ganieda.” Gunmar’s eye widened, realizing exactly who broke into their fight. “I am Merlin’s heir!” A pale blue glow overtook my injured left eye as I poured daylight into my fist. Pulling it back, I slammed it directly into the ground, forcing the magic out through fissures and cracks, burning the soldiers trying to close in on us.
Toby and Claire’s screams came from behind as they tumbled out of a chute, landing in the arena with us. Uncle James was able to slide out onto his feet, pulling his claymore from his back as he spied Gunmar.
“You’re not crazy,” Nomura scoffed, seeing the humans and changeling.
Claire recovered first, “Jim!”
“Not just Jim!” Toby yelped, scrambling to his feet.
“Humans? Here? An Eclipse guard?” Gunmar snarled, “The bridge is open! Catch them!” He ordered.
More mindless guards began to walk directly into the Eclipse flames, more from behind using the dead to climb over them.
“This way,” Nomura hissed, pulling Jim back and leading the others. “Keep them back!”
Nodding, I rested my hands on the dark stone, using the same method I had in the Forge, I pulled the stone up to create another barrier, hoping to give them a little more time.
I quickly followed after them, feeling Jim’s armor pull me along. Seeing that they were stopped at a gate.
“And lead him to the bridge?” Toby asked, “We’re not that crazy!”
Spotting me, Nomura grinned, nodding towards the ceiling and throwing one of her blades. I caught it quickly, having to concentrate on holding something solid in this form. Her second blade flew by and hit the locking mechanism for a Stalkling cage, turning to the other side of the arena, I spotted a second cage.
I threw the blade as hard as I could and hit the mechanism, both Stalklings flew down into the crowd of soldiers, and began to tear their forces apart.
“There’s a keyhole!” Toby cried out, pulling Claire to the lock.
“It’s a crank!” Claire grinned, pulling out the item Kanjigar gave her.
As she tried to open the gate, Gunmar stepped into the fight, easily dealing with the Stalklings.
Uncle James rushed over, helping her use the key. “Time to go!”
The others ran out as I floated along with them, holding onto Jim’s shoulder.
“Kanjigar said you were supposed to be alone,” Toby yelped as we ran, trying to put distance between us and the Gumm-Gumm king.
“I’m here for Nomura, you’re here for Jim,” I snarled, letting go of Jim’s shoulder and channeling magic into the path behind us. “Keep going!” I pulled as hard as I could, the rocky path closing in on itself, sealing off the way we came. “That won’t hold them forever.”
We slid down into another tunnel, clearing through chains hanging from the ceiling. Nomura stopped abruptly, the chasm from here to the next path too wide for anyone to jump.
“We can look for another way around,” Jim tried to turn back.
Nomura grabbed his shoulder, “No time.” Jumping up onto one of the spikes, she used her blade to hold her as she reached for one of the chains, slicing through it, she brought it back for the others. “Youth before beauty.” She grinned, handing the chain to Jim.
Jim pulled it back to Claire, helping her hold on. “You ready?”
As she gave her nod, they took off running. They were able to touch down on the other side, stumbling back as they hit the ground. Once secured, Jim passed the chain back over.
Nomura secured the chain around Toby. “Thank you, Ms. Nomura,” Toby yelped, terrified that she was helping him.
“I never liked you.” She spoke bluntly and pushed him over the chasm.
Toby screamed, until Jim and Claire caught him. Once they let him down, they sent the chain back, Uncle James easily grabbed it, swinging across and landing with a heavy thud. “Everyone in one piece still?”
“Barely,” Toby whined, inching further from the ledge.
“Little one,” Nomura turned to me, holding the chain. “You kept your word.”
Smiling, I nodded, “Kanjigar gave them orders to get Jim. I’m here to make sure you make it out alive.”
Nodding, she glanced past me to the horde of soldiers heading for us. “Time to go!” Swinging across, she sliced through the chain so that the soldier couldn’t use it, roughly landing by the teens.
“Thanks, Ms. Nomura,” Toby yelped, glad she was on our side as the soldiers piled up on the path behind us.
Nomura shoved his head down, “I still don’t like you.”
I floated over snickering as Toby righted himself. “Come on, we don’t have much time left!”
The teens continued to run as I felt myself shift. “Time to go,” I grunted, nodding to Jim. “I’ll see you soon!” My eyes snapped open to Draal shaking my shoulder. “What’s the plan?”
Grinning Draal helped me to my feet. “They’re almost out of time, we need a fast way to get everyone out.” He looked pointedly over my head. “Think you can start it up?”
“Are you sure about this?” I asked, alluding to the instructions Kanjigar left him.
His grin turned to a soft smile, resting his brow against mine. “This is my choice.”
Turning to face the gyre, a grin split my face. “Then let’s find out.”
Draal pulled the gyre upright so we could access the console. I hopped up onto the platform, looking over the machine controls. Placing my hands on the console, I began to pour magic directly into the gyre.
Orange sparks of electricity started to run from the console over the rings. The inner rings slowly began to rotate. At the sight, I channeled more mana into the machine, the rings quickly speeding up and the outer rings slowly joining them until we were moving towards the bridge.
Draal clipped Midnight to my belt, holding his axe tight as we entered into the Darklands. “Let’s find our friends!”
Nodding, I focused on Jim and our bond. I felt a ripple in my magic, “There!” I grinned, starting to understand why Blinky drove the way he did as I forced my magic into the gyre, trying to get it to run as fast as possible.
We found them, blocked by a horde of Gumm-Gumm soldiers, “INCOMING!” Draal howled, laughing as we flattened them. Coming to a quick stop in front of our friends.
“What are you doing here?” Blinky barked, shocked to see Draal and I.
“My father said I had a choice, but I had to protect Merlin’s heir.” Draal grinned. “This is my choice. Get in!”
“River!” Jim yelled, “Nomura needs help!”
My eyes widened as I realized she wasn’t with the group. “Draal, get going, we’ll catch up!”
Nodding to me, he took over the controls. “You heard the lady! Gyre, now!”
I ran past the group and jumped off the ledge seeing Nomura was injured and fighting on her own. “My turn!” Snarling, I pulled Midnight from my belt, activating it and my armor, I sliced through a soldier about to cleave Nomura.
“What are you doing here?!” She hissed, shocked at seeing me in the flesh this time.
Grinning, I slashed out with Midnight, sending a wave of Eclipse flames towards the soldiers. “I told you, you’re coming home, even if I have to pull you out myself!” Turning quickly, I grabbed her and teleported to Draal, barely landing on the gyre as we shot out of the bridge and back into the forest of Arcadia Oaks.
The gyre came to a rough stop as it lodged into the boulders near the bridge. Jim crawled out of the vehicle, flopping onto the grass, taking in the forest.
Uncle James joined him, returning to his human form. “You can kill me later, for now,” held Jim’s hand tight, relieved that he was safe again. “I’m just glad you’re alive.” Oddly enough, Jim allowed it, taking his father’s return in stride after everything we faced today.
Nomura looked up from where we crashed into the gyre, taking in the forest around us. Draal helped her and I out of the gyre, getting Nomura to a smaller boulder so she could rest while I tended to her injured leg.
Wrapping the ankle carefully, I nodded up to her. “Good news is, you should be okay to walk on it. Bad news, you’ll have to take it easy, I couldn’t fully heal it.”
Letting out a tired laugh, Nomura shook her head, “You’ve grown little Isolde.”
Blinky and Toby were the last in the gyre, holding each other tight, shaking like leaves. “I know one thing for certain.” Blinky's voice called out, shaking as much as he was. “I hope to never see the likes of that Bridge ever again.”
Arrrgh slowly walked to the Bridge, punching through what remained of it.
“Awesome sauce!” Toby cheered, Arrrgh pulling him out of his shock, running to the large green troll.
Jim got up and followed after Toby, running directly into Arrrgh’s chest, hugging him tight.
Claire and Blinky joined them, celebrating that Jim was home and Arrrgh was alive.
“It’s so, so good to see you guys!” Jim turned to Nomura, grinning. “You want in?”
Smiling, she shook her head, “That’s not my thing. Thank you, little Gynt.” She patted a clawed hand over my head. “I have to hand it to you, you were right.”
“About what?” Jim asked, tilting his head slightly.
“Hope,” She smiled, “Friends.”
Blinky retrieved the amulet from the remains of Killahead Bridge, presenting it to Jim. “I believe this belongs to you, Master Jim.”
Once returned, the amulet began to glow, attaching itself to the armor. Once reunited, the eclipse armor morphed back into daylight. “Feels good to have this back.” Carefully, Jim climbed up the nearby boulder and took in the forest around us, eyes having to adjust to the light of the sunset again.
Claire met him, hugging him tight. “I missed you.”
After everything Jim went through in the Darklands, it seems girls were no longer as terrifying as they seemed, and he finally had the courage to kiss her.
Arrrgh chuckled, covering Toby’s and his own eyes, peeking through his fingers.
Uncle James sighed, shaking his head with a smile. “About time from what I've heard.”
Nomura gagged, nose wrinkling at the sight, “Disgusting custom.”
I burst out laughing as Draal decided to smoosh his face against my cheek.
“Let’s get rid of this Bridge once and for all.” Blinky cut through.
“Ha!” Toby laughed, “Just wait until Trollmarket gets a load of Jim and Arrrgh!” He let out a gasp, face falling immediately. “Oh, no! The Tribunal! They’re gonna go crazy town banana pants when they find out what we’ve been up to!”
I groaned, realizing I now had to be a part of that, “I swear, I’m going to bash her highness-lady’s face in.”
Blinky chuckled, throwing a piece of the bridge, “Frankly, who cares? We have our Trollhunter back.”
���For now, I say we stick to our houses,” I rubbed my temples, getting us back on track. “First order of business is a shower.” I snickered at Jim.
“Nope,” He grinned, jumping down from the boulder. “This is first,” he hugged me tight, arms shaking from how exhausted he was. “Thank you.”
Smiling softly, I hugged him close, my hand holding the back of his head. “You ever pull a stunt like that again, and I’ll tear you to pieces myself, got it?” I asked, trying to hide the tears, relieved that I was able to do more than speak with him in my spirit form.
“Noted,” He chuckled, slowly releasing me from the hug, tears sliding down his face as well.
“Come on Jimbo, you can get cleaned up at my house, don’t want Dr. L smelling you," Toby snickered.”
Jim laughed, nodding to Tobes before turning to his dad. “Are you staying?”
Uncle James smiled, “For now, I’ll have to return to the Eclipse Guard, but we will have time to talk. You need to see your mother.”
We all made our way back to Toby’s house, sticking to the shadows so we could stay together.
I helped Nomura walk, keeping her steady as we snuck in through the back door. “After Jim gets to see mom, you can rest in my room.”
“Thank you,” She acknowledged as I helped her sit on the sofa. All of us were glad Nana was out for Bingo night and we didn’t have to hide.
Jim ran upstairs to shower, Blinky deciding to stay with Arrrgh and Toby for the night.
Claire sat next to me, leaning her head on my shoulder. “He’s home.”
Nodding, I held my hand out to her. “He is.”
She placed her hand in mine and we all fell into a comfortable silence, exhausted and happy that we were able to save Arrrgh, and bring Jim home.
We let Jim head over on his own once he was cleaned up. He needed this time with mom, and we were happy to watch from Nana’s blinds as he finally stepped into his home for the first time in weeks.
“Do you think he will be alright?” Draal asked, watching as Jim fell into aunt Barbara’s hug.
Uncle James nodded, “He’ll need some time to recover. During that time, we should prepare for the Tribunal.”
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sorceress-coffee · 2 years
RoA Ch 34 Escape from the Darklands
Ao3 Link
If I heard ‘Jim’ call mom ‘Dr. L’ one more time, I might implode. Groaning, I thought about the week and how everything seemed to fly by. Vendel was right about time feeling as if it was speeding up.
Our research into rescuing Jim from the Darklands was slowly turning into Blinky trying to get me to use the amulet, whether it be reading the incantation, setting it in the key slot of Killahead bridge, pouring my magic into the bridge, or directly into the amulet again. The last one left me in the Void for a good two days, at least I knew Kanjigar was getting somewhere with the Trollhunters Angor had killed. They were currently discussing how to let someone else use the amulet to open the bridge, though it sounds like possession by a Trollhunter might be involved, I really hope I don’t have to have a spirit roommate in my head.
Uncle James has returned, and with great timing considering I was apparently going crazy with the shadow magic. I was still grateful no one got hurt. The elixir he made however? It looks like Draal is adjusting to having the magic trolls are born with bound to my magic, but we still don’t know why it turned him human. He’s taking the change in stride though, and, if Garridan’s estimate is correct, should be back to normal in a week, give or take a few days.
Mom was happy to see him, we used the excuse that he was able to take his finals early and came down to check on all of us after the ‘car accident’. Again, she insisted on having him stay with us, supposedly bunking with Jim for the time being.
I was able to take the bandages off of my face, the new blind spot was going to take some getting used to. I almost put Blinky through the wall of his library when I grabbed my left shoulder from behind.
Garridan had to return to the Eclipse guards. There was something very important in Camelot that required him or James to be there at all times, and they had taken a calculated risk to bring uncle James out early to help me. Eemeli refused to get anywhere near the Gyre as we sent my dad off, apparently whatever happened on his way to and from Camelot scarred the poor changeling.
Currently Draal and I were watching ‘Jim’ try to pass off what looked like toxic sludge garnished with onions as Jim’s signature omelet. Either we need to get Toby cooking lessons, or break Jim out today, there’s no way mom won’t be suspicious with that staining her skillet.
“Eemeli’s coming to pick us up, you ready Jim?” I asked quickly as mom began questioning the severity of her concussion. Dad had to quickly redecorate after Angor’s ambush, he tried keeping things close to the original, but the wall between mine and Jim’s room took a lot of his time to fix.
‘Jim’ yelped, running to grab his bag from the steps, “Right, don’t want to be late for class! Bye Dr. L!” “Dr. L?” Mom asked, looking at me confused.
I shrugged, grabbing my bag as Draal headed out with ‘Jim.’ “My guess, finals are getting to him. We’ve been studying with the others so much I think it might be frying his brain.”
Mom smiled, trashing the ‘omelet’, “Alright, try not to work yourselves too hard.” She kissed my forehead before shooing me out the door, Eemeli waiting by his car for us. “Have a good day!”
“Will do!” I called back, heading straight for the car.
“Still slipping up?” Eemeli snickered as he opened the back door for me, Claire and ‘Jim’ sitting in the back, Draal up front.
“I give us two more days, if we’re lucky,” I huffed, getting in quickly.
Eemeli kept his amused grin as he got in the car and took off for the canals. “Any ideas on reigning in Eli’s ‘Jim Lake Jr. Disease’ campaign?”
Groaning, I leaned my head against Draal’s headrest. “I can’t believe people believe there might be a new disease and it started with Jim, no one is going to let him live this down.”
“That’s assuming we find a way into the Darklands,” Toby gagged, taking off the Janus mask and returning to himself. “Why couldn’t Jim’s dad do this? It  smells like moldy trolls.”
Snickering, I glanced past Claire who was currently rolling her eyes at Toby, “I think he’d be waiting for a scalpel in his throat the entire time he’d be around mom. Not to mention how awkward it would be to pretend to be their son.”
“I vote we make him wear it,” Draal sneered, having as strong of a dislike for James and how he left as Blinky did. Good thing he only had to deal with Blinky at the moment, protective father figure and ‘brother-in-law’ giving him a hard time might delay our work in rescuing Jim.
Toby groaned, shoving the mask in his book bag, “Keeping up appearance is hard, how long do we have to do this?”
“Until we find a way into the Darklands,” Claire chided, elbowing Toby so he’d lean into the car door more. “We made a deal, you cover for him in Arcadia, I deal with Trollhunter duties in Trollmarket, The trolls and Changelings research a way to break into the Darklands, River meets with the past Trollhunters and helps Blinky with experiments on the bridge.”
“Speaking of, has there been any word?” Toby asked, worried the Amulet could call to someone at any point.
Shit, I forgot to tell them. Should I tell them? What if it causes everyone to lose hope?
Draal glanced over his shoulder realizing I had stayed silent far too long. “River? Are you okay?”
I nodded, holding my hands to show they were shadow free, something we started doing after the incident in Blinky’s library. “Later, as for the amulet, other than pulling me into the void, it’s been silent.”
“See Toby, it’s only been two weeks, we know he’s okay in the Darklands.” Claire grinned as we pulled up to the school. “We’ll get him back, with my baby brother.”
Toby grumbled, getting out and holding the door for Claire to follow, “I hope so, I don’t know how much longer I can deal with this stank.”
Draal, Eemeli and I watched as the teens entered the school before taking off and heading for the dirt road to the canals.
“So,” Eemeli drawled out, looking at me through the rear view mirror. “What’s for ‘later’?”
I handed the amulet up to Draal, “Remember my ‘breaking point’?” I asked, referring to snapping at Kanjigar and conjuring shadow magic for the first time.
Eemeli winced, remembering how volatile I became with the influence of the dark magic. “You threw the amulet at Kanjigar’s head?” He asked, trying to diffuse the tension with humor.
“The argument?” Draal asked, knowing I’d prefer getting straight to the point, even with the uncomfortable topic.
“Yeah, that,” I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. “I asked what would happen if the amulet called another Trollhunter.”
Draal eyed me, knowing my hesitation was odd seeing as everyone knew how the amulet was passed from Trollhunter to Trollhunter. “What’s going on, love?”
Frowning, I looked him directly in the eye, not knowing how he’d take the news. “He said it wouldn’t call another.”
“If he’s alive?” Eemeli asked, hoping I was pausing for dramatic effect. “You know, since he’d still be the Trollhunter, even in the Darklands.”
“Ever,” I winced as disbelief fell over Draal’s face.
Looking down at the amulet that rested in his hands, I couldn’t tell if he was in shock or angry. Maybe both?
Draal held the amulet out to me, brow furrowed in confusion. “Why?”
I took the amulet, clutching it close, “Kanjigar said this thing passed on certain information to all Trollhunters, such as how to first use the armor and sword. Another piece of information seems to be that the last Trollhunter would come from the humans. We’ve tried getting Deya’s input on the matter, but it seems she’s as silent in the Void as she is in the Forge.”
Draal snarled, not liking that we had so little to go on, “So we have no way of knowing that Jim is actually okay?”
“That might not be entirely true,” Eemeli sighed, having spent the most time with James than any of us. “Your uncle’s spy network within the Janus order is impressive, if anyone will know Jim's status in the Darklands it’s them, and by extension, his dad.”
Eemeli drove down into the canal, parking far enough under the bridge so it couldn’t be seen from the streets above.
Grabbing Eemeli and Draal’s shoulder, my right eye glowed orange as we teleported out of the car and to the bottom of the crystal stairs inside Trollmarket.
“You’re starting to teleport farther,” Draal smiled, taking my left hand, a habit he’s adopted since my injury. He liked being able to protect me in any way, the newest one being to guard my blind spot.
I squeezed the mechanical hand gently, walking with the boys to the library. “Trying not to push it too much, Vendel cleared me for magic use since the shadow markings have disappeared. Just need to keep an eye on it,” I snickered, turning to look at him, “Good thing I have one left.”
Draal looked torn between looking horrified and laughing at the joke, knowing the injury itself didn’t bother me too much, only how I acquired it.
Eemeli on the other hand was doubled over, laughing loudly, “One eye left!”
And that’s how Uncle James found us. A highly lethal witch assassin, wheezing as tears grew in his eyes. Trollmarket’s strongest warrior, temporarily turned human, glitching as he looked between me and Eemeli. Not to mention a newly half blind wizard biting her lip and trying to hold back laughter at her mate’s reaction.
“You really are friends,” his voice cut through our laughter.
Eemeli grew tense, standing stone stiff as he caught sight of James. Draal shook his head, trying to wrap his head around the joke still.
“You doubted that?” I asked, unamused that James kept trying to slip into a protective parenting role. Whether he had a choice to leave or not, that way he left continued to leave a bitter taste in my mouth, like burnt and soured coffee. Note to self, never let mom make coffee for anyone, ever.
James flinched back slightly, having expected the hostility but still unprepared for it. “Right, well, considering a notorious witch hunter for the Janus order showed up outside of Camelot, with your familiar, claiming to be your friend? Can’t help but be a little suspicious.”
I glared him down, moving to put myself between him and Eemeli. “The only reason I’m not throwing you to Aunt Barbara’s wrath is because you’re here to help us bring Jim home. You’re not here to play parental guardian with me, and you’re not here to judge who my friends are. If you have an issue with Eemeli’s past, fine, but I know what he’s done, and he’s still here.”
He held his hands up defensively, backing up a step. “Got it, can’t say I’m not surprised. If you trust him then I’ll leave the hunter alone, as much as researching with the spy network will allow.”
I nodded, storming off into the library with Eemeli and Draal trailing closely behind. Blinky was in the middle of explaining some of his ideas to Arrrgh’s stone form, using it as a coping method for not having the big guy around anymore.
“Perhaps Lady River can charge the amulet while holding it to the Killstone, or would the Bridge itself require shadow magic? No. Maybe teleporting?” Blinky was scribbling stick figures all over his wall with chalk, if we didn’t know what he was trying to work out, we might’ve thought he’d gone mad.
“We’ve already tried that Blinky,” I interrupted, seeing his brain running in circles. “Shadow magic might work, Claire would have to test it.”
Blinky jumped at my voice, throwing the chalk at me. “Gah! Lady River, you shouldn’t sneak up on a troll.”
I stomped my steel-toe boot against the ground, making a loud sound. “Can’t exactly sneak in these boots, Blink.”
“Ah, right,” He sighed, setting a scroll down, rubbing his eyes. “Apologies for the chalk. This would be so much easier if we could teleport into the Darklands.”
“Uh, I can only reach places I’ve been before, and I don’t know how ‘far’ the Darklands are since it seems to mirror Arcadia's layout at least.” I frowned, referring to the fact that if you moved while looking in the fetch, you moved around the Darklands as well.
“Did the council of elders have any more information?” Blinky asked, wiping off the chalk dust from my hoodie.
Shaking my head, I looked over Blinky’s plans, “They’re working on a way to allow someone else to use the amulet, as far as I can tell it could be a gruesome process.”
“Why would we need a gruesome?” Blinky asked, confused by my wording.
“Human slang,” James jumped in, reading over a report, “It means unpleasant, possibly gory, something you wouldn’t want to go through. That sort of thing.”
Glancing back, I eyed the report curiously. “Have your spies found anything?”
“Gunmar is aware of the Trollhunter’s presence in the Darklands, but, as of this morning, he hasn’t been able to find Jim.” James handed over the report, picking up the book Blinky had set down, taking over the research while Blinky rested his eyes, and brain.
“So he’s safe for now,” Draal sighed in relief, having been dreading the thought of mourning another Trollhunter he considered family.
“Jim’s resourceful if nothing else. He’s also nothing like the Trollhunters Gunmar has dealt with before.” Eemeli cut in, reading the report over my shoulder, snorting as the name on the report was one of his contacts. “That explains why they’re so helpful with forging the medical documents.” Grumbling as he pulled away, grabbing a book on portals and magic, hoping to find a backdoor into the Darklands.
Draal and I grabbed a book from Blinky’s pile of ‘Most likely to have helpful information’ books and settled in the corner for a day of grueling research. While I could read and understand Troll, I felt like I had a toddler’s ability to comprehend the text, having to ask Draal what some of the non-translatable words meant. Grumbling about it, when my eye grew tired I began to thumb through looking at the pictures.
James looked over the book, having heard my complaints about the Trollish script. “Well, you were basically a toddler when you stopped learning the language, it’s no surprise you’re better at verbal communication over reading.”
My head snapped up to look at him, brow furrowing in thought. “So it’s a learning curve issue?”
James nodded, “Garridan and I used to read to you in Trollish, even when you first arrived in Arcadia. It was the only way you’d communicate with me at first.” He chuckled thinking back to the year he had stepped in as a father for me. “I had to convince Barbara it was baby talk, then Jim started mimicking you and it began to seem normal.”
“Then, Tobias and I ride in on the Vespa, in a blazing fury,” Blinky’s excited mumbling drew our attention as he began drawing on the wall closest to Arrrgh. “Obviously utilizing Claire’s shadow staff’s temporal portal ability. Maybe using River’s Heartstone magic as a catalyst, we could ‘level up’ the portal's reach?”
Draal growled next to me, immediately disliking the thought of me near any sort of shadow magic, let alone connecting to it again. “Over my temporarily fleshy body.”
Blinky sighed, shaking his head as he crossed out the drawings, “No, no. You’re right, even with a larger reach the shadow staff can't connect us to the Darklands.”
“I don’t think he’s agreeing with you,” I whispered to Draal, noticing that Blinky’s been turning to Arrrgh as he rambled through his ideas.
Draal winced, knowing how hard Blinky was taking the loss of his family. “Think he’ll be okay?”
“Eventually,” Letting out a soft huff, I looked up as Claire and Toby entered the Library heading directly for Blinky.
“How does one open the bridge to save the Trollhunter, when one needs said Trollhunter to open the bridge?” Blinky drew a rough illustration of Jim under Killahead Bridge, glaring at it like it held all the answers we needed.
“Any luck, Blink?” Claire asked, seeing all of the crossed off drawings.
Blinky glanced at the teens before returning his focus to the wall of drawings. “Per usual, I’m never short on plans, but a working one? No.”
I stood quickly going to Blinky’s side, “We aren’t out of options yet, Blink. Though I do prefer the ones where I’m not a living battery.”
Blinky nodded to me, attention then turning to Toby as he kept sticking his head in the Fetch and walking around. “How about you, Tobias? Any fortune locating our Trollhunter?”
Toby groaned as he pulled his head out again and began rummaging in his pocket. “I’ve been sticking my head through this everywhere in Arcadia. All I see is endless Darklands and no Jim. But,” he finally pulled out a piece of candy from his pocket, tossing it inside the Fetch. “I have been leaving Nougat Nummies to let him know we haven’t given up.” Groaning, Toby’s face fell. “This is hopeless, isn’t it?”
“As my brother Dictatious used to say,” Blinky rolled off into Trollish, trying to comfort Toby. “Even the word ‘hopeless’-”
“‘Isn’t void of hope.’ River?” Claire asked, looking deep in thought, “Can you teleport to Jim?”
I shook my head, “I don’t think so, I haven’t physically been to the Darklands, but I’m also not supposed to go in.”
“What of your spirit?” James asked, ignoring the glare of ‘DEATH’ Toby was giving him.
I tilted my head in question, “Like when I get pulled into the Void? I don’t exactly have control over that.”
“You entered the Void by accident,” Draal recounts, following James’ line of thought. “What if we found a way for you to connect with Jim instead of the past Trollhunters?”
I pulled the amulet from my pocket, thinking it over, “I’m not going to randomly wake up to a Vendel lecture, am I?”
“No promises,” Blinky spoke bluntly, bottom two hands on his hips. “It could be possible for you to connect directly with Master Jim, given the right tools.” Blinky turned to Claire, “Lady Claire, how are you able to connect your shadow portals to a specific person?”
Claire sat at the nearby table, thinking over her answer, “I focus on who they are to me, whether friends, family, teachers or mentors. I have to have an emotional anchor to open a portal there.”
“Shouldn’t I already be emotionally tied to Jim then?” I asked, knowing I’ve only been traveling small distances at a time. Maybe my understanding of how teleportation worked was the issue, and not my magic control. “Claire, how much energy did you use to travel from my house to Vendel?”
“During the gravity curse? Not that much, it was easy once everyone made me mad enough.” Claire explained, thinking back and realizing how easy it had been. “You told me emotion was magic so that’s what I’ve been using.”
I nodded, taking a seat on the floor, “Okay, you guys keep looking for a way to rescue Jim here. I’m going to see if I can connect to him.”
“Ooh, creepy mana pool River time?” Toby asked, pulling his phone out to take a picture.
Draal slapped the back of his head, light enough to get his attention, “Not the time Fleshbag.”
Smiling softly, I closed my eyes. Everything quickly began to fade as I focused on reaching the mana pools. Hope. That’s what I needed right now. I had to hope that the one person I could think of would hear my call.
Opening my eyes I was surrounded by the black abyss where my mana resided. Turning from the lava-like pools I began running, calling on daylight. If my mother could reach me, maybe I can reach him .
It felt like hours. I sent pulses of daylight throughout the abyss, hoping to find him. He knew this would happen, predicted it. If anyone can help me, he can.
I felt the strain daylight was taking on my mind, “Please!” Screams tore from my throat as I called for him. “If you can hear me, please, help!”
A soft glow began to form under me. Staring at what was once a jet black chasm, green flowing pools began to form. Was this it? Had I found him?
“Now now, little Light,” An elderly voice filled the chasm, “You’ve wandered far from your physical form.”
Looking up, I was greeted by an elderly man wearing a green suit of armor. The same vision from my dreams, my memories. “Merlin?” I couldn’t believe it, he didn’t look a day older than he had in my memories of Camelot.
Merlin chuckled, kneeling down to me. When did I collapse?
“You used to call me Uncle Mer if memory serves,” Smiling Merlin helped me to my feet. “Now, how is it that you could find an old fool you scarcely remember, but can’t reach your cousin?”
I shook my head, “This is different isn’t it? I was in my mana pool.”
“And here you stand in mine,” Merlin pointed out, knowing it was obvious.
“Yes, but,” I frowned, looking over the green pools. “How do I connect to Jim like this? He doesn’t have magic.”
Merlin hummed in thought, “No, he doesn’t. At least not without my amulet. But, he doesn’t need magic for you to reach him.”
Sighing, I felt like I was watching the start of an endless cycle. “I know magic is emotion, but every time I push my emotions, I break the Forge, blow something up, or somehow conjure shadow magic that makes me go crazy.”
“Yes, Ganieda had a similar reaction,” Merlin mused, watching as I tried to piece things together.
“So how do I push my limits and connect to Jim without blowing up Blinky’s Library?” I asked, trying to cut to a point.
Merlin turned, waving for me to follow him. “When you think of Jim, what emotions come to mind?”
“Currently? Anger and betrayal, mix that in with grief,” I tried to joke, knowing it wouldn’t land.
“And before?” Merlin asked, pausing to look back at me.
I paused, thinking back to what I had told Jim when he went into the Darklands. “He was my world, the only real connection I had for so long.”
“And now, things are different, you’ve grown and changed, and so has he. So, remove the anger, everything bitter you feel towards him. What’s left?” Merlin fully turned to a pool swirling with blue and green mana.
Looking into the pool, I watched as the blue and green shifted together, pulling at each other but never able to separate. “We’re two halves of a single whole.” I thought back to my time in the Void with Jim and Kanjigar. “We bridge our worlds together,” I paused thinking over the statement. “Even though we’re so far apart, I’m connected to him, even Killahead Bridge can’t sever that.”
Merlin smiled, waving his hand over the pool, figures began to form in the reflection. Memories of someone watching over Jim and I as we grew up together. The pain we got each other through when Uncle James left, the healing when I gathered parts from the scrap yard and Jim and I built the bike together years later. When mom was at work and Jim got hurt, I’d be right there patching him up. The dark nights when night terrors plagued my mind and Jim would grab juice boxes and curl up in bed with me. Memories of our encounter with the amulet, everything we went through, the friends we made, the family we created.
“You were watching over us,” I looked up to Merlin, shocked that he had seen everything we went through.
“I have,” Merlin nodded, turning to me, “And you’ve grown so much little Light, learned so much. I will not lie and say the pain ends with the Darklands.” He sighed, pushing my hair back from the injured side of my face. “Nor will this be the last trial you face. Jim has far more to learn of being a Trollhunter, and what it means to be the Trollhunter. It will be painful for you both, but look at everything you’ve overcome together.”
Smiling softly, I looked back at the last image. The night we defeated Bular. I may have been beaten up and bloody, but there was joy. True joy, in the light of our accomplishments. “I’m his big sister, it’s my job to protect him, even if I don’t agree with him.”
Merlin scoffed, a flash of memory from the hospital conversation pulling up. “Yes, one might do well to remind the youngling that he is half Changeling. Though I’m sure his father will be happy to do so.”
“Uncle Merlin,” I shook my head, turning my back on the mana pool. “I think I can find Jim now.”
Merlin paused, the disgruntlement leaving his face. “Matter of perspective?”
“It always is,” I grinned, my soul-form glowing bright, “I hope I can meet you in the waking world.”
“Won’t be too long, just remember little Light, every spell, every curse has a counter,” Merlin waved as his mana pools began to fade.
“Just have to find the right tools!” Taking a deep breath, I focused on my desire to protect Jim, our connection, our bond. Feeling the pull, I let it take me away.
A yelp and crash drew my attention. When I opened my eyes, I was standing in a dark cave covered in drawings and what looked to be a map. The crash had been none other than James Lake Jr, donning the Eclipse armor in a pile of gangly limbs on the floor, holding half a giant egg.
“River?!” He whispered yelled, shocked to see me, “Oh no, I’m dead, that stupid egg was poisonous!”
“You’re not dead,” I huffed, looking down to see that I was very much in my spirit form. “And before you ask, no, I’m not dead either.” I paused, “Unless Vendel’s finally snapped and decided Trollmarket is better off without a semi-explosive wizard.”
“You’re in Trollmarket? How are you here?” He sat up quickly, relief seemed to flow off of him.
I sat as best as I could, trying not to sink into the ground in this form, I ended up floating about a foot off of the ground. “Yes, my body is in Trollmarket, currently we’re all trying to find a way to open the Bridge.”
Jim winced, looking down at his gloved hand, “River, I’m so-”
“Don’t,” I snarled, causing his eyes to snap to mine. “Don’t you dare apologize until you realize the turmoil your decision caused, until you can actually mean it.”
“But,” Jim bit back his words, seeing he wouldn’t win this argument. “How are the others?”
“Blinky’s about to lose his mind, Arrrgh is somehow still his quiet support. Toby’s been popping in through the Fetch to find where you are vs the location in Arcadia so we know where to open the Bridge. Claire is ever the bright light, keeping spirits up as we continue our research.” Pausing, I thought about whether or not I should mention Uncle James.
“What about Draal?” Jim asked, knowing I wouldn’t leave my mate out.
Snorting, might as well go full truth. “Well, he’s currently a Fleshbag again, you can thank your father for that.”
“My father? What, like a priest?” Jim asked, confusion taking over his face. Was he really that dense?
“Dad told Uncle James you jumped ship directly into Gunmar's lair.” I deadpanned, watching as Jim seemed to go through all the stages of grief at once.
“Wait, so,” Jim choked, floundering. “He’s- when? How?”
“About a week ago via the Gyre station,” sighing, I waited for Jim to process the information as a thought struck me. “We should probably move this along, I don’t know how long I can hold this form. Do you have any idea where you are?”
Shaking the panic off, Jim tried to focus on my question. “Where, right,” Turning to the map-like drawing, “You wouldn’t happen to have a spirit smart phone on you, would you?” After only receiving a blank stare, he pointed to a section far north on the map. “This is where I came in. Now, these paths here are actually lower, so you’d have to go further under Trollmarket, I think. Not sure how the ratio works between dimensions.
“It’s been 1:1 so far.” I frowned, looking over the map and trying to place where it would be. “The easiest course of action is also the most dangerous.” I sighed, knowing Jim would reject the idea immediately.
“Can’t exactly follow boy scouts 101 to stay put and wait for rescue, too many soldiers.” He groaned, leaning back against the wall, staring at a fire he had built.
“Good thing you brushed up on your camping skills,” I noted, sitting back with him. “I was going to say the easiest course is to copy your map somehow, open the bridge in the vault, and have you stay put and wait for rescue. However, that puts you in danger until we find a way to open the Bridge, and leaving it open gives Gunmar a door directly into Trollmarket.”
“Yeah, let’s not do that.” He sighed, holding his hand out palm up to me.
I took it, magic solidifying the touch. “You really pissed me off, I hope you realize that.”
“I know, but you kept your promise.” Squeezing my hand, his tears began to flow. “I’m sorry. I really am. But I couldn’t stand the thought of losing anyone else.”
“How do you think we felt? You promised us, promised me that you would all face Gunmar.” Gritting my teeth, my spirit-form slipped into my troll-form. “Did you really forget Deya’s battle? She fought alongside all manner of Troll, Human, and Wizard. Just because the other Trollhunters chose to fight alone, doesn’t mean you have to either. I’ve already torn into Kanjigar for this. Threw the damned amulet at his head too.”
A watery snort left Jim as he tried to picture me screaming at the previous Trollhunter. “Didn’t have the heart to fight back?”
“I threatened to tell mom, and that I’d sit back and watch her find a way to tear apart a soul.” Letting out a huff, I could feel Jim tense beside me. “And no, I’ve kept my word on that too. But this normal ‘human life’ you’re trying to protect. It ain’t normal. We definitely aren’t and it’s not just the amulet.” I cut him off, knowing he’d bring up the amulet as the only reason we’re where we are today. “I was born half changeling, half sorceress. You were born half human, half changeling. With or without the amulet, this is our world. One day, mom isn’t going to buy our lies. Lying put her in danger, not this, not us.”
Jim had listened quietly, looking over a crude drawing he had done of everyone. He even included mom and Strickler in our Trollhunting group. “Does she know I’m missing?”
“No, you can thank the ‘concussion’ for masking Toby’s terrible acting. Have him show you his cooking when you get back, it’s toxic.” My spirit-form began to dim, sighing I could feel the pull to my body. “Looks like time is up for now. If you see any Nougat Nummies, Toby’s been leaving them behind.”
“Thanks sis, when this is all over, I owe you. More than I realized,” Jim smiled as I faded away.
Smiling softly, I gave his hand one final squeeze before I fell away. Opening my eyes, I was back in the Library, Draal’s human face only millimeters away from mine. “Gah!” I fell back, not expecting him to be so close when I woke up. “Don’t scare me like that!”
“Sorry love,” He frowned, helping me sit back up. “It’s been hours, I was getting worried.”
“Translation,” James piped in, dropping a pile of books near us, “your injured eye began to glow green and everyone went into panic mode. Vendel shut it down before Blinkous could send all of Trollmarket into a panic.”
“I resent that!” Blinky shouted from where he was currently tied to a chair, the ‘rope’ holding him was none other than Eri.
“You’d think having spent enough time around the Amulet he’d be able to tell the difference between shadow magic and Merlin’s.” She scoffed, keeping her coils tight around his waist.
“Merlin?” Draal asked, senses dulled due to being stuck in human form at the moment.
“I needed help figuring out how to find Jim, I figured if anyone could, it’d be him.” I shrugged, rubbing my eyes, careful of the left. “Turns out, I just needed a different perspective.”
“Wait,” Claire dropped the scroll she was reading, “Does that mean you found him?”
Nodding, I stretched out my arms, next time I’m doing this in bed. Everything is stiff. “Found him. He’s mapping out his search for Enrique. Gunmar hasn’t found him, so for the moment, he’s safe. He misses everyone though. Being alone and on the run seems to be draining him.” I frowned, thinking back to how exhausted he looked. “He knows we’re doing everything we can to find him.”
“We have hope!” Toby cheered, reenergized now that we’ve made contact with Jim. “Now we just have to open the Bridge and get him.”
“Not that simple.” Sighing, I recounted my conversation with Jim. “If we open the Bridge here Gunmar has direct access to Trollmarket, and if we move the bridge the map he has so far is basically useless. On top of that, he can’t stay in one place too long.”
“Too dangerous,” Draal sighed, since we knew Gunmar was aware of Jim’s presence, he most likely had his army searching for the Trollhunter.
“Well, if we’re already in the Darklands, couldn’t I use the shadow staff to find him?” Claire asked, wondering if the portals just couldn’t connect from here to the Darklands.
“The shadow staff won’t work in the Darklands, not exactly sure why. The place itself is made of magic,” Blinky sighed, trying to figure out how to locate Jim. “River won’t be able to come with us either, so she couldn’t teleport to him. And if she connected to him while we were there, her body is at risk for being attacked or taken if Gunmar escapes.”
“So no matter what, finding Jim while we’re actually in the Darklands is still a struggle.” Toby groaned, flopping face first onto a pile of books. “Great.”
“We’ll figure this out, for now we know he’s alive and Gunmar hasn’t found him.” Hand clasping Toby’s shoulder, I tried to keep his spirits up.
The blast of horns coming from the market drew our attention to the entrance of Blinky’s library.
“Holy horns, what was that?” Toby gasped, startled by the sudden noise.
My pupils narrowed, remembering the last time horns announced someone's arrival. “If it’s who I think it is, someone’s gonna have to hold me back.”
Draal immediately grabbed hold of my arm, still unaware of why I didn’t get along with our last guest of honor. “Let’s go.”
Blinky took the lead as we all gathered with the Trolls crowding the streets of Trollmarket. As I thought, I could see her highness-lady leading a group of different Trolls,
“Whoa,” Toby gasped, seeing the leaders of the Troll tribes, “All the troll heavyweights are here.” Grinning he began to wave erratically at the Quagawump queen we had befriended.
Blinky rushed to Vendel as he followed the other Troll leaders. “Who summoned the Tribunal, Vendel?”
“The Tribunal summoned themselves.” Vendel huffed, glancing to our group, “Lady River, as the only Wizard of Trollmarket and technically a leader of your remaining changeling friends, your presence is required.”
I glanced at the others confused, quickly following after Vendel. “What’s going on?”
Vendel sighed as Blinky and I followed close, “Word of the Trollhunter’s stupidity to enter the Darklands has spread like the plague. And now, they’re calling for the destruction of Killahead bridge.”
Claire ran in front of Vendel, trying to get answers. “But if they destroy the bridge, Jim won’t be able to get out.”
“I’m well aware of that, and I’m trying to prevent it. Queen Usurna has taken a shine to our young Wizard and I’m hoping her presence can help sway her mind. Let’s go Blinkous, Lady River.”
“There goes our hope,” Claire sighed, stepping out of Vendel’s way.
“We must keep searching.” Blinky instructed, “Master Jim’s time is running out.”
“Not if I have any say,” I growled, marching after Vendel and getting ready to give her highness-lady a piece of my mind.
“Lady River, killing and or explosions is not an option,” Blinky spoke quickly, running to catch up with Vendel and me. “The Tribunal’s word is law, to go against them is to go against all of Trollkind.”
“Yeah, well I’m a changeling, last I checked, most Trolls don’t claim us.” My right sclera began to glow with my irritation.
We passed by Krubera soldiers as we entered the Tribunal chambers. They quickly blocked any others from entering. Seems the queen pulled a lot of weight in these proceedings. Maybe playing nice could work in our favor.
We entered the counsel chambers of the Heartstone, the queen led the tribal leaders to the platform while Vendel instructed Blinky and I to remain with him on the floor. Why did this feel extremely one-sided already?
Queen Usurna looked over at us for a moment, stopping at my face, “I see much like your mate, you’ve sustained a damaging wound of battle.”
Scratch that, playing nice is overrated. “Ah, so I’ve lost value among the Krubera.”
She paused, it seems she hadn’t expected me to talk back. “Well, as Merlin heir, even damaged, you still hold quite the position. However, I don’t see why a sorceress is present during the Troll Tribunal.”
“Her presence is required,” Vendel shot back. “All leaders of a Tribe are required to take a seat on the Tribunal. Lady River is no exception.”
“You student is not a tribal leader, Vendel. If you are arguing so, then tell me, what tribe claims her?” Usurna sneered.
And there’s that same off putting feeling from the PyroBligst. Her highness-lady is all sorts of off.
“The Changelings of Arcadia,” Vendel announced, sending the Tribunal into an uproar.
“Changelings are NOT welcomed here!,” One of the leaders yelled, slamming a stone fist into the crystal podiums in front of them.
“She has no right to a seat! The changelings are not a Tribe!” Another snarled.
“The heir of Merlin can’t be a changeling, she’s a fraud!” That’s it.
Snarling, I shifted into my troll-form, stepping in front of Vendel and Blinky. “ENOUGH!” At the sight of my full transformation, the Trolls went still, shocked to see an actual Changeling in Trollmarket. “I am River Marie Wyllt, daughter of General Garridan of the Eclipse guard and Lady Ganieda, court sorceress of Camelot and sister of Merlin. I wield Daylight and protect the Amulet and Trollhunter.” My hands glowed pale blue with daylight as the Amulet summoned from my pocket, floating before me and the Tribunal. “The Changelings of Arcadia are mine to protect, whether you want to recognize us or not, we are here.” Glaring over each member as they slowly backed down, finally landing on Queen Usurna. “This meeting was called in regards to the Trollhunter. My cousin by blood, and my charge to protect by Merlin’s Amulet. I am staying.”
Amusement seemed to swim through Usurna’s eyes as the rest of the Tribunal backed down completely. “Well spoken, for a halfling.”
Ignoring her dig at my parentage, I held her gaze, refusing to back down.
“For one raised with humans, it seems you have your father’s gift for rousing speeches.” A smirk graced her face. “Very well, Lady Wyllt, you are hereby a member of the Tribunal, representing both the Changelings of Arcadia and the Trollhunter along Vendel and Blinkous Galadrigal. Now,” She looked over the other leaders. “We are here to discuss the Trollhunter’s decision to enter the Darklands.”
“We call for the destruction of Killahead bridge at once!” The Troll who called me a fraud demanded, still trying to kill me with their glare. “The Trollhunter opened Killahead Bridge within Trollmarket's walls. Gunmar could’ve attacked right then!”
“Incorrect,” I stated, cold stare turning on the troll making them fidget. “As you may know, our world and the Darklands mirror each other. If the bridge moves on our side, it moves on their side. They would not have been able to find the opening in the seconds it was open for Jim to enter.”
“Oh really? And how do you know how long it was open? For all we know, you’re lying and it could have been open for hours.” The troll tried to argue. Not sure if they have a thorn in their side for changelings or just in general, but they’re really trying to tear my credibility down.
“Simple, I was in the vault with him.” I began to explain. A large hand grabbed my left shoulder as I began to tense.
“River,” Vendel’s voice came softly, “You don’t need to do this.”
I shook my head, knowing he was trying to keep me from reliving the moment again, but I had to. If we had any chance of saving Jim from these Trolls, they had to know Gunmar couldn’t have escaped, that Jim wasn’t a threat. “Yes, I do.”
Turning my attention back to the Trolls, I took a deep breath. “After we defeated Angor Rot, Jim, our Trollhunter, decided to take the fight to Gunmar. If we could fight him in the Darklands we weren’t putting the Trolls or humans in danger. After words from the Council of Elders, our fallen Trollhunters, Jim decided to go in on his own.”
The trolls seemed taken aback that Jim had gone in with the advice of the previous Trollhunters. Murmuring amongst themselves.
Queen Usurna didn’t seem to like what the leaders had to say. “If you were with him, why didn’t you follow? Isn’t your ‘team’ all about working together?”
My teeth grit as I stared her down, the other leaders beginning to agree with Usurna.
“Yes, if you protect the Trollhunter, why didn’t you go with him if you were there?” The tall Troll that looked like a yellow Nomura asked.
“The Eternal Night.” I stated simply.
Usurna stiffened at that, eyeing me now. “And what exactly would that be?”
Odd, her reaction made it seem as if she already knew what it was. “Gunmar’s ultimate goal, at the orders of the Eldritch Queen.”
Everyone in attendance went stone still, Gato’s face the first to recover. “Are you saying that Gunmar takes orders from a witch?”
“The creator of Changelings, the Mother of Monsters, the Pale Lady, Baba Yaga, The Eldritch Queen, or simply Lady Morgana.” I began, cut off by Queen Usurna.
“NEVER speak that name!” Her shout caught all of us off guard.
“‘Fear of the name only increases fear of the thing itself.’” I can’t believe I was quoting Hermione Granger to a bunch of trolls. Maybe her highness-lady will attack me in the bathroom next. “The Eternal Night is a spell of the Pale Lady’s creation, she needs Merlin’s magic in order to use it. It will kill off every living creature except for Trolls and those who have reached immortality.”
“That doesn’t answer the question.” Gato stated.
The Nomura-like troll stepped in, disagreeing with him, “But it does. Lady River is the heir of Merlin, the Pale Lady could use her as a substitute.”
“Hence why I cannot enter the Darklands physically.” I added.
“Physically?” Usurna asked, it seems she was more perceptive than she let on.
“Yes,” I stated, turning my attention back to her. “Like many sorcerers, I can separate from my physical form. Mostly I’ve only crossed into the Void with the Council of Elders, however, due to my unique connection with the Trollhunter, I’m able to connect with him even though he doesn't carry Merlin's Amulet at the moment.”
“So the Trollhunter lives?” The troll who’s been giving me grief asked.
“Yes, he’s safe.” I confirmed.
“This doesn’t negate the fact that he opened the bridge and put us all at risk,” Queen Usurna stated. “The demand to destroy Killahead Bridge stands.”
“I see no reason for your impatience.” Vendel stated, “The Trollhunter is alive, we have to wait for him to return. There has been no other Trollhunter chosen. Why do we have to move now?”
“We cannot allow the child’s folly to endanger all of trollkind.” Usurna stated.
“Foolish he was to go in alone. Should not have gone at all.” The Quagawump queen agreed.
“If Gunmar finds the boy, what’s stopping him from getting out?” The Nomura-like troll asked Vendel.
“Killahead bridge is locked in the vault.” Vendel tried to assure them.
“Like a vault will stop Gunmar.” Usurna sneered.
Gato’s face reformed, growling. “Tear it down, let the flesh thing perish in the Darklands. Your toy amulet will choose another.”
Is it safe to tell them? I paused, clutching the Amulet tight. No. There was something wrong here. Something didn’t make sense, it felt like a bee buzzing in the back of my head, it made my stone flesh crawl. The amulet glowed softly, Kanjigar's voice softly filling my mind, ‘unsafe’ and ‘protect the Trollhunter’ filled any space left between my own thoughts.
“The Trollhunter’s fate is not yet sealed. The amulet has yet to call another.” Vendel snarled, trying to get his point through their thick skulls, do trolls have bones or is it all rock? “He may still return to us.”
“Gumm-gumm horde could capture any minute!” The Quagawump growled, siding with Usurna.
Blinky snapped, marching up to the trolls, “I am astounded at what I’m hearing. Master Jim’s deeds may be brash, yes, but, it is his short tenure bearing the sacred mantle. The Trollhunter slayed Bular the Vicious, rallied Trollmarket against Angor Rot, uncovered enemy Changelings in our midst, and captured the very bridge you now wish to make his tomb.” He glared over the trolls, disgusted at their eagerness to throw Jim’s life away. “So many times he has granted our kind mercy, saved us from ourselves. I don’t merely ask that we keep the bridge standing. I demand we go in after him!”
And he lost them.
“Very moving, Blinkous,” Gato sneered, “but answer me this. Who’s to say this human isn’t an enemy Changeling, who went in to free Gunmar himself? We’re already infested with them.”
“Excuse me?” I snarled.
“I am flabbergasted!” Blinky yelled, completely and overdramatically offended for both of us.
“I see no proof otherwise.” The Nomura-changeling agreed with Gato.
Claire and Toby raced from the stacked to Heartstone crystals. “How dare you! You were the ones who said he has to answer every call!”
“He went in to hunt down Gunmar,” Toby added, glaring at Gato specifically. “The one troll the rest of you are too scared to deal with!”
“Oh, not these two,” Gato groaned, recognizing the humans. “They’re always a pain in my rear.”
“They deserve to be heard!” Blinky argued as a Krubera soldier tried to pull Claire and Toby away from us. “If you boot them from these proceedings, you may as well do the same to me!”
Next thing I know, we’re all getting tossed out, at least Vendel could argue on Jim’s behalf.
“Scum of the earth!” Blinky shouted at the guards.
James was waiting by the entrance, an eyebrow raised in question. “What the hell went on in there?”
“Somehow, Blinky arguing to let Claire and Toby speak got all of us kicked out.” I growled, standing up from the heap of teens, helping Claire and Toby to their feet. “We have to do something.”
James sighed, “Well to tear down the bridge they have to get into the vault. Let’s go. Draal and Eemeli are already guarding it.”
Nodding, I grabbed Claire’s shoulder. “Everyone hold on!”
James grabbed my left shoulder while Blinky and Toby grabbed Claire’s hands. As soon as everyone made contact, thinking of Draal, I teleported us up to the Vault.
Draal and Eemeli jumped back as we landed in front of the Vault. “River? What’s going on? Is the Tribunal over?” Draal asked quickly, taking in our panicked entrance.
“Not yet, but we don’t have much time.” I ground out, shaking my head as I adjusted to how I was teleporting now.
“The Tribunal wants to destroy the bridge while Jim’s still inside!” Toby yelped, gasping at the feeling of teleporting without a portal again.
Draal’s human face pulled back in a snarl, slamming his hand on the lock. “Bushigal, they can’t do that!”
Eemeli slipped into his Troll-form, sinking his claws into the steps, “You guys get to the bridge, if we’re opening it, it has to be now! I’ll guard the door!”
Nodding, Draal led us into the Vault, closing and manually locking the door from the inside. “I don’t know how long we have.”
“River, do whatever you have to! Find a way to open the bridge!” Blinky instructed and he and the others prepared to hold back any Trolls the Tribunal sent our way.
I pulled out the Amulet, clutching it close as I ran up to the top of the bridge. “Alright, ‘for the glory of Merlin’ open this damn bridge,” I snarled, pushing my magic through my hands and into the amulet while simultaneously pushing it down through my feet and into the bridge.
Toby broke the controls as we heard the Krubera guards closing in, Eemeli doing his best to hold them off without them finding cause to shatter him. “Now what?” Toby asked, grouping with the others as I tried to open the bridge.
“Now, we hold them back as long as we can,” Claire growled, summoning the shadow staff to her.
Draal grinned, holding his axe, “Always had a thing against authority.”
Nothing was working, no matter how much magic I poured into the bridge or the amulet. What was I missing? I know the Amulet is Jim’s to control, but there had to be a connection.
Eyes going wide, I placed the amulet on the eyestone and dug deep within, tracing my mana connection back to Jim. Closing my eyes, I felt the pull as I left my body, suddenly I could hear frantic running. “Jim!” My eyes snapped open as I floated next to Jim, keeping up as he ran.
“River?” Jim gasped, barely dodging a blade aimed at his head. He carefully curled himself around a bundle in his arms, rolling forward before leaping to his feet, continuing to run. “What are you doing?”
“Her highness-lady and the other Troll leaders are trying to destroy the bridge, we have to get you out of here now but I can’t open the bridge without you.” I spoke quickly, glancing at the bundle in his arms.
“You’re connected to the Amulet, shouldn’t it work for you?” Jim jumped over a gap in the black crystal-like pathways, trying to get distance between him and the Gumm-Gumms.
I shook my head, “Doesn’t work like that, I’m basically an extra power source, I don’t control the damn thing.” I answered, snarling at the soldiers following us, I sent a way of magic at them, stunning them for a few moments. “That’s about all I can do like this.”
“It’s helping,” Jim gasped for air, pushing himself as the bridge came into sight, “River, I have an idea, can you make your body talk while in this form?”
“Probably, I still feel the connection to it,” I stated, feeling the link to my body, strengthening it as Jim thought over his plan.
“Grab my shoulders,” Jim instructed, listening right away, I flew behind him, holding tight to his shoulders as he kept running for the bridge. “We’re going to say the incantation, but instead of saying ‘mine’ we’re going to say ‘ours’.”
“Think it’ll work?” I asked, knowing we were running out of options, the bridge already starting to look damaged. “Ready.”
Together we spoke, Jim and my soul-form on this side, and my body in the Vault. “For the glory of Merlin, Daylight is ours to command!”
A portal began to form, the bridge finally opening after all this time.
“It’s working!” I grinned, excited to finally get Jim out of here.
“They’re coming through!” Claire’s voice rang out as we approached.
“It’s Gunmar!” Usurna’s voice cut in, “Destroy it now!” She ordered the Krubera guards.
At her order, the bridge began to crumble faster. Jim put his all into running for the portal, Claire was right there, we were almost there. Just as Jim reached for her, passing the bundle into her arms, one of the Gumm-Gumm soldiers caught his arm, yanking him back. I tried to slam my magic into it but I was forced back into my body as the Bridge I had been standing on crumbled and gave way.
It was over. Queen Usurna won.
Gaining feeling in my limbs again, I snarled, pulling myself from the rubble. “You,” teeth bared at the queen. “You BURIED him in the Darklands!” I snapped, the black shadows returning, tendrils snaking their way over my legs and arms. A dense smoke rising from my stone flesh like steam, sclera going completely black as my iris glowed red.
“Going against the Tribunal is to go against Trollkind,” Usurna snapped, panic flashing through her eyes.
In a cloud of smoke, I teleported directly in front of her. The grooves in my skin glowing red, this didn’t feel like shadow magic, this felt like the armor. “Too bad I’m a Changeling then.”
The Krubera guards tried to pull me from their queen, only to hiss and retract their hands. The stone flesh rotted, as if I burned them with daylight.
“What manner of beast are you?” The queen hissed, shocked that I was able to hurt her guards without using daylight.
Was this shadow magic? Possibly. But, this magic, this feeling? This was Eclipse.
The amulet glowed red as it was drawn to me from the rubble of the Bridge. “For the doom of Gunmar, Eclipse is ours to command.” Realizing just how connected Jim and I were to the amulet, I could sense the ancient pull of Merlin.
“River,” Vendel urged, trying to keep me from tearing apart one of the Troll leaders. “Queen Usurna has slighted you and your family, but she is not Gunmar.”
“I don’t see proof of that,” I sneered, repeating the arguments the Trolls had used to say Jim was purposely trying to break Gunmar out as a Changeling spy.
James grabbed my arm, turning me towards him. Him of all people? Why would he stop me?
“Moonlight, this isn’t you.” Frowning, he held tight to my shoulders. “Let them talk, let them try to discount everything you and your family has tried to do for them. One day, it will all come crashing down, just like it did for Morgana and Gunmar before.”
“They have Jim because of her!” I snarled, pulling away from him. “And you would just let that slide?!”
“No, I’m not going to.” James glared at the queen before returning his attention to me. “Jim is my son, and I will do everything I can to get him back, regardless of her orders.”
“He is a changeling!” Usurna growled, realizing one of their arguments had been somewhat correct.
“We’re ‘halflings,’ remember?” I snarled, claws getting ready to strike.
Draal finally got to me, grabbing my hand tight with his mechanical hand, “Don’t do this, you’ll feed into their hate for Changelings and Wizards.”
Growling, I forced myself back into my human form, gripping his mechanical hand tight. “Leave. Before I change my mind.”
Usurna stepped back stiffly, walking out of the Vault as her guards followed.
Claire was holding the bundle tight, crying as she consoled what turned out to be little Enrique, her baby brother. At least Jim was able to keep one promise.
The shadows left my body as we all took a moment to process that we had just lost Jim again. The red glow died off as I reached for the Eclipse amulet, holding it close.
Draal nuzzled under my jaw, pulling me tight to him. “We’ll find a way to get him back.”
Blinky and James helped Eemeli, still in his troll form, back to the Library as we all followed silently. The Trolls of Trollmarket, for once, seemed to mind their own business.
We gathered near Arrrgh’s stone form, each of us curling up as we focused on the night.
“He was right there,” Toby was the first to break the silence.
Claire was cradling Enrique close, comforting the baby. “Jim,” sighing, she held back tears. “He got you back, He kept his promise.”
Blinky looked up to Arrrgh, “This is my fault. I could’ve done more.”
“We can do more!” Toby decided, looking over at each and every one of us. “There has to be a way!”
“I don’t know if I can open the bridge on my own,” I sighed, curling up against Draal’s side, knuckles turning white from the grip I had on the Amulet.
“How did you do it?” Toby asked, having seen when I opened the Bridge, “What were you saying?”
“It was Jim’s idea, I was still able to connect to my physical body, together we said the incantation, but instead of saying ‘Daylight is mine to command,’ we said ‘Daylight is ours to command.’ After that it was like a floodgate opened between me and the Amulet.”
“The magic you had used, it wasn’t shadow magic, at least not like any I’ve seen.” James spoke up, “The amulet was the same, why was it black and red?”
“The Eclipse Armor.” I spoke, the amulet shifted from silver and blue to black and red, then back again. “The ‘upgrade’ that came with acquiring all three Triumbric stones.”
“It’s kind of ironic, considering the Eclipse Guard wear similar armor,” Toby huffed, noticing the armor James wore was similar in theme. “Not to mention the name.”
“Yes, well, our armor is based off of our founder, so to speak.” James admitted.
“The troll that helped mom? The one from the story?” I asked, thinking back to the story Vendel had found about mom’s final battle.
James nodded, “She freed many Changelings, fought as Ganieda’s champion, and inspired us to fight as the first Eclipse Guard.”
“This Troll wouldn’t happen to still be with you guys, and possibly willing to help us?” Toby asked, hoping for any help to find Jim.
James bit back a chuckle, coughing into his hand, “Not exactly, she disappeared soon after the Battle of Killahead, she had far greater battles to face from what I’ve gathered.”
“Even the Janus order couldn’t track her down,” Eemeli sighed, trying not to move too much after getting tossed around by the Krubera trolls. “It’s like she’s a ghost.”
The amulet began to glow a soft blue, “Um, guys?” I asked, pulling their attention to the glowing chunk of magic metal in my hands.
The voices of the past Trollhunters began to speak as one, letting go of the Amulet, I watched as it floated from my grasp. “James Lake Jr,” the voices spoke. The Amulet flew to Arrrgh chest, continuing in Trollish for a moment.
“How?” I asked, climbing from the corner to Arrrgh’s form, watching as the Amulet slowly pulled on my magic causing it to glow brighter, the bond between us solidifying.
“It doesn't make any sense,” Blinky grumbled as we watched the gears move faster on the face of the Amulet.
“What’s it saying?” Claire asked, terrified it would call another, signaling Jim’s death.
“‘The troll is the key, the key to the hunter.’” Blinky began to repeat the statement, trying to decipher it. “Over and over, it must be a glitch!”
“Is it broken?” Claire winced, holding Enrique tighter to her.
“No,” Toby spoke up, realizing what was going on. “They’re helping us!”
Confused by Toby, Claire simply asked, “Who?”
“The voices in the amulet!” Toby grinned, catching the others up, “The ghost council!”
“They found an answer!” I jumped to my feet, realizing Kanjigar must have found a way to save Jim with help of the previously trapped souls. “Kanjigar got them to talk!”
“But, what are they trying to say?” Claire looked to Blinky.
“The troll is the key, the key to the,” Blinky gasped, gesturing to Arrrgh. “Arrrgh! He’s the key. But,” He frowned, looking over his friend, “That’s impossible. He’s-”
“Gonna get Jim back!” Toby cheered, trying to lift Blinky’s spirits. “If we save Arrrgh, we save Jim!”
“I don’t believe it,” a relieved smile broke across Claire’s face.
Blinky began to laugh as Toby’s giddiness became infectious, doing their buddy handshake, “Now, that is some glitch!”
Thinking back to how Arrrgh was turned to stone, I pulled Blinky to face me. “Blink, Creeper’s sun poison, is it an actual poison or a magic poison?”
“It’s more of a curse that turns one’s flesh into stone, it can be turned into a liquid and coated on weapons, as we have seen Angor do, why does that matter?” Blinky asked, confused by my sudden questions.
“Every spell has a counter, and?” I grinned hoping he would catch on.
Blinky gasped, picking me up with all four arms and spinning me, “Every curse can be broken! We just need the right tools!”
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sorceress-coffee · 2 years
RoA Chapter 30 Angor Management
Ao3 Link
Jim’s POV:
Garridan and I kept watch for the first half of the night. While I promised River I would keep her father from killing Strickler, it’s been an increasingly difficult task as the night wore on. Strickler, to his credit, has been finding creative ways to piss off Garridan. From talking of their time as Gumm-Gumm spies, to snide remarks about him leaving River and I to fend for ourselves while Bular was a threat.
“I mean really,” Strickler’s chuckle broke through my thoughts, “did you honestly believe that we wouldn’t find them? You left them completely defenseless.”
Garridan snarled, keeping himself in the corner of the sitting room, eyes locked on the front windows and door. “Seeing as Bular is dead and you’re tied to a wooden chair, I’d say they were well equipped to deal with you.”
Strickler grinned, seeing the nerve he hit. “Oh? What if we had found them when they were younger? Think a 6-year-old would stand a chance against Bular?”
Knuckles turning white in his human form, Garridan’s eyes finally snapped to Strickler, “Do you think we weren’t terrified of that happening? Why do you think we tore your allies apart?”
“Tore apart?” I finally question, eyes shifting from Strickler to uncle Garridan. “Does that mean literally?”
Strickler sneered at Garridan, “In some instances, yes. Your uncle and father were only too happy to turn on their brethren and cut them down.”
“Says the hypocrite who gutted any Changelings that dared to question Gunmar’s orders,” Garridan snarled, shifting into his troll form, getting up from his seat to loom over Strickler.
Quickly getting between the two I tried pushing Garridan back, “What is going on between you two?”
“Before the Battle of Killahead, when the Changelings who formed the Eclipse Guard were freed from Gunmar, your teacher here decided the best way to raise in the Gumm-Gumm ranks was to hunt down the defectors.” Garridan explained, trying to keep his composure, eyes glowing brighter.
“Moonlight and Ganieda stole our troops, did you really think Gunmar wouldn’t have hunted you?” Strickler scoffed, leaning back from Garridan as the glow of his eyes grew.
“Enough!” I ground out, finally pushing Garridan away from Strickler, “You two have bad blood, got it. Right now, unfortunately,” I glared over my shoulder at Strickler, “We can’t lay a hand on him, if we do, that binding spell kicks in, and mom is at risk.” Garridan sighed, returning to his post, watching the windows and door for any sign of Angor Rot. 
I turned to Strickler, “and you,” I pointed in his face, having enough of his digging. “You show up here, begging for our help. The only reason we are even helping is because of that spell, but that doesn’t mean you can piss off anyone here you like, because as soon as we break that spell, you’ll have to deal with each and every one of us.”
Strickler quieted, glancing from Garridan then back to me, “Very, well. If your brutes can behave then I will do so as well.”
River’s POV.
Jim’s yelling woke Draal and I instantly, not able to rest well due to the fear of Angor showing up at any moment. I quickly teleported upstairs to see that Jim was separating Garridan and Strickler. “Alright, I think it’s time we switched,” I sighed as Draal came up to join me.
Garridan nodded, quickly heading up to my room to separate himself from Strickler.
Jim sighed, rubbing a hand over his face turning to Draal and I. “You sure? He’s been difficult all night.”
Shrugging, I nodded to the stairs, “We’ll be fine, he’s got more ammo to use against dad anyway.”
Letting the armor fade, Jim nodded heading up to bed, thankful we could separate the Changelings before a fight could break out.
“So, Garridan’s daughter?” Strickler asked once the bedroom doors closed. “Did not see that coming, though Angor Rot mentioned you were a changeling.”
I snorted, sitting on the couch while Draal took up Garridan’s previous post. “You didn’t know? That’s interesting.”
“You don’t exactly share any features with your father,” he sneered, eyeing my relaxed state.
Grinning, I shifted into my troll form, watching as Strickler’s eyes grew in shock, “Still think so?”
“You,” he choked out, reeling back in the chair. Strickler almost seemed to panic at the sight, “that’s not,” he cut off, eyes rolling to the back of his head, passing out in the chair.
I stood quickly, going to check on him, “That’s not the reaction I was expecting,” I grumbled, shaking his shoulder but the changeling was out cold.
“That won’t affect the Barbara will it?” Draal asked, just as surprised as I was.
“Oh Deya, I hope not,” I cringed, shifting back in case we got a call from the hospital about mom. “If so, she’s in the safest place to get help.”
Draal nodded, eyes focusing on our surroundings again, growling softly. “I feel like the sitting goose.”
“How so?” I asked, knowing he meant sitting ducks.
“We are waiting for an ambush, one that we are ill prepared for,” he sighed, rolling his shoulders back, trying to ease his tension.
“Ah, that,” I joined him, perfectly happy to leave Strickler unconscious. “We have him out numbered, but we’re at the disadvantage of having to protect Strickler.”
Draal nodded, I could see his brain running through ambush scenarios, “Angor’s soul is destroyed, he’s no longer held back by the Eldritch Queen, he wants you and Jim dead along with Strickler.” He sighed, prosthetic arm clasping over my shoulder gently. “We don’t know what he’s truly capable of and are going into this fight practically blind. Even Garridan doesn’t have much knowledge of him, seeing as you were both displaced from your original time.”
I winced, leaning into his grasp, “You’re right.”
Draal tilted his head towards me, “This is where you usually have a ‘snappy’ but motivational comeback.”
Shrugging, I tried to smile but it quickly fell. My mind racing over everything about me that Kanjigar and the other Trollhunters tore apart. “I’ve been reckless and stupid fighting Angor,” finally acknowledging our fight with said troll assassin in the Quagawumps’ swamp. “I’ve been so focused on protecting everyone else that I haven’t considered my own safety. Hell, I used myself as a shield to protect Jim.” Draal’s grip tightened thinking back to when Jim snapped at me, having been terrified when he had heard what I did.
“And it’s not just Angor,” I sighed, looking down at my palms, remembering my first encounter with Bular. “I had no idea what was happening to me and I charged head first after Bular. What could a human, with no idea of the magical world, do against Bular?”
Draal stayed quiet, letting me process what I wanted to say. Squeezing my shoulder softly to let me know he was still listening when I was ready.
“I can’t keep doing that, I know that,” turning to look up at Draal frowning. “I know, but how do I learn when to step in? All I’ve tried to do is protect Jim and everyone, and overall it hasn’t exactly ended well.”
Draal nodded, thinking over my question. “You never truly do,” he finally conceded. “But you must have faith in your allies, your family.” He smiled softly, releasing my shoulder to grasp my hand. “You’ve seen what they can do in a fight, you’re training with them as well. You want to protect them; I understand that desire. But they, we, also want to protect you.”
Speaking softly, Draal pulled me into a tight hug. “You’ve spent most of the life you know trying to protect Jim from anything that would do him harm, maybe it’s time to allow him to protect you. He’s the first Trollhunter in 9 centuries that has taken up arms with allies and friends, he has more support now than he ever did growing up. Let him rely on the others, on me, too.”
Nuzzling my nose under his chin, I finally relaxed. “Okay. You’re right,” smiling up at him, “Toby and Claire have been doing amazing in training. You’re the fiercest warrior in all of Trollmarket, Arrrgh is an adorable tank. Blinky is,” I laughed softly, “very good moral support and a fountain of knowledge. Hell, we even have changeling allies. I don’t think there’s ever been a more protected Trollhunter.”
Grinning, Draal nuzzled the top of my head, knowing it finally sunk in that Jim would be okay without me using myself as a shield. “Plus, his new armor upgrade gave him an actual shield,” he joked, relaxing now.
Snickering, I gently smacked his chest, “oh, ha-ha.”
“You two doing okay?” Jim’s voice broke through as he came down the stairs.
“Yeah, we’re fine. Did we wake you?” I asked, hoping he got enough rest.
Jim laughed, pointing out to the sunrise, “It’s already dawn, figure we should get an early start.”
Draal nodded, shifting away from the windows until I closed all the blinds before the sunlight could creep in. “Your teacher passed out; it seems River’s troll form was a shock.”
Jim looked at me worried, “What did he do?”
Smiling, I shook my head. “Don’t worry, he just made a comment that I didn’t look much like my dad. Thought I’d prove him wrong.”
He shrugged it off, shaking his head in disbelief and mumbling about agreeing to behave. “Alright, at least he’s still in one piece.”
“Do you truly think I have so little self-control?” I gave an over dramatic gasp, feigning offense.
“Quagawump swamps,” Jim replied, leveling me with a blank stare.
I raised my hands in defeat, “Alright, I’ve conceded to my over protective stupidity once today, I can again.”
“Do I want to know?” Garridan asked, back in his human form as the sun rose.
“Probably not,” Draal shrugged, sitting back with his axe, keeping an eye on the basement, the only entrance Angor could use during the day.
I winced, not wanting another person to blow up at me for that particular decision. “I’d rather not get into it right now. Can we focus on Strickler again?”
Garridan nodded, respecting that I didn’t want to speak on it at the moment, “What happened to him?” He nudged Strickler's face, surprised that he was still unresponsive.
“River’s troll form,” Jim spoke up, donning the armor as he retrieved an entirely too stinky sock. “Come on, let’s wake him up.” He grinned, waving the sock up to Strickler’s nose, “wakey, wakey.”
Strickler’s nose twitched as he pulled back quickly. Eyes snapping open, glaring at the offending garment in his face. “What is this?” He growled out, trying to shift the chair away from Jim and the sock.
Jim smirked standing up straight again. “We survived the night with no sign of Angor Rot. Congratulations,” he huffed, throwing the sock at Strickler. “Thought I’d bring you some breakfast.”
Garridan snickered as the sock landed in Strickler’s mouth, deciding to find some actual food in the kitchen.
“I don’t eat socks,” Strickler scoffed, spitting it out. “And I don’t appreciate being tied up. I asked you to protect me, not torture me.”
Jim rolled his eyes, circling Strickler to the ropes that kept him bound, carefully cutting them with Daylight. “And I said we’d keep you safe, not comfortable.”
“Noted, next time we’ll hogtie him, see how he likes it.” I snarled, referring to his kidnapping of Blinky.
Strickler stiffened at my voice, turning quickly to see that I was back in my human form. “Well,” he hesitated before shaking off whatever was freaking him out, “the sun is up.” He stretched, finally standing from the chair. “We’ll have until sundown to get me as far away as possible.”
“I hear Antarctica is lovely this time of year,” I rolled my eyes, heading into the kitchen with my dad, turning on a pot of coffee.
“Let me call the team,” Jim groaned, letting the armor dissipate as he looked for the walkie talkie Toby left. “Trollhunter to Warhammer, you copy?”
Strickler sneered, crossing his arms over his chest, “Oh, goodie. The Puberty Patrol is on the case. I feel so safe.” He snatched the walkie talkie from Jim, arguing about getting the others involved with hiding him.
Sitting at the counter, I laid my head down, whispering to dad. “How long until he’s less annoying?”
He snickered, pulling mugs down as the coffee brewed. “I’ll let you know if I figure that out.”
Jim shoved past Strickler, irritated that he was technically correct, Angor would kill the others to get to him and me. “For the record, Angor Rot destroyed his own soul. River.”
I snapped to attention, eyes shifting between the two, “You good?”
He nodded, grabbing his book bag to pack supplies in, “The others are going to research the location of the final Triumbric stone.”
Draal snarled, not liking that the others wouldn’t be joining us. “Why trust Strickler when all he does is betray you?”
“Because, unfortunately, I have to,” Jim sighed, pulling canned food from one of the cupboards. “Is this all the canned food we have?”
“You need more?” Draal grinned, eyeing Strickler. “We should chop him into little pieces and ‘can’ him right now.”
“Mom,” is all I mumbled, nodding to dad as he handed me a mug of coffee.
Draal huffed, standing back from Strickler as he threw cereal at him. Growling, knowing he couldn’t cave his skull in. “Say you do get him out of town. What’s stopping Angor Rot from finding him?” He asked, knowing he couldn’t hide Strickler forever.
“I don’t know. We disguise him?” Jim asked, reaching around Draal, trying to see if he could find more canned food.
“Disguise?” Draal asked, grinding his teeth, “Angor is a cunning and ruthless assassin. You think he’ll be fooled by a hat and mustache?”
Jim sighed, leaning into the fridge, “then, I guess we fight him. Far, far away from here.”
“I do not like this plan,” Draal stated, finally at his wits end, trying to reason with Jim. “He could strike at any time. He would have the tactical advantage.”
“I don’t know, okay?” Jim snapped, slamming the fridge close. “I don’t have all the answers!”
I winced, looking between him and Draal. Garridan placed a hand on my shoulder, sitting with me at the counter. Right, Jim needs to be able to work things out on his own, even with Draal.
Jim’s face fell, knowing Draal is only worried for his safety. “I’m sorry, I know it’s not a well-thought-out plan, but we have to leave.”
“Not like we can fight here,” I sighed, if mom got in the middle of the fight, it could be a disaster.
Jim’s Gun Robot ringtone broke the tension, he quickly answered it, holding his finger to his mouth to keep us quiet. He let out a fake yawn, “hey, mom. Uh, how are ya?” Pausing, “No, I just got up.”
“Nice arm,” Strickler smirked, staying quiet enough not to be picked up on the phone, “did you get that at the toy store?”
Draal snarled in his face, keeping his own volume in check as Jim spoke to mom.
“You’re gonna be gone all weekend?” Jim grinned at me, waving at Draal and Strickler to shut up. “Sorry mom, that sucks.” Strickler nodded to Jim, “Sure. Sure, we can hold down the fort. I’ll add it to my resume.” Mom and Jim said their goodbyes before he hung up, grinning.
“She’ll be out of the house all weekend?” Strickler asked as he and Jim buzzed with excitement at the news.
Garridan hummed, thinking over this new development. “That could work.”
“Change in the plan?” I asked.
Draal huffed, looking between us, “fine. I have rocks for brains. Would someone tell me what’s so obvious?”
“We’re gonna hold down the fort.” Jim restated, unpacking his bag.
“With mom out of the house, we don’t have to leave.” I grinned, summoning Midnight to my hand.
Draal smirked, realizing our running plan was no longer on the table. “We fight here. Take back the tactical advantage. An ambush!”
“We’re gonna need supplies,” Jim stepped in.
“We have weapons in the basement,” Draal offered, grinning at the thought of tearing Angor Rot apart.
“Traps will be important,” Garridan supplied. “In short, we’ll have to hunt.” He nodded to Strickler, though we could see he was still irritated at having to help him.
“Right,” Strickler stiffened, nodding to Jim. “Barricades will help as well, it will only give him a few entrances, we can rig each entrance to attack or trap him. You don’t happen to have lodestones do you?”
“RotGuts,” Draal hummed, “River and I can get what we need from Trollmarket.”
“We’re gonna need some very smelly socks.” I nodded, quickly teleporting over to Toby’s house, stealing his old gym socks. Gagging at the smell, I quickly stuffed a few into a bag before returning to others. “This should work.”
“Alright, Uncle Garridan, Strickler, and I will start barricading the windows and setting up our defenses.”
“And the others?” I asked, referring to our friends currently in Trollmarket.
“We need them working on the Triumbric stones,” Jim hesitated. “Once we kill Angor, we’ll be able to focus on Gunmar.”
I nodded, not exactly liking the idea of keeping this from the others, but if this is how Jim wanted to play it, I’ll go along. “Alright, call if you think of anything else.”
Draal and I headed down to the basement, using the sewers to get to Trollmarket. “Being fleshy did have its advantages.” He huffed, knowing this way took longer than our route on the surface.
“We have time, as long as Angor isn’t lurking close by.” I took Draal’s stone hand, laughing at a thought “Mary’s gonna be disappointed.” 
“Your fleshbag friend with all the questions?” He asked, referring to his accidental introduction to the girls.
“Yup, now you can’t take me to Spring Fling, I believe our agreement was I’d only go if you were my date.” I joked, taking the horngazel out as we reached the sewer entrance for Trollmarket.
“Miss a human right of passage, just because I’m a troll again?” He grinned, shaking his head as if disappointed. “Whatever will your friends do?”
“Drag me kicking and screaming?” I laughed, though I could picture Mary doing just that. “On second thought, that’s a real possibility.”
Draal snickered seeing the flash of panic in my eyes, “Are you really that scared of human interaction?”
I winced, trying to shrug it off. “Not really, just not a fan of parties?”
“You had no problems with the house party, or the Quagawumps.” He pointed out, taking the lead to RotGuts.
“Huh,” I paused for a moment, “I guess?” Trying to process that I had, in fact, been fine with both troll parties. Shrugging, “maybe I just get along with Trolls more?”
Draal chuckled, knocking on RotGuts giant door, “Don’t exactly have to hold back with us,” he joked, turning to the windows as Rot and Gut answered the knock. “We’re in need of lodestones.”
“Lodestones? Now those are very rare” Rot tried to play up the demand of their stock.
Rolling my eyes, I lifted the bag filled with Toby’s gym socks. “I think we can come to an agreement.”
The exchange bin quickly opened at the sight of the sock bag. “Yes, yes! Two Lodestones, coming up!”
We quickly ended the exchange, eager to get back home and help set the traps. As we walked through the market Draal picked up anything he thought could help, including an old crossbow and bolts.
“Will that do much damage?” I was curious since I’d never seen a troll carry a crossbow before.
“It’s for the lodestones,” Draal explained, adding the weapon to the box he acquired a few stalls back. “This way we can control when they connect from far away.”
“Do they explode?” Eyeing the separate bags the stones had to be carried in, not sure if I wanted to know.
“They’re like magic magnets, once connected they attract all magnetic metals around them.” He paused, eyeing the collar on my neck. “Which might be an issue.”
“I can take it off now,” I smiled, hand resting over the gem in the collar, “I’ll just have to stay in my troll form.”
Draal nodded as we entered the basement. “Find the pulley?” He asked Jim, seeing him trying to reach it from the shelves we had built.
I sent a small blast of wind to it, knocking it off of the shelf and into Jim’s hand.
He grinned while taking it, “Thanks River, got the stone things Strickler asked for?”
Nodding, I held the bags up, “Two lodestones ready to go. Give me a sec and I’ll be down to help.” Handing the stones off to Jim, I teleported up to my bedroom. Carefully unsealing the collar, I sighed in relief as the glamor fell, stretching out my stone limbs.
Before heading down, I paused at the painting I had begun to work on after Ms. Kamari sent Eemeli with the supplies. Seems Garridan had turned it away while he was resting after his and Jim’s watch last night. I turned it face up to see the gold figure from my nightmares slowly coming together on the black canvas. I traced my hand over the splash of green I had added over one of the hands. Why the hell would I need to paint this?
Heading down, I caught Strickler going stone stiff at the sight of me. “You know, if you keep doing that, Angor’s going to have an easier time stabbing you.” I quipped. We didn’t have time for Strickler’s fainting.
Garridan cleared his throat, snapping Strickler out of his stupor, “It’s not like you haven’t seen changelings before.”
Strickler leveled him with a glare as he continued to move the bookcase in front of the last window. “Keep that out of his line of sight,” he waved to Jim, who was in the middle of hanging something on the light fixture of the sitting room. Once Jim had finished, he and Strickler headed up with UV lights to finish the final trap.
I held up one of Draal’s axes as dad tied it up with the pulley. “Looks like we have every entrance covered.”
Garridan nodded, adjusting the cans we hung to alert us to Angor Rot sneaking in through the basement.
Strickler came down with Jim, a snide smirk splitting his face. “I must say, I’m surprised how well we all work together.”
Snarling, dad headed back into the kitchen to check on the traps at the back door. Whatever his bad blood with Strickler is, I’m glad he had enough self-control to keep from ripping his spine out, for aunt Barbara’s sake.
Jim shoved passed Strickler. “I wouldn’t get used to it. We’re still planning on taking you down once this is over.”
Draal smirked, settling on the stairs to sharpen his battle axe. I leaned against the doorway into the sitting room. “Yeah,” I snickered, leveling a glare at Strickler, “if you thought we were pissed about the attempted murder, you have no idea what we’ve got in store now that you dragged mom into this.”
“Noted,” Strickler scoffed, straightening his blazer. “Perhaps, if we get through this, I could talk to my constituents about the Eye of Gunmar.” He smirked, pacing as if he was actually considering this. “I assume you’re still interested in finding the last Triumbric stone?”
“Doesn’t the Janus Order want to free Gunmar? Why would they help you get his eye?” Crossing my arms over my chest plate not believing Strickler could talk them into handing it over.
“Do you even know where it is?” Jim asked, eyeing Strickler.
Strickler waved us off, “Personally, no. However, my ilk are wide and numerous. Not all are members of the Janus Order, your father knows that first hand.” Garridan’s snarl reverberated from the back of the house. “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.”
“Why would you help us kill Gunmar?” Jim asked, knowing that without the bridge, Gunmar wasn’t a threat to Strickler, and he wouldn’t have a reason to seek out Gunmar’s death.
Strickler grinned, “Let’s just say, I’m always looking out for my best interests.”
“At the cost of anyone standing in your way?” I snarked. While helpful in the moment, Strickler’s been the biggest pain in the ass we’ve had the displeasure of working with.
Draal huffed at my comment, seeing that first hand over several battles. Checking over the blade as he finished sharpening it, his brow furrowed as he turned to the stairs. “What is that?”
Residing between two posts of the banister was a dark sphere with 3 white rings, looking eerily similar to Angor’s soulless eyes. It shifted around to look at each of us.
“It’s his eye!” Strickler yelped, flinching back at the sight.
“Gunmar’s eye?” Jim looked back at Strickler confused.
“Angor Rot,” I snarled out, summoning Midnight to my hand.
Draal tried to grab the eye but it rolled out of his prosthetic hand and across the floor. We gave chase, trying to catch it before it could escape the house. Spotting it heading for the sink, I let my magic flow as I thought of ice, feeling the jagged coolness. My hand slashed out towards the sink and ice erupted from the drain, blocking the eye’s exit.
Jim quickly grabbed a glass and slammed it over the eye. Once secured, he hid it in a zipper compartment of his bag, keeping it trapped in the dark. “How long has he been watching us?”
Garridan sniffed the air, humming softly, “Unsure, the eye doesn’t give off a scent, it’s possible he’s been here the entire time.”
The front door began to rattle, causing us to freeze. “He’s here!” Jim was the first to move. He donned the armor as he ran to the other side of the door. Strickler grabbed the crossbow and crouched behind one of the barricades. Garridan had his twin swords at the ready, staying in the back of the kitchen and out of sight. Draal ran to the basement to wait as I teleported up the stairs, staying in the shadows though I could clearly see the door.
In walked the last person who should be here, mom. “Hey, kiddos, you home? Wanda messed up my schedule again. Guess I have the day off after all.” She took off her purse, hanging it on the coat rack and setting off the trap.
“Mom!” Jim yelled, running right for her, still in the armor. “Watch out!” He tackled her just as the axe released, barely missing the blade as it struck the door.
Mom yelped, eyes wide when she turned over and saw the axe. “Why is there an axe in the door?”
“Barbara?” Strickler quickly stood up, crossbow still in hand. “Are you alright?”
Jim helped mom to her feet slowly as she took in everything. “I’m fine,” jaw dropping at the barricade, finally taking in Strickler and the crossbow. “Walt? Why are you here? Why do you have a crossbow?”
Beginning to flounder, Strickler tried to hide the crossbow behind him. “Me? Oh, yes. You see, there’s a school project I give Jim and River.” Accidentally pulling the trigger, he shot down the ceiling light.
Having heard glass shatter, Draal’s roar broke through as he charged up from the basement, heading straight for the front door, and mom.
“Draal, don’t!” I yelled, teleporting down in front of him, still very much in my troll form. “It’s just mom!”
Stopping in his tracks as mom began to scream at the sight of us, Draal winced, realizing his mistake. “Um, hello. Sorry.” He tried apologizing.
Mom, still screaming, rummaged through a pocket of her lab coat, pulling out a bottle of pepper spray.
“Mom, wait!” Jim tried to stop her, standing right in front of the bottle as mom pressed the trigger, effectively dowsing all three of us.
I yelled, rubbing at my eyes as the burning set it. “Mom! It’s me!” I could hear Draal yelling before a loud crash. “Jim?”
Jim, able to clear his face first, pushed me away from a still freaking out mom. “Mom, he’s a friend, and yes, this is River!”
“He was a friend,” Strickler’s voice slipped in between mom’s panic, “now, he’s out cold.” A thud sounded as mom finally went quiet. “And so is she.”
Using the bubbles to clear my eyes, I could finally see that a bookshelf had fallen on Draal and mom had collapsed by Jim. “That really could’ve gone better.”
Garridan sighed, having chosen to stay out of sight, “This is going to be more difficult once she wakes up.”
I nodded to him as Jim and Strickler sat mom up against the upturned couch. Checking her over and healing what little bruising the fall had created, I turned my attention to Draal. “If he starts talking about whelps again,” I sighed thinking back to the PyroBligst when Draal had his brain rattled. I pushed the bookshelf off him and focused on healing his concussion. “It’s better we get this over with now, we don’t know when Angor will attack now.”
Garridan sighed, shifting into his troll form and helping me keep Draal’s head stable as I healed him.
Mom began to stir, “Jim?” She asked, finally waking up. As her eyes adjusted, she flinched back catching sight of Draal, dad in his troll form and me. “I’m not dreaming, am I?”
“Nope,” Jim sighed, getting her a glass of water, “we owe you an explanation.”
“We?” Mom asked, taking the glass, sipping it slowly.
“River and I,” Jim explained, gesturing back to me.
I could hear mom’s breath hitch, fully taking in what Jim said. “That’s River? Our River?”
“Hi, mom,” I looked back over my shoulder, smiling softly. “Surprise?”
Mom stared, taking in my new features before shifting her eyes to Draal and my glowing hands. “What is that? Why are you glowing?”
“Right,” I winced, looking back down to Draal. “Um, well the glowing hands are magic? I’m healing his concussion. He’s Draal and,” I paused, looking up at Garridan for a moment before returning my attention to mom. “Say hi to dad?”
“Healing? Wait,” she paused, realizing what I just said. “Draal? That’s your boyfriend?! Dad? Who’s dad?”
Strickler snickered, “Is that what they’re calling it?”
Garridan snarled at Strickler, before shaking off some of his tension and turning to look mom in the eye. “Long time no see Barbara.”
“Gary?!” She shrieked, looking between his troll form and my own. “Why? How?”
Jim quickly stepped between mom and us, trying to get her back on track. “I’m sorry mom, but maybe we should unpack that later?”
Mom nodded slowly, trying to turn her attention fully to Jim. “Okay, what’s going on? Why is the house covered in traps?”
“Okay, well Draal is a troll, and there’s actually a lot of them. Entire civilizations even. Most of them have been super friendly, but some of them are really bad.” Jim tried to explain, hoping mom would understand. “My job, well, our job,” he smiled back at Draal and I, “is to protect the good trolls and humans from the evil ones, along with other creatures that want to cause anyone and everyone harm.”
Draal let out a groan as he came too, shaking off Garridan’s hold on his head. “Alright, who did that?”
I chuckled sitting back as his eyes focused on us. “Mom’s pepper spray, the hammer you rigged up, and the bookshelf.”
“More water Barbara?” Strickler cut in, holding up a pitcher.
Mom abandoned the glass and took the pitcher, downing the entire thing. “So, let me get this straight. There are good trolls and bad trolls. And somehow, you two? Magic? Your dad?” She asked.
Strickler smiled, slipping into teacher mode, “If I may. There is a vast world beneath our feet, Barbara, and your kids have stirred up a heap of trouble.”
“Watch it,” Garridan growled, pulling Strickler away from us.
Mom sighed, leaning her head in her hands. “This is all so… I can’t believe this is what you two have been doing.”
I slowly scooted over to where she and Jim were sitting, getting ready to be scolded.
“All those late nights, getting arrested, your cuts in the hospital, your burns?” She frowned, looking between us, “Why are you this troll-fighter? Why are you and Gary blue?”
I pulled my hair nervously. “Um, well. Dad wasn’t exactly,” I gestured to her, “human to start with.”
“We are so unpacking all of this later, missy, Gary!” She warned, seeing how uncomfortable I was, but knowing it would need to be discussed. “You two shouldn’t be worried about fighting monsters and trolls. You should be worrying about high school, college, and dating!” She glanced at Draal then shook her head slightly, still not used to seeing his troll form. “Why do you have to do this? Why can’t someone else?”
Jim winced, remembering when he had tried to refuse the amulet in the first place. “It’s not exactly a job I could refuse mom,” he sighed, holding her hand. “Besides, they need me, and I like helping them. We’ve learned a lot from them.”
“Not to mention, Jim’s technically their, well our, protector.” I added, ruffling Jim’s hair.
Draal stood, sniffing the air. “I think it’s time we got her out of,” before he could finish his thought, the cans rigged to the basement entrance began to clang, announcing Angor’s arrival.
“Oh, no!” Jim flinched, turning quickly to the basement entrance. “River, can you get her out of here?”
I shook my head, pulling us behind the barricade. “Not safe, it’s harder to judge distances without the collar and carrying people. Last thing we need is to find out I can teleport to Gatto’s Keep.”
Nodding, Jim directed us to lay low as Angor Rot’s chanting filled the air, an unnatural darkness taking over the house. Jim’s armor dimly glowed as the room got darker.
“Magic thing?” Mom asked, trying to keep a level head.
I eyed the amulet cautiously, I might have stone flesh at the moment, but daylight isn’t exactly troll friendly either.
Draal grasped my wrist lightly, making sure the amulet wasn’t doing anything strange. Nodding once I gave him a thumbs up, letting him know that I was good.
Sparks filled the room, distracting us slightly as Angor Rot began his own ambush.
“Stick to the plan,” Strickler urged, covering mom from lightbulbs shattering above us.
Jim stood, Daylight at the ready. I could hear Angor moving near the front door. I sent a small blast of magic behind him, allowing Jim to see his outline.
Angor pounced, blades connecting with Daylight as he tried to quickly cut Jim down. “The brave are the first to die,” he snarled, shoving Jim back into the barricade.
Jim’s arm began to shake at the strength it took to hold Angor back. “Get her out of here!” He yelled at Strickler, causing the elder changeling to jump into action.
Strickler quickly stood, dragging mom along with him to the basement, having seen the exit when we were setting up the traps. Garridan quickly followed to cover them.
Mom tried to struggle, calling out for Jim and I before Strickler was able to pull her down the stairs.
Draal roared, jumping from behind the barricade, ramming into Angor. Allowing Jim to quickly recover, easily finding a rhythm with Draal fighting by his side.
I rushed from the barricade and grabbed the crossbow Strickler had left behind, waiting until Angor was in the right position. Draal caught on and began herding Angor into the kitchen. The more metal objects in the room, the better.
As he was cornered Angor called Daylight to him and tried to stab Draal, Jim slid under the blade to use his twin glaives, blocking the sword from reaching Draal. “Now!”
I attached the second lodestone to the one on the bolt and quickly aimed for Angor’s head, pulling the trigger.
Snarling, Angor pulled away from Draal and Jim in order to catch the bolt. Once in his hand, a sadistic grin split his face. “You’ll have to be faster than that.”
I smirked as the knives and pans began to tremble before shooting across the room, straight for Angor, the fridge quickly joined the rest of the metal slamming into him.
Snarling as he ripped through the fridge, Angor tried freeing himself from the pile. Strickler ran to the kitchen in his troll form pulling Jim and I back before Angor could pounce, Draal clearing the way back to the stairs.
“Let’s put this mad dog down,” he snarled, feather blades at the ready as we retreated.
Angor hot on our heels, lashed out, grabbing my ankle and dragging me back down the stairs. “You’ll die first, witch!”
Before I could react, Garridan had rushed up behind Angor and slammed the hutch over him, loosening his grip on me. “Go!”
I nodded, scrambling up the stairs, Strickler, Jim and dad splitting off to Jim’s room as Draal and I entered my own. We hunkered down and waited, listening as Angor clawed his way up the stairs. The fire trap we had set up in the bathroom was set off. He was slowly getting closer.
After a moment we could hear Strickler and Jim speaking. I sighed in relief as I grabbed the collar, putting it back on and letting the glamour take over. “Sounds like they caught him.”
“What’s that noise?” Draal asked, a familiar scream growing louder.
“Mom!” I yelped, Draal and I ran out of the room to see Jim helping mom down the stairs.
“Help Strickler, I’ll get her out,” Jim ordered, knowing if Angor killed Strickler, mom was done for.
Snarling I ran into the room, the amount of raw magic flowing to my hands causing the flesh to burn. “LET HIM GO!” I slammed my left fist into Angor, the blast causing him to break through the wall and land in my room, the painting of the Eldritch Queen falling over him.
Garridan readied his swords, “I’ll buy you time, get them out of here!”
I turned grabbing onto Draal and Strickler, teleporting us to the car as Jim was getting mom in the back seat. “Dad’s holding him off. Draal, hold on to the top. Strickler, can you drive in your condition?”
Strickler arched a brow in confusion before spotting my bloodied and burnt hands. “Motivated enough, I can do anything.”
“River, what happened? Where’s Gary?” Mom croaked out, seeing the blood.
Shaking my head, I got into the passenger seat. “I’ll be fine, you focus on resting. Once we get somewhere safe, I’ll take a look at those cuts. He’s,” I paused at the thought of Garridan holding Angor back, “we’ll see him later.” I tried to smile, hoping he’d be able to survive an angry and desperate Angor Rot on his own.
“Trollmarket, can you teleport us inside with the collar on?” Jim asked as Strickler started the car, driving for the canal.
I winced, making sure Draal was staying on the car. “It’s too far and there’s too many of us, call Tobes.”
Jim fished out his phone, contacting Toby right away. “Tobes! Get the horngazel and open a doorway! Car-sized!”
“Incoming!” Draal snarled, spotting Angor Rot giving chase.
As he jumped over the rooftops, Angor Rot sent out orbs of dark magic, exploding as they neared the car causing Strickler to swerve.
Growling, I grabbed Midnight, ignoring the pain in my hands to the best of my ability. I kicked the door off of the car as I let the glamour fall again, focusing my mana directly into Midnight. Hanging out the door, I waited for Angor to jump again and slashed out horizontally. Midnight sent out a wave of daylight directly at the roof where Angor was trying to land, causing him to falter and drop between the houses instead, further slowing him. 
Strickler turned down the dirt path that we use to get to the canals. “This is gonna get bumpy!” He warned as we neared the jump. 
Barely avoiding a tree, I crammed my troll form back into the car, “You okay up there?”
Draal snarled, spitting out branches as his face took a few hits. “Remind me to punch him if we break that damned spell!”
“Noted!” I yelped as the car flew down into the canal, we could see the marks of the horngazel as Toby was trying to make a portal.
Angor’s roar reverberated over the concrete, though if the portal opened, he’d be too far to catch us at this point.
“Go for it!” Jim yelled, praying that Toby would open the portal in time.
Strickler winced, slamming on the gas pedal and heading straight for the concrete wall of the bridge. “Please be an opening!”
Draal hunkered down as low as he could, the height of the portal barely missing his horns as we crashed through the concrete, flying down the crystal staircase.
With the lack of traction, Strickler quickly lost control of the car. We flew by trolls in the streets, most of which were able to jump out of the way. Draal grunted, hands sliding into the back windows as he slipped off of the car, digging his feet into the rocky path to slow us down.
We barely stopped just below the Heartstone.
Jim gathered mom in his arms, rushing out towards Vendel’s study. “We need help! We need Vendel!”
0 notes
sorceress-coffee · 2 years
RoA Ch32 Something Rotten This Way Comes
Ao3 Link
As the night went on Draal and I continued to dance. Eemeli had picked up Garridan and returned to Trollmarket to aid Blinky’s research on the Triumbric stones. It was the perfect close to a painful and hectic night, only to be interrupted by Jim’s ringtone cutting through the music.
Draal huffed, bringing the dance to an end as he glared at my phone. “I’m really starting to hate that thing.”
“At this point, so am I.” I huffed, irritated that our night was interrupted. I answered the phone as Draal paused the music. “Hey, Jim-”
Jim and Claire’s voices shouted through the speaker, cutting me off.
“One at a time!” I snarled, having pulled the phone from my ear so they didn’t rupture my eardrum.
“River, are you in Trollmarket?” Jim’s voice taking over their end on the line.
I glanced at Draal, both of us confused by the urgency in Jim’s voice. “No, did we leave something of mom’s there?”
“Worse!” Jim yelped, I could hear the Vespa tires screech. “Angor stole Claire’s purse!”
Draal tilted his head as he nudged my phone, “Fleshbag, is there a point?”
Claire’s voice took over as wind whipped by the speaker. “He has the Horngazel!”
My head snapped to Draal, “We’ll meet you there.”
“Thank you River!” Claire spoke quickly, hanging up quickly.
Draal snarled, grabbing his axe. “Trollmarket is no longer safe.”
Nodding, I summoned Midnight and opened the basement entrance to the sewers. “If he attacks Trollmarket tonight we’re all screwed.”
Draal leaned down enough for me to climb on his back before taking off through the tunnels at top speed. “He’s a dramatic ancient assassin troll. He’ll want to ‘make us sweat’ as Jim has put it before.”
Gripping his back spikes tight, I winced thinking of how Vendel was going to react to this news. “We’re not going to hear the end of this anytime soon.”
Chuckling, Draal slipped out of the sewers and into the canal “Ready?”
My grip tightened and in a flash of light we teleported into Trollmarket, near the bottom of the crystal stairs. “How was that?”
Draal huffed, shaking off the after effects. “I’ll get used to it one day. Maybe.”
I grinned, slipping off of his back and heading for Vendel’s study. When we were close we could already hear Vendel chewing out the others. “Looks like they got here before us.”
“She allowed Angor Rot to obtain a Horngazel. The very key past Trollmarket’s defenses?” Vendel was scolding, as Draal and I walked in.
Eemeli and Garridan were standing near the entrance, wincing slightly as Vendel’s irritation grew. Eri was curled around Garridan’s neck, hiding her face in his hair.
Jim was standing between Claire, Toby and Vendel, trying to keep some distance between them and the old troll. “It’s not Claire’s fault, it’s mine. I should’ve gone to the school for the incantation. I should’ve faced Angor Rot. Not them.”
Claire sighed, “It was in my purse. Toby and I were dangling off the roof. He cut it off and left.”
Toby grasped Claire’s shoulder, frowning. “It was a great everyday purse. It went with everything.”
I arched my brow in disbelief. Out of everything Toby could be worried about, the actual purse that was stolen wasn’t where I thought he’d go.
“We might have time. Angor Rot rarely attacks during the day, so,” Jim tried to ease the tension in the room.
“Angor Rot is unpredictable at best,” Vendel cut him off. “And if there isn’t anything to stop him from creating havoc in Trollmarket then you have just put more than yourselves at risk.”
“Trollhunter! Help!” Strickler’s yell cut through the argument.
We all took off to Trollmarket’s exit where a mob of angry trolls were dragging Strickler.
“Get out of the way Arrrgh!” The troll dragging him yelled.
Arrrgh snarled at him, standing his ground. “No.”
“Let us discuss this matter like reasonable trolls!” Blinky tried to placate the mob as someone hit him with a rock. “Ruffians! Who threw that?”
Strickler tried to struggle out of the troll’s grasp. “Where are Jim and River? They gave me their word!”
“Put him down!” Jim ordered as he broke through the mob, all of us going to stand with Blinky and Arrrgh. “He helped save my mother. He’s with me.”
“He tried to release Gunmar!” One of the trolls snarled.
“Get him out of here!” Another yelled as she snatched Strickler from the large troll, waving him like a doll.
Bagdwella shoved her way to the front of the crowd, “Changelings ain’t right in Trollmarket!”
I felt Garridan and Eemeli tense behind me. Draal snarled at her as the others began to yell.
“Enough!” I snarled, eyes glowing orange as I shifted in front of the crowd. “You throwing him out won’t make a difference! Angor Rot wants Jim and I as well, and the protective barrier won’t stop him.”
“Lady River?” Blinky asked as the mob began to murmur, confusion gripping the trolls. “What do you mean?”
“He has a horngazel,” Jim supplied.
The trolls began yelling again, throwing anything they could get their hands on at us. Mostly small rocks and forks.
“You have a right to know!” Jim tried to calm the trolls but their anger only spread.
“Let’s throw them both out with the Changeling!” The troll holding Strickler yelled.
The mob quickly closed in on us, snatching Jim and I before we could react.
We could hear Toby and Claire trying to defend us as Bagdwella led the trolls up the stairs.
Vendel’s voice rang out, silencing the mob, “When you finish throwing them out, come back and throw me out, too.” He growled, climbing on top of Strickler’s wrecked car so the entire mob could see him. “Yes, the boy has made grave errors, and our wizard isn’t pure blooded. But, they have come through for us more times than I give them credit for.” He huffed, glaring down the trolls. “Trollmarket is in danger and our greatest defense has always been the Trollhunter.” He looked at Jim, nodding. “He’s earned my trust. He should have earned yours.”
Blinky climbed up with Vendel, glaring at the crowd. “You can throw me out too!”
“And me.” Arrrgh snarled.
Draal snarled, mechanical hand tightening on the arm of the troll holding me. “If you harm my mate or my family, I will tear you apart. I’ve been banished from Trollmarket before, and I will happily leave again!”
“If River isn’t here there’s no way in hell I’m staying.” Eemeli snarled at the trolls holding Jim and me.
Garridan growled, crossing his arms over his chest plate, “If you throw out my daughter and my nephew, then you no longer have allies with the Eclipse Guard.”
“You can throw us out too!” Toby huffed, pausing to think over his statement. “Though, technically, we don’t live here.”
“Same for me!” Bagdwella piped up, turning her back on the Trollmarket exit. “I’ve always stood with our Trollhunter and Wizard.” She patted Jim’s chin, when she moved to pat my head I snarled causing her to flinch back.
The trolls, admitting that what Vendel said was true, release Jim, Strickler, and me.
Draal helped me sit up as Jim and Strickler righted themselves. “Remind me to have the gnomes tear her shop apart.” I growled.
“What now, our infallible leader?” Strickler asked Jim.
Jim climbed the steps so he could see every troll in attendance. “Now, we get ready to give Angor Rot the fight of his life!”
The mob that had been so eager to throw us out, now erupted into cheers. It looks like we would actually have some support for this fight.
Jim looked at Garridan, nodding. “This is going to be like the set up at home, just a lot bigger and no UV lights.”
“I think I can take that part.” I smirked, summoning Midnight.
Garridan grinned, turning to the trolls, “We need to build barricades and traps! The larger of you will gather any sturdy materials you can carry to build the barricades. That means stones, the bazaar, tvs. We need to slow him down.”
Eemeli stood next to Garridan, “Angor Rot is cunning, ruthless, and unpredictable. From what we’ve faced he’s used golems, pixies, and Creeper’s Sun poisoning. The younglings and anyone who is unable to fight should stay in their homes, block all doors and windows.”
“He’s at a slight disadvantage,” I spoke up, nodding to Claire. “He won’t be able to teleport without the Shadow Staff, a weapon we now have on our side. Do not get comfortable with that knowledge. He’s extremely fast and agile.”
Jim joined us, looking out over the crowd. “We’re protecting all of Trollmarket today! Let’s make the Trollhunters of the past proud!”
The trolls began to cheer as they dispersed, dividing quickly to gather materials, building traps and blockades.
“Think they’ll remember all the help you’ve given?” Eri asked as she slid from Garridan’s shoulder to mine, slowly circling my neck.
Sighing, I petted over her head as the scaled on her belly turned a soft orange. “I hope so.”
“Are you okay?” Draal asked, eyeing Garridan, Eemeli, and I.
Garridan snorted, glancing over the trolls. “After being with the Eclipse Guard, sometimes you forget how outsiders view Changelings.”
Eemeli shrugged, “No way I’d stay if you got thrown out,” he ruffled my hair, smirking. “Besides, I’m surprised Bagdwella didn’t throw out the old ‘impure’ bullshit.”
Snarlined, my grip on Midnight tightened, “If she ever does I’m blasting her with daylight.”
“After you set the gnomes loose in her store,” Draal nuzzled my cheek, helping me to calm down.
I kissed his cheek, allowing Midnight to sheath itself as I clipped it to the Heartstone belt. “I’m okay. Let’s go help.”
Trolls were quickly building barricades with the old TVs, all still broken and showing snow. Others were collecting every weapon they could get their hands on and handing them out to able trolls ready to fight for their home.
The deep entrances were blocked using barrels and wooden boxes.
Curtains were drawn as windows were boarded up. It looked like every troll in Trollmarket figured out a way to help.
We found Jim consoling a crying troll, too frightened to go up against Angor. “Don’t worry, just stay indoors. Not everyone has to fight.”
The troll wailed as he left, quickly trying to find a place to hide.
“River!” He grinned, having to look up at me in my troll form. “Are you sure you’re okay using daylight in that form?”
Smirking, I let a soft blue glow cover my palm, holding it up to him. The amulet hummed, flying from Jim’s pocket to my hand as it sensed its raw magic. “I’m sure. Angor’s won’t survive this fight.”
Jim nodded, easing up as we headed into Blinky’s library. We spotted Claire and Toby huddled around one of the tables.
“Toby, we have to tell Jim.” Claire was arguing with him.
Toby tried to shush her as we approached.
“Tell me what?” Jim asked, looking between them confused.
NotEnrique popped up as Claire and Toby quickly turned to us, blocking the table from view. “Tell who what? Nothing to see here.”
Jim nudged them out of the way, grinning as he found none other than our favorite Gnome. “Chompsky? No way! When did he get out?”
I rushed to the table, a smile splitting my face at the sight of Chompsky chugging a mug of hot cocoa. “You’re okay!”
“He got out a little while ago,” Claire explained, “we were going to tell you but, with everything and your mom…”
“Why would you hold back great news? He escaped the Darklands!” Jim was excited at the sight of Chompsky but confused on why Toby and Claire didn’t want to tell him.
Something was off, something attacked Chompsky when we lost him in the Fetch. “What haven’t you told us?” I finally asked, eyeing the teens in front of me.
“Uh,” Toby glanced at Jim then to me, “technically, he didn’t.”
And there it is.
Toby grimaced, “Gunmar let him out to deliver a message.”
“Jim,” Claire sighed, turning to face him. “Gunmar knows you killed his son.”
“And he promises to make a river,” NotEnrique was translating as Chompsky chattered on. “No, an ocean of blood from your loved ones.” He nodded to Chompsky. “And he’s gonna make a throne, with their,” he paused as Chompsky took off his hat, pointing to the broken off spike on his head. “I think he said bones.”
Jim’s face was contorted in mortified disbelief as he watched the exchange.
NotEnrique looked up at us, “His words. Not mine.” He pointed to Chompsky.
Toby rubbed the back of his neck nervously, “And he included a list.”
“Of course he did,” I snarled, causing Jim to jump at the sound.
NotEnrique started naming off our family and friends. Apparently Gunmar felt the need to add in our teachers at school, though that might be a dig at Strickler.
Once NotEnrique finished with the list, Jim tilted his head in thought. “River’s not on the list.”
I looked down at him, confused. Gunmar had listed off everyone else by name, but there was no mention of me. Considering his efforts to capture or kill the heir of Merlin, I don’t think that was an oversight.
Chompsky winced, mumbling softly.
NotEnrique’s ears twitch, “He what?!”
Eemeli snarled from behind us, having caught what Chompsky said. “Like we’d let him get close enough!”
I turned back to look at him confused. “What did he say?”
NotEnrique spoke up, ears laying flat, “He said he would use the Decimaar Blade on you and turn you into his puppet.”
I stiffened, unsure how that was possible. “Translation?”
Draal growled, pulling me back into his chest, “His damned sword can suck out souls, leaving the body a mindless husk that Gunmar can control with a simple thought or order.”
I shivered, already disliking the feeling of my soul taking a break when Jim gets called to the void, I’d rather not let Gunmar take it. “I really don’t like the sound of that.”
“They need you magic if they can’t find merlin,” Garridan sighed, “this is why it was sealed away. If Gunmar is able to control you, he can bring the Eternal Night.”
Jim frowned, leaning back on the table as he looked over everyone. “When we go into the Darklands, you won’t be able to go.”
I was about to argue, but I could feel Draal’s grip tighten on me, his worry bleeding through his actions. “If I go, I’m risking the lives of every non-troll creature on Earth, aren’t I?”
Garridan nodded, “If you went in, or Gunmar escaped, your presence would endanger everyone.”
“Then I won’t go,” I agreed, hating to leave the fight to the others. “Just promise me you’ll all come back safe.” I knew the plan was for everyone to take on Gunmar together, now that I’d be stuck on the outside waiting, I could feel my anxiety over the situation build.
Toby grinned, slapping Jim’s back, “Don’t worry! This is what we’ve been training for!”
Draal ran his stone hand through my hair, feeling how tense I had become. “I will make sure we come home. You can guard the bridge while we hunt Gunmar.”
“He’ll be easy to find, especially with a Changeling to show them the way,” Eemeli grinned, punching Draal’s shoulder.
Smiling, feeling better knowing they wouldn’t be going in blind, and, as I told her highness-lady, if I trusted anyone to protect my family it was Draal. “Alright, alright. Let’s just focus on Angor for now.”
“Speaking of Angor Rot,” Strickler's voice cut in, handing Jim his bookbag. “I believe you have a stone that will help you fight him, Young Atlas.”
“Angor’s eye?” Jim asked, pulling out the unmoving orb. “You’re saying I can use this in my amulet?”
Toby grinned as NotEnrique picked up the eye, looking it over, “We’re leveling up again!”
“If cut with the proper guidance, and tools,” Strickler nodded to me.
I tilted my head slightly, “I’m guessing this particular stone requires magic?”
“Show me where to cut.” Jim nodded to Strickler before looking at me. “You up for this?”
I gave a quick nod before turning to Draal. “Keep the fleshbags in line while we’re gone?”
He barked out a laugh, “We’ll be preparing in the forge.” He quickly escorted the others out while Jim and I left for Vendel’s stone forge.
We set up the stone grinder quickly. Strickler went through his book as he directed us. “River, you’ll need to pour your magic into the eye as Jim cuts it. Normally this would require a Heartstone piece, however seeing as you’re basically a small living Heartstone, your magic should work just fine.”
“Okay,” I paused, letting his words sink in. “Wait a second, how am I a living Heartstone?”
Strickler looked up from the book, confusion lacing his expression before he scoffed. “You can’t tell? You absorbed the magic of a Heartstone and it bonded to you. Your magic is now that of the Heartstone.”
Bringing Angor’s eye over, Jim glanced between us. “So, River could keep troll’s alive just by being around her?”
Strickler sighed, directing Jim to the first cut, moving back as I began to pour my magic into it, causing Angor’s iris to go from soulless white to a bright orange. “In theory, yes.” He explained. “The same way Gunmar has been able to keep his army alive. He may have been born from a corrupt Heartstone, but it was still a Heartstone.”
“I really don’t like that comparison.” I winced at the thought of being similar to Gunmar in any way.
“Where next?” Jim asked, quickly adjusting to the line Strickler instructed him to cut.
“Let’s focus on this for now, once we’re done you can worry about this.” Strickler reigned in my worries and I returned my full focus to Angor’s eye. “Unlock the eye’s dark power, and you’ll be able to ward off his magics.” He pointed to a higher point on the eye. “Cleave here, ever so gently.”
As time went on we finally got to a tiny, burning gemstone. Jim quickly added it to the amulet. Turning to Strickler, he nodded for the stone forge exit, “I believe we owe you a safe ride out of here.”
Strickler nodded, following Jim and I out of the forge, “Are you sure there isn’t anything more I can do?” He asked, remorse showing through, knowing the fight to come is his doing.
Jim shook his head, entering the Gyre Station. “The other trolls don’t trust fighting alongside you. And honestly, neither do I.”
“You kept your word.” Strickler looked up at the gyre, surprised we were actually allowing him to leave. “And after everything I’ve done.” He scoffed, hardly able to believe it, “Once again, you’ve proved why you are the hero, and I am,” he paused, wincing at his thoughts.
“Someone who can change.” Jim supplied as we stopped at the gyre steps. Looking back at me, he smiled.
I stepped up on Strickler’s left, staring at the gyre. “I once asked if changelings, if you, had any choice in helping Gunmar. I understand it's a complicated matter, but look at Eemeli. He went from Witch Hunter to one of my mosted trusted allies. If he can choose to change, so can you.”
Strickler seemed shocked for a moment before letting out a soft chuckle. “Your idealism is nearly contagious, both of you. My gratitude cannot be enough.” He pulled a stone from his suit pocket handing it to Jim.
“Gee, a friendship rock?” Jim joked, taking the offered stone.
Strickler smirked, “After you’re done with Angor’s eye. I thought you could use Gunmar’s. You need the last Triumbric stone to defeat Gunmar.”
“You had it this whole time?” I asked, eyeing the glowing blue stone.
“I’ve been holding onto it for centuries,” Strickler admitted. “I kept it close in case you drove a hard bargain to protect me.”
Jim looked at the stone, frowning in thought. “But if I kill Gunmar,” he looked up to Strickler, torn.
“Save the children?” Strickler filled in for him. “Yes, if you rescue my familiar, then I’ll be trapped in my troll form forever. But there’s nothing left for me in the human world. It’s not like I have a future with your,” he was quickly cut off by Jim.
“Don’t,” Jim held his hand up, stopping that thought in its tracks.
Strickler nodded, “I have overstayed my welcome, thank you.” He boarded the gyre, looking back at Jim and me in thought. “You may not believe me, Young Atlas, but I do wish you luck and hope we meet again one day.”
“Goodbye, Mr. Strickler.” Jim nodded, gripping Gunmar’s eye tight.
“And Lady Mordred,” Strickler smiled, turning to me, “no, I don’t think that’s right. You’ve always been more of a Young Moonlight, haven’t you? I know you’ll do great things for your people.” The gyred started up, and we watched as Strickler faded off into a stream of blue light.
As Jim and I headed back up into Trollmarket, all hell broke loose. It seems Angor was making his move at the entrance. I grabbed Jim and teleported us to the entrance of the crystal stairs, where rock began to crumble and something rammed into the canal entrance.
I stood next to Draal, swiping away the crumbling rocks as they fell. “He’s going for the direct approach?”
“Is he knocking?” Toby asked, wearing the armor he scraped together when we rescued Blinky. “Is that some sort of troll war etiquette?”
Blinky scooted back towards Claire and Toby as the knocking continued. “I believe he’s attempting to intimidate us.” I glanced around, something about this felt off. Why would Angor announce his arrival, even if it was an intimidation tactic.
Garridan growled at the entrance, glancing at me, “You feel it too?” He whispered, eyes focusing ahead again.
I nodded, grinding my teeth in irritation. This was wrong, too easy.
“He’s expecting us to hide.” Jim declared, “I say, we take the fight to him. Draal, Eemeli” he turned to face us. “Hold the stairs.”
Draal grunted in acknowledgement, gripping his axe tight. Eemeli snarled, shifting into his troll form.
“Blink, Claire, Tobes, Garridan protect Trollmarket.” The others quickly went to their assignments.
“Arrrgh!!, NotEnrique, River, with me.” Jim headed up the stairs after giving his orders.
“I’m rather comfy where I am.” NotEnrique tried to settle in next to Draal as Arrrgh and I followed Jim.
Draal growled and used his axe as a bat, tossing NotEnrique after us.
I caught him, setting him on my shoulder as I grinned back at Draal, “Thanks love!”
NotEnrique gagged, glaring back down at Draal, “Ya brute!”
As we reached the top, Arrrgh and I took up the back. Jim handed NotEnrique the horngazel to open the entrance as he donned the armor.
“We’re not letting him past us!” Jim ordered; Arrrgh and I at the ready. The entrance broke open to a giant crystal golem slamming its fist through the opening. “What the? Watch out!” Jim barely dodged the crystal fist.
Arrrgh slammed his fist into the golem, tearing out and biting it in half.
“He’s not here!” I snarled, turning to look down the stairs.
“It’s a diversion! He must be coming in another way!” Jim began running down the stairs as we followed. “The gyre station! River!”
I grabbed onto the boys, teleporting us to the bottom of the crystal stairs, “That’s as far as I can go each jump with four.”
“What happened?” Claire asked, confused that we were back. “Where’s Angor Rot?”
“There he is!” The Troll that had grabbed me earlier yelled as Angor Rot made his entrance. “Let’s get him, boys!” Charged Angor, only for him to slice through her stomach with the creeper’s sun blade and stabbing the smaller, goblin-like troll. The third troll dropped his weapon and ran off, shaking in fear.
“Angor!” Jim yelled, trying to keep Angor’s attention off of the trolls.
“Trollhunter! Sunshine,” He sneered, emptying the pouch he carried. “I have some friends I’d like you to meet.”
The ground began to shake as crystal golems began to pour into the streets of Trollmarket.
Two tried to corner us, Draal stopped the one on our left as Claire held back the one on our right.
“You handle Angor. We got this!” She told Jim, forcing the golem back with her shadow staff.
“I’ll cover you,” I drew Midnight, running with Jim after Angor Rot.
A purple golem slammed its fist down on Jim’s shield, Arrrgh slamming into it as it barely made contact with him.
We found Angor near the tv wall, throwing a troll into the shop nearby. “When will you learn that Daylight is mine to command?” He snarled, causing the sigil to glow over Jim’s face as the sword went to him.
I yelped as the amulet drew on my magic, causing it to course through the armor. Red and orange magic surrounded Daylight as it was ripped from Angor’s claws.
“No!” He cried out, shocked that Jim had countered his curse.
Jim grinned as the armor’s magic returned to blue, “Guess I should thank you for giving me the stink-eye.” He rubbed it in.
“My eye!” Growling, Angor unsheathed his knives and charged Jim and I.
Jim quickly dodged the blades and I brought Midnight’s blade down on Angor’s shoulder.
He recovered and turned his attention back to Jim, focusing his rage on him. Jim was able to block the attack with his shield. Pulling back quickly, Jim jumped trying to bring Daylight down on Angor head as I lunged from behind.
Ducking at the last moment, Daylight stopped itself in an orange glow before it could hit me. I forced Midnight back into its smaller form before it ripped into Jim.
“The Eldritch Queen can’t stop me from killing you!” Angor charged before Jim and I could separate. Twisting quickly, he slammed his leg into my torso with all his strength sending me flying back into a golem Draal was fighting.
“River!” Draal broke the totem before the golem could regenerate, helping me sit up. “Are you alright?”
I nodded quickly, trying to find Angor and Jim in the chaos of golems. “I lost them!” A horn broke through my panic as Strickler’s beat up car tore through the market, driven by none other than our resident mad man, Blinkous Galadrigal. “Oh, I hope Strickler has insurance.”
Draal helped me to my feet, “Can you sense the amulet?”
Closing my eyes I tried to focus as the fight around me began to drown out.
“This way,” Ganieda's whisper broke through the chaos, a red path of mana pulling me.
Eyes snapping open, “Found him!” I took off at full sprint, as I passed the golems I sent out bubble rigged to explode on contact helping the trolls weed out their numbers.
“Out of the way! Out of the way!” Blinky’s panicked cry drew my attention as the car was flying right for me. “Incoming!”
I jumped over the car, snarling as I zeroed in on Angor’s form. “You!”
Angor laughed as I reached Jim, “You thought I could be defeated that easily? That your human contraption could kill me?”
“It was bigger than the fridge!” I snarled, slicing through golems as they tried closing in on us. One slammed into Vendel knocking him to the floor. “No one,” I growled teleporting over the golem, “hurts my teacher!” Slicing down with Midnight, an ark of daylight cut through the golem, burning away the totem.
Blinky yelled for Arrrgh’s help as Angor began to corner Toby.
“Toby!” Jim’s yell cut through the battle.
As I helped Vendel to his feet, my head snapped to Toby, watching Angor close in on him. “No!”
Angor threw the blade at Toby’s back, everything seemed to slow as Arrrgh ran for Toby, taking the blade in his chest. As he landed, he quickly began to turn to stone, reaching out for Toby one last time.
A scream ripped from my throat as everything went red. I lost control of my human form and slipped into my troll form. Forgetting Midnight with Vendel, I felt my magic pour directly into my skin as I slammed into Angor, “You attacked my friends! You killed my family! I’ll break you!” The Heartstone began to react to my magic, glowing brighter as I slammed my fist into Angor’s face over and over. The ground under us cracking from the force of the blows.
Angor snarled, dark magic pooling into his right hand. He clawed at the left side of my face, the magic burning my stone flesh, my vision going blurry. “Eye for an eye Witch!” He snarled, claws sinking deep.
Toby slammed into Angor and I with Warhammer, knocking me off of the assassin as he tried to attack Angor.
Jim’s glaive slice Angor before he could retaliate against Toby, “I destroyed your soul! Your fight is with me! Not them!” He taunted, pulling Angor away from us and to the Forge.
Someone grabbed my left shoulder pulling me back before I could go after them. “What the hell?!” Garridan’s horrified expression seemed a little blurry, “River, what happened?”
I reached up, covering the left side of my face, feeling deep gashes from Angor’s claw. I shook Garridan off, reciting the healing incantation Vendel taught me as I tried to undo the damage.
“You can’t heal everything,” Vendel’s voice broke through my concentration as he used Midnight to piece a golem that was approaching Garridan and me. “Damage that deep cannot be fully healed.”
I grit my teeth, turning to the fight, “Claire! You and Toby help Jim! They’re heading for the Forge!”
Claire nodded, only hesitating a moment when she saw my face before pulling Toby through a shadow portal.
Eemeli slammed into a golem, “Oh shit,” he yelped, seeing the damage. “Did Draal kill him yet?”
Snarling I pooled magic into my fist and slammed it through the golem he was standing on. “Not now! Focus on the fight!”
I took off before the others could argue, summoning Midnight I began to tear through as many golems as I could. I found NotEnrique cornered, a golem about to crush him. I teleported between them and let out the strongest blast of daylight it could, shattering the golem.
“Woah, moonlight,” He climbed up my shoulder, wincing seeing my face. “We not gonna talk about it?”
“Not right now,” I snarled, as I could feel Angor’s dark magic and Jim’s armor clash. “Jim!” I teleported towards the forge in time to see Toby fall through a shadow portal and shatter Angor Rot.
Draal opened the gates to the Forge, Claire and Blinky running right for us.
“Jim!” Claire hugged him tight, “Is he really gone?”
“He better be,” Jim glared at the shattered remains of Angor Rot.
Toby kicked the remains, seething with rage, “Yeah. He better be.”
“What happened?” Draal asked, carefully holding the injured side of my face with his prosthetic hand.
“Eye for an eye,” I winced, fully feeling the injury. I could tell my vision was ruined in that eye, how the hell would I explain that to mom?
Toby let out a gasp as daylight began to emerge from Angor’s remains.
“Finally,” A troll’s voice whispered as souls began to pour out. “Our souls are free. We return to our brethren.”
“Who are they?” Claire asked, watching the souls gather.
“These are the spirits of our fallen brethren.” Kanjigar’s voice startled us, the souls taking on his form. “Trollhunters who lost both soul and life to Angor Rot.”
Draal watched his father, a pained expression taking over him.
“Our brothers and sisters shall take their proper place in the void and rest in peace. Thanks to you, Jim Lake Junior, and your friends. You were right,” He smiled, looking at each of us. “You are stronger together. We are in your debt.” He bowed his head to Jim. “But the day will come, Trollhunter, when you must finish the fight alone.”
“Father?” Draal approached Kanjigar, hardly believing he was able to see him again.
“My son,” Kanjigar’s spirit reached for Draal. “I am so sorry for pushing you away. I am so proud of you. You’ve made a fine family.”
Kanjigar began to recede into the void as Draal tried to reach for him. “Father!” Letting out a sigh he pulled his hand down, sad that he couldn’t speak more with Kanjigar.
I grasped his shoulder, smiling softly up at him. “He’s proud of you.”
Blinky gathered the teens, “We should attend to the fallen, to Arrrgh.” He choked out slightly.
Draal and I followed them out heading into the mass of trolls carefully moving those who fell in battle. Vendel was directing them away from Arrrgh, making sure no one moved our friend.
“I figured you would want to keep him close,” he explained as we approached. Eyeing the wound on my face he nodded back to the healing chambers in the Heartstone. “Once you’re ready to have that looked at, we will tend to it in the Heartstone.”
“Thank you Vendel.” I tilted my head to him before joining the others with Arrrgh.
Toby sobbed as he held onto Arrrgh’s stone hand, Claire comforting him as Jim watched on.
Jim grit his teeth before walking off, heading for the vault we kept Killahead in. Glancing at Draal, he nodded for me to follow Jim as he stayed to watch over the others.
I quickly took off after him, “Jim? Where do you think you’re going?”
He removed the armor as we entered the vault, glaring over the bridge. “You already know.” He pulled out Gunmar’s eye, adding it to the amulet. “For the doom of Gunmar, Eclipse is mine to command!”
Red overtook the amulet as the magic changed, it pulled on my own to charge the Eclipse armor. I snarled as it weakened me, causing me to collapse to my knees, unable to stand any longer. Jim’s armor was now as black as night with red veining running along the plates.
“Jim! You promised to go with the others!” I yelled.
“Master Jim!” Blinky’s voice cut through, the others realizing what Jim was about to do.
Jim ran to the vault doors, locking them before the others could catch up to us. “The amulet chose me. I can’t lose any more of you!”
“You really think this is what Kanjigar meant?” I growled as he ran back to the bridge, pulling the amulet from his chest.
“I have to finish the fight alone, we knew this would happen eventually?” He argued, the amulet forcefully pulling magic from me as he let it go to Killahead bridge, rebuilding it.
“I didn’t realize your word meant so little,” I clawed at the ground, trying to stand. Trying to stop him from going into the Darklands alone.
“And yours?” He asked, referring to my promise not to enter the Darklands. “Will you risk the lives of everything just to follow me?”
I bared my teeth at him, anguish over taking me as tears began to fall from my uninjured eye. “You’re my little brother, if you had asked me this before, I would’ve chosen you over the world. Now I know what those consequences would truly be.”
He seemed relieved knowing I wouldn’t follow him, even though I was desperate to stop him. Tears spilled from his eyes as he glanced back at the vault doors. “The amulet is yours to protect until I come back,” he turned, walking to the portal, “or it calls another.” With those final words, Jim crossed into the Darklands, closing the portal behind him.
“Jim!” I screamed, the amulet falling from the bridge as it lost connection with Jim. It flew to me settling into the familiar magic. “Lady River!” Blinky had been able to manually override the vault lock. Running in to see me collapsed on the floor. “What happened? Where is master Jim?”
Sobbing, I could no longer form words, barely able to point to Killahead as grief took over my senses. After everything we’ve been through, would I lose him like this?
“He went alone?” Draal asked, kneeling to hold me close, ignoring the amulet clutched tight in my grip.
“Couldn’t stop,” I choked out, trying to calm down.
Garridan kneeled next to us, placing his hand on my shoulder. “We’ll find a way to help him. For now, you need medical attention and we need a plan.”
Draal carefully lifted me, “I’ll take her to Vendel. We will need a way to explain his absence to Barbara.”
Garridan nodded, “I’ll send out for help from the Eclipse Guard.”
Blinky pulled the others away from the bridge, Claire and Toby unable to process that Jim had left them behind. “It’s possible to hide that Jim is gone for now. I’ll see if RotGuts can get a hold of a Janus mask. For now, Tobias let Barbara know Jim is staying with you. Claire, do the same for River.”
Claire and Toby nodded, taking off to contact mom in order to cover for us over the weekend.
Draal pulled us away from Blinky and Garridan as they began to plan. Taking me straight to the Heartstone healing chambers to see Vendel.
“What in Deya’s name happened now?!” Vendel reeled back seeing the state I was in. He ushered Draal further into the chamber, having him set me on a stone bed. “Why does she have the amulet? Where is our Trollhunter?”
“The Darklands,” Draal replied stiffly, petting my hair back, careful of my injured eye.
“Oh,” Vendel winced, realizing exactly what had happened. He quickly pulled out ointments for the mostly healed gashes in my stone skin, carefully applying it, causing the leftover burning to numb. He wiped the tears from my right eye as he examined the left.
Grumbling, he looked over a healing tome, gently prodding around the eye. “As I stated earlier, some wounds are too far to heal. Your magic restored the physical eye, however,” he pulled out a mirror shard, showing me a completely pale blue eye, the sclera no longer the fiery colors of my magic. “Your sight will not return.”
“Eye for an eye,” I whimpered, reaching up to feel along the gashes that slowly closed, leaving thin carving like marks across the left side of my face.
Vendel sighed, carefully wrapping the left side of my face. “How will you explain this to your mother?”
I shrugged, gripping the amulet tight to my chest. Other than telling her everything there was no way I could explain the injury, hell there was no way I could explain Jim missing! “Can’t, won’t.”
“You’d rather leave her in the dark?” Vendel asked, surprised that I’d even entertain the idea.
“Promised,” was all I could get out, falling silent for the remainder of the night. What could I even do?
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sorceress-coffee · 1 year
RoA Ch 38 Hiss Hiss, Bang Bang
Ao3 Chapter
The morning after we brought Jim home was interesting to say the least. Draal and I were alerted to Jim’s presence when his alarm went off and he yelled “I love you, my stupid alarm!”
“I don’t think he’s ever been this excited to get up in the morning,” I shook my head, curling up against Draal in the nest.
Grumbling, Draal grabbed one of the spare pillows and stuffed it over his face once Jim hopped in the shower. “I’m glad he’s home, but this behavior is odd.”
Sighing, I decided to get up for school before Jim could break into the basement, “You hanging out with Arrrgh and Blinky today?” I asked, knowing all three Trolls wouldn’t return to Trollmarket until later, that way we were all together.
Draal gave me a thumbs up, still trying to hide under the pillow. “Yes, Blinkous wants me to explain your ‘Maces and Talons’ game to them.”
I snickered, pulling on black leggings and a red oversized long sleeve. “Don’t forget Dungeons and Dragons, you’ll get a kick out of that one.”
Finally sitting up, Draal gave me a toothy grin, “There’s a game where we can slay Dragons?”
I shrugged, grabbing one of my old rule books off the bookshelf we brought down. “Amongst other things.” I handed it over, kissing his cheek. “Tell Blinky I said he had to behave. Uncle James offered to get you guys anything topside you might need.”
Draal hummed, nuzzling his nose under my jaw, “Keep the Trollhunter contained,” he chuckled, hearing Jim’s feet land on the main floor loudly.
“Sounds like he’s bouncing off the walls,” Shaking my head, I grabbed my bag and teleported to the second floor, walking down to find Jim hugging mom in the kitchen. “Morning.”
“River!” Jim ran to me, almost knocking me over with how hard he tackled me.
“Careful honey, he’s very chipper this morning,” mom smiled, trying to hide her concern at his behavior.
“Just feels good to be back!” He grinned, grabbing his bag and running out.
Mom looked at me, confused, “Back? Back from where?”
“The looney bin?” I shrugged, “My guess, he’s breaking out of his finals week fog.” I waved bye, following Jim out quickly before she could ask anymore questions.
He had our bikes ready as Claire pulled up and Toby was waiting for us. Apparently after being stuck in the Darklands, he wanted to spend as much time in the sun as possible.
I hopped on my bike, Jim took the front, Toby and Claire in the middle, and I lagged behind, watching over the teens. After all this time, I was glad Jim was home, even if I was still mad at how he left.
“Have you talked to him about it?” Toby directed to Claire.
Claire shook her head, keeping an eye on Jim in front, “No, it has to come from you. Why haven’t you talked to him yet?”
“He just got out of the Darklands,” He pointed out. Whatever they were talking about, Toby was obviously stalling. “He needs time to recover.”
“Whoo!” Jim yelled out in front of us, he had popped his front tire off of the ground and was riding with his hands out to the side. “Check this out-” A yelp broke him off as he lost balance, needing to grab the handlebars before he fell over.
“Seems fine to me,” Claire huffed, smiling at his antics.
Jim drifted to a halt, grinning at us, “Come on, slowpokes, let’s take the old shortcut!”
We all came to a stop, Claire and Toby exchanging a look.
“Well, uh, since you’ve been gone, Claire found a faster way.” Toby grinned, teasing Jim.
Jim scoffed, “Come on. Faster than the canals?”
Claire looked back to me, I shrugged, “It’s fine with me.”
Nodding, she pulled out the shadow staff and opened a portal at the entrance of the woods. “One short cut, here we come!”
Jim grinned, pedaling straight into the portal with a cheer. Toby and Claire followed after, and I held up the rear. We shot out behind a moving truck and pedaled back onto the streets.
“You’re right,” Jim laughed, pausing to look back at Claire, “You have gotten good at that.” The bell rang for class, “Good ol’ Arcadia Oaks High!” He cheered, heading to park his bike. “I wonder what we’ll learn today.”
“He’s clearly not fine, who in their right mind looks forward to school?” Toby shook his head, “Did you give him a concussion?” He asked, looking back at me as we followed.
“Just because I’m still pissed at him, doesn’t mean I hit him, Toby.” I huffed, parking my bike as Eemeli drove up in his car.
“Do I want to know?” He asked, getting out of the driver’s seat, having seen Jim’s overly cheerful attitude from down the street.
“Nope,” I shook my head, grabbing Jim’s shoulder before he could get far. “Trust me, you’re gonna want to stay close.”
Jim rolled his eyes but waited until Claire and Toby parked their bikes. As soon as we entered the quad, the students began cheering.
“What the…?” Jim glanced back at me, confused on why everyone was acting weird.
“Jim!” Eli rushed him, hugging him tight, “You’re back! You’re alive!”
“Back?” Jim began to panic, looking to Claire and Toby, “They know?”
“They know you’re the first person to be officially cured from the incurable Jim Lake Disease.” Toby explained quickly.
“Oh,” Jim nodded, realizing that was the cover up.
I shrugged, pulling Eli off of him, “This one knows, sort of. I’ll explain later”
Eli got the crowd to disperse, while Toby made sure they knew Jim could still be contagious.
“Eemeli got you a medical note, said there were complications after the car accident, T.P. has been doing damage control with help from Eli,” Claire explained now that the other teens were steering clear for the moment.
“T.P.?” Jim asked.
“Oh,” Claire laughed, “Duh! Toby Pie. Guess you missed that one, too.”
Toby pouted at the nickname, still hating it, “You missed a lot, dude! I had to pretend to be you. I had to eat your mom’s spaghetti carbonara.” He gagged, thinking back to that particular dinner. “You owe me!” Pulling out a stack of papers, he handed them over to Jim, “you also missed a few weeks of homework. Don’t hate us.”
“Hate you?” Jim laughed, “Are you kidding? I love homework!”
“Maybe I punched him in my sleep…” I grumbled, Eemeli laughing at us as Jim picked apart what homework he had to do now, groaning at Algebra.
“Look who’s back!” Steve shoved into Jim, knocking him onto the concrete, before pulling him up by his shoulders. “Did I hear you say you love homework? There’s something fishy going on in this lake.”
Jim looked shocked for a moment before his face split into a grin, hugging Steve, “I even missed you! The ol’ Palchuck” He laughed, hitting Steve in the face lightly.
“What?” Steve was in shock, you could actually see his brain short circuiting at the moment. “Get your germs off of me!”
Toby turned around at the sound of Darci’s voice, “Uh, I’ll let you two catch up.”
From the looks of it, Darci is allergic to flowers, and Toby is getting nowhere quickly. “That’s unfortunate.”
“Things are all back to the way they were!” Jim grinned, looking around the quad, “It’s like I never left!”
“Yup,” Toby huffed from his spot, face planting into his locker, “back to square one. How great for us.”
“Careful, my square one involved blowing up walls,” I grinned, heading off to my morning classes.
The day seemed to drag by as I was mentally preparing for our return to Trollmarket. Apparently Jim wanted to waste no time handing himself over to the likes of the Tribunal. I really have to work on my impulse control if I’d be spending even a second in her Highness-lady’s presence.
Once we got into our blended class, now dubbed movie time, we all took up seats in the back corner. Eli sat closer to the front so I could talk with Jim.
I nudged his foot as he was focusing on ‘Gun Robot 3’. “We need to talk.”
“But it’s Gun Robot,” Jim grinned, sobering up quickly when he saw how serious I was. “Is this when you’re going to hit me for going into the Darklands?”
“Haven’t decided yet.” I huffed, nodding to Eli, “He knows about my mom’s side. We haven’t exactly been subtle about our ‘adventures.’”
“What?!” He squawked, “You told him? You promised!” He tried to whisper.
Growling, the sclera of my uninjured eye glowed, “I promised I wouldn’t tell aunt Barbara, and that was it. Eli’s not as oblivious as people think. He figured out a lot on his own. I told him I couldn’t tell him everything, but if he guessed, I would only share what I could.”
“Why would you tell him at all?” Jim asked, shocked that anyone outside of our group now knew.
“Because he’s stubborn enough to go looking for answers, and unfortunately that could lead to his untimely death, say, by the hands of the Janus Order?” I snarled out, knowing Eli would go looking if he couldn’t ask me.
Jim winced, glancing up at Eli, “He only knows about the magic?”
“Nothing about Trolls, or Trollhunting,” I huffed, “Might change though, considering Draal’s taken a shine to him.
Jim groaned, hitting his head on his desk, “How did that happen?”
“Shadow magic infection, possibly from Angor Rot’s final attack,” I gestured to my eye, “antidote involved binding someone’s life magic to my own. Draal volunteered, the side effect for a full blooded troll was that he turned into a fleshbag again.” I pulled my hood over my head, feeling my scalar still burning.
Before Jim could speak on it any further, the bell rang. “Right, okay, ready to head to Trollmarket?”
“Even if I say no, we’re still going.” I stood up, grabbing my bag and heading out.
Jim sighed, staying further back with Claire and Toby as we headed for the bikes. “Think she’s ever going to forgive me?” He whispered, unfortunately being half changeling meant I could still hear him very well.
Claire sighed, “Give her time, she’s had to take on a lot of responsibilities since you’ve left, and not just your Trollhunting duties.”
“Yeah, dude.” Toby jumped in, “The troll heavy weights made her the leader of our changeling friends, now she has to deal with troll politics, that can’t be fun.”
I glanced back at them before grabbing my bike. “Are we going?”
Jim jolted, him and the other two quickly grabbing their bikes.
“Eemeli, you driving?” I asked, looking at the changeling.
He nodded, heading to his car, “See you in the library, my lady,” he said in his snarkiest tone while giving me a salute. He still found me being a tribe leader hilarious.
Shaking my head, I got on my bike and headed directly for an alleyway. Once out of sight, I teleported to the stairs of trollmarket, waiting for Claire to portal the boys over or ride their bikes.
I was glad Jim was home, don’t get me wrong. But he has to realize him leaving caused a lot of damage too. Looks like I have another mess to fix.
A shadow portal opened up behind me, all three teens riding through. We parked our bikes near the canal exit, wasting no time heading down into the market.
Eri slithered up, climbing her way up to my shoulders. “No movement from her highness-lady, the other’s made it to the library,” she hissed, resting her head under my left ear, keeping an eye on my blind spot.
Smiling, I pulled a cookie from my bag, giving her small chunks so she could eat while we walked. “Thanks, hopefully we won’t have to deal with the Tribunal yet.”
Jim took in a deep breath, hurrying up to walk next to me as he took in Trollmarket. “Home is the same, school is the same, Trollmarket is the same,” he trailed off as a Krubera soldier sneered at him. “Except for that guy. What’s that guy doing here?”
Shifting into my troll form, I let out a deep growl, glaring at the soldier. Getting the message, he quickly took off. “Don’t get too comfortable.” I glanced at Jim.
“Stinking, horrible, traitor!” Blinky’s voice drifted from the library, gaining our attention.
We took off into the library quickly, watching as Blinky was throwing his books into a bonfire.
“What is going on?” I asked, seeing Draal holding a stack for Blinky to grab from and toss into the flames, Arrrgh poking the flames every so often.
Scoffing, Blinky read over a title, “Another one, away with you!”
“You love your books!” Toby cried out, all three teens in shock at what we were seeing. “This isn’t like you!”
“Not my books!” Blinky snarled, “I’m destroying any that bear my traitorous brother’s name. Full of lies!”
“Did I miss something?” I asked, last I had heard, Blinky’s brother was dead.
Draal sighed, setting the stack down, “Blinkous ran into his brother in the Darklands. He’s working for Gunmar.”
“My Gumm-Gumm brother cannot be trusted and neither can these!” Blinky threw another pile into the fire.
Jim ran to the fire, trying to pull the books out, “Blink! They’ve been useful before, so they can be useful again.”
Arrrgh busied himself with sniffing over Toby’s sweater vest.
Toby lifted his arms for the troll, confused. “Aren’t you going to stop him, wingman?” Starting to giggle as Arrrgh’s sniffing was tickling him, “Uh, what’s with Arrrgh?”
“Leave him,” Blinky waved them off. “Ever since he’s returned from death, his sense of smell has been curiously heightened.” He threw the book Jim tried to save back into the fire. “He’s been sniffing everything for hours.”
Arrrgh hummed, grinning at Toby, “You had Italian. Carbonara.”
“Yeah,” Toby laughed, “like, three days ago.”
“Needed more garlic,” Arrrgh concluded.
Jim began running back and forth with buckets of water, trying to douse the book fire.
“Talk to Jim yet?” Arrrgh asked,concerned for Jim that the Tribunal was still present.
Claire sighed, “Toby says he hasn’t found the right time.”
“It’s not just me right?” Toby asked, watching Jim. “Ever since he got back, he’s been acting super weird.”
“Hey guys,” Jim paused, the books mostly not on fire now. “You know what we need? A calling!” He grinned, excited to get back to Trollhunting. “I’m sure there’s been tons of stuff piling up for us to take care of now that I’m back. A cursed box?” He asked as Blinky relit the book fire behind him. “Or a loose monster troll?”
“Actually, Calire, River and I kinda took care of that stuff while you were gone,” Toby explained, “Well when River wasn’t the cursed loose monster troll.”
“That was one time,” I huffed, summoning water over the book fire and dousing the flames again.
“Oh,” Jim nodded, slowly, “Okay. What about some training? It’d be good for us to get back in the Forge, you know?”
Arrrgh sniffed the air, grabbing my shoulder quickly. “I smell Usurna.”
Groaning, I rubbed over the scars on the left side of my face, irritated that she was already here. “Great.”
“Oh dear,” Blinky gasped, pausing in his effort to relight the fire once more.
Two armed Krubera soldiers walked into the library glaring at our group, Usurna walking in after them.
Vendel’s new staff got hooked on the entrance as he tried to enter the library, quickly dislodging it. I really hope he never finds out we took his old staff.
“So,” Usurna eyed Jim as she approached, “It’s true. The halfling Trollhunter has returned from his frolic in the Darklands.”
Blinky bowed his head to Usurna, speaking on Jim’s behalf, “The Trollhunter humbly apologizes, and throws himself at the mercy of the Tribunal.”
“Tribunal?” Jim asked, only to get elbowed by Blinky.
“The Tribunal has already voted on your fate,” She sneered.
“And by the barest of margins, has ruled to drop all charges,” Vendel spoke quickly, keeping an eye on my reaction. “So long as you cooperate from this moment forth.”
The teens sighed, as Usurna turned on them, “Your rash choice to save one child put all of Trollmarket at risk, regardless of what Merlin’s heir may say. If any evil had been unleashed unto this world, the blood would have been on your hands.” She pointed to Jim, before turning to leave. “Are you sure nothing followed you on your return?” She asked.
I tilted my head, the question sounded off coming from her.
“Draal never left his post, guarding the bridge!” Blinky quickly lied.
We all nodded, agreeing with him as her highness-lady looked over us, eyes locking on mine. “Very well, then.” She turned, leaving with her guards.
Blinky sighed, worried about Usurna’s presence. “Are the Krubera really staying permanently?”
Vendel glowered, turning to look Blinky in the eye, “Usurna feels their presence is required in light of my questionable judgment.” His staff got caught on the hanging crystal light. Grumbling, he tried pulling it down. “Speaking of such, have you made any progress in tracking down the culprit who stole my staff?”
“We will not rest until we bring them to justice,” Blinky declared.
“Yes, of course,” Vendel shook his head, finally freeing his staff from the light. “I’m sure whoever took it had good reason and will return it as soon as possible.” He huffed, eyeing Toby.
Looks like Vendel knew exactly who was masquerading as him.
“I’ve put my neck out far enough for you ungrateful fools.” Glaring over each of us, “Any further and she’ll be sure to lop it off.”
“Thank you, Vendel,” Jim winced, seeing only a small portion of the chaos his decision caused. “It’s good to see you, too.” He smiled up at the troll, actually glad to see him, even though he’s being scolded.
“Yes, well, if you want to thank me, go look into the goblin mess that one of our trolls discovered on a salvage run.” He sighed, trying to help Jim cover any loose ends from his trip to the Darklands.
“Goblin mess?” Toby asked, having hoped we were done with the slimy green creatures.
“There appears to be some droppings in a dumpster behind the Arcadia Cinema.” Vendel explained.
“We haven’t seen any of those in months.” Claire added, confused on why they were active again.
I shook my head, “There hasn’t been an active Goblin attack since Bular died.” The only other Goblins we’ve seen were those working for the Janus Order, but all they did was play with the car lock during our negotiation with Otto.
“Oh, my gosh!” And there’s Jim’s weird behavior again. “Is this a call? Like, a good ol’ trollhunting mission?” He asked, bouncing with excitement.
Vendel accidentally hooked his new staff on his horn, finally giving up, “Just go.” He ordered, not wanting to deal with Jim’s behavior on top of his stress of dealing with Usurna.
“We will, Vendel,” I sighed, unhooking his staff for him. Leading him away from the group to ask about the Tribunal’s vote. “How much was a small margin?”
Sighing, he glanced back at the others, now discussing how we should set up our stakeout. “It was tied actually, however, since we couldn’t find you, most of the trolls agreed that I could cast your vote.”
Wincing, I knew Usurna had it out for Jim, but I still couldn’t place why. “There’s more going on,” I huffed, scratching over Eri’s little fins. “The trollhunters sensed danger in our last meeting about Jim, and I plan on finding out why.”
Nodding, Vendel eyed Eri for a moment, “Why don’t I keep an eye on your wizard associate, from what I’ve heard, goblins like to eat snakes.”
Glancing up at Vendel, I could see that knowing glint in his eyes. He knew Usurna was hiding something, and was offering a direct spy to their meetings. “Eri, are you alright staying with Master Vendel?”
She slithered down my arm, extending herself over to Vendel’s staff, and resting around the hook. “Can I have more cookies since I’m going to be stuck in boring meetings all night?”
I chuckled, bobbing her nose, “I’ll bring more sugar cookies later, and do exactly as Master Vendel instructs. Also, don’t bite her highness-lady. Not yet.”
Vendel shook his head, taking his leave before I could give Eri any more instructions that could be seen as thinly veiled threats.
When I turned to join the group, I noticed Jim had broken off from the discussion, watching Vendel leave as he stopped next to me. “It’s almost sunset, think we could talk before heading out?”
Nodding I headed further into the library, unsure if Jim was wanting privacy or not. We sat at one of the tables holding a mound of ‘approved to keep’ books Blinky had gone through.
“What did you want to talk about?” I asked, wanting to get straight to the point.
Jim scratched the back of his neck, a nervous tick he seems to share with Uncle James. “Well, I was wondering if you could fill me in on what I missed. Toby and Claire have been pretty vague today.”
Eyeing him, I watched to see if any traces of his overexcited behavior was about to spring up. It looked like Jim wanted a serious conversation. “How about the quick version, then you can ask questions.” Humming in thought, I was trying to organize these past few weeks of chaos. “You left, found out I could summon the void with the amulet, threw the amulet at Kanjigar.” Pausing, I tried to focus on the time I was ‘infected’ with shadow magic. “There was an issue with the ‘fact’ that I shouldn’t be able to use shadow magic, something like an infection, not actually sure about that. Uncle James came early to help, dad had to leave.” Jim winced at that, knowing I was finally getting along with my dad, “He promised to stay in touch this time. Draal turned human for about a week and a half.” Tilting my head, I looked over my fingers, trying to count, and I was already up to seven events. “The tribunal was summoned, Vendel announced I was a tribe leader, the leaders found out you’re half changeling. Almost killed her highness-lady. We got Enrique through the portal, Eclipse magic manifested.” I growled, the final days of Jim being locked in the Darklands, “Found a cure for Arrrgh, the Janus Order had it, Mr. Evil Man broke into our house and school, stole my paint.” I hissed, still finding random objects with that damn sun painted on them. “Broke into the Janus Order headquarters, scared the crap out of their leader. Stole Vendel’s staff, and traded it for the cure to save Arrrgh. Kanjigar possessed him, we were chased down by Trollmarket’s guards, and were technically fugitives from Trollmarket. You know the rest.”
During the last portion of my recount, Jim’s jaw kept dropping lower and lower. I reached over and pushed his jaw back up.
“That was the quick version?” He yelped, snapping out of his stupor.
Shrugging, I stared at him blankly, “Yup. Questions?”
Jim’s eyes shot back and forth, trying to decide where to start. “Usurna called me a halfling because they know I’m half changeling?”
“Yup, the Tribunal voted to ‘destroy’ the bridge. They tried to dump it in the ocean.” I nodded, “When she and her guards stopped us from saving you the first time, Uncle James snapped at her, I almost killed her.” I sneered, sparks of orange and red magic responding to the rage I still felt from that moment.
“What stopped you?” He asked, eyeing the magic flaring in the lines of my stone skin.
Huffing, I glanced back to where the rest of our family was planning a stakeout. “A mix of Draal and Uncle James, honestly. The magic that manifested felt like your armor when we connected in the Darklands, when her soldiers tried pulling me back, their flesh seemed to rot with contact.” I traced a line of the Eclipse magic running through my flesh. “It didn’t hurt Draal or your dad though. And it sounds like Vendel’s been using it as a way to keep Usurna in check.”
“Wait,” Jim shook his head, surprised, “Vendel’s been threatening her?”
I waved my hand in a so-so manner, “Not exactly, from what Eri’s overheard, he’s been reminding her what could happen if she tries overstepping, in my life at least.”
His eyes looked like they might pop from their sockets, “Breaking into the Janus Order?”
“Changelings that serve Gunmar as a means to an end, that end being Morgana,” I held my hand up before he could interrupt me, “They confirmed it, only taking orders directly from her. The only reason they want Gunmar free is to release her, apparently Uncle Merlin has something to do with the crazy version of her being locked away.”
“Crazy version?” Jim really looked like he was about to lose it. He missed a lot more than his usual Trollhunter duties.
I pulled on my hoodie string, thinking of the dreams I had in the shadow realm. “Well, the one I talked to was from a time well before the Battle of Killahead. She said something about primordial magic that corrupted her. All I know is they’re both connected to the shadow realm and the crazy one can talk to the Changelings.”
“You talked to her?! You were in the shadow realm?” Jim yelped, shocked knowing how I reacted to what my father knew of my mother’s ‘death.’
“Trust me, that’s complicated and I still don’t understand how or why it happened. Good news though, I should be getting my memories back. Bad news, no idea when.” I shrugged, watching as Jim was trying to wrap his head around everything.
“So,” He fumbled, gesturing to all of me, “you’re using impossible magic connected to the armor. You, somehow, spoke to a dead witch, who’s not actually dead. Vendel made you leader of the Changelings, well, our Changelings. You’ve been dealing with troll politics, and Usurna isn’t leaving anytime soon. Became a fugitive from Trollmarket. And that was all in the few weeks I’ve been in the Darklands?” Well, at least he seems to be listening now.
I tilted my head back, thinking over his summary. “Yeah, that’s basically everything you missed.”
Jim flopped his head onto the table, letting out a groan. “I really messed up, didn’t I?”
Pausing, I looked him over, surprised he was even admitting it at this point. “You made your choice, now we’re dealing with it.”
“You’re still pissed,” He winced.
Snarling, I pulled him to sit up by his shoulder, “You’re damn right I’m pissed!”
Our friends’ voices cut out at the sound of my anger, Draal the first one to peek around the bookshelves to see if we were okay.
“You get some ill timed advice from Kanjigar, and trust me, I’ve already torn into him for that, and decide to jump ship, ALONE, into the Darklands, after promising everyone would be going with you!” I snarled, both of us standing as I tore into him, easily towering over him in my troll form. “So, yeah, I’m pissed off! You broke your word, left us to care for your duties. You left the Amulet with ME! Told me to keep it safe until you came back or it called another, hate to break it to you Jim, but you’re it!” I snapped, seeing Draal physically flinch in my peripheral.
“What do you mean ‘he’s it?’” Uncle James asked, having arrived with Eemeli while I was mid rant.
Pulling back, I glared at the amulet resting on the table. “Kanjigar said that the amulet wouldn’t call another. The trollhunter’s knew the last would come from the human world. Jim is Merlin’s final champion.”
“What?!” Toby yelped, rushing over to us, “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“It wasn’t safe,” I growled, clenching my fists so tight that my claws were digging into the stone flesh of my palms. “Trollmarket isn’t safe.”
“Usurna?” Jim asked, having seen how on edge I was any time the Krubera or their Queen was near.
Nodding, I summoned the amulet to my hand. “Even your predecessor can sense it, she’s hiding something.”
Draal clasped my shoulder, “We’ll find answers, one way or another.”
I held out the amulet to Jim, “There’s a lot more going on than just us rescuing you from the Darklands. Merlin mentioned this wouldn’t be our last ‘trial,’ so to speak, which is why we can’t get comfortable.”
“You think something worse than the Darklands is coming?” Jim asked, slowly taking the amulet.
Shrugging I dropped my hand, shifting back into my human form, Draal’s hand still holding my shoulder. My mind raced to the fae-like creature I met in the shadow realm, “I hope not.”
Jim nodded, “Come on, it’s dark enough to head out, and I’d appreciate it if you’d come with us.” He offered, trying to make amends in his own way, still needing to process everything.
“We’re gonna stay back,” Eemeli gestured to Uncle James and Draal. “If Usurna tries anything, we’ll get in contact. Also, why is there a pile of charred books?”
Blinky groaned, waving it off, still refusing to look at the books. “Just leave it be, maybe I’ll finish burning them.”
Those who entered when Blinky was going mad let out a collective chuckle. An unhinged Blinky wasn’t one to be messed with.
Claire opened a shadow portal for the alleyways near Arcadia Cinema and we jumped in, hoping there wasn’t actually a goblin problem. Could always be a bear.
We snuck through the alley way, Jim and Blinky towards the front, Claire, Toby and I in the middle, and Arrrgh taking the rear.
Jim waved for us to stop as he peered around a corner, watching the back exit of the cinema. “Alright, coast is cleared,” he whispered. “Nothing like a simple mission to get our mojo back, huh?” He asked, trying to be upbeat again after the incident in the library.
As we walked around him to head for the dumpsters, Claire paused at his choice of words, “Did you just say ‘mojo’?”
Arrrgh took to the front of our group, sniffing over the area, ending up behind the dumpster. “Huh, smell poop.”
“Well,” I huffed, “the troll was right about one thing. Anyone else hoping for a bear?”
He opened the dumpster, pulling out what looked like large rabbit droppings and ate it. Toby and Claire gagged at the sight, my nose wrinkling at the thought that trolls eat the weirdest things.
Arrrgh continued to pull out random items, licking a few and sniffing others.
“Arrrgh, what is it?” Blink asked as Arrrgh pulled out a collar with a bell.
Humming, Arrrgh grinned at the taste of the collar. “Cat!” Sniffing it again, he growled, “No. Blood goblin.”
Blinky let out a horrified gasp, “It cannot be.”
“Blood goblins?” Toby asked, peering into the dumpster. “Are those the green ones or the blue ones?”
Shaking his head, Blinky winced, “Contrary to their name, blood goblins are white.”
“But they can’t be here!” Claire interrupted, panicking. “The only place you can find white goblins is…”
“The Darklands,” Jim took a deep breath, sitting on a crate.
“No way, we destroyed the bridge!” Toby pointed out.
“Can’t goblins go through the fetch?” I asked quickly, hoping I hadn’t been right about danger coming soon.
Blinky sighed, “Blood goblins are too big to pass through the fetch, and if one was small enough, due to the inability to control them, I don’t believe the Janus Order would let them roam around.”
“Well,” Claire frowned, going to Jim. “Draal left his post to save us. You don’t think in that time…”
“If they got out, what if Gunmar got-” Jim tried asking before Blinky cut him off.
“No. No, no. We would know if he got out.” Blinky stated quickly, “Death would be on every doorstep, Arcadia turned to ash. We would know. These are just a few goblins. A few ferocious, insatiable, bloodthirsty goblins.”
Arrrgh burped as he was still eating junk from the dumpster.
“It’s possible they were close to the bridge, Draal and I weren’t in the Darklands very long.” I reasoned, placing my hand on Jim’s shoulder.
“Jim,” Toby winced, “There’s been something we’ve been meaning to ask you.”
“Toby,” Claire cut him off, “If these little poopers are in Arcadia, how do we find them?”
“We don’t find them,” Jim nodded to me, standing from the box as I let my hand slip from his shoulder, “they find us. Once they're on your scent, you can’t shake ‘em. They’re going to be after me.”
“But you weren’t the only one in there.” Toby pointed out. “Nomura was with you.”
“Nomura skipped town as soon as she rested. She’s long gone.” Claire spoke up, knowing she left on the intact gyre this morning.
“Well, then why aren’t they here?” Toby huffed.
Jim’s eyes widened, “Because someone else was in there too.” Panic was setting in, “They’re going after Chompsky!”
“He’s at Toby’s, is Nana home?” I asked quickly, watching panic set in amongst the teens. “Toby,” I grabbed him by the shoulders, “Is she at home?”
“Yes!” Toby yelped.
“Claire, portal.” I instructed.
Nodding, Claire pulled out her shadow staff, “I’m aiming for the backyard.”
We all ran in, Blinky and Arrrgh heading for the side of the house while we snuck into the back door with Toby.
As soon as we entered, we found Nana doing the dishes, no goblins in sight so far.
Toby hushed us as he slowly approached Nana. “Nana!” He greeted, startling her from the dishes.
“Oh, Toby Pie!” She greeted, seeing all of us. “I thought you kids were upstairs playing. There was an awful lot of noise.”
“The goblins are here?” Toby gasped, “Uh, I mean… I must have left my music on.” He tried to cover.
“Goblins are here?” Nana asked, eyeing Toby. “Oh, that’s a horrible band name. I don’t understand what you kids listen to these days.”
As soon as Nana’s back was to us, I grabbed everyone and teleported up to Toby’s room.
“Chompsky?” Jim asked, seeing the dollhouse torn open.
“No!” Toby yelped, diving into the dollhouse to look for the gnome. “Not Chompsky!”
Jim carefully picked up a little red hat.
“Poor gnome,” Arrrgh whimpered as he and Blinky joined us.
“It was supposed to be a simple mission.” Jim winced, handing over the hat to Toby.
“There’s no such thing as a simple mission.” Claire sighed.
Jim sighed, taking a seat in front of the tv playing ‘Go-Go Sushi’.
“The little guy survives the Darklands, then goes out like this?” Toby asked, face dropping as he looked at Claire then me. “Nothing’s been right since…” He scowled at the little hat. “Why did you go into the Darklands without us?!” Toby yelled, causing the rest of us to jump.
I knew the others were mad, but seeing Toby like this? It really showed that they all felt the same betrayal I had when Jim left.
“Wait, what?” Jim asked, surprised this was being brought up again.
Toby went off, “We found the amulet together, we trained together, we found your dads together, we killed Angor Rot together! And then you just left us.”
“Wait, is this how you all feel?” Jim asked, looking to the others since I had made my anger known, no one else speaking up till now.
“You promised we’d get my brother,” Claire pointed out, “together.”
Blinky sighed, “After everything we’d been through, you said it was ‘Trollhunters,’ not ‘Trollhunter.’”
“Even Kanjigar recognized that,” I sighed, clasping Toby’s shoulder.
“Yeah,” Arrrgh agreed with Blinky and I.
“Gunmar wanted revenge for killing his son. The amulet chose me to protect you.” Jim tried to justify.
“We protect each other!” Claire snapped.
Sighing, Jim turned his back on us, “When I saw Arrrgh die, I couldn’t bear losing any more of you. I just wish everything could go back to the way things were. When everything was… normal.” Jim shook his head, fist slamming into the table. “Yeah, the Darklands was a failure. I went in alone so you wouldn’t have to. But classic Jim, you guys have to rescue me anyway. Some hero I am.”
Blinky took the hat from Toby as we gathered closer to Jim. “The amulet made you a Trollhunter. You made yourself a hero.” He smiled, grasping Jim’s shoulder as he handed him the hat.”
“But Chompsky didn’t deserve this.” Jim held the hat tight, standing. “He may have been small, but he had a big…” he paused as Arrrgh began sniffing the hat. “You mind? I was trying to give a eulogy.”
Arrrgh walked past Jim, continuing to sniff.
“By Gorgus!” Blinky cried out, “He’s picked up their scent!”
“The goblins?” Claire asked, hopeful we could find them.
“Gnome!” Arrrgh grinned.
“Chompsky’s alive?” Toby grinned, looking over all of us. “What are we waiting for? Let’s go find him!”
Arrrgh led us out of the house and back through the yard. We were headed back into town.
I pulled Jim back as we walked. “You okay?”
Jim glanced up at me, surprised. “Maybe?”
“Still wishing everything was normal?” I asked, keeping an eye on where we were headed, I swear if we end up at the museum again, I’m tearing the goblins to shreds.
“Let me guess, ‘We can’t go back to normal after you went running off into the Darklands,’” Jim huffed, thinking I was going into another lecture.
“Actually,” I gave him a disgruntled side-eye for good measure. “I was going to point out something Toby and Draal had to drill into my head recently.”
Jim looked taken aback, slowing his steps slightly as he waited for me to continue.
Smiling, I looked up at Toby, “Blinky and Claire were venting their frustrations. My ‘evolving skills’ were an easy focal point for them to attack, so to speak. Toby had to remind me that I’m not normal. Hell, neither of us are normal. From our parents, to our friends, our lives?”
At first, Jim looked shocked, glancing between Claire and Blinky, never thinking they would mess with me, even in their frustrations with me.
“Our normal, is whatever we choose to make it,” I pointed out, “There’s no one like us, in the human or magic world. We’re the firsts, and we get to make our own rules, our own way.” I ruffled his hair, genuinely smiling for the first time since we rescued him. “Merlin’s heir and Merlin’s champion. I have a feeling he knew it’d be you.”
“Merlin?” Jim asked, the group pausing ahead as Arrrgh sniffed the air. “You mentioned you talked with him.”
Nodding, I glanced up at the night sky, “In the mana pools. I couldn’t figure out how to reach you in the Darklands and I figured if anyone could tell me, it was Merlin. Well, according to him, I used to call him Uncle Mer.”
“How’d it go?” He stopped, turning fully to face me.
“I needed a change of perspective.” I smiled, turning to him as I summoned the amulet, letting a small amount of my mana enter it, turning the blue disc orange for a moment. “I’m physically and magically tied not only to the amulet, but to you. We’re two sides of the same coin, or in this case,” I paused, watch Jim process my words.
Smiling, he took the amulet from me, tossing it like a coin. “Two sides of the same amulet.”
“You and Claire were both right.” I added, looking at the group, “You may have been chosen to protect our worlds, but Trollhunters protect each other. Something Draal has had to drill into my brain before.”
“No more River shield?” He asked, referring to my stunt in the Quagawump swamps.
“Nah,” I smirked, “I have to trust that my allies can protect you, and each other. Besides, you have an actual shield now.” I snickered, using Draal’s joke.
Arrrgh grunted, heading to the back of a small warehouse. “Here,” he pointed out.
“They’re inside,” Jim snapped his focus back to the task on hand, heading straight for the building.
Toby tried the door but it was locked, Arrrgh stepping in to break the door.
“Hush!” Blinky stopped the large troll. “We must be silent, lest we alert them.”
Jim took to climbing up the side of the building, only able to make it halfway.
Claire and I glanced at each other.
“Um,” she took out her shadow staff, getting Jim’s attention.
“Let me guess, short cut?” Jim asked sarcastically, letting go of the wall.
“River or I could get us in,” She pointed out.
I nudged her shoulder with mine, “Go ahead, practice will help your mana pools grow.”
Nodding she opened a portal, aiming for the other side of the wall. We all quickly jumped in, taking cover behind the crates.
Toby cleared us to continue on as we searched through the warehouse, humming spy music to himself. Opening a crate, he gasped as he pulled out a colorful tube. “We’re in a fireworks warehouse? So cool!”
Arrrgh and Blinky immediately look at me, worried. One highly explosive wizard in the middle of a fireworks warehouse was not ideal.
“Toby, focus.” Claire hissed at him, trying to get him to quiet down. “We’re here to save Chompsky.”
He closed the crate quickly, a look of determination replacing his excitement. “You’re right. But we’re coming back here later.”
“I’m not,” I snickered, following Jim.
He peered around a crate, gasping. We could hear the blood goblins laughing. “Looks like there’s two of ‘em. River and I will flank right, you take left.”
“There should be more, shouldn’t there?” Toby asked, suddenly nervous.
My ears twitched at the sound of growling, glancing up to see a blood goblin on a crate. “Shit!”
The goblin pounced on Blinky’s face, causing the troll to run out where the other two could see him, knocking over several crates of fireworks.
Turning the corner, I groaned seeing that the goblins were the ones that made a fire. “That’s not good!”
The goblins charged, one going for Claire and the other for Arrrgh.
“For the doom of Gunmar,” Jim began, the amulet glowing the wrong color.
“Wrong one!” Toby yelped, activating his war hammer.
“Oops,” Jim winced. “Little rusty. For the glory of Merlin, Daylight is mine to command!” The armor activated, Jim sent a burst of daylight towards the goblin pinning Claire, barely missing it as the goblin dodged. “A little help River?”
“If we blow up, I’m haunting the past Trollhunters in the void!” I snarled, activating Midnight and aiming for the goblin attacking Blinky. As it tried to jump away, I angled the blade of Midnight down, slicing up in an arc and sending a wave of orange mana slicing through the goblin. “One down!”
The goblin Jim was fighting started to use the stick Chompsky was tied to as a sword, flicking embers out and into the crates of fireworks. Said crates were rapidly catching on fire.
“Fireworks fire! Do we put it out or see what happens?” Toby yelped, bouncing in his panic.
Arrrgh quickly went to Toby and blew on the flames, only making them grow faster. “Oh.” He hummed looking at Toby, “See what happens.”
“River?!” Toby yelped, throwing a firework into the flames watching it explode.
“I didn’t do it!” I yelled, chasing the goblin that was previously attacking Arrrgh. Claire grabbed the fire extinguisher only to find out it was empty, “Don’t you have a water spell?”
“With very good concentration, or it explodes!” I yelped as the goblin jumped from the crates in my blind spot, scratching over the scars from Angor Rot’s final attack. “That's it!” I snarled, black flames erupting over my palms as my anger fueled my magic, the veining on Midnight turning red. I grabbed the goblin and the black flames engulfed it. I threw it off of me, unfortunately into the already growing firework fire, causing the orange flames to turn black, a red glow bathing the warehouse now. “Uh oh… okay” I winced, “that one was me.”
The stick the last goblin was using was launched into the fire, stuck in a crate. Chompsky was tied to it. Claire rushed to him with Blinky, carefully untying him while avoiding the flames.
As Jim sliced through the last goblin, Toby climbed onto a crate in the middle of the madness, “Behold! Our dreams and nightmares are uniting!”
Once free, Chompsky ran past us, back into the flames, emerging moments later carrying his Sally-go-back doll girlfriend.
“We gotta get out of here!” Claire picked Chompsky up, looking at the chaos around us.
Jim ran back to us, “Come on!”
Claire opened a portal directly beneath us and we fell out into an alley.
We watched as the fireworks went off, Blinky and Arrrgh mesmerized by them.
“Fireworks,” Claire sighed, leaning on the shadow staff. “So much nicer from a distance.”
Jim turned, getting our attention to see what Chompsky was up to.
Removing the ring from what was left of his spike, he proposed to his girl, sliding the ring on her thigh when her arms weren’t big enough.
We all clapped for the little gnome, Toby tearing up.
“I’m not sure it’s official, but it’s sweet.” Blinky chuckled.
Jim smiled, “Looks like some good came out of the Darklands, after all.”
“Yeah, you dingus!” Claire laughed, “My brother is back because of you.” She nudged into him with her shoulder. “Some great came out of it. We don’t wanna go back and change that.”
“Thank Deya, if I go through another time jump, I might snap.” I huffed, very glad I hadn’t stumbled upon time magic in my lessons or panic induced casting.
“That’s true,” Jim smiled, “We okay, T.P.?”
“We awesome-sauce.” Toby’s smile quickly turning into a glare. “Although I hate that T.P.’s catching on.”
“So, we shall not return to the past, but shall we return to Trollmarket?” Blinky asked, wincing as he watched Chompsky dancing with the doll. “I feel uncomfortable feeding the gnome’s delusions.”
“Yeah,” Toby agreed as we all paused, “This is getting really awkward.
Claire snickered, elbowing me in the ribs, “You gonna tell Draal that a doll got a ring before you?”
“We’re technically ‘married’ by troll standards,” I rolled my eyes, “I don’t need a ring, I’ve got Draal.”
“That was surprisingly sentimental,” Toby laughed.
“How about that short cut?” Jim asked, turning to Claire.
Smiling, Claire linked her arm with Jim’s. “Actually, let’s walk this time. It’s a nice night out.”
Everyone but Chompsky and I followed them.
“River?” Jim asked, looking back at me worried.
I waved him off, smiling. “You guys go on ahead, I have a mate to get home to.”
Jim smiled, nodding as he turned back, heading off with the others.
My smile slipped once they were out of sight. Looking back to the fireworks. Thinking over the possibility of changing the timeline, I shuddered. I don’t think I’d be able to handle that.
Sighing, I teleported to Draal’s energy, landing in the nest with a bounce.
“Rough night?” He asked, seeing my clothes were singed.
I snickered, sitting up as he walked over to the nest. “Not surprised? I used to make you jump.”
“One, I’ve been able to feel your magic shift since we took the binding cure. Two, you’re deflecting.” He smirked, wiping soot off of my face.
Sighing, I leaned into his chest. “We found blood goblins.” He went stone stiff. “And we sort of blew up a fireworks warehouse… the goblins started the fire.”
“That,” He huffed, trying to gather himself, running his stone hand through my hair. “That was a rough night. Blood goblins.”
“We’re hoping they’re strays that were near the bridge when it opened, all dead now,” I pulled back looking up at him, “but…” I trailed off.
“You’re worried that you’re right, something more dangerous than the Darklands is coming.” Draal sighed.
“I’m worried Gunmar had enough time to escape, even by himself.” I admitted, knowing our stunt to save the others was a risk. “And what the crazy witch will do if he frees her.” My hand ghosted over the locket where the memory of my mother’s final battle rested.
“How do you feel?” Draal asked, seeing my hand hesitate over the locket.
“Like time itself is my worst nightmare,” I shook my head, opening the locket. “If Gunmar is able to release her, I need to face this. I need to know what she’s capable of.”
Draal sat on the nest, pulling me into his lap. “I’m here, whatever you decide.”
Taking out the teardrop that held my last memory of my mother, I looked up at Draal, and broke it.
0 notes
sorceress-coffee · 2 years
RoA Chapter 29: Wingmen
Ao3 Chapter
The Trollhunter universe and characters don't belong to me. River, Eri, Eemeli, Ms. Kamaria/Sylvina, Garridan, Ganieda, and the Eclipse Guard are my own characters (List is subject to change as the story progresses). The lore is a mix of old Arthurian legends, ToA cannon lore, and my own that I've developed for RoA.
“And then I took the Killstone from him, and never looked back.” Jim sighed, explaining to Blinky how we got the Killstone from Angor Rot again.
Blinky was holding the stone up to a lantern in the library, examining the crystal closely. “A valiant risk for the second Triumbric Stone. But you say Angor Rot’s ring was destroyed?” He asked for the hundredth time tonight, making sure we were 100% sure about the events.
“Well, he hit the ring with Daylight, then the soul kind of floated away a bit before dissipating,” I shrugged, leaning against Draal, exhausted from Blinky’s incessant questioning. “We took off on the Vespa, almost crashed against some stone, then I teleported Jim and I up to the canal before he could reach us.”
“Yeah,” Jim winced, thinking back to Angor Rot’s reaction. “He wasn’t very happy to lose his soul. Now that no one controls him,” he paused, glancing at me before continuing, “I guess he’ll be on a warpath.”
“All the more reason to find the third and last stone before he shows up again,” Claire piped up as she, Toby, and Eemeli reached the library. Eemeli volunteered to escort the two humans now that Angor was unleashed.
“Hey!” Toby grinned, running around Blinky and sticking his arms out like Blinky’s second set, “Good to see you back to normal, Blinky.” He paused looking over at Draal and me pouting, “You too Draal, but I was really looking forward to Steve freaking out when you two show up at Spring Fling.”
I rolled my eyes, nuzzling against Draal’s stone shoulder, “Forget it Tobes, we’ve got more important things to focus on, besides it’s not exactly safe with Angor on the loose, he’s attacked the school before under Strickler’s orders, now that he’s free, if not unhinged, he probably won’t hesitate to attack us there again.”
Blinky sighed, thinking back to his fleshy days, “My only regret was that I never had a chance to drive one of your automobiles. But Lady River is right, now that Angor can’t be controlled, anyone that stands between him, Master Jim, and Lady River are in grave danger.”
“What was that last line again?” Jim asked, trying to remember the riddle describing where the Triumbric Stones were hidden.
“Three forces elemental thou must seek in marshlands, caverns deep, and mountains peak.” Claire recited, stunning Toby, Blinky, and Jim. Smiling softly, Claire shrugged off their stunned silence. “If I can memorize 400 lines of Shakespeare, I can remember that.”
“Check and check on the marshlands and mountain,” Toby counted off on his fingers. Grabbing the book Blinky held, he placed it over his head like a helmet, wincing as he thought over the riddle. “That just leaves us the caverns deep.”
“Because that’s so specific,” I sighed softly, realizing this might be the hardest stone to find.
Blinky nodded as my exasperation, “Your frustration is well founded, Lady River. All trolls live in caverns deep.”
“So, these would have to be very specific caverns, maybe somewhere trolls wouldn’t want to venture?” I asked, hoping to find some way to narrow the search.
“The salt caves,” Draal piped up, looking at me as he spoke. “Only one specific breed of troll is able to survive down there, no other trolls could reach it.”
“We wouldn’t happen to know anyone that could go there?” I asked, Blinky, hopeful we may have a lead.
“Arrrgh would be the only one,” He nodded in thought, “Speaking of. Has anyone seen him? We’ll need all hands on deck if we are to find the last stone.”
“He was heading to see Vendel last I spoke with him,” Draal mentioned, having run into Arrrgh when he brought the Vespa back earlier.
“Very well, let’s go get him,” Blinky nodded, all of us finally getting up to head out of the library.
“Oh, thank Deya,” I grumbled, causing Draal to laugh. I was just happy I didn’t have to recite our run in with Angor Rot again.
“So, the last stone gave you those sweet thigh blades.” Toby pointed out, eyeing the stone as Jim examined it. “What do you think this one will do?”
“I don’t know,” Jim shrugged, holding the stone closer, “We’ll have to cut it and then we’ll,” he was cut off by the sound of a horn.
The crystal lights began to dim around us. Every troll in the streets began to line up as those in their homes gathered in the windows, even the Gnomes were quietly gathering along streets. “What’s that for?” I asked, never seeing Trollmarket like this, even during my extended stays.
“Not sure,” Jim frowned, summoning the armor, “but stay close.”
Bagdwella smacked the sword in Jim’s grip, sneering at him. “Put that sword away. Don’t you know our guests are sensitive to light?”
“Guests?” I looked up to Draal for more information.
He nodded towards a group of glowing trolls, many who looked like Arrrgh as they approached. A female troll was being carried on a slab of rock, she had an ornate headpiece and glowing crystal staff. All trolls in attendance bowed their heads as she was brought by.
“Wow,” Claire gasped softly, watching our guests. “They all look like Arrrgh.”
“Queen Usurna of the Krubera,” Blinky explained, “they reside in the deepest caverns under the Earth’s mantle.”
“The salt caves we were speaking about earlier?” I asked, noticing Arrrgh joining us along with Vendel, his hand wrapped similarly to mine when I had burned them.
Blinky nodded as he watched the trolls approaching, “Rarely do they venture this close to the surface.”
“You don’t think that,” Jim began to ask, Blinky cutting him off quickly.
“It’s plausible,” He agreed, “if not convenient.”
“Very convenient,” I murmured, tearing my gaze from Arrrgh’s bandage to the queen.
Vendel quickly approached Queen Usurna, the smile he used when he was trying to keep himself from whacking Blinky over the head with his staff plastered on his face. Something wasn’t right about this.
“Vendel,” She greeted simply, stepping from the platform.
“They’re as talkative as Arrrgh too,” Jim mumbled as we bowed.
“I thought Arrrgh was a Gumm-Gumm,” Toby asked, confused.
“Arrrgh was,” Blinky turned slightly to look at the boys, still keeping his head bowed. “But he was born a Krubera. Now hush.” He slid in front of Jim, hand covering Toby’s mouth quickly to keep him from asking more questions.
Queen Usurna’s gaze met our group, quickly locking onto Arrrgh. Smiling softly, she approached. “Aarghaumont, my kinstroll.” She greeted Arrrgh, pressing her forehead to his causing the grooves in Arrrgh’s skin to glow the same purple as the rest of the Krubera present, only ending when she pulled away. “The centuries pass, yet you remain forever in our hearts.”
“My queen,” Arrrgh smiled, bowing his head to her again.
Queen Usurna then turned to the rest of our group, eyeing Jim’s armor. Blinky quickly came forward gesturing to Jim. “Allow me to introduce our Trollhunter. Slayer of Gunmar’s son.”
“Uh,” Jim stammered out as Blinky pushed him forward, “James like Junior, your Queen-ness.” He greeted her.
She grabbed his chin, examining him as she spoke, “A human Trollhunter. I heard the stories, but I didn’t believe.”
Vendel cut in, motioning to me as he spoke, “I would like to introduce Lady River, my student, and Merlin’s heir.”
I bowed my head slightly, “Your highness,” I greeted her, unsure of what else to do in this situation.
Queen Usurna dropped Jim’s face immediately, turning to examine me, eyes wide. “The heir of Merlin was lost at the battle of Killahead.”
“Funny thing about time portals, your highness, they usually drop you in another time,” my dad spoke up, joining our group in troll form.
This seemed to shock the queen just as much as Vendel’s proclamation. “General Garridan, it is still General, yes?”
He nodded, “Yes, though, of the Eclipse Guard, not the Gumm-Gumms.”
“Then there is now doubt of your heritage, young sorceress,” She turned back to me, grabbing my face in a similar manner to Jim, “Surprising though, you have no resemblance to your father.”
I pulled my magic from the collar, shifting to my full height, a little over her eye level now. “It’s a glamour, allows me to continue living with my human family on the surface.”
She dropped my face, nodding slowly, “I see, Vendel, you must be very proud. Training the heir of Merlin is quite the accomplishment, especially as a troll.”
Toby nudged Jim at this point, reminding him of the stones. “Oh, right!” Jim approached the queen again. “Your highness… lady? I recently heard a story about deep caverns and a magic stone.”
“A stone?” Queen Usurna asked, choosing to amuse Jim and Toby for the moment.
“From a trilogy of sorts? Some might say the Triumbric variety?” Toby piped in.
Vendel’s staff came down between the boys and the queen, scolding the teens quickly. “That’s not how you speak to a queen.”
Queen Usurna let out a chuckle, gesturing to the boys, “Their informality is amusing. No, Trollhunter.” She sighed, shaking her head. “We do not have it. But I am familiar with that which you seek. It was once in our possession, but stolen years ago.”
“But if you don’t have it, why have you come here,” Jim tried asking before Vendel interrupted him quickly. Something was definitely off with my teacher.
“To celebrate!” Vendel exclaimed, getting in Jim’s face. “This rare and momentous visit, I propose a grand match of PyroBligst!”
Queen Usurna smiled at the suggestion, “Then it is wise I brought with me our tribe’s two heartiest trolls.” Two Krubera trolls came to stand before us, and a few female trolls nearby began to fawn over them.
“Arrrgh will represent us,” Vendel announced, gesturing to Jim next, “to be paired with our Trollhunter.”
“Yeah!” Toby cheered, “Go Jimbo!”
“What exactly is PyroBligst?” I asked Draal, confused about all the fanfare.
Blinky decided to answer instead, “It is a tradition as old as it is dismembering.”
“I apologize, Merlin’s heir,” Queen Usurna smiled, “unfortunately sorcerers are unable to complete. Magic could give you an unfair advantage.”
“I’ll keep that in mind, your highness,” I smiled, bowing my head slightly in thanks.
“I shall look forward to the game, later this evening, Merlin’s heir, Lady River, yes? I do hope you join Vendel and I for the game.” Queen Usurna smiled before leaving with the Krubera and Vendel to the old pub.
Blinky quickly rushed our group away to the forge in the center of the Heartstone. “Come now, young wards, we must prepare the Killstone.”
Garridan kept his eye on the Krubera trolls now intermixing with those of Trollmarket, “Anyone else think this is too convenient?”
“The Queen knew you, is there something wrong?” I asked, glancing from the new trolls to my dad.
“You know how changelings came to be? Those taken from the Krubera weren’t changed, they were trained as soldiers from a very young age.” Garridan began to explain, Blinky taking over as we reached the forge, Jim focusing on cutting the Killstone.
“If the Krubera are so sensitive to light, how come Arrrgh isn’t?” Toby asked, confused on how different Arrrgh is from the rest of his kind.
“Arrrgh was forced to adapt in many ways, hardened to survive.” Blinky sighed out.
“Is that why he doesn’t speak as elegantly as they do?” Claire asked, still watching Jim cut the stone.
“Being ripped away from your home at such a tender age, has a way of stunting one’s potential.” Blinky nodded, explaining why there were so many differences.
I frowned, Arrrgh and I seemed to have a lot in common on that front. We both had to change and adapt quickly in order to survive after being torn from our homes. Hell, we were both light sensitive in a way, I just had to grow stone skin so it wouldn’t kill me. I leaned against Draal’s arms, lost in my thoughts on Arrrgh’s and my similarities.
“That’s the saddest thing I’ve ever heard,” Toby frowned before being distracted by a glowing Killstone, perfectly cut to unlock its power. “Whoa,” he gasped out, reaching for the stone.
Jim batted Toby’s arms away, scolding him immediately, “Toby, get back. This is a delicate and sacred ritual. And you’re drooling all over it.” Jim smiled, putting the freshly cut stone in his amulet. “Two stones down and one to go until we can give Gunmar the payback he deserves.”
Draal hummed in agreement, “It’s over 900 years coming.” He grasped my shoulder lightly, pulling me from my thoughts. “Come it is time to prepare for PyroBligst. You’ll need to hand the amulet over to the trolls setting up the forge.”
Jim nodded, heading out with Draal quickly to get ready. I stayed behind with the others as they discussed Arrrgh and the Gumm-Gumm history.
“What do you think, River?” Blinky’s voice cut through my thoughts.
I shook my head, looking up to see everyone watching me. “‘What do I think of’ what?”
Blinky sighed, reiterating his questions, “Arrrgh’s unfortunate upbringing, everyone seems to have an opinion on it, you are the only one who hasn’t voiced theirs yet.”
“Oh,” I tugged on the strings of my hoodie, trying to think of what to say on the subject. “It’s just, I kind of get it?” I shook my head slightly, that didn’t sound right.
“You understand what it’s like being ripped from your home so young,” Garridan spoke up, seeing my hesitance. “I must admit, even I thought the circumstances were similar.”
“I’m just lucky my change wasn’t being taken by the Gumm-Gumms.” I shrugged.
A horn cut off all conversation, Blinky grinned ushering us out at the sound. “Come now! PyroBligst awaits!”
I headed off to the stands as the others met up with Jim. Smiling at Vendel I took a seat on the non-exploded side of the stadium wall. Queen Usurna sat on my other side, both leaders sitting in silence. Well, this isn’t awkward.
“Where’s Arrrgh?” I asked, realizing Draal was stepping into the forge with Jim.
“I sent the big-headed one off to find him,” Vendel sighed, watching the game wearily.
I nodded slowly, glancing at the queen who kept her focus on the game. Why did I have to be up here?
Draal and Jim approached the two Krubera in the ring, obviously explaining something to Jim as they walked. The Soothscryer appeared and for a moment I thought I was going to have my soul ripped out into the void again until an orb or some sort was shot out of it.
A Krubera troll grabbed the orb before it could hit the ground but Draal quickly tackled him causing the troll to lose the orb. We watched as Jim and the second Krubera chased the orb. As Jim was a breath away from the orb, the Krubera grabbed him and tossed him back over his shoulder. I tensed, grabbing the wall of the stands tightly as I watched Jim roll to the edge of the forge, glowing as they began to heat up.
“River,” Vendel’s voice brought me back, eyeing the glow of my hands. “No matter how much you want to, you cannot interfere in the games. He bested Bular and has Draal with him.”
I nodded, slowly forcing my grip to loosen, tamping out the magic that had been building, handprints burned where I had gripped the wall. “Right, if anyone has his back, it’s Draal.”
“You but a lot of faith in the son of the Trollhunter’s predecessor.” Queen Usurna spoke up, smirking as one of her kinstroll threw the orb into the Soothscryer’s mouth, making the first goal.
I sat back watching as Draal rushed to get Jim, pulling him up from the ledge. “I have faith that my mate will protect my family.” I said simply, smiling down at my boys.
This seemed to surprise the queen enough for her attention to shift from the game to me. “The son of Kanjigar is your mate? Isn’t he a little broken?” She asked suddenly.
I snarled, turning my full attention to her. “If you’re referring to his arm, Draal lost it during our fight with Bular. He ripped the amulet from Killahead Bridge to keep Gunmar sealed away.” Vendel tensed next to me, eyes focused on my form.
“I meant no disrespect,” Queen Usurna spoke, eyes betraying her amusement at the situation. “Most Krubera females would not bother courting a Troll with a disadvantage. Most of our people are bred for combat, you see. Any weakness, even earned during combat, is frowned upon.”
I huffed, looking over the Krubera in attendance. All were male and seemed to be carbon copies of each other. “I see,” I ground out, if this kept up my eyes might start glowing in annoyance. “Injury or not, however, Draal is the fiercest troll here.”
“Not to mention he’s a master with many weapons,” Vendel cut in, eyeing Usurna. “He fights with an axe, trains the Trollhunter how to wield Daylight properly, has taught the big-headed fleshbag how to use a Warhammer, and has even trained our sorceress here to use her lance. Draal is, in fact, the most capable Troll and match in all of Trollmarket,” he paused for a moment, making a point by adding, “and further than the market’s borders.”
“And here I thought Garridan was her father,” came Usurna’s snide remark, turning her attention back to the game.
Whatever was going on between Vendel and her highness-lady, seemed to be fueling whatever the hell that conversation was. I returned my focus to the game to see that the Krubera were up 3 to nothing, and both of them had weapons.
The orb shot out, immediately the Krubera tried to keep the orb. Draal rammed into one of the trolls before he could catch the orb. Quickly running up the wall, he grabbed his axe, knocking the orb from the Krubera’s hand as soon as he landed.
Jim ran for his amulet as the first Krubera began rolling straight for him, using a mace he tried to land a hit on Jim, instead, Jim used the Krubera as a stepping stone, grabbing the amulet and donning the armor as he landed behind the troll. He took off as the trolls gave chase. Running up the side of a forge blade, Draal threw the orb to him. Jim caught the orb midair and threw it into the mouth of the Soothscryer, winning Trollmarket’s first point.
I cheered as Vendel snickered, turning to Usurna, “It’s the human body,” he began to rub it in. “Quite nimble.”
During the next play, Jim took a mace to his side as he was thrown across the forge, landing in a heap. The Krubera broke off, heading for the sidelines of the forge as Draal retrieved Jim.
“What’s going on?” I asked Vendel, getting up to follow him as he headed down to check on our team.
“It’s the Scalding Hour, where trolls have their wounds sealed with burning hot metal, however, you may wish to heal your brother instead.”
I winced, even in my troll form I couldn’t imagine burning hot metal would feel too good. “That’s a good idea, Jim might combust if someone tries to do that to him.”
“Arrrgh still isn’t here?” Vendel asked as we reached the group.
I went to Jim, holding up my glowing hands, “Need help?” Jim nodded quickly, telling me where to heal as Draal had his wounds sealed.
“I’ve tried Toby. No answer.” Claire sighed, checking her phone again, “Arrrgh might not make it back.”
“We must win!” Vendel scolded our group, agitated.
“I know,” Blinky grinned, “For the glory of Trollmarket.”
Vendel shook his head, “Fools play for glory. We are playing for Arrrgh!”
I snapped my head to him, eyes wide. “What?!”
“If the Krubera win, they are taking Arrrgh forever! The bet was all I could do to stop Queen Usurna from demanding his return outright!” He explained quickly.
“They can do that?” Jim asked, suddenly terrified of losing the game. “Why?”
“What! Why! Where!” Vendel yelled, “It doesn’t matter. Just win the match.” For an outburst like that there still had to be more going on.
“Vendel, I’m staying down here. If her highness-lady has another snide remark to add I might burn down the forge.” I snarled, finishing up with Jim’s injuries. Vendel simply nodded, heading back up to the stands.
“We’re not gonna win,” Jim groaned, watching Vendel’s back as he left.
Draal grasped his shoulder, snarling as he watched the Krubera getting ready. “We may be down, but we’re not out! This is the Forge where heroes are born.” He exclaimed, gesturing to the statues of Jim’s predecessors.
“We’re down four to one,” Jim sighed.
Draal turned back to him, “And we’re going to be down one more if we give up on Arrrgh.” He turned to the statue of Kanjigar, “My father watches us from above. Let us make the Trollhunters of the past proud. Let us make Trollmarket proud.” He slammed his stone hand into the prosthetic, glancing at me before turning his attention to the show boating Krubera. “Let us show our guests the humbling they deserve!”
“Fools play for glory” Blinky called out as we glared down the Krubera, “But we play for Arrrgh!”
“For Arrrgh!” Jim yelled, raising his fists to the air.
He and Draal stepped back out into the ring as the games began again. The platform of the forge was raised to signify the second half of the games. This is where Jim had excelled in his training, if they were going to catch up in points this is how it would happen.
Fire and spears shout out as Draal threw Jim up to the platform and the orb. The Krubera quickly followed, catching the orb before Jim could. The troll tossed it to his teammate as Draal climbed up the platform behind him. Once tackled the Krubera lost control of the orb. During the confusion, the troll Draal wasn’t restraining, caught the orb and used boulder stance to roll up to the Soothscryer. As he drew closer, Jim suddenly leapt for him, the armor glowing as a shield came to life, smashing the Krubera from the Soothscryer and giving Draal enough time to make the point instead.
“Since when does Jim have a shield?” Claire asked, turning to Blinky.
“He’s unlocked the power of his second stone!” Blinky grinned, jumping slightly in his excitement.
Draal made the next point, all of Trollmarket cheering for him once again. I smiled softly at the sight, thankful Draal was able to not only be in Trollmarket, but to compete in the forge with every Troll cheering for him.
Jim made the tying point, using the forge blades to swing himself to the Soothscryer. The trolls began to stomp their feet as they cheered.
“It’s a tie!” I cheered, “If we score now, we win”
I watched as Draal took his boulder stance, luring the Krubera away from Jim, he threw the orb, almost hitting Vendel and the queen. Is it wrong that I was disappointed it didn’t hit her highness?
Jim caught the orb, both Krubera hot on his heels as he ran. Draal called for Jim to toss the orb. As soon as it went flying, one of the Krubera slammed into Draal before the other dropped on top of him, slamming him into the ground, the orb going out of bounds over the ledge.
“Draal!” I yelled, teleporting over to him. “Are you okay?”
“Am I,” he paused, looking around, “in the Void? Father? Father!” He called out, unable to see us, his mind in a daze.
“It’ll take time for that hit to wear off,” Blinky frowned, assessing Draal’s state.
“Problem is, he doesn’t have time.” Claire pointed out as the orb returned to the Forge, the Krubera taking off with it.
“We’ll never find a suitable replacement,” Blinky turned to Jim. “You’ll have to take them both on.
“By myself?” Jim began to panic, “For Pete’s sake.”
“Not for Pete. For Arrrgh!” Blinky scolded, not understanding the phrase.
Jim nodded, heading back into the game. I shifted to my troll form, helping Blinky get Draal to his feet and over to the sidelines.
Draal groggily nuzzled my cheek, smiling as stone flesh met stone flesh. “When we have a welp, make sure I’m not like my father. No distancing.” He chided, glaring up slightly at the statue. “Best conversation we have and it’s in the void.” He pouted, alluding to whatever the haze in his mind was showing him.
My face turned a dark purple as I blushed at the thought, “Draal if we ever have kids, I know you’ll do just fine.” I tried to reassure him.
“If I start acting like that, you better gut me where I stand.” He snarled, ripping his arm from Blinky to hug me tight.
“Oh boy,” I sighed as Claire began giggling at my predicament, “Any chance he remembers this conversation later?”
“I hope so,” she laughed, quickly clamping her mouth as we watched the Krubera surround Jim, trying to flatten him by rushing at him on both sides.
Jim crouched down over the orb, waiting for the impact. A roar ripped through the Forge as Arrrgh appeared, slamming the two Kruberas' heads down, stopping the ‘heartiest trolls’ the queen had in their tracks.
Toby ran to our group, out of breath and wheezing slightly as we cheered.
“What fortunate timing, Tobias.” Blinky grinned down at him. “The Bligst is nearly over.”
“I have no idea what’s happening, Is that a good thing?” Toby grinned, looking over at the scores.
“If we score, yes. If the other team scores, no.” Claire explained quickly.
We watched as Jim jumped from platform to platform, holding the orb tight. One of the Krubera knocked him off the platform, but he threw the orb just before hitting the floor, the armor disappearing on impact.
Arrrgh caught the orb, wincing at the impact to his left hand. He snarled, jumping up to the platform with the Soothscryer. The Krubera trolls tried to tackle him, Arrrgh’s markings glowed green as he dragged the Krubera with him, throwing the orb into the mouth of the Soothscryer, winning the Bligst.
“He did it!” I yelled, unable to jump and celebrate with the others as I was still supporting most of Draal’s weight.
“Arrrgh!” Jim yelled, running to the troll as the platforms descended. “You did it!”
“We did it,” Arrrgh smiled, hugging Jim.
Jim’s eyes were drawn to Arrrgh’s hand, it didn’t look right at all. I frowned as I pulled Draal along with me, checking Arrrgh’s hand. “Healing didn’t help.” I stated, referring to our battle in the Quagawumps’ swamp.
“Trollmarket is victorious!” Queen Usurna announced, drawing our attention to her and Vendel approaching us. “A Bligst for the ages.”
“The time has arrived that we bid our friends farewell,” Vendel called out. “But first, one last order of business.”
“Aarghaumont,” Usurna spoke directly to Arrrgh, “Brother, we know you are not well, but battled honorably. Will you return with us, your family? Or fight your last days here amongst your friends? The choice is yours.”
“What does she mean, ‘his last days?’” Toby asked, glaring slightly at the queen.
“Your wound,” Blinky frowned, looking up to Arrrgh. “Creeper’s sun poison.” He tried to hold his arm causing Arrrgh to yelp and pull away. “Oh, Arrrgh,” he sighed, “why did you not tell us?”
“Didn’t want worry.” Arrrgh spoke softly, allowing Blinky to examine his wound.
“Angor Rot must’ve cut him,” Claire winced, carefully holding Arrrgh’s arm.
Jim sighed softly, “This is my fault. It should’ve been me that got hurt.” He began, blaming himself for bringing us along.
“Not Jim’s fault.” Arrrgh grabbed Jim’s shoulder, trying to make that point clear. “Don’t wanna leave.” He spoke softly.
I ran my hand over his arm, pushing some of my healing magic into the wound. If I couldn’t reverse the effect, I could at least alleviate some of his pain. “I’m so sorry big guy.”
Toby had begun crying, knowing Arrrgh’s days were numbered.
“The only way you will survive is with your own kind. You must return with them.” Blinky spoke softly, knowing it was the only way to help Arrrgh now.
“We can always visit,” Jim tried, causing Blinky to shake his head.
“These are the caverns we spoke of earlier. I’m afraid, Master Jim, that only the Krubera can thrive in the Deep Caves.”
“Oh,” Jim seemed speechless, bowing his head to Arrrgh, “if it means he’ll live.”
“Arrrgh, what sort of a friend would I be if I demanded you stay?” Blinky asked.
Arrrgh sighed softly, looking over each of us, his eyes finally landing on Toby. “I will go.” He smiled softly, grasping Jim’s shoulder. “Goodbye.”
We each hugged Arrrgh, careful of his wounded arm. Draal, finally back in his right mind, patted Arrrgh on the back. “Goodbye, old friend. I shall protect them in your stead.” He vowed to Arrrgh.
Arrrgh smiled before turning to Toby, holding his good hand out, “Wingman?” he asked softly.
Sobbing, Toby tried to return the fist bump but ended up running away before he could, leaving Arrrgh in the Forge.
“Get Gunmar, for me.” Arrrgh spoke to Jim.
“Be well, big guy,” Jim choked out. Claire held his shoulder as we watched Arrrgh leave with the Krubera trolls, turning back for a moment.
“Tell Wingman, he family. I family.” Arrrgh spoke, turning back to follow the trolls out.
The way back home was quiet, Garridan taking the lead as Jim, Draal and I kept our pace slow.
“I hope Tobes will be okay,” I sighed softly, “eventually.”
Draal grasped my shoulder lightly, smiling softly, “Toby may be a squishy fleshbag, but he has a strong heart, and steadfast friends. In time he will be okay.”
As we reached the house, Garridan paused, looking over to Toby’s home. “I don’t think we’ll have to worry.” He smiled, looking back at us before entering the house.
The three of us snapped our heads to Toby’s house, Jim grinning as we saw Arrrgh in the window with Toby. He decided to stay with his family. I smiled, hugging Draal’s arm tight. “You’re right, I think Toby will be just fine.”
Rustling in the bushes behind us drew our attention, Jim pulled out the amulet believing it to be Angor Rot.
“Please, Trollhunter, you’re my only hope.” Strickler begged as he came out of the shadows, fear etched into his very skin. “If you want to save your mother’s life, you have to protect me.” He landed on his knees in front of Jim, fully begging for our help.
“Angor found him,” I glared, knowing we didn’t have much choice.
“Draal,” Jim spoke finally, pulling away from Strickler, “get him inside, please.”
“With pleasure,” Draal sneered, picking Strickler up by the collar of his jacket, being careful not to harm him but dragging him into the house all the same.
“What in Deya’s name?!” Garridan’s shock cut threw as Draal dropped Strickler on a chair.
I hummed, thinking of the feeling of rope in my hand, summoning it and tying Strickler to the chair. “Strickler, meet my dad. Dad, meet the asshole that was using the Inferna Copula, tied his fate to aunt Barbara’s and now has to be babysat until we figure out what to do with him.”
“‘Dad’?!” Strickler screeched, eyes going wide at the sight of Garridan, “You? You’re her father?!”
Dad groaned, looking around the living room. “Anyone have a sock or something we can use to shut him up?”
“Might mess with mom,” Jim pointed out, donning the armor. “Look, we just need to get through tonight. We’ll figure out a way to fix this in the morning. Uncle Gary, why don’t we take the first watch?”
Garridan huffed, sitting on the couch across from Strickler. “I can’t believe I’m forced to deal with you again.”
“Shouldn’t I be the one complaining? You’re the most hardass commander I ever had the displeasure of working under!”
“And you’re a power-hungry mongrel that’s put the entire troll, changeling, and human species at risk. Not to mention your attempts on my daughter’s life and my nephew’s life. If James were here and the spell was broken, he’d rip your spine out on the spot.” Garridan snarled.
“Maybe dad shouldn’t watch Strickler, even while being supervised.” I piped up, glancing between the two changelings.
“How about popcorn?” Draal snickered, having heard humans say they needed it when watching something dramatic.
Jim groaned, exasperated with all of us at this point. “We’re in for a long night.”
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sorceress-coffee · 3 years
Party Monster - Adventures in the Library Sciences
AO3 Link   Phase 2 - Chapter 27 - Episode 21
Jim’s POV
The guys and I headed back to Trollmarket, feeling better now that we found River and were able to go through some insane scenarios planning for Angor Rot.
“So, are we kicking your uncle out or?” Toby trailed off, pissed his adopted sister had been so upset over something Garridan may have said.
I sighed pulling out the Horngazel as we entered the canal, “Sorry Tobes, River asked him to come down here. She’s not making him leave after bad news and a panic attack. He’s still our best shot in fighting Angor Rot.”
“Not to mention he has experience dealing with the Janus Order, the changelings working with Strickler.” Draal pointed out, checking the phone Eemeli had gotten him, keeping an eye out in case River needed an escape from girls’ night.
Toby pouted slightly, crossing his arms over his chest as I opened the portal to Trollmarket. “Fine, do I get to meet the guy then? Might have a few choice words for this Garridan guy.”
I rolled my eyes, a smile tugging at the corner of my lips, “You’ll have all night to get to know ‘Uncle Gary,’” I snickered, thinking back to how dad and mom used to call him. We headed down to Rot-Guts to see if they might have something that could help us get the ring.
Draal knocked on the doors with his prosthetic, huffing as the two trolls began to argue about who spoke with the customers again. “This is going to take longer than a night.”
“Excuse me. Mr. Rot and Gut?” I called out to the trolls, trying to get one of their attention. “Do you guys have a ring remover spell of anything?”
Rot’s window opened as he peered down at us. “You want a ring,” he paused thinking over my question, “remover? Hmm, let’s see.” His eye left the window as he began searching through items behind the large cavern door. “Ring, ring… Oh, here it is!” He cheered as his eye returned to the window.
“That’s Ringworm remover, ya glork,” Gut’s window snapped open, glaring up at Rot’s window.
“What about a magical super magnet?” Toby asked.
“Oh!” Gut disappeared, “Definitely got one of those!”
“What’s the catch?” Draal muttered, shaking his head at Rot and Gut’s antics.
“Doesn’t work great,” Gut piped up again, “Just grabs snails.
“And there it is,” Draal rolled his eyes.
“I’m afraid our colleagues here won’t be of much use if you do not know what you’re looking for.” Blinky’s voice cut in.
Turning we saw Blinky and Garridan’s human form walking up to us.
“We’ve got a Footswapper,” Rot piped up, “You can take his feet.” He chuckled at his own antics.
“Magical solutions are a delicate matter. You must be precise.” Blinky shook his head, knowing we wouldn’t get closer to getting the ring from Strickler this way.
“I suggest we search for a way to remove the Inferna Copula in another location,” Garridan suggested, eyeing Toby.
“Yes, we need to find the exact tool for the job at hand.” Blinky agreed, trying to keep us from getting something that could only end in disaster.
Gut’s yelp cut us off as we watched him and Rot try to find balance, Rot laughing as he joked about stealing Gut’s feet.
“So, where exactly do we find the right tool?” Toby asked, happy to still have his own feet.
Blinky grinned, pushing the teens ahead, Draal walking with Garridan. “I know just the place! Are you ready young wards, to embark on the greatest adventure?” Blinky asked as he guided us directly into his library.
“Oh, yeah!” Toby grinned, looking around for a clue as to where we were actually headed. “Where? Where?”
“The adventure of reading!” Blinky grinned, gesturing to the mountains of books that covered the floors of his library. “Hours upon hours of research awaits you!”
“I’d say run, but we actually need to find something,” Eemeli called from a corner of the library, surrounded by open books.
“Well, we sure walked into that one,” Toby sighed, looking over the stacks of books as he tried to figure out where to start. Blinky and Toby began to discuss his brother, Dictatious Maximum Galadrigal.
I wandered over to where Garridan was searching through some ancient-looking scrolls. “Any idea where we should actually start?” I asked, trying to break the glacier amount of ice that surround River and me when it came to our fathers.
Garridan seemed surprised when he looked up, tilting his head slightly in thought, reminding me of River when she was choosing color pallets for her artwork. “Honestly I could tell you where not to look before having an idea of where to look.” He sighed, rolling up one of the scrolls, “I didn’t realize you were able to read Trollish, however.”
“Oh, I can’t” I sighed, taking a seat and grabbing a random book to start on. “This little thing helps though,” I pulled out the amulet, a sky-blue light filtered over the pages as the Trollish script turned to English.
Garridan examined the change in script closely before poking at the amulet in my hand. “I didn’t know it could do that,” He paused, glancing at Toby as he flipped through a book. “What of your friend there?”
“Tobes can’t read Trollish, probably looking at the sketches to see if something jumps out, not literally I hope.” I sighed, skimming through the book I held.
Garridan was still looking over the amulet, seemingly lost in thought for the moment. “Your friend Claire, the one on your phone, said River is staying with her. Is she,” trailing off, uncertain if he should ask about her so soon after she stormed off.
I looked up to him, setting the book down. “She’s okay, better after having some time to calm down. Today was a lot for her.” I shrugged slightly.
He nodded, sighing as he sat back, peering over the scrolls. “I see, I’m glad she had you and her friends here.”
“Well, we’re not going anywhere,” I winced, realizing how loaded that comment was.
Garridan let out a heavier sigh, “You’re both angry, rightfully so.”
I looked up at him again, “Well, you both did kind of leave out of nowhere.” Glaring as I thought about it, tearing my eyes back to the books in front of me. “You dropped River off with our family when I was 3, two years later dad up and leaves in the middle of the night. How did you think we would react? Especially since neither of us should know what’s really going in this nightmare-fueled magic world?”
Garridan waited for me to finish my rant, collecting his thoughts. “Jim, I want you to know your father and I didn’t want to leave. In fact, we had been planning on keeping our families close while we raised you and River.” He sighed pulling out an old picture, three adults standing in front of my house, a 5-year-old River hugging Garridan’s leg while I was holding mom and dad’s hands, swinging between them.
“What happened?” I asked softly, carefully taking the picture from Garridan’s grasp.
“Bular happened,” Garridan explained, leaning back, almost as if he was putting himself in the memory. “Your father and I had no idea Trollmarket was located in Arcadia. James left the guard in search of the location where River and I would fall from our previous time in Camelot. In that time, he met your mother and the two of them settled down and had you.” He smiled softly before continuing. “When the time came, you were about two years old when River and I fell into Arcadia Oaks. James was able to bring us to Sylvina who sealed River’s magic so she would appear human. We lived peacefully in the suburbs of Arcadia for about a year. In which time, Bular and the other Changelings had found the location of Trollmarket and began their hunt.”
I looked up seeing a deep frown etched in his face as he thought back to the year he left.
“James and I knew that one would lead to the other, so we had to protect you both the only way we knew how,” He sighed softly, “we had to lead the changelings astray, keep them from connecting us to you and River.”
“Why didn’t you leave together?” I found the words falling from my mouth before I could process whether or not I wanted the answer.
“I was the distraction.” He spoke simply, pointing to my father’s face in the photo. “My presence sent a shockwave through the changeling community, having thought to have been dead after the battle of Killahead. Using that to our advantage, I led them on a ‘wild goose chase,’ so to speak, while your father ensured you and River were kept safe.”
“Why not take us with you? Isn’t Camelot hidden?” I asked quickly, they may have left to protect us but wouldn’t being with them make more sense?
“We didn’t know who we could trust,” Uncle Garridan sighed softly. “I’ve been gone for 900 years; I didn’t know who was loyal to Gunmar and who was loyal to Ganieda. If I had trusted the wrong person, well,” his teeth clenched tight at the thought. “You would have been eaten or trained as a changeling spy, and River would most likely be dead.”
I winced, realizing they really didn’t have any other option. Uncle Garridan and dad had tried to keep River and me as safe as possible. While I was still mad, it was more for mom’s sake than my own. “Think mom will ever know why he left?”
“Think you’ll ever tell her about being the Trollhunter?” He countered; both knowing neither would happen if we could help it. Mom deserved a normal life, not this chaotic mess.
We went back to studying the books and scrolls, trying to find any more information on Angor Rot, along with getting that damn ring from Strickler. As time passed, I realized Draal and Eemeli had wandered off, probably escaping the adventure of reading in favor of training or sleeping, Draal having to do that more often now that he was squishy.
“Book 26,” I groaned, slamming the offensive tome shut, “nothing! This last one was just a list of toe fungus. Fungi. Fungi!” I yelled exasperated that our search was getting nowhere quickly. “Whatever! I don’t care!”
Toby’s groan could be heard from a pile of books close to Garridan and me. “I’m still on book three.” He sighed out, rotating the book as he examined another sketch. “Can’t exactly read Trollish, so just been kinda looking at the pictures.”
“This is taking forever. Any luck, Blink?” I asked, scrubbing my face as exhaustion was winning over at the moment.
Blinky was leaning back in his chair, snoring softly as we all turned our gaze on the temporary human. He snapped back to focus as we called his name. “Excuse me.” He yawned, setting the book he had been trying to read down. “My zeal for the library science seems to be waning. Since I only have two eyes, reading makes them very tired, very fast.”
“Dude, you awake?” Toby asked as we realized Blinky didn’t look so great, exhausted being the best way to describe him at the moment. “You look terrible.”
Garridan nodded, closing his scrolls, “Still adjusting to living on a human schedule?”
“I can’t conceive why.” Blinky grouched, “I’ve met every one of my daily human needs, three meals a day, eight glasses of water, eight minutes of sleep,” he yawned out, dozing off again.
Uncle Garridan facepalmed, shaking his head slightly as Blinky listed off his major lack of sleep. “Hasn’t he been around humans long enough to know that’s incorrect?” “Oh, Blinky,” I groaned, uncertain how he could mess up that bad. “It’s eight hours of sleep!”
Blinky was out cold. Snoring as he hugged the book into his chest. Well, so much for the expert’s help tonight.
“And,” Toby sighed, looking to Garridan and me, “then there were… three?” He asked, realizing Draal and Eemeli had skipped out. “Your uncle’s right, how did Blinky think we only slept eight minutes? I mean, maybe River, but she lives on coffee, and ya know,” he shrugged, “she’s not exactly human.”
“You take a troll that barely needs to sleep, and suddenly you throw all these new needs and restrictions on him, he’s bound to get a couple of things wrong. How has he been functioning all this time?” Uncle Garridan asked, poking Blinky’s face.
“At this point, you guess is as good as ours,” I sighed turning back to the piles of books we barely made a dent in.
“I don’t know how many more books I can read before my brain melts.” Toby groaned, glaring at the pile as he grabbed a random book. “I think this book’s about reading books!” He yelped, looking over the sketches in shock.
I looked at the page he opened to, “Wait a sec.” I grinned, leaning over his shoulder as I looked over the sketch. “I think you found something.” I set the amulet on the book, watching as the Trollish script transformed to English. “A draught of Elix-lore allows thee to consume knowledge at a voracious pace.” I read the excerpt in the book.
“Won’t take Strickler’s ring off, but it could help speed things up.” Toby nodded, grinning at the thought of getting through the library faster. “I wonder if Rot-Gut has any.”
“Are you sure this is the best tool?” Uncle Garridan asked, peering over us to examine the book entry. “Keep in mind that this is a magical solution.”
“Seems all it does is allow us to get through reading faster, couldn’t hurt to try,” I sighed, nodded to Tobes. “Let’s see if they have any.”
Toby grinned, making sure to grab an extra stinky sock as we headed back to Rot-Guts. We quickly traded the foul garment for a bottle of Elix-lore. The shop trolls not even bothering to haggle with us this time around.
Holding up the potion with a grin, I showed it to Uncle Garridan. “See? Know what to look for and you can find the exact tool for the job!” Quoting Blinky from earlier, excited to get through all this reading finally.
“Oh! Give me some of that yum-yum juice,” Toby grinned, our willing guinea pig for the potion, not wanting to spend a second longer than necessary piled under these books. He grabbed the bottle, downing the contents quickly.
“Tobias, wait!” Garridan grabbed the bottle from him before he could down the entire bottle. A stern glare etched over his face as he stared Toby down.
“Kinda minty,” Toby noted, unfazed by Garridan. “With notes of,” he let out a burp. “Mold.”
Garridan shoved the bottle in my face, a note tied around the neck of the bottle, “Read that.” He snarled out, irritated at Tobes.
I read over the note, realizing quickly it was the instruction I let out a groan. “Toby! It says you’re only supposed to drink a drop of it. You drank half the bottle!” I yelped as Toby groaned, the potion not agreeing with him it seems.
“That is why we read the instruction before we use magic items,” Uncle Garridan scolded us.
“Jim. My insides are gurgling really weird.” Toby sat back against a pile of books.
“Do you feel,” I sighed worried how this was going to turn out, “hungry for knowledge?”
“Actually, “Toby pushed me back, “I feel like I’m gonna-” he began to heave, trying not to puke.
All of a sudden the book we had left open began to glow, the Trollish script floating off of the page and heading for Toby. I pulled Toby’s mouth open as the script began to bounce off of his lips. The entire book flowed directly into Toby’s mouth.
“Jim, am I wrong? Or did words just fly into my mouth? He asked, mouth still glowing from the magic.
“How do you feel?” I asked quickly, making sure he was okay.
“I feel as good as Grimbald the Grave must have felt at the Quibble of Quandry after besting a vicious Sloorbeast!” He burped, looking up at me confused. “Wait. What did I just say?”
“Seems the Elix-lore is working,” Garridan hummed, swatting away the script that had escaped from Toby’s burp. “Be careful though, he drank way too much of that potion.”
I nodded, picking up another book for Toby to try. “We’ll keep the pace slow, hopefully, that helps.” The words flew out of the book as soon as Toby opened his mouth, faster than the first book.
“Maddrux the Many triumphed in the battle of Doomscavern, defeating his greatest enemy. Himself.” Tobes summarized the book he had just eaten. “Hit me again!”
We continued like this for a while. The more books Toby ate, the faster he wanted to go. Uncle Garridan kept slowing us, trying to keep a disaster from unfolding.
He finally convinced us to take a small break and I went to check on Blinky sleeping, surrounded by the books we had already gone through. “Come on, Blinky. Wake up!” I tried shaking him, to no avail the troll was still out cold.
Gun Robot began to play from my phone. Grabbing it quickly I realized it was Claire. Hopefully, she and River could come back and help us stop Toby from destroying the library. All the books began to glow, words flying everywhere as the potion's effects grew stronger.
“Claire!” I yelped, finally answering. “I’m so glad you called. You and River gotta come to Trollmarket!” Cutting off as loud music blared through my speaker.
“No time, Jim.” She called out, trying to yell over the music on her side of the line. “You need to come here. NotEnrique’s out of control!”
“Out of control?” I winced, still shaking Blinky as I ducked under more flying words. “Sic River on him, he listens to her. Toby is gorging on magic troll words,” I tried to explain, keep Blink up as he began to fall over the books, “and turning into some kind of knowledge god!”
“More!” Toby yelled out, devouring the words as quickly as they flew from the books. “More knowledge!”
Garridan began swatting the words away, trying to slow Toby down as much as possible. Getting pelted from all directions as a mini-twister began to form.
“Jim! NotEnrique, my house!” Claire cried out, “I lost sight of River a while ago and I’ve tried everything!”
I sighed, knowing I couldn’t leave here while Blinky was unconscious and Toby was still gorging on magic words. “Claire, look, I know you can figure it out. I’m sorry but,” I yelped as the twister threw Garridan into one of the bookshelves. “I gotta go!”
I hung up, rushing to Toby quickly. “Okay, Tobes. We were supposed to be taking a break. You gotta be full by now, right?” I asked, hoping to slow him down even just slightly.
“No, James,” a distorted voice tore from Toby’s throat. “I am becoming a living archive. A codex of all troll history and arcana!” He grinned, waving his hands through the words as they continued to close in on us. “I am like Voltar the Voracious, who was born with two minds!” He snickered, “For all good that did him. Stepped on by a Thrall.” He cackled, the demised of the troll hilarious compared to the knowledge he had consumed so far.
He grabbed me by my shoulders, grinning like Blinky had when he drove the gyre. “Don’t you see, James? I already have the solution to our problem! To do something impossible, you must change what is possible.” The explanation is more cryptic than helpful so far. “The oldest known troll was 5,352 years old named Chokeenamaga.”
“Okay,” I tried getting him back on topic. “So, Tobes, how do we get the ring off Strickler?”
“The Kairosect will grant us all we need to get the Inferna Copula,” he grinned, slipping back into the potion fog. “Queethokpharlock.”
I grabbed his face, trying to keep his attention. “Hey, hey, focus. How do we get the Kairo thing?”
“You must return to Gatto’s Keep.” He announced, a far-off look returning to his eyes.
“Gatto?” I groaned, “Oh, great! Aren’t you already on hir crap list?” I asked, wincing at my choice of words.
“Bula-nok-chura-azu-zoth. Bula! Bula!” Toby began chanting, causing the mini word tornado to target him.
“Oh no,” I watched as even more script was torn from the ancient books surrounding us, heading for Toby’s mouth. Seeing them charge upwards before diving right for Toby, I jumped between the magic words and him, trying to stop the madness before Toby became some weird knowledge god.
“All right, Tobes. We got what we’re looking for, so let’s chill, okay?” I tried to reason with him. “We’ll get some fresh air. Splash of water.”
“There are more important endeavors!” The distorted voice fully takes over Toby’s speech, “I must know all!”
Toby began to chant again, “The great Warg age enters the seventh blood moon. The Draknagoth will arise! Moonlight will rise to defeat the eclipse!” A loud gurgle cut him off, Toby trying to hold everything in.
Burping, a magic word flew from his mouth. Toby grabbed it, popping it back into his mouth as he tried to continue on his knowledge tirade. “Nope. The parallels of the universe! All its answers have become so clear! The secret of life is,” another burp cutting him off, Toby holding a hand over his mouth to keep the words from slipping out. “Nope, nope, nope.” Shaking his head slightly as he tried to continue, “the secret of life is,”  he heaved, magic words shooting out of his mouth as he fell back.
He sat up, dizzy from the magic and throwing up. “The meaning is… nope.” Turning to throw up more of the glowing script.
I winced as this continued for a few minutes, Toby still trying to explain the meaning of life between throwing up. Not getting anywhere in his monologue. He shot back past the pile of books Blinky was sleeping under, waking the squishy troll from his nap.
Blinky sniffed, head popping out from the pile as his nose wrinkled. “Ah! Elix-lore,” he glowered, pulling himself from the bile.
Garridan groaned, rising from the bookshelf he had been thrown into, Troll form out and towering over us. “I hate that damned potion.”
Ignoring the grouchy adults, I ran over to Tobes, still laying back as the last few words slipped from his mouth. “Tobes? You okay?”
Blinky joined us, examining Toby. “What is two plus two?”
Still out of it, Toby began counting on fingers before breaking down in giggles. “Awesome sauce!”
Sighing in relief at having the normal Toby back, I helped him up to his feet. “Glad you’re back to normal.”
“About the only thing that is,” Garridan grunted, examining the damage we had done to the library.
“Yes,” Blinky sighed, surveying the disaster himself. “My library on the other hand…”
“Sorry,” Tobes piped up, waving the last of the words away from him. “I’ll clean it up.”
“No, no,” Blinky shook his head, smirking at Garridan. “It’s all recoverable. Rot-Gut’s probably has a little something to put it right.”
“No!” Toby and I cried out in unison, never wanting to use another stupid magic troll item again.
As we were cleaning, Eemeli’s troll form had returned carrying a fully shifted River on his back, Draal walking calmly next to them as River broke down giggling at the sight of the library. Looks like we still had quite the night ahead of us. At least River was cheerful.
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sorceress-coffee · 4 years
Where Is My Mind
AO3 Link   Phase 2 - Chapter 25 - Episode 20
River’s P.O.V.
 Hanging out at the lockers Jim, Draal, and I watched as Mary freaked out over Claire asking Jim to Spring Fling. Apparently, Claire didn’t know ‘the kind of world’ we live in. I’d rather not freak Mary out with the truth. Toby groaned as he met up with us, landing face-first into his locker, exhausted from his new training.
 “Everything hurts,” he complained, letting his arms sag next to him, causing Draal and I to smirk.
 “First day of training will do that to you,” Jim chuckled, watching as Toby tried to reign his limbs in. “You’re the one who wanted the war hammer after all.”
 “Hey!” Toby shot up, soreness seeming to disappear as Jim questioned his weapon choice. “Next time you have to face a creepy troll assassin you’ll be happy to have ol’ Warhammer, Shadowdancer, and Midnight to back you up!”
 “Guess Toby did name my lance,” I shook my head, snickering at his codename for Claire.
 “Shadowdancer?” Jim chuckled, “I’m guessing you haven’t run that by Claire yet.”
 “What? It’s perfect!” Toby tried to defend, causing Jim, Draal, and I to shake our heads.
 Draal smirked, punching Toby’s shoulder lightly; well lightly for Draal, “Normally the person who wields the weapon names it.”
 My phone began playing Darth Vader’s march, the ringtone Eemeli programmed for himself. “I’ve gotta take this, you two try not to get suspended in the meantime.” I sighed as Jim and Toby ran for the locker room, leaving Draal and me to take the call. I answered quickly, Eemeli and Eri’s bickering the first thing I hear.
 “Tell your danger noodle to just tell me where your father is! I don’t like cryptic snakes.” Eemeli sneered, through the phone, the sound of a blade slicing through the brush a constant white noise to the call.
 “I told you where to take the Gyre, now I’m giving you directions, why can’t you be happy with that?” Eri hissed, close to the receiver. She sounded close to strangling Eemeli if the irritation in her voice was a clue.
 “Eri, why can’t you tell Eemeli where he is? Out of curiosity, since I’m not there, wouldn’t it be alright?” I asked, confused as to why she was still not being clear about where he is.
 I heard a disgruntled huff before Eri cut in again, “Fine! He’s in Camelot! We’re here because this is where it should be headed next.”
 Dead silence met us as Eri finished her explanation. Draal shook his head, grumbling. “Of course, that’s where he’d be.”
 “What do you mean?” I asked, confused.
 “Camelot,” Eemeli cut in, growling, “He’s been in Camelot this entire time?!” He shrieked, forcing me to rip the phone away from my ear. “Are the others there too?”
 Eri hissed, rustling around on the other side of the phone. “He hasn’t been there the entire time! And I don’t know who the ‘others’ are?”
 “The Changelings that left with him,” Eemeli snarled.
 “Should I hang up?” I asked as Eemeli and Eri ignored us, in favor of yelling at each other wherever they were.
 “Eemeli got the information he needed; I don’t see the point in listening to them fight.” He huffed, glaring at anyone who stopped to listen to the yelling coming from my phone.
 I shrugged, hanging up the call, “They’ll be fine,” I sighed out, trying to convince myself that neither one would kill the other. “So, Camelot’s still around? And mobile too?”
 Draal shrugged as we headed into the halls, snickering as students parted to stary out of his way, glad his fleshy form was still intimidating. “Not sure about mobile, but yes, Camelot is still around. I personally haven’t seen the castle or its residents in about, nine centuries I think.”
 I paused as Steve came running for us, grabbing Draal by the shoulder, screaming “You’re not Steve, I’m Steve! I’m special!” He proceeded to push past us, running out to the courtyard.
 “How is he the ‘bully’ Jim spoke of?” Draal asked, watching the doors Steve went through, confused.
 I shook my head, just as confused. “Normally he has enough wit to punch someone. This is the first time I’ve seen him lose it.”
 Draal nodded slowly, watching the other students as we continued walking. “Even for Fleshbags, this is odd.” He finally spoke as one student was trying to ‘swim’ across the hallway, many others beginning to freak out as well.
 “What the hell is going on?” I asked, seeing the teachers joining in, Ms. Harper throwing paint all over her classroom as we passed.
 A small glowing orb flew up to my face pausing for a moment. Draal snarled, pulling me away from it quickly. “Don’t let it in!”
 “In what?!” I jolted as the orb gave chase. Draal grabbed my hand and took off running through the halls, practically dragging me along as more orbs joined the first.
 “Pixies, once inside they give you horrible hallucinations. Nightmares!” Draal yelled back as he tried to dodge more. “That’s why everyone is going crazy!”
 “Angor Rot,” I gasped out, realizing this was the plan Eemeli overheard while tailing Strickler. “Draal, we have to find Jim!” I fell back as a pixie rammed into my ear canal, immediately causing my head to feel fuzzy.
 “River!” Draal stopped short, pulling the hood of his jacket up and holding his nose. “Are you okay?” He quickly helped me to my feet, checking my eyes.
 Shaking my head as the hall began to disappear, I pushed him back, “Find Jim! If Angor Rot is here, Jim will need help.”
 “What about the pixies?” He asked, holding my head, trying to keep me focused.
 As I blinked, Draal disappeared, the school hallways shifting to the grand halls from my memories when Angor Rot called me sunshine. “I’ll be fine Draal. They’re not real, that’s all I need to know. Now go find Jim.”
 “River!” Someone called out as they hugged me from behind, the British accent throwing me off, “I’ve been looking everywhere for you! Aunt Ganieda is having a fit since you teleported from the study!”
 I pulled from the person, turning to see a boy around my age with dark hair pulled up in a bun and hazel eyes. “The study?” I asked causing the boy to laugh, taking my hand as he pulled me along the halls.
 “Hurry, we can’t let the guards see you,” He explained, hiding behind corners and curtains as we went along, hiding from men in suits of armor.
 “That’s the same armor as my dad and Uncle James,” I spoke softly, trying to make sense of the hallucination. Could this be a memory?
 “Just because your father is on the guard, doesn’t mean the others are friendly to trolls, you’ve seen where they go if they trespass in Camelot.”
 “They don’t know?” I asked, realizing my father and Uncle James were Gumm-Gumm spies at first. “Right, of course, they don’t know. Doux where is mama?” I asked, stopping short at the name that left my mouth, who is Doux?
 “She’s in the study with Master Merlin, where you’re supposed to be taking a nap.” He chuckled, pulling me through a wooden doorway into the study.
 “It seems Hisirdoux has found the little one,” an elderly voice called from further in the room.
 A woman with dark hair, in a forest green dress, came running for Hisirdoux and me, “There you are Moonlight!” She hugged me tight, seeming to come down from a frantic state. “You know you’re not supposed to wander the castle, what if Arthur had seen you? Or the guards?” She asked, holding me back to arms-length, a stern look crossing her features.
 “I don’t know?” I asked, more confused. If this is Camelot, why are trolls considered to be trespassers? It’s the magical center of legends.
 “Of course,” She sighed, the sternness fading. “You’re only a child, you wouldn’t know.”
 An older man with grey hair and green armor joined us, shaking his head as he drew close. “She’ll never learn this way Ganieda, she has no idea of the consequence.”
 “There shouldn’t be a consequence.” A curt voice cut in. I turned to see a woman with long red hair, and emerald eyes. She carried the Shadowstaff with her. I immediately felt on edge seeing her.
 “Gana!” My mother grinned, walking me to the newest person in the room. “How are the trolls fairing?”
 “They’re unhappy, as they should be. However, it seems Sunshine has a habit of visiting them.” She chuckled, petting my hair back.
 I ripped away from her at the mention of ‘Sunshine,’ the castle halls bled away to a forest. Gana was leading me through the forest, heading away from the castle. Gold armor covered her from, Shadowstaff held in a white-knuckle grip.
 “This was Sunshine!” She called as I turned to look for the others. Why was I alone?
 “Where are we going?” I asked, refusing to go further.
 “I told you, we’re looking for your friend, Cali,” She turned to look at me. I flinched at her eyes, they were glowing gold, surrounded by black sclera. “Don’t you want to find your friend?”
 “Not if I have to follow you,” I snarled, grasping for Midnight but it wasn’t on my belt. Right, this was a hallucination.
 A dark chuckle ripped through her throat, “What’s wrong Sunshine? You were never scared of me before.”
 “Why don’t remind me of who you are, because I don’t remember an aunt ‘Gana’,” I snarled, eyes burning, even in the open air of the forest I felt like my back was in a corner.
 “I have many names Sunshine, but which one will hurt most?” She asked, the black of her sclera began to bleed into her skin, the woman in gold was slowly consumed by the shadows as she stalked forward. The gold of her eyes the only color left as she sneered down at me, not even a foot away. “How about the Eldritch Queen?”
 My mind reeled, going back to the only book Blinky could find on my mother. The legend ending in her death at the hands of the Eldritch Queen, “You,” I choked out, blue and orange sparks erupting in my hands as rage began to overtake the hallucination. “No!” I screamed, flashing away from her. I was still in school, what if I hurt someone?
 I did the only thing I could think of, I tried to teleport into the sewers under the school. The shadow figure of the Eldritch Queen chasing after me through portals. I stopped short finding my mother, “Get out of here!” I yelled, knowing what would happen if the shadow fallowed.
 Lady Ganieda was surrounded by red magic as she appeared to be fighting off the real Eldritch Queen, clad in golden armor.
 Green magic began to fill the stony cavern we had teleported to. Merlin entered the fight trying to help Ganieda. “River, get to your father!” He ordered, releasing a burst of magic that threw me back.
 I felt trollish hands help me sit up, the only thing I could focus on was gold magic cracking through my mother’s torso as she fell forward. The Eldritch Queen and Merlin both released a large flow of magic as they attacked each other. The air around us began to rip apart, fissures in time appearing all around us.
 “Moonlight,” a voice called from behind me, “We have to go, Uncle Merlin will take care of her, she’ll be okay.”
 Orange magic ripped through the battle, a female Troll running into the fight, going straight for the Eldritch Queen as a roar left her chest.
 I gripped the hands holding my shoulders tight, trying to get closer to the fight. My movement caught the eyes of the golden figure. A sick grin crossed her face as the male troll and I were swallowed in shadows, falling out and dropping into a fissure created by all the magic colliding.
 The troll turned me into his chest as we continued to fall, holding me tight to him. “Keep your eyes closed!”
 Struggling, I pulled my head from his hand, looking down as my nightmares became a reality. The open sky, the forest closing in fast. It hadn’t been a nightmare, it was a memory. I looked to the troll holding me as we fell, my eyes grew wide as I came face to face with my father’s troll form. Was this the time-lapse?
 “Dad!” I screamed as a hand grabbed me from behind, ripping me from the memory. I felt a hilt hit the back of my head; everything began to fog over as the sewers slowly came into focus.
 “Sunshine,” Angor Rot sneered as he dropped me, “Memories or nightmares, how broken your mind must be.”
 I struggled to stand, holding where he had hit my head. “Either you weren’t going for a killing blow, or the Eldritch Queen is pissed off.” I snarled, backing away from the troll assassin.
 The pixies swarm around Angor, flying into a glass lantern strapped to his back. “You’re in luck, Sunshine. I came to make a deal with your Trollhunters.” He smirked, “The pixie invading your mind wasn’t responding to the call, so I happily dislodged it for you.”
 “How kind,” I growled, keeping my distance. “Why go to Jim? Strickler won’t hear you out?”
 Snarling, he grabbed me by the collar slamming me back into the sewer wall. “Listen close, witch. Strickler holds a ring in his possession. As long as he holds this ring, he controls me.”
 “How does a ring have control over a troll assassin?” I asked, thankful the collar kept him from being able to choke me.
 “It contains my soul,” He bit out, letting go as he realized he wasn’t doing any damage.
 My eyes widened as I reached for the collar, checking it over. “Your soul? You,” I paused, realizing he was telling the truth, “He’s controlling you. How did that happen?”
 Angor snarled, “Magic that ancient is out of your grasp Witch, Merlin’s heir or not. It’s primeval magic.”
 I growled at the implication, “Why would I try to take someone’s soul? I’m not heartless!”
 “Neither was the Eldritch Queen, at first,” He sneered, turning to head further down the sewers until the shadows swallowed him.
 I sighed, teleporting up to Strickler’s office, knowing Angor had advised him not to be here for the pixies. Taking off, I began to run through the halls, trying to find the others. Hopefully, they weren’t infected.
 Draal stormed out of the gym as I closed in on the doors, relief washing over his face as he spotted me. “River!”
 I grinned, jumping for him as I reached the doors, hanging onto him like a koala, “You’re not pixied! Where’s Jim?” I worried, knowing Angor Rot had found him.
 “Right here,” He groaned as Toby helped him out of the gym, armor disappearing as the boys and Claire met up with us.
 I sighed in relief, untangling myself from Draal as I tackle hugged Jim, “Oh thank Deya! Angor said he made a deal with you, did he hurt you?” I rambled, looking for injuries.
 “Angor? He found you?” Jim asked, holding my hands still.
 “Yeah,” I winced, pulling a hand back to rub where he hit my head, a knot already forming. “I teleported down in the sewers, my magic started flaring during the,” I paused, unsure if it was only hallucinations or memories woven in. “The pixie attack, since I couldn’t tell who was around me, I went down there. I guess when he called them back, the one in my head was being stubborn. He had fun getting it out.”
 “He hit you?” Draal snarled, checking the back of my head immediately. “No blood.”
 I nodded, groaning as it made me a little dizzy. “Yeah, didn’t bother to attack after getting the pixie out, but the ring.” I looked to Jim, “Strickler’s controlling him.”
 Jim nodded, huddling close as the police showed up to the school, corralling all the students and staff to the front lawn of the school. We quickly separated from the others, heading over to the school sign, relaxing as they counted off all the students.
 “Strickler has something called the Inferna Copula, it contains his soul and allows Strickler to control him,” Jim explained as he climbed to sit on the sign with Claire.
 “So, if we get the ring, he’ll leave?” Toby asked, hopeful that we’d get a troll assassin off our backs.
 Leaning into Draal’s side, I nodded slowly, careful of the hit. “That’s what it sounds like. If Strickler isn’t controlling him, he won’t have a reason to keep attacking us.”
 “Other than the fact that he hunts Trollhunters.” Draal grumbled, wrapping his arm around me to keep me steady, worried about the bump even without blood.
 Jim groaned, settling his head in his hands, “Right, that’s something we have to consider.”
 Toby grinned, hitting his leg, “Who knows maybe he’ll be so grateful you gave him the ring, he’ll quit the hunting business!”
 I chuckled relaxing as the cops began to leave, clearing us to go home once Strickler returned. “That’s a good thought Tobes.”
 Eemeli’s P.O.V.
 “Oh, great!” I snarled, seeing the call had been disconnected. “She hung up!”
 Eri slithered over my shoulders, tiny amethyst eyes boring holes through my skull, “Maybe she wouldn’t have hung up if you weren’t yelling!”
 “I’m not the only one yelling here snake,” I snarled, pulling her from my shoulders and dropping her onto my backpack. Using a machete, I hacked through the underbrush in the middle of the Amazon forest. “Why would they drop a castle in the middle of the Amazon?”
 “It’s the largest forest in the world, it would be the easiest place to hide a castle right now.” Eri huffed, dropping her head on my shoulder, staying mostly on my backpack. “Where would you hide a castle, Rusty?”
 “New York, on top of a sky scraper, Gargoyles style,” I snickered, watching Eri tilt her head in confusion out of the corner of my eye.
 “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” She pouted, sensing the teasing.
 I shrugged, ducking under the foliage as the trees opened up a little. “Not surprising if you’ve been cooped up in a castle your entire life, Noodle.” I paused, looking up the length of the trees, “Imagine buildings taller than the trees here, some going up higher than the clouds. That’s where I’d park a castle. That way you get the mysterious castle in sky vibes next to a decent Starbucks.”
 “Coffee?” She asked, referring to River’s caffeine addiction.
 I laughed, nodding, “It’s a coffee shop, Noodle. There’s probably one on every block in New York.”
 “That’s dangerous,” She shuddered, slithering up more on my shoulder as we calmed from our argument that led to the phone call. “If River lived somewhere where she could get coffee on every block, she’d combust… and not from her magic.”
 I bent over, laughing so hard that I began to wheeze, “Good call, we won’t park it in New York!”
 “Neither of you will be traveling further if you don’t identify yourselves.” A gruff voice snarled from behind us, the sound of metal unsheathing alerting Eri and me to a real fight.
 I put my hands up as I slowly turned to face the owner of the threats, blinking as I came face to face with an older looking Jim in a suit of Armor bearing Camelot’s crest, “Jim? What the hell happened to you? Did you get old?”
 The man paused, shock flashing through his eyes before he zeroed in on Eri. “Eirwen? What are you doing back here? Where’s River?” The knight began to ramble.
 Eri popped up, grinning at the knight, “James! River is safe in Arcadia, well, not so safe. That’s why she sent us.” She explained quickly.
 “Us?” James, James Sr., I’m assuming, asked, directing the question to me.
 I rolled my eyes, shifting into my troll form, “Us,” I snarled before shifting back. “I’m Eemeli, a Gumm-Gumm defect and new ally to your son, the Trollhunter, and Lady Ganieda’s daughter, River.”
 James eyed me for a moment before nodding, “This way,” he waved us, heading back to a ship-like vehicle.
 Eri nodded to the vehicle, curling around my neck in an almost comforting gesture. Who knows, the Danger Noodle might be growing on me.
 “Come on, Rusty! We’re going to the castle!” She flicked her tongue out in excitement. Scratch that, I can’t wait to toss the noodle back at River.
 “Yeah, yeah,” I grumbled, climbing aboard after James, watching him closely. “So, a boat on grass? How effective is that?”
 James smirked back at me before grabbing a lever, the same twisted look Blinky got while driving the gyre bled into his eyes. “Hold on!”
 We took off. Into the sky. Did I mention I hate flying? I screech, sitting down quickly, claws shifting out to sink into the boat/plane vehicle of doom I was in. Yeah, I really hate flying.
 James and Eri’s laughter flittered through the rushing air as he slammed the lever back, taking us up further into the clouds.
 Eri grinned, getting in my face as we broke through the clouds, “Ready to see home?” She asked, excitement filling her tiny little serpent eyes. All I could do was nod stiffly. She pulled back, and there, where Eri’s head had been, was a section of the original Camelot castle, in the sky. Flying.
 “Oh, no,” I groaned, holding on tighter as we flew into the castle, James roughly docking the ship.
 “You can let go of the floor now,” He snickered, shifting into a dark blue troll with a short mane of black hair and sky-blue eyes. The Camelot Armor still present in this form. “You’re safe unless Garridan decides to barrel roll the castle.” He grinned, jumping out of the ship.
 “I’d rather jump,” I groaned, retracting my claws before carefully climbing out of the flying monstrosity. Once my feet were securely on the castle grounds, James took the lead heading further into the castle. It’s strange walking through a place that used to kill us on site. As we walked through, I noticed only humans and changelings in suits of armor. “So, Eri hasn’t been around full-blooded Trolls before?”
 Pausing, James peered over his shoulder at us, eyeing me for a moment before continuing. “The Trolls had to find another Heartstone to survive. Staying away from one for so long makes it easier to corrupt them, so Changelings and humans are all that remain.”
 I nodded, analyzing our path as we headed up into a tower. “Aren’t these the same humans that tried to…” I trailed off, eyeing the knights I recognized suspiciously.
 “That was before the alliance, and before Lady Ganieda’s,” James sighed, arriving at a tall wooden door. “Before that battle. Now we work together to keep the peace where humans and Trolls coexist.”
 James knocked on the door once before heading into the room, waving us in after him. “This is ‘War Room’ or what used to be, it’s main use is strategy and defense check-ins.”
 A tall man with raven hair held in a braid was pouring over documents, most seemed to contain Trollish runes, however, many had human languages scrawled across their pages as well. “James, this better be important, an entire hollow of pixies have gone missing recently, if they’ve ventured into human society, who knows the amount of damage they could cause.”
 “Probably the amount happening at school today.” I huffed, irritated that the man hadn’t even bothered to look up from the papers.
 His head snapped up at my voice, confusion taking over his features as he looked between myself and Eri, processing what I had said. “School?” He finally asked.
 “Good to see you too Garridan,” I huffed, Eri curling around my neck, relaxing her head on my shoulder.
 Garridan shook his head, sighing as dropped one of the scrolls. “Eemeli, never thought I’d run into you again, and you’re here with Eirwen?”
 I nodded, “River sent us,” I explained simply, wanting to gauge his reaction.
 He tensed, standing straight at the mention of River. All the documents covering the war table completely forgotten as he strode up to Eri and me, eyes flashing gold as a warning. “Repeat that.”
 I flinched at the shift in attitude, “River sent us. She, along with our new Trollhunter, is asking for your help.” I began, Garridan cutting me off before I could continue.
 “I can’t leave the castle simply because a call is too hard for the Trollhunter, or my daughter, to accomplish.” He stated, turning back to the table, intent on returning to his work.
 James nudged my back, gesturing to Garridan. Taking the hint, I steeled myself for a possible outburst. “Stricklander, the Janus Order, is targeting River specifically. Strickler brought in an assassin to kill Jim. Angor Rot.”
 Garridan paused mid-step, hands clenching tight at his sides. “You mentioned a school?” He bit out, back still facing us.
 “I followed Strickler to Angor Rot last night, Angor was planning something huge for the school and advised Strickler not to be there. You have an entire hollow of pixies missing, which hasn’t happened since they won the war with the fairies centuries ago. Who could possibly have ways of controlling them?”
 “Morgana,” Garridan snarled, turning on his heel quickly, “and by extension, Angor Rot.”
 “So, as you can imagine, this isn’t a call they’re having ‘difficulties’ with. They’re in danger, real danger.” I huffed, unsure if I wanted to tell him the last piece River mentioned. “And, it’s only going to get worse. They’re planning on entering the Darklands to rescue the goblin-napped human babies. Darklands also means Gunmar, and the only way out, per the council, is to kill Gunmar.”
 All color drained from Garridan’s face, “If River goes into the Darklands, Gunmar could use her to free his army.” He tugged on the braid resting over his shoulder reminding me of when River tugs on the hood strings of her jackets. “That’s a fight they can’t win, not with what Kamaria has told me.”
 I winced, remembering River’s birthday, “Yeah, good job on that one, she almost blew up the Heartstone.”
 “That sounds familiar,” James coughed, looking away as Garridan leveled him with a glare.
 “Alright, I will go.” Garridan nodded, more to himself than any of us.
 “Really?!” Eri cried out, surprised that he was willing to leave the castle.
 “James,” Garridan spoke, the voice of a general commanding the attention of his soldiers. “You’re in charge while I’m gone. No matter what happens, protect the Heart.”
 James nodded, clasping his brother’s shoulder tight. “She’ll be safe, and so will our guest.”
 Garridan deflated slightly, nodding to him as he waved for me to follow. “If they’re truly dealing with Angor Rot, then River is in more danger than I thought possible.”
 “So, Gunmar is the second most dangerous?” My brow furrowed in confusion as I kept in stride with Garridan, “Is that because he’s in the Darklands?”
 “No,” Garridan grits his teeth, retracing the path James led us through, heading back to the ship. “Gunmar doesn’t have a direct connection to Morgana, Angor Rot does. He’s her champion after all.”
 I paused at the ship, mind racing, “I don’t understand, the Eldritch Queen was sealed away, she could be dead. What would she want with River?”
 “What did she want with Merlin?” Garridan asked, leveling me with a hard stare, “She wants to rip the magic from his blood, magic that now resides in River’s. She can use River’s magic to eclipse the sky in eternal night.”
 I could only blink, processing the threat that laid before my friend. River was in more danger than any of us realized, more danger than Gunmar could ever be.
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