#Dr. Smith: You only like John because he protects you >:-)
ziracona · 4 years
There is nothing I don’t like about Maureen Robinson
#I THRIVE off of how evil she is!!! Like not that she's a bad person! But this woman's innate alignment is /so god damn CLEARLY/ on the evil#spectrum. But she just frkn chooses to ping pong between lawful and chaotic good instead bc she can#but it's 0%. Not even /1/% bc she /feels she should/. It's not a conscience emotional decision. Just a choice to respect being good and do#it. I see her consider being evil all the time and have to not#woman fkn launched herself into SPACE in a high altitude weather baloon without telling /anyone/ where she was and then told no one the#planet was burning to death I'm dyin the time she was like 'Let's go.' : ) and John was like 'no it's too dangerous' : (#and I /saw/ her think 'if I saw 'oh well the planet is going to flood and kill us all so we have to : ((' John will /absolutely/ believe me'#but then just didn't and was like *grits teeth and smiles* 'ok' just because she knew it was the good thing to do#Maureen 78 times already @ Dr. Smith:  Had it not been for the constant presence of my 12 year old son I would have slain you#Smith: I helped you once so you gotta like me now :))))#Maureen with a gun: Lol u wish bitch perish : )))))#When John was like 'u gotta live for the kids' and insted of being like 'NO! no never!' and having to be dragged off to not die with him#heroically??? Just went 'Okay you're right ToT' and did it??? She is so great#she was sad about it!! But she can't help it her alignment is evil#Dr. Smith: You only like John because he protects you >:-)#Maureen: BITCH /AND/??? Why tf you THINK I gonna like a man??? Rip you can't get 1 human being to love you but I'm different#lost in space#Maureen Robinson#if you're out there...
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racke7 · 3 years
Copyright is designed to stop other people from cutting into the profit-margins of the “original creator” of that copyrighted thing.
What this means is that if someone writes a story where “Harry Potter goes to a magical school” and then someone else writes a story where “John Smith goes to a magical school”, the original creator can sue the other person for clearly trying to undermine their ability to make a profit.
The more things that “stay the same” in the second story, the more obvious of a case the original creator has that this is what they're doing, meaning that they'll have to spend less money in the potentially-lengthy legal process to defend their copyright-claim.
There's some stuff about “satirical/transformative works” but that's always going to default to a case-by-case basis, and it's really not something to rely on.
In this sense, fanfiction exists in a legal gray-area.
After all, even if there's clearly copyright-infringement from writing a story about “John Smith goes to a magical school”, if you're not making money from that story can it really be said to be cutting into the profit-margins of the original work?
Some copyright-holders definitely argue that this is the case, but since it's impossible to trace any actual money being “diverted” from the original story (since nobody is actually paying for the fanfiction) this is a really difficult argument to make.
And so, unless the original creator is willing to go to great lengths and pay a lot of money in legal-fees, this isn't really worth their time. After all, not only would it be very difficult and expensive to prove that they're losing money to this, suing their own fan-creators is a good way to make enemies of their own fans. Which would cut into future profits.
This is why people get really worried when some people talk about “commissions/patreon” in their fics. It's not just about worrying if that person will be sued for “stealing profits from the copyright-holder”, it's also about them giving the original creator fuel for going after other fan-creators (since they'd be able to legally prove that there is money involved in fanfiction).
“Real people” fanfiction
This one doesn't actually have anything to do with copyright at all, and instead falls into the category of “libel”.
What this means is that, rather than the original creator having to prove that someone created something that undermined their profit, they just have to prove that it negatively impacted their reputation.
This means that “not making money” isn't going to save you from getting sued.
In this case, fanfiction can be said to exist in a “safe bubble” in that it's not the kind of thing that's posted on the front-pages of newspapers. This makes it less obvious that it might negatively impact someone's reputation, since less people would have access to it.
However, with fanfiction becoming ever-more mainstream and more easily accessible to the wider public, this isn't something that should be relied upon.
Again we have some defense from the “satirical” side of things, but the “transformative” part of it isn't really going to help you. And the defense only works for things that are “absurd”.
For example, if you write a story about Jeff Bezos hunting people for sport (because he's rich, and that's an old trope)? Nobody will care.
If you write a story about Jeff Bezos hunting people for sport when Bezos has at some point been involved in a hunting-accident where someone got shot (which is a thing that unfortunately happens sometimes)? That'd be libel.
Basically, if it has enough “truth” in it to be vaguely believable then you're shit out of luck.
And this is where a lot of “real people fanfiction” runs into trouble. See, interpersonal relationships are complicated, and a lot of famous people have a “work persona” of sorts.
What this translates into is that anyone writing about “two friends falling in love” using “two actual friends” would absolutely translate as libel, well-intentioned or not. Hell, not only could this impact their relationship with that person negatively, it might also damage their ability to work with that person in public (which is a measurable economical damage).
This is absolutely the kind of shit the gets people sued. And the only thing that would protect you from legal consequences at that point is if nobody can track down who wrote that. It would still be legally forced to be taken down from any site it pops up on, but as long as it could never be traced back to you, you could theoretically dodge any further legal consequences.
(Obviously, if you ever advertised your patreon or the like, that could be traced back to you through your bank-account. And the same is true for any other kind of “hint” towards your real-life identity.)
Fanfiction exists in a legal gray-area where nobody can actually prove that you're costing the original creator money. But this is only true for as long as you're not making money off of it. And if that ever stops being the case, not only can you very easily get sued, you might drag the entire community down with you.
“Real people fanfiction” doesn't so much exist in a legal gray-area as it's instead actively taunting actual libel laws. And it can get you very deeply into shit very quickly, and for good reason.
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An Indigenous Presence: Cultural Survivance and Contemporary American Indian Art & Design
Museum exhibitions, especially those featuring cultural items, can sometimes give the impression of cultures or peoples frozen in time. Behind the scenes, however, CMNH is a flurry of active research and knowledge production. Work to link our collections and exhibitions to the present moment is vital.
As an art historian who studies modern and contemporary art, I often think about the connections over time and space between historic objects. Lately, I’ve been thinking about many of the American Indian belongings we have on display in Alcoa Hall, and contemporary art. This contemplation reveals the influence American Indian artists have exerted and continue to exert on the American art world.
In the early 20th century, Indian artists were instrumental in the formation of American modernism. Artists such as Awa Tsireh (San Ildefonso Pueblo), the members of the Kiowa Five (Spencer Asah, James Auchiah, Jack Hokeah, Stephen Mopope, Monroe Tsatoke and Lois Smoky), Angel De Cora (Ho-Chunk), and potter Maria Martinez (San Ildefonso Pueblo) influenced the growing trends of abstraction and patterning that defined modernist painting in the United States. These artists, along with other American Indian artists and artisans helped establish the US as a growing center of modernism in competition with Europe. Despite having their contributions and innovations undercut or co-opted by Euro-American artists and collectors, Native artists continued to produce artwork as acts of survivance. Survivance, a concept developed by cultural theorist Gerald Vizenor, is an expression of active presence. The term denotes a response to the attempted cultural and physical genocide of Native peoples in the United States that is beyond simple survival, but involves acts of resistance that declare a dynamic presence – often combining traditional ways of knowing with contemporary technologies that are specific to an individual or tribal affiliation.
Later in the century, Native artists continued to define the American art scene. Artists like Fritz Scholder (Luiseno), Kevin Red Star (Apsáalooke), Edgar Heap of Birds (Cheyanne and Arapaho), and Jaune Quick-to-See Smith (Salish) continued (and continue) to challenge the mythology of the Indian in American imaginary.  These artists, whose creations have been collected and exhibited by major museums across the country, also view their art as a form of resistance. Their work can therefore be understood as acts of survivance.
Contemporary American Indian artists are still grappling with the politics of representation, regularly fighting stereotypes while also working to preserve the cultural knowledge that the settler state tried to destroy through forced assimilation. Because of these complicated and often violent histories, it is important that, most of us, as descendants of settlers, think critically about Native inspired designs in the objects or clothing we buy. Instead of coopting from indigenous cultures, shop from companies that employ Native designers. Better yet, buy directly from Native artists who are demonstrating how traditional knowledge and ways of making are thriving in the 21st century. Featured below are just a few of the artists whose work is connected to the cultural forms and belongings on display in Alcoa Hall. Many of them also have great items for sale on their websites – just in time to find some special holiday gifts!
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Bunky Echo-Hawk. Image credit: Ryan Redcorn
Bunky Echo-Hawk (Pawnee and Yakima) is a painter and designer who has worked with companies such as Nike and Pendleton to design Plains Indian inspired products and fundraise for Native organizations. His eye-catching and exciting work plays with indigenizing popular culture and addressing environmental racism while reinterpreting Plains Indian oral history and record keeping traditions, like winter counts, through his live painting performances. To learn more about winter counts, visit the display in Alcoa Hall featuring the Carnegie Winter Count by Dr. Thomas Red Owl Haukaas. Echo-Hawk was also the subject of a recent episode of American Masters, the PBS documentary series. Check out his website to browse some of the great prints and stickers he has for sale.
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Bethany Yellowtail
Bethany Yellowtail (Apsáalooke and Northern Cheyenne) is the brilliant designer behind B. Yellowtail, a fashion brand launched in 2015. Her work is intimately connected with her social justice work in Indian Country. Her website features indigenously designed goods as well as her own collections – inspired by Apsáalooke traditions, like elk tooth dresses and ribbon skirts. Her clothing functions as wearable art that demonstrates the power and resilience of Native women and matrilineal cultural systems. I’ve purchased some of their cloth face masks – the proceeds of which benefit Native communities suffering from COVID-19. I’m confident you’ll find something you love on B. Yellowtail’s website.
John Isiah Pepion (Blackfoot) understands the ceremonial importance of making artwork, including its healing power. Pepion’s paintings, drawings, and designs are inspired by traditional practices such as winter counts and ledger drawings. Ledger art dates to the 1850s, when ledger books became one of the primary materials available to Plains Indians, especially to those imprisoned in forts as prisoners of war during the 19th-century Indian wars, without access to traditional materials like bison hides. Pepion’s work in this medium serves as cultural preservation, keeping him and his artwork tied to Blackfoot history and to Blackfoot ancestral lands. His website features original artwork, prints, and all sorts of items with his designs including scarves, stationery, blankets, and jewelry.
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Sage Protection Pin by Margaret Jacobs. Image credit: Taylor Robinson.
Margaret Jacobs (Akwesasne Mohawk) is a sculptor and jewelry designer who works primarily in steel and pewter. Her forms are primarily abstract, but the material represents not only strength and resistance, but also references the history of Mohawk iron workers, featured in Alcoa Hall. Her abstract forms play between the organic and man-made, connecting color and shape with storytelling and family histories. You can find her sculpture or jewelry, which truly functions as wearable art, on her website.
It is important to note that Carnegie Museum of Natural History, and much of Western Pennsylvania, is on the traditional lands and waterways of the Seneca, Lenape (Delaware), and the people we refer to as the Monongahela (their autonym is currently unknown). These lands and waters were also important to the Shawnee, Wyandotte, and Osage nations. These lands carry the histories of these people from before their forced removal and through their struggles and triumphs for survivance well into the present moment. To find out more about the Seneca Nation (including about Seneca artists) visit the Seneca-Iroquois National Museum or Ganondagan Seneca Art & Culture Center. To learn more about the Lenape, go to the Delaware Nation or the Delaware Tribe of Indians. Or visit the Museum of Indian Culture, in Allentown, PA.
Jessica Landau has a joint appointment as Assistant Curator of Anthropology and Archaeology at Carnegie Museum of Natural History and as a Lecturer in Curatorial Studies in the History of Art & Architecture at University of Pittsburgh. Museum employees are encouraged to blog about their unique experiences and knowledge gained from working at the museum. 
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antihumanism · 3 years
@transhumanoid​ said:
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The short answer is, obviously, the Space Defense Front did nothing wrong.
In a longer answer, it can be a bit hard to tell what the SDF were about. In their first real appearance, we have a guy conducting a bombing campaign on the moon. The target of the bombings (smoke rooms) seems chosen to minimize civilian casualties while still getting attention (smoke rooms have separate ventilation and are built with fires in mind, so set off a bomb in one and the station as a whole is left intact). This sort bombing campaign was very effective for the IRA and has been used with varying degrees of violence and success by all movements. It gets attention for your ideas, can provoke violent reaction from the government/corporation targeted creating sympathy for the cause, and repairing the damaged infrastructure costs money which makes the occupation less profitable. It’s good and it’s valid and anyone who says otherwise is a naïve fool who will grow out of it one day or follow the rest through the kitchen. 
Then our guy just goes straight for the throat with an attack on ISPV-7. If he’d been successful, that would have been the end of human exploitation of space. No need for consciousness of anything, and there was no room for the negotiation that happened in the finale. It makes no sense. However, ISPV-7 was only in so much danger due to a perfect storm of bad decisions by the Commander. So, it seems reasonable that the SDF had no idea how close they came to a pyrrhic victory and their intention was just to deliver another bloody nose.
Maybe, but our guy also seems to think he’s the fucking Lorax.
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So, it is all very confused. A lot of risk was undertaken in this bombing campaign to get people to hear this manifesto, and the manifesto is just some exposition mixed with mangled quotes from Dr. Seuss and Kaczynski, and if he had been “successful” in his last attack he wouldn’t have needed to say anything. The Kessler Syndrome would have pinned mankind to Earth for years without any need for ideology or propaganda.
Still, the action is heroic. Our guy is punching well above his weight class and reminding the oligarchs and technicians that they can’t ascend beyond the reach of vengeance and the grasping claws of spite. A lot of people point to the crab bucket and say “oh, those other crabs are being so mean” ignoring that the crab trying to escape is doing so by stepping on the heads of the others and leaving them to their deaths. There’s a lot of dirty little words for the wannabe escapees. “Kapo” is one of them; “collaborateur” is another.
Besides, even when they’re just off their meds, like people burning 5G towers, violent refusers still serve a valuable role. Let’s get microbiotic: in a colony of bacteria, even if everybuggy is a clone there are still point mutations and differences in the amount and type of plasmids that they’re packing. These differences mean that there are different levels of signaling molecules in each cell and enzymes with different active sites and so on. These differences provide the basis of resistance when something comes in and starts taking heads. To get a bit rat, lines for the preservation of the Sentinelese is the most important thing for protecting H. sapiens from the “benevolence” of CelestAI.
When the SDF returns, they’re a lot more coherent. Mostly because they’re represented by Hakim, and when Hakim and Hachi talk, I don’t know how anyone couldn’t come down on the side of Hakim. Hachi just spews Redditor cliches about how much he fucking loves science, and Hakim responds with the cold hard reality: all that is happening is the increasing stratification between oligarchs, middle managers and engineers above. Maybe you think the millions who died from lack of food or medicine each year are also a cliché, well that’s an opinion you can share with the folks who also think “6 million” is a cliché. Whatever nonsense about “humanity” one says, humans aren’t going anywhere without violence and that violence belongs in the hands of everypony. There will never not be the need for those who blow stuff up and threaten the status quo.
Funnily enough, Locke Smith (one of the best anime names ever and a name that could only be an anime name, John Locke + Adam Smith = lock maker and burglar) would fully agree, which is why he doesn’t take the SDF’s actions personally. The SDF is the necessary obverse face of Locke Smith. Ruthless communalists and ruthless individualists waging a proxy war through all H. sapiens. A lot of meat gets ground up between them, but it is necessary to bend and/or break the backs of the oligarchs and bring about the change they’ll refuse at all other costs.
Which is one of the great things about Planetes, it cheerfully celebrates ruthlessness. Terrorism, corporate backstabbing, psychopaths like von Braun and Locke Smith, love and hate, Hachi and Hakim, industrialist and ecoterrorist. Even Hachi’s PTSD and vision at the end about “space as everyone being connected” is reminiscent of Arjuna in the Mahābhārata who gives into despair at the prospect of war and only recovers his resolve because he’s shown the oneness of all things. Then he picks up his weapons and massacres his enemies without remorse. This also comes from the same chapter as the famous “I am become death, destroyer of worlds”-line.
So, the long answer is, the Space Defense Front did nothing wrong, but neither did their enemies.
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Fifty (50)Toxic People Quotes To Help You Develop Boundaries .
If you’ve recognized you need to set limits with people in your life, these toxic people quotes will help you do just that.
We all have toxic people in our lives who can’t be avoided. It could be a friend, family member, or a coworker whom you just can’t stand.
Their toxicity manifests in a lot of different ways. Maybe they are full of interpersonal issues, are needy and disrespectful, or maybe they try to manipulate and control you, and are extremely critical of themselves and other people. Whatever the case, dealing with toxic people isn’t easy.
If you are often made uncomfortable by how those around you treat you, maybe it’s time to set and maintain personal boundaries. Clear boundaries that will help ensure your relationships are mutually respectful, supportive and caring. You deserve to be treated well.
It’s time to establish boundaries in your life for negative people, and these toxic people quotes are the necessary first step. They will inspire you to set the limits for acceptable behavior from those around you and help you avoid getting too close to people who don’t have your best interests at heart.
Toxic people can only upset you if you let them upset you. Recognize and distance yourself from their behavior. And when interacting with them, focus on the positive.
Below is our collection of inspirational, wise, and thoughtful, toxic people quotes, toxic people sayings, and toxic people proverbs, collected from a variety of sources over the years.
Toxic People Quotes To Help You Develop Boundaries
1.) “If it comes, let it come. If it goes, it’s ok, let it go. Let things come and go. Stay calm, don’t let anything disturb your peace, and carry on.” ― Germany Kent
2,) “It’s amazing how quickly things can turn around when you remove toxic people from your life.” — Robert Tew
3.) “You create more space in your life when you turn your excess baggage to garbage.” ― Chinonye J. Chidolue
4.) “Pay no attention to toxic words. What people say is often a reflection of themselves, not you.” ― Christian Baloga
5.) “Letting go of toxic people in your life is a big step in loving yourself.” – Hussein Nishah
6.) “Don’t let toxic people infect you with the fearof giving and receiving one of the most powerful forces in this world… LOVE!”― Yvonne Pierre
7.) “Don’t let negative and toxic people rent space in your head. Raise the rent and kick them out.” — Robert Tew
8.) “You lift your spirits by moving away from what upsets you. If the stove is hot, you can’t ask how to touch it but be happy about it.” ― Queen Tourmaline
9.) “If a person finds negative people in his life, then he needs to mend his own nature than that of others, for his own basic grounding decides the level of acidic or toxicity surrounding him.” — Anuj Somany
10.) “Toxic people will pollute everything around them. Don’t hesitate. Fumigate.” ― Mandy Hale
Toxic people quotes to inspire healthy self-respect
11.) “There’s folks you just don’t need. You’re better off without em. Your life is just a little better because they ain’t in it.” ― William Gay
12.) “There are people who break you down by just being them. They need not do anything. Dissociate” ― Malebo Sephodi
13.) “Every day you must unlearn the ways that hold you back. You must rid yourself of negativity, so you can learn to fly.” — Leon Brown
14.) “We all have those toxic people around us that make our lives miserable… The day we take them out from our lives, we will all become better people; including them…” ― Rodolfo Peon
15.) “Letting go doesn’t mean that you don’t care about someone anymore. It’s just realizing that the only person you really have control over is yourself.” — Deborah Reber
16.) “How you choose to feel today should not be dependent on others.” ― Anthon St. Maarten
17.) “May you reach that level within, where you no longer allow your past or people with toxic intentions to negatively affect or condition you.” ― Lalah Delia
18.) “Surround yourself with positive people who believe in your dreams, encourage your ideas, support your ambitions, and bring out the best in you.” — Roy Bennett
19.) “Let negative people live their negative lives with their negative minds.”― Moosa Rahat
20.) “Toxic people attach themselves like cinder blocks tied to your ankles, and then invite you for a swim in their poisoned waters.” ― John Mark Green
Quotes about toxic friends, family and relationships
21.) “As you remove toxic people from your life, you free up space and emotional energy for positive, healthy relationships.” ― John Mark Green
22.) “I have found the best way to deal with a toxic person is to not respond in any other way than monotone voice and a businesslike manner.” ― Jen Grice
23.) “Weeding out the harmful influences should become the norm not the exception.” ― Carlos Wallace
24.) “You will find that it is necessary to let things go; simply for the reason that they are heavy. So let them go, let go of them. I tie no weights to my ankles.” — C. JoyBell C.
25.) “We teach people how to treat us.” – Dr. Phil
26.) “Sometimes it’s better to end something & try to start something new than imprison yourself in hoping for the impossible.” – Karen Salmansohn
27.) “People appear like angels until you hear them speak. You must not rush to judge people by the color of their cloaks, but by the content of their words!” ― Israelmore Ayivor
28.) “Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too can become great.” — Mark Twain
29.) “Look around you at the people you spend the most time with and realize that your life can’t rise any higher than your friendships.” ― Mandy Hale
30.) “Stop letting people who do so little for you control so much of your mind, feelings, and emotions.” — Will Smith
Toxic people quotes to help you set and maintain boundaries
31.) “When people pressure you to engage in negative decisions and actions, look at them boldly in the eyes and dare them to do good.” ― Edmond Mbiaka
32.) “Don’t ever stop believing in your own transformation. It is still happening even on days you may not realize it or feel like it.” ― Lalah Delia
33.) “Letting go means to come to the realization that some people are a part of your history, but not a part of your destiny.” — Dr. Steve Maraboli
34.) “If a negative viewer looks at you with an ugly fiendish eye, find a way and pluck off his eyes, or better still, protect your good image.” ― Michael Bassey Johnson
35.) “People inspire you, or they drain you. Pick them wisely.” — Hans F. Hasen
36.) “Save your skin from the corrosive acids from the mouths of toxic people. Someone who just helped you to speak evil about another person can later help another person to speak evil about you.” ― Israelmore Ayivor
37.) “I will not allow anyone to walk in my mind with dirty feet.” – Mahatma Gandhi
38.) “Some people are in such utter darkness that they will burn you just to see a light. Try not to take it personally.” ― Kamand Kojouri
39.) “We do not have to be mental health professionals to identify the traits of the possible sociopaths among us.” ― P.A. Speers
40.) “These are the attributes of Bullshit people; they will…blur your imagination, take your endowments for a piece of debris, make you ridiculous, and most importantly, you got to send them to the recycle bin.” ― Michael Bassey Johnson
Toxic people quotes to help you deal with negativity
41.) “Don’t let people get the best of you they can say what they want but don’t let that distract you from achieving your goals.” ― Alcurtis Turner
42.) “Until you let go of all the toxic people in your life you will never be able to grow into your fullest potential. Let them go so you can grow.” – DLQ
43.) “The friends who would forsake you for choosing to live a positive life, would also leave you if you find yourself going through some painful consequences due to some negative decisions and actions.” ― Edmond Mbiaka
44.) “You cannot expect to live a positive life if you hang with negative people.” — Joel Osteen
45.) “We don’t get to choose our family, but we can choose our friends. With courage, we can weed out narcissistic people. We can focus on those who do appreciate us, love us, and treat us with respect.” ― Dana Arcuri
46.) “If they do it often, it isn’t a mistake; it’s just their behavior.” — Dr. Steve Maraboli
47.) “My encouragement: delete the energy vampires from your life, clean out all complexity, build a team around you that frees you to fly, remove anything toxic, and cherish simplicity. Because that’s where genius lives.” — Robin S. Sharma
48.) “Someone who smiles too much with you can sometime frown too much with you at your back.” ― Michael Bassey Johnson
49.) “It is really exhausting to live in a dictatorship of ‘Me’, which is basically a tyranny of others.” ― Stefan Molyneux
50.) “Let go of negative people. They only show up to share complaints, problems, disastrous stories, fear, and judgment on others. If somebody is looking for a bin to throw all their trash into, make sure it’s not in your mind.” – Dalai Lama
Which of these toxic people quotes was your favorite?
Sometimes you find yourself with a friend, family member, or a partner who is really difficult to get along with. When you’re around them, you feel degraded or manipulated. Dealing with such people is never easy so you should find ways to tune out the toxicity that can’t be avoided.
Don’t invest too much time or effort with toxic people. They don’t deserve your mental energy. Hopefully, the toxic people quotes above will help you deal with such negative people.
How did you find these toxic people quotes? Do you have any other inspirational quotes to add to the list? Let us know in the comment section below. Also, don’t forget to share with your friends and followers.
If you’ve recognized you need to set limits with people in your life, these toxic people quotes will help you do just that.
We all have toxic people in our lives who can’t be avoided. It could be a friend, family member, or a coworker whom you just can’t stand.
Their toxicity manifests in a lot of different ways. Maybe they are full of interpersonal issues, are needy and disrespectful, or maybe they try to manipulate and control you, and are extremely critical of themselves and other people. Whatever the case, dealing with toxic people isn’t easy.
If you are often made uncomfortable by how those around you treat you, maybe it’s time to set and maintain personal boundaries. Clear boundaries that will help ensure your relationships are mutually respectful, supportive and caring. You deserve to be treated well.
It’s time to establish boundaries in your life for negative people, and these toxic people quotes are the necessary first step. They will inspire you to set the limits for acceptable behavior from those around you and help you avoid getting too close to people who don’t have your best interests at heart.
Toxic people can only upset you if you let them upset you. Recognize and distance yourself from their behavior. And when interacting with them, focus on the positive.
Below is our collection of inspirational, wise, and thoughtful, toxic people quotes, toxic people sayings, and toxic people proverbs, collected from a variety of sources over the years.
Toxic People Quotes To Help You Develop Boundaries
1.) “If it comes, let it come. If it goes, it’s ok, let it go. Let things come and go. Stay calm, don’t let anything disturb your peace, and carry on.” ― Germany Kent
2,) “It’s amazing how quickly things can turn around when you remove toxic people from your life.” — Robert Tew
3.) “You create more space in your life when you turn your excess baggage to garbage.” ― Chinonye J. Chidolue
4.) “Pay no attention to toxic words. What people say is often a reflection of themselves, not you.” ― Christian Baloga
5.) “Letting go of toxic people in your life is a big step in loving yourself.” – Hussein Nishah
6.) “Don’t let toxic people infect you with the fearof giving and receiving one of the most powerful forces in this world… LOVE!”― Yvonne Pierre
7.) “Don’t let negative and toxic people rent space in your head. Raise the rent and kick them out.” — Robert Tew
8.) “You lift your spirits by moving away from what upsets you. If the stove is hot, you can’t ask how to touch it but be happy about it.” ― Queen Tourmaline
9.) “If a person finds negative people in his life, then he needs to mend his own nature than that of others, for his own basic grounding decides the level of acidic or toxicity surrounding him.” — Anuj Somany
10.) “Toxic people will pollute everything around them. Don’t hesitate. Fumigate.” ― Mandy Hale
Toxic people quotes to inspire healthy self-respect
11.) “There’s folks you just don’t need. You’re better off without em. Your life is just a little better because they ain’t in it.” ― William Gay
12.) “There are people who break you down by just being them. They need not do anything. Dissociate” ― Malebo Sephodi
13.) “Every day you must unlearn the ways that hold you back. You must rid yourself of negativity, so you can learn to fly.” — Leon Brown
14.) “We all have those toxic people around us that make our lives miserable… The day we take them out from our lives, we will all become better people; including them…” ― Rodolfo Peon
15.) “Letting go doesn’t mean that you don’t care about someone anymore. It’s just realizing that the only person you really have control over is yourself.” — Deborah Reber
16.) “How you choose to feel today should not be dependent on others.” ― Anthon St. Maarten
17.) “May you reach that level within, where you no longer allow your past or people with toxic intentions to negatively affect or condition you.” ― Lalah Delia
18.) “Surround yourself with positive people who believe in your dreams, encourage your ideas, support your ambitions, and bring out the best in you.” — Roy Bennett
19.) “Let negative people live their negative lives with their negative minds.”― Moosa Rahat
20.) “Toxic people attach themselves like cinder blocks tied to your ankles, and then invite you for a swim in their poisoned waters.” ― John Mark Green
Quotes about toxic friends, family and relationships
21.) “As you remove toxic people from your life, you free up space and emotional energy for positive, healthy relationships.” ― John Mark Green
22.) “I have found the best way to deal with a toxic person is to not respond in any other way than monotone voice and a businesslike manner.” ― Jen Grice
23.) “Weeding out the harmful influences should become the norm not the exception.” ― Carlos Wallace
24.) “You will find that it is necessary to let things go; simply for the reason that they are heavy. So let them go, let go of them. I tie no weights to my ankles.” — C. JoyBell C.
25.) “We teach people how to treat us.” – Dr. Phil
26.) “Sometimes it’s better to end something & try to start something new than imprison yourself in hoping for the impossible.” – Karen Salmansohn
27.) “People appear like angels until you hear them speak. You must not rush to judge people by the color of their cloaks, but by the content of their words!” ― Israelmore Ayivor
28.) “Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too can become great.” — Mark Twain
29.) “Look around you at the people you spend the most time with and realize that your life can’t rise any higher than your friendships.” ― Mandy Hale
30.) “Stop letting people who do so little for you control so much of your mind, feelings, and emotions.” — Will Smith
Toxic people quotes to help you set and maintain boundaries
31.) “When people pressure you to engage in negative decisions and actions, look at them boldly in the eyes and dare them to do good.” ― Edmond Mbiaka
32.) “Don’t ever stop believing in your own transformation. It is still happening even on days you may not realize it or feel like it.” ― Lalah Delia
33.) “Letting go means to come to the realization that some people are a part of your history, but not a part of your destiny.” — Dr. Steve Maraboli
34.) “If a negative viewer looks at you with an ugly fiendish eye, find a way and pluck off his eyes, or better still, protect your good image.” ― Michael Bassey Johnson
35.) “People inspire you, or they drain you. Pick them wisely.” — Hans F. Hasen
36.) “Save your skin from the corrosive acids from the mouths of toxic people. Someone who just helped you to speak evil about another person can later help another person to speak evil about you.” ― Israelmore Ayivor
37.) “I will not allow anyone to walk in my mind with dirty feet.” – Mahatma Gandhi
38.) “Some people are in such utter darkness that they will burn you just to see a light. Try not to take it personally.” ― Kamand Kojouri
39.) “We do not have to be mental health professionals to identify the traits of the possible sociopaths among us.” ― P.A. Speers
40.) “These are the attributes of Bullshit people; they will…blur your imagination, take your endowments for a piece of debris, make you ridiculous, and most importantly, you got to send them to the recycle bin.” ― Michael Bassey Johnson
Toxic people quotes to help you deal with negativity
41.) “Don’t let people get the best of you they can say what they want but don’t let that distract you from achieving your goals.” ― Alcurtis Turner
42.) “Until you let go of all the toxic people in your life you will never be able to grow into your fullest potential. Let them go so you can grow.” – DLQ
43.) “The friends who would forsake you for choosing to live a positive life, would also leave you if you find yourself going through some painful consequences due to some negative decisions and actions.” ― Edmond Mbiaka
44.) “You cannot expect to live a positive life if you hang with negative people.” — Joel Osteen
45.) “We don’t get to choose our family, but we can choose our friends. With courage, we can weed out narcissistic people. We can focus on those who do appreciate us, love us, and treat us with respect.” ― Dana Arcuri
46.) “If they do it often, it isn’t a mistake; it’s just their behavior.” — Dr. Steve Maraboli
6 notes · View notes
expectingtofly · 4 years
Tumblr media
made of love
1049 words, Tumblr, AO3
Established Dean/Cas, Post 15x18, Dean is Loved and Loves, John’s A+ Parenting, just a lil reflection of love and its complexities <3
Stuck in Traffic
1.3k, Tumblr, AO3
Established Dean/Cas, Toddler Jack, Fluff, Roadtrips, Dean can draw, Fun in the Impala
love etched into his ribs
600 words, Tumblr, AO3
Established Dean/Cas, Toddler Jack, Fluff, Cas and Dean are in Love, Jack loves dinos, Dadstiel
First Day Jitters
1.7k, Tumblr, AO3
Established Dean/Cas, Toddler Jack, Fluff, Jack’s first day of kindergarten, Dean and Cas cry a lot, Dadstiel, Overprotective Parenting
When Peaches Fly
1.2k, Tumblr, AO3
Established Dean/Cas, Toddler Jack, Dadstiel, Fluff, Farmer’s Market shenanigans
angel in the garden
739 words, Tumblr, AO3
Established Dean/Cas, Fluff, Cas Gardening, Post-Canon, Dean and Cas in love
Painted Nails and Pride
2k, T, Tumblr, AO3
Established Dean/Cas, Internal Homophobia, John’s A+ Parenting, Found Family, Dean’s 1st Pride, Happy Ending
Not-So-Easy-Bake Oven
2k, T, Tumblr, AO3
Established Dean/Cas, Toddler Jack, Fluff Without Plot, Baking Conundrums
What It Means to Love
3k, T, Tumblr, AO3
Hurt/Comfort, Established Dean/Cas, Post-Canon, Canon Divergent, Human!Cas, Fluff, Caring Dean
finally free, they drive
2.8k, G, Tumblr, AO3
Fluff, Established Dean/Cas, Post-Canon, Canon Divergent, Everyone Lives and is Happy, Roadtrip, Diners, Human!Castiel, Cas and Dean in Love
Hold on Tight
2.8k, T, Tumblr, AO3
Fluff, Established Dean/Cas, Baby Jack, Beach Trip, Protective Dean Winchester
Incident at Playgroup
2.8k, T, Tumblr, AO3
Fluff, Established Dean/Cas, Baby Jack, Dean and Cas Terrorize Other Parents, Dadstiel, Sam is Not Amused
Take a Load Off
2.5k, T, Tumblr, AO3
Fluff, Established Dean/Cas, Domestic Destiel, Human Cas, Anxious Dean, Cas Buys Dean a Weighted Blanket
one month
530 words, G, Tumblr
Fluff, Dean and Cas Celebrate Their 1 Month Wedding Anniversary, Dean Brings Cas Breakfast in Bed, Dean and Cas in Love, Dean and Cas are Saps
Drive Me Crazy
36.5k, E, AO3
Trucker AU, Trucker!Dean, Trucker!Cas, Dean and Cas are Idiots, Dean and Cas Fall in Love, Sharing A Bed, Mutual Pining, Dean Winchester is Bad at Feelings, Inspired by Orville Peck’s song “Drive Me, Crazy,” DCRB 2021
716 words, G, AO3, Tumblr
Fluff, Dean and Cas on Their Honeymoon, Dean and Cas in Love, Dean Can’t Believe How Lucky He Is
Not Jealous (Okay, Maybe a Little... Maybe a Lot)
8.1k, T, AO3, Tumblr 
Fluff, TFW Gets A Visit From the Djinn Queen, Dean is Jealous, Set in S13, Dean is Bad With Feelings and Words
Only an Angel
43k, E, AO3
Time Travel, S4 Cas meets S1 Dean, Case Fic, First Times, Angelic Grace Kink, Profound Bond, Coda for in between S4 and S5
Sign Here
4k, T, AO3, Tumblr
Modern Setting AU, Meet-Cute, Fluff, Dean Is a UPS driver, Cas and Dean Are Idiots, Gabe Tries to Intervene, Castiel Likes to Garden, Falling in Love
January 24th
2.3k, T, AO3, Tumblr
Dean’s Birthday, Established Dean/Cas, Post Canon, Canon Divergent, Human!Castiel, Mild Angst (in beginning), Fluff, Happy Ending, Dean is Loved
Home for Christmas
1.7k, T, AO3, Tumblr
Holiday Themed Fluff, Established Dean/Cas, Post Canon, Canon Divergent, Domestic Destiel, Cas and Dean Live in A House Together, Cas is Very Emotional and When He Cries, Dean Cries, SPN Advent Calendar 2020
Just You
960 words, T, AO3, Tumblr
Holiday Themed Fluff, Established Dean/Cas, Human!Castiel, Castiel Struggles with Being Human, Dean Gets a Paper Cut and is Muy Dramático, SPN Advent Calendar 2020
All Yours
2k, T, AO3, Tumblr
15x19 Coda, Fix-It, Love Confession, Dean and Cas in Love, Lazy Mornings, Dean and Cas Are Saps, Fluff, SPN Advent Calendar 2020
Can’t Take My Eyes Off You
1k, T, AO3, Tumblr
Holiday Themed Fluff, Established Dean/Cas, Dean and Cas Being Dorks, Sam and Jack Are So Done, Snowball Fight, SPN Advent Calendar 2020
Dancing in the Square
1.3k, G, AO3, Tumblr
Holiday Themed Fluff, Established Dean/Cas, Post 15x20, Canon Divergent, Dean and Cas Slow Dance, Christmas Tree Lighting, SPN Advent Calendar 2020
Fuck Mistletoe
2k, T, AO3, Tumblr
Holiday Themed Fluff, Established Dean/Cas, Post 15x20, Canon Divergent, Human!Cas, Dean and Cas Figuring Out How to Be a Couple, Dean Hangs Mistletoe, Cas Is a Little Oblivious, SPN Advent Calendar 2020
It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas
566 words, G, AO3, Tumblr
Holiday Themed Fluff, Established Dean/Cas, Post 15x20, Canon Divergent, Human!Cas, Dean and Cas Drive in the Impala and Listen to Christmas Music, SPN Advent Calendar 2020
Tradition (or, Two Hunters, a Former Angel, and the God of the Universe Walk into a Kitchen...)
1k, T, AO3, Tumblr
Holiday Themed Fluff, Established Dean/Cas, Post 15x20, Canon Divergent, Human!Cas, TFW 2.0 Bake Christmas Cookies Together (with less than perfect results), SPN Advent Calendar 2020
Because I Like You
632, G, AO3, Tumblr
Holiday Themed Fluff, Established Dean/Cas, Post 15x20, Canon Divergent, Human!Cas, Castiel and Dean Watch TV, SPN Advent Calendar 2020
One Hell (Heaven?) of a Situation
2.6k, T, AO3, Tumblr
15x20 Coda, Fix-It, Jimmy Novak and Kansas are in Heaven, Fluff and Crack, Love Confession, Dean and Cas need to use their words
1.3k, T, AO3, Tumblr
15x20 Coda, Fix-It, Love Confession, Romantic Fluff, Slow Dancing, Forehead Touching, Dean and Cas Get The Ending They Deserve
While You Sleep
1.5k, G, AO3, Tumblr
Angst, Pining, Cas watches over Dean, Profound Bond, The Handprint, Cas has doubts
Angel in a Hoodie
1.5k, G, AO3, Tumblr
Mutual Pining, Fluff, Angst, Dean and Cas Go Shopping, Dean and Cas Need to Use Their Words, Cas Wears an Oversized Hoodie
2k, G, AO3, Tumblr
15x18 Coda, Angst, Dean Prays to Cas, Dean Rescues Cas, Happy Ending, Forehead Touching, Love Confession
Wicked Game
104k, E, AO3
Western AU, Enemies to Lovers, Canon-Typical Violence, Period-Typical Homophobia, Dub Con, Sexual Tension, Top Cas/Bottom Dean, Outlaw Dean and Cas, Slow Burn, Hurt/Comfort, Sharing a Bed, Angst, Pining, Eventual Fluff, Dean/Cas Big Bang 2020
completely, perfectly, incandescently happy
1k, T, AO3, Tumblr
Dean and Cas Watch Pride and Prejudice, Established Dean/Cas, Domestic Fluff, Bisexual Dean, Dean and Cas Are Saps
The Cost of Happiness
1.5k, T, AO3, Tumblr
Cas’ Deal With the Empty, Angst, First Kiss, Love Confessions, Implied MCD
when Castiel heals him, Dean feels warm
.5k, G, AO3, Tumblr
Angelic Healing, Pining, Holding Hands, Profound Bond, Inspired By that 15x8 moment where Dean and Cas come this close to holding hands
3k, T, AO3, Tumblr
First Kiss, Hurt/Comfort, Angelic Healing, Angst, Mutual Pining, Sam is Essentially a Relationship Counselor, Love Confessions, Weakened Grace
The Ranger and The Tourist
1k, T, AO3, Tumblr
Real World AU, Meet-Cute, Park Ranger Dean, Tourist Gabriel and Cas
How to Say I Love You With Socks
2k, G, AO3, Tumblr
Mutual Pining, Fluff (so much fluff), Socks are Dean and Cas’ Love Language, First Kiss, Profound Bond
The Archer and The Squire
85k, M, AO3
Robin Hood AU, Medieval AU, First Kiss, First Love, Slow Burn, Period-Typical Homophobia, Mix of SPN and Robin Hood Characters, Squire!Cas, Fluff, Pining
Proposal in the Produce Aisle
2k, T, AO3, Tumblr
Established Dean/Cas, Domestic Fluff, Marriage Proposal, Dean and Cas Go Grocery Shopping, Dean and Cas Need to Use Their Words, Sam is Essentially a Marriage Counselor
Like Looking in a Mirror... Or Not? 
3k, E, AO3, Tumblr
15x13 Coda, Established Dean/Cas, Dean/HunterCorp!Dean, Awkward Sexual Situations, Doppelganger Sex, PWP
This Charming Man 
5k, T, AO3, Tumblr
Meet-Cute, College AU, College Student Cas, Roofer Dean, Based Off the Song “This Charming Man” by The Smiths, ficwip5k 2020 Challenge
Morning Confessions (or, Waking Up Next to an Angel) 
1k, T, AO3, Tumblr
Mutual Pining, Castiel and Dean Use Their Words, Sharing a Bed, Falling in Love, Angel Wings, Castiel Watches Over Dean
When Parents Come to Visit (or, The Shittiest Anniversary Ever) 
5k, E, AO3, Tumblr
Established Dean/Cas, Roommates AU, College AU, Coming Out, Fluff, Light BDSM, Top Castiel/Bottom Dean, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, ficwip5k 2020 Challenge
The Accidental Prayer 
2k, E, AO3, Tumblr
Accidental Voyeurism, Masturbation, Castiel and Dean Use Their Words, (Accidentally) Praying to Castiel, Mutual Pining
My Darling, My Dearest, My Dear 
1k, T, AO3, Tumblr
Established Dean/Cas, Fluff, watching Dr. Sexy M.D., Jack Kline, Choosing Pet Names For Each Other
The Fortune Teller 
3k, T, AO3, Tumblr
Real World AU, Beach Vacation, Palm Reader!Cas, Love Cynic Dean, Background Sam/Eileen, Stay At Home Challenge Week 10, Based Off the Song “The Fortune Teller” by Robert Plant and Alison Krauss
When Angels Wear Flannel 
5k, T, AO3, Tumblr
Post-Purgatory, Cas Wears Dean’s Clothes, Hunter!Castiel, Case Fic, Pining, Stay At Home Challenge Week 9
Hope in the Form of One Small Bee 
1.5k, G, AO3, Tumblr
Established Relationship, Depressed Castiel, Caring Dean, Fluff, Angst, Set Sometime in S9, Hopeful Ending, Stay At Home Challenge Week 8
Just For Tonight 
3k, T, AO3, Tumblr
9x6 Coda, The Missing HoursTM, Mutual Pining, Angst, Fluff, Human!Cas, SPN Stay At Home Challenge Week 7
In All the Universes 
3k, T, AO3, Tumblr
15x13 Coda, HunterCorp!Winchesters, Jealous Dean, Established Relationship, Fluff, a lil crack, SPN Stay At Home Challenge Week 6
Sutter Creek 
66k, M, AO3
Western AU, Canon-Typical Violence, Slow Burn, Hurt/Comfort, Sharing a Bed, Angst, Mutual Pining, Fluff, Happy Ending
26 notes · View notes
kelkat9 · 4 years
14 and 86 for the fanfic trope mash meme pleaaaaseeeee
Ohhhh those are so good, you got something like a ficlet LOL  Thank you for asking!
Bodyguard AU
I Didn’t Mean to Turn You On 
 Nine/Rose but with a twist because this is me LOL
 Rose Tyler isn’t the best in personal security because she’s intimidating, muscular or particularly adept with a weapon.  She’s the top in security because she makes sure neither she nor any on her payroll need to use extreme measures to protect their clients.
 In fact, all of her agents, Donna Noble, Martha Jones, Amelia Pond, Bill Potts or Clara Oswald, were quite the opposite from intimidating muscle-bound types most of the wealthy or powerful would choose.  They’re gifts are knowing trouble before it becomes a problem.  And using their sometimes glamorous or unassuming appearance to surprise those with malicious intents.
 Rose’s current assignment seemed the perfect example.  Dr. John Smith, known around the world as the Doctor, the brightest mind on the planet.  The savior of humanity more times than the general population knows.  Tall, with piercing blue eyes that have seared into many an arrogant politician, he wore a leather coat like armor.  Not a typical brainy or academic type to Rose, he could be abrasive and was known to have an intolerance for ego, pompous idiots or those choosing greed and selfish desires over the truth and helping others.  She found that rather attractive.
 By looking at him, one wouldn’t think he needed protecting.  But UNIT, his current employer, guardian and the only ones who could put up with him or able to direct his intelligence in  meaningful way, needed help.  And wasn’t that a fun twist Rose would use to needle them.  Except it was him that refused their uniformed, regimented type of keep the Doctor safe even from himself attitude. 
 Again, so attractive and especially when she met him and he demanded to know what she was about.
 “Saving the World.”
 He’d given her one measured look and started tossing things at her.  She let a few things fly, bits and bobs of metal, vials of foul-smelling things when they shattered, before catching a worn leather book.
 “Why that?” he demanded.
 She cradled in her hands, fingers tracing the frayed spine.
 “Because someone loved this.  It’s important and personal.  Not something you should toss over your shoulder,” Rose admonished.  He’d stopped dead and stared at her before slipping the book from her fingers and walking away without a word.
 There were other tests, like that time he leapt out of a moving taxi and Rose quickly followed relying on her gymnastics training to not tumble and break something.  He was on the prowl and if he was that interested so was she.  They ended up following a young girl, braids in her hair and darting looks over her shoulder before disappearing into an abandoned theatre.
 She was hiding children who’d been part of a government experiment.  Little drug induced geniuses who had an expiration date not of their choosing.  Rose bonded with the kids, off an estate not unlike hers.  On the run from abuse, poverty or worse.  She arranged a safe house while the Doctor did the science.  Not know if UNIT could be trusted, she and the Doctor arranged for the lab to suffer an unfortunate hazardous material spill, but not before retrieving evidence.
 Her real job came after.
 The pharmaceutical executives didn’t appreciate the Doctor’s interference.  It was war and they ran.  In the tunnels beneath London, back alleys, kitchens and docks.  And sometime with all the running, their hands linked.  The simple brush of linked fingers became something more.
 A sontaran assassin cornered them in closed chippy.  He didn’t wield just any gun either.  It was a molecular destabilizer.  Nasty experimental thing. Donna had been tracking the arms dealer in London.  If she lived, she’d make sure Donna got the credit for nailing their arses.
 The Doctor tried to sacrifice himself.  Very him from what she’d seen given his propensity to hurtle himself into the middle of dangerous problems.  Jeopardy friendly she called him.  Teasing but honest.  Then she threw him across the room.  No easy feat given his muscular frame and counter moves.  But she’d studied him long enough to know his weaknesses
 She couldn’t let him be hurt.  It was personal now for her.  Too personal.
 “How much are they paying you?” she’d demanded, drawing attention to herself inching closer which seemed to amuse the man with a bald mottled head, almost like a potato.  Fitting in a chippy.
 He laughed.
 “Money means little.  I’m here for the honor and victory.  His death is my reward.”
 “Too bad,” Rose mused before she pressed the sonic bracelet, she wore on a setting that might pop her eardrums.  She hoped it would his.  The windows shattered sending glass raining around them slicing her hands and across her cheek.
 He screamed and charged her, his weapon flashing before it backfired on him.  Apparently, it didn’t like the sonic disruption she released.  She was thrown backwards and landed against something solid and cursing in a Northern burr.
 Coughing and blindly ranching around, she was lifted up.
 “Bloody menace,” he said until Rose felt the damp chill of the night air.  He dropped her down and pressed a metal device to each ear.
 “What was that about?  You could’ve been killed?”
 “Protecting you,” she said around a cough, sirens sounding in the distance.  “We need to leave.”
 “You think?  Been around me, and I’ve never met anyone so determine to blonde into danger.”
 “It’s not me blonding into danger” She was a bit sore with him and one thing she’d decided since meeting him was to not put up with his lectures. 
 “It was me he wanted,” His voice deepened with that slight catch as he watched the fire brigade take on what was now a blazing chippy.  “The price was on my head.”
 “Yeah well good thing there’s me to get in the way.” She tried to lighten the mood, brushing her fingers down the lapel of his leather coat
 “I’m not worth it.”
 “But you are.  And not just for your brain.  Not for me.”  And now she’d broken her rule.  Honestly, she’d broken it weeks ago. Maybe from the first time she told him to run.
 “Rose Tyler.”  The way he said her name, made her flush until she was having thoughts that didn’t involve protecting him.
 “You’ve been fantastic.  Saved me from more than that rubbish assassin.  I’m standing here having thoughts I haven’t considered in decades.  Me, this daft old Doctor mucking about finding trouble and then I met you.  Never saw you coming and I see everything coming.”
 “Yeah me too.  I wasn’t planning this the chips and a dance with danger with a little sonic explosion on the side.  If you want me to say I’m sorry I can’t.  and I really think we should snog now.  Before the police start asking us questions,” she tacked on with a tongue touched grin.
 “Undercover snogging.  Always protecting me.” 
 And that was how she ended up snogging her assignment who turned into a bit more of an assignment.  Well a lot more as they found a flat with fire proof construction, a roof top garden and lots of secret exits. 
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himbowelsh · 4 years
Hi! I loooooved your drunk band of brothers hc's so much, could you elaborate more on the pacific and saving private ryan boys? 🥰
oooooohhh dude if you insist
The Pacific
Robert Leckie: The Messy Drunk. Giving Leckie booze is highkey like disco dancing beside a hornet’s nest. You’re going to get stung, and it’s going to be severely unpleasant, you just don’t know how or when. Drunk Leckie...  is that friend. He really can’t be left alone; when out partying, he’s probably fine, but his moods swing from reckless highs to terrifying lows. All his guards are lower, and pent up emotions are quicker to bleed through  ---  because he can’t be assed to hold them back. He’ll drunk-dial his ex and leave a dozen voicemails, or call his mom to tell her how he really feels about his fourteenth birthday party...   and when friends try to step in, suddenly he’s shouting at them. Why? They didn’t do anything...  but Leckie is a mess, and it bleeds all over everything. Safest range for him is comfortably drunk. When he crosses the border into hammered territory, he’s a hazard to himself and others.
Runner Conley: The Energetic Drunk. No one knows what drugs Drunk Runner is on, but he needs to share. Whoa, is he wired. Alcohol is a suppressant, but no one ever bothered to inform him; he gains energy when he’s drunk. He’s the one on the dance floor for hours, busting a move and trying to convince his friends to join in; he’s the one shouting song suggestions and hollering about how it’s his friend’s birthday, hell yeah, pour it out  (it’s not actually Leckie’s birthday, but if it gets them free drinks he’ll roll with it). Runner is very inclined to drunk gymnastics, but should not under any circumstances be allowed to. Other than that, excellent guy to have on a night out.
Chuckler Juergens: The Ladies’ Man. Don’t worry, he’s having a great night. Chuckler’s got a very high tolerance, so he actually keeps his head pretty well; this is good, because he’s got to keep an eye on everyone else, before Runner cartwheels out a plate glass window. He isn’t the Mom Friend Drunk, however...  oh no, Chuckler’s got other things on his mind. Namely, flirting with every cutie in the bar. He’s great at flirting sober, but Drunk Chuckler is absolutely gifted. He’s suave, charming, funny, and no one on earth could tell he’s already had three vodka-and-limes. He spends most of his evening chatting girls up and dancing with them; his friends have to actively drag him away at the end of the night, otherwise he will end up going home with someone. He’s never drunk enough that it’s a bad idea, just drunk enough that he can’t think of a reason not to. After a night out, he finds numbers written on multiple places on his body. Once, someone wrote their number on his abs.
Hoosier Smith: The Dr. Jekyll. Give Hoosier a bottle of whiskey, and he turns into a different person, okay. He’s still...  like, he’s still Hoosier, but this Hoosier grins. With his teeth. This Hoosier will actually dance; he’ll flirt with people for the hell of it  (”for the hell of it” is Drunk Hoosier’s philosophy), he’ll try to talk Runner into gymnastics just so he can film it...  he got a job drunk once. He literally made one phone call, ended up having a twenty-minute conversation, and came back to tell everyone he just got hired as a finance manager. Drunk Hoosier is impressively cool in the face of a crisis; there’s nothing messy about him  (he observes Leckie’s swaying and slurring with disdain). He could probably be coached through first-aid drunk. If you didn’t know him, you wouldn’t be able to tell he’s drunk at all, you’d think he’s just like that.
Sid Phillips: The Impatient Drunk. Does not have time for anyone’s shit, and no longer cares to pretend he does. No one knows why Sid gets so short-tempered when he’s drunk. He’s not like that sober, so the going theory is he just has a lot of pent-up frustration. Now, when buzzed, Sid is a delight. He’s talkative, bubbly, and overall a treat to be around. This is where he should stay. The more he drinks, the progressively less fun the party gets, until he’s glowering at people across the room and shouting at someone for bumping into him. He will not win a bar fight, but he will start one, and not remember a damn thing about it in the morning. By the time Sid’s reached his limit, most of his friends are still just starting, so they’re usually sober enough to cut him off before he gets to that point.
Eugene Sledge: The Snuggly Drunk. He just gets lonely, okay? Liquor makes him morose, and he prefers not to be alone whenever he does choose to indulge. He needs someone there, just to keep him from getting lost in his own thoughts. When out with friends, Drunk Sledge is docile, pretty sweet, but unabashedly clingy. He wants to touch people; he’ll touch their faces, their hair, lean against their shoulders, hug them  (”someone help me,” Drunk Leyden says in abject terror, with Sledge wrapped around his waist)...   he’s just fine as long as there’s someone there to keep him entertained all night. Tell him a story and he’ll listen in silent rapture; give him a phone and let him watch videos, and he’ll be entertained for hours.
Snafu Shelton: The Possessive Drunk. Snafu...  is not a fun drunk to be around. He’s a funny drunk, but this does not make him fun. Drunk Snafu’s idea of fun is not dancing in the club, it’s setting a dumpster on fire. He’s never gotten arrested drunk, but whoa has he come close. So long as he has a more responsible friend to keep him in line, he’s going to “behave”  (and Snafu has a very strict rule that he does not drink alone, for his own good, so there’s usually someone). However, he...  latches onto this person. Like, he acquires them like a $1,000 watch, and refuses to let anyone else near them for the rest of the night. Since Burgie wouldn’t put up with it, this behavior only becomes really apparent with Sledge, because Snafu is fiercely protective of Drunk Sledge. (Drunk Sledge needs to be protected tbh.) He looks after him all night, steals drinks for him, makes sure he’s drinking water and not hugging strange men...  if Drunk Snafu doesn’t have a project, he’s going to commit a felony. Drunk Sledge is a godsend to his criminal record.
RV Burgin: The Hyperfocused Drunk. It’s not safe for him to get drunk, because he has to be the mom friend! He has to keep everyone else from burning the bar down! He knows this, but somehow his friends always end up pushing drinks on him, and next thing he knows, he’s five shots in wondering where rainbows come from. Drunk Burgie has a very one-track mind, and little patience for anything else. He’s not looking after his friends, because he can’t understand why dogs don’t have twins. He’ll discuss this out loud; he’ll crowdsource opinions. Drunk Burgie is actually very outgoing, but no one knows what the hell he’s talking about. His brain goes off in directions no one can follow, and next thing you know he’s trying to get to the library at midnight to see if they have any books about crayfish. (God forbid if he decides he wants fast food; he’ll talk about it for an hour, until someone’s annoyed enough to get it for him.)
Jay De L’Eau: The Giggly Drunk pt deux. He’s such a nice drunk. Everything is funny, and he’s constantly laughing at the dumb jokes and antics of everyone else; he’s less inclined to do the crazy shit, happier just to watch. He’ll stop and ask a stranger if they’re doing okay, or give his last few dollars away just because someone else needed it ---  he’s an angel and everyone’s thrilled that he’s here.
Andrew Haldane: The Bemused Drunk. Okay, he doesn’t drink too much as a rule, because he’s a responsible person, okay...  but Andy is weak to peer-pressure coming from his friends, so when he goes out, he’ll probably end up having a few. Liquor makes him thoughtful, and he’s a placid drunk overall. His reflexes are a lot slower, but he’s content to just sit there, observing everyone or lost in his own thoughts. He’s just...  not totally there. If he puts something down, he will misplace it. If he’s talking to someone, he’ll lose track of the threads of conversation halfway through, and need to be stared back on topic. He doesn’t remember what bar he’s in, what street he’s on, where he lives  ---   he can rattle off sports history facts like he’s reading from a mental wikipedia page, but god help him if he knows where he put his wallet.
Hillbilly Jones: The Responsible Drunk. He doesn’t know how he always ends up looking after everyone else during a night out. It’s not a responsibility he wants. There are at least two people in the group better suited for it. But Andy’s been staring out the window for ten minutes humming to himself, and Burgie is trying to remember what his brother said to him years ago, and Jay is about to give his wallet to a homeless man, damn it  ---  Hillbilly isn’t a big drinker, but liquor lends him a bit more patience. This is a godsend, because somehow he ends up wrangling the whole crew. He makes a good mom friend, keeping them from wandering off and reminding them to drink water, making sure they don’t go too wild...  Hillbilly’s night isn’t over until everyone else has gotten home safe. No, he’s not thrilled he’s gotta be the one to do it, but someone has to.
Gunny Haney: The Stripper. I’m sorry.
John Basilone: The ‘And I’ll Do It Again’ Drunk. He pretends he has a rule where he’d never do anything drunk that he wouldn’t do sober. This is...  almost true. John wouldn’t not start a barfight sober, if given a damn good reason, but he’d think it through a lot more. Drunk John...  does not think things through. Not for a second. He does things without considering the consequences. There’s a thin line with John, between “fun to have at parties” and “needs to be asked to leave”. Usually, he knows better than to drink enough to cross that valley, but when he does...  let’s just say, JP and Manny are banned from a few bars by sheer association.
Lena Riggi: The Careful Drunk. Lena does not have control issues. I’ll say it again, because she needs everyone to know: Lena does not have control issues. But if she’s going to be out of control, it’s no one’s business but her own. She hates the idea of really letting her hair down in front of strangers ---  or worse, casual acquaintances. Which isn’t to say she’s not fun at parties, she just...  minds her alcohol intake. She’s very aware of when she’s getting tipsy, and knows when to stop. She also keeps up with her friends, and is an expert at keeping an eye on them, wrangling them when they wander off or get into trouble. (Basically, she’s the perfect person to rein in Drunk John’s self-destructive tendencies.)
Saving Private Ryan
John Miller: The Depressed Drunk. No, really, this man shouldn’t be allowed to drink. He tries not to, as a rule. He knows his limits. Only on rare occasions does he actually get drunk, and once he does, everyone regret it. He’s...  not fun. He’s not responsible. He’s just sad. He’s got a lot of thoughts, and is clearly working through them right here at the table. He’s been staring at his hands for the past half hour, he won’t talk to anyone, and looks like he’s going to cry. Someone needs to take him home.
Mike Horvath: The Drunk With A Lot of Opinions. He’s a very social drinker, and doesn’t need to know anybody else at the party to have a good time. Mike will talk to anyone. More specifically, he’ll talk at anyone. He’s got a lot to say about the Black Rhino crisis, the 1998 Superbowl, sitcoms that ended 20 years ago... he feels very strongly about these things, and is not accepting dissenting opinions at this time. He won’t pick arguments with people, really, but he won’t shy away from them. Mike’s one rule on a night out is that he Will Not Dance, so he has to do something with his time.
Richard Reiben: The Shouty Drunk. He’s not even shouting at anyone. Reiben isn’t an angry drunk, he’s just loud. His entire drinking philosophy is “turn down for what” and the answer is: nothing. He’s not going to turn down, he doesn’t feel inclined. He doesn’t really dance, just gets excited and fistpumps the air a lot; he thinks drunk sports are a great idea; he’s nicer to people, for some reason, but will also talk their ear off if allowed. If he’s a pain in the ass sober, he’s even worse drunk, because he’s got twice as much to say and no indoor voice to say it with.
Daniel Jackson: The “Dude, Watch This” Drunk. He really doesn’t change that much when drunk, to be honest. Jackson’s got a lot of self-control, and doesn’t overindulge often. When he does drink, he gets a bit chattier, but that’s about it. He prefers not to dance, and will responsibly stop his friends from doing things likely to get them killed...  only to do those things himself, just because he can. He’s drunk vodka out of a broken lightblub; he jumped from an upstairs window into a frozen swimming pool; he stole Horvath’s wallet. The question is not “what won’t he do”, it’s “why would he do this”? He’s not that drunk. He’s never drunk enough to justify anything; he just uses liquor as an excuse to do all the things his sober friends would dissuade him from.
Stanley Mellish: The Karaoke Drunk. He’s actually so much fun to go out drinking with, because he’s having a good time, having a good time  ---  he’s the life of the party. He’s the one standing on tables and riling the bar up; he’s got the best drunk jokes; he always knows when someone needs another drink, and finds one for them. (He made it a special project to get Upham drunk the first time they went out, and was thrilled with the result.) Loves to drunk-sing. If the bar does not have a karaoke stage, Mellish will simply create one.
Adrian Caparzo: The Drunk White Girl. My man completely forgets that he’s over six feet tall and has a pair of brass knuckles in his pocket. Caparzo doesn’t remember exactly why he came out tonight, but he’s out, and he’s had so much vodka, and he just threw up into a potted plant, and his shoes hurt, and now his shoes are off, and he lost a shoe, and where’s Fish, oh my god, they lost Fish --- (Mellish is right behind him, laughing his ass off.) Things get messy. He’s very sweet, however, very liberal with compliments, extremely supportive, and really craving fast food.
Irwin Wade: The Tragic Backstory Drunk. Wade gets a lot more upbeat after he’s had a few drinks; he talks louder, smiles brighter, and really comes out of his shell a lot more. Unfortunately, he’s a talker. Drunk Wade has not learned the virtues of shutting the fuck up. He doesn’t need to talk about everything, he just occasionally starts blabbing about really personal shit, like the time his grandmother died of cancer or the first time he saw his mother cry, and it’s like...  are you okay, buddy? Do you need to talk to someone? He says it so casually, too, like the liquor has numbed whatever obviously raw emotions are tied to these memories. His friends always know Wade a lot better after a night out, in plenty of ways they didn’t need to. They’ve learned to be smart about it; anytime Wade starts rambling, Reiben pushes some pretzels in his mouth, just so he’ll happily shush.
Timothy Upham: The Enthusiastic Drunk. He’s having a great time, even if no one else is. Drunk Upham comes out of his shell a lot more, which would be great if the liquor gave him any extra social skills. It doesn’t. Honestly, he just gets...  more oblivious to everyone else, and cares less about what other people are doing. He’s just vibing, and having fun doing it. Will bop along to music even if no one else is dancing with him, will ramble even if nobody’s listening...  oh god, and he loves to be on the dance floor. Like, the best way to keep an eye on him is to just drag him out and plant him in the middle of a dancing crowd, because he’s just happy to be there. 10/10 pleasant drunk, doesn’t know what the hell is going on. What language is he speaking? Who knows.
James Ryan: The Fun-Time Drunk. No, really, the rest of these guys are disasters, here’s the dude you want to go drinking with. He never goes alone, always with a group of buddies; he comes out solely to have a good time, and will not accept alternatives. This man has done body shots before. He loves loud music, crowded bars, and lively people. Yes, he can be a little obnoxious when drunk, but no more than your average well-intentioned dumb kid. He’s such an emotionally supportive drunk friend; he’s very physically affectionate, and will hug people while trying to coax them out of their sour moods. Anything can be solved with a trip to the dance floor. By the end of the night, he’ll probably end up passing out on someone’s shoulder, probably on the ride home, but he’s just worn out from a great party.
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ak47stylegirl · 4 years
Life Changes: Chapter 16
Chapter 16 is done! wooohoo! XD 
This fic is dedicated to @gumnut-logic (also thanks Nutty for letting me use Jack XD) 
The rest of the chapters can be found here. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! XD
Virgil pov
He rolled over in bed, staring blankly out at the city skyline; the sun having risen long ago. Three days have passed since that dreadful night, and Alan still hasn't woken up. 
Their baby brother had fallen in to a coma. 
The doctors had started to suspect that Alan could have suffered undetected brain damage, ordering brain scans to be performed. And as it became clear that Alan wasn’t going to wake up any time soon, the hospital had moved him to a more secure, more permanent room in the ICU.
Where they could visit him freely and without restrictions on how many of them could see him at a time. Kayo had also doubled their security immensely in the last couple of days, doing background checks on all of the hospital staff. 
And it was no surprise to any of them that Dr Jim Smith was on the list of ‘don’t come ten feet near Alan or you die’ list. Kayo had been very insistent on that. As well as background checks, Kayo had also (somehow?!) compiled a team of vetted and trained security guards for them.  
There were three guards standing watch outside their hotel room right now, along with two more guarding Alan’s hospital room. Plus Kayo, who insisted on protecting Alan personally and not even hell freezing over would change her mind. 
And in a sense, Kayo was also guarding Scott, who had barely left Alan’s side; only leaving to eat, sleep and take bathroom breaks. Even Grandma couldn’t get him to leave on the threat of home cooking…
Which wasn’t a threat that you take lightly, she would actually follow up on it but even that time old trick has lost its magic in the last few days. Their world was falling apart, and a little bit of burnt food didn’t scare them like it used to. 
The hospital was encouraging them to talk to Alan like he was awake and could hear them, that hearing their voices could help him regain consciousness. 
But he couldn’t even step foot in the hospital after seeing Alan laid out on that hospital bed; Neck in a brace, unable to breathe on his own, almost lifeless in his stillness. 
He had stumbled out of the ICU and into Scott’s arms, sobbing his heart out on his big brother’s shoulder. Repeating over and over again that he was to blame, that it was all his fault!
Scott had pushed him away slightly, his hands placed firmly on his shoulders with an almost furious look in his eyes. “It is not your fault, Virgil!” His brother had snapped, blue eyes ablaze with emotions. 
“There nothing-” Scott’s voice cracked, wavering slightly, “-you could have done, so please stop this…” 
He had been so startled by...well the fact that Scott had been pleading with him, begging him to stop blaming himself, that he had just nodded mindlessly. He was just so tired at that point, that he just wasn’t going to fight Scott on it.
That first night, he was in such a state of distress that the only way he was even able to fall asleep was because Grandma had chosen to sit by his bedside until he fell asleep; effectively comforting him enough that he was able to finally fall into a much needed deep sleep.
He was a complete wreck of his normal self. All while falling asleep that first night, all he could think about was how much of a failure he was. And he still was thinking that, because he couldn’t even muster up the will to get out of bed. 
It was like his mind and body had just shut down completely. Before he was feeling too many emotions; now, he was struggling to feel anything. He couldn’t sleep, he couldn’t eat…
Every time he closed his eyes, he would see his baby brother bleeding out on that gala floor or on that hospital bed, so still, so lifeless…
And with every day that passed with no sign of Alan waking, his nightmares got worse and worse. He knew John and Gordon had noticed, how could they possibly not have? They were sleeping just a bed or two across from him.
He hated that he was worrying his brothers, because why else would they be here with him when they could be at Alan’s bedside instead? He thought with a sigh, looking over at his brothers, who were sitting on the bed across from him. 
John was sitting in the corner of the bed, legs crossed as he furiously typed away at his tablet.  All while ignoring Gordon, who was spread lengthways across the bed, half-heartedly strolling through his phone. 
The room was filled with an anxious boredom as they waited for Grandma or Scott to call them with some form of news on the results of Alan’s brain scans. 
But the nearly endless wait was driving them stir-crazy…
When will they hear some news? And would they like what they may hear? If he was being honest, he was dreading that phone call. Because what if the results came back positive? 
Hasn’t Alan suffered enough? 
“Honestly!?” Gordon yelled, causing him to jump and look over at his brother, who was glaring at his phone. “you would think they would have better things to report on then our family!” 
“Unfortunately” John lowered his tablet with a weary sigh. “Anything happening to our family is front-page news to those people..”
Gordon scowled, throwing his phone down on the bed; missing John by a thin margin. “Well, I don’t care if it's front-page news or whatever, why can’t they just say out of it?!” 
Gordon’s face crumbled slightly as he moved into a sitting portion, hugging his knees. “His face is plastered all over the interwebs John…” Gordon whispered, his voice losing its anger and in its place was an immense sadness. 
“Along with those grainy photos of Virg-” Gordon frozen, suddenly realising that he was, in fact, awake and looking right at him “Um, I mean-”   
He sighed deeply, forcing himself to sit up, “You mean those cellphone photos of me desperately trying to keep Alan from bleeding to death?” He answered almost emotionlessly as he rubbed at his face tiredly. “I have seen them already, Gords..”
He couldn’t even turn the TV on or go on his phone without getting blasted with reminders of what happened. And even then the news networks would be blasting it from the tallest skyscrapers. 
It was like it was haunting him everywhere he went... 
He frowned slightly, moving so he was sitting on the edge of the bed. He could feel John’s eyes on him, scrutinising him like he was a complex math problem John was trying to figure out. He didn’t like it...
“Um...yeah, those photos…” Gordon mumbled, rubbing his arm nervously, his eyes flickering between looking at him and not looking at him; Gordon’s reddish-brown eyes filled with barely masked concern.  
Everybody has been giving him that look lately…
Gordon looked over at John, “Can’t you or Jack do anything about it? Like maybe get them taken down?”  Jack was their lawyer and a pretty good one at that. 
John sighed again, shaking his head. “Jack is already flat out busy with making sure the people responsible for all of this get life in prison..” John explained, his frustration and fury at the people responsible for hurting their little brother clear in his voice. “Doesn’t help that the GDF is being difficult…”
“Difficult?” He wondered softly; his curiosity peaked, “how so? I thought It would be clear and easy?” 
They attempted to kill Allie; the GDF should easily see that they deserved to get life in prison? 
John’s eyes flashed to him again with that same masked concern in them as Gordon’s eyes had. “You would think so, but the higher-ups of GDF are thinking of treating this as an attempted robbery gone wrong, rather than attempted manslaughter because, well-” John hesitated, avoiding their eyes. 
“Because?” Gordon questioned. 
John sighed wearily, looking up at them with a deadly serious expression, “-Because apparently to them there isn’t enough proof to prove that Alan getting shot was intentional...” 
His eyes widened in horror. 
“What?!” Gordon exclaimed, jumping up from the bed in outrage “Not enough proof?! Alan is in a coma and paralysed because of that asshole!” Angry tears had gathered in Gordon’s eyes. “Maybe even brain-damaged! How is there not enough proof?!” 
He stood up and walked over to the window, pinching the bridge of his nose to try and keep some kind of control over himself; what happened to not feeling anything?
Deep breaths Virgil, deep breaths... 
“What about all of the witnesses?” he questioned, facing away from his brothers as he glared out the window. “Everybody saw it, you…” his voice shook “you couldn’t miss it if you tried..” 
Alan’s terrified eyes, a flash and a loud bang. Allie on the floor, blood everywhere; baby brother crying in pain. That man laughing...
He gripped the windowsill tightly, glaring out at the skyline, “Everybody knew why, it wasn’t an accident, it wasn’t a stray bullet…” He took a shaky deep breath, feeling his eyes fill with moisture, “He looked right at me and said ‘International rescue couldn’t save my sister from being paralysed, so now I’ll return the favour!’” 
He turned to face his brothers, both their faces bleached pale; Gordon’s more than John’s. This was the first time he has spoken in detail about what transpired that night to his brothers. “There's no way that wasn’t intentional..”
“They’re going to get what they deserve Virg, Jack and Lady Penelope are confident of that…” John spoke, his voice taking on a gentler tone, the tone he uses when he’s talking to distressed and panicked rescuees. 
He hated the fact that John felt the need to use that voice on them, on him...
“It may not seem like it but…” John’s shoulders dropped, his brother’s eyes filled with exhaustion. “But it only has been three days since that night; court cases take time...”  
“Feels way longer than just three days…” Gordon muttered softly, scuffing the sole of his shoe into the carpet. “Especially with Allie not..” Gordon dropped back down on the bed next to John, wrapping his arms around himself tightly, “you know, waking up..” 
Every single one of big brother instincts was screaming at him to go and comfort his brother, but he hesitated, and in that time, John had beat him to it.
“I know Gordy...” John sighed sadly, pulling Gordon in a loose one-armed hug; their little brother collapsing like a rag doll against John's chest with a little sniffle. 
His already broken heart seemed to break even more at the sight of their mischievous and fun-loving little brother looking so down; so drained of happiness and hope. 
Sometimes he forgot that Alan wasn’t just Gordon’s little brother but his best friend as well. How didn’t he noticed that he wasn’t the only one that wasn’t dealing well with Alan's injury?
The self-hatred he was feeling towards himself seemed to double at that thought. 
“They’re not going to get away with this Virgil; I promise you that..” John promised, aqua blue eyes looking right at him, voice leaving no room for argument. “Jack, Colonel Casey, Penny and I are going to make sure of that..”
“I know…” He sighed, running his hand through his ungelled hair, turning to look out the window again; just being able to make out the hospital in the distance. “I’m going to have to testify, ain’t I?” 
“If you’re willing and that is what you want to do, of course, you can..” John explained with an odd, almost worried tone to his voice. “but Scott, Grandma and I were talking, and we think it’s a better idea if you don’t..” 
“What?” He turned around in astoundment. Even Gordon looked confused, looking up at John with a raised eyebrow. “What do you mean, don’t testify?” His fist clenched slightly as anger started bubbling in his stomach. “If I don’t, they’ll get away-I..”
He bit his bottom lip, glancing out the window as anxiety flooded him again at the thought of those people being able to walk free. “I…I have to testify, or else they’re...they’re..”
“Virgil..” John’s voice cut through his panic, sounding incredibly sad as well as concerned.  “With how many witnesses there were, you don’t necessarily have to testify for there to be enough proof to prove them guilty..” 
“But…” He glanced back at his brothers, and the first thing that hits him is just how concerned they looked, both of them; even Gordon. They weren't even trying to hide it from him anymore. 
His fists clenched as he turned his face away from his brothers. They did think he was broken, didn’t they? Why else would they be acting like this? 
“We just don’t want to push you too far by forcing you to relive that night, Virg” John explained gently, “you have been through a lot these last couple of days after all..” 
Understatement of the year, he thought with a scoff. 
John continued, “and we don’t want to see you get hurt any more than you have been..” 
His eyebrows furrowed, the anger starting to bubble in his stomach again. He wasn’t the one that was hurt, what was John going on about?! Alan was the one that was hurt! 
Not him! He thought as he gripped the window sill tightly, his eyes squeezed shut as he tried to push his anger down. He didn’t understand why he was getting so angry at his brothers; they were worried about him because they cared.
But maybe he wasn’t really angry at them but more at himself? Because deep down, he didn’t feel like he deserved their worry; he was the one that had let their baby brother get shot after all. They should hate him...
Like he hated himself...
“That’s why we think testifying in front of all those people, including the guys responsible for this, isn’t such a good idea..” John explained, his voice filled with brotherly concern; which just seemed infuriated him more. “Especially when you don’t necessarily have too..”
Things went silent for a moment; like his brothers were waiting for him to say something, but he wasn’t in the mood to talk, he didn’t trust himself not to start shouting if he did.  
John sighed, sounding slightly disheartened “Scott wanted to be the one to talk to you about this, he thought you’ll probably take it better from him than anyone else..”
He rolled his eyes, looking out at the skyline. Of course, Scott would want to be the one to talk to him. That was typical Scott, always wanting to be the one to shoulder the burden. 
But that meant that even Scott, his best friend, though he was..was broken? He realised with a shaky gasp, a feeling of betrayal missing into the anger he was feeling. Sure John had mentioned Scott being a part of this before, but the meaning of it all was only just hitting him now...
“I’m not made of glass…” He whispered tensely as he turned to face his brothers, anger seasoning his voice like a strong chili, hot and burning. “So will you please stop acting like it?!” 
His voice had raised to a shout, like he feared it would; but right now, he didn’t care. John’s eyes hardened a touch, but they were still filled with that same concern that filled him with rage. 
Gordon flinched, brown eyes wide with startled fear and concern, “Virg, John was only saying-”
“I know what he was saying, Gordon!” He snapped at Gordon and instantly regretted it as Gordon’s eyes filled with hurt. “Gordon I-”
“Forget it..” Gordon muttered as he got up from his position on the bed, “I’m going to take a bath; closest thing I'm going to get to a swimming pool for a while..” 
The shared bathroom door slammed shut. 
“We're just trying to look out for you, Virgil..” 
Just as fast as his anger appeared, it disappeared just as fast; maybe even quicker, leaving him feeling empty and hollow once again. He turned to look at John, feeling horribly lost. 
“I..i know, I just-” Suddenly being stuck in a room with the people he had just yelled at, was too much for him to take. “I’m going for a walk, call me when you hear news…” 
Then he ran, only stopping long enough to put his boots on and grab his phone before he was out the door; not looking back. 
He was getting really good at running away it seemed...
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emerald-studies · 4 years
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The pioneer, Thurgood Marshall
Early Life and Family
Marshall was born on July 2, 1908, in Baltimore, Maryland. His father, William Marshall, was the grandson of a slave who worked as a steward at an exclusive club, and his mother, Norma, was a kindergarten teacher.
One of William's favorite pastimes was to listen to cases at the local courthouse before returning home to rehash the lawyers' arguments with his sons. Thurgood later recalled, "Now you want to know how I got involved in law? I don't know. The nearest I can get is that my dad, my brother and I had the most violent arguments you ever heard about anything. I guess we argued five out of seven nights at the dinner table."
Marshall attended Baltimore's Colored High and Training School (later renamed Frederick Douglass High School), where he was an above-average student and put his finely honed skills of argument to use as a star member of the debate team. The teenage Marshall was also something of a mischievous troublemaker. His greatest high school accomplishment, memorizing the entire United States Constitution, was actually a teacher's punishment for misbehaving in class.
After graduating from high school in 1926, Marshall attended Lincoln University, a historically Black college in Pennsylvania. There, he joined a remarkably distinguished student body that included Kwame Nkrumah, the future president of Ghana, poet Langston Hughes and jazz singer Cab Calloway.
After graduating from Lincoln with honors in 1930, Marshall applied to the University of Maryland Law School. Despite being overqualified academically, Marshall was rejected because of his race. This firsthand experience with discrimination in education made a lasting impression on Marshall and helped determine the future course of his career.
Instead of Maryland, Marshall attended law school in Washington, D.C. at Howard University, another historically Black school. The dean of Howard Law School at the time was the pioneering civil rights lawyer Charles Houston. Marshall quickly fell under the tutelage of Houston, a notorious disciplinarian and extraordinarily demanding professor. Marshall recalled of Houston, "He would not be satisfied until he went to a dance on the campus and found all of his students sitting around the wall reading law books instead of partying."
Marshall graduated magna cum laude from Howard in 1933. He briefly attempted to establish his own practice in Baltimore, but without experience, he failed to land any significant cases.
Court Cases
In 1934, Marshall began working for the Baltimore branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). In 1936, Marshall moved to New York City to work full time as legal counsel for the NAACP. Over several decades, Marshall argued and won a variety of cases to strike down many forms of legalized racism, helping to inspire the American civil rights movement.
Murray v. Pearson
In one of Marshall's first cases — which he argued alongside his mentor, Charles Houston — he defended another well-qualified undergraduate, Donald Murray, who like himself had been denied entrance to the University of Maryland Law School. Marshall and Houston won Murray v. Pearson in January 1936, the first in a long string of cases designed to undermine the legal basis for de jure racial segregation in the United States.
Chambers v. Florida
Marshall's first victory before the Supreme Court came in Chambers v. Florida (1940), in which he successfully defended four Black men who had been convicted of murder on the basis of confessions coerced from them by police.
Smith v. Allwright
Another crucial Supreme Court victory for Marshall came in the 1944 case of Smith v. Allwright, in which the Court struck down the Democratic Party's use of whites-only primary elections in various Southern states.
Brown v. Board of Education
The great achievement of Marshall's career as a civil-rights lawyer was his victory in the landmark 1954 Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka. The class-action lawsuit was filed on behalf of a group of Black parents in Topeka, Kansas, whose children were forced to attend all-Black segregated schools. Through Brown v. Board, one of the most important cases of the 20th century, Marshall challenged head-on the legal underpinning of racial segregation, the doctrine of "separate but equal" established by the 1896 Supreme Court case Plessy v. Ferguson.
On May 17, 1954, the Supreme Court unanimously ruled that "separate educational facilities are inherently unequal," and therefore racial segregation of public schools violated the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment.
While enforcement of the Court's ruling proved to be uneven and painfully slow, Brown v. Board provided the legal foundation, and much of the inspiration, for the American civil rights movement that unfolded over the next decade. At the same time, the case established Marshall as one of the most successful and prominent lawyers in America.
Circuit Court Judge and Solicitor General
In 1961, newly-elected President John F. Kennedy appointed Marshall as a judge for the U.S. Second Circuit Court of Appeals. Serving as a circuit court judge over the next four years, Marshall issued more than 100 decisions, none of which was overturned by the Supreme Court.
In 1965, Kennedy's successor, Lyndon B. Johnson, appointed Marshall to serve as the first Black U.S. solicitor general, the attorney designated to argue on behalf of the federal government before the Supreme Court. During his two years as solicitor general, Marshall won 14 of the 19 cases that he argued before the Supreme Court.
Supreme Court Justice
In 1967, President Johnson nominated Marshall to serve on the bench before which he had successfully argued so many times before the United States Supreme Court. On October 2, 1967, Marshall was sworn in as a Supreme Court justice, becoming the first African American to serve on the nation's highest court. Marshall joined a liberal Supreme Court headed by Chief Justice Earl Warren, which aligned with Marshall's views on politics and the Constitution.
As a Supreme Court justice, Marshall consistently supported rulings upholding strong protection of individual rights and liberal interpretations of controversial social issues. He was part of the majority that ruled in favor of the right to abortion in the landmark 1973 case Roe v. Wade, among several other cases. In the 1972 case Furman v. Georgia, which led to a de facto moratorium on the death penalty, Marshall articulated his opinion that the death penalty was unconstitutional in all circumstances.
Throughout Marshall's 24-year tenure on the Court, Republican presidents appointed eight consecutive justices, and Marshall gradually became an isolated liberal member of an increasingly conservative Court.
For the latter part of his time on the bench, Marshall was largely relegated to issuing strongly-worded dissents, as the Court reinstated the death penalty and limited affirmative action measures and abortion rights. Marshall retired from the Supreme Court in 1991; Justice Clarence Thomas replaced him.
Personal Life
Marshall married Vivian "Buster" Burey in 1929, and the couple remained married until her death in 1955. Shortly thereafter, Marshall married Cecilia Suyat, his secretary at the NAACP. The couple had two sons together, Thurgood Jr. and John Marshall.
Marshall died on January 24, 1993, at the age of 84.
Legacy, Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X
Marshall stands alongside Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X as one of the greatest and most important figures of the American civil rights movement. Although he may be the least popularly celebrated of the three, Marshall was arguably the most instrumental in the movement's achievements toward racial equality.
Marshall's strategy of attacking racial inequality through the courts represented a third way of pursuing racial equality, more pragmatic than King's soaring rhetoric and less polemical than Malcolm X's strident separatism. In the aftermath of Marshall's death, an obituary read: "We make movies about Malcolm X, we get a holiday to honor Dr. Martin Luther King, but every day we live with the legacy of Justice Thurgood Marshall."
In 2017, the biopic film Marshall was released. Starring Chadwick Boseman, Josh Gad and Kate Hudson, the movie focuses on an obscure 1941 rape case brought by Eleanor Strubing, a 32-year-old white woman, against her 32-year-old Black chauffeur, Joseph Spell. While Spell initially confessed to the crime after 16 hours of interrogation, he later said the encounter was consensual. During the trial, the judge allowed Marshall to assist his white co-attorney but banned him from speaking a single word. Following 12 hours of deliberation, the jury of six men and six women came back with a not guilty verdict. (source)
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mid0nz-archive · 4 years
The Cannibal & the Consulting Criminal: How Silence and Sherlock Taught Me to Read
(I’m writing a series of autobiographical essays. This meta is a messy. messy warm up…)  
PART I:  TSotL The Odd Flash of Contextual Intelligence
Know your intertexts (and the limits of their influence)
I’ve spent a LOT of time writing about the influence of Harris on Mark Gatiss in particular. We have Harris to thank for Sherlock’s mind palace for starters. Moriarty and Dr. Lecter share many traits. Then again so do the psychiatrist and Sherlock. I’ll come back to these obvious connections between Sherlock and TSotL in a later part of this meta. (The connections are actually quite superficial.) For now I want to return to my first obsession: the genius cannibal who taught me how to read and the fandom that saved me from him.
Do your research.
Thomas Harris, author of The Silence of the Lambs, choses every word with great care. How many people, for example, do you know called Hannibal? Clarice is more common I suppose, but it’s certainly not a run-of-the-mill monicker. While starlings are the most common of birds have you ever met someone with that surname? Have you ever met a Lecter?  What if I told you there is an extremely obscure historical figure called Hannibal the Starling? (You’ll find the reference in Smith’s Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology if you seek.) Would you think that Harris must have heard of that man? Possibly. Possibly. If I told you that Harris makes most of his characters’ names up– that they sound plausible enough, but unless you’re an everyman like a Jack Crawford or a Will Graham you’re a Francis Dolarhyde or an Ardelia Mapp.
Ardelia Mapp? In the novel Ardelia is Clarice Starling’s roommate at the FBI academy. When exams roll around and Clarice has been too busy hunting Buffalo Bill to read her textbooks, it’s Ardelia who makes sure that Clarice knows all about search and seizures. Adelia Mapp. Ardeila Mapp. What kind of name is that? It helps if we cram along with Clarice:
Mapp v. Ohio, 367 U.S. 643 (1961), was a landmark case in criminal procedure, in which the United States Supreme Court decided that evidence obtained in violation of the Fourth Amendment, which protects against “unreasonable searches and seizures”, may not be used in criminal prosecutions in state [or] federal courts. (x)
Hey Thomas Harris!
Recognize when there’s a joke and you’re not getting it.
Thomas Harris amuses himself with language. Clarice comes from the Latin root clar and the words related to pertain to brilliance and light and the illustrative. And Lecter? So many people have tried to trace its origins but all becomes clear when you think about its etymology. In Latin lector means reader.
Clarice’s boss, Jack Crawford, likes to quote impressive sounding things out of context. Dr. Lecter mocks him for picking and choosing passages of the Meditations of the Roman Emperor, Stoic philosopher, and persecutor of Christians, Marcus Aurelius.
“I’ve read the cases, Clarice, have you? Everything you need to know to find him is right there [in the case files], if you’re paying attention. Even Inspector Emeritus, Crawford should have figured it out. Incidentally, did you read Crawford’s stupefying speech last year to the National Police academy? Spouting Marcus Aurelius on duty and honor and fortitude— we’ll see what kind of a Stoic Crawford is when Bella [his wife] bites the big one. He copies his philosophy out of Bartlett’s Familiar, I think. If he understood Marcus Aurelius, he might solve this case.”   “Tell me how.”   “When you show the odd flash of contextual intelligence, I forget your generation can’t read, Clarice. The Emperor councils simplicity. First principles. Of each particular thing, ask: What is it in itself, in its own constitution? What is its causal nature?”   “That doesn’t mean anything to me.”   “What does he do, the man you want?”
I could go on and on about how Harris allows Dr. Lecter to reference Stoicism and all kinds of other ideas for his own amusement. I say amusement because the reader need not understand Dr. Lecter’s jokes to enjoy Harris’ books. Clarice doesn’t and she doesn’t pretend to. Oh how Dr. Lecter fancies his student! I could go on and on because the entire fucking book is a compendium of in-jokes. That in itself is Stoic food for thought. Diogenes Laertius recounts a Stoic idea that Harris likes to chew on.
“Some appearances are expert (technikai), others are inexpert; at any rate a picture is observed differently by an expert and the inexpert person.”
Julia Annas explains:
A non-expert will just see figures; the expert will see figures that represent gods.  The expert is right— there really is that significance- and the non-expert is missing something. What is more surprising to us is the claim that the appearance is itself “expert.” The expert is not seeing anything that is not there for the ignoramus to see.  It is the fault of the ignoramus that he fails to see what is to be seen, because he fails to understand the content of what is presents to him. (82) - Hellenistic Philosophy of Mind by Julia Annas
Lecter, the consummate reader, is the expert. Clarice, who’s not more than one generation from the mines, is the ignoramus.  Yet she shows the odd flash of contextual intelligence.
Discern clues from NOISE.
Though their relationship was weird, close, and lasting Clarice would never realize that Dr. Lecter gave her everything she needed to know to catch Buffalo Bill the first time they met!
On that fateful day, with instructions from Jack Crawford to note anything and everything she sees, Clarice shows enough intelligence to asks Dr. Lecter about the drawings in his cell. Dr. Lecter replies:
It’s Florence. That’s the Palazzo Vecchio and the Duomo, seen from the Belvedere. Do you know Florence?“
If Clarice were prepared "to read” Dr. Lecter’s work, she might have understood the significance of the image. She’s the very model of the Stoic ignoramus.
Clarice finds Buffalo Bill/Jame Gumb by recognizing his personal acquaintance with the first victim he skinned, Fredrica Bimmel. They both lived in Belvedere, Ohio where Clarice finds Gumb while Crawford’s teams go all SWAT on John Grant’s last known address. We find out later in the novel that Dr. Lecter knew Gumb lived in Belvedere, Ohio.  Perhaps he was musing on the facts of the case while composing his sketches.
Jack Crawford, of all people, should have noticed the name “Belvedere” and made the connection.  His dying wife’s name is Phyllis but he’s called her Bella for most of their entire relationship. Phyllis and Jack were both stationed in Italy and during one of their outings, a man called Phyllis “Bella,” or beauty.  Bella is the feminine form; “bel” is the masculine form, as in bel vedere, or beautiful view.  We learn later that Clarice has to work hard to trick herself into seeing any beauty in Belvedere, Ohio.  
Now you’ve got the facts. Theorize with them.
There is another explanation as to why Crawford might have missed the clue in Dr. Lecter’s drawing from Clarice’s notes.  Clarice does not know Italian. How would she have written the sketch’s title in her report? Dr. Lecter does not say, when she asks about the sketch, that is is the Old Plaza and the Dome seen from the Belvedere (pronounced in English, be-vuh-deer as in Belvedere, Ohio). Dr. Lecter says all the proper names in Italian except “Florence.” Florence is the English name for the city Italians call Firenze.  Clarice’s ear would catch “Florence” and it may be that her report stated that the sketch was of Florence, but no further details.  She doesn’t, after all, ask Dr. Lecter how to spell the names of the places with which she is unfamiliar.  Crawford, reading a reasonably detailed report from Clarice, might have only noted that Dr. Lecter was sketching Florence– enough detail for a report if you don’t know what you’re looking at.  Clarice, while an ignoramus in the Stoic sense, shows potential.  Dr. Lecter is polite when he surmises that she is “innocent of the Gospel of St. John.” He calls her innocent, not ignorant.  She’s simply not an expert in iconography. She sees all she can see in the image.  Crawford, however, is experienced enough with Dr. Lecter to know how important images are to him.  Will Graham captured Dr. Lecter in Red Dragon by recognizing that one of his victims was posed in a tableau of a Wound Man in one of Dr. Lecter’s books.  Graham was an expert. We can’t be sure from simply reading the text that Dr. Lecter isn’t making the epiphany of “Belvedere” especially difficult to decode even if Clarice were to have written a verbatim transcript of their discussion. In speech Dr. Lecter may be pronouncing the proper names as an American would, or, alternately, with an Italian accent.  He could be pronouncing the incidental proper names (Palazzo Vecchio and the Duomo) in an Italian accent and “Belvedere” in an American accent to dare Clarice and Jack to take notice. Or, he could be pronouncing all the names in an Italian accent, a fact could be lost in translation between Clarice, innocent of Italian, and Crawford, who knows just enough to have had an epiphany. Each scenario is possible and each reveals a slightly different interpretation of Dr. Lecter’s motives. If we take Thomas Harris himself as the final authority, in the audiobook Harris reads Dr. Lecter’s part. Harris says all proper nouns including “Belvedere” with an Italian accent (albeit with a Mississippi drawl.)
Yeah ok SO WHAT?! And what about Sherlock?!
In Part II I’ll talk about TSotL as an intertext to Sherlock and the limits of this influence. I’ll compare Dr. Lecter’s method of reading to James Moriarty’s. I’ll talk about why & how I crawled out of the cannibal’s skull and into the consulting criminal’s and where I am going next… Or I just might try to revamp this to make more sense. I dunno…
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skyfirewolf · 4 years
Edward Stevens: facts
After the suicide of his uncle and guardian Peter Lytton, James Hamilton went off to train with an elderly carpenter and his younger brother, Alexander Hamilton, was whisked off to the King Street home of Thomas Stevens, a well-respected merchant and his wife, Ann. Of the five children born to the married couple, Edward born a year before Alexander became his closest friend, "an intimate acquaintance begun in early youth," as Hamilton described their relationship. As they both matured, the often seemed to display parallel personalities: both were quick and clever, disciplined and persevering, fluent in French, versed in classical history, held the same morals and were interested in medicine. In later years, Edward reminded Alexander of "those vows of eternal friendship, which we have so often mutually exchanged," he often fretted about his friend's delicate health.
Their physical appearance was close. Thirty years later, when Timothy Pickering, then secretary of state, first set eyes on Edward Stevens, he was torn by their resemblance. "At first glance, I was struck with the extraordinary similitude of his and General Hamilton's faces–I thought they must be brothers." Pickering confided with shock to Edward's brother-in-law, James Yard of St. Croix only to be told that this remark was said many times before. Pickering even concluded to himself that they were in fact brothers and Hamilton was an illegitimate child of "Stevens".
Edward Stevens also went to Kings College and years before Hamilton. November 11th, 1769 is Hamilton's oldest letter surviving in his pen–the recipient was Stevens. Arriving in New York 1773, the only person he knew was Stevens. In his first months at King's, he and a friend, Robert Troup, formed a club that gathered weekly to hone debating, writing and speaking skills. Stevens was one of the members.
While married to Elizabeth Schuyler, Edward Stevens became "the guardian angel" of the household and he appeared at providential moments and tended to Eliza reassuring her she was in no danger at times of illness. During the yellow fever epidemic in 1793, Edward Seven turned up Philadelphia and attended to both Alexander and Eliza when they both contracted the disease. He treated with bark, wine, and cold baths, a regimen that stirred some controversy since Stevens scorned the bloodletting treatment advocated by most doctors including Rush. Upon his recovery, Hamilton became an advocate for Stevens's method.
(Text above is credited to sonofhistory)
- He cured Eliza and Alexander of the fever within five days
- Stevens graduated from King's College in 1774 and then sailed to Britain to study Medicine at the University of Edinburgh
- He gained his doctorate (M.D.) on September 12, 1777
- Stevens' dissertation on gastric digestion was entitled "De alimentorum concoction"
- Based on this work, he was the first researcher to isolate human gastric juices
- His work confirmed that of René Antoine Ferchault de Réaumur, who showed the digestive power of gastric juices, and helped dispel earlier theories of digestion
- Stevens's work on digestion would influence Lazzaro Spallanzani
- On January 20, 1776, Stevens was admitted to the university's Royal Medical Society
- He served as the Society's president for the academic year 1779/1780. Stevens remained in Edinburgh until 1783 and was one of the joint founders of the Royal Society of Edinburgh in that year
- Stevens returned to St. Croix in 1783. He worked there as a physician for ten years
- He maintained his friendship with Hamilton through correspondence
- In adulthood, Hamilton tended to shun his turbulent adolescence, and Stevens was the only person from his childhood, including even his closest living family members, with whom he kept in regular contact
- Following the death of his wife, Eleanora, in 1792, Stevens decided to move to North America
- Stevens had considered a move to Guyana, but William Thornton urged him to choose the United States
- Also in 1792, Stevens married Hester Kortright Amory. Stevens ended his ten years of practicing medicine in the Caribbean and moved to Philadelphia in 1793
- (A/N" so he was widowed one year and married that same year, good job Ned)
- While in Philadelphia, he engaged in a controversy with Benjamin Rush on methods for treating an outbreak of yellow fever
- Stevens was admitted to the American Philosophical Society on April 18, 1794. Stevens's work in digestion may have influenced other researchers in Philadelphia, notably John Richardson Young
- In 1795, Stevens was appointed as a professor at King's College
- Stevens served as the United States consul-general in Saint-Domingue (later Haiti) from 1799 to 1800
- Stevens's title, "consul", suggested a diplomat attached to a country not a colony, reflecting the administrations view of the Haitian situation
- Following his arrival in Haiti in April 1799, Stevens succeeded in accomplishing several of his objectives, including: the suppression of privateers operating out of the colony, protections for American lives and property, and right of entry for American vessels
- Stevens pushed for similar privileges for the British, who, like the United States, were engaged in war with France
- Negotiations between Haiti and Britain were difficult given Haiti's fears of Britain's desire to take control of the colony, and Britain's fears of the Haitian slave revolt spreading to its own Caribbean colonies. In fact, Stevens had to serve as the British agent for a time since Haitian troops feared having a British official in the colony
- Little is known of Stevens's last years. For two and a half months in 1809-10, during the British occupation of the Danish West Indies, Stevens served as President of St. Croix. He corresponded with David Hosack, including a letter introducing his son in 1823
- He outlived Hamilton by thirty years
- He also referred to Hamilton as "My Dr. Ham"
- Meanwhile, Hamilton called Edward "Ned" and "Neddy" and often reffered to him as his "particular friend"
- "Throughout the remainder of 1803 Stevens attended the American Philosophical Society regularly. He is recorded as being present on October 7, October 21, November 4, November 18. In 1804 he attended on February 17 and February 24. A minute on August 17 of that year is confusing. Apparently he donated two volumes of books, but the precise readings of the Minutes is unclear. The description is "Steven's Wars. 2 Vols". Thereafter Stevens never attended again. It will be recalled that in 1804 Alexander Hamilton died in a duel with Burr, and possible then, or later Stevens retired to St Croix. David Hossack wrote to him in St. Croix in a letter dated September 20th, 1809, from New York, so by that year, certainly, Stevens had left the United States."
— Edward Stevens: Gastric physiologist, physician and American statesman
(Ned must have been significantly distressed by Hamilton's death and perhaps even moved back to St Croix because of this)
Some letters between Ned and Alexander:
"I have written you so repeatedly since my Arrival in Scotland, without having ever received an Answer... I am perfectly at a Loss I assure you, my Dr: Hamilton, to account for your Silence. I have written you frequently, and, as I know that you was at a Distance from New York, enclosed your Letters to some of our common Friends in that City, and requested them to transmit them to you. But I have not been able to collect the least Intelligence concerning you from any Quarter..."
—To Alexander Hamilton from Edward Stevens, 23 December 1777
"Who could have imagined my friend that a man of your greatness, of your delicacy of constitution, and of your tranquility, would have shone so much, and in a short space of time, in the Champ de Mars, that you did it? I assure you, my Colonel, that I have tormented myself a great deal about your health, which has always been very dear to me since the beginning of our acquaintance. I do not know how you can sustain the hardships and fatigues of a winter campaign in America. Surely your constitution would never have sustained such severity without the assistance of something very extraordinary."
— To Alexander Hamilton from Edward Stevens, 1778
"Dear Edward
This just serves to acknowledge receipt of yoursper Cap Lowndeswhich was delivered me Yesterday. The truth of Cap Lightbourn & Lowndes information is now verifyd by the Presence of your Father and Sister for whose safe arrival I Pray, and that they may convey that Satisfaction to your Soul that must naturally flow from the sight of Absent Friends in health, and shall for news this way refer you to them. As to what you say respecting your having soon the happiness of seeing us all, I wish, for an accomplishment of your hopes provided they are Concomitant with your welfare, otherwise not, tho doubt whether I shall be Present or not for to confess my weakness, Ned, my Ambition is prevalent that I contemn the grov'ling and condition of a Clerk or the like, to which my Fortune &c. condemns me and would willingly risk my life tho' not my Character to exalt my Station. Im confident, Ned that my Youth excludes me from any hopes of immediate Preferment nor do I desire it, but I mean to prepare the way for futurity. Im no Philosopher you see and may be jusly said to Build Castles in the Air. My Folly makes me ashamd and beg youll Conceal it, yet Neddy we have seen such Schemes successfull when the Projector is Constant I shall Conclude saying I wish there was a War.
. . .
PS I this moment receivd yoursby William Smith and am pleasd to see you Give such Close Application to Study."
- Alexander Hamilton to Edward Stevens, St Croix, November 11th, 1769
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abloodymess · 6 years
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He’s Just Not That Into You - Halloween 2018
(spoilers for Halloween 2018)
On Halloween night 1978 a powerful man randomly decided he wanted nineteen-year-old Laurie Strode. She just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. She was just existing, but sometimes that is enough. If she had not dropped off a key for her father at the old Meyer’s place, maybe this wouldn’t have happened, but she did. She did and he saw her, and something clicked and Michael Meyers wanted her and nothing or anyone was going to get in his way. He would go on to kill her friends, and end up threatening, choking, stabbing, and throwing Laurie over a second floor railing, but she survives. At the end of Halloween night, he vanishes, and as John Carpenter’s 1978 film Halloween ends, Laurie starts to weep as we are shown all the places where trauma has happened over the night, all with the sound of Michael’s heavy breathing over the soundtrack, as if saying: I am still here, I can come back at any time, I will never leave you, we are now together forever whether you like or not, I have taken something from you permanently just because I wanted to. Not only that, I am going to go on and do it to someone else and there is nothing you can do about it.
This is the part I would edit out if I was writing this to be published somewhere, but since this is Tumblr I am just going to leave it. 
When I first saw John Carpenter’s Halloween way back in the early eighties at a much too young age, what really fucked me up about the whole thing was the randomness of it, people were just existing, and doing the “right” things, but they still ended up dead or traumatized. No one could really help, you were left alone to deal with this, a HIGH SCHOOL KID had to deal with this alone.  Nowadays, this makes me reflect on the nature of all the trauma my friends (and myself) have endured and Halloween lines up. Luckily for my circle no one was murdered, but a lot of lives were fucked up and changed because some guy randomly entered our lives. Some guy who wanted something and took it. We didn’t want them there, but they found away in (Just look at Brett Kavanaugh), even if that space was supposed safe (There is a system in place! Nothing like this should be able to happen! But it does, it happens all the time). Most of the time this guy didn’t get caught, he just went back out into the night to one day find a new person or group and repeat. If the guy was caught there was some bullshit peer-peer group thing, where the victim was as much at fault as the abuser. We were forced to shake hands and say, sorry. The police? Only if my friends were dead they might have cared. I see this echo in the social/political landscape, I see it echo at jobs, I see it echo on the street. The aftermath for me isn’t finding my friend’s corpses popping out like in the movie; the true aftermath is that my life and every choice I have made since is colored by it. Every time my friends are at a bar or walking home alone, that click moment could happen like it did for Laurie, and some random guy decides he can take something he wants. Yeah, that fear might get pushed down and we try to forget, we try to have a good time, but it is still there, it is like that breathing at the end of Halloween. Everywhere I look I see a space of possible trauma repeating, I don’t think those heavy breaths will ever go away. End indulgence paragraph here.
Time goes both faster and slower as you get older. When we find almost sixty-year-old Laurie Strode in David Gordon Green’s version of Halloween (2018), she has lead a life that was completely shaped by the trauma that happened to her in 1978. That trauma was NEVER going to happen to Laurie again, oh sure, it was going to try, but her life is dedicated to not letting it happen to her or her family. Laurie had it rough, two failed marriages, alcoholism, a child taken away from her custody because this trauma overrode everything else. She wanted to do what was best, and teach and protect the ones closest to her, but it drove everyone away. Maybe she didn’t get killed on Halloween,physically she is alive, but her life was taken, and it belongs to the man that wanted her, Michael Myers. One night though, Laurie believes he will come back and she can reclaim what was taken.
When we are reintroduced to Michael Myers at Smith Grove’s Institution he is under the care of Dr. Sartain. We learn that Michael was captured not long after he disappeared after the events of 1978. Dr. Sartain is looking for reason, as are two British podcasters who came to try to  stir the pot and strong arm Michael Myers to speak. Michael needs to have a reason, an excuse, something for us to wrap our brains around. Men seem to get that opportunity, women victims, not so much. Next, they turn their attention on interviewing Laurie in her home that is part panic room and armory, and part her childhood home. When the podcasters Dana and Aaron interview Laurie you can see them wanting to blame the victim, it is shot and treated very much how whenever we see a woman testifying about assault. “You’re an unfit mother, you’re an alcoholic, were you doing drugs that night?” Laurie must have invited this upon herself and her friends. What Dana and Aaron miss is that Laurie is not the key, what Michael wants is what he has always wanted, to keep doing what he does and move on to the next person. The most terrifying thing is Laurie doesn’t matter to Michael Myers, she was just the woman he wanted that one night. But to Laurie, what Michael did defined and altered her whole life. It sent shockwaves through two more generations of Strode women with strains on familial relationships that coil around each family member like a poisoned root. What does that feel like to learn that you don’t matter and this great clamp of trauma isn’t even a blip on the mind of your tormentor? That the person you have obsessed about for 40 years doesn’t even know you are alive...or dead and it doesn’t matter to them. What defined your existence means less than nothing. Your arch-nemesis doesn’t even see you as a background extra in your life story.
The film does build into the climax, a showdown we have been waiting forty years for (H20 and Resurrection be damned), but it takes a plot twist and outside forces to get Michael to Laurie and her family. If that would not have happened, Michael would have been just as happy to go on slaughtering other people in Haddonfield, Illinois. It takes Michael Myers a beat to even realize this is the same person from forty years ago, this mere woman from his past is going to stop him from getting what he wants now so he is going to have to go through it on his way to get what he views as rightfully his. 
By the end Laurie has become more like The Shape and is stalking Michael through her own house with rooms that mirror some of the rooms that belonged to her in 1978, traumas that mirror the trauma that happened in her past reflected visually via architecture and composition. It takes the might of all three Strode women to best Michael as we learn that Laurie’s house is one big trap that was meant to capture Michael and fill with gas and explode on command, which it does. As the home burns we also see a dollhouse Laurie has that is made to look like her childhood home burns along with Michael, seemingly saying Laurie is finally done with the past. The film’s final image is similar to the one in Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974). It shows Laurie, her daughter Karen who is resting her head on her mother (the first shown instance of physical connection between mother and daughter), and granddaughter Allyson still clenching the butcher’s knife she used to help the family escape, drive off into the future in the back of a pick-up truck. Laurie may be through with the past, but this trauma, this abuse, seems to find a way in, finds a way to never really go away, passed down to the next generation. If Laurie truly did reclaim what was once taken from her, and Michael is dead, he still will exist like a ghost and define these women. You can’t really kill the Boogeyman. Karen and Allyson now have to face the long road of recovering from their own trauma just because their mother/grandmother happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time and caught the eye of a man who wanted something he couldn’t have.
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dhj8735 · 5 years
pollution in New Zealand
News Hub 27/02/2017 Tony Wright.
: “The health of New Zealand's rivers and lakes is undeniably a controversial and divisive subject. Kiwis feel passionate about the health of their waterways, and rightly so, but sometimes the real facts behind what is polluting them can be buried behind hyperbole and over-zealous views. This was on display in abundance when Environment Minister Nick Smith announced his '90 per cent Swimmable Rivers by 2040' decree last week. Dr Smith laughed off criticism of the plan, which is essential to fence off all Kiwi waterways from livestock by 2030 and change the criteria of what swimmable water actually is, as 'junk science'.In a special report into the state of NZ's waterways, Newshub has interviewed and gathered resources from several independent freshwater scientists, the dairy farming industry, (including farmers and scientists) and NIWA, to give you the full picture on the health of New Zealand's rivers.
Part one of Newshub's special investigation will focus on what exactly is the pollution being put into our rivers and the effects.
Part two will analyse the efforts being undertaken to protect Kiwi waterways from further pollution, and what is being done to reinvigorate those rivers that are failing.
Part three will examine the effects of climate change, and whether or not we've reached a tipping point for overall river health decline in New Zealand.
Part four will look at the battle over the blame of our failing river health, and conclude just who is responsible for the overall decline in freshwater quality.
Part One - What is polluting our rivers? It's hard to argue that many of our low-lying rivers are being polluted and that the agriculture industry, and in particular beef and dairy farming must take a fair share of the blame. To their credit, Kiwi dairy farmers have spent over a billion dollars in combating river pollution, while DairyNZ has implemented science-based regulations that leading water experts say have helped turn the tide in improving the health of many our waterways. And while it's easy to simply point the finger at dairy farming, all agricultural industries, and indeed all New Zealanders, even city dwellers, must carry some of the blame for our water pollution.
What is the main cause of this pollution?
That question at least has an easy answer: Agriculture - but it's not been a recent occurrence, it's been happening since the first pastoral farms were created in New Zealand in the 1800s.
But with the agriculture industry being a big player in the New Zealand economy, examining the link between pollution and agriculture can be tough to evenly gauge.
What are the main contaminants?
Sediment: Fine material from deforestation
Nutrients: Nitrogen and phosphorus from livestock urine and fertilizer
Bacteria: E. Coli from livestock excrement
Sediment from deforestation
It's easy to forget New Zealand is one of the most deforested nations on Earth, with only 25 percent of our native forests left untouched, and they're mostly on the west coast of the South Island.
So while New Zealand does have pockets of beautiful and unspoiled native forests, the majority of our land has been cleared and is used in the agriculture, and in particular, the farming industries.
We've also cleared 95 percent of our native wetlands, which if they were still in existence, would play a major part in protecting waterways from pollution.
New Zealand's native forests have been burnt off and cleared ever since human settlement began 800 years ago, and our waterways are now paying the price.
Dr John Quinn is NIWA's chief scientist of freshwater and estuaries, and told Newshub this initial clearing of New Zealand's forests has a continuing impact on our waterways.
"There would have been a huge dollop of sediment happen when land was first cleared, and often that was just done with burning and pretty unfriendly sorts of approaches and there are legacy effects of all that deforestation that are still around our river channels today.
"Some input of sediment in rivers is part of a natural process, it creates sandy beaches. You have to have a level of erosion that is part of the natural system; it's just how much has it been accelerated."
Dr Mike Joy teaches environmental sustainability at Massey University. He's studied the declining health of New Zealand rivers for decades and has long been a vocal figure in raising awareness.
"When we get heavy rainfall events we get huge amounts of fine material from deforested areas.
"This sediment comes off the land and clogs up the rivers making them brown and dirty, but the biggest impact is that the sediment then forms a mat over the bed of the stream, and cuts off all the habitat for the life in it."
Dr Tom Stephens works as a water scientist for DairyNZ and his chief job is to help farmers try and improve their water quality. He says one of the industry's biggest battles is to protect our rivers from further sediment gain.
"Once it starts to move on the land it takes a long time to slow down. If it gets in our waterways it takes a long time to get out, so we're talking decades to century's worth of sediment loss. It's what we're currently trying to address through our water quality levels."
Dairy farming is only part of the sediment problem
Dr Quinn says high intensive dairy farming is 'a' cause, but drystock farming (farming animals for meat and wool) is much more widespread - and has been since the 1800s.
"If you look at the amounts of sediment that comes off that drystock farming, and partly because it's on the steeper hill country, it's more erodible as well.
"So dairy's part of the problem  but is certainly isn't all of the problem."
Nutrients from farm animals
This is where the booming dairy and beef industries must take a fair share of the blame for the high levels of nitrogen being put into New Zealand's waterways - the direct effect of high volumes of cow urine.
Dr Joy says nitrogen produced by cow urine is having a major detrimental effect on New Zealand's waterways.
"If anyone's seen a cow peeing it's a huge volume in a small area, and the land and the plants can't possibly cope with most of it and it makes its way through the soil.
"Depending on soil moisture, levels of rainfall and a whole lot of other factors, most of it makes its way through the ground to lakes to rivers.
"It's not so much the nitrogen itself that's the problem, but that it's a nutrient, and it grows in the plants and the lakes, and there's algae and then algal bloom; either toxic algae, or algae that grows to such an extent that it takes the oxygen out of the river, out of the water itself and the animals die."
The dairy industry is of course incredibly aware of the nitrogen problem from cow urine, and is trying to use the latest science to combat it.
"The biggest challenge for us is actually catching, and interrupting that urine patch," says DairyNZ water scientist Dr Tom Stephens.
"When it's deposited it's in a very dense, sudden pool, and it can escape the surface layers of the sediment where the root systems are and where the growth is occurring and where that nitrogen would otherwise be captured, and once it escapes that then it's going to travel.
"It will either go into the ground water, and it will take years and decades to then emerge or, and a lot of the nitrogen on a dairy farm will do this."
Human health issues from bacteria and in particular: E. Coli
E. Coli comes from the faeces of animal livestock, and has become a major factor in stopping Kiwis from swimming in their rivers. E. Coli is a major health hazard - it can make you sick, especially if you drink water contaminated with it such as what occurred in Hawke's Bay in 2016.
DairyNZ regulations mean its farmers must fence off all waterways on their land and 96 percent have done so - but no such regulations exist for beef, sheep or deer farming.
Environment Minister Nick Smith wants this compulsory across all farming industries by 2030. One wonders why it has taken the Government so long to implement such a measure.
It's not just agriculture and farming polluting New Zealand's rivers
The Tasman Pulp and Paper Mill is continuously polluting the Tarawera River in the Bay of Plenty, and is being allowed to do so because the mill hires local people. The Tarawera River now has an unenviable nickname, the 'Black Drain'.
This perhaps sums up the great dichotomy of employment versus the environment: Our Kiwi communities want jobs, but they also don't want to pollute our rivers.
In 2009 the Government granted permission to the mill's owners, Norwegian company Norske Skog, to keep polluting the Tarawera River for another 25 years, despite official protests from local iwi.
In essence, the Tarawera river is being destroyed to keep a few hundred local people employed. The profits made by the mill go back to 'clean, green' Norway.
Invading species is also a massive problem
Remember those "have you seen didymo" TV ads a decade or so ago?
Invasive plants and animals in our waterways are still a major problem in 2017, with foreign species of fish like toy carp wreaking havoc on the natural vegetation in our Kiwi lakes, exacerbating the decline in water quality.
Dr Quinn says noxious plants like didymo are still common in New Zealand but have been overshadowed by the pollution saga from agriculture.
"We see a whole lot of nuisance plants getting into our lakes which eventually results in quite major deterioration.
"It's quite difficult at times to get simple messages across to the public because it really is quite complicated and often people want to reduce it down to one or two things and what we're dealing with is a syndrome of impacts that humans are having and we really need to understand is how to manipulate a number of things at once if we're to restore these water bodies to what we want them to be."
On Wednesday, in part two of our special Newshub investigation into river health, we'll examine what exactly is being done to help protect New Zealand waterways and hear extensively from dairy industry scientists and perhaps the most important people in all of this - the farmers.
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randomrichards · 5 years
The Opening/Closing Credits from BUDDIES
I’m putting this as honorable mention because this is an older movie recently rereleased.
The first film about the AIDS Crisis, Buddies strikes at the heart with its opening credits with a typed list of AIDS victim up to 1985. Set to a mournful score by Jeffrey Olmstead, the never ending list of lives cut short puts you in tears.
Alex Honnold faces Boulder Problem in FREE SOLO
Most thrillers can only wish they could be as gripping as in the moment when Alex Honnold maneuver’s his way through the most challenging section of El Capitan Wall without rope in this Documentary.
Ray Offers Wisdom from Mid90s
“If you looked in anybody else’s closet, you wouldn’t trade your shit for their shit.”
Ray (Na-kel Smith) and his friends may not be the best role models for the impressionable Stevie (Sunny Suljic), but in this moment, Ray teaches him a lesson in perspective.
Glenn Close’s performance in THE WIFE
I’m not referring to any moment. Just Glenn Close’s acting. She speaks more volumes with her face than most actresses could with dialogue.
10)        The Beach Scene from ROMA
Cleo (Yalitza Aparicio) is an extraordinary woman. Sure, her life hanging towels and cleaning dog poo doesn’t seem like anything special. But like many lower working-class people, she endures. Boy does she endure a lot of shit in this movie. Not only does her deadbeat boyfriend ditch her to practice martial arts, but her baby is born dead. Despite all this, she not only continues her work, but she shares a close bond with the family. She showcases this bond and her strength when a fun day at the beach goes horribly wrong.
When Paco (Carlos Peralta) and Sofi (Daniela Demesa) swim too far out, Cleo walks into the ocean to save them despite not knowing how to swim. We watch in dread as she faces severe waves to find the kids, the camera always close to her.
This scene also contains a beautiful scene of the family hugging Cleo when she tears up over losing her baby. Seeing them all huddled together in front of a bright white sun captures the heart.
9)         “A Place Called Slaughter Race” from RALPH BREAKS THE INTERNET
Admit it, it’s fun to take pot shots at Disney Tropes. Hell, even Disney gets in on the fun. And boy do they seize on every moment to mock Princess tropes when Vanellope Von Shweetz (voiced by Sarah Silverman) encounters the Disney Princesses. Of course, it helps that Director Rich Moore and Head of Story Jim Reardon creates some of the best episodes of the Simpsons. Though there are many hilarious moments[1], none can hold the candle to Vanellope’s “I Want” song.
As she reflects over a puddle, Vanellope sings about her longing to be in the gritty game “Slaughter Race.” Seeing this little girl perform this lighthearted musical number over a background of riots and dumpster fires is comedy gold. Nearly every element of this number elevates the comedy, from singing shark (with cats and dogs in its mouth) to the creative lyrics (“Am I a baby pigeon spreading wings to soar?/ Is that a metaphor?/Hey, there’s a dollar store”). And the number still finds time to emphasize Vanellope’s fear of hurting Ralph (John. C Reilly).
Kudos to Alan Menken for mocking the trope he (and the late Howard Ashman) introduced to Disney. Just as deserving of Kudos is Silverman, who faced to task of singing in Vanellope’s high pitched voice.
8)         Charlie Loses Her Head from HEREDITARY
With her unusual hobbies, connection to her late grandmother and that clicking sound, you’d assume Annie’s (Toni Collette) daughter Charlie (Milly Shapiro) would be the centre of the whole film.[2] Boy, were we in for a surprise.
When Charlie suffers a peanut allergy reaction, Peter (Alex Wolfe) races her home. On his drive, he sees a mysterious figure in the middle of the dark road. In his attempt to dodge it, he doesn’t see Charlie hanging out the window. Seeing her head slam right into a pole leaves us as traumatized as Peter is. To see them kill off a main character so early in the film is downright shocking. With this death, predictability goes right out the window and we are left uncertain of what direction this film will go.
7)         Neil Armstrong Soars in the X-15 Rocket Plane in FIRST MAN
It’s funny how the most exciting scene in this film isn’t the moon landing. Don’t get me wrong, the scene’s still breathtaking in its realism, but it’s surprising how thrilling the opening scene.
Damien Chazelle hits the ground running with Neil Armstrong (Ryan Gosling) soaring the atmosphere in an X-15 Rocket Plane. He soars higher and higher into the skies until he flies out of earth’s surface and gets stuck in space
Albeit, you know he will be back on earth in time for the moon landing. And yet, I found myself on the edge of my seat, wondering how he’s going to get back to earth. Most of it is thanks to the visual effects, which contains some of the most believable since 2001: A Space Odyssey. The effects leave CGI in the dust with practical effects that look so real, you’d think Gosling was actually flying into space.
6)         The Ferris Wheel Scene from LOVE, SIMON
High School Movies are home to many unforgettable romantic scenes. There’s Samantha (Molly Ringwald) and Jake (Michael Schoeffling) standing over a birthday cake in Sixteen Candles. There’s Patrick (Heath Ledger) singing to Katarina (Julia Stiles) on the bleachers in 10 Things I hate About You. And who can forget Lloyd Dobler (John Cusack) blaring Peter Gabriel’s “In Your Eyes” outside Diane Court’s (Ione Skye) in Say Anything. Be ready to include the closing scene of Simon (Nick Robinson) waiting on the Ferris wheel for online pen pal Blue from Love, Simon.
After being outed by a student, infuriating his friends for deceiving them in his attempt to stay closeted and abandoned by Blue, Simon makes a plea to meet with Blue face to face on the Ferris Wheel at a carnival. As he rides on the Ferris Wheel, he, fellow classmates and the audience wait in anticipation for Simon’s happy ending.
5)         The Book Heist from AMERICAN ANIMALS
When Spencer Reinhard (Barry Keoghan) and Warren Lipka (Evan Peters) plotted to steal extremely valuable books from the Transylvania University library in Kentucky, they thought they had the perfect heist. With the help of their friends Erick Borsuk (Jared Abrahamson) and Chas Allen (Blake Jenner), they thought they pull off a heist as smooth as Oceans 11.[3]
But reality hits them like a sledge hammer when they try to pull off the heist. Unlike their dreams, Librarian Betty Jean Gooch (Ann Dowd) doesn’t get knocked out with one taser jolt. It also isn’t easy to lug a six-foot book down a flight of stairs. Then there’s the fact the basement has no exit. That’s just a few of many problems they never consider. From then on, we witness them pay a huge price for their hubris and lack of real-world understanding.
Only youths as smart as they are to come up with such a stupid plan.
4)         The Mutant Bear from ANNIHILATION
Biologist Lena (Natalie Portman) and her team find themselves in a quite a bind. After entering the Shimmer, physicist Josie Radek (Tessa Thompson) has barely survived an attack from a mutant alligator and Anthropologist Cassie Sheppard (Tuva Novotny) has been attacked by a bear. Now paramedic Anya Thorensen (Gina Rodriguez) has gone mad and has tied up Lena, Radek and Dr. Ventress (Jennifer Jason Leigh). But when they hear Sheppard’s cries for help, they will soon find Anya is the least of their worries.
Their journey delivers many grotesque, nightmare inducing visuals (especially the slithering intestines.) But the most memorable moment in this film was the image of the helpless crew trapped in a cabin with a mutant bear. Bears are scary enough on their own, but a faceless one is pants spitting meeting. And then you hear it imitate Sheppard’s screams and suddenly you need a new pair of pants.
3)         The Great Snap from AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR
The whole Marvel Cinematic Universe had been leading up to this moment. The fact that nearly every character had a moment to shine in this one movie demonstrates the astounding direction of the Russo Brothers. But despite all the epic fight scenes, everyone agrees that this film’s greatest scene is the heroes moment of defeat.
Despite every effort made to stop in, despite outnumbering Thanos and despite Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen) sacrificing Vision (Paul Bettany) to destroy the mind stone, Thanos still got all the infinity stones. And with a single snap, Thanos succeeds in wiping out half the universe’s population. One by one, we watch many of our heroes vanish into dust while others watch in helpless horror. But none are more heartbreaking that the moment when Spider-Man (Tom Holland) falls into Tony Stark’s (Robert Downey Jr.) arms, crying “I don’t want to go.” All because some characters couldn’t make the sacrifice needed
Yes, we knew he was going to succeed in the end.[4] And yes, you know most of the heroes won’t stay gone.[5] And yes, their return will likely involve the surviving heroes sacrificing themselves.[6] But the ending still feels powerful despite this knowledge.
It all concludes with Thanos sitting near a cottage, content in his triumph. If the MCU ended here, it would have been a perfect ending. But I’m still curious to see how this will go.
2)         The Closing Close-Up in CAPERNAUM
The closing image of Zain’s (Zain Al Rafeea) face will haunt you beyond the closing credits. Throughout the film, we’ve seen this kid struggle through hell on the streets of Lebanon, trying to protect his sister from their resentful parents and helping an Ethiopian Migrant Worker take care of her son. But when he’s sent to prison for assaulting a pimp who bought his sister, he decides to sue his parents for the crime of bringing him into this miserable world. Writer/director Nadine Labaki never looks away for a second to the brutality of Zain’s world and how it brings out the worst in Zain.
When the film freezes to the image of Zain smiling for a Passport photo, your heart breaks for him as Khaled Mouzanar’s haunting score plays out.
1)         Tish and Fonny’s Walk Through the Park in IF BEALE STREET COULD TALK
No other opening scene has done a better job of putting its audience under its spell than when loving couple Tish (Kiki Layne) and Alfonzo “Fonny” Hunt (Stephan James) stroll through a park holding hands.
There’s beauty in every element of this scene, from Nicholas Britell’s romantic score to the warm looks in the character’s eyes. But what really sells it is James Laxton’s lush cinematography. The colours pop through the yellows and blues on the couple’s clothes and the green of the grass. You are as in love with this couple as they are for each other.
Then the film cuts to Tish visiting Fonny in prison, this time the yellow is the prison, the blue is Fonny’s jumpsuit and the green is on Tish’ outfit. From then one, we know why their love is worth fighting for.
[1] Mostly at the expense of Ariel (Jodi Benson)
[2] Especially when she appears so prominently in the advertisements.
[3] As indicated by a fantasy sequence.
[4] Since we know this was going to be a two parter.
[5] Especially when there are already planned sequels to Black Panther, Spider-Man and Guardians of the Galaxy. After all the money Marvel’s got from Black Panther? They’re not going to give up that meal ticket.
[6] What with Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans retiring their characters.
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fordarkisthesuede · 6 years
At the Brink of Midnight - Chapter 11
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Important Spoiler Tags:  past suicide attempt (mention), death (mention)
(Read on Ao3 or Continue Below:)
Chapter 11:  A Laughing Matter
The ride to Jackie Lant’s apartment was fast and quiet. Bruce wasn’t sure why, as John had a tendency to talk a lot when they were riding around before, and would talk about almost anything.
John was mulling over something, and when asked, John had shrugged and said “just some things”.
Like Bruce couldn’t worry over a response like that. He figured it had to have been what happened at the Main Street Diner. John’s street make-up was back on, and done just as impeccably this time, but with the addition of heavy black eyeliner, so it wasn’t as if he’d left in a rush.
Jackie’s apartment was high up in a building that had definitely seen better days. The neighborhood wasn’t one of the best, either – Bruce had visited it many times, always late at night, and he was sure he’d been on the other side of the apartment building on a case long, long ago.
They entered through the rooftop door, which it seemed no one had bothered to lock. (Not that Bruce was surprised – he was the only one in the city who made a habit of flying roof-to-roof, and anyone who walked up to any building’s roof at night was up to nothing good ninety-five percent of the time. Raids by blimp or helicopter were few and far between, thankfully.)
“Kind of reminds me of Arkham,” John (no, Joker, they were outside together) commented in a hushed voice as he shook the rainwater off his borrowed fedora. The stairwell was vaguely reminiscent of the asylum’s, but rather than white-washed brick, it was bare and aged, and it didn’t have the large glowing florescent lights hanging on the walls. There was just a small light in the middle of the staircase leading down.
“Her place is just on the fourth floor,” Bruce said, leading the way with light steps. He was always careful about stairs; he never knew if someone was sitting below a set.
The metal door leading into the hallway was lighter than it looked. Peeling red wallpaper greeted them, and the dark wooden floor had seen better days, but it wasn’t the worst apartment building Bruce had ever set foot in. It’d be a four out of ten, if he was feeling generous… The water stains on the ceiling certainly detracted from that generosity.
“If I hadn’t been spoiled by your place, I’d say this was pretty nice,” John muttered, grinning over at Bruce.
Bruce bit back the comment that it was only because John had no decent standard of living, and gave a very small smile in return. He remembered the little place John had made for himself back at the Old Five Points – the Ha-Hacienda, as he had called it. He’d taken what was a run-down little shack and thrown his heart into it, putting up pictures and lights like it was a real home.
He’d tried going back there the day after John had fallen off the bridge, but John had somehow managed to smuggle most of his things out of there to one of his friend’s places, and now they were impossible to find. It hurt to think about.
Jackie Lant had the corner apartment, overlooking the back. Working the lock-picks in the door took so little time Bruce found himself thinking he should find a way to pressure someone into making a policy that apartment managers had to upgrade their client’s locks every few years.
The beam of light stretching in from the hallway cast his shadow over the place, but he could already see it was much homier than Dr. Crane’s, despite it being smaller than Bruce’s master bedroom.
He stepped inside, John (Joker) following him and immediately making a line for the dresser. Bruce decided to look elsewhere.
Posters were plastered and pinned all over the walls, most of which were for movies or famous plays. There were also over a dozen flyers mixed in, like those handed out for amateur gigs, and they all seemed to be for copyright-infringing shows at Gotham University or South End High School; the dates were in line with Jackie’s educational attendance.
There was a cheap wire shelving unit holding all matter of things – books, DVDs, and bits of décor that almost all looked like they came right out of the Halloween section of a D.I.Y. store. Casting a look over at the bed (it didn’t have a frame, it was just two mattresses piled on top of one another, but was a bed) told him it wasn’t just a seasonal thing, either; there were two different pumpkin-shaped cushions and the blanket on top was patterned with smiling jack-o-lantern faces.
At least she had a variety of different tastes:  romance, fantasy, popular YA literature, used psychology textbooks… There were some horror novels in the mix, but it looked more…pulpy than anything. Her little movie collection had a few of the same titles as Crane’s, too, but they looked to be either from the more popular franchises or cheesy b-movies.
Bruce cast a look at the kitchen unit – nothing spectacular, but he should go through the cupboards, just in case she’d hidden anything in there…
“Bats,” Joker called, frowning at the strung-up photos in front of the desk on the back wall, “can your gadgets scan faces?”
“Something like that,” Bruce answered, stepping towards him. Some photographs were placed directly above the desk, adjacent to the window surrounded by string lights with jack-o-lantern faces. They were hung up by laundry clips on wire wrapped around a combination of nails and tiny peel-and-stick hooks. Looking at them made Bruce think of John’s photos, all arranged in a smiley-face wherever he went.
The pictures were all group photos, varying in age, and it didn’t take a genius to notice that the last several pictures all held the same people, but dwindling in number. Bruce clicked a button on his visor, and waited as the Batcomputer scanned the faces he honed in on and ran through its database of connections to news and GCPD files. Jackie Lant was easily recognizable, due to her curly red hair, but in a few pictures she was very young. The oldest photo was just of her and another little girl, looking up into the camera with the sort of wide-eyed innocence that only children could really have.
He checked his gauntlet, and decided to go from the bottom to the top.
Richard Seed, deceased.
Zoe Smith, deceased.
Angela Maynard, deceased.
Deceased, deceased, deceased. It was just one after another, two of which happened one month apart, and half of the death records were pulled from the GCPD – car accidents, crossfire shootings, muggings gone wrong... The earliest death was almost fifteen years ago, when a missing girl was found wrapped in a rug by a dumpster.
Bruce cast a look back at the photo of the seven-or-eight-year-old Jackie Lant, and remembered her mention of how the formative years played a lot into one’s psyche.
The only people left alive came from the middle bunch of photos:  Dean Norton, who still lived in Gotham, and Veronica O’Reilly, who hadn’t lived there for a little over a decade. Dean showed up in only one photo near the end of the bunch, too, where he was with three other people who had passed away within the last four years.
Bruce thought back to the list of contacts she had on her FriendBook. He didn’t remember seeing any R.I.P. posts or anything like it in her timeline, but he’d checked out the people she contacted most on there, and none of them were dead… “Have you seen any other photos?”
“Just two on her dresser – pretty sure it’s her parents and… I dunno, an older guy, so maybe an uncle?”
“I’m beginning to think you were right,” Bruce grumbled, clicking off the scanning feature in his cowl, “Jackie Lant’s current friends might not really be friends. Almost all the people shown here are dead.”
“Yikes,” Joker winced, “and I thought I had it bad, with most of mine in jail…”
“Did you find anything in the dresser?”
“A few spare bullets and a box of condoms. You know, the essentials,” he joked.
Bruce cast a look down at the desk. A laptop and a tray of loose papers. “Check the closet. If she hid Crane’s stuff here, the only spot left is there or the kitchen.”
“On it,” Joker said confidently, swinging open the flimsy panel doors behind them. “Though I would think I’d scatter them all over the place… You know, put the drive in a bag and tape it inside the toilet tank. That kind of thing.”
Bruce flicked through the pile of paper – mostly the bills for rent, insurance, and student loans, at least two of the latter bearing ‘OVERDUE’ stamps. “Then check there, too. Follow your instinct.”
“Ha ha, okaaayyyy,” John drew out quietly, shifting through a pile of clothes. Jackie seemed to prefer yellows and reds; Bruce remembered her work clothes looking rather nice, and wondered if she hadn’t spent more money on them than anything else.
Bruce opened the laptop on her desk, mindful of the speakers she had plugged into it knocking over the well-loved stuffed cat sitting there. The lock-screen was password-protected and the hint was “check the handbook”.
Handbook…? Hadn’t he seen something with that?
Bruce returned to the shelf – The Handbook for the Recently Deceased sat next to an empty candlestick holder molded in the shape of a raven.
Sure enough, it was a blank journal with a list of contact information (birthdays and death dates were listed, too, much to Bruce’s surprise) and passwords to different sites – banks, her social media, and even a bloggr account – with the laptop’s password written on a sticky note in the front:  Pumpk1nPr1nc355.
“Hey, Batman, I found somethiiing,” Joker called, tugging out a heavy-looking lock-box. “Hidden right under the loose floorboard, how cliché… Ooh, you looking into her laptop?”
“I figured it might give an insight into her, if she didn’t have Crane’s work copied onto it.”
“Right. You look at that, I’m going to poke around her bathroom for a key to this thing.”
Bruce wanted to question that, but Joker left without another word, a confident smile on his lips.
Jackie Lant’s laptop hummed to life. It seemed it had been in hibernation mode – her browser was still open to her email.
Bruce read through the headers:
New post from Batman Watch
New post from Gotham-Sucks
[!] Application for job #P283451
[!] Application for job #E7990S2
We’re sorry to inform you that your…
New post from Gotham-Sucks
RE:  St. Mary’s Mental Ward Position...
RE:  Hopkins Mental Clinic application
BatmanChick96 replied to your post
[!] Application for job #8714E03
Bruce could deduce without even opening any of them that the application notifications were rejections. Judging by the bloggr notifications, she was likely trying to leave the city. Scrolling down further and seeing the list of rejected applications amidst the odd bank statement and old blog notifications told him she’d been trying to do leave Gotham for months.
That explained why she wanted to steal Crane’s work – she must have figured that she could take it and run out of the city, publish it with her name attached, and make something out of it. In her mind, he supposed, she had bills to pay and not much to lose.
He opened her file browser; thankfully it looked like she was the type to keep all her files fairly organized. There was what looked like a folder for her old school documents, a folder for her Arkham internship-employment, tax folders… A quick search said the only thing with Crane’s name in it was a term paper on Working Through Grief and some copies of his work, though they weren’t opened in over a year.
Looking under her recent files, she had a video labeled with a date from several days ago, and she did have a webcam… Maybe she was the type to vlog.
“Whelp, nothing in there… What’d you find?” Joker asked, coming to stand behind Bruce and lean on the back of the rolling office chair.
“Hopefully, a video log.”
“Well press play, then! Maybe she’ll just tell us where she stashed Crane’s stuff. I’m going to be mad if it’s not in that safe…”
Bruce double-clicked the video dated several days ago.
Jackie Lant sat in front of the desk, pushing back the laptop screen until she was entirely in view. She threaded her fingers together under her chin, on level with her hair, and and gazed right at the camera with an intense focus as she breathed deep.
“Normally, I try not to talk too openly in these sessions, in case I have one of those Agents monitoring me like everyone seems to think we do, but just in case I fail miserably, or Professor Crane decides to bury me in his backyard, I want to say something. I’m probably going to regret this video later… Then again, if everything works out, I’m going to delete this and pretend it never happened anyway.”
Jackie shrugged, folding her arms on top of her desk.
“There’s…no going back for me, now. I had to keep telling myself that if I did… If I did, then I might as well just throw myself off of the bridge tomorrow. I’m in too deep. I know too much. I’ve…seen too much.”
The young woman scowled slightly down at her hands.
“I can’t pretend that I’m not going to regret anything. I already regret a lot. I don’t think I’d be at this point if I’d chosen a theater major,” she said with a slight hint at a smile. “But in case something happens, I just really want to say – I’m the one who tried to kill Dr. Jonathan Crane, and stole all of the research that would’ve given evidence pertaining to his unethical experiments at Arkham Asylum. I’m hoping someone will find his bloated corpse floating around the docks or face-down in a pool of his own blood in the street,” she continued with a nasty curl of her lip that lasted all but a couple of seconds. “If not, then I failed, and I’m probably dead already, either by Dr. Crane himself, or Bruce Wayne, for taking advantage of him like I am tonight. I wouldn’t blame him for it, honestly…” She looked down, regret flashing in her eyes. “He and I both have mobster blood in us, I’d be surprised if he didn’t want to kill me for letting his friend get hurt and not doing anything to stop it… It’s what Great-Uncle Finger would do.”
Jackie looked back up at the camera, sincerity peeking through a steely gaze.
“But I am sorry to whoever might get caught in the middle. I hope there’s none, but… If I could see the future, then I would’ve swallowed that bottle of ibuprophen years ago.”
The video cut out after a moment, and Joker immediately leaned over Bruce to click through the video folder, his eyes shining in the light of the bright screen. “She’s got to have more. Something,” he muttered, and promptly played a video dated nearly six weeks ago in a folder marked “personal vlogs”.
The first thing Bruce noticed was that Jackie still had her long ponytail, giving credit to the date on the filename. The second detail was that she looked rather conflicted, even as she just sat there hugging herself in her jack-o-lantern blanket.
“I had…an epiphany, last night. I normally would’ve done this when I got home, but… I couldn’t. I was too… I’m not sure. Not scared… Bewildered, I guess is the right word. Dr. Crane invited me over to his house again, yesterday. I thought, ‘yeah, last time was nice, despite the talk about death in the middle, why not’? It was okay, at first. You know, home-made pumpkin spice lattes, catch-up about how I’m doing, gossiping about patients’ sessions I have to sit in on… And then we got onto the topic of Gotham, somehow. I think I asked him why he stayed here, since he had the means to leave, and he just…”
She was half looking into the camera with general disbelief.
“He said he liked it. He thinks all the general misery is fun to study. I didn’t know what else to say to that, so I tried to change the subject, and asked what he thought of Batman, because…I mean, what normal person doesn’t like him, right? And he thinks he’s fascinating. Or…really, he thinks the effect Batman has on the city is fascinating. He thinks the way criminals fear him is interesting. So… I just said, ‘yeah, that makes sense, you like studying human behavior around fear, don’t you?’”
She got quiet, but stared dead at the camera.
“He lit up at that. Like, the happiest I think I’ve ever seen him. He actually smiled a little,” she pressed, leaning forward to emphasize her point before sitting there with her arms on the table. “So, I figured that had to be good. We talked about his work for a really long time - I still remember going through bits of it at school, and I did genuinely like his stuff, so he walked me through his last one, and I guess I said something right, because… He said he was testing something special for his current research, and he asked what my worst fear was.”
She paused and sat up straight, crossing her arms again.
“I mean, I’m not stupid enough to ask why. I can guess why. So I told him my old one so it’d be believable. And he just looks at me and says ‘So imagine I can manifest those roaches before your eyes. What would you do?’” She phrased in a fairly good imitation of Crane’s pitch, “I said I didn’t know; probably squish as many as possible while screaming my head off, and he…he just said, ‘Yes, that’d be interesting, wouldn’t it?’”
She stared down at the surface of the desk, almost in awe.
“And I just… I just realized, right there, that he was making something to do that to patients. I never asked him about what he did in sessions, but… I’m allowed to peek at almost everyone’s notes to look at the progress of certain patients, and it just…hit me. He’s why some of them are regressing.”
She was quiet for a minute, only shifting to get comfortable again, and staring out the window by the desk.
“And I couldn’t help but think, ‘that IS interesting’. I thought that, and I meant it, and I hate that I thought it at all. And… I know that secret, now. I have to carry it around with everything else.”
Jackie stared a little longer, first out the window, then at her desk, and then she swiveled the chair and moved to click the mouse with an irritated scowl.
“Fuck it.”
That was certainly enlightening… Bruce had wondered how Jackie had developed the idea to steal his research – she’d apparently known for weeks already, before she’d reached out to him days ago and asked for his help. He wouldn’t have been surprised if it was her who had prevented him from seeing John, solely to drum up his suspicion and get him invested in her idea of helping her steal Crane’s files.
(Though he couldn’t see her knowing everything else in-between. There was no way she knew he stole Crane’s fake drugs from the lab, or that they would walk right by John that day, or that John would break out of his cell at all.)
John was already clicking to another video, a determined frown on his long face.
“Joker, that’s enough,” Bruce said, moving to stop him, but Joker was just fast enough to start a new one, dated almost four weeks ago, and it caught his attention enough that he let John’s hand go.
Jackie Lant faced the webcam with her head in her hand, taking deep breaths, and on the third, she turned her gaze to the window to her side.
“I don’t know how much more of this I can take. I really, really, don’t.”
The look in her eyes was furious, despite her relatively flat expression.
“I hate it when people say it’s ‘the little things in life’ – they always mean ‘oh, life’s not so bad, just look at this fucking rainbow’, like that will make everything better for you,” she grumbled, turning to look at the camera. “It’s like, ‘hey, you ever see a guy get stabbed in the middle of the road? Just fucking stabbed? And you’re in your car, you have to keep driving, because you’ll be penalized for being late to work, and if you go out there and try to do something about it, you’ll be stabbed, too. And you have to just…pretend like you didn’t see anything. That everything is perfectly fine. It’s just…a little thing,’” Jackie finishes, a lopsided smile tugging on the corner of her mouth for a moment, and then it faded into a flat line. “I tried texting Dean about it, since he was there when Michelle got killed, and he just… He said ‘that’s how life is around here, you gotta be tough’.”
Jackie stared at the table, her eyes glistening slightly, the anger never leaving them.
“Four years… Four years, and that’s what seeing her die in the fucking street has reduced that to. Just another part of life in Gotham.”
She blinked away the tears threatening to fall, taking the sleeve of her hoodie to wipe at her face properly for a moment.
“I tried telling Ver’ about it, too – not directly, just, ‘hey I’m feeling super awful and I hate my life.’ And all she said was, ‘Look on the bright side! It’s the little things that make life worth living!’” she paraphrased in a falsetto sort of voice, her brows furrowing. “Fuck her. Just…fuck her. She can come live in Gotham for a day, see if she can look on the fucking bright side…”
Jackie grunted to herself, rubbing her face into her hands for a moment, and when she reappeared, she had a steady gaze.
“I just have to shove all this down, I guess. Like I don’t already do that all the time.” She stared right at the screen, as if watching herself, and her face grew soft and contemplative. “I’ll just put it next to the thoughts of how I threw my dreams down the gutter, or how much I’d rather risk taking the train to East End than having to work at Arkham one more day,” she added spitefully, despite the glint of humor that crossed over her expression. “I guess I just have to…” She smiled a little wistfully at the camera, even as her eyes dulled. “Smile, though your heart is breaking,” she half-sang.
Bruce heard John snort heavily, as if trying to stifle a laugh, and turned to look just as a loud cackle burst out of him.
John doubled over, clearly trying to stifle his own raucous laugh as he held his stomach like it was the funniest joke he’d ever heard.
Bruce almost wanted to punch him, but held himself steady, clenching his fists as John turned away from him, giggling uncontrollably.
Half a year in Arkham wasn’t going to change him. He was always going to find this sort of thing entertaining. Bruce never quite forgot the conversation they had during Harvey Dent’s speech about hunting down the Children of Arkham; John had grinned wide and joked about it all like it wasn’t actually happening, even though they both knew it was. That same man was right there, throwing open the window and laughing like a damn hyena.
John stuck his head out into the pouring rain, letting the water drown out some of the noise as brown hair dye and make-up started to wash away.
“What are you doing?!” Batman’s voice growled out as Bruce shot up and yanked him back out by the collar, angry at him for laughing at all, for doing something so stupid as showing his face, for further washing away the only thing really keeping him safe-
“I-I’m sorry,” John managed, still chuckling to himself as he tried to steady himself upright using Bruce’s shoulder. “It-it’s funny, but I just… I just can’t – hee hee – be-believe… I’m…” He tried to breathe, a grin still plastered on his face, make-up running terribly in what almost looked like tear-tracks on his cheeks as his laughter slowed. The sound of the video continuing on low volume as rain hit the brick and pavement outside was almost loud enough to prevent Bruce from properly hearing him. “I’m sympathizing with her!” He finished, letting out another little burst of laughter.
That was sympathy…?
“I just – oh, geez, that hurts,” John breathed, a slight giggle coming out as he clutched part of the cape draped over Bruce’s shoulder. “When she was threatening you, back at Arkham, I just thought she was like Crane; a weird, more emotional version of him, but… I hated her for it! And it turns out we - we not only having something in common, but she’s like you,” he emphasized, looking up at the white lenses with a bright-eyed look. It made Bruce feel like he was stuck to the floor. “You both just shove your real feelings down so far even I can’t see them! You both just put on your public faces and pretend!”
Bruce was tempted to wipe some of the run make-up away, and he wasn’t sure if it was because of the knowing glint in the green eyes that stared up at him, or if was because he just wanted to distract the man from continuing to hit Bruce right in a sore spot.
“I still don’t like her,” he said, “but I don’t hate her anymore. And that’s so ridiculous, because I loathe anyone who even thinks about hurting you, Bruce,” he finished with a laugh, caressing Bruce’s arm through the batsuit.
He didn’t know what to say. What could he even do, in a place like this? In a situation like this? He felt guilt and warmth pile up on one another, and he wanted to tell him he was sorry, and he wanted to reach out and cup his face and get rid of all the color until there was nothing but John left, and he knew what John said wasn’t exactly healthy but it still sent a rush through him and he just wanted to…
It wasn’t the time or place for anything like that. He was Batman. John was Joker. They were supposed to be investigating Jackie Lant so they could get a lead on Crane.
Batman was sturdy. Bruce was sturdy.
“Joker,” he started, forcing himself to maintain eye contact even as John’s pupils dilated slightly in response, “Go wash the rest of that stuff off. I’ll copy over the rest of Jackie’s vlog files.”
“My face looks that bad, huh?”
“A little.”
Joker tore himself away, letting his fingers slide over the armored bicep as he passed by. He couldn’t feel the touch at all, but the gesture was more than enough to give him a pleasant little jolt.
Bruce copied a compressed version of her vlog files to the USB stick he carried in his belt. They might be useful, or they might not. A quick scroll through of the rest of her documents showed nothing nefarious, no hidden files, no detailed plans - not so much as a crude map of the asylum. Her browsing history was pretty normal, though he did see some bookmarks to particular blogs she followed, such as Batman Watch, Gotham’s-Dark-Knight, and Gotham Gazette Official.
Bruce was sure he could reason with her. Jackie Lant was stubborn, but she seemed desperate for someone to talk to, and relied only on herself for everything; she either had a backup plan memorized for if things went south, or she was making it up as she went along. She clearly internalized a lot of pain, and not having an outlet for it besides talking to herself seemed to be the final straw in what drove her to desperate measures of escape.
She would probably be thrown in a jail cell for assault and conspiracy to murder, but Bruce was fairly positive she needed some mental help. If he managed to talk her down, he could likely fix it so she wasn’t thrown with the rest of the wolves in Black Gate. Perhaps he could even transfer her out of Gotham entirely.
The files had almost finished downloading when Bruce heard a metallic clink ringing against tile followed by a muttered curse.
He rushed to the small, dimly-lit bathroom, and was greeted with John standing on the rim of the built-in tub, rubbing his head with one hand and holding what looked like part of the shower-head in the other.
“No need to worry, Bats,” Joker said without even turning around. “Just hit myself a bit on this,” he explained, holding up the outer piece to the shower attachment. “Good news though, I found the key to the safe!”
Joker hopped down, stooped, and picked up a key from the base of the tub, turning to face Bruce with a proud grin. “I knew it must have been in here!”
His face was mostly clear, now. His eyelids were still fairly dark, but it was a lot of make-up to wash away, and it couldn’t have been easy for such a fast job. His eyebrows were back to being green, and there were even chunks of color showing under the temporary hair dye.
Bruce forced himself to focus on the task at hand. “How did you think to look in the showerhead?”
“Jackie’s a super-secretive girl, and I would put a key to a safe holding what I was working my life towards in a place no one would think to loo… And the toilet tank was empty.” He dangled the key in front of their faces. “You want to do the honors, Batman?”
Bruce took the invitation. He dropped the lock-box onto the desk, minding the laptop, and turned the key, pushing away the tiny concerned thought about a potential bomb.
He pushed aside the academic papers Crane had written on top of the pile, and found a stack of Arkham patient notes that Bruce knew he’d comb through later, despite it likely not holding much more information than he already knew. And then, under all that, was Crane’s hard drive.
“See if you can find some plastic bags,” Bruce suggested, leafing through the papers to make sure everything was accounted for.
“No need to look, Batsy,” Joker grinned, and yanked an orange bag from the trench coat’s ticket pocket as if he were pulling out a line of scarves. “Ta-dah!”
“That’ll do,” Bruce answered, unable to stop the minute smile from spreading on his face.
He’d all but tied the handles together and passed it to Joker for safe-keeping when the head-set in his cowl rang obnoxiously in his ear.
“Hello?” He asked in his normal voice.
“It’s just me, Batman,” Tiffany answered, sounding somewhat drained; John mouthed ‘who is it’ as he stepped a little closer. “I wanted to apologize for what I said earlier. I’m just having trouble wrapping my head around…everything.”
“Thank you. I appreciate that.”
“Yeah, well… I also wanted to tell you I got a signal from one of Maroni’s thug’s phones. I’ll send you the coordinates. Is he with you?”
“Figures… I’ll…discuss that with you another time. Just…be careful out there.”
“Always am.”
“No you’re not,” Tiffany countered with a light-hearted scoff before hanging up.
Notes:  Blargggh, my brain failed me at a critical time, and then today my stomach acted up for about 2 hours, which impeded me further!! Something must have really wanted me to just wrap up this chapter here… That, or they wanted you guys to wait this long. I certainly didn’t!! (T^T)
As always, thank you SO SO much to everyone that comments, reblogs, likes, kudos, bookmarks, or subscribes!!! I said it before and I'll say it again - I love you guys!!! You guys are awesome!!!! (ෆˊ͈ ु꒳ ूˋ͈ෆ) I'm gearing up for some good times comin' soon... REAL good times. Stay tuned next weekend...
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