#Dr Peg Kin
twisted-lies · 1 year
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༊·˚ Pastel Kai Monteago Circle Icons :: Requested by @kai-monteago-lovemail
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randomnameless · 8 months
Are we ever going to get an in-universe explanation as to why Rhea sets a city with civilians still in it on fire at the end of CF, or is it forever going to remain the "devs wrote Rhea doing something evil so the audience wouldn't feel bad about killing the final boss who'd done nothing wrong up to that point, regardless of how grossly out-of-character it is for her to do that" excuse?
I was typing an answer, switched tabs, and what I already typed disappeared...
Watsonian wise, the game iirc tells us Rhea intends to use the "fiery tiles" as hazards to slow down the BESF's progression to rekt them - and I personally find nice how the devs picked peg knights to act as reinforcments - cementing the "strategy" aspect of the Berning, aka Rhea's own troops are immunte to tile hazards, but the BESF isn't.
Doylist wise, I feel like it was one of the moves the devs pulled out to illustrate how far Rhea fell from... well, what she once was.
It's the culmination of her breakdown, her point of no-return : we came from a Rhea who valued Fodlan and its people more than her own survival and who would refuse to sacrifice anyone to ensure her safety to... a Rhea who lost so much (her remaining family), is PTSD'ing hard and was betrayed by Billy and Humanity "again", she snaps and now will sacrifice Fodlan and its people to get a chance of surviving what she perceives as the second act of the genocide of her species.
Forget the "not feeling bad" aspect of this fight anon, because, at least with the Jp audio, every scene involving Rhea, before this fight when she lost Seteth'n'Flayn, is in Tailtean, or even in this fight laments in her battle quotes, conveys, kuddos to Inoue, anguish, desperation and anger.
The BESF pushes her - during the entire length of this short route - to her breaking point, she breaks (but it's not only a furious/angry breakdown!) and Firdhiad Berning is the consequence.
Imo, even if the gapmoe and the Supreme Court tries to act as if the BESF is "in the right" or wonder what's for dinner, the foes are much more humanised/developed/are mourning on screen that, save for some devoted people, I firmly believe Tru Piss wasn't supposed to be seen as a "Good Route", but more like the Tales games sometimes have a "Bad End" path.
The final close-up on Billy's dead eyes after they lost Nirvana is, imo, telling enough - even if gapmoe and the game mechanics + IS' obsession to sell you Supreme Leader as a S material waifu you can romance sort of killed this intent, since you can get your "and they lived happily ever after" ending and marry Supreme Leader.
Tl;Dr : Tru Piss is written in a way that would make anyone (even on a first PT!) feel bad about the people you're trouncing, from Judith crying about Ignatz'n'Leonie's loss of their future, to Hilda sacrifying herself to save someone against her former nature, aka when it comes to do the "right thing" Hilda will do it even if it costs her life, to Faerghus' desperation to defend themselves at the point of willingly make the ultimate sacrifice and turning into demonic beasts and Dimitri's tender scene with Dedue, or Felix and Rodrigue fighting side by side to defend their land (and dying together) - to ultimately, Rhea losing her mind, breaking down as she learns of her kin's fate and relieving her previous PTSD hard, ultimately telling the player that they betrayed the gremlin living in their head (even if game mechanics means that gremlin is the worst mother in the entire series) and ultimately, herself.
If you're not a first PT, but Tru Piss is your last PT and you know about Rhea'n'Billy's backstories... Well.
I don't like the "you made hit you" rhetoric because it fucking sucks and irl is used by scum, and while I don't think the Firdhiad Berning was made to make Rhea look "evil" so you wouldn't feel bad for rekting her... the game painfully reminds the player, each time, that they are the instigators of this war, they are the agressors attacking people who, in this last map, will do anything to defend themselves.
It's ugly but it's the War the BESF, aka the player in Tru Piss, started/supported.
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missbrunettebarbie · 3 years
Killjoys sorting
With the help of @starry-sky-stuff here are the sortings of most of the characters of the TV show Killjoys. Warning: SPOILERS ahead
Yalena "Dutch" Yardeen is probably the most Snake Lion protagonsit I've seen in a while now. She only really cares about her people who at the begining of the show are Johnny, then D'avin and despite what Dutch would like, Khlyen. Over the next five seasons, Dutch's circle grows as she adds new people, but she's still very much a Snake. The best example of Dutch's Snake primary is the season 1 episode where everyone is hunting for her mentor, Big Joe, and despite the fact that he's guilty Dutch tries to do anything to save him.
As a result of Khlyen's harsh upbringing, Dutch has almost all the secondary models drilled into her. But she's a Lion through and through: her first instinct is always to tackle the problem head on. She and D'avin bond over training and shooting things. Not to mention, when Johnny leaves the team, we have a hilarious moment when Dutch and D'avin have to deal with a teoublesome computer. Their solution: shoot it and fry it xDD
D'avin Jaqobis is definitely a Lion secondary. He's a soldier who like Dutch always goes for the direct approach. Like I previously said, he and Dutch bond because they share a secondary. His primary was harder, but I think he is a Badger. This is a very Loyalist verse and D'avin is no exception. Out of the entire trio, D'avin is the one most excited by the idea of Team Awesome Force. He is also the one put in charge of the war against the Hullen at the end of season 3 because of his leadership qualities. I would also add that his way of parenting Jaq (letting him choose his own name, always making sure he knows he is loved) seems very Badger-ish.
Johnny Jaqobis is probably the nicest Snake primary out there. This guy bonds with literally everyone that he spends more than five minutes with. But he's not a Badger, as he has very clear priorities ie. in season 1 when he thinks he'd have to choose between Dutch and D'avin, he knows he would choose Dutch even if it makes him a bad brother. Or at the end of season 3 when Dutch thinks she would die, she didn't tell Johnny because she thought he won't be able to handle it. He also bonds with individuals, not groups.
Johnny is a Bird secondary with a Snake model for fun undercover stuff and a Badger model he developed after his brother left home and he isn't not particulary fond of ("I am tired of being the one who always fixing things"). But the Bird is genuine: he is the nerd, the computer guy, the one with a plan.
Khlyen Kin Rit is Johnny's mirror in every way, the devil on Dutch's shoulder while Johnny is the angel. And it shows even in their sortings as both are Snake Birds. Khlyen's People are Aneela and then Dutch, nobody else. Everything he does, he does for them. The show doesn't excuse his abuse of Dutch at all, but it's clear Khlyen's acted that way because he thought training Dutch as brutally as he did would be the only way to ensure her survival. As a Bird secondsry, Khlyen is always the guy who has a plan, knowledge that others desperately want. As the other Yalena tells hin: "Even on a bad day, you are ten steps ahead of everyone else".
Pawter Simms who is "Qreshy born, but Westerly made" is a Badger primary whose community is Westerly and she gives up her life for it. Despite her own confession that she is no do gooder, but an exiled addict, Pawter bonds so much with the people of Old Town that she stays behind to help them after a bombing. And when she becomes one of The Nine, her first priority is still Westerly. I would say she is a Lion secondary with a Bird model for her job as a doctor. Just like Dutch and D'avin, Pawter keeps going even when she hits walls everwhere in her path and rarely tries to reconsider her methods.
Aneela Kin Rit is literally another version of Dutch, one who grew up differently, so it shouldn't be surprising that they houseshare. The way Aneela Darth Vaders her ship in season 3 screams of a burned Snake primary who weaponized her burning. During the last seasons she unburns for Kendry and Jaq. As most of the cast Aneela runs straight into obstacles and as a Hullen, she has no problem obliterating everyone that stands in her way. Classic Lion secondary.
Delle Seyah Kendry is a Snake secondary who really has fun manipulating people and playing with them when she has the upper end. In s3, when she is at Aneela's mercy the playfulness is replaced by the more pragmatic need to stay alive and she proves she is just as capable at holding soft power as she is with hard power. I initially had her pegged as a Snake primary who had no people before Aneela and Jaq. Keeley however conviced me she's probably a Bird primary that gets the Eleanor Shellstrop arc of having a very nihilistic system replaced by one with more Snake values (this is a veery Snake verse). She is the character that most cares about politics and the bigger picture. Not to mention, there is an inherit disdain in the first 2 seasons towards loyalists like Pawter and Dutch.
Jaq Kin Rit is for sure a Snake primary who puts his family first. His secondary is harder to point, considering he is still a kid who is still new to the world, but going purely on instinct I would say Badger secondary.
The Lady is probably another Snake primary considering her entire season 5 quest is to be loved by someone; be it either her future hatchlings or, in a cruel twist of faith, Khlyen. Maybe a Bird secondary? She is good at planning.
Lucy - the ship's AI- is an Exploded Snake with Johnny as her person. You only need to watch the first couple of episodes to realize Johnny is Lucy's #1 priority and will always be. Probably Bird secondary as is typical of AIs.
Zephyr Vos gave Keely Hermione Granger vibes and no wonder: the woman is a brilliant scientist, always needs to be right, is at her best when she trusts her instincts (see s5 where she was the first one to realize something was wrong in their idyllic world) and left her family because they forbade her to practice science. I think it's fair to say she is a Lion Bird.
Alvis Akary is a Bird Badger whose truth is his religion and who manages to get out of trouble with the help of friends like Dutch or his Scarback community.
Primma Dezz left his life as a warlord and framed his death because he realized his boyfriend would be a better leader than him. I think it's safe to say he is not a Snake. But considering the way he cares about the people of Old Town, he is a Loyalist. Most likely a Double Badger as his bar is a way to connect people and he is often the one to raise the spirits or the patriotic feelings in the people of Westerly. It's very sweet to see a Double Badger who uses patriotism for good.
Turin is probably a Badger whose community is the RAC. Lion secondsry as these are the kind of people mostly drawn to the Killjoys business.
Gared's a Snake Lion with Pree as his person and more courage than wits.
Fancy Lee "cleans, cooks, builds stuff", making him a Bird secondary. Considering his arc to help the cleansed Hullens, I could easily see him as a Badger primary who had no community before.
Yalena "Dutch" Yardeen - Snake Lion aka The Rebel, Snake secondary model, Bird secondary model
D'avin Jaqobis - Badger Lion aka The Protagonist
Johnny Jaqobis - Snake Bird aka The Mastermind, Snake secondary model, Badger secondary model
Khlyen Kin Rit -Snake Bird aka The Mastermind, Snake secondary model
Pawter Simms - Badger Lion aka The Protagonist, Bird secondary model
Aneela Kin Rit - Snake Lion aka The Rebel, her primary unburns during the story
Delle Seyah Kendry -Bird Snake aka The Artist
Jaq Kin Rit - Snake Badger aka The Lover
The Lady - Snake Bird aka The Mastermind
Lucy - Snake Bird aka The Mastermind, exploded primary
Zephyr Vos- Lion Bird aka The Vigilante
Alvis Akary - Bird Badger aka The Survivor
Primma "Pree" Dezz -Double Badger aka The Peacemaker
Fancy Lee - Badger Bird aka The Arhitecht
Turin - Badger Lion aka The Protagonist
Gared - Snake Lion aka The Rebel
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Humans are Space Orcs “Rival in the Circle”
First, I want to apologize, I wanted to make this a single longer story, but I have been traveling the past few days, and haven't slept much. Plus the guy sitting next to me n the airport is taking a conference call and won’t stop talking, so I cant concentrate :). So I am going to have to do this in two parts. I hope you like it anyway. 
Forgive my writing when I am tired :) 
Sunny was worried, very, very worried, her stomach had been in a constant state of churning ever since the transmission had been intercepted from Anam (her home planet) bringing with it the news of their bicentennial war gathering, which consisted mostly of ritual combat and war games conducted among all the major military leaders across the whole of Drev society. These games were primarily conducted in order to prove their worth as a Drev citizen. During this time bets could be waged, land could be fought for, and tribes could be absorbed or dissolved. Not only that but subordinate Drev soldiers could publically challenge any rival leader for their position by way of combat. This ritually would generally happen only once or twice a lifetime for the average Drev, and participation was only possible if you were lucky enough for it to fall in the prime of your life. 
Neither of her parents had ever participated though they would have been alive as children the last time the gathering was held. Smaller trials of combat were held on a daily basis in Drev society, and though they did not lead to fame and fortune as fast as the gatherings could, they were also far less potentially lethal.
The ritual in itself wasn’t troubling to her exactly, it was the fact that, ALL Drev leaders MUST attend mandatory or lose their right as Drev citizens, lose their respect as warriors, and forfeit their command positions. Of course you could challenge someone to a fight simply to prove your superiority, but that wasn’t guaranteed to happen, and all other options were far worse.
As a Drev leader, she would be required to go, but of course she didn’t worry about that, what worried her was the fact that she had, without thinking, given up her position of command to Adam, and by Drev law, as an adopted member of her tribe, he would be required to participate.
Every time she closed her eyes, she imagined his small, squishy breakable human body collapsing under a Drev beating. Yeah the humans had won the Drev war, and dominated them in combat, but it had been at a terrible price proven by Adam’s missing leg…. The leg she herself had taken from him.
He was a warrior, but he had no idea what he was getting himself into.
Just as her thoughts were beginning to wander down that dark path, she felt a familiar weight settle itself onto her back feet standing lightly on the buddy-pegs that had been applied to her armor when she became part of the human crew.
Adam leaned against her shoulder peering at her with a bright casual smile, “Brooding isn’t a good look for you.”
As all Drev could, Sunny saw the world through a four rod spectrum consisting of the visible light spectrum, as called by humans, and the UV light spectrum, used as an auxiliary by the Drev. With their colorful carapace, UV light became an important aspect of beauty on their planet, a fact that many humans would never be able to see. Sunny saw the world in a multitudinous array of color and light.
And just like every other time in her life, Sunny was struck by the human’s unseen beauty. His bright eyes, in her perception, almost glowed with their green intensity shot through with turquoise. Strange patterns and swirls stood out on his skin, detailed stripes that only she could see, that appeared like a constellation across her skin, perceived in her brain as a glittering trail of blue green sparks across the human’s skin.
She frowned craning her neck around to get a better look at him. One gold eye met one green eye, “I just don’t think you understand what you are getting yourself into.”
When the human smiled his teeth glittered with highlights of delicate purple “Contraire my shiny friend.” He patted her arm, “I have actually been planning for this eventuality for a while now.”
Her brows scrunched in surprised confusion, “You have.” Inside her head she tried not to imagine what color his blood would be under the strength of their sun.
He raised an eyebrow, which just barely peeked out from under the edge of his eyepatch “What’s with the note of surprise. You act like I just spend most of my time flying by the seat of my pants.”
That made her laugh, which broke some of her nervous tension, “That’s because you do. You are the LEAST prepared person I know.”
He waved a hand, “Well this time I planned.” He grinned. I have been dying to show you the surprise for ages now.”
“Surprise, what surprise?” 
“Shhh, now MUSH, onwards! To the equipment room.” He gripped his arms firmly around her neck, as she trotted away towards the equipment room generally relishing the familiar weight of her first and only battle partner.
 Reaching the equipment room, she was surprised to find that the usual stacks of ammunition, and boxes of batteries had been cleared away leaving room for a large open space that was teaming with engineers, both Drev and human.
Commander Vir dropped from her back as they entered and scampered, with his quick human step, across the open floor and towards a glittering metallic behemoth at the center of the room attached to various diagnostic equipment by way of a myriad of spider-webbing cables and tubes. Sunny had to filter out the UV light in order to get a better look at the thing, and image which quickly resolved into the tall figure of a….. Drev? Well not exactly a Drev, but a pretty good approximation of one made entirely from the same materials used to make the Commander’s prosthetic. It had a light titanium skeleton barely seen through a thick, stretchy layer of material approximating skin. Over top of that steel plates had been fitted in to replace armor. Looking at its face, she could see it had a convincing set of false mechanical eyes.
Commander Vir turned a wide grin splitting his face, “What do you think.”
She stood frozen in place staring at the shell, “What is it?” She wondered distantly
Energetically, he leaped up to pat his creation on the elbow, it was pretty small for a Drev, maybe only eight feet tall, but still a good two feet taller than him, “This is tactical exo suit repurposed to look and move like a Drev, though as our lovely Drev tell me, your kin won’t exactly take me seriously if I cannot feel pain, so it’s been completely integrated with a neural link with touch, pressure, and pain sensors in all the appropriate concentrations. It can even see in Ultraviolet as I am told, though how that is going to look is beyond me.”
He motioned her closer, and she walked up to examine the thing, where it stood tall and soulless above her.
The human looked up, his wide, guileless eyes begging for her approval, but she didn’t know how she was supposed to feel just yet.
“See, take a look.” The sea of engineers and consultants parted as the man stepped onto the platform pressing a release sequence on the suit which split open at the midline and moved outwards. The torso, parts of the legs, parts of the upper arms, and the head cracked open to reveal a human shaped hole on the inside. With the help of a few levers, and some convenient handholds, he hoisted himself into the machine and stepped backwards.
His body fit comfortably into the opening, a strange gel like substance suctioning to his body even as the metal casing began closing around him with the soft rattling of multiple latches. The machine powered up with a short of mechanical hiss, and before she knew it, it wasn’t a shell that stood in front of her, but another drev.
It drew itself up against the leads, flexed its legs, and arms, and rotated its head.
“When its eyes opened, she found two very human eyes looking back at her, bright green and glittering. When the mouth opened, it spoke with a very human voice, “What do you think.
Softly, she stepped onto the platform and looked upwards towards the face, so strange, but somehow familiar.
He was taller than her now.
They stood staring at each other for a long time before, “There is one thing….”
 When they walked out into the Drev sun for the first time standing side by side, she was hit suddenly by the volcanic rush of air she hadn’t felt in over a year. Glancing over, she looked sidelong at her companion. He was a good foot taller than her, with unnaturally green eyes, and a glittering carapace of vibrant green. She wasn’t sure why she chose that color for him…. Perhaps because it had always been her favorite, or maybe it was because naturally it would have been such a rare color, maybe it was that she wanted him to be different.
She had spent the night before alone in the equipment bay gently applying the color to the cold steel. Her own little silent project.
It was a strange sort of feeing on her part, but she felt a melancholy watching him with this new armor. Things were so different when he was a human, their dynamic was different, but the addition of this….. well it changed things.
She found herself glad that this suit was not intended to last.
“Engaging UV operations.” He said from inside the suit.
The eyes flashed rebooted, and then he was back. His head turned in a wide circle confused and dazzled all at once, “Holy Shit! So many….. Colors.” Overwhelmed by the sight before him, he turned his head in a wide circle before stopping to land on her. There was a long pause as the head tilted to look at her more clearly, “Wow…. Sunny, you…. You’re beautiful.”
She was left standing in his tracks as he walked off along the landing strip and towards the distant moss-covered fields.
She caught up with him eventually, “And thanks to me you aren’t terribly hideous.”
An eye turned to look at her sidelong. No matter how much he looked like a Drev, he still moved like a human, lithe quick movements on the balls of his feet, with a grace that openly contrasted the brute force of the average Drev.
“Thanks for that.”
“I mean the suit is a great help, you know coverers up that ugly problem you have.” She motioned wildly with her arm.
“You just motioned to all of me.”
“Yeah, and your point is?”
He nudged her rather aggressively to the side just then knocking her off balance and nearly tripping herself onto the tarmac. He cackled and flexed his arms, “Oh yeah, I think I could get used to this.”
She rubbed her arm, “So now you can be big AND dumb.”
They were still laughing by the time they made it to the edge of the tarmac followed on either side by an entourage of Drev and marines. The Drev who were unwilling to pass up this once in a lifetime opportunity, and the humans who just wanted to see their commander get a righteous ass whooping.
All in good fun of course.
A group figures waited for them at the edge of the field. There was the Drev GA ambassador, with his distinguished silver carapace and towering height. Next to him stood, who sunny assumed to be his battle mate. Her armor glittered a pleasant orange peach, and a thickening about her trunk suggested she carried an unborn Kit within her. Behind them stood other members, of what she could only assume to be, the temporary Drev council. They weren’t exactly functional, or even useful in these particular situations, but they had found in prudent to at least create a figurehead council to demonstrate the illusion of control.
Most Drev tribes refused to work together on principal, and since the council members were a representative of the tribes, they tended to disagree so much that doing anything was out of the question.
Commander Vir stopped before the council. Even in his new armor, the average Drev towered a foot to half a foot over him.
With a sharp hiss, the carapace opened, and the man stepped off onto the stone for the second time in his life.
To the surprise of the council, he then preformed a traditional Drev greeting. Compared to most Drev his vocal range was quite high, but his human voice box managed the sounds well enough that the council understood and glanced between each other in shocked surprise.
“I am Commander Adam Vir of the U.N.S.S Harbinger, protector and envoy of the galactic Assembly and Battle commander to the wandering tribe. My command is loaned to me by Sunny Lumnousdaughter rightful battle commander of the wandering tribe, and we are here by tradition to take up your challenge as obligation demands.”
At the back of the group, one of the Drev gave a snort of derision. He was tall enough, but his carapace was nothing more than a muddied brown giving him a distinctly brutish cast. That had Sunny worried. With a carapace like that, he surely didn’t gain command for his beauty, but his fighting ability, “What right does an outsider have to our traditions.” He had o translation device and spoke only in the Drev native language.
Commander Vir responded, though his accent was poor, and his voice rather broken, “I was rightfully adopted.” He lifted the pant leg to show the Drev prosthetic to the watching crowd, “And if that is not enough, I have bested many of your brethren in battle during the war, and despite losing one of my limbs, I STILL live as a functional warrior, which is more than many of your soldiers can say…. I hear.” He grew quiet then, and Sunny waited with bated breath. It was a gamble, the Drev didn’t feel the same way about the crippled as humans did. What was inspiration to one was a hindrance to another, but eventually the Drev nodded.
“Very well human, you may participate, and you will be shown no mercy.”
At the head of the group, the GA representative stepped forward, “And what is this.” He prodded at the mechanical armor, “Tradition requires that no armor shall be used during the proceedings…. You would ignore our tradition/”
Commander Vir Stepped back into the carapace which closed around him, “To the contrary, Here I can see what you see and feel what you feel. It may look like armor, but as my Drev engineers can attest, I have full access to pain. In that case it is poor excuse for armor. Furthermore, it would hardly add to your honor to rip apart a human. If anything it would prove you a coward for fighting me in unfair combat.”
She had to give him credit, he knew what was important to the Drev, and that shut up their arguments for the time being. Together they walked side by side down a short, mossy trail to where a massive encampment had been made. Unlike humans they required no temporary dwellings, but rather contented themselves with sleeping under the stars their backs to rocks and cuddled into the moss. The important part came by way of a hundred or more circles of dirt and stone cleared completely of moss, which would in turn be used to feed the many mouths that had come to participate.
Even as they watched a good twenty or more duels were already in progress. From what she could tell they were relatively low ranking duels probably between subordinate members of the tribes looking to rise in status by way of combat. The humans watched with great interest as they were lead to their spot to wait, a few of them parked themselves where they could more easily see one of the closer duels, discreetly exchanging credits as they amused themselves with betting on the fights.
Sunny stood with Commander Vir, and together they waited for the real fighting to begin.
To her surprise, Sunny found herself first in the ring challenged openly by one of the younger Drev of, what was left, of her old home tribe. Though he was young, he was nearly a foot taller than her, but had a rather unattractive mustard yellow carapace. She felt bad for him, if he couldn’t find glory in combat, there wasn’t likely to be any other way for him to move upwards, but she wasn’t about to give up her hard earned respect for this runt, and quickly pounded him into the dirt. A few of the moves she used were unknown to the Drev, and a Reconciler had to be brought forward to determine if her action was legal. In the end they determined that new fighting styles were acceptable, and she was given the win.
Once upon a time, winning a duel would have been a big deal to her, and despite this being her first formal duel, she felt nothing more than pity for the young Drev carted away in shame.
It was all too easy now.
Fighting had never been easy for her.
As day moved into night, a few of the council members were challenged, but subsequently defeated their subordinates. Sunny fought in two more duels winning easily on the first and more slowly on the second.
After her second fight was when Adam was first challenged. It looked like some new and unchallenged juvenile assuming that the human would be easy to defeat. Sunny worried for the first few minutes that that might be true, a defeat at such a low level would be catastrophic for his reputation.
She shouldn’t have worried though.
Where the Drev had brute force and determination, the human had guile, refined tactics from greater experience, and a greater reason to win. Sunny had never assumed their species capable of such acrobatics, but, Commander Vir put the Drev body through its paces locking the young Drev into a crushing chokehold in under three minutes. If he had wanted, he could have snapped the younger creature’s neck, and was completely in his rights to do so, but it was generally frowned upon to kill a young Drev in a duel, especially if the terms of the duel did not contain a, to the death, clause.
More people were looking him over sizing him up as a true threat now.
Most of the time, he kept himself on the outside of the suit standing next to it and staring down anyone who dared look at him wrong. As a predator, his stare could be pretty intimidating, but she just found in sort of cute. Humans were adorable when they were trying to be intimidating.
There was a soft pad on the stone behind her, and she turned around to find a familiar face.
Moss, a member of the crew, and an old acquaintance of the tribe stood behind her. His handsome green carapace glowed in the sun above, and at over nine feet tall, he posed a strapping figure.
She found herself reminded suddenly of an ashen day, and the feeling of terrible humiliation.
Commander Vir had turned from his position watching the fights, his eyes falling on the conversation. He grew very still head tilted slightly to the side. The invisible constellation over his skin glittered softly.
“What do you need?” She wondered voice stiff but not unkind.
The Handsome head lifted itself high, “I am here to challenge you.”
Everything around her grew suddenly silent. Commander Vir had stood from his seat and watched with wide shining eyes. The other humans stood as well staring onwards at the two of them standing atop the hill, feet resting against the cool stone.
Moss lowered his head, “I challenge you as equals and offer myself as your partner in battle if you can match me in combat.”
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Chicago Med Review 5x01 “Never Going Back To Normal”
So, I guess I’m back on my bullsh*t. I can’t help it. These last two episodes are worthy of a review.
So, after a summer hiatus we got the answers to our burning questions: did Ava have something to do with Cornelius’s death?
What is the fate of Natalie and Will after that car crash on the roof?
Does Maggie have cancer?
Is April pregnant?
Let’s start from the bottom up.
April and Ethan slowly made their way back to each other during season 4. After she declared that she was with the shits, they smashed on the couch, and 24 hrs later she was “late.” I think we all knew it would be negative, but I do think it’s odd that they wrote her saying “I’m never late.” I’m not sure if this was just chatter or a false negative but since the subject was broached it had Ethan wondering “what if?” I think it’s fair to say that not only are these two back together but are also getting serious. They walked away with THE most uplifting story for themselves and the child they were treating. Anyway up to this point I’d always pegged April as the type who’d want to have kids and marriage considering the importance of family and how soft she is with everyone but I’m not so sure anymore. Her hesitation and remark about wanting kids much farther in the future reminded me that it took April weeks if not months to say yes to Tate’s proposal, and her shock at being pregnant lasted a lot longer than comfortable. I think April holds these things dear, but not necessarily for herself. We’ll see.
Onto Maggie’s story. Another easy guess. I think we all knew she had cancer, the question was what kind and how bad? Sadly, so many of us have been touched by cancer; it’s affected our friends, loved ones, co-workers, and there are probably some survivors in this fandom. So when I heard metastatic immediately I was like; damn. I, for one, am all for keeping your business your own, but Maggie’s decision is borderline delusional. I know we all know it’s about to get a LOT worse.
The Manstead car wreck. Okay, I have been in several car wrecks; shitty luck, bad tires, dangerous weather, I’ve had it happen; trees, fences, the HIGHWAY, I’ve been in it. So this wreck was a bit...much. My sister FLEW through the windshield of a vehicle and not only lived but had no issues with memory, and her cut wasn’t gushing like a Squeeze-It. I hated this story from the moment it began. It had massive plot holes and has been melodramatic AF. But I think what I hate the most is the inability to let the story be about Will. It continues to center Natalie when she’s just been adjacent. This show has a super weird way of writing life-changing events which happen to male characters but then somehow manages to leave the women holding the bag. Like damn, how’d we get here?
Ethan’s family drama left April caring for a newborn and his sister.
Daniel’s shooting left Sarah with major PTSD.
Will’s traumatic involvement with the mafia left Natalie in a mini-coma.
I’m not saying the men never have consequences but the lasting effects are transferred to the women closest to them.
Anyway, Will carries Natalie like Captain-Save-a-hoe to the ED and even tries to work on her before the night-shift Dr. Marcel hello daddy has to push him aside. I almost died when he said “You’re her boyfriend or whatever” it’s like Dominic Rains knows our pain. Anyway, med student Elsa tries to help Will but is barked at several times. I was happy to see her again but I’m not going to pretend I didn’t see the 180 in her personality. Elsa can seem mouesy but let’s be real; that is a boss bitch, who all last season was on top of her shit and not giving a good gotdamn about anybody’s emotional state; only the job at hand. She knew what she wanted and was balancing dual majors and nailing it too. But something shifted and now she’s giving a damn about Will and being one of the only three people in this entire show that recognizes his trauma. I was quietly whispering...please god no, too. Please Med don’t ruin this character and make her lose her gotdamn mind over some dick.
Sleeping Beauty finally awakes but has some short-term memory problems. Something her skeevy boyfriend Phillip is ready to exploit when he shimmies a ring on her finger. Okay, I’m going to need you give me your nuanced ears and eyes when I begin this next part because I don’t want it to sound too victim-blamey...but...Natalie brought this situation on herself. I don’t think it was wrong of her to try and be supportive of Phillip but how the hell didn’t the warning flags go flying when he began being intimate with her so soon after his wife died? The alarms should be blaring now with a ring on her finger considering she hasn’t forgotten the long timeline...it’s just. I don’t care. It makes her look trife AF. But mostly it makes her look naive.
I do think the knowledge Dr. Marcel has about the ring only being on her finger AFTER her initial examination is a little bomb they’ll wait to drop later in the season. I just hope it’s Natalie who finds out and not Will. Natalie needs to save herself.
Finally, let’s talk about that story!
The direction this story took was one I played around with in a fic. The idea of Ava being an obsessive, manipulative, dangerous psycho has always seem fitting to me. I know a lot of people are upset and horrified but I think it made perfect sense. My only critique was the empty feeling of not getting a background check on her. Did Latham call her next of kin? Who were they? Who was she? The mystery of Ava will always be the most bitter pill for me swallow. 
Med was manipulating the viewers and the subjects of the story so we were all left with a sense of confusion. None of it made sense if you only view Ava through one lens, if you could see her through both it was executed in a way that Med has never had the audacity to try and do, and I got to give it to them cause damn it was good. They really had us questioning everything up to her final moments. Was Connor losing it like his mother or was Ava as scheming as he thought? I think that her death was a good reason to leave Med. 
He left Chicago as quickly as he could as kid to get away from his mother’s tragic suicide only to return and have another tragic suicide be the reason for his departure. And damn, it was abrupt. Like maybe one more episode where Connor finishes his last surgery cause anyone scheduled with him got left hanging! He said goodbye to the two people who gave him a job and that was the last we ever saw of him. I’m not nearly as broken up about this as a big chunk of the fandom seems to be. I really feel like Connor’s story was told. Being the most developed one; can be suicide for a character, especially in a show that has Entmoot syndrome when it comes to personal information about  its characters.
Personally I’m hoping the show becomes like the rest of One Chicago, who had other polarizing characters leave. It allowed the quality to spread and viewers finally got more from the others.
Either way, after this episode, nothing is going to be “normal” again.
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gokubrain · 3 years
eowheisbf same anon as be4 and thisll be my last ask cause I dont wanna be too big a bother but yes I agree with your points about vegeta learning about how to redeem himself by looking at how goku lives and learning how to better himself from that. I guess after the excellent redemption arcs that were tien and piccolo, I just thought with how much people praise it I really expect more out of what people claim inspired most anti-heroes and redeemed characters. I still love Vegeta but gosh this is like bringing him down a peg in my mind but in a good way I think. Also I see the kakavege too it's like not even subtle how do people say these two arent at least a lil canon gay lol. (On a side note that's related to this, I saw a vid about v's redemption and the guy says goku is morally gray?? I feel like thats not correct like at all hes a bit selfish but not morally gray txbablrieh)
NOO JKSG LIKE I SAID UR TOTALLY FINE LOL, feel free to mssg me to talk abt dbz anytime btw <3 ! i have lots of dbz worms in my brain so LOL it's not uncommon knowledge that i have a very complicated relationship with vegeta in general LOL like he makes me really mad sometimes and i do have a lot of complaints with his writing but. i mean i do be kinning him tho and i also think about him and draw him pretty much constantly LOL but like. yeah again i think its totally fair and valid and also should be encouraged to have criticisms about characters. it really shows that u understand the media hehe.
which ties into what i'm about to say about goku LOL
i love son goku with my entire heart but i definitely don't think he's perfect by any means. i don't necessarily think he's morally gray or anything, i think it's more an issue of,, him being kind of unaware of the people around him and not paying much thought to them KJDSHGK NOT TO SAY HE DOESN'T LOVE HIS FRIENDS AND FAMILY, LIKE OBVIOUSLY HE DOES VERY MUCH AND HE CARES ABOUT THEM BUT...
i think like. i mean, he spent how many years of his childhood either completely alone or with only ONE other person?? like, twelve entire years LOL, children develop important social skills and emotional awareness during this time but i think goku may have been a bit stunted in that regard seeing as how,,, he had little to no social interaction for his entire childhood lol.
i do kind of think goku is a little selfish and i do think he's a ,, bit of a manipulator LOL BUT LIKE. obviously nothing severe and i don't really think he always realizes he's doing it either, if that makes sense
he really has his heart set on fighting, like that's his favorite thing and his constant goal and while it's a bit troubling that he's willing to put his life (etc.) at risk for fights, i don't really think it's all that bad tbh SGKJH LIKE i think a lot of people think that it's extremely selfish of him and that he's morally ambiguous or even like. a bad person for it but idk,, i just disagree?? LOL I MEAN. he's a saiyan,, that's what saiyans do. vegeta has done the exact same shit but everyone loooooves vegeta 🙄
i could go on and on about how i feel like goku's selfishness doesn't really hurt anyone in the end and i could ramble for DAYS about the gohan cell arc fight and how it lead to everyone hating goku and saying he's a bad guy DESPITE THIS NOT BEING THE CASE, PEOPLE FUCKING MAKE MISTAKES SOMETIMES, but i'll just cut it off here LOL
tl;dr, vegeta deserved a better redemption arc // goku isn't perfect but that makes him well written and also i still love him dearly no matter what he's never done anything wrong in my eyes <3
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drmuoi · 3 years
Top 10 loai nuoc suc mieng chua benh hoi mieng tot nhat hien nay
1. Hôi miệng là bệnh gì?
Hôi miệng có thể được xem là một loại bệnh lý về răng miệng, phản ánh hiện tượng hơi thở có mùi, khiến người bệnh tự ti, mặc cảm khi giao tiếp. Tình trạng này phát sinh ở nhiều đối tượng, đặc biệt là những người có thói quen ăn uống, sinh hoạt xấu. Ngay cả trẻ nhỏ và phụ nữ mang thai đều có nguy cơ mắc loại bệnh này.
Việc mắc bệnh hôi miệng đồng nghĩa với việc răng, miệng, amidan, thực quản, dạ dày của người bệnh đang gặp vấn đề. Đặc biệt, nếu các vấn đề này không được xử lý triệt để, bệnh sẽ kéo dài và khó có khả năng khắc phục.
2. Nguyên nhân gây hôi miệng
Các nguyên nhân bệnh hôi miệng thường gặp:
Chưa vệ sinh răng miệng đúng cách
Bệnh lý về đường miệng như viêm nha chu, viêm nướu, viêm niêm mạc họng,…
Bệnh lý về đường hô hấp như viêm họng, viêm xoang, bệnh về đường tiêu hóa,…
Ăn các thực phẩm gây mùi như hành, tỏi,..
Sử dụng nhiều đồ uống có cồn gây khô miệng
Do các tác nhân khác như điều trị tăng huyết áp, khô miệng sau khi xạ trị,…
3. Top 10 loại nước súc miệng chữa hôi miệng hiệu quả nhất
Nước súc miệng trị hôi miệng hương chanh của Dr. Muối Thành phần: Natri Clorid 0,9%, Natri benzoat; Muối khoáng: Magie clorua, Canxi clorua; Kali clorua có sẵn trong muối biển; Nước tinh khiết vừa đủ; Tinh chất hương vỏ chanh Công dụng: Đánh bay các mảng bám, loại bỏ vi khuẩn gây hại. Làm sạch khoang miệng, hạn chế nguy cơ mắc bệnh viêm nướu. Giữ hơi thở thơm mát dài lâu.
Nước súc miệng trị hôi miệng Listerine Thành phần: Thymol, Menthol, Eucalyptol, Methyl Salicylate. Công dụng: Tiêu diệt vi khuẩn gây hại, giữ hơi thở thơm mát. Chống hôi miệng, ngừa bệnh viêm lợi, nha chu. Giảm tình trạng sáng dậy hôi miệng.
Nước súc miệng giảm mùi hôi miệng Propolinse của Nhật Thành phần: Nước, glycerin, caramel, camellia sinensis, chiết xuất từ sáp ong, trà, hỗn hợp của bạc hà và mận, sodium citrate, xylitol, rượu, acid citric. Công dụng: Đánh bay các mảng thức ăn thừa còn bám trên răng, ức chế quá trình hình thành vôi răng. Sát trùng hiệu quả, giữ hơi thở thơm tho. Ngừa sâu răng vượt trội.
Nước súc miệng trị hôi miệng Valentine Thành phần: Aqua, Sorbitol, Glycerin, Propylene Glycol, Tinh dầu bạc hà,... Công dụng: Ngừa viêm lợi và các bệnh liên quan đến nha chu. Diệt sạch vi khuẩn gây hôi miệng, giữ hơi thở thơm tho. Cân bằng độ pH trong môi trường miệng.
Nước súc miệng Colgate-Plax Thành phần: Nước, Glycerin, Propylene Glycol, Sorbitol, Poloxamer 407, Flavor, Sodium Saccharin, Cetylpyridinium Chloride, Potassium Sorbate, Sodium Fluoride, Menthol,… Công dụng: Sát trùng khoang miệng, vùng họng, ngừa các bệnh viêm nhiễm. Hạn chế tái phát tình trạng sâu răng, giúp nướu chắc khỏe. Tạo hơi thở thơm mát, giúp người dùng tự tin giao tiếp.
Nước súc miệng Thanh Hương Plus Thành phần: 15% Hương Nhu, 15% Bạc Hà, 10% Hoắc Hương, 20% Cỏ Mực, 40% Thanh Đại. Công dụng: Ức chế quá trình hình thành và phát triển của vi khuẩn. Làm sạch kẽ răng, mọi ngóc ngách trong khoang miệng. Cân bằng môi trường miệng, kháng khuẩn hiệu quả. Tạo ra hơi thở thơm mát, loại bỏ cảm giác đắng, chua trong miệng.
Nước súc miệng thiên nhiên Komil Thành phần: Đinh hương, hoắc hương, bạch chỉ, thanh mộc hương, xạ đen, giảo cổ lam, linh chi, linh hương, đậu khấu, diệp hạ châu,… Công dụng: Giảm thiểu các triệu chứng khô miệng, viêm nướu, nhiệt miệng,… Giữ khoang miệng sạch sẽ, mang lại hơi thở the mát, thơm ngát. Đánh bay các mảng bám, sát khuẩn vùng miệng, ngừa sâu răng vượt trội.
Nước súc miệng trị hôi miệng Nutridentiz Thành phần: Dịch chiết sáp ong trong cồn; Dịch chiết xuất vỏ chay; Dịch chiết xuất cùi quả cau; Dịch chiết xuất lá trầu khôngHương liệu. Công dụng: Làm trắng răng, giúp răng chắc khỏe. Cầm máu, làm se lớp niêm mạc miệng và tạo hơi thở thơm mát. Sát khuẩn vùng miệng, giảm đau sưng nhanh chóng. Làm chậm quá trình hình thành vôi răng.
Nước súc miệng Kin Gingival Mouthwash Thành phần: Aqua, Sorbitol, Glycerin, PEG-40, Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Aroma, Sodium Methyl-paraben, Chlorhexidine digluconate, Citric Acid, Methyl Salicylate Công dụng: Đánh bay các mảng bám, ngừa sâu răng. Làm sạch khoang miệng, đem lại hơi thở thơm mát. Bảo vệ men răng, làm trắng răng. Dùng để sát khuẩn răng miệng trước và sau phẫu thuật.
Nước súc miệng Nuskin AP24 giúp hơi thở thơm mát Thành phần: Sodium Fluoride 0.02% (0.01% w/v Fluoride Ion). -Water (Aqua), Sorbitol, Glycerin, Poloxamer 338*, Poloxamer 407*, Dimethicone*, Sodium Phosphate, Phosphoric Acid, Xanthan Gum, Sodium Saccharin, Disodium EDTA, Flavor (Aroma), Sodium Benzoate. Công dụng: Bổ sung thêm hoạt chất Fluor giúp răng chắc khỏe, sáng tự nhiên. Hỗ trợ điều trị các bệnh về răng miệng như chảy máu chân răng, chứng hôi miệng, viêm nha chu, nhiệt miệng,... Ức chế quá trình sản sinh và phát triển của vi khuẩn, từ đó góp phần cải thiện mùi hương của luồng khí thở ra.
Nguồn tham khảo: https://doctormuoi.vn/nuoc-suc-mieng-tri-hoi-mieng/
Địa chỉ Dr. Muối: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=9626921887768721124
Thông tin Dr. Muối: https://www.google.com/search?q=dr+muoi&kponly&kgmid=/g/11gd67hplv
Hashtag:  #drmuoi #nuocsucmiengtrihoimieng #nuocsucmiengchuahoimieng
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newssplashy · 6 years
1966 Coup: 52 years after, we are still paying the price
The legacy of the 1966 coup is still felt today in Nigeria as tribal lines are deeper than ever before.
Monday, July 30, 2018 marks the 52nd anniversary of the 1966 coup and the failure of the first republic.
It legacy and that of the first republic is planting seeds of persona and political tensions into the heart of Nigerian coexistence of cultures.
For one, the resulting grievances of the Igbo fueled their need for secession and in turn the civil war, led by Lt. Colonel Odumegwu Ojukwu, then the Military Governor of the Eastern Region.
His grievance reportedly originated from the conspirators passing over the most senior army officer after the Aguiyi Ironsi, Brigadier Babatope Ogundipe, and appointing Lt. Colonel Yakubu Gowon, who was of the same rank as him.
His fury was sealed after the terms of the January 1967 peace conference of the Nigerian Army leadership held in Aburi, Abuja were not upheld. He subsequently declared the Eastern Nigeria the sovereign state of Biafra on May 30, 2018.
Asides the civil war that lasted over 24 months, claiming lives and property through violence, military tactics and famine, the Nigerian history of tribally charged, political tensions was written by the event of 1967.
Nigerian history is littered with instances of tribalism. It’s shocking that despite our hypocritical focus on including “national character” into even the slightest things, we still struggle with our history of tribalism.
Destructive tribal bias is usually precipitated by ego, power thirst, paranoia and unresolved issues.
While coups de’tat are a fundamental part of military fabric, National character could have saved the bloodshed.
Nonetheless, the failing of the civilian government are well documented.
The first republic led by Prime Minister, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa and President Nnamdi Azikiwe was littered with continued corruption and embezzlement in the upper echelons of Nigerian power.
Obafemi Awolowo was also found guilty of the financial misappropriation of the Western Region Marketing Board. There was also the issue of personality clashes between Chiefs Obafemi Awolowo and Ladoke Akintola. The timing was also off as military coups in Dahomey, Algeria, Egypt and other countries must have filled conspirators with confidence.
While Adewale Adegboyega later acknowledged the role of personal ambition to right wrongs in power as fuel to fire, calls to install Awolowo as President straight prison did not help matters.
Before July 1966
 On January 15, 1966 an aborted coup, led by Kaduna Nzeogwu and Emmanuel Ifeajuna killed 22 people. It was majorly led by officers of the Igbo tribe.
Kaduna Nzeogwu reportedly began planning the strike in August 1965 against Prime Minister, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa.
Conveniently, the Igbo President, Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe was out of the country at the time.
The mutiny eventually led to Johnson Aguiyi-Ironsi becoming Nigeria’s First Military Head of State. While Ironsi captured Nzeogwu, the seeds of tribal bad blood had already been planted; Ironsi was Igbo, Azikiwe was spared and Acting President, Senate President Nwafor Orizu, an Igbo was also spared.
A significant number of the casualties were Northerners.
What Happened in July 1966?
Following the events of January 15, 1966, the Northerners were aggrieved by the massacre of their kin.
Between July 28 and July 30, 1966, what was dubbed a “counter-coup” or the “July rematch” turned ruthless. It was masterminded by Lieutenant Colonel Murtala Muhammed and Lt. Colonel Akahan.
It was seen as the Hausa direct response to the events of January 1966 by a significantly Igbo conspirators against majorly Hausa Politicians. It resulted in the death of Military Head of State, Johnson Aguiyi Ironsi and concluded with Lieutenant Colonel Yakubu Gowon as Head of State.
Asides the obvious murders, Historian, Max Siollun pegs the Hausa inspiration as non-trial of January 1966 conspirators for treason, passage of the Unification decree and plans to rotate the military governors of the different regions.
The counter-coup triggered another era of bloodshed; the Nigerian Civil War. Till date, tensions still subsist between Hausa and Igbo. It even permeates in the lower rungs of Nigerian existence, away from the rooms of power.
What we do know is that it further planted an evil seed of tribal tensions into Nigerian fabric.
Those tensions do not look like subsiding soon. As recently as 2017, Igbo still made a move for secession, led by Nnamdi Kanu. We can blame people all we want, but our founding father should accept their fair share of the blame.
They might not have fanned the flames, but they definitely planted the seeds. They failed to see beyond their selfish interests into the future of the country they got entrusted with.
While arguments can be made for how they were not selfish because they were avenging their kin, it is still selfishness — the country comprises of 3 major tribes. Right decisions should be judged on how general benefits, not that of a tribe.
Though corruption and tribal entitlement has always formed a part of Nigerian politics, corruption, in part played the role of trigger for these coups. The height of the Nigeria Civil War was truly the height that the country has not returned from.
While the conspirators failed, the founding fathers; Awolowo, Azikiwe and Tafawa Balewa planted the seeds of corruption that served as impetus for discord, dissatisfaction and consequently, a thirst for power. The failure was collective, regardless of tribe and we all need to accept responsibility before we can heal as a nation.
source http://www.newssplashy.com/2018/07/1966-coup-52-years-after-we-are-still.html
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twisted-lies · 1 year
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༊·˚ Sakura Eloise Taulner Circle Icons :: Requested by Anonymous
♡ / ⇆ if saving | credit if using
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newssplashy · 6 years
The legacy of the 1966 coup is still felt today in Nigeria as tribal lines are deeper than ever before.
Monday, July 30, 2018 marks the 52nd anniversary of the 1966 coup and the failure of the first republic.
It legacy and that of the first republic is planting seeds of persona and political tensions into the heart of Nigerian coexistence of cultures.
For one, the resulting grievances of the Igbo fueled their need for secession and in turn the civil war, led by Lt. Colonel Odumegwu Ojukwu, then the Military Governor of the Eastern Region.
His grievance reportedly originated from the conspirators passing over the most senior army officer after the Aguiyi Ironsi, Brigadier Babatope Ogundipe, and appointing Lt. Colonel Yakubu Gowon, who was of the same rank as him.
His fury was sealed after the terms of the January 1967 peace conference of the Nigerian Army leadership held in Aburi, Abuja were not upheld. He subsequently declared the Eastern Nigeria the sovereign state of Biafra on May 30, 2018.
Asides the civil war that lasted over 24 months, claiming lives and property through violence, military tactics and famine, the Nigerian history of tribally charged, political tensions was written by the event of 1967.
Nigerian history is littered with instances of tribalism. It’s shocking that despite our hypocritical focus on including “national character” into even the slightest things, we still struggle with our history of tribalism.
Destructive tribal bias is usually precipitated by ego, power thirst, paranoia and unresolved issues.
While coups de’tat are a fundamental part of military fabric, National character could have saved the bloodshed.
Nonetheless, the failing of the civilian government are well documented.
The first republic led by Prime Minister, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa and President Nnamdi Azikiwe was littered with continued corruption and embezzlement in the upper echelons of Nigerian power.
Obafemi Awolowo was also found guilty of the financial misappropriation of the Western Region Marketing Board. There was also the issue of personality clashes between Chiefs Obafemi Awolowo and Ladoke Akintola. The timing was also off as military coups in Dahomey, Algeria, Egypt and other countries must have filled conspirators with confidence.
While Adewale Adegboyega later acknowledged the role of personal ambition to right wrongs in power as fuel to fire, calls to install Awolowo as President straight prison did not help matters.
Before July 1966
 On January 15, 1966 an aborted coup, led by Kaduna Nzeogwu and Emmanuel Ifeajuna killed 22 people. It was majorly led by officers of the Igbo tribe.
Kaduna Nzeogwu reportedly began planning the strike in August 1965 against Prime Minister, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa.
Conveniently, the Igbo President, Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe was out of the country at the time.
The mutiny eventually led to Johnson Aguiyi-Ironsi becoming Nigeria’s First Military Head of State. While Ironsi captured Nzeogwu, the seeds of tribal bad blood had already been planted; Ironsi was Igbo, Azikiwe was spared and Acting President, Senate President Nwafor Orizu, an Igbo was also spared.
A significant number of the casualties were Northerners.
What Happened in July 1966?
Following the events of January 15, 1966, the Northerners were aggrieved by the massacre of their kin.
Between July 28 and July 30, 1966, what was dubbed a “counter-coup” or the “July rematch” turned ruthless. It was masterminded by Lieutenant Colonel Murtala Muhammed and Lt. Colonel Akahan.
It was seen as the Hausa direct response to the events of January 1966 by a significantly Igbo conspirators against majorly Hausa Politicians. It resulted in the death of Military Head of State, Johnson Aguiyi Ironsi and concluded with Lieutenant Colonel Yakubu Gowon as Head of State.
Asides the obvious murders, Historian, Max Siollun pegs the Hausa inspiration as non-trial of January 1966 conspirators for treason, passage of the Unification decree and plans to rotate the military governors of the different regions.
The counter-coup triggered another era of bloodshed; the Nigerian Civil War. Till date, tensions still subsist between Hausa and Igbo. It even permeates in the lower rungs of Nigerian existence, away from the rooms of power.
What we do know is that it further planted an evil seed of tribal tensions into Nigerian fabric.
Those tensions do not look like subsiding soon. As recently as 2017, Igbo still made a move for secession, led by Nnamdi Kanu. We can blame people all we want, but our founding father should accept their fair share of the blame.
They might not have fanned the flames, but they definitely planted the seeds. They failed to see beyond their selfish interests into the future of the country they got entrusted with.
While arguments can be made for how they were not selfish because they were avenging their kin, it is still selfishness — the country comprises of 3 major tribes. Right decisions should be judged on how general benefits, not that of a tribe.
Though corruption and tribal entitlement has always formed a part of Nigerian politics, corruption, in part played the role of trigger for these coups. The height of the Nigeria Civil War was truly the height that the country has not returned from.
While the conspirators failed, the founding fathers; Awolowo, Azikiwe and Tafawa Balewa planted the seeds of corruption that served as impetus for discord, dissatisfaction and consequently, a thirst for power. The failure was collective, regardless of tribe and we all need to accept responsibility before we can heal as a nation.
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