#Dr Niteen Dedhia
drniteen · 2 years
Cataract surgery in Mumbai | Cataract treatment in Mumbai, India - Ojaseyehospital
Like a camera, the eye sees when light enters it. Inside your eye is a natural clear lens, much like the lens of a camera. It focuses the light rays coming through the pupil onto the retina at the back of the eye. The different parts of the retina collect this light and send a message to your brain, enabling you to see.
For perfect vision the lens should be clear so that light can pass through it. Light enters through the cornea, passes through your natural lens and is focused onto your retina, resulting in clear vision
When the lens becomes cloudy or opaque, light cannot pass through it. Cataract scatters the light rays passing through the eye, thus resulting in blurred vision. A cataract is a condition when the natural lens inside your eyes gets cloudy. Compared to vision with a clear lens, your vision with a cataract may look fuzzy, colors might be muted, and you may experience difficulty in reading signs while driving at night. The symptoms of cataracts are progressive and cannot be corrected with glasses or contacts. When symptoms become bothersome or limit your daily activities, it’s time to consider treatment.
What causes cataract?
The most common cause of cataract is degenerative changes due to the ageing process. With age, proteins in the natural lens degenerate, resulting in a clouded lens called a cataract. There might be other causes such as:
Health conditions like diabetes, kidney disease, glaucoma, smoking, eye injuries, infection, and inflammation inside the eye
Prolonged use of certain medications can also lead to cataract formation
Cataract may also occur in children due to genetic or metabolic defect or due to infection and trauma
What are the symptoms of cataract?
If you have cataract, you may experience some or all of the following symptoms.
Cloudy vision
Colors of objects may appear faded
Poor eyesight at night
Difficulty in driving at night, especially because of the glare of lights
Difficulty in reading in dim light
Colored haloes
You may see multiple images or double images
How can the cataract be removed?
In cataract surgery your natural clouded lens will be replaced by an artificial intraocular lens (IOL). This lens helps the incoming light rays to focus properly on your retina, thus enabling you to see clearly. Your new lens should be able to restore vision to nearly what it was earlier, though you may need to wear glasses for reading or driving.
The lens options include MONOFOCAL lenses – corrects distance vision, and bifocal lens – corrects distance and near vision and trifocal lens corrects distance, intermediate and near vision. In some cases when the shape of the eye is not circular resulting in distorted vision – a condition called as astigmatism,  an option of customized “toricmonofocal lenses” or “toric multifocal lenses” can be used.
What surgical techniques are available at ojas to remove the cataract?
OJas offers various advanced, cutting edge surgical techniques to treat cataract. Based on the type of cataract you have, your health condition and your lifestyle, the Ophthalmologist will recommend the best suitable option for you. The three commonly used surgical techniques are:-
Small Incision Cataract Surgery (SICS):
This is also a new technique where the cataract is removed manually through a slightly larger incision. This technique is used if your cataract is excessively hard, making phacoemulsification difficult.This is rarely used
In this method a tiny instrument is inserted through a small incision – (approximately 2.2 – 2.8 mm wide).
Ultrasound vibrations break the cataract into tiny pieces.
These pieces are gently suctioned out by vacuum.
Usually no stitches are required to close the incision. This minimally invasive surgery allows faster and safer healing, and you can return to your normal activities in no time.
Microincision Cataract Surgery ( MICS)
Phacoemulsification is carried out through an extremely small incision sized 1.8 mm. The primary advantage is extremely reliable and predictable outcomes  with fast healing.
Tag = Cataract treatment in Mumbai, Cataract surgery in Mumbai, Eye hospital in Mumbai, Eye Care Hospital in Kandivali, Best Cataract Treatment in Mumbai
For more information https://www.cataractindia.in & https://www.ojaseyehospital.com
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Cataract Treatment and Cataract Surgery In Mumbai
Best Cataract hospital In Mumbai
The opacification of the normal transparent lens is called cataract. The Latin word ‘cataracta’ means ‘waterfall’. Imagine trying to peer through a sheet of falling water or through a frosted or fogged-up window. Development of Cataract varies from person to person but as a general rule, most cataracts develop slowly over a period of time. A cataract can take months or even years to reach a point where it adversely affects vision.
Causes of cataract
Age-related cataract
The cataract occurs as a result of the natural aging process of lens fibres which become opaque over a period of time.
Traumatic cataract
Due to a direct penetrating injury.
Concussion- Electric shock and lightning.
Ionizing radiation done as treatment for ocular tumors.
Surgical trauma
Metabolic cataract: Defect in body metabolism
Galactosaemia -inborn error of metabolism
Calcium disorders
Steroid-induced cataract
This occurs as a result of excess intake of oral steroid or putting steroid drops in the eye.
Secondary cataract
Here, cataract develops as a result of some other primary ocular disease such as chronic eye inflammation or glaucoma.
History of Cataract treatment
The earliest surgery treatment was started in India, by Maharshi Sushruta. It was known as ‘couching’, where the cataractous lens was dislocated backward into the bottom of the eye and out of visual axis.
This procedure was performed for more than two thousand years until the mid-eighteenth century. Great progress in cataract surgery has been made in recent years with the introduction of micro-surgical instruments, microscope and modern surgical techniques like phacoemulsification, which has made couching obsolete.
In the early stages of cataract development, all that is needed to correct your vision with glasses is a change in prescription. As the cataract develops and begins to affect your lifestyle, it needs to be removed. Cataract surgery, the most commonly performed operation, is safe and effective in 95% patients with enhancement in vision.
Methods of evaluation of cataracts:
Visual acuity: Checking vision of both eyes unaided and aided with glasses and pin-hole vision to know the improvement as well as to get the general idea about the macular function of the eyes. This will help in prognostic evaluation of visual recovery after cataract surgery.
Intra ocular pressure: If intra-ocular pressure increases as a secondary to cataract surgery is needed to prevent further complications.
Slit-lamp examination: To know the type of cataract along with its opacity, morphology and etiology or any associated ocular pathology.
Direct and indirect ophthalmoscopy: for complete retinal evaluation. Dense cataract will prevent retinal evaluation and such cases need B-scan for retinal evaluation.
A-scan biometry: To calculate the AL and IOL power for implantation in cases of mature cataract the posterior segment of the eye is evaluated.
Optical biometry: this is an advanced non contact method to measure IOL power. It is patient friendly and highly precise
Treatment Options Available For Cataract
Extra Capsular Cataract Extraction (ECCE): is a conventional technique.
ECCE requires an incision of 10-12mmThe doctor removes the clouded lens in one piece.Multiple stitches are required.Doctor implants a non-foldable lens
Are you looking for Cataract Operation, Cataract Treatment or Cataract Surgery in Mumbai City?
If you are looking for Cataract Surgery In Mumbai, Bladeless Lasik in Mumbai or Best Cataract Treatment in Mumbai, Ojas Eye Hospital is here to assist. Ojas Eye Hospital can help with your Cataract surgery procedure, including: Cataract Removal, Cataract Eye Treatments, Refractive Cataract, etc. Ojas Eye Hospital has served many Cataract clients in Mumbai City.
Contact Ojas Eye Hospital today for all your Cataract needs in Mumbai City at Call us (+91) 9137462795.
Tag : Cataract Surgery In Mumbai, best doctor for cataract surgery in mumbai, Eye Hospital In Kandivali
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Keratoconus Risk Factor, Keratoconus Surgery In Mumbai
Keratoconus Risk Factor
Risk factors and Risk factor prevention of keratoconus
Inherited diseases which increase the risk of Keratoconus include Retinitis Pigmentosa which is a disease which causes night blindness and progressive loss of vision and Ehler- Danlos Syndrome which is an inherited defect in the production of collagen tissue in the body which is responsible for maintaining the dome shaped structure of the cornea of the eye and Down’s syndrome. These are all inherited diseases and hence cannot be changed with lifestyle modifications.
An Antioxidant poor individual has an increased risk of Keratoconus as it is thought that free radical damage to the cornea is a leading cause of keratoconus, and antioxidants reduce the amount of free radicals in the body hence detoxifying the body. Antioxidant rich food such as colorful fruits should be consumed regularly to replenish the antioxidant stores in the body.
Infection or irritation of the conjunctivae requires immediate medical attention. Use of over the counter eye drops are frowned upon as they carry the risk of aggravating the irritation and causing damage to the eyes. A medical professional must be consulted and prescribed treatment must be taken promptly to prevent damage to the cornea and the eyes.
The Risk Associated with exposure to increased Ultraviolet radiation can be countered by wearing polarize polycarbonate sunglasses of high quality which block UV rays 100%. These are recommended for individuals who spend increased amounts of time exposed to the sun.
When buying Contact lenses they should be bought from a reputed institution and care must be taken that it is a perfect fit. Can cleaning should be done with the recommended, eye safe cleaners.
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Contact Ojas Best keratoconus hospital In India for Keratoconus treatment in India and Keratoconus Surgery In Mumbai. ☎ (+91) 9137462795.
Tag : keratoconus operation in mumbai, Keratoconus eye surgeon in mumbai, Keratoconus specialist in India
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retinasurgerymumbai · 2 years
Understanding Retina with Dr. Niteen Dedhia ( Retina surgeon in Mumbai )
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wemedicalcare · 2 years
The retina is the third and inner coat of the eye which is a light-sensitive layer of tissue. The optics of the eye create an image of the visual world on the retina (through the cornea and lens), which serves much the same function as the film in a camera. Light striking the retina initiates a cascade of chemical and electrical events that ultimately trigger nerve impulses. These are sent to various visual centres of the brain through the fibres of the optic nerve.
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The opacification of the normal transparent lens is called cataract. The Latin word ‘cataracta’ means ‘waterfall’. Imagine trying to peer through a sheet of falling water or through a frosted or fogged-up window. Development of Cataract varies from person to person but as a general rule, most cataracts develop slowly over a period of time. A cataract can take months or even years to reach a point where it adversely affects vision.
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Cornea is the first coat of eye which is transparent circular structure. Functionally it acts as a lens responsible for focusing rays inside the eye. It is an important optical structure through which rays of light enter the eye. Any damage or injury to this delicate structure can lead to permanent loss of corneal transparency or in other words cause clouding and opacification.
Loss of corneal transparency prevents the entry of light rays into the eye and reduces vision. In cases of severe of damage, this can cause total loss of vision making the person visually handicapped. There are other conditions also such as malnutrition, Vitamin A deficiency, infection, certain corneal diseases such as ‘keratoconus’ and ‘corneal degeneration’, which can cause corneal blindness.
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Cornea is the first coat of eye which is transparent circular structure. Functionally it acts as a lens responsible for focusing rays inside the eye. It is an important optical structure through which rays of light enter the eye. Any damage or injury to this delicate structure can lead to permanent loss of corneal transparency or in other words cause clouding and opacification.
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cataractindia-blog · 2 years
Cataract Surgery in Mumbai, India - Ojaseyehospital
A cataract is an eye disorder in which the normally clear lens of the eyes becomes cloudy. For people with a cataractous lens, seeing things feels like they are looking through a frosted or fogged-up window. Clouded vision can make reading and driving very difficult. It can be corrected by performing cataract surgery.
What Is Cataract Surgery?
Cataract surgery is a surgical procedure used to treat the condition of cataracts. In this surgery, the cloudy lens of the eye is removed with an advanced ultrasonic laser and replaced with a foldable artificial lens.
Tag = Cataract Surgery in Mumbai, Cataract Treatment in Mumbai, Cataract Surgery In India, Eye hospital in Mumbai, Cataract surgery cost in Mumbai
For More details www.ojaseyehospital.com & www.cataractindia.in
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drniteen · 2 years
Is Your Retina Affected By Persistent High Blood Sugar Levels?
It is estimated that more than 30 million of the population are living with diabetes in India. And according to estimation, around 7.7 million people have coexistent diabetic retinopathy. That is why this is one of the most widely recognized reason for impaired vision in adults. The spread and effect of diabetic retinopathy have been expanded vastly in recent years. This condition of diabetic retinopathy is caused when wall of blood vessels in the retina get damaged by the increased level of sugar in the blood. These blood vessels can swell and leak and cause the blood flow to reduce and stop.
What Should You Know About Diabetic Retinopathy?
Diabetic retinopathy is associated with diabetes that affects the eyes. This medical condition is triggered by the damage of the blood vessels present in light-sensitive tissues present at the back of the eye in the retina. Initially, diabetic retinopathy might not show any symptoms, or there will be a very mild problem in vision. But, if untreated, this can lead to blindness. This medical condition can be developed in any person suffering from diabetes mellitus type-1 or diabetes mellitus type-2. However, you are more likely to develop eye-related complications if you have had diabetes for a long time. Also, you are susceptible to diabetic retinopathy if your blood sugar level is less controlled.
How Is The Retina Affected By Diabetes ?
The retina is the light detecting part of the eye situated at the back of the eye. The retina requires energy to sense light in the form of oxygen. Due to the blocked path of the blood flow, the amount of oxygen in the blood vessel of the retina is decreased. It causes an oxygen deficient state also known as ischemia. As a result, the retinal cells start to die, and the retina slowly weakens. Diabetes also harms the neurons of the retina. All these events together comprise diabetic retinopathy. Vision impairment caused by diabetic retinopathy may initially affect the focal vision. It occurs due to the filling of fluid in a part of the retina responsible for focal vision. If not treated, diabetic retinopathy can cause sudden loss of vision if there is bleeding inside the eye.
How Can The Diabetic Patients Prevent The Occurrence Of Diabetic Retinopathy?
In recent studies, it is recommended by the Indian Diabetes Association that people who have diabetic retinopathy should always keep their HbA1 level below 7% to prevent possible complications. This is because blood glucose level directly affects the blood vessels present in the eye, especially at the retina. That means that controlling blood sugar levels can help decrease the seriousness and occurrence of diabetic retinopathy.
How Can You Prevent The Loss Of Vision If You Have Retinopathy?
As we have discussed above, the damage to the blood vessels in the retina can lead to a decreased level of oxygen. Decreased oxygen levels in the eye can lead to the generation of a substance known as VEGF. This VEGF causes diabetic retinopathy. But, now we have medicine that binds with the VEGF and prevents harmful effects like diabetic retinopathy. These anti-VEGF medicines are directly administered as injection to the eyes. These can prevent the cause and also decreases the seriousness of diabetic retinopathy. In some high degree of infection where there is bleeding inside the eye, patients may need laser treatment to stop the bleeding.
How Can You Know Whether You Have Diabetic Retinopathy?
Diabetic retinopathy can be diagnosed with a comprehensive dilated exam. In this test, an eye drop is administered into the eyes, and then the doctor examines the eye for abnormality from both inside and outside.
Optical coherence tomography: A picture of the cross-section part of the eye is taken and then examined. This picture tells the thickness of the retina. In addition, it helps in detecting how much fluid has been leaked into retinal tissues (if any).
If the blood glucose level rises for a long time, it may rupture the fragile retinal blood vessels. It may result in oxygen deficiency and eventually lead to a medical condition known as diabetic retinopathy. If not treated at a time, it can lead to loss of vision, but if treatment is started at the initial stage, vision can be corrected, and the patient can lead to a healthy life.
Tag = Eye hospital  in Mumbai, best Eye Hospital in Mumbai, Eye Hospital In Kandivali, Retina Treatment In Mumbai
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retinasurgerymumbai · 2 years
Retina Treatment in Mumbai By the Best Eye Specialist Dr. Niteen Dedhia
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wemedicalcare · 2 years
Best Retina Hospital In Mumbai
Ojas Eye Hospital is an advanced ophthalmic clinic that offers a variety of high end medical solutions to people requiring correction in vision.
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cataracteyesurgeon · 2 years
A total of 3821 women age 50 and above were analyzed. Only those participants were included in the study that did not have any eye surgery. The mean age of participants in the study was 62.2 years and 46.8 months was the mean breastfeed duration. The ocular health of the participants was comprehensively evaluated to diagnose age-related cataract in the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Participants were also required to provide information about their breastfeeding experience through health interview and health examination survey.
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