#Retina Treatment in Mumbai
arohieye · 1 year
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Retina Treatment in Mumbai / Best Retina Treatment in Mumbai
URL- https://www.arohieye.in/eye-care-specialities/retinal-diseases
Your ability to engage with the outside world depends on your eyes. You can see because the components of the eye function together. Many eye illnesses and injuries can affect how the eyes function. Arohi Eye Hospital is one of the most renowned that has been helping innumerable patients cure various types of eye diseases for the past few years. If you’re suffering from any retina-related problem, it is crucial to get a retina treatment in Mumbai right away as it calls for a medical emergency
About Arohi Eye Hospital The high-end technology, and the dedication and experience of the doctors and staff has proven Arohi Eye Hospital to be the best eye hospital in Mumbai, having served more than 50,000 patients for an array of different eye diseases and disorders, each having successfully accomplished the results required.
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dentzzdentalreviews · 2 years
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Eye Care During Covid-19 (Coronavirus)
Eye Care During Covid-19 (Coronavirus)
Eyes are one of the entrance points for highly contagious Coronavirus. Caring for eyes is more important than ever before. Taking good care of the glasses and contact lenses by way of cleaning them properly with the necessary liquid reduces the risk of infection. Further, limit the screen time of your children as this may lead to computer vision syndrome.
What Not To Do With Your Eyes?
Certain protective measures have generally been recommended to take care of the eyes. Those recommendations are even more important during the COVID-19 pandemic. The safety measures for eyes include:
Your Safety Is Our Priority | Necessary Precautions Against COVID – 19 at Ojas Eye Hospital.
Disinfect the surfaces: Coronavirus may also spread through eyes. You should disinfect the frequently touching surfaces such as railings, doorknobs, etc. to avoid getting the infection to the eye through your fingers touching them.
Do not rub your eyes: Avoid rubbing the eyes frequently as your eyes may become the possible entry for Corona Virus to enter your body. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds to avoid exposure to the virus.
Tears may be the carrier: After touching the eyes, you should wash your hands. Tears in the eyes may also be a possible source of infection.
Coronovirus And Conjunctivitis
It has been indicated that conjunctivitis or the pink eye may be a symptom of COVID-19 infection. Patients with conjunctivitis may experience redness, irritation, and watery eyes. It is also to be noted that conjunctivitis is contagious. If you are experiencing ocular discomfort, redness, or increased tears in eyes, consult with your doctor.
Wearing Eyeglasses During Corona Epidemic
People may consider wearing glasses if they are previously using lenses. Although not considered as a preventive measure, wearing glasses may reduce the ocular exposure of Coronavirus into your eyes. This is because when someone sneezes, the droplets may fall on the glasses and not directly into the eyes. However, the virus may also enter through the open areas between the glasses and eyes.
Know How To Disinfect The Glasses
As the virus may hold its place onto the frames and glasses, the person should know how to properly disinfect the glasses. The virus may reside on the solid surfaces for hours to days. There is a high possibility that it may transmit through these channels. The frame and glasses are cleaned with warm water and soap. The frames and lenses are then dried by using a clean cloth.
Taking Care Of Your Lenses
Extra care is required in handling the lenses as they are in direct contact with the ocular surface. Change the contact lens solution daily. Wash the hands thoroughly before removing or inserting the contact lenses. Stock the contact lens solution and a pair of additional lenses. Take detailed information about lens care from your ophthalmologist. Do not change your brand for a solution or contact lens as this may cause irritation and discomfort in your eyes.
Availability Of Ocular Medications
Various eye medications are used for a long period. These include medications of glaucoma and dry eyes. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the supply of such medications may get disrupted. You should maintain a sufficient stock of these medications to avoid inconvenience. However, it is advised not to overstock the medications as these may get expired and may also cause inconvenience to other patients.
Increased Use Of Digital Devices
There is a trend of increased use of the digital device in both adults and children. There is an increased risk of developing computer vision syndrome. This may result in dry and red eyes with increased tears. Limit the screen time of your child to prevent ocular conditions. The online classes also increase the time of children on digital devices. Do not allow your child to see the computer or smartphone at least 60 minutes before going to bed.
Tag : Best Eye Hospital In Mumbai, Eye Care Hospital in Mumbai, Keratoconus Treatment in Mumbai , Lasik treatment in Kandivali , Retina Treatment In Mumbai, Cataract Surgery in Mumbai 
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wemedicalcare · 2 years
The retina is the third and inner coat of the eye which is a light-sensitive layer of tissue. The optics of the eye create an image of the visual world on the retina (through the cornea and lens), which serves much the same function as the film in a camera. Light striking the retina initiates a cascade of chemical and electrical events that ultimately trigger nerve impulses. These are sent to various visual centres of the brain through the fibres of the optic nerve.
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Most retinal tears should be dealt with via fixing the retina to the back wall of the eye with laser surgery or cryotherapy (freezing treatment). Both of these systems make a scar that causes seal the retina to the back of the eye. This keeps liquid from going through the tear and under the retina, which ordinarily keeps the retina from segregating. These medicines cause practically no distress and might be performed in your ophthalmologist's office.
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retinasurgerymumbai · 2 years
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Common Symptoms of Retinal Disorders are :
Retinal detachment itself is painless. But warning signs almost always appear before it occurs or has advanced, such as:The sudden appearance of many floaters — tiny specks that seem to drift through your field of visionFlashes of light in one or both eyesBlurred visionGradually reduced side (peripheral) visionA curtain-like shadow over your visual fieldVisual distortions, such as straight lines seeming bentReduced central vision in one or both eyesDecreased intensity or brightness of colorsA well-defined blurry spot or blind spot in your field of visionA general haziness in your overall vision
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drniteen · 2 years
Is Your Retina Affected By Persistent High Blood Sugar Levels?
It is estimated that more than 30 million of the population are living with diabetes in India. And according to estimation, around 7.7 million people have coexistent diabetic retinopathy. That is why this is one of the most widely recognized reason for impaired vision in adults. The spread and effect of diabetic retinopathy have been expanded vastly in recent years. This condition of diabetic retinopathy is caused when wall of blood vessels in the retina get damaged by the increased level of sugar in the blood. These blood vessels can swell and leak and cause the blood flow to reduce and stop.
What Should You Know About Diabetic Retinopathy?
Diabetic retinopathy is associated with diabetes that affects the eyes. This medical condition is triggered by the damage of the blood vessels present in light-sensitive tissues present at the back of the eye in the retina. Initially, diabetic retinopathy might not show any symptoms, or there will be a very mild problem in vision. But, if untreated, this can lead to blindness. This medical condition can be developed in any person suffering from diabetes mellitus type-1 or diabetes mellitus type-2. However, you are more likely to develop eye-related complications if you have had diabetes for a long time. Also, you are susceptible to diabetic retinopathy if your blood sugar level is less controlled.
How Is The Retina Affected By Diabetes ?
The retina is the light detecting part of the eye situated at the back of the eye. The retina requires energy to sense light in the form of oxygen. Due to the blocked path of the blood flow, the amount of oxygen in the blood vessel of the retina is decreased. It causes an oxygen deficient state also known as ischemia. As a result, the retinal cells start to die, and the retina slowly weakens. Diabetes also harms the neurons of the retina. All these events together comprise diabetic retinopathy. Vision impairment caused by diabetic retinopathy may initially affect the focal vision. It occurs due to the filling of fluid in a part of the retina responsible for focal vision. If not treated, diabetic retinopathy can cause sudden loss of vision if there is bleeding inside the eye.
How Can The Diabetic Patients Prevent The Occurrence Of Diabetic Retinopathy?
In recent studies, it is recommended by the Indian Diabetes Association that people who have diabetic retinopathy should always keep their HbA1 level below 7% to prevent possible complications. This is because blood glucose level directly affects the blood vessels present in the eye, especially at the retina. That means that controlling blood sugar levels can help decrease the seriousness and occurrence of diabetic retinopathy.
How Can You Prevent The Loss Of Vision If You Have Retinopathy?
As we have discussed above, the damage to the blood vessels in the retina can lead to a decreased level of oxygen. Decreased oxygen levels in the eye can lead to the generation of a substance known as VEGF. This VEGF causes diabetic retinopathy. But, now we have medicine that binds with the VEGF and prevents harmful effects like diabetic retinopathy. These anti-VEGF medicines are directly administered as injection to the eyes. These can prevent the cause and also decreases the seriousness of diabetic retinopathy. In some high degree of infection where there is bleeding inside the eye, patients may need laser treatment to stop the bleeding.
How Can You Know Whether You Have Diabetic Retinopathy?
Diabetic retinopathy can be diagnosed with a comprehensive dilated exam. In this test, an eye drop is administered into the eyes, and then the doctor examines the eye for abnormality from both inside and outside.
Optical coherence tomography: A picture of the cross-section part of the eye is taken and then examined. This picture tells the thickness of the retina. In addition, it helps in detecting how much fluid has been leaked into retinal tissues (if any).
If the blood glucose level rises for a long time, it may rupture the fragile retinal blood vessels. It may result in oxygen deficiency and eventually lead to a medical condition known as diabetic retinopathy. If not treated at a time, it can lead to loss of vision, but if treatment is started at the initial stage, vision can be corrected, and the patient can lead to a healthy life.
Tag = Eye hospital  in Mumbai, best Eye Hospital in Mumbai, Eye Hospital In Kandivali, Retina Treatment In Mumbai
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Best Eye Treatment in Mumbai
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Advanced Eye Treatment at Raghunath Netralaya
Your eyes are the windows to the world, and maintaining your health is crucial for experiencing life to the fullest. At Raghunath Netralaya, a premier eye treatment in Mumbai, we understand the importance of clear vision and are dedicated to providing advanced eye treatment solutions to our patients. With a team of highly skilled eye specialists and state-of-the-art facilities, we strive to be your trusted partner in preserving your precious sight.
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kaushalkumar1711 · 3 months
Understanding Diabetic Retinopathy 
Diabetic retinopathy (DR) sits at the top of the main causes found for vision loss in people with diabetes. It occurs when high blood sugar levels damage the delicate blood vessels in the retina.  This damage can lead to bleeding, swelling, and even the growth of abnormal new blood vessels, all of which can significantly impair your vision.  
The good news? Diabetic retinopathy is largely preventable with proper diabetes management and early detection. Millions of people worldwide are affected by DR, but with regular eye exams and timely treatment, the risk of vision loss can be dramatically reduced. Continue reading this blog to gain an overall understanding around this phenomenon and educate yourself about the best treatment for diabetic retinopathy.  
How Does Diabetes Affect Your Eyes?  
When blood sugar levels remain high for extended periods, it can wreak havoc on the tiny blood vessels throughout your body, including those in the retina. These delicate vessels become weakened and fragile, leading to a cascade of problems. They may leak fluid or blood into the retinal tissue, causing blurry vision or even complete vision loss in some cases.  
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Understanding the Different Stages of DR 
Diabetic retinopathy progresses through different stages, each with its own set of characteristics:  
Nonproliferative Diabetic Retinopathy (NPDR): This is the earlier stage of DR, where the blood vessels in the retina are damaged but vision loss is usually not a concern. However, symptoms like microaneurysms (tiny bulges in the blood vessels), retinal hemorrhages (bleeding), and cotton wool spots (waxy yellow deposits) might be present. Early detection and management of NPDR are crucial to prevent progression to the more advanced stage.  
Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy (PDR): In this advanced stage, the body attempts to compensate for the damaged blood vessels by growing new, abnormal blood vessels on the surface of the retina. These new replacements are fragile and prone to bleeding, which can lead to severe vision loss or even complete blindness if left untreated.  
Who's Most at Risk for Diabetic Retinopathy? 
Anyone with diabetes, including type 1, type 2, or gestational diabetes (develops during pregnancy), can develop diabetic retinopathy. The longer you have diabetes, the higher your risk. Even factors like poor blood sugar control, high blood pressure and cholesterol, smoking can all further increase your risk of developing DR.  
Don't Ignore These Warning Signs: Act on Vision Changes 
Diabetic retinopathy can often progress silently, with no noticeable symptoms in the early stages. However, as the condition worsens, you may experience changes in your vision, such as:  
Blurred or distorted vision  
Seeing dark spots or floaters in your field of vision  
Sudden vision loss, especially in one eye  
Difficulty seeing at night or in low light conditions  
Eye pain or redness  
If you experience any of the symptoms mentioned above, please see a diabetic retina specialist as soon as you can.  
Taking Control: Treatment Options for DR 
Fortunately, there are effective treatment options available for diabetic retinopathy. The condition specific treatment you receive will depend on its severity. Here are some common methods used by diabetic retinopathy specialists:  
Medications: Anti-VEGF medications can be injected into the eye to help reduce swelling and prevent blood vessel leakage. Corticosteroid injections might also be used to manage inflammation.  
Laser Treatment: Laser therapy can be used to seal leaking blood vessels or destroy abnormal new blood vessels to prevent bleeding and further damage to the retina.  
Vitrectomy: In some advanced cases, surgery called a vitrectomy may be necessary. This procedure involves removing blood or scar tissue from the vitreous gel, the clear jelly-like substance that fills the center of your eye.  
Living with Diabetes and Protecting Your Sight 
Diabetic retinopathy can be a scary diagnosis, but with proper diabetes management, regular eye exams, and timely treatment, you can significantly reduce your risk of vision loss. Millions of people worldwide manage diabetes and DR successfully. Therefore, to simplify the process of finding the best eye doctor in Mumbai for diabetic retinopathy, you can simply contact Shri Venkatesh Eye Institute. Their active role in your healthcare and important recommendations will help protect your vision, allowing you to enjoy a safer future.  
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vaidyaeyehospital · 10 months
What are the tests Performed to Diagnose Glaucoma?
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Several tests are performed to diagnose glaucoma, a group of eye conditions that can lead to optic nerve damage and vision loss. The specific tests may vary based on the suspected type of glaucoma and the individual's eye health. Here are common tests performed to diagnose glaucoma:
Measures intraocular pressure (IOP), which is a key risk factor for glaucoma. Elevated IOP can indicate a higher risk of glaucoma, although normal IOP does not rule out the condition.
Allows the eye care professional to examine the optic nerve for signs of damage. Changes in the appearance of the optic nerve head, such as cupping, may suggest glaucoma.
3-Visual Field Test (Perimetry):
Assesses the full horizontal and vertical range of what a person can see in their field of vision. Glaucoma often leads to peripheral vision loss, which can be detected through this test.
Examines the drainage angle of the eye to determine if it is open or closed. This helps in classifying the type of glaucoma, such as open-angle or angle-closure glaucoma.
Measures the thickness of the cornea. Corneal thickness can influence intraocular pressure readings, and thin corneas may be associated with a higher risk of glaucoma.
6-Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT):
Uses light waves to create detailed cross-sectional images of the optic nerve and retina. It helps in assessing the thickness of the retinal nerve fiber layer, which can be indicative of glaucomatous damage.
7-Retinal Imaging:
Captures high-resolution images of the retina, helping to detect any structural changes or damage related to glaucoma.
8-Visual Acuity Test:
Measures how well an individual can see at various distances using an eye chart. While not specific to glaucoma, changes in visual acuity may be observed in advanced stages of the condition.
9-Corneal Hysteresis Measurement:
Evaluates the cornea's ability to absorb and return energy during deformation. This measurement can provide additional information about the biomechanical properties of the cornea and the risk of glaucoma progression.
It's important to note that glaucoma diagnosis is often a combination of these tests, and regular eye examinations are crucial, especially for individuals at higher risk, such as those with a family history of glaucoma or individuals over the age of 40. If you have concerns about your eye health, consult with an eye care professional for a comprehensive examination and appropriate testing.
For more information, Consult Dr. Vaidya Eye Centre as they provide best Glaucoma Treatment in Mumbai or you can contact us on 9004496621.
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sanjeevannetralaya · 2 years
Is Diabetic Retinopathy painful?
Diabetic Retinopathy is usually painless and sometimes doesn’t even cause any symptoms in the early stage.
Some symptoms of Diabetic Retinopathy are:
Blurry Vision Loss in Vision Spots in Vision Floaters (dark floating string in vision) Dark areas or empty areas in vision
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One of the most effective ways of treating Diabetes and its complications is Sanjeevan Netralaya’s tailor made Ayurvedic treatments that are unique for every patient.
Sanjeevan Netralaya’s treatment has helped lakhs of people across India without adding to the discomfort and pain or any unnatural side effects.
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arohieye · 1 year
Arohi Eye Hospital is one of the best for Retina Treatment in Mumbai
The Hospital is well known for its top retina specialists that are highly trained in diagnosing and treating retina conditions such as diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration (AMD), and retinal detachment, which can cause vision loss or blindness. So, if you're experiencing any issues with your retina, our retina eye specialist are always there to assist you and ensure that you get the best possible eye care.
Common Retinal Diseases- Floaters, Diabetic Eye Disease, Retinal Detatchment
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besteyespecialist · 2 years
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Retina is like the film in a camera. Retina is the third and inner coat of the eye which is a light-sensitive layer of tissue. When the focused light hits the retina, a picture is created and sent to the brain through the optic nerve (the nerve of the eye), thus giving us vision. Sometimes part of the retina either tears, pulls away or detaches from the back of the eye; when this occurs that part of the retina cannot gather light ans results in vision loss.
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wemedicalcare · 2 years
Best Retina Hospital In Mumbai
Ojas Eye Hospital is an advanced ophthalmic clinic that offers a variety of high end medical solutions to people requiring correction in vision.
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Most retinal tears should be dealt with via fixing the retina to the back wall of the eye with laser surgery or cryotherapy (freezing treatment). Both of these systems make a scar that causes seal the retina to the back of the eye. This keeps liquid from going through the tear and under the retina, which ordinarily keeps the retina from segregating. These medicines cause practically no distress and might be performed in your ophthalmologist's office.
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