#Doverstar? If you can hear me
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valorianknights · 2 years ago
I'm in a strange state of shipper fever and whoa. It. Is. Wild. I'm suddenly drawing:
Starvel (Billy Batson x Stargirl)
ToyBird (Winn x Linda Lee)
Fredthea (Freddie x Anthea)
Savisnow (Savitar x Caitlin)
Huntlow (Y'all know, the brainrot is real)
Wittecouple (Caleb Wittebane x Evelyn)
Hirina (Hiro x Trina) What? I ship what I ship? There was a lot of potential. I love the Black cat and Spider-Man dynamic.
This is crazy. This is madness. I'm seeing every equation. I'm understanding the secret of life.
How do I stay here?!
Can I stay here?
I'm still in the process of finishing up some of them, but what should I post first?
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Also @doverstar send me savisnow art prompts pls. Send me cute fluff or angsty angst ideas to draw. God is smiling upon me with all this inspiration.
I should draw some Chrissy and Eddie stuff too, just to get all my ships.
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stitchandani · 3 months ago
Stitch and Ani contradictions
Hello, I really liked the idea of your continuation of the "Lilo and Stitch" franchise as "Stitch and Ani". But I have noticed several storylines that contradict the canon. Maybe you can answer them? 1. Using 621 as the main villain is a good idea, but in your story he was in prison until he escaped. However, in "Leroy and Stitch" it says that Lilo found one true place for all 624 experiments (including 621). There were also 624 experiments on the battlefield, that is, including 621. As a result, this is the first contradiction with the canon.
2. Your story begins from the moment Stitch made a choice between Ani and Yuna, eventually choosing Ani. However, then everything that has been in the anime up to this point is also your canon. However, then Gantu should be evil, not kind as in your story. All experiments should be at Hamsterviel and transmuted, not in Hawaii. Also, Hamsterviel, Gantu, Reuben and Delia should not stop trying to catch Stitch and, accordingly, should hunt for him even in Hawaii.
And now there are many contradictions, although I have not read all your posts. What can you say about them?
Doverstar Hi, stranger! I'm glad you like the fancanon. It is, however, our fancanon - mine and Arti's. Please don't tell us what we should and should not do! Suggestions and ideas are fun to hear. Corrections and commands are not. I'm happy to answer you as best I can if you're interested below-
The only thing that should happen is that the story should remain in-character in regards to the cast and accurate in terms of canon source material. The anime Stitch! is confirmed to be not canon. I have also stated multiple times that in Stitch and Ani, Yuna and the anime are never mentioned, because the events of the anime did not happen - the only things in the anime that are similar to the Stitch and Ani story is that Lilo and Stitch had a falling out, Stitch left, Lilo had a daughter named Ani, and Nani and David have a child. That's it. Because I can! Because it's fan-made. The fancanon was created over a decade ago by me, because I was dissatisfied with the anime but liked the idea of a grown-up Lilo and her daughter and wanted to do a story set in the future for the main family in the franchise. I have the story set up to where if you like the anime, you can still kind of include it in your head, and that's fine, but it's very obvious why that wouldn't fully work. The anime didn't happen in Stitch and Ani. Where Stitch went to when he left was not important - what is important is why he left, and why he's back. And because the anime didn't happen in Stitch and Ani (and again, the anime is not canon in the franchise according to creator Chris Sanders), there is no Delia, Yuna, etc., the experiments are not "transmuted", Angel is not a pop star Miss Piggy wannabe, Gantu did not go through all that character growth just to lose his job doing karaoke, and everyone is on Hawaii. No one is after Stitch. This story is not a Stitch worship-fest. It's for the whole o'hana! As for 621, Arti has explained his side of the story repeatedly, but I'll just say this: if you did not see him "on the battlefield" in Leroy and Stitch, please assume he was not there in-canon and that there is wiggle room to work with! The Grand Councilwoman stated that Lilo and Stitch had "successfully captured all 625 of Jumba's illegal genetic experiments and found each a place where it can belong", but that most likely means they captured all the experiments within the 625 on Earth that needed to be captured and given a home. For 621, that means his "One True Place" was in prison. Because he's crazy, and evil, and has not been reformed. He was already dealt with, never dehydrated into a pod, and never dropped in pod-form on Kauai. His activation and incarceration happened before Lilo even came into the picture! Would it have been nice to see him fighting Leroy clones in the final film in his mutated form? Sure. But he wasn't there. Obviously - he was never once seen or shown. Disney themselves contradicted their own canon, didn't they? They created the video game wherein 621 was introduced, and they created Leroy and Stitch too, and they chose not to include him - they gave a name to his number in the end credits and that's it. If they contradicted themselves, we can tweak the story a little to give 621 more of a spotlight. Because it's our fancanon. He was always going to be the villain in Stitch and Ani. We can do whatever we want - but we choose to make it as close to canon as possible, because that's good storytelling! 621 was in prison, he broke out, and now he's causing trouble for Lilo and Stitch and their family. That's okay. If you prefer a story all about Stitch, where Stitch is being hunted down by aliens, living with someone who is not Lilo, and has to deal with other experiments who should not be where they are according to canon, good news! There is not one, but three non-canon spinoffs to enjoy where that happens! I'm sorry if any of this bothers you, but the nice thing about a fancanon is - you can just ignore it! Because it's not canon either! It's just for fun. If you don't like what we're doing with Stitch and Ani because it doesn't fit what you consider the overall franchise canon, please feel free to keep walking and enjoy other portions of the fandom. We're sticking to what we're doing, and we appreciate that you gave us a look!
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doverstar · 6 years ago
I DIDN'T KNOW YOU HAD A TUMBLR. This isn't really the ask thing, but I was wondering if I could have some advice? I love how you fit dialogue, action, and keep the point of view of the character. I can write pages of basically script but when I try to turn it into paragraphs... I stutter, falter, and quit.
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This is gonna be so much reading, be brave.
I’ll try! I’m not used to giving advice, but for you, Jell-O Square, anything. I’m self-taught when it comes to creative writing, remember, so my advice won’t sound like a seasoned scholar’s would on the subject. And I might be doing it wrong? I’ll just tell you my thoughts, okay?
Dialogue is really really fun and really really easy for most people. All you have to do is imagine the character’s reaction to things and pow, you can hear them. (If you know the character. If it’s an original character of yours, take the Myers-Briggs test AS your character and read your results. If you’re like YUP, THAT’S THEM, then you know you know your character. That’s just one test. Not the be all, end all, but it’s an idea.) The hard thing about dialogue (I think) is weaving it in between exposition and thoughts, so that you don’t have pages and pages of just script. Pages and pages of script are fun to read, but only for like two seconds, and then people get bored. And that’s confusing; most people don’t think they want to read ages and ages of non-dialogue, but you’d be surprised how much it’s needed.
I was thinking about this the other day when I was making a sandwich
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it was PB&JSo when you sit down to eat a meal you really love (for me it’s pizza, quesadillas, pad thai, burritos, Lucky Charms), and you’re so ready to be satisfied by this food that’s already one of your favorites, you have a drink with it. Let’s say it’s a beverage you also really love–soda, iced tea, blah blah blah. You eat and eat your food and it’s so darn good, but if you’re like me, you wait a significant amount of time before you wash it down with the drink you like. You’re so enjoying the food that you have to wait until you’re nice and thirsty before you drink that drink, and when you do, it’s the best drink ever, following the best food ever. Because it’s so satisfying and feels great to eat the food you love and drink the drink you love. You make it last by weaving it all in together to get the best experience.Stay with me, maybe this isn’t the best analogy? I’m not hungry right now, I swear–
Pretend the dialogue is your drink. And the paragraphs–exposition, the setting of the scene (like the room they’re in, or the trees outside, or the way it smells/how bright it is) and the characters’ thoughts during the scene–the paragraphs are your food. There’s a lot more of your food overall than there is of your drink when you go to have lunch (yes, you can get refills, but there’s still a whole plate/bowl of food and like 12 ounces of liquid). It’s the same with dialogue [drink] and paragraphs [food] for me.You need enough exposition, setting, and character perspective to help the reader feel the scene. They know what the kitchen smells like while the characters argue in it. And they know why Character A just yelled that at Character B because you’re inside her head right before or right after she yells it–that makes the reader understand the characters in the scene and feel connected to the emotions in the room. (At the same time, you don’t wanna tell them everything the character is thinking. Leave some stuff open to the readers’ imagination–that’s where headcanons and fan theories come from–and if you’re not telling them in a paragraph, show them with the dialogue. I struggle with this a lot.) The paragraphs, describing things, whether it’s thoughts, actions, or the setting, are the big plate of food. That’s what the reader needs to make the drink valid. I’m drinking this soda and it hits the spot, but I now I feel like I could go for a nice bag of chips, or a sandwich. Having one without the other is fine, but it’s so much better with both. And the paragraphs are what’s going to sustain the reader, keep them grounded, make them full in the end. Satisfied. If it’s all just soda, just tea, just water, that’s good but it’s only gonna last so long. It’ll only satisfy the reader for so long. You have to keep them interested, and this 2-liter of Sprite ain’t gonna cut it when their stomachs start growling.Okay, I am getting hungry.Dialogue is the drink. (Beat that dead horse, Doverstar. BEAT IT.) It’s fun and sometimes it’s heavy [and if you’re Steven Moffat, it’s ridiculously poetic and people don’t really talk like that, but oh so pretty to hear–]. There’s not a ton of it in comparison to all the paragraphs, and it has to happen sprinkled throughout, or there’s too much drink and nothing really sustainable, nothing to chew on. Dialogue is usually easier to write. If it’s not, that’s another crumbly lesson for another time.Dialogue can be several lines and then a few paragraphs in between, or one line between actions, like body language. Or a line or two between thoughts (or a line or two between LOTS of thoughts, dramatic thoughts, if you’re me). But it should never fill the whole page. That’s too much drink. Now I have to pee and I’m HUNGRY. Not as satisfying!You’re writing dialogue to keep the reader engaged, but for different reasons than paragraphs do. Dialogue brings the characters to life. They each have voices, and they each have reactions to everything. The key (for me) to weaving (for me) dialogue in between paragraphs (FOR ME, MAYBE NOT FOR YOU) is to make sure you’ve got their voices down, so you know when they’ll react and what they’ll say when they do. What would make them suddenly burst out angry? What about this thing that another character did would make them cry? What do they say to explain an unexpected hug? How to they justify this rash action they just carried out? Dialogue also has a lot to do with drama. Sometimes it’s funny, sometimes it’s carrying the plot forward or dishing out information, but most of the time it’s drama. The show Gilmore Girls thrives on dialogue. Everyone talks all the time. Fast, loud, witty, they talk and talk and talk. It’s one of the show’s creators’ trademarks. Each character has their own distinct voice, from Lorelai Gilmore to Taylor Doose to Emily Gilmore to Jess Mariano. They’re all different, and you start to predict their general reaction to things before those things happen. Maybe you don’t know Jess is about to spit out a “Whatever!” exactly, but you know the feeling behind what he’s going to say to Luke is similar to one of his “Whatever!”s. It’s helping you get to know the characters in a relatable, personal way. Because we all communicate. I can’t read paragraphs of your thoughts while we’re having a conversation, but I can get to know you by listening to you and watching what you say to different scenarios in our lives. I can ask you questions. And you’ll answer. And then I’ll know you better, little by little. It’s the same with dialogue in a story. You’re getting to know the characters, and the characters are getting to know each other. A drink of something after eating a lot is always welcome. Reading a conversation between Sam and Frodo during their journey in LOTR is heavenly after so much freaking traveling. I know all about the area they just walked through and the worries they’ve got. I don’t need anymore of that, someone please, SAY SOMETHING! My brain is full!Action and POV are tailor-made for paragraphs. Unless you’re my beloved Spider-Man, you don’t need to talk a lot while you’re fighting someone. And unless you’re Doc Brown (great Scott) or the Doctor, you don’t need to think out loud all the time. Writing is one of those easier ways to convey thoughts, especially. Movies and television and comic books can all do action. That’s a lot of what they’re comprised of; it’s what they were made for–motion, or the illusion of motion–to get a story and emotion and adventure across to its audience. Writing is the perfect medium for thoughts. You can use analogies and the 5 senses and the character’s unique voice in a paragraph, helping the reader understand the character in a different way than dialogue would, in your own writing style. In a way that movies can only do through dialogue or the actor’s incredible facial expressions (here’s lookin’ at you, RDJ). You just have to know when to put action and POV in there. Yes, they need to know what the room looks like, what it smells like outside, what kind of year it is. But they also want to know what that character is thinking at this point, how they’re moving, what their faces look like. Dialogue can only show so much. That’s not to say you should be writing miles of paragraphs. Don’t be like me, kids. I need to work on that. But if there’s more dialogue in your story than paragraph, that’s just not a good balance. You need more chicken and less iced tea. Your body isn’t thirsty anymore, it needs something to sustain it for a while! It’s the same with a reader’s brain.Hopefully that helps. I know it was long, don’t kill me! If you read all of that–wow–I don’t–I’m so impressed. I am applauding you. You can’t hear it, but I applaud.And remember, everyone writes differently. Everyone. What works for me may not work at all for you, and you won’t know until you try new things! Everyone says that “what works for some mightn’t work for others” thing, but they say it a lot because it’s true. It’s vague, sometimes it’s unhelpful, but it’s facts. OKAY, STOP TALKING, DOVERSTAR.Love you, Jell-O Square! Let me know if this helps. Remember, practice makes perfect. You’re gonna develop your own style and your own flow the longer you write. The key to any of this is writing. A LOT. Fail a lot so you can get the big fails out of the way and start improving. The better you are, the less doubts you’ll have, and the more freedom you’ll feel like you have. (Really, the freedom was there all along, but the doubts like to hide that from you.)Thanks, J-Square! Gosh, I need to stop typing–
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stitchandani · 3 months ago
So, on your advice to one of the anonymous people (whom you confused with me for some reason), I decided to read your archive and get acquainted with the human part of your fan fiction. And do you know what I think? This is a masterpiece! Before that, I had only seen half of it posted on deviantart, that is, only half, so the fanfiction did not seem complete to me. Now I saw that It's really a masterpiece, it doesn't need anyone to change it. It's the best fanfiction in the Lilo and Stitch universe, and one of the best fanfiction I've come across. I think you just have to write a book, and this masterpiece will take the first place among Lilo and Stitch fanfiction, since the rest of the fanfiction, to be honest, is not very good. Maybe not now, but for example in 5 years, maybe in 10, but please write a book "Stitch and Ani"! (Or if not in public, then at least to me). In the above-mentioned message, you also said that everything has already been written in your laptop. And I know that you just want to publish posts related to it for now, but can you please write it at least in 5-10 years? Rihter513
Merry morning! Oops, sorry, anons can get confusing. I really thought it was you the past few times; I thought I recognized the writing style at least. No worries!
Thank you very much, it would be fine by me if you had read it all and decided you didn’t like it or that you’d have done it differently, but it’s good to hear that you do like it. Yes, there is a lot of it stored on my laptop! As to writing a book, that’s a tall order - mainly because it’s very time-consuming to write something so cohesive and near-professional as a book-length fanfic, but I won’t say I haven’t thought about doing it in that form! I have. I just don’t have the time!
Thanks again for your enthusiasm; we love our lil fancanon.
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stitchandani · 2 years ago
So what would you guys say are your favorite episodes of The Series?
My favorites are:
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Spooky - Probably some of the best animation in the show is in this episode, plus they nail the Halloween-spooky-fun vibe, it’s fun to see the nervous-scared side of Stitch’s personality, and Spooky’s whole function is so genius! And almost everything Pleakley says in this episode makes me laugh.
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Splodyhead - I’ve always loved this episode. I love Splodyhead, too. I particularly like episodes where characters who hate each other are forced to work together on a desert island. That’s a trope I’m here for!
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Poxy - I love Poxy. When I was a kid I used to ride around the neighborhood on a scooter pretending to be him and his slick little germ self.
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627 - This episode was so so cool when I was a kid. I love 627’s black claws and how all-out they went designing him. Plus, again, an episode where we’re shown how unstoppable Stitch always is, until he isn’t anymore, is such a cool break from the norm.
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Bonnie & Clyde - I adore the different musical score in this episode, and I love Bonnie & Clyde’s dynamic together and the fact that they can speak English, but they’re rotten little alien life form stinkers. And I love Pleakley in this episode, too. I could just rate every episode based on Pleakley moments. But then I’d have to add Holio to this list which is already too long!
Doverstar will chime in, too! Doverstar:
Angel - It's my #1 favorite episode of the show, for sure. It hits all the nostalgic notes for me. Angel is my favorite experiment, and though the animation in this episode is terrible, I'm a huge fan of Angel's color palette in it and the idea behind the episode. The fact that love is what turns Angel from bad to good - and that it's Stitch who names Angel and changes her, instead of Lilo, which was the norm - love that. Plus it's cool there's an experiment in the 600's series that exists whose primary function is literally the opposite of the goal of the series.
Remmy - I like this one because of the emotional plot, and the fact that it focuses on Lilo and her mind and the lasting affects of her parents' death on the family. Any particularly deep Lilo-centric episode is a standout in my book! As a kid, the heavily-decorated "door" in Lilo's dream, which she says always has "bad things" on the other side of it, was super creepy and interesting to me. I remember thinking even at that age that the scene of her parents' actual crash would be behind that door, or maybe their gravestones, or maybe just a flashback of the night they didn't come home. I both did and did not want to see that. But no, instead it was Lilo's hula school and disarmingly-kind classmates, which is also interesting! All in all, it's my second favorite because of the slightly-deeper-than-usual subject matter. 627 - This one is purely nostalgia-based for me. The 627 episode was one of the all-time coolest to us growing up, like Arti said! Lots of her reasons for listing this one are the same as mine. Always cool to see Stitch come to terms with the fact that though he's pretty cool, he's not always the best at everything. And extra wonderful to hear Lilo say something like "So what if you're not king of the block anymore? You're still king of my block." So. Good. So sweet. Love that. Shoe - Shoe is one of my top 5 favorite experiments. I like the plot in this episode and the animation in it too! I like Pleakley's comedy beats, and the idea of turning the old ship into a B&B was genius for a show about aliens living on Kauai. Perfect. But Shoe's lil emotional journey makes me very happy. His sole purpose is for the gain of other people, and he's at least intelligent enough to understand that people only seem to value him for what he can do for them, and then finding out Lilo specifically likes him even when he's bad luck? 10/10. One of those times where part of the episode isn't just catching the cousin or showcasing the shenanigans its abilities get the cast into, but showing how the experiment goes from bad to good and why. Dupe - Because Dupe's design delights me, because the writing in this episode is fantastic, because the idea of a slumber party at Lilo's house with the experiments instead of four bratty human girls who'd ruin all the fun anyway is awesome, and because in the end, Lilo gets another reminder that even if she wants lots of friends, having one like Stitch at her side is more than good enough. Retro - I always wanted this one to air often on TV growing up, specifically because it was later in the show and therefore rarer to see rerunning. I thought Retro's ability was so cool, and I was especially interested in the little glimpses of Nani's life before becoming sole caretaker of Lilo. Plus the setting of a cruise ship is always fun! Swapper - Lilo gets a human friend Lilo gets a human friend Lilo gets a human friend LILO GETS A HUMAN FRIEND- Snooty - Victoria gets an experiment of her own, Snooty is precious and Halloween-y, more looks at Victoria/Lilo's friendship, Pleakley driving is hilarious, and the ending gets me every time. Amnesio - Gantu? An excellent friend for Lilo? Latent protective affection for the cute little Earthling? It's more likely than you think- Bad Stitch - I like this one because it has some of my favorite Lilo/Stitch moments. It also seems to have unused material from the original movie? Maybe? I don't know, but Chris Sanders seems like the kind of guy who would suggest more of Lilo training Stitch like a "puppy" and squirting him with the stupid water bottle. I especially love the ending, where Lilo tells Stitch she knows he's good, even if he breaks things. And how Stitch wants to behave because Lilo asks him to, and she loves him, and that's why he wants to behave. Love that. The Asteroid - Jumba recognizing that Earth is his home and that the Pelekais are his family waters my crops and clears my skin. And I love watching the whole Ohana work together on a planet-saving space trip.
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stitchandani · 3 years ago
so I just wanted know about Kai....what exactly is his problem? what happened in his life that he's such an angry jerk over? And does he any good qualities as a person?
First of all thanks for giving me an excuse to practice drawing my boi!
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If you read the "answered" "kai" tags on the blog, you'll get a LOT of information on this, but I can give you the sparknotes if you don't care to get information that's already available:
Nothing happened directly to Kai to make him as combative as he is. Instead, it's what happened to the side of his family he got to live with for the first 10 years of his life. That's where a lot of the bitterness comes from for him, at least. It's in his character sheet. Kai's mom, dad, and beloved aunt Lilo have all been hurt by the disappearance of Jumba, Pleakley, and Stitch. This was something Kai could sense his whole life growing up. He used to want to meet Stitch and the others; he'd hear stories about them and be excitedly hoping they'd come back one day. They never did, so the hurt feelings and quiet sad conversations from the adults just kept hanging around. He never forgave the aliens for that, and he doesn't think they should be considered family - that they have to earn that, basically. Speaking of earning, Kai also feels inferior to the rest of his Ohana. Lilo and Stitch and Jumba and Pleakley and Nani and David all helped saved the galaxy multiple times in the past, and have had loads of adventures Kai's never had. The whole island loves them. Kai doesn't feel special in any way compared to his family, and wants to feel like he belongs there. But he doesn't. Because of that, he lashes out - especially at Stitch, and especially at Ani (because she's easy to bully and is the exact opposite of him; she loves the aliens). Stitch is the one who left. Stitch is the one who hurt Lilo and Nani and David. Stitch is the one who started all this. And now Kai has to live with him, and on top of that, Stitch is the family treasure. Everyone, everyone loves Stitch. Stitch is AMAZING. Kai feels less-than, like he's invisible with someone like Stitch in the house. He's only 11 years old, remember. Part of the Stitch and Ani story is Kai learning to forgive and love his family unconditionally, and realize that they love him that way too. He has lots of good qualities! They just don't show up that often because he's so busy being grumpy. Kai is really loyal and empathetic (that's why his family's hurt feelings affected him so much!) when he cares about people. He's brave, and he's super smart. He's the only one in the house besides Stitch able to understand/appreciate how Jumba's inventions work halfway through an explanation. He's a fast learner, and he's a great friend to Mason (and he'll be a great friend to Stitch and Ani once he matures, I'm sure). Remember, Kai's parents are David and Nani. They're awesome! And they're good parents, and they pass along a lot of morals and admirable traits to their kid. They just have to help him get through his own anger first.
Thanks for the question! He'll get better. Promise.
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stitchandani · 4 years ago
Since One True Place can change over time, that got me thinking. Maybe Angel did become a pop diva, but instead of that happening during the Stitch anime, it happened a few years after the Leroy event. I like to know how you would plan for her story as she advance from singer to celebrity, how it went to her head that she began mistreating Stitch and shunning others, how everyone got angry at her, how she realized her wrongdoing and quit, and the time before she began to work at the county jail.
No, Angel’s One True Place has been at Kokaua Jail since Lilo was a kid, and it did not change after Leroy and Stitch. Stitch and Ani operates as though Angel never became any kind of pop star. Because she never did.
Because that idea of the anime’s was stupid and out of character.
Angel’s song was designed to turn good things back to bad things. For aliens. Why would planet Earth make a pop star out of a strange pink creature who only sung one weird siren song, in a language they couldn’t understand? Why would Cobra Bubbles and the Galactic Federation allow a known alien to gain that much widespread attention? And why would Angel, a snot-sucking, slightly manipulative monster who’s only known desire after being reformed was to be with Stitch , ever choose a One True Place that took her away from him constantly?
Everything but the first paragraph is my opinion; and we can disagree. You can consider the anime canon if you want. But please don’t come on here asking questions in a way that presumes, borderline demands, that we’ll tell the story you want to hear, instead of the one we already told you we’re telling. Stitch and Ani said, already, several times, that Angel’s One True Place is in the Jail; never a pop star career. Doverstar Hiiii Arti makes some good points! To be honest, I never thought Angel as a pop star was a fitting One True Place, but I definitely couldn't think of a better one when I was younger. I mean, her power is, at its most basic level, that she sings. If you take away the evil intent of that, then her One True Place would have to do with singing, right? And it still does in Stitch and Ani; it just happens in the jailhouse instead of internationally on tour. I agree with Arti on the reasons why her being a pop star wouldn't make much sense. I mean, Angel is my very favorite Experiment. She's probably my second-favorite character in the franchise, actually (after Lilo!) so to see her in the anime depicted as some kind of Miss Piggy/Minnie Mouse knockoff is a little...disappointing. Angel's fierce, clever, physically strong, acrobatic, and even animalistic at times in her 2 episodes [and 1 film cameo] in Lilo and Stitch: the Series. Watching her get turned into a snob who doesn't have time for Stitch, gets insanely jealous of a human girl, and is obsessed with jewels, constantly breaking up with Stitch over silly little things (only to reunite with him after he gives her gifts?!) - it wasn't the Angel I had cobbled together in my head after her original appearances. So I get Arti's frustration. I loved seeing more of Angel, but I didn't like how we saw her, so we changed that to something we felt was at least a little more in-line with the original version of Angel from the series (what little we had of that). If that makes sense? Thank you for the question! But Angel has her own different personality than the anime in Stitch and Ani, and we'll be following that instead here. :)
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doverstar · 7 years ago
Hey hey maybe you don't ship romantically (although this ask encompasses brotps too) but what are your Flash ships
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I do indeed ship romantically, Charlai my friendAnd what better ships can one find than the ones on everyone’s favorite superhero soap opera: THE FLERSH(doggone it, Self, you can never answer something short and to the point, can you?)I ship–first and foremost–Snowbarry. Which is Barry/Caitlin, to be clear. I find it’s just…a much better story romantically than Westallen. But don’t hear me hating Iris or Westallen. I totally don’t. Whatever makes CareBare happy, amiright?
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But yes, we here at Doverstar’s Tumblr are very pleased with the potential that is Snowbarry and shipped it nearly from episode 1, despite Candice Patton being excellent and Barry loving Iris so obviously from the get-go. In summary: I like to say that Barry and Caitlin are each other’s own personal superhero. I can elaborate but I’m not gonna cuz it’s late and I’m dead inside, hahaaaaaaaa
I don’t hate Westallen or Iris, as aforementioned, but I don’t squeal over them onscreen, I just go, aw, that’s nice, and wait for the scene to pass. I just prefer Snowbarry. It’s all gooding in the pudding
Other Flash ships include Henry/Nora, (even if they’re both dead now, hey, at least they’re finally together again) Stein/Clarissa (yay old people in love) and Eddie/Iris. Because Eddie deserved better than what he got and Iris loving him came as no surprise to me; he was delightful. And I know Captain Canary is technically a Legends of Tomorrow ship, but I’ll throw it in here, cuz whatever.
My brotp will always be Cisco and Barry.
And I almost clicked ‘Post’ before I remembered, ayyyy, I ship Savisnow as well. Savisnow is Savitar/Caitlin, because SPOILER ALERT Savitar is a copy of Barry Allen and it totally works, and I’m currently writing about it in a fanfic thing. Also, with two Barry Allens, everyone wins! WE CAN STOP FIGHTING I HAVE BROUGHT PEACE she whispered as the sounds of bloody ship wars continued to rage behind her
Thank you, my friend, your asks always bring me huge gasps of delight. You rock. What are your Flash ships, if any?
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