#Dose Resort
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didderd · 2 years ago
That big ol’ fell man for the drawing request?👉👈
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Wasn't quite sure if you meant the big fell (Big Red by @mothiepixie) or not, but I'v been wanting to draw him anyways, and I'm sure you wouldn't mind even if you weren't specifically talking abt him. :3
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neyxmessi · 2 years ago
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if-you-like-pina-colada-s · 2 years ago
Man I am STARVED for good action movie scenes. I just watched Spiderman Across the Spiderverse and holy shit it was amazing I had no IDEA how hungry I was for some good superhero action.
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tcypionate · 1 year ago
im so glad im overly paranoid about running out of my anxiety/sleep meds because i keep forgetting to make an appt with my psych and im almost out.....
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bitchapalooza · 2 years ago
I hope the medicine my doctor prescribed me works bc my next option is getting allergy shots which I’m kind of hoping happens but also a little nervous to start if it comes to it
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corkinavoid · 7 months ago
DPxDC ADHD Coffee Addicts
Fact number one: Tim Drake inhales coffee like oxygen.
Fact number two: Danny Fenton inhales coffee like ectoplasm (because oxygen is only optional in his case).
Fact number three: Bats typically turn a blind eye when Danny drinks too much of it since there's not really a risk of him going into cardiac arrest with Danny being literally already dead.
Fact number four: they do not turn a blind eye when still thankfully alive Tim does it because they would like him to stay that way, please.
Problem: Tim has ADHD [a fact I strongly headcanon], and without his daily dose of coffee, he becomes not simply unhinged, but, dare I say, no longer connected to the door frame.
Bigger problem: Danny is slightly unhinged even when he has his coffee, and he also shows signs of ADHD. No one risks taking away his coffee in fear of what he might accomplish without it.
Fun fact: one of Batman's contingency plans for a world-ending-case-scenario is to throw Tim and Danny in a secluded room together, not give them any coffee, and simply wait for a few hours. Although this contingency is listed as 'last resort'.
P.S. coffee is not a great way to cope with ADHD. In fact, there's little evidence of it actually helping with the symptoms, but a man can dream, and a man can post random thoughts they find hilarious.
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i-cant-sing · 5 months ago
Part 1 is here. Part 2 is here. Part 3 is here. Part 4 is here. Part 5 is here. Part 6 is here. Part 7 is here. Part 8 is here. Part 9 is here. Part 10 is here. Part 11 is here. Part 12 is here. Time Traveller au masterlist is here. Check out my MASTERLIST for more!
"I cant do this."
He rolls his eyes. "Not with that attitude." He runs a hand through his hair before nodding at you to follow him. You both enter the dance studio that his grandfather built for his wife inside the house because he loved her and well, he had the money.
"Silas, no one can learn ballet in a month." You state again and he lets out an exhale while Cadbury is bringing in about a dozen of ballet flats. "Even if your grandmother were to try and teach me, I still wont be good enough to perform in front of the queen-"
"Your voice is shrill and piercing and thoroughly unpleasant."
You blink at him before scowling. "A simple "shut up" would suffice, you know."
Silas glances at you. "What is this really about? Are you pretending to have low self esteem so I could offer you sympathy?"
"Excuse me?" Your tone sharpened. "Not that I like to remind anyone of the favours I do, but maybe you have forgotten that I literally saved your social image and status from being tarnished yesterday? Or did you forget about our Nikkah?"
Silas suddenly leaned down, bringing his face close to yours. You backed away, and he tilted his head slightly. "And I'm eternally grateful for that, missus, but the Nikkah saved your image too. Must I remind you that I converted to Islam too?"
"Because it benefitted you, not me." You spat out, only to inhale sharply as he gripped your chin firmly.
"As is the stipend I've been paying you, yet you fail to write a single article on the murders."
He pouted, feigning hurt. "Besides, are you saying I am not a real Muslim? That I have malicious intentions? Doesnt that go against your teachings- what is it? Not to judge someone?"
"I dont need to judge when its all so apparent-"
"Ah, good to see the love birds again!" Sarah's voice made you two pull away from each other. She clasped her hands as she made her way towards you two.
"Nana." Silas greeted her and kissed her cheeks. "Thank God you're here. My sweetheart is so concerned over this performance, even though I've assured her many times that she will be learning from the best. There's just no way she would mess this up!"
Sarah laughed heartily. "Stop buttering me up! And she is right to be concerned. Anyone would be nervous to perform in front of an audience, especially the queen!"
Silas wrapped one arm each around your and Sarah's shoulders, pulling you two close to him. "I only see a queen and a princess here. There's no need to be nervous. Just have fun!"
Just have fun? What kind of bullshit motivation is that-
Sarah smiled and nodded. "He's right, Y/n. As long as you're having fun, you're going to be just fine darling!"
Colin never thought he'd have to resort to day drinking.
And yet here he is, adding whatever he could grab his hands on and fill the flask with and mixing it in his coffee.
I need this. He reasoned with himself. Its not that much, just small doses to keep me sane when Y/n comes.
And then you do, in your Sherlock Holmes disguise, cheerfully greeting him before going to Will's office to work on the murder story.
He takes another sip of his coffee as he tries to process... well, everything.
Why was I attracted to you? Why am I still attracted to you even though I acted as a witness to your wedding with that rich bastard-
Another sip. He scowled before adding some more liquour, then he sipped it. Better.
Whats the best way to get over a crush? Crush? Is that what you were? An infatuation, a passing by fancy? So, how do I get over-
Wait. He set his mug down. You know that he and the boys all know that your marriage to Silas is a sham. You never really hid the fact but now they had all witnessed that it was just a rushed, possibly contractual marriage that Silas wants to save his ass.
So the marriage is bound to end. He doesnt have to get over you. No, not really. If anything, I should be spending more time with you. Yes. Yes! This way, when you and Silas end things, Colin will be right there to comfort you and support you! He needs to be the first man there after you dump Silas, lest anyone else gets ideas and wants to marry you as well.
Colin got up and managed to make his way to his boss's office without bumping into anyone. He's going to ask to work on the murder story and then you two will spend time-
"No. Keep working on the asylum story. We have enough people on the murder case." His boss dismissed him.
Colin slumped in his desk as he looked at the coffee mug. Eh, what the hell? He took another sip and another solution popped in his head.
If he cant help you with the murder story, then perhaps you can help him with the asylum story!
Silas handed you the invite.
"How did you get it so fast?" You asked, examining the small paper with elegant writing. It was the invite to the Gentleman's club, the one Henry owns. You'd asked Silas to get you an invite to what was an exclusive, members only club (when you tried entering the club, the men at the front laughed you out.)
Silas looked at you unamused, with his arms crossed over his chest. "Must I remind you who I am?"
A pompous ass?
"Of course not, my duke." You said mockingly, before raising a brow at him. "I suppose it would make sense for you to get easy access to shady places like this. You might be their popular customer."
"Oh darling, I'm popular everywhere." Silas shot back before dismissing you with his hand. "You can go now."
"What? You arent going to ask me why I'm going there?" You asked him. "Maybe you dont care that I am going there, but arent you worried about Mrs Fitzgerald or Duchess Y/n being in a place like that?"
Silas shrugged nonchalantly. "No." He leaned back in his chair. "I trust you not to screw up or entangle yourself in scandals. But even if you do end up in trouble, I will stand by you."
"You will?" You couldn’t hide the disbelief in your tone.
He nodded. "Of course. Look, I know we are in this... unconventional relationship and it appears that I couldnt care less about your existence, but you still carry my surname next to yours. And I wont allow anyone to disrespect what or who is associated with me. So, rest assured-" He leans forward, resting his arms on the mahogany desk and clasped his hands. "you have my support in all your endeavours, Mrs Silas."
A small smile formed on your lips. Maybe he's not so bad.
"Thank you, Silas- oh, can you drop me off there?" You knew he was going to leave in the carriage soon.
"No, I dont want my beautiful, pure bred stallions to go through those dirty streets. You can walk."
You stomped out of his study, not noticing the butler going in after you with the dessert you'd made for yourself last night.
"And what's this?" Silas asked him as he took a bite of the decadent, gooey chocolatey dessert.
"Uh, the duchess called it "brown-ies", but I've never heard of it before." Cadburry watched Silas ate it and sighed dreamily. "Do you like it, sir?"
"No." Silas pushed the empty plate towards him. "But I'd rather not have grandmother eat her cooking and say something. Bring me the leftovers."
"Y/n- oh, are you going somewhere?" Sarah asked just as you were about to leave.
"Yes, um- I'm going to meet my friends." Its not like you could tell her that you worked in the paper disguised as a man.
"Male friends?" She asked.
"Yes. My old flatmates." You watched her smile falter. "What?"
"Nothing, dearie. Enjoy your time with them! I hope you'll join us for dinner." You nodded and left while Sarah looked for her grandson.
"Where's Silas? I must speak to him this instant." She asked the maid, who informed her that the duke had went to play tennis just moments ago.
The maid nodded. "Yes. With his uncles."
Sarah was a little surprised to hear that. Not the tennis part, no. Silas is extremely well at any sport he plays, but she knows her sons arent ones who are good at athletics, let alone at a sport as strenuous as tennis.
An idea popped in her head.
You stood outside the Gentleman's club, watching people go in. Smoothing your hands over your black velvet dress, you made your way to the door.
After handing them your invitation, they let you inside and you saw a waiter handing everyone masquerade masks from a silver tray. Perhaps it was the theme for the club tonight, or maybe the club just gave masks to everyone to conceal their identities.
You were given a black and gold mask that covered the upper half of your face. As you adjusted the mask over your face, you heard a familiar voice.
"I need to see her. Now." You looked over your shoulder and saw Benjamin harshly whisper to one of the waiters. "She told me to come and I'm late as it is. Dont make her wait any longer!" You turned your head away as the waiter lead Benjamin into the club, all while Benjamin yanked a mask off the tray and pulled it over his head.
What is Benny doing here?
You quickly followed him inside, lest you lost sight of him, which you did as soon as you stepped into the main hall and were immediately stunned to your place at the sight.
Loud jazz music played by a band live, smell of smoke and alcohol filled the air and people. There were so many people, despite the club being "exclusive". And as your eyes scanned them, trying to spot familiar faces, your heart dropped at the realisation of what they were doing.
This was... an adult club. That kind of adult club, the one where there are absolutely no limitations on who is doing what with whom, all drunk on pleasure and drugs of course, no inhibitions. You spotted men with men, women with men, and more than one person pleasing another man.
Thats why this is an exclusive club, why they gave everyone masks. Because if word got out that a someone was here doing.... something that was generally a taboo and even punishable by both God and the law, well it would put them in huge trouble. People came here to let loose, to give in to their darkest desires.
What the hell is Benny doing here?
Averting your eyes, you looked for Benjamin and spotted him from afar, going into a room.
Oh God, please dont let it be a- please dont let sweet Benny be a depraved creep.
You waited for him to come out and after about 20 minutes, the door finally opened.
Benny walked out first, adjusting his mask again and then leaving. You're about to follow him, perhaps even confront him for being here when someone else walks out of the room as well.
A tall woman wearing a bright red, backless dress and a golden mask concealing her identity. But what really stood out were two things- first, her fiery red-orange hair that was styled into voluminous Hollywood waves. And second was her figure, her athletic built, or more specifically her broad shoulders and muscled arms.
Everything about this woman screamed important. And if it werent for her looks that demanded attention, then it was certainly her aura. People parted the way when she walked past them, all looking at her as if she was their saviour, an angel or divinity among men, which is ironic considering where you were.
You jumped as you felt an arm snake around your waist.
"What the hell?!" You looked at the culprit, who turned out to be a blonde woman drunk off her head.
"Oh dont be like that! Come on, love, let me show you a good time-" She tried to touch you again but you backed away before she could.
"No, thank you." You dismissed her, going back to looking at the red head.
"Prude." The blonde muttered before following your gaze. "Oh so thats what you're into? Well, put me in a red wig and we can play like that!"
"No, thanks." You huffed, eyes still trained on the woman in red.
The blonde scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "Well, its not like you'd be able to sleep with the club owner."
"She's the club owner? I thought Mr Blackwood owned this place."
"He does, but Lady Scarlett there runs this place, from entertainment to management. She does it all!"
Lady Scarlett? Fitting name.
Pushing away the blonde one more time, you looked for Lady Scarlett, except you lost sight of her now. You scanned the entire ballroom, but she was nowhere in sight.
"Shit." You mumbled, turning around only to stumble back as you came face-to-face with her, or well... face-to-chest. She towered over you.
Her bright red lips smiled knowingly at you. "Looking for me?" She asked in a sultry voice, stalking towards you until you were backed up against the wall.
"N-no-" You yelped as she suddenly grabbed both of your wrists in one hand and pinned them above your head.
You stared at her wide eyed as she leaned down, hovering inches away from your face and thats when it hit you-
Lady Scarlett is a man.
Of course! The muscled arms, the manly built, and now on close inspection, you saw the clean shave under the makeup too.
"Y-you're a man." You stated in disbelief, hoping to catch her or him, off guard. What even is he? A drag queen? A trans? You dont know if they existed in victorian era.
Scarlett tilted her head. "So? Are you the only one who is allowed to cross dress as the other gender?"
What? No, no way she knows-
She leaned in closer, whispering in your ear. "Did I catch you off guard, Mr Holmes?"
She knows!
"How- how did you-"
She smirked. "I know everyone that is associated with Mr Blackwood." She brought a hand up to your face, and you noticed a golden ring on her ring finger. She cupped your face. "And I know for a fact Henry wouldnt like his latest infatuation snooping around in a place like this. So..." She leaned into you again, staring into your eyes. "Leave."
You didnt have to be told twice. Lady Scarlett, that cross dresser creeped you out, even more so when she already knew you.
Stumbling out of the club, you removed your mask, dropping it to the ground. The fresh night air filled your lungs and cleared out the smokey air from the club. It was quiet outside, considering it was way past midnight and everyone was home now.
And I have to walk all the way home. You huffed, rubbing your arms. Because my husband would rather I get hypothermia than let his precious ponies walk through these streets.
You turn around, walking away from the club to see if there was a carriage available at this time, when you hear a shrill scream from the alleyway you're walking past.
And there it is- a woman lying in a puddle of her own blood as huge, dark figure slashed her face over and over again. The moonlight hit the woman's face- a blonde woman-
-the blonde from the club.
Frozen in your place, the figure stood up and looked at you, not at all looking startled at being caught mutiliating someone. It was definitely a man, huge stature, and he stared at you, the dark night concealing his identity. He slowly bent down to pick something up, a top hat, dusting it off before placing it on his head.
And then he tipped his hat at you.
What the fuck? What the fuck? What the fuck-
It wasnt until he took a step towards you that you finally broke out of your trance and ran. You ran and ran, not even risking a look back, not realising where you were running off to until you burst through their door, out of breath and paler than white paint.
"Y/n?" Colin rushed towards you, the Shepherd and Liam rushing into the living room as Colin helped you inside. "What happened? What's wrong?" He feared, as did all the boys, that Silas had done something to you.
"I- I- I-" You shake your head, the image of the dark figure running through your mind, the hat, the long cloak, the knife- it finally pieced together.
"I think I saw Jack the Ripper."
You sat at the police station with Colin. After explaining everything, he'd convinced you to report the murder.
The detective lead you inside the interrogation room, motioning for you to sit down as you began giving your statement.
"And who did you think the murderer was?"
"Jack the Ripper." Your answer made him roll his eyes. "And who might that be, miss?"
"I dont know." The investigator shook his head exasperated. "Of course you dont." He muttered, then sighed.
"So, what were you doing at this club?"
"Me?" You didnt pause for long. "I was invited there. My- my husband wanted me to attend on his behalf."
"Your husband-" he paused, reading your surname on the paper. "Fitzgerald? Wait, you're Mrs Silas Fitzgerald?" You nodded, making him sigh. "Guess it makes sense for you to be there..."
Whats that supposed to mean?
"Did you see anyone familiar there?"
"No." You answered curtly, before adding another detail. "Everyone was wearing masks. Couldnt recognise anyone even if I wanted to."
What? I'm not gonna rat out Benjamin and make him the prime suspect without gathering all the facts before.
It's definitely not because I have a soft spot for him since he reminds me of Qasim so much. Nope.
The door suddenly swung open and in walked what you assumed was the detectives superior since the man got up.
"Is this the witness for club murder?" The higher up asked him.
"Yes sir, she was just giving her statement-"
"No need. Dismiss the witness and the case. It's been handled." He told the detective who only nodded.
"Handled by who? You can't just dismiss the case!" You exclaimed getting up. But before he could reply, someone walked in from behind him.
"You can go now, Smith. I'll see Miss Y/n gets home safely." Henry patted the higher ups shoulder who left with the detective.
"What are you doing, Henry?" You crossed your arms.
"I could ask you the same." He leaned against the doorway, crossing his arms as well.
"I'm reporting a murder that happened outside your club! I saw him-"
"Saw who? Jack the Ripper?" He scoffed. "You think you saw him, but all you really saw was a dark shadow."
You shake your head. "I did see him-!"
"And how do you know that he's Jack the Ripper?" He pushed himself off the door frame, walking closer to you. "How do you know that he's the Ripper when no one knows who the man is?!"
You pursed your lips. You could argue that the victim profile and post mortem show a matching pattern but you doubt Henry is going to listen to reason.
"Even so, you should still let me give my statement. Why are you adamant on me not giving one? A woman was murdered for God's sake!" You try to walk past him, but he grabs your arm and yanks you back, making your chest collide with his.
"She was my employee. She worked for the club. And you-" his face hardened. "-you are insulting her death by making it a public frenzy. By stating that some sick nobody, someone who was nicknamed by the papers just to strike fear in people's hearts, killed her. I will not let you use her death so that your paper could make a quick buck! Jack the Ripper is a nobody!"
"Why do you think Blackwood's trying to cover up the murder?" Colin asked you as you two made your way towards your next destination.
"I dont know." You huffed. "Maybe he knows who the murderer is? Maybe he's protecting his business? Surely, if people were to hear that a serial killer made an appearance near his club, he'd lose clients."
"Or maybe he's the killer." You stopped and looked at him. Colin looked at you knowingly. "It would make sense for him to be Jack the Ripper, or at least the man who murdered that woman. It is very suspicious of him to probably bribing the coppers to drop the case."
You shake your head. "Its too obvious."
He rolled his eyes. "What? So Henry cant be the murderer because its “too obvious?” People make mistakes-"
"Not Henry." You cut him off. "He's too smart, calculating. There's got to be another reason for him to be sweeping this all under the carpet."
Colin shakes his head in disbelief, shoving his hands in his pockets as he looked ahead. "We're here."
You followed his gaze and saw the building. The sign on the gate read-
"Aveline's Asylum"
"Really? Right now?" You asked Colin, who just smiled cheekily.
"It'll take your mind off things. Just take a break and help me on this assignment and we can go back to speculating what Blackwood's motives are." He raised his brows. "Plus, I think you'll enjoy this one."
You followed him inside the asylum, walking through the lush green gardens and seeing the pristine white building ahead, you wondered how this would help Colin's "exposing horrendous hospital environments and patient care" article when all of this reall just screamed "rehab for the rich".
"Shouldnt we go to an asylum that is in much worse conditions than this? Possibly next to a workhouse?" You asked him, but Colin just smiled. "Why did you choose this place, Colin?”
"You'll see." He says before whispering to you. "Remember your script. And... action!”
While pretending to be insane (which was easy because all you had to say was that you don’t think being a mom or stay-at-home wife is your life’s purpose), you saw a familiar figure there. And he saw you too.
“Y/n? Colin?” Benjamin looked surprised. “What are you two doing here?”
“Working on an article.” Colin replied, glancing at the way you’d gotten quiet, staring at Benjamin.
“Oh. Right, the horrible healthcare environment. But why this place? Its practically one of the finest asylums, housing mostly the wealthy of London.”
Colin nodded. “I know! But I have a hunch about this place-”
“What are you doing here?” You cut him off.
“Me? Oh, I’m here to give haircuts.” Ben chuckled nervously. “Its not a noble cause, but the wealthy unwell patients do pay a lot.”
“Mmhm, where’s your hair kit?” You remember distinctly that Ben was very particular about using his own scissors, so he often carried his own.
Ben looked caught off-guard by your question, but he quickly recovered. “The nurses provided me with their own. Cant carry scissors around an asylum now, can I?”
How convenient.
Colin continued to make small talk with Ben, while you studied him. Even if you didn’t tell anyone that you saw Ben at the club the night of the murder, doesn’t mean that you didn’t suspect him. For all you know, appearances can be deceiving and this sweet man may just be the infamous Jack the Ripper.
Blonde haired, the kindest eyes, the sweetest smile, a golden retriever in human form- could Benjamin really have killed all those women so brutally? Then again, Ted Bundy was also known for his good looks and superficial charm.
Am I really comparing Benny to Ted Bundy? God, I hope I’m wrong.
“I should go now. See you at home?” Ben asked you, hopeful.
“Maybe.” You shrugged, Ben’s smile faltering at your answer. He then raised his hand to shake Colin’s and thats when you noticed a distinctly familiar golden ring on his hand.
The same one you’d seen on Lady Scarlett’s hand.
And just like that, everything fell into place.
By the time you’d reached home, you’d pieced out the story. Ben being at the exclusive club and being discrete about it, seen in a room with Lady Scarlett, both wearing the same rings-
He’s in a relationship with her. Or him.
Thats why Ben was at that club! Homosexuality or anything else that isn’t heterosexuality was simply not accepted in Victorian England, and was possibly punishable by law! Just look at Oscar Wilde! Ben is dating Scarlett, keeping it discrete, he never committed any murders because he’s not Jack the Ripper. He’s just not straight!
Oh, I’m so glad you’re not the Ripper, Benny. I knew you weren’t capable of committing such heinous crimes.
As for why he was at the asylum, maybe he’s telling the truth. He did come to give the rich patients a haircut because he needs the money to maintain Scarlett’s lifestyle or maybe be rich enough to whisk her/him away from the club.
Benny is such a gentleman.
Now that Benny is no longer a suspect, that leaves Henry to be the main suspect. Maybe he’s not the one killed the woman, maybe he hired someone? Or maybe Henry’s not the killer either, its just too- obvious.
“Why do you think Henry stopped me from reporting the murder?” You asked Silas as you whisked the eggs before adding them to the pan. Silas had entered the kitchen the moment he heard you were cooking, though he did shoot you a weird look for making scrambled eggs at 11 pm. With you running around London all day, you hadn’t found time to eat until now, and you were just looking for a quick meal really.
“He probably doesn’t want you scaring off his customers. If word gets out that a murderer, or as you claim- “The Ripper” was seen near the club, then people wont be frequenting the place. Or perhaps he’s protecting the murderer?” Silas suggests, swallowing as the smell of butter wafts through the kitchen.
You add cubes of cold butter in, then look at him. “What? You don’t believe that I saw the Ripper?”
“I believe that if you really saw the Ripper, then you wouldn’t still be alive. He had the time and the opportunity to get rid of you.Why else would the notorious killer would let a witness get away?” Silas crosses his arms over his chest, leaning against the kitchen counter near the stove.
“Maybe because he targets prostitutes? All of his previous victims match that profile.”
“Like he could tell a difference-”
“Are you saying I look like a prostitute?” You dished out the eggs. “No, you’re saying that. I’m saying that the man you saw kill that woman was just an amateur who was caught offguard by you, otherwise he would’ve attacked you too.” Silas states before grabbing the plate of buttery scrambled eggs on toast from your hands.
“Hey! Thats mine-” “My kitchen, my eggs.” He smirked before walking off. “You can make yourself more, I need to feed my dogs first.”
You glared at him until he left the kitchen, not knowing whether he really was going to feed it to the dogs or it was just a lie disguised as an insult so that he could eat it himself.
It was the latter. Always.
The next day, after you’d taken another ballet lesson from Sarah, you were about to go out to investigate the club again but Sarah had other plans for you.
“Y/n, I need you to stay at home today.”
“Oh, is everything alright?” You ask. She never made you stay home before. “Are we having company?”
“No. I think that you should play some sports to keep yourself fit. As a ballerina, it is important to keep both the mind and the body sound, and what better way to achieve that than by playing in the sun!” She lead you outside towards the tennis court, hidden by the huge bushes for privacy from outsiders.
“Tennis?” You ask her, and she confirms it. “Yes. Do you know how to play?”
Do I know how to- if I wasn’t so obsessed with history and sciences (and my mom scared that me wearing a skirt would attract predators), I had plans on playing professionally. Qasim and I used to play tennis at the club he’d won a membership in. We were both very competitive but he was just always a little better than me. He always knew my moves, he read me like an open book.
I was second only to Qasim though. Everyone else? They ate dust.
“Yes, I do.” You smiled at her. “Who am I playing with?”
“Me.” Silas spoke from behind you, dressed in all-white tennis wear. He looked at Sarah unamused. “Nana, I thought you said you had a worthy opponent for me.”
You shot him a glare, but Sarah came to your defense. “Now, now. You don’t know how capable your wife is. And I’m willing to bet that she’d make you run out of breath, Silas.”
You smiled cheekily as Silas scoffed. “We’ll see.” Sarah places a hand on your back. “Why don’t you go get changed, dear? I had the maids prepare an outfit for you.” When you left, Sarah looked at Silas. “Now Silas, I know you play exceptionally well but you must remember that this match is more of a way to spend time with your wife. Not a way to show off. So, be a gentleman, hm?”
You huffed as you returned to the tennis court. What the hell is this? Silas gets to wear a shirt and pants and I have to wear a full length dress with a corset and a hat?!
Mom would probably have let me gone pro if this was the official tennis wear for women.
Sarah sat on the side lines and watched you two play. Silas let you serve first and after a couple of back-and-forth, you won the first point. And then the next. And the next.
“Ah, you’re doing fantastic, Y/n!” Sarah cheered before standing up when the butler informed her that a guest has come to see her. “I’ll be back! You two keep playing!”
As Sarah left, you couldn’t help but tease Silas. What? He still makes you sleep on the floor! “So, how does it feel to lose to a girl?”
“I wouldn’t know.” And with that, Silas threw the ball in the air and served.
The ball shot past your head, just centimetres away from hitting you.
“What the hell? I wasn’t ready-”
“Lame excuses dont work on me.” He pulled out another ball and bounced it. “Are you ready now, duchess?”
You scowled at him before getting in position. “I’m ready, jerk.”
You lost two of the three matches. The first match you almost won was because Sarah was there and Silas was going easy on you, but when Sarah left, Silas regained all those points by serving topspin and slice serves. By the second match, you were finally able to return his fast serves, but now Silas used his speed and your lack of because of your heavy dress and made you run around all over the court trying to return his fast shots. By the third match, you were all out of breath but not out of determination. So, Silas decided that now would be the time to use your body as target practise and he hit the ball over your legs and arms, only stopping when one shot hit you in the head and made you fall on the ground.
“Are you okay?” He asked, barely suppressing the glee in his voice. He held out a hand to help you up, but you swatted it away and got up on your own.
“Finish the game.” You growled and he raised his hands in surrender before returning to his side of the court. For the rest of the third match, he missed all the shots you served and let you win. And he did it so openly, not even being courteous enough to hide his intentions.
Sarah watched you return inside the house, looking all sweaty and angry as you stomped unto your room. Silas trailed in behind, a satisfied grin on his face and Sarah shook her head at him disappointedly. “What did you do, Silas?”
“Nothing. I even let her win the last round, but she’s still angry.” Sarah looked at him admonishingly, making him sigh. “Fine, fine. I’ll go talk to her. The things I do for you, Nana.”
“The things you do for love, Silas.” She corrected him.
Sure. Silas rolled his eyes mentally. I “love” Y/n.
Silas entered the bedroom and saw you had showered and changed into new clothes. “Going somewhere? Perhaps to get some handkerchiefs to wipe all the sweat and tears?” He watched you glare at him through the mirror and he chuckled, raising his hands in mock surrender. “Alright, I’m sorry. I’m just teasing. But seriously, where are you going? I could give you a ride.”
“I’m going to an asylum with Colin.” You huff, packing some things in your small purse. Silas nodded. “Good idea to get yourself finally checked-” He dodged the hairbrush you threw at his head, chuckling. “Now now, duchess. It isn’t exactly speaking much for your mental health for you to be chucking things at your dear husband.”
Ignoring his antics, you slipped on your shoes, walking out of the room. He trailed behind you. “Dont be mad. I’m just playing around. Come on, I’ll drop you off at Saint Peters asylum. Its on my way to work.”
“I’m not going to Saint Peters. I’m going to Aveline’s.” You stated, ready to walk off but he grabbed your arm.
“What?” You looked at his shocked face. “What?” You repeated his question. Why did he suddenly look so pale.
“Where are you going?” He asked, his grip tightening when you tried to move. “Which asylum?”
“Aveline’s.” You frowned, grabbing his hand and removing it from your arm. Silas expression paled further.
You shrugged. “Colin wants to do an article on horrible asylum conditions and treatment of patients-”
“Dont.” Silas ordered more than he suggested. “That place- don’t go there.”
“And why not?” You looked at him skeptically. “Colin wants to do a piece on the place-”
“Pick another asylum. I can get you access to any other.” Silas ignored your question, averting his eyes. “You will not go there, and you will not write a piece on that asylum.”
You grabbed his arm to make him look at you. “What are you hiding, Silas?”
Silas stared at you before yanking his arm out of your grasp. “I don’t have to explain myself to you. Just- do as I say.” He raised finger, wagging it at your warningly. “I’m telling you- you will not go there again, Y/n. And if I find out that you or Colin or anyone else tried to write about that place, I will shut down that paper and make sure none of them find a job ever.”
You watched Silas leave you there standing dumbfounded.
Did he really just threaten me?
This bitch.
Silas watched you leave from the window. He knows you wont listen to him, knows that its inevitable to try to stop you from going to Aveline, so he already sent someone to bribe the staff to not let you on the asylum premises. He’s not worried about who you’re meeting or where you’re going, just as long as its not Aveline.
No. He closed his eyes, painful memories flashing through his mind. You cant know. You cant know.
He sat down on his chair, trying to think of ways to divert your attention from the asylum. You’re as stubborn as a mule, you wont listen to him. So he has to create distractions for you.
Jack the Ripper!
Of course, the murder case!
“Cadburry!” He called his butler. “Arrange me an invite for the Gentleman’s club. Now.”
You were sitting in the boys apartment, Benjamin playing with your hair out of habit, braiding it, unbraiding it, then braiding it again. Colin sat confused. “Why cant we go to the asylum today?”
“I’m not in the mood to see depressing white halls today. Besides, I have an errand to run.” You lean your head further back for Benny.
“And what that might be?” Colin was intrigued.
“Girly errand. You wont understand.” You dismiss him. “But we’ll go to Aveline’s again, thats for sure.” You felt Benny tug your hair at that statement.
“Ow! Benny!” You glare at him. Ben shakes out of his daze, apologising profusely. “Sorry, sorry! I was just lost in my thoughts.”
A coy smile formed on your lips. Lost in thought? Oh, I know exactly what kind of thoughts you’re having, Benny.
Colin stood up with a sigh. “Alright then. I’ll go to office and start writing down a draft.” You nodded as he left you alone with Ben.
Once you heard the door click, you immediately turned around. “Hey, Benny.”
He gave you a gentle smile. “Hey, Y/n.”
“So…” you wiggled your brows at him. “What’s going on with you?”
“Hmm… nothing much really. I got a new customer who wanted a toupee. Apparently word got around that I’m a very skilled barber, no matter how much hair one has or lack of, I can make it work!”
“Yes, thats lovely Benny, but-” you cleared your throat. “I meant, whats going on with you, personally. You look happier, livelier these days.”
He shrugged, offering you another sweet smile. “I guess that’s just the effect you have on people around you.”
Ugh! Stop being so charming, Benny!
“Thanks, Benny. But… I don’t know, I feel like there’s something different about you.” You tried another approach. “You know you can tell me anything, right? I wont ever judge you or anything.”
Though he was smiling, you saw something flicker in his eyes. Doubt? Fear?
“What do you mean, Y/n?” He asked, his voice stable as usual.
Your eyes studied him.
“Did you meet someone new?”
There it is! That flicker in his eyes. His face didn’t let anything away but his eyes, you saw it.
“Yes.” Finally, we’re getting somewhere. “I met you.”
Stupid Benny. Annoying Benny.
Sighing, you realise that maybe he’s just not ready to come out yet. And that I shouldn’t take it personally because I am close with him and he could tell me anything, just like Qasim would. It would be unfair to force Ben to tell you about Lady Scarlett before he’s ready.
“Thanks, Benny.” You said, hiding your disappointment. “I have to go now. Have to go… run that errand.”
“Oh, need me to come?” He got up with you. You shake your head. “No, I’ll manage on my own.”
Why would I tell you when you wont tell me about your love?
You were now standing outside the club again. You had initially returned to the back alley to investigate the crime scene again but it had been scrubbed clean and Henry had somehow managed to get a permit to start construction to expand the club further.
He was erasing the crime scene. Henry was trying to hide something.
Speak of the devil, you saw Henry exit the club and get in his carriage. Once you were sure he’d left, you made your way towards the club entrance, still having the invite from last time, only for the guards to stop you.
“I’m sorry but Mr Blackwood has forbidden you from entering the club, Miss Y/n.” One guard said, holding a hand up to halt you.
“Mrs Fitzgerald.” You corrected him, hoping to use the name to get by. “I am the duchess of Westminster!”
“Forgives us, Miss Y/n, but Mr Blackwood specifically instructed us to not let you in and he also instructed us not to address you by anything but Miss Y/n or- um…” The other guard trailed off, making you narrow your eyes at him.
“Or?” You sneered at him to continue.
“Or… future-Mrs Blackwood.” He mumbled but you heard him loud and clear.
I’m going to kill him.
“Listen here and listen clear!” Your voice took a threatening tone, though you’re sure it would look comical to an outsider seeing a woman of your stature trying to intimidate men who were towering over you with their buff physiques.
“I am going to only be addressed as MRS FITZGERALD and you will let me in this club right now or I will have my husband, the duke of Westminster, shut this place down before your twat boss would dare to associate his name with me again!” You yelled with your nostrils flared. “Now, you will march in and inform Lady Scarlett that I’m here to see her. And if she says no, tell her I know about the rings!”
The guards shared a look, probably trying to communicate telepathically whether to let you in or not.
Fortunately for you, your huffing and puffing seemed to work and one of them walked in before returning moments later.
“Please wait for a short while Lady Scarlett entertains some guests.”
After about 20 long minutes, during which you were sure Henry would turn up and have you carried off the premises, the guards finally lead you inside.
“This way, future Mrs Blackwood.” You shot him a glare but didn’t say anything since you were inside the club anyways. They lead you up the stairs towards the room that you had seen Ben go into the last time you were here.
The door opened and you saw a large bed on one side, silk sheets and plush cushions adorning it, and a huge vanity in the other corner, full of makeup and expensive jewels, all arranged in an orderly manner. Then there was a table next to the vanity on which sat a variety of beautiful red haired wigs.
“They’re made from real hair.” A voice said from behind you. You turned to see Lady Scarlett, wearing a maroon robe and a black mask covering her identity. Her trademark red hair, still styled as beautifully as the first time you saw it and that bright red lipstick on her lips. “Benjamin was sweet enough to get them for me.”
She walked past you and sat down on a couch next to the window that opened to the balcony outside, and then she lit up a cigarette, holding it in a vintage cigarette holder.
Not that I would ever condone a nasty habit such as smoking, but she looked absolutely badass in that moment.
“What do you want, Mrs Blackwood?” Scarlett let out a huge exhale of smoke.
“Fitzgerald. I know about the rings.” You state, watching her take another drag.
“What rings?” She asked, feigning innocence.
“The golden rings.” You narrow your eyes. “I saw it on your hand that night and I saw it on Benjamin’s hand as well. I know whats going on, and I’m here to talk about that.” Taking a deep breath, you blurted out your suspicions.
“I know you and Benjamin are in a relationship.”
She looked up at you expectedly, not at all alarmed at being caught. Then again, why would she be caught off guard? Considering the line of business she’s in, she probably has practiced her poker face.
“Is that so, Mrs Blackwood?” Scarlett’s lip’s curled up. “So what?”
So what?
“Look, I mean no harm, but I- I care about Benjamin a lot. He’s like family to me, and I know its not my place but I am very protective of him and I just… I’m just here to make sure that this is not some sort of game for you. I don’t want you playing with his feelings, so if you’re not serious about him then I suggest you end things with him now before it gets too messy.”
Scarlett looked at you before chuckling. “As you wish, Mrs Blackwood.” He stood up with a click of his tongue. “Now, is that all or do you have any more shocking news to pass on to me, Mrs Blackwood? I suggest you do it now because you wont be stepping a foot in this club again.”
“Its Mrs Fitzgerald. And I don’t plan on returning to this depraved scum either.”
“Depraved scum, huh?” Scarlett tilted her head slightly in a mocking manner. “Since you insist on calling yourself Mrs Fitzgerald so proudly, let me show you something as well.” He opened the door and lead you towards the top of the stairwell, from where you could see everyone and everything down below on the dance floor.
She nodded her head to the far right corner and your heart dropped for a second. Is that-
“Mr Fitzgerald seems to be enjoying himself. Though not all that much.” Scarlett said as your eyes remained focused on Silas who was sitting on a chair, looking uninterested by the different women who surrounded him. “Maybe he likes boys. I’ll send some his way-” You rushed out of the club, not able to hear another word or see Silas for another moment longer.
Its been a couple of days since you went to the club. Of course, when you arrived home and waited for Silas to return, who upon your questioning about his whereabouts claimed he was meeting a businessman.
He lied.
You tried to distract yourself by taking more ballet lessons from Sarah, but still your attention lingered on him.
Why was he there?
You then tried to divert your mind towards work, and then here you are, sitting on your desk with a blank paper, ready to be filled with words.
Why was he there?
Dropping your pen because you knew you weren’t going to be able to get anything done until you processed your feelings about this.
What feelings? Certainly not jealousy because I am far more mature than this. Its just-
I thought he had standards. Taste. Sure I might not be fine wine, but I’m certainly better than those skank-
Nope. I am a woman. I will not be bringing other women down because of a man.
But Silas… how dare he? Yes, how dare he?! I am not jealous, I am insulted! How dare he act like he’s a polished aristocrat and I’m just ditzy, poorer than a church mouse, a NOBODY, when he goes around prancing his repute and himself in the utter gutters of London?
Maybe he’s just hypersexual. Yes, he’s a depraved, disgusting individual and I married him. Great. So the first man I married, had a NIKKAH with, turned out to be lying, cheating, piece of-
Why did he lie?
Its not like he expects me to sleep with him. If he did, why would he still make me sleep on the floor?
Baldwin would’ve never made me sleep on the floor, always covered me with his cloak because he knew how much the cold bothered me.
And he’s always so rude to me! He beat me at tennis, quite literally!
Salauddin always lost to me in chess. And he let me rub my wins in his face too!
Not to mention, how uncaring he is to my feelings!
Ibrahim always put my happiness above everything. He chose to wait for me, until I was safe- felt safe.
And of all of them, I ended up marrying Silas.
How dare he?
Pushing yourself back into your desk, you began writing down furiously. Fuck Silas, fuck Henry, and fuck Lady Scarlett! I WILL go back to Aveline Asylum, I WILL expose the the Ripper and- if I have time, maybe find Benny a better significant other!
“Woah there- what are you writing?” Colin came up behind you, frowning at the title he read.
“The Ripper strikes again! Murder outside the exclusive club for the wealthy freaks!” Colin looked at you. “Have you gone bonkers?”
“Yes.” You snapped. “You cant talk me out of it, so why don’t you go and get us access into Aveline asylum again. Discreetly, this time.”
By the time everyone was going home, you had finished your article and dropped it on the editor’s desk just as he was about to leave.
“Read this. Trust me, its worth it.” You look over your shoulder. “And I have a witness ready to go public- Mrs Fitzgerald.” Of course, the editor wouldn’t ever figure out that you are Mrs Fitzgerald, not Mr Holmes.
However, you were a little surprised to see that he hadn’t published your article in the paper the next morning. Storming to work, you quickly made your way towards the editor��s office, barging in without knocking.
“Hello there, love.” He smiled cheekily. Instead of your editor, Henry Blackwood sat in his chair, his legs propped up on the desk. “I was waiting for you.”
“What the hell are you doing here?”
“What? You can barge into my business, but I can’t swing by yours?” He asked, feigning hurt.
“No. Now leave.”
“Well then its a good thing that this is also my business now.” Henry grinned, removing his feet from the desk and replacing them with his arms, resting his head in his hand as he stared at your fuming self.
“Oh love, you’re looking at your new boss. I just bought the paper this morning.” He winked, standing up and making his way to you. “See, I told you not to come by the club again, I told you to drop the Ripper case, and you didn’t listen either time. So, I’ve come here to tame you. Personally. Seems like you need my undivided attention, kitten-”
“I did drop the Ripper case. I didn’t give my statement to the police!” You exclaimed.
He tutted, wagging his finger at you. “No, but you did write an article. You’re lucky I was here before it got published.”
You frowned. “How- how did you know about the article? I wrote it yesterday, I gave it to the editor at the last moment-”
“I have eyes everywhere, Y/n.” He smirked, leaning down to whisper. “Especially on you, naughty kitten.”
Henry chuckled as he looked at your flushed face, mistaking your anger for bashfulness. He walked out of the door but not before passing another comment to tick you off.
“Nice moustache. Or shall I say… whiskers, kitten?”
For the next 3 days, you didn’t leave the house. You didn’t even leave your room. It seemed like all your previous pettiness-driven motivation had run out and dropped you into the well of depression. And here you wallowed in your sadness, taking Silas’s bed even when he was away and looking like a pitiful lump of sadness under the covers.
“What is wrong with you?” Silas asked, exasperated as he sat down on the bed to tie his shoes. “How long will this go on? You have missed your ballet classes and you are worrying grandmother.”
“I’m just sleepy, okay?” You mumbled from under the sheets. “Its not like sleeping on the cold, hard floor is helping me.”
“And it seems like sleeping in my bed hasn’t helped either.” He raised a brow. “Its been 3 days already. This has gone long enough. Now you can either tell me what is wrong or I will have Cadbury drag you out and hose you down in the gardens.”
You shoved the covers down to glare at him. Asshole. You don’t doubt that he would have his butler hose you down.
“I miss… I miss my brother.” You mumbled as you averted your eyes. “Qasim would fix everything for me. He always had a solution, always. And I- I need him right now. To guide me, to handle things for me.”
“So… why don’t you ask for his help?” Silas asked, fixing his tie.
You stared at his back before looking down at your lap. “We’re not on speaking terms… I’m mad at him.”
Silas rolled his eyes. “Well he’s your family, isn’t he? I’m sure you can still talk to him.”
“Cant.” You muttered gloomily, making Silas’s annoyance trigger off.
“And why the bloody hell not?” He turned to glare at you. “You cant get out of my bed! You cant attend work! You cant take your classes! You cant tell me what’s bothering you! And you cant talk to your own brother! Why!? Why?! WHY?!”
You flinched at his harsh town before tears filled your eyes.
“Because… he’s dead.”
Your statement rung in Silas’s ears like a daunting bell. Dead. Dead. Dead.
God, did he feel like shit now.
You threw the covers off you, getting out of bed as you fixed his sheets.
“Sorry for hogging your bed.” You sniffled, using your sleeve to wipe your tears as you walked past him, only for Silas to catch your wrist. With a gentle tug, he had you sitting back down on the bed.
“I’m sorry.” He said, sincerely. “I was just… frustrated due to things at work. I shouldn’t have yelled at you.”
“Its fine, whatever. You’re right, I’ll go to work and classes-” He tightened his grip on your wrist when you tried to leave.
“No.” He tilted your chin towards him. “You’re not going anywhere until you tell me what’s wrong. I may not be your brother, but I am your husband.”
You stared at him conflicted. Did he really mean it?
He answered your silent question with a gentle squeeze of your hand. “I will fix your problems, Y/n.” He offered a smile. “Your duke is at your service.”
After you told Silas your work situation with Henry and how he’s stopping you from writing anything about Jack the Ripper, how you cant get anything done with his shadow looming over you and monitoring everything you do, Silas explained that solution to it was all simple.
“I will buy the paper from Henry.” He stated nonchalantly, as if he was talking about buying eggs not a newspaper company.
“I dont think he will give you the company. He wont put it up for sale-”
“Everything is for sale, Y/n. You just need to find the right price.” He stood up, assuring you he will buy the company. “I’ll get the company, if you promise to put on a great show. You focus on the ballet classes. After all, the show is only a week from now.”
The following seven days were filled with you doing ballet for hours and hours, all with one motivation.
Not to let Silas down.
Because if I let him down, if I embarrass him, then he wont get the paper from Henry. And I wont be able to find Jack the Ripper or help Colin with the asylum! And Silas will lose trust in me and wont let me have my space at the Westminster palace or wherever so that I can work on my time machine-
Time machine! You face palmed. I’ve been so busy with the murders and shitty men that I forgot to build my machine! My way home!
No, after the show, I’m- I’m demanding- I’m moving out. I don’t care if I get the paper or not, I need to build my machine.
“Oh Y/n, what are you doing in the storage- honey, are you alright? You look like you’re about to pass out! Cadbury! Hurry and open the windows!” Sarah guided you out of the dusty store to sit down, fanning you with her hands. “Oh dear, do you hate confined spaces like Silas too?”
You took deep breaths as fresh air flooded in through the windows, furrowing your brows. “What?”
“Nothing dear, I just thought you felt suffocated in closed spaces, like Silas!” She explained. “He cant stay in a room with closed windows for too long, you know.”
Now that she mentions it, she’s right. You don’t remember Silas being in a room without at least a window open, even as winter rolled around. Hell, he still opens the balcony windows in the bedroom as soon as he wakes up, but you thought that was because he hated your guts and wanted to give you an early wake up call by letting the cold air slap your face and rattle your bones.
“Why does he hate confined spaces?” You ask, letting her loosen your corset.
Sarah looked a little hesitant to tell you, but then relented when you asked her again. “He never told me the reason, but I figured it was the night when his mother passed away. Silas… he was just a young boy, he was hiding in his closet. He liked to scare his mother when she came to check on him, and so he often hid in the closet to give her a fright. He saw his mother get murdered while he was in the closet.” She looked down sadly. “Unfortunately, the killer’s identity was hidden by the dark night. Silas wasn’t able to identify who killed his mother, and I suppose he’s blamed himself a little for that incident.”
Damn. Thats… dark. And sad.
Maybe I can excuse Silas for being rude to me at times. Maybe. Just a tad.
The night of the ballet show rolled around quicker than you’d expected. And despite all the hours of practice and Sarah’s countless assurances that you’d be amazing, you knew the reality.
Your performance was barely passable.
From a young age, you were able to critique yourself very well. As Qasim said- “Only you know yourself the best!” And you knew right now, as you stood backstage, peeking through the curtains at the audience and spotting the queen and her family, you were utterly, truly set up for failure.
Your stomach churned, you felt bile rise up your throat, your legs wobbled as you backed away from the curtain, stumbling away, right into Silas’s arms.
“Silas- Silas, I cant do this! I can’t! I can’t!” You cried out and Silas tightened his grip on your arms.
“Okay. You cant do it.” He squeezes your shoulders. “I guess I’ll just tell everyone to go home. I’ll apologise to the queen and make up an excuse as to why she wont be seeing a performance by my wife tonight. But hey, she’s family. She’ll understand, right?”
You stared at him in confusion. Silas ran a hand through his fingers. “As for all the journalist who came here to write about you, and all the influential people I’ve invited over because this was your formal introduction into high society, I guess I’ll just have to make something up. But you-“ he gave you a warm smile that didn’t meet his eyes. “-you don’t worry your pretty little head over this. Its okay, I… well, if I’m being honest, I never really expected you to perform.”
He shrugged. “I knew you’d back out at the last second. Oh well, what can we do. Now-” he rubbed his chin in thought. “Should I tell the guests that you’ve broken your leg? Or perhaps you cant perform because you’re with child? If we go with the first excuse, people may call you a ditz, maybe unprofessional. And they might come to check on you. But if we go with the second excuse, people will talk about- well, it has been only a month into our marriage-”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Is he… did he set you up?
“You expected me to not perform?” You asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
“No, Y/n. I expected you to fail to deliver what I require of you. I expected you to perform in front of an audience, and that was all I asked. I didn’t ask you to become a prima donna, I just wanted you to be good enough. Which you are in my opinion. But your doubt in yourself right now is only because you clearly haven’t spent enough time practising because you were too busy running around town, going to clubs and asylums and chasing after a murderer when all of your attention should’ve been on becoming a competent wife!” Silas fumed, tightening his grip on your shoulders. “I asked you again and again to focus on the ballet lessons, and you ignored my advice repeatedly and for what? Because you wanted to prove yourself? Because you wanted to play detective and solve murders? When you cant even do a simple job as putting on a show? And I knew- I knew you would abandon me like this, so you know what, Y/n? While I keep my end of the bargain, while I invited Henry tonight to talk him into selling the paper to me, you continue to let me down. So go on stage or don’t, I really don’t give a shit now. I can’t take your word ever again.”
Silas stormed off, leaving you shell shocked backstage. You sat down on the steps, trying to control your breathing. How could he- how can he say all that to you?
Does he not understand the pressure you’re under? Does he not understand how hard all of this is for you?
You really thought that after you told him about Qasim, after he assured he that he would help you out, that he would fix your problems-
I thought he understood. I thought he had my back.
You let out a shaky exhale, rubbing your chest to ease your ache. Why is it so hard to breathe all of a second?
Tonight, you didn’t invite Colin or Benny or any of the boys, and it only hit you now how truly lonely you were. There’s no Colin. No Benny. No friends. No family. No Qasim. No… Silas.
“Ma’am? Ma’am, are you alright?” Cadbury looked alarmed as he spotted you looking shell shocked, struggling to breathe.
“I… I cant-” You couldn’t speak, and the butler quickly took your nervous, trembling form in and sprung into action.
“Here, duchess- ma’am, drink this.” He brought you a cup of tea. “It’ll calm the nerves, ma’am. Drink it.”
You let the bitter, warm liquid slide down your throat without a second thought.
“You’ll be alright now, ma’am. You’ll be all… right.” The butler assured you kindly, helping you stand up. In just a matter of seconds, your anxiety had melted away and was replaced with… unbridled confidence.
“What did I just drink?” The words slipped out as you felt your heart beat faster. Your eyes snapped towards Cadbury. “What did you give me?” The words came out quickly.
“Nothing special. Its just tea to calm you.” He said, ushering you up the steps towards the stage curtains. “Are you ready now, ma’am?”
Your eyes zeroed in on the white particles on his collar. Like powder.
“Is that snow?” If you weren’t so hyper focused on his collar, it would concern you how fast you were talking. “Is it snowing outside already?”
Cadbury looked down on his collar and suppressed a smile. “Yes, duchess. You could say that. Now- please return your attention to your performance. We are all rooting for you.”
“Not Silas.” You snapped again, your eyes looking at the dark curtains as you take your position. “Not that twat.”
Cadbury’s brows shot up in shock. “Ma’am-”
“I’ll show that twat.” And then the curtains opened.
Silas sat down in his seat with a satisfied sigh. Everything is going according to plan. You’re nervous and he just chewed you out so the stage will now be empty because you’ve ran off to cry a river, the royal family will once again be embarrassed as they happily welcomed Silas and his Muslim wife into the family (by making them the duke and duchess) and with all the journalists he invited, the news will now spread like wildfire that Silas rejected a princess, Queen Victoria’s daughter to marry an embarrasment.
The princess was one upped by a fool. A commoner. A failed ballerina.
Did Silas feel bad for you? Just a little, because he didnt like the way you looked at him, hoping for support, maybe even motivation, only for him to break your heart. Broken hearts can be mended, but broken reputations? Nope.
Besides, he’s sure that when he buys the company from Henry and give it to you, you’ll forget all about it! Everything will work out just as he’d planned-
What the hell?
The curtain opened and instead of being met with an empty stage like he’d planned, there you stood in your white tutu skirt, face completely devoid of any expression.
What are you doing?
The pianist began playing a tune he didn’t recognise. Sarah did tell him that of the three songs you had chosen, there was one she hadn’t heard ever before. You’d worked with the pianist to get the tune right, and at that time, he was impressed at how much work you were putting into this.
As the music played, you began dancing. From what his grandmother had told him, he was expecting soft, gentle, shy dance.
And yet you were doing anything but that. Your movements were strong, powerful, determined. You were nothing like the woman whose hope he’d crushed just moments ago. You were all alone on that big stage, but you practically leaped from one side of the stage to the other, your legs faster than lightening.
By no means did you look like a mess, or that you didn’t know what your were doing. Your eyes were wide open, as if hyper aware of your surroundings and your audience. From beside him, Silas could hear his grandmother whispering the choreography.
“En pointe. En pointe. En pointe.” You were now dancing on the tip of your toes, and Silas could only imagine how painful, if not destructive this could be to your feet.
“Tendu. Chaine turn. Chaine turn. Pique manege.” Now, you were moving across the stage while making turns.
And finally, the big ending. “Pirouette. Pirouette. Keep spotting, Y/n. Pirouette.” Silas knew about the pirouettes. He watched you spin around your own axis, in a fixed position on a ground, your body moving first, your head later, your eyes focused on a spot in the dark so that you don’t lose your balance. You turned- 1,2,3, he lost count because you were turning too fast.
“34- was that 34 turns, Silas?”
Thirty four? Thirty four pirouettes?!
The performance ended with fouetté turns, which according to Sarah were about 28 and you exited the stage dancing en pointe, on the tip of your toes.
The ballet hall erupted in applause and cheers, and Silas stood up with everyone else to give a standing ovation to a now empty stage.
What the hell just happened?
Its hot. Its hot. I’m burning up!
As soon as you were off stage, of which you have no memory of your performance, you almost fell to the ground if it weren’t for strong arms catching you. And the moment your eyes caught sight of the broad shoulders, you instantly pushed yourself away, throwing yourself against the wall to support yourself.
“Careful there, love.” Henry grinned, clapping his hands in mocking manner. “That was quite the performance you gave, kitten. I’m very impressed.”
“What are you doing here?” You spat out, wiping the sweat off your forehead with the back of your hand. He tilted his head, amused at the sight of your flushed cheeks. “Silas invited me. He wanted to discuss business. I wonder if the little kitten went to her owner for help because she couldn’t scratch me with her tiny paws?”
“Owner?” You heaved a shaky breath. His smirk widened. “What else would you name it? He bought you to be his wife, because you know and I know that there isn’t and there never will be love between you two. He’s just using you. So drop the charade and come to me-” Henry caught your wrist before you could slap him, and while he may have stopped your physical assault, he wasn’t able to stop your verbal one.
“What would you know about love? You’re here, pursuing a married woman who has insulted you from the very first moment. Those skanks at your disgusting club have more self esteem than you do right now. You’re fucking pathetic and I’d rather eat a cactus and shit it out before I marry an entitled, emasculated prick like you. Fuck off!” You shoved him away and stormed out of there, unaware of just how much Henry wanted to wring your neck (just for a moment) and how a certain someone had overheard this little spat.
And he smiled proudly.
Good job, Y/n. He thought to himself.
“Fuck!” You screamed as you burst through the doors and landed out in the gardens, falling to the snowy ground, letting the ice cool your burning temperature.
How the hell am I burning up when its literally snowing?!
You grabbed a fistful of snow and threw it to your face, trying to cool down your body temperature. When that didnt work, you dove face first into the ground, before flipping on your back, letting the snow engulf your body from all sides. Your ballerina costume was thin and sheer as it could be, finally allowing the cold to creep into your skin and slowly into your bones.
Now that the adrenaline rush and whatever the hell was in that tea wore off, your body immediately went into fatigue and became aware of all the aches in your body, especially the pain in your feet. You tried to move, but your muscles didn’t budge. They were tired out, strained beyond their limits.
The cold suddenly became too unbearable and your teeth rattled. You tried to lift your head, tried to yell for help but it was like your mind had suddenly went autopilot and decided to shut down to let your body recover from its fatigue.
“No…” You whispered, as tears slipped out of your eyes. Everyone was inside, the party was loud, no one would even hear you scream for help even if you tried, no one would come to your aid. The realisation that you would freeze to death had you panicking, but alas, your brain refused to cooperate with you.
You heard the sound of footsteps and a glimmer of hope rose in you. Turning your head to the side took the last bit of energy, and your brain put you out of your misery when you saw the daunting shadowy figure that imprinted itself in your mind from the night of the murder.
The cloak, the top hat, a golden ring on his hand and the shiny glint of the knife.
The Ripper is here.
Your mouth fell open in a silent scream before you blacked out.
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So??? Thoughts??? Also nobody @ me for not putting a "keep reading" button because I had to edit 12k words TWICE on mobile, I have pulled an all nighters for yall. I have to go to clinic in loke 2 hours.
Yall better send comment and send ask.
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nosyp · 3 months ago
Third years as yanderes
Note = sorry for disappearing y'all🙄, here's y'alls daily dose of twst yanderes
First years | Second years
Trey Clover
Trey's a more subtle yandere, so subtle you might not even realize he is one until you've fallen too far.
He uses his calm and helpful nature to manipulate you make you rely on him. It starts with small favors and thoughtful gestures, but the strings he pulls are always there, ready to tighten if you try to pull away.
Trey is master manipulator and guilt tripper. If he sees or finds out you talked to someone else, he’ll find ways to make you feel like you owe him your time and affection. His charm masks his hidden intentions, making you question whether your own feelings are truly your own.
He tries to convince you that everything he does is for your benefit, but in reality, he’s just trying to make you dependent on him. He’ll convince you that no one else cares for you the way he does and that you two are a perfect match for each other.
“You can’t leave me, can you? I’ve done so much for you. Wouldn’t it be a shame to just throw it all away?”
Cater Diamond
Cater thrives on attention, especially from you. His obsession starts innocently enough, tagging you in photos or showing up at places you frequent. But his desire to keep you close escalates quickly. He constantly needs reassurance, using social media to track your every move and bombard you with messages, ensuring you can’t ignore him.
Cater knows how to make you feel special, but only in ways that benefit him. He plays on your insecurities, making you feel like the two of you share a unique bond that no one else can understand. He's convinced that if you try to talk to anyone else that means you’re abandoning him.
As you slowly become a more important figure in his life, he'll start to create situations where he’s the only one who can help, offering favors or gifts that make it harder for you to say no to him. Slowly, he isolates you from your friends by showing you how “incredible” he is in comparison.
Cater's obsession manifests as an overwhelming desire to always be part of your life. He’ll make it clear that you need him, and any attempts to pull away will be met with passive-aggressive behavior. “You wouldn’t ignore me, would you? After everything we’ve been through together?”
Leona Kingscholar
Leona’s yandere nature is far more straightforward and intimidating. From the start, he makes it clear that you belong to him. He’s not one to hide his emotions, and if he feels jealous or possessive, he’s not afraid to show it, no matter how strong it is (and it can be quite aggressive sometimes)
If anyone else gets close to you, Leona will make it known that they’re a threat, pushing them away with his rough behavior. His possessiveness is intense, and he views your attention as something that he should only have. If anyone dares to challenge that, they're gonna be in a whole lot of trouble.
Leona often uses his intimidating presence to keep you under control. He makes sure you know that if you stray too far from him, there'll be major consequences awaiting you. His affection may seem like it’s coming from a place of care, but it’s actually just his way of securing your place by his side.
His temper is explosive, and he won’t hesitate to fight for your attention. If anyone dares to get too close, he might even resort to violence to keep them away.
“Don’t even think about leaving me. You’re mine, and I won’t let anyone take you from me.”
Rook Hunt
Rook’s yandere nature is often overshadowed by his romantic and poetic facade. He views you as an object of beauty, someone to be admired and adored. However, that admiration quickly becomes an unhealthy obsession when he starts to constantly watch you, studying your every move, convinced that you are his perfect “work of art.”
Rook uses his charm and intelligence to make you feel like you are the most important person in his life. His obsession is driven by the belief that he is the only one capable of truly understanding and appreciating you. Gradually, he manipulates your emotions, convincing you to believe that you owe him your attention.
Rook convinces you that your life should revolve around him, making you feel like your relationship with him is something deeply meaningful and unique. He isolates you by convincing you that no one else can see you in the same light as he does.
Rook is always watching, waiting for the perfect moment to express his love for you. He will often show up in places you least expect, as if fate itself is guiding him to you.
“Every moment you breathe, every smile you make, it’s all a beautiful masterpiece. You were meant to be mine.”
Vil Schoenheit
Vil’s obsession with you comes from his desire to make you perfect in his eyes. He is incredibly controlling and don't take it lightly. He's controlling, not just over his own image but over yours as well. He believes that only he can make you truly beautiful, and he will stop at nothing to mold you into his definition of perfection.
Vil uses guilt to manipulate you into staying by his side, reminding you of everything he’s done for you. He makes you feel indebted to him, and the more you resist, the more he’ll insist that it’s for your own good.
Vil isolates you from others by convincing you that they don’t understand your beauty the way he does. He subtly pushes people away, making you believe that no one else can love or appreciate you as he can.
Vil sees you as a possession, and he’s willing to go to great lengths to make sure you remain his. Any attempts to break free from his grasp will be met with persuasion and manipulation, until you’re left with no choice but to accept his love. “I’m the only one who truly cares for you, who sees your true potential. You belong with me, not them.”
Idia Shroud
Idia’s obsession is quieter but it's just as intense. He’s a master of digital manipulation and will use every tool at his disposal to keep track of you. He might not be as outwardly possessive as the others, but his obsession runs deep, and he will quietly follow you, watching you from the shadows.
Idia knows how to manipulate your emotions, often pretending to be helpless or vulnerable to gain your sympathy. He makes you feel responsible for his well-being, using guilt to keep you close.
Idia will often find ways to show up in places you often go to, acting as if it’s just a coincidence. Additionally, he wont hesitate to use his social media presence to monitor you, and if you don’t respond to his messages or give him attention, he’ll act as though you’ve abandoned him.
Over time, Idia will grow increasingly clingy, needing reassurance and constantly fearing that you’ll leave him. He’ll stop at nothing to make you believe that he’s the only one who truly cares for you.
“If you leave, I’ll have no one left… please, don’t go.” he pleads with you, watching as you get closer and closer to the door.
Malleus Draconia
Malleus is convinced that you’re destined to be together, and his obsession stems from the belief that fate has already chosen you for him. He doesn’t understand why you might resist, because in his mind, there is no other option but for you to be with him.
He treats your relationship as a matter of destiny, and anyone who dares to interfere is nothing but an obstacle. He’ll just deal with them by simply deleting their existence off of the face of the earth? world? idk
Malleus may not resort to violence in the traditional sense, but his sheer power and presence are enough to make you feel like you have no other choice but to obey him. He will patiently wait for you to accept that you belong to him.
Malleus will become increasingly impatient if you don’t fall in line with his expectations. He will be relentless in his pursuit, believing that your eventual acceptance is inevitable.
When you try to fight or push him away, he'll only wrap his arms around you into a hug and whisper “You can fight it all you want, but you’ll see… we’re meant to be.”
Lilia Vanrouge
Lilia’s playful and fun, but don't get it wrong, he's not any better than the other yanderes. He hides his true feelings behind jokes and tricks, but beneath that mischievous exterior lies an intense need for control over you.
Lilia WILL uses his age and wisdom to make you feel responsible for his well-being, framing his obsession as an act of care. He’ll guilt-trip you into staying close, making you believe that you’re the only one who can make him happy.
He will isolate you from others by convincing you that only he understands you, and everyone else is simply too “normal” or “boring” to keep you entertained. And foolishly, you believe his stupid made up lies.
He'll smother you with affection, always making sure that you’re dependent on him for support. If you try to pull away, he’ll act like you’ve betrayed him, using his charm to reel you back in. “You’re not going to leave me, are you? I’m nothing without you… please,”
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ohwowimlonley · 1 year ago
your abt to tell me sirius hasn’t used sex pollen in his tea.. i mean i see him as a total tea addict and the thought of him doing it without you knowing is just🥴🥴
Look i dont know who has been poisoning your mind and telling u that wont happen, but i am here to make corrections.
Lets get this straight, Sirius doses himself ‘accidentally’ all the time, just to pin you down and lament that he “can’t help it, dovie,” and “you’re like it, i know you do, fuuck you’re squeezin’ so tight,”. It’s kind of liberating for him, actually, to not have to think about what he’s doing, but to just do it. Plus, there’s the added bonus that the effects of the pollen can last for hours, which means he gets to have you nonstop for so long without having to take a break.
So, one day maybe he decides to try it on you. Not much, mind you, because you’d never felt the effects before, and he had no idea how much it would do to you. He’d make tea for the both of you, with his untainted (just for the first time, he needed to make sure you’re okay), and watch as you drain every last drop.
Fifteen minutes later and you’re completely incoherent, grinding relentlessly against his denim-clad thigh and babbling something along the lines of ‘please’ and ‘needit’. You grow frustrated very quickly with the button to his jeans, resorting to just tugging on the waistband as you make yourself cum on his leg for the second time in as many minutes.
Sirius would eventually take pity on you and pull his cock out of his jeans and present it to you. You grin so widely Sirius is sure you’re going to split your lip, but you don’t pay him any mindas you shove your pyjama shorts to the side and sink down onto him. The second your hips meet, your pussy convulses around him creating a ring of creamy release around the base of his cock.
“Fuckin’ hell, sweetness, you’re even tighter than you always are,” his calloused fingers dig into your plush hips and anchoring you to his body. You struggle against his hold, adamant to start grinding against him, trying desperately to get the friction you need, causing Sirius to hiss at the stimulation, “Jesus, just slow down a little, honey, I don’t wanna cum just yet,”
That did nothing to dissuade you. In reality, the second he mentioned him cumming, you let out a very uncharacteristic growl as you push him flat to the worn sofa cushions and raising and dropping your hips with a desperation he’d never seen from you before.
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crescenthistory · 5 months ago
21. (During a passionate session, A accidentally draws blood while gripping B’s back (A apologizes over and over while tending to B, who just has a shit-eating grin the whole time)) with barty n reader pls
(may I be 🪳 anon?)
hi lovely 🪳 anon, finally i got around to your request<33 i made them have an established relationship because i craved bf!barty, hope it still scratches your itch hihi. enjoy your daily dose of barty!
Prompt: 21. During a passionate session, A accidentally draws blood while gripping B’s back (A apologizes over and over while tending to B, who just has a shit-eating grin the whole time) from this list
Words: 2.3k
Warnings: not proofread, smut (mdni), vaguely described smut, fem!reader, sexual jokes, aftercare, accidental blood kink, scratching, established relationship, praise kink, multiple orgasms, soft!barty, barty is a masochist, reader almost cries, cursing, reader is (jokingly) mean to him and he loves it, the l word is said a lot
Note: i am so soft for this man
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If there was one way to describe your relationship with one Barty Crouch Junior, it is all encompassing.
Intoxicating, larger than life, obsessive.
He was not one to act half-heartedly in any regard, to both your chagrin and infatuation. It was not half-hearted when he more or less picked you out of the crowd in your first year, claiming you as his best friend without giving you time to react, dragging you by the hand into the whirlwind of his life. It was not half-hearted when he chased off any romantic prospect for you because they were not good enough for you, baby, even landing some in the infirmary if they dared hurt your feelings. It was not half-hearted when he finally crumbled under the weight of his own feelings, consequences be damned, and brought his lips to yours in the abandoned Slytherin common room late at night.
And it certainly was not half-hearted how he claimed you, body and soul, ever since whenever ample opportunity arose. 
You had no complaints about that aspect of it.
Which is how your skin was shimmery with a light layer of sweat with Barty’s lazy, toothy kisses lathered all over your neck as he worked into you in the solitude of his dorm. Evenings when you could stay over, the other boys were quickly kicked out by Barty, though to no significant inconvenience for them, as Regulus was more than happy to sneak away with James and Evan was in the middle of pursuing some hot heated Ravenclaw. In their absence, Barty’s presence easily dominated the room, hands roving all over your body as his whispers of worship filled your ears and anything other than him became completely erased from your mind.
Your legs trembled where they had him in a death grip as his skillful ministrations and attentive thumb brought you towards your fourth climax of the night. His name spilled over your lips along with a string of curses as your eyes clamped shut. You could feel his smile through his kisses as he worked beautiful marks onto your shoulders – just far enough down to be shielded from view in your uniform, your shared little secret.
“Fuck, such beautiful sounds from my best girl,” Barty’s voice was hoarse from the past hours, which somehow just drove you crazier for him. “Are you gonna come for me, gorgeous? Let go for me?”
No coherent thoughts could be strung together, your mind going blank with just Barty coursing through it. Instead you moaned prettily in a way that made Barty groan and pick up his speed, determined to coax more from you, just a little more.
Your hands had been clinging to his flexing bicep and tugging at his hair, but as your body came undone beneath him, you resorted to clutching onto his shoulders and back instead. Your nails, that you always kept long enough to satisfyingly scratch Barty’s hair and arms, dug into his skin for leverage, and you half-registered the moans of pleasure he gave into the skin of your neck. As your body shook both from your climax and the movements of him against you, your fingers dragged slowly down his back.
“Oh, gods– Barty–” was all you managed to get out as you clambered onto him, seeing stars. You needed him closer, just a little closer, more.
“Love it when you say my name, baby,” he whispered into you as his hips stuttered, finally reaching his own high with a groan. “S’good for me, s’perfect.”
You shakily kiss his shoulder, palms moving to smooth over his back you had just been clawing at, the movement instinctual and dripping with affection. Calming him down, gearing him through his own earth-shattering orgasm.
His movements slowed down, dragging the seconds out, before he finally stilled against you, collapsing with his weight onto you in that way he knew you loved. His hands that had been consuming every piece of flesh, every curve of your body, became almost painfully light now, brushing up your sides, over your arms, a silent thank you. You could read this man without needing to open your eyes or ears.
For a minute you laid there, regaining your breath while also revelling in the smell of him mixed with the haze of sex that filled the room. 
Then, Barty laughed breathily into your shoulder before retreating from his cocoon to look at you with lovesick eyes, propping his weight up onto his elbows.
“That was one for the history books.” His grin was lopsided, sweat still over his eyebrow.
You laughed in turn, giving him a slight roll of your eyes, but you couldn’t disagree. The longer you were together, the more you learned of each other, the more passionate your frequent trysts became. You didn’t think you could love him more.
Still – “You’re deranged, Junior,” you said through a laugh – you couldn’t let the opportunity to tease him slide.
Unfazed, Barty leaned down to press a lazy kiss to your lips and despite your teasing you had no inhibition with kissing him back, passionate and slow. “Maybe,” he said between kisses. “But you love me all the more for it. And I love you too.”
You mumbled an I love you, silly against his lips and you could feel him grin against you. 
All too soon, Barty pulled back and away from you, rolling off your body to reach for his wand on the bedside table to clean the both of you – and the sheets – up. You gazed after him with a look you knew your friends would never let you live down if they were here to see it, studying his features as he laid on his stomach, stretching his arm out. One of his legs were still tangled with yours, as if he couldn’t stand being completely without your touch. The muscles in his bicep flexed deliciously, as did the ripples across his shoulders and back, and –
“Merlin’s tits, Barty, your back!” you exclaimed, instantly snapping out of your daze.
It was normal for you both to be quite marked up after being with each other, especially on nights like this where you could truly take your time. Your hips often had some beautiful bruises grazing its sides, hickies covering your chest and collarbone, sometimes your neck if Barty felt particularly possessive. In turn, you loved giving him your own love bites and his shoulders and biceps often had small indents from your nails digging into them.
But this– Your eyes roved over Barty’s back, the usual pink streaks of teased skin that you left there were now bright red and razor thin, blood piping out at random places. There were many of them, trailing over and around each other, a bloody, angry constellation of your desperation from mere minutes ago.
At your outburst, Barty looked at you over his shoulder with a smug smirk, fingers finally curling around his wand. “What of my back?”
“I– it’s–” you sputtered, one hand wildly gesturing towards him, the other half-covering your mouth as you sat up to get a better view. “You’re bleeding, darling I’m so sorry.”
Barty sat up to match you, grabbing you by your thighs to drag you closer to him. A stupid grin was still plastered over his face. 
“Oh, I know,” he smiled. “It was so fucking hot.”
His words didn’t register with you as you kept fussing over him, attempting to sit at his side so you could see his wounds and his face all at the same time. His hand on your thigh squeezed as he continued to laugh silently.
“You’re bleeding.” You repeated, letting your finger ghost over the skin right beside a particularly bloody scratch. "Gods, I'm so sorry." Your eyes began to sting as they flitted all over his back, and at that Barty seemed to snap out of his humour.
“Hey, no, baby, hey.” He grabbed your hands with his, forcing you to look at him. “It’s fine, love, don’t worry. It’s more than fine actually, I liked it – loved it even. You should really make me bleed more often.”
You stared at him incredulously, as if he was being particularly stupid, eyes still slightly glossy with tears. “What?”
He laughed even more at your confusion, which almost shifted the apologies on the tip of your tongue into scolding. 
“As I said, it was hot. I knew you were drawing blood as you were doing it – didn’t you hear how much I loved it?” His tone was teasing, mischief evident on his face.
You opened and closed your mouth at that, trying to make your post-orgasm brain keep up with the conversation. “I actually didn’t hear anything by that point,” you mumbled, looking between your hands clutched with his and his face, which now looked impossibly more smug.
“Right, that’s on me then,” he teased. You pretended to lightly shove him, but he used your movement against you, trapping you in his arms and dragging you closer to his body.
“You’re so stupid, you know that?” 
“Was I stupid when I made you come once on my fingers, once on my tongue and twice on my–”
You pinched him, making him yelp in a voice so light it made the both of you laugh. You squeezed him in your arms, careful not to let your hands touch his still bleeding back.
“I still wanna say sorry.” You pulled back to look at him. The threat of tears were gone, but your lower lip jutted out ever so slightly, enough that he simply had to kiss it better. So he did, lips softly brushing yours in a way that calmed you down every time.
“Well, don’t,” he murmured against your lips. “Nothin’ to be sorry for, darling. I actually give you blanket consent to please make me bleed again next time. However you want.” He winked at you and you lightly swatted at his arm, though you couldn’t ignore how your blood warmed at his words.
“Shut up,” you mumbled before kissing him again. Your tone made it clear to Barty that he won that conversation.
“As much as I’d love to keep kissing you.” Barty pulled his lips away from yours, holding your face in between his palms. “Can I please clean us up like I wanted, now?”
You simply nodded, leaning back onto your elbows beside him as he quickly flicked his wand over your bodies and the bed. A sigh escaped your lips at the warm feeling across your thighs and stomach, as if somebody had carefully dragged a warm towel over you and immediately dried you off. Barty smiled at you softly when he heard your sounds of comfort.
You reached out to take the wand from his hands and moved to point it towards his back when he snapped out of staring at you and caught the tip of the wand with his hand before you had the time to use it. “What do you think you’re doing?”
You looked at him confused. “Cleaning you up?”
“I already did that,” he retorted. 
“I meant the cuts, Barty.”
He immediately shook his head at that, prying the wand from your fingers – his wand, that wouldn’t even have been as effective when you used it – and giving you an almost offended look. “Nope. They’re staying, if I wanted them gone I would have healed them.”
“Barty–” you began to chide, but he cut you off.
“I want to keep them. Little reminder of you. We don’t heal the hickies I give you, hm?” His voice was equal parts teasing and affectionate now, as if your scratches was something precious to him.
“My hickies aren’t painful and bleeding.” You deadpanned at him. He just shrugged, as if your point was entirely irrelevant. 
“You’ll stain the sheets with your blood,” you tried then. 
“How unfortunate that I’m not a wizard who can remove blood stains without any effort.” He tauntingly waved the wand in your face then before leaning over to place it back on his nightstand.
You just groaned at him, hoping he knew that it meant you are insufferable and impossible. He did, and it warmed his heart.
“C’mon, darling,” he drawled as he snuck back up beside you, pulling the duvet around the two of you, creating your own perfect cocoon. “You should be flattered, if anything.”
You narrowed your eyes at him, but still pulled him further into your arms, limbs entangling and bare chests pressed against each other. A relaxed sigh escaped you, indicating that you were in no way actually indignant. 
“Just don’t want you to be in pain, B.” Your hand moved up to play with his hair, culprits lightly scratching at the nape of his neck.
Barty’s eyes softened at that and he pressed a lingering kiss to your forehead. “‘S not painful, love, I’m good. I’m all good.” His words were whispered against your skin. You closed your eyes at the sensation, the safety of it all.
“You sure?”
“I swear it.”
You hummed, relenting, and finally buried your face in his neck as he pulled you closer. Sporadic kisses were pressed into your hair, your shoulder, as you continued with your soft conversation filled with praises and small declarations of love. You didn’t notice you were beginning to slip away before your breath slowed against Barty’s skin and he glanced down, smiling when he saw your sleeping form. His fingers drawing patterns on your back spelled out I love you as he kissed your forehead, lips lingering on your skin.
“Goodnight, my love.”
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partial-prints · 2 months ago
If you love vampires, listen up!
Do you enjoy vampires, 80’s music, a healthy dose of homoeroticism - all with a theatrical flair? Well look no further, for I submit to you Dance of the Vampires.
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(More cool pictures at the very bottom)
What is it you may ask? It’s a musical about a vampire who seduces a girl and invites her to his midnight ball - an offer she simply cannot turn down. The whole thing sorta gives Phantom of the Opera vibes, but like, wayyy less creepy (despite it being a literal vampire). I will say now that yes, Tanz der Vampire (the original title of Dance of the Vampires), is in German, but there is a full recording with English subtitles on youtube, so please don’t let that prevent you from watching it. Now if you’re still reading, allow me to elaborate on the 80’s music and homoeroticism that I previously mentioned.
Let’s start with the tragic gay romance, because I’m sure that’s what you want to hear about first. While not a main part of the musical, the main vampire’s son falls in love with - gasp! - the vampire hunter’s apprentice. They dance together, and with stage magic involving a mesh screen and an actor on the other side dressed identically to the apprentice, it appears as though the vampire has no reflection in the “mirror”. Of course, the feeling is not mutual, as the apprentice is only at the castle to rescue the girl, who he is in love with.
Now, onto the 80’s music. Surely you’ve heard of the song Total Eclipse of the Heart, or the singer Meatloaf (even if it was just his role as Eddie in Rocky Horror Picture Show). Well, the man who wrote that song and a majority if not all of Meatloaf’s work, was Jim Steinman, who composed the musical. The soundtrack contains a decent amount of electric guitar, even a bit of synth at parts, and all around just sounds awesome. However, he only had about a month and a half to compose it all, so he reused some stuff he previously wrote, including a couple Meatloaf songs and Total Eclipse of the Heart, a song he originally wrote for a Nosferatu musical that ended up not getting produced. It was actually originally titled “Vampires in Love,” so what better song is there to fill the place of a big love duet between the girl and the Count?
Tanz der Vampire is my favorite musical ever. I’ve loved it ever since Count von Krolock appeared on the screen and first began to sing, and you may love it too. So I implore you. Please do yourself a favor and check it out. I’ll provide a link of a full recording with English subtitles here, but it should also be the first result on youtube when you search “tanz der vampire english subtitles.” (That production also has Drew Sarich as the Count, my personal favorite.) I should add though, do not watch the broadway production because it’s terrible.
If you’re still not sold, I’m not sure what else I could say to convince you, but hopefully you at least found this interesting and learned something new. If you want to know more about Tanz der Vampire or would like to hear about other musicals about vampires, please let me know and I can answer any questions. (If even one person watches it because of this I’ll consider this a success, and if you do watch it please let me know because it would really make my day.)
And now I’ll leave you with some pictures of Tanz der Vampire as a last resort to convince you how awesome it is and that you should watch it. (I also put in the alt text the song each picture is from for anyone interested)
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*ooo the set design and costuming have hypnotized you… you want to watch it now… do it for the vampires…*
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astralis-ortus · 10 months ago
ways to say 'i love you'
✱ a bang chan headcanon
— an awkward phrase for him, so he resorts to showing his affection instead.
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w.count → 0.6k genre → fluff. pure fluff because i miss him :( warnings → very minor cussing (is saying ass includes as cussing?), just very domestic chan thingy a.n → again, i'm in my 'missing chan' hours and writing this at 2 in the morning was hopefully enough to lessen some of that feeling (it was not)(also this is absolutely not proofread)(who has the right mind to proofread at 2am AND after a crying sesh?) ⋆ see masterlist
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chan’s a busy man—but it was never a problem for him to make time for you.
be it on the days where his schedules were dictated down to the second, or even worse—when he’s constantly away, for weeks on end, performing in cities where your days were the exact opposites of his nights, he would always make it a point that you know the thought of you never once leaves his mind.
captioned ‘was going on a stroll and came across this park, heh’ as he sent you a picture of him going on a swing, or ‘look at this giant ass churro!! hahah you’d definitely love it here’ when he went to an amusent park with his members on his day off, thousands of miles away from you. your gallery easily surpasses the tens of thousands count, and it’s all from the way chan remembers you in his mundane, everyday life.
chan would also make a connection between you and the small things around him.
his chunky chrome hearts beanie? yeah, it’s the one you said turned him into the wolfchan plushy he gifted you. his earbuds? oh, you stuck a glittery star shaped sticker on the case so you wouldn’t take the wrong one. his laptop? it still made him giggle when he remembered how panicked you were when he told you the thing wouldn’t turn on, only for him to then realize he just forgot to charge it (and he had to appease you from leaving him on read by promising to call as soon as his rehearsal ends).
even when everything is technically his, chan couldn’t help but leave traces of you in his memories of those things—because for him, everything is better with a touch of you in it.
chan loves taking care of you, but he can’t decide if he loves it more when you’re the one taking care of him.
don’t get him wrong—he’d still try very hard to be the dependable one in your relationship. it’s in his blood, he can’t help it... but what power does he have when you adorably said that you’ve been learning on how to take care of his curls, and how you wanted to try the products that just came in the mail earlier in the day. he’d have no choice but to obediently sit between your legs, taking glances of your furrowed brows through the mirror across while your fingers were busy making sure his hair finally turned into the glorious curls you’ve always longed it to be.
if by letting you take care of him made your eyes turn into the brightest constellation of stars he’s ever seen in his life, then he will forever allow you to take care of him.
also, let’s not forget how chan loves his dose of physical touch.
constantly being away never made the trips any easier for him. if any, the periods of actually being with you made it harder for him to ever leave. imagine going from constantly having your gentle body heat around him, to not having them for an extended period of time? lord, chan would give anything just to be able to feel the way your fingers absentmindedly trace figures on his palm while you were reading your books away, like that one night when you stubbornly decided to accompany his all-nighter attempt at his studio.
chan direly needs your touch—he direly needs you.
and after everything you’ve done for him,
after everything you’ve went through,
chan finally realizes that there’s one sure way to let you know that he loves you.
so the next time you sleepily said you think you’re going to bed,
or when you text him a random meme along with an ‘i miss you’  text on a regular thursday evening,
he’d make sure he didn’t forget to tell you the line
“i love you.”
©️ astralisortus, 2024. | likes and reblogs are highly appreciated♡
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gatorbites-imagines · 1 year ago
may i request a poly ghost face x male reader who has anger issues(but he's such a bottom its sickening) and like his anger issues make people think he's all tough and he's been to like psychiatric hospitals for seriously hurting people and its times to renew his medicine but the doctor is out or they don't have his medicine in stock, so for the next week he has to go without medication and he gets into multiple physical fights and by the end of the week he like breaks down and is like "i don't wanna be angry all the time" which leads to a sweet cuddle session nd praise from billy and stu as reader cries and soon falls asleep
thank you sm!
Billy Loomis x Male reader X Stu Macher
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Reader is on the more muscular side in this.
You had a reputation around Woodsboro, as a no fucks, dangerous and angry meathead. It mainly stemmed from the fact that you got into a lot of fights when you were younger, and was sent away to a psychiatric hospital for a while to find the right dose and medicine to give you.
It didn’t help that you lifted weights, worked out, and did different martial arts to help settle the anger that always simmered inside your body. As puberty hit, you shot up like a beanstalk, and you packed on muscle like no one’s business.
Your parents supported you, since having an outlet helped a lot with your anger issues, as long as you took your medicine, which they always made sure was available.
Because of your reputation, no one dares to say anything when you, Billy and Stu start openly dating. People are mostly confused by someone as popular and attractive as Billy and Stu would wanna go out with someone as rough and off-putting, in their eyes, as you.
Your boyfriends love you very much though, and they don’t mind your tendency to resort to anger quicker than most. Billy probably finds it hot to be honest, and Stu always likes to lay on your bed and watch as you lift weights in one of you tank tops.
I can honestly see Billy pushing your buttons just enough to make a vein pop and for you to pin him down, just for him to smirk and wrap his legs around your waist. Hes a little shit, and likes the thrill, what can I say.
Stu has definitely made comments about how if you need an outlet, he doesn’t mind help you out, if you know what I mean ;) ;)
You always just roll your eyes and go for a run to cool off, or do some other hobby your therapist and psychologist recommended, like gardening, journaling or coloring.
Your week starts of shitty, when you run out of your meds. Your parents take you to your doctor to get a new dose, but they’re all out and don’t know what they’ll get their next shipment.
They promise to get in contact with you as soon as they have it, and you get sent on your way, arriving at school later in the day than normal.
The first day or two is fine, since your last dose is still in your system, but when that runs out you start getting agitated. You grind your teeth and crack your fingers, feeling fidgety and so annoyed and angry by everything.
Literally everything pisses you off, from the way people chew gum, to how loudly people close their lockers, or how people cut in front of you in line in the cafeteria.
Billy is the first to notice how tense and agitated you are, as you prowl around like a caged tiger, glaring at everyone and everything. Stu notices not long after when you just grumble and mutter when he tries to play flirt with you or wrap his arm around you.
You get into multiple fights that week, from someone calling Stu and Billy a slur because you three are openly in a relationship, to a guy who bumper checked you on the way to school.
Normally Billy and Stu would enjoy the show of strength and how hot you look, but they can both see how miserable it makes you feel, especially when you are sent home and suspended for an entire week.
When you return home, you stomp upstairs into your room and throw off your jacket and shirt and just get to work lifting weights until everything hurts, and even then, you don’t stop.
Normally lifting weights help at least take the edge off, but nothing is working, only frustrating you more and making you even more angry. It reaches the point where you just wanna cry from how angry you are.
You don’t even notice how you’ve been at it for hours until Billy and Stu arrive and see you hunched over with a dumbbell, arms shaking from how far you’ve pushed yourself.
You are just scowling though, barring your teeth as you push yourself harder and harder, eyes shiny from unshed tears and very dehydrated from working yourself so hard.
Billy goes off to get you something to drink, some clean clothes and a wet washcloth, as Stu goes about getting the weight out of your hand and making sure you are at least okay. When he asks if you are okay, it just all spills over.
You start sobbing and shaking with anger and misery, crying into Stus shoulder as Billy returns. He puts the things he brought aside, and they just hold you as you cry, choking out how you just don’t wanna be so angry anymore, how everything hurts and nothing helps.
Your two lovers just hold you through it, letting you get out as much as you need, before they sit you up and Billy wipes you down with the wet cloth, and Stu gets you to drink the entire water bottle Billy brought to get you hydrated.
Stu holds you again as Billy gets the bed ready, and they pull you under the sheets as they cuddle up on either side of you, keeping you between them as they hold you close.
Because sure, they find your anger hot, but they hate how much pain it causes you. Cue lots of sweet cuddles and kisses from both, but the kisses are mostly from Stu as Billy mumbles all kinds of praise and compliments into your ear from behind.
I could imagine them also massaging your arms because of how hard you strained them, and their combined love and attention makes the anger lessen. It doesn’t go away, it never does, but it’s enough to knock you out.
The hours of working out, a week full of stress, and dehydration quickly knocks you out, putting you to sleep between Billy and Stu as they just hold you.
They know they cant make your problems go away, even though they wish they could, but they will stay by your side the entire way, and will never let you struggle alone.
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tigergirltail · 6 months ago
One Year HRT
On September 19, 2023, I took my first dose of estrogen. It was a last resort. A desperate hope. One last shot in the dark before just giving up on feeling actual happiness in my life.
17 months I spent chasing down HRT in the hopes that it could fix me, could fill the hole in my heart, could deliver on all the wondrous, amazing, incredible promises that I'd heard from transwomen across social media.
…The legends were true.
It doesn't feel like I'm living my life lost in a dark forest anymore. I'm not afraid of everything everywhere all the time anymore. I can feel things now, as if I've spent my life running the free trial of Emotions and I finally upgraded to the full version. My mental capacity to hold the grief and frustration of the people I care about has gone off the scale, and as a result I actually feel like I can be there when they need me.
And something I long thought impossible has happened.
I've been making new friends.
More mental capacity means more effort put into writing and art and creativity, and more capability to reach out and be social. More creativity and social effort means people are beginning to notice me. Someone I have a whole lot of respect for as a person and as an artist told me that she can't wait for me to be on the radar of the greater trans community, because I'm already on the radar of the trans artist community. Someone else I have a lot of respect for told me I have the makings of someone a lot of people will look up to. I've hung out on voice chat as friends with people I thought I'd only ever quietly admire from afar.
When I started medically transitioning, my big impossible dream became "What if I find my people? What if I become part of a real community? What if I can be a guiding light for my transgender siblings, and help them out of the same darkness I once spent my life in?"
…It doesn't seem so impossible anymore.
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plutocisms · 5 months ago
NSFW Alphabet for Jean Kirstein
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A (Aftercare) what they’re like after sex
definitely a little wore out even if he doesn’t want to admit it, but will turn and tease you about it. Gives you a kiss on your forehead and grabs you something to help clean up. Throws a pair of boxers on and admires you just laying there trailing his fingers along your back. Tries to stay awake until you fall asleep and rarely does he fail at this but he as his moments where he doses off first.
B (favorite Body Part) on himself and of their partner
On himself, definitely his hands. They’re like magic, nothing he can’t do with them. He ranked first in ODM training for a reason.
On you, everything. There’s not one part he doesn’t love, but he certainly has and affinity for and is an Ass man. Specifically that part where it meets your thighs, boy can't get enough.
C (Cum) anything to do w/ it basically
This man is a sprayer. he is a little messy and not afraid to admit it. Loves painting a picture anywhere on you. lives for that moment when you kiss him after he finishes in your mouth and is obsessed with your taste.
D (Dirty little secret) self-explanatory
Will never admit (maybe if he's drunk enough) it but secretly loves when you are a little rough while pulling his hair & kinda likes when his breathing is just a little restricted, that shit really gets him going.
E (Experience) also, self explanatory
he’s been with a few in his day, but not a whole hell of a lot, but loves to learn. One things for sure, he absolutely knows how to work his hands.
F (Favorite Position) ^
Goes without saying. Cowgirl/reverse cowgirl fs. He can admire you, amazing choices for hand placement and he’s got plenty control of the rhythm if and ultimately when he chooses to take over.
G (Goofy?) Are they a little more goofy or serious during the act
a little more on the goofy side because of his love of teasing you. Not really cracking jokes but loves to give you a hard time. Other than that he takes his lovemaking pretty serious 
H (Hair) how much, how groomed are they down there?
oh there’s hair, he keeps it at a shorter, scruffy length. Well groomed. Not stubbly. Very noticeable happy trail.
I (Intimacy) Are they more more romantic or??
As much as he loves to tease, he’s very intimate and serious when it comes to your pleasure and how it feels for you. Loves talking to you while he’s in it and coaching you through. intense lustful eye contact when his eyes aren't rolling back.
J (Jack Off) masturbation headcanon
He tries to avoid it, but does it more often than he’d like to admit and has his moments. Has a hard time keeping quiet, even with himself. Deffly a last resort option, he'd like to think he has more self control.
K (Kink(s)) self explanatory :)
drives him nuts if you call him daddy, dom/sub, semi public (enjoys the idea of being caught—not sure that he’d love it if it actually happened tho!) the mf is fs into breeding--I'm just the messenger.
L (Location) where they like to do it
anywhere, truly. Not a lot of places that would be off limits for him, If he had to pick some faves it'd be the bed, couch, or shower.
M (Motivation) what gets them in the mood?
brushing your butt against his manhood in public (especially if he catches wind that your doing it purposefully), when you touch his chest, and thigh riding! 
N (No) what they won't do in bed
anything that might really hurt you, physically or otherwise.
O (Oral) do they enjoy giving/receiving
as much as he enjoys giving, he loves receiving. He understands he understand his *ahem* can be a lot to handle but he loves (is a little obsessed in fact w/) watching you try.
P (Pace) are they fast or slow during?
he’s right there in the middle. Definitely enjoys getting a little fast and rough though (especially when he's getting lost in it), but more than willing to accommodate your needs. He like savoring the moment too. Enjoys teasing you with the pace just to see your reactions.
Q (Quickies) how do they feel about them?
oh that man loves a good quickie. Anytime, anywhere. He gets off knowing he can have you when/where he wants you. He would like to have them quite often.
R (Risks) are they willing to take them?
He’s all for a good risk given the odds, again- he really enjoys that *idea* of getting caught. 
S (Stamina) How long can they last?
He can go for a good while, not a long refractory period and enjoys 2/3 sessions at a time. He'll be wore out after that tho lmao.
T (Toys) do they use any and how do they feel about them?
not big into toys. He has a few because he’s doesn’t mind experimenting (cuffs, vibrator, blindfold) but really he wants to be the only thing delivering you pleasure.
U (Unfair) are they a tease basically?
y’all already know he’s a tease. It's confidence boosting for him and he wants you to beg—purely because he relishes hearing you plead for him. Never takes it too far, but knows what he’s doing.
V (Volume) how loud are they during?
this man loud. Loud, loud and he doesn’t care. He wants you to know how good you make him feel and wants the same back from you. Deep raspy groans, grunting, panting allat, might even bark for you fr. (boy's a lil goofy)
W (Wildcard) random headcanon
absolutely the type to shred your clothing right off of you but only if you ask. Also secretly likes when you grab his ass (especially while he's in it), like a lot
X (X-ray) whats going on under the hood?
a very apparent happy trail and decently defined v-line reveals a solid thick 7 inches. Hair down there is a few shades darker than that on his head.
Y (Yearning) what's their sex-drive like?
Very healthy drive. wants it more often than not for sure. it's a stress relief for him and he's had plenty of stressful days.
Z (Zzz) how quick do they fall asleep after?
He loves watching/admiring you afterwards. Tries his best to not fall asleep until a little after you do. 
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ticklygiggles · 5 months ago
Just need to ask! | KuroTsuki [n$fw]
Commissioned by anonymous
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A/N: don't look at me I'm the worst writer. I hope you enjoy this, tho, dear and kind anon commissioner. Thank you so so much for your kiiiind support! I hope these boys aren't too ooc fkfnfkkf
Words: 3k+
Summary: Tsukishima is an annoying little shit.
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Kuroo fought the urge to roll his eyes as the remote was snatched from his hand. This had been a common occurrence for almost three weeks now. No matter what Kuroo was doing, Tsukishima always, and he really meant always, found something to do to annoy him. 
If, like now, Kuroo was watching TV, then Tsukishima would appear and snatch the remote from him to watch a movie 'he'd wanted to see for a long time'. If Kuroo was making himself a coffee and he neglected it for just a moment, a spoonful of salt would be poured into it. If he wanted to rest on his bed after a day of work or during his day off, Tsukishima would sit on him, pulling at his hair and pinching his cheeks like a child wanting attention. 
Kuroo really didn't understand why Tsukishima was doing all this, well... actually… he had an idea of why Tsukishima did all those kinds of things, but he didn't dare to say it out loud because Tsukishima could kill him, but… could it be that he liked being tickled by Kuroo?
Kuroo didn't really mind Tsukishima's silly pranks, so he always resorted to tickling him to get him to give back the remote or to let him sleep, and he always noticed how satisfied and well-behaved Tsukishima became after receiving his dose of tickling. 
At this point Kuroo had no doubts, but he couldn't just jump up and say all that to Tsukishima's face either... however, when Kei chose the same movie he put on every time he took the TV away from Kuroo, saying again that he hadn't seen it, he simply had enough. 
He sighed and noticed how Tsukishima seemed to perk, his hand tightening around the remote. “Ah, again at it? C'mon Tsukki, wouldn't it be easier if you just ask me to tickle you?” 
“H-Huh?!” Oh, he couldn't be more obvious. His cheeks turned a red crimson, resembling cherries, and he sputtered out nonsense, stuttering like an idiot. Kuroo chuckled, a very adorable idiot. “Why w-would you think- ehehehe! Ahahahaha, nohoho!” 
“Yeah, I'm sorry, it was stupid of me to think you'd like this,” Kuroo said nonchalantly as his fingers squeezed up and down Tsukishima’s long sides. The blonde fell back against the couch as he squirmed but, as always, he didn't try to push away the hands that were tickling him. If anything, he even seemed to arch his body against Kuroo's fingers, seeking more of that maddening touch.
Kuroo chuckled, his fingers quickly finding Tsukishima's ribs, making him jump and let out a loud laugh. 
“Who in their right mind would like getting tickled, right? It is so annoying!” Tsukishima's face was only getting redder and redder the more Kuroo teased him. “You laugh uncontrollably, you feel tingles rushing up your spine and the sensations overflow your mind. Ugh, it's so terrible, don't you think, Tsukki?” 
“Pl-Plehehease, T-Tehehetsu! Ahahaha! Leave m-my rihihibs alohohone!” 
“But hey, I did notice something!” Kuroo said, totally ignoring Tsukishima as his fingers moved behind his ribcage, digging into the back of his ribs, knowing that was a very sensitive spot. Tsukishima shrieked and arched his back away from the couch, jerking from side to side like a little worm. “I noticed a certain someone trying to be a little shit to me every chance he gets! This guy, gosh, he doesn't give me a break! He plays stupid jokes on me, he takes the remote out of my hands when I'm watching something on the TV. He even puts salt in my coffee?!”
Kuroo rolled his eyes playfully, his heart doing somersaults as he heard Tsukishima’s laughter getting louder and more desperate as he relentlessly tickled his ribs. 
“Honestly, he is a handful, but hey, when I punish him with a little tickling, he suddenly starts behaving so well? Well, at least for a few days, because then he starts to annoy me again, but I just tickle him one more time and everything is solved!” 
Tsukishima's glasses were askew as he shook his head, tears of laughter falling down the sides of his face. 
“I think… that person must really enjoy being tickled, don't you think so too, Tsukki?” 
Poor little Tsukishima. He was too busy laughing his head off as Kuroo's fingers vibrated against his upper pair of ribs, dangerously close to his armpits, another exquisitely sensitive spot that always made Tsukishima shriek. 
Kuroo began to feel his cheeks heating up a little, Tsukishima's expression was… beautiful. It was all scrunched up as he laughed, eyebrows furrowing, nose crinkling and mouth stretched into the happiest of smiles ever. He really looked like he was enjoying Kuroo's fingers tormenting his ticklish ribcage mercilessly… perhaps a bit too much. 
Kuroo gulped and he stopped only to gather Tsukishima's wrists in one of his hands, pulling his long arms above his head. He didn't miss the sad expression overtaking his face as the tickling ceased. 
“You surely look quite disappointed for someone that doesn't like being tickled, Kei~”
Tsukishima trembled under him, his body twitching slightly as if his ribs were having little tickly short circuits. He was breathing heavily, face flushed red. Kuroo knew that glint in his eyes and something within his chest fluttered, his eyes squinting.
“Are your turned on, Kei?” Tsukishima whimpered, his lips trembling as if he wanted to cry; Kuroo shuddered. “So me tickling you makes you horny? Are you hard right now?” 
A moan escaped Tsukishima's lips when Kuroo pressed his hand against his cock, palming his growing erection. He chuckled. “Now I understand why you kept being annoying, you really wanted me to tickle you, huh?” 
“K-Kuroo, pl-plehease, I really-” 
“Do you want me tickle you more, Tsukki? I can do it… you just need to ask. Otherwise I won't keep doing it.” 
Tsukishima whimpered again and Kuroo felt his cock twitching as a savage smirk pulled at his lips. 
“I can tickle you so nicely, Tsukki, you know that… you just need to ask~” 
“Please!” Tsukishima begged, almost sobbing. “Please, I c-can't take it anymore, Tetsu, just… tickle me more, please!” 
Kuroo grinned like a madman. “Why, of course, Tsukki. You just needed to ask. Now, keep these arms up there, if you dare to lower them, I will stop. Do you hear?” 
Tsukishima nodded and Kuroo chuckled. Adorable. He looked down at Tsukishima's torso almost hungrily and thought perhaps it was a good idea to get rid of his shirt, so he gently grabbed the hem and started to pull it up so painfully slowly, blowing cool air against Tsukishima's skin, causing him to shiver and moan softly as his skin covered in goosebumps. 
He pulled the shirt up all the way up to Tsukishima's wrists and fastened it a little around them to keep them together. Kuroo then proceeded to tease Tsukishima a bit more, his fingers going slowly down, barely millimeters away from the other's milky skin. He was totally not touching him, but Tsukishima squirmed with soft mewls and little squeals whenever Kuroo hovered over a way too sensitive spot.
Kuroo felt a smirk pulling at the corners of his lips. Whoa, how could tickling be so erotic? Tsukishima could barely keep himself together, his hips were circling slightly as his dick grew harder and harder. 
“Don't move,” Kuroo warned as his fingers gently snaked under the waistband of Tsukishima's pants, his lower tummy jumped and trembled, but ultimately, he stayed still as Kuroo unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans. He pulled it down a little, along with Tsukishima's underwear, just enough to exposed his beautiful hipbones and purposely keep his cock confined. Kei whined, jerking his hips a little. 
“Do not move.” 
“S-Stop teasing me and j-j-juhuhust, ah!” A heavy shudder made Tsukishima's body tremble. Kuroo giggled as his fingertips lightly caressed the smooth, delicate skin. 
He carefully followed the outline of Tsukishima's hips, moving inwards, dipping into the hollows and them zigzagging from left to right across his lower tummy. He felt the muscles trembling under his tender touch and Tsukishima whined, shimmying his hips a little as Kuroo's fingers moved up. He circled his belly button, carefully caressing the rim before he started to move outwards, tracing the muscles of Tsukishima's toned stomach. 
“K-Kuroo, angh! Pl-Please just tickle me,” he whimpered. “You're dr-driving me crazy.” He sounded almost breathless as his body arched up when Kuroo's fingers moved higher towards his ribs. 
“Patience is a virtue, Tsukki. Why don't you just enjoy yourself right now?” Kuroo purred, tracing each rib with his fingernails, causing Tsukishima to jerk. “When I really start tickling you… you'll want me to come back to this soft tickling, I assure you that.” 
Tsukishima whined, closing his elbows over his face to hide away from Kuroo's eyes. Kuroo giggled. 
“Did you really want me to tickle you like this? Poor Kei-kun, he must have been feeling so needy for my tickles, you needn't be so shy around me.”
“Pl-Please sh-shut uhuhup- ah!” 
“Your armpits are so ticklish.” He was barely touching him, tracing the skin so carefully, so gently, it should be annoyingly itchy more than tickly, but Tsukishima still squirmed and his lips trembled as he started to smile and sweet, little chuckles started to filter out. “And so soft. I'm not gonna lie, I love touching them.” 
“P-Pehehervert! Aha! Sohohorry!” A quick scribble was enough to make him shut up and Kuroo laughed, shaking his head. 
“I was going to be a bit merciful, you know? But after that, I don't think I will. And now that I think about it, your armpits seem to be really needing some tickles right now.” 
He started slowly, his gently tracing turned into little scribbles, then scratches and finally digging that had Tsukishima howling with laughter. 
“Don't lower your arms.” 
Tsukishima shook his head. “I'm tryihihing, buhut it tihihickles!” 
“I said,” Kuroo growled, pinning Tsukishima's wrists above his head. “Do not lower your arms.” 
He resumed the tickling, his fingers digging into the muscle. Knuckles rubbing against the center of his armpit and then fingertips vibrating into the hollow. Tsukishima was shrieking with laughter, shaking his head and pulling at his trapped arms as he arched and squirmed. His laughter became more hysterical and panicked the more Kuroo tickled him. His milky skin had turned pinkish and it seemed like the sensitivity of his armpit was only increasing and increasing. 
“STOHOP!” He begged, babbling incoherent pleas as he started to get hysterical. “PLEHEHEASE!” 
“Is it driving you crazy? Is it too much for you? Nah, you can still hold yourself up, don't you? I haven't even tickled your other armpit! I cannot neglect it, can I?” 
Tsukishima shook his head, probably meaning to say that Kuroo didn't have to actually tickle his other armpit, but Kuroo chuckled and nodded. “I knew you'd think the same, Tsukki. Here I go~” 
Kuroo made sure to tickle that other armpit so much that it quickly started to turn pink as well. Tsukishima was screaming, his voice hoarse and his face wet with tears as Kuroo viciously tickled him. 
“Hey, what underarm tickles the most?” he suddenly asked and he wondered if Tsukishima could hear him over his loud laughter. “This one? Or this one? This one? Or this one? This one… Tsukishima tell me!” 
“BOHOHOTH!” Tsukishima sobbed. “They b-both fuhuhucking tihihickle! Stohohop!” 
Kuroo did stop and Tsukishima went limp against the surface of the couch. The former Nekoma captain looked down at Tsukishima's chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath. He chuckled, pressing his palms flat against each side of Tsukishima's ribcage. Kei jolted with a gasp, whimpering as he saw Kuroo's head lowering towards his chest.
“K-Kuroo? W-What are y-you doing? Angh!”
Kuroo didn't notice, as he was very busy of course, but Tsukishima rolled his eyes back into his skull when Kuroo's warm, wet mouth closed around one of his pink nipples. He sucked at it as if trying to pull something out, his tongue fluttered against the little nub of nerves and his teeth grazed the sensitive skin. 
“K-Kuroo! Oh, th-that’s s-so good! A-Ah! M-My nipple is s-so sensitive.” 
Kuroo thought that he had really broken Tsukishima. Never, in any of their intimate moments, had he said something like that. Kuroo felt his cheeks flushing as he smirked. 
“You're really enjoying yourself right now, huh?” 
“YES!” Tsukishima moaned, arching his back as Kuroo started to pinch his other nipple. “Y-Yes, I'm l-loving it!” 
Kuroo gulped. Whoa, his boyfriend was so hot. He chuckled and the touch on Tsukishima's ribs became lighter, Kuroo's fingertips tracing each rib ticklishly. Tsukishima moaned, trembling as Kuroo’s mouth jumped from one nipple to the other. 
“T-Tehetsu~ angh! Pl-Please!” 
Kuroo was a bit startled when he felt a hand gently nudging his hip. He didn't know how, but Tsukishima had freed one of his hands and was quickly going under his boxers. Kuroo stopped it, making Tsukishima jump. 
“Nuh-uh, you can't touch yourself,” he warned, slapping Tsukishima hand. 
“Tet-Tetsu please! I w-want to-"
“I said…” Kuroo raised his voice slightly as his thumbs dug into Tsukishima's hips, rubbing quick, maddening circles. Tsukishima arched his spine and threw his head back in hysterics. “... You cannot touch yourself. That's not really something hard to understand, right?”
“KUHUROO, PLEHEHEASE!” Tsukishima begged, sobbing and writhing. His now free hands weakly, uselessly tried to push Kuroo's hands away. 
“If you touch yourself, I'm gonna leave you here, whimpering pathetically to yourself. Do you want that?” Tsukishima shook his head. “Okay, then be good and do as you're told.” 
“I will! I wihihill! Please no m-more! No mohohohore tihihihickles!” 
“I decide when to stop, Tsukki, because you clearly can't even ask me to tickle you in the first place.” 
A hand stuck to one of Tsukishima's hips, pinching it gently, but firmly, making Tsukishima scream in hysteria. His other hand tugged at Tsukishima's pants and underwear, exposing more of his hips, the place where his thighs met his pelvis, and finally, with a slightly strong tug, his cock bounced out of his clothes, moans mixing with his laughter. Kuroo laughed as he watched that pathetic cock shaking and bouncing with Tsukishima's every movement. 
He almost felt bad seeing the state of Tsukishima's cock. The tip was red and swollen, precum gushing out and falling in big, thick drops all over Tsukishima's length. It was twitching, pulsating, the veins very visible and about to explode. 
“Look how you are for just some tickles, Tsukki. You're very naughty~” 
Kuroo had almost forgotten he was still tickling him until he felt the gentle touch of a trembling hand against his own. Tsukishima was shaking with silent laughter, some snorts vibrating in his nose. 
“Hehe, does it tickle too bad?” Tsukishima nodded, red in the face. “You want me to stop?” He nodded again, jerking when Kuroo tickled his other hip as well. “I'll stop if you cum while I'm tickling you. Can you do that?” Tsukishima shook his head, wrapping his hands around Kuroo's wrists and pushing at them. Kuroo let him push his hands away, he didn't want to suffocate Tsukishima. 
The poor man collapsed on the bed again, still trembling with silent laughter until he caught his breath again and his hysteria turned into giggles and then into gulps of air. 
“Pl-Please,” Tsukishima babbled, looking at Kuroo. “L-Let me c-cum, Tetsu… I r-really c-can't take anym-more.” 
Kuroo felt a shiver run down his spine as he looked at the mess Tsukishima was in. He couldn't help but lean down and capture Kei’s lips into a heated kiss. Both men moaned and Kuroo used his nimble hands to pull Tsukishima's pants off completely, throwing them away and placing himself between his legs.
He kissed Tsukishima's chin down to his throat and the side of his neck. Tsukishima whimpered, his arms hugging Kuroo's shoulders as a moan escaped his lips when teeth sunk into his warm, flushed skin. Kuroo unbuttoned his pants and pulled out his cock, looking down at it, he couldn't help but chuckle as he shook his head. 
“Look how you have me, Tsukki.” His cock was no better than Tsukishima's. Pathetically on the verge of exploding, twitching and leaking. 
Kuroo lifted his face when he heard Tsukishima chuckle and he arched an eyebrow. “What's so funny?” 
“You're really enjoying yourself right now, huh?” Kuroo's eyebrow twitched and he smirked, nodding a little before he grabbed Tsukishima's hips, plunging himself right into his hole. 
Tsukishima arched his back with a silent scream, his pupils shook and his cock trembled momentarily before cum came spurting out. 
“Oh heavens, did you already cum, Tsukki?” 
Tsukishima threw his head back and finally moaned loudly, pleasure washing over him, making his limbs shake and his torso convulse. Kuroo smirked, watching Tsukishima drowning in the pleasure he wanted so badly, feeling his ass tightening around his cock, almost making him cum too, but he held it back as best as he could. He wasn't done yet. 
He grabbed Tsukishima's cock and stroked him, milking out all of that delicious orgasm, until Tsukishima was whimpering and sobbing with overstimulation. 
“S-S-Stoplease! Tet-s-s-su-aaanhh!” 
“Shhh~ you're not getting any softer, Tsukki. Now, let the fun begin, hmm?” 
“H-Huh? What- haaah! AHAHAHA!” 
“There we go.” 
Kuroo was surprised at his own wickedness, was he going too far? His hands had been placed in that terrible place, very close to Tsukishima's groin, and his fingers buried themselves in that muscle that always made Tsukishima lose his mind. 
“I hear one gets more sensitive after cumming, is it true, Kei?” 
Poor Tsukishima couldn't answer him. He was stumbling and choking on his own laughter, his glasses having long since been blown off when he threw his head back too hard. His weak, trembling hands desperately clung to Kuroo's wrists, but he barely had the strength to pull them away from the inside of his thighs. Squeals of laughter and whimpers escaped Tsukishima's mouth and Kuroo was almost certain he heard his name between the laughter. 
He couldn't even imagine what Tsukishima was feeling at that moment, but he thought maybe he was having too much fun, because his cock started to leak again. It was then that Kuroo decided to start moving, pushing his hips back slowly, his cock almost popping out of Tsukishima's hole, before ramming into him hard. He repeated the process over and over and over again, the utterly filthy sounds filling the room, echoing off every wall. 
The noise coming from their mouths seemed to be meaningless, on one hand, Kuroo was moaning and grunting like never before, Tsukishima squeezing his ass around his cock so hard that he was close to cumming a couple of times. Tsukishima, for his part, laughed, screamed, and moaned until his voice became hoarse. A few pleas could be heard between the laughs, but Kuroo was already in his own world of pleasure and he couldn't stop himself. He couldn't care less how ticklish Tsukishima was in that spot, or how good it felt or how many times he asked him to stop, but also ask him to tickle him more and fuck him harder and faster. 
“K-Kei… Kei, i'm c-cumming, f-fuckngh! Y-You feel amazing, ah! I'm cumming, I'm cumming, I'm-” 
His hands stopped torturing the inside of Tsukishima's thighs as he finally reached his peak. Kuroo trembled and his teeth chattered with pleasure. His mind went blank and he could only feel his skin prickling and Tsukishima's ass tightening around his spent cock.
When he finally came back from his ecstasy, he looked down at Tsukishima and he was staring back at him, his face a mess of fluids: tears, saliva, and even a bit of snot running down his nostrils. His face was as red as a cherry, and tears glistened on his long eyelashes, which almost touched his cheeks as he looked at Kuroo with almost closed eyes. He had cum as well and looked very tired, but the smile on his lips was adorably wide, full of love and tenderness. 
Kuroo chuckled softly, leaning down to kiss Tsukishima's cheek before pressing their foreheads together. “Did you have fun?” 
Tsukishima nodded softly. “I loved it. It was… more than I could've ever asked for.” His shaking arms wrapped around Kuroo's neck, bringing him closer until their bodies were touching, Kuroo's shirt getting ruined with all the cum on Tsukishima's stomach, but he didn't care, if anything he snuggled into Tsukishima's neck, pressing kisses under his ear and his jaw. Tsukishima let out adorable giggles. 
“I loved it too… we should do it again soon, hmm?” Kuroo placed his hands firmly against Tsukishima's waist, soothing the residual tingles on his skin. “But I think we should bathe first.” 
Tsukishima nodded, “I agree to both.” 
They both laughed softly before sharing a small kiss. Kuroo carried Tsukishima with ease to the bathroom when he had complained that his body had turned into jelly because of him. A warm bath and a restful sleep awaited them, as did the excitement of feeling such crazy pleasure again. Kuroo never thought tickling could be so nice, but well, now he thought his hands wouldn't give Tsukishima a break!
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