#Don't mind the foot :>
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ruelin024 · 13 days ago
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Oh, to be a King.
One may make countless sacrifices, but many not worth the power in the end.
Poor Sans, to have won all glory, but lose everything.
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octylish · 5 months ago
Phightober day 1: Scythe
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very-bad-poetry-captain · 4 months ago
Okay but this line from Firestorm by L.A. Graf is driving me insane?? What do you mean Spock lifted McCoy's foot instead of just asking him to move it??? What was the logic behind that??
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lastofthe20thcenturygirls · 11 months ago
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also maomao: don't worry and just marry consort lishu, jinshi-sama. i am even ignoring that basen and lishu were giving heart eyes to each other. just go ahead and marry her it's cool :)
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sainteclectic · 2 months ago
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HMSW POKEMON TEAMS YAYY. in the order of the acronym of course :-) you can ask me about my decisions here i worked very hard on making them
(the stufful, marshadow, and ninetales are done by leParagon, meowstic is by RedRooster, and sylveon is by Layell pumpkaboo is by Wobblebuns all on smogon)
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miscellaneousrenaissant · 9 months ago
Below are some compilations of Shuro/Toshiro (26), Laios' and Falin's dad (~30*), and Marcille's dad (~late 40s to late 50s**):
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Please compare them to tall-man!Chilchuck:
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(My rationale for Touden's and Donato's ages is under the cut, along with some miscellaneous info)
*In Chapter 42, Laios mentions he hasn't seen his parents in over a decade. From the Adventurer's Bible, Falin estimates her parents were about 30 years old a decade ago. Touden's appearances were in either flashbacks of Laios' and Falin's childhoods or from Laios' nightmare, which was relying on his memories. Touden's current appearance in his 40s has not been shown.
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**Assuming Marcille didn't enroll in magic school until after her father died at age 82, the youngest he could have been when she was born was 47. He looks similar in memories from when Marcille was a baby and a small child, so late 40s to late 50s seems a safe estimate for his age as he appears in Chapters 79-81.
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Miscellaneous Notes:
Chilchuck is canonically underweight.
Shuro's pics were from Chapters 33, 36, and 38 when he wasn't eating or resting properly.
Touden's pics were from Chapters 26 and 42 and the latest edition of the Adventurer's Bible. There is a change in art style between Ch 26 and Ch 42, but he is estimated 30yo in both appearances.
Donato's pics were from Chapters 79, 80, and 81. Technically most of the pics are of a Doppelganger, but it based its appearance on Marcille's memories, and it looks similar to Donato from the flashbacks to Marcille's early childhood.
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rudhira · 2 months ago
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Trying some new dresses...
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skeletoninthemelonland · 1 year ago
In case it hasn't been made clear, Behind The Codes is not a horror series. Despite having some disturbing themes, it doesn't focus on them the same way FNAF games did.
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pikapeppa · 16 days ago
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His soba brings all the girls to the yard Damn right it's better than yours
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didderd · 2 years ago
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magma board doodlz from last night :>
(th lil creture on Butch's shoulder was drawn by milk lol)
also, this's my new haircut! :3 (least. close enough to what it looks like irl) i'ma start drawing myself more like this now. :>
(Butch belongs to @sans-guy)
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penn-dragon · 2 years ago
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Kyoko still regularly visits the Corn clearing because it's her happy place, and early into the production Ren goes to visit the spot for nostalgia and happy memories. They run into each other there and Ren immediately realizes who she is
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andrevasims · 2 months ago
it is just an inherent aspect of the micro-blogging format, but it's a teensy pet peeve of mine when one of my WIP posts (of something I've since completed & shared) gets a bunch of reblogs/likes, cause I'm just like... do they know this has been fixed/improved and is now available for download, if the WIP version captured their interest lol
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rustedleopard · 3 months ago
Hate to be a Debbie Downer but I don't think Chujin would like Ben 10 (or at least not be openly obsessed with it).
I feel like if you told him the premise of the show (A 10-year old human boy gains the power to turn into 10 aliens (which are kinda sorta monsters) and he fights other aliens with this ability), he'd scoff and say "This show is an appeal to humanity's naturally violent tendencies!" and "They're indoctrinating children! Humans find the idea of child soldiers entertaining!" and "This show discriminates against monstrous beings!" and all of these other dramatized nit-picks about it, despite the fact that it's a fictional cartoon whose target demographic is tween boys.
(I just think that all monsters should take human media a bit too seriously in one way or another. IDK if he would actually believe that a human could turn into a bunch of aliens with a wrist watch, but I do think he'd take the premise of "a child fights fantastical battles against aliens" too literally. Kinda like those parents who think their kid playing a video game where you kill fictional monsters is "corrupting the youth.")
Now, if you put an episode of Ben 10 on the TV, I do think he'd stop whatever he's doing to stand behind the couch, arms crossed/in his pockets in that "I am interested in what's going on on the TV but not enough to commit to actually sitting down" sorta way. He'd probably scoff and roll his eyes whenever Ben does something stupid because Ben is a 10 year-old and this boosts his ego a bit because "ha, I'm way smarter than this kid, I could see how that action would go wrong from a mile away. If this is how humans are on the Surface, I'd easily be able to crush them. Especially with my serum and Axis." But the split second you catch him in the act of watching, he pretends that he was looking for something in the room and then walks out.
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bigcats-birds-and-books · 2 months ago
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Books of 2025: LOST ARK DREAMING by Suyi Davies Okungbowa.
Daisy-chaining my way through futuristic floating city SF! I'm using the setting overlap to wrench myself free from my Cold Winter Reads and back toward the string of novellas I had PLANNED to be reading at the top of the year--I really do love stringing my TBR together for a flow :)
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gen-is-gone · 1 month ago
ye gods sandra's so fucking weird and catholic about shit she has negative sense of humor and will not let go of the aesthetic control freak shit 🙄
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starflungwaddledee · 1 year ago
Ok but what if she went to waddle Dee town in the forgotten land and all the waddle Dee’s just accepted her because they are really nice and not rude and they accept her and she has fun and a good time please I really need this for her
i considered drawing something out to this, and making it a happy ending sort of thing, because i think this is extremely sweet as a concept and i understand the desire for it!
that said, i decided that it would be a disservice to the lore i'm building for her, my biology/magic headcanons, and also the waddle dees as a whole. i might still draw it some day, because i could absolutely perceive a way it would work (ie: all waddle dee signatures messed up by Elfilis's portals, or their magic sensitivity nuked by it.) and i think it would be lovely
but for now, i have too many other things on the backburner to get to this promptly, and i wanted to answer this one sooner rather than leaving it for months
i will say, they're not being rude to her! there might be the odd one or two who is a bit snide, but there are some of those in every society. as a general rule the waddle dees not only understand that she is struggling, they want to accept and help her. many of them even know she's lonely, and feel pretty bad about it. but it's hard, and not just because she makes people uneasy!
i draw parallels with starstruck's gummed up magical signature to autism, as i'm autistic and so by merit (as a sona), so is she. but there are some parts that do not line up with the way autism functions in our world, and one of them is that touching or being around her can be genuinely, literally painful for some of the very sensitive waddle dees.
despite that, her waddle dee doctors actually pushed through it while she was in the castle dedede infirmary. because they were determined to treat her (mostly-surface-seeming) injuries and help her feel better. and they apologised for the reactions that they couldn't control anymore than she could control her signature; the various "sorry"s she parrots in this comic are implied to be from waddle dee doctors.
it's a fine line in alien-storytelling, especially with a real world disability parallel, and i'm trying to tread it as carefully as i can. but i don't intend to villainise the waddle dees at all for their reaction to her; they truly can't help it. many of them even do their best to push through it if she comes into their vicinity, especially because she often arrives with Beloved Celebrity, Captain Bandana Waddle Dee. but like a lot of us, she can tell when she's being tolerated, and so as a rule she just sort of tries to avoid it, one way or another
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