#Dominik mysterio vampire
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Forever theirs

Chapters 4, 4.5 and 5
(i wanted to make up for missing 2 posts but i would of posted 4 and 4.5 together so heres 3 chapters)
Master list
Chapter 4 safe?
Finn thrusts in and out at an inhuman pace. I feel the coil in my stomach tighten for the 9th time today. We have been doing it like rabbits in my boss's office all day. Then I hear a timer go off. "home time baby girl" Balor utters against my neck and before I know it I'm in well... Somewhere else.
We're laying down on silk sheets, the place looks like a sex dungeon and my mind is going a million miles an hour. "calm down we're at my place" he says as he continues to fuck me. I nod my head and try to focus on how good I feel but the weird stomach feeling is back.
A part of me wants to tell him to stop or to take us to my house but nothing will come out of my mouth. The coil in my tummy finally breaks and I come undone for the 9th time. Next thing I know Finn is painting my walls with his seed. He pulls out and lay beside me. "I know I probably should have asked before I took us here but I think you will have a lot of fun here," he says and I look at all of the toys surrounding us.
I know what he says is true as my eyes lock onto a toy I recognize. "not today baby get some rest your gonna need it for tomorrow" he chuckles before getting up and returning a little while later with a washcloth.
After cleaning me up he kisses me and climbs into bed next to me. "I'll never take another client again" he whispers. I don't know what to say. Obviously he means not me included. I decide to stay silent and try to fall asleep. It's hard to ignore his previous words but after a few minutes, we fall asleep but I can't help but feel upset when I wake up.
I'm home. In my bed. Alone. He has left and I wonder if he tricked me into thinking he cared so he could fuck me and leave. His euphoric effects are quickly canceled out by anxiety and fear. My head is still foggy but I'm no where near happy. this has never happened so quickly before i never knew the euphoria could leave so fast. I Get ready for work and check the date to make sure it wasn't all a dream. it wasn't. All of it was real and I guess I'll find out if he really cares today.
He hasn't gone a single day without popping up and fucking me or at least trying to. When I get to work I'm shocked that my boss isn't waiting for me so she can ridicule me. Then I'm even more shocked to find out that everyone is looking for her.
The last time anyone heard from her was yesterday when I was in her office for half the day with the door locked. The only excuse I can think of is that she was screaming at me for violating the dress code and wouldn't let me flaunt myself around the office so I had to stay with her the whole day.
I told everyone that story and that she looked pale and she might be sick and being her normal bitchy self by ignoring everone. The whole day I can't stop thinking about what Finn said. He was sure she wouldn't be back soon. What did he say to her? What did he do? Those thoughts distract me for most of the day until I leave my desk to go to the bathroom. Usually, Finn would pop up and try to have a quickie in a stall but he doesn't.
He hasn't shown up at all today. Or maybe he has and I haven't noticed. No. I would know. he hates being ignored and he wouldn't leave me alone if I didn't notice he was there. Wait. He hates being ignored. This could just be pay back for not saying anything last night.
Then the tears fall as i think of how stupid i was to say yes. Then i know this isn't pay back. If he wasn't a liar than he woupd pop up to comfort me. He'd never want to make me this sad. I was right. He used me and now my boss is missing and people might think I did something to her. No one saw me or her leave. I am filled with anxiety, sadness, and confusion. I wipe the tears from my face and leave the bathroom.
Warning: omorashi(piss kink) there will be an alternate version after this
The second I sit back down I realize that I didn't pee and I need to go pretty badly. The office is full and everyone would notice if I got back up. I sit silently squeezing my thighs together. The need gets worse and worse but my shift is almost over and it is nowhere near an acceptable time to go back to the bathroom.
I might actually piss myself on the walk home. I check the time and I can finally leave. "hey y/n can you stay a little longer?!" I hear the co-worker that's covering for my boss call out. "no!" I reply quite loudly and scramble to the door.
I get out of the building and begin to run. Then I leak. A decent-sized wet patch is left on my panties and I'm forced to slow down. At this point, it's dribbling out of me and I hobble as fast as I can into the ally I use as a shortcut. Another spurt comes out and it goes down my legs.
Then I bump into someone knocking me down and making me lose control for a few seconds. I'm sure there's a wet patch on the butt of my skirt. "you alright there love?" I hear a very familiar voice say. One I've been wanting to hear all day but suddenly want to be left alone by.
He's been watching I know he has, he always does before he pops up. There's no way he doesn't know I'm about to piss myself. He grabs me by the arm and pulls me up. He is holding most of my body weight as my legs are shaking and I can't keep myself up. My face is red and I grab onto the wall with one hand and push Finn away with the other.
He lets me and steps aside as he watches me try not to release the liquid in my bladder in front of him. I keep trying to hobble down the ally with my hand pressed hard against my cunt eyes glued to the ground.
He creeps up behind me and grabs my right leg bringing my knee to chest height. I use both of my hands to hold myself. But he moves his hand from underneath my knee and replaces it with his inner elbow. Now both his hands are free he can restrain me properly. "no" I whimper out as I lose control again for a few seconds but I can barley gain control. There's a mini puddle growing beneath me.
I hear a chuckle in front of me and I look up. There are three people in front of us watching me piss myself slowly. 2 men and 1 woman. The woman gets up from the crate she was sitting on and walks towards me. She has a big grin on her face as she stares at my terrified one. She has sharp fangs and I know immediately she is Rhea. I take notice of the fact she's as pale as a ghost.
She puts her hand out and her fingers poke at my bulging bladder. Her smile widens her fangs more visible as she watches drops of piss go down my leg and into the puddle. I can hear the 2 men laughing at me but I'm too scared to look at them. I can hear Finn laughing at me too.
I squirm and whine as she puts more pressure on my bladder. I can tell they love what they see but I haven't gotten a single confirmation from Finn that I am safe. I think about my missing boss for a second before I'm brought back by the feeling and the tall woman's palm squeezing my bladder.
I lose control fully and for 2 whole minutes, I pissed and moaned at the relief. Whilst They all laugh at me.
Chapter 4.5 safe? Alt
Finn thrusts in and out at an inhuman pace. I feel the coil in my stomach tighten for the 9th time today. We have been doing it like rabbits in my boss's office all day. Then I hear a timer go off. "home time baby girl" Balor utters against my neck and before I know it I'm in well... Somewhere else.
We're laying down on silk sheets, the place looks like a sex dungeon and my mind is going a million miles an hour. "calm down we're at my place" he says as he continues to fuck me. I nod my head and try to focus on how good I feel but the weird stomach feeling is back.
A part of me wants to tell him to stop or to take us to my house but nothing will come out of my mouth. The coil in my tummy finally breaks and I come undone for the 9th time. Next thing I know Finn is painting my walls with his seed. He pulls out and lay beside me. "I know I probably should have asked before I took us here but I think you will have a lot of fun here," he says and I look at all of the toys surrounding us.
I know what he says is true as my eyes lock onto a toy I recognize. "not today baby get some rest your gonna need it for tomorrow" he chuckles before getting up and returning a little while later with a washcloth.
After cleaning me up he kisses me and climbs into bed next to me. "I'll never take another client again" he says. For a moment I'm shocked. Obviously he means me excluded. I don't know what to say so I jsut try to fall asleep. Of course it's hard to ignore his previous words but after a few minutes, we fall asleep but I can't help but feel upset when I wake up.
I'm home. In my bed. Alone. He has left and I wonder if he tricked me into thinking he cared so he fuck me and leave. The euphoric feeling he gave me is quickly canceled out by anxiety. My head us still foggy from it but I'm no where near happy. I never knew the euphoric feeling could leave so fast. I Get ready for work and check the date to make sure it wasn't all a dream it wasn't. All of it was real and I guess I'll find out if he really cares today. He hasn't gone a single day without popping up and fucking me or at least trying to.
When I get to work I'm shocked that my boss isn't waiting for me so she can ridicule me. Then I'm even more shocked to find out that everyone is looking for her. The last time anyone heard from her was yesterday when I was in her office for half the day with the door locked. The only excuse I can think of is that she was screaming at me for violating the dress code and wouldn't let me flaunt myself around the office so I had to stay with her the whole day.
I told everyone that story and that she looked pale and she might be sick. The whole day I can't stop thinking about what Finn said. He was sure she wouldn't be back soon? What did he say to her? What did he do? Those thoughts distract me for most of the day until I leave my desk to go to the bathroom.
Usually, Finn would pop up and try to have a quickie in a stall but he doesn't. He hasn't shown up at all today. Or maybe he has and I haven't noticed. No. I would know he hates being ignored and he wouldn't leave me alone if I didn't notice he was there. Wait. He hates being ignored. This could just be pay back for ignoring him last night. No if it was pay back he'd be watching and he'd pop up when he noticed how upset i was.
Then the tears fall. I was right. He used me and now my boss is missing and people might think I did something to her. No one saw me or her leave. I am filled with anxiety, sadness, and confusion. I wipe the tears from my face and leave the bathroom.
The day passes slowly. I finally get to go home. The walk is lonely and I keep getting the weird stomach feeling. I turn into the alleyway where all of this bullshit started and I fight off the urge to turn around and take the long way home. Then arms wrap around my waist. "miss me, princess?" the Irish voice reaches my ears and for a second I am happy before I remember everything about today.
I want to pry his hands off and slap him. Then a second set of hands rest on my shoulders. I look up and see a tall unfamiliar woman. "I have been dying to meet you, sweetheart," she says staring into my eyes and smiling. I can see fangs where 2 normal teeth should be and i know this is rhea. I feel one hand leave my shoulder but I am too afraid to look at what it's doing.
A wet cloth is then placed over my mouth and I try to hold my breath. I feel lightheaded and I am forced to breathe in. Then I feel relaxed and weightless. My knees buckle and the 2 sets of arms catch me. I am slightly aware of 2 other people standing near us. I close my eyes and they dont open for a while.
Chapter 5 unknown and uneasy
I wake up in a small dark room. It's cold but not freezing. I can feel eyes watching me but my body is so sore from sleeping on concrete I don't bother to look. I have been kidnapped. By a demon. of all things a demon. I can't leave. I probably never will.
"I know you awake," a deep voice says unlike Finn's from the corner. I turn my head and look at the man. He's tall as fuck and hairy too. if there was any chance of me getting out of here there isn't now. "what do you want?" I snap. There's no point in being nice they're going to kill me.
"Excuse you?" fangs on the top and bottom if his mouth show. he stares at me and I shrink back. The words 'I'm sorry' get so close to leaving my mouth but I stop them. He continues to stare at me expecting an apology. I turn my head away from his cold frightening eyes. He scoffs at me astonished that I had the nerve to not answer.
I hear him leave his spot in the corner. "let me rephrase that for you-" he grabs me by the hair pulling my sore limbs up. I grab at his hands and he swats me away with the other hand his slightly overly long nails scratching me. "apologize. or. regret. it." he says through his teeth. "I'm sorry" my voice wavers. "I won't say anything like that again." he drops me to the floor. "good bitch" I can hear the smile in his voice.
"This is how this is gonna work," he says grabbing my arm his nails scratching me again and pulling me up. He turns me to face him and he squats down in front of me. "you call me sir or daddy nothing fucking else got it?" he says sternly I nod my head. He grabs a hand full of my hair. "Got. it?!" he says louder. "yes" I squeak. He pulls harder. "yes who?!" he yells in my face and I flinch away. "yes sir" he lets go of my hair.
"you've met Finn properly, i guess you met Rhea but you still need to meet dom" he says "is rhea the woman I saw the other night?" He slaps me in the face. "that's not what you fucking call her you hear me?" he says. "yes sir" I repeat the same phrase from before. "you call her mommy, you call Finn master and you call dom Papi," he says and I nod my head to show him I'm listening.
"you can call any of us daddy we know you're into that," referring to the fact I'm a little. They must have been stalking me. They wouldn't have to for long before they figured it out but still. I can feel my face get hot and I look at the ground. They don't want to kill me. Do they?
I'm hesitant to ask. "sir?" "yes sweetheart?" my stomach churns at the nickname. "are you going to kill me?" I ask the question. He chuckles. "we don't want to. We really don't but, if you become a problem we can't just take you home" I look at the ground again. He puts 2 fingers under my chin and lifts my head. "we'll take good care of you" he says. Then he leans in and kisses me. I don't kiss back. I don't pull away I'm too scared to.
This is my life now. All the way until the end this is what it will be like. My eyes glass over with tears. When he pulls away he sees my fear and looks at me disappointed and seemingly disgusted. I try not to let the tears fall. I really do. But they fall. I cover my mouth with my hand as i begin to sob. But when Damian sees this he does something unexpected. He sits down, pulls me into his lap, and hugs me. HUGS. ME.
I'm sorry but what the actual fuck is going on. I cry harder and try to pull away. He holds me still and shush's me. Then the door opens.
I know this is the shortest chapter yet sorry love ya-gremlin💞💋💗
#wwe x reader#rhea ripley#rhea ripley x reader#demi bennett#finn balor#finn balor x reader#wwe finn balor#finn balor daddy#finn balor incubus#Rhea ripley vampire#damien priest#Damian priest werewolf#dominik mysterio#dominic mysterio imagine#Dominik mysterio vampire#judgement day wwe smut
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Vampires Aren’t Real…”
summary - You just had a match with Rhea Ripley, during the match, after Rhea hit you so hard it busted your lip, she licked the blood off her hands and fingers. Backstage, you asked her why she decided to do that.
Warnings - Blood, Suggestive Explicit Content, Choking, Gagging and all that good stuff! (No smut! If you guys like this one, I’ll make a part two with smut. 😉)
You currently are in a match against the Women’s World Champion, Rhea Ripley, for her title.
Rhea had punched you so hard, she busted your lip. You saw a devious look on her face when the blood started running.
Almost as if she…did it on purpose?
She rolled back in the ring, right in front of the camera, and licked her fingers and hand of your blood.
Rhea had done this before of course, but she looked like she enjoyed that a bit too much.
You finally get back up to your feet, rolling in the ring yourself.
You tried to punch her, but she blocked you, grabbing your fist.
“You’re to weak..” She says to me.
She twisted your arm, bending you ways the human body shouldn’t bend.
You let out a blood curdling scream.
Blood still running down your busted open lip.
You probably need stitches for it.
She slowly, but strongly pushes you down to the ground on your knees. Overpowering you completely.
Rhea has an intense glare on her face as she looks down at you, slightly tilting her head and smirking.
She head-buts you.
She picks your weak body off the ground and lifts you up for the riptide.
Rhea pins you with her famous pin, and…
You’re layed flat out on the mat. Out of breath, eyes closed.
Rhea rolls off top of you, sitting on the ground with that same grin on her face.
As the ref brings Rhea her title, she stands up, takes it and walks back over to you, leaning down over your face.
She reached out, grabbed your hair to hold your head steady, and wiped your face with the title.
You squirm in pain, Rhea literally shoving the cold and rigid surface on your open gash.
She pulls the now bloody title back, and grins at it for a split second. Like she physically enjoys doing this to you.
She brings the title to her face and licks your blood off it.
“What the fuck.” You mumble out.
She starts laughing hysterically before backing up and exiting the ring.
All 3 matches you’ve had, she’s made you bleed and you’ve spotted her licking the blood off of herself.
But this…this was different.
After she walks to the back, you exit a minute or two after her, your legs wobbly from the riptide you just took.
You get to the back, walking to the locker room.
One of the medical workers comes up to you and asks to check your lip but you tell them you’ll check back later.
All you wanna do is get changed into something comfortable and get the drying blood off of your face.
As you enter the locker room, you’re met with Rhea.
She’s sitting on the bench, just staring.
“Good job out there.” She says to me, nonchalantly.
“Thanks.” You say to her, slightly smiling.
You walk to your cubby in the locker room, grabbing your bag so you can clean off in the bathroom and get changed.
You turn around and now, Rhea and you are face to face.
She’s holding a wet napkin.
“Can I?” She asks. Motioning to the napkin.
You nod your head.
She places one hand on the side of your head, and brings the other with the cold napkin in hand up to your lip.
You flinch at first due to the sting.
She gently wipes it off, being as careful as possible.
“Rhea.” You say.
“Hmm?” She pulls back to look at you. Removing her hand and throwing the bloody napkin away.
“What was that out there? The whole…blood thing.” You say.
Her face, inches away from yours.
You feel a sense of coldness radiating in the room now.
Rhea doesn’t answer your question.
She just inches closer to you.
And closer…
Your eyes widen.
What is she doing?
She presses up against you. Moving her face in the crook of your neck.
You feel her suddenly…smell you?
She pushes harder against you.
Her body.
Suddenly cold as ice.
“Do you believe in Vampires..?” She asks you.
“Why- are you asking me that?” You breathily ask.
She pulls back from the crook of your neck.
“Just answer me.” She says.
“I like the idea of them…I think they’re cool, but they don’t exist.” You say.
“Wrong.” Rhea says.
What is she talking about?
Rhea leans into your neck once more.
She licks the side of your neck.
“Shit!” You blurt out. “Rhea, what if someone comes in here! The doors open!” You say to her.
Suddenly, you feel a rush of wind.
A blink of the eye.
Somehow the door is now shut.
Rhea pressed against you exactly the same as before. As if time hasn’t passed.
Oh my god.
“Holy shit.” You blurt out again.
“I’m gonna ask you again. Do you believe in Vampires?” She says to me.
“I- I can’t…What’s going on. Rhea, what- what was that.” I ask her, now freaked out as ever.
You wonder if you’re having a nightmare or something.
“No. You’re not having a nightmare.” She says to me.
What the fuck. How did she know what you were thinking?
Rhea suddenly takes her hand and places it around your neck.
Slowly squeezing.
“Out of everyone I’ve tasted…you by far are the best tasting human.”
“Shit, Rhea, please…don’t hurt me.” You say to her.
“I’m not gonna hurt you. I wouldn’t dream of it.” She says, even though you feel her grip tighten even more.
But…as she tightened her grip, you can feel yourself growing wet.
You look at Rhea, dead in the eyes. The mood changing between you two. You were scared just a moment ago, but now…you were as horny as ever.
She suddenly leans into you, kissing your lips.
You close your eyes. She removes her hand from your throat, now moving it down your sides.
You kiss her back, as passionately as possible.
The wound on your lip, burning, as you two make out.
But you liked it.
You liked how you felt.
You could taste your own blood.
Rhea pulls away to look at you.
Rhea leans back into your neck, but this time…she connects her mouth to it.
At first she was just giving a regular hickey, and then…
She bit you.
You groaned in pain, but the pain subsided into pleasure.
You could feel her actually drinking your blood.
You fucking love it.
You feel Rheas hands sliding down onto your boobs, finally reaching them. Each time she takes a swallow of your blood, she squeezes your breasts.
She pulls back from your neck once more.
Her face, covered in blood.
You feel the blood dripping down your neck.
She takes her fingers and wipes it off your neck.
“Open your mouth.” She says in a demanding tone.
You do what she says, and open your mouth.
She shoves her fingers in your mouth, wiping the blood on your tongue and she pushed her fingers down your throat.
You slightly gag at this sensation, but fuck do you like it.
She pulls her fingers back out and you close your eyes for a moment due to exhaustion.
You feel her let go and back away from your body.
You open your eyes then one moment she’s there.
The next, she’s gone.
( AN - Hellooo! Once again, I’m new to writing. I didn’t have time to proof read so if there is anything missing or misspelled, that’s my fault! Any tips and advice is much appreciated! 💋)
#rhea ripley#smut#wwe#wwe raw#wwe smackdown#freaky#wwe fanfiction#fanfic#mami rhea#rhea ripley smut#rhea ripley wwe#fluff#wlw smut#lesbian#wwe smut#judgment day#liv morgan#dominik mysterio#damian priest#vampire#vampire smut#rhea#ripley#wwerhearipley
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🤍 = Last updated 3.23.25
Welcome to harmshake's EPs masterlist listening party. Grab your headphones, a glass of wine, and enjoy. 💖
Now Playing: Damian Priest
His Pretty Thing
His Pretty Pet
Wake Up Love
🤍 One, Two
Now playing: CM Punk
3 a.m.
Fools In Love (unfinished WiP)
A Little Rendezvous
Now playing: Jimmy Uso
Never Forget You
Loved Up (feat. Jey Uso)
Sneaky Link
Pull Up
Still In Love
The Gentle Horror (feat. Vampire Jimmy)
Whatever You Want
Blood Ties (feat. Solo Sikoa)
Act Right
Now playing: Solo Sikoa
Four’s a Crowd (feat. Jimmy & Jey Uso)
Hard Candy
Good Hair Day
Party Favors (feat. Jey Uso)
Solo Smut Drabble
Now playing: Cody Rhodes
Keep Warm
For You (Excerpt)
One P.M. Meeting
Now playing: Rhea Ripley
Messy Morning
Atta Girl
Work Bae
Naughty or Nice
For Your Eyes Only
Easy (Excerpt)
Now playing: Daniel Garcia
A Side: Boyfriend Danny Series
Own It
Grind It Out
Long Night
B Side: One Shots
Midnight Snack
Eat It
Just Friends
Now playing: Assorted Artists
A Side
Jey Uso: Spoiled | Like That | One Night of Abandon | Liar: One and Two (feat. Rhea Ripley, Damian Priest, and Roman Reigns) | SamiJey: The Lovers (and a handful of my other Jey fics you'll see as reblogs since I deleted my Jey masterlist)
Jade Cargill: Pretty In Pink
Randy Orton: Better Than Ever
Carmelo Hayes: In Session, Part 1 | Part 2 (Final)
Dominik Mysterio: Stress Relief | Hot Stuff | Sweetest Thing
Eddie Kingston: Cute Eddie Kingston Headcanons | 11 a.m. | Mark | His Shirt
WWE Headcanons: Mini Halloween Fics for The Bloodline & Cody Rhodes | Date Night With Wrestlers | How Each Bloodline Man Celebrates Your Birthday | Wrestlers and Their Love Languages
B Side
Drew McIntyre: Defiance
HartBreak: Dinner Plans (feat. Bret Hart & Shawn Michaels)
Jax Teller (Sons of Anarchy): Forbidden Fruit
Vampire Swerve Strickland (The Gentle Horror): Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 (feat. Vampire Jimmy Uso)
Alcide Herveaux (True Blood): Heated | Untitled Drabble
Shane Walsh (The Walking Dead): Finale
Richie Jerimovich (The Bear): Every Second Counts
My Original Characters: Damon the Incubus | Love and Sin at 2 a.m. | Visions of Grandeur | An Abrupt Reunion
. . .
Harmshake's EPs Masterlist
✨ commissions | main masterlist | join my taglist ✨
All stories and graphics (besides photos/gifs where credit is given) are created by me. Don't be weird and steal/repost, thank you!
#swerve strickland#swerve strickland fanfiction#swerve strickland smut#vampire story#vampire smut#daniel garcia#daniel garcia fanfiction#aew fanfiction#aew smut#dominik mysterio#dominik mysterio fanfiction#dominik mysterio smut#cody rhodes#cody rhodes fanfiction#cody rhodes smut#eddie kingston#eddie kingston fanfiction#eddie kingston smut#wwe headcanons#wwe smut#wwe fluff#randy orton#randy orton fanfiction#randy orton smut#jax teller#jax teller fanfiction#jax teller smut#cm punk#cm punk fanfiction#cm punk smut
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#danhausen#very nice very evil#damian priest#dominik mysterio#dom dom#finn balor#jd mcdonagh#the judgment day wwe#the judgement day#darby allin#hangman adam page#cowboy shit#swerve is a vampire#730 hook#aew hook#hook#willow nightingale#aew#wwe#pro wrestling#wrestling#wrestling text post#meme
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If the WWE ever does another movie under their WWE Studios branch, here’s an idea:
Genre is horror. The basic premise is that in the state of Georgia, a couple of inmates successfully manage to escape prison. They end up fleeing to this farm deep in rural Georgia and take a family hostage. The goal was to just ransack the place and then move forward with the plan to flee the country. But that’s when they learn that there’s something really off about this particular farm…and they may not make it to dawn.
The twist is that the family are vampires who’ve been around since the Antebellum South. So, yeah, the villains are literally Confederate vampires.
The potential cast -
Glen Powell as the main male protagonist/leader of the fugitives (we gotta have that one non-wrestler in the lead role)
Zazie Beetz as the main female protagonist / a career criminal who helped the fugitives escape and joins them on the road
Kofi Kingston as the 2nd-in-command of the fugitives / the heart of the group
CM Punk as the asshole fugitive who is constantly questioning Glen Powell’s authority
Dominik Mysterio as the young fugitive who is treated like the kid of the group
Jey Uso as the loud-mouthed fugitive who makes everyone laugh
The Miz as the fugitive who you think is gonna be important, but ends up dying first (no hate, I just thought it’d be funny)
Cody Rhodes, AJ Styles, Liv Morgan, Nikki Cross, and Erick Rowan are the main villains / members of the Confederate vampire family
R-Truth as also a vampire, but one who sides with the fugitives since he wants to end the family and their curse (backstory is that he was a Union soldier who was accidentally turned into a vampire by Cody’s character)
There’s also the prison staff characters and other people on the farm, but those characters can be played by other non-wrestlers
#movie idea#film idea#WWE#wwe studios#vampire movies#horror#glen powell#zazie beetz#kofi kingston#cm punk#dominik mysterio#jey uso#the miz#cody rhodes#aj styles#liv morgan#nikki cross#erick rowan#r truth#fake movies#fake film#story ideas#vampire#horror ideas#horror stuff#story concept#wwe wrestling#wwe wrestlers#wwe fandom#horror genre
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#tumblr polls#WWE#cody rhodes#jey uso#drew mcintyre#becky lynch#seth rollins#cm punk#jade cargill#dominik mysterio#liv morgan#rhea ripley#finn balor#roman reigns#chelsea green#aj styles#dakota kai#shinsuke nakamura#gunther#gunther wwe#wwe fandom#wwe poll#wwe superstars#world wrestling federation#wwe raw#wwe smackdown#wrasslin#wwe universe#wwe wrestling#world wrestling entertainment
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Lagom (adj.) - not too little, not too much, just right

Buddy Matthews (now billed as Murphy) real name Matthew Adams had exactly one (ONE) regret when it came to his abrupt departure from WWE. And that regret was named Dominik Mysterio (Gutiérrez). Don’t get Buddy wrong the messiah storyline with the Mysterios was frankly amazing, it wasn’t the boy's skills or future in the business, it was the fact that Buddy didn’t have a chance to know Dominik. There was something about the boy (and in age he was very much a boy to Buddy) that drew him in. Made him want the boy. The problem was, he didn’t realize it was want until he was being released. Which, of course he’d figure out he was bisexual when he was thirty-two. He’d given up hope of accidentally running into Dominik again, then his girlfriend Rhea Ripley (real name Demi Bennet) got paired with him in a story line and well, things were starting to look up.
Author's Note(s)
rachelarcher: First, and foremost, I DON’T EVEN LIKE BUDDY, but you all took it too far. Surfing my Twitter, what did I spy, but an image that made my heart sick for Buddy. I need you all to understand that while I like Buddy as a wrestler and his technical skills are amazing, his interpersonal and relationships (with both male and female superstars) since 2015ish has bothered me. So, in my anger that I now felt emotionally upset for someone I don't even like, I wrote this. Second, this demanded I write it, and do it quickly so it is delaying a ABO Pirate Fic where Damian is an Alpha Vampire Pirate who likes to kidnap poor little omegas (Liv, Dom, and an OC). ALSO the time line is fucked, because what is time.
allrise-jd/hannahdiana: I need the ABO Pirate Fic so stop fucking this up for me.
“Dominik Mysterio.” Rhea echoed, eyes going slightly wide as she looked at her boyfriend of almost four years, “You have a crush on Dominik Mysterio.” She clarified, “When we got together, you mentioned you were figuring out your sexuality a little late, but…” She looked him from head to toe, “Ok, ok, you have a crush on Dominik Mysterio, and that is… that is actually really cute.”
Buddy let out a sigh of relief, “Did you have to say his name so many times, like…” He flung his hands upward, not sure what to do about his own feelings, “Like… you're ok with it?”
Rhea blinked at him, “Matt, I love you, no matter who you are crushing on, I promise.” She reached forward, where she was turned to face him on the couch in their living room and squeezed his hands in hers, “I honestly think it’s adorable, and now for some really interesting news.” She wiggled her eyebrows at him, “Your girl is about to be in a long term storyline with your crush…”
It took Buddy a moment to work that out, “You're going to be in a storyline with Dominik?”
“I’m going to be his angry goth antagonist, and then kayfabe girlfriend.” Rhea elaborated.
Buddy groaned, dropping his head onto the back of the couch and let out an even more aggressive growl, “My life is a horrible sham.” Rhea let out a loud laugh, before pressing her forehead into his, then stood ruffling his hair, before she headed out of the living room leaving Buddy to suffer angrily. “Why?” He called after her, struggling over the words she’d said, “Why are you in a storyline with him???”
Rhea tilted her head back into the living room, a wicked smile on her lips, “Because the Judgment Day wants him.” She cackled as Buddy’s face turned red at the implication - fucking Damian Priest was going to get to be buddies with Dominik Mysterio and he couldn’t even get the boys phone number from his own girlfriend. He let his head fall back against the couch bemoaning his fate.
An angry Dominik Mysterio was kitten level cute, he marched into the gym where he was scheduled to meet with Rhea Ripley, Finn Balor, and Damian Priest. They were less than a week away from Christmas, and everything with the Judgment Day had taken off astronomically. “You ok, mate?” Finn asked, as he took stock of the boy, Dominik’s face was red, his eyes red as well, and he was sniffling.
“Fine.” He bit out, very obviously not fine.
Rhea let out a long sigh, “Is everything ok between you and Maria?”
His face went hard, suddenly, “We broke up.” Rhea flinched at the tone, before she stepped forward and wrapped her arms around him, squeezing him to her chest. Dominik ducked into her space even more, and curled his arms around her, breaking down completely. Damian and Finn join the hug, both a bit stunned - as far as any of the group knew Dominik and Maria had been together since sixth grade. Eventually he wiggled away from them all, still sniffling, “I… we should still train.”
“Nope.” Damian declared, “No can do, no training, we are going to get ice cream and go to the hotel and eat it in one of our beds.” Damian moved to gather up their bags, “Finn, wanna call Vero and see if she’ll meet us with the smell-good-break-up candles, like we used when I got dumped by Allie.” Finn was texting before Rhea had time to really focus on what was happening.
Finn and Damian took the lead, which they typically did, so Rhea focused on him, bumping her shoulder into his, “Hey, does that mean you probably aren’t ready to go home for Christmas?” Dominik turned to look at her, wide eyed and panicked, like he hadn’t realized how close to Christmas they really were, “I’m offering to let you stay at my place, with me and Matt, er, Buddy, for Christmas.”
Dom’s eyes got even wider, “He doesn’t hate me?”
“No.” Rhea said a bit harder than she intended, “I think you might be the only part of the Mysterio-Messiah storyline he misses.” Dom’s face did something that Rhea couldn’t read, so she continued onward with her offer, “You should come over and stay the holidays, no pressure, it’ll just be us, and you can mend your broken heart over alcohol and Australian holiday foods.” She assured him, squeezing him to her side and nuzzling into her shoulder a little bit more.
Dominik was quiet for a few minutes, before he cleared his throat, “That sounds like a way to hideout, my parents are going to be pissed, I already bought a ring and everything.” Oh, Rhea’s heart broke for the boy a bit more. The thing was the more she worked with Dominik the more she saw everything Buddy saw about him: he was fast on his feet, loyal, dedicated to their craft, funny in the quiet moments, and careful - so careful he was willing to take bumps that he probably shouldn’t. Not that Rhea was going to tell Buddy that, he’d get insufferable .
“Hideout, mend your broken heart, eat good, work out even better.” Rhea offered enticingly, “It’ll be worth it.”
They met Damian and Finn at the SUV, the pair climbing into the passenger seats (Rhea in the front, Dominik behind her), she did the math in her head, figuring out how far ahead Florida was, then sent Buddy a quick text, I need to call you in about twenty minutes, ok? She immediately got a Sure, babe, ILY , back. When they reached the hotel Rhea politely excused herself - Finn was going to meet Vero to bring the candles and Damian was carrying all the bags and groceries in a very exaggerated I’m-A-Man-And-Don’t-Need-No-Help way, Dominik was trailing along behind Damian, sniffling still.
Rhea had barely watched them climb into the elevator when her ringtone for Buddy sounded (his theme, he’d set it himself), she picked it up, “Hey, sweetface.” She murmured, as she answered, he quietly returned the sentiment, “Dominik and his girlfriend-”
“Brokeup, I read online.” Buddy sounded almost excited about it, Rhea rolled her eyes.
“Yes, don’t so so fucking happy.” Rhea grumbled, bothered, “As I was saying, Matthew,” He hissed hearing her use his legal name, “Dominik and Maria broke up, so I’ve asked him to come home with me, to our house, for Christmas.” Rhea was smart enough to move the phone away from her ear, because Buddy let out a whoop of excitement, “I’m a little concerned with how excited you are about me bringing another man home.”
“Don’t be like that.” Buddy grumbled, “I want a chance to talk to him, to let him know that I sound like an asshole, but it’s just a joke, that I still want us to be cool…”
“Cool…” Rhea trailed off, “More like you wanna kiss his stupidly cute face while smashing him up against our fridge.” Or maybe that was her? She was a little unclear about specifics, right now. “Anyways, so he’s going to fly home with me after our show at Madison Square Garden.”
Over the phone, Rhea heard a series of odd noises, before, “Should I cook? Should I make the guest room up? Should I… I’ll get a cake, oh I should get the stuff for Nachos, we can do the Australian and Mexican infusion… And I’ll get all the ice cream, like every possible type. When are you landing? I need to clean our house.” His voice was getting progressively more alarmed, Rhea was enjoying this a bit more than she probably should, “Oh god, the porch… I need to pressure wash-”
“Matt,” Rhea cut him off, “It’s not that serious… When you said you had a crush on him I should have taken it more seriously… he just doesn’t wanna be alone -”
Buddy cut her off again, “Demi, he doesn’t have to be alone, we can keep him, now when are you landing? This house is an absolute disaster .”
“We just had it professionally cleaned, Matt.” Rhea snapped, “This is not… look, clean the porch if you want, the guest bedroom you can make up, absolutely DO NOT go buy extra food, his favorite ice cream is Ben & Jerry’s Chocolatey Love A-fair , so buy like eight of those.” Rhea grumbled into the phone, “And get him a set of matching Christmas PJ’s, like ours, he wears the same size as me.”
“Oh, I shouldn’t clean the house but I should get him matching pjs, why don’t we just show our hand ahead of time, let him know we both want him in our bed-”
“Stop.” Rhea ordered, “I hate you, I love you, I’ll text you the landing times, I’m hanging up.” She didn’t let him respond, choosing to hang up and silence her phone. She slid her phone into her sweatpants pocket, and looked around, then let out a long sigh. Maybe taking Dominik home was a horrible idea, if Buddy was this anxious right now, it was only going to be worse when they got home.
“Hey, Dems, you coming?” Vero called as she caught sight of Rhea standing in the hallway.
“Yeah, coming!” Rhea called back and rushed to join Finn and Vero, Finn was weighed down like a pack mule.
“Breakups are fucking the worst.” Vero hummed, as she pushed the button to the eleventh floor.
Rhea blinked, “We chose Damian’s room?”
“He has the hot tub.” Finn shrugged, “Man always gets a room with a hot tub, you got your swim gear?”
“Let me stop by my room.” Rhea pushed the ten, she and Dominik were both on the tenth floor. Finn, with Vero, were staying on the third floor. She hadn’t expected the married couple to follow her off the elevator but they did, she ducked into her room quickly and grabbed her duffle bag and suitcase - she didn’t want to try to rush to her room after a long night of ice cream and tears. She did a quick sweep of the room with Vero’s help (the Brazilian thankfully found her cell phone charger and SWITCH).
The trio headed back to the elevator, and headed for the eleventh floor. By the time Vero was knocking on the door, Damian answered in his tiny swim trunks, “Oh, good, Rhea you brought your shit.” She rolled her eyes, tossed her luggage into his room, and looked around, “Dom is in the hot tub, with the first tub of ice cream, Uber Eats is hella speedy around here…”
Rhea rolled her eyes, as she dug through her belongings to dig out her red bikini. She moved to the bathroom, to change into her suit, realizing already that Vero and Finn had changed clothes as well. She wiped her makeup off quickly, left her work out clothes on the counter, and moved back out of the bathroom. The voices of Vero, Finn and Damian danced to her.
“- the candles help, trust me,” Vero was grinning and lighting candles around the edges of the balcony. Finn had moved to sit on the edge of the hot tub, his own tub of ice cream in hand, Damian was floating in the hot tub taking up way too much room, and Dominik looked miserable, sitting in the warm bubbles eating his chocolate ice cream with his mullet pulled up into a ponytail no doubt done by Damian. Rhea pushed into the hot tub next to him, grabbing the extra spoon Finn offered her.
“Can I have some?” Rhea asked, as music started up from Damian’s phone which was connected to a floating speaker, she rolled her eyes - of course Damian would turn Dominik’s break up into a way to blast the rockstar lifestyle from the eleventh floor of The Langham Hotel, like he was freaking Ozzy.
“‘Course, Dems.” Dominik offered, sounding downtrodden.
She took a spoonful, and steeled herself, “Dominik, do you wanna sit on my lap?” He looked at her confused, “Damian’s taking up all the room, Vero and Finn are about to be stupidly loved up, realistically Damian is going to start trying to commiserate with you about how much girls suck, all the while his legs are going to be floating dangerously close to your shoulder while you are trying to eat, if you sit on my lap I can protect you from Damian’s freakishly long legs, and we can share ice cream?”
Dominik pouted a bit, but climbed onto her lap, she immediately wrapped one arm around him, and sighed out in relief, “Did you know I almost got married before uh, before Matt and I got together?” Dominik shook his head, “Yeah, he was an Indie wrestler I came up with in the UK, but… it turned bad, and he kept my dogs from me. Damian actually broke into his house and got them back for me, but we were together for years.” She hooked her chin over his shoulder as she angled another bite of ice cream into her mouth, careful not to drop any into the hot tub (they’d learned that hotels billed for that sort of thing when Rhea was getting over her ex).
“I just… I thought I was going to marry her.” Dominik sniffled, bringing the back of his hand up to wipe at his eyes, careful not to drop any ice cream on himself or the water.
“I promise, Dom, this door closing is going to open an even better one.” She promised, bravely kissing his shoulder, “And I talked with Matt, he’s excited to have you over for the holidays, he’s going to make the guest room up for you, and we are going to spoil the shit out of you.” She realized how the promise sounded a bit late, after it was already out of her mouth, but that was going to be fine, she supposed. Dominik relaxed into her, and started eating his ice cream largely in silence again.
“Dom, when Allie left me-” Damian started, and Rhea had to hide a snicker, everything she’d warned Dom about came to pass, he relaxed more and more into her, until they were largely just listening to a combination of ‘80s rock and Mexican rap. Damian was the first one to slosh his way out of the hot tub, reminding them all they had to work soonish, he showered and took over the larger of the two beds (another thing that Finn complained about loudly, Damian always got rooms with a King and a Queen, somehow). Vero and Finn were the next two out, showering together and dropping into bed with Damian.
Rhea half the time wondered if Vero knew Damian was her husband’s boyfriend, or not. She didn’t bother to ask. There were enough things in this industry for Vero to accept, adding that on top wasn’t worth it as far as Rhea was concerned. Finally Rhea coaxed Dominik out of the hot tub, and coached him through a shower, she showered after him, then herded him into the open Queen size bed, pushing him under the covers, before crawling in with him, and tossing her arm over him.
“Buddy might hate me for real if you sleep with me.”
“Dominik go the fuck to bed.” She ordered, as she pressed her face into his shoulder, and tangled her legs around him, “I don’t think Buddy is going to mind this one bit.” She assured him, even as she nestled down more, “Stop thinking, go to sleep.”
By the grace of God, Rhea would swear, they made it through the most awkward home-invasion themed Christmas montage for the continuation of their storyline, before heading back to Tampa (well, she and Dominik headed for Tampa, Damian wanted to hang out another few days and fly back with the SmackDown crew, while Finn and Vero left for Brooklyn). They flew with the RAW crew, but managed to convince Candice to trade seats with Dom, so the pair were together, and Candice could be next to Johnny and Quill.
Dominik hadn’t had the easiest time telling his parents he wasn’t coming home to Las Vegas or San Diego to spend the holidays, that he was going to Tampa with ‘friends’ was bad enough, but Rey had figured out that ‘friend’ was either Rhea or Damian hellaquick, and had grown a bit more upset realizing that it was Rhea (he’d tried to talk Dominik out of running to Rhea and Buddy’s house, but Dominik had stayed firm on his choice, Maria was going to come to Christmas in San Diego, and he wasn’t).
Realistically Rhea should have asked someone from NXT or AEW to check on the wellbeing of both Buddy (he might have lost his damn mind, it was probably her fault, she wasn’t sure) and the house. But she’d taken it on faith that things would be a-ok. She clearly should have reconsidered her previous opinion of Buddy’s cute little crush, because the yard looked better than she’d ever seen it when they pulled up in the Uber. She climbed out and would swear until her dying day that the patios and porches had never been that clean - it looked like the wooden deck had a new coat of paint on it. Biting her bottom lip she sent a very silent prayer to the heavens, please do not let this go stupidly off the rails .
Buddy, subtle as a brick wall, threw open the front door in gym shorts and a green t-shirt, his feet bare, both Luna and Barry around his ankles, “Welcome home!” He called, over-loud, the man winced himself, so Rhea tried her best not to cackle at how absurd this all was. She caught Dominik’s arm and steered him toward the steps, Buddy hugged her first, kissing her cheek and forehead, before he turned his attention back to Dominik, tentatively he pulled the younger man into a tight hug, Rhea watched them carefully as she bent down to pet her puppy dogs, Dominik (much like he did with Damian) melted into the larger man accepting cuddles and comfort.
Rhea wasn’t counting, but when they’d been hugging for almost five minutes she stood, cleared her throat, and promptly pried them apart, “I wanna show Dom Dom the house, Matty.” She tangled her hand in Dom’s and yanked, “Bring our luggage in babe.” She left Buddy standing on the porch, dumbstruck, “This is Luna, my oldest baby.” She introduced the smaller of the dogs, Dominik still holding her hand, bent down to greet the dog, “And this lug is Barry.” Rhea watched as Barry basically headbutted Dominik, the younger man snickered but kissed Barry’s odd shaped head all the same, then she was dragging him back to his feet, and toward the living room.
Rhea when Buddy had first brought up Dominik Mysterio had been very vocal on the fact that Dominik Mysterio was not her type . The problem, however, was the more time she spent with Dom the more time she realized he was her type - a man who had to hide half of who he was, had a larger than life laugh, and struggled to understand his role in the Industry they worked their asses off for? Not to mention he was sweet, dedicated, and downright patient with her when most people weren’t (Rhea was a bit of a perfectionist, Dominik was not, but he cared enough about her vision that he worked until his lines, his moves, his promos were good enough for her to consider them ok ). So, yes, she too had developed a crush, an attraction, an innocent little infatuation on Dominik Mysterio - not that she was going to tell Buddy that anytime soon, he would be insufferable in his gloating about being right…
“Ok, so this is our living room!” Rhea announced, as she tugged Dominik into the room, the white carpet, and couch, were offset by the deep black walls, and the gaming system, and the less than PG paintings that sort of decorated the house more than anything. “You can game with us later!” She added, with a smile, “And this is where we keep our belts.” It was a tall display wall with every belt they’d ever held, Rhea lowkey wanted to put Dominik’s one half of the tag-team championship up there, then realized how unhinged that thought was for the moment, tucking it away, she cleared her throat, “And now the kitchen!” The tour went pretty fast, it was only a four bedroom, with one bedroom being turned into a home-gym, their master bedroom, and two guest bedrooms, although one was shoved full of Buddy’s AEW merch and gear. Rhea showed Dominik to the larger guest room , the one that shared a bathroom with the Master bedroom.
“Once you get settled, just come find us, I guess he’s still outside with the dogs?” Rhea hummed, unsure.
“Ok.” Dominik shot her a warm smile, before she could walk away he pulled her into a tight hug, squeezing her to his chest and kissing her cheek, “Thanks for letting me hide here.” He whispered against her skin, goosebumps seemed to erupt all over her body, she swallowed nervously, if they were both stupid about their crushes on Dominik this week was going to go down in flames, and he was going to go running back to San Diego before she could get him lunch. She patted his side as he let her go, he turned to start unpacking, so she ducked out of the room, intent on finding her actual boyfriend and writing a game plan, because they were going down faster than the Titanic, if they didn’t get on the same page.
Rhea found Buddy exactly where she left him, standing on the freshly painted patio (he could claim he cleaned it all he wanted, but that was some bullshit), looking down and talking to himself. From just behind him in the open doorway she could hear Buddy talking largely to himself, "What the fuck was that, just hug him? Hug him for five minutes? No hello , no hey , Dominik how's it going? No hey, sorry about your bitch of a girlfriend, I didn't really like her when we were in that storyline-" Rhea frowned, she hadn’t thought about how much Buddy would have know Maria, the man in question was steady winding himself up, his voice getting harsher with each sentence, “No, welcome to my house…”
“Hey.” Rhea cleared her throat, which had Buddy jolting as he whirled to look at her, “No need winding yourself up, love, he’s getting comfortable in the guest room.” Buddy turned to look at her, biting his bottom lip and pouting a little bit. “Come on.” Rhea reached for his hand and tugged, “You promised to cook for us.” She prompted, he nodded his head, before he pulled her into his arms, and kissed her lips sweetly, “I love you.” Rhea reminded him.
“I love you too.” Buddy hummed, “So, can we keep him?”
Rhea rolled her eyes, “Let’s get through the weekend.”
“That’s not a no!” Buddy called out excitedly, and ducked into the house. Rhea giggled as she followed him, hopping up onto the counter, as Buddy started pulling out ingredients, it wasn’t long before Dominik joined them, now in his own pair of basketball shorts and a Naruto t-shirt on. Rhea patted the counter top next to her, Dominik gave her a questioning look, so she patted it again, he hopped up next to her, just as Buddy turned the radio to an oldies station. “Thank you for being willing to spend Christmas with us on short notice.”
Dominik looked up at him with wide eyes, through his fringe, “Uh, thanks for inviting me.” Dominik offered, “I know it was super short notice, and I know we haven’t really talked since…” Dominik trailed off.
“I got released?” Buddy breathed out, “It’s fine, things were messy at the time.” He shrugged his shoulders. “I’m glad you're in The Judgment Day, although from the outside it looks hilarious.” He offered, “We joke about it some at AEW, like, think about it... the rich kid, the transfer student, and two dudes in their forties who like to build lego houses…” That made Dominik giggle, “Not that any of those things are bad, I too build lego houses…” He hummed, and resumed putting everything together to make nachos.
“Well, we can spend all week hanging out.” Rhea encouraged the two boys, linking one of her hands in Dom’s and reaching for Buddy with the other, pulling the man in to kiss her, “Which means, candy, video games, gym days, and late night movie marathons, we can be bad moshers!” She encouraged, “Just for a bit, and I’m totally telling Finn and Damian about that.” She looked at Buddy who snickered.
Dominik’s gaze darted between the hand of Rhea’s he was holding and Buddy who shrugged, kissed Rhea’s lips, then ruffled Dominik’s hair, before Buddy went back to focus on the chicken he was cooking for the nachos. Rhea, meanwhile was just pleased that Buddy was playing it fucking cool . She, meanwhile, tilted to lean her head on Dominik’s shoulder, so the pair could watch Buddy cook. Before long, Buddy was making plates, asking what they both wanted, vegetable and toppings wise, before handing a plate first to Rhea, then Dominik, then he made his own plate.
They trio ate in the kitchen - Rhea and Dominik remained seated on the counter, while Buddy leaned against another counter, across from them, the group eating in near-silence. After, Dominik offered to do the dishes, only for Rhea to wave him off, “We have two pre-dishwashers,” She then called the dogs, and ushered the group into the living room promising, “I’ll grab them later, let’s play!” Dominik ended up smashed on the couch between them, the three playing a very violent and aggressive game of Mario Party. Rhea declared nap time when they finished two consecutive games (to her amusement Dominik had won them both ), she immediately curled into Dominik’s side, and made herself comfortable.
“Can I uh, nap time too?” Buddy asked, going for casual but failing.
Dominik flicked his gaze to Buddy, his eyes wide where Rhea was cashed out against his chest, “This is ok?”
“Yeah, man, I love how comfortable she is with you.” Buddy explained, “I’m not, like, mad at you and Rhea’s TV work, I’m mad that everyone thinks you and Demi are messing around behind my back. I’m sure if she wanted to kiss you or sleep with you, she’d tell me.” Buddy shrugged, “And we’d figure out what that means, like… if she’s serious or… you know it’s just a crush.” Rhea, who was pretending to be asleep could feel herself getting embarrassed for Buddy, obviously he was relaying his own feelings there.
“Oh.” Dominik sounded confused, still, but she didn’t move. “Maria broke things off with me because she thought I was cheating on her with Demi.” Dominik explained, “Even though I explained to her multiple times it’s not like that, no matter how pretty Demi is, or what we are doing in the ring…” He shrugged, careful not to jostle Rhea, “I hadn’t tried to contact you since this started, because I… like I didn’t want you to be mad at me you were the first person to be real with me during the Mysterio-Messiah thing, and I don’t want you to hate me.” Dominik’s voice was tinged with sadness. “I’m sorry for crashing here… I know holidays are meant to be spent with loved ones.”
Buddy hummed, Rhea felt the boys shift, and settled, she peaked up to see Buddy had wrapped his arm around Dominik’s shoulders and was now pulling the boy closer to his side. She moved with the pull, so she and Dominik were both sort of sprawled against Buddy. “Story lines aren’t worth getting that mad over, like I said I just tend to react to the fans and it comes out wrong.” Buddy admitted, “Now let’s take a nap, and…” Buddy paused, “I never really liked Maria, but I do like you.”
“That’s good.” Dominik yawned, “Thank you.” Rhea felt her sleepiness start to pull her under, so she relaxed into it, Buddy and Dominik had talked, they could talk more later. Naps were good.
Christmas Eve the following morning had all three of them rushing to the mall, because while they had sent gifts to family (Buddy and Rhea had things for one another), they didn’t have gifts to exchange between the three of them. They rode together, promptly hid their faces, and rushed to get gifts and supplies, the trio giggling whenever they caught sight of one another, it took Buddy an embarrassing amount of time (in Rhea’s opinion) to realize that both Rhea and Dominik were wearing his hoodies, since he was larger than both of them. When he did, however, he walked straight into a glass door, cursing under his breath when he realized Rhea had seen him.
Dominik bumped into him in Spencers at the checkout line, Buddy was relieved his gifts had already been wrapped up, the teenager behind the counter was eyeing them both like he recognized them but also like he had so many questions, “So, uh…” Dominik looked at him, “There is this corset with red roses, I want to get for Dems, I think she’d like it, but I’m not sure of her size…” He looked at Buddy pleadingly.
“Sure, Dom, let’s…” He nearly froze when in his excitement that Buddy had agreed Dominik grabbed his hand - Buddy knew that he tended to do that with Damian and Finn (Rhea had explained it was trust based). Dominik yanked him towards the back, where the corset in question looked amazing, and like Rhea deserved it along with the red pleather jeans that Dominik had already tossed over his arm, and a pair of chunky black boots. So, Dominik knew her pants and shoe size, but not her cup size. “Let me…” Buddy pulled forward around him, and rifled through until he found the right size, “There you go, Dom.”
“Thanks, Matty.” The younger man blushed, but nodded his head, “I’ll see you in a bit?”
“Uh, sure.” Buddy nodded his head and headed out of the story, nearly colliding with Rhea who was watching through the front windows again, “Are you stalking us?”
“Stalking? You’d like that.” Rhea muttered, “What did you two do in the back?” She whined, Buddy grinned, relieved the woman hadn’t seen what Dom had picked out (it would go really well with the new leather jacket that Buddy already had under the tree for her, and the cute black skinny jeans that he’d bought her earlier). “Did you get Dominik the thing I told you?” Rhea demanded as she tilted to look up at Buddy.
“Yes, you menace, I got all four of the Wonder Woman Lego sets that were available for purchase, and I got his matching pajamas, and before you hit me I got him Wonder Woman boxers, socks, and two different shirts, and a bath bomb.” Dominik ducked out of the store with two of the larger bags, “Hello, Dom, are you ready to head out? We still have to put the Gothic Tree up and decorate it.”
Dominik looked between them, “I need to get one more thing.” He bit his lip, “Is that ok?”
“Sure, Dom Dom.” Rhea felt her tone softened, “Want to meet us at the SUV?”
Dominik frowned, “No we can all go together.” With that he headed them toward the Christmas Kiosk, “I just, we always get new ornaments for the Tree at Abuelo and Abuela’s house, and since I’m not there… Could I get an ornament for your tree?” He looked at them with a sad look on his face, “I can take it when I leave-”
“If you put an ornament on our tree, you need to add another one next year.” Buddy said, before his brain caught up, Rhea watched as Buddy turned red and Dominik blushed pretty pink, maybe there was something she was missing.
Instead of pushing she nodded her head, “Yeah, what Matty said, if you add an ornament, you have to do it every single year.” If possible, Dominik grinned wide, and headed for the ornaments, looking through them until he found an Astronaut. “I’ll write Mexican on it, since everyone tags me with that on TikTok.” He chuckled a little harder, Rhea grabbed an ornament with three cookies that had name places, intent to write their names on it, forever remembering the year she brought Dominik home for Christmas, while Buddy grabbed two different ornaments that looked like the dogs at home.
Buddy paid for them all, even though Dominik pouted about it, Rhea had just shrugged and handed her ornament over, smiling. Buddy urged them back out to the SUV, they had to stop by the storage unit so they could get the Gothic Tree out and the ornaments they had combined when they got together. Dominik, adorably, did his best to help them load everything, grabbing all the boxes they pointed out they needed.
By the time they made it back to the house they were hungry, so Dominik offered to make them sandwiches, while they wrapped their gifts, then after lunch Dominik wrapped his gifts while Rhea and Buddy sorted through the boxes to find all the pieces and parts of the black Christmas tree. He rejoined them and the trio worked together on putting the tree together, “So, can we watch Christmas movies tonight? Or do you not…” Dominik frowned, “I’m sorry I keep asking for stuff-”
Rhea, on a stroke of genius, cleared her throat, “We always watch Christmas movies,” She elbowed Buddy, “And we build a fort and sleep in here, in our matching pajamas.” She nudged Buddy who handed him one of the wrapped boxes, and shot him a tentative smile.
“Thanks! When do we put these on?” Dominik held the box protectively.
Oh, no. Rhea felt her heart thunder, she knew that Dominik liked praise, but… was he not getting enough positive reinforcement, had she failed in their kayfabe relationship? The boy in question was leaning into Buddy, the pair looking down at the box of ornaments, sorting through where to start, she watched the pair for a moment, thoughtful, before nodding her head, Buddy was right and it was about time she told him - but, more than that she could see how perfectly Dominik could fit.
“Put them on when you want, Dom Dom. I’m going to put the MistleToe up!” Rhea declared, yanking the offensive plants from one of her shopping bags. Both men turned to look at her like, where did you get that? , she shot them a blinding smile, as she moved to hang the first little bundle over the entryway into the living room from the hallway, before heading for the kitchen to do the same, and then the hallway on the opposite side leading into the living room. She kept her eyes on the boys, gazing at the pair who worked well together - rethinking all their ring chemistry she’d seen. Dominik was amazing with ring chemistry, he could literally work with anyone (even Brock Lesnar who’d accidently hurt him the first time they worked one another).
“Hey, Dems, can you come help?” Buddy’s voice drew her out of his thoughts. “We have fluffed the tree.”
She gazed at it, “Missed a spot.” She slid around them to fix a branch that had left a hole, Dominik sputtered about it, but Buddy openly laughed, “Once we do this, and eat everything we made for dinner, then can we play truth or dare before we start watching Christmas movies?”
Buddy shot her a look that told her that he knew exactly what she was up to, but Dominik looked so pleased and ready, “That sounds like fun.” He offered, diplomatically, “I’m too old-”
“You're not too old.” Dominik nearly knocked into his side, turning sharp to eye Buddy, “You're never too old to have fun, please?” Dominik pouted, Rhea watched Buddy crumble in front of her very eyes. Rhea grinned sharp and happy, she could make her man's dreams (ok, and her dreams) come true, they had four more days to change Dominik’s relationship status, and somehow get the boy between the sheets.
Everything on the tree, cookies made (thanks, Buddy, Rhea thought as she eyed his lack of diet in the face of Dominik’s breakup), the group had changed into their matching PJ’s - black onesies with white Christmas trees and the red bedazzled ‘Merry Fucking Christmas’ splashed across the fronts of their chest, a fort had been successfully erected in the living room, and the first Christmas movie was on (Christmas in July). Buddy had practically rearranged the living room, Rhea snapped a shot of them and posted it on Instagram with the caption, ‘ Christmas with both my men! Latino Heat and Australian Fireeee!’, then she took all their phones and put them in one of the stockings they hadn’t used.
“Are we going to play truth or dare, now?” Buddy asked, amused, as both Rhea and Dominik sat down on the floor, knees touching. Dominik had pulled his mullet up into a bun again (Buddy thought that was probably Rhea’s way of teasing him, he'd made the mistake of telling her that while he loved the mullet also found Dominik absolutely adorable with his hair twisted up in either a ponytail or bun - both of which Dominik did more and more the longer it got).
“We are.” Dominik agreed, “Can I go first?” He asked, looking at the pair, who nodded, “Ok, Dems, truth or dare?”
Rhea blinked, “Truth?”
Dominik gave her a very pointed look, “Why did you really invite me to Christmas?”
Rhea glanced at Buddy, “Because we wanted you to be here.”
“Both of you?” Dominik turned to look at Buddy.
Rhea tutted, “You only get one question,” Dominik pouted, “Matty, truth or dare?”
Buddy rolled his eyes, “Truth.” He gave Rhea a pointed look.
Rhea cackled, “Why did you want Dom to come to our house?”
Buddy flushed, then looked at Dom, “Dems wants me to tell you the whole truth, like a brat, so…” He scratched the back of his neck, “When we were doing the Mysterio/Messiah thing, I uh, I thought you were very cute.” He breathed out, “You sort of inspired my, uh, my bi-panic?” He said questioningly. Rhea nodded and made a humming noise for him to continue, “So, I might have mentioned that to Dems when she started working with you, or like with the Judgment Day started working with you.”
Dominik blinked rapidly, “I inspired you're bi-panic?”
Buddy nodded, unashamed, “That’s ok, right?”
Dominik was blushing very pretty, in Rhea’s opinion, a smile working its way on his face, “So… you have a crush on me still?” Buddy nodded, Dominik turned to look at Rhea, “Dems do you have a crush on me too?” The wheels were obviously turning behind his pretty dark eyes.
“It’s Matty’s turn to ask a question.” Rhea countered, avoiding the question.
Buddy laughed, “Dems, truth or dare.”
“Dare.” Rhea decided, savagely.
“Kiss Dom.” Buddy ordered, then backtracked a bit, “If you're both ok with that?”
Dominik blushed but nodded his head signaling that the was fine with it, Rhea rolled her shoulders, “I do have a crush on you,” She grabbed the front of his onesie and yanked him forward, to press a quick chaste kiss to his lips, she pulled back, “Now Dominik, truth or truth?” She didn’t let him answer, “Do you like us?” This was something Buddy was nervous about, he was worried Dominik would only be interested in Rhea.
Dominik laughed, “So… Matty, you weren’t my bi-panic, you were my bi-confirmation. I was so mad that Aalyah got to kiss you, and I had to work with you and couldn’t really like, talk to you about my feelings, cause I was scared you were like the other guys in the locker room and had this phobia of queer, and I obviously like Dems, it’s something that apparently everyone has picked up on.”
Buddy shot him a soft smile, “Well, not a phobia, can I kiss you now?” He asked softly.
“I want you to know, Dom Dom, that we both want you, we want you to be with us, dating us both.” Rhea explained, “I want to keep you, Buddy wants to keep you, and this only works if you want us, too.”
Dominik seemed to think about it, “Yes, but , this can’t be like a rebound thing for me. Maria and I were in love once but since I started being on the road all the time, we fell apart. Honestly we were headed toward this break up months ago, but like… I don’t want this… to be like awkward, I don’t want just a few days getting to explore whatever this is you are both offering…”
“Not a rebound.” Buddy offered, quickly, “We would like to keep you.”
“Possessive, I like it.” Dominik wiggled a bit then refocused his attention on Buddy, “Kiss?” Buddy caught the front of Dominik’s pajamas much like Rhea had, and yanked Dominik in, to kiss him on the lips, kissing Dominik with a promise for more later if he wanted it. Rhea clapped her hands together, a smile on her face, this was both a Christmas Miracle and absolutely the best New Years gift ever. When they broke apart, Rhea climbed over them both to kiss Buddy, then Dominik, grinning warmly at them. “Can we watch movies now and cuddle?” Dominik asked, seriously.
They pulled couch cushions and blankets and pillows around, to create a comfortable enough place to lay, Buddy stretched out in the center, Rhea laid near the couch, her head on Buddy’s chest, Dominik laid on the other side, his back to the pair, but curled up to Buddy, head resting on Buddy’s arm, so they could all watch the TV, Rhea handed the remote to Dominik, so he could cue the next movie up. Rhea let her arm drape over Buddy’s waist, and hooked her hand over Dominik’s hip, pressing her nails into his side, while Buddy coiled the arm under Rhea around her more and pressed his other hand to Dominik’s heart, so the boy was in a neck-lock of sorts. Happiness settled and the three rested together.
Christmas morning they woke up still a pile of messy arms and legs on the floor of Rhea’s house (Buddy had moved in with her and if Rhea had her way Dominik would be moving from the Mysterio house in Las Vegas to join them immediately). They hurried to use the bathroom, washed their hands, and then made breakfast together, Dominik had commandeered the radio so they were listening to some Spanish Rap, which had Rhea bobbing her head along and Buddy sort of swaying.
“Breakfast, then presents, then let's lay in bed and do nothing !” Rhea called out excitedly as Buddy moved to set the table for breakfast.
Dominik laughed, “So, before we lay in bed and do nothing, I think we should talk.” Both Buddy and Rhea pouted, “Hear me out, I was just in a very vanilla relationship for years .” He folded his arms over his chest, “I like you both, I’ve always felt a connection to you, Matty, and sparks literally flew with you Dems, but… I’m still a bit unsure.” They frowned, “Unsure about how fast we should move… don’t get me wrong, I’m down for the physical side of things but… I wanna…” He frowned.
“We can move however fast or slow as you want, right Dems?” Buddy elbowed her.
“Right.” Rhea agreed, “You're speed.”
Dominik grinned at them both before he giggled, “Christmas morning time!”
The morning of the twenty-sixth Dominik got a phone call that had them all on edge - Maria wanted to know where to send his belongings, since they’d been sharing an apartment in San Diego. Buddy took the phone and gave her their address in Tampa. Maria didn’t seem too bothered, she promised to send everything straight through. It was Rhea who offered a soft sad smile, “How about you just stay here for now, and lets put together some of your Legos, yeah?”
“Ok.” Dominik looked a bit miffed, “Can we maybe… can we build Legos in bed?” It was an odd request but Rhea nodded her head, and Buddy hummed his agreement. The trio tumbled into the big bed, still in their onesie pajamas, and somehow managed to assemble the ‘invisible’ jet that was made of clear blocks. Once that was done, Dominik dropped into Buddy’s lap, and cried - the first time Rhea had really seen him shed tears, she moved closer and rubbed at his shoulders, while Buddy held him tightly.
Dominik eventually seemed to cry himself out, while Buddy rubbed his fingers over Dominik’s long hair, playing with the ends like Rhea had liked when she had longer hair. Rhea nuzzled into Dominik’s side, her arms around his middle, while Buddy shifted them slightly, so he could nudge Dominik’s chin up with his fingers, “Hey, baby?” Dominik blinked his tears away, “It’s ok, you know? To hurt and be sad about you're relationship with Maria ending, it was a long part of your life, and we understand how you must be hurt - we’ve both been through bad breakups.” He motioned between himself and Rhea, “So, you take all the time you need, we aren’t going to change our minds - I’ve had a crush on you for years, and Dems is obsessed, even if she doesn’t want to admit it.”
Dominik let out a wet little giggle, “Thanks, I needed that.” He breathed, then looked at Buddy with huge pleading eyes, “Can I have a kiss?”
“You don’t have to ask for those, sweetface.” Buddy promised, ducking to kiss his lips softly, when he pulled back he studied Dominik’s face, Rhea, too was watching him carefully, “You know, Dom Dom, I think maybe for now kissing, holding hands, cuddling is probably the best course of action, we can figure out the more physical stuff later.”
Dominik nodded his head as Rhea wiggled to be more between them, “I want cuddles too!” She demanded.
Buddy laughed, “Great, now there are two of you, my needy little babies.” He grumbled, before adjusting so they could both stretch out over his chest, he kissed both their heads, as Rhea pulled Dominik into a soft, sweet little kiss. Buddy wrapped his arms around them both holding them to his chest, before he cleared his throat, “I hate to suggest this, but for now… maybe we just keep this between us. Dominik can move in slowly over time, when y’all come off the road, you can come here, and we can unpack him a little bit at a time.”
‘Good idea, Matty.” Rhea hummed, “That gives you time to get him a dresser and a lounger for our bedroom.”
Dominik blushed pretty, “I get to stay in the bedroom too?”
“You're ours, we are yours, of course you get to stay in the bedroom.” Buddy chuckled, “Where else would you sleep, baby?” Dominik shrugged, while Rhea traced his face with her fingertips, “Now I believe we agreed to do absolutely nothing productive for the rest of the break… but after this nap, can we please, please, change out of these hot ass onesies.”
Rhea grumbled, “Fine, I guess…”
Rhea had suffered through yet another messy taping for the Mysterio drama that was unfolding on WWE regularly. Buddy met both of them outside the restaurant, or rather Dominik ran headlong into Buddy out of the restaurant when he was ‘running from the cops’, Rhea after she pushed through the camera crew found the pair, and let Buddy usher them both into the rental he’d picked up. Rhea had clocked the look Rey sent at them - and wondered if maybe he was upset that Dominik was moving in with them (had moved in with them) or was upset that Rhea and Dominik were less than PG behind the scenes. The more Dominik had gotten over his grief when it came to his relationship with Maria (he blamed himself for failing her somehow), the more handsy he had gotten with them both, and the more he opened up to them, sharing everything with them he absolutely could.
Which brought Rhea to her biggest problem as of late - the girls locker room. If one more person accused her of cheating on Buddy she might just take their heads off, with her bare hands. She was not cheating, she was just traveling with one of her boyfriends while the other boyfriend stayed around Jacksonville or did small time house shows across America (taking Luna and Barry with him). Again, not the world knew that, although she’d been dropping not so subtle hints, case in point, she tagged a lot of things with her Latino Heat and Australian Fire.
“So, what do we want to do for Valentine’s Day?” Buddy asked, softly, as he eyed the pair that had both climbed into the backseat, he looked at them through the rearview, watching them casually. Dominik and Rhea shared a look, the pair shrugging, “Alright, so I guess I get to choose.” He turned the car on, buckled up, and shifted it into gear, steering them out of the parking lot and towards the center of town. If they weren’t going to pick then Buddy was going to check something off his to-do list.
Coney Island at night was lit up magnificently. Rhea chuckled as she realized where Buddy had taken them - she knew he’d never managed to get to go, in all the times they’d been in the city for road shows or other things he’d never managed to go, Dominik made a funny noise, “Uncle Eddie brought me here a couple times.” He offered, sounding a little excited and a lot relieved. “This is going to be great!” He added, already trying to unbuckle and escape the SUV.
Buddy climbed out, trailed by Rhea and Dominik, he offered his arms to them both. Rhea slid to his left side while Dominik took his right, the three moved toward ticket sales, once more Buddy bought their admissions (Rhea wondered if Dominik was getting a bit irritated by how often Buddy just paid for everything, the man liked to spoil his princesses ). With their wristbands on they headed into the park, Buddy stiffened for just a moment as Dominik’s hand slid into his, instead of resting their arms together, Rhea on his other side had already laced their fingers together.
From the midway they scouted out the best path to the Cyclone, which had apparently been one of Eddie’s favorite rides. They headed first for the Soarin’ Eagle, but soon realized they’d have to break up into a pair and a single rider - they agreed quickly to alternate out who was the single rider. From Soarin’ Eagle they moved onto the SlingShot, then the Steeplechase, before making their way across what amounted to a kiddy-land, although they did stop to ride the Ferris Wheel and the Coney Clipper (one of the few rides they could sit altogether), before they headed into the line for the Cyclone.
Maybe it was because it was February, but the lines weren’t terribly long, so they got to ride the Cyclone three times in a row before Rhea was begging for them to do literally anything else . They cut back across the kiddy-land, and through the rides they’d already rode, across the midway a second time, to reach the rest of the rides. The Astro Tower had them all screaming, loudly, hands held outside of the harnesses on the ride, Dominik screaming out a very shrill, “Ohhhh, Shit!” As it dropped them from the heavens.
Buddy was the one who tugged them into the line for the Thunderbolt, and honestly, Rhea was starting to get a little worried about the age of all the coasters Buddy was apparently obsessed with. They rode it four times, before Rhea managed to talk him into riding the Tony’s Express. After that Rhea begged for them to play games, and Dominik managed to win them all three small little rewards at Ring Toss, Rhea won them all prizes at Whack-A-Mole, then Buddy won Rhea and Dominik huge stuffed Hippos (Rhea’s was purple and Dominik’s was blue) at a bean bag toss game.
“Can we eat here?” Dominik asked, eyeing both his girlfriend and his boyfriend.
“Come on, there’s an Italian place, uh… Al Cavallino?” Buddy pointed at the sign, as they moved towards it.
“Let’s get it to go.” Rhea hummed, “I wanna uh, I wanna go back to the hotel.” There was a flirty lit to her voice, one that had Buddy and Dominik quickly ordering three massive pizzas, and rushing out of Luna Park, back to the SUV and toward the Mandarin Oriental. It was on the steep end of the price scale that they tended to use when it came to picking a hotel, but Rhea had splurged a little because this was a big night .
With everything that had been going on, they’d been traveling more and more, and with Buddy now doing regular house shows for AEW and still picking up his special contracts, they had had to enact a two week rule - they saw each other all three every two weeks even if it was only for an hour. For all that Buddy could be upset that Rhea and Dom were always together he was relieved that his little monsters had one another on the road, he was ok traveling on his own, he’d always been good at the road (which irritated both Rhea and Dom).
The Premier Central Park Suite, on the forty-second floor overlooked the park (obviously) but was also decorated elegantly. The entry into the room was into a sprawling living room, where a curved couch sat around a coffee table, across from that there was a table made for four. Dominik dropped the pizza on it, while Rhea set about getting the beer out of the mini-fridge. The bedroom was huge, with a California King size bed, and a small lounge-chair against the impressive floor to ceiling windows that looked out over the beauty that was Central Park in the large and sprawling city. The bathroom was pristine, with a huge tub and a deep sink. The closet was packed full of Buddy, Rhea and Dominik’s belongings (mostly Buddy’s because he’d arrived a couple days before Rhea and Dominik).
They changed into lounge clothes which equaled boxers for both Dominik and Buddy, while Rhea donned a pair of black underwear and a t-shirt that belonged to Dominik. Rhea grabbed her pizza slice, folded it in half, and started to eat, sitting criss-cross on the fluffy white couch, Dominik joined her with both their beers and his own two slices of pizza that he’d made some sort of a sandwich out of. Buddy just grabbed his whole box of pizza and his beer, dropping onto the couch next to his lovers. What was the point in working his ass out in the gym if he couldn’t eat a whole pizza when he damn well wanted it.
The thing about Buddy, in Rhea’s opinion, was he was easy to read. There was a way he looked, when his hunger changed from wolfing down a whole pizza full of gross things like anchovies, to devouring Rhea or Dominik. She and Dominik had barely finished their first slices when Buddy’s gaze turned a bit heated, a bit more focused, his pupils expanding, he licked his lips, and Rhea resigned herself to the fact that they’d finish eating later and they would probably need a shower (or two).
Rhea also knew how to get Buddy’s attention, she stretched her arms over her head, yawning, before she moved toward Dominik, licking the side of his face, “You know what I think?” She offered the boys, “I think we’ve kissed a bit, we’ve made out, we’ve gotten each other off through our clothes… it’s about time we did moooore.” She whined a bit, which was enough, Buddy didn’t give either of them time to reach, before he tossed his pizza down (he’d be upset about that later, it missed the table and hit the nice carpet), and yanked both of them into his lap, Dominik nearly clipped him in the balls, but Buddy didn’t slow down, instead he pressed forward, licking his way into Dominik’s mouth, forcefully biting at the boys lips, tasting every bit of Dominik’s mouth before he turned his attention to Rhea and gave her much the same treatment, she sighed into him, melting closer.
When they broke for air, the pair had been kissed soundly by Buddy for the better part of thirty minutes, whenever he broke for air from one kiss, he’d gulp down some more then lunge forward to kiss the other. “Making out is good.” Dominik giggled, his lips kissed red and bruising quickly, “But you know what would be better?” He asked as he pressed forward and started biting at Buddy’s neck, the man was still kissing Rhea like his life depended on it, “Mutual orgasms sound better, don’t you think?” Buddy inhaled sharply, broke his kiss with Rhea and looked at Dominik seriously.
Dominik, however, had moved to focus on Rhea, tugging on her shirt, to get it over her head, even as the younger pair shifted on Buddy’s lap, so they were more facing each other, Rhea giggled, “Do you have an idea?”
“Yeah, actually I do.” Dominik began, “But uh, it’s more of a fantasy?”
“Wanna tell us?” Buddy asked, softly, ducking to kiss both their shoulders.
“Can I just uh, show you?” Dominik ventured, blushing pretty, the red running down his cheeks to bloom across his chest and down to his happy trail, that disappeared into his boxers, which were tenting up, showing his interest. Dominik waited for both of them to nod, “Ok, Matty, can you uh, can you sit on the table for a moment.” He motioned toward the coffee table, Buddy huffed clearly aware of where this was maybe going, but did as Dominik asked, Rhea and Dominik were both shuffled onto the couch, for him to move, “Alright, Mami,” Dom looked at Rhea, sweetly, batting his eyelashes, “Off with the clothes, please?” He tugged on her black underwear. She laughed, loudly. She shimmied out of them, while Dominik stood and slid his own boxers down, awkwardly.
Buddy watched them, his boxers tight. For a moment Rhea and Dominik just looked at each other, they’d taken to sharing a locker room on the road, and had seen flashes of each other naked, but like they’d agreed back at Christmas, none of them had moved past kisses and cuddles with a side of hand holding. Rhea was toned and athletic, Dominik was starting to gain more muscle, but still had soft love handles from the weight he’d gained between Football and deciding to join the WWE for real. Dominik’s gaze wandered over her, but not for long, he drug his eyes back upward to where Rhea was studying him, a bright smile on her face, and eyes gleefully full of what could only be called mischief and desire.
“Dios,” Dominik breathed out, “I wanna eat you alive.” He brought his hands to rest on her hip bones, Buddy tracked the movement, a smile starting to pull at his lips, Dominik pulled Rhea back toward the couch. She jerked her head in a nod, before dipping forward to kiss his lips, fingers shaking Dominik moved his right hand, letting his index finger trace a path from her collarbones downward, to her shaved pussy lips, he groaned into the kiss when he felt how wet she was, the scent of her arousal spiking as he did it again, “Let me taste you?” He begged, when she broke the kiss, he pulled her hand to his lips and licked them hungrily, he turned to look at Buddy, moving his fingers free of his lips, “Can I taste Mami?” He asked, slowly.
“Go ahead, baby.” Buddy grinned sharply, “Taste you're Mami.” He added, a bit darker.
“Thank you, Papi.” Dominik whispered, as he gazed at Rhea, eyes hooded with want.
“Lay back.” Rhea ordered, shoving his shoulder harshly so he dropped back onto the couch, with the curve it was kind of awkward but they made it work, “I wanna taste you too, can I Papi?” She blinked innocently at Buddy, who chuckled darkly but nodded his head, waving his hand in a do as you please sort of motion. Tentatively, afraid that Dominik might change his mind, Rhea fisted his cock, pumped it twice then rubbed his precum off with her thumb, pushing it into her mouth and loudly moaning around the taste. A wicked grin lit up her face, as she climbed up and over him, Dominik caught her hips to help her situate her cute cunt over his mouth so she wouldn’t smother him (although Dominik probably would have willingly agreed to that), she froze over him when he slid his tongue over her clit the first time, “Oooh.” She hissed, before wiggling a bit, to encourage him, she stretched her body over his, using her right hand to balance herself on his upper thigh, before moving to hold the base of her cock with her left hand, she nuzzled his cockhead with her lips and, as he took a stronger lick between her pussy lips, the moment she sucked his cockhead into her lips, he flicked his tongue hard against her core - chasing the sweet honey like taste of her wetness.
By the way Dominik was moaning, Buddy knew he was in heaven. From what they knew about Dominik, he’d always had an oral fixation, it was further proven as he greedily locked his lips over her swollen clit and sucked, grazing his teeth along her tiny little bud, flicking his tongue in a rough pattern - then he’d slide his tongue down further, slipping into her tight little hole, tasting her pure sex, before he’d double back to his sucking of her clit. Rhea, meanwhile, was caught between begging Dom for god only knows what and purposely trying to choke herself because the feeling of Dom cockhead against the back of her throat made her nearly feral with want, she bobbed her head up and down testing out different twirls of her tongue and grazes of her teeth sometimes sucking harder, Dom hips bucked up driving his cock deeper into her throat as she ground her hips down, pushing her cunt against Dom face in need. He responded by fucking his tongue in and out of her cute little pussy, nuzzling her red and sensitive clit with his nose.
Buddy watched on appreciatively, not sure how long they teased each other before he slowly eased himself down to his knees, groaning in frustration as he drove his knee into the pizza he’d dropped earlier (for a moment his mind focused on the fact that they were going to have to pay to have this room cleaned), he refocused on the beautiful sight before him. Rhea was devoutly bobbing her head up and down eager to take as much of Dom cock down her throat, while Dom was greedily eating her pussy like his life depended on it. Buddy didn’t bother to take his boxers off, only pushing them down enough to get his cock out, he spat in his hand to lube himself up with it the best he could, before edging forward, pointedly ignoring the pizza issue. Both Rhea and Dominik froze for a moment when his hands landed on them, so he pushed Rhea’s head down to get her to refocus on the delicious looking cock in her mouth. As soon as she resumed bobbing her head up and down, Dominik refocused on his sweet treat.
Buddy spat into his hand a couple more times, then rubbed his hand between the pair, wetting down Rhea’s ribs and Dominik’s stomach with his saliva, before he pushed forward and slid his cock between their bodies seeking friction. He grunted as he set a slow rhythm, then ran his index finger down Rhea’s spine, dipping between her cute little ass cheeks, rubbing hard over her asshole - the girl let out a pretty noise as Buddy sunk his finger into her tight wet cunt, Dom hummed and turned his attention to just her clit, nibbling and sucking happily. Buddy pushed his index finger in and out of her, finger fucking her while Dominik teased her clit, he added a second finger even as he brought his other hand up to his mouth and sucked sloppily on his fingers.
“Hey, Dom, spread your legs for me, baby.” The younger man did as Buddy commanded, careful not to jostle Rhea, “Sweetface, drool down his cock for me.” He continued to lightly fuck his hips forward, while scissoring his fingers inside of Rhea the powerful woman whimpering her pleasure even as she did as he asked. He grinned darkly as her drool ran down Dom’s shaft and over his rather nice sized balls (Buddy sort of wanted to suck on them, but that would have to wait). He caught the drool with his free hand and proceeded to smear it over Dom tight puckered asshole, “Is this ok, baby?” Dominik made a muffled noise of agreement, so Buddy worked his middle finger in first, the boy gasped even as he bucked into the feeling, once Buddy could thrust that finger in and out without resistance, he set an even pace.
Rhea was starting to wiggle and whimper a bit louder, so Buddy pulled his fingers free of her hungry cunt, he knew exactly what his little mosher needed, “Dom, put your fingers in her.” Dominik clumsily did so, pushing two in and nibbling a little harder on her clit if her grunt and moan was anything to go by. Buddy ran his sloppy wet fingers from her pussy to her tight asshole, he worked the first one in even as he added a second finger to Dom, his hips started bucking his cock harder between their bodies, he could feel the heat of his pending orgasm rushing up his spine, so he slowed down a little bit, not wanting to cum just yet. He focused on the task at hand - soon he was working two fingers in and out of both their tight little asses while Rhea hungrily bobbed her head up and down Dom’s cock, now that Buddy was largely in charge he grinned.
Not that he minded the thought of watching the pair fuck from the corner chair, it was just their first time and he wanted to be as much a part of it as possible, an idea forming in his head, taking root and growing fast. “Tug on his balls, sweetheart.” Buddy could feel his own balls tightening, “Add another finger, Dom.” As both listened - Rhea rested her full weight against Dom which made the pressure on Buddy’s cock increase beautifully, and took both hands to his balls tugging and pinching slightly as she pushed herself until her nose was buried in his pubes. Dom has moved his free hand to coil around Buddy’s leg, to squeeze his balls from behind and Buddy couldn’t help but buck a little harder when Dom pulled just right the boy had also added a third finger to Rhea’s now stretched cunt. Buddy couldn’t help but add a third finger to stretch them even more - that was what did it both his younger lovers explode.
Rhea’s whole body went tense just before her cunt convulsed and her orgasm flooded Dom’s face and mouth. Dom came hard, his hips jerking up bucking his cock far enough down Rhea’s throat the woman gagged around him, but didn’t move off as he started to cum down her throat, Buddy sort of hoped she choked on it in the best way possible, Rhea liked to be in charge as far as the world was concerned, but Buddy was the one who held her down at home. Buddy’s rhythm faltered, he felt his balls draw up tight, his own release surged forward flooding the pair his cock was trapped between. He leaned forward, resting his head on the back of the couch, before he pulled his fingers free of the beautiful sweaty pair, he brought them to his mouth to lick them clean, even as Rhea gingerly moved off Dom, the pair both wiggling to sit up, facing Buddy who was still on his knees. Buddy couldn’t help but groan, seeing how wrecked the pair were, and how coated in his cum they were. He was still cumming when Rhea started to rub his cum into her skin, Dom after a moment of hesitation followed her lead, Buddy’s cock twitched eagerly watching them, he wanted more.
Buddy managed to get his boxers off, still ignoring the pizza situation under his knees, he continued to kneel before them, eyes going between the most beautiful woman and the most darling man he’d ever seen. “I wanna taste you both,” Buddy declared, “God you look like a porno, sort of smell like one too.” He inhaled deeply, the scent of their spent sex going to his head. “Dems, would you let Dom Dom fuck you're ass?” He bit his bottom lip and watched Rhea weigh her options, slowly she nodded, “I… god I wanna keep you both, forever.” He breathed out, his cock was still twitching, little dribbles of cum were dropping onto the floor between his knees, “Dom, baby, sit on the edge here, in front of me, Dems you should just be able to slide him in, I stretched you out nice, didn’t I?”
“Matty, you know I like you in me, always.” Rhea cupped his face, bent forward to kiss him sweetly, like she hadn’t just choked on Dom’s cock for the better part of the last hour, Buddy felt the heat bubbling his stomach again, “I really like knowing you like being inside me.” Rhea breathed out against his lips. The invitation was there, so Buddy grabbed her harshly by the back of her short hair, yanking her into a kiss that was more teeth than tongue, biting at one another, threatening to bust each others lips with the force, before Dom let out a noise of pain, and wiggled forward, inching into the kiss. It took a minute for them to navigate a three way kiss, more tongue than teeth this time, but once they had it Dominik’s moans turned from whimpers to pleading little noises.
Buddy, eager to get on to the next part of his plan, pulled away from them, licking his lips, before he nudged Rhea down the couch, so he could slide Dominik into position, “Did you like my finger Dom Dom?” He asked as he forced Dominik’s legs open, and yanking him toward the edge of the couch, Dominik nodded his head frantically as Buddy cupped his neck, squeezing slightly, before running his palms down Dominik’s chest, pausing to tweak his nipples - the boy let out a mewling noise, as Buddy slide his dominant hand downward, fingertips gliding over Dominik’s soft skin, before he pointedly ignored Dominik’s cock, and slid his finger back inside of the younger man, Dominik let out a airy moan.
“More?” Dom pleaded.
Buddy nipped at Dominik’s thighs, Rhea let out what amounted to a frustrated growl, before Buddy laughed, he pulled his mouth away from Dominik’s left high, a beautiful hickey left in its place, “Dems, come sit on Dom Dom’s cock for Papi.” When Rhea started the whole Who’s Your Papi?, neither one of them realized how much Dom would enjoy calling Rhea Mami and Buddy Papi , had both Rhea and Buddy referring to each other in the same manner.
Buddy knew deep down that he’d probably started to push both Rhea and Dominik further than they wanted to go for their first time, but neither of them were saying stop . Rhea complied, as she moved to brace her hands on Buddy’s shoulders while Dom held his cock with the hand not currently twisted in the couch cushions. Buddy bent down a little, doing his best to ignore how his knee slid on the pizza box, to watch Dom’s now hard cock (it was a nice cock, almost eight inches, and decently thick - not as thick or as long as Buddy’s, but delicious looking and he personally couldn’t wait to suck it down) push against Rhea’s tight puckered pink ring, before finally his cockhead slipped in. “Oh, fuck, Dom .” Rhea let out a pleased noise as she lowered herself down his cock, Buddy grinned as she took the initiative to impale herself to the base, once there she sort of rocked her hips, experimenting, “You feel so good.” She promised Dom, looking over her shoulder to lick at his jawline.
Dom pitched forward, wrapping his arm around her stomach, kissing up her neck, “So goddamn hot.” He breathed out, hot against Rhea’s throat, he moaned out loudly when Buddy started to pump his finger in and out of Dominik’s tight hole, Buddy growled when either of them tried to move, he needed to work Dom back up to three fingers again.
“There we go, so pretty.” Buddy licked his lips, “Rock your hips, Rhea, as slow or as fast as you want.” Then he surged forward, plunging his tongue into her cute little cunt, licking up to her clit and biting down just hard enough for her to cry out, burying both her hands on his hair. She rocked her hips violently forward chasing his mouth, which caused her to bounce up and down Dom cock, while Buddy searched out the boy's prostate. “Gonna milk you both.” He murmured as he pulled away from her clit, “Dems rub your clit baby, I wanna eat you.” With that he plunged his tongue into her cunt, and started a fast in and out, she felt her hips flex but did as he asked. Dropping her hand between her thighs and rubbing her clit slowly.
Buddy let his tongue slide down to where Rhea was split open on Dom’s cock every now and then, at times he hungrily sucked Dom heavy balls into his mouth, he lapped at the younger mans asshole where it was stretched around three of his thick fingers, then pushed his mouth back up to suck her pussy lips and fuck her with his tongue while he stroked his cock and tugged on his balls with his free hand, focused on using his fingers inside Dom to abuse the younger mans prostate to the fullest of his abilities. This time when Rhea came it was all over Buddy - he pulled her off Dom at the last minute so his streams of hot white cum could mark his face, throat and chest alongside Rhea’s own delicious cum.
Buddy angled himself upward, stroking hard and fast, so he could coat Rhea’s clit, pussy, and asshole alongside Dom’ now limp cock, balls and asshole. The younger pair spent, dropped back against the couch exhausted so naturally Buddy took his time cleaning them off with his tongue, once he had a mouthful of all three of their releases he kissed Rhea who let out a pleased noise at the taste he did the same with Dom who groaned his cock twitching gallantly. Buddy continued his tongue bath until both seemed to regain their brains. Together Rhea and Dom pushed him backwards, he took the hint, and shoved himself onto the coffee table, letting out a pointed sigh when he felt his pizza box creak under his weight, before flattening. They hungrily worked on cleaning the mess from his chest and neck, Rhea was the one who settled between his legs (she let out a noise that let him know she’d found his smashed pizza slice and he’d be hearing about it later, but he refused to dwell on that). She pushed his thighs apart, at first he wasn’t sure what they were up to until Dom’s mouth closed over his cockhead, the man was balanced precariously on the couch, hands on Buddy’s upper thighs for support so Rhea had room to work. Buddy grunted in eager anticipation as Rhea pulled his ass cheeks apart and surged forward with her tongue.
Buddy let them have their fun, reaching down to fist the base of his cock, as Rhea licked into his own tight picker - flicking her tongue in eager and hungry, Dom was bobbing up and down on his cock, at times hitting Buddy’s fist hard enough Buddy was worried he was going to bust his lips open, Dominik started to hum as he was able to swallow more and more down. Rhea tugged harshly on his balls which had him crying out in pleasure even as Dom’s mouth slammed into his fist again, this time the younger man paused to inhale sharply before experimenting with swallowing around Buddy’s cock, making him let out what amounted to a high pitched keen. Tentatively Buddy ran his fingers through Dominik’s longer hair, before holding his head in place, and bucking up slightly, Buddy tested out bucking up, just as Rhea moaned loudly. When he looked down he could see her hand between her thighs, moving fast and he grinned with the realization she was fingering herself - he groaned as he felt a slick finger prodded at his asshole, a finger Rhea had no doubt coated with her own slick. These two together, they might actually be the death of him.
Dominik, now more comfortable, set an impressive pace. Bobbing up and down with abandon while Rhea moved to suck and nibble at his balls, she had managed to get three fingers coated in her slick into him, and was now pressing them harshly against his prostate. His own clenches on the base of his cock were coming hard and fast and all too soon he was seizing up. His cum flooded Dom mouth, choking him, as he pulled back Rhea replaced him, sucking down wave after wave - her fingers still assaulting his prostate. Buddy was fairly sure he was spent, and had no more cum to give his lovers, when they moved as one, giving him a beautiful sight. Rhea pawed his mouth open and the pair sloppily made out, as Buddy leaned forward, moving himself around so he could see his cum dribbling down their chins, he ducked forward, nearly kneeing Rhea in his haste, to lick his cum off their chins, before lowering himself to the floor in front of Rhea, so he could angle his mouth under their joined lips, to catch the stream of cum. After a few beats of his heart, Buddy licked up their necks, and shoved his own tongue into the mix, biting at both their lips and gripping the back of their necks.
Of course, Rhea couldn’t just let them languish in their afterglow. “I desperately love you both,” She started, as she moved to stand on shaky legs, “But I have pizza sauce on me .” She gave Buddy a rude look, he ducked his head, “And I think it’s forever stained the carpet, they are going to think we killed someone.”
Dominik, who had been panting, burst out laughing. “Matty, you really wanted that pizza.” The trio looked at the smashed pizza box on the coffee table, grease stains leaking out of the flattened cardboard. “You can have some of mine?” Dominik suggested, even as Rhea moved to drag him to his feet, “But Mami’s right, we should shower, you’ve got pizza sauce all over you…”
Buddy groaned, “Fine, shower fun, then we eat, then we play some more.” The younger set giggled, as they took off in a run toward the shower, pushing and shoving playfully at each other, Buddy took a few minutes to catch his breath, he wasn’t as young as them and multiple orgasms while nice, wore him out, especially when he had two devilishly sexy little monsters eager to please him. They’d probably have to talk about this , about their dynamic, about their change in physicality - but all of that could wait until tomorrow. He stood, bones popping, and cackled to himself as he took in the sight of the pizza slices he’d been eating previously smeared across the white cashmere like carpet, and smashed into the table top. Shaking his head fondly, he headed for the bathroom. Tomorrow was a new day, tonight it was Valentine’s Day and he wanted more of his little Nightmare and his Luchador.
Keeping their relationship a secret absolutely sucked, but it had been the right decision, Rhea thought. The first time anyone saw them out as a trio (pictures of her and Dom, her and Buddy were pretty common), was Hall of Fame. The fact that they arrived together (even thought Buddy was a released WWE SuperStar), the fact that Buddy sat with Dom and Rhea, the fact that he was barely more than a half step away from either of them until of course the moment they had to walk out on Rey’s hall of fame speech , those were clocked by hell - everyone.
“So, you are living with them?” Angie’s voice was colored with confusion.
“Madre, you knew someday I was going to move out of our house.” He hummed, “So, yes I live with Dems and Matty.” He offered, “And I pretty much have since Christmas.” He admitted a little quietly, “Look, I know you think it’s weird, but trust me when I say Matty and Dems are exactly what I needed after Maria and I separated-”
Rey cleared his throat, “Dominik, the rumors fly around here…”
“I promise the rumors are wrong.” Dominik promised, “I liked you're speech, Jefe, a lot.” He moved to hug Rey, but the man stepped back eyeing him ruefully, “I know it doesn’t make the most sense, me crashing with them from the outside looking in-”
“I didn’t raise you to be Eddie.” Rey finally said, “He coveted what he couldn’t have too.” From their distance Buddy and Rhea watched as Rey glanced meaningfully past Dominik at Rhea, the boy turned his head to follow his father’s gaze.
Dominik laughed loudly, “Jefe, I don’t covet anything.” Dom motioned them both over, so slowly Rhea and Buddy made their way, moving to stand on either side of him, Buddy’s arm going around his lower back while Rhea took his hand, “This isn’t exactly how I wanted to tell you this…” Dominik gazed around them, “But seeing as you are both here, and I don’t know when we will all be in the same place again, I’m not coveting anything, remember when we were doing the Mysterio/Messiah storyline?” Rey nodded, slowly, under his mask it was hard for the Austrailians to tell how he was reacting, “I was so mad about Aalyah, and you never asked why, it was because I was jealous .” Angie’s face turned from confusion to a blinding smile, Dominik leaned forward, focusing on his parents, “I was jealous of Aalyah, of her getting to kiss Matty.” Dominik motioned to the man next to him, “I’m bisexual.” He added when it looked like Rey wasn’t going to catch on.
“That’s fine, son, but that doesn’t explain… this.” Rey motioned to them all three.
Rhea laughed, a smile blooming on her face, Buddy flushed a deep red, “We are a couple.” Dominik deadpanned, “Like, I’m dating them both, and they are both dating me, and each other.”
Angie looked between them, “Dominik… it’s not how we were raised, but-”
“But we are glad you are being honest with us.” Rey finished for his wife, then looked at Buddy, “Let us break the news to Aalyah, I’m not sure she will be prepared for you to attend family dinner this Sunday with us… but her new boyfriend is quite charming, here's to hoping he doesn’t remember you're storyline…” With that Rey kissed Dominik’s cheek, waved at the Austrailians, then took Angie’s hand after she hugged the trio, and led her away so they could greet more SuperStars.
“Can we get pizza now?” Dominik asked the pair on either side of him.
Rhea giggled, “We should take it to go.”
“Hey, now, wait a moment.” Buddy huffed, “Every time we get pizza I never get to eat it-” That had the younger pair laughing loudly as Damian approached them looking confused, Vero and Finn following behind him. “Hey, how about we all go out to dinner together so I might actually get my pizza-”
“If you weren’t such a horny bastard man, you wouldn’t have this problem.” Damian teased, pulling Buddy in to ruffle his ginger hair, “Fergie, Vero you in?” The married couple nodded fondly, “Alright, I got the biggest rental, let's go - oh, and hey, my room has a hot tub!”
…The End For Now
#dominik mysterio fanfiction#rhea ripley fanfiction#buddy murphy#buddy matthews#rhea x dominikmysterio#rhea ripley smut
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*Soooo, I noticed my old intro was pretty outdated so now i'm redoing it :3
♡My name's Spookly (your favorite, to be exact) and i'm kinda just here to ramble about whatever's on my mind :p

Spookly's Fave Movie List (May be missing some!!!):
♡Bride of Chucky (1998) ♡Final Destination 3 (2006) ♡Saw II (2005) ♡Frights, Camera, Action! (2014) ♡Descendants 2 (2017) ♡Thirteen (2003) ♡Suicide Squad (2016) ♡The Lost Boys (1987)
♡In general, my fave franchises are Child's Play, Final Destination, and SAW
*My Final Destination blog: @seikointelli

Spookly's Fave TV Show List:
♡Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997 - 2003) ♡Chucky (2021 - 2024) ♡The Goldbergs (2013 - 2023) ♡XMEN '97 (2024)
I also really love WWE and some of my fave wrestlers are:
♡Rhea Ripley ♡"Dirty" Dominik Mysterio ♡Dean Ambrose ♡Ashley Massaro ♡CM Punk ♡AJ Lee ♡Kelly Kelly ♡Lita ♡The Brood ♡Alexa Bliss +More <3
And now for everybody's favorite part, the music:
♡Hole ♡Jack off Jill ♡Evanescence ♡Melanie Martinez ♡Kittie ♡Rob Zombie ♡Jim Johnson ♡Genitorturers Suggestions are always welcome <3
That's all, see ya in the inbox!
*Dividers by @animatedglittergraphics-n-more and @kodaswrld
#intro post#child's play#final destination#saw franchise#monster high#descendants#thirteen 2003#suicide squad#buffy the vampire slayer#the goldbergs#x men 97#wwe#wwf#hole band#jack off jill#evanescence#melanie martinez#kittie band#rob zombie#jim johnson#genitorturers#spookly's thoughts#spookly shut up
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#unpxlogeticme is an indie blog with a mixture of original characters and wrestlers (dominik mysterio). the primary muse for this blog is emerson grey (joe keery fc). my blog will not be selective, but at times it will be semi-selective. i am willing to write with anyone really. i prefer small text and gifs for my writing style. i can write anywhere between one paragraph to at least four depending. i'm a big fan of going with the flow and chemistry rather than plotting anything out. light plotting is always welcomed. some of the dark themes/topics that i will be writing on this blog are supernatural, smut, drug use, crime, curse words, t*boo (if a thread comes to that, i'm all for it), and any other topics that interest me. i can offer my discord upon request, but i won't role play on there. it'll mostly be for ooc chit chatting. i'm willing to write with other wrestling muses, original characters, and crossovers! all of my muses are pretty versatile. pls go away if you’re a minor or do not love dominik mysterio and joe keery. established march '24 by demon (she/her, 30).
please be kind. don't copy or steal anything. i believe in basic role play etiquette. we're all adults. lets act like them. i listed my muses under the read more while i work on my muse page. i don't mind writing with the same faces, i guess doubling fcs. the only fcs i won't role play with cause i have an amazing writing partner who uses him is lucas lynggaard tonnesen. i will only write with @wickcdmindz when it comes to lucas.
those that i love and make me happy: @unpunishble . those that i love writing with: @wickcdmindz, @legendsxx, @9odsent.
muses - under construction
wish list
open starters
emerson grey (joe keery fc) - cyber security analyst/musician. fraternal twin to @unpunishble's jackson grey (joseph quinn fc). other siblings? please he doesn't have any other siblings.
lacey wolfe (gavin leatherwood fc) - photographer/human feeder for vampires
maggie ramsey (tati gabrielle fc) - stinger/nurse/serial killer
attticus blackwell (joseph quinn fc) - actor for small horror movies
riley grey (margaret qualley fc) - student/barista. younger sister to julian, emerson, and jackson grey.
julian grey (aaron taylor johnson fc) - bouncer/drug dealer. older brother to riley, jackson, and emerson grey.
tobias grey - uncle (jonathan groff fc) - high school drama teacher.
santiago morales (alfonso herrera fc) - mob lawyer/lawyer to the thatcher family. uncle of sage morales.
ophelia marcos (jenna ortega fc) - animal transporter.
dominik mysterio - wrestler, in love with and married to @unpunishble's jackson grey (joseph quinn fc). will consider multi-shipping if chemistry is there.
finn balor - wrestler
sage morales (dominik mysterio fc) - mafia prince/record store owner. nephew of santi, but doesn't know.
#% pinned post#updated 10/16/24#may look like unpunishable's pinned but that's okay cause she loves me and allowed me to sort of copy ❤️😇🥰😘😙#// it's like joe is looking into our souls 😭😭😭😭
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@thirst-n-bullshit @the-iridescent-phoenix @superrezzy00 @ozzypawsbone-princeofbarkness @sassymox @swifteforeverandalways @nebulaspace1 @axelwolf8109
Monster alignment (to be updated)
Seth Rollins: A normie/human
Violet: Descendant of Dracula
Finn Balor: Host of the demon king Bàlor
Roman Reigns: Werewolf
Paige: Daughter of the Boogeyman
Ruby Riott: Daughter of the Boogeyman
Liv Morgan: Daughter of a Chaos Fairy
Jamie Senegal: Liv’s twin, also daughter of a Chaos Fairy
Sarah Logan: Descendant of Vikings
TJP: Banshee and werewolf hybrid
Joaquin Wilde: Vampire and Mothman hybrid
Shotzi Blackheart: Harpy and siren hybrid
Kayden Carter: Zombie and gargoyle hybrid
Dean Ambrose/Jon Moxley: Son of Jekyll and Hyde
Santos Escobar: Son of a skeleton
Austin Theory: Son of a werecat
Austin Flynn: Daughter of a mummy
Raul Mendoza: Son of a gorgon,
Jake Atlas: Son of a dragon
Buddy Murphy: Son of ghost
Aalyah Mysterio: Ghost and mermaid hybrid
Dominik Mysterio: Ghost and merman hybrid
Humberto Carrillo: Created by Frankenstein.
Jey and Jimmy Uso: Werewolves
Sonya Deville: Demon
Mandy Rose: Sun siren
Neville: Faerie
Rosemary: Demon
Darby Allin: Skeleton
Nyla Rose: Daughter of a plant monster
Kay Lee Ray: Daughter of the Loch Ness Monster
Drew Mcintyre: Dragon
Becky Lynch: Phoenix
Charlotte Flair: Siren
Bayley: Werecat
Sasha Banks: Werecat
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Forever theirs
Chapter 7• good bad guys
Don't translate or repost my work without permission from me
Soon to be dead dove do not eat (and previously)
Master list (main pinned)
I wake up with several pairs of arms wrapped around me. The weight of another person laying on top of me is one of the first things I notice. I'm in so much pain yet I'm so comfortable. I feel at ease and I don't want to open my eyes. When I do I will be met with the people I want to see least.
I haven't felt this calm in years. If I don't think about who's holding me it's not so bad. Maybe if I fall back asleep they'll leave me be today.
"morning sweetie" rhea says in a tired sing-song voice. "morning mommy" I reply I don't need to look to know she has a shit-eating grin on her face just from the fact I called her mommy again. "how did you sleep?" she says her arms tightening around me pulling me closer so my back is pressed against her front. "good I don't remember going to bed though," I say and she chuckles trying to not wake up the others.
" you passed out in the bathtub sweets" I hear Damian. "oh, morning daddy," I say happily now I'm fully awake. "morning pumpkin" he grumbles not as awake as me. I giggle at the feeling between my legs. "what are you laughing at?" he says playfully. "your voice is funny" I giggle. "you making fun of me?" he asks sounding less playful. "no, it's nice. I like it" I rest my head on his shoulder.
He places his hand on the side of my head and massages my scalp. Rhea and Damian share a happy loving look letting the realization that they have what's theirs now set in. "don't fall back, asleep baby" rhea says rubbing my back and I whine in response burying my head further in Damian's shoulder.
"too much sleep will make you grumpy for the day" she reasons with me but I stay quiet and motionless. "if your grumpy you'll do things you don't mean and you'll have to be punished" Damian adds. I lift my head from his shoulder. "sorry daddy, sorry mommy" I apologize. "it's alright" "it's okay" they both accept it. "what's she apologizing for?" Finn says lifting his head. He squeezes me tight as he re-a-gusts his position on top of my side.
"trying to fall back asleep," rhea says. He nods his head and looks at the occupants of the bed. "am I the last one up?" he asks. "nah doms still sleeping." rhea says. Finn sits up slightly and looks to his right where he can see dom curled up against Damian.
He shakes dom a bit before speaking. "you're the last one asleep get up" dom groans tiredly in response. "you were asleep first dom dom get up" rhea calls to him from the other side of the bed. Dom just groans louder and rolls onto his side facing away from everyone. "we'll pour water on you again" Finn says as Damian sits up to watch the scene unfold unintentionally taking me with him.
Dom finally sits up with a whine. "fine, fine im up" he says rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "morning" I say nervously as I had never met dom before. Dom looks at me a little shocked. "morning sweetheart, didn't think you'd be allowed to sleep up here this early on" he says silently asking why I was there whilst looking at the others.
"she settled in very well," rhea says. "I missed the whole thing?" he exclaims wishing it wasn't true. "you wouldn't get out of bed, I missed most of it trying to get you up," rhea says as regret fills doms face. I feel bad that he didn't get to see it because he clearly really wanted to.
I wonder if there's a way for us to do it again so dom can see me. My thought is cut off by rhea "if you wanted to see it you should have gotten up"
Rhea says getting out of bed. Maybe it wasn't that important? He can live without seeing me. But he seems so upset. What if it doesn't mean that much and I ask to do it again? I'd just put myself in more pain.
(IDK if I should write Y/N making it up dom tell me what to do)
Damian picks me up and gets out of bed following rhea out of the room. I sit on my daddy's hip and look up at him as he begins to talk. "sorry sweetie 11 am isn't a normal wake-up time. I wish we had woken you up sooner yesterday so you wouldn't have gone to bed so late." I nod and listen trying to come up with something to say but he's talking fast and he sounds smart. I can't keep up and decide to stay quiet.
"That means an early bedtime for you and no more lying in bed awake for an hour," rhea says. "an hour?" Damian asks eyebrows furrowing as he looks down at me. "it was really comfy and I didn't want to wake anyone up cus I thought they were comfy too" I say looking down and feeling guilty. "it's okay, baby. you're not in trouble. You probably won't be the first to wake up again but if you are just pull on one of our shirts till we wake up, okay?" he says. I look up at him smiling and nod my head.
We make our way down to the kitchen with dom and finn following us closely. "since we woke up after you we don't have any breakfast ready" Damian says as he places me in a highchair at a table with 4 regular chairs and weirdly enough another high chair. "but that means we get your opinion on breakfast" rhea says and I pry my eyes away from the second highchair to look at her.
"How do pancakes sound?" she says and a big grin replaces the confused look on my face and I nod my head up and down quickly. Rhea walks into the kitchen and gets the food started. I wriggle in my seat the hard chair pressing against my sore places.
"what's wrong, baby?" dom asks as he sits down in a chair to the left of me. Well, actually it's to the left of the other high chair. Damian seems to become aware he's still standing and so does Finn they both sit down. Finn sits next to dom (not in the high chair) and Damian sits on the other side of me.
"sore" I whine trying to get comfy but I can't. "do you wanna sit on daddy's lap instead?" dom asks and I nod still squirming. Dom gets up from his spot at the table to free me from my chair. He carries me to his chair and sits down placing me on his lap. "better?" dom asks and I nod my head. Blushing as I realize I just openly talk about my holes at a dinner table in front of three men. They're my men but still.
They chuckle at my embarrassed response. Soon rhea comes in with everyone's food. "do you not wanna sit in your chair?" rhea asks as she puts the plates she was carrying on the table in front of Damian and Finn before pausing and waiting for an answer before she got the rest of the food.
"too sore," I say looking at the floor whilst crossing my legs and leaning on Dom.
Rhea nods her head and heads back to the kitchen before returning with mine and Dom's food. She then heads back a final time to get her food. The pancakes that have been set in front of me are the exact way I like them the weird thing is I haven't had pancakes in at least a year.
Dom starts eating along with everyone else and I fiddle with my fork and knife trying my best to cut the pancakes. I look back and forth between my plate and Finn with my tongue out trying to figure out what to do before I hear Dom chuckle. I look back at him and he's trying to finish chewing his bite but struggling due to the laughing.
"do you want daddy to feed you?" he asks and I nod my head. He puts his fork and knife and takes mine from my hands. I let him and I watch as he easily cuts up my pancakes and feeds me a piece. I sit Happily eating my food not minding all of the people at the table staring at my cuteness. I'm done with my food first and I sit patiently as I wait for everyone else to finish.
It's roughly 12:30 when everyone's done. To get me on the sleeping schedule they want me on they decide to put me down for a nap like they would if I hadn't gotten up an hour and a half ago. After a little complaining about not being tired rhea decides to cuddle me and I was very quickly tired.
Please tell me if I should write YN making it up to dom or not. Thanks for reading love ya-gremlin💋💕💗
The pole is over in 2 days but there's no 2-day option.
#wwe summerslam#wwe nxt#wwe raw#wwe smackdown#wwe x reader#rhea ripley#rhea ripley x reader#demi bennett#damian priest x reader#damian priest#dominik mysterio x reader smut#dominik mysterio#wwe finn balor#finn balor#finn balor daddy#finn balor incubus#the judgement day#Vampire#Werewolf#Incubus
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From These Lungs, You I Crave
Gif credit: @itsdoneitswashed
This is what happens when you let a plot bunny take the wheel. I’m not sure that there should be warnings in this - other than supernatural creatures, the use of foul language, Finn is a shit, Damian is not prepared to be an adult, and OC? Soulmate ficlet.
Everyone in the WWE is something non-human. Like super humans, supernatural creatures, Demi-gods, deity’s of all forms, demons, angels, ect. Werewolves aren’t often allowed on the roster because even though they are pack animals they have a lot of behavioral rumors that keep humans and creatures alike from wanting to work with them. Damian Priest is a hybrid - he didn’t choose it for himself, his father was a vampire and his mother had been born in a werewolf family but had been human. No one expected him to have any werewolf genes at all - and yet he’s a VaelWolf. A rare perfect marriage between the vampire and werewolf DNA.
While a normal werewolf needs a pack, usually twenty or more strong, Damian is good with less than five bonds. It’s why the WWE is a struggle for him - that and the fact that he’s been honest about his heritage from the start. Rhea Ripley, the Nightmare as others call her, is a hybrid too. A rare pairing of werewolf and succubus, with her werewolf side more hidden than his. Finn Balor is a demon, like a higher level with an old world hatred for the fallen angels of old who became Vampires. Dominik Mysterio is a Demi-god, his father Rey a legitimate Aztec god from pre-modern history. Those three (and begrudgingly Rey) are his pack mates for the most part. He accepts the Mysterio extended family as semi-pack, and loves the support. But Damian Priest has no one who is completely his. He is fine with it, honestly. As far as he’s concerned one night stands and quickies in the bathroom are all he needs.
Of course then - then fate has to throw him a literal bone in the scent of home at a live event.
-/- RAW, Monday, May 8, 2023, Jacksonville, Florida -\-
The Monday Night RAWs after his full moon are always the worst, he’s never one hundred percent, and his body feels like it’s on fire. Couple that with the fact that they just got back from Puerto Rico, and he’s somewhere between miserable and homesick for the island. He’d barely made it through Backlash without his wolf snapping to the surface, and honestly his vampiric needs were humming under his skin ready for something. Realistically, he wanted to do absolutely nothing until RAW on Monday, between the jet lag and feeling like he was on the verge of clawing his way out of his skin - really, he was miserable. Of course, he barely had time to get to Jacksonville on Monday morning, so his mood was beyond dismal. By the time he got to have a match, hours later he was irritated, and nothing Rhea, Dominik or Finn tried was helping - in fact the trio were only irritating him more, to he point he’d snapped at them violently, letting his fangs drop, and a sub-vocal growl climb up his chest, and echo out his mouth. Rey had shot him a disapproving look, and encouraged him to take out his negative energies on whatever opponent he was facing. Damian growled as he made his entrance, until about halfway down the ramp - when something caught him off guard.
A scent he’d never encountered seemed to wrap around him, lighting up his muscles and tendons, dancing up his ribs, and spreading into his lungs, before expanding outward, consoling him. He almost forgot what he was doing in favor or chasing the scent, but refused to be a stereotypical werewolf who always had its nose to the ground and metaphorical tail wagging for a new scent. Instead he focused on the task at hand, shaking his head hard enough his braids hit his face, as Finn nearly leapt on him from behind with a loud exclamation of, “You’ve got this Damo.” Damian growled at him again, century old demon or not the Irish sounding monster could get wrecked as far as he was concerned tonight. Standing in the ring was one of LWO’s goonies, he hadn’t bothered to learn their name, because he’d been sure they weren’t going to last - hell, he hadn’t even figured out their species and as far as he knew Finn hadn’t bothered to tell him, so. The match was quick, at least as far as matches for them tend to go - less than fifteen minutes but over five, a nice little bout of time that he’d lost to the repetitive nature of in-ring moves. His victory was a foregone conclusion before he even stepped foot out of gorilla. Walking back up the ramp the scent caught again, this time stronger.
Finn was tugging on his arm, willing him to move - and really Finn was the stronger one of the pair of them, but the demon was known to feign weakness. Damian had stopped halfway up the ramp, his nostrils flaring as he tried and failed in the sea of people to catch the scent. It seemed to be both everywhere and nowhere, alluring and damning it made his fangs itch and his skin crawl. The scent was going to be the death of him. Finn tugged harder, this time using some of his demonic strength to actually move Damian, the larger of the two stumbled slightly over his feet, but got a move on. “I know you're half-dog after the moon, but what got the wolfy-brain so scrambled we had to stand on the ramp for almost a minute for you to sniff.” Finn, unapologetically, was an asshole. It was part of why Damian liked him most days, tonight his tone and rhetoric only made Damian gnash his teeth at him, before shoving around him. It took him until he was in the shower, under the splay of the cold water to realize the scent was home. His Abuela was somewhere laughing no doubt, the human or creature his wolf thought was it’s mate had been in the arena tonight god knows where and he’d be damned if he ever found them again. Growling deep in his chest he contemplated trying to drown himself. It wouldn’t work, he’d tried enough jackass-level stunts as a youth to know both sides of his creature DNA pool healed him at superhuman rates.
The SUV ride back to Tampa, although long, was worth sleeping in his own bed. He didn’t even mind a hyped up Dominik who had way too many energy drinks too close to midnight for the Demi-God to function like a normal fucking human, or the moody Rhea that had demanded passenger seat so she could navigate and had promptly passed out to drool against the window, or the irritable Finn whose horns and tail he’d pointedly stopped glamoring out of existance the moment they were relatively alone. “So, Finnnnnnn said you were weird on the ramp.” And, there is Dominik, over eager and impossibly young for someone who is going to live a next-to immortal life thanks to his immortal God of a father. Damian and Rhea are going to live extremely long lives (centuries) but they aren’t on par with Demons, Angels, and Gods. Dominik has never met a question he hasn’t immediately asked at the worst moments in time, “Was it like a wolf thing, a vampire thing, or are you just still all jumbled from the moon?” Bless the annoyance, he was trying.
“I don’t know what it was.” Damian bit out, through clenched teeth, “I’ve never smelt it before.” Both Finn and Dominik made chittering noises of some sort. Finn because his fangs scraped against each other as his jaw clenched, Dom because he liked to copy Finn when he could.
“So you sniffed your soulmate and just didn’t care?” Finn asked, incredulous as usual. “Isn’t it in the wolfy Bible that once you’ve caught the scent you chase the scent, tackle the scent, fuck the scent full of you're pups, and maybe marry it?”
“What!?” Dominik yelped. “There is a werewolf Bible?”
“If there is Damo hasn’t read it.” Rhea grumbled as she stretched her arms above her head. “If it was your moon made destiny-“ Rhea yawned, Damian contemplated running the SUV into oncoming traffic but that would only hurt the humans involved, “Shouldn’t the wolf be going stir crazy to find it? The scent I mean, who cares about species and gender.”
“So is there or is there not a Bible?” Dominik asked a little more eagerly.
“Hate. That’s what I feel for you all.” Damian growled.
“So that’s a no to the Bible?” Dom muttered under his breath.
Rhea chose that moment to take pity on him, “Not in the Christian sense or even like the legends told about your dad. Werewolves are super secretive about that sort of stuff, it’s all word of mouth and family culture, I guess pack culture. But Damian thought he was immune because he’s part vampire. Guess that answered the question we both had.”
“What question?” Dominik asked.
“If the vampire genetics were dominant or not.” Finn offered, bored. “Throughout my time on Earth there have been hybrids but never ones that managed to survive as long as hybrids do these days. Us higher creatures have always asked if the vampire genetics were more or less recessive since they don’t seem to outweigh other DNA.”
“Oh.” Dominik hummed, “So you're more succubus than vamp and Damian is more wolfy than vamp.”
“Stop calling me wolfy.”
The interstate was too long, he decided. He should have just stayed in Jacksonville. Since Rhea had mentioned it he was feeling a little more off than normal. Grumbling under his breath he wiggled in his seat trying to get more comfortable. He just wanted to get home, strip down and shift into his legitimate wolf form, he’d run around the house a bit maybe get Dominik to play fetch with him (they definitely don’t talk about that, ever) then he’d go sleep on his bat shaped Batman couch and wake up hopefully alone.
None of that is going to happen since everyone is crashing at his place before heading out for a couple days with significant others. Dom has a fiancé in San Diego, Finn is on his eleventh wife in New York (immortality is apparently a bitch), and Rhea is on again with Buddy so after midday tomorrow he’s golden for silence. It’s just getting there.
“So the scent…” Finn trailed off, as both Rhea and Dominik leaned toward the middle console. “Did it smell like a human or creature? Male or female? Can you describe the perfect sniff scent?”
“I wish you were human so I could eat your liver without getting sick.” Damian snarled. “It’s personal.” He added, really he wanted the whole subject dropped - this was something for him to process in private. He needed to first wrap his head around the fact that he had a soulmate, then he could mourn the fact that they had been in a crowd of over 30,000 and he’d never be able to sniff them out again even if he somehow managed to properly explain the scent.
“So like that potion in Harry Potter?” Dominik asked sincerely, “The love potion?” Dominik really was too precious for this world, unfortunately Damian wasn’t in the mood, his sensitive ears be damned, he cranked the old 80s metal on the radio up to the point they all winced, “Fine.” Dominik pouted, weakly.
They don’t talk the next ninety miles, mercifully, nor do they pick up the conversation as Damian let them all into his house, watching them disappear into their ‘bedrooms’, they had once been guest bedrooms but once Damian found his place in the WWE, those three had become his pack mates and it had taken almost two years for management to put them in a legitimate storyline together. There was an additional room for Rey, and his wife Angie, and Damian tended to give up his bedroom when Aalyah stopped in to visit, both Mysterio women pack as far as his lonesome wolf thought. He didn’t bother with his usual goodnights, instead grabbing a bag of O- blood from the fridge that he tossed into the microwave. He watched it spin slowly before the microwaved beeped, then extracted the bag, and headed for his bedroom. Slowly he sipped the blood as silence fell around the house, indicating his packmates had finally dropped off to sleep.
The following morning he would figure his shit out - right now he just wanted the dark to swallow him whole.
“Why are you still here?” Damian knew it sounded whiny even as he said it, he’d thought they’d left, that had been the plan - they all had lovers and futures to get back to. He had a situation to sort out in his head, and honestly it would be better without a meddling demon, hyperactive demi-god, and emotionally chaotic succubus around to attempt to help him. Hell, at this point he was more apt to call Rey and bemoan his fate. All his tossing and turning the previous night in his betraying bed (he’d swear it used to be heaven, not it was pure hell) had kept him up and his mind running in circles. He should have just given in to the scent, and followed it.
“I’m not going home.” Finn said with a shrug, “I’m going to help you find your smell good.” He sang, happily.
“We all are.” Dominik sounded from the kitchen. Rhea gave him a thumbs up from where she’d been digging in his fridge. “Because that’s what pack does.” It most certainly was not a pack obligation to help one idiot alpha find his soulmate but whatever, he supposed he should have seen this coming from a mile away. And yet they’d managed to surprise him and upstage his plans once again. His wolf had really picked chaos for him.
“I wasn’t going to look for them.” Damian grumbled as he moved around Finn and headed for the kitchen. He wasn’t surprised to find a mess, Dominik was still learning how to cook and Rhea was nothing if not enthusiastic when it came to mixing ingredients. The sheer amount of flour on his counter made his nose wrinkle, and his head swam with near-desperation to clean his den immediately.
“Oh, for the devil's sake!” Finn snapped, “It’ll be fun. We can drive to Jacksonville for a couple days. You can sniff them up in you're wolfy-“
Ruthless aggression, that’s why werewolves didn’t get greenlit to be Superstars often. The humans who designed WWE could say it had to do with pack obligations but that was bulkshit as Damian had demonstrated by yanking a millennial old demon off the kitchen chair he was sitting in by his throat and slammed him into the nearest wall, he forgot about the tail though. Finn’s long barbed tail coiled around Damian’s neck harshly cutting into his air supply. His lungs burned in protest.
“As I was saying.” Finn pried Damian’s hand from his throat, pinpricks of rich orange red blood bubbled to the surface where Damian’s claws had sunk in, “We are taking a field trip and you will use your nose to find them.”
Rhea and Dominik muscled Finn’s tail from around Damian’s neck treating the appendage more like a boa constrictor that might bite than a tail with a mind of its own. Free of the tail, Damian lunged forward again, this time caught by Dominik who used his near-god-level strength to toss him and Finn away from one another. Damian hit the far wall, denting it, while Finn slammed into the kitchen table breaking two chairs and the nicer plates he’d set out for breakfast. There was a reason Dominik and others like him (those with God blood in them) had to tone it down in the ring.
“BOYS!” Rhea snapped, “Kiss and make up before I burn these godforsaken pancakes!”
“I would like you to help me look, I guess.” Damian growled, before shaking his shoulders, he didn’t bother to strip out of his clothes, instead he shifted from human to large wolf and immediately headed out the back of the house - he was done with conversation and with those assholes for the foreseeable future. He opted to swim laps in the large pool he had, although with how dense his wolf form was it wasn’t always the easiest thing - admittedly it was the closest to drowning he was ever going to get.
Their return trip to Jacksonville is a bit awkward from the start. For one, Dominik demands he and Damian take the sports car, which means Rhea and Finn had to rent something of adequate ‘baller’ status according to Rhea - regardless they somehow make it to Jacksonville. Dominik gave him some sort of musical whiplash changing the song every thirty seconds in, Damian considered tossing the boy's phone out the window at high speeds. They started their search at the arena, which hadn’t been stripped of the scents - Damian picked it up pretty quickly, but the scent tapered off once they were outside. The group stretched out over the city, with Damian, sniffing as he went. The whole process was irritating, with Finn tossing little grumbles, “Aren’t you supposed to be better than a bloodhound? Honestly, werewolf and vampire and you can’t even sniff out a soulmate…” Dominik had snickered hard, but was elbowed hard by Rhea. All in all they spent Tuesday afternoon and all of Wednesday with Damian pretending to be a bloodhound (with Finn tossing dog jokes at him every chance he got), before they relented and let him go home.
Thursday morning they headed to the airport to fly out to the next Smackdown location. They loaded themselves into first class and no sooner did Damian sat down did the scent hit his nose, “Uh, excuse me?” The female human was attempting to take the window seat by him, he immediately stood and moved out of her way. She slid into her seat, and curled up under a blanket no sooner than she got buckled in and settled, Damian still hadn’t sat down, even though Finn had pushed on his thighs. The girl - woman - put earbuds in and turned her attention back to the window.
Damian settled back down, trying not to inhale too deeply, he turned to look at Finn, “She is the scent.”
Finn peaked around him to peer at the woman, “Hm, tasty.”
“Get fucked, you demented leprechaun.” Damian growled, before he twisted to see Rhea and Dom had already started watching a movie of some sort on Rhea’s laptop, Rey had pushed into the seat next to Finn, with both Liv and Raquel in the seats behind Damian. He peaked across at the woman again, catching her looking at her tablet, editing something in apparent silence. “Fuck.” He breathed, debating his choices, before he immediately turned to look at Finn and Rey, “One of you change seats with me!” He hissed, both of them pretended not to hear them (immortal assholes), he twisted to look at Rhea and Dominik, “Trade with-”
Rhea flashed her fangs, “No.”
“Uh, are you ok?” The scent - no, no, don’t remember her like that - the woman asked him. Damian risked looking at her fully - she had dark hair that had natural waves that tumbled over her shoulders with dirty blonde highlights naturally running through it. Her eyes were dark brown, but fetching with golden and orange flecks in them. Her nose was cute and upturned slightly, her lips were a soft pink, her skin was naturally tanned, she had what amounted to comfortable clothes on and was built slight, possibly athletic. “Are you ok?” She asked again, “I can move seats or-”
“No, nope, it’s fine.” He chanced a glance at the others, to see Finn and Rey both smirking. “Uh-”
“Creature, right?” She offered softly, her lips turning into a smile, “I apparently either have no scent or it’s not attractive.” She shrugged, “So I get it, my step-brother is a Djinn.” She said with a shrug, “So, I can move, I completely understanding…”
“You smell, uh, you smell nice.” Damian offered, awkwardly, “Er…” He exhaled, “I’m hybrid, werewolf and vampire.” She shot him a warm smile, one that was cute with dimples, and sharp canines that were misleading. “So, yeah.” He swallowed, breathing in, and regretting it instantly. “Right, Damian, I’m Damian Priest.” He offered and offered his hand to her.
“Oh, I’m London Beckett.” She slid her palm against his, and shook it. “If it’s ok with you, and my scent isn’t horrible, I’m gonna finish editing this shoot, and maybe nap?” She offered, “Also I think I saw you the other night.” She offered, “At Raw right?” He perked up, “You're one of the SuperStars?”
“I am.” He nodded his head, her scent made more sense if she worked for WWE. “What uh, what were you there for?”
“Oh, I’m writing a piece on Johnny and Candiace, as well as Seth and Becky, how they do parenthood on the road, it’s for the blog I work for.” Of fucking course she wasn’t there to notice him, in fact she was there to notice his literal enemy for life, Johnny Gargano. What even was his life? His free time was spent hanging out with assholes and uncontrollable twenty-years old, his work life was spent being beat up by a similar demographic, and now the one scent in the world he wanted to devour belonged to a woman who was apparently writing a story on two of his sort-of enemies.
“Uh, I’m free.” He realized how dumb it was as he said, “If you need to interview someone?”
“Do you have kids?” She asked, seriously.
Damian bit his bottom lip, “Not in the traditional sense, I am pretty sure I’m the legal and responsible guardian for a demon who is millennia old, a hybrid vampire succubus who needs more protein in her diet, and a demi-god who isn’t even adult by his standards.”
London burst out with laughter, “Fair enough, if I had time I would.” She shrugged, “But I have to finish this piece, and it’s sort of a blog that compares human nuclear families to creature nuclear families.” Now he had a new problem, he liked her laugh, and her scent spiked to something like warm spice. It made his pulse beat up a bit, and heat spread across his chest.
“Hm.” Damian offered, “Uh, if the window gets uncomfortable you can lean against me?” He offered, “I hear I’m pretty comfortable.” He winced internally, how fucking stupid could he sound.
She shot him a odd look, “I thought creatures didn’t like unwanted touch.”
“I offered.” He shrugged, unsure how to proceed.
She snickered, “Ok, then.” She returned to what she was doing, playing with her tablet.
Damian turned to look at Finn who mouthed at him, “If the window gets uncomfortable? WTF.” Damian shot him a rude look, how the hell was he supposed to talk to her.
Somehow fifteen minutes after takeoff he didn’t flinch when she stretched out, and leaned against his side, clearly testing out if she could rest on him without a volatile response from him. She didn’t smell scared, most humans who even got close to them at the arenas wreaked of fear and desperation - when they did photo ops the human scents made his nose itch violently. This girl didn’t smell at all like she was scared of him, she wiggled closer as the flight progressed. Almost an hour and a half in she pulled away, and he whined under his breath, she shot him an odd look, but packed away her work stuff, before moving closer, and waiting for him to nod his head, as soon as she curled into his side, he dropped his arm around her shoulders, and pulled her in close, she nuzzled more into his side.
“Oh, progress.” Finn offered.
“Not progress.” Damian countered, “She passed out, exhausted, she doesn’t realize…”
“Maybe talk to her?” Rey suggested as he looked around Finn’s side, unbothered.
Damian growled, again, London against his side twisted, so her face was pressed into his chest, instead of her back and shoulder. He dropped his arm around her middle, her scent danced up to his nose, and wrapped around him - it was like home, one hundred percent, like the warm ocean sides of his little villa back in Puerto Rico. The scent was too intoxicating, he dropped off to sleep with his other hand tangled in her long hair.
“Damo.” Finn shook his shoulder, hard.
Damian jerked awake, “Wha?”
“Your little pixie is gone.” Rey offered, as he shoved Damian’s carryon toward him.
“Shit.” Damian snapped, irritated. He looked at her empty seat, and found she’d left her scarf, he picked it up and pressed it against his nose. “Hm.” He exhaled, “Probably for the best.” With that he tucked the scarf into his carry on and headed off the plane. The others followed behind him, it wasn’t until they reached the rentals that anyone dared to talk.
“Uh, is there a reason you don’t wanna find her again?” Dominik asked.
Finn snickered, “He’s afraid of outliving his mate.”
Rhea pouted, hard, “But you could just change them, like you did for Finn.”
Dominik raised his eyebrow, “You're the one who changed Vero?”
“Yes, I bit his wife, so he wouldn’t have to outlive another spouse.” Damian grumbled.
Finn cleared his throat, “It’s very hard to keep finding the same soul over and over again.” He caught Damian’s arm, “Think about it, the human seemed to like you.” Damian rolled his eyes, he couldn’t focus on the woman.
“Hey, Priest, right?” He turned sharply to see London smiling up at him, “My editor approved your family idea.”
Oh boy, he had fucked up. “Uh?”
“Found-family.” She explained, “How creatures who don’t have traditional support meld together.” She added, “I figured you would be the best person to inter-”
“I can’t.” He snapped, “I can’t do this.” He shook his head, “I need…” He caught her upper arms aware his fangs had dropped and his claws had popped, he hauled her into the nearest small doorway and shoved them both in. Again she wasn’t scared of him, if anything she was steady and calmly breathing, looking up at him. “Look, I’m a creature, we talked about that.”
“You smell me, and like my scent.” She cocked her head to the side, “No one else has ever done that. I looked up why you let me lay next to you.” He gazed down at her, with a quirked eyebrow, “You either wanna eat me, Mr. Half-Vampire, or you wanna wife me up, Mr. Half-Werewolf.”
“VaelWolf.” He corrected sharply.
“VaelWolf.” She tried it out on her lips, before looking up at him, he shot her bled-red eyes, his fangs extended as he smiled down at her, his claws had fully extended, and he could feel the tips of his ears pointing. “So, that means what exactly Mr. VaelWolf? Gonna eat me, or did my scarf help your sniffer?”
He snarled, “Can’t it be both?” He cocked his head, waiting patiently for her to make a decision, she rolled her eyes and muttered what sounded a lot like helpless immortals before she turned her chin enough for him to see her delicate neck - she’d never been fed on before, he smiled darkly, his incisors cutting deep into his lips, before he moved forward, carefully, and sunk his fangs into her throat.
“I’m not really here for the interview.” She explained as he took a deep sip - her blood tasted like honey. “I just figured you wanted to see me again, and after I talked to your friend, Finn-” Damian growled, of course Finn meddled, “He helped me convince my editor to let me do the found family thing…”
“Can we stop talking about that useless demon.” Damian growled as he pulled back.
“That depends,” She said with a shrug, “How did the demon put it, oh yes, are you going to chase the scent, catch the scent, breed the scent, and maybe marry the scent?”
Damian really hated the bastard, but Finn apparently had a way with words, “Those could be arranged.”
#the judgment day fanfic#damian priest fanfic#dominik mysterio fanfiction#rhea ripley fanfic#rhea ripley fanfiction#finn balor fanfiction
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#unapxlogeticme is a multi-muse, multi-ship indie role play blog. primary muses are emerson grey ( joe keery fc ) and lacey wolfe ( gavin leatherwood fc ). all other muses are secondary. wwe muses are by request only. i’m semi- selective writer who’s usually willing to write with anyone. established march ‘24. written by demon, 30+, she/her. please read my rules before interacting. muse page is still under construction. look for muse info under the read more. must be 21+ to write with me. anyone under 21 dni.
a list of writers i enjoy writing with: @wickcdmindz, @9odsent, @burninq, @finalgayss, @t-errifier.
rules. / muses. / memes. / wishlist. / open starters.
emerson grey (joe keery fc) - cyber security analyst/musician. fraternal twin to @unpunishble's jackson grey (joseph quinn fc). other siblings? please he doesn't have any other siblings.
lacey wolfe (gavin leatherwood fc) - photographer/human feeder for vampires
maggie ramsey (tati gabrielle fc) - stinger/nurse/serial killer
attticus blackwell (joseph quinn fc) - actor for small horror movies
riley grey (margaret qualley fc) - student/barista. younger sister to julian, emerson, and jackson grey.
julian grey (aaron taylor johnson fc) - bouncer/drug dealer. older brother to riley, jackson, and emerson grey.
tobias grey - uncle (jonathan groff fc) - high school drama teacher.
santiago morales (alfonso herrera fc) - mob lawyer/lawyer to the thatcher family. uncle of sage morales.
ophelia marcos (jenna ortega fc) - animal transporter.
dominik mysterio - wrestler, in love with and married to @unpunishble's jackson grey (joseph quinn fc). will consider multi-shipping if chemistry is there.
finn balor - wrestler
sage morales (dominik mysterio fc) - mafia prince/record store owner. nephew of santi, but doesn't know.
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