#Dokyeom x reader
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cheolieji · 3 days ago
request: What i think Seventeen's music taste is like
|| hyung line | maknae line ||
Seokmin: Random songs he comes across, slow songs, songs that makes him get in the feels, and definitely vocal unit songs
Mingyu: definitely listens to laufey, and loves pop music lol, also listens to raps occasionally
Minghao: Jazz, he gives off jazz vibes
Seungkwan: KPOPPP FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. He's called the professor of K-pop for a reason and also slow songs that makes him emotional
Vernon: Jazz, rockkk (he gives off rock boy), hip-hop also RnB
Chan: songs that makes him dance, RnB, and that's all i think
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seokmn · 21 hours ago
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pairing: dokyeom x gn!reader
wc: 0.6k words
lua’s note: maybe this fic is a bit specific because its kinda a vent. i wanted to get this out of my chest somehow and decided to post it because maybe there’s someone who’s going through the same thing as me and need to read these words. essa vai pros que so fizeram o enem e vestibulares de faculdades publicas e nao passaram pra segunda fase deles e agora precisam esperar a nota do enem pra meter no sisu ou prouni 😛
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another instagram story you viewed, another text with those three cursed words you read and another ‘congratulations, lets celebrate it!’ you had to write as a reply for that text. you sighed, placed your phone on your lap and hid your face with your hands.
the only thing that comes to your mind right now is the word failure. you failed and now you have to watch other people celebrate their accomplishments.
seokmin heard your sigh and turned around to look at you, taking sight of your disappointed figure. he stopped cooking, dropping the knife and washing his hands before sitting down next to you on the couch. his hand rested on your thigh, a way to try to comfort you without words being said. he already had an idea about why were you like that. “another one?”
you hummed and stopped hiding your face. you looked at him with a small smile and nodded. “another one,” you looked down and took his hand before looking back at him, trying to sound and look okay. “another friend of mine was accepted at the university she wanted.”
seokmin let out a quiet sigh and rubbed his thumb against the back of your hand. he didnt say anything, already knowing you’d keep venting about it to him. “im happy for her, i really am. but i cant help but ask myself: is this it? am i going to stay behind while all my friends will go to college and live their lives? am i too dumb to go to college?” your lips began to tremble and your voice was cracking, “and i hate myself for feeling this way, i hate to compare my life to theirs and not being able to be happy for them without feeling miserable about my situation. they studied a lot for this and they deserve it, but i studied as well. is it something wrong with me?”
seokmin frowned and placed your head against his chest. “theres nothing wrong with you,” he began to caress your head, trying to soothe you. “you said yourself that this year took a toll on you because of studies, trying to be sure about your future and trying to find an university that youd like the thought of studying there. do your things in your own pace. you not being accepted in any university until now doesnt mean youre a failure, you cant be accepted in any university yet because you gotta wait your results of the national exam come out.”
he cupped your cheeks and pulled you away from his chest so you could look at each others eyes. “listen to me, you are not a failure, okay? you just graduated from high school, youre so young and you have so much things to do. take your own time, that doesnt mean youre staying behind. that means you’re building your own path.”
you nodded as he brushed your tears away with his thumb. listening to his words was like being hugged by your mother after spending a whole day away from her when you were a little kid, was like being kissed by the wind while watching the sunset at the beach with a loved one.
seokmin always knew how to comfort you, how to make you realize youre not being fair with yourself and that you should be way kinder with yourself because you are loved and are capable of doing anything.
“dont forget about that,” he kissed your forehead and stood up, looking at you with love in his eyes and that comfy smile that no one else but him could smile like that. “now help me to cook. we’re going to eat a delicious meal and then spend the rest of the day watching your favorite sitcom”
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luvyoonsvt · 1 day ago
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date night
lee seokmin x leitora
estar casada com seokmin te fazia se sentir num absoluto clichê romântico e ele fazia questão de reforçar isso com frequência, principalmente com noites de encontro sempre que tinham algum tempinho pra isso.
gênero: fluff + smut
conteúdo: smut, leitora fem, seokmin é um marido exemplar & adorável & um amor, pois eu quis assim.
avisos: conteúdo para maiores de 18 anos após o corte. menores, por favor, não interajam. smut (dedilhado, meio que um pouco de masturbação mútua, sexo com penetração {e sem proteção, mas não façam igual, cuidem-se sempre}, posso dizer que choking também...) muuuuito afeto e apelidos carinhosos (bebê, mimi, seokminnie, meu amor, meu bem, etc etc).
contagem: ± 4000 palavras
notas: depois de muito sofrer com um tanto de coisas que me desgastaram física e mentalmente, eu apareci. e com o primeiro smut que não foi uma ask......... talvez esteja com medo, porém fiquei bobinha escrevendo pelos motivos óbvios (lee seokmin). enfim, peço que perdoem o sumiço e os possíveis erros gramaticais. boa leitura <3
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nada era exatamente comum e simples quando se tratava de seokmin, isso era mais que óbvio pra você. era também uma das coisas que você admirava nele, que sempre conseguiria elevar as coisas num nível além do que você esperava. quer fosse uma festa de aniversário supostamente simplista te proporcionaria memórias incomparáveis. ou um jantar em um lugar legal, até mesmo sem saírem do conforto de casa, seriam transformados em eventos únicos e especiais para vocês. 
ainda que vocês jantassem com frequência em restaurantes — sendo parte de uma importante regra que seokmin estabeleceu sobre nunca parar de te levar em encontros, mesmo quando já estivessem completando cinquenta anos de casados, com filhos e netos —, você sempre sentiria aquele friozinho na barriga a cada ideia dele. 
ele jamais se prendia àquilo de apenas aproveitar datas comemorativas. não. era uma questão seríssima sempre arranjar motivos pra te levar pra sair, estar com você, cada segundo precioso deveria ser muito bem gasto. e seokmin jamais pecava nisso. 
naquele dia o tempo estava limpo e fresco, perfeitamente alinhado com o planejamento do seu marido, que agiu todo ansioso em pelo menos metade daquela semana — possivelmente tendo sido quando ele decidiu o que faria. a indecisão o dominou, não porque não sabia o que fazer com você, mas sim porque seokmin queria fazer um monte de coisas. clássicos como cinema, admirar seus olhinhos brilhando com as luzes ao atravessarem o rio han, até mesmo cogitou tirar um dia de spa. porém, com suas falas aqui e ali sobre como estava com saudade de alguns pratos do seu restaurante preferido, as outras ideias foram deixadas de lado para que tivessem um jantar calmo e romântico.
seokmin queria passar por todo o processo "eu vou te buscar, fazer coisas que você não espera, depois te levar em casa", mesmo que dividissem um lar. de acordo com ele, era justamente o que fazia aquilo ainda mais cativante. seokmin sabia que você estaria ao lado dele na cama ao final daquela noite, porém vivê-la, bem como os demais dias, ao seu lado da melhor maneira era a melhor parte.
foi um pouquinho difícil não tagarelar sem fim sobre o que havia pensado para aquele dia, porém valia a pena quase explodir para manter tudo pra si mesmo se fosse para te ver o encarando com aquele olhar todo bobo e apaixonado. era a sensação mais gostosa do mundo e seokmin fazia tudo o que podia pra sempre ter mais e mais, viciado em te fazer uma mulher feliz. 
cumprindo com seus hábitos, que pouco a pouco se transformavam numa pequena tradição, você o esperou quase nervosamente, se questionando o porquê daquela sensação constante. 
— é o seu marido, não tem motivo pra ficar assim, não seja idiota — você falou para o seu reflexo, deslizando as mãos pelo material suave da roupa, desfazendo os vincos quase imperceptíveis.
você se perdia facilmente nas coisas que seokmin te proporcionava, as ocasiões e sentimentos que sempre te faziam se sentir tão apreciada. eram adultos, partilhando responsabilidades e frustrações, tinham uma desavença ou outra de vez em quando, porém a vida ficaria monótona se resumida a isso. então, por que não transformar os dias pacatos em memórias doces? era a forma que gostavam de pensar e os fez ter um relacionamento feliz e duradouro.
seu celular tocou com as mensagens de seokmin avisando que havia chegado, te fazendo borbulhar com aquele misto de animação e ansiedade enquanto pegava suas coisas e trancava a porta cuidadosamente. 
a figura vestida de blazer escuro, calça social e blusa de gola alta e preta superou suas expectativas do "estarei bem arrumado pra combinar com você" que seokmin disse mais cedo. ele tinha estilo, claro. mas aquela combinação foi muito mais impressionante que camisas sociais — embora você saiba que teria a mesmíssima reação se ele aparecesse numa delas. mas havia algo sobre a maneira com que o blazer aberto te permitia ver o material da camisa ajustado ao tronco definido e a corrente prateada brilhando em seu pescoço. 
os poucos segundos de admiração foram mútuos, ao passo que você suspirava, a mente de seokmin ficava desnorteada ao apreciar o material abraçando sua silhueta, a maneira que o azul profundo combinava com os pequenos detalhes brilhantes dos seus acessórios. ele já sabia o que você vestiria essa noite e já tinha te visto com aquela mesma combinação algemas vezes, porém sempre se sentia atordoado. era tarde demais para te convencer a voltar para dentro de casa? a cereja no topo foi quando ele te chegou aos seus olhos, que o encaravam tão intensamente quanto ele fazia, além dos seus lábios entreabertos e destacados pelo gloss. ele soube que havia feito ótimas escolhas para hoje. 
finalmente reparando em algo além do homem à sua frente, você avistou o carro atrás dele. sua primeira dedução é que o veículo era alugado, pois até aquela manhã nem você nem seokmin tinham um conversível preto. pelo visto, ele estava ainda mais empenhado hoje.
— ok, você gosta de me surpreender. 
— sempre, bebê. e você tá perfeita — ele te deu um selinho antes de tirar um buquê do banco do carro e entregar a você.
o tom de azul não muito escuro do buquê foi um choque também, você brincou sobre ele estar agindo como um típico romântico e ele não negou. 
— sabe que eu dou meu jeitinho pra que tudo saia tão incrível quanto você merece — o sorriso dele te derreteu de dentro pra fora, como de costume. 
o jeitinho dele provavelmente incluía a escolha para que o papel de embrulho e o arranjo de flores em si combinassem com a sua roupa. você não tinha ideia de como ele descobriu aquilo, porém deixou os questionamentos para depois. 
levou alguns alguns minutos para deixar as flores bem guardadas, e você também usou aquele tempo para assimilar que o homem mais gentil e atencioso do mundo era todinho seu. 
seu eu da infância, que ainda se deslumbrava com fantasias fictícias, teria se encantado com os pequenos gestos que, por vezes, pareciam saídos de contos de fadas. coisa que seu eu do presente também faz. a sua versão adolescente talvez fosse ficar um pouquinho desacreditada que era possível um cara ter todo aquele afeto inesgotável pra te dar. mesmo a versão de si que vivia aquilo ainda dava sorrisos deslumbrados com lee seokmin.
a noite mal havia começado e seokmin tinha em mente um compilado de flertes para usar — muitos inéditos e alguns que você já havia escutado dele em alguma outra vez como aquela. quer fosse na primeira semana de relacionamento, ou após um ou vários anos, seokmin agiria como se o maior objetivo dele fosse te conquistar. e nem seria preciso estarem em um encontro para isso — apesar de ser o tipo de ocasião em que ele mais ficava inspirado, dizendo sempre que isso seria exclusivamente por sua causa —, ele te deixaria com a maior cara de besta do mundo ao se declarar no meio do almoço ou algo do tipo.
e, nessas horas, você fazia questão de mostrar orgulhosamente a ele a joia que enfeitava seu dedo anelar. só para ter sua mão segurada entre os dedos dele e ser carinhosamente beijada por um seokmin muito contente. 
os pequenos gestos cavalheirescos eram feitos à maneira dele, o jeito de seokmin abrir a porta do carro, lhe oferecer um braço ou entrelaçar seus dedos para andar por aí, arrastar a cadeira quando você fosse sentar e, finalmente, dar um beijo no topo da sua cabeça antes de ocupar sua próprio assento à sua frente. cada etapa feita com aquele sorriso cintilante, do qual você jamais se cansaria. 
— que tal se fizermos assim — você desviou os olhos do cardápio, vendo um seokmin sorridente do outro lado da mesa. — um escolhe pro outro, pode ser? e sem álcool pra mim, tenho que levar minha linda esposa em segurança para casa. 
era quase como um pequeno teste de conhecimento, uma vez que estavam num restaurante que haviam frequentado outras vezes (os funcionários ficaram um pouco perplexos pelas roupas pouco casuais, considerando que era um estabelecimento voltado para o conforto e não tanto para o sofisticado). vocês riram juntos do quão irritantemente bem conheciam um ao outro, desde um acompanhamento específico que você sabe que seokmin amaria comer hoje àquela sobremesa que ele tinha certeza que te faria cantarolar de satisfação na primeira mordida.
com o passar do tempo os mínimos detalhes fixaram-se na mente um do outro. 
vocês saíram do lugar de mãos dadas, aquela pequena mania que seokmin tem de andar balançando suas mãos entrelaçadas mais uma vez esteve presente, te fazendo sorrir com os maneirismos dele. 
seus assuntos ocasionalmente acabavam sendo dispersados por um seokmin falando algo fofo sobre você. talvez variando com algumas cantadas que sequer têm algum sentido além de serem terminadas com um elogio, mas que ele insiste em usar apenas para ver seu rosto variar da confusão, às risadas, até chegar ao mesmo estado de não compreensão inicial. 
é claro que havia muitos rumos que seu pequeno passeio após o jantar poderia tomar, contanto que conseguissem pegar o carro no estacionamento. e seokmin também havia cuidado dessa parte, sabendo exatamente o que fazer. 
nesta noite, seguiram para a pequena rua comercial, cujos estabelecimentos eram majoritariamente noturnos. algumas lojas de conveniência vinte e quatro horas, docerias e lojinhas de presentes — sobretudo para os turistas indo e vindo na agitação. 
apesar das roupas, não ficaram tão deslocados, haviam coisas muito mais… peculiares. "por que tem um sapo entregando flores?", você mal terminou de falar e seokmin te arrastou até lá. logo seu companheiro — que simpatiza com muita facilidade com pessoas, até as mais aleatórias —, havia te arranjado um flor… mais uma, se você fosse levar em consideração o buquê inteiro que enfeitava sua casa. 
— por acaso é o dia oficial de me entregar flores? —  e o sorriso que ele direcionou a você só não te fez flutuar por aí como um balão de hélio, porque seokmin já estava mais uma vez segurando sua mão. 
— talvez eu devesse te presentear com flores mais vezes, você tá parecendo muito chocada. 
— mais vezes do que em todos os meses? 
— uhum. toda semana, quem sabe?
durante toda a noite, seokmin roubaria dos beijos mais calorosos, quando tiveram algum momento pra isso, aos mais suaves, um breve encostar de lábios quando você menos esperava. o que não cessou mesmo quando chegaram ao carro, quase ultrapassando alguns limites de demonstrações afeto em público enquanto usavam a lataria como apoio, seokmin finalmente pôde deslizar as mãos por cada curva que ele passou a noite toda admirando. com você puxando-o, brincando com o material frio da corrente de prata antes de trazer seu corpo ainda para mais perto, segurando-se nos braços dele — o que não tinha nada a ver com a sua vontade de pôr as mãos nos músculos que ele se esforça tanto pra manter daquela maneira.  
em meio aos minutos com grudada à seokmin, foram necessários apenas alguns segundos de lucidez — e sua preocupação em estragarem as roupas que usavam ou serem vistos em uma situação constrangedora — para serem trazidos de volta à realidade. 
— não acho que um carro alugado seja um bom lugar pra fazer algo assim — seokmin suspirou numa falsa decepção antes de abrir a porta para ti. 
— e o nosso carro seria um bom lugar? 
— bom… ele é nosso, né — ele deu de ombros. 
o caminho até em casa foi tão agradável como o resto da noite, as ruas movimentadas não te impedindo de tornar aquele um pequeno show particular, com a melhor playlist e risadas de ficar sem fôlego — muito provavelmente por algo relacionado às suas habilidades de canto um pouco precárias ou a alguma dessas coisas que só são engraçadas quando seokmin as fala. 
— espero que não tenha nenhum problema em te deixar em casa tão tarde — por que não entrar na pequena brincadeira de seokmin? 
— não faz mal perder a noção do tempo às vezes, ainda mais quando se tem uma ótima companhia — ele riu, te puxando para mais beijinhos e carícias. 
e como bem como ele fazia há tempos atrás ao final de um encontro, seu marido observou você passar pela porta após um beijo e uma despedida, uma pequena prova extra do paraíso que era estar com lee seokmin, antes de te deixar ir. 
minutos mais tarde, após devolver o carro à locadora e pegar o próprio de volta, seokmin estaria te abraçando por trás enquanto você se desfazia da maquiagem e acessórios no banheiro, falando sobre como ele passou toda a noite querendo te abraçar daquela forma e sentir seu cheiro de pertinho. 
— era só ter abraçado, seokminnie. você sempre pode. 
— eu sei, meu amor, só gostei de fazer as coisas assim… foi bom pra você? 
seu coraçãozinho derreteu pela que você achou ser a milésima vez naquele dia, incapaz de suportar o quão amável era o olhar de seokmin através do espelho, ansiando por uma resposta. como se você fosse falar algo diferente de "foi maravilhoso", porque sempre era. você o elogiou e agradeceu por ter tornado, de novo, uma sexta qualquer um dia especial para ambos. 
— você tá tão linda, sabia? 
— uhum, você disse isso a noite inteirinha — ele deu uma risadinha contra o seu pescoço. — você também tá tão lindo. e gostoso, muito mesmo. 
seokmin amava se sentir apreciado por você, e saber todo tipo de efeito que as menores atitudes dele causavam em você. ainda que fossem somente algumas roupas um pouco diferentes do habitual. 
— que bom então, me esforcei bastante pra ficar à sua altura, tá? 
— desde quando você precisa de esforço pra ficar bonito? 
— você tá flertando comigo, é? 
—  to fazendo isso a noite toda, poxa. 
— eu sei, meu bem. quase que fico tímido. 
com selares roubados aqui e ali, seokmin deixou de lado apenas o blazer antes de aproveitar o calorzinho agradável do seu corpo junto ao dele mais um pouco, sem querer te soltar enquanto observava a imagem de vocês refletida. absorto com o quão bom era estar ali assim, te vendo concentrada naquele processo já conhecido de se “desarrumar”. 
te impedindo de finalizar as últimas etapas antes de um bom banho pra dormir por conta próprio, ele te despiu com cuidado. os toques eram tão cuidadosos, quase castos se você não conhecesse as intenções por trás de cada olhar de seokmin, que não deixava de dar atenção a casa parte favorita dele durante o processo. 
— posso te ajudar também? — você pediu se virando pra ele, sendo recebida com o olhar que te enfraquecia por inteiro. 
— claro, meu amor. fica à vontade — e ficou. 
seokmin gostava tanto daquilo, até dos mais curtos momentos em que se sentia tão… querido? mal podia escolher uma boa palavra pra explicar, apenas imergia em como cada molécula dele se sentia aquecida à medida que você dava a ele a mesma atenção que recebeu antes. a boca traçando o peitoral nu com beijos úmidos e os dedos geladinhos contra a pele quente dele não o deixavam pensar no que faria em seguida. 
quando o caminho que você trilhava meticulosamente alcançou os lábios entreabertos de seokmin, capturou o suspiro suave e um tanto aliviado antes de beijá-lo. a serenidade com que minnie recebia cada afago deu lugar à urgência de te sentir, não afastando sua boca da dele por mais segundos que o necessário. 
sem saber se devia se apoiar na pia atrás de si ou no homem a sua frente, você optou pelo segundo, encontrando sustento ao segurar nos braços de seokmin, sentindo os músculos rígidos sob a ponta dos dedos até chegar aos ombros dele. 
minnie era inegavelmente gentil, um completo doador dedicado a ser aquele que deixa suas pernas molinhas e recorreria a todos artifícios que podia pra isso. foi o que o motivou a descer a mão que segurava seu rosto até o pescoço, apertando fraquinho, esperando a brecha que você daria a ele ao arquejar no meio do beijo. 
foi quando tudo ficou ainda mais intenso, com a pressão contra a sua garganta e a língua de seokmin tomando sua boca que você teve a confirmação final de que provavelmente não chegariam à cama e resolveriam tudo no chuveiro.
— a gente ainda precisa de um banho antes de dormir — você o lembrou entre uma das curtas pausas que tiveram pra respirar.
— ok, mas estamos falando do mesmo tipo de banho, né? sem respondê-lo, porém sabendo que ele te seguiria de qualquer maneira, você entrou no box, tentando regular a temperatura da água em uma agradável para os dois antes de ser envolvida mais uma vez por seokmin. o curto tempo que os jatos do líquido morno encharcaram vocês foi para tomarem aquela difícil decisão, pois logo após isso, as mãos de seokmin estavam em você novamente, te induzindo a acolhê-lo entre seus braços também. 
não havia tanta pressa como antes, não tinha motivo pra isso quando podiam só sentir um ao outro com toda a calma do mundo.
tudo era um pouco lentinho, desde a boca dele encontrando cada parte sensível que alcançava, aos seus dedos cuidando do resto que não podia sugar ou beijar. foi dessa mesma forma que seokmin rumou à umidade calorosa entre suas pernas. ainda te mantendo grudadinha a ele, te esticou devagar, recebendo cada gemido seu como um estímulo pra pôr um dígito após o outro — mas sem aumentar a velocidade nem um pouquinho. 
— mais rápido, mimi, por favor.
— eu mal comecei e você tá manhosa assim? aproveita um pouco, bebê. 
por pouco você não fez outra reclamação quando os dedos deslizaram pra fora, porém logo em seguida estava caladinha com as costas contra o peito de seokmin. não foi difícil deduzir o porquê da mudança, era o jeito que seokmin mais gostava de ficar pra atingir seu ponto g como agora. quando suas contestações sumiram e deram lugar somente aos suspiros e gemidos ofegantes, seu marido não conseguiu conter os próprios. 
os arfares de seokmin coladinhos ao seu ouvido só te faziam pensar em como ele também merecia se sentir tão bem quanto você. apesar da posição tornar as coisas um tanto complicadas, a menor pressão da sua palma contra o pau dele o fez espasmar e ficar ainda mais vocal, preenchendo sua audição com aqueles sons obscenos que faziam suas paredes se contraírem ainda mais ao redor dele. 
— amor, me fode logo — você não esperava que logo hoje seokmin brincasse contigo, principalmente com ele estando num estado igual ou pior que o seu. 
— mas eu já não to fazendo isso? 
— seokmin… — ele riu da sua tentativa frustrada de soar autoritária, mas não se prolongou. 
— achei que fosse querer gozar nos meus dedos. 
o leve tom decepcionado de seokmin foi rapidamente trocado pela meia dúzia de palavrões que murmurou ao esfregar a glande inchada na sua entradinha. 
— não é como se isso não tivesse acontecido hoje de manhã, seokminnie — sua tentativa de resolver o problema por si só, o pressionando até colocar a pontinha em você.
ele não queria ter se rendido tão fácil ao seu jeitinho de tirá-lo do sério, talvez te dar uma das respostas que pairavam na mente dele teria sido uma boa ideia. porém só de sentir aquele aperto ao redor do pau dele, seokmin jogou tudo pro alto e te preencheu por completo, de uma vez só. sua cabeça pendendo no ombro dele, toda tontinha balbuciando sobre o quão bom era tê-lo assim, era o combo que fez seokminnie se sentir encorajado a te dar mais do que você queria. a menor pressão já teria sido demais pra sua mente já turva pelo prazer, então os dedos apertando firmemente a sua garganta fizeram cada nervo seu formigar. seokmin se empenhou em deixar sugar a aquele lugarzinho sensível no seu pescoço pra que as marcas combinassem com as que suas unhas deixavam no braço que mantinha seu corpo firme enquanto suas pernas fraquejavam. acidentes no banho não estavam no plano de seokmin, portanto, apesar do seu protesto quase indignado, te mudou de posição. de frente pra ele, pôde ver aquela expressão quase faminta mais uma vez enquanto te manejava como queria, levantando uma perna sua para prendê-la ao redor dele e usando a parede pra ajudar a te apoiar. só depois de garantir sua segurança e conforto — o máximo que podia te proporcionar ali — que seokmin voltou àquele ritmo que te deixava sempre à borda, nem rápido nem lento demais, cuidando para dar atenção ao seu pontinho inchado na mesma cadência que te fodia. 
todo estímulo nublava os pensamentos de seokmin. os arranhões, como suas palavras se embolavam e se tornavam gemidos, seus lábios convidativos que o atraíam como uma armadilha pra que ele tentasse te beijar mais e mais, os barulhos molhados e deslizantes preenchendo o ambiente a cada impulso dele. porém seokmin só foi verdadeiramente arruinado pela visão e sensação etéreas de você gozando. logo, suas súplicas irresistíveis para que ele fizesse o mesmo, foram atendidas em questão de segundos. a atmosfera mudou no momento seguinte, com a suavidade dos selares que seokmin salpicava em seu rosto antes de ligar o chuveiro para limpar vocês dois. — como você consegue agir todo fofo e carinhoso depois de me enforcar? 
— são todas formas de demonstrar como eu te amo, te fazendo gozar no meu pau ou te enchendo de beijinhos. não gosta? — se um dia eu disser que não, pode me internar. você o deixou te ensaboar, enxaguar e te dar todo o carinho que tinha em si durante o processo antes de fazer o mesmo com seokminnie, recebendo dele aquelas expressões sorridentes e bobinhas. por mais que o questionasse e brincasse sobre a maneira que era tratada por ele, eram essas facetas equilibradas que te faziam feliz todos os dias. mesmo enquanto se secavam e vestiam algo confortável para dormir optaram pela distância. não negariam que eram um pouco grudentos e ficavam ainda mais em dias como aquele, coisa que expressavam um ao outro com frequência, como no momento em que você olhou pra seokmin com aqueles olhinhos quase comovidos e ele teve que parar de secar seu cabelo pra se atentar ao que você dizia.
— obrigada pelo jantar, mimi. — e isso lá é motivo pra agradecer, amo fazer essas coisas com você — ele disse rindo antes de retomar sua tarefa. — exatamente por isso que eu fico tão, tão feliz e grata. — fica feliz, mas não perdoa quando eu molho seu cabelo só um tiquinho de nada.
— vai estar perdoado assim que eu estiver devidamente seca, lee seokmin. ele riu, acatando seus termos. não pôde se sentir exatamente arrependido quando sua pequena brincadeira o permitiu ter mais alguns minutinhos ali contigo. às vezes se pegava pensando em como vinte e quatro horas não pareciam bastar que ele fizesse tudo o que queria com você. seokmin gostaria de poder trabalhar pra te mimar, cozinhar pra você, acariciar cada centímetro seu, desenvolver mais meia dúzia de hobbies contigo e ambos se esforçavam para que tivessem um pouco de tudo isso com o máximo de frequência que conseguiam. mas ainda se sentia um tanto injustiçado por não realizar tudo. normalmente ele guardava a maior parte daquelas consternações pra si, porém de vez em quando compartilhava contigo. 
apenas depois que se deitassem — entrando num daqueles momentos de divagação quando o sono demora a vir e vocês passam muito tempo falando conversando com suas vozes grogues —, trancados num mundinho compartilhado, é que seokmin te daria o último golpe de romance a nível quase cinematográfico, não tinha a menor necessidade de te tirar mais suspiros quando vocês já estão enrolados um no outro, porém seokmin nunca falhava em conseguir. na frustração sonolenta dele, que até o momento parecia ter surgido de repente, você encheu o bico que se formou nos lábios dele de selinhos intercalados com vários eu te amo, só para ouvi-lo falar logo antes de apagar que "o tempo é muito injusto, eu passo as vinte e quatro horas do meu dia pensando ou estando com você. e ainda assim, como essa noite, não parece ter sido o suficiente". foi um daqueles golpes fatais em seu pobre coração já tomado por todo amor que sentia por seokmin, um que ficaria martelando na sua cabeça mesmo quando acordasse na manhã seguinte e passasse mais dos mil quatrocentos e quarenta minutos que, direta ou indiretamente, usaria pra amar e ser amada por seokminnie. 
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mi9yuz · 7 hours ago
genre. fluff, est relationship ! ~ pairing nonidol!seokmin x afab!reader warnings: mentions of having a family wc: 359
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IT was another day of babysitting your nephew. Every two weeks, he’d come over for you to look after him, and you always looked forward to it. Today, you were lounging on the couch, mindlessly scrolling through Instagram while keeping an eye on him as he flipped through a picture book. Your phone buzzed, pulling you out of your scroll. It was a message from your boyfriend, Seokmin.
MY 🌎: Get ready, you two :)) I’ll be there in 15 to pick you up
You already knew where this was going.
YOU: How’d you know he’s here today?
Seconds later, another message popped up.
MY 🌎: I just know. It’s my uncle senses 🙂‍↕️
You couldn’t help but giggle, liking the message before setting your phone down.
“Mister, Uncle Seokmin’s coming,” you said, ruffling your nephew’s hair.
“YIPEEEEEEE! Can we go play?” he squealed, bouncing up from the couch.
“Of course, but first, let’s change and get ready, okay?” You smiled at how cute he was, his excitement infectious.
Just as you both finished getting dressed, the doorbell rang. Before you could even move, your nephew was already at the door, grinning from ear to ear.
“OUNCLE SEOKMIN!” he shouted.
“Buddyyyy, you’re so big now!” Seokmin said, scooping him up into his arms.
“I'M ONWY PFOUR!” your nephew pouted, crossing his arms in mock indignation.
“Aww, my bad, buddy,” Seokmin cooed, his playful grin turning toward you.
As you watched Seokmin laugh with your nephew, your heart swelled. In that moment, you knew, without a doubt, that you had found the one. Seokmin wasn’t just perfect for you—he was perfect for your family, too. The way he connected with your nephew, the ease with which he made him laugh and feel special, solidified your certainty about the future.
You didn’t need to worry about a thing. With Seokmin by your side, you knew your future kids would be lucky to have a father like him. And with him around, everything just felt right.
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pochaccoups · 3 months ago
things you do that make svt bust quick (nsfw)
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seungcheol —; tell him how good he’s doing
he’s a leo male… please stroke his ego.
tell him how you love his cock, how big he is, how it hits so deep inside you. tell him “right there,” and “keep going,” and to do it “just like that.”
stroke his possessive side too. tell him no one else can fuck you like he can, no one else can stretch you out so good, no one else can make you cum like he does. tell him that your pussy is made for him only.
be loud for him. god, he loves hearing you moan. say his name, beg for more, sob, whimper, gasp for him. don’t be shy about it. it’ll only be a matter of time before you butter him up enough to make him cum.
jeonghan —; beg
everyone knows yoon jeonghan likes having people at his mercy. he gets a little unhinged when he has power over someone—so imagine what he gets like when you’re writhing on his cock, gasping his name so sweetly, your eyes glimmering with tears as he fucks you hard.
“what is it, pretty?” he asks, and like the devil he is, he slows the movement of hips, pulling out of you until his tip barely kisses your also weeping hole. it’s torture for him too, to leave the hot, tight haven that is your cunt, but to him it’s worthwhile.
“wanna cum, hannie,” you whimper.
“hm… i don’t know if i should let you yet,” he says, dipping back inside just an inch. years of him being yours means you don’t miss the tiny strain in his voice that betrays his perfectly collected demeanour.
“please, hannie, please, please, please, let me cum. i’ve been so good,” you sob, squeezing your thighs where they rest on his hips.
you watch as a switch flips in his eyes within a millisecond. a grin lights up his face and he shudders, and he’s sliding back inside you, fucking in and out of you harder and faster than before. safe to say it doesn’t take long for either of you to cum after that.
joshua —; make eye contact
his pretty doe eyes make staring into them your favourite thing in the world, and if you asked him his favourite pastime, he’d tell you that it was gazing into your irises.
it’s also his biggest weakness. from the way you’ve got your mouth wrapped around his dick, throat gagging even though you’re only halfway down it, joshua feels his sanity slipping away. his fingers curl into the bedsheets below as he watches you work him, revels in the warmth of your tongue sliding up and down his shaft.
when your eyes flick up to meet his he doesn’t stand a chance. not with how glimmering they are, brimming softly with tears, yet swimming with adoration. with worship.
heat washes over his whole body, he’s gasping, and the salty warmth of his release pools on your tongue.
jun —; put his fingers in your mouth
when junhui gets inside you he has a one-track mind. he becomes rapt with pleasure, drunk from the warm squeeze of your pussy around him, focused on nothing but the sensation of you, the sight of you under him, the sound of you in his ears.
the effect you have on him is dangerous, because you’re equally obsessed with him as he is with you, and you’re not afraid to show him.
and you love his hands, he knows you do—knows how you love his slender fingers and their soft touches all over you, inside you. your brain is cloudy, fogged by lust when you take him by his wrist and bring his fingers to your mouth. your eyes sparkle as your lips wrap around his index finger, your soft tongue swirling around it.
jun’s mouth parts with awe, his eyes growing round. a second later, he stills inside you with a gasp of your name, like he’s praying to you, all the while you’re sucking on his finger like a devil.
hoshi —; scratch him
he’s a little bit of a freak, and a masochist too.
when he’s got you folded in half, hitting all the right spots inside you, you cling to him in every way you can—fingers grabbing at his biceps, his shoulders. one particular stroke of his hips has you squealing.
your nails sink into his skin, crying out his name as you rake them down the toned planes of his back. the second you do, soonyoung is grunting, hips stilling, cock twitching as a sticky warmth suddenly floods your cervix.
the worst part about it is how he always has the stupidest, most shit-eating smug grin on his face when he examines your damage in the bathroom after, and you know that if he could, he would post the selfies he takes in the mirror all over instagram. what’s even worse though? seeing your marks makes him hard again.
wonwoo —; cry
you’re such a sensitive little thing and wonwoo adores you. one orgasm on his fingers and you’re already overstimulated—“but baby, i haven’t even put my cock in you yet,” he’ll coo.
like it’s your fault you have a boyfriend with skilled fingers and a skilled tongue and who knows you inside and out like the back of his hand, who knows where to touch you and how hard and what pace makes you writhe the most.
by the time he does get inside you, you’re gasping and whining and clawing at him, tears springing to your eyes because he’s so big and so deep, but the stretch is so addictive that it’s dizzying. his voice is low and husky as he mutters to you a mixture of teases and praise, calls you his pretty girl and then laughs at sensitive you are, pretends he’s not on the verge of coming from the sound of your choked gasps.
your belly starts to pulse with that familiar heat and by then you’re keening for him, whimpering a mixture of his name and endless pleas as it starts to become too much. your sobs go straight to his cock, and it’s only a matter of time before he reaches his climax, and his gasps of pleasure harmonise with your own cries.
woozi —; pull his hair
he’s been growing his hair out. after all your begging, he finally listened. in a way, though, it’s backfired a little on you, because the longer it gets the more insane you become. and the thing is you never expected him to let it get to his shoulders—and still he doesn’t plan on cutting it. well, good. you would kill him if he did.
when his face is between your legs you’re nothing short of a feral animal—your hips bucking wild against his mouth, your legs trembling on his shoulders, your fingers, of course, grabbing fistfuls of his hair. he makes you whine when he pulls away from your needy, sticky cunt to tsk at you, tells you to cut it out and keep your hands to yourself. (it’s because he’s about to cream his pants).
when he bends you in half beneath him, ruts into you hard and fast and relentless, you need leverage. your hands land on the back of his neck, fingertips grazing at his roots, then one slam of his hips into yours has his cock bumping against the most sensitive spot inside you and your grasping at his hair and crying his name so desperately. no longer can he hold back, strained groans slipping past his lips as he lets go inside you.
dokyeom —; hold his hand
a sentimental sweetheart, seokmin is an utter romantic who thinks that being inside of you, whether in your mouth or your pussy, is intimacy in its purest form. now imagine showing him just how much more intimate things can get.
he’s losing his mind at the feeling of your tongue swirling around the head of his cock, the way you swallow his length down making him see stars. he can’t bare to look at you—he needs to focus on taking deep breaths so that he doesn’t cum straight down your throat. then he feels you grabbing at one of his hands, lacing your fingers together, and no amount of deep breathing can stop him from releasing.
and when he fucks you it’s no different—it’s him in near tears, whimpering your name between incoherent words over and over, and as soon as you take his hand in yours and your fingers wrap around his, there’s nothing else he can do but succumb to his own pleasure.
mingyu —; take control
he’s big and strong; strong enough to put you into whatever position he wants, to make you cum at his command, to do just as he pleases with you.
but that’s exactly why he likes it when you slap him around a little.
you can’t exactly bend him into doggy or use your weight to keep him pinned to the mattress, but you can sit yourself pretty on his cock and ride him teasingly slow. you can tell him he’s not allowed to touch you or you’ll stop moving. you can tell him to kiss you, to go slower, to go harder.
you can sit up and put a hand around his throat, still your hips, and tell him he can fuck you himself if he wants to cum. and he’ll do just that—and as soon as you utter the words, he’s gone, whining out curses as he fills you up in white, warm spurts.
minghao —; whisper in his ear
minghao often tells you how he adores your voice. when you talk to him he’s entranced, and he’s always been more of a listener than a talker, and it’s perfect because you always have so much to say, and minghao will listen to every last word of yours.
your voice—minghao’s kryptonite, his achilles’ heel, his undoing and, oh, the way you moan for him when he’s got you on his cock is enough to make his heart stop beating. the perverted part of him wishes he could record you, hide the file away on his phone and listen to you when he’s overseas and he can’t call you. maybe he’ll ask you about that, if he can find the courage.
the final blow is when you’re getting close. you lean in, right next to his ear, so close that your breath sends shivers along his skin. “please, hao, i’m so close,” you whisper, yet you still sound so desperate and depraved. “you are too, right? cum for me, please. i’ll cum for you too.”
so he does just that—minghao gives in and lets his orgasm wash over him, fingertips drawing circles on your clit until mere moments later he hears the sound of your own cresting pleasure and he feels himself getting hard again.
seungkwan —; wrap your legs around him
it’s a fact that seungkwan loves to be close to you. if he could, he would crawl inside of your skin and live in your heart. but since he can’t, constant physical touch is the next best thing.
he likes to think he has relatively good self-control…most of the time. like when he’s buried to the hilt inside you, he’s incredible at keeping in rhythm, fucking into you at the most perfect pace for both you and him, hitting the spot that makes your back arch off the bed.
somehow he never sees it coming—when your arms are snaked around his neck and you’re holding onto him for dear life as he takes you to heaven, and your legs wrap around his waist so that you can pull him in impossibly deep. then you bring his face to yours, and you have the most irresistible little pout on your face when you make your request. “cum inside me, seungkwannie?”
and it’s not like he has much choice with the way you’ve trapped him inside of you, but that’s the very reason why the next second he’s pumping you full, because when it’s you, how is he supposed to have any self-control?
vernon —; touch yourself
it’s not like vernon can last long in general. he thinks you’re the hottest thing alive and he’s so enamoured with you that it’s too much for him sometimes, but you best believe he’ll put his all into holding out just for you.
there are times, however, where he’s just a man. and what’s a man to do when he has a goddess riding his dick? when your tits look so pretty, bouncing in his face, when you have that fucked out look in your eyes, when you feel like heaven and hell all at once?
and what the fuck is a man to do when your hand drifts down between your legs, to your aching clit, and your fingers start to rub it in circles, or when your other hand grasps one of your tits and tugs at one of your own nipples? and your sweet pussy clenches around him so tight when you do, clamps down on him in an hot, wet embrace, so what else can he do but cum?
dino —; say ‘i love you’
another sweet, sentimental boy. lee chan is head over heels for you, enamoured, obsessed, smitten, infatuated with you… the list of things he is around you is endless.
it shows in the way he fucks you—always takes his time with you, never rushes taking you apart. every touch of his is intentional, meant to set you both ablaze. when he eats you out to prep you for his cock, he has to try not to cum in his pants from how pretty you are.
where he really doesn’t stand a chance however is when he’s bottomed out inside you, as close as he can possibly be with you—so close you’re practically one. the sweetest sounds fall from your lips, spurring on his expert thrusts.
his forehead is plastered to yours, the pair of you revelling in one another’s sweat and gasps for air. “i love you,” you confess gently, and chan falls over the edge of pleasure not a moment later.
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blue-jisungs · 5 months ago
[ 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 ] kiss attack
# author’s note … i dunno pookies just a random thought inspired by the first pic ^^
# summary … surprising them with kisses OR pepper kisssonf their faces (out of the blue, mostly hehe)
# warnings ... some members might be suggestive if u squint, some r longer than others, not proofread (bare w me bc i wrote this in a car during multiple ocasions in my notes app w/o autocorrect so ! :D i know u love me guys heheheh)
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┆彡 SEUNGCHEOL [ 승철 ]
coming home late from yet another photo shoot, cheol desired nothing more than a warm bed and falling asleep with you in his arms. he tries to be as quiet as possible when entering your shared home, aware that you’re probably asleep. and his leader instincts are correct, the place drowning in midnight darkness. taking his shoes off, slipping into fresh pajamas, slowly but surely dipping into the mattress… and home, he’s finally home. your sleeping silhouette is drawn next to him, only slightly lit up by the moonlight peeking through the window. just when he sneaks his arms around you and closes his eyes, ready to drift asleep, your body moves suddenly and there’s a quick but deep peck landing on his lips. then, as if nothing happened, you roll on the other side and curl into him. seungcheol feels his heart grow and fill with warmth as he falls asleep with a smile blooming on his lips and pink dusted on his cheeks.
┆彡 WONWOO [ 원우 ]
"hey, wonu?" you ask and peek your head through the door, only to notice him being busy with a video game.
"give me a sec!" your boyfriend hums and the only thing you can see are the flashing lights and images on his screen "is it important?"
"no, not really" you answer and walk up to him, noticing that he has one of his headphones off his ear to hear you. a habit he developed ever since you moved in "i mean, depends how you look at it"
wonwoo turns around to check up on you and then you attack. cupping his face quickly and planting a sweet kiss on his plush lips.
"bye!" you giggle and run away, leaving him frozen in place. he’s too stunned to speak and too flustered to move, heart beating like crazy and stomach filling with butterflies.
"hey, dude, come on! we’re losing because of you!" someone whines in the voice chat and wonwoo takes a glance at the door, where you were moments ago. with a whipped grin plastered on his lips he shakes his head and returns to the pleasantly interrupted game.
┆彡 MINGYU [ 민규 ]
mingyu was cooking dinner peacefully, focused on his task. mingyu’s engagement in the kitchen was no joke, multitasking and executing the recipe on spot. which is why he didn’t hear nor see you entering his work space. better yet, he didn’t acknowledge your waltzing in and wrapping your hands around his waist. only when you gave him it a little squeeze. your man turned around, shocked pout on his face. to be fair, you didn’t want to disturb him. but pouty mingyu was just too adorable not to kiss - so you did, gently but quickly; his lips tasting like the vegetables he was cooking (and snacking on).
"what was that for…?" he hummed and wanted to kiss you properly but you leaned away, resting your cheek against his broad shoulders.
"nothing" you mumbled incoherently and he came back to cooking, not noticing he just added too much salt.
┆彡 VERNON [ 버논 ]
you would think vernon is asleep at the first glance. laying in bed, one hand on his stomach and the other under his head. his eyes were closed and face was resting, chest rising up and down slowly. but occasionally he’d reach and scratch his nose. he was listening to a podcast with his headphones in. and something just possessed you, it was like you had to cover his cute face with kisses or you’d - not to be dramatic - explode. you climbed on top of him, cupping his face slowly. vernon didn’t even budge. then you started gently pepper-kissing his face, planting kisses on the most random places. your plush lips tickled him a bit but he didn’t really mind; just when you were done but still holding his face, he peeked an eye open.
"everything okay?" vernon asked. you just nodded and placed one more kiss on top of his nose, then left to continue with your day.
┆彡 SOONYOUNG [ 순영 ]
"yah, kwon soonyoung!" your yell echoed through the practice room, causing all the members to halt. the said criminal turned with his eyes widened in pure terror. his mind raced with thoughts: did he forget something? did he do something? or didn’t do? recalling events from this morning, he failed to notice when you stormed right at him.
"i’m sorry i’m sorry im sorry–" he started whining, eyes scanning your face in search of bad signs but he saw a flash of mischievous smirk on your lips.
"you forgot this" you hummed and pecked his lips quickly with a loud 'mwah!' and ran away, giggling.
"that woman is crazy. she’s making me crazy. actually, we’re both maniacs" soonyoung murmured, touching his lips. his friends shared a laugh, looking at his whipped state.
┆彡 JUNHUI [ 文俊辉 ]
"hey, sleepyhead, wake up!" you whine as you tug jun’s shirt for the millionth time in the span of three minutes. your boyfriend decided to take a nap before you leave to the planned date but apparently he wasn’t keen on waking up. "jun!"
he mumbles something you can’t quite decipher and turns to his back, soft snores escaping his parted lips.
"fine" you sigh and straddle him, pepper-kissing his face. with each kiss landing on his features, you feel his smile grow. once you brush just against the corner of his lips, his smile is way too wide to pretend he’s still sleeping.
"you did that on purp–" you start but aren’t meant to finish because junhui’s large hands grab your face and pull you in a real, deep and passionate kiss.
well, you take that as a yes.
┆彡 MINGHAO [ 徐明浩 ]
whenever minghao was meditating, you avoided to disturb him. not to lose balance and be able to focus… you closed the door and waited until he was done. but today you just couldn’t bare a second without him, your heart longing to be in his presence (even though you live together). hao had his eyes closed, focused on his breathing. but he did hear the soft click of door opening and then the sound of your food paddling against the floor. you tried to keep your volume down, certain that he did not hear you. before he could expose you, there was a series of kisses attacking his face. the feeling of your lips against his skin was pleasant but made him lose focus completely. before he could realize, you were already running off, giggling. minghao opened his eyes and looked around, shocked, and with the tips of his ears painted with red shade.
┆彡 CHAN [ 찬 ]
chan was sitting on the sofa, brows slightly furrowed and concentration all over his face. his slim fingers were typing at the speed of light, discussing something with his members. normally you’d think it’s something important but to be honest, you knew them too well. they were simply arguing what to eat for lunch tomorrow.
you were watching him, smiling subconsciously; he still made your stomach swirl with butterflies as if you were a teenage girl with her doorway crush.
and the feeling was just too strong to resist, you just had to kiss him.
so you got up and stood in front of him, not aware of your presence yet.
with a quick lean, you pressed a tender, loving kiss onto his plush lips. chan froze, fingers halting mid-air. he kissed you back and leaned away with a puzzled look.
"what was that for…?" he whispered, blinking slowly.
"nothing. you’re just cute" you answered with a shrug and sat down next to him, opening instagram. chan, a little flustered, reassumed the lunch dispute
┆彡 JEONGHAN [ 정한 ]
"you’re cheating!" jeonghan whines, a pout forming on his lips. you sigh, shaking your head with the cards in your hands.
"just because my cards are good doesn’t mean i’m chaeating… unlike you, sneaky fox" you snickered and put another card on top of his. maybe you should’ve known that playing uno with him won’t end well but in the end, jeonghan is passionate about winning in every game.
"that’s literally not possible, how come you have three cards left and i have like… thirteen?!" jeonghan puffs his cheeks and places a green one card "i hate this–"
you lean over the stack of cards and shut him up with a slightly aggressive kiss, nibbling on his bottom lip with a smug smirk.
you can hear him sigh softly and kiss you back. before he can realize, you put down your three colored ones and lean away, patting your things.
"uno… and, well, also no uno since i won" you smirked and jeonghan was left speechless, mouth open wide. whether you cheated or not during the game, it was an impressive win.
"no… but… that’s, that’s– that was cheating!" he whines again but this time only to make you laugh again.
┆彡 JOSHUA [ 조슈아 ]
joshua was still half asleep when he was brushing his teeth, his hair sticking in every direction possible and eyes half closed… struggling to keep his head stable.
you just looked at him through the mirror, smiling at your boyfriend’s drowsy state.
"do we have to get up so early…" he mumbled, barely audible due to the foam in his mouth.
"you booked the flight so early, not me" you chuckled and finished applying cream onto your face. you had to leave soon if you wanted to be at the airport early.
joshua answered something incoherent and spat out the toothpaste, washing his mouth with water.
he blinked slowly and caught your gaze in the mirror.
you just smiled and turned around, cupping his face. then you started peppering his face with gentle kisses everywhere: cheeks, forehead, nose, eyelids. and finally, his peppermint tasting lips.
"awake yet, sleepyhead?" you titled your head with a gentle smile and joshua nodded, a lazy smirk on his lips "good. i’ll make us breakfast then"
and when you left the bathroom, he realized he’d really feeling more awake.
┆彡 JIHOON [ 지훈 ]
jihoon had his headphones on so he wasn’t able to hear you but he did certainly see you. a small smile painted on his lips as he was observing you pacing around the gym. while he was busy curling his arms, you were bored out of your mind and there was nothing to aggravate your boredom. it’s not like you didn’t like accompanying him to the gym and watching him work out; no, quite the contrary. it’s just that he was in his space and there was nothing interesting to do besides watching him. you peeked at him in the mirror and caught his eye on you. then, your gaze slid to his arms.
"hey, my eyes are up here"
your gaze snapped back to him and his cocky smile. heat rose to your cheeks upon being caught. you had to shut him up.
"i know you’re bored but–" jihoon started, probably to tease you, but was interrupted by your lips meeting his. he almost dropped the dumbbell he was holding but came back to reality once he couldn’t feel the plush of your lips no longer. "what was that…?"
"go back to working out, smartass" you snickered and watched him be the flustered one now.
┆彡 SEOKMIN [ 석민 ]
"and then chan came out, fully dressed as pi cheolin! i swear, the sound of carats’ laughter made my day" dokyeom rambled. even though your back was facing him, you could still feel the gentle shake of the mattress due to his dynamic gesturing
"and i couldn’t help but laugh too! our chan is just so talented, maybe he should start an acting career! because i swear, it’s like… chan is gone and pi ch–"
as much as you loved dokyeom’s voice, whether talking, singing or laughing, you just wanted to doze off after an exhausting day. but he just wouldn’t stop talking.
"–possessed him! i swear i think my ribs got fractured after laughing so hard, he was just so into it–"
seokmin suddenly felt your lips crushing on his. the taste of your toothpaste exploded on his tongue, freezing on spot due to the passion of your kiss. it felt like eternity but in a good way; he kissed you back until he couldn’t breathe anymore. you noticed that and pulled away, this time facing him and burying your face into his side.
"i love you, kyeom, but for the love of mine please go to sleep" you murmured softly and he fell silent. not only because you told him to, also because his huge grin prevented him from further talking.
┆彡 SEUNGKWAN [ 승관 ]
"what a beautiful view…" seungkwan let out a deep sigh, looking amazed at the panoramic in front of him. you were holding his hand and admiring it too.
it was a random tuesday afternoon and you decided to go on a hike on a nearby hill. and even though it was exhausting, it was worth it. pallets of greens and yellows sprung in front of your eyes, blurring with the cloudless, blue sky.
"this one is more beautiful tho" you hummed suddenly. seungkwan turned around to see what did you mean but you just pecked his lips and squeezed his hand with a cheeky smile.
"that was so cheesy…" he rolled his eyes and while you turned again to adore the nature, his eyes stayed glued to your face with amused smile.
masterlist <3
taglist. @mirxzii ,, @primoppang ,, @l3visbby ,, @nicholasluvbot ,, @planetkiimchi ,,
@weird-bookworm ,, @slytherinshua ,, @kazmura ,, @laylasbunbunny,, @mon2sunjinsuver ,,
@eternalgyu ,, @rubywonu ,, @mine-gyu ,, @nonononranghaee ,, @haecien
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ylangelegy · 3 months ago
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seokmin, who is widely regarded to have the most boyfriend material-like photos in the group, has a little secret. if he looks like a boyfriend in his photos— well, it's because he is.
seokmin, who will shyly smile at you when you're out on dates. you already know what he needs before he asks.
seokmin is never any less embarrassed about making this request. when you take his phone and unlock it, you're at least comforted by the fact that his home screen is a photo of the two of you.
seokmin will tell you everything from "you know all my best angles" to "you have an eye for lighting." you might think he's flattering you, but he's dead serious. his favorite photos of himself have been captured by you.
seokmin never questions your creative direction. if you instruct him to take a sip of his drink, he'll happily oblige. if you tell him to look away from the camera, he'll snap his neck around. ask him to jump and he'll say "how high?"
seokmin, who is generous with his affection and his compliments. he'll prop his chin over your shoulder and hug you from behind as the two of you assess the photos. "you got my good side here," he'll point out about one picture. "i like how you framed that," he'll say of another.
seokmin understands, however, that some things are sacred. like this: when you're reviewing pictures, and there's one that you really like? all you have to say is off-limits, and seokmin knows what that means.
seokmin doesn't care if it's the best photo he's ever taken. he doesn't care if it will feed in to the delusions of his many fans, if it's likely to make the internet go wild. if you call a photo off-limits, then he won't post it. it's yours. wholly yours.
seokmin, who, after all this time, still falls for your one favorite tricks. when you're trying to get him smile a certain way? sometimes, instead of saying cheese, you'll say i love you!
seokmin, whose grin is bright and wide in those photos. and, sometimes, if you squint just enough— you'll notice that he's actually looking at the person behind the camera.
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seungcheorry · 4 months ago
svt when you tell them "it's getting late, i should probably go home":
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seungcheol: "oh, okay. let me drive you home, then 🥰" and expects you to invite him in because he doesn't want to let go.
jeonghan: "do you have any plans for tomorrow?" - if you do, then he's ordering you an uber; if you don't, then he's asking you to stay a bit longer.
joshua: "do you want me to walk you home?" and will insist on doing so, even if you say it's not needed - please, let him spend more time with you!!
junhui: "oh... ☹️" but doesn't say anything to try to make you stay because he doesn't wanna be clingy.
soonyoung: "nooo, let's talk some more, please?" and it's crazy how a tiger can master such pretty puppy eyes so you have no choice but to stay.
wonwoo: he mumbles a tiny "yeah, okay" and then guides you to his car. "what are you doing?" "taking you home, isn't it obvious? 🤨".
jihoon: hates when you say that, starts longing for you as soon as he orders you an uber and then write a song about it.
dokyeom: "for real? 🥺", and then says he'll walk you home. you can try and say he doesn't need to, but it's the only way to make him smile again so you let him.
mingyu: wraps his hands around your arm and pulls you closer. he just keeps walking so you think he ignored you, but then you realize he's starting to walk into your neighborhood. really smooth.
minghao: doesn't fight you, cause you know what's better for yourself. he offers himself to drive you home, shutting you off when you say he doesn't need to. "i want to" - and that leaves you speechless.
seungkwan: "but it's early yet~". he tries to argue with you, pouting when he loses. will definitely walk you home, jokingly picking on you to make you laugh. please kiss him goodbye at the door.
vernon: "you sure?" and if you say yes, he will take the subway with you or wait until you're in an uber; if you look even the slightest hesitant, he will just laugh it off and keep the conversation going.
dino: he's bold, so he will say "you wanna head to my place?" (but also his cheeks are burning, that's why he's not looking at you when he says it). if you decline, he'll order an uber for you and be like "text me when you home".
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nonushu · 5 months ago
things svt would do to you (this is just for fun) - ot13
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genre: fluff | wc: it’s jot notes | ot13 (separately) x reader a/n: self indulgent ??? you’ll never know 🤗
seungcheol - would drag you or 🥰princess carry🥰 you out your shared home
jeonghan - put his COLD feet on your leg while you’re both sleeping or relaxing
joshua - become the BIGGEST pick-me for you…
jun - feed you cat food on accident
hoshi - would tell everyone you can breakdance (you can’t)
wonwoo - drop his controller on your face while you’re laying on his lap
wooozi - forgot you were sleeping in the car and locked you inside
minghao - steals your clothes and styles it better (10000000000000000x offense taken)
mingyu - sacrifice you in a haunted house 🙄
dokyeom - shamelessly uses your toothbrush (nana tour 😭)
seungkwan - i feel like he’d get all sassy because you corrected his mental math
vernon - leech off of your spotify account and ruin your algorithm (i’d never complain)
dino - would write a SUPER long apology text because he thought you were mad at him for taking your lunch
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vernoniekiss · 5 months ago
hiii hope you are well 🥰 i wanted to request how each member would profess their love to you when they’re drunk if that makes sense
drunk svt professing their love to their s/o | [ ot13 ]
a/n: hi ! thankyou sm for the request. i’m doing quite well, hope you are too ! i think i also strayed away from the prompt too,, sorry.
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[🫧] seungcheol
- the protective drunk. wouldn’t want anyone else to touch you or get anywhere near you. afraid someone might steal you away from him, to which they can’t because seungcheol is literally the love of your life. he doesn’t even have to tell you that he loves you because his actions speak louder than words.
[🫧] jeonghan
- teases you, him with his bright red cheeks with a cheeky smile. “i didn’t know you love me THAT much y/n~” whenever you try to touch him, like holding his hands or giving him a kiss. “but don’t worry, i love you so much”.
[🫧] joshua
- flirty drunk !!!! flirts like his life depends on it, wants to see you flustered but he’s more flustered when you flirt back :/ . would also be abit clingy to you, whispering “i love yous” every now and then.
[🫧] junhui
- poor baby blabbering nonsense right next your ear. his heads on your shoulder. all you could make out from his blabber is “love yous” “you’re so pretty” “i’m so glad im your boyfriend”. pouts his lips for kisses. reminds you of a cat…
[🫧] hoshi
- also a clingy drunk 100%. would CRY professing his love to you. you’re just there awkwardly patting his back. cling onto you for the whole night,, you’re just happy to be there :D
[🫧] wonwoo
- the type to keep his hands in yours the whole night. he’ll a bit clingier than usual. he doesn’t even have to say anything but you know he loves you and trusts you when he’s drunk.
[🫧] woozi
- i remember watching him and suga ep10 and he brought tea or something instead of drinking alcohol. cant imagine him being drunk but maybe tipsy. he’s cute when he’s there blushing/ flustered at every move you do to him. blurts that he loves you randomly during the night.
[🫧] dokeoym
- he would NOT leave you alone. he would follow you everywhere you go. he’s loud, he’s loud with his love to you. whenever there’s karaoke, he’s singing a song for you, literally a song that’s dedicated to you and only for you.
[🫧] mingyu
- 101% also a very clingy and pouty drunk. very affectionate when he’s drunk too. he’s always by your side even if you move to do something. kissing you all the time, holding you at every chance he gets. “mmh i loveeeee youuu~”
[🫧] minghao
- his actions speak louder than words but i also can’t imagine him being really drunk. he’s always holding your hands, using his thumb to caress the front of your hands. forehead kisses and when he’s tired he’ll sit even closer to you and put his head on your shoulders.
[🫧] seungkwan
- if you and seventeen are all playing a game like mafia while drinking, trust seungkwan is going to defend your ass at all times “what do you mean y/n is the mafia ?! you must be out of your mind!!!” he always makes you feel involved in stuff, he’ll always keep and eye out for you. when he’s tired and drunker than he was earlier, he’ll quietly let you know that you’re the best thing that happened to him. he doesn’t wanna get teased by hoshi or anyone else hearing him say that.
[🫧] vernon
- you think it’s cute, how he’s sitting next to you, rather nearly ON you. rambling on how he loves you so much in your ear. he’s a clingy drunk 100%. always has to he touching you in any way, his hands on your thigh, interlinked pinkies etc.
[🫧] chan
- he’ll let the whole world know that his love is only for you. if you’re at the bar or seventeen, he’ll go round pointing at you and say “that’s my girlfriend. i LOVEEEE her so much”. you’d also probably have to get on your knees to beg him to stop and go home 😞.
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hoshifighting · 1 month ago
washing dokyeoms hair in the bath while you straddle him but because of the position ur boobs are in his face so he just keeps kissing and biting and sucking at ur boobs while you’re trying to condition his hair
WARNINGS: smut, breast play.
you’ve got him settled in the tub, water up to his shoulders, warm and steamy, and he’s just staring up at you, eyes all heavy-lidded and mischievous like he’s got a hundred bad ideas brewing. you’re trying to keep it together, keep it professional (or, well, as professional as you can while straddling his lap), because you said you’d help him with his hair, and you don’t break promises. “just sit still, yeah?” you murmur, leaning over with the conditioner bottle in hand, and, yeah, your chest just happens to be right in his face. a wicked little smirk already creeping onto his face. “hey—what’d i just say?”
“just sittin’ still, baby, don’t mind me.” except he’s absolutely not sitting still, ‘cause his hands are gripping your hips, pulling you even closer, and his mouth is right there—pressed into the curve of your chest like he’s gonna find some buried treasure in the way he starts kissing, biting, sucking at your skin.
“babe, you’re supposed to be relaxing,” you laugh, trying to keep it together, trying to keep your hand steady while you work the conditioner into his hair, but it’s hard to focus when his mouth is all hot and wet, lips brushing up and down like he’s found his favorite flavor in the world.
“i am relaxing,” he says, voice all muffled and low, mouth still pressed into your skin. “it’s my favorite way to relax.”
“yeah?” you raise an eyebrow, trying to keep your cool, but you feel that flutter in your stomach, that heat spreading as he drags his teeth over the skin just under your collarbone.
“uh-huh,” he hums, moving down, hands squeezing your hips like he doesn’t wanna let go, like he’s just getting started. you feel him exhale against your skin.
“you’re impossible,” you mutter, fingers carding through his hair, trying to be gentle, but he groans a little, like he wants it rougher. you roll your eyes, but there’s no way you’re letting him get out of this, so you push his head back just a little, forcing him to lean back, and start rubbing the conditioner on his hair. but of course, he’s still got his mouth on you, taking little nips, leaving these tiny marks that you just know he’s gonna brag about later.
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kittyhui · 5 months ago
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~ the ways seventeen kiss/makeout~
Seungcheol - come onnnn. he’s definitely the best kisser in seventeen. his hand placement when he plays the paper passing game. he definitely is a hard kisser; knocks the breath out of whoever he’s kissing. type to push someone against a table or wall just to get closer and kiss deeper.. addicting
Jeonghan - okay hes one of my biases so im a bit biased but hes such a tease, i just know he has experience. he has such natural ‘fuck me’ eyes. he would stare you down and reduce you into a flustered puddle and kiss you so good. he’s a soft kisser unlike cheol tho. pets ur hair and holds your waist so softly. A LOT OF TONGUE
Shua - another tease. likes u underneath him (lowkey has a sizekink oops) he will practically eat your lips up. he hands wander alot and he groans oml. hes not too messy but he’s a nipper. he loves bitting yours lips and having his lips ghost yours so you chase after them. overall, he’s a meany
Jun - i think hes awkward at first but the moment he gets into it its so passionate and heated. hes the type to smile into a kiss and giggle. his lips just look very soft and he probably would need someone to initiate the kiss first but after that.. god. he get really into it and could kiss for a long time so energetic hes a loud kisser tho, will whine and groan into your lips because you just taste and feel so nice.
hoshi - he’s so messy. he loves to be underneath cuz he just gets so overwhelmed when kissing and will need you to take the lead. he loves kissing he will practically make out with you any chance he gets and with no shame at all. he love the feeling of your lips on his, especially when you’re wearing sticky lip gloss.. he loves that he can see the faint shimmer on his lips afterwards but to the dismay of the makeup team on schedule days
Wonwoo - he likes to kiss slow and passionate. his “quick” kisses before he leaves the house always have an air of sultry-ness and it leaves you wanting more even though he just wants to kiss you goodbye innocently. whenever you’re making out with wonu he’ll either have you in his lap or will have you pinned down, one of his hands on your waist and the other cradling your cheek, and he’ll kiss every part of your body, saying how much he missed you and that he loves the way you make him feel. he doesnt like long makeout sessions tho.
Jihoon - He’s definitely not the most experienced but he definitely knows what he’s doing. he’d have you straddle his lap, hands running up and down your back, sending chills down your spine. he also has massive “fuck me” eyes and his cheeks always look so flushed even before you do anything. he lets you initiate, letting your lips catch on his, pulling you closer and kissing you deeper. his tongue game is unmatched, he’ll have you gasping for air. if he’s making out with you.. hes making out with you. he will be doing everything in his power to get you riled up. calls you pet names like ‘pretty’ & ‘baby’
Minghao - god… hes so dominant yet so passionate. you’ll want more from him but patience is key with minghao and he’ll kiss you how he likes. he know how to work his tongue in your mouth and will just lead you so well. kissing like this is almost always foreplay. he loves being passionate like this with his lovers. also his lips are just.. so soft and plump. perfect for kissing
mingyu - a big puppy. he is practically always begging for kisses, leaning on you and holding you waist, pouting for your attention and most importantly, your lips. kiss him for longer than 10 seconds and he’s practically humping your legs and whining for more. hes so messy and so much tongue. will suck on your tongue freak makeout sessions always end with him cumming in his pants..
Dokyeom - this baby. he’s such a good kisser god but hes so messy. he needs to be led cuz he just gets so lost and overwhelmed. he bites lips alot and he kisses so wet. a big puppy really. has to stop every so often during makeout sessions cuz he just cant handle it all at once :( i just want to kiss him dumb oml
Seungkwan - type to kiss you stupid and then get shy afterwards. if kwan wanted to kiss you he’d act so sly about it; bringing your hand up to his lips, kissing each finger before kissing your shoulder and neck. hes a tease aswell. he gets addicted to kissing 100% and he will kiss every part of you before finally getting to your lips; pecking them slowly. his lips are so soft and he loves to suck on the other’s bottom lip..
Vernon - unpopular opinion but vernon is so subby. he is also a pillow prince.. he will not do any work when kissing/making out; you have to initiate everything. its not tiring though cuz his big brown eyes when he’s asking for a kiss are hypnotic. he is so soft when kissing, lips chasing yours when you remove your lips. he’s pretty quiet when making out but he will rut against you and is another cum in his pants type LOL
Dino - he’s so good. another one who needs to be led. no tongue or anything. he likes to peck alot, longer kisses are not for him. he will make you so needy with the short kisses, traveling up and down your neck. his hands always rest on your nape and kind of massages it. not too messy but he loves it when you bite his lip. hes a bit freaky sometimes….
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a/n: finally a ot13 post LMAOOOO
this isn’t grammar checked so sorryyyty
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chheolie · 6 months ago
late night conversation
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"sorry, sorry, sorry," he whispered softly, realizing he had woken you as he carefully slipped under the duvet to join you.
you giggled softly at your husband. "it's alright," you murmured, turning to nestle your head against his chest. "i'm just happy you're finally home."
"i couldn't wait to finish up and get back to you," seokmin said, gently tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. "dinner was amazing, by the way, you really didn't have to leave dinner prepared for me. i could have managed."
"i'm glad you ate, love," you replied, reaching up to give him a sweet, lingering kiss.
"how was your day with my mom?" he asked softly, his fingers tracing gentle patterns on your scalp, trying to soothe you back to sleep.
"i told your family about the day we met," you said with a smile, your eyes still closed, basking in the tenderness of his touch.
"oh no, that was so embarrassing," he chuckled, and you joined him.
"i remember every single detail," you said, shifting slightly to gaze into his eyes.
"nooo," he said playfully, preparing himself for the story.
"you looked so adorable that day, but you seemed nervous, constantly checking the time," you said, leaning into him.
"i can't believe you noticed i was nervous," he said, his face turning a bit pink as he covered it with his hand.
"did you think she wasn't going to show up?" you asked, and he nodded.
"i still had a little hope," he laughed softly, and you did too.
"then you left the café, looking so sad, and left the bouquet on the table," you recounted, fully immersed in the memory. "i thought you had forgotten it, and all i could think about was running to give it back to you."
with a warm smile, seokmin said, "the last thing i wanted was to see those flowers again, but then i heard, 'hey, you forgot your bouquet,' and i couldn't believe it."
you both laughed, recalling the image of you chasing after him with the bouquet in hand.
"and the best part is that you asked to keep the flowerswith you when i said i wasn't planning to take them home," he said.
"the flowers were so beautiful; it would have been a shame to throw them away," you explained.
"i was so surprised and couldn't stop thinking, 'who is this crazy girl?'" he said with a laugh.
"good thing she didn't show up for the date," you said, snuggling deeper into his embrace. "i got to meet the love of my life because of it."
"i love you, my meddlesome one," he said, tightening his hug and kissing the top of your head.
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xinganhao · 12 days ago
xinganhao 🌟 shared a moment with you: "seokmin x reader"
seokmin joins a lookalike contest. it doesn't go as planned.
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gi4hao · 7 months ago
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི₊ ⊹ ˎˊ- how they make you feel beautiful
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ot13 x reader — some mentions of insecurities
a/n: don’t mind me pushing the taking-pictures-as-a-love-language agenda for wonu, as always
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— seungcheol: with gifts
with him, gifts for no particular reason are much more frequent than gifts for a specific occasion. he doesn’t like to come home empty handed and always says you deserve all the pretty things in the world. if he ever buys you a piece of clothing or jewelry, then he’ll be the happiest man on earth every time you wear it, showering you with compliments a little bit more than usual just because he loves spoiling you <3
— jeonghan: with specific compliments
every variation of color in your irises, the micro expressions on your face, the way your laugh slightly varies depending on what’s provoking it: whether it’s something new or not, jeonghan will compliment the slightest details in your appearance or your personality. sometimes he begins with a “did i ever tell you…”, and you know you’re about to hear the sweetest thing ever. like, “did i ever tell you how dreamy you look in that light? i can’t stop looking at you,” and even though he’s just talking about the orange-ish hues of your bedside lamp, you know he’s being 100% honest.
— joshua: by saying it out loud
“you’re the prettiest” while you’re brushing your teeth, “you look so gorgeous” when he’s picking you up in his car, or just your usual “hey beautiful” when you wake up in the morning. he never gets tired of saying it and you never get tired of hearing it. he barely uses your name anymore because he’s so used to calling you ‘beautiful’. the man is so smitten he could spend hours flirting with you, years into the relationship. and it’s even better if you’re easily flustered because he loves how shy you get when you hear those words…
— jun: with cuddles
there’s something about the way his fingers mindlessly trace your silhouette that makes you feel like the most delicate sculpture ever. you could just be cuddling in silence, reading a book or scrolling on your phone, and his hands will gently brush against your skin like they were made to do that and nothing else. sometimes you feel like returning the favor, but although he doesn’t mind it at all, it’ll never come close to how much he loves cherishing you with his cuddles.
— hoshi: by being your #1 hypeman
even though you’re someone that brings hoshi a lot of peace and serenity, your mere existence also gets him very excited for no apparent reason. the way he hypes you up whenever you’re getting ready to go out together is similar to the way people cheer for their favorite sports team. he’s celebrating two things: you being absolutely gorgeous, and him being lucky enough to be your partner. “honestly, if i saw you walking down the street without being the one dating you… i think i’d start crying.”
— wonwoo: by taking pictures
it’s not just him taking pictures that makes you feel beautiful, it’s the way he treats his photographs as if they’re the most precious things he owns. he regularly makes sure that they’re synchronized on his personal icloud account in case he ever loses them (it’s very serious to him). but also, he keeps a picture of you on his desk, in his wallet, as his phone wallpaper… and everyone thinks it’s the sweetest thing ever. the guys tried to tease him for it at first, but they quickly gave up because even they had to admit it’s an adorable way to express his love for you.
— woozi: with meaningful looks
it’s a rare occurrence to catch woozi in the act of being incredibly down bad for you. but it sometimes happens when you notice him looking at you with heart-shaped eyes and a smile tugging at his lips. you could be sitting on the other side of a room and his gaze would still find you in a second, lingering for a few seconds just to appreciate your beauty. he said so himself actually, when you asked him why he was looking at you so frequently. “everyone likes looking at beautiful things,” he replied very naturally, not picking up on the squeal you had to hold back.
— dokyeom: by talking about you
“y/n would love that”. “this would look amazing on y/n”. “oh look, y/n just sent me a pic!”. it’s a daily occurrence, and everyone knows they just have to deal with it. some boyfriends might try to gatekeep their partner: that’s not dokyeom’s case at all. in fact, people better be complimenting you in front of him! to be honest, he was talking about you non-stop before you guys even started dating, which is why you barely had to introduce yourself to his friends. you’re one of his proudest accomplishments and he wants the whole world to know about you!!
— mingyu: with kisses
there’s nothing like being kissed by mingyu to feel a sudden boost of self-confidence. his hands gently cupping your cheeks, the way he looks at you in between kisses and the growing smile in his eyes and on his lips… everything in his behavior seems tailor-made to make you feel like a vision of heaven. it doesn’t always have to be kisses on your lips tho, sometimes it’s on the back of your hand, on your shoulder or on your temple. but no matter where his lips touch your skin, they always convey just how much he cherishes you and every inch of your body.
— minghao: by drawing you
no other representation of yourself makes you feel as self-confident as minghao’s drawings of you. at first you were a bit taken aback by the feeling of seeing yourself through someone else’s perspective in such a raw way. but you got used to it pretty quickly, mostly because of how often minghao uses you as a reference. when you take a closer look at them, you realize his drawings are filled with details that not only depict your looks, but also traits of your personality. slowly but surely, you start to believe in the beauty he consistently finds in you, and that’s enough to let him know he’s doing a perfect job.
— seungkwan: by complimenting your insecurities
he doesn’t do it that often because he doesn’t want it to be the only thing he compliments you on. but seungkwan is very attentive to the way you perceive yourself so he will guess your insecurities even if you don’t talk about them out loud. therefore, he’ll find subtle ways to compliment them without making it too obvious. sometimes it’s not even out loud, it might just be by gently brushing against a body part you’re not confident in, or hyping you up in an outfit that doesn’t hide your insecurity. no matter how he does it, it always comes with such kindness and love that you have no choice but to feel a bit prettier than you did seconds ago.
— vernon: by paying attention
it sounds silly but it’s true. vernon pays attention to everything, from the colors you look most confident in, to what kind of compliments seem to work best on you. and later on, he’s able to adapt his behavior accordingly, to make you feel as good as possible in any situation. “you always know exactly what say, i don’t know how you do it,” you once told him, almost teary from how sweet he was being. “well, the fact that you strongly underestimate how beautiful you are is an insanely good motivation,” he replied, gently wiping the tears under your lash line.
— dino: by showing you off
he considers you the rarest gem of all, so yes of course he will show you off to whoever’s near! he’s the type of boyfriend that will enter a room before you just because he wants to do jazz hands for your entry. and he has such a smug look on his face when you two are out together, it’s like he’s in a permanent state of pride just because you’re holding hands in public. and although he’s not huge on pda, he has no problem complimenting you out loud in front of other people, and you find yourself on his instagram stories on a regular basis, which makes your self-esteem go up a notch every single time.
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lovingseventeen · 4 months ago
Hiii could you pls write about how seventeen gets their s/o to sit in their lap?? Thanks so much
svt getting their s/o to sit on their lap
a/n: i hope this is sufficient for my very delayed return (please).
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✿ it's truly just second nature for him at this point
✿ he'll just casually guide you onto his lap and you don't really question it either
✿ say you're about to sit next to him on the couch
✿ as you're about to sit he'll just lightly pull your wrist in his direction and there you are
✿ loves to rest his head on your shoulder when you sit on his lap
✿ the simplest "come here" and you're following
✿ he loves this because you don't even have to pay attention to him but he has all the access to wrap his arms around your middle
✿ pats his leg when you want to show him something on your phone
✿ "josh look at this thing i just saw-"
✿ immediately, he's sitting up and spreading his legs so you can walk in the space between them and sit on one of his thighs
✿ "let me see, pretty"
✿ will gradually shift you onto his lap over time absentmindedly
✿ neither of you two really notice but you just wind up there
✿ you were watching a movie on opposite ends of the couch (which is fine) but now you're there??? (no one is complaining)
✿ so annoying about it (i mean this in a loving way)
✿ why should you sit anywhere else when his lap is literally right there??
✿ even if you sat somewhere else without thinking about it he's jokingly scoffing "so you hate me"
✿ (it's okay, just go sit on his lap and peck his cheek and he's all giddy again)
✿ pulls you towards him by an article of clothing
✿ it could be your pants loop, the sleeve of your hoodie, or the back of your shirt
✿ he doesn't need to ask you twice :')
✿ always asks for your opinion when he makes a new beat or writes new lyrics
✿ "i want you to listen to this" he says with a hand stretched out
✿ he likes to have you sit on his lap while he places the headphones around your ears
✿ he gently presses his forehead to your back as he waits for your thoughts
✿ perpetually wrapped around you anyway (his love language is physical touch)
✿ it doesn't take long when an arm around your shoulder as you're sitting next to each other moves to your waist
✿ then he figures this isn't close enough and he'll also maneuver you so you're eventually on his lap. he'll quite literally wrap his arms around your middle so he can move you
✿ "this is better" as he nudges his face into your neck
✿ will manhandle you if he has to
✿ you try teasing him just to see him get pouty and as you're trying to get away from him, he uses a little bit more of his strength to pull you towards him
✿ but as you're sat you feel him mumble against your shoulder "do you actually not want to?"
✿ i think he's a pretty straightforward person
✿ a simple tucking your hair behind your ears and he's caught your attention
✿ "i want you closer" as he holds your arm to help you move
✿ dances around the subject instead of just telling you what he wants lol
✿ "did you know that sitting on wooden chairs is actually bad for your back? there's no cushioning"
✿ "oh really? should we order cushions then or-"
✿ "you could sit somewhere else"
✿ "but i need the table for my laptop and i get so lazy on the couch-"
✿ "then maybe you could just sit here" he offers, moving his chair back to welcome you. then it all clicks (he's a dork)
✿ also probably someone who just tugs you gently in his direction
✿ i don't think he'd need to use words for you to get it either
✿ even if you're standing around him doing anything else and you feel him lightly pull the back of your sweater you follow him without giving it much thought
✿ as long as you're in his vicinity he pulls you with him as he sits down
✿ both of you just came home from work? he's dropping himself down on the couch and you're coming with him
✿ has most definitely missed at least once and you both landed on the floor
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