#Dok Hendrix
wheredoisign · 2 months
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ringthedamnbell · 9 months
Dok & Roll: The Dok Hendrix Experience
Dok & Roll: The Dok Hendrix Experience
Brian Damage If you became a WWF fan in the mid 1990’s, I’m sure you’re familiar with the color commentator/host/backstage interviewer known as ‘Dok Hendrix.’ This clean cut, squeaky clean man behind the microphone hyped upcoming WWF events and interviewed some of the biggest stars the company had at the time. Unbeknownst to many of those fans of that era, Dok Hendrix had a bit of a sorted past…
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blowflyfag · 10 months
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Pro Wrestling Illustrated: November 1996
“Loose Cannon” Destroys Entire Room
By Liz Hunter
[One never knows when Brian Pillman is going to snap. He caught a lot of people off-guard (himself included!) when he had a fit of madness at the WWF press conference announcing his signing.]
STAMFORD, CT–He may have moved on to a new federation, but Brian Pillman is still the “Loose Cannon.”
Pillman’s unpredictable personality got him into a lot of trouble with promoters and some of his fellow wrestlers during his last few months in WCW, and he didn’t endear himself to many in the WWF when at a press conference announcing his signing, he berated WWF President Gorilla Monsoon, broadcaster Dok Hendrix, and several reporters, then went into a profanity-laced tirade before he and his entourage stormed out of the room.
It was a far cry from Pillman’s demeanor at the outset of the event. When he first approached the podium, Pillman was very calm as he thanked the people who put together his contract and said he was just so happy to be part of the WWF. But when Hendrix attempted to ask him a question, he simply lost control.
“I was just so overcome with emotion on such a special day that I lost control of myself and my emotions,” Pillman said with a laugh a few days later. “My behavior was inexcusable. I’m so sorry, but this “Loose Cannon” does whatever he wants to!”
Pillman also said that as soon as his injured ankle healed, he’d be looking for a shot at Shawn Michaels’ WWF title and that he would hound Monsoon until he got it.
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searching4rinoa · 2 years
Searching4Rinoa Plays - Karate Blazers
“Mllton Bradley presents Karate Blazers, I’m Dok Hendrix!”
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scottdixon · 4 years
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fiction-canon-calls · 4 years
Hey! Dok Hendrix (WWE) here!
Looking for pretty much everyone, but especially Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, and Diesel. They were my best friends!
I was autistic in my canon, and my biggest special interest was wrestling, so I was in heaven with my job. I had to do my best not to happy flap every time I interviewed one of the guys. I did happy flap just about every time I interviewed Bret Hart, though.
I’m 17 and autistic, so keep that in mind. No one 19 or older, please! Interact with this and I’ll send you an ask on anon. I’m too nervous not to, sorry!
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Dok Hendrix (1996)
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We got plenty of XXXS size Shawn hats still available!
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g4zdtechtv · 6 years
Best of nL - The Blue Meanie’s Road to WrestleMania: Act III
Is the Royal Rumble ready for the GRIND?!
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hazyaltcare · 4 years
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A moodboard for a Dok Hendrix (WWE) kin, with themes of being autistic, liking to wear long flowy dresses because they're great to stim in, and missing their best friends; Diesel and Shawn Michaels, who they also had a crush on.
Mod Haze (💣Mark)
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Odat ću vam jednu tajnu
Poeme i stihovi su razočarenja
Riječi koje lažu o svome sjaju
I stvaraju mjesečeva pomračenja
Sve do jedne poruka je ista
Da budeš bolji nego što jesi
Zato jesu dio tvoga svijeta
Zato imaju ono što sam nikad nisi
Nećeš ni imati sve dok pišes pjesmu
Gušit ćes se u suštinama koje predstavljaju
Zavrni od viđenja svojih u glavi česmu
Izdigni se iznad stihova i shvati što te zaustavljaju
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Super Scary Saturday (1988?)
Back in the 90’s TBS used to have Super Scary Saturday where they’d show Sci-Fi and Horror movies.
And they were hosted by “Grandpa Munster” Al Lewis himself!
In this episode, Grandpa was showing King Kong Vs. Godzilla!
Al decides to ask Jim Cornette and Michael P.S Hayes (AKA: Future WWE t-shirt shiller Dok Hendrix) for their opinions on the pressing matter of just who is the superior monster- King Kong, or Godzilla?
Ted Turner of course owned both TBS and WCW.
Don’t you just love Corporate Synergy?
The only way this would be cooler is if they were showing a Gamera movie instead.
Because Gamera is friend to all children!
Source: WrestleCrap
The show opened with a montage of famous movie monsters. The words Super Scary Saturday appeared in red. Viewers were then greeted by Grampa, who introduced himself and the movie.
While Lewis's on-camera time was usually limited, he more than made up for this by being extra vivacious. He made bad puns about the movie or fought with Igor.
The movies were often Japanese monster extravaganzas such as "Mothra" and "Godzilla vs. King Kong." To introduce Godzilla vs. King Kong, Grampa produced a chart so we could "look at the stats."
The way it sized up, we had Godzilla, a reptile, versus King Kong, a primate. Kong had the advantage in brain size, but this had to be countered by Godzilla's atomic breath.
This was all presented as if it were a wrestling match, and the use of announcers from the real WTBS wrestling show gave it authenticity.
Source: Google Books
GRANDPA: As you can see, I mean, the stats are fairly even. Y'know, Godzilla had the edge in [exhales] fire breathing ... but King Kong, he's got something to prove, y'know, since his last appearance here in New York, where he was upset and he fell [whistles] from the top, ha ha! Let's get a reaction from both King Kong and Godzilla's guest managers. CORNETTE: Thanks Grandpa! Lemme tell ya something, Michael Hayes, my man Godzilla's gonna teach me how to breathe fire and I'm gonna teach him everything that the Midnight Express can do in the ring! What you got is a King Kong that's dying of old age, Godzilla's gonna take it brother! HAYES: Well, the first mistake Godzilla did was get a four-eyed sissy like you to manage him! Because, you understand, the only thing Godzilla does when he gets mad is goes to Tokyo and stomps on little Japanese people! King Kong has the ability to swat planes, trains, and still hold a woman in his arm! He's gonna walk that bad street, what you say Grandpa? GRANDPA: I gotta get to a phone and get a hold of my bookie!
Source: YouTube
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mainevcnt · 4 years
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send my muse anons about their relationships!
                                                     Anonymous said: So, Shawn, what are your                                                      thoughts on Dok Hendrix?
“man, that is one cool cat.”
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“almost as cool as yours truly. not that i’ve ever had much competition, but dok gives me a run for my money. snazzy dresser, killer with the ladies... he’s got it going on. best hype man i’ve ever had.”
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fictionkinfessions · 4 years
Can I just say? Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, and Diesel were my best friends. I love ‘em to death. Yeah, sure, I had a crush on each of ‘em and never told ‘em, but we were great friends! They were great! Hope I can find ‘em some day.
- Dok Hendrix (WWE)
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dnash-moved · 4 years
the picture of Dok Hendrix on the wall HHHSJSNLSHAK
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