#Does this count as Angst?
eph3merall · 2 months
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toxic!chris . . .
it wasn't that chris didn't like you. he wouldn't stop the flings he had with other girls just for you though. even if you were so patient with him—"i really like you, please tell me you like me too." your words rang in his head, paired with the cute smile you always flashed him. it had his heart beating a little faster, but he wouldn't let you tie him down. he didn't exactly want a relationship, y'know? even if chris promised you he'd give you a chance. even if he promised that he stopped the hookups, the flings, the one night stands. even if he promised he deleted all those girls' numbers, and unfollowed them.
chris is shrugging his shoulders as you confront him about it. going through his phone was pretty shitty though, so he doesn't get why he is in the wrong. "come on, you didn't seriously think i'd be tied down by you. you know we aren't anything special."
"you promised!" you screamed, because he even went the extra mile to pinkie promise. even if you know he thinks it's a bit childish. he promised you. chris said he stopped his flings, he deleted those numbers, he stopped flirting with other girls. you went through his phone. you also caught him at a party with some girl perched on his lap, sloppily kissing and grinding against each other.
"'s not a big deal. not that serious, baby," and then you're chucking his phone at him, and he's trying to get you to stay when suddenly all your things are in your hands and you're rushing out the front door. nick and matt don't say anything.
he doesn't care. even though some part in him does care, he doesn't let it show. he doesn't acknowledge it, because you were just another girl. nothing special. even with your stupid gifts, your smiles and the way you always found time for him. how you'd always be so considerate and spend so much time with him.
chris didn't care.
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first posted written blurb sos this is not proofread
was originally gonna write this as matt, but :/
©eph3merall 2024
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justaweirdo06 · 9 months
This came to me last night
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oreo102 · 4 months
Pride day 6!
“I miss you” is the equivalent of “I love you” for thasmin, like- it just is. It has too much important for it not to be sooo
I think if they DO have to be separated, 13 will make it a point to say “I’ll miss you” before they go seperate ways, both because of the very real chance that they’ll be seperated for longer than either of them planned but also to just- reassure yaz
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strawberryvanillablast · 10 months
Giorno under anesthesia:
Narancia: Hey, buddy. You gonna be okay?
Giorno, turning to Narancia: I have decided that you and Abba and Bruno and Mista and Fugo and Trish have to live forever, okay?
Narancia: Okay????
Giorno, teary-eyed: Because, if you guys don't, I will be wrecked. I will be completely shattered.
Narancia, taken aback: Uhhh...
Giorno, crying now: And I'll don't know what to do... So... So you guys have to live forever. You're my friends! You're my best friends! You're the only family I have now!
Narancia, patting Giorno on the back: There, there. It's gonna be okay. Just go to sleep, buddy.
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aserene · 12 days
“How is Rhaeynra?” 
“Asleep for the moment,” Daemon answered. A knock sounded on the door, and Daemon stepped out of sight before Corlys opened it. 
“My lord, Lord Otto has called the Small Council,” a messenger informed. 
“Very well, let us go,” Corlys replied. “I’ll return later.” 
“Good night, husband,” Rhaenys answered as expected. She watched the door close before bolting it behind him. 
“I don’t…” 
“You weren’t invited to this one, as I recall you were toasting the Heir of the Day,” Rhaenys said. 
“Ah, you knew about that.” 
“I knew many things, Daemon, including the brothel incident.” 
“And she told you about Laenor,” Daemon sighed. “I wondered why you never tried to kill me.” 
“After Laena, I had thought you suspected I killed Laenor for Rahenyra, but I guess she told you about Essos and…”
“I thought Rhaneyra had murdered him,” Rhaenys confessed. “I wanted to hold it against her, but the children… Laenor was alive?” 
“He is alive, and I intend to make sure he stays that way,” Daemon vowed. “But I… she hasn’t returned to me. Why was it you…” 
“I heard the voice of Melyes before I…” 
“I heard Caraxes.” 
“Perhaps that’s it, we died with our dragons and…”
“Did… Rhaenyra dies Daemon, Aegon commands Sunfyre to…” 
“Joffery than? Or the babes?” 
“I… I only saw little Egg,” Rhaenys whispered. “And I saw…I saw an endless winter.”
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buttonmillipede · 22 days
Okay, i feel like people are missing this opportunity for Bill.
So apparently snakes can’t see stars (I don’t know if thats true). Which as we know when he possesses people, the eyes look like cat but also snake eyes. What if, as a head cannon, he lost the ability to see the star’s right after he destroyed his world?
He attempted so hard to get the others to see and believe him, tried so hard to prove they’re real. He was put on medication, he was gaslit the whole time and right when he’s with the stars, the tiny dots of light are gone. The thing he tried to prove was real to the point he accidentally killed everyone just to prove it is gone.
He lost both lights of his life.
Also side note this could be used as a poetry shit for Stanford and Bill. Ford saw bill as the sun of his life, the brightest star to him but Bill doesn’t have that light in him to be any of that. Bill can’t even see that light so why attempt to relight it, why attempt to change it, why attempt to change?
Abby from mitski. Quotes that remind me of this
“I am something. I have been something. I was born something. What could I be?”
-Both stanford and Bill were born with something that them odd. Bill with one eye, not 2D and could see stars.
“There is a light that I can see but only, it seems, when there's darkness in me. There is a dream that I sometimes see. That only appears in the dark of sleep.”
-Bill could see something others can’t, he lost that ability once he destroyed his world but slightly gained it back when he went to therapy prison. This is based off of a comic i saw where bills happy place was Fords head which was filled with stars. He only got to see stars again cause Stanford is the brightest star in Bills life. Hes the only star Bill can see. Anyways he also only saw that happy place when he was sleeping or closing his eye.
“There is a light, I feel it in me but only, it seems, when the dark surrounds me. There is a dream and it sleeps in me.”
-Again back to the second point but this is in Stanford POV instead of Bill. Bill is a block hole, he’s not the sun. A black hole sucks all the stars (Stanford is a star) never to be seen again or to come out less bright. Stanford saw Bill a lot when he was asleep. Bills happy place is Stanford, he practically sleeps in his head.
Aka this quote from gravity falls:
“Get out of my head.”
“You first.”
Anyways this is just mindless ranting, a little OOC, and just head canons i wish to see more.
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jgabi51 · 2 years
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“Home doesn’t exist anymore… because of you!”
Sonic Prime was great and I can’t wait to see what happens next. There are still so many questions that we have unanswered. But listen y’all Sonic is gonna need therapy.
!!!!SPOILERS(sort of)!!!!
And its a lot of reading, like if you are going to read this next part sit down and be ready for bad grammar and to think critically
What Sonic is going through in Prime felt like/reminded me of the metal virus and or lost world. In those stories the basics are: Sonic doesn’t listen, does something impulsive, makes the issue worse, everyone gets on the ‘Sonics fault’ bandwagon sooner or later and yells at him; people expect Sonic to fix everything, forgetting that he is a living being too who needs food, rest, support, to fix the problem. In past games Sonic seemed too happy in the face of the grave situations he was faced with. For the sake of argument, to me this is Sonic putting his ‘hero’ persona on to inspire hope in those around him. And maybe to try and fool himself as well. But in recent stories, and under certain writers, Sonic has matured to show more emotion and vulnerability to better flow with the dark themes his adventures address. Some great examples of this are Unleashed, Frontiers, and of course the metal virus saga. To clarify, I’m speaking in reference to the difference between: Sonic showing genuine emotion of (mostly) any kind [typically when by himself as an internal monologue or when around 1+ of his very close friends] vs. Sonic being exaggeratively bravo, trash talking his opponent(s), overly optimistic, and narcissistic [typically dawned while enemies or someone whom he met recently or doesn’t see often are present or when he his in public/has a lot of eyes on him]. Think Sonic in the Tail’s “am I a burden?” Scene in Frontiers vs. Sonic being allegedly in prison and tortured for 6 months after he gets his behind handed to him yet seeming fine and as confident as before once a complete stranger comes and saves him in Forces. Also to note, if it wasn’t clear, Sonics impulsiveness, impatience, quick-wit, fast learning/adapting nature, creativity, sense of justice, and ‘valuing his friends/family’ mindset is shared and holds strong across the board. They’re skills, traits, and morals that shape the spiky blue speedsters opinions and views; his personality. Those things are just who he is. Woo! That was lengthy but theres more, I bring this all up because in Prime I saw hints of both: the too-happy/‘hero’ persona Sonic who’s sassy, snarky, and a bit of an a-hole and the Sonic who feels the pain, would sacrifice a world/universe (hehe) for his friends, is Tails’ (adoptive and unofficial) big brother. This shows that Prime has a lot of potential and Prime!Sonic has a lot of layers yet to be explored as a person. Which may shed light on what Sonics personal and mental journey might hopefully for me be as the story is told. I just hope either Sonic snaps, breaks down and cries or yells and rants about (not killing anyone or a villain arc, just not yet) or if Sonic is gonna be able to keep it together til the end we see him get his trauma addressed. Either way blue is gonna shed tears and its all I can ask for.
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Wukong is that one guy who stims whenever something makes him happy
once he won a paint fight (the ones with guns where you have to eliminate the enemies) and he was happy and he cheered.
He asked what the prize was and:
"i won- what's the prize?"
"oh, Mr. Monkey king, there wasn't really a prize, but i can give you a peach for winning!"
And wukong just takes the peach and hops and swings his arms around very fast because he likes peaches and he got one for free for winning :))
He didn't get a horrible headache for winning a fight, he finally got a good thing and PRAISES FOR IT!! He's super happy dude he's stimming a lot.
Whenever he did that with Tripitaka and co. He got always told that it was impolite and that he shouldn't be hopping around and cheering loudly. Or screaming like a monkey.
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queenofmistresses · 1 year
female reader 🙈
-anon 💌
A/N I’m about to show everyone that I’m good at angst and fluff as well as smut (hopefully). Please enjoy! Feel free to give me (polite) feedback if you want! Also! Thanks for clarifying the gender of the reader! I tend to assume f!reader because most people seem to want that but I do wrote for any gender. And I may have freaked out when I saw that you signed this off with an emoji🤩🤩
Also there’s some paxton dragging in here, i love paxton in the later seasons it just works for this please don’t attack
I hated seeing her cry. I hated watching her get treated like some plaything to be picked up when he wanted, just to be thrown away the next day.
If she was mine, I would cling onto her, show everyone that she’s mine, brag about it. I would be proud. I would be lucky to have her.
People just don’t know her the way I do, and no one seems willing to try.
Now, we’re sat on her bed and she’s crying over a guy. Paxton. I never liked him. She deserves better than him. She deserves everything.
“No one’s ever going to love me are they? I’m just too much for everyone!” She sobs, her arms clinging to her knees as she curls in on herself.
“No, Devi that’s not true. You are not too much at all. You are so amazing and feel so much and anyone would be lucky to have you okay? The right person will stick by you through all of this, and if Paxton won’t treat you how you deserve then he doesn’t deserve you.”
“I’m a mess y/n. Stop pretending you don’t see it too, I’m completely crazy and I miss everything up.” It hurts me so much so see her hurting like this.
“Hey. Devi look at me.” I demand, she lifts her head up and looks at me. Her face damp from tears and her eyes brimming with new ones. I place one of my hands on her cheek, lightly wiping away new tears and stroking her cheek with my thumb. Taking my time to make sure she knows how much I truly see her. “You, Devi, are not crazy.” I speak softly now. “You have been through something horrific, something that most people will think only happens on TV. But you’ve watched something horrible happen to the person you love more than anyone.” She squeezes her eyes closed and I know this is hard for her. “I know love, I know how much you miss him, I know how hard you try to pretend it doesn’t bother you. But Devi, I promise you, it’s okay to be hurt. It’s okay to cry and scream and shout about it because what you went through is hard.”
I take a breath. “Devi I’ve known you for a very long time. And I’ve seen you go through this dark event, and I’ve seen you struggle, and yes, I’ve seen you make mistakes. But I know you, and I know that you will come out the other side stronger, and more beautiful then ever. And that’s saying something because you’re pretty fucking strong and beautiful now.”
She sniffs a little. “You think I’m beautiful?” I chuckle at that and nod.
“Yeah Devi, you’re gorgeous. I don’t know how Paxton can’t see it the way I do.”
She’s looking at me in shock now. Like she knows what I mean. “T-the way you do?” She squeaks.
“Well this definitely wasn’t how I was planning on telling you but I think you need to know that you’re loved Devi. I’ve liked you, had a crush on you for a while now Devi. I’m a bit in love with you now if I’m being honest.”
“What? But, you’ve seen how crazy I am. How can you love that?”
“Oh Devi, that’s just it. You’re not crazy. You’re just trying to cope. And I know that you’re more than that, and I think that you’re beautiful in every way possible.”
“How long?” She asks, still looking confused.
“Honestly? I’ve liked you since first grade.” I look away from her now. “I don’t expect you to feel the same, I just think you deserve to know that you are loved.”
I hear her move and I look up to her. She’s kneeling in front of me, staring at me with an unreadable expression on her face. She cups my face with her hands and leans in. I find myself leaning in to, all thoughts gone from my head except, is this really happening?
Then her lips are on mine. Slow, but gentle and full of emotion. I would never have expected anything but passion from her. It’s better than I’ve ever dreamed.
She starts kissing harder and faster, moving her arms to the back of my head, tangling her fingers into my hair. Fuck I could get used to this.
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fallstreakfeathers · 5 months
Nobody has ever told Urogi specifically that they love him. Mostly because. You know. He usually just eats people. Hantengu has been told back in the day, but the clone of Joy has never had anyone, in any way, tell him that he's loved.
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Regulus: I already told you I didn’t want to talk about it, yet you kept insisting!
James: That’s because I fucking care about you!
Regulus: Well, did I ask you to care about me?
James: I see, I’ll leave you to it then.
Regulus: James!
Regulus: I’m sorry.
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justaweirdo06 · 7 months
Base off a cool fic I found
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Works, Organization for Transformative. Six Souls and a Skeleton - Chapter 1 - kgmps2 - Undertale (Video Game) [Archive of Our Own]. 24 Dec. 2017, archiveofourown.org/works/13129998/chapters/30036306#main. Accessed 28 Feb. 2024.
Aka the fanfiction
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satirn · 2 years
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TW FOR implied cannibalism(?) // i found out a fun fact ab sponges i had to get out of my brain
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robocatfan · 2 years
(Aka something that I started to write at 12 am in the morning because I wanted some Borrower! Submas situations :V. Also @quietlywatchingwritingreading I think you might like this)
Normally, Ingo wouldn’t have gone out borrowing in the middle of the day. It was just too dangerous because of the presence of so many passengers in the station, as well as having to worry about the workers since they had access to the more private areas.
But unfortunately, circumstances made it so that today became an exception. Winter was approaching, and with it came cold and snow, so he and his brother had to go out borrowing more than usual in order to have enough supplies for that time.
Carefully, Ingo peeked from the outlet he was hiding behind and listened carefully. He could hear the sounds of the humans passing through the station, but those were far and there was no sound coming from the room. Good.
Still, he stepped in with caution. The fact that there wasn’t any sound didn’t mean that someone couldn’t be present in there. After scanning his surroundings and confirming that yes, the space was currently empty, he let out a small sigh of relief.
Now to go find what he was looking for…
The borrower pulled out his crotchet hook from his bag as he walked towards a small table, before launching it at it. After making sure that it was properly lodged in, Ingo started to climb the makeshift rope tied to it. When he reached the top he took a moment to pause and check his surroundings once again. The coast was still clear. For now.
Ingo looked at the things in the table. There were some materials like paper clips , a pen and some stamps that would normally be his and his twin’s targets on a trip. But today he wasn’t looking for those, and instead he focused on a transparent zip bag that was twice his size containing a mass of white fluffly stuff; cotton.
This stuff would be useful to make some coats for themselves and give warm in their den. Right after pulling his hook from the table, the borrower approached the bag. He had to jump a bit in other to unzip it, but apart from that he had no problem in getting inside it and pulling out some cotton; not enough that the humans would notice, but just so that he didn’t need to get more soon.
But as he put the stuff on his borrowing bag, his ears lifted, picking up a sound: footsteps. And unlike the ones coming from the humans wanting to board the trains, this one was so close that it practically muffled the ones farther in the station and was getting louder by the moment.
It was coming here.
Ingo’s body shook, and he practically slammed his bag shut before dashing out of the comparatively giant zip bag. His hurry and fear made him fall awkwardly out of it, but that was far from his biggest concerns as he scrambled to get up and run.
But there wasn’t enough time to put his hook to climb down and hide, since seconds later he heard the jingling of keys and saw the door handle turn. Thinking quickly, the borrower looked around before his eyes settled on a small box and he immediately bolted to hide behind it an instant before the door finally opened and a human stepped in.
Ingo instantly curled his tail around his body and covered his mouth, not daring to make a sound as he heard the human walk close. This spot was too much in the open for his comfort, barely hiding him from the giant, and he was sure that if he made any small action he would be spotted immediately.
He didn’t turn his head to look at the human, but he could sense that they were already in front of the table, looking at the stuff. Suddenly he remembered that he forgot to close the bag with the cotton, and he mentally cursed himself as he heard it’s wrinkling when the employee grabbed it and murmured, clearly confused as to why the thing was open.
For a moment, he hoped that the employee would go outside to call their companions and that would give him enough time to get down and escape. But that hope was immediately shattered when he heard a hum and his hiding spot was suddenly moved, leaving the borrower in the open as a shadow loomed over him accompanied by a sound of surprise.
He had been spotted.
Ingo’s body was completely frozen in fear, and he didn’t dare look back at the human, not wanting to meet is terrifying gaze. Everything screamed at him to run, to get away immediately. And he wanted to do so. But he found himself unable to move, absolutely terrified.
That was, until the shadow shifted a bit, getting away for an instant. He dared to look behind him and spotted the human grabbing a small container and freezing when their gazes met. He knew exactly what they wanted to do. And he bolted.
The human gasped at his sudden movement, but Ingo didn’t pay attention to it one bit, pulling his hook on the table as fast as he could before climbing down like his life depended on it. When he was a bit close to the floor he jumped off and dislodged his hook in a swift motion before barely dodging a giant hand trying to grab him.
The outlet in which he came inside was fairly close, and the borrower hoped that he would be able to get to it and get away from danger. But as he got a bit close, a giant leg stomped right in front of it, making Ingo yelp in surprise and hastily turn around.
Thinking quickly, Ingo decided to go for the still open door. But in his panic he miscalculated the distance that was separating them, and when the human noticed his plan an it only took a few steps for them to get to it and close it.
The borrower felt a cold shiver on his body as he paused and looked up, up at the human. He was cornered. Then he remembered that the human had moved and the outlet was now clear. He still could escape! If he was careful..
Not taking his eyes off the employee, he slowly took some steps back. For a moment the human just stared, probably trying to predict what this tiny creature would try to do next. Then, they also took a step towards them. Ingo gulped, but tried to not show his nervousness as he moved back again.
He risked a quick glance at the outlet to confirm that yes, it was open, before looking back at the human. After q moment in which neither he or they had changed their positions, he took his chance.
This time, the human was far enough from it that even when they sprinted at him, he arrived at the spot without much trouble. But just when he was climbing inside, he felt himself getting pulled by the tail, making him wince in pain. Turning around with tears forming in his eyes, he noticed the human grabbing the fluffy end of the tail with is fingers and then it pulled again, partially getting him out.
Ingo immediately tried to get his tail free, but when he fully turned to do so the human used the opportunity to lower a hand as big as him and warp their long and strong fingers tightly around the borrower.
Said borrower gasped in surprise and tried in vain to grasp the floor. But the strength of something so small was nothing compared to that of a being who was giant compared to them, and so he was lifted up without much trouble.
Ingo could only stare as the floor was getting more and more far away the more he was going up, and when he instead looked at his captor, and then the realization hit him; He had been caught.
He had heard many stories about how others of his kind felt when they were grabbed by a human, how much terror and fear they felt as they were in the hands of danger. But none of them prepared him from what it felt like when one was actually in said situation, and the only thoughts in his head were those of panic and a big desire to get out and hide in the walls immediately.
Seemly unaware of the pure terror that was overtaking the borrower as he tried to shuffle and get out of their grip, the human stared at him, their expression a mix of curiosity and wonder. Experimentally, they moved their fingers a bit to caress Ingo, who only shivered and teared up more in discomfort as he was being touched.
Then, in the corner of his eye, he saw the human grab the container again, and his eyes widened as he let out a gasp.
No, no , NO-
As the dreaded thing came closer, he tried everything he could think of to get out. He kicked, he tried to push the fingers from his body. He even tried to bite the hand, but because of the gloves his captor was wearing that only resulted in him getting his mouth full of cloth. But the hand didn’t even yield, instead only tightening its grip on him as he was lowered into the plastic container.
Finally, when it did let him go, Ingo was already inside the container, making him fall with a small thud and closing the item with a lid before he could even get up.
The borrower looked at the the ground below him, then at the lid that was now covering the only possible place where he could escape, and then at the human, at which point he scrambled at one of corners of the container, breathing heavily as he pressed himself on the wall, trying and failing to stay calm as his mind went cold and his body shook at the situation he was currently in.
The employee only stared at their catch before putting the container down on the table and leaving the room, leaving poor Ingo to slowly process the fact that he was now in big, big trouble. And there was nothing he could do about it.
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Black stain prompt with passive maybe?
(Also, random thought , wouldn’t nightmares stain blend in with his goop- )
The answer to that is!...Yes.
There was an old insult in the village.
"You're worse than Passive's soulmate!"
It was something that… a lot of the villagers seemed to enjoy using, just to mess with each other. They would never use it near Dream, but Passive? They thought it was so funny to say. Or "I feel so bad for your soulmate. They're stuck with you" and slowly…
Passive became afraid of the idea of his soulmate.
Were they going to be stuck with him? Would they feel unhappy that they had to deal with him? He didn't… he didn't want to force someone to be with him! If they were unhappy with him then- ugh, how could they have done this?
The villagers tainted something that was supposed to make him happy. Something that was supposed to make him feel safe.
Now all he felt was fear.
He was sitting under his mother tree, his legs crossed under himself, and he was reading a book. He felt relaxed cause the others hadn't been bugging him much. It was just him… his brother was spending time with the villagers.
Passive decided to just stop trying to get his brother to stop spending time with them. He knew that they didn't care about Dream, they just cared about the good feelings that he gave them. He wanted… he wanted his brother happy.
And he knew that they wouldn't make him happy, but he didn't listen.
Passive perks up when he heard a voice. "Excuse me?" He looks up quickly to see a person standing near the tree. He stands up, putting his book down. If they got too close he would handle it, but he would rather not deal with this.
"Yes? What do you need?"
Why were they talking to him? They didn't seem like they came from around this place, which was a little strange. Why would they be here if they weren't part of the village? He saw their mark covered their arm.
"I'm a traveler, can you show me on my map where I am?" they hold up their map.
Passive clicks his teeth together. So they didn't know who he was, did they? That made… that made sense. He slowly walks over, and leans to look at the map. They press their shoulder against his own, "I'm trying to get here, do you think I'm going the right way?" they press their finger to the map at the town.
"Oh-" his eyes shoot down to look at where they were pressing against each other, and his breath hitches a little in his chest. Oh no. The black marking now was covered in rainbows. Shit shit shit. "That… That is ah…" he clears his throat before continuing "That is where you are now. My village"
"Oh! That's great then, would you maybe show me around?" They look at him with such a bright smile.
Passive lets out a soft mrrr sound and shakes his head, backing away "I need to keep watch on the tree. I'm sure you can find your way" he turns away, rubbing his arm. He could hear their footsteps slowly starting to go away. His knees buckled, sending him down to the ground and he coughs, catching the breath that he didn't realize he had been holding.
They didn't realize. They didn't know.
He was fine… he was safe.
Once they found out and learned who he was, they wouldn't even want to have him as their soulmate. They would be happy he sent them away. He crawls closer to the tree, curling up against the bark shutting his eyes.
This was all going to work out.
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bubsythefox · 4 months
Alligator snapping turtles, softshell turtles, and box turtles are endangered species (Box turtles aren't really endangered but they are dwindling). Red eared sliders on the other hand, are an invasive species.
Do you think they knew what they were doing when they killed off Raph, Donnie, and later on Mikey during the bad future timeline in the movie
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