#Document Signer
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bytesigner · 10 days ago
Discover the top 10 reasons why bulk PDF signing is essential for your business. Streamline workflows, enhance security, and save time with efficient digital signatures. Read more to learn how!
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bloobyposting · 9 months ago
Getting my official deed poll tattooed on my back
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bignaz8 · 9 months ago
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I had the distinct honor of holding an original copy of the Bennington Declaration of Freedom, which was written in May 1775 in response to the Battles of Lexington and Concord. It is said that Thomas Jefferson took inspiration from this document when drafting the Declaration of Independence. My hands trembled as my eyes scanned the iron gall ink scribed onto the page by the hands of patriots. Never, ever surrender your freedoms in their honor.
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Signer Gideon Spencer was my cousin's ancestor, who later fought at the Battle of Bunker Hill using this musket rifle and powder horn.
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lostlegendaerie · 2 years ago
Fuck it! US Private Student Loans Guide!
DISCLAIMER: while I have worked in private loans specifically for five+ years, this isn't ‘financial’ advice and is just a heavily summarized guide on how to navigate them. Yes, these loans suck, but complain to your legislators not me. I’m just trying to help you know what you’re doing. Additional info for each section is under the cut!
1) Who are you and who are all the companies constantly running around with my money?
I work in loan SERVICING, which is basically the billing department. If you’ve got a new company asking you for money, it's probably a new servicer and your debt is still owned by the bank. We enforce the terms in the promissory note, the document you sign telling the bank “yeah I'll play by your rules if you give me the money.” If your loan defaults, you’ll get contacted by a third (fourth?) party, but how that works is beyond my wheelhouse. The bank or your servicer should be able to confirm what happens in case of default.
2) What am I looking for in a ‘good’ loan?
Generally, you’re going to want SIMPLE instead of compound interest, a FIXED RATE opposed to a variable one, and you’ll want to go for FULL DEFERMENT while in school and make manual payments when you can. Also ask up front about stuff like if disability forgiveness or co-signer release (getting your parents off it) is offered.
3) This loan sucks! How do I make it better?
Student loans are NOTORIOUSLY hard to get out of, unfortunately. If the interest rate/payment relief options suck, you can try to REFINANCE where you take out a new loan to pay off the old one. This gives you a new promissory note, interest rate, and terms/conditions. If you’re trying to erase the debt entirely, ask for the promissory note (if they can't provide a copy, we have to forgive the debt. I've only seen this happen ONCE.) or try to go through social security disability.
More in depth information for each point!
1) Lenders and Servicers
The lender is the person who provides the funds in the debt - the bank who pays the school or the hospital or the home contractor fixing your sink. The servicer is the company that is your point of contact when you need to make payments, ask for payment relief, or otherwise manage the loan that exists. Think of us as the mechanic (we keep the car running) where the bank is the manufacturer (they make the car). Some different servicers are SoFi, Zuntafi, Great Lakes, Nelnet and Firstmark Services; their names will be on the billing statements. Some different banks are Citizens, US Bank, NorthStar; their names will be on the promissory note and the disclosures.
Sometimes banks do sell the debt, however! A couple years ago Wells Fargo sold an enormous chunk of their loans off somewhere (an investment group, maybe?) but! The promissory note will still be the EXACT same if your debt gets sold. You’ll only get a new promissory note if you refinance the loan yourself.
2a) Interest Accrual and Rates
Interest is how banks profit off the loans they give out and/or ‘ensure they don't end up with a loss if the loan defaults’. (It's profit.) Most, but not all, loans calculate interest with the simple daily interest formula, shown below:
[(Current loan balance) x (interest rate)] divided by 365
If your loan’s balance is $10,000 and your interest rate is 6% you’ll be charged $1.64 each day. SIMPLE INTEREST means that this interest just kind of floats around on the account until a payment comes in and pays it off, where COMPOUND adds that interest to the balance at the end of the month/day/whatever. Compound charges you more over the life of the loan.
FIXED INTEREST is a set percent that doesn't change, where VARIABLE will change usually based on whatever the economy is doing. There’s a minimum and maximum value to the variable interest rates, so if you’re doing a variable ASK WHAT THE MINS AND MAXES ARE. A fixed rate might be 8% and a variable might be 3.25% the day you take it out, but that variable could have a maximum interest rate of 25% so be VERY, VERY CAREFUL. If you get stuck in a real bad variable interest rate, your best solution is probably a refinance.
2b) Deferment and Payment Allocation
So interest is gonna be accruing on your loan from the day the money leaves the bank. Sucks. And you may not be able to make payments while you're in school, so opting to DEFER your payments will stop them from billing you so you can skip a month or whatever without penalty. At the END of that deferment, though, whatever interest that accrued will be added to your current balance. If we use the example from above (10k loan with 1.64 daily interest) four years of school will add $2,400 to your balance and then your daily interest will jump up to $2.03 a day.
Solution? Make payments of what you can while you’re in school to chip away at that floating interest. Usually when you make a payment, it’s gonna go towards the interest first and then the rest drops the balance. (E.g. if you make a $20.00 payment ten days after your loan is disbursed, $16.40 will go towards interest and $3.60 towards your 10k balance). There is NO PENALTY for making extra payments or making early payments, but it might make your bills look a little weird if you’re being billed each month for just the interest.
3) Why are these loans so horrible? Can’t I find anything to help me?
Blame Reagan and the republicans who enabled him.
No, but really. The problem with these loans is that those promissory notes are VERY legally binding and have lots of fine print in there designed to make it as hard as possible for someone to skimp out on their debt without having their credit score decimated. Some lenders might even dip into your paychecks if you're crazy behind or default; again, that's not my wheelhouse and I've only maybe seen that once. Your best bet is just to pay it off as fast as possible (again, no penalty for paying the loan off early) or refinance into better terms.
And I get it. I really do. I hate how we’ve made so many incredibly important things in our society locked behind a paywall that charges poor people more to climb than the rich. But if you’ve made it this far, please don't turn your anger at me for not giving you the answers you want. The best I can do is vote for people who are willing to crack down on predatory lending, keep fighting for student loan forgiveness… and at my own job, make sure that my coworkers aren't making mistakes.
If you have a more specific question, I can try to answer as best I can without breaking any information privacy laws. And take care, okay? You are never fighting alone.
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taraross-1787 · 6 months ago
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This Day in History: Thomas Stone, Signer
At about this time in 1787, a signer of the Declaration of Independence passes away.  It’s been said that Thomas Stone died of a broken heart.
You’ve probably never heard of Stone. He wasn’t a big, famous personality like Benjamin Franklin. He didn’t do anything flashy, like Caesar Rodney did when he made a midnight ride from Delaware to Philadelphia, making it just in time to vote in favor of the Declaration.  Stone didn’t go on to become President like John Adams or Vice President like Elbridge Gerry. Instead, Stone was simply a Patriot who worked hard, served his country, and put his life on the line by signing the Declaration of Independence—a document that King George III viewed as treason.
How wonderful to live in a country where such a statement can be made.  He “simply” put his life on the line.  Nothing too flashy?!  ;)
The story continues here: https://www.taraross.com/post/tdih-thomas-stone-signer
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theirmarks · 2 months ago
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Thawinadichtow his mark & seal.
Also spelled Thowinoduchtow. Mohawk. Here representing Mohawk homelands that spread across areas known today as eastern New York State, parts of western Vermont and parts of southern Ontario and Quebec.
Thawinadichtow is another of eight Mohawk leaders to sign this document, detailing the transfer of land at the site of Fort Hunter west of so-called Albany, New York (we’ve previously shared pictograph marks from this document by Asras, Cornelius, Craine, Sander and Thenusskesack). Fort Hunter was constructed several years prior to the 1714 date of this deed, built by colonizers at the mouth of the Schoharie Creek, on the Mohawk River. Mohawk signers of this document identify themselves as representatives of “we the three Races or Tribes of the Mohaugs Indians the Turtle, Wolf & B[ea]r.”
Signed in “Mohaughs Cuntry” May 14, 1716. Seen at Chapin Special Collections Library, Williams College.
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joyouslee · 5 months ago
Fangs of Fortune episodes 1-3
Random thoughts as I was watching.
Spoilers under cut.
ok wow, what an entrance. This is the first time I've seen Hou Minghao have so much physical presence. Usually his characters don't have much intimidation factor even if they're powerful - like I love Wang Ye but he looks tiny next to Zhuge Qing even as he's dominating the field, and Baili Dongjun looks like a 公子哥儿 (rich kid). And Wu Xie is, well, Wu Xie. Here, though, he is believable as a 1000-year old demon who can crook his fingers and kill everyone around him.
I think the costuming is a big factor - he's usually in the belted young master outfits that emphasize his slim waist, whereas here he wears cloaks and layers that conceal his figure. (The big furs remind me of a cat puffing up to look bigger :D) But also that slow deliberate stride. A different kind of murder strut, but very very effective.
The umbrella! Special shout-out to that fantastic prop. I adore the little red beads. Also, sheathing his sword in the umbrella??? Um....
omg the tension between them is delicious - are you satisfied with your gift (me)? now are you satisfied? (holding up his chained wrists). *fans self* I am looking not at all respectfully.
I'm glad to see Chen Duling with a little more sass - so far I've seen her as the sad ex (MLC), the sad wife/mother (MJTY), and as the sad orphan (ALHJ - though I only watched to ep 8 so far). I was enjoying her banter and shipping her and the lying demon :( Except what the heck was she doing putting two heaping spoonfuls of salt (sugar) in her noodles? Wasting food!
She still got nerfed, though. *sigh*
Her meeting with Zhu Yan is hilarious - he is so impressive as he just sets himself free, demonstrating his immense power, taunting Zhuo Yichen - looking him in the eye as he saunters around the dungeon and locks him in - that magnificent walk down the halls as he shows he can control all the jailers. Then he's like a kicked puppy with Wen Xiao when she drugs him and threatens to keep doing it.
It's so interesting the way he interacts with her versus Zhuo Yichen - he often 賣慘 with her - acting pitiable so he seems less powerful, like pretending to stay drugged (when he's able to just pop up) or pretending to be passed out on the floor when she comes to bring the token him. Versus with Zhuo Yichen he's usually showing off how powerful he is and how much knowledge he has. (There's so much flirting with both of them, though!)
Such a death wish though :((((((((
Clearly Zhuo Yichen is going to regret that vow in the future.
Another gorgeous entrance - blowing up the water jugs and then pacing through, and I adore the bit where he points at the damage and is like, isn't it obvious?
Oh the poor naive fools - the minute I heard the bad guy say just put your thumbprint at the end I knew what was going to happen. But it really irritated me - who stamps (signs) any document at the end, leaving a huge expanse of blank space? And they knew it's their enemy putting it in front of them: at this point they should be at the highest wariness. (I realize it's duplicate originals, so they could argue against any tampering, but at the same time, why take the risk, especially if the emperor seems to favor their enemy?) I hate plot points that rely on our heroes being making an obvious mistake. I mean, they are already using a magical plot. Why not just make it some other type of magic to change the words entirely?
Ah, is this another contract that the signers will regret?? Wow he's such a flirt. Leaning in like that to take her pen??? She has immense self control!
Oh my, this show really has a thing about gorgeous men in chains, hm? The jealous ex appears! Very much getting that vibe of crazy ex boyfriend here.
Yowza when Zhu Yan said kneel.... wow. Hot.
Awww and he got the fish demon medicine? He's such a secret softie.
Oh ho, here we go with the jealous ex Li Lun.
Geez, did he get even hotter with the demon marks????
Ok, when I first saw the trailer I was not vibing with his style - I saw the director got some criticism for making the actors ugly. But I think it really works - Zhu Yan is very alien, very powerful, and very very very very hot.
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resquices-of-godhood · 4 months ago
Chapther V: The beginning of a new treaty
First << Previous <- Next ->
"How about we change back to the subject at hand? I think me and Gaynes are ready to discuss the treaty." Leoda speaks, breaking the conversation that was going on until that moment.
"Yes, of course. I'd rather not dwell on it much more either." Wolfgang replies as he returns the crown to the top of his head.
"So, what we can see here is that the terms of the old treaty are the following:" Leoda starts. "One: Each pantheons shall not try to expand to the other's continent. Two: Any territory already claimed shall remain as it is. Three: Neither pantheon shall interfere with the other's goals and actions Four: The settlement known as Voxport shall have all military equipment removed. Five: Voxport shall also remain as neutral grounds for future negotiations between the pantheons should it be needed. Six: The violation of any of the previous terms shall be considered as casus belli to restart the war." They number out, before looking up to Wolfgang.
"That's what the original document accounted for, yes." He replies with a nod. "At least until it got destroyed."
"What do you mean it got destroyed?" Gayne asks, looking outraged, as the Purple Crown emits its war horn noise too.
"Treaties between deities are more than just rules written on paper." Wolfgang starts to explain. "They aren't just legally binding, they are a manifestation of divinity itself tying them to its terms. Should it be violated, or become invalid otherwise, the original copies of the treaty crumble to dust. That's why I made sure to make backup copies, both physical and digital, to preserve it." He adds, offering freely the information to the new gods. "I knew something happened when my copy got destroyed, and assumed it was the fall of the Phemura's pantheon when there was no report of attack from Voxport. I guess that happened when Shamura fell, as they were the other co-signer of the originals."
"Right." Gayne responds, understanding that it was not a willing action. "Besides that, what were you thinking on that fourth point? You just left the place defenseless!"
"One of the concessions I had to make for the treaty to be signed. Not that it would be much of an issue if I had to defend it, as I had instantaneous long range communications and my own teleportation network already in place." Wolfgang defends his decision to accept that term. "Worst comes to worse, I could just teleport there with automated weapons of war to defend the place, which I already had the technology for, even at that time."
"Smart play, but I don't think we can use these terms." Leoda speaks up while putting the tablet back onto the table.
"The reson being...?" Wolfgang asks with a raised eyebrow.
Leoda takes a deep breath, before responding. "I don't want to continue the same cycle over and over again." They say, before pushing the tablet away. "Don't get me wrong, I do not intend to do anything to your settlement, but repeating the same decisions of the past instead of exploring new ones just leads you to the same place."
Wolgang can't help but smile, before collecting the tablets. "Well said." He replies, bringing them to the rack. "I have been thinking of renegotiating the treaty for a while, now. Of course, with the rumors of your crusades going exceedingly well, the time never presented itself." He adds, before returning to the table. "What do you suggest?"
"A treaty based in cooperation between us, instead of isolation from each other." Leoda speaks, to which Gayne nods. "We retain control over our respective continents, but work and trade for our mutual benefit."
"And I assume you will want a port in my lands in the same way I have one in yours." Wolfgang questions the two.
"If it is not too much to ask. That way we have neutral grounds on both sides, from which we can send envoys to each other." Leoda confirms, maintaining their calm.
Wolfgang hums at the suggestion. There would need to be some give to make that take worthwhile. At the same time, it would be an economical boon, at least in regards to materials that aren't as easily sourced in his continent. "I think that will need to go through some consideration before any decision."
"I take you plan to stay for a while, then?" Gayne replies to the Wolf. "Not that you aren't welcome to, of course."
"We will have to see. Luckily, my cult is self sufficient, so I can stay for as long as needed to figure out the new agreement." Wolfgang replies. "Or, failing that, when there's nothing else to be discussed. Worry not, I don't plan to overstay my welcome."
"I don't see why not." Leoda says, before looking at Gayne, who seemed to be in the middle of going through scenarios for what could happen. "Gayne?"
Gayne raises one of their lowers hands to ask for a moment. A minute later, they close their eyes and take a deep breath. "In all honesty, any scenario in which he did want to take action, he would have no reason not to already. And that's just with what we saw so far. He is still hiding things under his sleeves that we have no idea about." They says, before shrugging. "So, no. He isn't planning anything against us at the moment.
"Grand Strategy. Always fascinating seeing it in action." Wolfgang speaks, seemingly pleased. "And not inaccurate either. This sky fortress is my sacred grounds, after all. Protecting it is a duty as sacred to me as collecting knowledge is to my crown. So, yes. I haven't shown everything I brought to defend it, and if everything goes well, I won't have to either."
Gayne just smirks at Leoda, making a "told you" gesture with their upper hands.
Leoda rolls their eyes, but refocus on the subject of the treaty. "So, how long you intend to consider my initial idea?" They ask back to Wolfgang.
"I am thinking... A week." He responds, carefully considering his next steps. "Give time for both of us to work what our demands are before we meet to discuss them into a new treaty. That, and give you some time to enjoy what my lands have to offer." He adds, before tapping on the tablet to turn the hologram projector off and the lights back on, then open the shutters of the room. "Perhaps you can take some ideas to store food for the coming months of scarcity, now that the seasons are back in play."
"Wait, how-" Leoda starts, but Wolfgang is quick to respond before they can even finish the question.
"My scouts haven't seen a single silo or cellar in your cult while looking for a place to drop the anchors." He explains while pointing out of the window with a thumb. "If you were not looking for a solution for long term food storage, you should start now. While I haven't experienced seasons, my predecessor has, and the knowledge of how to store food has proved useful when moving the fortress through areas with unsuitable climate to grow food, or when a bad harvest hits."
"I mean, we haven't had to deal with drastic changes in climate since the Pantheon of Seasons fell." Leshy speaks up. "Why now?"
"Why indeed. What I can assure you of is that there is no comforting answer." Wolfgang replies to Leshy. "So it is better that we are prepared for what is to come, which is why I came now instead of waiting until they had ascended to Bishops for the renewal of the treaty."
"You are looking for allies." Gaynes hazards a guess after going through the options with Grand Strategy again.
"Wouldn't you in my place?" Wolfgang replies, almost rhetorically.
"With but a fraction of the knowledge you have, I would, even after coming from a world torn by a war between the Bishops of the Old Faith." Gayne confesses, looking almost uncharacteristically serious and tense. "Because something big is clearly brewing in the horizon, and if you, of all people, don't know what or why, then it's best we start forging alliances with who we can."
"That's... A whole can of worms I'm not ready to open right now." Wolfgang says in regards to Gayne's comment about how their world was like. "Otherwise we probably will be here all day, and I'm sure all of us have, or at least had, plans to attend to. But in short, I narrowed the options down, but none are appealing. Best case we are dealing with one of the season crowns being brought back from its starved state and granted to someone within the last year."
"Worst case?" Asks Gayne, though he already could see where this was going.
"One or more of the Season gods from back in the god wars survived and went into hiding, locking the seasons to cover their tracks, and are now ready to come back." Wolfgang says.
"What about the world just shaking off the influence of the crowns over the seasons?" Leoda asks, hoping against all odds that it was just an overlooked option.
"Just as likely as the world not falling apart soon after the last god of Death falls." Gayne is the one to respond. "So, basically impossible."
"As Gayne said. There are some divine domains that are too tied to how the world works. You remove those gods, and things stop working as they should." Wolfgang explains what Gayne meant. "But! That is not a discussion I want to have right now. Even if I narrowed things down to these kinds of options, I can still be wrong. I mean, the only crowns I know to not have starved at this moment are mine, and the five you have under your possession, Leoda. Any others are, so far, unaccounted for, which means they are not active at the moment."
"Lets hope it remains that way, then." Leoda replies, feeling tense.
"Yes, lets." Wolfgang agrees, also looking tense, before taking a deep breath to calm himself down. "In the meantime, Baines, would you be so kind as to show them around the cult grounds? I have some thing I would like to discuss with the former Bishops in private."
"Of course, Lord Wolfgang." The owl replies, before giving a bow to him, then gesturing towards the platform for the two infant gods. "Please, follow me." He requests, before moving out of the room, with Gayne and Leoda soon following.
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Ok, I hope I'm not dumping too much information here. I'm having a hard time gauging how much I should add or not at the moment, specially since I don't want to focus exclusively on my OCs, but there's so, so much backstory to bring in.
As always, separator made by @lambouillet
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bytesigner · 2 months ago
Streamline your document management process with secure digital signature software. Enhance efficiency, ensure security, and simplify approvals with trusted electronic signatures.
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ivygorgon · 4 months ago
An open letter to the U.S. Congress
January 6 Insurrection
3 so far! Help us get to 5 signers!
Please support a bipartisan commission to investigate the January 6, 2021 insurrection at the Capitol.
In my lifetime, I have never before been so aware of the date the electoral college votes were formally counted to validate a Presidential election.
The day is well-documented — video, photos, sworn testimony of witnesses and rioters, a noose was hung for then Vice President Pence, elected officials barricaded doors and vacated chambers, the Confederate flag was marched into the capitol, the list goes on — 5 people died, $30,000,000 of damage was done. Watching the events unfold that day, I was terrified for our elected officials, terrified for our democracy and horrified by the unhinged insurrectionists. What have we become?
Please do what is right for our democracy and support a bipartisan commission to investigate the January 6 insurrection.
▶ Created on May 19, 2021 by Kathryn
📱 Text SIGN PBYCVZ to 50409
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madamlaydebug · 1 year ago
Really good information. IF YOU DO NOTHING ELSE, put a beneficiary on all of your financial accounts like checking savings CDs, Life Insurance, investments etc. You don't need a will for them to get to your money, just a death certificate. And make a list, preferably by hand instead of your computer, either give it to your trusted person, spouse or put it in your security box at the bank. If the person doesn't know you have a savings account or a CD at XYZ Bank, they can never go get the money. Make sure you have a trusted person that is a signer on the security box at the bank.
🗣 IMPORTANT information to get your affairs in order‼️
💰Make sure all bank accounts have direct beneficiaries. The beneficiary need only go to the bank with your death certificate and an ID of their own.
🏡 TOD = Transfer On Death deed if you own a home. Completing this document and filing it with your county saves your heirs THOUSANDS. This document allows you to transfer ownership of your home to your designee. All they need to do is take their ID and your death certificate to the county building and the deed is signed over. Doing this will avoid the home having to go through probate.
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Living Will: Allows one to put in writing exactly what you want done in the event you cannot speak for yourself when it comes to healthcare decisions as well as other final decisions.
👩🏽‍⚖️Durable Power of Attorney: Allows one to designate a person to make legal decisions if you are no longer competent to do so.
🏥Power of Attorney for Healthcare: This document allows one to designate someone to make healthcare decisions for them.
🛍Last Will and Testament: Designates to whom personal belongings will go to, who the Administrator will be. But if you have a beneficiary on any of your financial accounts, that will override a will. For instance if you say I leave all of my possessions to my daughter Susie, but on your savings account the beneficiary is your best friend, then the money goes to your best friend
🪦Funeral Planning Declaration: Allows one to say exactly one’s wishes as far as disposition of the body and the services.
If the above documents are done, you can AVOID probate.
If all the above is not done, you have to open an estate account at the bank. All money that doesn’t have direct beneficiaries goes into this account. You have to have an attorney to open the estate account. The attorney also has to publicize your passing in the newspaper or post publication at the county courthouse, to allow anyone to make a claim on your property. - It’s a complete PAIN.
📚 💳Make a list of all banks and account numbers, all investment institutions with account numbers, lists of credit cards, utility accounts, etc. Leave clear instructions as to how and when these things are paid.
Make sure heirs know where life insurance policies are located. 📂
📝Make 100% sure SOMEONE knows your Apple ID, bank ID account logins and passwords!
🚗 Make sure you have titles for all vehicles, campers, etc!
Set up a TRUST for intended beneficiaries, especially those that are too young, and appoint a trustee of said trust.
MOST IMPORTANTLY!!!! - Talk with those closest to you and make all your wishes KNOWN. Talk to those whom you’ve designated, as well as those close to you whom you did not designate. - Do this to explain why your decisions were made and to avoid any lingering questions or hurt feelings.
⚡️Hope this helps! ⚡️Hope this lights a spark to encourage all your friends and family to take care of these things to make it easier for those we all leave behind!
My hope is that the above list at least helps you start an important conversation with your loved ones...
(REPOST-I DID) and it’s a very necessary conversation
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fincrif · 27 days ago
How to Get a Personal Loan Without a Bank Account
In today’s world, having a bank account is usually a requirement for obtaining a personal loan. However, if you do not have a bank account, there are still ways to access financial assistance. Whether you need urgent funds for medical expenses, home repairs, or other personal needs, some lenders offer alternative lending solutions. This article will explore how to secure a personal loan without a bank account and what options are available for borrowers in such situations.
Is It Possible to Get a Personal Loan Without a Bank Account?
Yes, it is possible, but it can be challenging. Many lenders require a bank account to deposit loan amounts and set up automatic repayments. However, some financial institutions and alternative lenders provide options for borrowers without traditional banking relationships. These loans often come with higher interest rates and different repayment structures.
Alternative Ways to Get a Personal Loan Without a Bank Account
1. Credit Unions and Community Lenders
Credit unions and community-based lenders may offer personal loans without requiring a bank account. They often consider factors like income, employment status, and credit history rather than just banking details.
2. Microfinance Institutions
Microfinance institutions provide small loans to individuals who lack access to traditional banking. These lenders operate with minimal paperwork and may disburse funds through prepaid cards, mobile wallets, or cash payments.
3. Payday Loans and Cash Advance Lenders
Payday loans are short-term, high-interest loans that do not necessarily require a bank account. Instead, lenders may request proof of income and a valid identification document before approving the loan.
4. Pawnshop Loans
Pawnshops provide secured loans against valuable items such as gold, electronics, or vehicles. Since these loans are collateral-based, they do not require a bank account. However, failure to repay the loan can result in the loss of your pledged asset.
5. Salary-Based Loans from Employers
Some companies offer salary advances or employer-backed loans. If you work for an employer that provides this benefit, you may be able to borrow against your future paycheck without needing a bank account.
6. Digital Wallet and Mobile Loan Apps
With the rise of fintech companies, many digital wallets and loan apps offer instant loans. Some of these apps allow users to receive funds in mobile wallets rather than bank accounts, making them an ideal choice for those without traditional banking.
Steps to Take When Applying for a Personal Loan Without a Bank Account
1. Check Your Credit Score
Even without a bank account, having a good credit score can increase your chances of loan approval. If your credit history is poor, consider improving it before applying.
2. Gather Required Documents
Lenders will still require proof of income, identification, and sometimes a guarantor. Be prepared to provide salary slips, business income records, or other financial proof.
3. Choose the Right Lender
Research and compare lenders that provide loans without requiring a bank account. Check their interest rates, repayment terms, and customer reviews to find the best option.
4. Provide an Alternative Mode of Payment
Some lenders may disburse funds through checks, prepaid debit cards, or mobile wallets. Be sure to ask about available payment options in advance.
5. Consider a Co-Signer or Guarantor
If your credit score or financial standing is not strong enough, having a co-signer with a bank account can increase your chances of loan approval.
6. Understand the Loan Terms
Read and understand all loan terms, including interest rates, fees, and penalties for late payments. Avoid predatory lenders who charge excessively high rates.
Pros and Cons of Getting a Personal Loan Without a Bank Account
Provides access to emergency funds for individuals without a bank account.
Some lenders offer flexible repayment terms.
Alternative lending options may not require a strong credit history.
Higher interest rates and fees compared to traditional bank loans.
Limited loan amounts and strict repayment terms.
Risk of losing collateral if opting for a pawnshop loan.
Final Thoughts
While obtaining a personal loan without a bank account can be challenging, it is not impossible. By exploring alternative lending options, preparing necessary documents, and choosing a reputable lender, you can successfully secure a loan that fits your needs. However, be cautious of high-interest rates and ensure that the repayment terms are manageable to avoid financial stress in the future.
If you are considering taking a personal loan, always conduct thorough research to find the best financial solution tailored to your situation.
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yaminahsaini · 2 months ago
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Mardi 28 janvier 2025: J’ai donc été dans un hôpital en Suisse afin que l’on me replace la sonde naso-jéjunale. Voici un résumé de comment le procédé a eu lieu : Tout d’abord remplir et signer des documents. Ensuite une infirmière m’emmène dans une salle où je dois mettre une blouse d’hôpital et elle me place un cathéter au bras. J’ai attendue dans un lit d’hôpital où un brancardier me prit avec jusqu’au bloc. Dedans, j’ai dû m’allonger dans une autre sorte de lit. Il y’avait 3 soignantes. On me proposa une sédation mais j’ai refusée car j’ai toujours du mal à me remettre de tout ce qui est anesthésie. On me mis un cale-dents, de quoi surveiller la tension et le cœur, puis c’était partie pour à nouveau subir l’atrocité du placement de la sonde naso-jejunale. Par contre cette fois-ci, le procédé était très différent de toutes les autres fois. Ils utilisent une technique que je n’avais jamais vu avant. Ils commencent par m’introduire un endoscope via le nez! C’était atroce que cette grosse caméra passe de mon nez jusqu’à mes intestins. Une fois arrivé au bon endroit, un guide est introduit directement dans l’appareil d’endoscopie puis celui-ci retiré pour y placer la sonde à partir du guide. Pendant la procédure, je suis également sous une sorte de machine à rayons x qui montre bien en temps réel où est la sonde, dans ces conditions, tout est fait pour être sûre qu’elle soit au bon endroit et aucun risque qu’elle remonte dans l’estomac. Le guide a donc ensuite été retiré et un produit de contraste fut injecté dans la sonde pour être sûr de son placement. La sonde a été fixé comme d’habitude et pour finir on m’a mise dans une salle de réveil en attendant que le brancardier me remette dans la salle de mon arrivée pour que je récupère mes affaires et que le cathéter soit retiré. Pour la première fois, j’ai une sonde naso-jejunale avec un calibre tout fin ! D’habitude elles sont toujours si grosses..Cela s’explique par le fait qu’ils utilisent une matière différente faite pour que ce soit beaucoup plus agréable sur du long terme et car il n’y a pas le risque qu’elle remonte avec l’endoscope. J’espère qu’elle ne pourrira pas facilement à l’intérieur et l’extérieur comme toutes les autres… mais au moins ce problème de sonde est réglé et elle est si fine que je ne l’a ressens pas du tout! Ce sera donc plus agréable au quotidien!
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taraross-1787 · 4 months ago
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This Day in History: Charles Carroll, Signer
On this day in 1832, a signer of the Declaration of Independence passes away. Charles Carroll of Carrollton was the last living signatory of that document.
He was also the only Catholic person to sign. He suffered immensely because of this latter fact.
For years, Carroll was mistreated because of his faith.  As a young boy, he attended a religious private school in secret. When he got older, he traveled overseas to complete his education. When he returned to America, he was unable to run for office because he was Catholic.
All in all, perhaps it would have been understandable if he’d chosen to remain loyal to the Crown during the Revolution?
FULL STORY: https://www.taraross.com/post/tdih-charles-carroll
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esolutionsnsp · 3 months ago
Buy Digital Signature Certificate at Best Prices eSolutions Digital, a leading Registration Authority since 2006, offers Class 3 Digital Signature Certificates for e-filing, e-tendering, and more. With a seamless online process, you can buy your DSC quickly and securely. Trust the experts in digital signature solutions.
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swamiinfotech · 3 months ago
What is a Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)?
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Before diving into the specifics of how to apply for Digital Signature Certificate, let’s understand what a DSC is and why it's important. A Digital Signature Certificate is an electronic form of a signature used to validate the identity of the signer and ensure that the contents of a document have not been altered after signing. It works as a proof of the authenticity and integrity of digital documents.
Importance of Digital Signature Certificate in Adobe Reader
Adobe Reader, one of the most popular PDF viewing applications, allows users to digitally sign PDF documents using a Digital Signature Certificate. This feature is crucial for individuals and businesses who need to ensure that documents remain secure and authentic. Whether you’re signing a contract, application, or other legal documents, Adobe Reader with a Digital Signature Certificate adds an extra layer of security.
How to Apply for Digital Signature Certificate?
Install the Digital Signature Certificate
If you have the certificate in a USB token, plug the token into your computer. If you have a soft copy, install the certificate in the Windows certificate store. Follow the instructions provided by your Certifying Authority for the installation process.
2. Open the PDF Document in Adobe Reader
Launch Adobe Acrobat Reader on your computer and open the PDF document you want to sign. Make sure that the document is ready for signing.
3. Sign the Document
4. Save and Share the Document
Once the document is signed, save it and share it with others. The recipient will be able to verify your signature and ensure the document’s authenticity.
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