#Doctor who rp starter
itsborusabitch · 4 months
After a night when I reminded why I chose to be Rassilons good engine I am willing to work with the primitive lover that Rassilon has chosen 🥰🥰🥰
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timelordpropaganda · 8 months
My housemother is visiting our home tomorrow to spend time with our tot and Vulca will not let me call the Chancellory Guard to have her removed from the planet. #WivesShouldBeAllowedToDoThings 😔
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the-bad-wclf · 3 months
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"I hope he's doing alright." Rogue muttered from where he was trapped in the pocket universe, alone, and feeling just a tad bit uncomfortable, but he would wait for however long it took. He would wait an eternity if it meant a reunion.
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herleaf · 3 months
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starter call
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multitude-of-doctors · 2 months
Starter #5 - 10th Doctor//Reblog To Roleplay
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The Doctor looked to the other person before giving a slight shrug "Well, you could...come with me" he suggested, it had been sometime since a companion had travelled with him, he wouldn't admit aloud he was a bit lonely, especially when he went on one of his ramblings and the only company was the TARDIS, of course he loved the old girl, but it wasn't the same as having an actual companion.
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thedoctornumber11 · 4 months
Open RP that anyone can respond to!
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"Hello," the Doctor smiled and waved, "Do you happen to know where we are?"
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rpwithoutlimit · 8 months
13th Doctor open starter:
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“I might be able to help, you know…”
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crownmemes · 10 months
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Doctor Who (60th Anniversary Specials) Sentences, Condensed
(Sentences from Doctor Who (60th Anniversary Specials, 2023). Adjust phrasing where needed)
"I keep having more and more dreams."
"Look! It's a spaceship!"
"How do you always manage to miss everything?"
"You can wear a suit that tight up to the age of 35, and no further."
"What I'm saying is, that ship didn't crash - it parked."
"It is not my fault I lost my job!"
"How many more times? There's no such thing as spaceships!"
"I would burn down the world for you."
"Sometimes, I think there's something missing."
"Why are you hiding away? We're on the same side."
"I don't know who I am anymore."
"Do not fire without my command!"
"I want to go home."
"Sometimes, I think I'm from a different planet."
"So nice to see you again!"
"No stun guns for me!"
"I'm just passing by."
"I have no higher compliment."
"Cryptic. I hate that."
"A lot of husbands would worry."
"Does there have to be a reason?"
"Why don't you do something completely new and have some friends?"
"My family is waiting for me!"
"I will get you home."
"It's definitely a spaceship."
"Is that stuff dangerous?"
"Did it just get cold?"
"My arms are too long."
"Look, I'm me! I swear, I'm really, really me!"
"You're saying this to break me down."
"I've got to say, this is the biggest nightmare of my life, but... I look quite good."
"I can't follow any of this!"
"That's a superstition. It doesn't mean it's true."
"You timed that to get out of awkward conversations!"
"Now nothing is wrong! Nothing in the whole wide world!"
"I never thought I'd see you again after all these years."
"The whole world's coming to an end!"
"Oh, here comes trouble!"
"Basically, every single human thinks they're right and won't be told otherwise."
"Why should I care? I mean, seriously? Why should I care about you?"
"What is this? Some kind of conspiracy?"
"But how does this even make sense?"
"I'll warn you now; if this is a trick, I will kill you."
"Your good and your bad are nothing to me."
"All that exists is to win or to lose."
"That's cheating!"
"You can't save everyone."
"You weren't going to leave without saying goodbye, were you?"
"Who'd have thought I ended up with a family?"
"You don't have to stay forever."
"Do you miss it? Out there?"
"I've never been so happy in my life."
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promptling · 3 months
DOCTOR WHO: ROBOT change pronouns as needed.
oh, well, here we go again.
the brontosaurus is large and placid.
if the square on the hypotenuse equals the sume of the square on the other two sides, why is a mouse when it spins?
never did know the answer to that one.
everything seems pretty quiet.
i want to ask a favor of you.
he's a very fine chap.
i say that you're not fit.
i don't think that can be right.
a new body's like a new house. it takes a little bit of time to settle in.
have to take the rough with the smooth.
i can't waste any more time.
thank you for a most interesting conversation.
tied me up and hung me up in here like a pair of old boots.
can't? can't? there's no such word as can't.
well now, isn't this nice?
do you think i might attract attention?
glug, glug, glug.
there seems to be a very large rat about.
i don't know why you came to me.
i'm sorry if my little joke upset you.
it isn't dangerous, is it?
i could wear a disguise.
you've got to start somewhere.
i do so hate being disappointed.
you are an enemy of the human race.
please do not resist.
i do not wish to cause you unnecessary paint.
how very kind of you.
i'm a friend of humanity.
don't shoot!
are we under arrest?
do you travel much?
you just lie there and get some rest. i'll find help.
now for my next trick i shall require the assistance of a member of the audience.
i really think we've had enough bangs and flashes for a bit, don't you?
the trouble with computers, of course, is that they're very sophisticated idiots.
what more natural than it should turn to the one person who ever showed it kindness?
what's the point of more killing?
what can you do alone?
i can bring about the destruction of humanity.
you alone will be saved.
machines do not lie.
you will be safe.
i see our little problem seems to have grown.
would you like a jelly baby?
i had to do it, you know.
why not? it's a free cosmos.
well, i won't do it. i won't, i won't, i won't.
you're being childish.
there's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes.
it'll make me feel a lot better.
in you go!
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theshadowofthedoctor · 7 months
Hello! My name is Helena! Said like Hel-ena. I am about 900 years old, I don't really remember it anymore! I travel with The Doctor in their TARDIS and take it every once in a while for my own adventures!
It's wonderful to chat with all of you!
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the---10th-doctor · 4 months
I Am Him.
"You know there's been a rather interesting story that's been going around lately. I won't speak to the truthfulness of it but as I've come to understand it, a long long time ago in a galaxy far far awa-nope sorry that's Star Wars. Where was I....right, yes the story!"
"Once there was a man, brilliant one at that, bored of all the stuffiness and pomp of the world he lived in. So in a fit of pique he stole a box to take him across all of time and space. And cross space and time he did, gaining something of a reputation. Some worlds herald him as a bogeyman of sorts, others a champion of the people. There isn't much that is agreed upon about him, save a couple details. The first: he will appear with a great blue box. And the second: his name. They call him The Doctor."
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"Hello, I am he"
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itsborusabitch · 11 months
There once was @gatlinnterrasen
Not pronounced like CaitliNNNN
And she got real triggered about the untempered SCHIIIISSMMMM
They she did nothing but SCREEE-EEAMMM
Almost as much as Me-EEE
When Rassilon wakes up in the morrrnnnn
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timelordpropaganda · 2 months
What are they exposing you for?
The usual nonsense:
“Your marriage was illegally arranged!” “You only had a child to start a Timetot clothing line!” “You’re only interested in Prydonian matters!” “You were only elected due to President Borusa and Chancellor Flavia’s quiet support!” “You use your money for frivolous things” “Lady Vulca is being abused!” “Your art is surface level!” “The love you show and claim to have is all an act! You are only married on paper!”
The claims are endless and entirely stupid. Think how much good in the world could come if people stopped writing these argumentative essays built on lies?
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emerson-whovianrp · 3 months
The Giggle - RP Open Starter
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As Emerson saw that the Doctor was going to have his own regeneration, she was scared as she knew that she were going to have her own regeneration as well. Emerson -- as well as Donna, Kate, Shirley, Mel and the Doctor himself -- was stood on top of the helipad of UNIT headquarters. She could tell that the Doctor was hurt by a galvanic beam that the Toymaker fired at him. "Doctor, are you okay?" She asked him, seeing the bi-regeneration happen before their very eyes. Emerson always thought that it was a myth, but now they realised that it was clearly not. And then, Emerson could feel herself regenerating. This would be the first time the Doctor had seen them do this as Emerson would normally walk away before doing it themselves. And her current form -- which was a female with light skin and dark brown hair -- was slowly shining rainbow colours. She could feel herself changing into someone different, but she was nervous as to what she would look like afterwards.
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chemicalmorality · 3 months
Reverse starter call! Like for me to go and look at some of your starters!
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oncomingx · 8 months
open to anyone!
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"Sorry, I'm busy sorting fruit gummies."
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