#Dmitri Karelia
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soffiisims · 28 days ago
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Spring has arrived and with that, some interesting visitors. My daughter Anne was foraging in the nearby forest, when she came across two strange men. An older one and a younger one, who appeared to be the first one's son. As a brave and curious young girl she is, Anne went to speak to them, after observing them from afar for a while. The two spoke in an odd manner, that Anne was finding very difficult to understand. But she figured out from their story, that they were coming from east. They both seemed so weary, dirty, hungry, doubtful and scared, that Anne felt sorry for them. She ran back home to tell me, what she had seen.
I was a little cautious at first. Who were these people? What were they running from? (they were clearly on a run) They could have hurt my daughter. Why did she have to intervene? We did not want any more trouble than we already have. But the Watcher says, that we should help people in need. Can we trust them?
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russianreader · 3 years ago
The Wagner Group's Suicide Squad
The Wagner Group’s Suicide Squad
For several months, inmates in Russian penal colonies have been recruited by the Wagner Group — hundreds, if not thousands of convicts who had several years left in their sentences have already gone to Ukraine. It is likely that many of them have already been killed, but so far only individual deaths have been confirmed. One of them is Yevgeny Yeremenko from Petrozavodsk, who had eight more years…
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mariacallous · 2 years ago
Two deputies from the Republic of Karelia’s regional parliament have released a letter calling for Vladimir Putin to sign an order officially ending Russia’s mobilization campaign. Their request notes that the absence of such an order is “affecting society’s psychological state and is a source of concern and heightened anxiety in Russian families and workplaces in addition to causing health problems for many children.”
Russian Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov said Tuesday that Putin had not yet seen the statement.
On October 28, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu told Vladimir Putin that Russia’s mobilization drive was complete. The Kremlin reported soon after that a decree ending mobilization is not necessary, but in reality, Russia's military commissariats can legally draft people until the president officially declares mobilization over.
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godsbeautifulcreations · 7 years ago
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Unknown stream. Unknown stream. Russia, Karelia.
Gorkovets Dmitry
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delhi-architect2 · 5 years ago
ArchDaily - Tochka na Karte Country Hotel / Rhizome
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© Dmitry Tsyrenshchikov
architects: Rhizome
Location: Vidlitsa, Republic of Karelia, Russia
Project Year: 2020
Photographs: Dmitry Tsyrenshchikov
Area: 865.0 m2
Read more »
from ArchDaily https://www.archdaily.com/942404/tochka-na-karte-country-hotel-rhizome Originally published on ARCHDAILY RSS Feed: https://www.archdaily.com/
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archeyesmagazine · 5 years ago
Tochka na Karte Country Hotel / RHIZOME
Tochka na Karte Country Hotel / RHIZOME #russianarchitecture #RHIZOME #prefabhouse #2020
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© Dmitry Tsyrencshikov
In 2020 RHIZOME completed the Tochka na Karte Country Hotel located on the East coast of Ladoga lake on the wild nature of the Republic of Karelia. The hotel consists of 15 individual prefab houses that look into the lakeshore and the pine forest.
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thetimetravellinggaybar · 7 years ago
Chapter Nine: The Justice League
Nicholas and Catherine were ushered into the police office, their hands cuffed behind their backs. They were then placed into cells, one in front of Diogenes and one to the right side of him, to keep the royals as far from each other as possible. They still managed to scream at each other, as it was a rather small jail.
“Be quiet while I sort this out. We have to see if the victim presses charges, and I need order.” explained the officer, mildly exasperated. “Just… behave.”
The officer then proceeded to the small room, the same room as the one the previous interview had happened, to talk to the phone woman. “Okay, for a start, I’m going to need your name and your account of the happenings, and whether you wish to prosecute. I’m also going to need whoever wants to’s eye witness account for the Nicholas case.” He thought about this for a second and added, “you can all write in English, right?”
“I do believe so.” Felix Yusupov responded. His speech was accented and affected, but comprehensible: exactly what a person might expect from a nineteenth-century Russian aristocrat - that is, if one had expected to encounter a nineteenth-century Russian aristocrat.
The officer nodded.
The student whose phone had been stolen started writing: Tina Stevenson, A strange woman claiming to be Catherine the great took my phone and resisted arrest, a gentleman claiming to be Tsar Nicholas II then also attempted to take my phone from the officer and both of them had violent conduct. I have no wish to prosecute.
Reading over the last sentence of this, the officer was extremely relieved. They would not have to get the courts involved. Still, it was a good idea to hold them until they could be certain of correct behaviour.
Then, he wanted to make sure that the others were aware enough of their situation not to be a danger. “Okay, who here comes from the 21st century?” Tina and Erin raised their hands. The other of Erin’s hand was holding Kristina’s.
“Alright, and uhh… are you taking care of her?” he said, gesturing towards their joint hands. The both of them smiled, and Erin nodded. “Yea, why not?”
The problem now was finding lodgings for the two men. The motel would surely accept them, but the officer doubted they would want to be separate from the Tsar. They seemed extremely fond of him. “And you two gentlemen, what do you wish to do?” The two men looked at each other, wondering what to say.
Felix was the first to respond. “We will not move from here without our Tsar, thank you very much.” Dmitry was silent, but stood behind Felix in an ‘I agree’ kind of a way.
The officer thought this over and nodded. “I thought as much. I’ll get you a couple of chairs if you like. You can sit in front of the cell.” The officer was half joking, but the two noblemen nodded seriously.
“Very well. We will stand guard.”
The officer went off, chuckling to himself.
The next object of interest was Catherine. The first step was to calm her down enough to communicate the actual situation. It was hard enough with the others, and the officer had the impression Catherine would not cooperate. He went over to the cell area, carrying two chairs and accompanied by his guard of Russian Aristocrats, a Swedish King, and various lesbians.
The two officers and their Tsar were quick to settle down into hushed Russian whispers. However, Catherine was - as expected - far less compliant. The instant the six of them came into view, she began belting out insults in whatever languages she could muster. Luckily, the officer didn’t understand almost all of it, because if he had he may have found it harder to ignore.
Kristina, on the other hand, understood all the French and German ones and could guess most of the rest. She also had the rather unique perspective of a similar disorientation - of feeling cut away from homeland and home… time. Her royal vantage point was helpful as well. She was used to being respected and so had a better understanding of Catherine’s pain at this whole process.
She began calming her down in French, “Your majesty, I agree this situation is quite unacceptably disrespectful to you, but you are a danger to the people around you. As mighty as you are, this is not your empire, nor is it your time. If you could tolerate this gentleman’s procedures long enough to be released then we can make arrangements.”
Catherine thought about this for a bit. “Alright, get this over with then. We wish to return to our palace.”
The officer saw this as an opportunity he wasn’t going to wave off. He would tell her the palace was no longer available after questioning. He brought her over to the little interrogation room and started his usual proceedings. “I’m going to need your full name, date of birth and social security number, please.”
Kristina translated this back to Catherine, seasoning her syntax every few words with some formula of deference, if only to keep the peace.
“We are Catherine the Second of Romanov, Empress and Autocrat of all Russia, Moscow, Kiev, Vladimir, Novgorod, Tsaritsa of Kazan and Astrakhan, Tsaritsa of Siberia, Tsaritsa of Chersonese-Tauride, Tsaritsa of Pskov, Grand Duchess of Smolensk, and Duchess of Estonia, Livonia, Karelia, Tver, Yugra, Perm, Vyatka, Bulgaria and others,” Catherine declaimed. The officer gaped, flabbergasted.
“What did she say?”
Kristina grimaced. “That was her imperial title. First name Catherine, last name Romanova - in commoners’ terms.”
“Thanks.” The cop filled in the name on a form he had prepared for the occasion.
Then Kristina turned to Catherine and asked for the next piece of information. “Date of birth?”
“The second of May, Year of Our Lord Seventeen Hundred and Twenty-Nine.”
Kristina smiled, with an air of interest, but didn’t delay the investigation. A monarch from the future, then! She translated the date back to the officer.
“Interesting,” he laughed. “I wonder if the database will accept that.”
“Excuse me? What is a... database?” Kristina squinted, curious.
The officer sighed. “I’ll explain later, okay?”
“O… kay? What is the meaning of oh, kay? I don’t understand.”
“Just… forget it. I need her social security number.”
“Her… I don’t… do forgive me, I am not familiar with the term.”
The cop shook his head. “Of course not. Sorry…” The cop sighed to himself. The only category he could put her in without some sort of formal identification given by a government was ‘undocumented’ but that would set off a series of investigations he didn't feel like dealing with.
“Since the victim isn't pressing charges, then I'm going to have to let you go unless you show me that you aren't fit for the outside world. Can you guarantee me that you will behave reasonably to anyone outside?” As Kristina translated this, Catherine's face grew redder and redder with sheer anger and desire for resistance. She was perfectly aware that any violence would lead to a longer incarceration but she also hated the way she was being spoken to. Having been brought up to feel special and entitled, being told to play nice with the others isn't generally taken very well.
“If you want, I can keep an eye on her.” offered Kristina. This was quickly seconded by Erin. Erin then made a suggestion, the same one as the officer had been thinking of.
“There's a motel down the street from the bar, we could all get rooms. It doesn't have very good single beds so we might need to get doubles.” At this point, Erin grinned at Kristina.
“That's just what I was thinking, it's what I've done with the others. There are over a dozen historical figures in that motel now. I assume you've noticed how many strange people are passing through the bar?”
At this point, Tina chimed in. “Yea. It started kind of normal there was that weird maths dude, then there was Oscar Wilde I mean wow… and then Shakespeare, more wow. He had a couple of others with him-”
Tina stopped at the look of utter exasperation on the cop’s face. “You mean there are more of them? Do you know where they are?”
Tina shook her head and shrugged slightly. The conversation would probably have continued if there hadn't been an exasperated scream from inside the cell area. The officer quickly checked the security camera on his computer, to the amazement of Kristina and the now surprisingly quiet Catherine.
The screen showed Felix and Dmitry cowering a fair distance from the bars -with Dmitry just a step behind Felix- and Tsar Nicholas ferociously kicking the bars.
“Get me out of here!” was repeating loudly in Russian over the speakers. Catherine and Kristina were staring at the entire setup, struck with awe at the seemingly magic device. After a few seconds, it occurred to Catherine that the others did not understand what was being said. The message was fairly obvious but she still translated to Kristina who in turn translated to the modern crowd.
“I should probably do something about him…” sighed the cop. He walked over to the cell area, accompanied by the four women.
“Quiet please, what's going on here?” asked the cop, who had a pretty good idea of what was happening but didn't want to miss the subtleties. Felix stepped forwards to offer an explanation.
“Our beloved Tsar is feeling quite distressed at his incarceration. We would like to know how long it will continue.” Felix glanced awkwardly at the gun hanging from the officer's belt; he knew it wouldn't be wise to try anything.
“The charges are attempted assault of a police officer and attempted theft. Nothing too serious and I would rather not get the government involved with you lot so he'll probably be out in a few hours. I have to settle some things with the motel. And I need to figure out if there are any more strange weirdos lying around.”
The officer had to decide what to do and when. The first step was to rent out two more rooms. Prices were going to become an issue. He could probably get quite a few of the arrivals loans and unemployment benefits but that would take time and paperwork. They were going to have to set themselves up and integrate since there didn't seem to be any obvious way of sending them back. This would mean getting them into the official system. And questions, and paperwork… He really wasn’t looking forward to that.
“I can't do this myself. I'm going to have to get you all papers and official documents and try and help you integrate into the 21st century. It won’t be easy, and it’ll take ages. Unless you know a way to get back…”
The five foreigners to this century thought about it for a bit, but were all stuck. Since there was no obvious solution, Kristina voiced her opinion. “Okay all of this started at the bar, and there might be other people there who know more. We should go back to the bar.”
Since no one had a better alternative, this decision was taken. The Tsar was released but was still being carefully watched by the mini justice league of the officer, Kristina and Erin, and the company of eight set off towards the bar.
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brettzjacksonblog · 5 years ago
China Continues to Dominate Global Bitcoin Mining, But for How Long?
New research shows that China’s dominance of the total Bitcoin hash rate continues to grow. The nation reportedly now accounts for around 66 percent of all the computing power supporting the Bitcoin network at present.
China has historically been the leader in global Bitcoin mining. However, with large mining operations coming online in the US and Russia in 2020, the industry this time next year might look quite different.
Two Thirds of Bitcoin Mining Happens in China, Says Report
A report by CoinShares, cited by Reuters, claims that Bitcoin miners located in China now control around 66 percent of the total network hash rate. Hash rate is a way of describing the amount of computing power supporting the network.
Total network hash rate has been rising rapidly during 2019. NewsBTC has reported several times about new all-time highs in terms of the amount of computing power supporting the Bitcoin network. With mining interests investing heavily in hardware, it’s clear that Bitcoin miners are confident in the future of the digital currency.
Chris Bendiksen, the head of research at CoinShares, attributes the rising hash rate to Chinese miners deploying higher powered hardware sooner that those located in other countries. Three of the largest manufacturers of mining hardware are from China: Bitmain, MicroBT, and Canaan. Despite how opaque the industry is it seems fair to conclude that a large proportion of the most cutting-edge mining hardware will be deployed in China first.
Although the mining industry in China is growing faster than in other nations, there are large operations in the works that allow other nations to catch up by this time next year. New mega mining farms are being planned in both the US and Russia at the moment.
Bitmain itself has just opened a huge mining operation in the state of Texas. The facility currently has a total capacity of 50MW. However, the Chinese mining giant says it has plans to increase this to 300MW at a later date.
Similarly, Layer 1, a San Francisco-based startup, also plans to launch a mining operation in Texas. This effort seeks to lower the mining industry’s dependence on firms like Bitmain by developing its own cutting-edge hardware and cooling systems.
Hello, Bitcoin.https://t.co/wNLHAvdyDu
�� Alexander Liegl (@alexanderliegl) October 15, 2019
Meanwhile, the Russian Mining Company (RMC), owned by the nation’s internet ombudsman also has plans to create a vast new operation in the province of Karelia. CEO of RMC, Dmitry Marinichev, claims that the new facility will command around a fifth of Bitcoin’s total hash rate when it is completed.
  Related Reading: Two Bitcoin Mining Startups Merge to Work on World’s Biggest Mining Facility
Featured Image from Shutterstock.
The post China Continues to Dominate Global Bitcoin Mining, But for How Long? appeared first on NewsBTC.
from CryptoCracken SMFeed https://ift.tt/2RHOBY8 via IFTTT
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michaelbennettcrypto · 5 years ago
China Continues to Dominate Global Bitcoin Mining, But for How Long?
New research shows that China’s dominance of the total Bitcoin hash rate continues to grow. The nation reportedly now accounts for around 66 percent of all the computing power supporting the Bitcoin network at present.
China has historically been the leader in global Bitcoin mining. However, with large mining operations coming online in the US and Russia in 2020, the industry this time next year might look quite different.
Two Thirds of Bitcoin Mining Happens in China, Says Report
A report by CoinShares, cited by Reuters, claims that Bitcoin miners located in China now control around 66 percent of the total network hash rate. Hash rate is a way of describing the amount of computing power supporting the network.
Total network hash rate has been rising rapidly during 2019. NewsBTC has reported several times about new all-time highs in terms of the amount of computing power supporting the Bitcoin network. With mining interests investing heavily in hardware, it’s clear that Bitcoin miners are confident in the future of the digital currency.
Chris Bendiksen, the head of research at CoinShares, attributes the rising hash rate to Chinese miners deploying higher powered hardware sooner that those located in other countries. Three of the largest manufacturers of mining hardware are from China: Bitmain, MicroBT, and Canaan. Despite how opaque the industry is it seems fair to conclude that a large proportion of the most cutting-edge mining hardware will be deployed in China first.
Although the mining industry in China is growing faster than in other nations, there are large operations in the works that allow other nations to catch up by this time next year. New mega mining farms are being planned in both the US and Russia at the moment.
Bitmain itself has just opened a huge mining operation in the state of Texas. The facility currently has a total capacity of 50MW. However, the Chinese mining giant says it has plans to increase this to 300MW at a later date.
Similarly, Layer 1, a San Francisco-based startup, also plans to launch a mining operation in Texas. This effort seeks to lower the mining industry’s dependence on firms like Bitmain by developing its own cutting-edge hardware and cooling systems.
Hello, Bitcoin.https://t.co/wNLHAvdyDu
— Alexander Liegl (@alexanderliegl) October 15, 2019
Meanwhile, the Russian Mining Company (RMC), owned by the nation’s internet ombudsman also has plans to create a vast new operation in the province of Karelia. CEO of RMC, Dmitry Marinichev, claims that the new facility will command around a fifth of Bitcoin’s total hash rate when it is completed.
  Related Reading: Two Bitcoin Mining Startups Merge to Work on World’s Biggest Mining Facility
Featured Image from Shutterstock.
The post China Continues to Dominate Global Bitcoin Mining, But for How Long? appeared first on NewsBTC.
from Cryptocracken WP https://ift.tt/2RHOBY8 via IFTTT
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tipco613 · 5 years ago
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New Post has been published on http://cryptonewsuniverse.com/bitcoin-mining-to-ramp-up-dramatically-in-russia/
Bitcoin Mining to Ramp Up Dramatically in Russia
Bitcoin Mining to Ramp Up Dramatically in Russia
                                  Bitcoin mining is heating up as several groups are ramping up production, with one Russian company aiming for 20% of the world’s total.
Bitcoin mining has definitely changed over time. Regular people used to be able to mine BTC with their desktop computers, but those days are long over. Cryptocurrency mining is now the province of major companies, such as Bitmain. It seems that the competition between crypto mining outfits is heating up, with one Russian company shooting for hitting 20% of the world’s Bitcoin mining total.
In Mother Russia, Bitcoin Mine You!
The company in question is the Russian Mining Company (RMC), and its CEO is Dmitry Marinichev, the country’s Putin-appointed internet ombudsman. The company is setting up shop in a metal factory in the province of Karelia. The factory has been closed since 2018 due to U.S. sanctions.
Of the plant and RMC’s plans, Dmitry Marinichev says:
Now the plant for Rusal is unprofitable, the electricity supplied to it is practically not utilized, and people living in the single-industry town near the plant have nowhere to work. Our idea is to redesign the plant and sell its computing power as a service, that is, provide an IT service.
One of those services is cryptocurrency mining, and the plant is so large, it could account for a full 20% of the entire world’s Bitcoin mining production. The company managed to raise US$43 million during an ICO in 2017.
Other Competitors
RMC is not alone in trying to grab a larger slice of the cryptocurrency mining pie. Argo Blockchain in the United Kingdom has doubled its order of mining rigs as it seeks a “significant expansion” to its capabilities. The company has ordered 10,000 Antminer T17s, worth a total of $9.51 million. When the new mining rigs arrive in December, the company will boast a total of 17,000 Bitcoin mining machines. Its total hash power is then expected to increase by 240%. China-based Canaan Creative is looking to score through a NASDAQ initial public offering. The second-largest BTC mining device manufacturer is hoping to raise $400 million through the IPO. The company says it will use the funds to pay off debts and fund research into blockchain technology and AI.
The decision by Canaan Creative comes a short time after Chinese President Xi Jinping spoke favorably about the country becoming the leading force in advancing blockchain technology. However, China is still hostile to decentralized cryptocurrencies, shutting down exchanges back in 2017, but the country’s central bank is reportedly close to releasing its own state-controlled cryptocurrency. While some critics are saying that the profitability of Bitcoin mining is down considerably, it seems a number of companies are willing to spend big to increase their stake in the industry.Images courtesy of Wikimedia/Vpetrov-71 and Pixabay.
Article Produced By Jeff Francis
A few years back, Jeff began hearing about Bitcoin and the rise of other cryptocurrencies. A proponent of allowing people to take economic power into their own hands, he has enthusiastically supported cryptocurrencies and the many benefits of blockchain technology. This interest propelled him to becoming a writer for, and later editor of, several crypto-focused websites. His goal with BitcoinerX is to provide timely news and analysis in an entertaining manner.
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soffiisims · 3 days ago
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My main household in 1320s!
First two portraits up left: Anne Matsintytär and Mihail Karelia
down left: Kerttu Matsintytär, Solja Erikintytär and Dmitri Karelia
Third portrait left: Johannes Matsinpoika, Solja Erikintytär and Vilja Matsintytär
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thecryptoreport · 5 years ago
Russian Bitcoin Miner Wants To Control 20 Percent of Global BTC Mining
Russian Bitcoin Miner Wants To Control 20 Percent of Global BTC Mining
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Bitcoin mining will breathe new life in a closed Russian aluminum plant which lost access to American customers following the introduction of U.S. sanctions in April 2018.
Russian Mining Company’s (RMC) Dmitry Marichinev wants to ramp up BTC mining across Russia. For this, he has sought ground in the Nadvoitsky Aluminum Plant (NAZ) in Karelia.
Aluminum Plant Turned Bitcoin Mining Hub
The U.S.…
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release-info · 6 years ago
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death of Ivan’s sons marked the end of the ancient Rurik Dynasty in 1598, and in combination with the famine of 1601–03[68] led to civil war, the rule of pretenders, and foreign intervention during the Time of Troubles in the early 17th century.[69] The Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth occupied parts of Russia, including Moscow. In 1612, the Poles were forced to retreat by the Russian volunteer corps, led by two national heroes, merchant Kuzma Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky. The Romanov Dynasty acceded to the throne in 1613 by the decision of Zemsky Sobor, and the country started its gradual recovery from the crisis. Russia continued its territorial growth through the 17th century, which was the age of Cossacks. Cossacks were warriors organized into military communities, resembling pirates and pioneers of the New World. In 1648, the peasants of Ukraine joined the Zaporozhian Cossacks in rebellion against Poland-Lithuania during the Khmelnytsky Uprising in reaction to the social and religious oppression they had been suffering under Polish rule. In 1654, the Ukrainian leader, Bohdan Khmelnytsky, offered to place Ukraine under the protection of the Russian Tsar, Aleksey I. Aleksey’s acceptance of this offer led to another Russo-Polish War. Finally, Ukraine was split along the Dnieper River, leaving the western part, right-bank Ukraine, under Polish rule and the eastern part (Left-bank Ukraine and Kiev) under Russian rule. Later, in 1670–71, the Don Cossacks led by Stenka Razin initiated a major uprising in the Volga Region, but the Tsar’s troops were successful in defeating the rebels. In the east, the rapid Russian exploration and colonisation of the huge territories of Siberia was led mostly by Cossacks hunting for valuable furs and ivory. Russian explorers pushed eastward primarily along the Siberian River Routes, and by the mid-17th century there were Russian settlements in Eastern Siberia, on the Chukchi Peninsula, along the Amur River, and on the Pacific coast. In 1648, the Bering Strait between Asia and North America was passed for the first time by Fedot Popov and Semyon Dezhnyov.Under Peter the Great, Russia was proclaimed an Empire in 1721 and became recognized as a world power. Ruling from 1682 to 1725, Peter defeated Sweden in the Great Northern War, forcing it to cede West Karelia and Ingria (two regions lost by Russia in the Time of Troubles),[70] as well as Estland and Livland, securing Russia’s access to the sea and sea trade.[71] On the Baltic Sea, Peter founded a new capital called Saint Petersburg, later known as Russia’s “window to Europe”. Peter the Great’s reforms brought considerable Western European cultural influences to Russia. The reign of Peter I’s daughter Elizabeth in 1741–62 saw Russia’s participation in the Seven Years’ War (1756–63). During this conflict Russia annexed East Prussia for a while and even took Berlin. However, upon Elizabeth’s death, all these conquests were returned to the Kingdom of Prussia by pro-Prussian Peter III of Russia. Catherine II (“the Great”), who ruled in 1762–96, presided over the Age of Russian Enlightenment. She extended Russian political control over the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and incorporated most of its territories into Russia during the Partitions of Poland, pushing the Russian frontier westward into Central Europe. In the south, after successful Russo-Turkish Wars against Ottoman Turkey, Catherine advanced Russia’s boundary to the Black Sea, defeating the Crimean Khanate. As a result of victories over Qajar Iran through the Russo-Persian Wars, by the first half of the 19th century Russia also made significant territorial gains in Transcaucasia and the North Caucasus, forcing the former to irrevocably cede what is nowadays Georgia, Dagestan, Azerbaijan and Armenia to Russia.[72][73] This continued with Alexander I’s (1801–25) wresting of Finland from the weakened kingdom of Sweden in 1809 and of Bessarabia from the Ottomans in 1812. At the same time, Russians colonized Alaska and even founded settlements in California, such as Fort Ross. http://bit.ly/2QJu2YF
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cryptonewstrending · 5 years ago
Russian Company Strives to Mine 20% of the World’s Bitcoin Supply
Coinspeaker Russian Company Strives to Mine 20% of the World’s Bitcoin Supply Russia has always had great ambitions, and now this vast country is planning to embrace a significant part of the Bitcoin (BTC) mining industry. To deeper penetrate into this activity, Russian Mining Company (RMC) owned by Russian entrepreneur Dmitry Marinichev is planning to build a new facility in the northern province of Karelia. According to the local news outlet RBC, the equipment for mining will be stationed on the Nadvoitsy Aluminium Smelter, a metalworking plant that is not…
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source https://cryptonewstrending.com/russian-company-strives-to-mine-20-of-the-worlds-bitcoin-supply/
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virtualcurrencyspace · 5 years ago
Russia’s Internet Ombudsmen Will Mine Bitcoin
As local financial news outlet RBC reported on Oct. 29, Russian Mining Company (RMC) plans to repurpose a metal factory in the country’s northern province of Karelia.
Closed due to US sanctions in 2018, the ex-Rusal facility could soon host a Bitcoin (BTC) mining farm so large it could account for one-fifth of global output.
“Our idea consists of converting the factory and selling its computer power as a service, that is to say, offering IT services,” the ombudsman, CEO Dmitry Marinichev, told RBC.
Marinichev steered RBC through a $43 million initial coin offering (ICO) in 2017, a sale that remains Russia’s largest.
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bitcoinnewsvn · 5 years ago
Ông Dmitry Marichinev của công ty khai thác Russian Mining Company (RMC) muốn tăng cường hoạt động đào BTC trên khắp nước Nga. Để làm được như vậy, ông đã tìm kiếm mặt bằng tại Nhà máy nhôm Nadvoitsky (NAZ) ở Karelia. Nga muốn kiểm soát 20% lượng BTC được khai thác trên thế giới? […]
The post Nga muốn kiểm soát 20% lượng BTC được khai thác trên thế giới? appeared first on Tin tức Bitcoin, giá Bitcoin - Tiền điện tử, Tiền ảo.
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