Your Demon King Master post
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Ask status:
"characters" open to receiving asks:
[Me only. I'll get to character asks eventually again]
[As a foreword on this, I want to add more information to this post! I just wanted to get what I have up since the blog desperately needed a new information post. Please bear with me as I continue to work on this post]
What Is the DemonKing Yb AU?
The Demon king Au is a Your Boyfriend Alternate universe (AU) That features the same familiar cast along with a few new faces in the setting of HELL. I (VEE) The creator- and god of this AU- am working on a fan game for it. It is being built using Ren’py and I am mainly a one-person team. I am doing all the character creation, all the art (character talk sprites, backgrounds, etc), writing, and the bulk of the coding (I will be getting help from someone for the complex things later down the road). The music will be done by someone else as well and I would love to get voice actors eventually too.
Beyond this post, I recommend reading through old asks since there is a lot of hidden information in them! I do have a tendency to put hints in the tags as well. Some information has changed, but for the most part, a lot of the information is still accurate.
You, a human, lived an ordinary life on earth until one day as fate will have it you get into an accident, falling into a coma of sorts. You awake in a mysterious place, surrounded by other lost souls unsure of how you got there or why you ended up there. Soon after you are whisked off to a grand palace and are told you were one of the lucky souls selected to work right in the center of Hell for the Devil himself. Hell, you were in Hell and you were to become the devil's new house worker.
From here on out you meet the main cast of demons, The king himself, Don, Lucy, Tk, and Flauros. They all play their own unique part in this Au and it will be up to you what story you get to hear.
Meet The Characters
Click the name of the character below to be taken to the corresponding post with their information
Your Demon King
"Darling, you want to learn more about me? I want to learn more about you!"
"I suppose if we're going to be working together from now on I should tell you more about myself"
"Oh~? Well if I tell you all about me, I want to know all about you."
"You'll find out more about me if you look through the blog, but d;"
Important in World Things and Abilities
¹The Blue Flames
Commonly referred to as true hellfire
These flames can only be controlled by one being at a time(it could be inherited by any being but the prior user would have to pass the ability off to them and they would lose access to it) the Blue Flames can consume any Demon or entity and completely absorb their soul/flame.
The only way to completely kill a demon is to use Dk's Blue Flames, Supposedly. His fire will consume a demon's inner flame and they will forever become a part of the Blue Flames- unable to reform as they get merged into them for all eternity. Getting "extinguished" is like a final death for demons. They become a part of The Blue Flames forever, their original fire converted into this greater energy. The mystery of how The Blue Flames work is only held by the King.
So maybe he is withholding important information on them.
He can also control the heat of the Blue Flames. For example, he could cover you with them and they'd feel like nothing more than a warm tingle, maybe more if you catch my drift.
A knife belonging to Flauros. The reflection that shines from the blade doesn’t match up the surroundings it currently is in. It doesn’t look like it belongs in this realm of existence. He calls it very special to him, mentioning how
“nobody but me can wield this weapon properly. So, don't get any funny ideas~”.
Dk has commented on the knife saying that,
“When I was cut by it… It did...SOMETHING to me. Stay away from him, please darling I’m begging you”
The 9 Circles of Hell
The 9 circles, or rings, of Hell, consists of the following(and the corresponding inner flame associated with each) from the outer rim to the center;
Lust (pink-magenta)
Gluttony (Green)
Avarice (Yellow-gold)
Sloth (orange)
Heresy (purple)
Wrath ( red)
Pride (dark blue)
Treachery ( cyan )
Each circle has a prince and their higher-ranking demons just beneath them. There is one exception to this rule, however. The Limbo ring is not quite fully a part of Hell. It is the place between Heaven and Hell, empty- save for the souls trapped there and the prince Of Limbo. They are an unsettling being, neither demon nor angel. They once were an Angel, but due to not choosing a side were cast to Limbo for the rest of eternity. Their body is always shifting and changing. When spoken to they will take on the form of your face and speak back to you in your voice as well.
All the princes, including DK find Limbo an extremely unpleasant place to visit. The prince of Limbo cannot leave Limbo either, trapped there just like all the other lost souls.
[more info on the princes+abilities related to the different circles to come soon!]
Inner Flames
All demons possess an inner flame that corresponds to the circle of hell they were created in. Inner flames are the equivalent to a human's soul, as in if a demon's inner flame were to be snuffed out they would ‘die’. Unlike humans, however, when a demon is killed their physical body will decay and crumble, yet their inner flame will still remain. The severity of the way they were killed determines how long it takes for the demon to reform. Sometimes the inner flame will be so small and scattered, taking many centuries to reform.
The hands of a demon reflect the flame colour they possess. Demons can't have two different colours of inner flame. Just one.
Demon Reproduction
Demon reproduction can happen in a typical sexual manner. Though there's more to it than simple mixing of DNA and more so mixing of two demons' inner "flames". Reproducing in other manners Is a possibility though. As for demons reproducing with humans, it depends on the human and if their soul can handle taking on a demon's energy.
Importance on demon horns+tails
[click above for the original post]
Demon horns aren't exactly fragile, but it depends on the Demon. I like to think you'd need to really try to break them. In fights, demons try to cover their horns and tails in armour to protect themselves. Horns are made of the demon's inner flames condensed essence. It can take on different forms and materials, so some being more like keratin growth while others may seem like glass or crystals even.
horns can break- as seen in the art of Dk with missing horns and the one where he's impaled on one of his own snapped-off horns. It would be INTENSELY painful- agonizing...(Flauros is built differently, however) break a demon's horn/’s and they're essentially crippled, can't control their innate magic and the regulation of their inner flame. Cutting demon's tail will also result similarly to breaking their horns.
So if a demon's horn or tail is cut/broken said demon will suffer a lot of pain and lose control over their inner flame- which is like a soul and what keeps them alive. They can be regenerated over time and this can be sped up through healing magic. But if left unattended they'll likely "die" and return to being a little flame/ loose energy that can't take a form. They are immortal so eventually, they will reform fully. It depends on how they were killed to determine how long it takes. Damaging the horns could lead to it taking years to reform for example. Stronger demons can regenerate quicker, but getting their full strength back takes time. So I wouldn't recommend damaging the horns or tail of a demon!
About Aggressive demon forms
[click above for the original post]
All demons have "Aggro" forms [aggressive] they use mainly When they are in battle. While in this form they have heightened reflexes, better hearing added strength[in general more aware and ideal for a fight] but it burns through their energy faster(doesn't exactly apply to the king). Their inner flame is burning extremely brightly during the time this form is active.
The king would also have his blue flames likely crawling up his body/around him. This would also provide more offensive and defensive capabilities for him. Of course, if he wanted to he could be in this more monstrous form indefinitely- but he wouldn't want to scare you... He is the King so his power is huge.
A demon who is almost always in half-aggro is Don, as his scleras are always darkened. He has his reasons why for this, but you can imagine why.
When is the fan game slated for release?
As of right now, I’m working solely alone for most of the game. I have hopes I can get a beta test out for day one by December-January. I do have a life outside of all this, so sometimes things come up and things get pushed back. I try to work on it a little bit every day, but there’s a lot to do (finish the rest of the visual assets, writing the dialogue, programming… but also running this blog and answering asks). Make sure to keep checking on the blog- I try to update with something every few days- and while you are here you can read through all the past updates +and asks! There are a ton of hints and foreshadowing of what’s to come- and be aware the tags have information in them oftentimes!
How can I support you?
Sadly as of right now since this is a fangame I cannot accept any money for this. Ideally, someday I can get some merch made- but until the rules on fan merch of YB content loosens there isn’t much I can do. (Unless people want Flauros merch? haha) The best thing you can do to show your support is to interact with my posts, follow, comment, like, and reblogging really helps get the word out! I also hope someday to work on my own fully original game as well- and maybe by extension, you would all love to support that too!
Is this blog a trans and other minority-friendly space?
Yes! Very much so! As a chubby trans person who is also half Chinese, I like to try my best to be inclusive on all fronts. I do not tolerate racism, sexism and in general bigotry.
[More FAQ To be added later!]
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The kings right hand man
Height 8’9”
Wrath ring
Prince of Wrath
“Kid, I’m a busy man I don’t have time to gab it up in this gaudy palace”
General description
Don is the tallest demon in the main cast, which definitely frustrates the king. He is well built and is often seen in his semi- Aggro form, scowling. While seeming unapproachable, he is good at heart. Adding to his unapproachable appearance he also enjoys carrying his war axe with him. He has two pet he has two pet hellhounds that he cares for greatly,
Don is seen as stand-offish, and can be on the more demanding and aggressive side. However, he wasn’t always this way. As one of the 9 princes of Hell, and the one closest personally to the king, he has seen a lot of things throughout his long life from angel to demon. He has a proud image to uphold, so he is often found training and doing work in general. He is a busy man who doesn’t find himself doing nothing for long. He isn’t one for small talk or socializing in general outside of necessary meetings. Don has trust issues due to his past and is very careful in trusting others with information considering his plan for rebellion.
He isn’t one to talk about his past or his emotions with others, instead bottling it up inside and focussing on his work...
Don was a devout follower of Dk when they decided to rebel against god. After the fall he continued to stay loyal until something he won’t speak of occurred. It changed his entire view on the King and his judgement. Since then he has spent his time to gather followers to overthrow the king in secret. In current times, he has amassed a sizable group of demons for his cause, along with a few of the other princes and high ranking demons. His plans are under tight wraps, and have been for many years. He is waiting for the perfect moment to enact the coup, and perhaps you are just what he needs to make things work.
Relationships with other characters
Dk used to be a close friend of Don’s, he wouldn't have rebelled against god if he wasn’t. Things change however… Currently, Don simply plays his part as a ‘good friend’ and demon prince
Don doesn’t have any particular opinion on Tk since they do not know each other. Don has however, seen how TK flinches when Dk is angry… He feels bad for the kid.
Don finds Lucy irritating with how she is always trying to seduce him, but he can see through her actions. He knows that she has some sort of ulterior motives, or he suspects them at the least. He is wary around her, not sure what she is trying to get from him.
Don is very unnerved by the housekeeper, finding his energy familiar in a sickening sense. He can’t place why that familiarity creeps him out, but he just knows Flauros is not a good being to be around.
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Head Of Housekeeping, Someone who doesn’t belong
Height 7’7”
Supposedly Heresy ring
“Oh Cutie, you really should stick to the main path…”
General description
Flauros appears as any other demon would, devilish in appearance and with an inner flame. Yet this ‘demon’ is unlike any other. He has shown on multiple occasions just how little he respects the king- and yet he lives! Those who witness Flauros being blatantly rude are appalled that the king lets his behaviour slide…
They are often seen as a greasy weirdo that spends too much time in their storage closet smoking it up and not doing work. He is known to break the fourth wall constantly, appearing uncomfortably self aware of being a character. He also has the power to simply pull a kitchen ² k̵̨͓̲̖̽̏̒̀̈́̈́̃͐̄̚͘͠n̸̰̺̱͍͌̈́̆͌̉ͅi̵̡̲̫̙͉̤̙͉̪̞̬͉̜̔̀̃̒̔f̶̨̠͉̝̟͉͉̻͓̠̖̘̥̟̎̑͛̆̃̈́̎̽̉̀͌͒͗e̷̛̪̺̠̜̰̙͛͆̈́̑̑̏̈́̐̇̍̕̕͠͝ from seemingly nowhere.
Enjoys using emojis like " d: (: (; ): /: " typed with the mouth of the smiley first always.
Flauros is a massive flirt, even one to outright ask if you want to fuck. This is humorous considering he is both demiromantic-at best( Him genuinely returning romantic gestures will not happen in this game) and demisexual (with a very high libido, but lacking the sexual attraction to specific people. To put it simply, he sees his casual sex as a ‘means to an end' the end being a juicy climax. He can, however, grow to have sexual attraction to someone but it is almost as unlikely as him growing romantic feelings.). He will still have his way with you- if you let him. He is very seemingly narcissistic and full of himself, spouting how “awesome he is”. He is very sadistic, and this shouldn’t be taken lightly. If you irritate him he will show you quickly why you should watch your step, and he won’t be gentle. You don’t want to see him truly angry.
If you try to cut his hair he will take no time in ending you right then and there. His hair is a very important part of his identity. (Please do not joke about messing with his hair as this is related to him being trans)
Flauros claims to be from the Heresy ring since his inner flame is purple, but it has been noted by a few that he possesses otherworldly abilities that don't align with typical heresy abilities. He seemingly appeared one day and took the position of head of housekeeping even though he severely lacks the ability to do what a housekeeper should do. When questioned about his history he usually will say;
“Well, wouldn’t you like to know huh, Cutie? It’s not an interesting story”
If pressed about his past or his emotions (or lack there of) he will be quick to make sure you stop asking. Flauros is here for a good time after all, calling Hell a “fun playground”. He is not to be trusted.
Previously on the blog he has taken control over things, or been “granted administrator privileges”. He has an odd relationship with GOD.
Relationships with other characters
Flauros sees Dk as a funny tall bald man that is just too fun to play with. His obsessive nature makes the housekeeper chuckle since he can relate to a degree- but as for who? He won’t say directly. Flauros also enjoys stealing flowers from the king's garden(Much to the king's disapproval) to let them grow on his horns.
Making Tk suffer under the extra work is amusing to Flauros- he's kind of a dick after all. He has offered to Tk to hang and bang sometime, which led to a very disturbed Tk. Flauros doesn’t understand why they are so work-driven.
When it comes to the dilf Flauros enjoys teasing him since he knows the old man finds him familiar.
“As he should since I remember how we met (:”
Besides this, Flauros is invested in Don’s rebellion plans. He has gone on record saying that he is “sympathetic for his cause” as opposed to Dk’s.
Flauros enjoys spending time with Lucy when he isn't getting high as a mother fucker in the storage closet. They share a unique bond that he’s sure to talk about to you if you’re lucky.
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The Tactician and Organizer of his royal majesty's day-to-day.
Height 6'6”
Gluttony ring
“If you want to sit here and read with me I would really like that”
General description
Tk is Dk’s tactician- or more as they refer to themselves- Dk’s actual housekeeper and in general organizer. They take care of setting the king’s appointments up with other officials, keeping the palace in order(since the head of housekeeping is a slacker) and other official things. They constantly feel overworked and underappreciated. Tk is on the ‘younger’ side for demons having been ‘recently’ created.
Tk is a sweet demon who genuinely does try their best. They do not have a lot of free time, but when they do they enjoy spending time in the palace’s great library. They can come across as irritated easily, which they then playoff with being sarcastic to those that aren’t royalty. They are more on the quiet side, not standing up for themselves when up against DK. They definitely complain about Dk and the other princes when they aren’t around.
Tk was selected as the royal tactician due to their knowledge and skills both with magic and the history of demonkind. Hailing originally from the gluttony ring, they now reside in the palace. Their position is of a high ranking and for a demon from one of the lower rings to be placed in the castle is a huge honour. For many years Tk has worked under the king, serving him. They used to be more of a devout follower of the king until they started working for him. Dk told them things that they wished they never heard. They witnessed things the king has done that shakes them. Even knowing what the king has planned, they don’t dare oppose him. They have felt DK’s wrath in the past, they know to stay quiet. Perhaps you will be able to befriend them and find out what dark secrets they carry
Relationships with other characters
Tk despises the king, but keeps their mouth shut now. They have seen his wrath. And they don’t dare test his royal asshole again. It’s just not worth the trouble.
Tk and Don don’t really know each other well, just know of each other’s existence.
Tk finds Lucy on the annoying side considering her flirtations and Tk’s lack of interest in her. Between Lucy’s sexual nature and outgoing personality, Tk would rather stay away from her.
Tk is REALLY done with Flauros’ bullshit. From Flauros always ‘vanishing’ to how he always half-asses his duties as a housekeeper?? Tk has had enough that they have formally complained to Dk about finding a replacement… Which the king never seems to do anything about.
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Master of seduction
Height 6’4”
Lust ring, High ranking
“What is a sweet thing like you doing in Hell?”
General description
Lucy is a shapely succubus, who is very self aware of her devilishly good looks. Hailing from the Lust ring as one of the higher ranking demons, she is completely valid in being confident. She has her own devout followers, but most of the other higher ups from the inner rings turn their nose on her. However, she doesn’t seem to mind since she has her way of making them change their minds. She is skilled with seduction and knowledge on all things sexual, and she's always open to teaching. Just because she knows how to fuck doesn’t mean she doesnt have ulterior motives though.
Lucy is a kindly demon- if you consider intense flirting and kisses being blown in your direction sweet. She has her way with allosexuals pretty well, but she would never do anything to make someone uncomfortable if they were asexual. She respects boundaries when it is serious (As all the demons would in my AU). She is a socialite and enjoys partying and living it up in Hell, seeming more like a floozy than she actually is. She is a smart demon who knows how to play others to get what she wants. She does appreciate friendships, even if she shows her care in odd ways.
Like any other high ranking lust demon, she had to fight for her position of being respected and taken seriously. She was not around during the fall, but from creation was very fixated on learning more about it and what things were like before demons were trapped in Hell. She did her research, finding that most of the answers she was seeking led to dead ends. That is until one day when she stumbled across something she shouldn't have looked into. She got the answers she wanted, but at the cost of having to carry the burden of that knowledge.
Relationships with other characters
Lucy acts flirtatiously with the king just as she would for any other demon she wants to be flirty with. She finds the King a bit of a prude considering he's one of the oldest demons around and still a virgin. No matter what ‘help’ she offers he is quick to turn her down.
To Lucy she finds Tk a bit of an introvert. She tries to invite them out but they are constantly “busy”. She has a good idea what happens at the castle, but lacks the power to do anything about it.
Don is one of the only princes Lucy has had no success with in getting anything from. He's a mystery to her, she's beautiful after all. She resorts to trying to be his friend, hoping that way she could learn a bit more about the secretive “best friend” of the king.
Lucy knows Flauros better than any of the other demons, you could almost say they know each other a little too well.
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