jate · 18 days
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jate · 30 days
It’s a lucky, AND ZESTY, day!!
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jate · 9 months
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From our family to yours…
A special holiday greeting goes out to all the discerning shows, playlists and listeners that supported the Zesty Italians this year. We zestily recommend these great music programs!
Alice Peter-Burns - ByteFM Hamburg (Kaleidoskop) and NovumFM (Offbeat)
KEXP – Type II Era
Cobwebs and Strange
Cobwebs And Strange Radio Show
The Music Authority
The Charles Motorbike Show
The Charles Motorbike Show
Gil Luz
Wireless Warbles on CRMK UK
Wireless Warbles CRMK
Tweetcore – Marc Schuster
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jate · 11 months
Big news! Our first EP received a proper release on Bandcamp and CD, and is avialable for preorder on Subjangle Records!
I know what you’re thinking. “Zesty, I could already conveniently listen to your music on my streaming platform of choice, right from my mobile device. I even purchased new wireless ear buds. What’s the big deal about THIS release?”
First off, thank you for the thoughtful question.
Well…I’m no Bruno Latour, but I will say that how we listen to records is a part of the musical experience, just like the sound that hits your ears and the song being sung. Years ago, music was listened to an entirely different way. It was reproduced on a thing that you would put on another thing, which you would operate in a certain manner. Later, music was reproduced on an entirely different thing, which was put into yet another new thing that was operated differently. Subsequently other things were created along with accompanying things to put these things into. Now the thing you put into the thing, and thing you put the thing into are one and the same. In some cases the music you’re listening to is even produced on the thing you put into the thing, which as I mentioned before, is also the thing you put the thing into.
As you can see, something is missing. That is why we here at The Zesty Italians have teamed up with Subjangle Records to release music on things. More specifically, our first EP “Mocean of the Otion” on a compact disc that you can put into a thing that plays compact discs.
In closing, I think we have well established that there is ample reason to release this EP again in a physical format…
Still not convinced? Well, just in case, we’ve added a new bonus track to make it worth your while, “Ain’t Her Life More Lively.” But don’t take that as any sort of concession that I am wrong about this whole thing thing.
I yield back my time.
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jate · 1 year
After two decades of stellar songcraft and sporadic releases and performances (James And The Express, The Florenteens), James continues his musical journey with a new project…
The Zesty Italians!
(emphasis added)
One listen and you’ll find yourself swept away like a bit of dehydrated red pepper swirling in an emulsified blend of oils and vinegars.
This features all of the hallmarks of James’s earlier work, but with the added zing of tangy salad dressing. Previous releases featured only a simple vinaigrette.
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jate · 1 year
The Zesty Italians are coming! Aug 1st.
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jate · 1 year
1st release is August 1st!
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jate · 5 years
The Week of JATE Continues!
This Friday the 13th come see JATE at Octopas with old friends Tigers in the Tank and new friends AV Futures and Brunch. The show comes on the heels of the re-release of our first album "Were Your Tomatoes Safe? (10th Anniversary Edition of Are Your Tomatoes Safe?)," which you can now hear on all major streaming services. Wow, 10 years! Crazy how little has changed.
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jate · 5 years
JATE show - Octapas, Sept. 13
Do you like good songs played with varying degrees of confidence? If so, you're in luck...James and the Express have a gig!
The show is Friday, September 13th, 2019 A.D. at Octapas Cafe. We'll be opening for our friends Tigers in the Tank and the Forgotten 45's. Some are superstitious about Friday the 13th, but not me...I'm so confident I will not be changing a single word in our standard audience waiver form, except for the indemnification and limited liability clauses, of course. Come early to sign!
Rejoining the band as "the Express," is Jack, a multi-talented drummer, guitarist, and recording engineer. Jack will be playing the drums, which in the business (animal husbandry) we call "the skins." I, James, will be appearing as "James." Not that "James." A different one.
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jate · 6 years
JATE Show??
I know many of you, including and limited to my mother, have asked “When will JATE play another show?”  The answer is this Saturday, November 17th!  At Octapas Cafe in Olympia, WA!  Yes, I know the original question was when, not where.  I just assumed that the location would also be useful information.  It’s called being proactive.  Sorry for the short notice and I hope it doesn’t inconvenience those of you needing to schedule flights.  
The show will be “Expressless,” meaning that I (James) will be playing solo acoustic.   Per the terms of my probation, I will be the opening act.  I go on at 8pm...So come early!
Headlining will be the excellent Tigers in the Tank.  And finally, since I know you’re wondering, I will wearing Colombian-born designer Haider Ackermann.
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jate · 8 years
JATE lives on in the hearts of several!
JATE’s “When You Don’t Love Me Back” was played on the March 16th edition of Stanislav Zabic’s Little Lighthouse radio program. It’s not the size of the lighthouse that matters, but...http://www.littlelighthouse.net/?p=1527
Also, I almost forgot to mention the recent gig at the 4th Ave Tavern in Olympia, WA a few months ago.  Consider it mentioned!!
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jate · 8 years
No show tonight!
Based on forecasts, which I am sure are infallible, the show tonight at 4th Ave Tav has been cancelled.
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jate · 8 years
2016 JATE Show
After a six-year court imposed hiatus, JATE returns for a special event on October 15th at the 4th Ave Tav!  We’ll serve as the appetizer for a couple of fine bands, Just Plain Bill, and Tigers in the Tank.  James will rely on the charity and backing of his fellow bands on the bill, who will serve as “the Express.”  In fact, all of the bands on the bill have members that work at the same place, which either makes for an incredibly interesting workplace or an incredibly boring rock show...OR BOTH!!!  Omelet bar will be provided.
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jate · 10 years
CeleJATE Good Times, C'mon!
JATE continues to be sporadically acknowledged by the outside world!!!
"One Lie at a Time" has gotten some airplay on our hometown Olympia KAOS station's "Gateway to Dawn" and "Sound" programs...thanks, Mom! http://kaosradio.org/
Everett's independent public station KSER, played "All So Hard" on Wednesday's Poptopia Parkway.  There's a pledge drive underway; so donate. Be sure to save your receipt for the 2015 tax season!  http://www.kser.org/content/poptopia-parkway
Aquamarine Bliss provided a factually accurate assessment of the album as part of its Jigsaw Records Zine Spectacular!  http://www.blissaquamarine.net/jigsaw28b.html
1001 Records placed JATE at #15 (presumably out of 1001) in its top albums of July 2015.http://records1001.wordpress.com/tag/james-and-the-express/
And finally, Serbian Indiepop taste-makers Indie-go! features "They Didn't Know about You" on their Facebook page...I'll take it where I can get it!!! https://www.facebook.com/indie.go.bgd
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jate · 10 years
Your Friend JATE
Hello Friends,
You're not alone!  Others have discovered the bliss of Your Friend, JATE. 
We were played on Canal B radio's Lollypop program in Rennes, France...oh la la! http://www.canalb.fr/lollypop
We got some love from a small Japanese record shop...日本語を練習する必要があります。 http://www.fileunderrecords.com/?pid=73871594
We got a brief positive mention from and Austin, TX music blog...YEEE HAW!!! http://austintownhall.com/tag/your-friend-jate/
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jate · 11 years
NEW ALBUM!! Your Friend, Jate
After a long hiatus, JATE is back with its long awaited follow up on Jigsaw Records.
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jate · 14 years
Nebraska Pop Festival
The Omaha gig was a lot of fun. Thanks to Chris at Series Two and the fine people at Omaha Steaks.
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