#Djurdjevic Bridge
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vestaignis · 3 months ago
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Мост Джурджевича (Đurđevića Tara) — автомобильный арочный мост, который соединяет два берега каньона реки Тара и одно из самых красивых туристических мест Черногории.
С моста открываются потрясающие виды на самый глубокий каньон в Европе и окрестные горы. Мост Джурджевича это уникальное инженерное сооружение, которое считается одной из самых посещаемых достопримечательностей Черногории. Длина моста — 365 м, высота — 172 м. Конструкция состоит из 5 арок, самая протяженная из которых 116 м.
Мост строился 1938–1940 годах, когда Черногория еще являлась частью Королевства Югославии. Главный архитектор моста — профессор Мият Троянович. Общее же руководство строительством осуществлял главный инженер Исаак Руссо. На момент постройки мост был крупнейшим бетонным арочным мостом в Европе. По нему могли двигаться и транспортные средства, и пешеходы. Современное название Мост Джурджевича происходит от имени владельца фермы, расположенной возле моста.
По мосту можно проехать на автомобиле, но лучше до или после моста сделать остановку и прогуляться по нему пешком в обе стороны, чтобы полюбоваться видами на каньон реки Тара, горами, покрытыми густым лесом и устройством самого моста. Отдельной пешеходной зоны на мосту нет, ходят прямо по дороге.
The Djurdjevic Bridge (Đurđevića Tara) is a road arch bridge that connects the two banks of the Tara River Canyon and one of the most beautiful tourist destinations in Montenegro.
The bridge offers stunning views of the deepest canyon in Europe and the surrounding mountains. The Djurdjevic Bridge is a unique engineering structure, which is considered one of the most visited attractions in Montenegro. The length of the bridge is 365 m, the height is 172 m. The structure consists of 5 arches, the longest of which is 116 m.
The bridge was built in 1938-1940, when Montenegro was still part of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. The chief architect of the bridge is Professor Mijat Trojanovic. The general management of the construction was carried out by chief engineer Isaac Russo. At the time of its construction, the bridge was the largest concrete arch bridge in Europe. Both vehicles and pedestrians could move along it. The modern name of the Djurdjevic Bridge comes from the name of the owner of the farm located near the bridge.
You can drive across the bridge by car, but it is better to stop before or after the bridge and walk along it on foot in both directions to admire the views of the Tara River canyon, the mountains covered with dense forest and the structure of the bridge itself. There is no separate pedestrian area on the bridge, people walk directly along the road.
Источник:/t.me/roundtravel;/blog.sitngo.me/dostoprimechatelnosti/most-dzhurdzhevicha/#:~:text=Чем%20интересен%20мост%20 Джурджевича%20через%20реку%20Тара&text=Главный%20архитектор%20моста%20—%20профессор%20Мият,двигаться% 20 транспортные%20средства%20и%20пешеходы, //monteguide. com/ru/most-dzhurdzhevicha-tara/, /mymontenegro.org/ attractions/chernogoriya-most-dzhurzhevicha-kanon-reki-tara.
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sinligh · 3 years ago
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Once upon a time that time is supposedly now. Its never ending like I, and all the feelings i’m about to tell you about.
There once was a girl named “I” I got used to living others feelings as if it were hers, she even believed it to be
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Day by day she absorbed more than she should and it kept getting heavier than I could carry around.
To this point of the story she still can continue trying to make it all poetic
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Yes, I can simply give. Give a definitive ending ?
But I see more and I made it clear she feels more Than she should.
So here is two possible endings from the many I can conjure as an ending to her story…
I either
Realize that none of those lives were hers and all the pearls I glued to herself need to be removed; with each pearl a pieces of her get ripped off
And she is left out more hollow than she used to be.
Cursed to bleed more than she had inside her ; it will never end.
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I set roots to all those feelings and stretch all the stories make them grow with branches that could wrap around the moon
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To build a bridge and dangle all the stars between,
So I will never end.
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Quotes: Emily Dickinson/Alice Hoffman/ Mary Shelley/Anaïs Nin/Czeslaw Milosz
Original context: Sinligh
Art reference:
1. Art by Jelena Kevic Djurdjevic. 2. Art by Malcolm T. Liepke. 3. Laura Makabresku - A Macabre World of Dreams and Melancholy. 4. Mind over Matter by Alexandra Levasseur. 5. Moonchild (Detail), 2017 - Santiago Caruso. 6. Works by Denis Sarazhin
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biggoonie · 8 years ago
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Dark Reign: Fantastic Four #1 by Simone Bianchi
Variant cover by Marko Djurdjevic
DARK REIGN: FANTASTIC FOUR #1 (of 5) Written by JONATHAN HICKMAN Penciled by SEAN CHEN Cover by SIMONE BIANCHI 70th Anniversary Variant Cover by MARKO DJURDJEVIC Dark Reign strikes Marvel’s first family–in an explosive way! Prepared to be blown away as: HAMMER agents attack the Baxter Building. Reed changes everything. The Human Torch suffers a horrible loss and Franklin and Val go shopping. There’s Time travel, Alternate realities, Celestials, Eternals, Deviants and Doombots… and more important than all of that, we find out the answer to the question: What is the Bridge? 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$2.99 
This is the beginning of Jonathan Hickman’s Fantastic Four run that culminated in Secret Wars…
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thefindersseekers · 8 years ago
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After white water rafting down the Tara River in Durmitor National Park, our guide drove us to the Djurdjevic Bridge over the river canyon for a photo opp. (I forgot to bring my phone for the rafting but I'll steal some shots from a friend later...). 170m high, and we rafted under it about an hour earlier. . . #DjurdjevicBridge #bridge #Žablajk #Zablajk #TaraRiver #Montenegro #DurmitorNationalPark #Europe #mytravelgram #travel #traveladventures #TaraCanyon #longwaydown
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