#Diy coffee bar
juliepunkbabe · 2 years
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Just a latte coffee at diy market ☕️ 2020
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elainemorisi · 8 months
I consider myself a bougie snob because I am, but I am also one who lives and has mostly always lived in pretty average places among normal people, which is to say never in the sort of tech money desirable urban edge type situations that have proliferated especially in my adult life.
and may I just say
what the FUCK is a "pot filler" (built in kitchen gizmo) and who on gods green earth could stand to have one in their home would you not just die of embarrassment
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jeanricher · 1 year
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Want to make an at-home custom coffee bar? We've got the blog for you!
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soulprompts · 8 months
now before i give this list, i want to address two things: 1) i'm enclosing a list of reasons for people to go on dates, because i want to, and also because there's some very good reasons for dates, and 2) i plan to write another list that's not as modern and contemporary, for my historical and fantastical and science-fictionally minded angels! for now, bon appetit: remember, your muses might be undercover, on a blind date, on a first date, matched online, a platonic date, trying to make other love interests jealous, like there are so many reasons, don't be shy, and DON'T ADD TO THIS LIST.
[ LEARN ]: the sender and receiver attend a class together (e.g. for cooking, baking, dancing, pottery, etc.) for a date.
[ ARCADE ]: the sender and receiver decide to visit an arcade together for a date.
[ DRINK ]: the sender and receiver meet each other at a bar for a date.
[ SANDY ]: the sender and receiver go to the beach together for a date involving strolling, a picnic, swimming and watching the sunset!
[ STRIKE! ]: the sender and receiver meet at a bowling alley for a date to practice their bowling skills.
[ MORNING ]: the sender and receiver decide to meet for a breakfast date rather than a dinner one.
[ FOREST ]: the sender and receiver take a weekend break in the woods, staying in a lovely cabin surrounded by nature.
[ TENT ]: alternatively, instead of finding a cabin to stay in for the night, the sender and receiver pack their tents and head out for a camping trip instead.
[ POPCORN ]: the sender and receiver opt for the classic date option of going to see a movie at the cinema together.
[ CAFÉ ]: going for a more relaxed option, the sender and receiver arrange to meet up for coffee and cake at a local café for a date.
[ MUSIC ]: finding tickets to their favorite band's concert, the sender and receiver head out for the night to listen to them play.
[ BICYCLE ]: the sender and receiver mount their bikes and head off to cycle in the countryside together.
[ DUO ]: the sender and receiver set up the bluetooth speakers and dance together in the peace of their own home to the sounds of their favorite songs.
[ DIY ]: the sender and receiver are about to go out for a date, but instead end up staying at home to complete a DIY project together.
[ ESCAPE ]: the sender and receiver attempt to solve an escape room together for a particularly exciting date.
[ COMMUNITY ]: the sender and receiver visit a local fair, festival, market or parade together for a date.
[ PLUS ONE ]: the sender and receiver put on their glad rags and attend a very fancy and prestigious event together.
[ WINNER ]: the sender and receiver set up a game night (card games, board games, video games, etc.) at home for their date.
[ GELATO ]: the sender and receiver head out to the best ice-cream parlour in town for a cold and sweet date.
[ SPEED ]: the sender and receiver go to a go-karting track for a particularly competitive date.
[ HIKE ]: the sender and receiver lace up their hiking boots and head out to a scenic hiking route together.
[ SADDLE UP ]: the sender and receiver take the reins and head out for a scenic horseback riding session together.
[ UP ]: the sender and receiver take an unforgettable ride in a hot air balloon for a date.
[ SING ]: the sender and receiver find a local karaoke bar and take turns singing solos and duets together.
[ PAGES ]: the sender and receiver find a cozy library-café and spend an enjoyable date reading books and drinking coffee together.
[ CHEF ]: deciding to stay in for the evening, the sender and receiver decide to make dinner together in the comfort of their own home.
[ HOLE IN ONE ]: the sender and receiver find a nearby mini-golf course and decide to play a few holes together.
[ MOVIE ]: the sender and receiver pick a few movies to watch for the evening and curl up on the sofa with some snacks to watch them together.
[ PAST ]: the sender and receiver go to a museum or an art gallery together to see the displays and get to know one another better.
[ CLUB ]: the sender and receiver get dolled up and go to a very popular and newly opened nightclub together.
[ PORTRAIT ]: the sender and receiver get canvases and paints and begin to paint one another at home, leaving plenty of peace and quiet to get to know each other.
[ AIM ]: the sender and receiver get suited up to go for a paintballing session together.
[ OUTSIDE ]: the sender and receiver get their nicest blanket, their favorite refreshments, and head out to a park for a nice relaxing picnic.
[ ITALIANO ]: the sender and receiver attempt to make their own pizzas at home together.
[ DINNER ]: the sender and receiver go to a nice restaurant together for a dinner date.
[ ROAD ]: the sender and the receiver embark on a long but worthwhile road trip together.
[ ROWING ]: the sender and receiver get into a rowboat together and guide the boat down the river.
[ QUICK ]: the sender and receiver meet one another for the first time at a speed dating event.
[ ROLLER ]: the sender and receiver put their roller-blades on and hit the rinks together.
[ RELAX ]: the sender and receiver head out to a luxurious spa resort together for some well-earned rest and massages.
[ COMFORT ]: the sender and receiver transform their home into a makeshift spa and give each other facials and massages for the evening.
[ STARS ]: the sender and receiver stretch out on the rooftop/lawn/back of a truck etc. for a night of star-gazing together.
[ WALK ]: the sender and the receiver go out for a nice, relaxing stroll together to see the sights.
[ POOL ]: the sender and receiver go out to the pool, beach or lake for a swimming session together.
[ SHARE ]: the sender and receiver split the evening in half to teach one another a skill that they're particularly good at (e.g. the sender teaching the receiver how to paint, etc.)
[ QUIZ ]: the sender and receiver go out together and find a local pub that's hosting a table quiz event, which they decide to enter.
[ AWAY ]: the sender and the receiver decide to indulge in a long vacation somewhere that they've both wanted to go for a long time.
[ BREAK ]: in the spirit of compromising, the sender and receiver book a nice quiet weekend break together.
[ SIP ]: the sender and receiver book tickets for a wine tasting event in a local vineyard.
[ SAIL ]: the sender and receiver go out on a yacht for the evening.
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mazikeenhyde · 29 days
Oh Baby, Pain is Pleasure - Part 3
Y/W/N – Your Wrestling Name 
Y/W/N/F – Your Wrestling Name Finisher
I’m going to apologize to you all now, and prewarn you in advance, this is an absolute rollercoaster of a storyline! Shits about to get REAL messy! 
TAG LIST - @babybatlover
Oh Baby…Pain is Pleasure – Part 3
Late afternoon had seen the sun burn the remainder of the clouds from the sky, leaving a beautiful blue horizon view from across the backyard. Flocks of birds gathered as they headed over the break line, waving in and out of the smoke coming from our BBQ pit. 
I sat, gently rocking my feet back and forth on the chair egg swing we had attached to one of the older grand oak trees in our yard. It was all I had wanted when we moved in, somewhere calm and content where I could just exist. Enjoy my time, enjoy my life, and admire the world around me. Ponder life’s big questions… 
I re read that message repeatedly in my mind, who was it from? witnessed what? 
I had deleted the other text from my phone, I wasn’t going down that road. 
The sounds of two men’s deep voices bought me back, looking over to my lovers I could see Finn & Damien adorned in their matching ‘TOP CHEF’ aprons and cooking utensils with a beer in hand, either chatting away or debating about how best to cook the chicken. 
Whilst further down on the sun loungers, Rhea had stripped down to one of her thin black bikinis with the metal skull clip fastenings, she was catching the last of the sunrays to her already perfect Sunkissed skin.  Christ, how did I get so lucky as to be a part of this incredible love…. Pentagon? It’s a five-way love triangle, let’s leave it at that.
When we had been initially searching for a house to buy, one to really call home that is; we had all had something in mind we desperately wanted as a feature. We knew it needed to be a big house, one with a master bedroom where we could assemble out two King size beds that had been custom made to attach in the middle, I cannot begin to tell you how comfortable and comforting it is being held close and safe by the four people you love more than anything in the world. 
The guilt though…
Still, obviously Rhea & Finn were dead set on having a large garage/ open internal space to set up the home gym. Of course, whilst on the road we still used a lot of public gyms and one-off hotel workout rooms here and there, but when we are at home, in each other’s company, away from the world, the fans, all that attention. It is so lovely knowing we don’t have to leave our little safe haven.
Damian had specifically made it clear he wanted a huge kitchen, open planned that backed into a dinning area. When we moved in, he had taken the time to build up a barista style coffee corner and a breakfast station on the central island. Then with Finn’s help, they worked on a D.I.Y project together to design and create a full bar set up next to the table and chairs where we ate. They had eventually given in and allowed Dom to help with the painting of the bar, because he wanted to be a ‘DIY Man’ too. 
The boys always referred to it as the lad’s corner, a custom-built wooden bar that was painted a deep tranquil green and black with illuminated LED letters on the wall; ‘ALL RISE, ALL DRINK’.   That however did not stop Rhea and I from emptying some of those back bar bottles on one of many messy nights! For some reason, whenever Rhea breaks out the Tequila, we always end up playing strip twister… Odd. 
Dominick, of course… wanted a gaming room. Not just any gaming room mind you, a ‘Mens” gaming room. 
Problem is he is just so adorable at times, and we all give in, he had been granted his request of course! Although Priest put his foot down when Dom had asked for an indoor arcade style basketball hoop game, he was allowed a hoop outside but that was it. We had all seen enough broken windows during the season when Finn had tried to teach Damien and Dominick how to play golf. 
It still makes me laugh when the boys talk about how they would feel guilty that they were off spending time together, while Rhea and I would miss out? Ha. Little did they know when they buggered off to do ‘man’s stuff’ we girls would high tail it upstairs to the family bathroom and strip off into the bathtub for some… girl’s time. *Wink Wink* 
I remember one morning; Rhea and I were standing in the arched doorway at the crack of dawn waving the boys off as they set out on an early start to play a full days Golf. Leaning into her chest I rubbed the sleepiness from my eyes as she bent her head down and nuzzled her lips into the crook of my neck. 
“I tell you now Y/N, I would rather run the risk of drowning when we get in that bathtub, and I bury my face deep in your pussy… then stand in a damp field hitting a stick at a ball.” Her teeth nipped at the skin of my ear lobe and my entire body melted at her touch. 
Christ the things that woman does to me. 
A loud crash had bought me back to reality, Dom had been trying to carry a tray of drinks out to the garden for us all but had tripped over some excess weigh plates we had left outside, sending the poor lad flying arse over tit. 
“Shit! God damn it, ow fuck!” Dom pulled himself up to his knees, swiping the drinks tray away in frustration before noticing blood trickling down his arm from the glasses that he had smashed across the decking. He was quick to freeze, unable to process what to do next or how to stand up safely. 
Rhea was quick to make her way over to him from the sun lounger, followed by Damian who handed Finn his spatula and beer before rushing over to help the poor lad. 
I know, I know I should have been focused on the fact that the boy I loved so much needed some help, some TLC, compassion, and support… 
But I am only human. 
And Rhea Bloody Ripley…. 
In a mini black laced bikini…
Slightly wet from the heat of the sun touching her skin, God how she glistened. How she got my motor running and…
Finn had noticed my distraction and whistled loudly, gathering my attention. 
“Aye! Lass, enough of that! Go... Take a lap!” He gestured, pointing to the end of the field in our garden. The yard stretched about 1/4 of a mile down and was cut off by the woodland. One of my favorite things about this house was the nature that came with it. It all felt so…natural and back down to earth compared to the chaos and mayhem at WWE. 
Pointing his BBQ tongs and Damian’s spatula at me, Finn raised his eyebrow. 
“No distractions, ya hear!” 
I tried not to laugh at his remark, turning my face away to hide my snicker and rolling my eyes. I was still wearing my gym gear from before; except I had nabbed one of Dominick’s merch shirts on the way to the garden from the drying rack, I was self-conscious about my stomach, and I liked to hide my body where I could. 
“Did you just roll your eyes at me?!” Finn sternly questioned me as he put the utensils down. 
At this point Rhea was taking Dom inside through the double doors, whilst Damian stood back up and turned in my direction. 
Fuck… they are hot when they get all dominant. 
“Mi Vida, did you roll your eyes?” Damian’s words were colder, flat, and prominent. I could tell he was almost looking for a reason to get me upstairs into the bedroom. Christ I was half tempted to give him a solid reason. 
Put me across your lap Papa Priest, let me feel the strength between your thighs and lay it into me Goddamn it! 
The devil on my shoulder sang its heart out at the idea, but I remembered earlier when Finn has spun the actions back against me. Leaving me alone and sexually frustrated I thought better of the situation. 
“Me? I would never…” I said quite obnoxious/sarcastically and smiled that cheeky brat look at them before hopping up off the tree swing. I could see Damian trying not to break or give in… but a slight smirk crept into the corner of his lips.  
“I’m going to take a lap!” I stated and grinned before making a run for it, heading down and out of sight from the lads. I had a much better plan in mind to deal with my frustrations when I got in the shower later anyway. 
I was out of breath by the time I got back towards our street, less than a ¼ mile to go! I had decided to go for a proper run to clear my mind. A good few miles should do the trick, that’s what Rhea always said! With my headphones in and a decent playlist on, nothing was going to stop me! 
One foot after another I pressed on, sweat dripping down my neck I desperately tried to Shake off all that nervous energy I had built up now that WrestleMania was less than 2 weeks away. I had been on edge at times, and it showed when I trained in the ring with Rhea and Dom. Running back-to-back moves, counters, pins, and submissions, it was like every time I thought I had learnt it someone would come along and wipe my slate clean, and I knew nothing again. 
Maybe I wasn’t ready to be a champion? 
Maybe I was out of my depth? 
Rhea should be in this match not me. 
Me? Y/W/N? Was I really cut out to be a champion? 
I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket as I continued running. I tried looking at my smart watch as I ran, though it was tricky to focus on a smaller screen. 
I could see a couple messages from Finn stating the food was ready, one from Damian also telling me the food was ready, one from Dom telling me he was going to eat my hot dog if I didn’t hurry up and one from Rhea telling me she wasn’t going to let Dom touch my food. 
Honestly this lot, I love them so much. 
Turning into our street I could see our house gate entrance just up the hill, with a little spring in my step I pushed on feeling like I was picking up speed. I felt energized, I felt incredible, maybe I could do this after all! 
With the gate just in reach and the sweet smokey smell of the BBQ lingering in the air I put my head down to push those least few feet… 
But within a split second I felt something behind me. 
The music cut out as my headphones were launched to the floor and my arms locked in tight by a strength I hadn’t ever had to match. Kicking my legs out I felt them rise off the floor and before I could even fathom the mental capacity to make a sound the feeling of sticky back plastic tape suckered its way in across my lips. My eyes pooled up as the bag went over my head and my vision became darkness. A hard and cold metal floor was met with my body weight as I was hurled inside, my heart beating out of my chest the fear became all too real as I felt the ground under move away at speed. 
A hot breath came down my neck, raising every last hair on my skin to react. The voice was muffled, as if speaking through a mask. 
“You did this Y/N…” 
“You did this… and now you cannot handle the monster you created.” 
The silence in between each word was deafening, but it was the next voice that bought the fear of God into my soul. 
“ Told you I’d find you...miss me?” 
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nori-the-cat · 5 months
Date Ideas with the RIIZE Members
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Remember, this is a tarot reading for entertainment purposes only.
♡ Osaki Shotaro ♡
Cards: the star, the chariot, and the temperance.
Shotaro seems to crave a date filled with wonder and inspiration. He might enjoy a date that sparks creativity and conversation.
A sense of adventure is also important to Shotaro. A date that involves a fun activity, like a 2 days and 1-night trip or a visit to an amusement park, could be ideal.
Balance and harmony are key for Shotaro. A date that allows for both conversation and shared experiences would be enjoyable.
Examples: Visit to the museum, art gallery, amusement park, picnic in the park, wine tasting, clothing store hopping, vintage stores visit, spontaneous road trip, 2 days and 1-night trip, painting or pottery class.
♡ Song Eunseok ♡
Cards: the lovers, knights of wands, and the hermit.
Ironically, he is a romantic person at heart. Despite his calm and stoic appearance with a blend of mischief. I was surprised Eunseok is a sweetheart.
Deep connection and emotional intimacy seem crucial for Eunseok. A quiet café with a selection of board games is something he would like. Playing games can be a fun way to break the ice and lead to conversation, while still offering a comfortable, low-key atmosphere for an introvert like Eunseok.
A spark of passion is also important. Eunseok might enjoy a date with a touch of spontaneity, like attending a live music event or trying a new activity together such as going to a comedy show together.
After all, he's still an introvert at heart. There's a desire for meaningful conversation and introspection. Coffee shop dates or quiet walks on the beach or park might be ideal for Eunseok.
Examples: Visiting a café with a theme, watching a live music performance, a stand-up comedy show, coffee shop hopping, walking in the park while holding hands, going to a speakeasy bar, sleepover date, or a comfortable night in while watching a movie.
♡ Jung Sungchan ♡
Cards: queen of cups, the sun, and the strength.
Sungchan values emotional connection. A deep conversation over coffee, attending a poetry reading, or even creating a piece of art together could be perfect. He wants to connect with someone on a deeper level and share meaningful experiences.
Sungchan seems to crave joy and lightheartedness. A fun day at the beach, playing beach volleyball or building sandcastles, could be a perfect date for him.
He might also enjoy a date that involves a bit of a challenge. A couples' escape room or a playful board game night could spark his competitive spirit and allow him to showcase his strength (both literal and metaphorical).
Examples: couple dance class, candle-lit dinner, couple nights in and cooking together, DIY project like making a piece of jewellery for each other, poetry reading, paintball date or rock climbing.
♡ Park Wonbin ♡
Cards: the devil, eight of cups, and the moon.
In the context of dates, Wonbin might be seeking something new and different. He might be over the typical dinner-and-a-movie routine and crave experiences that spark his curiosity and imagination. Imagine going clothes shopping with him and then going to a cute café after.
On a date, it could suggest Wonbin might enjoy a bit of sensuality or excitement. Somewhere private, intimate, and thought-provoking. A place where he can be closer to you, touch you, and where you both lean in towards each other. (OK THAT'S ENOUGH).
Wonbin might also enjoy a date that is unpredictable in flow or holds a sense of mystery and it stimulates his imagination. Though he might dislike it, I imagine Wonbin willingly do a tarot card reading with his partner (you) while he complains and says "This is BS". But it's the intrigue that will make him stay till the end.
Examples: omakase, underground bar & lounge, watching a band live performance, bonfire, glamping, bowling, buying clothes for each other, vinyl listening café or watching a gig of an underground band.
♡ Hong Seunghan ♡
Cards: seven of swords, three of wands, and knight of pentacles.
Oh, our silly and goofy Seunghan who we all know is an introvert but is louder than his members.
Seunghan might enjoy dates that involve a bit of mental challenge. Playing a strategic board game, doing a trivia night, or even trying to escape an escape room together could be fun options.
Dates that allow Seunghan to learn something new or showcase his skills could be enjoyable for him too. You both can sign up for a beginner's dance class, like salsa, swing, or hip-hop. The structured lessons provide a fun way to learn something new together, while also getting some exercise and letting loose. You can laugh at each other's missteps and celebrate your progress.
After all, he is an introvert. Although I see him enjoying outdoor activities. I also think he would prefer indoor more. Activities like build a blanket fort & movie marathon would make him feel all warm and cozed up. It also allows him to feel comfortable.
Examples: board game, assembling Lego, baking together, build a furniture together, dance class, escape room, amusement park, night out with his friends, or a movie marathon.
♡ Lee Sohee ♡
Cards: the high priestess, ten of cups, and queen of wands.
Sohee seems like someone who craves a deeper connection on dates. He might be more interested in creating a space for emotional intimacy rather than just a fun night out. Skip the loud bar scene and opt for a cozy cafe or a scenic walk where you can have a genuine conversation. Ask thoughtful questions, share your passions and vulnerabilities, and create a space for true connection.
Sohee seems like someone who values creating a genuine bond and sharing a special experience with his date.
Sohee might enjoy a date that allows him to express her creativity or take charge. Give Sohee an opportunity to showcase his adventurous spirit or unique interests. Maybe he's been wanting to try a new restaurant with a specific cuisine, or perhaps there's a hidden gem in the city he's been dying to explore. Let him suggest the activity and enjoy seeing his enthusiasm unfold.
Example: street food hunting, bobba date, grocery shopping date, farmers market stroll, food festival, or night drive.
♡ Lee Chanyoung (Anton) ♡
Cards: knight of cups. queen of wands, and five of swords.
Anton might enjoy a date that involves romance and artistic expression. Taking a painting class together, creating side-by-side and enjoying the creative process in each other's company is something he would like.
Anton's easy because I know he was hanging out with SM Rookie Shohei often and they went to museums. So a an art museum or art exhibition is something he would like.
Anton strikes you as someone who thrives on excitement and enjoys taking the lead. A date that allows him to showcase his confidence and adventurous spirit would likely be a winner in his book. Think activities that get the adrenaline pumping! Maybe a rock climbing session where he can show off his athleticism.
Anton seems like the kind of guy who would thrive on a date that's fun, flirty, and full of lively conversation. Anton might appreciate someone who can keep up with his banter. Engaging in witty conversation shows you're quick on your feet and can hold his interest.
Examples: art museum, art exhibition. hiking, café hopping, early morning jog, catching the sunrise or sunset date, record player shopping, or library date.
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alzvxs · 8 months
~🪷 a/n: Hey yall!! nice to hear from ya again. im back with new headcanons since they carry my acc LMAOO😭. i hope yall enjoy and if you want you can..subscribe 😏😜🤭. take care🫶
‼️TW: pure fluff.
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when out
• will compliment and hold your hand while hes
"surprising you"
• will take you to a beautiful flower field that has a picnic placed on it
• "i know its not a lot but i tried my best!" bro needs reassurance :(
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• my pretty boy LOVES at home dates<3
• will cook, make snacks, set a romantic table and write letters for you to read later
• after the dinner, both of you will cuddle on the couch while watching a movie, while he big spoons you, hiding his blushy face in the crook of your neck >~<
• in the morning you will find the letters of him thanking you for everything you have given, poems and even kisses on it (he stole your lipstick to make them hehe)
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• fancy dates like boy has money he will spoil his girl
• will buy THE MOST expensive things on the menu
• will probably order the same as you
• then he will drive you home and pamper you at home ^^
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fancy BUT MEANINGFUL dates. (bro notices absolutely EVERYTHING you like/dislike)
• will probably just take you to a chill coffee/bar so he could spend time with you
• While you talk about your day he will probably wait for you to finish so you can give you a necklace :3
• if you get drunk he will help you be okay and not hit yourself (will take you home, give you medicine and sleep on the couch since hes scared not to take advantage of you)
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• my silent prince will definitely do cook/music
• baking with you is a MESS but he loves it
• while the food is cooking or baking he will ask you to dance to love songs <3
• the food ends up delicious and you had a BLISS
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• library/chill restaurant dates
• will compliment you a lot
• dress the way so he can match you
• probably a car ride after the date to spend some alone time
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• beach dates or study dates hehe
• cuddling sessions while listening to yall's shared album
• will whisper sweet nothings in your ear
• all smiley (his problems disappear when with you)
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• take away.
• he tries his best tho
• pampers you with affection and diy gifts!
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• at home dates
• it feels more romantic to him, prepares everything
• makes the best ramen possible
• will absolutely adore you the whole night and blush at your compliments
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• study dates or chill dates like that and PROBABLY KARAOKE
• sings his ass out just to cheer you up/make you laugh
• hugs you like crazy (he loves PDA)
• “such a cutie that i have all to myself” cheesy pickup lines as well, only to see you blush and smile.
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everythingdenied · 1 year
breaking the bed in-matty healy
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a/n: hi bb's <3 it's been a while, huh? but i'm back on my bullshit & after like eight years of deliberating what to write...i present to you: sub!matty. i wrote most of this half asleep and i haven't proofread it yet but i'm desperate to post so here you all go hehe ;) also, i can't thank @eaglestar31 enough for all the help and inspo w this (including this beautiful fucking picture.) everyone go say thank you evie!!!
warnings: pure filth, fem!reader, mentions of light restrains/being tied up etc wc: 2403
When he and I had shared our first kiss in a dingy Soho bar, drunk on cheap lager and lust, I'd hardly imagined that, one day, we'd find ourselves here, moving in together.
Sat cross legged in our apartment, hearts full and rooms bare, it felt strange to be able to say that, finally, we were settling down. It was only a small flat, a little one bedroom tucked away on the outskirts of Bethnal Green, but I didn't mind one bit. I'd have been content living in an old wheelie bin, as long as it was our wheelie bin to share. I didn't even care that the place was a mess, cardboard boxes littering every room, or that Matty had somehow already managed to make the air heavy with the smell of his cigarettes; I was floating on a high, one that even the tedious building of flat pack furniture couldn't spoil. No matter how much Matty whined about it. 
Padding into our bedroom with my hands curled around a lukewarm cup of coffee, my lips curved into an affectionate smile at the sight before me. Matty was sat cross legged on the floor, brows knitted together in concentration as he desperately tried to screw our new bed-frame together. He'd been at it all afternoon, vehemently insistent that building a bed was light work for him. However, as the hours passed, it had become increasingly obvious that DIY wasn't exactly his strong suit, despite the manly facade he'd initially put on. Albeit, I couldn't complain; watching him hard at work with his sweatpants hanging low on his waist and sweat sheathing his brow had been the highlight of moving day.
"How's it comin' along?" I teased playfully, gingerly leaning against the doorframe as I watched Matty attempt to jam an ill-fitting screw into the bed post, his muscles flexing in his tight black tank top.
Huffing, he let out a frustrated whimper as the screw fell from his hand, hitting the floor with a loud clank.
"Shit..." he cursed, glancing up at me through his wild mop of curls as he scrabbled around for the instructions. "I don't think i'm cut out for this DIY shit. Maybe we should, like, call Ross or summat. He'll be good at this stuff..."
"Aw, poor baby" I chuckled warmly, carefully setting my mug down. "You want some help?"
Matty glanced between me and the jumbled mess of screws and ambiguous metal parts littering the floor, wondering whether to admit defeat, before tentatively nodding his head. "Please..." he mumbled, sounding somewhat deflated. "Can't fuckin' figure this out."
More than happy to oblige, I plopped down atop Matty's lap, his warm hands instantly finding their place on my waist as I reached out for the flimsy manual. He nuzzled into my neck, his unruly curls tickling lightly against my skin as his breath fanned my cheek. I giggled at the sensation, desperately trying not to let my mind wander as I skim read the instructions. Matty, on the other hand, seemed to have already let his fall deep into the gutter, his lips meeting my jawline as he mewled softly.
"You're so gorgeous..." He hummed against my skin, hands snaking beneath the hem of my old t-shirt. "Can't believe I get to share a bed with you for the rest of my life."
Smirking, I cupped the soft curvature of his jaw. "That is if we ever get it built" I quipped teasingly, leaning into his touch momentarily before pulling away. “C’mon…I think I’ve figured out where this piece goes.” 
Matty whimpered lowly, his head falling limp against my shoulder. “Mph, can’t we take a break? Been at this for hours now” 
I rolled my eyes playfully, relishing in the mere thought of denying him what he so desperately yearned for. It was always so easy for me to get him worked up, the most simple act of sitting on his lap rendering him restless and needy, already hardening beneath the confines of his sweatpants.
“I thought you wanted my help?” I turned my head to face him, a teasing smirk tugging on the corner of my lips as I shifted atop his lap, hearing the shaky draw of his breath as my ass brushed over his growing bulge. I reached forward to grab the screwdriver tossed haphazardly onto the floor, feeling his gaze fix on my butt, clad only in a pair of tight shorts.
"Angel..." Matty practically whined, fidgeting uncomfortably beneath me. "Play fair."
"Hmm?" I feigned innocence, biting back the sadistic laughter bubbling in my throat as I watched his eyes glaze over with desire, knowing I had no intention of giving in anytime soon. "I'm not doin' anything."
Matty frowned, listlessly accepting the screwdriver I held out to him. He mumbled something unintelligible under his shaky breath, grumbling like a petulant child as I denied him once more, moving his wandering hands away from the waistband of my shorts.
"What was that, baby?" I hummed lowly, adjusting my position until I was straddling Matty. "C'mon. What did you say?"
"S'not nice to tease..."
"And it's not nice to act like a needy little brat either but...here we both are."
Matty pouted, his tongue darting over his bottom lip as he I cupped his chin in my hands, his usually bright eyes blown wide as he blinked up at me, the golden afternoon sun speckling his face.
"Please, baby..." He choked out. "Can't just get me all worked up like this and do nothing."
I tittered, letting my hands travel to the bag of his neck, grabbing lightly at a handful of his curls.
"Oh, my poor needy boy" I mocked, my honey sweet tone the perfect antitheses to Matty's pained whimper. "Need me to get you off so bad, don't you?" He nodded, his Adam's apple bobbing as he gulped harshly, greedy hands fumbling for any part of my skin he could reach. "Well, you're gonna have to wait, baby. Can't have it yet."
"Angel...please." He breathed out, desperately bucking his crotch up against me.
"Nuh uh, don't be so pathetic. Gotta build this bed first, yeah? Then maybe you'll get your reward..."
Finally realising, much to his chagrin, that no amount of whining or pleading would lead to him getting his way, Matty gave in, distractedly attempting to finish up the flat pack bed he'd been working on all day. His movements were hasty and haphazard and, buzzing with sexual tension, he often found himself screwing wrong ends together, unable to keep himself focused on the task in hand when I was sat only inches away, arse pressed against his throbbing hard on. However, after what felt like hours for both Matty and I, he managed to screw the last end of the bedpost together, looking as if he was about to burst with anticipation as he hurriedly dragged our new mattress onto the bed frame.
His eyes flitted between me and the bed as he carefully sat himself down on the very edge, breath catching his throat as I moved to straddle his waist once more, fingers trailing his biceps.
"Good job, baby" I cooed sweetly, fingers teasing the waist band of his sweats. My core dripped at the very prospect of what I was about to do. "Did so well for me. My big strong boy. Think you deserve your reward now, yeah?"
Matty nodded frantically, eyes wide and lips parted slightly. "P-please, baby. Been so good."
"Mhm, you have" I agreed, shimmying his pants down slightly so that his cock finally sprung free, its tip an angry rouge. Smiling, I placed my hand on his chest, pushing him back lightly. "Lie back for me, sweet boy."
Eager to do what he was told, Matty lay back against the mattress, gasping as my thumb trailed down the base of his cock, collecting some of his dripping pre-cum.
"God, look how fuckin' desperate you already are, baby. Been wanting to break the bed in all day, hmm?" I held my thumb to his pink lips. "Wanna taste how fuckin' needy you are?" Matty nodded once more, taking my thumb in his mouth without question as he licked it clean off his own arousal, whimpering as I continued to grind my hips against him. "Good boy."
His jaw slackened and my thumb fell from his lips as I leaned down to kiss him softly, the usually loving gesture oozing with sex. Pulling apart, I moved from the bed, tiptoeing across the room to reach into one of the cardboard boxes Matty and I had lugged into our apartment earlier this morning.
"Baby...w-what?" Matty whimpered from his position on the bed, craning his neck to look for what could have possibly taken my attention away from him.
"Shh, s'okay, baby. One sec." I crooned, finally finding what I'd been looking for under a heap of Matty's clothes stuffed into a box. I pulled the thin black neck tie from the box, a satisfied smile on my lips as I clambered back atop Matty, watching his plump lips form a knowing 'O' shape. "Gonna let me tie you up, pretty boy?"
He was more than happy to agree, gazing up at me in awe as I took ahold of his slender wrists, delicately looping the satin tie around them until it was just tight enough to restrain his hands behind his head. "Feel okay?" I asked, sitting back to admire him as he lay sprawled out on our new bed, his sweatpants pooling around his knees. I relished in how vulnerable he looked like this, his skin beaded with sweat and his hair tousled as he nodded his head submissively, desperate for my touch. "Good. Look so pretty like this. All tied up for me."
I hummed to myself, fingers brushing over his throbbing cock once more before I wrapped my hand around it, languidly pumping him a few times as he writhed beneath me.
"Angel, f-fuck, please. N-need to be in you."
"I know, baby, I know. Do anything for this cunt, wouldn't you?" I teased, keeping my pace painfully slow as I moved my hand up and down his length as his hazy brown eyes bore into me, wordlessly begging for more as he lay helpless beneath me. I could tell he longed for nothing more than to touch me and, whilst I adored the feeling of having his hands roam my body, I couldn't help but relish in seeing him completely at my mercy. "Want me to use you, love? Get myself off on your cock?
"S-shit...please. Use me, b-baby. Do anything. Just...fuck...need you" Matty pleaded breathlessly ,bucking his hips into my hand as I felt his release, already on the brink of undo after an hours worth of teasing. I carefully pulled my hand away, watching his wrists strain against his makeshift restrains as I moved to slip off my shorts, tossing them onto the floor along with the lace panties he'd bought me months ago.
Adjusting my position, I lowered myself down onto Matty's length, feeling him fill me up completely. He let out a choked whimpered, practically on the verge of tears by the time I eventually began to rock my hips. I started off slow, moving almost rhythmically along with the cacophony of choked moans and whines I'd elicited from his lips. However, with each pleading whimper, I found it hard to tease, so intent on my own release that I started to bounce on his cock, hands splayed out on his chest as I chased my own high, fucking myself on him.
"Fuck...doing so good for me, sweet boy. Feel good?"
He said nothing, only whimpering as he rolled his hips into mine. However, he needn't say a word anyhow; watching his eyes roll back into his head as he panted messily beneath me said more than any amount of praise could.
Soon enough, I could feel myself tightening around him, pleasure clouding my mind as I rode him, knowing he wouldn't be far behind from me. As if on cue, Matty bucked his hips sharply into me, his back arching off the soft mattress. "F-fuck, angel. Please...f-faster. Don't stop...think i'm gonna...fuck" He breathed out, a slew of incoherent curses leaving his parted lips as I sank down onto his hard cock once more, feeling it twitch inside my warmth. "You gonna cum, baby? S'that what you're tryna say" I mocked his unfinished words teasingly, thumbs digging into his waist as I rode him, the filthy sound of skin slapping together echoing around the almost completely bare room. "M'not far off. Hold it in for me till I cum, yeah? Think you can...think you can do that for me, pretty boy?"
Matty nodded tentatively, seemingly unsure of his own ability to hold off but willing to try for me as I sped up my movement, seconds away from release.
"That's my good boy."
Soon enough, I felt myself start to come undone around him, my nails digging harshly into his skin soft as I drew out my high, leaving little red nail marks peppered along his waist. I let out a prolonged moan, barely slowing as I encouraged Matty to let go with me, lidded eyes watching as the love of my life writhed in pleasure beneath me, marked and tied; all mine.
"C'mon, baby. Cum for me, yeah? Doing so good" I praised him breathlessly, watching him desperately roll his hips into me, whimpering loudly until he finally let go, his back falling against the mattress as he finally came, his cum dripping out of my sensitive pussy and down the base of his red-raw length.
"F-fuck...b-baby. Thank you....thank you" He panted heavily, chest rising and falling as he remained deep inside of me, hands still bound together with one of his favourite ties as he blinked up at me through bleary eyes, our heads swimming with pleasure.
His sensitive body jolted as, after taking a few moments to recover, I slowly lifted myself off of him, making sure to be as delicate as possible as I heard him whimper at the loss of contact. Shuffling beside him, I reached out for his wrists, leaning down to kiss him as my fingers shakily worked to remove his restrains.
"Gonna take these off now, yeah, sweet boy? Think we've broken the bed in enough for today...."
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The 1975 Game Mansion in Gatlinburg, TN is for sale. It's been an Airbnb short term rental w/a game theme, (but i really think that it could've been done nicer). The lodge on the property has 7bds, 5ba, and sleeps 20. Asking $1.175M.
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The entrance hall has an inexpensive black & white checkered floor and just a black Parsons table. You can see the game logos on the stairs. IMO I feel that this home was a DIY Airbnb.
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According to the "map" on the wall, it's called the GO! Lodge.
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I'm a little confused, b/c the "mansion" also has some game decor.
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The rooms are jumbled in the real estate photos as usual, but the main house is rustic and the rooms are not used for their intended purposes. This would be a family room and it has a football theme. Sort of.
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Now, in the corner of the family room there's a bar. They placed 4 large games in here.
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The dining room has a puzzle theme, and they've got boxes of puzzles on the shelves.
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It doesn't look like the kitchen is used. I don't know, do you usually go out to eat when you're in an Airbnb?
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They removed the dishwasher. There's a single cup coffee maker for guests to use, though, and what looks like a toaster.
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This room, which could've possibly been the living room, is for board games.
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Domino-themed powder room.
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Scrabble room.
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One of the baths.
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Two bunks that accommodate 6 kids.
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That seems to conclude the mansion tour, and this is the lodge, in the rear.
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There are only beds and baths in here. Monopoly room.
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I never heard of Spin to Win.
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Nice shower room has a playing card theme.
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This room has a Las Vegas theme with dice and cards. Maybe that's a slot machine in the corner.
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Pac Man room sleeps 6.
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Multiple arcade game.
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It has it's own UNO en-suite.
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Clearly, the chess room.
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Outside in a courtyard, there's a large Connect 4 game.
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4.50 Acres. I can see where this place wouldn't do that well. It's not that great. The world famous Arts and Crafts Community of Gatlinburg is nearby, so people may as well get a hotel room there. They have beautiful ones to choose from with pools and everything.
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godesssiri · 6 months
10 Thrifting Tips – Part ? I lost count just check my thrifting tag
1) Make friends with the staff. If you go into a particular thrift store frequently it’s well worth it to get friendly with the staff. Ask them about their day, chat with them about what you’re buying, infodump if you’ve found something exciting and unusual. When the staff get to know you and know what you buy they’ll start pointing out things in the store that have come in since the last time you were there, that fit your interests. They may even start putting things aside for you. Recently I walked into my favorite thrift store and had 2 separate staff members say ‘Oh I’ve got something for you’. Plus having the staff greet you by name and having little inside jokes with them just makes the whole experience more fun.
2) Brita jugs turn up at the thrift store frequently. If tap water in your area is safe but has A Taste, keep an eye out at the thrift store.
3) Coffee making equipment. Capsule coffee makers, the wire racks that hold the capsules, French presses, these all get donated frequently. The occasional espresso machine comes in – and goes out very quickly. Now and then you’ll find pour-over coffee equipment. If you like your bean juice you can get the equipment you need to make fancy bean juice at the thrift store.
4) Handmade pottery mugs. Story time: About 6 or 7 years ago I went into a thrift store and someone had obviously just cleaned out their mug cupboard and donated a pile of handmade pottery. I bought 4 because I thought they were cool, very tactile, nice to hold. This AWOKE something in me. Humans have used handmade pottery for thousands of years and there’s something about holding a handmade mug that sparks a genetic memory of warmth and comfort. Pottery also has much better thermal properties than mass produced ceramic, hot stays hot longer and vice versa with cold. Build up a little collection of handmade pottery mugs from the thrift store, each one has its own personality and it brings joy using them.
5) In the same vein: teaspoons. Build up a collection of fun teaspoons and take joy from using different ones depending on your mood. I have one with an owl on the end and another with a rose, a brass one with a wiggly handle in the shape of a snake, one that has the branding of an airline that now only uses wooden stirrers - probably because people kept pocketing the stainless-steel teaspoons (I always wanted to steal one as a child but never had the nerve). Whenever I need a teaspoon it’s always a little endorphin boost to open the drawer and select the perfect one for today.
6) If you need something to do a specific job, be patient, you will find the perfect thing eventually. I switched to solid shampoo and my old soap dish wasn’t big enough to hold my shampoo bar and my regular soap, so I waited and watched and found the perfect little glass tray that was exactly the right size and fits perfectly on the shelf in my shower. I could have bought a brand new made-for-that-purpose multi soap holder, but it wouldn’t have been as cool looking and when I’m done with it, it wouldn’t necessarily get another life.
7) Gift supplies. Thrift stores often have a selection of unused gift wrap, bags, bows, cards. It’s worth it to sift through what they’ve got and buy any you think you might use – even if you don’t have an immediate use for it. That stuff can get expensive so if you can create a small stash then, when you need it, you won’t have to shell out $$.
8) Look for things that can be made over – or thrift flipped as the DIY content creators like to say. There’s so much satisfaction from looking at something that was plain ugly when you bought it and you’ve turned it into something pretty. It doesn’t need to be a major transformation that requires 5 different power-tools and 100 bucks worth of supplies. It can be as simple as a lick of paint, but every time you look at you will feel good about it.
9) Sometimes it’s worth buying something that’s just really cool and figuring out a use for it later. I bought the coolest little silver plated mustard pot; it has 3 legs and at the top of each leg is a lion head. Do I eat mustard much? No. Did I know what the heck I would use it for? No. I get bad indigestion and keep antacids on hand, I hate how once you tear open the roll, they tend to spill everywhere so I like to put them in something. Guess what holds exactly one roll of antacids? If something is just freaking awesome but you don’t know what you’d use it for, you will find a use (and it will be so much cooler than anything else you might have bought for that purpose).
10) Use the fancy stuff. Don’t ever look at something in a thrift store and think: that’s too fancy, I’ll never use it. If it’s not bought and used it ends up in landfill. Save it from the landfill and use it. Today I bought the most OTT fancy silver pepper shaker to sit next to my stove and hold ground pepper for cooking with, one of my housemates never puts the damn pepper back in the cupboard when he’s finished with it, so now we have this ostentatious silver shaker next to the stove top. One of my dogs can be relied upon to get half of his food on the floor before he hoovers it up, I could have got a plastic mat to feed him on but I had a spare thrifted marble cutting/serving board (I have a problem, I own 3, I have so much trouble resisting them), and another plus - he can’t destroy it like he would a plastic mat. I keep my toothbrush in a crystal bud vase. I decant my micellar water into a bottle shaped like a seahorse. I eat off pretty vintage pink glass plates. Using the fancy stuff from thrift stores both helps you romanticize your own life and it gives these items another life. Do be sensible though, some items made before the early 1970s including glassware and dinnerware contain lead in the decoration so do your due diligence and be safe.
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laidee-flegman · 9 months
30 cute date-night ideas that won't break the bank
Picnic in the Park: Grab a blanket, some snacks, and enjoy the great outdoors.
DIY Pizza Night: Make your own pizzas with all the toppings you love.
Netflix & Chill (Literally): Build a fort and binge-watch your favourite shows.
Board Game Battle: Dust off those old board games or grab a new one for some friendly competition.
Stargazing: Head to a spot away from city lights and get lost in the stars.
Food Truck Frenzy: Hit up some local food trucks for a mini taste adventure.
Artistic Adventure: Try your hand at painting or pottery together.
Hiking Excursion: Explore nature trails and enjoy each other's company.
Bike Ride: Pedal your way through the neighbourhood or a scenic trail.
Trivia Night: Find a local pub or join an online trivia game for some brainy fun.
Thrift Store Treasure Hunt: Seek out unique finds in a thrift store.
Ice Cream Sundae Bar: Get creative with toppings and make your own sundaes.
Movie Marathon: Pick a theme and binge-watch a series of movies.
Outdoor Movie Night: Set up a makeshift outdoor theatre in your backyard.
Cook-Off Challenge: Have a friendly competition to see who can cook the best dish.
Bookstore Browse: Explore a bookstore together and pick out books for each other.
Karaoke Night: Belt out your favourite tunes at a karaoke joint or in the living room.
Farmers Market Date: Discover fresh produce and unique goodies at a local farmers market.
Mini Golf: Putt your way through a mini-golf course for some light-hearted fun.
Home Spa Night: Pamper yourselves with DIY spa treatments.
Volunteer Together: Give back to the community by volunteering your time.
Fondue Feast: Dip your favourite foods into a gooey pot of melted goodness.
Coffee Shop Chat: Grab a cup of joe and have a cosy conversation.
Beach Day: Enjoy the sun, sand, and each other's company.
Photo Scavenger Hunt: Create a list of items to find and snap pics together.
Binge-Worthy Podcasts: Listen to interesting podcasts while chilling at home.
Outdoor Exercise Class: Join a free outdoor yoga or fitness class.
DIY Sushi Night: Roll your own sushi for a delicious and interactive dinner.
Visit a Free Museum Day: Check out local museums on free admission days.
Fishing Fun: If you're near water, try your luck with a fishing adventure.
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jeanricher · 1 year
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No coffee station is complete without the essentials! Check out our checklist in our attached blog!
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lonigiri · 16 days
arcade yn style guide
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lotss of grandma/pa sweaters. they're just comfortable for her and easy to toss on when she gets home from work/is going to get coffee etc.
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loves a good mini dress, mostly thrifted/diy stuff, wears these mostly when going out doesnt really wear them super duper often but is what she grabs for first when planning to go to the bar/club
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tiny skirts under big sweaters always!! practically her go to outfit. again all of these are mostly thrifted. doesnt really get anything mass produced.
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if shes not wearing a sweater shes usually wearing a cardigan, whether its a tight or loose one shes definitely wearing it.
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cute little leg warmers are always a staple in her outfits. she wears mini skirts year long so she needs warmth on her legs somewhere!
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a cute pair of mjs are always a staple in her outfits, they always go so well together!
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always has a cute hippie/slouch bag with her, it carries all the (un)necessary stuff she brings around with her!
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always has her signature/statement jewelry on! she doesnt feel complete without 2-3 necklaces on.
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cherrygirlystuff · 1 month
Neon Dreams: How to Decorate Your Space with Indie Sleaze Aesthetics 🌙
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Hey babe! Ready to transform your space into the ultimate indie sleaze sanctuary? 🖤✨ We’re talking neon lights, vintage posters, and all the grungy vibes that make you feel like you’ve stepped right into a 2000s house party or an underground gig. Whether you’re sprucing up your room or going all out on your entire apartment, I’ve got the tips you need to nail that effortlessly cool, lived-in look that screams indie sleaze. Let’s dive in and get your space looking as iconic as you are! 🎸
1. Neon Lights: The Glow-Up Your Space Needs
First things first, neon lights are an absolute must. They’re the ultimate statement piece that instantly gives your room that edgy, retro vibe. Think neon pinks, electric blues, and bright purples that make your space feel like a moody club or a cool dive bar.
How to Use Them: String them up along your walls, frame your bed, or create a focal point above your desk. For a more dramatic effect, mix and match colors to create a neon oasis that feels both chaotic and cozy.
Pro Tip: If you want to keep things extra nostalgic, opt for neon signs with phrases or symbols that capture the essence of indie sleaze—like a heart, lightning bolt, or a cheeky “open late” sign.
2. Vintage Posters: A Time Machine for Your Walls
Nothing says indie sleaze like a wall covered in vintage band posters and old-school art prints. These are the perfect way to pay homage to the era and showcase your music taste.
How to Style Them: Go for a collage look by mixing different sizes, colors, and textures. Layer posters of your favorite 2000s bands, grungy movie posters, and abstract art prints to create a visually chaotic but totally intentional wall display.
Where to Find Them: Hit up thrift stores, online vintage shops, or even print out high-res images and DIY your own posters. The more eclectic, the better!
3. Grungy Décor: Embrace the Messy, Lived-In Look
Indie sleaze is all about that perfectly imperfect vibe, so don’t be afraid to let your space feel a little messy and lived-in. Think worn-out furniture, scattered records, and cozy textiles that feel like they’ve been collected over time.
Furniture: Look for distressed leather chairs, velvet couches, and vintage coffee tables. Mix and match different styles and eras to create a space that feels authentically yours.
Accessories: Throw in some mismatched pillows, cozy blankets, and a record player with your favorite vinyls stacked nearby. The goal is to make your space feel like a creative haven where anything goes.
4. DIY Elements: Add Your Personal Touch
One of the coolest things about indie sleaze is how DIY it feels. Get crafty and add some personal touches to your space with DIY décor that reflects your style.
Ideas: Try painting an old mirror with neon accents, creating your own art with spray paint and stencils, or even making a wall hanging from thrifted fabrics. The possibilities are endless, and it’s all about making your space feel like an extension of your personality.
Pro Tip: Use washi tape to create geometric designs on your walls, or to frame your posters for an extra pop of color. It’s easy, affordable, and totally customizable!
5. Lighting: Set the Mood with Layers
Lighting is everything when it comes to capturing that indie sleaze vibe. Beyond neon lights, you’ll want to layer different types of lighting to create a moody, intimate atmosphere.
Ideas: String lights, lava lamps, and old-school lampshades are perfect for adding that grungy glow to your space. Drape string lights around your bed or hang them above your window for that dreamy, low-lit effect.
Pro Tip: Mix warm and cool tones to create depth and make your space feel cozy yet edgy. The key is to keep things a little dim and mysterious, like the after-hours vibe of a dive bar.
6. Textures & Layers: Cozy Meets Cool
To truly nail the indie sleaze aesthetic, it’s all about layering different textures and materials. Think leather, velvet, faux fur, and distressed wood—all working together to create a space that’s as cozy as it is cool.
How to Style: Layer a faux fur throw over a velvet chair, or toss some leather pillows on a worn-out sofa. Add a shag rug or a vintage Persian carpet to bring everything together. The goal is to create a space that’s inviting but also has that rock-and-roll edge.
Pro Tip: Don’t be afraid to mix and match patterns and textures. Indie sleaze is all about breaking the rules, so go wild with your décor choices!
7. Finishing Touches: The Devil’s in the Details
Finally, it’s all about those little details that bring the whole look together. Think quirky knick-knacks, old cameras, stacks of vinyl records, and ashtrays full of faux cigarette butts for that authentic grunge feel (without the smell, of course).
Ideas: Add some polaroid pictures on the wall, scatter some vintage magazines on the coffee table, or even display your favorite old sneakers as part of the décor. It’s all about making the space feel lived-in and loved.
Pro Tip: Incorporate elements that reflect your hobbies and passions—like a guitar in the corner, a stack of your favorite books, or a shelf full of vinyl records. Make your space a true reflection of who you are.
Final Vibes, Babe: Your Indie Sleaze Haven Awaits
And there you have it, your ultimate guide to transforming your space into an indie sleaze paradise! 🌙 Whether you’re going all out or just adding a few key pieces, the goal is to create a space that feels authentic, cool, and full of personality. So go ahead, get creative, and let your inner indie sleaze queen shine through your décor.
What’s the first thing you’re going to add to your space? Let me know in the comments, and don’t forget to share pics of your indie sleaze-inspired rooms! Happy decorating, babe! ✨
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manicpixxiedreambitch · 9 months
Some creative gift ideas for all the uncreative people out there who are sick of giving basic ass gifts (budget friendly)
- Go to the store. Find your way to the candle aisle. Now what you’re gonna do is smell candles until you find one that has a smell that reminds you of the person you’re gifting for. Buy it. When you get home, get out your computer and get on canva. Make a custom label with the person’s name on it, the fragrance notes, and a short, sweet description of that person and why those smells remind you of them. Then print it out and make it into a sticker (you can easily make a sticker with large clear tape over the print, just look up DIY stickers). Take off the original label and put the hand made sticker on instead. If you want, you could even make a candle out of wax melts, a mason jar, and some wicks if you feel like it.
- If you are good with crafts, USE THOSE TO YOUR ADVANTAGE.
-If you can knit or crochet, make a blanket, scarf, a pair of mittens, or a stuffed animal.
- Take a picture frame. Get a printed picture of you and the person. Press flowers (if you’re lazy, you can literally press flowers in the microwave in less than two minutes. Look it up.). Arrange the flowers and picture in the frame how you want (be sure to wear gloves and clean the glass first! You dont want there to be eternal fingerprints on the glass!) and grab the tacky glue. Gently apply a small dab of tacky glue to each flower and glue it firmly in place. Do the same with the picture. Close up the frame, wrap, and you are GOLDEN.
- Go to the store. Grab a travel cup or mug (or go to the person’s favorite coffee shop and buy a travel mug there). Go to the candy aisle. Grab a bag of their favorite candy, along with two king sized candy bars, and any other little knickknacks you think they might like. Put it all in the cup and put on the lid.
- Grab a box. Figure out the person’s favorite color. Go to Dollar Tree, Five Below, Walmart, Target, wherever you want. Just find things in that person’s favorite color. Socks, gloves, candy, drinks, accessories, gift cards, candles, soaps, anything. Grab some easter basket filler paper (idk what it’s actually called) in that color (or if it doesn’t come in that color, do black or white. Those will do.) and some construction paper in that color. Now, add the filler paper, then the knickknacks, then glue or tape the construction paper to the inside of the cardboard lid. Write a note if you want. Wrap it up and you are good to go.
-Make jewelry. Trust me. All you need is a chain, a clasp, some charms/beads, and a pair of pliers. The rest is kind of self explanatory but if you don’t understand this explanation for some reason feel free to ask.
- Put together a small thrifted surprise box for the person (wash the clothes first though and make sure they’re okay with that sort of thing!)
- Make something out of clay. Jewelry, room decor, etc.
- Go find one of those letter cutout boxes with the letter of their first initial. Find fake flowers in their favorite color (you can probably find this at dollar tree), then go find a bunch of small knickknacks like jewelry, candy, soaps, etc. Grab floral foam. Fill the letter box with floral foam (if you want, spray paint the box first) Stab the flowers into the floral foam. Grab kabob sticks, cut to desired length. Tape the knickknacks to the kabob sticks and stab them into the floral foam like you did the flowers.
- Go to a thrift store. First go to the basket section. Find a picnic basket. Then go find some teacups, a small charcuterie board, pretty plates, and maybe some pretty silverware (or if you think it would be weird to do silverware from a thrift store, grab it from walmart or target or smth) If you’re an adult, go ahead and find a wine glass or two. After that, you want to go to Walmart. Find a picnic blanket, or a picnic table cloth. If you get the picnic table cloth and have ametuer sewing skills, grab two. Then grab some of the person’s favorite snacks and drinks. Go home and put it all together in the basket. If you chose to grab two table cloths so you can sew, measure the interior of the picnic basket and (assuming it’s square) cut out the dimensions on one of the table cloths and sew them together into a “box” (pattern facing the inside of the box, fuzzy part outside) and put the “box” inside the picnic basket. Now it has a cute, protective interior inside, and the other tablecloth can be used as a picnic blanket. Once its all arranged, you have made a cute picnic set for the person!
- Find a book you like, reread it, and annotate it for them. Then wrap it up. Typically you want a new book for this.
- Go to a craft store. Buy a baseball cap or a cute hat with nothing on it, or if you want, grab a tote bag or something. Grab fabric paint. Custom paint the item for the person.
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