Only a real PRINCE would turn down this award & Sparry is no prince, he's a COWARD!
More lies. Do Better Disney.
Exclusive | Prince Harry 'sad' over ESPYs Pat Tillman Award backlash, may decline.🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥
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Sewer Squad Shenanigans:
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Meghan Gaslighting:
“Not forgetting all the work he has done as part of the Invictus Games, so obviously it was felt that he deserved to receive the nomination.”
“I can understand why Harry might be confused about the reaction to him being up for the award — this is to do with his military background,” he said, adding that there’s “never been any issues or questions over that.”
Harry, for his part, served in the British armed forces for 10 years, including two tours of duty in Afghanistan as an Apache helicopter pilot and a forward air controller.
“Harry is somebody who has been seen to act in service,” Harrold said. “He’s somebody that has served his country, he is obviously a senior member of the royal family albeit not a working member.”
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killbaned · 7 months
not that i want it to happen bc i don't trust hollywood but if we're talking video game movies i feel like if done correctly a dishonored movie could slap.
but, again, i don't trust hollywood. it would have to be done by people who love and care about the source material and as much practical effects and real sets as possible is the only thing that would make it fucking good.
also me personally a change i would make is inventing a reason corvo would be mute for the whole movie so people aren't pissing and moaning about it bc i don't think having him speak would work as well.
i'd throw in some stuff with corvo and emily communicating in sign language though.
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howifeltabouthim · 1 year
If you have any sense of shame within you, you would shoot yourself, rather than go where you are going, to do what you are about to do.
Ellen Wood, from East Lynne
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frogersonlydotcom · 2 years
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I was going to comment on the sister bit, but I feel like the second line is how a lot of people on here would describe themselves.
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lgcseojin · 2 years
✱  TRACK 004
ㅡ    TEACHER WEEK: english is easy
Never approach a man with his back turned and his guard down.
A hand tapped Seojin on the shoulder — a tender, attention-seeking touch that should have been innocent enough. Unfortunately, the day of October 24th had seen the trainee paranoid, functioning on less than a few hours of decent sleep. His senses were simultaneously dulled and heightened, each in different areas. Stuffed nose, tingling fingers, louder sounds, dulled taste and fuzzy vision. 
Understandably, this put him on edge. He flipped around, releasing a noise of shock that sounded more akin to a war cry — what with his hands suddenly poised in a boxer's stance. A swear nearly fell from his lips until he laid eyes on the camera lens pointing toward him. 
The startled teacher wore a weary smile and turned toward it, then back to him, speaking clearly in English. Seojin's brain failed to capture and process it at first, blurring out an exclamation of confusion in Korean. 
The teacher waved her hand, "You have been chosen for today's mission!" She spoke in English yet again, making her voice a bit louder. "Please, introduce yourself and tell us your specialty and a TMI for today~"
He blinked, lightly rubbing the slight blur from his eyes. "Oh, right," He lifted his hand to casually wave to the camera, beginning to speak in the limited English he knew. In addition to his Korean accent overlaid a slight British one, something he unconsciously picked up from being around one of his friends. 
"Hello, my name is Park Seojin, I'm 23 years old... My specialty is singing and being funny." His eyes drift to the corner, trying to recall the proper verbiage and nouns for his next answer. "My TMI is..." Be proper. Be proper. "Today, I drank five apple juice and now I have to go to the bathroom." Blew it. 
His ears exploded in a red shade, teeth clenching as he gestured with his eyes that he was desperate to make his departure. He promptly bowed to the teacher and camera man when it seemed he completed the mission well and sprinted in the opposite direction.
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chthonic-kids · 3 months
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this person gets it
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repmet · 1 year
*crouches to go into stealth*
the cracking of my knees alerts the guards, I am immediately killed
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judahmaccabees · 3 months
In Him there is no Forgiveness , for My Word is in His Mouth.
You don't fool me, I see your infinite past and future. I'm just tolerant.
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bloghrexach · 5 months
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🇺🇸 … ladies and gents!! — Here’s the reason why there’s no condemnation, only silence, of Israel’s actions during this genocide against the people of Palestine!! — what a shame, America!!
By: LaillaB, founder of Reclaim the Narrative’, from LinkedIn …
“An investigation by The Guardian reveals that Congress members who showed greater support for the occupier since Oct 7 received significantly higher campaign contributions from pro-Israel donors compared to those who supported Palestine.
The analysis found that legislators who received more funding often advocated for US military support and endorsed Israel's actions, despite the ever increasing civilian death toll in Gaza, that goes beyond human comprehension.
The analysis, which compared campaign contributions to lawmakers' statements, showed that about 82% of Congress members were more supportive of Israel, while only 9% were more supportive of Palestine during this period.
Those categorised as supportive of the aggressor received an average of $125,000 in campaign contributions, while those supportive of Palestine received an average of $18,000.
The donors’ highest profile battles have involved members of the “The Squad”, like Representatives Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, who are among the most critical of coloniser.
These examples showcase different levels of support and financial bribery:
💰Bacon, who received about $250,000, offered full-throated support for Israel: “Whatever Israel wants … we should be there to help.”
💰Kildee, who received $91,000, fell somewhere in between, underscoring “Israel’s security and its right to respond.”
💰Carson, who received $3,000, took aim at Israel, denouncing its “unfair, two-tiered rule over the Palestinian people” and demanded a ceasefire.
The findings make clear that pro-Israel donor contributions play a significant role in shaping Congress's stance, with experts highlighting the influence of lobbying efforts.
The volume and breadth of the donors’ spending is considerable too: over $58m went to current Congress members since Oct.
The analysis also underscores the disparities between Congress's position and public opinion, as the majority of lawmakers align with pro-Israel views, contrary to the changing views of the US public.
The influence of pro-Israel groups, such as Aipac, DMFI, and J Street, in securing political support and shaping national dialogue is crystal clear.
The significant influence of money on shaping the perspectives of members has grave consequences for the native Palestinians, leading to the U.S. effectively aiding, abetting and violating international law.
Campaign finance experts who viewed the data argue that donor spending ultimately helped fuel Congress’s overwhelming support for the occupier.
The findings have “profound implications for what American policy toward … Israel looks like”, said John Mearsheimer, a University of Chicago political scientist and co-author of the 2006 book The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy.
Many of the pro-Israel groups have opposed Palestinian statehood, and played a significant role in derailing peace processe”, he said.
Trading Morals & Ethics for Financial Gain — 🤑 #Money #Root of #Evil
#reclaimthenarrative — 🕊🍉 — #FreePalestine …
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lizloveswords · 6 months
For no part of life, neither public affairs nor private, neither in the forum nor at home, neither when acting on our own nor in dealings with another, can be free from duty. Everything that is honorable in a life depends upon its cultivation, and everything dishonorable upon its neglect.
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irkedisaac · 1 year
meet-cute between two guards who were both knocked out and stashed in a vent by a masked assassin
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deathlonging · 1 year
we should talk more about cities that are vampires. cities that are cold and wet and sink into your bones and stay there. cities that are hungry and want to live. dead cities that dont know they're dead and suck the life force of their people to maintain the delusion. cities with harbors that are actually mouths; one-way entries. cities that are devastatingly lonely and see consumption as love
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howifeltabouthim · 2 years
For when gentlemen go in secret after poor girls, it is well known they have not marriage in their thoughts.
Ellen Wood, from East Lynne
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Bro she can post porn all day, but that dont mean she want your dick.
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sa-d-b-eep · 5 months
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noisyghost · 9 days
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