#Dirk Shafer
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famousborntoday · 4 months ago
Dirk Alan Shafer was an American model, actor, screenwriter and director. Born in Carbondale, Illinois, he was most noted in the modeling world for having been...
Link: Dirk Shafer
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perfettamentechic · 1 year ago
5 marzo … ricordiamo …
5 marzo … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2022: Lynda Baron, all’anagrafe Lilian Baron, attrice britannica attiva in campo televisivo, teatrale e cinematografico. È stata sposata con John M. Lee dal 1966 e la coppia ha avuto due figli, Sarah e Morgan. (n. 1939) 2021: David Bailie, attore sudafricano. Nato in Sudafrica, iniziò a frequentare la scuola in Swaziland e a 15 anni si trasferì con la famiglia nello Zimbabwe e nel 1960 si…
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by Shafer Parker | There are two kinds of war. First, the kind of war often described in history books. An army dressed in green uniforms faces off against another army dressed in khaki uniforms, and while carefully following the Geneva Conventions, the two armies fight it out until one side gives up, after which prisoners are exchanged and an honourable peace reestablished. The other kind, the default for much of world history, takes place when everything falls apart for no explainable reason. In this kind of warfare, tiny groups of combatants (too ragtag to be called soldiers) snipe at each other…
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avgenir · 2 years ago
Dirk Shafer - AdonisMale
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thesebooks · 3 years ago
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"Fart Condensation and other fun experiments" — Good, clean, wholesome fun with farts
Original title: "Just Whistle / Wide Open / Stripped (bundle)" by Greg Hamilton / Dirk Malloy / Terry Shafer (1969)
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100yearoldcomics · 3 years ago
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December 25, 1921 The Captain & the Kids by Rudolph Dirks
TOP PANEL: [ID: The Kids pour water and cement into a metal tub in front of the chimney. Behind them in the other room, Mama and der Captain get ready for Captain to play Santa. /end] Captain: Ta-ta, Mamma, here's vare Santy Claus plays chimbly sveep!! Mama: Don't get caught in der draft, Captain!
MAIN COMIC: [The Katzenjammers take presents out of a large sack to put under the tree. Der Inspector carries in a fir tree. The Kids watch from a doorway behind them. /end] Mama: On mit der costume Captain, der presents iss ready und soon iss der Inspector mit der tree! Captain: Vake up der liddle lubbers, Mamma, two chiffys und der Captain ain't himself!!
[ID: Der Captain gets his Santa outfit on in a vanity mirror. Behind him, the Kids place a cat and dog into his present sack. /end] Captain: Ha, mit such a disguise, I bet me I giff dem liddle shafers der surprise of d'ere lifetime!! Hans: Inside, d'ere Old Scowler, und don't be such a grouchy about it!! Fritz: Bury him deep Hans, he got a hard customer to share der day mit! Bulldog: G-rr.
[ID: In their bedroom, Mama wakes the Kids from bed. There is a soft "ding-aling" from downstairs. /end] Mama: Quick, boys vake up! Merry Xmas, don't you hear, it's Santy Claus, vaiting down stairs! Kids: HUH?
[ID: Mama escorts the Kids down to der Captain, fully be-Santa'ed. The Kids wink at each other. Der Captain rings a bell. /end] Santa Captain: Tee-hee!! Merry Xmas, Hans und Fritz, it's I'm-Santy, vot brings for you a merry Xmas! Mama: Ooh, chust see who iss it darlinks!
[ID: Santa Captain bends over to grab presents out of his sack. The Kids stifle their laughter. /end] Santa Captain: Hmm. see vot it giffs in der old knapsack. Skates, fire engine, pop-rifle. I vunder if sumvun didn't send nutting to der old Captain? Mama: Und Mister Santy, don't Mamma get nix, but a hole in der stockinks?
[ID: Der Captain is attacked by the animals in his bag. The Kids start laughing uproariously. /end] Mama: EEY!
[ID: Der Captain chases the cat (followed in short pursuit by the dog) out of the room. The cat runs under der Inspector's stepladder as he decorates the Christmas tree. /end] Inspector: Hey? Captain: !!
[ID: Der Inspector falls over, landing on der Captain with the tree. /end] Mama: Eek, Inspector? Inspector: OOF!
[ID: Mama, Der Captain and der Inspector lie in a heap, mad with each other. /end] Mama: Loafers!! Iss dot der way you celebrate Xmas? Speak! Captain: Who done it, who done it? Bah! Get a club Looney, und I put you vise yah! Inspector: Ouch! So diss iss Xmas mit all its fine cheer?
[ID: Mama shoves her hands into der Captain's face. Der Inspector follows with a golf club, rolling the sleeve up on his hitting arm. /end] Mama: Vun side! Und haff a care, remember boneheads, diss is XMAS! Captain: Ow! Chust vun Mamma, chust vun!! Inspector: Chass! Und vun from me, dot makes two, Mamma!
[ID: Der Captain throws the Santa costume out into a snowstorm. A homeless man in tattered clothes stands outside, spying the outfit. /end] Captain: Merry Christmas? BAH!! Hobo: ?
[ID: Some time later, the hobo has put on the Santa suit and begins literally panhandling with a cast-iron pan. Hans & Fritz give him some coins. Der Captain & der Inspector watch angrily from the window. /end] Hobo: Merry Xmas, gents!! Hans: You bet, sport! Der merriest ve seen in twelve months! Fritz: Und mit der day still young, my, my!! Captain: !!! Inspector: ?
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hiyaitsme83 · 7 years ago
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Dirk Shafer
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perfettamentechic · 3 years ago
5 marzo … ricordiamo …
5 marzo … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2016: Giorgio Ariani, attore, comico e doppiatore italiano. (n. 1941) 2015: Dirk Shafer, Dirk Alan Shafer, è stato un modello e attore statunitense, noto per aver posato nudo numerose volte per la rivista Playgirl.  (n. 1962) 2015: Karina Kraushaar, è stata un’attrice tedesca, che fu attiva principalmente in campo televisivo, a partire dalla fine degli anni novanta. (n. 1971) 1999: Richard Kiley,…
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perfettamentechic · 4 years ago
5 marzo … ricordiamo …
6 marzo … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic #felicementechic #lynda
2016: Giorgio Ariani, attore, comico e doppiatore italiano. (n. 1941) 2015: Dirk Shafer, Dirk Alan Shafer, è stato un modello e attore statunitense, noto per aver posato nudo numerose volte per la rivista Playgirl di cui fu eletto Man of the Year nel 1992.  (n. 1962) 2015: Karina Kraushaar, è stata un’attrice tedesca, che fu attiva principalmente in campo televisivo, a partire dalla fine degli…
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