#Director's cut asks
runa-falls · 10 months
⭐️ (director's choice bc im behind on my reading but want the tea)
he smells like flowers (steven grant x reader)
i like to think of this work as my love letter to steven because every time i re-read it, it flings me back into my obsession with him. i feel like i was in a trance when i wrote this bc i don't remember putting out these thoughts lol.
here are some excerpts that i'd like to expand on:
even after a week long mission, he still smells like that mellow mix of tender flower petals and syrupy nectar. ambrosia that glides thick on your tongue and begs you to swallow him down.
i don't know how describe it but i feel like his scent is not a smell, but a feeling. like pure ecstasy, it makes you curl up in a little ball and once you have a taste, you'll never get enough of it. it's a magnet that pulls you closer -- one that you could resist, but never want to.
these two sentences are absolutely extra asf bc all i was really trying to say is that i want steven to fuck my throat + cuddle me :)
he has a habit of chewing on his bottom lip when he's nervous, excited, or generally overstimulated, sucking it raw until you tug it out from under his teeth and help him lick the wounds. sometimes you think he does it on purpose -- wanting to feeling you grace his lips with yours -- other times you worry that if you weren't there he'd do some real damage to himself without even knowing it.
kissing doesn't always have to be sexual. in this instance, kissing is caring, showing someone that you'll be there to comfort and reassure them when times become too much.
i have a habit of biting my lips when i'm anxious so i kinda forced that compulsion onto steven bc i've never had someone care enough to notice. i figured that if i could take care of him in that world, i could do the same for myself here.
the sleeves of his clothes are tugged and stretched out because he likes the feeling of having something to hold on to, it grounds him. it comforts him when you aren't around.
like many others, steven and his oversized clothes had immediately enamored me. there's something about a man purposefully trying to make himself seem smaller that makes me feral.
i made steven a bit clingy in this fic, where he always wants the reader near and touching him. i love writing steven as touch-starved because i think he definitely deserves to be touched in a loving way. he should be craving my love and leaning into my touch, not flinching away from it!
i also understanding having that one comfort-person. even in a room full of friends, there's always that one person that makes me feel undoubtedly safe. so that's why i added this part!
you groan against his slick heated skin -- he tastes like a box of heart shaped chocolates: saccharine, rich, and indulgent. you've never had a sweet-tooth, but steven is a dessert you could eat any day.
if you didn't catch it, this was a reference to steven + his box of chocolates after being stood up at a restaurant. poor romantic steven :( of course, steven doesn't actually taste like chocolate (or does he?), but he's such a sweetie that he might as well be a chocolate rabbit <3
^^i love doing this director's comments asks bc it helps me reflect on my work!
director's cut
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attapullman · 5 months
I would happily listen to you talk about any of your Bobs! 🥰
- @bradshawsbaby 💕
Ah, thank you for the stars, Sarah!!
To be fair, we both have a soft spot for bungalow!Bob, the world's best live-in boyfriend. He's been in the center of my brain lately because that's his rightful spot in life 🫠
This man has truly made himself at home in the bungalow, and when he's not fixing something up he's perennially in the background of your Zoom calls for work. All your co-workers tease you because without a doubt Bob is going to be in the background doing something - completely oblivious he's accidentally "joined" your meeting.
One day it's when he's bringing in things from the car, traipsing back and forth behind your desk chair, completely oblivious. Then one time he doesn't realize the easy chair is in the camera's view and he starts balancing his budget, all of your team giggling at the array of receipts surrounding him.
For my own sanity, I'm not even sure I can go into detail the time he ended up doing pull-ups in the doorway and you completely missed your boss asking you a question, your eyes fully trained on his body in the little viewfinder.
bungalow!Bob, why aren't you real???
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harmaanoita · 5 months
Director's cut: "vikise vaan, mutta jere vie" - nyt saat tilaa selittää 💚
Kiitos... 😮‍💨 Ei vaan oikeasti, kiitos hirveästi, kun kysyit 🥰💚
Vastaan tähän nyt suomeksi, kun kyseessä kuitenkin suomenkielinen ficci. Eli vikise vaan, mut Jerehän vie lähti siitä, kun eräs päivä juttelin @frikatilhi kanssa, että tahtoisin kirjoittaa Bojere viikon viimeiselle päivälle jotain ihanan kesäistä ja tunnelmoivaa liplattelevine järvineen ja nilkkoja hyväilevine vesineen. tilhi toi pöytään hyttyset, mihin mä totesin Bojanin olevan yksi iso hyttynen. Ja seuraavaksi meillä olikin käsissä punainen kärpäslätkä ja keskustelu siitä, kuinka Jere sitä käyttäisi Bojaniin.
Ja ei, mun ei pitänyt tarttua tähän ideaan, ei todellakaan, mutta saatoin ilmaista että lukisin tän ficin ja kysyttäessä saatoin myös ilmaista, että kirjoittaisin 😇 saatoin saada kannustusta tähän tarttumiseen. Lähdin kuitenkin kirjoittamaan ensin samana päivänä julkaisemaani fluffypitoista kesätekstiä ja livautin siihen kärpäslätkän. Ajattelin että se riittää. MUTTA. Lähdin samaisena iltana kävelylle ja kuuntelin kaikenmoista kesämusaa ja läppäpoppia. Antti Tuiskun Hanuri pärähti päälle ja en vaan saanut enää sen jälkeen tätä ideaa mielestäni ja ryhdyin kävelyllä kirjoittamaan sitä puhelimen muistioon.
Sitä oli ihan hirveän hauska kirjoittaa! Yritin pyrkiä keveyteen ja huumoriviboihin, vaikkei huumori ole yhtään mun vahvuusaluetta. Musta olisi kiva tulevaisuudessakin kirjoittaa jotain vastaavanlaista kevyellä huumorilla höystettyä smuttia. Plus tahtoisin kirjoittaa pidemmän aftercare kohtauksen myös joskus johonkin, koska jotenkin ajatus Jerestä saunassa pesemässä Bojanin hiuksia on niin suloinen 🥰
director's cut ask
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sassenach082 · 2 years
Oh no, I decided! I'd like to know more about the whole scene in ch17 where Wolf and Wood come to help with Bradley!! Please
OKAY SO BUCKLE UP EVERYONE I'm finally answering these directors cut questions because it's helping me process the upcoming chapter scenes that I need to write.
Spoilers under the cut about this, it will touch on parts of upcoming chapters but not at length, so read at your own risk!
Basically Tom is on a carrier right and he's very cranky about it but he also still loves Pete (that man says what he means and means what he says, and he does love Pete even if he's currently irritated with him). So Tom swans onto the carrier cranky af (you'll see yourself in CH 18 just you wait) but Slider is a Meddling Meddler Who Meddles. He makes his usual phone calls and then and decides to call the boys, who tell him that Pete called about Bradley not talking, so then he goes hmm interesting and asks them what they're going to do it about it.
Wood: why do we have to do anything about it Wolf: not my circus not my monkeys Slider: i'm not there to knock some sense into him and neither is Tom so that leaves you idiots Wood: no seriously why is this my problem Slider: i'm making it your problem Wolf: this is because they're fucking isn't it Slider: so what if it is bradley's not talking so fucking do something about it or I will break your face
Fast forward to their week and then they just kind of blow it off, but then Slider calls again and tells them he'll break their legs if they don't go help his nephew (he gets attached easily okay what can I say) which of course leads to them going over there because Bradley is asking for them (after his week of Not Talking To Anyone) (he's more like Pete than he realizes but I digress).
Only Wood and Wolf only have half the information right?? They only really have Slider's intel, which is half-hearted from Ice because that man does not want people in his personal business and is busy being a cranky bastard instead of talking about his feelings (head knocking to follow) but anyways, essentially, they go over there thinking that Pete did something dumb.
To be fair to them, operating under what they know is that Mav can be impulsive and Tom is very much the opposite as a general rule (in fact in their friend group he's the one that thinks things to death and drives them all crazy). They saw the impulsiveness seat-of-your-pants'ness in Top Gun, they saw it in class, they saw it in the sky. They know Pete but they don't really know him all the way yet, they got to know him a little and then Goose died and they got the watered down version of him, and they've all heard stories (see: Ice's "yeah, I've heard that about you" in the bar about Mav working alone).
Naval Aviators are like any other profession and gossip like a bunch of old hens, is the thing, so they think they know what's wrong only they don't. And because they are young cocky men they're convinced they've got it figured out which is why they go in with the "Mitchell is being an idiot again" angle even though that's not it at all and Ice is going to be pissed at them for assuming so, but that's a whole other can of worms (and precisely why Tom prefers to handle his own problems and not get his idiot friends involved).
SO long story short, they show up at Pete's house (they weren't actually stonewalling him, Pete's anxiety is just at an all-time high and he's not sleeping which is making him irrational) and see that Pete is clearly and obviously Not Okay and proceed to freak out because a) they know Ice and Pete are fucking and b) they are freaking the fuck out because they should have been there days ago, and c) Bradley is obviously struggling and they were just too busy to notice/didn't realize how serious Slider was when he phoned them about it because haha sure kids don't talk right!! Only they actually realize oh they were serious when they said Bradley didn't talk for seven days and that's... a bit of a problem.
Then they feel guilty, especially Wood, because he ignored Pete just in the standard I'm busy (like when you see a friend called and mean to call them back and then it's Saturday and you don't know where the time went kind of thing). It definitely wasn't intentional, but he feels guilty because he does think of Pete as a friend, but he knows a bit about what Tex is doing and tries to apply his own life experiences of being not-straight to Pete's situation, and assumes he's freaking out about the gay thing, only that's not really it at all either.
Wolf then swans in with dick jokes because he's Wolf, and Wood doesn't really get to finish the conversation, but they'll talk more just the two of them and Wood will realize that it's a lot more complicated, and that Pete didn't actually fuck up and he would have done the same to save Wolf if it came down to it even if it meant Wolf never talked to him again because that's what you do when you love someone. And Wood is thinking about all of this during that scene, but he'd distracted by Wolf acting like a ten-year-old boy and then Mav brushes it off and he lets him because he can see he's uncomfortable, but it bothers him for days hence the park outing when he definitely discreetly pins him to a bench and makes him talk about it while Wolf howls and chases Bradley around the play structure and gets stuck in a slide because he's An Idiot but Wood loves him anyway.
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I’d love to hear more about your writing and drafting process!! Also ⭐️ for any fic of your choosing :)
My writing and drafting process? In short: unreliable.
Like, listen...... I love writing. But my life is such an absolute clusterfuck right now that I have an entirely unconscionably small amount of time to do it. I feel like I barely have time for the things I absolutely need to do. So while I may get struck with ideas that completely take over any and all higher brain functions, I inevitably have to set them down into some sort of draft or outline or just a sentence if I'm really pressed for time (or just tired).
If I can sit down long enough to properly outline, I try to divide into chapters or at least manageable sections so that I can get a structure going from the beginning. Sometimes the beginning and end is more clearly thought out than the middle and I just have to put in an estimated number of chapters and fill out or prune as the story develops.
I do enjoy having things written out as much as possible before posting when it comes to multichapter fics but that... kinda crashed and burned with camboy, honestly. I thought it'd be one chapter, then two chapters, then "fuck if I know"-chapters but at least I had an outline and then my life went kind of off the rails a little and I had to change writing from "a thing I usually have time for" to "a thing I will do if neither work, nor school, nor life in general takes absolute precedence". I am hopinghopinghoping that once I am done with my degree and only need to wrangle work and a very different kind of life compared to before, writing will again become a thing I can devote time to more consistently.
When I write, it's usually in short and intensive bursts, and I've found I often rally around a key scene, either vibing off it and seeing where it takes me, or I work towards it because it might be the last scene of the chapter and it's a nice carrot to make me fill in the blank space between where I am and where I want to be.
For a scene I have been dying to talk about... In sä saat mut, I mentioned at the end that there was an Easter egg in the fic, but no one has yet made a guess. I may have made it more obscure than anticipated. So here, have it:
It's Jere humming along to songs on the radio while they're driving and smiling like there is a private joke wrapped up in one of them.
The song that Jere smiles about is Kuumaa's "Ylivoimainen". During UMK23 when the artists got to listen to each others' songs, one of his more memorable reactions was that Kuumaa's song was something he'd listen to if he "ever took someone home on a night out". Which. Yes, Jere. You sure did.
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scaryscarecrows · 11 months
Oooooo gimme the director's cut for Secrets of Scary People! (Either just a single chapter of your choice or the whole work, it's up to you!)
Oh, God.
Okay. Cards on the table: as ff.net (wow so many popups these days) was...happy...to tell me, I started writing that collection in 2013. Just. Just remember that little factoid. :p
Aaanyways, first things first: many fandom creatives know intimately what I mean when I say 'hyperfixation'. That right there explains pretty much everything I do, because you have to find your joy somewhere, right? Right. So now that that's right out of the way, let's get into this.
So yeah. 2013. 2013 was right about the time I hit peak Overwhelmed and basically had a crisis. Hey, I'd busted my ass to graduate high school early, chosen a random college major that I didn't really care about or want to do but 'college isn't option', (I was failing everything by this point, I'll be honest) and my mother's health was really starting to take a turn, which meant I was the Caregiver. On top of that, as plenty of Only/Eldest Daughters (gender-neutral variant) know, expecting, like, support? Nah. This is to say that I was in a bad mental place.
And this fucker. This absolute jackass.
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brought me so much joy. That sounds, admittedly, like the start of some Very Bad manifesto, but I swear it isn't. I had seen most of this movie on cable years earlier, but I picked up a copy out the $5 bin at Walmart and...well...look, I spent my entire childhood hearing about 'brains are more important than looks', and he did make that toxin all by himself. Apparently. And he's a doctor. Okay, so the villainy is a little bad, but we all have faults and I was willing to overlook them.
(And Cillian Murphy is both pretty and a gift to watch in pretty much everything, so really, this isn't my fault.)
I've been writing pretty much daily since...nngh...2007? Ish? I don't know, it was like the more age-appropriate way of having an imaginary friend. I had not written fanfiction, however. I didn't know it was much of a thing, either, until I Googled that bastard up there for information Begins had not provided and tripped over ff.net. Fanfiction seemed like a fun, no-stakes challenge--new enrichment for my burnt-out ass--so I did a Wiki dive for basic information, picked up a copy of Year One, and banged out about five or six one-shots over the course of a weekend. One of those would eventually become All Those Things You Fear, the others would end up in Scary People. I'll admit, I wanted him to have nice things once in a while, because
A) I felt bad about the Grandma thing, and about the bully thing. Kindred spirit! At least a little. I got it, anyway.
B) I'm sorry, I acknowledge that Nolan Crane is a corrupt jerk, but Zsasz does belong in Arkham (I Googled him too, at the time) and Rachel needed to just admit that.
At the same time, bullying him a little seemed like a good idea. Especially after further Wiki exploration turned up the discovery of Arkham Asylum (though I was NOT happy to find out what happened to Scarecrow at the end of that one). I did find a good longplay of Asylum that I watched (I had no way to play it then), which shaped my personal take on both Crane and his place of work a little more. Things snowballed: picked up a copy of Batman: Gothic for $1.50 and decided that yeah, comics are rad, actually, watched more movies, Gotham aired...and here we are today, with canon meatloaf.
What a ride. But I probably wouldn't have gotten on it if weren't for the autism and, like, bad mental health. BUT then again I'm pretty sure that's why Bruce is Batman, so really, it's fine. :p
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leiawritesstories · 2 years
directors commentary for ftbf when Rowan and Aelin meet? 🤩🤩
Rowan and Aelin's meeting scene was very much inspired by the pirate lords' meeting from Pirates of the Caribbean At World's End (a lot of FTBF was inspired by POTC lol) and it had been living in my brain ever since the story idea popped up. i'd been plotting their meeting for soooo long; it was actually one of the first scenes i wrote down--the very first scene with Lorcan and Fen sneaking onto the Terrasen came first, then a few random things, then the meeting scene. it took so much self control not to just make that scene earlier, but the plot had to unfold first.
so i'd known from the very beginning that they were going to be attracted to each other right away, since they're both just that gorgeous and everything and also Rowan with a ponytail is just 🥵🥵🥵. Aelin was 1000% going to make as many snarky remarks as possible--i didn't anticipate her and Rolfe bantering, though, that part happened on its own. i had this mental image of aelin leaning back in her chair, boots propped up on the table, cleaning her fingernails with her dagger and smirking at rowan as steam poured out of his ears bc he had to stare at Fen all evening while Rolfe blathered. idk hehe i thought it was funny and tried to convey it.
then of COURSE there was that wonderful wonderful moment where bird boy confronts Aelin about Fen and she calls him out for planting spies on her ship. AHHHH that moment, that moment, is what got me into FTBF in the first place and kept me going all the way through even through that one scene with cairn you know the one. long story short, I had way too much fun watching Aelin tease and flirt and generally reduce Rowan to speechlessness.
thank you so so much for the ask! 💕❤️ this actually gave me a shove nudge towards my beloved horny pirates 👀👀
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (five, tk take separately, luv uuu)
bestie you always come through thank you :))))
i hope that you're okay with me choosing from a variety of ships and fics cause that's what i'm doing lmao
long post incoming so inserting a cut here
and i can see us lost in the memory: muskoka lake cabin scene
really want to highlight this one cause i sort of feel like no one realizes that i ever wrote for them? probably because it was 3 years ago at this point and also has a lot of key characteristics of my early writing opposed to my writing now. but this is probably one of my favourite actual confession scenes that i've written. i knew the whole time when writing this fic that i wanted it to end in muskoka, with them together on the pier talking to one another. i think at the time, i was just so in love with the idea of muskoka being this place that connected both of them when they were pushed so so far apart. it felt right.
this is also where i kinda started like obsessing over eyes lmao. you can see that a common thread throughout my fics is the idea of eyes "crashing" into one another and eye contact being a sort of simultaneously clarifying and intense moment for the characters. i think that's personally because i hate making eye contact with literally anybody and find that you're most vulnerable when you're looking somebody right in the eye. The bond snaps into place as soon as Connor’s clear blue Muskoka eyes make contact with his is one of the best lines in the fic in my own personal expert opinion lmao because it signifies the beginning of the two characters finally starting to open up with each other, alongside a physical indicator that they do.
another one of my favourite lines is: They’ve both changed.  They’re both older, wiser.  They both look a little different.   But this place?  And these feelings?  Hasn’t changed one bit.
i love the idea of places holding weight and meaning. i just think that everything has memory in it you know? that'll never change, no matter how hard you try, and when you revisit those places, you're brought back to how you felt the first time you experienced them. you'll never forget them, but it's also always compounded with the new way you look at the world. and when you can connect those two things together and still end up feeling the same way, it's beautiful.
anyways this is basically me just plugging myself like please go read this fic cause i think this confession scene is beautiful !!!!!! i wrote it very well me thinks!!! it's probably the best part of the entire fic and definitely taught me the importance of a good closing scene.
2. i don't need your closure (i have my own)
more like a ficlet than an actual fic, but actually so necessary to how i write going forward tbh (i mean all of these fics are really important parts of my writing journey but like there are specific things that i got from all the fics you know)
this one is SUPER introspective on bo and it really lends to my writing style. i like when characters soul-search a little bit. i tend to lean that way more when putting down fic, thinking about what is logical for a character to feel during certain situations as opposed to the action actually happening around them. when characters really look deeply at themselves and realize why they're doing certain things, or why they're feeling certain ways, that's what is most exciting for me to write as an author. you'll notice that i often overuse this in fics though, with less dialogue/action focused scenes and more like "oh my god what the fuck is happening in my head rn" scenes.
i also am a sucker for best friend relationships. almost every ship i read and/or write for must have a deep friendship i think, before i can even consider seeking out content for them. this isn't to say i don't enjoy a good enemies to lovers, but i love the aspect of friends being there for one another and that transitioning into a deeper connection, into love. there isn't any tagged ship in this fic, but dylan and bo's friendship is at the forefront of it because the comfort that dylan provides to bo changes how he thinks and views things. he and dylan have a strong platonic love for each other, and i think it shines through! the best line in this fic is: We have to go inside now yeah? Don't worry, I've got you. and it perfectly sums up what this fic is. like a warm hug from a friend after a hard day.
3. i didn't just come here to dance: handfeeding scene
handfeeding is one of my favourite tropes in fic and i wish i gave myself more opportunities to write it because the intimacy of it!!!!! being cared for by someone in ways you know you don't need but want to give them anyways!!!!!
i wrote this one into this fic in particular because of the character dynamics and characterization of the two leads. i think this is one of the first fics where i really started to explore that idea, of having my own headcanons for characters, and integrating that into how they interact with others and with the object of their affection especially. in this case, one of the big things i wanted to highlight was jack's big fear of never being enough. he's never been enough for anyone (or so he thinks) and how does that inform his interactions with noah? it certainly tinges them with a sense of desperate connection with the one person who does see him as enough. i feel like all of my characters tend to have something like this (like owen's constant paranoia about not being interesting enough for kent to stick around).
also this serves as a good consent scene for the both of them, both of them sane and coherent enough to say yes to one another. which is always good! consent is necessary and sexy!
4. the boy who sits at the front of the class: breakup/makeup scene
another really underrated and really short one! i never get an opportunity to talk about this one, mainly because i have a lot of fucking fics lmao, and it's one that i released kinda under the radar.
i felt like this scene was needed mainly because i didn't want their relationship to be perfect. it's unrealistic to expect that, especially as a high school relationship. right person wrong time is something i believe in so strongly, and it just wasn't their time after high school going into college. that didn't mean they stopped loving each other though, and i think i say it in that scene that both of them were devastated by it.
you'll also notice the repetition of 3s rule in this scene (p much throughout the entire scene) and that's another trait of my writing. i love using that for dramatic effect and also to really emphasize what is going on. i think it makes it easy to add a ton of detail to scenes without feeling like there's a disconnect with what's actually going on. i mention 3 unrelated moments, but they're all kind of connected by the "there..." thread. great literary technique, highly suggest to all writers!
my favourite line from this fic is: Kent, Kent, Kent. It’s all him in the end.
because it could really be a synopsis for the whole fic and how i view owen as a character lmao. reading through the rest of my owen/kent fics, you'll notice that my owen characterization develops throughout, to really highlight that as one of his key traits.
5. lover of mine (maybe we'll take some time): nail scene in amsterdam
one of my favourite scenes i've written for this fic, mostly because i think it's one of the only ones that perfectly balances the angst, the pining, and the humour of it all. if i had to introduce someone to this fic, i would probably use this scene to do it tbh because it has everything i want to show from it.
funnily enough, this was a scene i started over at least three different times when writing out this fic. truly, i have no idea why it was so difficult, but in general, i find that this one of the most difficult fics for me to write. i think it's because i don't have a very firm grasp on kent's characterization at all, what makes him tick and what not. the au setting does make it a bit easier for me to mold him to whatever i want him to be, but there's a reason i tend to write from owen's pov instead of kent's. i feel like i really understand owen as a character (and you'll find i tend to lean one way in all of my ships in terms of understanding their characters), and with kent, i feel that less so. i wanted this scene to show owen and kent's genuine friendship, and how owen cares for him enough to do things like this with him. owen cares enough to pay attention to the fact that this is what kent wants, and to ask him the truth about what's going on. he doesn't push, because he knows kent well enough to know he'll tell him anyways. i wanted to give the audience an idea of how far their connection goes and how good of a friendship it is. add in a bit of owen clearly wanting to tell kent how he feels about him (spoiler: he's kinda in love), and some humour, and you have a great scene.
i think this scene is also a really good indicator of how kent views owen too. it's a lot of foreshadowing for how they will inevitably end up together, through the dropping of little hints. like really, kent shouldn't want to be so observant of what owen is doing, but he wants to because there's something more than friendship simmering under there. and because he finds he's really good at it.
the vibe is this scene is truly something i want to try to capture in most scenes going forward in this fic. and hopefully i do! the next chapter is great chapter and when i do release it, i think you'll find that a lot of the amsterdam vibes do reflect on it.
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bitterclan · 6 months
how old is foxflit in the recent updates here? also glowcall ;__;..... how is she holding up after his passing?
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Foxflit is 130 moons old as of the last update. As for how everyone's taking it. Well
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not-freyja · 19 days
For the director's cut, I would love to hear more about Legend's thought process and motivations once he met Hyrule in Adjuration! 🥰
Thank you for an actual scene selection everyone else had me pulling out a random number generator. Fucks sake. Love you guys. Also sorry this took like… a month, writing is hard.
This is going to be long. And though it might be analysis for chapter two, it will contain spoilers for the whole story.
Key: [quoted text in brackets] my analysis out if brackets.
[Time to deal with the strange Hylian. The same strange Hylian who came out of a now-vanished portal that also spat out a monster.
Link did not get this far in life by being the trusting sort.] Okay this sets the tone. Legend is immediately suspicious. He knows something fucky just happened, and that this person is involved.
[“So…” he says to the figure now sitting up on the ground. “Who the hell are you?”
There’s a faint mumble from the Hylain shaped pile of dirt at his feet.
Link sighs. “You need to speak up a bit.”
“I’m…” the kid's voice is raspy, as if he hasn’t used it in a while. He coughs, trying again. It’s a bit better this time.] Crying in Rulie-loving sorrow. This boy has such a hard life. I wanted to make sure the readers understood that without rubbing it in. I also wanted to make it clear that Legend was noticing these things. [“I’m no one. Just a traveler.”] Nick name establishment. Also secret world-building. I have so many thoughts about the world-building of each of their eras. And I was holding myself back chomping at the bit not to pull a Tolkien and overshare.
The kid’s eyes go wide. “No, really!” There’s an almost raw edge of panic to his voice now, and Link almost feels bad. “I’m not anybody important, I’m just passing through. I’ll be on my way now, thank you for the help.] They have known each other for about two minutes and Legend is already aware of a few things. This kid is involved with some kind of Dark Magic, he’s on the run, and he does not want to reveal his identity. This is ringing some trauma bells for Leggy. He is seeing himself, and he is getting sympathetic.
[And before Link can so much as laugh at such a pathetic attempt at a lie (and it is a lie, he’s been on enough quests to be able to tell a nobody from a somebody) the traveler scrambles to his feet.] Little meta joke here. We the player, we the reader can tell an NPC from a main character. Legend, who thinks in meta terms, can too.
[The thing is, Link is retired. He’s put in the work, done his time. He’s spilled enough blood and lost enough of his life to goddesses and princesses and lost wayward souls that this is the point in the story where he wants to take the guy at his word.] So… Link. Not Legend. Link. He is so tired, and so done. Its been four lifetimes of misery and he is done, thank you. [Link wants to shrug, turn around, and continue on his way home. He wants to turn and run through the woods, back to his house and slide the bolt in the door and have Ravio tell anyone who comes calling that the hero] This is the only time that Legend thinks of “hero” in the general lowercase noun and not “Hero” as a proper noun. Why? Well because a hero would do such a thing as to hide from a quest. A Hero would not. [is not home because he is not going to be answering any more calls to greatness. There will not be one more quest.] oh buddy. *sobs* Rulie’s “got one more in me” later down the road as the direct foil to this thought. Rulie’s death is the catalyst for the rest of Legend’s character arc, like his entrance into Legend’s life is the catalyst for the plot.
[He’s retired, by the Three.] Yeah man keep telling yourself that.
[But right before he can do just what it is he wants, the stranger goes to leave first. And the poor thing takes one step, yelps like a kicked dog, and crumples back to the forest floor.
“Fuck.” Link can’t help the curse] The sympathy is now at a boiling point. Legend cannot help but care. Cannot help but try to help. [and he strides forward, towards the kid, away from home.] OKAY so the “away from home” bit is both directionally in the scene and narratively in the plot. [It’s only a few steps, but it’s the wrong way, and Link has done this enough times by now to know that it really is those first few steps that count.
Those are the ones that you can’t take back. The ones that all the rest come after.
Link takes them anyway.] I can’t even start with this part. The repeated theme of Legend “going the wrong way” of him doing the dangerothing anyway, despite his well-earned survival instincts. I… listen, Legend was suicidal. From day one. He knows he can’t undo this. He knows that another quest will probably get him killed. He does it anyway.
[“Hey, easy there,” he all but whispers, dropping to his knees next to the filthy kid. “I’m not going to hurt you, okay, Traveler?”
Big eyes stare up at him. They are full of fear and distrust, and a painful glint of hope. “Okay.”
“Okay.” Link sighs, takes another deep breath. “Is it your leg?”
That gets a weird combination of a nod and a shrug. “Ankle, actually.” The kid smiles at him. And it really is a nice smile, soft, and a bit shy. “I got my foot twisted under a tree root.”
He can’t help but wince because, yeah, been there. “Well that’s not too bad then.” Link grins. “A brace, a red potion, and a few days rest, and you’ll be good as new.”
The traveler nods, some of the stress seeming to bleed out of his shoulders. “That’s what I thought too. Thanks.” He pauses, gulps before continuing. “Thank you for handling the moblin for me. I… I’m not at my best right now.”] This whole section is about deepening the sympathy. He is looking at Rulie amd seeing his younger self (I have Rulie at 16 and Legend at 20) and he just wants to help. (Time: “Let me help.”)
[“No need to thank me.” Link’s smile, previously genuine, turns bitter. “That’s what heroes do.”
Just as he was starting to loosen up, the stranger tenses again, every muscle going taut as a bowstring.] So they have different reasons for the same action (getting tense). Legend is a ball of angst. Hyrule is afraid if being recognized.
[��You alright?”
“...What do you mean ‘hero?’”
And that tone of voice right there? Suspicious and untrusting? Waiting for the other shoe to drop? Link knows that tone of voice. He uses that tone of voice on the daily. He loves that tone of voice. But only when it’s coming from him. Out of another mouth, it just sounds sad.] Here Legend is an inch away from self awareness. So close. But more importantly, his recognition if the self in Rulie is getting even stronger. Every moment is another moment that they are more alike in Legend’s eyes.
[But hey, in for a green rupee, in for a gold.] LOL.
[“That would be me,” he says with his most winning smile. “Link, Hero of Legend, savior of Hyrule, chosen by the Goddess… you get the gist.”] Here I have Legend give the titles of three out of five Heroes that Link will be. Chosen, Legend, and Hyrule. This was foreshadowing no one noticed because why the fuck would you? What I did to this boy was unhinged no one saw that coming.
[And the kid just stares.
And stares.
And stares some more.] Me too buddy. Legend is so pretty.
[This is getting ridiculous. Link shakes his head. “Listen, I’m not really in the market for any missions, or quests, divine or otherwise. Firmly out of the whole kingdom-saving business. And the princess-saving gig as well. So why don’t you just tell me where you’re heading, and I’ll make sure you get to the nearest town in the right direction in one piece and we’ll call it even?”] Last attempt to avoid the situation, and he is still trying to help. What a dumb bitch.
[Those deep green eyes staring up at him suddenly roll back, and the boy goes limp.] Baby boy! Also the green here. Yes it is Rulie’s eye color. But it os also Ravio’s eye color, and every single detail Legend notices about this kid gets him more attached.
[“Well, shit.” Link grumbles, running a hand through his hair. What could have been an hour-long detour on his day is now a problem with a capital P. Because as much as he might want to, Link isn’t actually capable of abandoning some poor homeless-looking teenager in the middle of the woods. Especially not one who fainted at the sound of Link’s name.
That thought makes Link pause. Did he faint? A monster was chasing him, it could be blood loss. It could be more than just his ankle.] Standard worrying here. He feels responsible for this kid now.
[He reaches out tentatively with a small brush of magic and almost sighs in relief.] OKAY BIG MISTAKE. Rulie is the Triforce. Legend loves the Triforce. And the Triforce loves Legend. They magically harmonized here. Imprinted. Zinged. From this moment on they were both attached. [The issue is clear now. There’s an empty well where the kid’s natural magic should be, almost drained but nowhere near dangerously so. The fainting wasn’t about Link at all, it was the adrenaline fading off and the strain the poor kid’s body was under finally catching him.
The memory of that strange portal flares in his mind. That incident coupled with this guy being certifiably drained of magic after falling through makes Link realize a couple of things real quick.] Smart Leggy. Good Leggy.
[First, this kid probably made that portal. Second, he came through it as a last-ditch resort. He was running from something, or someone. Third, this poor Hylian has a lot of magic at his disposal (not only did he make a stable portal but he and a moblin went through it before it collapsed), magic that still pushes out in a wave, nauseatingly strong despite its low levels.] Bitch that’s the fucking Triforce.
[Link is almost afraid to learn how much the kid will have after he recharges.] Again, the Triforce.
Now to fast forward about three paragraphs, because while I like those paragraphs very much they can be entirely summarized as: Legend is so suicidal. How did none of you notice?
[One arm slides under bony knees, the other behind the prone Hylian’s back. Nayru’s tears, he won’t even need a power bracelet for this, he’s so thin.] So… I’m not crying, you’re crying. Their first moment together perfectly mirrors their last, and that is fine, that is so fine. Nothing is wrong here, I am okay.
[The Hero rises, an unconscious stranger held delicately in his arms.] Here we go. The pivot to Hero as a proper noun. The acceptance of the call. The attachment is personal and magical, and our journey begins with Legend carrying Rulie to safety, when he knows it will kill him. (And kind of hoping that it does.)
…this is a loop. The beginning is the end.
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runa-falls · 10 months
scratches and bites?
scratches and bites - miguel o'hara x spider-girl!reader
s&b was my first miguel fic and was initially going to be a smutty one-shot, but clearly i had issues sticking with some plotless porn. first there was one part, then two, then three, and now 4 (the last one has been sitting in my google drive XD).
i really enjoyed introducing an "extremely-new-doesn't-even-know-about-her-powers-yet" spider-girl into spider society because it was almost like i was writing how i'd react to the changes the spiders go through.
the first part introduces grumpy impatient!miguel and the reader who's barely through her transformation into spider-girl. i used this part to create some undeniable tension in their first meeting bc i wanted to make it clear that despite miguel's rough nature, he'll always fall for the reader.
in the second part, when the reader goes to nueva york, i wanted to focus on the dynamics between different characters (peter, gwen, hobie, etc) + how miguel and the reader's relationship evolves (jealousy, missing each other, defiance for attention). this chapter had the most plot and least interaction between the love birds, but i thought it was important to push miguel to the edge.
the third part was...mostly PORN. finally right? it did seem like most people skipped the second part (which is a bit disheartening) but i get it. i mean, i wrote this series thinking it would only be porn.
this part included the big fight scene and the big FUCK scene. i love writing arguments but irl i HATE conflict, so this is how i get my fill <3 from what he almost says (he was interrupted by the reader lol) it's clear that miguel wants to keep the reader safe, but he isn't ready to admit that he cares for her.
i know it seems to early for miguel to have feelings for someone that he barely interacts with, but the reader is the only person he's even considered opening up to after all these years. i think the fact that the reader is so new to being spider-girl makes miguel feel like he's needed + that's all he's really wanted since the accident.
later, after the fucking and sedation-kink, i wanted to highlight miguel's attachment issues due to his past. i mean, he's particularly needy in this third chapter (NSFW):
“Be mine, baby, and I’ll take care of you forever.” His claws dig into your web-pasted as he works himself into you, post-orgasm slick smothered carelessly over the both of you. “I promise.” He whispers breathlessly next to your ear.
sry this was so long. i honestly didn't know i had this much to say, but i guess i just wanted to convey my understanding of the story in case anyone is curious.
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hello! I’m here to humbly ask for director’s commentary on Impure Thoughts: Some
(only if you want to!)
I'd love to! Thank you for sending in this ask 😊 Here's the ask game for anyone else who's interested!
I remember exactly what made me want to write Impure Thoughts: Some. It was this gif and the tags I saw someone leave on the original post.
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I did a few writing warm-ups that were just Ed thinking about Stede with this vibe in mind. I was really struggling with finishing another fic (Sometimes I Still Feel the Bruise, still unfinished but I got some weirdly accurate s2 vibes in there so that's neat) at the time so I was just trying to get myself to write anything.
It turned out to be really fun, just letting myself write something lighthearted and self-indulgent, and all those writing warm-ups fit together pretty well, so I decided to write a final chapter with the duel as the end. The goal was to have it pretty much follow canon, with another scene of Ed realizing the depth of his feelings for Stede.
And then I saw this gif:
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And I figured Ed just had to kiss Stede at the end because LOOK at him he wants to kiss Stede so bad holy shit.
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attapullman · 5 months
⭐ can we talk about whodunit?
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I'm on the edge of my seat excited to introduce everyone to Cassie. Because we're all gonna have a crush on her that will rival Mickey's.
While the guys begin volleying back and forth about whether it’s too late for a Coke, you watch the other patrons. You’ve known this town your whole life. That brief stint outside feels foreign as each face in the diner is one you’ve always known. You know their habits, their families, their marital problems. This town has no secrets from you, and yet it evades you who could be so villainous as to steal money from the community. You hear your name drift over the crowd and your eyes find Cassie, waving enthusiastically in your direction. Giving her a big grin, you beckon her over. The sleuths follow your gaze, curious, before Mickey turns the color of the cherry red vinyl of the booth.
These hometown sleuths have my whole heart and I'm having way too much fun playing around in the 80s.
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harmaanoita · 5 months
Not relating to any specific fic but how do you feel about writing in different languages? How do you choose whether to write in Finnish or in English?
Hello! Thanks for asking 🥰💙
Writing in different languages is fun! I think I have a little different approaches to writing and stories depending on which language I'm using. I really love describing feelings in a certain way and twist words in Finnish. Maalailla (paint) as I say in Finnish. I can be somewhat poetic when writing in Finnish and that's also what I love. Also, there's a certain rhythm I write to when writing in Finnish. I don't know how to explain it. I guess it relates to my writing being a little poetic at times?
I have enjoyed writing in English, too. I have always thought I'm not good enough to write in English but when I get into that English mindset, the text just flows. And I have noticed that reading in English again has helped me a lot. I have also been a little afraid to write in my maalaileva style in English because I'm not sure if I can use words the same way (well not totally the same way obviously) but I've tried here and there.
How do I choose whether to write in Finnish or English? Well, if I want to maalailla, I'll choose Finnish. Sometimes some ideas just start writing themselves in a certain language. Sometimes I think about certain ideas in a certain language and then stick to it. But sometimes I also think about how an idea would work in English or in Finnish. Palaa sydän wouldn't work in English, I think. It's just so delicate but full of emotion that I couldn't depict in English. All Gone would probably work in Finnish but I think English makes it more raw, more heart wrenching, more true.
Also, I tend to overthink when writing in Finnish but that doesn't happen as much when I write in English. Something about native language, huh?
But I'm happy to write in both languages and I'm happy that I have readers who also enjoy my Finnish fics.
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turrondeluxe · 1 year
I love how you draw April, she still looks like an older woman, but she seems more… refreshed. (is she like in her late 50 in the last ronin? I suppose this makes her in her early 60 in your au?) Guess the stress of Hiroto's existence is slowly withdrawing from her not-so-old bones :)
thank you!!! she is indeed called grammy april after all!
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"the most valuable thing to me" ⭐
Oh, Moulin Rouge AU my beloved...
I had a hard time picking an AU for that day of Bojere week, and this just ended up bonking me on the head. I was texting with @punanenmarli and it's hilarious to look at the chat because it basically goes from me giving her my birthday and then "OH I HAVE HAD A TERRIBLE IDEA" followed by the moodboard.
I could write an entire fic about this AU though. I think originally I may have had vague thoughts of writing Jere and Bojan meeting at the cabaret or having like an illicit meetup which would have been more in line with the moodboard, but it quickly veered away to "well, I don't want to cry about Bojan dying like Satine did, so what if he defeats his sickly Victorian child tendencies and just has an awful life with the fic version of the count and then Jere stages a rescue?"
Again, if I didn't run the risk of getting of getting superwordy, I may have gone off on a tangent about exactly how the rescue was staged and how it may or may not have featured a little casual arson by Jure.
If I ever were to return to this verse, it will definitely be to start from the beginning. Jere visiting the cabaret and falling head over heels for the gorgeous singing courtesan who is dreaming of a better life, a bigger stage and dismisses love as unattainable.
(my neighbours might sue me though because I will 100% sing the soundtrack again)
Fanfic writers director's cut
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