#Direct admission in NIA
mbaquota · 2 years
To Get direct admission in NIA Pune management quota Call@ 9354992359.
You can get direct admission in NIA management quota seats today, call us at (+91) 9354992359. National Insurance Academy (NIA), Pune is a premier b-school located in Pune. The college was established in 1980 and approved by AICTE. If you are looking for management program in insurance, you need to look at nowhere else but National Insurance Academy (NIA). It is situated in Pune. This business school was founded in the year of 1988. It got its approval from AICTE.
Remember, NIA Pune offers management programs in finance, banking and insurance. If you are seeking a profitable career in finance and insurance, you need to look at nowhere else but NIA. When it comes to getting admission in NIA, you need to score well in CAT/XAT/MAT examinations. But if you couldn’t score well in the exam, you need to get direct admission in NIA through management quota seat.
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mbamanagementquota · 2 years
You can get direct admission in NIA management quota seats today, call us at (+91) 9354992359. National Insurance Academy (NIA), Pune is a premier b-school located in Pune. The college was established in 1980 and approved by AICTE.  NIA offered business and management studies in banking, Finance, and Insurance.
If insurance is the career you are looking for, there is no other place in India than NIA here you understand insurance and management not only through books but through various seminars, the workshop where you can interact with many important persons directly from the industry it gives you real exposer about fieldwork and practical approach. The college ranked AA+ in the list of a top management college in India for Insurance.
NIA Pune – Courses and fee structure
NIA offers the following PG programs:
Post Graduate Diploma in Management Duration: 2 years of full-time Fees: 09.43 Lakh
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luxekook · 5 years
intimidation | myg
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⇥ pairing: yoongi x reader
⇥ genre: fluff, a lil touch of smut, college AU
⇥ summary: in which you think Yoongi is intimidating bc of his dark clothing and his quiet ‘don’t give a fuck’ attitude… but then someone makes him laugh and you watch as his face lights up in the cutest gummy smile complete with shining eyes and blushing cheeks and BOOM you’re whipped for that boy
⇥ word count: 2.3k
⇥ warnings: dirty talk, light smut, cursing
⇥ sequel: intensity
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Thursday, September 28th – 11:16am
Min Yoongi intimidated the living hell out of you.
While the boy in question was not all that tall or all that muscular, there was admittedly something in his aura that just screamed ‘big dick energy’... Not that you’d ever get the chance to confirm that hypothesis. You weren’t even sure you wanted to.
Shoulders slumping, you shifted your peripheral gaze off of Yoongi and back onto your professor as she droned on about evolution. Your shared Introduction to Biology class inspired an odd mix of dread and excitement every Tuesday/Thursday morning as a consequence of Min Yoongi’s sheer presence.
Your mind drifted back to the first class of the semester about a month ago...
Arriving in the lecture hall indicated on your class schedule, you took a seat in the middle of the room. You were spoiled for choice given that you had arrived fifteen minutes early for lecture. The first day of classes was always stressful for you, given your tendency to get lost within the many buildings on campus as well as your hatred for lateness.
As the room filled with more and more students, you shuffled through your backpack. “Where the hell is it?” you muttered, searching for your planner where you would jot down important notes.
Finally, you spotted it wedged in between two of your folders. Grasping it in triumph, you tugged it out of your backpack and placed it on your desk. Glancing back up, you found the coldest pair of brown eyes staring back at you.
“Is anyone sitting there?” The question came in a slow drawl, all rough and lazy. Long fingers adorned in rings shifted as the boy pointed towards the empty seat next to you. God, he was offensively good-looking.
You blinked and shook your head, “No, have at it.” His gaze pinned you in place for a few more brief seconds before his chin lifted in acknowledgment and he slumped into place beside you.
You had learned absolutely nothing that first class. Or any subsequent class that Min Yoongi deigned with his presence. The odds were about 50/50 on any given day.
Today, his presence was wreaking havoc on your nervous system. Since the initial encounter on your first day of class, the amount of words exchanged between the two of you could be counted on one hand. Last week he had asked you for your notes from a previous class he had missed, and you almost burned from the inside out with embarrassment as he took in your impeccably organized and color-coded notes with raised eyebrows and a slight smirk.
“Were you planning on framing these?” he had asked while snapping a quick series of photos of your notebook pages. In response, you had scowled, pulling your notebook out of his reach.
You were a nerd. You knew that. But you didn’t like being made fun of for it. Especially by a boy as arrogantly apathetic as Min fucking Yoongi.
Therefore, you were doing your absolute best to ignore him today. The hour and a half of class dragged by so slowly you thought you might have grown a couple gray hairs by the time your professor dismissed everyone.
Rushing to pack up your belongings and multitude of colored pens, a small slip of paper dropped onto your desk. Confused, you immediately glanced up to find the source and found Yoongi sauntering away from you, black backpack hitched over one shoulder carelessly.
Fingers shaking, you opened the hastily folded paper: “(y/n) – Sorry if I made you upset last class. I only meant to extend my compliments to the artist... – MYG.”
Compliments to the—Min Yoongi was so full of shit. But you couldn’t fight the small smile that spread across your face.
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“(y/n) ... (y/n) ... (y/n)!”
The sound of your name shook you from your thoughts. Your roommate Nia decided that wasn’t enough and she shoved you in the arm.
“Ow, what the hell, Nia?” you grumbled, rubbing your left bicep dramatically.
Nia scoffed, “You’re staring into your bland salad like it holds the key to the universe. What’s up with you?”
Stabbing said salad with your fork, you waved your well-lettuced utensil in your roommate’s face, “What’s up is that I cannot stand Min Yoongi! He walks around looking like god’s gift to anyone attracted to men. Then, he has the audacity to critique my notes and give me a half-assed apology with further ridicule? The nerve! The gall!”
“I’m going to stop you right there,” Nia cut off your rampage succinctly, “Min Yoongi apologized to you? We are talking about the same Min Yoongi, right? Bleached hair? Piercings? General hatred for life?”
You nodded. Nia’s eyebrows rose to new heights, “We must contact the historians. This is one for the books.”
Rifling through your planner, you pulled out the note Yoongi left you and thrust it in Nia’s direction, “Look!”
Unfolding the small torn paper, you watched as Nia’s eyes darted back and forth... and back and forth... and back and forth.
Nia’s wide eyes lifted to yours, “(y/n) ... Min Yoongi is flirting with you.”
You choked on your lettuce, “What? Where on earth are you getting that? He’s clearly roasting me.”
“Nope,” Nia threw the note back at you, “Clearly flirting. Damn, Min Yoongi is into my best friend? This is wild! Okay, you first need to get on that, and then you need introduce me to Park Jimin.”
“Are you insane?” Your outburst gained annoyed looks from the surrounding students in the dining hall and you lowered your voice, “I am not ‘getting on’ anyone!”
Rolling her eyes, Nia stared pointedly to the right, “So if I'm hearing you correctly, you’re saying that you don’t find him attractive?”
Your eyes followed her line of vision and landed on none other than your topic of conversation. 
God, he looked good. Even surrounded by his group of attractive friends, Yoongi stood out to you. You were just about to glance away when it happened.
Kim Seokjin’s windshield wiper laugh burst through the cacophony of conversations, following what must have been one of his famously so-bad-they’re-good jokes.
And then Min Yoongi smiled.
Your heart stuttered in your chest as you watched his eyes crinkle, his cheeks turn a pretty pink and, his smile to widen into the cutest, most devastating gummy smile you had ever seen in your entire life.
“Holy fuck.” You exhaled. It was official. You were fucking whipped.
“Yup, that’s what I thought,” Nia’s smug tone pulled your focus away from this new version of Yoongi you were desperate to know, “Still going to deny that you want to jump his bones?”
You were scared shitless by Nia’s maniacal grin in response to your admission.
“Excellent,” she smirked, her palms rubbing together like a plotting villain, “Here’s what we’re going to do...”
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Friday, September 29th – 10:34pm
Your hands tugged at the hem of the short leather miniskirt Nia loaned you for the night as your stomach flipped more times than Simone Biles’ floor routine.
Damn, you were nervous.
When Nia talked you into attending Kim Taehyung’s party, you had agreed pretty easily. You both had reasoned that Yoongi might not even be there; and, if he was, you would just see if he would approach you.
It had seemed so simple in the moment, but now as you grasped your beer you realized that nothing regarding Min Yoongi was simple. Since arriving about twenty minutes ago, you and Nia had immediately been recruited for beer pong by Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook. Unable to crush Nia’s dreams of hooking up with Jimin, you had agreed immediately even though you were both absolutely terrible at the game.
Jimin and Jungkook now only had one cup left to make, while you and Nia had five. You dipped the pong ball into the designated cup of water to clean it, took aim and watched in glee as the ball sailed into the front cup.
“Oh, fuck yes!” You and Nia high-fived, taking in the rare victory. Opening her mouth to respond, Nia’s words died in her throat as she looked over your shoulder.
“What is it?” you began to turn to see what was so alarming to your friend.
“No!” Nia hissed, “Don’t you dare turn around. Min Yoongi is staring at you like you’re a five-course meal and he’s starving.”
Your soul left your body, only to be snapped back into place with the interrupting cheers from Jimin and Jungkook as they sunk their last cup.
“Good game!” Jungkook’s arm wrapped around you in a half-hug. You shoot Nia a look, but she’s completely occupied in conversation with Jimin. Jungkook’s arm fell to encircle your waist when you felt it – the weight of a certain someone’s gaze.
You barely registered Jimin and Nia’s exit from the pong table and onto the makeshift dancefloor in Taehyung’s living room. And when Jungkook suggested getting another drink from the kitchen you almost shouted in agreement. Anything to escape the eyes you knew were glued to you.
He’s just a boy, you tried to remind yourself, you could handle Min Yoongi.
You followed Jungkook into the cramped kitchen, nodding along to whatever story he’s rambling on about. Locating the vast array of alcohol scattered along the kitchen island, you grabbed a solo cup and fixed yourself a rum and coke.
“...and then Jin-hyung said ‘It’s burgundy!’” You tuned back in to Jungkook’s story just in time to laugh in the appropriate place. You felt bad. Jungkook was cute and sweet, but just not your type.
“Jungkook,” a low voice broke through your shared laughter.
Jungkook’s eyes widened in alarm as he turned to face the intruder, “Yoongi-hyung! Wh-what’s up?”
Yoongi’s gaze narrowed; Jungkook gulped, “Bye, (y/n)-noona.”
You watched in horror as Jungkook literally scrambled out of the room to get away from you and Yoongi.
“Why’d you do that?” You looked up at Yoongi.
Damn, he looked good. His blonde locks were tousled like he had been running his hands through it and his cheeks were slightly flushed – probably from drinking.
Yoongi ignored your question, shooting a look at the group of boys occupying the kitchen counter space next to you and they immediately made themselves scarce.
His dark gaze turned back to you, “Why Jungkook?”
Your eyebrows furrowed, “What?”
“Why were you talking to Jungkook, (y/n)?” Yoongi moved closer to you, backing you into the counter behind you, “That boy couldn’t handle you.”
Your eyebrows quirked up, “And why’s that?”
“Because, baby, all that hair, all that ass, and all that attitude needs a man to give you what you want and what you need.”
You struggled to formulate an answer as you watched as he took a long sip of his beer, his eyes continuing to burn into yours.
“Are you drunk, Min Yoongi?”
“Lil’ bit,” he muttered and shot you a devastating half-smile, “But still sober enough to appreciate how goddamn good you look right now.”
Your mouth opened and closed several times before you choked out, “I thought you hated me?”
His hand darted through his hair as his jaw flexed once… twice, “Not even close.”
“But you don’t talk to me... you made fun of my notes!”
“I don’t talk to you because I think you’re so fucking cute with your colored pens and your oversized sweatshirts and your overused planner. I don’t talk to you because I want to ruin you and worship you all at once.”
All air had escaped your lungs at this point. You let out a jagged breath as Yoongi suddenly slid his hands around your waist.
He scooped you off the floor and placed you on the edge of the counter. Your arms circled his shoulders instinctually and his grip tightened on your hips. When he glanced down at you, he let out a rough breath, sounding like you were torturing him.
Turning to the side, you tried to hide from his intensity behind the curtain of your hair, but he just pushed it back behind your ear.
“Yoongi, please…” Your desperate words left your mouth subconsciously, the feeling of his lips so close to yours made your pulse race and your head spin.
“What do you want, baby?” he asked, his voice hoarse and his pupils dilated, “I’ll give you anything. Just ask.”
“Kiss me?” You barely finished asking your question before Yoongi’s lips slammed onto your own.
He kissed you like he wanted to own you – and to have you own him. Gravity tried to drag you down off the counter and your mouths separated in a gasp. Yoongi hoisted you up higher with a firm hand on the back of your thigh.
Hooking your leg around his slim waist, you tugged him into you, feeling every inch of his body respond to your touch. He breathed heavily as you dragged your nails down his back slowly, provokingly. You felt his responding groan rumble deep from within his chest.
His free hand latched into your hair and tugged your lips back to his. You both moaned as his tongue circled yours, twining around it, enticing yours to follow.
You swore the way Min Yoongi kissed could be felt all the way down to your bones.  
His kisses got greedier, more desperate as he seemed to be trying to memorize the taste of your mouth on his. “God-fucking-damn," he panted, pulling back slightly and resting his forehead on yours.
You smiled, completely fucked out. His fingertips dragged down your skin slowly until he reached your waist. His hands slid up under your shirt, and he rested his palms against your skin, fingers splayed down over your hips. His hold was undeniably possessive.
Shifting his head into the crevice of your neck, Yoongi muttered, “Go out with me, (y/n).”
The only answer your last few braincells could formulate was a garbled “Mkay”. But judging from the smile you felt against your pulse point, it was good enough for him.
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a/n: originally was going to make this fic about jungkook (inspired by this post), but I decided I needed to write it about Yoongi bc he is baby
© luxekook. please do not repost, modify, edit or translate.
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raleighcarrera · 4 years
blades of light and shadow | mal volari x mc (raine nightbloom)
a penderghast college of elemental magicks au. for @bladesappreciationweek day 7 (mc/wild card) 💕
tags: @choicesarehard ; @empressazura; @zigtheeortega ; @pixeljazzy ; @withbeautyandrage 
~6.6k words | T
“you’re kidding,” raine said flatly, staring imtura down from across the table they’d stolen away at in the corner of the dining hall for breakfast. her expression was unimpressed over her plate of yorba eggs.
“i’m not,” she insisted, “tyril heard it from kaya who saw the file in admissions herself. mal volari transferred in over the summer. he’s dorming in the east residence. probably moving in right now while we sit here talking shit.”
“but why,” she whined, prodding miserably at her food, “didn’t he have the cushiest athletic scholarship ever at gildegraive? what could he possibly get out of transferring here?”
“a new set of romantic prospects?” imtura suggested, leaning over to snag one of the dragon links off of raine’s plate with a shrug. “either way, you should prepare yourself for thief tryouts. you know that’s the first place he’s headed.”
her stomach sank further as she considered the inevitability of imtura’s words. of course he was going to want to play thief. he was the best player gildegraive’d had in centuries. he’d expect to walk on to the varsity team at penderghast and would, doubtlessly, probably without even having to try out.
“just kill me,” she muttered, “i can’t possibly play my last season on the same team as mal volari. imtura, he’s insufferable.”
“he’s talented,” her friend shrugged, “you’ll get over it. maybe it’ll be nice to be playing with him instead of against him, for once.”
“nice isn’t the word i’d use,” raine grumbled, mind suddenly flashing through the last three years of thief matches against gildegraive in quick succession, recalling volari’s arrogant smirk and endless taunting, the whips of flames that always followed him around the stadium. “i give it four days before we kill each other.”
“that’s generous,” imtura scoffed, finishing off the last of raine’s dragon links in two quick bites, “my bet’s on serious tragedy striking after practice today.”
it didn’t help that most of campus was acting like they suddenly had a celebrity attending school with them. mal was in her first class of the day and so were the whispers that followed him, her classmates’ gaping so prevalent that she and nia were the only ones who actually managed to complete the spell they were supposed to be working on in advanced spellwork for seniors. 
the one silver lining of it all was that nia seemed to see through his charm, too. “what are we missing?” she whispered to raine, as mal ran a hand through his hair to the tune of excited giggling from the girls in the last row of the room, grinning to himself as he did so. “he’s just a student like everyone else.”
“worse,” raine returned, comforting herself by imagining the look on volari’s smug face when she’d drenched his stupid fireballs in water and plucked his flag from his belt in the championship game at the end of last year. he was furious and soaking wet when they popped back into the stadium and the rest of the dryxmars had hoisted her up into their arms, and stomped off into the stands like the sore loser he was so his admirers could start to lick his wounds. “i can’t even stand the sight of him.”
nia looked at her warily, concern pinching her face. from a glance at her expression alone, raine realized how hard she was glaring across the room, and sighed as she slowly schooled her face back into something neutral and unclenched her fists, turning her gaze back to the plant on her desk she was meant to be taking through its life cycle, from sprout to blossom to apple tree and back again. 
“you should ignore him, if he isn’t going to be nice to you,” nia murmured comfortingly, easily coaxing a bright red, shiny apple to form through the blossom of her tree’s flower, “it’s our senior year. we shouldn’t have to worry about anything.”
“that’s a nice thought,” raine sighed, blinking in pleasant surprise as her anger seemed to push forth a burst of magic that had five or six blossoms sprouting in her tree all at once, “but if he’s going to insist on playing thief with us i don’t know how possible ignoring him is going to be.”
they both fell silent as professor johnstone slowed to a stop in front of their desks. “ms. nightbloom, ms. ellarious. excellent spellwork. your plants could be an example for everyone else in class.”
as if on cue, the rest of the students turned to look their way. raine felt her face grow hot as her eyes met mal’s across the rows of desks. he looked surprised to see her sitting there, which made her mouth twist with annoyance again. 
her tree wobbled, and one of the apples dropped off the leaves and into professor johnstone’s outstretched hand. raine looked up sheepishly, an apology on the tip of her tongue, but their professor only spun the fruit around for observation before lifting it to his lips to take a bite, chewing thoughtfully before nodding his approval. “amazing, ms. nightbloom, truly. top marks for today. for the rest of you, i expect to see thirty perfect trees when we meet again on friday.”
she and nia walked outside together, their steps slow as they turned in the direction of the sun-att classroom. “we’re still meeting in penn square later, right?” raine asked, assuming she’d need the distraction after what was bound to be a disastrous thief practice.
“of course,” nia answered with a smile, “you know how much it’d upset tyril if we eschewed tradition.”
“aww, i like our annual stroll through the rose garden just as much,” raine laughed, “it really sets the tone for the semester.”
“i agree,” nia said, “and i think --”
“oi, nightbloom!” 
she and nia stilled as a loud voice interrupted their conversation, and she only had a moment to feel horror take her over completely as nia stifled a smile before the sound of mal volari jogging through the grass and stopping beside them reached her ears. he flicked his head to the side to push his hair out of his face and smiled charmingly at her. “raine, hey. long time no see.”
raine blinked at him, glancing at nia as she tried to process what in the six hells  he was doing, running to catch up with her. “hi?”
“hi,” he echoed, the expression on his face stretching into a grin. of course his teeth were white, shiny and straight, like something out of a newspaper advert. she resisted the urge to roll her eyes.
there was a prolonged beat of science before nia interjected, “i’m nia, by the way. it’s nice to meet you.”
“likewise,” mal agreed, finally tearing his eyes away from her to shake nia’s hand. “are you an earth-att? that tree you made was amazing.”
“sun, actually,” nia said, so humbly she didn’t even give mal a chance to be impressed, “my secondary attunement is water, like raine’s. we were planning to spend our free period in the sun-att classroom, if you wanted to...”
she trailed off, teeth biting at her bottom lip as raine widened her eyes at her, as though silently demanding, what do you think you’re doing?
from her left, mal shrugged, completely unbothered. his winning smile didn’t falter for even a moment. “oh, no, that’s alright. i was sort of hoping to have a moment to talk to raine, if you wouldn’t mind.”
nia shook her head good-naturedly even as raine narrowed her eyes. “and what about if raine would mind?” she demanded, folding her arms across her chest, “that doesn’t matter as much?”
“i’ll catch up with you in elemental manipulation, raine,” nia cut in, waving at the both of them before turning on the lawn so quickly her skirt whipped around to follow her stride across campus.
she huffed. now that they were alone, mal certainly wasn’t smiling, anymore. the rest of the students in the quad were openly staring at the both of them, gossiping behind their backs. “did you need something?”
“well -- i wanted to talk to you about thief, i guess,” he said, lifting a hand to scratch at the stubble lining his jaw. for the first time in as long as she’d known him, he seemed unsure. “i know you and i don’t have the most positive track record.”
“and whose fault is that?” she shot back, suddenly seething, her annoyance made worse by the fact that she had to tip her chin up to look him in the eye. “you’ve been a massive dick to me since freshman year. you’ve always played dirty, always been a sore loser and always talked trash behind my back. the only thing i want from you this year is to stay out of my way.”
“don’t you think that’s a little extreme?” he asked, seemingly surprised by her outburst. gods, the arrogance of this man. “sure, we’ve had a bit of a rivalry, but --”
“a rivalry i’ve never been interested in and certainly don’t care about now. it’s my senior year just as much as yours. i don’t need you making things difficult for me.”
mal’s expression darkened, but she hardly gave him the chance to sneak another word in. before he could open his mouth to bite back at her, she turned and stomped off after nia, as quickly as she could with the rest of the student body still whispering about her as she zipped past.
thief tryouts were as much of a disaster as she’d predicted they’d be.
her co-captain was nauseatingly enamored by mal and waved him onto the team at the start of practice without a single question. he hardly spared her a glance as he got himself a jersey and pulled it on, either completely shameless or oblivious to the way the rest of the team gaped at his bare chest while he changed on the pitch.
it wasn’t like she could do anything about any of it. the rest of the team would stage a mutiny if she tried to stop volari from joining. her hands were tied.
but she had to draw the line somewhere, and felt herself reach her breaking point when one of the juniors on the team stumbled into one of their own traps because they’d been watching mal work, tangling herself up in thorny vines raine had to come over and cut her out of.
“for fuck’s sake,” she snapped, as the girl dropped back onto the stadium’s pitch with a sigh, “he’s just a regular person. either pay attention to practice or get out.”
the most annoying part was that he was good. she knew that, objectively, from years of playing against him, but watching mal up close, without the distraction of a game to win in the way, was like watching art. infuriatingly, she spent most of practice trying not to get caught looking his way instead of checking up on how the rest of the team had progressed over the summer. 
the fact that she couldn’t find a single fault in his form was maddening. his spellwork was flawless, his technique was perfect, his athleticism was superior. already he was stronger, faster and smarter than ninety percent of the team.
what a dick.
jesse, one of the other seniors on the team and her best offensive forward, sauntered over to the side of the stadium she was doing her best not to outright drown while she focused her magic into creating a trap that looked like a puddle with the depth of an ocean. “you look like you swallowed a lemon.”
“i just need five minutes where i don’t have to look at his stupid face,” she muttered, hand held aloft in front of her as the puddle between them rippled and expanded, swirling with an angry current a puddle of water shouldn’t be able to have. 
“i get that,” jesse answered, and she blinked, surprised by his understanding. “it must be weird for you, having to just... get along with him, now.”
“everyone expects me to just get over it,” she bit out, water splashing up out of the puddle at her feet and onto the grass, spreading out to widen the distance between them. “but why should i have to be the one who plays nice? why should i have to be the one who doesn’t get to enjoy senior year because i have to babysit some stuck-up, egotistical, glory hungry shampoo model? why?”
they both fell silent as the water surged up suddenly and a wave crashed over the empty stands, soaking the bleachers. to her surprise, a fish flopped out of the puddle she’d created and thrashed on the grass until jesse banished it with a sigh.
the entire team was looking at them now. she could feel everyone’s eyes on her back and read their stares in jesse’s expression, which was pitying and concerned in equal measures. “i need some air,” raine said, dashing out of the stadium without waiting for a response.
the sun was starting to set as she made her way onto the bridge. raine stopped to lean out over the side and squint up into the hazy colors the clouds were turning, pushing her hands through her hair in frustration that only mounted when a hesitant set of footfalls paused a few feet away from her.
she looked down, saw a pair of familiar boots and groaned.
of course it was mal.
“are you alright?” he asked, somehow managing to make his voice sound genuine. evidently he’d been practicing, since that afternoon.
“are you not able to just leave me alone?” she countered, “i feel like i’ve made myself pretty clear.”
“well -- i wish you wouldn’t.” raine tuned her head to the side and found him frowning at her, his dark eyebrows pinched together. “i don’t know why you’re so set on avoiding me.”
she scoffed, turning away. “guess.”
“look.” that tightness from the courtyard was back in his voice as he stepped up beside her on the bridge, moving in closer. “i’d really prefer not to spend the entire term bickering. i want to play thief and enjoy my last year, same as you. it’d be a lot easier to do that if you and i could get along. can you give me a break?”
“you’ve been a thorn in my side for three years; we’re not going to be best friends overnight,” she snapped, grateful for the encroaching darkness of twilight as she could feel her face start to flush. “especially not with you being so -- you.”
mal pursed his lips. “what’s that supposed to mean?”
“i mean, thea collins almost gave herself a season-ending injury at practice because she was too busy staring at you. i mean the flexing and the hair-flipping and the smirking -- you’re distracting people.”
that made him grin. “am i distracting you?”
“not on your life,” she laughed, “but i can’t have my best defense benched because some guy winked at her. if you want me to think of you being on the team as tolerable, you’re going to have to tone it down.”
“for the record, i didn’t wink at her,” mal argued, folding his arms across his chest. “i don’t think i even know who you’re talking about.”
“right.” all the anger deflated out of her suddenly, making her shoulders droop. “well -- whatever you did, just don’t do it again.”
“i’m not sure i know how to suppress my natural charisma,” mal said innocently, in a way that had her rolling her eyes with force. “i don’t intend to be charming.”
“you don’t succeed at it, either,” she quipped, biting down on the inside of her cheek to stop her lips from twitching upwards when the comment made mal’s head tip back with a loud peal of laughter.
“fair enough,” he murmured, and then they both turned on the bridge in unison to head back to the stadium, the tension between them momentarily dissolved. as they walked off, flames danced in mal’s palms to light their way back through the dirt path. show off. after only a beat of silence, he cleared his throat and said, “so, you were talking to that guy for kind of a long time. number eleven.”
“jesse?” she clarified, eyebrows arching. “he plays offense with me. he’s one of the best on the team. i think he was trying to make sure i wasn’t drowning the poor grass.”
mal didn’t say anything, only sort of exhaled in acknowledgment of her answer. she snuck a glance at him and saw the flames from his hands reflected in his eyes, dancing along warm brown irises and dilated pupils. “i remember that trap,” he said finally, breaking the awkward silence, “the one you were practicing. sophomore year quarter-finals, yeah?”
raine blinked. he was right. “yeah,” she answered, “you didn’t fall for it, though. jumped right over it like it wasn’t even there.”
they’d lost that year, making last year’s victory all the sweeter. but their triumph as juniors didn’t make remembering the loss to gildegraive smart any less, and she still had a scar on her arm from where one of mal’s party tricks had gotten too close and burned her, fire incinerating the sleeve of her jersey clear off. 
“adrenaline,” mal murmured by way of explanation, like he was thinking about the burn, too, and the way she’d screwed her face up tight to stifle the angry tears of pain that threatened while the healers patched her up. “sometimes i don’t even realize what’s happening, while i’m out there.”
“well, that’s not going to fly on my team,” she instructed, as they reentered the stadium to come face-to-face with twenty-four players doing their best to pretend to be busy. “so, like i said... tone it down.”
they both seemed to notice the two girls staring and whispering from across the field at the same time. mal smiled, and in their rush to turn away now that he’d made eye contact with them they tripped over each other, tumbling down onto the grass. 
he held up his hands when she turned her glare on him. “hey, i’ll try.”
because practice ran over she was late to penn square, sweaty as she raced over to the rose garden. predictably, she was the last of her friends to arrive.
“you’re late,” said tyril, frowning down at her windswept hair. “and causing a stir, it seems.”
raine doubled over, trying to catch her breath. she turned her questioning gaze first on nia, and then on imtura, who grinned crookedly at raine and helpfully said, “i heard from, like, twelve different people that you and mal volari were flirting in the courtyard.”
she reached out to shove imtura, for all the good it did. her eyes snapped incredulously back up to tyril. “you heard that?”
from beside him, kaya laughed warmly. “that’s how you know word’s gotten around.”
“great,” raine sighed, tipping her face up to squint at the stars now blanketing the sky. “so, i’m dropping out, then.”
nia gasped, shaking her head. “you can’t drop out, raine! not so close to graduation.”
with a groan, she stood up to her full height, arching her back to stretch her spine. “fine, i’ll stay. but only for you.” 
nia smiled brightly at her, stepping up to link their arms together. “come on. i’ve still got to study when we get back later.”
they strolled into the garden, the rest of their friends following behind. raine was quiet as nia started gushing over a new patch of blooms that had been installed over the summer, staring unseeingly at the rows of roses swaying in the breeze before them, winking through a cycle of pastel colors.
her mind was still back in the thief stadium, thinking about her conversation with mal. was it really possible for them, to have a fresh start? could she pretend like three years of history never happened, and put it all behind her in the interest of, what? getting to know him better? being friends?
imtura’s shoulder bumped roughly into hers, jostling her from behind. “earth to raine. what’s wrong with you?”
“huh?” she asked, tearing her gaze away only to find that everyone was suddenly staring at her, “oh, nothing. just tired. practice ran long -- there was a whole thing.”
“is volari any good, at least?” imtura asked, arching her eyebrows. raine could see kaya tune into their conversation while tyril rolled his eyes from beside her, muttering to himself as he walked on ahead to look at the other roses in the garden. “he didn’t forget how to play over the summer?”
“he’s perfect,” raine huffed, “of course. he doesn’t even have to try, it’s nauseating. most of the team thinks he’s the gods’ gift to this school. they were tripping over each other just to get a glimpse of him. it was like trying to coach a group of overexcited toads.”
“i hope you’ll be able to find a way to get along, raine,” nia interjected as imtura snorted with laughter, a worried frown fixed on her face. “it’s not right that the rest of the school is talking about you.”
“it’s fine,” she dismissed. it’d hardly be the first time. the rest of her class had only just moved past her incident with the dean’s daughter freshman year. “let’s go let tyril teach us about roses before he has an aneurism.”
“i heard that,” tyril said calmly, but as they stepped up beside him he did start explaining the significance of the new roses and the enchantment they’d been given to make them change colors, so she figured that was a win.
mal sat with them at breakfast the next morning.
as in -- he physically put his body into the open chair at their table, leaving imtura blinking at her in surprise and nia politely coughing into her hand, as though to suggest that raine should rearrange the look on her face from horrified confusion into something more acceptable for company.
“morning,” he grinned brightly, like raine wasn’t gaping at him like he was something that had crawled out of the lake, “happy second day of term.”
“uh, what are you doing?” she asked, emboldened by the fact that tyril wasn’t there to kick her under the table for being rude. 
“eating breakfast,” mal answered innocently, as though they were friends now, or something. there was a plate piled high with eggs and toast in front of him.
“but why are you eating it here?” 
“raine,” nia cut in, “stop it, of course mal can sit with us.” she lifted her head and shot mal a sunny smile while raine turned towards imtura and rolled her eyes. “how are you liking penderghast so far?”
“it’s different,” he said, “the food’s a lot better than at gildegraive.” 
raine stared down at her cereal while he and imtura introduced themselves from either side of her. her prophecy o’s were still whizzing around in the bowl she’d snatched from the buffet nearly twenty minutes ago. she sighed, smacking the bowl with her spoon. “cheap trick. at this rate we’ll miss the potions seminar entirely.”
“those things still spinning?” imtura asked, leaning over to take a look into her bowl. “maybe that means you’re going to have a really fucked up day.”
“i don’t need the cereal to tell me that,” she muttered, scowling when her answer triggered mal’s warm laugh in response. 
they all watched as her cereal slid to a stop abruptly. “seize the day or be seized by the day?” raine read aloud, her brow furrowed, “what is that supposed to mean?”
“sounds threatening,” mal said, and she jumped as she realized how close he was to her, leaning over her shoulder to look into her bowl. her face felt hot when she reached out for his shoulder and shoved him away. 
“that’s prophecy o’s for you,” nia interjected sympathetically, “woefully vague.”
raine ignored her, stuffing a spoonful of cereal into her mouth. for some reason, she heard herself say to mal, “you know the whole school’s gossiping about you, right?”
evidently he didn’t know that. his eyebrows arched up almost to his hairline. “really? why?”
“because of our argument in the courtyard,” she answered between bites, viciously swirling her spoon through the milk to scramble the letters away. 
“oh,” mal said, recognition jumping into his gaze, “you mean they’re gossiping about us. i figured that would happen.”
she hardly noticed nia and imtura clear their plates and make their goodbyes with the way she was staring at mal. “you did?”
“sure.” his voice sounded as though it should have been obvious. “we’re the biggest names in the sport and now we’re at the same school. can you blame people for being curious about what that means?”
“i think you’re oversimplifying it a little,” raine said, because he was. “we basically made each other’s lives miserable for the last three years.”
“well, yesterday you said it was just me ruining your life, so this feels like an improvement,” he grinned, nodding down at the large bowl of cereal she was still working her way through. “you do know there’s still two other meals today, yeah?”
“shut up,” raine said, without chewing or swallowing that time, because nia was gone and he totally deserved it. “some of us actually do magick here, so -- we use energy. i wouldn’t expect you to understand.”
“that hurts, raine.” mal laid a dramatic hand over his heart, very nearly pouting at her from his seat at the table. “i’m more than just a pretty face, you know.”
“you’re barely even that.” around them, other students were staring as they milled around in the dining hall. the way the room was emptying out meant that she was probably going to be late for the potions seminar they were both expected at. “we should probably get going.”
mal shrugged, toast held aloft between two fingers. “or we could ditch.”
her eyebrows arched in surprise. “ditch class?” 
he laughed, a grin springing onto his face. “rich reaction, coming from the girl who got caught with the dean’s daughter in the --”
“okay, lower your voice,” she rushed to say, glancing around before shrugging carelessly. “i don’t care about ditching potions, but... what would we do instead?”
mal flung the crust of his toast back onto his plate, dusting off his hands. “you have the keys to the stadium, right?” she did. his eyes glinted as his grin grew larger. “how about we play a little one-on-one?”
not only did she have the keys to the stadium, but raine was also experienced in programming the game simulator, which left her at an advantage as she picked the scenario they’d be playing in. she chose something that was sure to play to her skillset -- a sprawling beach with a big, beautiful ocean, perfect for her to manipulate. 
“you’re still not going to beat me,” mal taunted, seated in the middle of the field and lacing up his shoes without touching them, magick crackling visibly in the air around him. “no matter how much you cheat.”
“big talk coming from gildegraive’s biggest cheater,” she returned calmly, shifting to tie back her hair. “when i beat you it’ll just be because i’m an all around better player than you are, but it’s not surprising you’d want to allege cheating now to get in front of your loss.”
“don’t think you’re going to confuse me by sounding smart.” he leapt to his feet, and she took notice of the white flag tied around his waist with a roll of her eyes. 
“sorry, i’m sure you’re confused enough just being yourself.”
“exactly,” mal said triumphantly, and then, as the stadium started to dissolve away around them, “hey, that’s not what i --”
the sound of his voice faded in favor of the noise from the beach. as raine crept silently along the sand, she could hear birds above and waves on the shore; in the distance, there were the beginnings of a boardwalk and a pier looking out over the water. 
unfortunately, there wasn’t much in the way of cover. eyes alert for mal, she started off down the sand quickly, coming up to a short stop when the beach started to rumble beneath her feet, almost as if there was an earthquake incoming.
her teeth bit at the inside of her cheek to stifle her grin. if there was one thing she’d learned playing against mal for three years, it was that he wasn’t subtle. 
she waited for him to bust up out of the sand before sending a wave from the ocean crashing down on the rocks that erupted beneath his feet, immediately extinguishing the fire that followed him wherever he went on the pitch. 
if it was satisfying to watch as saltwater completely soaked every last inch of him, even ruining his pristine, fluffy hair, it was even more satisfying to grin in his face before she took off running, waiting for him to give chase.
raine was almost to the pier when he caught up with her, and from there, their magick met in the middle, water and fire twisting around each other while they paced in circles on the sand. it was rare that she got to play against someone she was so evenly matched with, and she was thrilled to have a challenge after a summer spent messing around with her friends and taking things easy.
mal had improved a bit since she’d beaten him at the end of last term, loathe as she was to admit it. at the very least, he’d been practicing being less predictable, something that was more than mildly irritating, given how much she relied on knowing all of his moves.
as she crashed another wave from the ocean down over his head, raine realized she was going to have to do something unexpected, too, if she ever wanted to get his flag and shut him up for good. before he could push his wet hair out of his face, she lunged forward and tackled him onto the sand, trying to pull his flag off his belt.
“what are you doing?” mal demanded, reaching for her arms and wrestling them away, “this is cheating.”
“not technically,” raine reminded him, because it wasn’t. thief wasn’t exactly a contact-free sport by any stretch of the definition. 
and there wasn’t anyone around to moderate when you blew off your morning classes and snuck into the stadium, so as far as she was concerned -- all bets were off.
“you’re such a brat,” he huffed, doing his best to roll them over and succeeding in shoving her onto her side while she wiggled around in his grip, “you can’t ever be wrong.”
“you’re the insufferable one,” she insisted, “showing up here, acting like you want to be friends.”
mal finally managed to shove her down that last inch, pressing her back flat into the sand. his hips held her down at the waist, but before he could go for her flag, he had to stop her arms from flailing, trying to rip his own off his belt. “i do want to be friends,” he grit out, wrenching one of her arms down, “fucking hell, you make everything so difficult.” 
“me,” raine scoffed, “okay, sure. i make everything --”
the words died in her throat as mal leaned down and kissed her, sealing his lips over hers. her eyes went as wide as the sun, then slammed shut when he pressed in closer, gently moving his mouth against hers.
of course he was a perfect kisser.
her fingers pushed into his hair, damp and sticky from the saltwater, and she felt him settle over her more fully, skin warm from the sun. her body sunk into the sand and though she knew she’d be shaking out her hair long after the illusion faded and they went back to the stadium, she couldn’t quite bring herself to care about anything other than the all-encompassing weight and breadth of him above her.
mal made a soft noise in his throat that sent a shiver down her spine and she responded with an answering hum, arching up off the sand to get closer to him.
for a moment, it was easy to forget who and where they were. all thoughts of school and thief and the pressure of making their senior year one to remember disappeared, replaced only with the peace of the waves and the dead silence that came with knowing they were completely alone.
gradually, she became aware of how fast her heart was beating. her brain suddenly reminded her that she was kissing mal volari, and awareness crept back in, overshadowing how nice it had felt to be in solitude together with panic.
raine reached down and yanked mal’s flag off his belt, ending the game. all at once the illusion around them shattered, yanking them rudely back to the stadium. in the confusion, she wriggled out from underneath his body, standing up to put some distance between them.
from the ground, mal stared up at her in surprise. “raine,” he started, voice low and hoarse, “i...”
“still lost, even though you cheated?” she waved his flag around with more bravado than she felt, resting her free hand on her hip. “yeah, you did.”
“i didn’t cheat,” he argued back, effortlessly taking the bait, “you were the one who gave up on the rules. and i didn’t -- i wasn’t trying to distract you, fuck.”
the optimism she’d felt a moment earlier when she assumed she’d be able to argue him out of this conversation evaporated like smoke. “no?”
mal rolled his eyes at her. “don’t be stupid,” he said. an uncharacteristic shyness flickered over his expression. he rubbed sheepishly at the back of his neck. “you know i like you.”
“um, no i don’t,” she said dumbly, before she could stop herself. “i mean -- what?”
he sighed, then rolled onto his feet, too. there was sand all over his arms -- not that she was looking. “look, if you want me to back off, i will. but, honestly... there’s not a single thing at this school that interests me except for getting to know you better.” mal shrugged in a way that was hopelessly endearing, then admitted, “and thief, i guess.”
“this is really weird.” the look on mal’s face seemed to suggest that he thought so, too. but he didn’t say anything, so she continued, “but... i don’t want you to back off. i -- um, i’d like to get to know you better, too.”
mal smiled slowly at her, and she realized all at once that her pulse still hadn’t calmed from the frantic pounding it’d been doing back on the beach. she drew in a deep breath, hoping it’d help.
instead of calming down, her stomach felt suddenly swarmed with butterflies, beating their wings inside her ribcage like a hurricane. 
still, it didn’t stop her from shifting on her toes so that some of the sand fell out of her clothes, and smiling back.
despite the many, many times she’d practiced saying it that morning in the mirror, raine knew her voice did not sound casual or nonchalant in the slightest when she told her friends, “i invited mal to come to the solstice party with us this weekend.”
predictably, each one of them stared at her as though she had completely lost her mind -- even nia. “mal... volari?” imtura asked, voice measured.
raine nodded, averting her eyes. it had been so much easier to pretend to be casual in her room in the mirror. “yeah. he hadn’t heard about it so i said he could come with us.”
“but -- why?” imtura asked, frowning at her, “you said he was a tool.”
“yeah.” she’d said much worse, too. she pushed her food around her plate without elaborating.
“i thought you two hated each other,” kaya tried, though if the little smirk on her face was anything to go by, she didn’t really think that at all.
raine shrugged. she looked up from her dinner just in time to catch sight of mal making his way over to the buffet, and though she did her best to look away before she’d start to flush, she wasn’t quick enough to miss the once-over he gave her, or the genuine smile that followed it, something like affection in his gaze.
“well -- he’s not totally terrible,” she muttered, reaching for her glass while still doing her very best to keep her voice level. “it probably won’t be so bad.”
“i think it’s great,” nia interjected brightly, “we could always use more friends.”
casual, she reminded herself, for once in your life, act casual. “sure -- friends. definitely.”
imtura gaped at her. “oh my god, you already hooked up with him.”
kaya’s grin stretched a mile wide. she clapped her hands excitedly in front of her plate. “what?” raine spluttered, stomach churning with a deep mix of embarrassment and dread -- if she knew her friends as well as she thought she did, they were never going to let her hear the end of this. “i did not!”
“okay, was it incredible?” kaya asked, rolling her eyes at the look tyril sent her way. “what? don’t act like you’re not curious.”
“oh my god, we just kissed,” she said, because the alternative to just admitting it was so much worse. “can we please not talk about it anymore?”
“no need,” imtura said, and raine only had a split second to relax before she smirked and continued, “here comes your boyfriend now.”
“stop it,” she hissed, kicking her friend under the table before mal dropped into the empty seat beside her with all the familiarity of someone who’d done so a thousand times before.
“hey,” he said, like he had dinner with them every night, “how was class?”
“oh, um -- fine.” raine returned to what was left of her dinner, back to pushing her food around. silence settled over the table, heavy and oppressive.
mal let it linger for a moment, then lifted his head and smiled at her friends. “it wasn’t really a big deal, we only made out.”
raine groaned loudly enough to draw the attention of a few nearby tables, piquing the curiosity of the students around them who’d been doing their best to pretend like they weren’t already eavesdropping. “please don’t encourage them.”
it was too late. kaya was already bouncing in her seat, demanding every single detail -- when, how, why and for what length of time and in what way -- and even imtura and nia looked entertained. 
mal leaned in close while the rest of them bickered behind their backs. “why not?” he whispered, the rough sound of his low voice in her ear making her nearly bite her tongue clean off mid-chew. “i think this semester’s going to be really fun.”
“i think it’s going to suck,” she said, once she’d very carefully swallowed and managed to get a grip on her even breathing again, “because you suck, and are terrible.” 
“that’s the spirit,” mal said fondly, reaching out to sling an arm over the back of her chair. 
raine pursed her lips as whispers broke out from the nearby tables. she was halfway to turning around to give the nosy student body a piece of her mind before she saw the warmth in mal’s eyes and gave up on pretending to be anything but happy, tilting into his hold and leaning into the open space at his side while they joined the argument with her friends, together.
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The 2020 Silver Garbage Awards - The Winners
Winners are in Bold.  The Silver Garbage Awards celebrates the Very Worst of the Past Television Season.
WORST NEW SERIES: Almost Family (Fox) Bluff City Law (NBC) Council of Dads (NBC) Daybreak (Netflix) Grand Hotel (ABC) Perfect Harmony (NBC)
WORST COMEDY SERIES: Broke (CBS) Indebted (NBC) Outmatched (Fox) Perfect Harmony (NBC) The Politician (Netflix) Sunnyside (NBC)
WORST DRAMA SERIES: Almost Family (Fox) Bluff City Law (NBC) Council of Dads (NBC) Daybreak (Netflix) Grand Hotel (ABC) Magnum P.I. (CBS)  
WORST SPECIAL CLASS PROGRAM: Chris Watts: Confessions of a Killer (Lifetime) The College Admissions Scandal (Lifetime) High School the Musical: The Musical: The Special (Disney Plus) I Was Lorena Bobbitt (Lifetime) Tempting Fate (Lifetime)
WORST REALITY PROGRAM: A Double Shot at Love (MTV) Flirty Dancing (Fox) Jersey Shore: Family Vacation (MTV) Judge Jerry (Syndicated) Made in Staten Island (MTV) Million Dollar Mile (CBS)
WORST ACTOR IN A COMEDY SERIES: Jaime Camil - Broke (CBS) Ashton Kutcher - The Ranch (Netflix) Kal Penn - Sunnyside (NBC) Dax Shepard - Bless This Mess (ABC) Steven Weber - Indebted (NBC) Bradley Whitford - Perfect Harmony (NBC)
WORST ACTOR IN A DRAMA SERIES: Timothy Hutton - Almost Family (Fox) Rob Lowe - 9-1-1: Lone Star (Fox) Alex O’Loughlin - Hawaii Five-0 (CBS) Jay Rodriguez - Magnum P.I. (CBS) Jimmy Smits - Bluff City Law (NBC) Michael Weatherly - Bull (CBS)
WORST SPECIAL CLASS LEAD ACTOR: Pauly Delvecchio - A Double Shot at Love & Jersey Shore: Family Vacation (both MTV) Vinny Guadagnino - A Double Shot at Love & Jersey Shore: Family Vacation (both MTV) Joe Exotic - Tiger King (Netflix) Jerry Springer - Judge Jerry (Syndicated) Tim Tebow - Million Dollar Mile (CBS)
WORST ACTRESS IN A COMEDY SERIES: Lake Bell - Bless This Mess (ABC) Anna Camp - Perfect Harmony (NBC) Fran Drescher - Indebted (NBC) Natasha Leggero - Broke (CBS) Pauley Perrette - Broke (CBS) Constance Wu - Fresh Off The Boat (ABC) WORST ACTRESS IN A DRAMA SERIES: Kristen Bell - Veronica Mars (Hulu) Megalyn Echikunwoke - Almost Family (Fox) Carla Gugino - Jett (Cinemax) Brittany Snow - Almost Family (Fox) Liv Tyler - 9-1-1: Lone Star (Fox) Zendaya - Euphoria (HBO)
WORST SPECIAL CLASS LEAD ACTRESS: Carole Baskin - Tiger King (Netflix) Kristin Cavallari - A Very Merry Cavallari and Very Cavallari (both E!) Lea Michele - Same Time, Next Christmas (ABC) Alyssa Milano - Tempting Fate (Lifetime) Nicole ‘Snooki’ Polizzi - Jersey Shore: Family Vacation (MTV) 
WORST SUPPORTING ACTOR IN A COMEDY SERIES: Ed Begley Jr. - Bless This Mess (ABC) Izzy Diaz - Broke (CBS) Rizwan Manji - Perfect Harmony (NBC) Finesse Mitchell - Outmatched (Fox) Adam Pally - Indebted (NBC) Geno Segers - Perfect Harmony (NBC)
WORST SUPPORTING ACTOR IN A DRAMA SERIES: Stony Blyden - Bluff City Law (NBC) Stephen Hill - Magnum P.I. (CBS) Zane Holtz - Katy Keene (The CW)   Zachary Knighton - Magnum P.I. (CBS) David Krumholtz - The Deuce (HBO) Clive Standen - Council of Dads (NBC) 
WORST SPECIAL CLASS SUPPORTING ACTOR: Hunter Burke - You Can’t Take My Daughter (Lifetime) Jeff Lowe - Tiger King (Netflix) Dr. Phil McGraw - TMZ Investigates: Tiger King: What Really Went Down (Fox) Michael Shanks - The College Admissions Scandal (Lifetime) Michael “The Situation” Sorrentino - Jersey Shore: Family Vacation (MTV)
WORST SUPPORTING ACTRESS IN A COMEDY SERIES: Tisha Campbell - Outmatched (Fox) Elisha Cuthbert - The Ranch (Netflix) Abby Elliott - Indebted (NBC) Pam Grier - Bless This Mess (ABC) Tymberlee Hill - Perfect Harmony (NBC) Jessy Hodges - Indebted (NBC)
WORST SUPPORTING ACTRESS IN A DRAMA SERIES: Jennifer Love Hewitt - 9-1-1 (Fox) Amy Hill - Magnum P.I. (CBS) Emily Osment - Almost Family (Fox) Sydney Sweeney - Euphoria (HBO) Michelle Weaver - Council of Dads (NBC) Perdita Weeks - Magnum P.I. (CBS)
WORST SPECIAL CLASS SUPPORTING ACTRESS: Kirstie Alley - You Can’t Take My Daughter (Lifetime) Jenni Farley - Jersey Shore: Family Vacation (MTV) Dolly Parton - Christmas at Dollywood (Hallmark Channel) Angelina Pivarnick - Jersey Shore: Family Vacation (MTV) Nia Vardalos - Same Time, Next Christmas (ABC)
WORST REBOOT/SPIN-OFF: High School Musical: The Musical: The Series (Disney Plus) (Half-Sequel and Half-Spinoff To The Disney Franchise) Judge Jerry (Syndicated) (Half-Sequel and Half-Spinoff of The Jerry Springer Show) The Little Mermaid LIVE (ABC) (Remake of 1989 Disney Classic Movie) 9-1-1: Lone Star (Fox) (Spin-Off of 9-1-1) Pearson (USA) (Spin-Off of Suits) Veronica Mars (Hulu) (Sequel to 2000s UPN Detective Series)
WORST GUEST PERFORMER IN A COMEDY SERIES: Laura Bell Bundy - Perfect Harmony (NBC) Tony Danza - Outmatched (Fox) Kelsey Grammer - Carol’s Second Act (CBS) Bette Midler - The Politician (Netflix) Natalie Morales - Sunnyside (NBC) Nicole Richie - Bless This Mess (ABC)
WORST GUEST PERFORMER IN A DRAMA SERIES: Eva Longoria Baston - Grand Hotel (ABC) Corbin Bernsen - Tommy (CBS) Miley Cyrus - Black Mirror (Netflix) Katey Sagal - Grand Hotel (ABC) Tom Everett Scott - Council of Dads (NBC) Natalie Zea - 9-1-1: Lone Star (Fox)
WORST PERFORMANCE BY A CAST IN TELEVISION: Almost Family (Fox) High School the Musical: The Musical: The Series (Disney Plus) Jersey Shore: Family Vacation (MTV) Magnum P.I. (CBS) Perfect Harmony (NBC) Tiger King (Netflix)
WORST WRITING IN A COMEDY SERIES: Broke (CBS) High School the Musical: The Musical: The Series (Disney Plus) Outmatched (Fox) Perfect Harmony (NBC) Sunnyside (NBC)
WORST DIRECTING IN A COMEDY SERIES: High School the Musical: The Musical: The Series (Disney Plus) Indebted (NBC) Outmatched (Fox) Perfect Harmony (NBC) Sunnyside (NBC)
WORST WRITING IN A DRAMA SERIES: Almost Family (Fox) Bluff City Law (NBC) Council of Dads (NBC) Magnum P.I. (CBS) NCIS: Los Angeles (CBS)
WORST DIRECTING IN A DRAMA SERIES: Almost Family (Fox) Euphoria (HBO) Hawaii Five-0 (CBS) Magnum P.I. (CBS) The Rookie (ABC)
WORST SPECIAL CLASS WRITING: Chris Watts: Confessions of a Killer (Lifetime) The College Admissions Scandal (Lifetime) I Was Lorena Bobbitt (Lifetime) Same Time, Next Christmas (ABC)   TMZ Investigates: Tiger King: What Really Went Down (Fox)
WORST SPECIAL CLASS DIRECTING: Christmas at Dollywood (Hallmark Channel) The College Admissions Scandal (Lifetime) A Double Shot at Love (MTV) I Was Lorena Bobbitt (Lifetime) You Can’t Take My Daughter (Lifetime)
WORST SCREEN DUO: Timothy Hutton & Brittany Snow (Almost Family, Fox) Pauly D & Vinny (A Double Shot at Love & Jersey Shore: Family Vacation, both MTV) Steven Weber & Fran Drescher (Indebted, NBC) Any two housemates (Jersey Shore: Family Vacation, MTV) Carole Baskin and either Joe Exotic or Her Kittens (Tiger King, Netflix) Joe Exotic and his Tiger Zoo (Tiger King, Netflix)
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argyle-s · 6 years
Kara sees guys checking out Nia at the pool and decides that just won’t do. So she buys a ring pop from the concession stand and dramatically proposes to Nia who’s lounging and trying to get a tan. The fact that they’re already married doesn’t slow her down at all.
A Modest Proposal
By Argyle.S
Pairings:  Kara Danvers/Nia Nal, Alex Danvers/Kelly Olsen
Romance, Humor
Summary:  Kara overhears a couple of guys talking aboutNia and decides to take action.
 It was a warm summerday in National City, and Alex had decided to drag them surfing because Kellyhad never been, and Alex and Kara both agree that that just will not do.  No girlfriend of Alex’s is official untilthey’ve tried surfing at least once.  Thoughhonestly, the way Alex looks at Kelly, she thinks this one might stick even ifshe turns out to be a terrible surfer. Alex hasn’t looked at anyone that way since Maggie.
It’s ironic, really,that in the end, Alex would be the Danvers who was actually able to make arelationship work with an Olsen, but Kara gets it.  Kelly is definitely a step up from James.  Sure, they both have those deep, soulfulbrown eyes, but in James those eyes had always been searching, looking to thehorizon for the next adventure, the next chance for glory.  In Kelly’s face, those same eyes inhabit thenow in a way that Kara hopes will ground Alex while she deals with her wounds.
It’s definitely notwhat Kara would need for herself.  Karaneeds hope, she needs inspiration, and a reminded that there is a future tolook forward to, but that’s not what Alex needs.  Alex needs someone to ground her, to root herin the hear and now, and remind her that life can’t be put on hold into thecrisis is over, because there will always, always be another crisis, andanother reason to put off living.
And that’s what Kellyis doing today.  She’s reminding Alex tolive, and even though Kara barely knows her, she loves her a little bit forthat and for how radiantly happy Alex is. It’s the same kind of happiness Kara had seen on how own face when shelooked in the mirror just a few weeks ago on her wedding day.
It had been a quickthing.  A small ceremony in the rebuiltbarn in Parthas, with almost the entire town on Nia’s side.  Kara’s side had been smaller.  Eliza, J’onn, Brainy, Alex, Kelly, James,Lena, Sam, Ruby, Lucy, Winn, Imra, Barry and his little gang, Oliver and hiscrew, Kal, Lois, Allura and of course Cat, who spent most of the receptiontaking credit for the happy match.
Alex had given hersome gentle ribbing on how quickly Kara and Nia had gone from ostensiblystraight coworkers to married lesbians, Had even asked if they were going to change their Superhero names to uHaulgirland Subaru, but it had worked for them. They were happy, and despite Alex’s wistfulness, she could tell hersister was happy for her, even if Kara had put her in a bridesmaid dress.
Though if things keptgoing the way they were, Alex might be getting her revenge for that sooner,rather than later.
Kara laughed as shesaw Kelly turn the lesson on surfing stances Alex was giving her into a chance tohave Alex’s hands on her, and turned around, intending to point it out to Nia.  The words died on her lips as she saw herwife stretched out, her skin glistening with oil, as she lay on her loungechair in a bikini that left very little to the imagination.
“Her name is Nia.”
The words reached Kara’sears only because of her super hearing, and she turned and focused on thesource.  A couple of dude bros sittingover by the hotdog stand.
“How do you know?”Dude Two asked.
“I hear the redheadwho’s over there putting the moves on the black chick say it when they got here,”Dude One said.
“Dude, she’s got to bethe hottest chick out here,” Dude Two said.
“Right,” Dude Onesaid.
Kara narrowed hereyes.  She didn’t disagree.  Nia was definitely the hottest girl on thebeach, hands down.  But she did notappreciate Dude One and Dude Two drooling over her wife.
But how to handlethis?
Should she just goover and kiss Nia?  That certainly had anappeal.  Any time was a good time to kissNia.  Those soft lips, and the littlemoan Nia would make when Kara’s hand settled on her hip.  But Dudebros were notoriously slow to takethe hint, and Kara was feeling kind of playful. She looked around for a moment, searching for a way to stake her claimthat would be funny, and not possessive, or clingy.
She spotted the ringpops mixed in with the other candy at the ice cream stand, and she headed over.  She already had her money out by the time shereached the front of the line, and bought two of the ring pops, then turnedaround and headed back to where the love of her life was working on her tan.
“Dude, I’m going to gotalk to her,” Dude Two said.
“She is totally out ofyour league,” Dude One said.
“I know, man, but I’vegot to try,” Dude Two said.
Kara almost felt sorryfor the guy.  Almost.  She watched him stand up, and walk towardsNia, but she was closer, and she already had one of the ring pops out of it’spackaging.  She tossed the still wrappedone into her own bag as she knelt down next to Nia.
“Nia, my love,” Karasaid in a voice loud enough that Dude Two would be able to hear her.
Nia opened her eyesand looked at her.
“Yes?” Nia asked, apuzzled look on her face.
“Darling, I know we’veonly known each other a little over a year, but I have to tell you, you are thesun that brightens my day, your smile is the most beautiful sight I have ever seen,your sent sweeter than any perfume, and every moment I spend with you brings memore joy than I ever imagined I could feel.”
She reached down andlifted Nia’s hand, the one already wearing an engagement ring, and a wedding band,and she kissed it before she looked back up and Nia’s face, and brought thering pop up where Nia and everyone watching could see it.
“Nia, my beloved, mydearest, my treasure, would you do me the very great honor of being my wife?”
Nia reached up,covering her mouth with her free hand, trying to hold in the laughter as herface turned slightly red.  Kara waitedpatiently, until Nia lowered her hand.
“Yes, my love!” Niadeclared, in a manor every bit as over blown as Kara’s proposal speech hadbeen.
Kara smiled as she slippedthe ring pop on Nia’s finger, then she leaned forward and kissed her wife likeit was their wedding night, which earned them more than a few cheers, and acouple of calls of ‘get a room’ before it was over.
When the kiss wasover, Kara leaned back and smiled at Nia, who smiled back.
���What brought that on?”Nia asked.
Kara nodded her headin the general direction of Dude Two, who was standing there with his mouthopen.
Nia looked over, thenlooked back to Kara.
“Did my fabulouslybeautiful wife get a little jealous at the frat boys checking me out?” Niaasked.
“Of course not,” Karasaid.
“Well, that’s too bad,because if she had, I would have all sorts of ways to reassure her that she hadno reason at all to be jealous,” Nia said.
Kara stared for amoment.  “I might have been a tiny bitjealous,” she said.
“Well then,” Nia said,and leaned forward.
The kiss Kara got wasmore than worth the admission 
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summervanlife · 5 years
25 July
The morning was glorious again. We were up early enough to make use of the shade provided by the van, the cool grass feeling wonderful underfoot. Clare disappeared on a mission before Nia and Cian had got up. She returned with freshly backed croissants from the local patisserie. What a star! We packed up an said goodbye to the Avon campsite again. A supermarket stop for provisions and then onto our mission. A journey time of about 20mins brought us to a car park in what seemed to be the correct area. We had navigated from several different maps, but now we tried to orientate to find our path nothing matched. We decided to approach the required car park from the opposite direction - a town called Babizon. Just at the point when we were ready to give up we pulled into a lay by for some map study - amazingly just outside Jays window was a board with an area map with a 'you are here' arrow. From this and the guidebook we located the correct carpark and everything made sense. The blistering heat encouraged us to stay in the van with the air con jacked up and have lunch. Once complete, we braved the 43 degree furnace. Our 2012 guidebook had got us to the right place, it also had a child friendly circuit annotated, unfortunately there wasn't circuit diagrams for the children's routes. We managed to find the boulder field but struggled to find the course. A scouse fella came to our rescue and let us take a photo from his guidebook. Then we were sorted. We spent a long time in scorching heat with rock boots cramping our feet thoroughly enjoying ourselves. We only stopped when the water ran out at about 1630hr. The climbing was just perfect for us all to challenge ourselves and find success. The rock was hot and grippy - a good day climbing. Back at the van we re-hydrated and drove to Babizon. It is a very art driven town with more galleries than houses. The village hall had an exhibition showing the work of Steve McCurry - a photographer of people and particularly famous for his National Geographic covers. Clare knew the name and was keen to go in. We all went to have a look. His work was stunning, as if he was able to capture the soul of a person through their eyes. Amazing work. Our admission tickets also gave us access to another gallery in the village. It was a curious set up which seemed to be in someone's house. We found ourselves meandering thought kitchen, lounge and even bedroom - very strange. As was the art. All very interesting, and incredibly eclectic; from vintage Lambretta to plastic trash people. All pretty cool. After wandering the pretty streets of Babizon we returned to the van and decided on a new campsite around 15 miles away. Try as we might we couldn't locate it from the details we had. We pulled into a cul-de-sac and tried to work it out. After a few minutes a couple came out way and asked if we were okay. We explained and showed them the address. They began to give directions which were a little complex. In a flash the guy said "Wait here, I'll get my car, you follow me" and then disappeared. Sure enough he came past. We followed him for about 10min before being delivered very gratefully at the campground. We thanked our new hero and drove to reception. It was past 1900hr. We were never going to fall in love with this place - plus we don't know how mouth it will cost (we pay on departure after reclaiming our passports!) However, we needed to cook and rest. We hope to be able to use one of the 2 pools, but both were closing as we drove to our pitch - that's a new level of cruelty! We did find trees to put up the slack line and plenty of room to play with the frisbee. It began to cloud over before it got dark and even thundered and threatened to rain - but it didn't. The evening remained stiflingly hot. We lay down for book, the. Waited for some sleep.
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scuzmunkie · 6 years
Run, Little Rabbit, Run: Chapter 6
A/N: Oh my precious, darling, little pumpkins!! You are all so amazing!! I look forward to all of your comments and I cherish each and every one of them!! I can’t tell you how much they mean to me!! Every heart, reblog and comment are so dear to me as are each of you! I absolutely love all of you and can’t thank you enough for the support you all continue to show me!! As always, please lmk if there are any mistakes and if you’d like to be added to the tag list!! And now I give you chapter 6, enjoy! Smooches!! Baron Corbin x OFC Word Count: 3000+ (I got a little carried away) Warnings: Language, y’all if terminal illness and thametic elements. Summary: Run, Addie, the Constable is coming for you..... +++ Baron watched Addie as she stared at her phone, poking her pasta. Cole’s words ringing in his ears, ‘She’s your luna.’ He couldn’t get them out of his head. His wolf all but howled at the revelation. It had been almost two months since that night, leaving him with seven months at best to make a decision. ‘She is ours!’ His wolf growled out, interrupting Baron’s thoughts. ‘She’s dying. She’s not going to survive long enough to be our luna.’ Baron reminded his wolf. ‘But WE can save her, you stubborn asshole!’ He screamed causing Baron to wince. ‘BUT WHAT IF I KILL HER?!’ Baron gasped and felt his heart clench at his admission. ‘What if I get my hopes up and she dies. No... it’s better to just keep my distance than allow myself to get close to her and lose her.’ His wolf understood Baron’s fears and pain. It was rare for a wolf to have a mate nowadays. Soulmates were a fairy tale anymore, something their ancestors had. Modern wolves simply fall in love like humans do. The fact that Baron was given a mate that was not only human but dying as well was a cruel, sick joke from the moon goddess. ‘But what if we save her? What if she lives? We could watch her change, watch her take her first run as a wolf and watch her belly grow with our little ones.’ His wolf pleaded with Baron. Just as Baron was about to answer, his attention was stolen by the sound of Addie’s laughter. Looking in her direction, he saw Dolph had joined her. Allowing his anger to get the better of him, Baron bent his fork in half. It seemed that anywhere Addie went, Dolph was right there. Even if Baron wanted to get close to her, Dolph found ways to sabotage that. Word had spread to a few that Addie found out about the existence of the supernatural. Dolph was one of the few who found out and used that to his advantage. Baron saw just how far Dolph would go to ruin any chances he had with Addie a week and a half ago. —- Baron was quietly talking with Ruby Riot, one of his trusted pack members, when an infuriated Addie stormed up to them. “Who the hell do you think you are?!” She yelled at him, turning to Ruby, “I’m so sorry Ru-Ru, could I talk to Baron a minute?” She asked with so much kindness that Baron couldn’t believe that this same woman just screamed in his face. Ruby looked at Baron, trying her hardest not to laugh. She could tell that he was in deep shit and wanted nothing more than to stay and watch him get reamed. Ruby quickly pecked Addie on the cheek and walked away, but not before mouthing ‘you’re screwed’ to Baron behind Addie’s back. Once she was gone Baron turned his attention to the seething makeup artist. “Ok, you wanna tell me-“ “NO! You don’t get to speak! I think I’ve been pretty compliant with your wishes, I haven’t said anything to anyone and I’ve steered clear of the woods!! Would you agree?!” By now she was toe to toe with Baron, who simply nodded. “Then imagine my surprise when I got to the parking garage and found my back tire completely flat because of four CLAW marks! What gives you the right?!” She yelled, pushing him with all her might only to have him barely budge. He was so confused. Baron would never do that to her, so why think it was him? “I almost missed a very important doc-“ she quickly cleared her throat, “meeting! Had it not been for Dolph I would’ve missed it completely! Even he thought that they looked like claw marks!” And there was his answer. There wasn’t a doubt in his mind that Dolph was the one who slashed her tire in hopes of being her knight in shining armor. He also led Addie to believe that Baron was the culprit because he used all four of his claws instead of just one in hopes to incriminate Baron. He could feel his wolf getting angry at the thought of Dolph moving in on his mate. “Look, I’m sorry about your tire, I really am, but I didn’t do it.” “Oh really? Hmmm. Let me think.” She said sarcastically as she tapped her chin, “Who else here a) hates me and b) is a werewolf? Any guesses, Fido?” She said, looking him deadass in the eyes. Baron had to admit that she looked damn hot when she was pissed, his wolf loving her fiery glare. He started to fill Baron’s head with all the ways he could ‘tame’ her earning him a ‘not now, asshole’. Sighing, he decided to pop her little world. “First of all, I don’t hate you.” She scoffed at his confession. “Second, little rabbit, there are more of us here than you think and not just werewolves.” He smirked at Addie’s visible and audible gulp. “Third, stay away from Dolph, he’s bad news.” “Please, he’s a better man than you. At least he doesn’t treat me like some inconvenience.” She mumbled the last part. Groaning, Baron rubbed the back of his neck. It seemed that Dolph already had his hooks in her. “Listen, I just need you to promise me you’ll be careful, especially around Dolph.” He outstretched his hand, “Give me your phone.” “Uh, why?” Addie stared at him bewilderedly. “Please? I swear no funny business.” Hesitantly, Addie placed her unlocked phone in Baron’s open palm. She watched as he quickly typed away. Satisfied, he gave it back to her. “There, you have my number now. I need you to promise me you’ll call me if there’s anything out of the ordinary.” She just stared at him. “Adelina, promise me!” “Ok, ok! I promise. Why do you care tho?” She asked, making Baron inwardly wince. “Just be safe.” Annoyed at his lack of an answer, Addie curtly nodded and walked away, leaving a pining werewolf in her wake. “You can come out now.” Baron said, looking at a dark corner. “Sorry, I just really wanted to see her rip you a new one.” Ruby said, stifling her laughter. “Now, how the hell did she find out about us?” Huffing, Baron gave her the shortened version of what happened. “Wow, careless much?” She said, taking joy in Baron’s predicament. “Watch it!” He growled out, his wolf taking over at her disrespect. “Sorry alpha.” She quickly said, not wanting him to lose his shit. “Good.” He nudged her head with his, “I need you to do me a favor. I need you to keep an eye on Addie especially when Dolph’s around. I don’t want him pulling the same old shit he always does.” —- Addie sat with Dolph, laughing at his ridiculous stories, when she noticed Baron storming out of catering. She couldn’t explain it, but she felt a pull towards him, stronger than some silly crush. “You with me, cutie?” Dolph asked, gently placing his hand on hers. “Y-Yeah, sorry. Just a lot in my mind.” She smiled. “So, I was wondering if you wanna go for a walk ‪tomorrow night? It’s supposed to be a lunar eclipse. I was thinking we could bring a blanket, find a nice spot and watch it together? What do you say?” He asked, placing his hand on hers. “Um, sure. That sounds like fun!” Dolph pulled her hand towards his lips but was interrupted by someone putting their plate right between them, forcing Dolph to release Addie’s hand. “Hey guys! Mind if I sit?” Ruby asked as she plopped down between them. Irritated, Dolph stood, glaring at Ruby, who was sporting a shit eating grin on her face. No doubt Baron had told her to watch over Addie. She seemed to pop up whenever Dolph got a little close for comfort. Before leaving he turned to Addie. “See you ‪tomorrow night‬, cutie.” He said, winking at her then walked away. “So, you two seem to be getting kinda close.” Ruby blurted out while popping a strawberry in her mouth. “Oh, I mean I guess. He’s been nice, a little much at times, but...” Addie trailed off. “But he’s no Baron.” Paige blurted out as she joined them, sporting a pair of dark sunglasses with a sliver hydro flask in her hands. “Geez! Say it louder, why don’t you, for those who didn’t hear you!” Addie whisper yelled. “Ok, ok, sorry love!” Paige said, although her smirk said otherwise. “What’re you doing here, babe?” Addie asked Paige, who was usually on Smackdown. “Oh, creative wanted to film a segment between Baron and I but decided last minute to nix it, so now I’m here with you lovelies!” She explained, watching as Ruby cuddled into Addie’s side. Addie had begun to notice as of late that Ruby had become more physical than usual. Constantly hugging her, increased kisses on her cheeks, forehead and nose, or snuggling up to her if they sat next to each other. Addie didn’t mind tho. Growing up an only child, she never had the joy of siblings. Bless Ruby tho, she tried to contain herself, she really did, but itt was difficult for her. She could feel Baron’s unacknowledged love for Addie through the pack bond which in turn made Ruby feel so much affection for her as well. Unbeknownst to the outside world, the love a pack has for their luna is extremely strong and is stronger than their love for their alpha. She is the mother of their pack, the heart. The only thing that can calm down an angry alpha with just a simple touch. Any pack member would gladly die for their luna and alpha. Clearing her throat, Ruby looked at Addie, she couldn’t get that strange scent outta her mind. Leaning closer, Ruby pressed her nose into Addie’s neck, inhaling deeply. Had she been a lesser wolf, like say a rogue, she would’ve missed it completely.  “Hey” Addie giggled, “what are you doing?” Playfully pushing Ruby away. By now Nia, Alexa, Alicia and Nattie had joined them, all laughing at Ruby’s strange behavior. That was, until she sat up straight, tears brimming her eyes. “Ru-Ru, what’s wro-“ “You’re sick.” Was all she said. Everything fell dead silent. Addie felt her heart drop as she stared at Ruby, confused to high hell at how she found out. “What are you talking ab-“ she tried to play it off but Ruby was having none of that. “You’re. Sick.” She repeated, this time with a little force as a bastard tear slid down her cheek. “H-How did you find-“ but before she could finish her sentence, Ruby’s eyes flashed a brilliant gold. Sighing, Addie looked down, remembering Baron telling her that there were more wolves and supernatural creatures out there. “You’re a werewolf too, huh?” Addie asked. She looked around the table at the faces of her friends. None of them seemed surprised by Ruby’s small transformation which could only mean one thing; they were of the supernatural world as well. “Are you all werewolves?” She whispered. “I am. I belong to Baron’s pack.” Nia said proudly. Addie had no idea that Baron was the alpha!! “Ew, no.” Alexa said, a ‘disgusted’ playful look on her face. “I’m a pixie!” Removing her sunglasses, Paige revealed blood red eyes and a dazzling smile complete with two razor sharp fangs. “Vampire, m’love! My eyes are only red when I’m feeding.” She said, jiggling her flask, snickering as Addie tried her hardest not to grimace. “This may not come as a surprise, given my love for cats and all, but I am a werecat.” Nattie announced. “I’m a witch! I belong to Aleister’s coven. I’m sure that doesn’t shock you one bit’ him being a warlock. I mean his name is pretty fitting ‘Aleister Black’. It only makes sense! He also happens to be my husband. We don’t tell many people outside of the coven, but don’t tell anyone or I’ll have to turn you into a toad!!!” Alicia giggled as Addie’s jaw dropped. “I’m just kidding.” The girls giggled at Addie’s reaction, loving that she was trying to keep a calm expression on her face. Then reality set in. They all stared at Addie with forlorn faces. “I’m so sorry, Addie! I didn’t mean to blurt that out.... twice.” Ruby said as tears fell from her eyes. Not being able to explain the pull she felt towards her, Addie immediately engulfed Ruby into her arms, cradling her to her chest. She gently ran her fingers through her ebony hair. Little did she know that her luna instincts were slowly kicking in, something that was extremely rare for a human to possess. “It’s ok. Don’t cry.” She softly cooed, trying to calm her down until she was able to sit up on her own. “Truth be told, I’m actually sort of relieved you all know.” “What do you have?” Nia asked, never being one to beat around the bush. “Leukemia.” “And, how are treatments going?” Nattie piped in. “Um, they’re not.” Addie whispered. “What do you mean?!” Paige demanded. “Treatments are pointless.” Addie admitted, smiling sadly. “How,” Alexa could feel her bottom lip trembling, “how long do you have until...” she couldn’t bring herself to finish her question. “Best case scenario, seven months.” Nobody moved, no utterance of a single word, one could swear that there wasn’t even a breath inhaled or exhaled. Addie lovingly smiled at the beautiful women who sat around her. “No.” Alicia sobbed out, “that’s not right! It isn’t fair.” “It’s ok, I’ve come to terms with it. I’ve lived a great life! I got to travel the world and meet all of you! Let’s not dwell on the sadness of it all. I just want these last few months to be the best ever and I want you all to be a part of it!” “Then the best damn months these will be!!” Alicia exclaimed, the other girls cheering in agreement. Addie couldn’t help the tears of joy that threatened to spill over at the love she felt from her friends. —- “This must be eating you alive.” Dolph said with a cruel laugh. “The hell you talkin about?” Baron could feel the anger crawling up his body as he stared at the rogue. “Knowing that Adelina would rather spend time with a lowly rogue than an all mighty alpha.” He mocked. What Dolph should’ve done was walk away at that point, but he didn’t. “In no time I’ll have her writhing underneath me, begging me for more and screaming my name! Oh yeah, she’ll be the sweetest victory yet.” Without thinking, Baron grabbed Dolph by the collar of his shirt and threw him into the nearest object. Never one to back down from a fight, Dolph got up and charged Baron, slamming him into the wall, leaving behind a huge crack in the hard surface. The sound of fabric ripping and horrible growls filled the air as both men began to shift into their wolves. However Baron, being the stronger of the two, shifted into his wolf twice as fast, leaving Dolph extremely vulnerable. Baron’s wolf stood tall with an unquenchable thirst for blood... Dolph’s blood. Snapping his teeth at Dolph, Baron crouched on his haunches, preparing to lunge, his teeth ready to rip into Dolph’s throat. “Baron, STOP!!” Before Baron could attack, Addie ran between the two of them. Her chest heaving, hands shaking as the adrenaline pumped through her body. The commotion could be heard all the way in catering. Smelling her scent, Dolph had quickly returned to his human form before Addie could reach them, keeping his secret... for now. “The both of you fighting like children! Baron, you could’ve killed Dolph!” She scolded them, angry at their behavior. Baron snapped his teeth again at Dolph, but Addie thought it was directed at her. Mustering up all her courage, she walked closer to Baron and wrapped her hands around his snout, glaring at the giant wolf. “Do not snap your teeth at me, pup!!” She grit out, releasing his jaw. Everyone watching stared in shock. Addie should be dead, torn into ribbons, but in this case, her touch calmed the beast. Baron bowed his head, his ears flattened against his head. “Look around you,” She said calmly, “Not only have you caused tons of damage but you could’ve killed anyone walking by.” “You’re right, Addie, I’m-“ “Don’t even try it, Dolph. You’re just as much to blame!” Baron snickered at Dolph’s defeated look. “The next time you two decide to have a dick measuring contest, make sure you do it in a place where no one can ge-“ She was cut off by a coughing spell, her body getting too excited by her emotions. Addie covered her mouth as she violently coughed, trying desperately to catch her breath. Once it passed she looked back at the two culprits in front of her. She then noticed the uneasy expression on everyone’s face as they stared at Addie. “Addie, sweetie.” The soft voice of Stephanie McMahon brought Addie out of her thoughts, a gentle hand on her shoulder. “I think you need to sit down.” Baron quickly shifted back into his human form, pulling on a pair of sweat pants Corey threw at him. “Oh, I’m sorry. I-I didn’t mean to step out of line.” She stuttered out as a very concerned Hunter joined his wife. “It’s not that honey,” his deep voice reassured her, “um, your hands.” Worried, Addie looked at her hands and gasped in horror as she stared at the blood in her palms. It was only then that she recognized the metallic taste in her mouth. Grabbing a handkerchief from Hunter’s jacket, Stephanie went to help Addie but was beaten by Baron. 
Snatching a piece of his torn shirt off the ground, he gently pulled Addie into his arms, turning away from the crowd, shielding her from prying eyes, protecting her from the world. He softly wiped the blood from her mouth and chin, her hands following after. Without thinking, he placed gentle kisses on each knuckle. With a quivering lip, she hung her head and whispered; “It’s spreading faster than predicted.” Feeling eyes burrowing into her, she quietly thanked Baron and ran from the area. Baron went to follow her, his wolf wanting to comfort his luna, but was stopped by Stephanie. “Let her be. She needs to be alone.” the water witch said as a tear slipped down her cheek as Hunter pulled her into his arms, trying to comfort his wife. 
Hunter being an older werewolf, once an alpha himself, was able to hear Addie’s talk of something ‘spreading faster’. Concentrating, he picked up the scent of cancer in her body. He had to whisper to Stephanie of his discovery.
It was no secret that Addie held the hearts of many in the WWE. She was always so happy and bubbly, she genuinely cared about everyone she met and was deemed the ‘mother hen’ backstage. She had this innate ability to see into the eyes of all she came into contact with and could always tell when someone was down, ready with a warm hug and a listening ear. The fact that she was slowly being ripped away from them felt like a knife slowly being twisted in their guts. Walking into the nearest bathroom, she splashed her face with cold water. She was so confused by Baron’s actions, him being so hot and cold. She was trying to let go of her feelings for him, but this just made them grow even stronger. Now that she was alone, she allowed herself to breakdown. She sank to the floor, pulling her knees close to her chest as she sobbed into her arms. Through this entire ordeal she convinced herself that she had come to terms with her fate. She was wrong. She cried bitter tears for the husband she’ll never love, the babies she’ll never hold and the life that she’ll never live. Never waking up every morning next to the love of her life or hearing precious little voices call her ‘mama’. Gasping, Addie was startled by the feeling of something rubbing against her leg. Looking down, there was a beautiful orange cat purring. “N-Nattie?” Addie whispered. Sitting up, the cat nodded. Letting out a small whimper, Addie scooped her up into her arms and cradled Nattie to her chest as she cried into her soft fur, Nattie licking away her tears. Finally being able to calm down, Addie wiped her tears away with the back of her hand. She smiled at the orange feline in her arms, petting her back. “Thank you Nattie.” She said as she put her back on the floor. Walking out of the bathroom, Addie felt a strong hand on her shoulder. Turning around smiling, but it slightly faltered when she saw the man in front of her. “Hey cutie, you alright?” Dolph asked as he pulled her into a hug. “No, but I will be.” She answered truthfully. “You wanna reschedule ‪tomorrow night?” He watched as she bit her bottom lip, mulling things over. “No, I wanna watch the stars still. Is that ok with you?” She asked, her eyes closed as she rested her head on his chest. “Of course! I’ll stop by your hotel room ‪around 9 tomorrow night‬, ok cutie?” Not having the energy to speak, she simply nodded. Dolph’s lips curled into a cruel smile. ‘Oh sweet, naive Addie,’ Dolph thought to himself, ‘if only you knew what I have planned.’
Darling little pumpkins:
@haven-raven012591 @hanaslay @melinatedmuse @empress-with-the-crown @kittysilver86 @wrestlingfae @neversatisfiedgirl @calwitch @lost-in-the-stories @feathers-and-flesh-and-wrestling @captainwinterwriter @imagine-all-the-fandoms @hardyfangirl3 @yndaree @belsoleleann @briqueenofthenorth @finnbalorsbabygirl @nonnirenea @team-elias @houndsofjxstice @scarlettquinn
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sidtmpune · 2 years
MBA Institutes in Pune
Top management colleges in Pune offer MBA courses with numerous specializations. Pune is home to around 210 recognized MBA institutes, out of them around 206 are private and 9 are government MBA institutes in Pune. Most of the best MBA colleges in Pune are authorized by AICTE and more than 34 are authorized by UGC.
 Symbiosis Institute of Business Management and Bharati Vidyapeeth's Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship Development are some of the best and top MBA institutes in India.
 Symbiosis Institute of Business Management - [SIBM] Pune and Bharati Vidyapeeth's Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship Development are ranked 20 and 69 respectively among the top-ranked MBA institutes in India by NIRF Ranking 2021.
 Some of the top MBA institutes in Pune which include MU College of Commerce, and National Insurance Academy - [NIA] Pune provide MBA programs in Regular, Part-time addition to Distance schooling modes. The top MBA schools in Pune are well-known for their MBA Marketing programs.
 Symbiosis Institute of Business Management - [SIBM] Pune, Bharati Vidyapeeth's Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship Development - [IMED] Pune, and Balaji Institute of Modern Management - [BIMM] Pune is some of the top MBA institutes in Pune for MBA in Marketing.
MBA admissions in the top MBA Colleges in Pune are in general done via numerous management entrance tests like CAT, MAH CET, SNAP, and so on. However, some UGC Approved MBA institutes in Pune provide direct MBA Admission via merit-based programs.
PUMBA Pune - Department of Management Sciences Savitribai Phule Pune University, National Institute of Construction Management and Research, and Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth, Pune are the excellent MBA Government Colleges in Pune. The average fees for pursuing MBA programs in India range from INR 50,000 to 30 Lakhs per year depending upon the institutes.
 Savitribai Phule Pune University - [SPPU], Brihan Maharashtra College of Commerce - [BMCC], and Marathwada Mitra Mandal's College of Commerce - [MMCC] are a number of the excellent MBA institutes in Pune with low fees structure.
 Symbiosis Institute of Business Management (SIBM) Pune, Symbiosis Centre for Management and Human Resource Development (SCMHRD) Pune are the exceptional MBA institutes in Pune with high placement.
 Tata Motors, Mercedes Benz, Bajaj Group, Mahindra & Mahindra, General Motors, Land Rover, Jaguar, Volkswagen, and so on are the top recruiting businesses participating in Top MBA institutes in Pune for placements.
 Top MBA Colleges in Pune: Admission Process
There is a total of 204 MBA colleges in Pune providing great management schooling to students. 12 of those institutes are public while 192 are top private MBA colleges in Pune. Admissions are in particular carried out via top management entrance tests like CAT, MAT, XAT, NMAT, SNAP, etc.
 Some institutes additionally conduct their entrance tests. After the entrance examination scores are considered, colleges additionally conduct their Written Ability Test (WAT) and rounds of Group Discussions (GD) and Personal Interviews (PI). Certain institutes like one are doing MBA from symbiosis Pune additionally has to pass additional rounds like an extempore debate. Along with all these, the best MBA institutes in Pune additionally consider a student’s standard educational overall performance which includes the marks in Class X and XII.
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mbaquota · 7 months
NIA Pune Direct admission-Call @ 9354992359-Management quota in NIA Pune
Personal Development in MBA: Building Resilience for Professional Success
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Embarking on the journey of an MBA program not only equips individuals with essential business acumen but also serves as a transformative period for personal development. Among the myriad of skills cultivated during this time, resilience stands out as a cornerstone for achieving professional success. Aspirants often seek avenues like direct admission in NIA Pune or management quota in NIA Pune to kickstart their MBA journey at prestigious institutions. However, beyond the academic curriculum, the MBA experience fosters resilience, preparing individuals to navigate the complexities of the corporate world.
NIA Pune: Nurturing Resilience Through Management Education
National Insurance Academy (NIA), Pune, renowned for its exceptional management programs, provides a conducive environment for students to thrive personally and professionally. Whether through NIA Pune direct admission or management quota in NIA Pune, students are exposed to a rigorous curriculum, experiential learning opportunities, and a diverse peer network, all of which contribute to their holistic development. You can also Probe deeper into management quota in  XISS Ranchi
Resilience: A Vital Attribute for Professional Growth
In today's dynamic business landscape, setbacks and challenges are inevitable. Individuals with resilience possess the ability to adapt, learn, and bounce back stronger from adversities. This attribute is honed throughout the MBA journey, where students are constantly pushed out of their comfort zones. From intense academic demands to group projects and internships, each experience nurtures resilience and fortitude.
Challenges and Opportunities: Learning from Adversity
The MBA curriculum at NIA Pune is designed to simulate real-world scenarios, exposing students to multifaceted challenges. Through case studies, simulations, and industry interactions, students learn to analyze complex problems, make informed decisions, and embrace uncertainty. These experiences instill resilience by teaching individuals to remain composed under pressure and find innovative solutions amidst adversity. You can also Pursue different avenues like direct admission in ALLIANCE University
Building Grit Through Diversity and Collaboration
One of the key strengths of NIA Pune lies in its diverse student community. Students from varied backgrounds, cultures, and experiences come together, fostering a rich learning environment. Collaborating with peers from different walks of life not only broadens perspectives but also cultivates empathy and teamwork – essential components of resilience. Through group assignments and extracurricular activities, students learn to leverage each other's strengths, navigate conflicts, and persevere towards common goals. Scrutinize additional possibilities as  GREAT Lakes management quota
Mentorship and Guidance: Nurturing Future Leaders
At NIA Pune, mentorship plays a pivotal role in shaping the next generation of leaders. Faculty members and industry experts provide guidance, support, and constructive feedback, empowering students to overcome challenges and maximize their potential. Through mentorship programs and networking events, students learn from the experiences of seasoned professionals, gaining invaluable insights into resilience and leadership.
Embracing Failure as a Stepping Stone to Success
In the pursuit of excellence, setbacks are inevitable. However, what sets resilient individuals apart is their ability to embrace failure as a learning opportunity. At NIA Pune, students are encouraged to take calculated risks, experiment with new ideas, and learn from both successes and failures. Whether it's a failed project or a rejected internship application, every setback serves as a stepping stone towards personal and professional growth. Also Scout for alternatives eg. GIM GOA direct admission
Cultivating Self-Awareness and Emotional Intelligence
Resilience goes hand in hand with self-awareness and emotional intelligence. Through workshops, seminars, and peer interactions, students at NIA Pune develop a deeper understanding of their strengths, weaknesses, and triggers. By honing emotional intelligence skills such as self-regulation and empathy, individuals are better equipped to manage stress, navigate interpersonal relationships, and persevere through challenges.
In conclusion, the journey of an MBA at institutions like NIA Pune goes beyond academic excellence – it's a transformative experience that shapes individuals into resilient and adaptable professionals. Whether through NIA direct admission or management quota in NIA, students embark on a journey of self-discovery, learning to thrive in the face of uncertainty and emerge as confident leaders in their respective fields. As they navigate through challenges, setbacks, and triumphs, they emerge not only with a degree but with the resilience and grit necessary to succeed in today's ever-evolving business landscape. Also Venture into other sources like direct admission in BITM Pune
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mbamanagementquota · 2 years
You can get direct admission in NIA management quota seats today, call us at (+91) 9354992359. National Insurance Academy (NIA), Pune is a premier b-school located in Pune. The college was established in 1980 and approved by AICTE.  NIA offered business and management studies in banking, Finance, and Insurance.
If insurance is the career you are looking for, there is no other place in India than NIA here you understand insurance and management not only through books but through various seminars, the workshop where you can interact with many important persons directly from the industry it gives you real exposer about fieldwork and practical approach. The college ranked AA+ in the list of a top management college in India for Insurance.
NIA Pune – Courses and fee structure
NIA offers the following PG programs:
Post Graduate Diploma in Management Duration: 2 years of full-time Fees: 09.43 Lakh
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Hors D'oeuvres | Lister | Trial 1.3 | Re: Capernica, Symphonia, Jun, Castor / Attn: Kei, Akio
"If it happens to be the same thing that our group found, then I understand." He directs towards Capernica in mild sympathy. "Assuming we're both still here by the end of the hour, come find me and I'll make a splint." 
He tilts his head, before finally piecing together his misconception. "Ah, when you speak of caltrops, you speak of individual spikes, not a rail of them. Disregard my earlier hypothesis then, I'd assumed the caltrops were attached to a metal strip. In the other case, yes, the possibility of someone stomping on Clover's neck to break it certainly has potential, especially given that even the lightest of us has enough body weight to cause a fracture if she was previously already on the ground," Lister clarifies. "I have not purchased any video diaries myself, but I do know Kei mentioned previously that she was watching videos, and since we do not have access to our personal phones then I have to presume those videos were our confessionals. Kei, would you perchance like to add anything about those videos?"
Nia's tenseness is noted, as is her probable disappointment when Castor shoots down the idea she was so proud of. "Here." Lister will take a handful of flour, before getting up and walking a few steps forward. Pouring it onto the ground in front of him, he eases his own right loafer into the flour, leaving a reasonably-sized shoeprint impression. "Men's size 41, or a Japanese size 26, as my handler informed me after buying these. Similar to the length of the bloody shoeprint, though not a perfect match as, quite obviously, not a matching shoe." He gently knocks the heel of his shoe on the floor to remove any excess flour, before returning to his seat.
Jun's admission gets a bark of laughter out of him. "I'm ambidextrous, so it wouldn't matter. That being said, even if Clover was engrossed in her own little passion project, she was unnaturally paranoid around me, and I highly doubt I would have been able to enter the room without her immediately deciding to bail. Assuming Clover first sent their votes shortly after they were first batted in the side of their head at 3.42AM, ten minutes passed before they died, and a further twenty-three minutes passed before they were found. In those twenty-three minutes, they made their way due west, and presumably passed by a sleeping Akio into the bar's restrooms to hide their collected clothing." He angles a look towards his floormate, and for once you're not entirely sure what his expression holds. "After that, they likely proceeded south or hid elsewhere until the body discovery announcement sounded, but the gist remains is that they had to have entered the bar and stayed there for some time given they had to change out."
He taps his notebook in thought as he concludes. "Speaking of the bar's restroom though, I did notice something else in that bathroom, even if we never did find the clothing. The water on the bathroom floor had two round white pills floating and dissolving in it, and although I certainly wasn't willing to test them myself, they looked like painkillers. Not sure how those got there or if they're related to the case, but now's a good time as any to bring it up."
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And the nominees are....
Eligibility Period - June 1, 2019 to May 31, 2020
  WORST NEW SERIES: Almost Family (Fox) Bluff City Law (NBC) Council of Dads (NBC) Daybreak (Netflix) Grand Hotel (ABC) Perfect Harmony (NBC)
 WORST COMEDY SERIES: Broke (CBS) Indebted (NBC) Outmatched (Fox) Perfect Harmony (NBC) The Politician (Netflix) Sunnyside (NBC)
WORST DRAMA SERIES: Almost Family (Fox) Bluff City Law (NBC) Council of Dads (NBC) Daybreak (Netflix) Grand Hotel (ABC) Magnum P.I. (CBS)
 WORST SPECIAL CLASS PROGRAM: Chris Watts: Confessions of a Killer (Lifetime) The College Admissions Scandal (Lifetime) High School the Musical: The Musical: The Special (Disney Plus) I Was Lorena Bobbitt (Lifetime) Tempting Fate (Lifetime)
 WORST REALITY PROGRAM: A Double Shot at Love (MTV) Flirty Dancing (Fox) Jersey Shore: Family Vacation (MTV) Judge Jerry (Syndicated) Made in Staten Island (MTV) Million Dollar Mile (CBS)
 WORST ACTOR IN A COMEDY SERIES: Jaime Camil - Broke (CBS) Ashton Kutcher - The Ranch (Netflix) Kal Penn - Sunnyside (NBC) Dax Shepard - Bless This Mess (ABC) Steven Weber - Indebted (NBC) Bradley Whitford - Perfect Harmony (NBC)
 WORST ACTOR IN A DRAMA SERIES: Timothy Hutton - Almost Family (Fox) Rob Lowe - 9-1-1: Lone Star (Fox) Alex O’Loughlin - Hawaii Five-0 (CBS) Jay Rodriguez - Magnum P.I. (CBS) Jimmy Smits - Bluff City Law (NBC) Michael Weatherly - Bull (CBS)
WORST SPECIAL CLASS LEAD ACTOR: Pauly Delvecchio - A Double Shot at Love & Jersey Shore: Family Vacation (both MTV) Vinny Guadagnino - A Double Shot at Love & Jersey Shore: Family Vacation (both MTV) Joe Exotic - Tiger King (Netflix) Jerry Springer - Judge Jerry (Syndicated) Tim Tebow - Million Dollar Mile (CBS)
 WORST ACTRESS IN A COMEDY SERIES: Lake Bell - Bless This Mess (ABC) Anna Camp - Perfect Harmony (NBC) Fran Drescher - Indebted (NBC) Natasha Leggero - Broke (CBS) Pauley Perrette - Broke (CBS) Constance Wu - Fresh Off The Boat (ABC) WORST ACTRESS IN A DRAMA SERIES: Kristen Bell - Veronica Mars (Hulu) Megalyn Echikunwoke - Almost Family (Fox) Carla Gugino - Jett (Cinemax) Brittany Snow - Almost Family (Fox) Liv Tyler - 9-1-1: Lone Star (Fox) Zendaya - Euphoria (HBO)
WORST SPECIAL CLASS LEAD ACTRESS: Carole Baskin - Tiger King (Netflix) Kristin Cavallari - A Very Merry Cavallari and Very Cavallari (both E!) Lea Michele - Same Time, Next Christmas (ABC) Alyssa Milano - Tempting Fate (Lifetime) Nicole ‘Snooki’ Polizzi - Jersey Shore: Family Vacation (MTV)
 WORST SUPPORTING ACTOR IN A COMEDY SERIES: Ed Begley Jr. - Bless This Mess (ABC) Izzy Diaz - Broke (CBS) Rizwan Manji - Perfect Harmony (NBC) Finesse Mitchell - Outmatched (Fox) Adam Pally - Indebted (NBC) Geno Segers - Perfect Harmony (NBC)
 WORST SUPPORTING ACTOR IN A DRAMA SERIES: Stony Blyden - Bluff City Law (NBC) Stephen Hill - Magnum P.I. (CBS) Zane Holtz - Katy Keene (The CW)   Zachary Knighton - Magnum P.I. (CBS) David Krumholtz - The Deuce (HBO) Clive Standen - Council of Dads (NBC)
 WORST SPECIAL CLASS SUPPORTING ACTOR: Hunter Burke - You Can’t Take My Daughter (Lifetime) Jeff Lowe - Tiger King (Netflix) Dr. Phil McGraw - TMZ Investigates: Tiger King: What Really Went Down (Fox) Michael Shanks - The College Admissions Scandal (Lifetime) Michael “The Situation” Sorrentino - Jersey Shore: Family Vacation (MTV)
 WORST SUPPORTING ACTRESS IN A COMEDY SERIES: Tisha Campbell - Outmatched (Fox) Elisha Cuthbert - The Ranch (Netflix) Abby Elliott - Indebted (NBC) Pam Grier - Bless This Mess (ABC) Tymberlee Hill - Perfect Harmony (NBC) Jessy Hodges - Indebted (NBC)
 WORST SUPPORTING ACTRESS IN A DRAMA SERIES: Jennifer Love Hewitt - 9-1-1 (Fox) Amy Hill - Magnum P.I. (CBS) Emily Osment - Almost Family (Fox) Sydney Sweeney - Euphoria (HBO) Michelle Weaver - Council of Dads (NBC) Perdita Weeks - Magnum P.I. (CBS)
WORST SPECIAL CLASS SUPPORTING ACTRESS: Kirstie Alley - You Can’t Take My Daughter (Lifetime) Jenni Farley - Jersey Shore: Family Vacation (MTV) Dolly Parton - Christmas at Dollywood (Hallmark Channel) Angelina Pivarnick - Jersey Shore: Family Vacation (MTV) Nia Vardalos - Same Time, Next Christmas (ABC)
 WORST REBOOT/SPIN-OFF: High School Musical: The Musical: The Series (Disney Plus) (Half-Sequel and Half-Spinoff To The Disney Franchise) Judge Jerry (Syndicated) (Half-Sequel and Half-Spinoff of The Jerry Springer Show) The Little Mermaid LIVE (ABC) (Remake of 1989 Disney Classic Movie) 9-1-1: Lone Star (Fox) (Spin-Off of 9-1-1) Pearson (USA) (Spin-Off of Suits) Veronica Mars (Hulu) (Sequel to 2000s UPN Detective Series)
 WORST GUEST PERFORMER IN A COMEDY SERIES: Laura Bell Bundy - Perfect Harmony (NBC) Tony Danza - Outmatched (Fox) Kelsey Grammer - Carol’s Second Act (CBS) Bette Midler - The Politician (Netflix) Natalie Morales - Sunnyside (NBC) Nicole Richie - Bless This Mess (ABC)
WORST GUEST PERFORMER IN A DRAMA SERIES: Eva Longoria Baston - Grand Hotel (ABC) Corbin Bernsen - Tommy (CBS) Miley Cyrus - Black Mirror (Netflix) Katey Sagal - Grand Hotel (ABC) Tom Everett Scott - Council of Dads (NBC) Natalie Zea - 9-1-1: Lone Star (Fox)
 WORST PERFORMANCE BY A CAST IN TELEVISION: Almost Family (Fox) High School the Musical: The Musical: The Series (Disney Plus) Jersey Shore: Family Vacation (MTV) Magnum P.I. (CBS) Perfect Harmony (NBC) Tiger King (Netflix)
 WORST WRITING IN A COMEDY SERIES: Broke (CBS) High School the Musical: The Musical: The Series (Disney Plus) Outmatched (Fox) Perfect Harmony (NBC) Sunnyside (NBC)
WORST DIRECTING IN A COMEDY SERIES: High School the Musical: The Musical: The Series (Disney Plus) Indebted (NBC) Outmatched (Fox) Perfect Harmony (NBC) Sunnyside (NBC)
WORST WRITING IN A DRAMA SERIES: Almost Family (Fox) Bluff City Law (NBC) Council of Dads (NBC) Magnum P.I. (CBS) NCIS: Los Angeles (CBS)
WORST DIRECTING IN A DRAMA SERIES: Almost Family (Fox) Euphoria (HBO) Hawaii Five-0 (CBS) Magnum P.I. (CBS) The Rookie (ABC)
WORST SPECIAL CLASS WRITING: Chris Watts: Confessions of a Killer (Lifetime) The College Admissions Scandal (Lifetime) I Was Lorena Bobbitt (Lifetime) Same Time, Next Christmas (ABC)   TMZ Investigates: Tiger King: What Really Went Down (Fox)
WORST SPECIAL CLASS DIRECTING: Christmas at Dollywood (Hallmark Channel) The College Admissions Scandal (Lifetime) A Double Shot at Love (MTV) I Was Lorena Bobbitt (Lifetime) You Can’t Take My Daughter (Lifetime)
WORST SCREEN DUO: Timothy Hutton & Brittany Snow (Almost Family, Fox) Pauly D & Vinny (A Double Shot at Love & Jersey Shore: Family Vacation, both MTV) Steven Weber & Fran Drescher (Indebted, NBC) Any two housemates (Jersey Shore: Family Vacation, MTV) Carole Baskin and either Joe Exotic or Her Kittens (Tiger King, Netflix) Joe Exotic and his Tiger Zoo (Tiger King, Netflix)
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classyfoxdestiny · 3 years
Anti-sedition law: Is it a necessary evil?
Anti-sedition law: Is it a necessary evil?
On the night of December 17, 1995, a large consignment of weapons, including AK-47 rifles and several hundred rounds of ammunition, was airdropped from an aircraft in the Purulia district of West Bengal. The weapons were confiscated by the police after the locals informed them about the mysterious event. A Dane named Niels Holck, also known as Kim Peter Davy, was later found to be the kingpin behind the operation, and the Central Bureau of Investigation slapped sedition charges in the case.
In the Kedar Nath Singh judgment, the Supreme Court narrowed down the scope of the anti-sedition law, saying that mere criticism of the government was not seditious unless it incited violence or disturbed public order.
The sensational events captured the imagination of the public and the political circles: there were allegations that the arms drop was plotted to destabilise the Left Front government of Jyoti Basu in West Bengal. The CBI issued a statement in 2011 dismissing claims that the operation had the nod of “political forces” at the Centre.
An illegal act of this sort, that has the potential to incite an armed revolt against an elected government, can best be described as a seditious act and not just a terrorist plot.
Loknath Behera, a senior IPS officer involved in the investigation of the Purulia arms drop case, said the anti-sedition law should be used sparingly since it entails heavy punishment up to life imprisonment. Moreover, it is also a difficult offence to prove in court. “Sedition cannot be invoked for small offences,” he said. “It has to be used judiciously in the context of the Kedar Nath Singh [vs the State of Bihar] judgment [of 1962], where the constitutionality of Section 124A of the Indian Penal Code was tested and upheld.”
In the Kedar Nath Singh judgment, the Supreme Court narrowed down the scope of the anti-sedition law, saying that mere criticism of the government was not seditious unless it incited violence or disturbed public order. This meant that if the law was not read in the context of this interpretation, it threatened to engulf any expression of opposing opinion—written or spoken—qualifying it as incitement of hatred or disaffection towards the government.
In the last few years, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) has slapped sedition charges in a series of cases. Leaders of the proscribed organisation Sikhs for Justice (SFJ) and terror-accused in Kashmir to politicians and activists protesting the Citizenship (Amendment) Act in 2019 became the accused in these cases. The NIA, set up in the aftermath of the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks, has mixed experience in courts on sedition cases. While the agency successfully proved the charges in some, it failed in many others.
“The anti-sedition law has its relevance,” said a senior NIA official. “When a banned outfit like the SFJ, which propagates the idea of a separate Khalistan state, enters into a social media campaign besides invoking the anti-terror law, such activities also attract penal provisions defined under IPC Section 124A which explains the offence more clearly.”
But there has been a plethora of cases where courts have acquitted the accused. Recently, the NIA court in Guwahati acquitted activist and MLA Akhil Gogoi and three others in a sedition case slapped against them during the height of the anti-CAA protests in Assam in 2019.
Successive governments have used the anti-sedition law with impunity to quell dissent. The result is that several writers, journalists, cartoonists, politicians, activists and students got entangled in the dreaded colonial-era statute. And, the level of sedition charges has stretched the imagination of the law itself.
Two months ago, a sedition charge was slapped against an Assam woman for using a table cloth that resembled the national flag while celebrating Eid. In June, the Guwahati High Court granted her bail. In another instance in Punjab in 2020, a political leader was accused of sedition when he posted a message on social media about the lack of ventilators during the pandemic. The bail order by the Punjab and Haryana High Court termed the use of sedition in this case as an “overzealous exercise of power” by the police. The trial is yet to commence.
The courts are now dealing with several cases of visibly apparent misuse of the anti-sedition law, and this has drawn the ire of the Supreme Court. On July 15, the Supreme Court asked the Union government as to why it was not repealing the provision used by the British to silence people like Mahatma Gandhi.
“Is it still necessary to keep this statute even after 75 years of Independence?” asked the three-judge bench headed by Chief Justice N.V. Ramana, while agreeing to examine the pleas filed by the Editors Guild of India and an army veteran, challenging Section 124A. The bench issued a notice to the Union government and pointed out that the conviction rate in sedition cases is extremely low.
Section 124A was inserted into the IPC by the British in 1870. Repealing obsolete and archaic laws was a poll promise of the BJP. After it came to power, more than 1,200 redundant laws were struck off. A special committee has been set up in the prime minister’s office to review archaic laws and make recommendations to the government. But the final word on making changes to the Code of Criminal Procedure, IPC and anti-terror laws like the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) and National Security Act lies with the Union ministry of home affairs (MHA). The ministry has constituted a five-member committee to look into overhauling such fossilised legislations, or removing them.
With the review of the sedition law on its table, it is not the first time Home Minister Amit Shah and Home Secretary A.K. Bhalla are burning the midnight oil. The first option is to revise the draconian legislation to make it in sync with the changing times. Second, to issue guidelines based on the directions of the Supreme Court, and third, to strike it down if it has outlived its purpose.
“There is a need for wider consultation on the matter,” said D. Raja, general secretary of the Communist Party of India. “The government should consult stakeholders and get public opinion while making changes to any laws.”
In 2012, the UPA government had walked a few steps to review the anti-sedition law but developed cold feet. A group of ministers was then constituted to suggest changes based on recommendations of the law commission. Former home ministry officials said the view taken was to retain the law after revising the definition for sedition. Several changes were proposed including replacing disaffection against “government” with disaffection against “Parliament, state legislature, Constitution, national flag, national anthem and national emblem”, and reducing the punishment for sedition to a seven-year jail term with a fine. But the proposals never saw the light of day. In the meantime, law enforcement agencies were asked to avoid misuse of sedition and make use of other provisions in the IPC to deal with similar offences of a lesser category.
In the mid-1980s, the Union home ministry had shown greater political will when it came to drafting a law to quell separatist tendencies. P. Chidambaram, former Union home minister told THE WEEK: “In 1987, the Terrorists and Disruption Activities (Prevention) Act was drafted and passed in the context of the rising terrorism in Punjab. It was intended to be a temporary law.” Chidambaram, who was then minister of state for internal security, sat down with M.K. Narayanan, the then director of Intelligence Bureau, and a senior Punjab police officer, to draft TADA that encompassed a wide range of activities, including protests of all sorts. For the first time, it made confessions before a police officer admissible in court, put restrictions on bail and gave enhanced powers to detain suspects. TADA was in force between 1985 and 1995.
According to police officers of that era, the law was grossly misused. Over the years, the Supreme Court read down the application of the law to prevent its misuse. “Safeguards were introduced and the law was upheld by the courts, but still, the law was misused,” said Chidambaram. “The Congress government under P.V. Narasimha Rao allowed the Act to lapse.”
Shantanu Sen, former joint director in CBI who was then deputy inspector general in Punjab Police, said: “I was part of the consultations that drafted TADA. While it was useful at one time to fight terrorism and organised crime in Punjab, I am not mourning its end.”
In western countries, said Sen, various forms of incarceration are there: individuals can be put under house arrest and other steps taken to control their movement if they are found on the wrong side of the law which are not heavily punishable. “But here, the situation of an undertrial is the same as that of a person who is convicted for a crime,” he said. Sen added that simply because the sedition law is being misused, it cannot be struck down. “However, the government should immediately bring provisions to control its misuse,” he said.
The danger, according to law enforcement officers, is that it may open a pandora’s box of new forms of misuse. Also, offences that strictly qualify as seditious speech or writing might be stretched as offences under some stringent laws like the UAPA.
The recent death of the 84-year-old Jesuit priest and activist Stan Swamy, an accused in the Bhima Koregaon case, while being in judicial custody, raised several questions on the use of draconian laws like the UAPA. Swamy was booked under various sections of the UAPA; there was no sedition charge against him. He had already spent nine months in jail, before his death on July 5, waiting for his trial to start. There are many others like Swamy, booked for sedition and anti-terror charges, waiting in jails for years awaiting trial.
Undeniably, state police have different experiences with sedition, owing to their different social concerns and history of crime and terrorism. The number of cases varies from state to state. According to the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), the Maoist-infested state of Chhattisgarh had just one case filed under Section 124A in 2019. Whereas Karnataka had 22 cases, Assam had 17 and Jammu and Kashmir 11.
Vishwaranjan, former director-general of police, Chhattisgarh, explained why there was no need to invoke too many sedition cases in the state. “There is no denying that the Maoist literature, speeches, actions were all seditious,” he said. “But until their claims were backed by seditious activity that could damage law and order, we arrested them under normal sections of the IPC.”
M. Mahender Reddy, director-general of police of Telangana, said sedition is used only against top Maoist cadres who use the ‘barrel of the gun’ to threaten the state. N.R. Wasan, former special director in CBI, said in his career spanning 36 years he never used sedition against any accused. “There were all kinds of cases under investigation, from insurgency to Naxalism, but I did not feel the need to use it,” he said.
There have been efforts by state governments to ensure judicious use of the anti-sedition law. In 2015, the home department of Maharashtra issued a circular asking police stations to issue guidelines to prevent the misuse of the law. The circular mentioned that words against politicians and government servants cannot be termed as sedition, obscenity or vulgarity does not fall under sedition and a legal opinion must be obtained in writing from a law officer of the district, giving reasons why the charges are being invoked.
Shishir Hiray, a special public prosecutor in Maharashtra, points out that there are many provisions to prevent unnecessary arrests which can be used to stop the misuse of laws like sedition. “For example, Section 41A of the CrPC has penal provisions that can be invoked against an investigating officer if he flouts the rules of arrest,” he said.
P.D.T. Achary, former secretary- general of the Lok Sabha, said Article 19(2) of the Constitution authorises the government to impose reasonable restrictions on the freedom of speech and expression. And, it is under this umbrella that sedition exists on the statute book to date. Achary, however, noted that the problem persists in the law which is arbitrary and unjustifiable at any stage. “The Supreme Court should strike it down now,” he said.
Parliamentarians have time and again argued about the number of sedition cases in the country under different governments. The method of calculation varies as in some FIRs Section 124A is not a primary offence but a secondary one. This is one of the reasons why figures of the NCRB on sedition cases are at odds with the numbers recently revealed by Article 14—a portal run by a group of lawyers, journalists and academics which has tracked sedition cases between January 1, 2010, and December 31, 2020. Their data showed a massive 96 per cent rise in cases since Narendra Modi came to power. The home ministry officials said they have started maintaining a separate database on sedition since 2014, unlike the UPA regime when all sedition cases were clubbed with IPC cases.
Lt General Shokin Chouhan, former chairman of the Ceasefire Monitoring Group in Nagaland, said: “More than numbers, the cause for disaffection toward any government needs to be addressed. Whether it is the Central or state government, lack of [good] governance breeds disaffection.”
Lubhyathi Rangarajan, a lawyer who heads the Article 14 project, said inherent in the meaning of sedition lies a stigma—it is desh droh (traitor) in several Indian languages. While the word sedition awaits a final decree on its fate, the silver lining is that it is never too late for the government to build the affection of people. 
. Source link
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kaushalsharmaa223 · 4 years
You can get direct admission in NIA management quota seats today, call us at (+91) 7409347449. National Insurance Academy (NIA), Pune is a premier b-school located in Pune. The college was established in 1980 and approved by AICTE. If you are looking for management program in insurance, you need to look at nowhere else but National Insurance Academy (NIA). It is situated in Pune. This business school was founded in the year of 1988. It got its approval from AICTE.
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shwetapandey661 · 4 years
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