#Dionysia consuming stories to harness their power
dionysiaproductions · 20 days
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Another thing I like about the writing on KAOS is the Easter Eggs for whatever weird bits of mythology you know about. (i.e. Eurydice wearing all her snake jewelry.)
Because I know that Dennis is the anglicized version of naming your kid in dedication to Dionysius. So the whole time, I was waiting for this kitten to meet his namesake.
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I've convinced everyone I know to watch KAOS and made sure to tell them before they watch the whole thing that I'm planning to dress up as Dennis the Kitten for Halloween.
I've gotten a lot of angry text messages.
No one is any less mad at me when I start ranting about how the metaphor is so good for Dionysius's lost youth/being forced to grow up that I wanted to be it. I have been told that wanting to dress up as the metaphor does not excuse my behavior.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Writer problems.
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