#Dimensional Altercations Department
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(first off, huge thanks and credit to the artist @yhelsstuff EU601 or MOM used she/they/it pronouns. And I suppose I should clarify this is for an open upcoming DND campaign)
Thank you for considering the Dimensional Altercations Department! I am the Multiversal Operations Manager, I'll be your guide on this audio Tour of the Nowhere Base.
Here at the D.A.D, we're dedicated to observing and protecting the multiverse. You will be part of a Multiversal Task Force, and go out to stop any threat we find. However, you won't be going physically. Using the Force Transmit Materia, we are able to create a copy of you that your conscience is them projected into!
With this advanced technology, you're able to use any means necessary to complete your task. Dying is only a minor inconvenience, but that just means you can help me back at Base.
It's not all easy though, various threat levels and connection stability could play a part in how you tackle each mission. Both of these are set on a grading scale. That I will explain another time.
Employees can come from many worlds, and the way they might interact with the world maybe be different from yours. This is an open and welcoming company, so don't be afraid to be yourself! If you're interested in joining our company, follow the links below or message the account directly!
Thank you, and we hope to see you soon!
(edit #4 disclaimer this is for a super casual DND campaign and we're looking for peeps so don't be afraid to ask more about it!)
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lokidrabbles · 4 years
Stop, And Think of Me (Loki x Reader)
After an incident at work, Loki provides reader with his own comforting methods
A/N: Another quick oneshot dealing with some work related stress, Loki fluff and smut. Again, thank you all for the follows and likes on my little stories :) As always, Gender Neutral Reader!
Warnings: Implied smut, lewd imagery, but fluff n’ stuff too!
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A worker, the one Maria Hill, who still held some ambivalence towards Loki, was the one to inform him of what had happened earlier that day and why you had been dismissed.
The details of the situation were scattered. Your workplace at the facility had provided you with a sudden wave of paperwork, meetings, drills and overtime needed after another inter dimensional threat was discovered. Luckily no catastrophic worldwide panic was caused, as the Avengers meticulously took care of business. Through the midst of it all, there was some ongoing entanglement between the lower departments of the facility, with certain protocols having gone ignored and undetected by supervisors and authority figures. Whatever, or whoever had majorly fucked up, had decided to use you as a scapegoat to evade any type of consequences, throwing you in as the ‘newbie’ who had gone over everyone.
Loki admired your ability to defend yourself well with your own ability of verbal intervention, using your sharp tongue as weapon against anyone wronging you or him. You were quick witted, confident, and unafraid to speak your mind towards anyone. Whatever fool had wanted to try at you in this way wouldn’t have gotten the chance to defend themselves.
Never did he actually expect you to have utilized you own physical strength to justly give this person a broken nose.
Hill described the brawl being very brief as security was immediately called in to break you up. Luckily, no charges were pressed and Mr. Stark took the situation casually, finding it normal for seeming coworkers to punch the crap out of each other in this line of work. A good way to say no one was fired.
You were promptly sent home to ‘think about your actions’, but most importantly to cool off as you had become quite shaken up. Normally a situation like this wouldn’t have warranted his attention as it seemed things worked out on their own. You were an adult, who was more than capable of taking care of themselves, and probably wanted to spend the rest of the afternoon in privacy.
Despite these thoughts, Loki knew he’d find you in your home, and a certain obligation tugged at him endlessly. After all, what type of man would he be if he didn’t?
He would soon make way to your home (entering with complete disregard), and would find you shriveled up in your bed. From your dampened hair, he figured you had taken a much needed, life altering bath. The pressure of it all must have been to much for you to bear. Loki had noted how your gaze became hollowed, barely looking up to see him enter your bedroom.
“I guess you heard about my little episode.” You said flatly.
“Indeed. I have to admit, I’m quite impressed at the damage you left behind. Remind me to never get on your bad side.” He said while sitting at the edge of your bed.
You groaned, turning around for your back to face him. “What was I thinking? I totally lost myself back there.”
Loki inched up closer to you, beginning to meticulously straighten out your wet locks of hair. “You were defending yourself, were you not? I know you to be a level headed individual most of the time. I’d take it this person really hit a nerve.”
“Yeah, they were totally out of line! Calling me out in front of our department supervisor and calling me a ‘newbie’. Dickhead.”
“Oh, how I much I would have loved to see your pretty little knuckles land on this fool’s face.” He said teasingly, while still threading his fingers through your hair.
“It was totally awesome, don’t get me wrong. But I still feel like garbage.”
“Care to elaborate?”
He felt your chest rise with a deep inhale, and slowly fall down as you released. “Because, I shouldn’t have done that. I lost control over my temper again. I mean, it’s been a while but I didn’t think it would go like this.”
He noticed how your voice became smaller. This was something more than having an altercation with a coworker. This was something much more internalized, and Loki had come to know and understand your telltale signs very closely. You’d turn away, avoiding to see him in the eyes. You’d begin to take in deep inhales to control your breath. And your voice would begin to crack as the discomforting lump in your throat began to rise.
Loki wasn’t alien to comfort. In his childhood, Frigga would be his stone and the bearer of his doubts and worries. There were still times where Loki would remind himself of her sweet aroma and soft hair, caressing him dearly with intent and love. The memories of the late queen would forever linger with him, perhaps as a lesson for whoever would capture the Asgardian’s fondness.
A sniffle broke his thought process, and soon he saw how your body wracked with an onslaught of sobs and tears.
There was instinct which rose within Loki, a mixture of fury, protection, hesitation and warranted worry. His first flashing thought was to find the person responsible for causing you this pain, and swiftly burying a sharp object into their neck, but due to ‘certain restrictions,’ this would only make things much more difficult. Instead, he would provide you with what you needed at the moment.
“(Y/N),” He began, speaking carefully. “Turn around.”
You did as you were told, and you turned around to come face to face with the dark haired prince. Giant droplets dripped downwards, falling almost beautifully at the edge of your jaw. Uncontrollable sobs made it difficult for you to breath and articulate any type of explanation to him. Loki didn’t need you to explain however, as he knew exactly the conflict going within you. Loki understood sadness and shame very well. And perhaps, these were the most human emotions to use in efforts to connect to you.
He cradled your head justly into the crook of his neck, unbothered by the wetness coming from your face and nose. His arm cradled around your shoulders, holding you tightly and secure against his chest, close enough for you to feel the heavy beating in his chest. He encouraged you to drape your legs over his lap to support your whole weight onto him, as well as leading your arm around his shoulder. Your shudders continued, and he allowed you to experience everything within his embrace. He tenderly kissed your temple, murmuring sweet nothings and words of protection until your sobs stabilized.
“I don’t like seeing you this way.” He whispered into your ear, as if it would be only confessed to you.
“I'm sorry.” You said in between trembling lips.
“Stupid human. Don’t apologize for being upset.” He snarled.
“Ugh.” You let out an unappealing groan. “I c-can’t go back like this.”
“You won’t, because you will only show your vulnerability with me. Understand?”
He meant it. It made him physically uncomfortable to see you in this state, however it also sickened him to the core at the possibility of someone else wrapping their arms around you and allowing you to pour your tears onto them. For you, to have to resort to someone unworthy to bring you contentment? Unthinkable. As far as he knew, Loki was the only one who would witness this, and the only one who would provide you with the tenderness and care you needed. 
“This individual was fortunate enough to only obtain a bloody nose from you.” He continued. “I’m sure I would be back in handcuffs and some type of cell if I was there.”
“I would have murdered them.”
You chuckled in between sniffles, and Loki could only imagine a small smile forming over your cheeks. “That’s horrible to say.” “Perhaps.”
You shifted within his embrace, just enough for your tear stained face to come close to his own. Loki felt your lips softly brush past his, and then return for a much needed kiss. He felt your small hand push the back of his head deeper into your taste, to which he eagerly reciprocated. You coaxed him to lay over you, and soon he would lean forward into you, pushing you softly onto your bed. You wrapped your arms justly around his neck as moans of contentment escaped the corners of your mouth. He returned these with his own guttural groans, taking in the sweet nectar of your mouth. He felt the heat rise in your face and his mind began to cloud with lewd details of his drippings all over your bare body. Indeed, no other individual would be able to bring this level of pleasure to you, or even begin to comprehend just exactly what your body needed. Only he was capable of such comprehension, and only his fingers, hands, lips and body were good enough to draw out the poison in you and replace with pure ecstasy and reverence.
He broke the kiss temporarily, catching his breath. He gazed at your glassy eyes, full of desire, and practically begging him to resume exploring your mouth.
“Feeling better, are we?” He asked with a satisfied smirk.
You nodded slowly, licking your lips over his remaining spit.
“Do you wish for me to continue? You know once I begin, I won’t stop.” He said, as if warning you for what was about to come.
“I know.” You responded self-assuredly. He loved it, your willingness to completely be pleased by his own doing and allowing whatever carnal desire he held back to be released onto you.
“Little human.” He began, trailing kisses from your salty cheek, and then all the way down your neck. “You will forget about all your troubles from today. I will fuck you endlessly, because you deserve a good fucking.”
“Loki, I-” You began, but he interjected immediately.
“No. Listen to me well. There will be no more hesitation with any of that. All I want to hear from you are those obscene sounds coming from your lips as I bury myself deep in you. Do you understand?”
“You’re gorgeous.” You said in a breathy manner.
Loki took you for the remainder of the day, lovingly and longingly. Your two bodies would join each other, sharing each other’s heat and sweat, providing you with the necessary distraction from your own turbulence, and providing Loki with a self-fulfilling deposition. You were his and no other man or woman could even possibly come close.
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nofomoartworld · 7 years
Hyperallergic: Art Movements
Troy Richards and Knut Hybinette, “the seeing glass” (2017), VR simulation, 5 minutes (courtesy the artists, © Troy Richards and Knut Hybinette)
Art Movements is a weekly collection of news, developments, and stirrings in the art world. Subscribe to receive these posts as a weekly newsletter.
The National Endowment for the Humanities announced that it will award up to $1 million in emergency funds for cultural institutions impacted by Hurricane Harvey. The storm has displaced thousands of people and has so-far claimed more than 30 lives. Houston’s theater district was particularly hard-hit, with almost every venue reported to be waterlogged. The Blaffer Art Museum, the Houston Center for Photography, the Menil Collection, and the Museum of Fine Arts Houston have reported their facilities and collections as safe. The Rockport Center for the Arts suffered severe damage according to an announcement by its executive director Luis Purón.
The Los Angeles City Council voted 14-1 to replace Columbus Day with Indigenous People’s Day.
William Eggleston will release Musik, an album of his synthesizer compositions, on October 20.
The Delaware Art Museum unveiled “the seeing glass,” a virtual reality experience created by artists Troy Richards and Knut Hybinette. The work is described as a three-dimensional reimagining of Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s 1875 painting “La Bella Mano.”
Thirty-two-year-old Curtis Valentine died following an altercation at the Head Too Heavy Gallery in Bushwick last weekend. Anyone with information can contact the NYPD confidentially by calling (800) 577-TIPS.
A new statue of Martin Luther King Jr. will be unveiled outside the Georgia State Capitol in Atlanta on Monday. Designed by Martin Dawe, the King sculpture joins nearby memorials to Confederate general and alleged Ku Klux Klan leader John Brown Gordon, and US Senator Richard Russell, a staunch opponent of Civil Rights legislation and a supporter of racial segregation.
Benjamin Grajeda Regalado, the head of Mexico’s federal police, announced the creation of a task force committed to the protection of the country’s cultural heritage.
The Berkshire Museum declined an offer of $1 million from a group of anonymous donors calling for the suspension of a planned auction of 40 works from the museum’s collection at Sotheby’s. The museum controversially decided to deaccession the works, including two paintings donated directly by Norman Rockwell, last month.
(via ozmarecords.com)
The Voyager golden record was published on vinyl and made available for order online. The original gold-plated copper records were attached to NASA’s Voyager 1 and 2, and contain a selection of photographs, music, and sounds “intended to communicate a story of our world to extraterrestrials.” The mission status of the two probes can be accessed here.
Trevor Paglen and the The Nevada Museum Of Art launched a crowdfunding campaign for the Orbital Reflector, a mylar balloon sculpture that will orbit Earth for several weeks before burning up upon re-entry into the atmosphere.
The Washington Square Association — a Greenwich Village neighborhood group — voiced objections to Good Fences Make Good Good Neighbors, a collaboration between Ai Weiwei and the Public Art Fund. The project involves the installation of over 300 site-specific security fences across New York City.
Demolition began on Robin Hood Gardens, the renowned Brutalist estate designed by Alison and Peter Smithson, despite years of campaigning and heritage efforts.
The University of Manchester digitized a collection of over 150 letters by mathematician and codebreaker Alan Turing. The documents were recently re-discovered by Professor Jim Miles during an inspection of an old filing cabinet on campus.
In accordance with his wishes, Terry Pratchett’s hard drives were destroyed by a steamroller at the Great Dorset Steam Fair. The late novelist instructed his estate to destroy all traces of his unfinished work.
Dread Scott, “A Man Was Lynched by Police Yesterday” (2015), nylon, 84 x 52 1/2 in, hangs outside Jack Shainman Gallery on West 20th Street in Chelsea, Manhattan (image © Dread Scott, courtesy of the artist and Jack Shainman Gallery, New York)
Dread Scott’s “A Man Was Lynched by Police Yesterday” (2015) was acquired by the Museum of Contemporary Art in San Diego. According to ArtNews, the Whitney Museum of American Art is in the process of acquiring an edition of the work.
The Parrish Art Museum acquired the art, archives, and resources of the James and Charlotte Brooks Foundation.
The South Street Seaport Museum received $4.5 million from the City of New York to stabilize and restore the Lightship Ambrose (LV-87).
The Victoria & Albert Museum acquired a sapphire and diamond cornet designed by Prince Albert for Queen Victoria.
The Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis received a $20,000 grant from the Dana Brown Charitable Trust in support of its ArtReach and LEAP Middle School Initiative youth education programs.
The Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden acquired 11 works by Japanese photographers, including Eikoh Hosoe, Minoru Hirata, Tatsuo Kawaguchi, Miyako Ishiuchi, Kōji Enokura, and Takashi Arai.
Koji Enokura, “Symptom—Lump of Lead to the Sky: Mountain in Nagano (P.W.-No. 47)” (1972), gelatin silver print, 21.7 x 30.2 cm (© Michiyo Enokura; courtesy Taka Ishii Gallery New York)
Bo Rothstein resigned as professor of government and public policy at Oxford University’s Blavatnik School of Government. Rothstein resigned after learning that Leonard Blavatnik (for whom the school is named) had also donated funds to Donald Trump’s inauguration. A number of academics signed an open letter in 2015 opposing Blavatnik’s £75 million (~$97 million) donation to the university’s School of Government, insisting that the university “should stop selling its reputation and prestige to Putin’s associates.”
Marek Olszewski, the president of Poland’s national tourist organization, was fired after telling a reporter that he had removed the Auschwitz memorial from the itinerary for foreign journalists’ visits.
The Singapore Art Museum abandoned its search for a new chief executive officer and director.
Jeffrey Herbst resigned as president and chief executive of the Newseum in Washington. The Freedom Forum, the museum’s parent foundation, is reportedly considering an outright sale of the struggling institution.
The Hammer Museum elected three new board members: Linda Janger, Glenn Kaino, and Dean Valentine.
Mary Colleen Heil will step down as president of the Pennsylvania College of Art and Design in June 2018.
George-Ann Tobin plans to retire as the National Gallery of Art’s endowment chief later this Fall.
Tessa Praun was appointed director of the Magasin III Museum and Foundation for Contemporary Art in Stockholm.
Lieven Bertels was appointed director of the Momentary, a planned satellite space of the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art. Site work is currently scheduled for early 2018.
Claire Shea was appointed deputy director of Para Site.
William L. Coleman was appointed associate curator of American art at the Newark Museum.
The 2018 edition of the 2018 Biennale de Montréal was cancelled due to its deficit of CAD 200,000 (~USD 160,000).
Housing gallery will open at 424 Gates Avenue, Brooklyn — the former space of American Medium gallery. According to Eileen Isagon Skyers, Housing’s creative director, the gallery aims “de-gentrify the space, effectively supporting the practices of black artists and non-black POC.”
Interference Archive will relocate to a new building three blocks away from its present space at 131 8th Street in Gowanus, Brooklyn.
Judith Linhares, “Dance II” (2017), oil on linen, 3 1/2 x 25 1/2 in (courtesy the artist and Anglim Gilbert Gallery, San Francisco)
Judith Linhares received the Artists’ Legacy Foundation’s 2017 Artist Award.
The Bessies 2017 awards for Lifetime Achievement in Dance and Outstanding Service to the Field of Dance were awarded to Jawole Willa Jo Zollar and Eva Yaa Asantewaa respectively.
Danielle Dean was appointed Artist-in-Residence for the Cranbrook Academy of Art’s photography department.
Jochen Volz received Independent Curators International’s 2017 Agnes Gund Curatorial Award.
The Underground Museum received the Ellsworth Kelly Award from the Foundation for Contemporary Arts.
The Seattle Art Museum announced the finalists of the 2017 Betty Bowen Award.
Sarah Branch, Kiana Carrington, Linda Diaz, Donnay Edmund, Claire Kim, Alexandria Ryahl, and Alexa Smithwrick were selected for the Downtown Brooklyn Arts Management Fellowship [via email announcement].
Smack Mellon is accepting submissions for its upcoming fall exhibition, UPROOT. The application deadline is September 13, 11:59pm.
(via Flickr/Terror on Tape)
Blanche Blackwell (1912–2017), heiress and lover of Ian Fleming. Supposedly inspired the character of Pussy Galore.
Tobe Hooper (1943–2017), film director. best known for The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974).
Howard Kaminsky (1940–2017), publisher.
Fredell Lack (1922–2017), violinist.
Paul Oliver (1927–2017), music and architecture historian.
Bernard Pomerance (1940–2017), playwright.
Alan Root (1937–2017), wildlife filmmaker.
Sue Steward (1946–2017), writer and broadcaster. Expert on Latin and world music.
David Tang (1954–2017), fashion entrepreneur and collector.
Bea Wain (1917–2017), singer.
Agnes Wilcox (unconfirmed–2017), actor and founder of Prison Performing Arts.
Ibrahim Yazdi (1931–2017), Iranian dissident.
The post Art Movements appeared first on Hyperallergic.
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TL;DW: I'm starting a super casual mixed system campaign and you're invited to join! Don't be afraid to reach out!
Keep an eye out for the Dimensional Altercations Department!
I'm also looking to commission some art for the campaign if you'd be interested in that
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