#Digimon the beginning
Fresh - Round 1 - Part 3
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kenichijouji · 4 months
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ken + wormmon / digimon adventure 02: the beginning (2023)
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slutpoppers · 4 months
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Dragon Imperialdramon turns into warrior mode
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iguwarf · 11 months
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happy halloween! or this pic I've been experiment with colors, style and finally doing some fanart, need to add I got inspiration from ulitochka's work, their manage of colours are just amazing
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dazzlingskydreams · 1 year
We have a new trailer for Digimon The Beginning!
New poster art as well!
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More info at Withthewill.net!
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nukitan · 5 months
Okay so as much as I dislike conflating Pokémon and Digimon, (they’re two shows that just so happen to be in the same genre and I think the comparisons should stop there. The bad faith ones anyway), how great the new Pokémon anime is has made me think about something.
Basically, I feel like Horizons has a lot of elements that I would love to see in a modern season of Digimon and I think the Digimon anime could take a page from their playbook. Which is funny since up until now I’ve always said the reverse.
Full rant bellow the cut to spare your time lines if you don’t want to read my rambles.
I split them into section going into Digimon first and then Pokémon if you want to skip around and don’t care about the other franchise. BUT, I will say that the point of this essay is that Pokémon Horizons is good, the first three seasons of Digimon are good and if you like one you should watch the other.
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First I’m going to go into my history with Digimon and what I liked about the classic seasons and what I don’t like so much about the newer ones.
Basically, I love Digimon. Been hyper fixating on it off and on for twenty+ years. I’ve seen every season, subbed and dubbed multiple times, I’ve played a good chunk of the games, I play the TCG, ect.
Something that drew me to the Digimon anime over AniPoke, was the characters and the plot. In the early seasons Digimon tackled lots of difficult issues like divorce, adoption, death, loss, depression, among other things. But still kept a light hearted, feel good air. The characters felt deep and multi-faceted (At least in the sub), and I dare say are better written than some characters from some adult oriented anime out there. And they had cute monsters that evolved into bigger monsters and fought baddie monsters, what wasn’t there to love? The first three or so seasons did a fantastic job juggling characters, plot, cool creature fights, and cute and funny moments between the members of the cast. It never really felt like a commercial compared to contemporaries. It felt like the writers were creating something with soul, it was a story first and ad second. It felt like it had love.
Adventure, 02, and Tamers are my favorites. Bellow are some characters and their arcs I really enjoyed from those seasons, skip if don’t want spoilers.
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I love Taichi’s arc of being reckless, and being one track minded to the point where he put all his friends in harms way and Yamato tries to act like this calm and cool lancer type but he’s actually the group heart and sensitive the way they bounce off each other and have conflicts throughout the series is just fantastic.
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Ken in 02 and his whole arc of getting over the death of his brother and accepting the consequences of his actions as the Digimon Kaiser. And the way he slowly warms up to the group is so cute. I legit cried when I watched some of his episodes post kaiser as an adult.
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Tamers as a whole is an extensional horror trip. Juri’s whole thing with her depression after the death of Leomon, how it related back to her trauma after losing her mom when she was younger, and the way the D-Reaper took advantage of that- I honestly don’t know how this was slipped into a kids show from the early 2000s.
A lot of these shows that started in the 90s and early 2000s were pledged with the “Glorified 20-25 minute toy ad” problem, and Digimon didn’t really seem to have that issue to me. It felt like the creators were putting the story and characters first, and an ad second or third.
The early seasons of Digimon felt like a celebration of childhood and was something that could be enjoyable to kids of all ages and adults alike. I don’t at all get that feeling that I’m watching a baby show when I watch early Digimon. It presents things in simple terms that kids could understand without talking down to its audience. It’s great.
And then the later seasons happened and Digimon forgot what made it great and lost its soul…
Xros wars was where the ball really seemed to drop in my opinion. Sure it still had the epic Kaiju fights but… that’s about it. Gone were the intense character moments and interesting plots. All we had was the special little marry sue of a boy Taiki who could do nothing wrong besides not “TURNING HIS BACK ON SOMEONE uwu”. And there was no overcoming adversity like in the earlier seasons, Taiki would just epically throw his Xros loader into the air and scream away his problems with a “DIGi-XROS!” (Sorry Taiki fans I can’t conceal my venom for this man)
And the monsters were just disappointing too. Like they were clunky and just looked like… toys.
It felt like Digimon had lost what made it tick and started to more closely resemble what I didn’t like about AniPoke, a toy commercial with a sanitized feel.
This continued for the next couple of seasons, only really picking up again in Appmon, but while Appmon is good and had it’s moments (I love the story with Yujin. He and Haru are totally roommates, cousins even), it still doesn’t compare to the heart the first three to five seasons had, imo.
Tri felt like a soulless nostalgia cash grab. Last Kizuna was good, it gave me hope for the anime again just to crush it all away with The Beginning.
I won’t get started on Adventure 2020 or we’ll be here all day. Needless to say it spat in the face of the show it was paying homage to.
Ghost Game got my hopes up, but then the last episode just took a dump on the rest of the show. It was fun, Kiyoshiro and Jellymon specifically were the stars of the show and GulusGammamon was interesting… until he wasn’t. It was fun, had a lot of potential with its horror feel, and was the closest to classic Digimon the modern seasons had been in awhile… at first anyway. It really shat the bed. And my problem with it don’t really relate to it being episodic in nature or anything, that can be done well. The characters just didn’t feel consistent (Especially Ruli) and it didn’t deliver on any of the plot intrigue it tried to stir up.
BUT! Ghost Game at least had… a little bit of heart. It felt like the creators knew their Digimon lore and did a fantastic job incorporating it into the monster of the week. I could really feel the love there.
Also on a side note, I am not just the Digimon equivalent to Gen-Oner, hating on things that are new and fetishizing the old. In fact, before I rewatched all of the seasons around 2020, I didn’t really care for the Adventure or Tamers. But my opinions did a total flip watching everything as an adult.
So, for a quick collection of thoughts before we move on to Pokémon:
What I like in a Digimon season:
1. Good characters with arcs that tackle bigger issues in a way kids can still understand and relate to without feel like they’re being talked down to.
2. Cute moments between members of the cast and their creatures.
3. Fights that feel like they mean something and aren’t just there for cool flashy effects.
4. A feeling of love and care for the franchise that goes beyond just trying to sell me toys and games.
Things I don’t like:
-OP mcs that solve every problem with the gimmick of the given seasons
-Flat, inconsistent characters that don’t feel like they have any agency or reason for doing what they’re doing besides that fact that they do indeed have Digimon.
-Pointless fights that are just there for no other reason than just to show a cool fight
Okay now Pokémon.
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Just like with Digimon here’s a little background with my history with the Pokémon anime
I’ve watched the original Pokémon anime up to Diamond and Pearl as a kid and I watched some of SM and most of Journey’s as an adult, but I’ve never really been big on anipoke.
Like at best it just felt like a cute show I could turn my brain off for and just vibe.
At worst it felt like a hyper sanitized toy/game commercial (Not blaming it, that was the anime’s main purpose after all).
Out of curiosity, I watched the new series. As much as I liked Ash, I really felt like he overstayed his welcome and they should have gotten rid of him and moved on ages ago since it felt like by DP there was nothing interesting to do with the character. The Pokémon world is huge and intresting, there was so much they could have done but Ash kind of felt like he bogged it down and stunted the anime’s growth past a point.
So yeah,I got excited when they finally pulled the plug and focused on a new set of characters so I gave Horizons a watch.
And I love it! It’s got heart, characters with development, a little bit of plot, and it’s cute? Like I was dumbfounded by the fact that a Pokemon anime, that I previously wrote off as just being a glorified ad, could be so good???
And then after thinking about what I liked so much about it, that’s when the topic of this essay hit me: Horizons feels like it has everything I long for in a modern Digimon anime, almost as if they took a page out of classic Digimon’s book. Like I always heard throughout the years that “Digimon had the better anime Pokemon has the better games” But Horizons really turned that on its head.
Let’s revisit my criteria for what I liked about the classic Digimon seasons from the section above to show what I mean. (Light Spoilers for Horizons ahead, though I wont go into specifics)
1. Good characters with arcs that tackle bigger issues in a way kids can still understand and relate to without feel like they’re being talked down to.
Yep. Horizons has that. Like the early seasons of Digimon, Horizons doesn’t just use it’s human characters as a vehicle to show you all the monsters you could catch if you bought the next game from your local shop for the low low price of 60 USD, nope. There feels like theres care there.
While they aren’t fully developed yet, Liko and Dot especially show huge character growth in the first 50 episodes. They focus on their flaws and how the characters overcome them.
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Liko is very indecisive at first. She’s socially awkward, she feels like shes just going with the flow, afraid to take that first step to find out what she really wants out of life. Then, she finally does, she makes the decision to follow Friede and the Rising Volttacklers to find her new horizons. It’s great. And she still has lots of growing she can do later both as a trainer and as a character. She’s fantastic for a lead.
I also like how they use Sprigatito’s evolution as stand in for Liko’s growth so far in the series. Early Digimon did that too with the Crests in Adventure and the Bio Merging in Tamers and I always really like monster partners evolving to reflect their human so much, it’s such a good narrative device!
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Dot slowly being brought out of her shell by Liko and the others is just- chefs kiss. She goes from being a reclusive shut in to slowly taking interest in the things Liko and co are doing and develops meaningful relationships with them. Her care for her friends and want to be there for them makes her take the first step and is now traveling around Paldea with them! And they went about this in a very well paced way where she still isn’t just magically over all her awkwardness and shut in tendencies yet. She too still has so much room for interesting development later down the road.
The adult characters are interesting too, even though they haven’t really done much yet. They really perfected that found family group of misfits trope that I’m usually pretty sick of. I love them.
And Amethio and the other villains also feel like they’re more than just your cackling evil for evil sake type characters and I’m super excited to see what they do with them!
And as far as the tackling bigger issues point: Though its just conjecture and I might be over thinking things (Though others in the fandom have pointed this out too) there’s definitely the groundwork for it here.
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Liko’s family is very hands off and distant. Liko goes away to boarding school at the start of the series, her parents work, and her grandma is a vagabond traveling the world and doesn’t often stay in one place for long.
Liko lacks solid connections and foundation in her life due to her family being so closed off emotionally, which would explains her going with the flow and being unsure of what she really wants to do. She’s lost with no guidance. And it’s not like her family doesn’t love each other, no. They just don’t want to express their feelings for fear of it bogging each other down. They want Liko to be free to do what her heart tells her, but they’re so worried about talking things out that they don’t realize how that freedom has hurt Liko and made her into an anxious mess. (They even kind of hint at this in the second opening)
But yeah, like others have said, I’m not sure if this is on purpose or if they were trying to write Liko’s family to be full of strong women and just kind of accidentally fell into making them all feel too independent and distant from one another. And it would be really cool for the show to go into Liko’s home life more… but I’m not sure it would be on brand for Pokemon to talk about something so heavy. But fingers crossed!
2. Cute moments between members of the cast and their creatures.
Yep! Horizons has got plenty of it. Right now all of the main cast has two Pokemon each and they’re really taking the time to show off each Pokemon and give them a lot of wholesome moments together and with their trainers.
The human character interactions are great too! I really like the blossoming friendship between Liko and Dot (They could be roommates guys!) and the growing rivalry between Friede and Amethio! It’s great!
3. Fights that feel like they mean something and aren’t just there for cool flashy effects.
The fights in Horizons are so cool and well choreographed, but they aren’t just there to look pretty, not at all!
A lot of the fights that take place in the first two arcs are learning experiences for Liko, Roy, and Dot. They learn new strategies, their Pokemon learn new moves, and in the arc that’s airing at the time of writing, they’re learning how to terrestialize too. The fights don’t seem to happen without purpose and always seem like they either teach the characters a lesson about proper ways to be a trainer and even sometimes help them grow as characters too.
And theres even a healthy amount of losses and wins under the character’s belts and they drive home the lesson of “You learn more from a defeat”. I like how heavily they relied on the more experienced Friede at the beginning and they got frustrated from their losses and used it as fuel to want to learn to stand on their own two feet.
The fights are great and don’t just feel like a kid mashing two toys together like some series with battle elements can.
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4. A feeling of love and care for the franchise that goes beyond just trying to sell me toys and games.
This is a little harder to explain and is more like a feel than anything. But I can definitely feel an air of care in Horizons that I don’t really see from shows that feel like twenty-three minute ads. The characters and story don’t just feel like they’re trying to sell me something.
While they’re definitely leaning heavy on the Paldea setting right now, it doesn’t feel like a straight adaption of the games. They don’t really do the “creature of the day” or “character of the day” type episodes like I remember seeing in past iterations of Anipoke. Horizons doesn’t have those moments that I feel like the character is looking right at me and saying “Buy Buy Buy”
And, at least so far, there seems to be a love for Pokemon with the way the reference Pokédex entries like with Hatenna being sensitive to strong emotions or what not.
Like I said, this is really more of a personal criteria and some people can be more sensitive to this kind of thing than others. The closest thing I can compare it to is like when you’re eating a meal a loved one made for you versus something you got at a diner or fast food restaurant. You don’t know how to put your finger on it but you can just taste the love… it’s like that with Horizons to me.
So yeah!
If you’ve read this far, thanks for listening to me rant! I’ll try to wrap it up here.
Basically I just really like Horizons. It gives me that same feel as when I was rewatching the classic Digimon seasons a view years ago… And like the way Horizons fixed all of the problems I had with Anipoke as a kid and as an adult is awesome, it really feels like Pokemon Company is making an effort to listen to criticism and better the series… I just really hope the Digimon anime can do the same.
Oh and all of this is just my opinion, if I said something that you don’t agree with about Digimon or Pokémon, I meant no offense and I’m happy to hear your opinions too!
I just want to close this by saying…
Fans of early Digimon, go watch Pokemon Horizons! You wont regret it!
Fans of Horizons go watch (the sub) of the first three or so seasons of Digimon! If you like Horizons and didn’t really click with Ash era Anipoke I think you’ll really have a good time, it’s so good!
I think both series could use more love, so go out there and give them both a watch!
Okay I’ll shut up now, thanks for reading!
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willaeru · 11 months
Last Digitober Post the prompt was Wind. Genuinely was such a blast doing this challenge for a month.
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bagerfluff · 3 months
Anything For You
Older Takaishi Takeru x Male Reader
Prompt - "I'd do anything for you"
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“You idiot”, Takeru said.
You didn’t say anything back. You just watched as Takeru bandaged your wounded. You were sitting on the couch as Takeru kneeled in front of you.
Surrounded by medical supplies.
Takeru was right now wrapping up your chest. There were bruises and cuts all over it. “Why?” Takeru asked for the fourth time.
Again you didn’t say anything. The reason that you were bloody and bruised, covered in blood and bandages.
It happened about an hour ago.
A Digimon had come through a Digital Gate and you and Takeru were the only ones free that could take care of it.
You two had got the Digimon back though the gate, but not at the expense of some injuries.
Takeru was in the way of some fallen debris, so you pushed him out of the way. Takeru had also gotten hurt because of Digimon's attack. That pissed you off, you couldn’t save him from that.
That’s how you got like this. It wasn’t so bad that you had to go to the hospital, but Takeru insisted on taking you back to his house to patch you up.
You wanted to follow the Digimon through the Digital Gate, you wanted to destroy it. It had hurt Takeru, his right arm had bandages wrapped around the top of it.
There was even a little blood seeping through the bandage. You started at it as Takeru wrapped up your chest. “You call me an idiot yet you're the one who didn’t move even though you knew stuff was falling on top of you”, you quipped back.
Takeru rolled his eyes and stood up. “You could have gotten really hurt”, Takeru said sternly. You picked up your shirt and put it back on, groaning at the pain that shot through your arms.
You leaned back on Takeru’s couch, your Digimon jumping on your lap. You hugged them close to your chest. “Why?” Takeru asked again, starting to pick up everything.
You didn’t say anything, just watched as Takeru picked everything up. You knew that answer to that question. It was because you cared about Takeru. You loved Takeru, you’d do anything for Takeru.
He was your best friend and you loved him. You didn’t want him to get hurt. You’ve seen him get hurt many times in the past, not again. You would rather you get hurt than Takeru, you hated seeing him in pain.
You saw how Takeru fell on the ground clutching his arm as Angemon and your Digimon lead the Digimon through the gate. After you made sure Takeru was alright you wanted to follow the Digimon.
You wanted to get on D/n's back, go into the Digiworld, and get rid of it.
But Takeru had stopped you, you were so close but he told you to stay, that everything was fine. No, everything wasn’t fine, Takeru was hurt.
Something had to pay.
You didn’t care what happened to you, as long as Takeru was fine. You thought all of this as you watched Takeru clean up. “Cause”, you stood up, taking your Digimon with you. Takeru looked at you waiting for your answer.
“I’d do anything for you”, you told Takeru.
Takeru blinks at you a few times. “Really?” Takeru asked, turning his body at you. You could tell that Takeru was skeptical. His eyes showed that he didn’t believe you.
You stared into Takeru’s eyes. You felt something come over you, just the way Takeru looked. His hat ditched on the table, so you could see his messy blonde hair.
His blue eyes bored into yours with curiosity and worry. You felt protectiveness wash over you. You glanced at Takeru’s upper arm, blood stained bandages and burns under it.
Your heart told you something, but you didn’t know what. What you did now was, “yes”, you answered, not a lie in your voice. You’d do anything for Takeru. “Then stop putting yourself in danger, I would have been fine, Patamon would have gotten to me”, Takeru said.
Patamon made a noise of agreement from the arm of the couch. You could tell that Takeru was really worried about you. You could see that he really thought you could have been hurt worse, or died.
You placed your Digimon down on the couch, right next to Patamon. You nodded and walked closer to Takeru, pulling him into a hug. You knew that Takeru cared about you, you were his best friend.
You’ve known him since before he first went to the Digiworld. “Okay”, you said. You’d listen to Takeru. He asked you to stop so you would stop, but something told you, maybe your heart, that you’d do it again.
You still wanted to destroy that Digimon, they deserved it. Nobody hurts Takeru, not if you had anything to say about it. “I have to go”, you picked D/n back up, “my parents are probably worried”, Takeru nodded
A smile on his face. It reminded you that you’d do anything for that smile. “Okay, see you tomorrow”, Takeru said, Patamon on top of his head waving goodbye.
You left Takeru’s apartment, with no intention of going back home.
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“Are you sure you want me to do this”, Your Digimon asked.
They were at the champion level, on top of the passed out Digimon. The same one that had come though the Digital Gate. You watched from the forest as they fought and as D/n won.
You had found the Digimon eating in the clear, ordering your Digimon to attack. They did, quickly getting on the ground, passed out. You started at it, they didn’t even care.
They didn’t apologize, didn't show remorse for what they did. “Yes, destroy it”, you said. No emotion in your voice. Your Digimon turned back to the Digimon and attacked.
You watched with a smile as they screamed and turned to pieces. Back to being a Digiegg. Your Digimon dedigivolved and ran back to you. “Can we go home, I’m hungry”, they said while rubbing their eyes.
You smiled down at them, “sure, I’m hungry too”, you turned around and started walking. They were gone now, they would never hurt Takeru again.
Maybe they can tell their friends what happens when anyone dares mess with who you love. You knew that if anyone knew you did this they would yell at you.
So you made D/n promise to keep it a secret. They said they would at the promise of chocolate. That was fine.
You knew what you did was wrong, but you didn’t care. They deserved it, they hurt Takeru. They should know now, everyone should know.
You’d do anything for Takeru.
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bluefer1 · 11 months
Veemon asking for candies on Halloween 🎃.
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digimon-icons · 4 months
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💥 Icons are free to use, editing is highly encouraged, use with or without credit. Any likes, reblogs and links back are always appreciated. Please don’t repost and claim as your own. DOWNLOAD
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cyroverr · 2 months
my favorite thing about my b'day is that it's also digimon's odaiba day and I get to make tribute to the series that shaped my childhood by rewatching some episodes or a movie for self healing and self love and y'know what - life is still nice we move! :'D
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simplyreiartblog · 2 months
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rare art drop from me! I had some time during vacation to draw a few things. A sneak preview of some of the digimon human forms for the comic, and the two bros that will show up soon~
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kouichikimura · 11 months
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Off to see a Digimon movie
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davishater · 1 year
Ok, not gonna lie, the first time I saw this I thought of this:
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*something bad just happened*
TK: wait, pause! I just got a story idea, I gotta write this down before I forget!
Everyone in 02: TK, we are in a crisis, we don't have time-
TK: No, we are not! Ok? I pushed the pause button, so we're fine! Just give me a second and we can continue on with this disaster!
02: That's not how life wor-
TK: Yes it is, now hUSSSSSShhhh!
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dazzlingskydreams · 1 year
Digimon 02: The Beginning is getting Halloween merch!
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They look so cool! I'll try and pick up a few.
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madmonroe · 7 months
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Lui really wants to celebrate his birthday with everyone… he’s just not sure if he’s ready.
29 Feb ‘24 ~ Mad
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