#Did you did in my blog to find the asks? XDD
zelda7999 · 2 years
Hey Zelda!
Sending good vibes your way and some questions!
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
💭 What inspires you and your writing?
✍️ What’s your ideal writing setup?
I'd share my fav line but it's for a chapter of Found Family Loading... that I will not share <3 Sorry! You gotta wait till chapters 12-14 :) It'll show up in one of those!~
What inspires me to write? If I am 100% honest, @lavenoon does I did not write this much before interacting with Luce, and I am forever glad I did ;w; Amazing person, fountain of inspiration, and a spectacularly brilliant and creative mind.
Ideal writing set up... Hmmmm... If I had a different house, it would be in a lil reading nook. One of those with the built-in seat with a window. Warm light pouring in, a journal and fountain pen <3 Just me n my writing!~ Or if I'm in a digital mood, replace the journal n pen with my laptop! :D
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factual-fantasy · 1 month
27 Asks! Thank you!! :DD🦎
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Its simple, Arceus made them! :0 He made Litwicks, Lampents and Chandelures at the same time. The Litwicks ate the Lampent plorts, the Lampents ate the Chandelure plorts, and the Chandelures made more Litwicks! :00 Same goes for every other slime species on the planet.
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I actually love your cat so much
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I am not familiar with "Six the Musical".. <:0 Sorry!
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@glitchhayden (Last ask was in this post)
OHH I see XDDD I kind'a want one-
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<XD Yeah, poor Sally.. I was thinking that she doesn't really need to sleep or rest and is always on the go! So early birds like Frank and Howdy are her go to friends. And Julie usually has a fair amount of time and energy to spare for her sister! :))
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🥺💞💞💞 AAAAAAA I'm so glad you like him!!! :}}}}}}
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(Referencing this post)
There was a time where Wally had a particularly big meltdown/panic attack over Home watching him. In response Barnaby invited Wally to stay at his house for a few days to see if the different environment helped at all.. which it did.
So nowadays whenever Wally gets really stressed, he crashes at Barnaby's house.. Home doesn't like Barnaby because he keeps taking Wally away from it.. 👁️👁️
But thankfully I don't think Home could really hurt Barnaby.. other than maybe opening a door causing him to stub his toe- <XD
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(Referencing this post)
Man, I always miss one spelling error. 😔
Also thank you! I'm glad you like them! :)))
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I put "#do not tag as ship" on all my Welcome Home posts. If people start coming at me for it I'll deal with them.. <XD thank you for the concern though! <:)
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@milk-powrit (Referencing this post)
:DD Thank you! And hey- its not necessarily to be mean! Home is not not particularly interested in them because they're just normal neighbors <XD Plus they don't come around often sooo...
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That is the most creature I have ever seen!! :000
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This Christmas comic and this dream comic are good examples! :0 Seeing himself as his human body with puppet colors. Seeing things or people from his human life..
I'm thinking of making it so any bugs Eddie sees look like real bugs. Weird dark roaches and spiders. Which is why he's scared of them.. 👀👀
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Yes yes! :DD When Eddie was human, he was a mailman! So his job as a mailman now is the only thing that feels natural and familiar to him... Which is why he's so unnaturally good at it! :00
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Hmm.. I imagine that the pipes and plumbing are apart of Home. But only in the walls. The pipes the come up from the ground and attach to Home are not apart if it.
I'm thinking if you completely tore Home down and rebuilt it somewhere else, it would flicker to life again. If you split the materials of home between 2 houses, I think only one would actually be alive and "home". It would make sense if one part of Home was where its life came from. But I'm not sure what that would be.. Maybe the fireplace is the heart? Monster house style? <XD
I imagine whatever is apart/meant to be apart of Home is its body. A meteor crashing through wouldn't be part of it <XD And any hanging pictures or furniture is not apart if it. The walls are its bones and the paint becomes its skin. If you tore down a wall that wood stops being apart of Homes body the moment it is detached. If you build a new wall, it might take a moment.. but it will eventually become apart of Homes body.
As for the old rotted wood, I imagine that Wally chopped it up and used it for fire wood :0 The new wood that Wally installed in the walls became Homes new body.
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<:( You will find someone new someday friend! There's a lot of bees in the hive!
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(Referencing this post)
XDD Naahhh its ok, Grim's just nomin. He wont hurt Sylvester! :)
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@taco-hyeh (Sent after this post)
Man, if only my mega Grimace comic didn't turn out to be so giant <XD I would have PLENTY of angst for you!
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Home right now can be best described as.. curious.. but also somewhat malicious. It watches Wally and Eddie because its curious about them. But it can clearly tell that watching them causes panic attacks and makes them very upset. Yet it doesn't stop. If anything it watches them more intensely when they cry..
When it comes to if they could figure out what it wants.. its hard to say if Home even really wants anything. It just likes to watch and see the Wally react to its stares... that, an the fact that Home probably cant communicate outside of slamming windows and doors-
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Oh? I've only seen it from 1 artist, is it becoming a trend? :00
I don't know how I feel about it.. I mean its cool! But I might not draw it with my Sona personally <XD Reminds me of this old Journal drawing trend that I did a long while back.. 🤔
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AAAA THANK YOU!!! :DDDD I wish you luck in your journey! :)) AND REMEMBER!! The comfort has to be just as healing as the angst is hurting!! :}}}
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(Referencing this post)
If you look closely, the hat is actually just Sylvester's ribbons! XDDD
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mikalara-dracula · 1 year
(nsfw-ish) Hiii can you make headcanons for the diaboys when they have a wet dream of their s/o?
💦🥵 When the Diaboys have a wet dream of their s/o—
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Warning: 18+ content below; don't read if you're a minor and aren't comfortable with slight NSFW, sexual arousal, and orgasm-related concepts. This is a fictional work and should not be taken seriously.
Caution: Unfortunately, Tumblr has a history of admins quarreling over completing carbon copy asks due to users sending the same request(s) to multiple admins, thus, resulting in unintentional plagiarism. With this, please DO NOT send the same request to multiple blogs as it can cause unintended plagiarism discord to other blogs across Tumblr. The word “plagiarism” stems from the early 17th-century Latin word, “plagiarius,” meaning “kidnapper.” So please, do not send in the same request to multiple blogs and make admins appear to be “kidnapping” other people’s work when it isn’t their intention. If this is to occur with any of my posts, please contact me so we can work something out.
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Hi there, Anon!
Thank you so much for requesting! I'm very sorry for the long wait! I hope you enjoy reading it. Feel free to request again anytime. :)
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Created with: @liannelara-dracula
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Before we get into this scenario, let’s get into some context about it:
Scientifically speaking, wet dreams or sleep orgasms don’t have to necessarily be caused by having erotic dreams.
However, because the Diaboys are not human, I think this applies to them a bit differently.
@liannelara-dracula and I think that because they’re immortal, having wet dreams is ONLY caused by having erotic dreams.
And because an immortal’s senses and feelings are known to be heightened compared to a human’s, let’s just say their wet dreams are a bit, well . . . messy.
And by “messy” we mean to the point where the sheets have a big stain on them.
Anyways, let’s go on to the hcs.
He was kinda confused when he woke up because he did not see it coming.
I mean, unexpectedly finding this big stain on his pants and bed?
At first, since you were sleeping next to him, he honestly thought you wet the bed.
It took him a minute to realize that that wasn’t the case and that he was the cause of this mess.
Although, it definitely didn’t stop him from waking you up and accusing you for it.
“See what you did? You couldn’t control yourself.”
“Shut up! You’re the one with wet pants.”
Knowing he couldn’t get you to believe otherwise, he changed subject.
“Whatever, it doesn’t matter. Just clean the sheets.” He’d say, closing his eyes, attempting to drift off again.
“Shu, you’re not some baby where I have to wipe your ass for you.”
Being the smartass he is, he’d smirk, “Well . . . .”
Knowing he was being an ass, you’d instantly grab a nearby pillow and start hitting him with it, to which he’d just laugh since he’d find your reaction amusing.
He never thought he’d wake up this way.
I mean, wet because of you?
He never saw this coming obviously.
And he was so embarrassed by it.
And to make matters worse, you walked in and he instantly threw a blanket over himself and the bed stain.
"Good morning, Reiji. Did you sleep well?” You’d ask.
In a tense tone, and with the blanket up to his neck, he’d reply, “Yes.”
Noticing that his response seemed off, you questioned, “Are you okay?"
"Of course!" He'd quickly respond, attempting to keep calm under the pressure of keeping you in the dark about this. “Just give me a few minutes, dear.”
“ . . . Okay.” You’d say walking out, giving him his privacy.
Reiji sighed in relief, and couldn’t think straight for the rest of the day.
He found it so hard to be around you and ended up making himself a tea to calm him down.
Dude should’ve smoked a cigarette after that dream lmao. xDD
You kept asking if he was alright since found his behavior to be bit weird, but nevertheless, he just kept to himself.
“Reiji, are you sure you’re alright?”
“Yes, yes!” He’d reassure, a bit jittery in response despite his collective nature. In hopes of changing the subject and to keep you from asking further questions, he’d deter by keeping you busy. “Now then, let us go for a walk, dear.”
Is not bothered by it.
He's had so many wet dreams anyways considering how long he's been around.
But he’s a little sad that what he was dreaming about was over and that it couldn’t continue.
“Aw, what a shame. We could’ve taken things to the next level.”
He even keeps tallies on how many wet dreams he’s had.
"Well, here’s another one to the list."
He even writes about the dreams that caused them.
He’s amused whenever he has one
But unlike some of his brothers, he’s able to get through the day quite normally, almost like it never happened.
Unless of course he saw you for the day and you did something super suggestive, then it takes everything in him to act composed.
He looks forward to the next time it happens and may try to make it happen by fantasizing about you before going to bed.
But honestly, when is he not fantasizing about you?
Finds it to be a pain since he “wet” himself and finds it a bit annoying.
Definitely wants to be alone when having to handle his wet pants and sheets.
Like, if someone knocks on his bedroom door, he yells at them to get lost.
He doesn't even want the servants cleaning it up because he finds it humiliating.
"They're not worthy enough to see this."
Knowing you caused this, he is beyond sexually frustrated and upset at you.
He literally cannot eat sweets without thinking about what happened.
He’ll be in such a grumpy mood that day.
But if you provoke him, he’ll pounce on you instantly.
He didn’t even know it happened, like, he was very much out of it.
He just kept sleeping on it and sooner than later, he finally sat on the edge of his bed, feeling heavy and not ready to take off for night school.
Laito walked in to tell him to get ready for school since they were already running late.
Of course, with Laito being Laito, he noticed Ayato’s state and had to tease him for it.
“Y’know brother, I thought we were much past you wetting the bed.”
“What are you—oh my god!” Until that point, Ayato hadn’t even noticed and it had been pointed out to him.
Embarrassed, he quickly grabbed his uniform, running towards the bathroom to change as he swore to brother, who was only amused by this situation. “This stays between me and you man. No one else can know.”
Oh shit! You were sleeping next to him when it happened
So how does he cover it up?
It’s simple—he can’t!
He turned red af.
He just couldn’t believe it happened, especially with you being right next to him.
Runs into the bathroom to hide himself.
“Subaru, it’s okay. It’s just-,”
“Leave me alone!”
Isn't ashamed at all.
In fact, he's just amused that you had this effect on him while unconscious.
"Hey babe, look what you did to me."
Blushing hard, you covered your face, not being able to bear with the situation.
“Kino, please just change.”
Isn’t bothered by it, even if you're there sleeping next to him or not.
Is only going to act on it if you make a big deal about it.
“You keep complaining, but you’re the cause of this. You should be paying for this.” He’d saying coming out of the shower only in a towel.
“But I never said anything! You’re not being fair!”
“Oh really?” He’d say mischviously, pulling his sheet of the bed only to throw it at you to get you “wet.”
“Stop!” You’d yelp as you tried to dodge the wet spot of the sheet from touching you as he laughed.
“Eww! Oh my god, Ruki!” You’d exclaim.
He’d laugh approaching you, “C’mere.”
You’d back away in fear, “No, I don’t trust you!” 
If you're not there, he's gonna be blaming you for it all day long in his mind.
Is going to let you pay for it by leaving you sexually frustrated for the day with some intimate activity he’ll initiate and then abandon, not allowing you achieve satisfaction.
“It’s only fair after what you did to me.”
Like Shu, he woke up confused, but quickly realized what had happened.
Recollecting, that dream was steamy, leaving him to comment on it.
“Oh, that explains it.”
Wishes you could see what you did to him.
"Damn, I wish she was here."
Instead, he sent a picture to you about the wet sheets with the caption, “Look what you did to me last night.”
To which would lead you facepalm and leave him on read. xDD
Wants to try out what happened in his dream with you and will flat up try to ask you about it.
“Hey babe, why don’t we-,”
Knowing what he’d want, you’d be quick to deny, “No!”
When he woke up, he was kinda pissed.
Not because he dreamt about you, but because he’d have to clean the sheets since everyone does their own laundry in the Mukami household.
"Ah, shit." He'd hiss, looking at the wet sheets. "I knew I shouldn't of gone to bed thinkin’ of her."
And to his dismay, Kou walked in on him and this scene, and because Kou’s an ass, he has to tease Yuma about it.
“Damn, someone was thinking real hard last night.” He’d joke around.
“Why you!” He’d say, chasing Kou out of his room.
And if it wasn’t Kou who was in his case about this, someone else was bound to.
When Yuma got down to the laundry room, Ruki decided to have his fun because once he saw the sheet Yuma was putting into the washer, he couldn’t help himself.
“I’m surprised you’re washing the sheets earlier this week, Yuma.”
“Yeah, well, they needed a change.” Yuma would say, attempting to the situation up.
“I see. I guess with Y/N on your mind you’re bound to wash them more often.”
Knowing that Ruki had figured it out, Yuma would retort, “Tch!” leaving Ruki to smirk as he walked out of the laundry room.
And knowing Kou, he’d probably have a picture as well of Yuma when he experienced this.
Or, to make matters worse, he’ll just tell you about it when he arrives at school.
“Hey, Y/N, guess what?!” Kou would yell from across the hall.
“You asshole!” Yuma would react, threantening Kou to keep silent, “Shut up before I throw you outta one of these windows!”
He didn’t understand what happened when he woke up.
It took his brothers to explain to him.
“Oh . . . so that’s what . . . it is?” Azusa would comprehend.
Since he was given an explanation, he was happy you were in his thoughts since he finds no better way to sleep.
He hopes he’ll have more of these experiences since they’re centered around his one and only Eve.
"I wonder if . . . she has . . . wet dreams . . . about me? . . . I guess I'll . . . never know."
Good lord, what did you do to make him wet?
He covers it up and pretends that it didn't happen.
He cannot live with himself right now.
And if has to see you that day, he’s not ready to face you.
All he can think about is what you two were doing in his dream.
“Carla, are you alright?” You’d ask finding his behavior to be a little off that day.
“The King of Founders is just fine.” He’d assert, ever so calmly.
“Okay, but you’re acting really weird today.”
“How is that?”
“Well, you seem tense.” Based on this, you further offered, “Do you want a massage?”
Just thinking of your touch on him was enough to make him lose his composure, so he’d refuse despite wanting one.
“No, no, it’s fine, really.”
And if you by any chance do something that turns him on, he’s not gonna be composed anymore.
He’ll give up and try to get you to the bed, or will just take you on a random surface.
He blames you 100% and doesn’t care if you find it embarrassing.
Given how the morning is starting off between you both, he isn’t going to let it go.
“The one who should be complaining is me, after all it is uncomfortable to be left with such thoughts.”
“No, what’s worse is knowing just how deep your mind travels to something like that!” You’d argue, blushing at the thought.
“You should be honored that you were in my thoughts, love.” He’d smirk, making you shocked as you’d throw a pillow at him. 
“I would be if it was in the sense of sentiment!” You’d retort, looking away.
“But making love to you is sentimental, even in my dreams.” He’d tease leaning closer to you, leaving you to blush harder as he laughed.
Not being able to take it much longer, you’d try changing the subject, “Would you just clean up already?!”
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nian-7 · 10 months
OMG A NEW BLOG WELCOME! *hugg*kdjsks Can I ask for Bae's reaction (separately) when his reader fem steals a kiss from them, I mean she plans a fun strategy to get them closer~ and when they least expect it zaaz she steals a kiss from them xdd hehe thanks youu and have a good day :')
HI!! THANK YOU! please enjoy!!
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Allen, Hajun, Anne x fem!reader
✧stealing a kiss
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-Completely oblivious to the fact that you're creating fun plans just to steal a kiss and it catches him off guard each time. Suddenly plopping down beside him while he's thinking of lyrics? He just thinks you're coming to help him until you turn his face towards your own to steal a kiss from his lips. He gets hella embarrassed just from the shock of it.
-Allen tends to just not even realize that you've made a game out of it even though Anne and Hajun can clearly see what you've been doing. He's pretty easy to shock with a kiss if you enjoy seeing his blushing face even when he laughs off the warm feeling inside him. He's just happy to have gotten a kiss from his girlfriend!
-Sometimes he tries to beat you to it because he thinks that you came by to steal another kiss and gets confused when he sees your slightly shocked face. He's not particularly slick about trying to beat you to it either, you clearly can tell when he's thinking about it because he gets a bit fidgety since he's a bit nervous.
-" Wha- What'd you do that for, babe?! Outta nowhere too! "
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-He's literally so annoying about it... After he figures it out, which will happen pretty quickly, he starts to dodge them. He thinks it's funny just watching you pout about it. You'd have to get really creative with your plans to get in close enough.
-Hajun plays off dodging the kiss so smoothly though even with that smirk on his face that tells you he knows exactly what he's doing. Best time to even catch him off guard is when he's tired in the morning or at night. Even then he'd probably see it coming and just let you.
-Best way to catch him off guard with your plans is being either extremely bold or just making him turn towards you after his back was previously facing you so that you can catch his lips in a kiss. But either way, still very annoying about it like he can't just let his pretty girlfriend give him the kiss she wants to give him.
-" Ah, what are you trying now, hm, (name)? Now where did I put those coffee beans... "
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-It's very easy to steal a kiss from Anne when they aren't paying attention. It doesn't take much persuading for them to even want a kiss in the first place.
-Simply cuddling up to each other for a movie night and then leaning over to kiss them on the lips is enough to make them smile at you. They find it cute when you try to seem sneaky about it and they just end up playing along with it.
-Anne looks forward to all the fun little plans you try to create to steal a kiss from them. Whether those plans are bold or not doesn't matter, they just like that you're having fun with it (much to Hajun's annoyance when you happen to do it in front of him).
-They'll have a sweet smile on their face as they look at you asking if you wanted another. They'd enjoy your flustered expression or if you decided to tease back. In all, Anne loves your cute plans to steal kisses and will always play along with them.
-" Do you want another one~? "
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please do not repost any of my work without my permission, thank you for reading.
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You know how you always apologize in the tags when you go on a Paw Patrol rant? Well, I for one really enjoy your little essays, I love how unashamedly passionate you are about Paw Patrol, how you overanalyze and theorize about it just like I do, it's why I love this blog so much, I love nerding out with you over these cute cartoon dogs
How dare you do this to me when I'm sick and emotional (/j) 😭🫂💜 I'm gonna cry (edit: ok I actually did, a bit XD)
Seriously now, thank you so much too. Every time I see you popping up around in any of my askboxes I go like "OH MY GOD COTTON CANDY SENT ME AN ASK AGAIN AAAAAAAAAAA I LOVE THEM SO MUCH LET'S SEE WHAT IT'S ABOUT THIS TIME" - really, Blue and Eryx can confirm, I go nuts for a whole minute or two in our little Discord server XDD it's always a joy to see you around.
I guess I tend to apologize because it's a little like an automatic reaction... It wasn't THAT MUCH or that bad, but I've been told numerous times I shouldn't focus so much on things that are soooooo not for my age. I always have to remind relatives and their friends that it's people my age or older who get to work on producing these things in the first place. And I know people hear these things since early on too, it's annoying, like what the hell, let us live our little lives, we're not actively affecting yours XD
I still find it funny, how passionate I got about Paw Patrol, because when I started watching it, I wasn't expecting to get SO INTO IT.
When I stop to think, most my profile pics on social media/messaging apps are now of Paw Patrol. I've been watching it since January, right after my dog Dakota died. I got now two blogs (and a half bc I'm sorta "helping" Eryx with her askblog of Everest/Tracker/Rex so I was added as a mod there) only for Paw Patrol stuff instead of mixing it around in my personal blog like most my other interests/fandoms. My Telegram art channel has been 90% Paw Patrol arts this entire year so far, except for commissions. I met amazing people in this fandom and even got one hate comment LMAO there's this old Tumblr saying that states your blog hasn't truly started until you get a hate message 😂 Heck I even bought three toys so far! It's been AGES since I last bought anything fandom related for myself, on anything at all. The one thing that comes to mind is the Lightning McQueen origins storybook last year (still gotta remember to buy Jackson Storm's and Cruz Ramirez's too). I usually make/paint/craft my own stuff instead of buying (one of the several reasons I relate to Rocky!).
I just, wow? It's real. I got this whole thing going on and it makes me smile every day and I don't want it to stop any soon. I started watching the show as a way to soothe myself and relax my stressed brain after Dakota's passing. Didn't expect to get so far. I'm glad I did and that I'm here with you guys.
Thanks for being part of what makes it so special for me too, Cotton Candy. You're amazing and I love it whenever you show up bringing more stuff for me to talk about 💜 PAW PATROL IS ON A ROLL, MY FRIEND, LET'S GOOOOOOO
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slashingdisneypasta · 6 months
Your blog introduced me to my love for Robert Englund. Thank you. I watched 2001 Maniacs because of it, and I was wondering if you have any more Mayor Buckman content? Depeted scene or interview? Xxxx🩷
!!! It did !?? Good, the master plan is working 😂
Mayor Buckman content:
'Done Knit Jezebel a Sweater'- A deleted scene. The quality is awful but t r u s t me, if you like Buckman you'll find it hilarious XD He's exasperated and s o done with his sons 😅😆😅
Dread Central Interview with Robert Englund- Its the usual interview questions (Were you always apart of the project? What was it like working on the set? etc) but theirs this one bit where Englund is asked whether he made trouble on set and he says he was 'good boy' this time XDD Cuz Buckman has some heavy speeches and he had to memorise them. I just love how this suggests that in other projects he has been a menace, but he couldn't be this time because Buckman was so damn demanding XD
... apparently there is a 40 minute long Documentary about the making of 2001 Maniacs?? I havent seen it but please, if you check it out, let me know if I should ^^ Part One // Part Two
I think theirs probably more 🤔 But I cant find them. Hope these tide you over on that mayor thirst for a bit! XD
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Girl say it louder FOR THE ONES AT THE BACK!! Azul is not a crybaby and his confidence is NOT faked C'MON!!!
Funny thing, someone told me they'd never seen an azul stan such as me who adored him sm, BUT I'M SORRY YOU NEED TO BE GETTING A CROWN FOR THIS, I am literally an amateur in front of you.
Also, I read that anon ask of yours where you both admitted to almost crying with azul, and now I feel kinda pathetic to say it hyped me up and I was disappointed it ended so quickly 💀 (also I didn't even realize he was crying until I logged onto tumblr wtf) it was more like "he's crying? is he? OMG AZUL IS CRYING?!?! LESSGO LMAO THIS IS INTERESTING" mind you I ADORE azul and I did even before book 1, but I just have this tendency to insult my favourite characters 💀 love-hate relationships <3
SPEAKING OF AZUL, I USED THAT BITCH IN MY ENGLISH DESCRIPTIVE WRITING IN MY EXAM. Yeah I used his personality, and mostro lounge's interior, and an angry client and some contracts bs💀 except I switched the tweels for a blue eyed woman u h. I ALSO NAMED THE AZUL CHARACTER JONES TF 😭 and he also had azuls glasses AND I WANTED TO ADD MORE BUT my English teacher isn't a boomer and there is a HIGH chance she'd played or HEARD of twst, so I didn't wanna embarrass myself. Now I hope azul charms my paper and I get a good grade sksjsjsj
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[Reply to this reblog!]
I am so sorry this is so late HAHAHA BUT FKDFKNSDFKLSDF THANK YOU FOR THE SUPPORT and trust me, this may not be the last time I'll talk about this because who knows, something might inspire me to make a third post. But I won't try to bog this blog down either.
Anyway, onto the main anon, kjfsdnfkjdskjnjksdnjkdskf a lot of people have said that to me as well xDD I think I've gotten a couple of anon asks about it. I can't help but be loud about Azul here, he's my joy and light. But hey, loudness doesn't equate to how much one adores someone, I'm sure you adore Azul a lot as well (and please bug me about it so we can scream together, I need more Zuzu stannies)
As for the anon ask, ok I can't find it right now HDFKFJKSFKSD but noo don't worry too much about it. I know some Azul stans who also reacted the same way xD first impressions are first impressions, after all, plus not everyone will react the same way. Like ,, I love Riddle, but I was laughing when he cried the first time because the sounds sounded funny 💀 What matters more is understanding and the willingness to understand what's happening, why a character acted the way they did, and how they are as a person in general.
LMAOOOO good job anon, hope you got the grade you wanted. I've also used Azul in so many of my school outputs 💀💀💀 like, I used him once in a 17k word fic that I submitted in class HAHAHHAHAAHAHAHHAHA I never got my grade for it but hey . it was worth it. I have a novel now that I could potentially publish if I just revise and edit.
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missblissy · 3 years
Uhh yo this blog so pretty - anyWAY, do ya reckon I could get some Al trying to get his s/o to sleep? I canNOT get to bed as hard as i try, and I'd just love for the dusty ole' bastard to maybe sing me a lullaby or warm some milk ... also blog so pretty-
((WHEEZE INTO THE VOID PLS LMAO. Thank you nonny xDD I worked really hard to make my blog as pink as can be lol, anyways. Yes xD I can do that. Im sorry it was a little wait, but I hope this helps you get some sleep. It certainly helped me UwU. Enjoy Stinky Deer~~)) ((PS: Here is the song that plays in this story!!))
It was getting ridiculous at this point. You couldn't stand it anymore. If you could bear yourself in the face to fall asleep you would. You laid in a bed too big and too empty to feel warm or comfortable. It wasn't even your bed, or at least it wasn't your room. If you knew that sleeping as a demon would be this hard you wouldn't have let yourself die so easily. Nothing about hell was enjoyable.
Well, aside from your uncanny relationship with Alastor. What would you call it? Many people assumed you were together of some fashion. Which they were not wrong to assume. You were incredibly close with Alastor, that was true. Close enough to sleep in his bed. But personally, you wouldn't put a label on your relationship with Alastor. And if anyone asked, you'd often reply with, "Why don't you ask him these questions?" Because no one would ever question anything about Alastor.
So you tossed and turned in the plush bed. The red silk sheets were too much so you kicked them off, leaving the fluffy comforter. You laid there for a second then groaned before turning into your other side. He wasn't here, but you could easily change that.
You took in a deep breath, let out a sigh, took in another breath then called out, "Alastor!" He was never far. He made sure of that, but he also had his ways of always keeping an eye on you, even if he was gone. You waited in silence for a few seconds then slammed a fist down beside you on the bed and called, "Alastoorr... I can't sleep!" With as much irritation as you could.
There was the small build-up of a hum. And like the pop of a balloon, Alastor's shadowy form manifested before you. Bright red eyes filled the darkness of the room and bringing the only light. He smiled and tilted his head slightly to one side, "Yes, my dear?"
You gave him a puppy dog look and started to scoot over, "Please?" You didn't even have to ask. Alastor only smiled then gave a snap of his fingers. In a cloud of smoke you could barely see, he changed into what looked like pajamas. He climbed into the bed and used some kind of magic to fix the mess you made. You scooted close, but not enough to invade his space. You knew how little he liked being touched and you knew how great of an act of kindness this was for him. So did little to spoil it. You were lucky, however, because he draped an arm behind your head just enough so that he could comb the random strands of hair out of your face.
Here came the best part. No, it wasn't the small amount of warmth, or him playing softly with your hair. It was the low static in the air as music played ever so softly from within Alastor. It was an airy tune, slow and soft with a twist of jazz that he so loved. It always sounded different coming from him. And it always seemed so much more magical as you tipped over the edge of sleep. You closed your eyes and listened to his voice as he sang quietly along with the tune, "Stars shining bright above you. Night breezes seem to whisper "I love you." Birds singing in the sycamore tree, dream a little dream of me."
You could compare it to being close to a speaker when loud music is played. But Alastor wasn't a speaker and the music was barely a whisper in the wind. It was just enough to fill the void of silence but not enough to be disturbed. Alastor still slowly curled strands of hair around your ear and away from your face, "Say "Night-ie night" and kiss me. Just hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me... While I'm alone and blue as can be, dream a little dream of me."
"Stars fading but I linger on, dear. Still craving your kiss, I'm longing to linger till dawn, dear." His voice grew only slightly louder. It filled your ears as you drifted off. Enjoying every bit of this. You were so very lucky to even be gifted with his company let alone the spoils of his songs. "Just saying this: Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you. Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you. But in your dreams whatever they be, dream a little dream of me."
The music went on playing. You could hear him humming along with the piano while the song played out. Alastor had gotten close enough to pull you into his arms, but only once you had started to finally drift to sleep. He leaned in close and let his nose brush against your forehead while giving the lightest kiss imaginable. Though his lips brushed against your skins as he sang the last of his song, "Stars fading but I linger on, dear. Still craving your kiss, I'm longing to linger till dawn, dear. Just saying this: Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you. Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you. But in your dreams whatever they be, dream a little dream of me..."
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kanene-yaaay · 3 years
5+1 - [Part 2]
5 times Iida was tickled and the one he wasn’t
Kanene’s note: What a helloooo! I am baack! Gosh, look at me! Having a posting schedule! Who would say, huh? xDD Well, I hope you like this >u<
Warnings, fun facts, random things and stuff:
* This characters don’t belongs to me! They all belong to the anime/manga Boku no Hero.
* This is a SFW tickle fanfic with family tickles, so, if you don’t appreciate this kind of content, please, look for another blog. There are a plenty of very greeat arts in this site!! ^w^)b
* This is Lee!Iida with Ler!Aizawa and Nemuri sprinkling some tease here and there. All relationships are platonic. Around 1.500 words.
* Sorry for any spelling, pontuation and grammar mistakes! Any and every advice is very very welcome! \(-w-)/
* Look at the window and find something that is worth smiling for. Don’t forget to drink water, sleep and eat! <33
“Iida Tenya.”
 “Ooooh noo,” Nemuri added from the spot on the floor where she sat, pampering and spoiling Shouta’s cats with plenty of snacks, a sharp grin gleaming at the boy who came running from the kitchen and now looked from a side to another with a panicked expression on his face, fast to move his arms in an ‘abort mission’ sign to the woman. “Looks like someone is in trouble! ~”
 “Nemuri-san, please I ask for you to control your voice!!” Tenya whispered in a volume that most people would categorize as a shout, especially with Shouta’s hero trained hearing. Nemuri, though, just expanded her wicked grin as the nine old boy didn’t realize the dark figure arriving right behind him. “He can’t know I am here!”
 “Aw, my dear,” she pouted in fake empathy at Iida’s inevitable fate, scratching Pudding under her chin, her loud motor like purring echoing in the silence. “But Shouta already knows.” Iida stilled as a statue when a shadow loomed over him, starting to turn around, slowly. “He always knows.”
His quirk activated a second before Aizawa erased it with his own, making the blue haired one stumble on his own legs, almost falling on the ground if it wasn’t for the arms that grabbed him in a firm hug, fingers worming their way to his armpits, prodding and digging on the awfully ticklish flesh there.
 “What,” Shouta started, with a tune that tipped on bored, his plain face contrasting to the smaller’s puffed cheeks as he wiggled and shook with the contained giggles. “Did I say about my orange flavored jelly packs, huh?”
 “Aww, is the itsy bitsy Tenya ticklish? Can’t he take all the tickly-tickly-tickly tickles his favorite grumpy uncle gives to him? Huh? Aww, my poor ticklish boy.” Nemuri teased, ignoring the glare her friend sent on her direction in favor to stare at Tenya, who went redder at her words, a couple of squeaky snorts escaping from his lips.
 “I will remind you what I said about eating my jellies without permission: don’t. Never. Do not look. Do not touch and especially, do not even think about eating it.” Aizawa highlighted the last phrase by blowing a raspberry right behind Iida’s neck, leading the boy to squeal, uncontrolled laughter following it almost immediately. The taller man did his best to keep a serious face, principally as the arms of his ‘victim’ rocked up and down, from the left to the right and in random patterns without even being able to get themselves enough control to attempt to stop him. “And you did, so now you will face the consequences. It’s only logical.”
 “A-Aizahahazawa-san I, I cahahahAAH!” Shout cut the other’s protest by throwing him in the air, resting his hands on his sides when he caught him again, slightly clawing his stomach with his fingers, fishing uncontrollable, bubbly giggles from him. “Please, please! I can-'' Snort. “I can ehehexplain!” Yelp. Half words, Half pleas. Giggles. Giggles. Giggles. “I hahahave the right, Aizawa-sahahahan!”
 Shouta contented himself in making the younger squirm – left, right, left, left, right and repeat – from a side to another by tapping his fingers on his sides repeatedly, sometimes giving a quick scratch only to gain another yelp, pretending to think about the proposal for a little less than a minute.
 “No.” He decided, spidering his fingers merciless on the death spot. Iida threw his head back, crackles flying from him in a waterfall of shrieks and squeaks.
 “Come one, Shou! Let the boy speak! As much I love this lovely, absolutely adorable laughter that makes you want to tickle and tickle him forever and ever, and aww, wouldn’t you love it, my dear? To get all the tiggles-tickles you could ever want for all eternity?” Iida kicked and shook his head in protest, more pleas falling from him, face and neck in flames. “I think he has the right to defend himself.”
 “Which side are you?”
 “No side deserves my awesome presence.” Aizawa rolled his eyes. “What is the matter, Shou? Afraid that you will lose in a logical battle with baby Tenya?”
 “Ihihihi am NOT ahahaha baby!!” Iida protested through his hysterical laughter, nothing giving him more strength than correct factually incorrect statements. “I ahahahaham a very hehehealthy chihihihih- – No! Not there! – chihihihild! Mom said so!”
 Nemuri hid her snickers behind her hands, receiving a very unamused yowl from Pudding, the cat demanding her to come back to her ear scritches immediately. The woman resumed to her wishes.
Shouta recognized a bait when he heard one, but watching the way tears started to appear in the corner of the younger’s eyes, he decided to bite it.
 He adjusted him so the boy would be resting on his hips, his hand resting calmly on his ribs, a much less ticklish spot.
 “You have fifty seconds.”
 “WHAT!” Iida stared at him in disbelief, turning to look at Kayama in the search of reinforcements, and being gifted with nothing more than a joyful shrug, his brother’s best friend being very glad in just watch the chaos unraveling in front of her and, unnoticed by the other two who were caught up on the silliness, the camera carefully hidden behind Pudding’s fluffy form. “That ihihisn’t even a minute! It’s impossiblehe to mahahake a good defehense under this condici- conditionaries… undeheher that pressure!”  
 “Conditions.” Aizawa offered, “and heroes work under pressure. You want to be one when you grow up, right?”
 “Yes!” Iida’s smile got even bigger than it already was, his eyes also becoming even brighter, shining with the determination of his new challenge.
 “Good,” the tired adult smirked, starting to count with his fingers as the seconds went by. “Start to talk then.”
 Tenya tried to clear his mind, together with keeping his resolve strong enough to not visibly squirm or titter every time Aizawa made any infinitesimal move. He never thought he would really be able to convince his uncle to let him make a true attempt to escape from this, therefore he didn’t possess any good enough reason to explain besides the ‘it was orange flavored and oranges are delicious!’
 A sentence pulled him out of the frenzy of thoughts dashing on his brain at full speed. “You have twelve seconds now.”
 “WHAT!” Tenya cried, seriously thinking about just pushing Shouta’s arms away and trying to run to the safety of the guest room.
 “You seem to have a problem keeping track of the time.” The small kid nodded at his direction and Aizawa almost felt bad by his next move.
 “Let me help you, then.”
 The underground hero poked an index finger on the lowest rib, vibrating on the sensitive spot for a few pieces of second, tearing a sputtering guffaw as Iida realized the true meaning of his words. “One.” He pressed another rib, and another, and another. “Two. Three. Four…”
 “Noho! Wait! Wait!!”
 “Five… Six. Seven…”
 “Oops. It looks like you’re running out of time, sweetheart.” Nemuri added, unhelpfully. “Well, let’s just hope the mean Shouta won’t attack those awfully ticklish knees of yours when the time is over, right?”
 “Good luck. Ten. Eleven. Twel-”
 Aizawa stopped.
 “What?” He blinked one, two, three times. As if the meaning of the rushed words would become clearer. “No. I hid it and I was very clear in saying you couldn’t touch it. There is no lie here.”
 “There is! A lie of omiz-” Iida closed his eyes, concentrating on the word and controlling the few giggles that still slipped from his mouth. He wanted to be a hero and heroes succeed through the pressure! “omission! Which means hiding! You hid the information so you were lying to me, so I… I… I taught you a lesson!”
 They stared at each other for what seemed a lifetime.
 Aizawa huffed a chuckle, lowering the boy to the ground, trying to not be blinded by the excitement and proudness exhaling from the younger when he realized that he succeeded in “logicing” his way out of the playful “punishment”, beaming on the ball of his feet at both adults.
 “Good. In a fight, using your opponents’ words against them can be an important tool. Also, as a physical opening, don’t forget that I was carrying you, which means that if you hit the back of my knees hard enough I would weaken my grip and that would give you the opportunity to run. I would try to not hurt you when I fell, so that is also a weakness you could exploit.” After a thought, he added. “Try to do that the next time Hizashi tickles you.”
 “You are a bastard.” Kayama replied, earning an exasperated gasp from Tenya. “Not you, dear. I am talking about Shouta.” That did nothing to alleviate the boy’s rebellion, his lecture of how ‘This isn’t the proper vocabulary of a hero’ was soon interrupted as the apartment door flew open, Ingenium walking through it. He immediately extended his arms, hugging his brother when the aforementioned jumped on him, part of the exhaustion of a day’s work being eased by the younger attics.
 “Tensei! Tensei! I already did all my homework and I brushed my teeth and I played with the cats so they would not be sad or bored and I ate all my greenies and also-”
 “-ate all my orange jelly packs.” Aizawa completed.
 “And Aizawa-san tickled me because of it! Using very villainous techniques even though he is a very good and skilled hero! But then I won! I showed him logic and, and, and then he let me go!”
 “Oof, that sounds like a very exciting day!” Tensei ruffled the boy’s hair, fondness dripping in waves from his acts and words. “But you don’t need to worry anymore about Shouta, the Grumpy Tickle Monster because now I am here!” Tensei posed in a poor representation of All Might's usual pose. “Ready to protect you!”
 “Oh.” A dangerous tune marked Shouta’s grin and voice, making the blue haired hero to shiver with all the teenagerhood memories that this brought over. “Don’t get over yourself, assuming you’re out of danger, too.”
 A wobbly smile took over Tensei's expression as Shouta cracked his knuckles, preparing himself for a chase. “Don’t think I don’t know exactly who told him where I hid my jelly packs.” The older Iida got his younger brother on his arms, flexing his legs, preparing to not give up so easily.
 Aizawa decided he was feeling merciful today.
“You have three seconds.” Iida gasped in protest, an argument on the tip of his tongue. “Run.”
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Hey there!! I saw some posts of the Hawthorne brothers POV’s and I can’t find it anywhere, where did you read that???
disclaimer: i personally am not too sure about it because i mainly read the ebook version of my novels, including this entire series by Jennifer Lynn Barnes, so I cannot confirm any of this. as such, any purchases done, with third-parties or otherwise, is purely at your own risk and this blog holds no responsibility for it
helloooo, I think I answered that in another ask, but I'll just type it here too :) the story goes like this, I came across the special POVs on twitter, posted by twitter user @averyjamesvn, as mentioned in my part 1 and 2 posts of the POVs :D
I don't actually have the physical copy, so I'm not too sure where to get it, but I assume you might be able to get it from the exclusive edition of the book from Barnes and Noble or another publisher of The Hawthorne Legacy, if it's not out of stock yet..
I don't think Barnes and Noble ship out of the US (do they?) so if you're not in the US you might have to engage a third-party to purchase it, or buy a second-hand version online or something <3
if anyone does manage to get a copy though, maybe repost it or comment for the rest of us so that anyone looking for a copy with the POVs can get one too!! XDD
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bleachbleachbleach · 3 years
H, L, and/or V for the ask game?? 😊
Ask game here!
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
@whipplefilter: The media doesn’t matter so much to me. Really, I’ve found that whether it’s anime or TV movies, it’s gotta be some long-ass convoluted source material. If the storytelling is too tight I feel like there’s fewer invitations to join in. But for all that all my series are sprawling action serials, each of them fulfill different needs. Bleach is my "relatable workplace" and worldbuilding fandom!
@ippoddity: I don’t think I really care what medium the source text comes from, as long as I like it. I have had favorite books, tv shows, cartoons, etc over the years, and I don’t think I liked anything less/more because of the form it came in. Recently though, my co-blogger and I have been on a anime/manga kick (hence the recent creation of this blog). I’ve I don’t really have much more to say about this, other than if I like something, then I like it…
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves.
@whipplefilter: Okay, so, when rewatching Bleach, we got to the Oomaeda vs. Elephant Arrancar Guy fight and were DEAD certain it was an added filler fight. We were like, "This didn’t happen in the manga, right? There’s no way. I have no memory of this. Why did they add in an Oomaeda fight of all things?" Only to discover that Oomaeda vs. Elephant Arrancar Guy is... very much a manga-canon fight, and we had both indulged in a shared fantasy where that fight did not exist. XDD
But my genuinely nice thing to say about Oomaeda is that later on in that fight, Oomaeda genuinely cares about what happens to Soi Fon, and we see some mettle beneath all of his outward incompetence (even though he screams shrilly through the entire scene). Soi Fon seems to know him in that way, and trust in that, and I feel like it’s a moment where it becomes clear why Oomaeda remains her Vice Captain, even though they seem to have such different values and ways of being in the world.
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@ippoddity: Grimmjow: Personally I’m kind of indifferent about him as a character, and don’t spend much time thinking about him. I’ve mentioned this before, but I am constantly amazed by his talented fanbase. I love reading/seeing fandom’s incarnations and characterizations of Grimmjow, and at this point I may have read more Grimmjow fic than any other character. Even though as a whole I still wouldn’t even put him anywhere near my top of favs.
V - Which character do you relate to most?
@whipplefilter: This question is hard! Because I think of all of them as being so much their own person, a person who is not me.
But Orihime bringing an entire but bare loaf of bread to lunch is very relatable. In high school would sometimes just bring like, a pile of naan for lunch. I think her feelings of inadequacy and not being cool or interesting enough to compete with Rukia was super relatable, though at 15 I didn't have the self-awareness to be able to admit/take responsibility for my jealousy the way she does. Orihime is and has always been a much better person than I am.
In real life I am very Type A (in ways that are not reflected in the way I treat this blog), so I find a lot of Hitsugaya’s general orientation to things relatable. And like him, I am also fairly amenable to wallflowering it up in the midst of other people’s parties, more observing than participating. (He acts annoyed by this, but it’s not like he couldn’t just… leave the room, lol. He has an entire captain’s quarters he could disappear to if he really wanted to. And if that’s too far, 10th has at least two separate rooms that we’ve seen him and Matsumoto use. There are options!) I also relate generically to anyone who’s had to sit through (stand through) a Captain’s meeting.
A few weeks ago I had a Fancy Diplomatic Dinner to attend and the whole time I related hardcore to Rukia attending Kuchiki family functions. I was this tiny girl who’d somehow already managed to get a mystery stain on my white shirt conversing with a bunch of Men in Suits and I did not know what to do with the sheer number of cups involved and even though I was committed to being on my absolute politest behavior I’m pretty sure I spent a good half the evening willing myself not to say things like "haha, the Meiji Restoration sure did a number on all THAT!" or "I think what the US and Japan really have in common is their legacies of imperialism and colonialism!"
@ippoddity: I thought about this for a very long time, and it honestly started giving me a crisis of self. There are many many characters in Bleach that I love (whether it be because I admire some quality of theirs or because I’m enamored by their way of being super messed up), but in terms of being relatable?? (who am I to assume that these perfect characters have anything in common with me, a deeply flawed human)
In any case, I came to the conclusion that it might be Hisagi?? I tend to be someone that likes to come across as highly competent, because I am a people pleaser, and maybe there is some aspect of me that is also screaming “notice me senpai!” (take this blog, for example) I also have trouble setting boundaries, and often volunteer to do Too Many Things™ just because someone asked me to. Of course, this is something I’m trying to work on, because I don’t think it’s necessarily a good trait. Unlike Hisagi though, I do not possess the type of self-assured confidence that it takes to have a catch phrase like “It’s not easy being a talented man.”
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factual-fantasy · 6 months
18 Asks! Thank you!! :}} 🎪
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Guuuuurl does it look like I missed the boops? XDD
(I DID miss the super boops and revenge boops tho. I was trashed on the couch and stuck on mobile all day so I wasn't able to send any back to anyone💔💔)
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Uhhhmm... oh jeez lemme try to remember-- I'm assuming you mean the order I got everyone in the game..?? Cuz other than the goofy little comics I've been drawing there isn't much of a story beyond that-
Uhhh so I started with Midori(Sprigatito) obviously, thennn... I think I caught Grim(Gastly).. then I caught Gloria(Ralts). Thenn..... arrhrhhgh I thiiiink I went looking for eevees, but I found Anastasia(Shiny Kricketot) in the process and kept her. Then I picked one of the eevees I caught at random and kept him. Then lastly I found a Mareep(Bonnie) by surprise and kept her.
My memory is very poor but I thiiink that's mostly accurate <XDD If I misunderstood your question don't be afraid to send another ask! 😅
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Sorry, I don't take requests.. But hey! You already got a solid concept going and some artistic talent, you can always make it yourself for free! :0
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Not really.. I've had a surprising number of uncomfortable experiences with the fandom recently so I've decided to take a step back from Octonauts for a while..
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:DD Thank you! I'm glad you like them! :}}
And yeah that's how I pictured her XDD its becuase I use her the most out of all my Pokémon-
Now she's not bossy and doesn't have a leader or "I'm better that you guys" complex, none of that! She's just very intelligent and usually very level headed and calm. I can imagine that she's gotten the team safely through a lot of complicated situations and her plans/advice have rarely led the group astray.
Plus since I use her so often, I like to think that she's one of the most powerful Pokémon on the team. If not the most powerful. So whenever the group was met with a great danger, Gloria was probably the one to rescue them <XD
So the whole group kind'a gravitates behind her and lets/wants her to take the lead most of the time. Especially when things get complicated or dangerous!
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@nerdyskullcap (User in ask)
I took a peek at their blog, but I couldn't find any original art of the Conductor after quite a while of scrolling through that tag.. I only found reblogs of other peoples Conductor comics.. <:(
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XD That description of Gloria is very fitting! I use her the most out of all my Pokémon and she rarely loses! XDD
This was a cool read, and hey! Some of my Pokémon have some of those attacks! :000 Gloria has draining kiss and Bonnie has discharge! :D
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I'd like to think they've never fought before.. maybe some little bickering on a bad day, but never anything serious.
They have good communication and just generally get along really well and like a lot of the same things. So there's rarely conflict between them! :0
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Thank you! I'm happy to hear that you like my artwork! :}}
As for your question.. I'm afraid I don't understand/cant explain it--
Lets say I wanna draw Mario. I imagine what the drawing might end up looking like in my head, what pose I'll draw him in and what colors I'll use.. And then I just.. draw it. It might not look exactly like what I pictured but its probably close enough.
If that doesn't answer your question, I'm afraid I either don't understand your question or this is just an art thing that I don't know how to explain. <:( Sorry, feel free to send another ask with more specifics if you have them!
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If Bill ever became a lawyer? All hope is lost XDD
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I haven't really thought about the details of the crews travels and adventures.. but I'm sure that when Louis got cursed and became a crab monster? That was probably pretty memorable XD
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Probably this one honestly <XD I cant think of anything more cursed off the top of my head-
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I suppose that would be fine, but I wouldn't prefer it. As I've said many times,, just comments guys! Asks, reblogs, tags, how ever you type them. I just want comments.👍
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No problem! Getting asks are usually a pick me up :}}
As for the Dry Bones thing, that's what I meant by "not sure how it fits into the AU yet" 😅 Who'd they fight? Why did they fight? When did this happen? No idea. Its all just a neat concept with no structure yet :// And beyond the awkward living situation with the Dry Bones today, I haven't really thought about how the Koopa culture has been changed by the war. That's just way too much thinking and I'm way too sick to bother trying to figure it out atm- 💀💔 But maybe someday I'll think it through!
Now Luigi, I had this idea that he had a bizarre encounter with a 1-UP and was later bitten by a Goomba. Over the span of say... 5 days or so..? Luigi slowly got weaker and weaker until eventually he became bedridden and actually died- He came back to life moments after but it still completely shook Mario and Luigi's worlds for a sec there-
I had intended to draw a comic about this, and I made a sketch about it in the past.. but around the time I thought of this idea my Mario phase was kind'a passing over so I didn't feel like making it- <XDD
As for a potential sequel, I would like to see Wario, Waluigi and Toadsworth. Not sure why Toadsworth wasn't in the first movie- he absolutely should have been. That deep voiced purple..? council..? toad guy?? Totally should have been Toadsworth :/
And my request for the Wario bros is that they are taken seriously. 😅🤣
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I'm doing okay so far today, thank you! :}
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I haven't really figured out the details about how Tuna and Louis lost their limbs- 😅
But I'm considering that Louis lost his arm (I assume you meant his arm-) in some kind of work related accident a long time ago. It must have been a fishing accident somehow..
As for Tuna, either some kind of natural disaster/accident or.. someone "removed" them... O-O
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I do not :/ I'm not even sure what homestuck is.. I thiiink its a webcomic-
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Oooo! :00 It looks cool! :DD
And thank you, I'm hoping I get over this soon too 😅
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mikalara-dracula · 2 years
Nicknames that the boys (s+m+t+kino) would give their s/o
Nicknames the Diaboys would give their s/o—
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Warning: 18+ content below; don't read if you're a minor and aren't comfortable with slight NSFW. This is a fictional work and should not be taken seriously.
Caution: Unfortunately, Tumblr has a history of admins quarreling over completing carbon copy asks due to users sending the same request(s) to multiple admins, thus, resulting in unintentional plagiarism. With this, please DO NOT send the same request to multiple blogs as it can cause unintended plagiarism discord to other blogs across Tumblr. The word “plagiarism” stems from the early 17th-century Latin word, “plagiarius,” meaning “kidnapper.” So please, do not send in the same request to multiple blogs and make admins appear to be “kidnapping” other people’s work when it isn’t their intention. If this is to occur with any of my posts, please contact me so we can work something out.
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Hi there, Anon!
Thank you so much for requesting! I apologize for the wait! Hope you enjoy reading it. Feel free to request again anytime. :)
Made with: @liannelara-dracula
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Shu’s not super into nicknames, so he sticks to using his lover’s real name.
But every so often (depending on the situation), he’ll call his girl by a nickname.
Sappy girl/firecracker—He usually calls his lover this if they scold him for something or if they have a sharp tongue, to which he finds amusing.
Dirty girl—I mean, what girl does he not address as lewd? So, you can best bet he’s going to do the same with you.
Body pillow/my pillow—It’s just cuz he’s an ass and likes to use you as a body pillow in general.
Reiji doesn’t really give his lover nicknames, so he usually falls back on calling his s/o by their name or using more formal and elegant terms.
Dear/dearest/my dear—He’ll address you by any of these three when the moment is sweet, or he’s trying to get your attention in a sensible way.
Honey—He calls you this on rare occasions, or when he’s up for one of his famous “special” nights.
I can’t-
Ohh, Laito’s all about nicknames and prefers to call his lover by those names rather than their real name since he’s quite playful. 
Baby—I mean, we’ve all heard him call Yui this, so you can best bet he’ll call his s/o this, especially when he wants to make things frisky.
Darling—He’ll call you this if he’s feeling romantic and pretty playful.
Naughty—I think this is pretty self-explanatory lmao. Usually calls you this if he thinks you’re provoking him, or if you in fact are.
Baby girl—He uses this either casually or sexually, such as in the bedroom or when you two are getting intimate elsewhere. It could honestly be anywhere with Laito xDD.
Ma Cherie—In bed, during aftercare.
In a relationship with Kanato, there’s a mix of nickname and real name usage.
He mostly leans towards using nicknames he’s made for his lover because he finds them significant to their character and his relationship with them.
Princess—If there’s one thing about Kanato, it’s that he likes to make his lover feel special, and because he’s not the type to date just anyone, *cough* Laito *cough* he believes his lover is more than worthy to be called this.
Doll—It’s because you resemble one in his eyes, beautiful and flawless. He’ll usually address you with this title when he’s trying to get your attention, or if he’s flattering you for something you did for him.
Gorgeous—Need I say much here? He calls you this because you are, it’s as simple as that.
Precious—Anyone who is Kanato’s lover is beyond precious in his eyes, so it’s only natural that he addresses his girl in this way since she’s his one and only.
Lover—Oooh, this one’s heavily romantic, and this is where he stands out the most from his brothers because he’s so original when it comes to flattery. He always knows exactly what to say to make anyone swoon. ME! Fuck!
Because Ayato’s not super formal, sweet nicknames are just not it for him. They typically range between teasing to minorly suggestive.
Pancake—He’ll call you this whether you’re flat or not. It’s just to annoy you because he sucks like that.
Babe—He’s a jock, so he’ll definitely revert to addressing his girl in this way rather often.
Bruh/Bro—He addresses his girl this way pretty casually since it’s part of his lingo. And on some days he calls her “brah” to change things up. xDD He’ll even go to using “dude” lmao. xDD
Captain—He usually calls you this when you’re asking him to do something or to help you out and he’s reluctant to do so. So, because he feels that you’re bossing him around, he’ll call you this to tick you off. Or, if he really wants to push things, he’ll call you “Reiji.” xDD
Dollface—He’s definitely going to call you this because you’re pretty. Like, no questions asked.
Babe—He prefers it over “baby,” and is pretty casual about using it towards you.
Shortie—He’ll call you this only if you’re shorter than him. Guess I’m in that club lmao. It’s just to annoy you since he sucks like that.
Pipsqueak—He finds this one really amusing to use, especially if you walk away from him during an argument. So, he’ll call you this to get your attention again even though you’re beyond pissed at him. Check out @liannelara-dracula’s post about this here.
Ruki usually refers to his s/o by their name, and just prefers it that way.
But if their name is really long, he’ll shorten it but add an interesting twist to it.
It’s so rare if he calls his girl by a nickname, it’s usually when he’s being a teasing fuck.
Angel/Angel face—This may sound sweet and all, but he’ll call his lover this in a more teasing than sensible way. It’s just cuz he’s an ass and we all know it.
Kou is literally the king of nicknames. So he’s got all sorts for his lucky girl.
Kitten/Kitty—Calls you this when greeting or saying goodbye to you, following up with a kiss since he’s sweet like that.
Sugar/buttercup/cutie/cutie pie—Because Kou finds you adorable, he loves addressing you with these terms.
My love bug—He usually calls you this when you’re snuggled up next to him because he’s sentimental like that. Aww :’)).
Because of his teasing nature, Yuma has all sorts of nicknames for his lover.
Little pig/piglet—I mean, we see him call Yui and pretty much any other girl this, so it isn’t going to leave since he finds it amusing.
Toots—This is mostly just to annoy you since you roll your eyes at him every time he calls you this, to which it only fuels him to tease you more.
Babe—He uses this pretty casually with you. It’s become second nature in all honesty. Not that that’s a bad thing tho xDD.
My girl—He definitely prefers to call you this instead of addressing you as his girlfriend. He finds it hot.
Munchkin—If you’re shorter than him, you’re not escaping this nickname. For example, he’ll call you this if you’re helping him out in the garden, such as when he asks you to grab a tool for him.
Pumpkin—He harvests them, so of course he has to apply it to his relationship with you. He calls you this mostly because he finds it cute.
Eve—He calls Yui this all the time, so you can imagine he’s going to do the same with his lover. I seriously swear this guy has an Edennic kink of some sort.
Sweetie—He likes to call you this just to get your attention, it’s mostly cuz he’s genuinely sweet in nature.
My flower—This is honestly so cute. He usually calls you this whenever you two share a super soft moment. :))
Oh, my heart-
Carla’s not one to really use nicknames since he’s ancient, so he usually calls you by your name.
But every once in a while, he does decide to address you differently, and because he likes to catch you off guard.
Sweetheart—OMG! He’ll call you this when you least expect it and it’s a surprise every time. It literally makes anyone’s heart skip a beat.
Future queen/my queen—This just depends on your relationship status with him, but make no mistake that he’s set on the idea of making you his queen even if you two haven’t gotten that far in your relationship yet.
Like Carla, he isn’t too big on nicknames, but he’ll slip them in whenever he deems it necessary.
Love—It’s mostly because he spent too much time in Britain lol. But I can’t lie and say it doesn’t suit him.
Sweetheart—It’s not very often, but it’s usually when you two are sharing a soft moment of some sort, that is, when he isn’t being a teasing mf. But then again, when is he not acting like that? Lol.
Foxy—You hate it and it’s meant to annoy/embarrass you.
Oh my god, he has so many for his s/o, it’s ridiculous.
And each one he uses depends on his mood.
Babe—Like Ayato, Subaru, and Yuma, he’ll call you this pretty often. He prefers it over “baby.”
Toots—He finds you hot, and he’s definitely going to call you this whenever you two engage in a snarky argument. It’s mostly because he likes throwing you off and getting you to blush at his reference to you.
Hot stuff—This nickname literally annoys the shit out of you and he’s always like ‘what? I gotta say it.’
Boss/Sir—Sometimes if you tell him to do something or help you, like Ayato, he’ll call you this cuz he thinks you’re being bossy. To which you just end up calling him “ma’am” as a retort lmao. xDD
My girl—This is a big one for him. Like, he doesn’t call you his girlfriend, he calls you “his girl” because he wants everyone to know how serious you two are.
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wishingstarinajar · 3 years
Unpopular Opinion Flame Meme
As promised, all the remaining Flame asks in one single post!
Gonna place it under a cut because it's loooonngg. Be warned, it has a few sensitive topics like pro-shipping.
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When I was a dumb teen (and very new to the also then very new world of the internet), I absolutely didn't understand self-inserts; it was such a mary sue/gary stue sort of thing to me back then.
This mindset luckily changed when I rolled into my twenties and also got to learn more about how fandoms and whatnot work. As said, the internet was so new and a rarity in households then, my world was tiny during my teen years; I was very uninformed. While I personally don't feel any deep/real attraction to fictional characters, as in wishing they were real so I could date/marry them, I can form an understanding towards the people who do.
I won't lie though... People who *heavily* (romantically/sexually/emotionally) rely on a fictional character to be able to function in the real world do make me a little uncomfortable but I won't chastise them for it. Stuff's complicated, life can suck hard for a lot of us, and you don't really control who or what you like on such levels. ~~~
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Uff, touchy subject right there. I'm all for the 'ship and let ship' vibe of pro-shippers, I am, it's what pro-shipping means and stands for. But I personally draw lines when minors get involved with an adult in a ship, fictional or not. Those are the type of ships I can't ever support. It doesn't feel right. But that's me, this is a personal issue and gripe.
That said, I am not going to scream at people who do ship that sorta stuff with the whole 'DO NOT INTERACT' entitled bullshit some people pull in places. You aren't responsible for what *I* view online; I am. It's my own responsibility. And the same goes for everyone else; while I tag a lot already, I am NOT responsible for what you view online. You have to mediate that yourself, always. For instance, I don't go through EVERY account that follows me, leaves a like/favorite or leaves a comment to *check* if they interact with the things I don't approve of. That's a stupid thing to do, that's like opening up your own wounds and willingly pour salt into them. If I do check someone's account (because their avatar looks cute or the previewed art on their account looks nice) and I find stuff on there I don't approve of, I back out and leave it at that. If what I see is really bad, I might mute.
I do understand that some people feel the need to mention DNIs as a warning, for their own well-being. I very often have an understanding for it too; I give all the thumbs-ups to people that have DNIs but don't publicly go on a rampage or throw a public tantrum when someone does break their set DNIs. It's those who do and whine about it ALL THE DAMN TIME and keep aggresively shoving the DNIs in people's faces that get on my nerves (aka, the entitled ones). PS: Not everyone who leaves a Like on your art also checks your profile or carrd; there's a high chance they saw the art pass by on their feed, left a Like and then carried on with living/browsing. Not everyone is purposedly out to get you or make you feel miserable.
Whew, went on a rant there. Tl;dr version: Ship and let ship. Do allow me to not enjoy/support certain ships and I'll gladly return the same respect to you. ~~~
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*snerk* Everything about me is an unpopular opinion.
(I'm sure that's an unpopular opinion in itself.) ~~~
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I never managed to develop an interest in Minecraft and well, I am very okay with that. In turn, I don't understand the hype behind Dream SMP and Technoblade and all the other characters that are popular lately but then i also don't take the time or have the want to look into it. As long as people continue to respect the real people behind these characters and don't get all creepy with it all, it's fine.
People seem to have fun with it but it's not for me. ~~~
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He's a short rude shit that I f*cking love to bits and love to play as or write for (and draw) but holy shit... how did he ever garner all this attention?? Little human-hating cyclops feker doesn't deserve it.
¦D ~~~
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The last one and it's about Tumblr. Ho boy xDD
Okay, so, I like this place well enough but I really liked it more when NSFW was still allowed. I keep mentioning it from time to time but it's hard to find another place to post NSFW that has an active userbase and a good tagging system. Tumblr was just right for it (back then!)
I also don't like to make too many reblogs just to respond back to someone else's reblog (with added commentary) of a post. It makes stuff look so cluttered. For years, I've been waiting for a better comment thread function for Tumblr blog posts to easier interact with people but eh... I'm not going to hold my breath anymore for such a feature.
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night-triumphantt · 4 years
I was tagged by by @not-sewell and @wayhavensmasonsbitch and also @lxdy-starfury sjsjsjsj :D
rules: answer 30 questions and tag blogs you are contractually obligated to know better.
(ima tag a few ppl sorry if u’ve already done it, also feel free to ignore, also I just KNOW I’m missing ppl I’m so very sorry :P) @masonsfangs @bobbymckenzie @queerbrujas @agentnatesewell @raleighcarrera @specialistagent-morgan @lilas
Name/nickname: Judie, I don’t really have a nickname but y’all can use N-T if u want, or my name, up to u
Gender: Female (she/her pronouns :P)
Star sign: Aries sun sign and Libra Moon and Rising, I assume thats where the diplomacy comes from XD
Height: *Sigh* 5’ 1”
Time: 2:55 pm
Birthday: March 25!
Favorite bands: IIII don’t feel like I listen to that many bands actually, tho did u know technically Bruno Mars is a band artist, Bruno Mars and the Hooligans XD.
Favorite solo artists: I have, pretty mainstream tastes tbh lolll, (at least thats what my sister tells me, but I maintain that I just don’t have the time to go out and LOOk for new music) aAAAnnyways, I can never choose a favorite anything so Im gonna list a few that I always come back to: The Weeknd, Billy Eilish, Victoria Monet, Ariana Grande,Taylor Swift, Stromae, Logic, Halsey, Ed Sheeran, & Bruno Mars ofc but I just mentioned him XD.
Song stuck in my head: Long Story Short by Taylor Swift
Last movie: Soul :D
Last show: I’ve been rewatching ATLA
When did you create this blog? I made this sideblog, innnnn November-ish of 2019, but wasn’t active til about January of 2020, a whole year guys :D, (I have had a Tumblr for many years at this point tho, I’m not quite sure when I first joined though)
What do i post? Art, mostly fanart for TWC, or choices, very rarely my own OC’s, and then I also RB art, writing, and just, fandom memes loll
Last thing i googled: Industrial piercing after care, I am highly considering one
Do i get asks? Yes sometimes, and I cherish each and every one and I am sorry I am so bad at responding sometimes
Why i chose my url: Originally I just made this so I could find posts abt choices that I liked easier, cuzzzz I don’t have a tagging system, so it was choicesstuff, but then I decided I wanted to post art so I changed it to Night-Triumphantt bc of one of my favorite quotes from the ‘A Court of Thorns and Roses’ series
Average hours of sleep: Ugh, that depends, I always stay up far too late but I also sleep in hella late if I am able, I’m gonna say a solid 6 average (its that delayed circadian rhythm babeyyyyy)
Lucky number: 7 :D
Instruments: I can play piano, and viola, (Tho its been a while) and I am currently trying to learn guitar as I have ALWAYS wanted to learn it. I just wanna be able to play some sweet sweet riffs man! (I also reaaaaallly want to learn how to play the bass guitar but I told myself I wont drop the money on it unless I learn to actually play guitar this year XDD)
What i’m wearing: A very comfy sweater from an Ariana Grande Concert, and black work pants cuz I am at work loll.
Dream job: If I could do anything w/o care I would love to be an animator, but like, I know the actual job isn’t really for me, so I’m goin into medicine, very different I know but I do really love the medical field.
Dream trip: I wanna go to New Zealand someday, its so beautiful!!
last book i read: Children of Blood and Bone, HIGHLY recommend
Favorite food: Sushi, or Pizza
Nationality: Lebanese :D (also American IG lol)
Favorite song: I can never choose a favorite anything, I do absolutely adore Drunk by Ed Sheeran tho, that one stays in the top rotation always
Top three fictional universes: hmmmmmm, ATLA for sure but Im actually blanking on any other universes lolll
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
That ask I sent of that possible Ratigan concept art got me thinking about the Disney villains I forgot I loved.
There's Ratigan and Fidget of course. I actually preferred Fidget when I was younger, but now I like both of them.
The Horned King. I ADORED The Black Coldron when I was younger. I need to re-watch this movie (back then I didn't understand how it wasn't a popular film. Nowadays, I can kind of see why since it's not you're usual kids movie... But I still say that it deserves more love).
Ursula actually. I forgot how much I loved her until I re-watched The Little Mermaid. I KNEW I loved her, but I forgot just how much I did and how fun she was.
Cruella De Vil is in a similar case with Ursula. She may not be my most favorite, but I still like her and how unapologetically evil she is (it kind of sounds weird to say that even though that's one of the points of loving villains XD).
Kaa and Shere Khan. Though mostly Kaa. I still can't get over him sounding like Whinnie the Pooh XD
Edgar from the Aristocats. He's so different compared to the others, so he should be able to stand out... But I forgot him like the others.
Oogie Boogie and Lock, Shock, and Barrel... I have absolutely no excuse, they were the highlight if the film, I should never have forgotten them, and I did 🥲
I feel like Toon Patrol should be an honorable mention here. I love them and haven't forgotten them RECENTLY. But I forgot about them for years until I rewarched the film shortly after finding your blog.
I'm absolutely certain there are more that I'm not remembering at the moment, but that's my list for now XD what about you? What are your favorite but forgotten or not thought of alot villains?
Oh, with the Kaa one- I know right! The range of that one voice! ^^ He doesn't just sound like Winnie- he is Winnie! Sterling Holloway did them both! Also the mouse on Aristocats, the Cheshire cat (Which makes sense now that I realise), and Flower in Bambi ^^
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Haha, 'Oogie Boogie and Lock, Shock, and Barrel... I have absolutely no excuse, they were the highlight if the film, I should never have forgotten them, and I did 🥲', very funny XDD You're forgiven don't worry.
Ooooh, well I don't have a whole lot cuz I didn't watch a great deal of Disney when I was little (I liked Barbie and Gilmore Girls when I did get control of the TV, but mostly Dad had control of the remote), but here are the few I really loved back then... forgot about until a few years ago... then fell in love with again! ^^
Shere Khan and Kaa as well! (Rediscovered more recently ^^)
Long John Silver. I used to always forget how much I love him!! And then as soon as he got on screen again I was like wAIT THATS MY FAVOURITE CHARACTER EVER WHERE HAS HE BEEN.
Commander Rourke. Same as Silver ^^
Professor Ratigan
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