#Diana Allers Critical
maintitle · 1 year
I find Mark Of The Assassin to be a really interesting DLC, not because it’s particularly breathtaking or anything but because of just how shit on it is.  I remember playing it back in the day and really liking it, but the general consensus seems to be that Tallis is just a self-insert with no real value.
I kind of get it, I can see why some folks would see it as a vanity project.  But I find it to be more genuine than, say, Diana Allers in ME3.  
I kind of get the criticism if we’re talking about Redemption.  It’s a clumsy and messy story that stumbles forward with no real reason and looks like it was made in a weekend on a shoe string budget.  That being said, the DLC itself I find is a pretty interesting companion piece to the Qunari in general in DA2.  Tallis is so wildly different than other followers of the Qun, and it’s interesting to watch her struggle with her devotion to what she wants it to be instead of what it is.  I truly think it was competently handled, and that she was an interesting character, if not perhaps on the level of a lot of Dragon Age characters.
It’s just weird to me.  I get that some folks find her unlikable, and that’s fair enough, but that’s not the excuse I see most often.  I truly don’t see it as a vanity project. It’s an interesting little peak into what life under the Qun is like for Elves, and how those raised outside of it adapt (or don’t adapt) to it’s teachings.
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I will forever resent the fact Emily Wong was killed off to make room for a new character that  was  purposely created  for an IGN reporter at the time. But I'm glad that sort of pandering was called out back in the day and it never happened again. And I love how Diana Allers was NEVER in the Citadel DLC and expected an interview on the clone during the aftermath because they knew how resented the character was.
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renwritesstuff · 5 years
If you are open to doing those drabbles and would like a challenge, could you do one for Shaynor with 39, 64 and 67 combined? If so that would be fantastic! Your writing is phenomenal and also Queens Gambit? Favorite fic.
For reference: http://renwritesstuff.tumblr.com/post/173963828336/drabble-list
39) “What are you so happy about?”64) “You should see this.”67) “Don’t look at me like that.”
Care Package (AO3)
Brown eyes narrowed from across the room. The woman tilted her head before bringing up her wrist. An orange holo interface glowed to life.
A second later, Commander Annelise Shepard heard a quiet, suspicious voice in her ear piece.
[“What are you so happy about?”]
“What do you mean?” Annelise innocently replied under her breath, her fingers still swiping over the Normandy SR2 galaxy map console. Samantha Traynor’s console. The small curl at Shepard’s mouth pulled wider. 
[“I know you’re up to something.”] Samantha hissed into her wrist as she stayed hidden at the Normandy bow docking entrance. The CIC bridge was nearly empty otherwise; only 2 other tech specialists were present, engrossed in their holo screens. The rest of the Normandy crew was away on shore leave at the Citadel.
And Comms Specialist Traynor was supposed to be off with them.
Or so Shepard had instructed.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Annelise mumbled. “I’m just… in my cabin. Building a model. How’s the Wards shopping going? You find the—?” Mid-swipe, Shepard jerked her head up. Her right hand reached up to her ear piece.
“Hang on. How did you know I looked happy?”
Stifling an awkward throat-clear, Sam flattened her body against the cockpit escape hatch. 
Well, Traynor?
Thinking… Thinking…
“Just a lucky guess. I assumed.” Samantha lied, her voice low. She didn’t dare venture another peek around the corner.
“Because happiness is my default state,” came the skeptical reply. 
Sam smothered a laugh with her hand. At least she’s self-aware. “Is it not? ...And this is a trick question, by the way. With a very correct answer.” Sam started to slide over to the open bow doors.
Keeeeep talking so I can pretend I’m not the worst spy in the galaxy.
Really thought this through, huh Traynor?
Oh shut up.
Annelise said, “Either you think very highly of yourself… or you’re spying on me. And the latter couldn’t possibly be true because you’re off with your BFF Allers.” The phonetic “bee-eff-eff” rolled off the woman’s tongue. 
“Well there’s your answer, darling. It’s obviously the former because I think the world of myself.” Voice husky, Sam cornered over to the exterior bulkhead door. She was one biometric scan away from freedom.
“Uh huh.” A long pause. “Can you ask Diana something for me? Just a quick question.”
“Oh she’s… uh… in the dressing room. I’d be happy to relay it.” 
Christ you’re bad at this.
“Oh just grab her for a sec,” Shepard pressed. 
Does her voice sound louder than before?
The biometric lock was taking an agonizingly long time to sweep a grid pattern over Sam’s form. Before she could respond (or dart through the opening bulkhead door), a slanted face came peeking around the corner, green eyes narrowed, red hair loosely framing a splash of freckles. “Really, Samantha? Did you forget something or could you not go a couple hours away from work?” 
Sighing in defeat, Sam slouched her way back to Shepard. She crossed her arms and stuck her nose in the air. “I certainly won’t be accepting criticism for working too much from the likes of you, dearest. Pot and kettle and all that.” 
Annelise crossed her arms in response and both women stood there, eyeing each other. Shepard’s glare was positively withering, forcing Sam to crumble under the pressure.
“...Don’t look at me like that,” Sam pouted as she pushed a hand at Shepard’s shoulder. “You caught me, all right?”
Shepard pinched the bridge of her nose. “I really need to talk to Allers about her Traynor-sitting. I paid her 5000 credits for a girls’ day out. She had one job.”
“You bribed my friend to spend time with me?? ...And she didn’t even give me a cut? Oh, Diana and I are going to have a talk later.” Sam put her hands on her hips and reassembled the righteous indignation that had brought her here in the first place. “So? Out with it then! Why were you trying to get rid of me? And why were you at my console?”
“Can’t I have my secrets?”
“Absolutely not. Unless you want my gorgeous brain concocting all sorts of scenarios that will lead to some very confusing arguments for you,” Sam replied haughtily. “It would be more efficient just to tell me.”
Sighing, Annelise reached over and took Sam’s wrist and led her to the galaxy map. A small blue marker blinked over the Citadel. Her fingers typed in a couple of commands to show a reverse overlay of a travel trajectory, bouncing across the lower quadrant of the galaxy.
The location of origin: Horizon.
“I was tracking a delivery,” Annelise said simply.
“A delivery,” Sam repeated with skepticism.
“That’s right.”
“A delivery. That you didn’t want me to know about. From Horizon. Where I’m from.”
“That’s right.”
More betrayal! 
What are we up to?
Shepard, Allers, Shepard again, maybe Mum, maybe Dad, maybe both, we’ll say Shepard again for good measure...
I am going to send out so many strongly-worded vid-mails.
Really take ‘em to task, Traynor.
“Who was it? Mum? Dad? Both of them working in concert?” Drumming her fingers on the console, Sam felt her blood pressure spike.
Shepard sighed again before checking her Omni-tool. “It’s due to be delivered to my apartment on the Citadel this afternoon. Since you’re not doing anything anymore, would you like to come along and find out?”
“Absolutely!” Sam chirped. “I can ask you all sorts of questions on the way there!”
Taking Sam’s hand, Annelise escorted Samantha to the (aforementioned) bulkhead doors. The woman’s shoulders slumped, but there was still a playful twinkle in her eye. “This is exactly what I was trying to avoid, you understand?”
Sam trotted along beside her, grinning ear to ear. “Understood and ignored!”
A (rather long) taxi ride later, the two women disembarked at a familiar boarding area just outside the Silversun Strip. Samantha held on to Shepard’s bicep, her series of questions still not exhausted during the commute. “—ow long have you been talking to my family behind my back? Is there anyone else back there you still talk to? Do you still keep in contact with that curmudgeon of a mechanic, Gavin? You know he’s still salty about the Alliance. Talks shit every time I come home—”
Shepard sighed again and picked up the pace. “Like I said thirty times before: you’ll find out when we get there!”
“But I want to know nowwww,” Sam whined, struggling to keep up with Annelise, her hand barely holding on.
Spinning on her heel, Annelise got right up in Sam’s face (causing the Comms Specialist to almost run into the marine). Her breath hot on Sam’s chin, Shepard leaned in really close. “Are you sure you want me to tell you?” Annelise asked, voice husky and low.
Several passersby stopped to stare, one even taking out an Omni-tool to start recording. 
It had the desired effect; Samantha shrank away slightly, flustered. Her eyes kept looking at green eyes, then down to pink lips, then back up again. She nodded, chewing her lip.
Those lips curled in a mischievous grin. “...Too bad. You’ll find out in a minute.”
Sam could barely take the time to scowl as a hand clasped her wrist and yanked her forward. The two women made their way down a side alley near a section of residences. The corner apartment lock glowed in response to Shepard’s Omni-tool scan, the door sliding open a moment later.
Holo lights triggered on a motion center flared to life in the kitchen and living room, illuminating a large crate in the center of the floor. The buckled, one meter by one meter metal crate did have some small wear and tear, mostly scuff marks around the rounded corners. A holo receipt spun on its axis just above the crate, a testament to a successful delivery. 
[“Just checking to see that my contact came through.Consider this one a freebie for all your hard work, Allison Gunn.- Kasumi Goto, Purveyor of Antiquities and Other Valuable Merchandise, Esquire
P.S. I watered your plants. And broke in the hot tub. You might want to restock the liquor cabinet, though. ”]
Allison Gunn… Allison Gunn… Why does that sound familiar?
“Oh. Kasumi. I should have known.” Sam didn’t dislike the hooded thief per se, but Kasumi took too much delight in jump scares via her tactical cloaking system. And Sam, easily scared prey that she was, had become a frequent target.
Crouching down, Annelise waved her Omni-tool over the package to engage the lock. She glanced up at Sam with a smile and tapped a freckled nose with her other hand. “If you need something smuggled, she’s the best. Don’t tell the Alliance I went under the table for this. I’m supposed to set an example.”
“Is this... Commander Bloody Shepard? Flouting proper channels and protocols to smuggle her girlfriend some goodies from home?” Samantha put some incredulous air into her voice, her smile wide. “When you did you become such a softie?”
“Oh, about ten showers ago,” Annelise replied without looking up, her eyes crinkling around the edges.
“Surely you’ve had more than—oh. Oh! ...I see what you did there,” Sam teased with a nudge of her hip to a kneeling Shepard’s shoulder.
“Figured you might.”
The large metal buckles flapped open with a satisfying pop, the container hissing as compressed air escaped. Whatever it was had been carefully pressured sealed during shipping to prevent spoilage or contents from shifting. 
Instead of reaching out to open the crate, Annelise stood back up. She waved her hand over it with a flourish. “For you, milady. Just as a disclaimer: this does ruin the scavenger hunt I had planned.”
“There was going to be a scavenger hunt?” Sam asked weakly, guilt bubbling to the surface.
I love scavenger hunts. Oh I hope there are puzzles. And riddles!
Not anymore, you git. You ruined it.
Oh bollocks!
“With puzzles and riddles,” Annelise confirmed. She opened her Omni-tool to show a scrolling list of haikus and rhymes following a vague map around the apartment.
Oh bollocks.
Sam was forlorn. “Bollocks, that looks brilliant.”
Annelise tilted her head with a sympathetic smile. She reached out and rubbed Sam’s shoulders. “Next time, Traynor.”
“I didn’t ruin it?”
“Never,” Annelise stated, leaning in for a small kiss. “You’ll just have to savor the suspense for next time.”
“But I hate savoring suspense.”
“I know! And that’s why it’s not ruined, because now I get to hold that over you and surprise you when you least expect it.”
“You’re a monster. A gorgeous monster, but a monster nonetheless.”
“Well, at least I’m gorgeous.” Annelise stretched out a foot to toe at the cracked lid, which bounced lightly. “Shall we?”
We shall.
Samantha leaned down and pulled the lid open. It was a smorgasbord of goodies. And a wave of delicious smells that prickled the back of Sam’s mind with a flurry of nostalgic memories.
A set of hard plastic containers were the source of the coolant leak, (mostly) her mum’s home cooking still flash-frozen. There were scrawls of labels on each one in her mother’s familiar penmanship.
“Auntie Amrita’s Famous Biryani (recipe included)”
“Samosas & Naan from Maharajah’s”
“Papri Chaat & Pakora”
“Geoffrey’s Famous Attempt at Rice Pudding” was written in a bolder script.
And not one but two containers were marked “Saag Paneer (no curry).”
Oh God how I’ve missed this.
She popped one of the saag paneer containers and just inhaled the rich, bitter smell. Unfortunately, the cubes of paneer were frozen in a sea of green sauce. She stacked the containers and motioned for Shepard to help with getting them in the fridge. 
Hands now free, Sam pointed a finger at Shepard then back at the crate. “Did you know what treasures were in here?” 
“Didn’t have a clue,” Annelise admitted as she kicked the refrigerator door closed with her heel. “Just messaged your family with EDI’s help and asked them what they wanted to send and what sort of container they’d need. ‘One with a cooler’ was all I had to go by. Kasumi handled the rest.”
“So this is as big a mystery for me as it is to you.”
“Yup. I was hoping to find out before you, though. Tailor my scavenger hunt accordingly.” She shook her head. “Lost to the annals of my Omni-tool now, I’m afraid,” Annelise said, her tone wistful.
A long, narrow box housed within the flash-freeze compartment hit Sam with a bold fragrance she would know anywhere. Before the wide flap was opened, she was chanting “Yes yes yes yesssss” under her breath. A long row of tea bags lined the box, local and exotic blends of the Terminus’s most popular flavors.
Red hair appearing in Sam’s periphery, Annelise cooed at her elbow, “Ooooo!” She reached a hand down to examine a bag, which Sam slapped away before making a hissing noise through the back of her teeth. 
Shepard held her hands out in surrender and took a few safe steps back. “...Jesus. Okay. Nevermind there, slugger.” She settled into a parade rest position and continued watching from a distance.
“You brought this on yourself. You know how I feel about my tea,” Sam said, clutching the box to her chest for emphasis. A corner edge dug into her boob from hugging too hard.
Rolling her eyes, Annelise shot Sam a withering glare. She sighed loudly before puffing air out of the corner of her mouth, causing her bangs to bounce. 
The last cooler item was a three-pack of yellow gel. Lemon curd. Oh mum, you’re the best. Sam shot a glare up at Annelise.
Hands fanning out in preemptive surrender, Shepard shook her head. “Trust me, I know better than to mess with that.”
“Good girl.”
Moving away from the perishable goods to the other side, Samantha found a small flat box with a familiar checkerboard pattern on top. Inside was a magnetic chess set, the white pieces so badly scuffed from use they were nearly as dark as the black set. It was the training set she and Dad has used when she was a kid. Small and portable and easy to carry on camping trips or long shuttle rides. It also included a holo pad set up for one-man matches against a VI when a ready partner wasn’t available.
Not quite as lovely as the rose quartz and hematite one in my Earth apartment, but it’ll do.
This she did offer up to Annelise, who accepted it curiously. The metal pieces rolled around in the box with a satisfying clatter, bringing back memories of junior high road trips to tournaments. Shepard engaged the VI holo pad and watched the pieces quickly assemble in position with magnetic snapping sounds. A computer-only match began, pawns taking turns advancing.
“This looks like it’s seen some shit,” Annelise remarked, continuing to watch the black and white pieces encroach on each other’s territory. Taken pieces slid their way around the surface to deposit themselves back in the box. A white pawn bumped into Shepard’s thumb a few times, trying to get back into the box.
Samantha smiled fondly, both at the gift and at Annelise. “You have no idea.”
“Do you want me to put this away in the bedroom?”
“Absolutely,” Sam agreed before changing her mind. “Actually, how about the dresser? I’d like to take a look at it.”
Nodding, Annelise trooped away up the extended stairwell to the upper floor. She disappeared into the bedroom, still watching the chess board play itself to completion.
Sam unwrapped the next gift, softly wrapped in a weather-proof cloth. Inside were a few sets of clothing, including one of her favorite sundresses and a few Horizon- and chess-themed t-shirts. She almost called out to Shepard to come back real quick and take this with her when a small square box fell out of the collection.
A small note was secured to the top, her mother’s handwriting in looping curves.
[“You should see this.”]
Feeling around the small square box, she found a single hinge along one side and flipped it open. She stared at the beautiful ring set into the black pillow inside. Another small note, rolled in a tube, was attached on a delicate thread.
[“Samantha,I think it’s time you had this. Auntie Amrita wanted it that way, I’m just sending it over a little early. And it seems to me like you’ve found someone special here. Just saying: if you want to make it official, you’ll need this.
We love you. Take care of yourself. And of her.- Mum & Dad
P.S. If a thief is reading this, shame on you. My daughter’s girlfriend (hopefully fiancee) is Commander Shepard and you are in serious trouble.”]
All Sam could manage was a strangled noise deep in her throat. It was a gorgeous ring. A gold band had with a large diamond at the center flanked by eight smaller diamonds around the center in a flower pattern. Three more diamonds formed triangles from either side, completing the flower look. 
“Hey Sam?” A voice called down, echoing from an unknown distance. “You done yet?”
She had to clear her throat a couple times before quickly stashing the box into her set of clothes. Sam called back, “Uh—ahem—uh yea? Did you need something?”
Instead of a response, she felt a ping to her Omni-tool. A small message appeared on the orange screen.
[Blasto: “Wash it and it isn't clean. Don't wash it and then it's clean. What am I?”]
...Perhaps hot tub water?
Only one way to find out.
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cactuarkitty · 6 years
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Announcing Diana Allers Appreciation Week from November 26th - December 2nd.
This is a chance for us to show Diana some much needed love & attention ❤️
Everyone is free to contribute.
You can post whatever you want. Such as fanart, gif sets, edits, fanfics, head canons, general discussions, etc.
Try to keep it positive. Critical thinking is okay, character bashing is not.
No racist/sexist/lgbtq-phobic content.
Please tag mature content with nsfw.
Use the tag: #allersweek2018    (first 5 tags)
BATTLESPACE theme prompts (by @rock-paperback-scissors - thank you!)
Battlespace needs your help to report on the Reaper war as it happens. 
From November 26th to December 2nd, as part of Diana Allers appreciation week, we’re going to turn Diana’s news program, Battlespace, into a reality. But we can’t do it without an intrepid team of space journalists, which is where you come in!
What we need (with examples to help get ideas flowing):
Interviews with key figures - Show us how leaders in government, the military, and other areas interact with the media. (Write an article about Adrien Victus’s first interview as Turian Primarch.)
Reporters on the ground -  What aspects of the war - on the front line, the homefront, and elsewhere - would be highlighted in a news broadcast? (Create a gifset of the refugee situation on the citadel.) 
Morale and recruitment - Inspire more people to join the fight against the Reapers. (Create a poster that promotes joining the Alliance military.) 
Behind the scenes - Battlespace wouldn’t happen without Allers herself. Show us more about her life, her background, and her relationships with other characters. (Write a fic about her first impressions of the Normandy.)
How to participate:
Create fic, art, edits, and anything else you can think of that would be suitable for inclusion in Battlespace. Keep in mind that its goal is to bring news about the war to people on all Council planets. 
Feel free to collaborate with others on a project together (for example, one person could write an article and another could illustrate it). 
Use #battlespace2186 and/or #allersweek2018 in your first five tags to have your post featured here. 
While you are free to post your material any time, here’s a suggested timeline that follows the events of ME3:
Nov 26-27: Shepard’s house arrest - Priority: Tuchanka 
Nov 28-29: Citadel coup - Priority: Thessia
Nov 30 - Dec 1: Priority: Horizon - end of war 
Dec 2: Post-war  
At the end of the week, material will be consolidated into a Battlespace master post.
Be civil and respectful. 
No racist/sexist/lgbtq-phobic content.
No character bashing.
Tag mature content as NSFW.
Good night and stay strong!
Any questions, feel free to send me an ask. I’m looking forward to seeing everyones contributions. It’s going to be so much fun! ^_^
Diana Allers week is part a big series of Mass Effect Appreciation Weeks.
Next up is NPC Week (December 3-9) hosted by @cactuarkitty (me, lol)
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omegastation · 6 years
chronos-scribe commented on parasini's post “I got an email from Diana Allers that I’d never seen before, about how...”
I think most of the backlash about that character is the circumstances and the “celebrity” who played her - in that she was written in as a favor to a media company, and perhaps because some game designer or executive had a crush. And we all wanted Emily Wong on board the Normandy in her place, right? Who didn’t love Emily Wong? Obviously Jessica Chobot, not a good performance, but the character itself (Allers) is so well written, I maintain that if she had an excellent voice actor to portray her, she would be absolutely beloved in the fandom.And to be honest, I totally ship Allers and Traynor. Eavesdropping on their conversations is always a blast.
eh this is all a matter of perspectives because while I know the story about the “celebrity” it’s also about the way Allers dresses, general dislike of female characters and let’s face it, any opportunity to say a female character is “useless” is going to be welcomed by a lot of people.
Had Emily Wong been on the Normandy, you can be sure she would have been criticized too. It’s not just “we wanted another female character” -that’s more the reasoning around here. The reasoning out there is a lot more vicious. 
And I didn’t think she was that bad of a VA? But idk, not going to argue about this. I just really enjoy hearing her voice. 
Eavesdropping on Allers/Traynor really is the best!
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cresity · 6 years
Fandom meme
@mordinette tagged me for this, thanks buddy :PPPP
Three Fandoms:
1. Mass Effect
2. Dragon age 
3. Critical Role (sure why not, first one that came to mind)
The First Character You Loved:
1. Either Garrus or Liara since I started from the first mass effect.
2. Leliana from both origins and inquisition, just seeing the difference is interesting too.
3. Grog cause Travis Willingham 
The Character You Never Expected to Love So Much:
1. Garrus to be honest, like he’s my sheps best friend in his space family. Otherwise i’d say Wrex or Legion for that matter cause his death was such a big thing.
2. Cassandra, from her scenes in da2 she was harsh and didn’t know what side she was truly on until the end. Then came inquisition and find out all these little things about her and when she finds out about the truth of the seekers she makes it her mission to do the right thing. 
3. Scanlan just seemed to be the suave jokester one but he had some real emotional moments that made him a great character and was the mvp in most battles.
The Character You Relate to the Most:
1. The nerd and awkward turian Garrus of course. Then maybe Tali in some ways.
2. Varric probably, can’t really think of anyone else. Maybe Alistair but not really. 
3. Pike most likely cause she’s the kinder one of the group.
The Character You’d Slap:
1. Honestly first person that comes to mind is the reporter that Jessica Chobot plays, Diana Allers but that’s more from the development side of things than the actual character. Cause they didn’t really need her character and they could of spent more time on either past squad mates who weren’t in the main party, a different new squadmate or even having a reporter from the earlier games show up like Emily Wong instead of being thrown out of the experience cause Diana is just essentially Jessica. 
Otherwise from squadmates only person that comes to mind is Jacob really since he’s kinda a dick when you think about it and is also the only squadmate who if you pursue them in a relationship cheats on you.
2. Maybe Anora??? Oh no maybe Arl Howe and just punch him in the face instead. Or even King Calain for being a dumbass at Ostagar and not getting more troops. If we’re talking squadmates then Sebastian Vale cause he’s a bit of a prick.
3. Percy, i’d slap him in his dumb arrogant face no questions asked, if my paladin was in that group he would either leave because he couldn’t trust him or would smite him after dealing with all his shit and secrets.
Three Favorite Characters (in order of preference):
1. Miranda, Garrus and Liara
2. Leliana, Isabella and Varric
3. Grog, Scanlan and Pike
A Character You Liked at First, But Don’t Anymore/Are Having a Hard Time with at the Moment:
1. Ashley. First game she was fine with some questionable views but fine cause you can’t have everyone be perfect otherwise what’s the point. Second game understandable since Shepard was dead and brought back so there would be some tension. However it’s in the third one where she made it difficult to like her cause she continues to bring up Cerberus and when you go to talk to her in the hospital and you have this whole thing about trusting each other from now on but then on the citadel mission it completely flip flops and it’s like it never happened. So yeah after that I just could not get behind her as a character, i’ve been tempted to go back to the start just so I can have Kaiden instead but haven’t had either the time or commitment to do it. 
2. Probably Anders. I mean didn’t think much of him in Awakening but in 2 he just seemed to get worse and then at the end causes all that chaos, granted Meredith didn’t help with that but still. Or maybe Blackwall just cause he turned out to not be a Warden which sucked cause Wardens have been my favourite thing about dragon age, which makes it suck more that they get shit on as each game comes out.
3. Vax for the most part is good but there have been a couple times where some of his actions have been questionable or arguments haven’t held any weight. 
A Character You Didn’t Like at First but Do Now:
1. James Vega comes to mind for when I first started ME3, like at first he comes off as a bit arrogant and in your face but once he tell his story he’s quite likeable. Also when you push him to go through with the n7 program and he get’s that tattoo just shows the impact your Shepard makes which you sometimes don’t see with characters. 
I’ll also say Jack as well, her development into the third game was unexpected but was cool to see growth.
2. Cullen but only cause of inquisition, in the others he was a dick but going through some trauma. Granted his voice actor might be a bit questionable with some of the things he’s done but for the character he has grown on me.  
3. Hasn’t really happened with this, opinions of characters haven’t really changed in this way. 
Three OTPs:
1. male Shep and Miranda, male Shep and Liara, then even though i don’t have it with my Shep but Shep and Garrus.
2. Warden and Leliana, Hawke and Isabella and Inquisitor and Cassandra.
3. Don’t really have any for critical role.
Probably won’t tag anyone but feel free to do this if you want to :PPPPP
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apostateparagons · 7 years
Keri T’Vessa > > > > > > Diana Allers. 
I feel like Bioware actually paid attention to the valid criticism of Allers and made T’Vessa so much better (although she is also basically just Piper from Fallout 4, not that I’m complaining)
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50 shades of love: Admiration
« Goooood morning Internet ! » fit la voix douce de Miyuki Hazawa devant la caméra. « As you guys know it's June... meaning, it's pride month. » Il sourit et passa une main dans ses cheveux noirs un peu désolé « This year they had to stay black because I was filming in a Korean drama that needs me at my best Yakuza. That's why i'm joined with Arthur Nan » Il sourit un peu et fixa Zhen, de son nom d'empreint Arthur assis à côté de lui  
« It is one of your finer works » Zhen sourit « It's on Netflix right now.» il s'étira
« And it's a very good LGBTq+ series. » dit Miyuki
« We're here to discuss our characters. » nota Zhen « I'm playing 'Jason Xing' an chinese expat, son and heir to a chinese gang. »
« And I'm playing 'Ryuichi Watanabe' a japanese yakuza leader. » Miyuki sourit « What's so fun about it is that we had a lot of korean actors as counterparts. »
« They aren't used to do some LGBTq+ stuff and our directors Ian Holmes and Jolene Hart were the best of the best in kindly directing and helping out. » dit Zhen « i'm looking forward to the gagreel. »
« Oh my god.... » Miyuki rit « We can say this, we had a lot of wardrobe malfunctions, trips aaaand mostly, a lot of gun fails.. »
« Well Elrcil and yourself never had a fail. » nota Zhen
« I made an international career out of being a feared Yakuza. » Il rit « Of course I handle guns and katana's quite well. Elrick is just good at anything. »
« I did see some comments on the original soundtrack » nota Zhen « 'It does not sound Kpopy' »
« WELL » Miyuki explosa de rire « If it sounded 'kpopy' I think Elrick would've gone rogue.. »
« Elrick composed it, Diana sang it. » dit Zhen
« He wrote it. » nota Miyuki en montrant Zhen
« Yeeah.. » Zhen rit un peu « Sooo what's sooo obviously LGBTq+ ? » Zhen rit un peu « Some critics said it was something like Queer as folk and The Godfather had an evil baby.. »
« We take that as a compliment. » nota Miyuki
« Yeah. » Zhen sourit amusé « What as center of the intrigue is more around a Mysterious Blood Diamond that's supposed to be the purest of all. »
« Our characters circle around it. » nota Miyuki « Out of our two characters Jason has the biggest growth I think »
« yeah at the end of season one he's less of a dick. » dit Zhen amusé
« But we are clearly not the main characters.. » dit Miyuki « This honor is for Diana, Malia, Yoona and Krystal. » dit-il « Diana's Gabrielle is just amazing. She's strong, she's fearless and she's gorgeous»
« What's so fun about Yoona's characters is that her 'Haru' is the normal girl who gets trapped in this weird scheme, as is Krystal's 'Chaerin'. They're the two normal girls. » nota Zhen
« Malia's 'Lorelei' is The Bad Bitch.. » nota Miyuki « Tall, handsome and mysterious. »
« We're acting like two big fans » nota Zhen « of our own show.. »
« Heck I read the mangas, of course I was gonna be a fan of the show, but it's even better that I get to play Ryuichi ! » dit Miyuki « He's always been my favorite. »
« And a rôle cut for you. » dit Zhen
« Thaaat too. » Miyuki rit « Please guys don't forget to check ou 'In my Viewfinder.' on Netflix ! Love yourself, stay healthy and listen to your favorite songs ! Sayonara minaa~ »
Miyuki s'étala dans le lit à côté de son amant et regarda le grand écran. Son amant était entrain de revoir toute la première saison de 'In my viewfinder.' pour la troisième fois. C'était un épisode clef ou on en apprenait plus sur le lien entre Jason et Ryuichi. Miyuki rit quand son amant soupira. À l'écran, il avait enlever son kimono, montrant son long tatouage, et les inscriptions dans son dos. Miyuki rit un peu quand à l'écran il poussa la porte pour entrer dans sa maison.
'you should know better Jason.' fit-il
'Know what ?' le personnage de Zhen serra les poings 'Face me !'
'You're not worth the sweat.' dit-il en soupirant 'Get your act together.'
'You're talking, you're being all bad, but I've seen you Ryu.' Zhen rit amèrement
'Seen what ?' dit Miyuki en se tournant
'Your little loverboy.' dit Zhen
A l'écran, Miyuki rit amusé et regarda à l'intérieur, quand un autre homme vint se poster dans son dos, l'enlaçant.
'You've got nothing on me Jason.' dit Miyuki 'You'll just crawl back on hands and feet to your father'
'That's never happening.' cria Zhen
'Then... take the offer.' dit Miyuki 'Become my hitman.'
'Why are you doing this ?' hurla Zhen
'Because, once.' Miyuki glissa ses mains vers l'arrière, caressant le dos de son amant 'I was like you. Angry at the world, I had nothing. Now I'm the leader of my own gang, i'm richer than your father and every sane person's scared of me.' dit Miyuki 'I'm giving you a chance to get your revenge.'
'Why ?!' hurla Zhen
'Because, it serves my interests. If he dies, that's one gang out of the way.' dit Miyuki
'You're crazy.' dit Zhen
'Probably.' Miyuki se retourna et embrassa son amant, faisant fuir Zhen
'Tu as été dur avec lui.' dit son amant 'Il est encore trop imprévisible et-'
'Voyez qui parles.' dit Miyuki avec un sourire
Miyuki mit sur pause et secoua la tête en fixant son amant. Il était assis sur le bord du lit et regardait l'écran avec intensité.
« Est-ce que je suis convainquant sans l'être de trop ? » demanda-t-il « est-ce que ça se voit que je suis réellement ton mec ? » demanda-t-il encore
« Mon amour.... » Miyuki rit un peu « Il y a pire que nous. »  
« Mais Myu.. » il soupira
« Hé. » Miyuki prit son visage entre ses mains « ça va aller... »
« Je sais. » il soupira
« Jaejoong, Ian et Jolene ont engagé des couples parce qu'ils savent à quel point c'est convainquant. » Miyuki soupira « Et avec nos dix années je pense que nous sommes convainquant. »
« Je suppose que oui. » Jaejoong sourit un peu « T'es classe tu sais ? »
« Je sais. » Miyuki se leva doucement « Qu'est-ce que tu veux faire ? »
« Tu penses que... si on … publie ? Un peu par erreur … euhm... ça-... on... hm.... on aura des problèmes ? » demanda Jaejoong
« Non. » Miyuki se leva. « J'ai du travail, essaie de ne pas enflammer la Toile. » dit-il en sortant.
« Hellooo Internet ! » Miyuki rit un peu « Today i'm joined by my cast members, Diana, Malia, Yoona and Siwon. »
« Hii ! » fit Malia en souriant
« Hello.. » fit Yoona en souriant
« Hi ! » dit Siwon
« Well hi ! » Diana s'étira en souriant
« Let's skip the questions and go right to what's today challenge ! » fit Miyuki « Diana you're up first. We'll be randomly playing a song of your répertoire, you need to match the song as quickly as possible, choreo and emotion and all that jazz ! » dit Miyuki
« How about a demonstration Myu-San ! » dit Malia
« Well allright » Miyuki se leva
Il commençait avec une chanson flippante d'une comédie musicale 'I was meant to be yours' puis il sauta sur 'New Rules' puis sur 'Who's gonna save us' l'intensité entre chaque chanson était différente  puis on passa sur 'Departures' et Miyuki s'adoucit. Il rit quand on joua une chanson de son amant dans la série et son amant dans la vrai vie 'Impossible'. Et Miyuki se cala parfaitement sur la chanson avec une voix presque similaire, et une intensité si profonde. Malia applaudit, Yoona essuya une petite larme et Siwon secoua la tête alors que Diana se leva en sautillant sur ses escarpins.
« All right.... You're gonna go through all my stuff ? » fit Diana
« Yes. » Miyuki s'assit
« So there will be french ? » demanda Diana
« Yes. » Miyuki sourit
« Christ... » Diana rit « I'm rusty... »
Et on commença fort avec 'La Haine' de Roméo et Juliette. Diana était intense et on ressentait dans chaque phrase le dédain, dans chaque geste la rage puis on passa a 'Defying Gravity' et c'était une toute autre Diana, elle était plus souriant plus défiante, puis Love on top joua et Diana dansa en chantant, assez difficilement car sa jupe en cuire ne permettait les mouvements vaste de la chanson puis on passa a 'Candyman' et Diana réussit a garder son calme et sa sensualité. Puis vint 'If I were a Boy' et la sensibilité prit la place pour une chanson a arracher des larmes. Elle fit une révérence et rit un peu.
« Next time i'll wear a jeans ! » Diana s'assit
« You rock ! » dit Siwon
« Thanks sweetheart. » dit Diana
« Malia ? Yoona ? » demanda Miyuki
« I can try. » dit Malia en se levant « But you're gonna be demonitized »
« That's why I have a dayjob. » dit Miyuki
« Oh sweet reality. » dit Malia en prenant le micro
On commençait avec l'une des chansons les plus raunchy de JUMP, 'S. E. X.' et Malia la chanta avec la même intensité d'Elrick, portant les paroles écrites par Heechul avec panache, on passa a une autre chanson, tout aussi osé. Voire pire. 'Fuck away the pain'.. Malia la chanta en regardant un peu Yoona, qui était rouge pivoine. Puis on passa a 'Unravel' et si avant elle était très arrogante, la elle montrait plus de vulnérabilité puis on sauta sur 'Open up your eyes' un doublage qu'elle avait fait. Et là, on voyait quelqu'un de plus sérieux mais blessé et elle s'arrêta en riant..
« Eeh c'est pas si simple... en plus vous m'avez donner le répertoire le plus .. » elle s'arrêta « Woops that just happened. »
« we do talk a lot in korean. » dit Diana en riant
« Yeah... Was it necessary to give me the smuttiest songs ? » demanda Malia
« Totally. » dit Myu amusé « Open up your eyes could go well with your character on Viewfinder.. »
« OH YEAH ! Internet please ! Make that a MV ! » dit Malia « And tweet it to me ! »
Elle s'installa dans le canapé et fixa Yoona faire le randomplay dance parfaitement riant. Siwon fit de même et ils revirent s'asseoir.
« NOOOOW ! » Miyuki sortit une liste de question « Questions »
« Yeah ! » Malia se redressa
« What's your funniest memory on set ? » demanda Myu a Malia
« Oh when no one knew who would play Shawn O'leary. » dit Malia « And the doors opened on Ewan, with a sniper riffle on his shoulder. We were aaalll dying. »
« That scene were they zoom in on Minho's face, that's really his expression like no acting at all ! » dit Diana
« Yoona, was it hard to be adapt to Malia ? » demanda Myu
« She was... very.. uhm helpfull ! » dit Yoona doucement « She's easy.... to work together. »
« We have a good bond. » dit Malia doucement
« Diana, how is it to be back in front of the camera ? » demanda Miyuki
« I've missed it ! » dit-elle
« You've got only one person to kiss on set who would you chose and why ? » fit Miyuki a Siwon
« Zhen... He's single ! » dit Siwon
« AHA ! » Miyuki rit amusé « Yeeah right … well Zhen is actually Arthur's real name for people who didn't know. » dit Miyuki doucement
« Oops Shit... » Siwon posa ses mains sur sa bouche.
Le tournage de la Saison deux allait commencer et si par 'accident' la relation de Myu et Jaejoong avait été publier au grand jour, ce matin là il y avait pas mal d'invités sur le plateau. BTS étaient venus sur le plateau pour regarder, puis quelques membres d'NCT... Ce matin là ils tournaient une scène entre Gabrielle O'Connell et Ryuichi Watanabe.
'Watanabe-san.' fit Diana en s'avançant dans une longue robe de soirée avec la fausse pluie tombant sur eux
'Miss O'Connell.' fit Miyuki les mains dans les poches.
'Nous avons un accord' fit-elle 'Liang Xing doit disparaître.'
'Jason s'occupe de ça.' Miyuki n'était plus qu'à un mètre d'elle
'Watanabe-san. Nous savons tous les deux que Jason n'aura pas le courage pour l'achever... Surtout si cet homme lui révèle la vérité...' Diana caressa la joue de Miyuki 'Et nous savons tous les deux mieux que quiconque ce qu'on risque si il parle ...'
'Gabrielle.' Miyuki ferma les yeux 'Nous n'avions pas eu le choix...'
'Non nous ne l'avions pas.' Diana s'avança pour se coller contre Miyuki
'J'ai refais ma vie tu sais...' Il la prit dans ses bras
'Haneul est un garçon bien.' Elle leva les yeux vers lui 'J'espère que tu l'aimes, car il le mérite.'
'Je l'aime oui.' Miyuki sourit 
'Alors tant mieux.' Elle soupira et recula 'Si tu ne te charges pas de Liang, je m'en chargerais moi-même.'
'Gabrielle.' Miyuki était ferme
'Ne t'en fais pas. Je n'en vaux pas la peine'
Un peu plus tard on filma une scène ou Diana était allongée en sang sur le sol, dans les bras de Johnny. Il pleurait sur elle quand Miyuki arriva dans son dos, puis il prit son pouls.
'C'est fini Liamh' dit-il
'Tu l'as laissée... Tu l'as abandonner...' murmura Johnny
'Hais moi. Déteste moi.' il fixa Johnny 'Mais ne dis jamais plus que je l'ai abandonner.'
'Pourtant tu as refais ta vie et elle est morte !! Alors dis moi la vérité !!' Hurla Johnny
Miyuki se tourna et rejoignit Jaejoong sous le parapluie avant de soupirer.
'Gabrielle, est, et sera toujours, la seule femme que j'ai aimer. La seule qui m'a donner un fils.' Il soupira 'Quand nous nous sommes connus nous n'avions que 15 ans.' Il soupira et se retourna pour s'accroupir près de Johnny. 'Liang la voulait pour lui, mais il n'a jamais su l'avoir. Alors elle est repartit avec toi. Rentrée a New-York avec toi.' Il soupira 'Loin de moi.'
'Pourquoi tu n'as jamais écrit ?' marmonna Johnny en pleurs
'Parce que je voulais vous protéger et détruire Liang avant votre retour. Je n'ai hélas pas eu le temps.' Il soupira 'Viens...'
'Je peux pas la laisser … je peux pas la laisser seule dans le froid...' murmura Johnny
'Liamh.' Miyuki se fit plus ferme 'Ta mère est morte.' Il leva sa tête avec fermeté 'Et si tu ne viens pas avec moi, il en sera de même pour toi.' siffla-t-il
Johnny posa avec douceur Diana au sol et suivit la tête baisser Miyuki et Jaejoong avant de regarder une dernière fois le corps en sang de Diana.... Puis on entendit le cut et toute la team se dispersa, Diana se relevant, et étant emmitoufler dans un gros peignoir. Elle rejoignit Jungkook qui n'était pas content et lui caressa les cheveux.
« Hé c'est du cinéma. » elle rit un peu
« Mouais... Il avait les mains trop- »
« Jungkook. Il a l'âge de mes filles. » dit Diana en riant
« Mrrghmgble.. » Jungkook ronchonna et se colla a la blonde
« Ooooh on va enfin savoir qui incarne Sean O'Connell. » dit-elle
Le set entier se prépara pour la nouvelle scène et dans celle-ci les hommes de mains, Jason Incarné par Zhen et Liamh incarné par Johnny se hurlaient dessus... Yonghwa incarné par Minho nettoyait des armes, Miyuki assis dans un canapé la tête sur les jambes de Jaejoong qui lisait. La porte s'ouvrit sur nulle autre qu'Ewan Winchester en costard cravate entièrement noir, des lunettes de soleil noire sur le nez, faisant ressortir sa peau diaphane et la teinture rouge sang dans ses cheveux roux leur apportaient une nouvelle dimension. A ses lèvres une clope et sur son épaule il tenait d'une main une arme de précision. Il écrasa sa clope.
'Some bastard killed me baby sister' Il enleva ensuite ses lunettes et épaule l'arme 'And I want to know who that is so I can blast a hole in his head.'
La stupeu générale en fit oublier le texte a tout le monde... quand Johnny eut un moment de lucidité et partit en improvisation.
'Uncle Sean !' Fit-il en rejoignant Ewan, il le dépassait largement mais s'abaissa pour l'enlacer.
'Hey Liamh.' Ewan s'adoucit et le serra contre lui d'en bras 'Are ye fine fella ?'
'Now that you are here...' Johnny hocha la tête 'He killed mom...'
'I know fella, I'm here to avenge her.' Ewan caressa sa joue 'Ye don't kill an O'Connell without facing their wrath, fella. Ye should know that.' Il avait bien insisté sur l'accent irlandais très prononcé
'His name is Liang Xing.' Fit Minho alors que tout le monde sembla enfin reprendre ses esprits
'And what yours ?' fit Ewan en détaillant Minho
'Choi Minho...'
« YEAH RIGHT !!! » Ian explosa de rire « Boy we know it, you're married... but heck get it together... »
« Oh shit..... » Minho rougit « Sorry Hyung... »
« T'en fais pas poussin ! On reprends mes amours ! » fit Jolene avec tendresse
'And what's yer name ?' fit Ewan se mordant la lèvre détaillant de haut en bas Minho
'Ah... Park Yonghwa...' dit-il en fixant ses armes.
Le cut se fit et Miyuki rit un peu en se levant.
« Jeez Minho.. » soupira Ewan en fixant son mari
« Mais.... tu... … Ewan … tu … tu te rends pas compte ! » fit Minho en rougissant
« Si si.... » Il fixa son mari « Good save there too Johnny »
« Thanks miste Bond.. eh Winchester... » marmonna Johnny
« Choi. You'll get there someday. » fit Ewan en riant « It's Ewan Choi. »
« Okay... » Johnny sourit et rejoignit les membres de son groupe
« T'as vu... on estvenu te supporte ! » fit Taeyong en regardant intensément Miyuki
« Ouais t'as vu ! » fit Yuta en regardant tout aussi intensément Miyuki
« Ouais... j'dois croire ça.... » Johnny soupira
« My son. » Miyuki vint prendre les épaules de Johnny « Tu as bien travailler. »
« Merci Myu-san. » dit Johnny
« Miyuki Hazawa » fit Miyuki en souriant
« Myu-sama.... » murmura Yuta
« Myu-sama.... » couina Taeyong
« Oh they're your fan members... » dit Miyuki
« Sadly. » dit Johnny
Et ainsi se terminèrent les tournages.... Jungkook ralant que Johnny avait toucher sa femme et Johnny râlant que les membres de son groupe n'étaient venus que pour Miyuki.
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This is in response to that Pro Diana Allers confession. Let me first say I only used her once and the rest of the time I said no because I resented her. I dislike her because the writers/developers passed over two women of color, and literally killed one of them, to make the Normandy’s war reporter a white woman. Second, the person who voiced her worked for IGN at the time. IGN reviews freaking games! IT WAS A CONFLICT OF INTEREST. And it should have NEVER happened. And if people don't understand what a conflict of interest is, they should look it up in order to understand it.
And finally there is also nothing remotely interesting about her character. She's not in the Citadel DLC. You think the Shepard Clone would have been news worthy but nooooooooo. She was a corporate created character that offered NOTHING to the game.
Mod Note: Confession in response to this confession.
From the above link:
I define a conflict of interest as “a situation in which a person, such as a public official, an employee, or a professional, has a private or personal interest sufficient to appear to influence the objective exercise of his or her official duties. ” There are three key elements in this definition. First, there is a private or personal interest. Often this is a financial interest, but it could also be another sort of interest, say, to provide a special advantage to a spouse or child. Taken by themselves, there is nothing wrong with pursuing private or personal interests, for instance, changing jobs for more pay or helping your daughter improve her golf stroke.
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The thing that bothers me most about Diana Allers in ME3 is the fact Bioware lets her comment on literally everything else but gives her pause when it comes to anything related to the Asari. Learn that the Reapers are turning Ardat-Yakshi into Reaper forces? Can't cover that for some reason. Kai Leng kills the Salarian Councilor? That's fair game. The different outcomes on Rannoch? Fair game. Sanctuary? Fair game. The fall of Thessia? Nope. Can't touch that! It doesn't make sense to me.
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The only character in the entire ME universe I really can't stand is Diana Allers. After my first playthrough, I never allowed her on Normandy again. If BioWare didn't have different plans for Emily Wong, I'd rather have her there. To me it would made more sense and it would have been lovely to sort of "reunite" with another familiar face from earlier games.
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