frog-and-rat · 1 year
The Shattered Tower (102)
I am Playing ShadowDark with my kids, in the mini campaign setting of The Gloaming from Cursed Scroll #1.
Hex (102) “The Shattered Tower” has a short blurb about a ruined keep with a trap door leading to a cistern with something slithering in the murky waters.
Time to flesh this out:
The Thistlewood Keep is centuries gone, but a rumor remains of a priceless diadem, never recovered. The legend varies widely and no detail seems to remain the same from one re-telling to the next, save for one. The Princess of Thistlewood Keep, moments before destruction, took her family’s most cherished possession and hid it away. Though the enemy razed the keep, the treasure was never found! Much speculation has been made, and many a young adventurer has often dreamed of finding the treasure!
More recent generations have used the keep as a sort of initiation or hazing ritual, much like a snipe hunt. Young adventurers have often been sent by their older siblings to go find the treasure and prove their worth. After a trek of adventure, or boredom, the children are lucky to return with an odd button, or a piece of a broken plate from the keep.
And more recent still, a few months ago, there has been a report of a pair of monstrous birds nesting in upon the ruined tower. Their bodies are like giant eagles with the head of a mighty stag! Their talons and antlers are iron hard, and razor sharp! Hunters have warned all the townsfolk and all the children to avoid the area and STOP these hazing rites, for this monsters will most surely kill and eat anyone who disturbs it’s nest. There have been a few failed attempts to kill these monsters ending in the death of several hunters each time. For now, hunters are avoiding coming too near the area.
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Elsewhere in the Gloaming, a camp of Outlaws led by Grieves Redthorne. Recently, a group of goblin bandits attempted to waylay some of his men, but quickly surrendered and begged mercy, and to make it up to Redthorne and join his group. For this crime, the group was offered a quest to atone for their transgressions. “Bring back the Thistlewood Diadem!” The goblins, unaware of the monstrous birds made haste to appease this Grieves Redthorne, grateful for this uncharacteristic offer of mercy!
When my players arrive, there is a chance the perytons will be present at the nest, but I hope to get them into the cistern where they will meet the goblins. Sinred, the now leader of the goblin group will explain how they’re all surely doomed! Because the perytons have killed 2 of their group and won’t let them leave the cistern! And even now, lurking within the cistern, a giant snake which has eaten another of their group! Sinred will beg the PC’s for help, and even offer the treasure if the party helps them escape! Sinred claims that before Dink was swallowed whole, by the snake, he had clasped in his hands, a small treasure chest! Sinred and Urn, the remaining 2 goblins, were too afraid to fight the snake on their own, and after it’s meal, the snake slithered away and ignored them, as they did not attack it.
If my players defeat the snake, they will indeed find a goblin and a waterlogged chest containing the diadem. Sinred will attempt to betray the PC’s and steal back the diadem if given half a chance.
The perytons are a great threat to the PC’s at level 2. And I will give the PC’s ample warning to not stick around to fight them.
The PC’s will find another exit, a crack in the wall of the cistern, that will lead into a vast cave system. I have some tables ready with content from Veins of the Earth, and the ShadowDark core rules. I want to open up the idea of cave exploration, as we have not yet done this, and also have some possible shortcuts, throughout the Gloaming.
AC 14, HP 30, ATK 1 talon +5 (2d6) and 1 tail +5 (1d8), MV double near (fly), S +2, D +4, C +0 , I +2, W +0, Ch -2, AL C, LV 6
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dgdraws · 1 year
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The Nightshades
Vixyn and Ebon Nightshade, my vampire blorbos supreme.
OC-tober days 5 & 6: relationships and symbol
Ebon is the core relationship for Vixyn, even once she sheds that identity after their separation and a 20 year dirt nap. He plucked her from her mortal life, a neglected, lonely, suicidal young adult, with the allure of a relationship where she was needed, wanted, desired. He chose his victim well, she took on the Vixyn persona without question and helped him con his way across the American west and south west in Kindred and Kine society alike. She became his secret keeper, hiding his need (desire?) to feed from vampires by becoming his drinking vessel, and helping him evade retribution for any "accidental" diablaries along the way.
I imagine he used those diablaries to reinforce their codependency, as proof that he needs her as much as she needs him, because this is the result when shes not there to provide for him or restrain him.
Their shared symbol is the Nightshade flower, pictured here in the background. As Malkavian vampires, they're also symbolized by a broken mirror. Vixyn, however, would not be associated with webs or strings, another common symbol of the Malkavians, because Ebon keeps her separated from the Web, at times going as far as using his Dominate powers to erase any mention of it she might have overheard.
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autotheistics · 2 years
5, 18
5: Your favorite sexual activity?
Masturbation with toys. Diablarie is a close second but you can kind of only do that once per partner
18: If you could have a threesome right now, who would you do it with?
Dragon and Hubert because it would be funny as shit
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malkaviians-archive · 4 years
I love to hate the Tremere so much they’re the worst. Like they can just walk in and shoot spells at you and they’ve made enemies with literally everyone in existence. I think diablarie should be legal if its against a Tremere 
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jackolynsparrow · 5 years
Tagged by: @thesepiratesbold
Rules: Answer eight questions and tag eight people.
Last movie I watched: Joker
Last song I listened to: Sweet Lady - Queen
Last book I read: Queen in 3D & Diablaries
Last thing I ate: Cheese
Where would you want to time travel to: 1970 and follow Queen for the rest of my life.
Fictional character I would hang out with for a day: Fictional? Hmm..probably Jack Sparrow. Real person would be Brian May without a doubt.
If I could be anywhere right now, where would I be: Somewhere in the UK enjoying the grey skies and rain. (Or back at my Q+AL concert in Vancouver)
What is your favorite thing in your room and why: Probably my Johnny Depp signed artwork of Jack Sparrow -- that’s pretty high up there for me. But I have a lot that I love.
Tagging: Whoever wants to do this! I rarely get tagged in anything, so by all means feel free to steal this if you would like.
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clevermird · 6 years
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As Donna of the city, Violetta Giovanni probably holds the most political power of the PCs in There Cannot Be Two Skies, having recently deposed the old don with the support of the rest of the family in the city.  What remains to be seen is if she can hold onto her position when a delegation from the Anziani arrive to look into what, exactly, she did to get that power. And given that that involves diablarie and possibly swearing herself to a malfean... yeah
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