Sweetclinics|How to Prevent  Complications of Diabetes?
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Type 1 and type 2 diabetes is considered a serious health issue that needs to be monitored and controlled at all times. Keeping your blood sugar level under control is something that requires a great level of care and attention. It isn’t only about managing your sugar levels, but you are supposed to take steps to avoid diabetes complications.
Living with diabetes means you are at a high risk of developing serious medical conditions, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, vision issues, and foot problems. You must join a diabetes care program in Vashi to ensure that your sugar levels are under control. Here we have listed a few steps you must follow to prevent diabetes complications.
·     Avoid Smoking
Smoking should be avoided in general, but you must definitely quit the habit of smoking if you are living with diabetes. Smoking increases the risk of complications for patients dealing with type 2 diabetes. Due to the reduced blood flow to your legs, there is a chance you might experience ulcers and other foot infections. Any wound in your foot can turn into an ulcer if it isn’t treated on time. Book an appointment with the diabetic foot care specialist if you develop ulcers and other medical conditions.
Smoking also increases the risk of heart disease, kidney diseases, eye diseases, and strokes. Avoid alcohol, smoking, and tobacco if you are a diabetic patient. You can consult a therapist or a physician to discuss your option for quitting smoking and tobacco.
·     Check Your Blood Pressure and Cholesterol
Blood pressure could cause significant damage to your blood vessels. Similarly, high cholesterol levels combined with blood pressure and other medical conditions could lead to serious issues, such as a heart stroke or a heart attack. You must eat a balanced diet, practice exercises, and take measures to control your cholesterol and blood sugar levels. You must take the prescribed medicines in order to keep your sugar under control.
·     Schedule Eye Exams and Foot Care
You may have everything under control, but it is still important to have your diabetes checkups scheduled annually. During the physical exam, the physician will ask you about your health, medical condition, and the medicines you have been taking. They will also see the potential signs of any complications that are likely to occur if your issue remains undiagnosed and untreated for long.
Take Care of Your Feet
Foot damage is quite common among diabetic patients. It can cause serious damage to your nerves. If you leave your foot untreated, there is a chance the minor sores will develop into critical infections and blisters. Note that diabetes can cause serious foot infection, tingling sensation, and severe pain. Here is what you must do to avoid foot problems:
·     Keep your ankles and feet moisturized throughout the day
·     Rinse your feet in lukewarm water
·     Never walk barefoot
·     Stay in touch with your doctor and visit diabetes specialist clinic Vashi to keep your glucose levels under control
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sweetclinics · 5 years
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sweetclinics · 5 years
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sweetclinics · 5 years
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sweetclinics · 5 years
All You Need to Know about Self-monitoring Blood Glucose...!!
Self-monitoring blood glucose (SMBG) is of paramount importance to manage diabetes well. SMBG allows you to adjust the dose of insulin and remains a key instrument in the analysis of blood sugar levels for better treatment in both diabetes type 1 and type 2. Self-monitoring makes it possible to track the changes in blood glucose levels, to evaluate the effect of certain factors, and help you to make changes aimed at rebalancing sugar levels.
According to Dr Vinod Methil, Consultant Diabetologist in Vashi, Sweet Clinics Vashi, Navi Mumbai, “SMBG has become an integral part of standard diabetes care in daily practice. It actually helps in your treatment decisions which in turn helps to reduce blood glucose levels while avoiding hypoglycemia. It helps in recording the glycemic swings occurring throughout the day. It is fast, relatively cheap and very much convenient to the patient providing results in a few seconds. When these SMBG results are incorporated with the newer health apps, it can guide the patients on right nutritional advice, exercise tips etc for better control on blood sugar levels as well as weight management.
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Here’s what you need to know about SMBG and glucometers:
DO’s Choose a glucometer by taking into account the patient’s age, comorbidities and type of treatment. For instance, it is important that the meter for the elderly has a large display, it is clear and easy to use. Here are some tips to buy a glucometer that works for you.
Before you start measuring, make sure that the meter and test strips have the same temperature. Do not take the readings if you notice moisture on the meter as it may affect the accuracy of results.
Do wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water and dry them with a towel. Dirty hands, sweat, food crumbs may disturb the measurement. Warm water promotes blood circulation and allows an accurate amount of blood sample. You can also massage your palm and fingers to get the required amount of blood in a single prick.
Do remember to keep a record of all your measurements, along with the date, time of day and details of factors that could have influenced the value obtained on the device. You can use the Wellthy app to do this.
Do store the test strips in a cool, dry place at a temperature of 5° to 30°C. Do not open the test strips until you are ready to remove the strap and measure. Use the test strip immediately after removing it from the vial, especially if you are in a place with high humidity.
DON’TS Do not use medical alcohol or hydroalcoholic gel, these solutions disrupt the chemical reaction on the surface of the strip which could skew the results. Do not limit yourself to measuring fasting sugar. Monitoring blood glucose before and after a meal can provide you and your doctor with valuable information on the effects of food and/ or medicine (including insulin) on your blood glucose level. Here’s how often you should be checking your blood sugar levels at home. Do not reuse lancets. They are for single use because their small size makes them deteriorate. If reused, they can cause greater damage than necessary to the skin tissue.
Do not use old strips as they can completely skew the results. In the same way, keep them in their air-tight packaging, as moisture can also damage their sensitive sides. If you doubt the effectiveness of a strip, it is possible to check it with a control solution whose result is already known.
Do not share your meter and lancet with other people, including family members. They are intended for one person.
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sweetclinics · 5 years
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Does Type 1 Diabetes Increases Risk of Autoimmune Diseases?
There’s no doubt that the primary concern of people dealing with type 1 diabetes is “how to control the blood sugar levels”? Perhaps, the only way they can prevent the kidney, eye, and vascular problems is by maintaining their blood sugar level. However, the recent studies suggest type 1 diabetes patient is more prone to autoimmune diseases. The study further revealed that 1 out of every 5 children suffering from type 1 diabetes tends to develop another autoimmune ailment. Type 1 Diabetes has a major impact on aged people (65+ years). In fact, half of the aged individuals struggling with Type 1 Diabetes are likely to experience other autoimmune diseases. Now the question is “what autoimmune diseases are the Type 1 Diabetes patients are prone to?”
What Autoimmune Diseases are Common in Type 1 Diabetes Patients?
Some of the most common autoimmune diseases associated with Type 1 Diabetes are celiac disease, Addison’s disease, and hypothyroidism. As most of the Type 1 Diabetes patients are likely to develop celiac disease and hypothyroidism, doctors often suggest these patients a routine screening. It is essential to note that autoimmune diseases can either develop before or after the diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes.
Specialists should check the diabetic patients for celiac disease and thyroid. There are no critical symptoms associated with celiac disease or thyroid, but the Type 1 Diabetes patients are advised to consult with their doctor if they witness unusual symptoms such as changes in glycemic control or weight, improper digestion, and other digestive problems. Our immune system is one of the most vital parts of a human body, as it keeps the body from hazardous organisms including bacteria, viruses, and other microbes. But what’s surprising is the immune system that is designed to preserve our body from the attack of foreign matter can sometimes turn awry and attack the vital organs of our body. When the immune system doesn’t work properly and negatively affect the other tissues and organs of a human body, the autoimmune diseases are likely to happen.
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What Causes Autoimmune Diseases in Type 1 Diabetes Patients?
Though the exact reason behind this issue isn’t confirmed yet, research suggests that environmental and genetic factors are the leading causes behind autoimmune ailments. As per the clinical research, it is not diabetes that causes autoimmune problems in teens and kids. There isn’t any proven cause of autoimmune diseases in Type 1 Diabetes patients discovered but genetics are most likely the cause of these ailments.
Studies based on Type 1 Diabetes associated autoimmune diseases discovered that the genetic risk factors had a major influence on celiac disease, thyroid, and other autoimmune ailments. As DNA of an individual passes through several generations, the occurrence of autoimmune diseases in Type 1 Diabetes patients isn’t uncommon.Diabetologist Doctors in vashi The main reason why it is hard to discover the exact cause behind autoimmune disorders is the complex structure of the human immune system. That’s why the treatment of thyroid, celiac disease, and other immune disorders is challenging. A proper diet, hormone replacement, and anti-inflammatory drugs may relieve the symptoms to some extent but they can’t cure the issue.
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Quick and Easy Fix For Your DIABETES CLINIC IN VASHI
What is Albumin Creatinine Ratio [ACR] It is proportion of egg whites and creatinine in pee discharge.
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What is the significance of ACR in the executives of Diabetes? Raised ACR is a pointer of Kidney brokenness in Diabetes. Ordinarily no protein is discharged in pee. Nearness of protein in pee with no Urinary Tract Infection is a marker of Kidney pathology like Diabetic or Hypertensive Nephropathy. ACR is the most exact and favored technique for identifying Diabetic Nephropathy What is the ordinary dimension of ACR? Under 30mg/g is the typical dimension What is the perfect recurrence of doing ACR levels? When a year Diabetes Care Centre Vashi How might I diminish my ACR levels? Controlling glucose and circulatory strain levels Diet control
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sweetclinics · 5 years
How to Avoid Losing Foot (Amputation) in Diabetes Foot..?
To decrease the possibility of an amputation, you must understand the causes that lead to amputation. You can avoid amputation of diabetes foot by following three main ways of prevention; primary, secondary and tertiary.
Primary prevention (Prevention of Diabetes foot):
Includes stopping wounds before they happen.
Life style Modification:
Stop smoking
Follow a regular exercise program that includes walking
Eat a balanced diet with proper nutrition
Lose weight
Treat conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol
Good management of your diabetes:
Regular monitoring of blood sugar level (HBA1C), regular exercise, balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, and regular medical exams.
Do not smoke. Smoking damages blood vessels and decreases the ability of the body to deliver oxygen. In combination with diabetes, it significantly increases your risk of amputation..
Foot care regimen for Diabetes Foot:
Check your feet every day.
Wash your feet every day with water. Check temperature with your hand first. Pat foot with towel rather than rubbing vigorously.
Use lotion or moisturiser to keep the skin of feet soft and moist to avoid dry skin cracks.
Tim your toenails regularly. Avoid cutting corners, Use a nail file.
Visit surgeon if you find in grow toenail
Never walk barefoot as nerve damage reduces sensation.
Wear protective well cushioned shoes.
Protect your feet from hot and cold.
Wear loose socks to bed
Avoid sitting with crossed legs or standing in one position for a long time.
Secondary Prevention
Includes healing of wounds quickly.
Standard Surgical therapies to speed wound healing may be provided by diebetic foot specialist
High blood sugar (hyperglycemia), high blood pressure (hypertension), and high cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia) are to be controlled.
Smoking damages blood vessels and decreases the ability of the body to deliver oxygen. In combination with diabetes, it significantly increases your risk of amputation
Education on basic foot care, and proper footwear, to prevent blisters and wounds is crucial, as are regular foot exams by a doctor
Tertiary Prevention Includes correcting of severe problems to avoid amputation.
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sweetclinics · 5 years
Don’t ignore these 5 lesser known signs of pre-diabetes..! - Sweet clinics Diabetologist
Pre-diabetes has become a raging concern in India with an increasing number of cases being diagnosed. 60% of Prediabetics go on to develop Diabetes.
In addition, common symptoms like increased thirst and urination, increased hunger and blurry vision, may have become well known, but it is important to note that these symptoms do not arise overnight, but tend to build up gradually. Further, there are some additional symptoms that may be indicative of high blood sugar, which one would not even think to associate with pre-diabetes.
This could be a major reason why a majority of pre-diabetes cases are still undiagnosed. Here we bring you some of the lesser known symptoms of pre-diabetes that can help you with a timely diagnosis and better management of this condition.
Your vision seems to be changing
You may have heard that blurry vision is a sign of blood sugar levels being higher than normal, but did you know that a sudden improvement in your vision can also indicate abnormal sugar levels? According to research studies, high sugar levels can lead to movement in the bodily fluids including the eyes. This can lead to changes in the vision which may be blurry or more defined. However, the instant you observe any sudden changes in your eyesight, it is advisable to go in for a consultation.
UTI seems to be a frequent occurrence
UTI or Urinary Tract Infection can also be a symptom of elevated sugar levels. Especially if this condition becomes a recurrent concern, doctors advise to instantly check blood glucose levels. When sugar levels in the blood and urine are high, the genitals are more prone to bacterial and yeast infections, upping the risk for UTI.
Skin is constantly itchy
A skin condition is clearly a dermatological issue right, how can it relate to blood sugar? This is a common thought as a large number of people are still unaware of the connection of sugar levels and skin health. High sugar levels can slow down the blood and oxygen circulation in the body, leading to an increase in itchiness especially around the hands, feet and genital areas. If you notice any rashes or experience constant itchiness which doesn’t seem to subside after a couple of days, it may be time to check your sugar levels.
Your TV volume is louder than before
One of the least known symptoms of pre-diabetes is often changes in hearing levels. Without realising you may find yourself talking louder so as to encourage people to talk back at a louder volume. The volume of your music station may be set a little higher than before cause your hearing isn’t as good. In a country as noisy as India, it is easy to attribute this to external sounds.Diabetologists in Vashi However, it may also be a sign of high blood sugar which can damage the nerves of the inner ear, affecting your ability to hear.
Sleep comes with loud snores
Yes, if you find your partner suddenly complaining about your loud snoring (something you swear you don’t do), it may be time to check your sugar levels. A large number of people with higher sugar levels than normal also develop a sleep disorder known as sleep apnea which leads to disturbed sleep, snoring and often tiredness during the day.
So while it is advisable to look out for common pre-diabetes symptoms, it is essential not to ignore any of the above-mentioned signs either as enable timely diagnosis, it is recommended to get a timely diagnosis and treatment from a Diabetologist, as Prediabetes with proper treatment and lifestyle changes can be reversed.
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sweetclinics · 5 years
Diabetes and Heart Disease: What Is The Relationship Between Them...?
A link between Heart Disease and Diabetes
Diabetes is a chronic disease that is marked by high blood glucose levels. Over a period of time, the elevated sugar in the blood leads to arterial damage that causes them to stiffen and harden. This is known as Atherosclerosis. High sugar levels also lead to plaque formation as those with diabetes also have high cholesterol levels. When the arteries get damaged due to plaque, the body sends platelets to try to repair the wall. Due to the narrowing of the arteries, this leads to a blockage which stops the oxygen from reaching the heart and the brain and ultimately results in a heart attack or a stroke. It is interesting to note that high cholesterol levels have already occurred before the elevation of sugar levels. Therefore, heart disease has already manifested before the onset of diabetes.
Risk Factors of Diabetes and Heart Disease
There are several risk factors when it comes to diabetes and the heart. Here are some of them.
Family History
Those who have a family history of diabetes and heart disease are at a very high risk. They should be extra careful about their diet, medicines, and exercise. Those with Type 2 diabetes are at a risk of having a silent heart attack or a heart attack without any symptoms.
High Cholesterol Levels
The LDL levels (bad cholesterol) determine the timeline of the onset of heart disease. LDL has been considered one of the most important factors in determining vulnerability to cardiovascular problems.
Smoking causes constriction and tightening of the blood vessels, thereby reducing blood flow to the heart and the brain. Those who smoke and are diabetics, increase their risks of developing heart problems exponentially.
High Blood Pressure
This is another significant risk factor for diabetes and heart disease. Chronically elevated blood pressure levels cause a majority of heart attacks.
Obesity is linked to high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, and diabetes. Even those who appear lean or thin but have a high amount of belly fat are at an increased risk of developing heart disease.
Sedentary Lifestyle
Those who are not active physically and have diabetes tend to develop heart problems at a much earlier age than their counterparts who are diabetics but who exercise.
Those who develop diabetes earlier in life have an increased risk of developing cardiovascular problems. Also, as one gets older, the odds of suffering from heart disease increase.
Unhealthy Diet
A diet rich in fats, processed foods and with fewer quantities of fresh fruits and vegetables is bad for diabetes and for the heart. Following such a unhealthy diet will definitely cause diabetes and heart disease.
People with diabetes already respond negatively to stress as their sugar levels become high due to anxiety. Stress can indirectly increase the risk of developing heart problems as it makes one overeat or smoke or drink more.
More men develop heart problems under the age of 55 years. Women suffer more from cardiac issues once they cross 55 years of age.
Symptoms of a Heart Attack
Many people who have diabetes suffer from ‘silent heart attacks’ due to the nerve damage related to their high sugar levels. This is why regular screening is essential for all those who have diabetes. There are some symptoms to watch out for. If you suffer from any of the following, call the ambulance immediately.
Chest pain is one of the most common symptoms of a heart attack. It is also known as Angina. It feels like a pressure or painful squeezing of the chest. One might feel it in the arms, neck, back or the jaws. Nausea and lightheadedness Shortness of breath Sweating Fatigue Indigestion Loss of balance or dizziness Trouble seeing things or having double vision Confusion Sudden severe headache Prevention of Diabetes and Heart Disease
There are a lot of things you can do to manage your diabetes and stop or delay the onset of heart problems. The risks are reduced by introducing lifestyle changes, medicines, and increasing activity levels. Here are some tweaks that bring positive results.
Healthy Diet
Eating a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat food items, a high protein diet helps to combat heart problems.
Healthy Weight
Shedding off the excess weight and maintaining a healthy weight helps to keep away the cardiac issues for long. Instead of a tough weight loss plan, sit with your doctor and chalk out a reasonable weight loss strategy.
Quit Smoking
Smoking damages the blood vessels in the body and increases the risk of heart problems. Quit smoking to improve your health.
Get Moving
Exercising for just 30 minutes five times a week brings down the risks of developing heart problems in diabetics. If you cannot exercise in one go, divide the activity into batches of ten minutes. It also helps to control the high glucose levels in the blood.
Stress Management
Learn to meditate and not stress over things in life. Anger, jealousy, spite are negative emotions that affect the body negatively.Diabetologist in navi mumbai
If you already have heart disease, take your medicines on time to prevent more complicated issues.
Control the Parameters
To prevent an early onset of heart problems, keep your blood sugar levels and your blood pressure levels under control. Avoid too many fluctuations to prevent organ damage.
There are several treatment options to keep heart disease and diabetes under control. With proper lifestyle changes, effective weight management and efficient control over blood sugar levels, those who suffer from diabetes can live healthy, quality lives.
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sweetclinics · 5 years
Diabetes can increase risk of Heart Disease, 5 steps to prevent the same..!!- Diabetologist in Vashi,Navi Mumbai(Sweet Clinics)
Diabetics in general have a higher risk of heart ailments. Studies have suggested that 60% of diabetic patients above the age of 65 years are at a risk of heart attack. Over the past few years we are increasingly seeing this in younger population. The central pathological mechanism in Heart disease is atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is known to lead to coronary heart disease and cardiovascular events. With close to 70% mortality, cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in people with type 2 diabetes. The risk factors of CVD are age, obesity, tobacco use, dyslipidaemia, and hypertension. Diabetes itself is an independent risk factor of CVD.
How does diabetes affect the heart..?
People with diabetes (particularly type 2 Diabetes) frequently have many traditional risk factors for CVD, including central obesity, dyslipidaemia (high serum triglyceride, low-density lipoprotein, and free fatty acid levels and low high-density lipoprotein levels), and hypertension, the combination of which constitutes the metabolic syndrome. These factors, together with the independent risk factor of diabetes, can independently as well as cumulatively increase risk of CVD significantly over time. Hyperglycaemia and insulin resistance, when combined with dyslipidaemia, hypertension and chronic inflammation, can damage blood vessels, resulting in macrovasculopathy and CVD in people with type 2 Diabetes
It has been shown that the risk of myocardial infarction (Heart attack) in people with diabetes is equivalent to the risk in nondiabetic patients who have already had a Heart attack.
Further evidence of the association between diabetes and CVD is provided by the observation that most patients with coronary heart disease have insulin resistance or frank diabetes.
Diabetes generally occurs due to insulin resistance in the body. This resistance can also lead to high blood pressure. It occurs because as the blood sugar level goes up, the body tries to compensate by increasing the insulin levels leading to hyperinsulinemia. Which leads to Atherosclerosis (blockage of the blood vessels.top diabetologist in Navi Mumbai The diabetogenic lipid condition significantly increases the rate of cholesterol deposition in the blood vessels as compared to a non-diabetic. Which can occur anywhere in the body. However, preliminary symptoms can be seen in places where the blood vessels are relatively thin like the brain, heart, renal blood vessels or where the sources of blood supply is limited like the foot. However, due the increasing bad lifestyle, we are witnessing an increase in diabetes induced heart complications. This is increasingly being seen in younger diabetic patients.
Who is at a risk of severe diabetic heart complications:
Generally speaking, almost every diabetic patient who does not have his critical parameters in check is at a risk of severe diabetic heart condition. Nonetheless, patients who have a family history of heart condition have an increased risk of heart condition.
Early symptoms of heart ailments due to Diabetes:
Unlike a normal person who would have severe chest pain when having a heart attack; a diabetic patient may not experience similar pain. Hence, diabetes is known to be a silent killer However, there are some symptoms which could occur. Some early signs could be
Breathless on minimal exertion & dizziness Heaviness in the chest Palpitations
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sweetclinics · 5 years
Risk and dangers of smoking for diabetic patients..!! Sweet clinics
Diabetes is a metabolic cum vascular syndrome of multiple etiology characterized by chronic hyperglycaemia with disturbances of carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism resulting from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action or both leading to changes in both small blood vessels and large blood vessels
Smoking & Diabetes
Cigarette smoking and exposure to tobacco smoke are associated with premature death from chronic diseases, economic losses to society, and a substantial burden on the health-care system.
In fact, smokers are 30–40% more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than nonsmokers. Smoking makes the body more resistant to insulin, which can lead to higher blood sugar levels.   Irrespective of the type of diabetes, smoking makes diabetes harder to control.
Risks of smoking
The dangers of smoking include the risk of potentially fatal diseases, such as heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and many types of cancer.  Smoking and diabetes increases the risk of health complications even more.
Smoking causes heart and blood vessel damage
Smoking and diabetes both increase the risk of heart disease in very similar ways, and so when combined, they greatly exacerbate the chances of suffering a heart related condition such as a heart attack or stroke. Both high levels of glucose in the blood and smoking damage the walls of the arteries in such a way that fatty deposits can build up much easier. As this occurs, the blood vessels narrow and make circulating blood much harder. When this happens to the coronary arteries (the arteries that supply the heart muscle with blood and therefore oxygen) a heart attack can occur. Similarly, a stroke is when not enough blood can get to the brain, and so anything that may limit blood flow increases the risks of a stroke.Diabetes Heart care clinic in Navi Mumbai
High blood glucose levels also have an effect on the blood vessels and blood flow, so smoking increases the greater risk of suffering a heart attack or stroke.
Smoking causes respiratory diseases
Smoking directly affects the lungs and can lead to chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and other respiratory diseases. People with these diseases are at higher risk of developing lung infections, such as pneumonia. These infections can be especially dangerous for people with diabetes. Being sick also raises blood sugar levels.
Smoking damages eyes
People with diabetes also have a higher risk of several eye diseases, including cataracts and glaucoma. Poorly controlled diabetes can also lead to an eye condition called diabetic retinopathy. Smoking can accelerate the development of diabetic retinopathy and make it worse. This can eventually lead to blindness.
Recognizing the dangers of smoking and the benefits of quitting is an important first step. Make an appointment with your doctor to learn about the treatment and support options that can help to quit for good. Avoiding tobacco products lowers the risk of complications from diabetes. It can help to limit the damage to organs, blood vessels, and nerves which helps to live a longer and healthier life.
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Important tips for Diabetics while travelling- Sweet clinics(Diabetologist)
Yes, it’s travel time! No more office for the next few days or worrying about household chores. It’s finally time for you to let your hair down and relax. And to ensure that your holiday stays as fun and relaxed as you hoped, there are certain factors that people with diabetes should consider beforehand. And don’t worry, these aren’t tough. Just like you plan your travel itinerary this is a plan for your health when you travel.
What to do before you travel?
Go for a thorough medical check-up before a month or so before you travel. Inform your health care team of your travel plans such as days of travel, destination and mode of travel so they can check for any possible complications.
In case you are crossing time zones, be sure to confirm when to take your medicines and meals to avoid fluctuations in blood sugar.
When travelling to a new destination, be sure to get the required vaccines or immunizations a month in advance. Any infection or illness could seriously disrupt blood glucose levels and cause you problems in your vacation.
Ask for a letter and prescription of your medication. This is extremely important. These will allow you to carry supplies such as glucometer with pricker, insulin syringes and pumps in the flight without objection. Also, a detailed letter about your treatment method can be beneficial for doctors in other places in case you need a consultation. They can be sure to continue with the treatment followed at home and avoid any significant changes.
Keep a log of your medicines dosage and timings with you at all times. This can also help doctors in your travel place to judge your response better.
Talk to your doctor about possible treatments in case of an infection or illness. Certain medicines can affect sugar levels and interfere with insulin. It’s best to ask for general medicines that could be taken.
Tips for packing
Always keep double the medicines and supplies you need when you travel. Also, don’t pack them all in one place. Make sure to keep half the supplies in a bag that will be with you at all times, irrespective of mode of travel.
Carry a copy of your doctor’s letter and prescription in your carry bag.
Carry some snacks like khakra, biscuits, dates ladoo with you to avoid episode of low blood sugar. Ask your doctor what are the best food options.
Pack your insulin in the temperature controlled case to avoid exposure to extreme temperatures.Diabetologists in Navi Mumbai
During travel
Whether you are travelling by flight or train, be sure to speak the attendants about your condition and ask them for low fat snacks. Also, if service timings interfere with your medicine time, request them to serve you later. In any case, always carry some light food with you.
Be sure to stretch and walk in between. Sitting or sleeping for long periods can affect blood circulation. Whether you are travelling by flight or car, be sure to stretch a bit every hour and take a walk in between.
Wear comfortable shoes. Do not travel barefoot even for a short period of time. Wear sneaker or comfortable shoes when travelling and even while sightseeing at your destination.
Be sure to test your blood glucose levels regularly. This will help you monitor and adjust for any changes instantly. Also, maintain a log about your levels and medicines at all times.
A little care taken before you travel can help you enjoy your vacation to the fullest without harming your health. After all there is nothing worse than going to a new adventurous or scenic place and being left unwell in your room all day!
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बॅरियाट्रिक शस्त्रक्रियेनंतर मधुमेह बरा होतो ? - Diabetologists in Vashi, Navi Mumbai (Sweet Clinics)
बॅरियाट्रिक शस्त्रक्रिया केल्यानंतर सुमारे ८०% मधुमेही व्यक्तींमध्ये मधुमेह पूर्ण बरा होतो अथवा रक्तग्लुकोजची पातळी सुधारून औषधांचा डोस कमी होतो. शस्त्रक्रियेपूर्वी असलेल्या वजनाच्या १२-४०% वजन कमी होते व ते बऱ्याच अंशी दीर्घकाळ टिकते. रक्तमेदविकृती, अतिरक्तदाब, अल्ब्युमिन्युरिया आणि हृदयविकाराचा धोका ह्यांत सुधारणा होते. शस्त्रक्रियेनंतर संक्रमण, रक्ताची गुठळी होणे, शस्त्रक्रियेच्या ठिकाणी गळती, आतड्याच्या कार्यात बिघाड, रक्तक्षय, पोषक घटकांची कमतरता, रक्तग्लुकोजन्यूनता ह्या समस्या सुमारे ५% रुग्णांना होतात. शल्यचिकित्सकाचा अनुभव आणि कौशल्य, रुग्णालयाची सुसज्जता, रुग्णाचे वजन, त्याला असणारे विकार, शस्त्रक्रियेची पद्धत ह्या गोष्टींवर समस्या होण्याची शक्यता अवलंबून असते.
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