#Di Radfield
eddysocs · 3 months
The Object Of Desire — Chapter Ten (Decisions & Sacrifices)
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Summary: Di stirs up more trouble and now it’s more important that ever that Aerla and Camille remain discreet and there’s only one way Camille can think to do that.
Word Count: 1,077
Warnings: Student/Teacher Relationship, Angst, Breakup (kinda)
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The following morning, just after sunrise, Aerla was worrying over the consequences of her impulsive actions from the night before and also wondering when the next chance she’d get to see Camille would be. Only her mind wasn’t occupied with these thoughts for long. Instead, they were once again intruded upon by Di.
"I saw you." A blatant accusation, and one that made Aerla's heart leap up towards her throat. Had she meant last night? She was sure no one had been awake when she’d snuck back into the room and under the covers of her bed. She’d been positive.
"I don’t know what you mean," Aerla denied, hoping there’d been no sign of the panic she was feeling to give her away.
"Don’t you," Di challenged. Aerla remained tight lipped. If Di was going to throw out some real threat, Aerla wasn’t about to add fuel to her fire. When Aerla refused to respond, Di became enraged. "I’d be careful if I were you. You think you have Miss G wrapped around your little finger, but just wait until she’s done with you. You’ll be shipped right back off to where you came from like Fiamma. Once she’s had her fun."
Though she didn’t give much credence to Di's threat, it had still broken something within her. Aerla had heard that name mentioned before. Fiamma. As Di stormed off, having not gotten what she wanted out of Aerla, the name repeated itself in her head, gnawing at her. What had Camille said about her? She left, that much she remembered, but she hadn’t gotten the full story. There were —how had she phrased it?— personal reasons that Fiamma had returned to Spain. So what if Di's words did have some truth to them?
After classes had concluded for the day, Aerla decided that she must see Camille. She knew that she said to wait until the time was right, but with Di targeting her, she didn’t think it wise to put the conversation off. She caught Camille just as she was exiting her classroom. "May we speak," Aerla asked.
Camille was about to refuse her and warn her against being seen together too often, but the look of seriousness that leant a harshness to Aerla's otherwise soft, rounded features gave her pause. "Quickly," she agreed, and ushered them into her classroom.
"What is it, Aerla?"
"I think Di Radfield has spotted us. I don’t know if it was in the hall, or that day in the woods. She accused me of having you wrapped around my finger. Then she mentioned Fiamma, and—"
Aerla stopped short, a bout of crying threatening to overtake her if she kept going on as she was. She took a deep breath, and started again, asking what she most needed to know. "Did you…love her? Fiamma?"
Camille knew this wouldn’t stay buried forever. She hadn’t been completely honest with her that first time, but she knew her better now, trusted her more completely. "I thought I did, for a time," she admitted. "But Fiamma," Camille paused, searching for the proper way to describe what exactly had transpired between them. "She was, enrapturing, worldly. What I felt for her was a mix of infatuation and envy for the places and things she’d been able to see in her years. It wasn’t her I admired, but her travels. I had mistaken the two, and Fiamma left after a misunderstanding. Only after she’d gone did I gain any clarity on my own feelings."
Aerla was a bit taken aback at her frankness, and so only nodded her head in understanding. She was grateful for the honesty, and what details she left out, Aerla could tell pained her. She didn’t need to know them. That was between Camille and Fiamma.
A moment passed before another thought occurred to her. "What are we going to do about Di?"
Camille sighed. She knew Di Radfield would become a problem. It was always like that with her. And once Di had it in mind to attack, she’d stop at nothing to push a wedge between them. So the only thing to do was to do her dirty work for her, at least so they made her think she’d won. "We have to be apart for a while," Camille finally said aloud, and she wasn’t sure who the words had hurt more, Aerla, or herself.
Apart? That was the last thing Aerla wanted to hear. She started to shake. "I’ll be more discreet, I promise. You can’t do this to me," Aerla wailed, no longer caring if anyone heard. She was beyond rationality at this point and it felt like her heart was being ripped from her body.
Camille sprang forward and covered Aerla's mouth with her hand. "I do not mean forever, only a while. Do you want Di to ruin this for both of us?" Aerla shook her head softly under Camille's hand, her eyes looking up at her pleadingly. "Then listen to me. Can you do that?"
Camille withdrew her hand and Aerla uttered a hushed, "Yes".
"We cannot see each other until after the winter holidays."
"But that’s—"
"Aerla," Camille interrupted. A pout painted her lips, but she quieted and let her continue. "Make it until school lets out for the holidays and I will write to you, and you may write me back if you can get away with it. This is not how I wanted things to go, but sometimes sacrifices must be made for the greater good. If Di were to—"
"I know," Aerla said, having understood all too well the repercussions of a tattletale. "Two months then? And you will write? Do you have my home address?"
"The school has it on file. I’ll be able to access it, and yes, I will write. I promise you I will."
While they still had a moment alone, Aerla hugged her tightly. Camille went stiff for a moment, having had hardly enough time to realize it was coming, but then her arms encircled Aerla fully and she kissed the top of her mess of red curls. When she let go, she saw the wetness pooling under Aerla's eyes, sure she’d have tear stains on her dress. "It won’t be that long," she promised. "Dry your eyes."
Aerla sniffed and wiped her eyes on the sleeve of her school dress. She would be strong. She had to be. This was only a minor setback.
Chapter Nine <- 🩵 -> Chapter Eleven
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Forever Tag: @baubeautyandthegeek, @kmc1989, @curious-kittens-ocs, @fanficanatic-tw, @gcthvile
Aerla Grae: @athenodora-sulpicia-writer, @ilovehotactresses, @sobby-the-brat0
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littleone088 · 8 months
Miss Gribben -
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Gail Gribben felt her heart stir into a frenzy of cacophonous beats as she watched the young girl undress.
Sixteen years of age, and she had already developed past her years. Perky breasts, strong hips and mouthwatering smooth skin. Cecelia let her bathing suit fall to the floor in the perceived privacy of the boathouse.
The older woman bent down slightly, peeking through the gap in the door. Her lips parted as a slow, ragged gasp blew its way from her mouth. The girl was magnificent. Perfect curves and baby-butter skin.
Her chest filled with passionate fire as her cheeks flushed, a dark desire took over her already flexible morals. Miss Gribben felt her underwear dampen, and her thighs rubbed in an effort to manage her overwhelmingly sexual feelings.
Her heel clacked against the wooden floor painfully loud. She froze. Her hand on the closed door slid against her will to create a sharp wooshing sound. The floorboards creaked beneath her.
Cecelia froze, and Miss Gribben watched as every muscle in her body tensed. Her erect nipples became visible as the young girl turned, Miss G knew she had mere seconds before her peering eye was noticed in the crack of the door.
All Cecilia knew was that someone was in the boathouse. Watching her. In a flash the uninvited blue eye was gone and shoes clicked against the cold floorboards as a stranger rushed to the exit.
Cecelia's pov
"My girls are strong, you are fearless!" Miss Gribben struck her hands as I watched Diana Radfield climb back onto the platform.
Our instructor threw a towel over her shoulders, patted Di on the back and sent her on her way. Her eyes shone in the sunlight of the rare British summertime indulgence. Miss G turned her head, loose shoulder length waves tossed to the side as she gleefully laughed.
Her eyes met mine, soft blue pools swimming with unmasked fondness. I bared her an awkward smile that she returned with genuine affection.
"On the platform, Celia" her soft voice ordered me as she quickly broke eye contact. Clearing her throat, Miss G adjusted her silk scarf to distract herself from something. Unknown to me, that temptation was the skin exposed as I dropped my bathrobe in favour of the gapless swim suit for diving.
Her eyes on my derriére were frightengly obvious to the other girls, sparking whispers and secret giggles. Miss Gribben silenced them with a single, hard glare in their direction.  They loved her, but they also respected her enough to stop.
The Teacher swallowed hard. Cecelia was a girl designed to test Miss G's resolve and already thin morals. It was as I looked back at her from the highest platform, a giddy, childlike smile brushing my lips that a single thought crossed her mind.
Miss Gribben had to have Cecilia.
She was hers.
Miss Gribben heard the gentle rap of knuckles on the door to her bathroom. Her little grin was hard to mask as she heard a soft, slightly scared voice call out.
"You sent for me, Miss G. Is everything okay?"
She shivered in the warmth of her bathtub. Even the girl's voice could reduce her to wetness.
Her fingers dipped low, and skirted the edges of her lower lips. She hadn't shaved in about a week, with little spurts of hair on the helm of her pubic bone. Still, she pressed on. Cecilia continued speaking.
"Miss G, I can come back later if you're busy-"
"No no, keep talking. Tell me about your day"
Miss Gribben felt her heart race, and she doubled checked the locked door with her eyes. Her finger found her engorged, soaked clit that twitched like a little rabbits nose as the girl outside the bathroom began to speak.
"Um... My lessons went quite well, we wrote letters to our parents"
God, her voice was so soft and gentle. So innocent and sweet. Miss G bit her lip as she massaged the little bean. The proximity between her naked cunt and the unknowingly seductive Cecilia was exhilarating.
Her chest rose and fell in soft, deep lungfuls of air. Her breathing became pants, her head fell back and the tips of her hair became damp in the water of the bath. Gail Gribben muttered a curse as the girl stopped talking.
"Keep talking"
"Just keep talking!"
Cecilia was confused. This was highly unusual. Miss Gribben never usually allowed students into her room this late at night, what did she need that couldn't wait until morning?
She could hear her teacher's breathing become laboured, possibly raspy. Cecilia knocked on the door once again.
"Miss Gribben, are you feeling okay?"
The breathing stopped.
She knocked again.
"Miss Gribben?"
Celia heard the swoosh of water, and eventual padding of soft feet against a tiled floor.
The door slammed open, and revealed a sight Cecelia would never forget.
Miss G was... naked.
Her small, perky breasts sat at attention. Her dark blue eyes were hooded with impatience.
"M-Miss G-"
I was slammed to the wall in a rough,  frenzied manner. Miss G was like I'd never seen her before. Frustrated, and... Needy?
Her wet, naked body pressed against my clothes until I was soaked too. Her face was inches from my own.
"Fuck me..."
Miss Gribben pushed my shoulders hard against the wall, holding me there. She was taller than me, and looking down with big desperate eyes.
"I called you here... To fuck me"
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lgbtfilmes · 1 year
Situada na década de 1930, em um rigoroso internato de elite britânico chamado St Mathilda's, a história se concentra em um grupo de garotas que idolatram sua enigmática instrutora de mergulho , Miss G ( Eva Green ) (no filme, descobrimos que a senhorita G havia sido uma estudante na mesma escola em que agora trabalha e pode até continuar na escola depois que ela se formou). Di Radfield ( Juno Temple ) tem uma queda por Miss G, e é a empresa favorita e líder de seu grupo. Quando uma linda garota espanhola chamada Fiamma Corona ( María Valverde) chega à escola, o foco da senhorita G é desviado das outras garotas. Torna-se um triângulo: Miss G fica cada vez mais obcecada com Fiamma, Fiamma é perturbada pela Miss G e também abertamente aborrecida pelas hipocrisias e decepções do professor, e Di é terrivelmente ciumento e torna a vida de Fiamma um inferno. Em uma cena muito reveladora do filme que destacou claramente os enganos da srta. G, a srta. G (que alegou ser uma viajante do mundo para suas "meninas") vai a uma cidade paroquial próxima para comprar algumas provisões. Ela está visivelmente chateada com essa viagem e, depois de comprar suas provisões e chamar a atenção indesejada de alguns arruaceiros locais, ela volta à escola, ao que parece, quase em pânico. O assédio culmina com Di expulsando Fiamma fisicamente da escola, mas, como ela não pode retornar à Espanha como esperava, Fiamma acaba voltando à escola mais tarde naquela noite. Quando Fiamma é finalmente encontrada, as duas meninas dão os primeiros passos em direção à amizade, e na festa do dormitório a seguir ficam todas um pouco bêbadas, e Fiamma desmaia. Miss G a leva para seu próprio quarto. Então Miss G a beija e a estupra enquanto desmaia; Di testemunha isso pela porta da sala, que ficou entreaberta, e depois foge. Na manhã seguinte, Fiamma está visivelmente chateada e a Srta. G está igualmente angustiada enquanto corre atrás dela. Di é meditativa e, eventualmente, diz ao resto de sua gangue que Fiamma seduziu a senhorita G. Fiamma presumivelmente diz à senhorita G que ela relatará o abuso sexual aos professores e, horrorizada, a senhorita G percebe que sua carreira terminará. Ela, por sua vez, manipula o carinho de Di por ela em raiva. Ela diz que Fiamma inventará mentiras sobre molestá-la (mesmo que seja verdade) e planeja levá-la a ser expulsa da escola. Di se recusa absolutamente a permitir que isso aconteça. O confronto entre a gangue de Di e Fiamma fica feio quando Fiamma se recusa a responder às perguntas cruéis de Di e tenta explicar o que realmente aconteceu, sugerindo as mentiras e os defeitos de caráter da senhorita G. Fiamma corre para a floresta à medida que as coisas se tornam mais violentas, mas as meninas a alcançam e, sob a liderança de Di, batem nela com seus paus e punhos. Fiamma começa a ter um ataque de asma e as meninas param aterrorizadas. Eles correm para buscar ajuda, e Di encontra a Srta. G (que estava assistindo o espancamento e a perseguição que se seguiu em silêncio e sem nenhuma tentativa de impedir o espancamento), que diz que ela ficará com Fiamma e manda Di ir buscar um professor. Recomendação: Má Educação(2004) IMDb
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dressedwonderfully · 5 years
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Juno Temple as Di Radfield in Cracks (2009)
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Cracks by Sheila Kohler
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estherdedlock · 3 years
Okay, I’m still processing The Secret History, so I don’t want to talk about that. Instead, I decided to make a mini-list of some movies/books that are in the Dark Academia vein, but that I haven’t seen on rec lists. All descriptions are from Wikipedia, with my comments below.
Cracks (2009 movie) Set in the 1930s in a strict elite British boarding school called St Mathilda's, the story centres on a clique of girls who idolise their enigmatic diving instructor, Miss G (Eva Green). Di Radfield (Juno Temple) has a crush on Miss G, and is the firm favourite and ringleader of her group. When a beautiful Spanish girl named Fiamma Corona (María Valverde) arrives at the school, Miss G's focus is shifted away from the other girls. It becomes a triangle: Miss G gets increasingly obsessed with Fiamma, Fiamma is disturbed by Miss G and also openly disgusted by the teacher's hypocrisies and deceptions, and Di is terribly jealous and makes Fiamma's life hell. ED: Very atmospheric, with great performances especially from the girls. Warnings for implied underage sexual assault and bullying.
Testament of Youth (2014 movie) In 1914, Vera Brittain wants to escape her traditional family by attending Oxford University with her younger brother Edward and his friends at Uppingham School, Roland Leighton and Victor Richardson. In the face of her father's opposition, she passes the entrance examination for Somerville College, Oxford. Before enrolling at Oxford, Vera and Roland—who shares her interest in writing and poetry—begin a romance, although she knows that Victor is in love with her. ED: This movie’s about Brittain’s service as a VAD nurse in World War I, so that’s obviously the main focus of the plot, but the scenes filmed at Oxford are glorious to look at and provide insight into the experiences of the first wave of women who were allowed to study there. It’s based on her autobiography of the same name, published in 1933, which contains even more descriptions of her life at Oxford, where she returned after the war to complete her degree in English Literature. Warnings for gory depictions of injury and death -- Brittain’s writing style in the book can also be a little hard to get through at times.
Surprised by Joy, C.S. Lewis (1955 book) A partial autobiography published by C. S. Lewis in 1955. The work describes Lewis’s life from very early childhood (born 1898) until his conversion to Christianity in 1931 ED: Given its focus on Lewis’s religious experience, this won’t be a book to interest everyone, but it’s notable for its unvarnished -- and very, very dark -- description of life in an upper middle-class British boys’ school in the early 20th century. This ain’t no Dead Poets Society: warnings for descriptions of systematic sexual abuse and bullying. Also have to advise that Lewis was very much “a man of his time,” and so his writing tends to be heavy on the masculine-biased language and a generally condescending tone (sorry to all you Lewis lovers).   
Things Heard, Things Seen (2021 movie, Netflix original) In 1979, Catherine Clare, an art restorer, lives in Manhattan with her husband George and daughter Franny. When George lands a job teaching art history at a college, the family moves into a large farm house in upstate New York. ED: This is not really a movie about academia but the film’s look and feel is **chef’s kiss!** The college scenes were filmed at Holy Cross Monastery in West Park, New York and they are wonderfully atmospheric, as is the whole movie with many sweeping vistas of the fall/winter landscape. While it may not scratch your Dark Academia itch, this is overall an excellent film with moving performances, some good jump scares, a number of surprises, and an unexpectedly satisfying ending. Warnings for domestic abuse, eating disorders, murder, and some bloody scenes. 
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watch-crack-k6 · 2 years
Download Watch crack (keygen) latest version 3PP+
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 Plot[ edit ] Set in the s in a strict elite British boarding school called St Mathilda's, the story centres on a clique of girls who idolise their enigmatic diving instructor, Miss G Eva Green in the film, we learn that Miss G had been a student at the same school where she now works and may even have continued on at the school after she graduated. Di Radfield Juno Temple has a crush on Miss G, and is the firm favourite and ringleader of her group. It becomes a triangle: Miss G gets increasingly obsessed with Fiamma, Fiamma is disturbed by Miss G and also openly disgusted by the teacher's hypocrisies and deceptions, and Di is terribly jealous and makes Fiamma's life hell. Miss G who claims to be a world traveller goes to a nearby parochial town to buy some provisions. She draws the unwanted attention of some local louts and is visibly upset and in a near-panic when she returns to the school. The bullying culminates in Di physically throwing Fiamma out of the school but, unable to return to Spain as she hoped, Fiamma returns later that night. Di and Fiamma begin to develop a friendship. Fiamma faints at a dorm party, and Miss G takes her to her own room, where she rapes her while she is passed out. Di witnesses this and flees. The next morning, Fiamma is visibly upset, and Miss G is equally distressed as she runs around after her. Di is broody, and eventually tells the rest of her gang that Fiamma seduced Miss G. Fiamma presumably tells Miss G that she will report the molestation to the teachers, and horrified, Miss G realises her career will be over. She in turn manipulates Di's affection for her into anger. She says that Fiamma will make up lies about her molesting her even though it was true and plans to get her kicked out of school. Di absolutely refuses to allow this to happen. The confrontation between Di's gang and Fiamma turns ugly as Fiamma declines to answer Di's vicious questions and tries to explain what really happened, hinting at Miss G's lies and character defects. Fiamma runs into the forest as things become more violent, but the girls catch up with her and, under Di's leadership, beat her with their sticks and fists. Fiamma starts to have an asthma attack, and the girls stop, terrified. They run to get help, and Di runs into Miss G who had been watching the beating and the chase that ensued quietly and with no attempt to stop the beating , who says she'll stay with Fiamma, and directs Di to go get a teacher. In the forest, Miss G, alone with Fiamma, refuses to give Fiamma her inhaler and calmly watches her die. Di returns just in time to see Miss G placing the inhaler in Fiamma's lifeless hand, realizing the truth. Later, Di tells the other girls what happened and, united, they confront Miss G. They are powerless officially, but they quit the diving team and symbolically turn in their sashes. The headmistress refuses to acknowledge the school's culpability, and seems only concerned with the school's reputation, but releases Miss G from her duties. The final scene has Di leaving the school to explore the world, as both Fiamma and Miss G had spoken of doing, whilst Miss G, fired from the school, goes to the local village and finds a small room she can live in, presumably closing herself away for the rest of her life. In a scene that perhaps allows the viewer a better understanding of Miss G's personality, we see her put her few personal possessions on her bedside table. She puts one item there and then quickly removes it to make room for another item. After that, she counts the items to make sure that there are only five. The viewer is then reminded that when Fiamma arrived at the school, in the dorm room, Di had told her that only five personal items could be displayed on her night table at one time.
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applekriss · 7 years
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“Cracks” es la ópera prima de la guionista, fotógrafa y directora inglesa Jordan Scott, hija del célebre director Ridley Scott (Gladiador, Alien, Prometheus) estrenada en 2009. Fue co-escrita por Jordan Scoot, Caroline Ip y Ben Court, y está basada en la novela de 1999 (que lleva el mismo) de la autora sudafricana Sheila Kohler.
La historia se centra en un grupo de estudiantes de un prestigioso internado inglés solo para mujeres en 1934. Estas jóvenes forman parte de un equipo de natación comandado por Miss G (mi adorada Eva Green), una misteriosa y carismática profesora a la que todas las chicas admiran, y liderado por la capitana y favorita de Miss G, Di Radfield (Juno Temple). Las estudiantes adoran a su maestra, pero la llegada de Fiamma (María Valverde), una nueva estudiante proveniente de España, desencadenará una serie de dramáticos acontecimientos. 
“Cracks” explora las emociones y relaciones humanas, pero desde un lado más oscuro. Es una historia de celos, admiración, miedo, inocencia y fragilidad, pero sobre todo, nos muestra esa delgada línea que existe entre el deseo y la obsesión. Es una película que cada cierto tiempo vuelvo a ver, estéticamente es preciosa y me gusta mucho la manera en que está contada la historia que te absorbe desde el primer momento, se toma su tiempo y logra hacerte sentir parte de ella, además encuentro que el casting es brillante, Eva Green, Juno Temple, Imogen Poots y María Valverde todas en una misma película me parece soñado. 
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(Craft Essay) ni Kelsey Cabaraban
Ang Cracks ay isang Independent Film na pinalabas noong 2009 sa direksyon ni Jordan Scott. Ito ay isang Psychological Thriller na tumutalakay sa isang guro na may paghuhumaling sa isang estudyante. Si Miss G ay isang guro sa isang boarding school. Sa paaralan na ito, mayroong mga piling mga estudyante sa kanilang swimming team na pinamumunuan ni Di Radfield. Isang araw, dumating ang isang estudyanteng aristocrat galing sa Espanya na si Fiamma. Nararamdaman ni Di na ang lahat ng atensyon at pokus ni Miss G ay patungo kay Fiamma at nagseselos si Di. Pinag-api ni Di si Fiamma dahil inaasa niya na babalik si Fiamma sa Espanya ngunit hindi ito nangyari sapagkat sinubukan nila maging magkaibigan. Nagplano ang buong grupo magkaroon ng isang midnight feast at habang nagsalu-salo sila, nalasing si Fiamma at tinulungan ito ni Miss G. Dinala ni Miss G si Fiamma sa kanyang kwarto subalit ginahasa niya si Fiamma. Nasaksihan ito ni Di. Sa susunod na araw, napagtanto ni Miss G na ang kanyang ginawa ay makaapekto sa kanyang pagtuturo dahil balak ni Fiamma na isumbong sa mga ibang guro. Ginamit ni Miss G ang mga damdamin ni Di para sa kanya at sinabihang si Fiamma ang gumahasa sa kanya. Nagalit si Di kay Fiamma at sama sa kanyang grupo, binugbog nila si Fiamma. Nagkaroon ng asthma attack si Fiamma. Natakot ang grupo at tumakbo sila. Dumarating si Miss G na inobserba niya ang nangyari sa malayo. Hindi niya binigay ang inhaler ni Fiamma, at namatay si Fiamma. Nasaksihan ito ni Di at napagtanto niya ang katotohana. Hinarap ng buong grupo si Miss G at binigay nila balik ang kanilang mga sintas na isang simbolo sa kanilang pagalis nila sa swimming team. Sa huli, umalis si Di upang maglakbay tulad ng mga kwento ni tinatalakay ni Fiamma sa kanya.
Hindi man binabanggit sa karakter ni Miss G ngunit may mga ebidensya na mayroon siyang personality disorder kung susuriin ang kanyang karakter. Ayon sa MentalHealthAmerica.net, mayroong mga iba’t-ibang sintomas ng personality disorders ayon sa kanilang mga kategorya. Sa pelikula, may mga ipinapakita na mga sintomas ng Cluster B personality disorder si Miss G. Ang Cluster B personality disorder kay nagpapakita ng Dramatic, Emotional o Erratic Behavior. Una sa lahat, nagpapakita si Miss G ng isang sintomas ng Cluster B personality disorder na antisocial behavior o hindi makahalubilo sa mga tao. Nakikita sa isang eksena sa pelikula na lumabas si Miss G sa paaralan upang bumili ng mga pagkain para sa kay Fiamma. Nakikita sa eksenang ito na nagkagulo at napapakita ng sindak si Miss G habang nasa siya sa labas. Ito rin ay nakikita sa huling eksena niya kung saan hindi siya nagpapakita sa lipunan at ibinubukod niya ang kanyang sarili sa isang kwarto.
Ikalawang sintomas na ipinapakita ni Miss G ay ang pagkakaroon ng unstable mood swings o bigla-biglaang pagbabago ng mga emosyon. Mayroong mga eksena na masaya pa si Miss G subalit bigla nalang siyang nagalit sa susunod na eksena. Sa mga eksenang ito, nagpapakita rin siya ng irritable behavior kung saan madali lang siya magalit sa kahit maliliit lang na mga bagay.
Higit sa lahat, nagpapakita siya ng personality disorder noong emotionally manipulative siya kay Di sa paraan na ginamit niya ang mga damdamin ni Di sa kanya upang makuha ang kanyang gusto kahit na kasinungalingan ang kanyang mga sinasabi. Nagpapakita rin siya ng personality disorder noong ginahasa niya si Fiamma. Sa pagtatapos, ang Cracks ay isang Psychological Thriller na pelikula na ipinalabas noong 2009 sa direksyon ni Jordan Scott. Ito ay isang pelikula na nagpapakita sa isang guro na nagpapakita ng personality disorders.
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eddysocs · 4 months
The Object Of Desire — Chapter Nine (Just A Little Bit)
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Summary: After their shared moment in the woods, Aerla and Camille begin a clandestine affair, but despite the secrecy, someone knows, and any more risky moves could put an end to everything.
Word Count: 1,447
Warnings: Student/Teacher Relationship, secrecy, tension, angst
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That night, Aerla furiously scribbled down the experience of the day, noting every last detail as she could recall it before any part of it slipped away. The quickness of her hand scrawled some of the words beyond legibility to an unknowing eye. That was probably for the best. She filled three —nearly four— pages of her leather bound journal before she deemed it satisfactory. Her hand ached from the intensity with which she had gripped her pen, but she had to document it. She felt glorious, and this was a day that she wished not to forget.
Sliding the journal under her pillow, which felt like the safest place for it, Aerla turned to see the ever hateful Di Radfield glaring at her from across the room. Aerla planned to ignore her. Naturally, Di would make that impossible.
"Where were you? You didn’t take the meal with us." Di's tone was already accusatory and Aerla wondered why exactly she cared about her whereabouts. It’s not as if she skipped out on dining with friends. Di and her little group had hardly spoken to her, even less so after she officially decided against joining the diving team.
"I’d already taken my tea early, if you must know. I was out getting some air. I don’t know about English girls, but we Irish girls tend to enjoy the out of doors. Though if you prefer this musty old building, then you’re welcome to it." Aerla was done being nice to Di. She’d tried in the beginning, but any time Di spoke to her, she felt as if she were being talked down to, and she wasn’t about to let it continue. If Di wanted to ask her inane questions, she’d be getting snide answers in return.
Di made a face at her, and Aerla remained stoic. She was about to speak again, but Aerla's stone faced stare had taken the words away from her. She doubted that would be the last she heard from Di, but that was the end of it for now. Hunkering down under the covers, Aerla closed her eyes and let herself drift off into a blissful night of sleep.
Morning came and with it the doldrums of its stifling routine. Aerla would only catch passing glimpses of Camille throughout the day, and have a word or two at the midday meal if she were to be lucky. But regardless how much or how little she saw her, Camille remained at the forefront of her mind. Despite her distraction, she wouldn’t allow her marks to drop. That had been one of the reasons she’d been kept an eye on at her previous school, and she did not wish to repeat that bit of her history. She was clever, always had been, and this time, she’d use that intelligence in her favor.
While she did scribble down notes and the odd, small doodle in her journal, during her hours in classes, she did pay attention. It was in between that her mind wandered. And as it did, she knocked clean into the source of her distraction.
She rushed out an apology the moment they’d collided, and before she’d even known who she’d clumsily bumped into. "I wasn’t looking, I’m— Cam—" Aerla stopped herself before her full name came out and she swallowed it back down. "I mean, Miss G. My apologies. I wasn’t looking where I was going."
Camille looked about to see if anyone had seen or overheard their little mishap. It seemed everyone else was too preoccupied to have taken much notice. "That’s quite alright, Miss Grae," she replied with a knowing wink when she felt sure that they weren’t being watched. As she prepared to part ways, Camille carefully maneuvered so that the back of her hand would pass against Aerla's as a final gesture that she had been thinking about her. Aerla felt the deliberate yet soft touch, and turned back just in time to see the smile on Camille's face.
Aerla's heartbeat momentarily quickened at the thrill of being so secretive, yet so open at the same time. The rest of the day she felt as if she were on a cloud. She knew she wouldn’t be able to properly meet her any time soon, but the thought of another moment like the one they’d just shared left her feeling giddy.
The rest of the week she waited for another moment like that one. It never came, but Aerla had rationalized that it wouldn’t always be possible and may even be dangerous to repeat even such a small action with others around. She understood, but that didn’t stop her from wanting more.
Friday night, and Aerla was restless. She’d been thinking of Camille all week, yet hardly a moment alone since that interaction in the halls between class periods. She desperately wanted to go and see her. But was it a risk she was willing to take?
After some time thinking it over, Aerla threw off her bedsheets in a rush and left her bed, careful to make as little noise as possible as she headed for the door. She just wanted to test something, see how much she could get away with. If any of the other girls saw her go, they didn’t say a word. So far, so good. She shut the door as gingerly as she could and she was off down the hall. She meant only to go out for a drink of water, an easy enough task and one quite obvious to explain away. She’d seen girls do the exact same before with no consequences but a word on more appropriate timing.
Yet Aerla's feet did not lead her to water this time, but to Camille’s door. The halls had been clear of any who might have caught her out, and this may be the only time the two of them would have alone.
Aerla rapped on her door at the softest volume her knuckles would allow, and waited in anticipation for Camille to open her door. Finally, the door opened and Camille peeked out, tying a dark, silky robe around her waist. It was clear she had been asleep until her arrival. "Aerla, what are you doing out here so late? If someone were to catch you—" she hissed, but Camille neglected to finish her sentence before she pulled Aerla inside.
"I needed to see you. I couldn’t sleep for thinking of you." To hear Aerla say such things, and truly mean them, ignited a flame of desire within her, but she could not allow caution to be thrown so easily into the wind. She had to maintain control. "Have you been thinking of me," Aerla asked, her eyes searching.
Again, she’d caught her off her guard, but there was no sense in lying to the girl. "I have, of course. But there is a way to handle these things," Camille attempted to reason.
Aerla sighed in defeat. She’d not come here for a lecture. "I’m here now, and I’ll leave as soon as you want me to, but can we not have a moment with one another?"
Aerla was temptation personified, begging Camille to give in to what she’s wanted from the very beginning. Only the cost still outweighed the benefit of indulging her desires. "Aerla," Camille began to gently chastise once more, but Aerla wouldn’t hear another word. Her lips collided with Camille's, knocking her back a step until she righted herself and kissed Aerla back.
Camille's hands went to Aerla's face and neck, holding her for a moment before pushing back. They couldn’t do this now. Not with the thin walls and Miss Niven next door, and not when she wasn’t sure how deep Aerla's feelings for her really went. If this was a passing fancy of hers, then she could not risk it all just for her heart to break in the end.
To see Aerla's dejected expression nearly broke her resolve, and she allowed both herself and Aerla one more kiss, quick but sweet. Enough to tide them over, or so she hoped. "I don’t want to send you away, but I don’t want to lose this either. Trust me to find the right time for us. Please," Camille pleaded.
Aerla nodded. She’d been foolish to show up here in the first place. She was risking another move for herself at best, institutionalization at worst and that didn’t even take into account what she was risking for Camille. Her job, her reputation, everything. She did trust that Camille would find a way for them to safely see each other and that would have to be good enough for now.
Chapter Eight <- 🩵 -> Chapter Ten
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Forever Tag: @baubeautyandthegeek, @kmc1989, @curious-kittens-ocs, @fanficanatic-tw, @gcthvile
Aerla Grae: @athenodora-sulpicia-writer, @ilovehotactresses
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littleone088 · 8 months
Miss Gribben -
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The water rushed in my ears as I emerged from the lashing water. My instructor's voice was hushed as the waves lapped against the side of my head. My eyes burned as they opened against the pressure, just before I broke the surface.
Miss G's clapping hands were muffled to sound like thunder through rushing water. Her smile beamed through the sunlight blaring into my eyes. Her pale skin shone with the intensity of thousands of tiny little diamonds arranged in tandem with her flesh.
As I climbed onto the dock, a warm towel wrapped around my shoulders as my teammates gathered around. Miss Gribben's hands were warm as she wrapped herself around my shoulders, eyes running over my body shivering with achievement.
"Beautiful form! Absolutely beautiful..." Her smile, for the briefest second, turned animalistic. I caught the change as she let her hand squeeze the joint of my shoulder.
The team stood in an awkward circle waiting for further instruction. Shared glances and little giggles over secret jokes I was not privy to.
The dock felt divided into two factions. Miss G and I, always together, and the rest of them. It was like there was an invisible forcefield projected onto us the second I was with her. They hated me.
"Beautiful form!" A hushed, mocking giggle, too quiet to discern who it belonged to, broke the silence over the lashing waves. Although, clearly, I wasn't the only one to hear it. Her grip on me hardened.
Miss G let out a frustrated huff, snatching the towel from my shoulders as she stormed towards the group. Her loose scarf billowed in the wind as she grasped Diana Radfield and pulled her from the crowd to single her out.
"Yes, and what of it?!" Her voice was harsh, harsher than I'd ever heard it.  Di visibly flinched as if she expected our Instructor to strike her. As the yelling continued, I began to attempt calming my teacher.
"Miss G-"
"No!" She shook my hands off of her arms, shooting me an icy look warning me to back off. Her grip on Di's wrist began to turn white.
"You're all just jealous, is that it?" Tears began welling in Radfield's eyes as Miss Gribben let her anger take hold "jealous that dear Y/n shows more promise than any of you ever have!"
Her accent began to peak as emotion took hold. Di had started sobbing, attempting to rip her arm from Miss G's grip. The young girl managed to tear herself away from our teacher, stumbling backward into one of her friends.
Miss G turned to face me, anger slowly beginning to dissipate the longer she watched me. I hesitated as she reached to take my hand.
"Come with me, sweetheart" her eyes became softer, but still frustrated. I had no choice as she dragged me down the pier towards the main building of our school. The dive training abandoned, her hand squeezed mine.
"I can't believe them, how dare they try to diminish your accomplishments-"
As soon as the door to her quarters was closed, I was in her arms. As I always had been. I felt her tense as my arms wrapped around her. Still in my swimsuit, I shivered at the cold draft from an open window. Miss G stroked through my wet hair, splitting knots and letting me bask in her body heat.
"Would you like a shower, my sweet girl? I'll warm you up"
"Yes please!" My eagerness made her giggle, even as she stroked my cheek with her fingers. Her eyes held reverence.
"Strip off, darling. I'll start the shower" her hand patted my cheek, teeth perfect as porcelain as she smiled down at me. With great reluctance I let her go, shuddering without her heat. She sauntered into the adjoing bathroom, leaving the door open so that I could see.
I'd forgotten about my own clothes. Miss Gribbens stood without her trousers after kicking them aside, left with only a button down cream silk shirt to cover herself. Her fingers hooked in the waistband of black lace underwear, arching her back as she pulled them down her legs and off of her ankle. My mouth hung open as I watched her.
The bathroom steamed up. I saw the mirror running slick with condensation until I tore myself away and focused on removing my swimsuit. Miss G turned herself around, fully naked, to watch me make my way over to her.
Her eyes ran over me, watching the little shudders of cold with fascination. Her hands ran across my shoulders, down to cup my breasts then stroke my ribcage. She smiled.
Her voice was hushed, hoarse with emotion. She whispered "I would do anything for you... Anything"
I wetted my lips, placing my hand atop hers. I swallowed. Was it too early to say it? Did she even feel the same?
"I love you, Miss"
Her eyes adjusted, pupils dilated. Her eyes watered with emotion. She coughed out a faint laugh and took my face in her hands.
"I love you, my sweet child. You-" she swallowed "-are the best thing in this world, and I can't get over the fact that I have you for myself"
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sassmill · 8 years
I relate to Di Radfield in that I definitely would also have an enormous crush on Ms G because eva green is pretty and a little intimidating
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An alternative ending to the movie. After the unfortunate event, Di wants to confront Miss G. Angst, mature, one-shot. [FemSlash: Di/Miss G.]
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Today’s BPD character of the day is: Di Radfield from Cracks
(submitted by stepfordsnarker!)
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eddysocs · 8 months
The Object Of Desire — Chapter Five (Starting To Feel Like Home)
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Summary: An exploration of the school grounds leads Aerla to finding a nice, secluded spot before ultimately leading her back to the lake.
Word Count: 1,136
Warnings: Mention of/implied skinny dipping, but blink and you’ll miss it
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As the next two days passed, Aerla found herself speaking casually to a few of the other students. Di Radfield, one of Miss G's divers seemed particularly eager to get to know her. Di was a bit much, but Aerla remained polite to her when she fired inquiry after inquiry at her. It was probably for the best that she be on good terms with the girls she planned on diving with.
While they hadn’t exactly bonded, Aerla noticed Di's watchful eye on her from time to time. Perhaps she only needed time to warm up to her. She couldn’t fault her for that as she was much the same with new people and after what had happened, some extra caution didn’t really seem like a bad thing.
On her first weekend at St. Mathilde's, Aerla was at a loss with what to do with herself. Some of the girls went into town with a chaperone, but Aerla chose instead to investigate the school grounds on her own. Setting out on a idle walk, Aerla let her eyes lead her around. Once they had settled on the edge of the forest, she decided to venture in. Not far, she told herself, just enough to maybe catch sight of some wildlife.
She didn’t have to go far before she came upon a small clearing, with a large, fallen tree going right down the middle of it. It was a place she could imagine finding peace in, should she need to get away. Birdsong echoed softly and Aerla smiled. She would remember this place.
Continuing on with her walk, she found that her feet had led her to the lake. She felt so at home here already. Not at the school in general just yet, but at the water. The water was still, not a breeze in the air to cause even a ripple. Aerla decided to cast off her shoes and stockings and dip her feet in at the end of the dock. She sat there for much of the afternoon. She probably should go back inside, she thought, before anyone thought she was out getting into trouble. She couldn’t lose this place, not when she was just beginning to like it.
"The lake is nice like this, isn’t it," a familiar voice asked, drawing Aerla away from her trancelike state.
"Miss G," Aerla said fondly, recognizing her voice in an instant. "Yes, it is nice. Being near the water always helps me relax."
"I see we had the same idea then." Aerla could hear the sound of the high heel being set down on the dock, one after another and then Miss G had joined her, sitting close, despite there being more than enough room for them not to touch. Aerla liked the closeness, so she didn’t bring it up in case it caused her to move away. "I figured you might be off to explore the town with the other girls."
"I thought about it, but I wanted to get to experience this place on my own. This is going to be my home for some time after all."
Camille was glad to hear that. She had hoped Aerla would like it here enough to want to stay and not do anything that would get her sent away. The two of them then gazed out at the lake, not speaking for some time, just letting the comfortable silence linger between them filled only by the sounds of nature around them. This was good, Camille told herself. They could be content like this with one another, without pressure to force a connection. This felt easy. It felt right.
"Camille." The name fell out of her mouth smoothly, yet without context. Aerla looked over to her. "It’s my given name," Camille explained.
"It’s lovely. I think it suits you."
The remnants of the day faded into dusk as soft, full clouds rolled in. How had the day gotten away from her so quickly, Aerla wondered. Perhaps spending time in Miss G —or rather Camille's— company made the day pass by more quickly. "What do you say to a dip before we head back indoors," Camille asked, a playful smirk lighting up her face.
"I haven’t brought my bathing suit," Aerla replied.
"So? It’s just the two of us girls. You could go without." A dangerous proposition, the voice inside Camille's head told her, though she’d done similar with her divers before. Yet they weren’t Aerla. She didn’t hold the same desire for them as she did for her. "You’re not obliged, of course," Camille quickly supplied, covering for her hastily spilled words.
"No, you’re right. It’s only you and I. It’s getting late. No one else will be coming out here." Deciding it was sound reasoning, Aerla hoisted herself up and began to undress. Camille was slow to follow, having frozen in place when Aerla had accepted her rather impulsive offer. Camille was only halfway into undoing the fastening of her dress when Aerla dived in.
The sudden splash gave Camille pause, and she held her breath until Aerla resurfaced. When Aerla finally came up for air, Camille released her own breath as she took in the sight of Aerla's dripping red curls and bare shoulders in the dim light. Hurrying herself along, Camille finished disrobing and went in after her. They swan there under the water for as long as they were able, Aerla coming up to the surface first. Camille maintained another ten seconds.
"You can really hold your breath," Aerla commented.
"Practice," came Camille's simple reply.
Despite the darkened sky, Aerla was close enough to Camille to see an unreadable expression flash across her light blue grey eyes and she hardly had time to wonder about it before she was splashed with a strong wave of lake water. She screamed at the sudden rush and chill of it on her face before she was able to retaliate. She sent a wall of water back in Camille's direction, soaking her. Then the two laughed and continued their playful fight until the sky opened up and began to rain down on them, declaring their war a draw.
They were quick to get out of the water, choosing not to linger in case a storm was coming. Having brought no towels, it was a struggle to get their wet bodies into their relatively dry clothes, and it was lucky that neither of them fell over and back into the lake in the process.
The rain grew in intensity, now starting to soak them completely through, but even looking more than slightly disheveled, they found the humor in the state of themselves and doubled over with laughter once more that night before Camille took hold of Aerla's hand and they ran back to the shelter of the dormitories.
Chapter Four <- 🩵 -> Chapter Six
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Forever Tag: @arrthurpendragon, @baubeautyandthegeek, @foxesandmagic, @ginger-grimm, @bossyladies, @atjsgf, @misshiraethsworld, @kmc1989, @curious-kittens-ocs, @fanficanatic-tw, @kissykissymouth, @blood-moon1234567890
Aerla Grae: @athenodora-sulpicia-writer
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sassmill · 8 years
Di Radfield is the exact angry lesbian leader of a girl gang I aspire to be
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