#Dhurgan Fjorgan
dgtor-writes · 2 years
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Dhurgan “Roarin’” Fjorgan of Clan Gruz-Kraza 
Born in the Fjorgan clan of Gruz-Kraza, Dhurgan belongs to the second eldest litter in a family of nine orc cubs. She won her first ritual fight when she was twelve and fell in love with martial arts as a result. Going to Malak National University on a wrestling scholarship, She hopes to be scouted by a fighting agent. But this school year might have other plans (and an omega) for her...
The alpha is boisterous, outgoing and kind, though she can be stubborn and obnoxious at times. Her favorite food is anything to do with meat, though she may have an unhealthy love of protein shakes.
She’s excited to make the most of her four years at uni, meeting new friends and achieving her goals!
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dyke-a-saur · 3 years
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Some Dhurgan from this weekend!
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dgtor-writes · 2 years
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dyke-a-saur · 3 years
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Have you as I have
Walked in the mist
Strayed from the beaten path
Near the mountain edge
Do you know this loneliness
Friend, friend do you understand me
Do you know any secret path
Have you wandered as I have
in the endless uncertainty
- I Tokuni by Eivor
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dyke-a-saur · 3 years
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Bisexual 🤝 Lesbian
Loving buff monster women
Happy pride from my ocs Dhurgan and Hana!
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dgtor-writes · 3 years
Fight Scene From Tusks
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“Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome, and welcome back, to Gore Gambit!”
The announcer’s enthusiastic voice rang out through the dim lit venue. Some odd cross between a bar, gym, and club, Gore Gambit was a rather infamous location where rookie fighters got their starts. And Dhurgan was about to get her first taste of glory.
“Our first match of the night! In our left corner, Roarin’ Fjorgan returns!”
The lights dimmed and a song began to boom in the sound system.
Have you as I have
Walked in the mist
Strayed from the beaten path
Near the mountain edge
Do you know this loneliness
Friend, friend do you understand me
Do you know any secret path
Have you wandered as I have
in the endless uncertainty
The lights flickered in and out as an eight-foot-three orc alpha, with war paint over her eyes and muscled body, emerged out from a small walkway with torn blue curtains.
Her curly hair was braided back into a high pony with smaller braids woven throughout it. Her wolfish eyes shone brightly from the reddish-black, ash-like kohl obscuring her brows and cheeks, seering into everyone in the room. Her face held a startling combination of anger and confidence while her lips threatened to curl up into a snarl. A small pelt, embroidered with knotwork, tied to the front of her carmine trunks, denoting Fjorgan clan heritage. Her very presence commanded a silence throughout the room and even the announcer seemingly went speechless.
“A-and in our right corner, we have Yui ‘K.O.’ Ayodele!”
A slightly shorter fighter, a half-oni, sauntered out from another curtain set on the opposite side of the ring. The two met up in the center, the air pulsating with electricity from them as they stared each other down. Or rather, K.O. stared up. Though Fjorgan’s mass was only a quarter-size larger than hers, her mere presence seemed to overshadow her.
“Alright fighters. You two know the rules,”  barked the referee. “No weapons or tricks. Strike after the bell and you’re out. Shake hands or touch gloves.”
Smirking, K.O reached her hand forward. The alpha did as well, and firmly shook the half-oni’s hand, nearly crushing it with the slightest squeeze. K.O calmly withdrew her sore hand and bounced to her corner of the ring to gain distance. Fjorgan did likewise, regarding her younger opponent the whole time with a penetrating gaze. The referee raised their hand.
“Ready? Set?”
The fighters settled into their stances. A deadly, yet electric blanket of silence fell upon the arena. No one moved as the crowd seemed to hold their breath.
The bell made a deafening clang throughout the ring, kicking off the fight. The alpha lunged forward with frightening speed, before most everyone in the audience even had time to blink.
K.O barely dodged an incoming hook, only to fall right into a sharp knee that knocked the air from her body. Hissing in pain, the half-oni wrestled her way out of a cage-guard and rebounded to the opposite side of the octagon.
Keeping her distance this time, Fjorgan studied her carefully and slowly stalked her way to her young opponent with a tight guard and light feet. She growled low in her throat the whole time, a clear warning to her opponent that she was not to be trifled with.
Snorting ferociously at the alpha, K.O fixed her stance and shook off the hit. The half-oni knew it’d be futile to look for openings to Fjorgan’s middle since the alpha’s guard was immaculate. Her stance was also impenetrable, meaning any attacks there would also fail miserably. The alpha tackled her immediately and worked her into a seatbelt chokehold.
Panicking, K.O struggled fruitlessly in Fjorgan’s hold, slowly being suffocated by a thick arm.
The ref slapped the mat once, then twice, then three times, calling off the attack.
Releasing her opponent, Fjorgan snarled menacingly at her as she returned to her corner of the ring. Cheers sounded throughout the ring, the crowd adoring this triumph.
The ref brought his hand down again, allowing the fight to resume. Fjorgan carefully regarded her opponent and switched her lead stance.
“Wait, what’s this? Our returning fighter seems to be switching things up by changing her stance.”
Murmurs sounded throughout the audience as the alpha crouched low, her posture similar to that of a bear. K.O looked on suspiciously at the orc, who circled her while maintaining this bold new posture.
Fjorgan seemed not to mind the reaction her stance had caused as she rushed in, dodging to the side at the last second before clocking K.O across the back of the head with a sharp crack.
“What a move, folks!” cried the announcer. “A quick box across the back of the head seems to have sent K.O reeling. No wait, they’re still standing! What a fight folks! Looks like we’re all in for an exciting night!”
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dgtor-writes · 3 years
Morning Gorgeous
As morning light filtered into Homraz's room through the blinds, his phone rang.
Startled awake by the ringtone, he snatched it from the corner of his nest in a rush, accidentally answering it before he could hold it up to his ear.
Unfortunately, it was a video call from Kulah.
"Good morning, Mr. Freijord! I hope you're feeling better. The study session is in 2 hours and I hope you've-oh dear!"
"I did not account for the possibility you were preoccupied. You may simply send me a text when you make it to the assembly. Goodbye!"
'What in the-'
As he attempted to shift around in his nest and get a look at what Kulah was panicking over, he was stopped by a thick green arm tossed over him.
He sat up quickly in fear, pushing the arm off. Who the hell was in his nest, in his room?
Rubbing the last remnants of sleep from his eyes, a tangled mass of ginger hair caught his eye.
'What the frick!'
Homraz was more than ready to raise a ruckus, when last night's memories came flooding back.
Dhurgan honestly hadn't thought this far ahead.
After sleeping on the floor, like any decent person, she was awoken by a violent tossing and turning, followed by a fearful shout. Quiet reigned supreme for a few minutes before Homraz sat up in the nest cursing.
"Hey man, you alright?"
That seemed to startle him, judging by the panicked scent in the room. Trying not to choke on the stench of angry peppers, Dhurgan made her way over to the nest. That set Homraz off as he warned her away with a sharp growl.
"Sorry," she apologized, exposing her neck for maximum effect. "Can I come in?"
Dhurgan really didn't wanna make things weird but Homraz wasn't okay, and she didn't know what else to do. Anxious omegas didn't leave their nests for anything, but good luck persuading them to let you in. Unfortunately, Homraz's anxiety at being left alone ruled out taking a trip to the bathroom to pick up his medication, but she wasn't sure if she'd be welcome in the omega's nest to comfort him either.
In that time, Homraz had already rearranged the nest to make room for her and was already staring at her expectantly.
"Don't break your brain over it," he mumbled, burrowing deeper into a duvet. "You can keep sleeping on the floor for all I care."
Smiling softly, Dhurgan climbed into the nest and nestled close to Homraz, who pretended not to notice. But if he did take advantage of the alpha's body heat, scooting close into her warmth, neither of them said a thing.
When the next nightmare came, Dhurgan squeezed the small omega tighter into her chest, making deep rumbling sounds. The method had worked for her younger siblings regardless of dynamic. The soft croon seemed to be just what Homraz needed, as he immediately stopped tossing and turning and relaxed into her hold.
Lulled by the soft rhythm of the alpha's song, both orcs fell asleep soundly.
She was still going too, though it now quieted to soft chuffs. The soft rise and fall of the sound was like a muted but powerful truck engine covered in honey.
Her scent patch had come loose, letting a soft and sweet petrichor mingle sweetly with the spice blackcurrant of his own and filling the room with the scent of rain-kissed berries.
Which had the added side-effect of giving Homraz nausea.
'Aw shit.'
Forget the fact she helped him through his terror, she had to wake up now.
A sleepy mumble came from the nest.
"Abe, gakog kurr brun'kath."
'What the fuck does that mean?'
He'd ask her about it later. Right now though, she needed to wake the fuck up.
"Hey, jerk! Get up!"
Nothing. Could she sleep through an earthquake or something? Sighing, which was difficult to do without gagging, Homraz grabbed his phone and opened the video app.
If there was one thing he knew all Alphas hated, it was the sound of another Alpha's chuffing. Years of experience pranking Gargnar had taught him that they couldn't sleep through it, be in the same room with it, or ignore it. If this didn't wake Dhurgan up, Homraz didn't know what would.
Typing in 'chuffing ASMR', he clicked on the first video and turned the volume to max with a smirk on his face. At the first sound in the video, Dhurgan's ears flicked back and forth in annoyance, waking her up in a heartbeat.
"Agh, turn that off!" she begged, swatting her hand in the air at nothing in particular.
"Time to wake up, sleepyhead!" jeered Homraz.
Growling in annoyance, Dhurgan rolled out of the nest and face first onto the floor. She made a muffled noise of exasperation that was smothered by the carpet
"What was that?" Homraz taunted.
"You're the worst," Dhurgan grumbled.
"Yeah, well don't look for any redeeming qualities, knothead. There are none. Ya' leaked your stink all over my room."
Giving a quick sniff, Dhurgan blushed lightly.
"Ah- sorry."
"Just patch up and get out. We got the stupid assembly in an hour."
"We do?" Dhurgan asked in horrid surprise, finally hauling ass. "Aw, crap!"
Tossing her jacket and a scent patch after her, Homraz went to his bathroom and set the shower on. Checking his other notifications, he saw something that almost made him drop his phone.
'Estrus Tracker: Day 1 of Cycle.'
"No fucking way."
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dyke-a-saur · 4 years
You've been visited by the random OC question fairy! :D ~☆
What traits does your character value most in the people around them? What traits do they hate in other people? What traits do they value/dislike most in themselves?
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Oh my gosh, oh my gosh thank you!!!!
(I’ll go with my character Dhurgan for this one.)
Dhurgan values honesty and courage in others the most. She hates cowardice and deceit. In herself, the alpha likes her physical strength and her courage but doesn’t likes the fact that she can still get really nervous and shy from time to time. 
Overall, she tries her hardest to be a pillar of strength for those in her life and really honest with them. Vulnerability is something she’s still working on, but she’s getting there.
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dyke-a-saur · 4 years
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It’s Mascgirl Monday!!
Ft. Dhurgan “Roarin’” Fjorgan!
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