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theodoreangelos · 2 years ago
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Fragment of a polychrome Christ figure from a medieval palm group (c. 1500), Treasury of the Teutonic Order (Brothers and Sisters of the German House of St. Mary in Jerusalem), Vienna, Austria Fragment einer polychromen Christusfigur aus einer mittelalterlichen Palmeselgruppe (um 1500), Schatzkammer des Deutschen Ordens (Brüder und Schwestern vom Deutschen Haus St. Mariens in Jerusalem), Wien, Österreich Фрагмент полихромной фигуры Христа из средневековой пальмовой группы (ок. 1500 г.), Сокровищница Тевтонского ордена (Братья и сестры немецкого дома Святой Марии в Иерусалиме), Вена, Австрия Fragment d'une figure polychrome du Christ provenant d'un groupe médiéval de palmes (vers 1500), Trésor de l'Ordre allemand (Frères et Sœurs de la Maison allemande de Sainte-Marie à Jérusalem), Vienne, Autriche
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theteutoniccrusader-blog · 5 years ago
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Most people want to live in peace and harmony. But this comes not without a sacrifice. Going the way of a Monk and a Knight at the same time will always bring you to an inner conflict. Jesus teached us to be peaceful, even love our enemies. Most of us can enjoy this luxury but only because there are a few to protect this way of life with cold steel. #medievalreenactment #medievalworld #medievalarmor #medievaltimes #medievalmarket #medieval #medievalrealm #mittelalter #mittelalterkleidung #mittelaltermärkte #mittelaltermarkt ##teutonicknights #teutonic #teutonicorder #deutschritterorden #templer #tempelritter #templarknight #christianity #deusvult #crusader (hier: Zitadelle Spandau) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7g6qy8IrBT/?igshid=13o6ax2w5zvet
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peterbruhn · 4 years ago
Unter schwarzem Kreuz – Der Deutschritterorden Teil 1 | MDR Geschichte
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makkon · 8 years ago
You should make skateboard knight backgrounds! The coolest Deutschritterorden to ever exist.
There’s an idea! What resolution do the cool kids use these days?
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theodoreangelos · 2 years ago
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Headquarters of the Teutonic Order or Order of Brothers of the German House of Saint Mary in Jerusalem, Singerstraße 7, Innere Stadt, 1010 Vienna Deutschordenshaus in Wien, Sitz des Hochmeisters des Deutschen Ordens, auch Deutschherrenorden, Deutschritterorden oder Deutschorden Резиденция великого магистра Тевтонского ордена в Вене Le siège du Grand Maître de l'Ordre Teutonique à Vienne
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theodoreangelos · 2 years ago
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The Grand Master's Cross, also called the Teutonic Cross, is a rank and dignity badge of the Teutonic Order. Das Hochmeisterkreuz, auch Deutschherrenkreuz oder Deutschmeisterkreuz genannt, ist ein Rang- und Würdezeichen des Deutschen Ordens. Крест Великого магистра, называемый также Тевтонским крестом, является знаком отличия Тевтонского ордена. La croix de Grand Maître, également appelée croix des chevaliers teutoniques, est un insigne de rang et de dignité de l'Ordre Teutonique.
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theteutoniccrusader-blog · 5 years ago
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Met @tosch185 at the #mps #luhmühlen and have to say: this is still the best paint job I've ever seen on a #shield. He did this all by himself and I really love it! What would your coat of arms be? Check out his profile at @tosch185 Photo made by @xoauraliaxo #medievalreenactment #medievalworld #medievalarmor #medievaltimes #medievalmarket #medieval #medievalrealm #medievalfestival #teutonicknights #teutonic #teutonicorder #templer #templar #templarknight #crusader #crusades #knight #christianity #cosplay #mittelalterphantasiespectaculum #mittelalter #mittelaltermärkte #mittelalterfest #deusvult #deutschritterorden #tempelritter #ritter (hier: Die Fette Heide - MPS Luhmühlen) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7FyCZ9onya/?igshid=1ajoqkbeii192
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