#Deus Records
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cchr11 · 3 months ago
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dear leader wishes all his followers a spooky time
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oceanno · 2 months ago
How do u guys deal w a 9-5 7 days a week 4 weeks a month 50 weeks a year forever
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amekinoko · 2 years ago
I put him in project diva sorry
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key-to-everything · 9 months ago
Fuck Your God - Non Est Deus Impious
And nothing Can save you Your savior He hates you
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drondskaath · 2 years ago
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Non Est Deus | Legacy | 12th May, 2023
German Black Metal
Artwork by Khaos Diktator Design
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kittycowboy · 7 months ago
yoki and the grandmaster..if u even care
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aeonfvx · 2 years ago
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Akashic Records: an archive that holds all predetermined futures / Mirai Nikki S1E22
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triste-guillotine · 1 year ago
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TEITANBLOOD "Black Putrescence of Evil" Compilation ('...Systematic mass execution of the inmates on an infernal martial symphony. Breathless flesh caged in barbwire, stigmas of the terrorkamp. Racial katharsis...')
Tracks from : "Genocide Chants to Apolokian Dawn" Demo 2004 Teitanblood / Proclamation Split 7" EP 2005 Teitanblood / Necros Christos Split 7" EP 2006
"Sancta Maria Abhorrent shapeless Madonna Scarlet Woman Horrid sculpture made of ashes, burnt flesh, and blackened bones Mater Dei Wife of all and none, Harlot of lewdness
Unsatiable Impious Virgin Unblessed art thou among women And corrupted is the fruit of thy Womb, Jesus Who profaneth her father ... meant to be burned in pyre And feasted by the Beast
Serpent penetrating... Breaking hymen through Benevolence Ghostly Spear snaking along in pleasant defile, Neighs and moans soaked by unflowered blood, Whipped by flesh, vomited cum of fire Ethereally banged Overshadowed by Necrosemen Till the holy vexation is over
Fuled of the Highest Fruit of her whoredom Rex Jodorien was brought forth Uncircumcisioned Conceived from an astral rape Son of putrid prostitute of God..."
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appealingtonobody · 1 year ago
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from Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
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ntgospel · 10 months ago
Bruna Olly transforma gravação de “Deus Proverá” em grande culto de adoração
Confira a novidade em https://ntgospel.com/musica-gospel/bruna-olly-transforma-gravacao-de-deus-provera-em-grande-culto-de-adoracao
Bruna Olly transforma gravação de “Deus Proverá” em grande culto de adoração
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Muitas passagens bíblicas demonstram a provisão divina. Em gênesis 21, Deus abriu os olhos de Agar e ela encontrou uma fonte de água no deserto, no capítulo 22, o anjo do Senhor chamou Abraão e lhe mostrou um cordeiro para morrer no lugar de seu filho e, em 2 Reis 4, a viúva que se encontrava endividada viu Deus multiplicar o azeite e os seus rendimentos.
Abraão, Agar e a viúva são apenas alguns exemplos de pessoas que experimentaram e vivenciaram o cuidado de Deus em suas vidas. Essas e outras histórias foram tema de diversas reflexões compartilhadas recentemente nas redes sociais de Bruna Olly, que acaba de apresentar seu novo single, “Deus Proverá”.
“Essa canção tem uma mensagem linda e de muita fé para os nossos corações. Ela diz que Deus proverá na nossa casa, na nossa família e na vida toda, porque Ele é Jeová Jireh, um Deus que sempre cuida de nós e nunca perde o controle”, declara a cantora capixaba.
“Deus Proverá”, primeira faixa inédita do recente trabalho de Bruna Olly em parceria com a Musile, foi escrita por Felipe Rodrigues – ex-integrante do grupo Casa Worship, que assina composições de sucesso, como “Era Eu”, “A Casa É Sua” e “Vento Impetuoso”.
Confira o lançamento de Bruna Olly:
Ouça também em sua plataforma de música favorita: https://musile.lnk.to/bodp
Produção Musical
A gravação do projeto aconteceu na Estação do Expresso Turístico de Paranapiacaba – uma charmosa vila com arquitetura inglesa, próxima à cidade de São Paulo, que é considerada um Patrimônio Histórico Nacional. “Da minha casa pude sentir a presença de Deus ao ouvir os louvores. Nos grupos que tenho com os vizinhos, muitas pessoas também falaram que foram tocadas e lágrimas caíram”, comentou uma das moradoras, que citou, justamente, “Deus Proverá” como uma das músicas mais tocantes.
O público que esteve presente transformou o que seria apenas uma gravação em um grande culto e a atmosfera de adoração tomou conta de todo o ambiente. Na canção “Deus Proverá”, em especial, muitas pessoas se emocionaram com a mensagem que ela traz, além da ministração emocionante da cantora.
Vale lembrar que na final do ano passado, Bruna apresentou a primeira faixa do seu novo projeto, a releitura de “Redimido”, com a participação de Julia Vitória. Em seguida, ela lançou a versão em português de “Gratitude” – hit do cantor americano Brandon Lake, que, inclusive, foi trilha sonora do episódio de Natal da aclamada série “The Chosen”. 
“Deus Proverá”, novo single de Bruna Olly, teve a produção musical assinada por Hananiel Eduardo e Direção de Vídeo por Diego Martins. A canção já está disponível no canal no YouTube da Musile Records e nas principais plataformas de streaming.
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piasgermany · 1 year ago
[Video] dEUS teilen Video zu "Love Breaks Down"!
dEUS veröffentlichen das Video zu "Love Breaks Down"!
Die Single ist das emotionale Herzstück Albums "How To Replace It", das im Februar über [PIAS] Recordings erschienen ist. Eine intensive, erschütternde Trennung und Familienstreitigkeiten führten dazu, dass Frontmann und Bandleader Tom Barman einige seiner bisher rauesten und zeitgleich auch intimsten Texte schrieb. “Pretty dramatic time – very personal, very painful.” Aber das Album klingt nicht etwa traurig oder niedergeschlagen, ganz im Gegenteil. “It’s defiant”, erzählt er. “And has some distance. It’s not just the raw emotion speaking – there’s the hindsight and introspection that comes after all that. And room for forgiveness.”
All dies spitzt sich in "Love Breaks Down" zu, einer klassisch schönen Ballade mit der gewissen Schärfe und einem brutal ehrlichem Text: "When love breaks down / It don't hang around".
Live: 27.10. A-Linz - Posthof 15.11. Hamburg - Fabrik Booking: Live Nation
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km-ultra · 2 years ago
Space Alien Conspiracy Theory Rap (with a diverse mix of soulful vocals, conscious lyricism, smooth rhythms & funky syncopation) 
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txttletale · 8 months ago
here's how i would have rewritten empire of death to keep as many of the same plot beats as possible while making it thematically coherent:
establish that because of sutekh's devastation, ruby now has the only information in the universe about her mum.
then, she has to shatter it to distract him, giving up on her own want to know for the greater good. this continues what had been up until now a pretty solid track record from RTD of having all his plot-level deus ex machinas come with real and meaningful emotional consequences so they didn't feel cheap and tacky.
use the 5-10 minutes oyu save by not doing asny of that shit at the end to establish a long timeskip and how hard it is to survive in the post-sutekh universe to give sutekh an actual sense of menace and threat
you could even draw parallels, right, ruby could realize that she was just like sutekh, placing outsized importance and expectations on this woman who was in the end just an ordinary person.
ideally don't have the information come from the future eugenics database too lol what was that
ez fix
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key-to-everything · 10 months ago
Save Us - Non Est Deus Impious
Blind and numb Like a child fed by the breast Of rotting words and promises Flee from self-determination Run into my holy arms
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drondskaath · 2 years ago
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Non Est Deus | Legacy | 2023
German Black Metal
Artwork by Khaos Diktator Design
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not-handsome-enough · 9 months ago
FLASH AND GLITCH WARNING it’s not bad by mtl standards but it hurt the hell out of my eyes when I was working on it 😭😭
There more explanation under the cut cause there’s some explaining to do.
So this is set Post AOTD and the only parts of Dick that survived are his brain and heart. His parts are discovered by Charles when he went back to Deus Keeps remains to scavenge amongst the og Army for an intact left hand that he would transplant, as well as searching for survivors in general. ( something to note is he doesn’t find a replacement and he ends up having it replaced with a golden prosthetic )
He secretly brings Dick’s remains back to Mordhaus where he begins a project to slowly regenerate Dick’s body. He doesn’t tell anyone outside of a select few klokateers and the scientists ( Brian and Jimmy ) mostly due to how unstable the execution may be. Kind of like a don’t get the boys excited cause if it doesn’t work it will be just another downer/uncertainty that they don’t need right now.
I don’t know if Charles is employed with Dethklok or if he’s there for the sake of normality. Either way the boys want him there and he wants to be with the boys.
William finds the operation by accident. He kinda went back to how he was pre-mtl albeit a bit more open with his emotions. There are periods where Dick is left alone and Willy finds him during one of those periods. By the time he finds Dick it’s been a few months since Charles has brought him back to Mordhaus, so while his body isn’t ‘online’ yet, his brain heart and eyes are.
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This is kinda how Willy first finds Knubbler. He recognizes the eyes ( which aren’t meant to be yellow like they are in the image above this was made before I had a concrete timeline set up ) so he talks his way into staying as long possible without being caught. They managed to set up a basic communication system with Dick’s eyes ( like yes no maybe but with eye colour ) and that’s how Willy knows he’s not supposed to know about the project. For the first few visits it’s just Willy apologizing to Dick for killing him and just getting out everything he wanted to say and apologize for. Similar to Nate and Rebecca but Dick can yk. Talk back. To an extent.
Cause while physically Dick is in the tube his soul is free to roam around the room. So while Willy’s talking to his eyes Dick’s walking around and just making faces at him and shit.
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( I don’t like the colour I went for the ghost mode for him here but idk how to do ghost so best I got I’m sorry 😭 )
Initially it was just really emotion heavy and Dick wanted to be able to hold a full on conversation with Willy about the events of the Mtl but then Willy started bringing entertainment down to the lab and it spiraled a little.
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Eventually Willy mentioned how upset he was that he didn’t finish planet piss and it turned into a month and a half of planet piss production ( nothing was recorded and sessions usually ended in a Willy typical tantrum and a promise of coming back tomorrow )
Despite how much these sessions pissed off Dick, his recovery ended up speeding up quite a bit, much to the delight of Charles The Scientists and the select Klokateers. Who still don’t know about the daily visits. Whether or not it was motivation to actually talk back to Willy and shut down his more destructive ideas or to be able to help him I don’t know.
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At some point during the PP production Willy starts bringing board games like scrabble and battleship. Shit that made it easy for both of them to cheat. Which they ended up doing. Every. Single. Time. It’s impressive how neither of them caught on to the other cheating. Actually it’s more impressive Dick never caught Willy cheating since Willy was usually in control of Dick’s moves.
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While this is happening Dicks body continues to reconstruct itself and eventually it becomes basically back to normal except in its green gooey goop ness ( the animation is like a sped up version of what happened )
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( Again his eyes are not meant to be yellow I made this before I had the timeline set )
Dick, realizing that his body is basically reconstructed, starts trying to make his physical body move / tries to reconnect his soul ghost to his body. Unknown to him by rushing the process he glitches his eyes out.
So while he thinks he’s moving his Body he’s actually moving the Wires around his tube.
He practices while Willy is gone because he wants to be able to surprise him / scare the shit out of him a little bit, but this ends up being a detriment to him because when he finally does move in front of Willy it is not his body that is moving. Most of the time if he’s practicing he’s working with The Scientists and Charles
This is where that rough animatic at the top comes in so we know that Willy freaks the fuck out, runs away, and Dick is upset. Gonna jump a lil more into that tho.
So some things to explain / note in the animatic that I just didn’t explain well.
To show that Dick was glitching while moving his eyes turn yellow. The Scientists and Charles know about this, but before trying to move for Will, they never caught that what Dick was actually moving was the wires around the tube and not his body.
Willy was not scared that Dick was moving. If it was just dicks body or even just the wires he would have freaked out a little but wouldn’t have run away. He ran away because Dicks eyes were yelllow. Like he was possessed.
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This is basically what was happening
Dick never punched his way out of the tube or talked to Willy.
That being said the flashing alarm was set off by Willy. He knew that the science gang would come if he sounded the alarm. He didn’t get caught by them but he saw that they weren’t panicking like he was.
Dick had no idea why Will ran away that badly until after the science boys came in and his body was unglitched ( which is why his eyes turn green at the end of the animatic ). He thinks Willy ran away because of the wires, not his glitchy eyes.
Also small note the scientists are there when they run in I just didn’t want to draw them because I watched the liquid album episode and they annoyed me a little bit I’m sorry.
Dick’s in the tube for about another month ( where he can control his body ) but Willy doesn’t come back to see him until a week before he is taken out of the tube. They end up having a repeat of the initial cycle ( apologies planet piss and then board games ) but sped up and a little differently. Apologies only last a day, planet piss lasts an hour because Dick is not about to repeat that whole ordeal again without having his equipment around, and the board games last for the rest of the week until Dick is transferred to a private hospital room. Dick ends up actually making sure Will doesn’t cheat and they get really competitive.
Willy doesn’t know where Dicks transferred to and Dick is once again bored out of his fucking mind.
They reunite again eventually but I’m leaving that up to interpretation cause cycles need to break eventually.
I didn’t go into detail about what their talks were day by day because I cannot write dialogue well which means this can be interpreted as Platonic OR Romantic. This au was written with the intention of being romantic ( doomed in original versions ) angst but it’s vague enough where it could be platonic and either way I’m happy.
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