#Destiny Ninja 2 yayoi
shall-we-imagine · 6 years
A little trick. (DN2 characters)
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I decided to add a liiiittle bit of a twist, so I hope you don't mind it. Thank you for requesting!
Genre: Fluff❔ idek. 😂
Summary: (WHxDN2 crossover) When Akira decides to spend a little too much time with Serge..
(Second Person Point Of View)
It was that time of the year again, when all students would leave the academy for a vacation. They would visit their hometowns or travel somewhere new, all that stuff.
But then there's you. This vacation, your parents had some work abroad to do, so you had nowhere to go.
Being left alone at the academy was certainly less than pleasing, but your friends insisted on staying with you to keep your company, and you were more than glad.
You felt guilty that you were the reason they decided to leave behind the luxury of leaving the academy for a holiday, yet seeing the excitement in their eyes when they kept talking about the sleepovers you'd all have together, you could tell they didn't really mind, which of course made you feel a lot more relieved.
Since barely anyone was around, the restrictions related to curfew became much more flexible, therefore allowing you to fulfill your friends' wish of having a sleepover.
"Rindoh, the room is far tinier than you had described!" Yayoi scolds the host of our little sleepover, while trying to make his way to the other side of the room without stepping on anything, or anyone. Yes, indeed, it was that crowded.
"I told you it was the most spacious one in the dorms!" Rindoh defends.
"Guys, guys, it's fine; at least we're all spending time together." You attempt to stop the fight that was about to break out between the two older guys.
"Yes, (Y/N) is right; we're gonna have fun regardless of how tiny the room is!" Shiroya agrees.
"Plus, let's be honest; we all know we won't be getting much sleep anyway." Akira shrugs.
"True." Kaito chuckles, while nodding lightly.
"Mr. Rin? Why do you have this?" Ran suddenly spoke up, directing everyone's attention to him.
The silver-haired male held a small black and white stuffed kitten. He kept fumbling with it, observing the item as if he'd never seen something similar.
"What? Do you cuddle with it or something?" Ibuki teases, raising an eyebrow at Rindoh.
"It would make a lot of sense, considering he's unable to get himself a girlfriend to cuddle with." Yayoi adds, as usual being one of the first people to hop onto the tease-the-hell-out-of-Rindoh train.
Snickers were heard all around the room before Rindoh spoke up, "Hey! Shut up! And for your information, I have no idea where that thing came from!" He points a threatening finger at Yayoi, "Why is everyone being mean to me today?!" You could almost feel bad for him, for he seemed to always become the center of attention when it came to mockery.
"Isn't that how it is everyday, though?" Yoshimasa spoke in his usual soft voice, giving Rindoh a smile, making it hard to decide whether he was joining the rest in teasing the curly-haired man or if he was merely stating a fact.
"If it doesn't belong to Mr.Rin, then maybe someone brought it?" Shiroya suggests.
"Who'd bring that with them here?" Fuyukiku furrowrd his eyebrows at the thought.
"Kaito?" Shiroya grins at the redhead.
"What?! No!" Kaito's immediate rejection earned a round of laughter.
In no time, they were all accusing each other of bringing along the stuffed toy, coming up with bizarre reasoning to why that person would do so.
You were surprised nobody had suspected the only girl in the group, but you guessed that was the point, wasn't it? They wanted to tease each other.
"Guys, I know how we'll figure it out." Akira claimed in a loud voice, gaining everyone's attention.
"And how is that, Mr. Genius?" Doubtful, Kila stared at the male.
Akira remained silent; he solely pulled out his wand and waved towards the stuffed animal, muttering an incantation in the process.
All of a sudden, the cat leaped out of Ran's grasp, running around the room.
Everyone stared in astonishment. Akira had just brought the cat to life. It still looked like a stuffed toy, but it was moving around on its own will.
"What the hell was that?!" Mitsuru looked at Akira as if he'd grown another pair of arms.
"Just a little trick I learned." He smirks.
"Did you perhaps learn it from...Serge?" Calm as usual, Ayu asked in quiet voice, to which Akira nods proudly.
"Well, either way, how is that supposed to help?" Yayoi questioned.
Akira bends down next to the small pet and starts playing with it for a bit before asking it to walk over to the person that brought it to the dorm.
"Seriously?" Kikyo rolls his eyes.
"Just watch." Akira sticks his tongue out.
The feline looked around the circle of people for a few moments before hopping onto Rindoh's lap.
Loud laughter erupted from the group after seeing the cat make its choice.
Rindoh sighs deeply, "Just why is it always me?"
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otome-silvynne · 7 years
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Yayoi's route was the best of season one in my opinion, moving on to season 2!!
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shiroyanatsu · 4 years
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Shiroya cosplaying part 2
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otome-me-please · 5 years
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I love how they've already discontinued this game, yet the notifications still work perfectly. T_T
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destinyninjatrash · 5 years
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2/3 uwu
- Admin Hyosuke 💛
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ness-plays-ninjas · 5 years
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I second that
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papercliprockband · 8 years
Tbh i wish the guys in swd weren't so clingy?? Like??? MC is allowed to have friends and they're obviously accepting of the fact that she likes someone else??? Literally Yayoi: *interesting fact* Did you know I was originally supposed to be your fiance? MC: *Reacting to interesting fact* Really? Ayu: *POLICE WEEWOOWEEWOO* HANDS O F F You're engaged and she said she loves you??? Not even a week ago I think???
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redheadkittys · 6 years
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☆…yayoi don’t do this to me😱…i’m only a woman with hormones too…☆
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swdburdy · 7 years
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Yayoi season 2 happy end cgs
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shall-we-imagine · 7 years
Christmess. (ShiroyaxReader).
No, not a spelling mistake. 😂
Genre: fluff. Yes, again.
Summary: In which you and Shiroya are given a less than convient job when preparing for a Christmas party..
(Second person point of view)
You, Shiroya, and Yayoi were standing in Rindoh’s living room. He had invited you to his “Christmas party” just for you guys to discover his so-called Christmas party..well…hasn’t even started yet. He invited the three of you a bunch of hours earlier because he needed help with the preparations, and that was his idea of how to ask you to do that.
“You simply could’ve just asked us to help instead of tricking us into coming here.” You cross your arms while rolling your eyes. “Yeah, but someone would’ve never showed up if I asked nicely.” Rindoh defends as he looks at Yayoi. “Oh, you got one thing right. In fact, I’ll be on my way now; you can tell me when everyone is here already, then I’ll come back.” Yayoi says as he approaches the door, “Oh, come on. You know I’m an old man that needs help.” That old man excuse he uses when it’s convenient for him; “You’re an old man that I’ll be slashing at with my sword if he doesn’t let me leave.” Yayoi reaches for his sword. Something tells me Yayoi really wouldn’t hesitate to actually slash at Rindoh with his sword.
“Hey! Hey!” Shiroya jumps in the middle of the two men, probably sensing that Yayoi was barely even joking. “We’re already here anyway; maybe we can have a little fun with it. It really can’t be that bad to help Mr.Rin out a little.” Shiroya smiles as he tries to reason with Yayoi.
Yayoi stares for a bit with an irritated expression before he sighs, “Fine, we’ll help the idiot.” He replies reluctantly. “Hey! I’m right here!” Rindoh gives an offended expression in the most exaggerated way possible. “I know.” Yayoi shrugs. “Next time you do this, Mr.Rin, I won’t be holding him back.” Shiroya threatens, “You guys really aren’t that nice, you know?” Rindoh sighs while you laugh at their usual bickering.
“Well, anyway, let’s get to work, shall we?” Rindoh smiles, changing the topic. “Yayoi can help me with the food in the kitchen while you guys can decorate the tree; the ornaments are in a box next to the tree.” Rindoh assigns us our duties. “It’d be more like you helping me in the kitchen not the other way round.” Yayoi states while making his way to the kitchen.
You could still hear them arguing inside the kitchen about who’s helping the other; they really never stop arguing over the silliest things. You and Shiroya had to stop laughing at them and actually start doing what you were told to.
You stood there observing the tree while Shiroya seemed to be more interested in the ornaments inside the box. The tree was really huge, which sort of made sense because Rindoh was quite tall after all, so he wouldn’t have had a problem decorating the tree. Of course that wasn’t the case with you and Shiroya. You were both relatively short.
You approached Shiroya while shifting your gaze between him and the tree. “Well, we should get started.” You state; the closer you got to the tree, the higher it seemed to go. This isn’t gonna be as easy as you thought.
“Shiroya?” The moment you turn to look at him, you were startled to find his face right in front of yours. “Wha..? What are you doing?! You startled me!” You moved your face a few inches away from his. Just thinking of how close your faces were is enough to turn your cheeks a deep shade of red.
“Look what I found.” He grinned as he held up a little mistletoe between the two of you. “You know what that means!” He smirks, “Uh..Shiroya..we really need to..to start decorating! Stop messing around!” You avert your gaze to hide your embarrassment. “That’s cheating!” He furrows his eyebrows and whines. “Come on, (Y/N). We can start decorating right after it! I’m your boyfriend anyway; it shouldn’t be a problem.” He pleaded as he held your hand. You haven’t started dating so long ago, so you still weren’t very used to everything being the way it is.
You looked back at him for a few seconds before shutting your eyes and slowly leaning into him.
“I said decorate the tree not make out.” A voice makes you jump away from Shiroya before your lips could meet. “Mr. Rin!” Shiroya crosses his arms in annoyance, to which Rindoh just laughed. You held your face in your hands; it was already embarrassing enough to begin with, but the fact that Rindoh caught you two made it way worse.
“I was just checking on you, what?!” Rindoh defends, “Just get back into the kitchen! Please!” You reply in desperation. He laughs before walking back into the kitchen. “He just ruined the best part.” Shiroya sighs, “Well, anyway we need to get started!” You reply as you walk towards the box on the ground.
Both of you spent a good time hanging up the baubles, but now you had to put the star on top of the tree. “I can’t really..” you stood on the tip of your toes and stretched your arm as far as possible, “…reach it.” You sigh and put your hands on your hips in frustration. “Watch and learn.” Shiroya confidently takes the star out of your hand and approaches the tree. He does exactly what you did and surprise! Surprise! He couldn’t reach it either. He was only a few centimetres taller than you after all.
“Yeah, you totally did it right; I’m so impressed.” You say sarcastically when he fails. “Shut up.” He tries to hide his embarassment, but it was already clear enough. “Well now what?” You ask, and he looks around, “we could use that chair over there.” He points at a wooden chair in the corner of the room. “Good idea.” You nod as you walk over to the chair and grab it.
Once you put the chair in front of the tree, you realized it seemed a bit wobbly. Is it really a good idea to get on top of that chair? You dismissed it as just some overthinking and got on top of it anyway.
It seemed fine at first; you took the star from Shiroya and put it on top of the tree with ease, but without warning, you felt the chair break underneath you, and you were sent flying to the ground. Well not quite. You ended up grabbing onto Shiroya by accident, and now you’re both laying on the ground, part of you on top of him.
“I’m so sorry! Are you okay?” You use your elbow for support, as you try to get a better look at your boyfriend. “Shiroya?” You brought your face closer to his. He had his eyes shut; it wasn’t that bad of a fall, was it? Was he knocked out?
As worry begins to get the best of you, you felt an arm wrap around you; Shiroya brought you closer to him. He opened his eyes, “Were you worried?” He asks with a playful, teasing expression. “Shiroya!” You whine, “I thought something happened to you!” You try to get up, but he won’t budge. He had you held really closely, and it didn’t seem like he was gonna let go any time soon.
“Well, I mean it kinda hurts a little. You should give me a kiss to make it up for me.” He grins, “You’re just using a random excuse to get a kiss.” You raise an eyebrow. “Guilty.” He laughs lightly. “You’re an idiot.” You shook your head, but you couldn’t help but smile at him.
You both closed your eyes and leaned in, “Are you guys okay? I heard a-” a voice interrupts you, “..a thud.” Yayoi crosses his arms as he glares at Shiroya. “Oh, come on!” Shiroya whines while you rush to get off of him in embarassment. “Wait, did you use the chair that I left in the corner?” Rindoh asks as he comes out of the kitchen, “Yeah.” You reply. “That one’s not exactly stable..” he says, “Yeah, we figured that bit..” you turn your head to look at the broken chair on the ground. “Well, I was gonna throw it out anyway.” Rindoh shrugs and walks back into the kitchen.
“Are you guys done yet?” Yayoi raises his eyebrow at you both, “Yes.” You reply while Shiroya gets off the floor. “Well, quit messing around; the rest will be here soon.” The second he finishes his sentence, the doorbell rang.
In a matter of minutes, everyone was in Rindoh’s house; they were all eating, chatting, drinking, etc. Shiroya kept glancing at you every now and then, but finally he spoke up, “I think I’m gonna go get some fresh air.” Shiroya said as he stood up and walked outside. It wasn’t that hard to get the hint. “Me too.” You agreed and followed him. It should be freezing outside, but it’s the autumn village, so it really wasn’t all that cold. Just a little chilly.
You walked out and shut the door behind you; Shiroya was standing a few inches away with his back turned to you. “Shiroya?” You approach him, and he turns around to look at you. “Is something the matte-” he cut you off by pushing his lips against yours. His hand made its way to your waist, pulling you closer to him. You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him back; you found yourself running your hands through his hair. You pulled away only after you ran out of breath. You stared into his eyes before you both laughed lightly, “Finally! No one interrupted us this time!” Shiroya grins. “Yeah.” You smiled at him. The happiness he felt just because he got to kiss you seemed to make you feel really giddy, it even made you blush slightly. You were glad to have found someone like him. And let’s just say…it took a long time before you two decided to get back inside..
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otome-silvynne · 7 years
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Yayoi's route is pretty good ~
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shiroyanatsu · 5 years
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Avatars for Ikemen Revolution, Lost Alice and Wizardess Heart this month - all DN2 cosplay! (All boys but Luka are supposed to be Shiroya, Luka’s probably Yayoi based on his outfit lol)
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crumb-of-otome · 7 years
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【What is Yamato Island?】 Yamato Island’s beauty cannot possibly be described in words. The villages of Summer and Winter give you the impression of rural life, whereas the villages of Spring and Autumn act as developed areas. Each village has its own symbol that maintains its peace. 【Spring Village: Thousand-Year Cherry Tree】 A magnificent cherry tree whose life lasts forever. 【Summer Village: Drop of Fire】 A big, fiery red-colored pearl whose beauty takes your breath away. 【Autumn Village: Field of Resurrection Lilies】 A field of red spider lilies, where it is believed to be the gate to afterlife. 【Winter Village: the Everflowing Waterfall】 A beautiful waterfall that never freezes no matter how cold it is. Dragons are supposed to live in each village as peacekeeper, but their appearance can only be seen by the chosen.
Your family has traditionally been in charge of maintaining the peace of this island.
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Ran: *breaths*
Yayoi: Flawless, fantastic, incredible, show stopping, the love of my life, the light of my darkness, the sun of my world-
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destinyninjatrash · 5 years
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Have some ✨ d r a m a ✨ courtesy of Ran's route
- Admin Hyosuke 💛
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