#Dental clinic in Maple
mapledental · 2 years
Top-Rated Desert Dental Hesperia
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In search of desert dental in Hesperia? Maple Dental is the right choice. We offer cosmetic, endodontic, reconstructive, and implant dentistry. We strive to offer advanced dentistry through science and technology and we understand the professional importance of advanced care.
Contact Maple Dental and get a consultation for your dental problems today.
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pocodental · 8 months
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Dental Clinic Maple Ridge | Dentist Port Maple Ridge
The Dental Clinic in Maple Ridge offers top-quality dental services to residents in the Port Maple Ridge area. Our team of experienced dentists is dedicated to providing exceptional oral care in a comfortable and welcoming environment.
From routine check-ups and cleanings to advanced procedures such as dental implants and cosmetic dentistry, we strive to meet all of our patients' dental needs. With state-of-the-art equipment and a commitment to patient satisfaction, our Dental Clinic is the go-to destination for dental care in Maple Ridge.
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denthirtytwo · 2 years
Six Ways To Prevent Receding Gums
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Gum infections can start small and sometimes go unnoticed. You might observe your gums swollen or inflamed and occasionally bleed when brushing. This infection is called gingivitis, caused by a buildup of bacteria in the mouth. Gum infection becomes a serious issue when you notice them beginning to recede, sometimes causing damage to the bone and underlying teeth. If the receding of your gums becomes too significant, they may require surgery. It is best to prevent receding gums before it becomes too severe; here are six ways to be proactive:
Be Gentle when Brushing your Teeth
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Brushing your teeth too hard can contribute to gum recession. Some people brush their teeth with extra force, thinking that they are cleaning better, but this causes damage not only to your gums but to the enamel on your teeth. Clean your teeth gently using a soft bristle brush.
Rinse with fluoridated mouthwash
Take a trip to your local pharmacy and find fluoridated mouthwash to prevent gum disease. Fluoridated mouthwash can prevent tartar buildup and reduce the amount of plaque on your teeth, and it is even helpful in removing food particles that are lodged in your teeth. Reminder, mouthwash is not a replacement for teeth brushing.
Stop Tobacco Use
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Products that contain nicotine are not preventing your gums from receding (chewing tobacco, e-cigarettes, cigarettes). Tobacco leaves a difficult-to-remove sticky residue on your enamel. If you aren’t cleaning your teeth properly, tobacco will lead to gum recession, and using tobacco also increases your risk for gum disease.
Fix your Teeth Grinding Problem
If you grind your teeth while sleeping or when you are stressed out, this could lead to a significant number of dental problems. Grinding your teeth puts pressure on the gums, which is a common cause of gum recession. Visit your dentist to find a solution; wearing a night guard helps prevent further damage.
Mouth Piercings
A good way to irritate your gums would be to wear earrings inside or around your mouth. The jewelry in your mouth will bother your gums and, in time, cause them to recede by wearing away the tissue.
Frequently Visit your Dentist
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All of the above can help prevent gum recession, but seeing your dentist every six months is the most crucial step in oral care. Consistent dental visits ensure all of the plaque and tartar is removed from your teeth’s surface. Dentists can perform an oral examination checking for broken or chipped teeth, decaying teeth, receding gums, throat or mouth cancer signs, and much more.
The above information can prevent receding gums and reduce the risk of contracting other health issues like gum disease. Regular checkups could unveil problems that you didn’t even notice and ensure they are solved in their early stages. If you are due for a cleaning or checkup or are concerned about your oral health, now is the time to contact Dentistry 32.
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voraciousvore · 11 months
In the Belly of the Giant (4/39)
Chapter 4
Eren suited up in her custom-made, rubbery one-piece outfit for work, and prepped all her dental tools, cleaning them to a polished shine and lining them up on the giant tray. She couldn’t help but think they looked like bizarre, sadistic torture implements, due to their grotesque size. The clinic she worked at had made several adjustments to accommodate for a human working there, including supplying her with her own miniature sink and shower for sanitizing her work gear and a platform on a robotic arm she could maneuver like a boom lift. 
The investment in specialty equipment was worth it to the clinic, because Eren always had a full roster of patients. She had an especially gentle and precise touch, and cleaned more thoroughly than most of her larger equivalents simply by virtue of the fact she could get into every small corner of a giant’s mouth with ease. Besides the fact that she was well-suited for her job, the clinic advertised the services of a human as a novel experience. Sometimes Eren acquired new clients simply because they were curious about humans, and needed their teeth cleaned anyways. Overall, she brought a lot of new clients to the business. 
Unfortunately for Eren, she also had her share of clients who were a bit strange, who were perhaps a bit too enthusiastic about having her climb into their mouths. Eating humans was illegal, and considered unethical, of course, but that didn’t mean that giants never got the urge or the hunger. Eren had learned this lesson the hard way. She noticed that some giants would get excited while she was within their open maws, would feel her miniscule body with their tongues, would salivate excessively. Such encounters made her exceedingly uncomfortable, but she wasn’t seriously concerned about getting eaten. She was surrounded by her giant coworkers, in a public space, after all. Nobody would be crazy enough to attempt such a stunt when they could be easily caught. At least, Eren hoped not. 
Even so, Eren always wore her smartwatch, in case of emergency. She could make calls for help, if she needed to, and the tracker shared her location with both her boyfriend and her father. She had never needed to use it, but she always felt safer knowing she had a crutch to lean on in the worst-case scenario. She didn’t like exposing the fancy gadget to the saliva and grime of her profession, but it was worth it for her own protection and independence. 
Other than the occasional creepy customer, Eren loved her job. She liked working with her hands and helping people. Sure, she had to get dirty often, and every once in a while she’d have to deal with some pretty gross, rotten teeth, and awful instances of halitosis that made her gag. Yet, she found the work fulfilling, especially when giants thanked her with a flashy, clean, minty-fresh smile, tiled with glimmering white teeth.  
She had kind and supportive coworkers too, for the most part. No human haters on the staff. The only giant who gave her trouble was her boss, Dr. Larson. He was a plump old man with thinning white hair and a red face who always smelled like toothpaste. He was always berating Eren for not moving fast enough, not seeing enough patients. Perhaps he was correct, to some extent, but Eren disliked rushing through her teeth cleanings. She took pride in her work and prized quality over quantity. Her boss didn’t care, as long as he could cram more giants onto the schedule. More patients, more money. 
Eren called in her next patient for the day. He was one of her new patients, so she hadn’t seen him before. Like all giants, he was massive, broad and tall, and dwarfed her in size as he sat down in the dentist’s chair. She was relieved to see his teeth looked to be in good condition. 
“Hello there, Mr...uh… Maples,” Eren greeted the giant, glancing over at the open chart on the desk. “What brings you in today? Any cavities or tooth pain?” 
“Nope, just a routine cleaning,” the giant answered in a booming, sonorous voice. “One of my friends recommended you, so I thought I’d give your services a try.” He smiled politely. 
“Wonderful! Alright then, go ahead and swish this mouthwash around for about thirty seconds for me, if you would,” Eren requested, pushing an oversized paper cup that was taller than her towards the giant. The mouthwash was in a big bottle on the counter, too big for Eren to lift, so her patients had to pour it themselves. While it wasn’t standard procedure to have the client rinse out his mouth first thing, Eren found it made her job a lot fresher when it was time for her to go inside. The giant complied and used the mouthwash, spitting the remnants back into the cup when he was finished. 
“Now I need you to lean forward, put your chin in the chinrest here, and open wide,” Eren instructed. Unlike a normal dentist visit, where the patient would lean back, Eren preferred her patient to be upright, so she wouldn’t have to fight gravity and risk sliding back into his gullet and getting accidentally swallowed. As the giant followed her instructions, she raised her little platform with her tools up to his enormous gaping mouth. 
Once she hung a suction drainage tube from the edge of his lower lip to suck out excess saliva, she clicked on her headlamp for light and grabbed her scraping tool, a fearsome hook that looked like a sickle in her hand. She hesitated before climbing into the gigantic, fleshy red cavern yawning before her. As always, she felt a nagging, persistent thrill of fear, with the uncomfortable knowledge that it wasn’t natural for a being as small (and appetizing) as her to willingly enter the mouth of a colossal giant that could swallow her whole. 
To distract from her nervousness, she shined her light into the humid darkness to examine the giant’s teeth. His teeth, rising out of the pink flesh like giant white blocks, looked relatively clean, but she did observe some crevasses between the incisors and along the gum line with plaque that would require her attention. She failed to spy any signs of gingivitis or cavities. As she scrutinized his molars further back, she felt gusts of warm breath on her skin, emanating from the entrance to his throat deep inside. At least his breath smelled like mint thanks to the mouthwash. 
She prepared herself mentally, then lifted her leg over his prodigious lower lip and stepped into the wet darkness of his mouth. The giant's jaws twitched slightly upon her entry as he felt the ticklish sensation of her tiny limbs crossing the threshold of his lips and teeth. She settled into a crouching position on his fat, squishy tongue and started scraping the plaque and tartar out of the front row of teeth. 
The giant held still, holding his mouth open wide, as Eren scraped around his incisors, in between each tooth and along the gums. She moved on to his canines, then his bicuspids, and finally his molars. She was careful not to step too far back along his tongue, lest she slide into the void below, and especially cognizant not to brush against his uvula, to prevent stimulating a gag reflex. She had made that mistake before, once, and had learned her lesson in spades. Soon enough, both the top and bottom rows were scratched clean. 
Eren stuck the hook into her belt and unfurled a long string of floss, working around the entire wall of teeth a second time. A pool of saliva was beginning to form around her feet, but she ignored it and sloshed her boots across the slippery tongue to the other side of his mouth, flossing the giant teeth as she traveled. As she walked, she dodged drips of slobber coming from the roof of his mouth. Once she was done, she exited the giant’s mouth, climbing over the incisors and bottom lip back out into the light. She temporarily removed the suction hose from his lip and squirted enough water in his mouth to fill a bathtub. 
“Swish that around for me, please,” she said to the giant, who followed her directions, washing out stray bits of plaque and debris and expelling them with the contaminated water into the paper cup. “Open up again, if you would.” She entered his open jaws again, this time to polish his teeth with an electric-powered brush and a gritty paste. Now that she was in the groove of her work, her residual anxiety had dissipated. She was in her element, enjoying the manual labor of her job and the process of making the giant’s mouth clean. 
Belong long, her work was done. She stood on the giant’s tongue, closer to his throat, hands on her hips, and surveyed the curved walls of teeth from the inside one last time for anything she may have missed. As many times as she had done this same exercise, it was still a surreal feeling to be standing, unafraid, in a giant mouth surrounded by the living, breathing flesh of a much larger person. Pushing this thought aside, she climbed over the teeth and lips, back out to freedom. She had her giant patient rinse out his mouth one more time to complete the visit. 
“Your teeth are looking very healthy, Mr. Maples. However, your gums did bleed a little when I flossed them. You might want to floss more often,” Eren said. This last bit of advice went to almost all of her clients. 
“Ah, yes. I’ll be more conscientious of that,” the giant replied, his ears reddening slightly. He flashed his huge teeth in a smile, and Eren couldn’t help but admire her handiwork. “Thank you. That was… an interesting experience. But my teeth feel great, cleaner than they’ve ever been. Thanks again.” The giant stood up to his full, incredible height, gave Eren a wave of his hand, and lumbered out. 
Eren maneuvered her adjustable platform over to the countertop and began the process of cleaning and sanitizing all her equipment before her next patient came in. She stripped off her protective suit, scrubbed it down thoroughly with strong chemicals, and hung it up to let the moisture drip off. Now that she wasn’t covered in drool, she went over to the patient’s chart and scribbled some notes for the next visit. 
As she walked back over to the human-sized sink to begin cleaning her dental tools, she felt the earthquakes of giant footsteps travel towards her until she was shrouded in shadow. She gazed up to find her giant boss towering over her. His fat belly was protruding over the edge of the counter and he had his giant hands planted on either side of her as he leaned over her with a sullen glare. 
“Can I help you with something?” Eren asked, trying and failing to keep the sassiness out of her tone. She mentally prepared herself for a volley of verbal abuse. 
“You’re moving too slow,” Dr. Larson complained. “Your next patient is already here, and has been waiting past the start of his appointment time.” 
“Maybe that wouldn’t be a problem if we didn’t have our patients scheduled back-to-back so closely,” Eren retorted, with some venom. This issue had been a point of contention between her and the dentist for a while. 
“Just hurry up,” Dr. Larson spat back. “If you take too long with your next client, and the appointment bleeds over into your lunch break, I’m not going to extend your break. You’ll have to work through lunch.” 
“Fine,” Eren snapped. It’s not like she had much of a say in the matter. “Whatever. At least give me five minutes to finish cleaning my tools before you send him in.” Dr. Larson glowered down at her, but thankfully left without any further harassment. 
“Bastard,” Eren mumbled to herself. Her good mood from a job well done had quickly soured. She rushed to scrub down all her tools with soap and suit herself back up in preparation for the next job. In her haste, she forgot to strap her smartwatch, which she took off to clean, back onto her wrist. 
Chapter 5
Chapter 1
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mapledentallangley · 5 months
Maple Dental Clinic Langley | Mapledentallangley.ca
Experience compassionate and quality dental care at Maple Dental Clinic Langley. Visit Mapledentallangley.ca for a brighter and healthier smile.
Maple Dental Clinic Langley
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Affordable Dentures in Maple Ridge
Dentures in Maple Ridge are a great option for those who are missing teeth. They provide a comfortable and stable foundation for dental teeth, which makes it easy to eat and drink. Dentures also improve your quality of life by reducing the amount of time you need to spend eating and drinking. They can also help you to smile confidently and enjoy social activities. If you're interested in dentures in Maple Ridge, please call our Clinic today.
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yourmoonmomma · 2 years
Maple don’t you live in Canada ? doesn’t Canada have free health care? why do you need to worry if you can afford it? genuinely asking
Yes & yes! Unfortunately, free healthcare just means free visits to the hospital and family doctor (and clinic, usually). Dental, vision, and pharmaceutical products aren't considered healthcare. That's why it would have cost $60,000 to get my teeth fixed last year, and why I opted for top dentures (while letting the bottom rot) instead.
I know this does already make me incredibly lucky, compared to other countries!! But it's gonna cost about $300 to get this tooth pulled, plus whatever other hidden costs the dentist can come up with. And Jayson isn't working right now, and his EI hasn't even been approved yet, so all of our bills are my responsibility rn, and that's more money than I make 😅 So a dental bill isn't something I can afford, despite the excruciating mouth pain I'm in :((
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untitled23199-blog · 5 years
Teeth Whitening Services in Richmond Hill, Vaughan, Maple, Markham
5 Reasons to Get Teeth Whitening
A beautiful smile makes a lasting impression. Clean, sparkling white teeth can help ensure you have a bright smile. We provide high-quality teeth whitening services in Rochmond Hill to help you get that radiant smile.
Here are five reasons to get a teeth whitening procedure.
Boost Your Confidence
A beautiful smile can increase your confidence multi-fold. If your work requires you to interact with new people every day, a bright smile can help you make a positive impression at the first meeting.
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Look Younger
The natural process of ageing will gradually result in the yellowing of teeth. Yellowing occurs to dentin, an inner layer of the teeth.
Enamel is the outer layer of the teeth, which covers the dentin. As time passes, the enamel becomes thinner, due to which the inner yellow dentin becomes more and more prominent.
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This can make you look older. Get a teeth whitening procedure and you’ll see how instantly you look brighter and younger.
Remove Stains
People, who consume tobacco, smoke or drink a lot of tea, coffee or aerated drinks have stains on their teeth. This can have a negative impact on your appearance. A teeth whitening procedure done at our Maple clinic will help reduce these stains and the yellowish appearance of teeth.
Special Events
Many people get a teeth whitening procedure done for special events such as a class reunion, job interview, important meeting or a wedding.
Some professionals such as models, receptionists, event hosts, cabin crew and salespeople need to look their best and have a beautiful smile as part of their job.
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A teeth whitening procedure can light up your face and can make you look younger and more approachable. Teeth whitening is one of the most preferred cosmetic procedures to improve the way your teeth look.
Trauma, Genetics or Injury
Some people are born with yellow teeth owing to genetic factors.
In some cases, accidents, injury or trauma can lead to gray, black or brown stains on the teeth. Similarly, some gum diseases can also cause discoloration of the teeth.
Long-term exposure to antibiotics can also cause discoloration.
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Visit Our Dental Clinic in Vaughan
We specialise in teeth whitening procedures in Vaughan.
It is important to know the underlying cause of teeth discoloration. Book a consultation with our specialists who will guide you through the process of teeth whitening.
Our experts will examine you and help you choose the best teeth whitening procedure to get the most effective results. Regular follow ups at our clinic will maximize the benefits of your teeth whitening procedure.
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mapledental · 2 years
#1 Dental Office In Hesperia CA
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Maple Dental clinic is located in Hesperia CA. We offer treatments that improve the dental health and appearance of your smile. Our priority is to deliver personalized, high-quality dentistry for the entire family in a comfortable and relaxing environment.
To get the best dental service, visit our dental office in Hesperia, CA.
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denthirtytwo · 2 years
Ways to make teeth brushing fun for your kids
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Do your kids struggle with brushing their teeth? Not brushing them correctly or long enough is challenging, especially with busy mornings. Ensuring your children develop good dental habits is essential. It can prevent any oral issues in the future and allows them to have healthy teeth and gums. Here are some tips and tricks to ensure good brushing habits stick with your kids:
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Picking the tools
Children have little hands, which can sometimes make it challenging to floss or brush. When shopping for oral care products, ensure you are getting tools that are not sharp and will be easy for the child to use.
Children are drawn to bright colors or their favorite cartoon characters. Allowing your child to pick the color of the toothbrush or toothpaste they want gives them a sense of control and can make toothbrushing much less scary. By letting them choose which colors and brands they want, they will be a lot more excited to go home and try their new tools.
Make It Fun
Brushing your teeth can never be fun for a child. Try making it seem like more of a game and less of a task; this way, they will be more inclined to participate. Try playing their favorite song while brushing, or tell them to quickly brush through commercial breaks. Setting a timer and challenging them to keep brushing until it rings also contests the child. Sometimes, incentives can make it easier to ensure your child brushes their teeth. Rewarding their good behavior will encourage them to continue doing it and make it more fun.
Have a Schedule
Keeping your kid on a schedule will encourage them to turn oral care into a habit. Repeating the task daily will become less of a struggle and more of a pattern. It will also ensure you remember if they brushed their teeth or not.
Make it a Group Activity
If nothing is working, try brushing your teeth with your child. Seeing you brush your teeth will encourage them to follow and allow you to have a bonding experience. It shows them that you take your dental hygiene seriously, and they should also.
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Set a Good Example
It’s harder to convince a child to follow rules that the parents aren’t following. Your child is more likely to floss if they see you flossing. Or brush their teeth if they see you do it. Set good examples that your children will notice and hopefully follow.
As adults, we know that it only takes two minutes to brush your teeth, but with children, it can take up to an hour just to get them to comply. Letting them choose their tools and make a game out of the task will help them brush easier. Making habits will ensure their oral care is healthy and eventually become routine. These tips and tricks are different methods you can use to ensure your child takes care of their teeth. Book an appointment with us today, to care for you and your child’s teeth
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dentist maple grove mn
Care Point Dental offers you and also furthermore your family member with high-grade general dental care alternatives in Crystal, MN. They furthermore serve throughout Crystal, Columbia Degrees, Brooklyn Park, Brooklyn Facility, Maple Grove, MN. The facility is presently led by Dr.Salad that is a positive dental professional along with passionately helping the basic health of their individuals. They have a clean, peaceful oral workplace that ensures to utilize among one of the most dependable practical deal with their individuals. The solutions given by the facility are corrective as well as likewise aesthetic therapy, dental implants, periodontics, teeth lightening as well as far more. For a whole lot even more info regarding their remedies, look at https://carepointdentalmn.com/
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mapledentallangley · 7 months
Dental Implants and Family Dentistry in Langley: A Comprehensive Review
The quest for a healthy, radiant smile is a journey shared by individuals and families alike. In Langley, this pursuit is significantly enhanced by the presence of top-notch dental care facilities that specialize in family dentistry and dental implants. Understanding the importance of these dental services can transform your approach to oral health, ensuring a lifetime of beautiful smiles for you and your loved ones.
The Role of Family Dentistry in Oral Health
Family dentistry in Langley plays a pivotal role in maintaining the oral health of the community. It serves as a one-stop solution for all members of the family, regardless of age. From routine check-ups and cleanings to more complex procedures, family dentists are equipped to handle a wide range of dental needs. The key is in their ability to provide personalized care tailored to each family member, ensuring that children, adults, and seniors receive appropriate treatments that address their specific oral health stages.
The impact of regular visits to a family dentist Langleyᅠcannot be overstated. These visits help in the early detection and treatment of potential dental issues, preventing them from escalating into more severe problems. Moreover, family dentists play a crucial role in educating patients about good oral hygiene practices, which are essential for maintaining healthy teeth and gums.
Advancements in Dental Implants
Advancements in dental technology have revolutionized the way missing teeth are treated. Maple Dental Clinicᅠoffers services for Dental implants Langley,ᅠwhich offers a durable and aesthetically pleasing solution to this common issue. Theyᅠprovide a long-term solution to alternative tooth replacement options like bridges or dentures by creating an impression of natural teeth that is both realistic and functional. They are surgically implanted into the jawbone, providing a stable base for replacement teeth.
The benefits of dental implants are numerous. They improve chewing ability, enhance speech, and restore the facial structure that can be affected by missing teeth. Additionally, dental implants are designed to integrate with the bone, helping to preserve bone health and prevent the bone loss often associated with missing teeth.
Combining Family Dentistry and Dental Implants for Comprehensive Care
In Langley, the integration of family dentistry and dental implant services offers a comprehensive approach to oral health. Maple Dental Clinic ensures that individuals and families have access to a wide array of dental services, from preventive care to advanced restorative treatments. Whether it's a child's first dental visit or an adult's consideration for dental implants, these facilities cater to the diverse needs of the Langley community.
The pursuit of optimal oral health in Langley is greatly supported by the availability of exceptional family dentistry and dental implant services. Clinics like Mapledentallangley.ca are at the forefront of providing comprehensive dental care, ensuring that residents of Langley have an easy access to oral health services. Whether you're seeking regular dental check-ups for your family or exploring dental implants as a solution for missing teeth, turning to experts in Langley is the first step towards achieving a healthy, confident smile.
For More Info:-
Canada dental care plan
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Maple Ridge Family Dental
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Maple Ridge Family Dental Provides a Variety of Dental Services Including Restorative Dentistry, General Dentistry, Emergency Dentistry, Sedation Dentistry, and Pediatric Dentistry. At Our Dental Clinic, We Are Always Accepting New Patients of All Ages. Book Your Appointment Today with Our Professional Dentist in London, ON!
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smilesthatrock · 3 years
Trips to the dentist shouldn’t need to be a chore. Here at Tabor Dental Associates, we provide a comfortable atmosphere that is unmatched by other clinics in Hendersonville, TN. Each room is decorated with autographed guitars, which emphasizes our commitment to a calm and relaxing experience. The technologies and techniques we use are considered the most innovative in the industry, but don’t let that intimidate you. As a first-time patient, you will feel safe and taken care of. Our team of professionals are always present to ensure the most comprehensive care, no matter the purpose of your visit. Sit back and relax, because proper oral health is just within your reach. Reserve your appointment now through our website at smilesthatrock.com. Visit us and feel the difference!
Tabor Dental Associates
107 Maple Row Blvd, Hendersonville, TN 37075
(615) 822-3200
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valleyfairdental · 4 years
Dental Clinic In Maple Ridge, BC V2X 2V5 Has The Best And Most Affordable dental Services. We Provide Emergency Dental Care For The Whole Family. Valley Fair Dental in Maple Ridge has a professional dental team and experienced dentists near you. Visit us for your next dental appointment in Maple Ridge, BC.
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untitled23199-blog · 5 years
Cosmetic Dental Implant Procedures in Vaughan, Richmond Hill, Markham, Maple
Five Signs You Need Dental Implants
Whether you have a missing tooth either because of a surgery, tooth extraction, gum disease, trauma, age or poor oral hygiene, it can look unsightly. What’s more, missing teeth can lead to a distorted jawline, facial shape distortion and can affect your confidence.
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A dental implant procedure can restore the missing teeth and restore the functionality and aesthetics of the face. Our dentists and surgeons are professionally trained to perform cosmetic dental implant procedures in Richmond Hill.
Here are five signs you may need dental implant procedures.
You have severe tooth infection and pain
When you have a tooth infection and significant pain, there is a risk of this infection spreading to other teeth and gums. When a tooth is extracted, the surrounding structures start to lose stability and gradually become distorted.
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In such cases, our dentists recommend a complete tooth extraction and replacement procedure with a dental implant. Dental implants provide much-needed stability to the surrounding teeth and gums and give the entire jaw a more natural look and feel.
You have an altered facial appearance
People who wear dentures regularly have a sunken-in look on their face. That’s because the jaw bones continue to deteriorate in the absence of teeth. In fact, dentures do not stimulate bone growth.
In contrast, dental implants look natural and stimulate bone growth thereby preventing the deterioration of bones. Our cosmetic dental specialists in Maple can perform complex dental implant procedures.
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You have difficulty eating or speaking
In the absence of a tooth or two, many people have to give up their favorite foods. If you have difficulty chewing food because of missing teeth, dental implants offer the perfect solution.
Often when you wear dentures, you are worried about the dentures coming off as you eat or speak. Dental implants look, feel and function just like natural teeth. Our dental surgeons can restore your missing teeth and give you the much-needed functionality to eat and speak properly.
You need a long lasting solution
Dentures and bridges provide effective results for a few years. They usually have to be replaced after 5-8 years which involves a significant investment of time and money.
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In contrast, dental implants are a long-lasting solution and can give you great results that can even last decades. It is more or less a permanent option and gives fantastic results if you maintain good oral hygiene.
You want a perfect smile
Often when you have missing teeth, you become too self-conscious and avoid smiling or laughing. In such cases, getting a dental implant can restore your smile to its former glory and bring back your confidence. Dental implants look so natural that people won’t be able to make out you have implants.
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Visit our Cosmetic Dental Clinic in Vaughan
We are a leading cosmetic dental clinic in Vaughan. Our specialists have performed hundreds of dental implant procedures successfully. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.  
Address: – 10211 Keele St. Unit 120, Maple, ON L6A 4R8
Contact us. – 9055532647
Website: – i Dent Dental
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