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zune-ishi Ā· 2 years ago
Kirin-chan fell to her knees as she screamed in agony while her body tried to regenerate.
Zen screams in fear. Kirin howl cried as she was in shock her arms regenerated as she trembled upon the floor.
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zune-ishi Ā· 2 years ago
Kirin-chan was caught off guard by the upper moons demon art. Why was he using it now...
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She raised her brows pondering..
Oh dear was he distracting her..
" uh-ooh..-!? " She tried to get away..
Kirin happily squees lifting up the hem of her shirt to show douma her stomach.
" if you raspberry my belly I won't laugh~ ackiiheehee~?! " The little one was all ready giggling how adorable
"Heh. Is that so? I bet I can make you laugh!"
怊 He activates his Blood Demon art, creating a flurry of snow around the room, creating snowflakes that swirl around. 怋
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zune-ishi Ā· 2 years ago
Like this for an angsty starter in your inbox..
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zune-ishi Ā· 2 years ago
ā€Hello Kirin-chan I brought you some strawberrys from my garden~ā€ž
Koyuki holded a basked in her hand filled with lot's of strawberrys
" oh my gosh-?! Thank you Mama " kirin-chan squees happily with a playful smile.
The imp gently took a strawberry from the basket.
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zune-ishi Ā· 2 years ago
Kirin-chan smiled as she was patted upon her head. The little one gently held onto the spider demon's hand while leading the way outside.
" c'mon let's go catch fireflies.. "
She playfully skips giggling
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zune-ishi Ā· 2 years ago
" kiiheehee~ yeah let's play~ " the imp squees with giggles as she set the feather down to run off and look for a hiding place outside of the cave.
The forest looked like a good hiding place.
" Yoooou cant get me~ " kirin-chan squees with fake fear and overwhelming joy.
Kirin-chan giggled playfully while toddling about holding a pretty raven feather in her right hand. She wanted to give it to Urogi.
He seems to like collecting things. The imp squees running up to him while she tickled his side with the raven feather.
" tiiiiickle You ackiiii~ " she giggles
He lightly laughs at the feeling of the feather against his side
Hi there lil Kirin! What brings you here to my cave? Ya wanna play?
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zune-ishi Ā· 3 years ago
" I have new Mommy's and a new Papa~! "
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zune-ishi Ā· 3 years ago
Kirin giggled more as her sides were tickled more and more. The little imp Snickers with a playful smile as she reached her arms up as she
" Up~ ackiieeheehee up~? " She whines as she wanted to be held. Maybe she was uncomfortable due to laying inside a tall box filled with pillows and blankets.
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zune-ishi Ā· 3 years ago
" I found a Valentine~! Look it's a frog~!? I'm going to kiss him an see if he'll turn into a prince~! "
Kirin held the big bull frog within her hands as she giggled..
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zune-ishi Ā· 2 years ago
Kirin gasps as she saw the upper moon. The little one scooted away hiding behind some tree's.
she's never seen him before. The imp was scared and wanted to go back to the lotus temple..
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Kirin-chan was crying while hiding within the forest. The poor dear she was distraught. The little imp rubbed her tears as she quietly hiccups.
*Aizetsu happened to be walking by and saw the teary imp*
ohā€¦*slowly approaches* Hello there, little oneā€¦
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zune-ishi Ā· 3 years ago
Kirin growls as she was scolded for her tone to uzui.
" Ggrrrrgh..-!? No-!! " She stomps looking up at Kyojuro.
She huffs as she turns her back to him while the little demon stomps away...
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zune-ishi Ā· 3 years ago
HC :
Kirin had ate the blue spiderlilys upon finding them. The flowers tasted horribly bitter worse then red rubied remnants of her feastings.
The imp was scared what if she got caught.. what if she says something.. what if someone finds out.
Oh dear
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zune-ishi Ā· 3 years ago
Roleplay Rules :
- No Drama
- IM me for plotting or if you wish to roleplay within IM I do not mind.
- This Blog is Multimuse and Multifandom friendly.
- This Blog is very selective and private with Following. If I don't feel comfortable with a certain blog following I'll hard block...
- NO NSFW ( Smut )
- I will tag triggers
- Gore and Dark themes are fine within roleplaying
- Mun is not Muse
About Mun :
- Mun is 18+
- Goes By Ryuko
- Pronouns: She / Her
- I have life outside of roleplay if I cannot respond please IM to remind me if I have not written up a reply.
- I have anxiety so I'm very shy when approaching but other than that I am very friendly and do not bite. So IM me if you're interested in plotting.
- lastly roleplay is about having fun and making friends.
Full Name: Kirin : The Sakura Origami Demon.
Nicknames: Ki-Ki , Rin ,
Age: Eight ( Human years )
Gender: Female
Sexuality: ???
Birthday: Born Upon The full Pink Moon. ( April, 5 )
Species: Demon ( was once human )
- before kirin's village had been ambushed by a the demons. The youngling lived life just like any other human..
..Sadly.. her home life wasn't the safest.. the girl was always placed into a crude home..
due to people not even wanting her as they're ' daughter ' By living in such conditions the little one had to become independent at a vet young age..
she had to teach herself how to make food, wash clothes.. bathe.. find safe sanctuary away from cruel men and women who prayed upon her supple flesh out of malicious acts of cruelty
..After the cruelty..
kirin was fully independent she chose to run away from this horrible village but.. that night she chose to make her escape.. everyone was ambushed by demon's..
The youngling layed upon. The topsoil bloodied red rubied remnants pouring out of her porcelain skin.She stared up longingly at the moon hoping Buddha would welcome her to nirvana..
her dreams of being adorn in white silk was not within her grasp..The little one had been turned into a demon from the amount of bites she endured.. And so.. her journey of rencarnation had begun..
Powers: Blood demon art : Sakura blossoms of vexed origami
Ethnicity: Japanese
Languages Spoken: Japanese/ English / demon-language
Height: 4 ft. ( Smol )
Weight: 50 lbs.
Hair Color: pastel white pink graident
Eye Color: lavender
Skin Color: porcelain
Battle Marks(Scars, missing body parts, etc.): Sakura blossoms tattoos upon the apples of her cheeks. Along with upon her forearms and tummy
Type of teeth(Normal, fangs,etc): Fangs, baby fangs
Type of eyes(Abnormal pupil shapes and such): slit pupils
Other Forms: she can shapeshift I to any age she just prefers to be a smol imp.
Facial Shape: round pudgy
Additional Notes (optional): none
Brief Description: Naive, impulsive, playful..
First Impression: shy, naive.. she is still a child. Even though she had been turned into a demon..
Once you get to know them:
She will probably follow you around if she has warmed up to you or If she see's anyone as a threat then she will ursrup you.
Default Expression: smiling or smirk
MBTI Personality Type:???
Extrovert, Introvert, or Ambivert?: Extroverted-introvert. She does like her personal space. But does enjoy company of others at times
Alignment(lawful evil, chaotic good, etc): chaotic good.
Habits: thumb sucking, knuckle biting.. she's still an imp and that means her baby fangs are making her grumpy and teething will occur.. she will bite you.. it's out of play of course
Fears: MUZAN... The sun..
Intelligence: she's an observer..
Pet Peeves: Enmu trying to scare them xD
Religion: Buddhist
Thoughts on government: ???
Thoughts on people in general: she's friends with a little human orphaned girl.. kirin is protecting her while trying to find a loving family to raise little zen...
Moral: she's got morals even though she's a demon.. good morals
Do they believe in:
Ghosts? ( Yes )
Aliens? ( Maybe )
Cryptids? ( She's cryptic xD )
Conspiracy theories? ( Nope )
Anything else I didn't mention?
Superstitions: ( I mean yeah a little bit but she's not to sure about superstitions )
Voice Description:
Head-Canon Voice: soft spoken / raspy cute
Accent(if any): not really?
Speech Patterns:
Do they parrot people?(repeat phrases other people say): Yes.. XD
Most used phrases/words: No, Why, I'll bite you,
Slang the use:
Swearing?: Yes if she hears someone else saying it she will parrot that xD
Do they think before they speak?: yes.. sometimes..
Do they worry about accidentally offending someone with their words?:
It depends on who she's speaking with.
Movement while speaking (hand gestures etc): hand gestures
Humor: she likes to make others laugh. Be it a joke or just giving someone a tickle.
Occupation: Demon slayer killer
Thoughts on occupation: none
Dream Job: if.. she could.. probably own a cute tea shop that would sell mochi and jujube sweets
Education: none. Even though she has taught herself how to read and write.
Past Relationships: none
Current Relationships: none
Family: none
Hometown: none
Current Residence: The Infinity Castle šŸÆ
Room/Housemates: Every other demon who lives there but she has her own room and no one is allowed to enter unless she has invited them in..Enmu found the little one as he decided to take her under his wing.. The sleep paralysis demon made sure no one else would disturb the little imp she is his usurper.. Kirin needs all the training she can get and privacy from others who could try and disrupt her studies or harm her..
Financial Status:
Source of Money: Muzan would give her some spending cash. For clothes or books toys she wants.. she's still a child..
Health: fit as a fitle
Past Life/Backstory: unknown
Current Life: imp demoness
Likes: reading, folding origami..
Dislikes: Being interupted while folding origami or reading.
Favorite Food: she used to enjoy eating mochi, Udon, Onigiri, Yakitori ,Sukiyaki
Favorite Animal: Bunnies
Favorite Color: lavender
Favorite Movie Genre: none
Favorite Book Genre: horror
Favorite Style of Music: anything
Least Favorite Food: ???
Least Favorite Animal: spider
Least Favorite Color : green
Least Favorite Movie Genre: ???
Least Favorite Book Genre: she's a child so I'd have to say romantic stories eeeeeewwww gross šŸ¤¢
Least Favorite Style of Music: ?
Hobbies: painting, reading, folding origami. Watching the moon
Song that fits character's personality: Bury a Friend- Billie Eilish
Song that fits character's story:
I'll keep coming- LowRoar
Social Media Account they would have and what type it would be: None even in the modern day verse she would not have any..
Typical Hours of Sleep: seven
Aesthetic: Sakura blossoms origami paper, lotus flower, Purple pink pastels
How they type: ?
Zodiac: ???
Worst nightmare they've had: Becoming Enmu's next meal because he's horrific and a sleep paralysis demon.
Best Dream they've had: having a family and seeing her parents one last time..
Other: none
Nameā€¢ : Zenna
ā€¢Nicknameā€¢ : Zen, zu-zu , Jujube, Zenny, Zenni
ā€¢Ageā€¢ : Five
ā€¢Genderā€¢ : Female
ā€¢Sexā€¢ : Female
ā€¢Birthdayā€¢ : Jan 6
ā€¢Zodiacā€¢ : Aquarius
ii. Appearance : Usually wearing colorful dresses. Depending on the verse. Short stature. Porcelain skin. Short messy haircut. White locks Maryjane dress shoes to match dress.iii. Personality : Independent.. Clever. Playful, Optimistic
.ā€¢Good traitsā€¢ : Helping others..
ā€¢Bad traitsā€¢: ignoring her own needs such as eating or sleeping to help someone else with they're own struggles.
ā€¢Strengthsā€¢ : Sign language.. is multilingual..
ā€¢Weaknessesā€¢ : She's shy at times. Especially when asking for help.
ā€¢Overall Personalityā€¢ : Loving and playful
iv. Relationships
ā€¢Motherā€¢ ( deceased )
Fatherā€¢ ( deceased )
ā€¢Siblingsā€¢ ( None )
ā€¢Friendsā€¢ : Kirin
ā€¢Other close relatives
ā€¢ None
v. Backstory
Zen had the misfortune of growing up within the foster system. Not knowing who her parents were or who she is. But besides that. Zen won't let that stop her from becoming the person she wishes to be..
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zune-ishi Ā· 1 year ago
Kirin-chan nodded as she smiles sweetly as sje received head pats. The imp looked up at Enmu with curiosity as he spoke of aiding her with her nightmare problem.
" I-- I can't sleep almost every other night-?! I wss hurt as a human and-- i guess it's still in my subconscious..? Well that's as far as I know sense I looked through some books...? " she twiddled her thumbs nervously.
" Will..-?! My spiritual core be broken..?!- " she asked fearfully.
The little imp toddles about in her Sakura patterned kimono. Her pink messy locks swayed about as she approached Enmu.
Kirin gently placed a porcelain hand upon his sleeve tugging it to get his attention.
" Enmu..? I keep having nightmares..? Is there anything you can do to help me..? " the demon child asked curiously
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Enmu was busy talking to himself about something or another, probably something about how fascinating humans are when asleep, or how fun it is to twist their nightmares. His thoughts are interrupted when the young girl runs up to him, humming when he feels a tug on his sleeve and turning his head to see who was there. When he sees Kirin, he smiles warmly, reaching to place a gentle hand on her head. "Hmmm, nightmares, you say?" Enmu chuckles, removing the hand while his knuckles come up to brush against his chin thoughtfully. "I might be able to help! I've never tested my art on other demons before."
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zune-ishi Ā· 3 years ago
" ggrgh.. yeah.. I've been a kid sense I was born..!? I've been a demon for awhile..-!? " She grumbled as she looked up at the kitsune masked demon
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zune-ishi Ā· 3 years ago
" awwaaaaaaaaahaa--?! " Kirin cried as she was looking for Kyojuro. The little one missed him as he was out on a mission.
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