#Demigod: 💀💀💀 but really do you need help?
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batcavescolony · 7 months ago
a MCU/Percy Jackson crossover with Bucky Barnes as a demigod. Ik your already thinking, he's a soldier so Ares obviously but he's actually a child of Aphrodite. Reasoning: before the war and when he's healed he is dressed very well. He wasn't really into war. he's never really fighting for the fight, he's fighting for someone or because he has to. He was forced to be a soldier in both instances (drafted/brainwashed). Mcu Bucky doesn't give off Ares kid vibes. So Aphrodite kid.
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bestdemigodarcherever · 8 months ago
Sup World, I Am Here To Grace Your Lives With My Amazing Presence‼️‼️
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Hey, It's Kayla Knowles, your favourite child of Apollo and the best demigod archer EVER!!!!
I am 15 and Canadian🇨🇦🇨🇦
A Greek Daughter of Apollo that isn't a year-rounder because my super amazing dad, Darren Knowles, is still alive and teaches archery!!
People will tell you I'm not Apollo's favourite. They're wrong😜😜
I'm bisexual and female-leaning 🩷💜💙
I'm also super cool and single, plus open to relationships!!
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Now for cool people I know!!
@totally-percy-jackson Percy! Cool dude, saved the world twice, blue food enthusiast🌊🌊
@wise-girltm Annabeth! Extremely smart, aspiring architect, also helped save the world twice, dating Percy🧠🧠
@goat-boy-underwood Grover! Best satyr, loves eating cans, did what no other satyr could do and found Pan, god of the wild🌱🌱
@gemstonequeen Hazel! Kind, pretty, apparently died and came back to life, dating Frank💎💎
@fire-boy-official Leo McShizzle Valdez, Bad Boy Supreme! (there I said it Leo happy?) Flirt, coolest Hephaestus kid I know to be honest, fun, annoying🔥🔥
@thalias-amazing-brother Jason! Cool dude, helped my Dad become a better person, stickler for the rules, Superman🍃🍃
@iguanaurwayoutofhandcuffs Frank! Can transform into animals, Canadian (partially) so kinda like me(!), dating Hazel🐻🐻
@miss-beauty-queen / @tis-i-piper-mclean Piper! Made two blogs to mess with people, pretty, cool💞💞
@king-of-the-ghosts Nico! Honorary Apollo camper, Will's boyfriend, would choose to date Darth Vader(worst choice ever dude)💀💀
@sunshine-and-socialanxiety Will! Nico simp, my big brother, dork, head counselor, probably needs a pay raise🔆🔆
@not-so-dead-sister Bianca! Beautiful, super cool, Nico's big sister, honestly amazing🩻🩻
@jasons-amazing-sister Thalia! Was a pine tree(formerly), another super cool kid, girlboss🏹🏹
@reyna-dontcallmerara Reyna! Very cool, one of my favourite Romans, strict👑👑
@silenasblogies Silena! Pretty, kind, very fun💄💄
@official-drakon-slayer Clarisse! Honestly not exactly very friendly, pretty cool, fierce🗡️🗡️
@i-can-see-stars-again Zoë! Old-timey, cool, pretty⭐⭐
@best-country-singer Ms Naomi Solace! Will's mom, mother of the year, VERY cool🎤🎤
@arisdaughter Serene! My favourite sister, also cool, great archer🎯🎯
@kit-kat-flowers Katie! Also needs a pay raise, my favourite Demeter kid, the BEST🌱🌱
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@ex-god-apollo My dad, god of the sun, Apollo! Though, he's currently stuck as Lester, a teenage mortal with acne☀️☀️
@yes-im-aphrodite Aphrodite! Extremely beautiful, goddess of love, mostly cool💖💖
@by-the-decree-of-my-bolt Zeus! Needs to keep it in his pants, worst parent ever, god of lighting⚡⚡
@my-sisters-and-the-moon Aunt Artemis! My favourite goddess, coolest aunt ever, goddess of the moon🌙🌙
@yes-im-hades Hades! Pretty good dad, my favourite Big 3 god, god of the dead, kinda deserves better☠️☠️
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Back to me!
I am a girl of many talents! I'm an aspiring Olympic archer, a great musician and skilled at physical contests and games!
I can also heal people by singing to my dad in Ancient Greek, curse people to only speak in rhyming couplets and again, a really amazing archer!
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DNI if racist, transphobic, homophobic, NSFW, aphobic, sexist!!
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#shut up everyone i have arrived☀️☀️ (ic posts)
#blesses you with my presence and acknowledgement☀️☀️ (ask answers)
#(zah)rawr🗣️🗣️ (ooc)
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hey!! tis i, @/sillylilpinkblob, the admin of this blog!! im a minor, and so is Kayla, so no inappropriate stuff, kay? great!!
dividers by @samspenandsword
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rosesradio · 5 months ago
Do you like Perjasico (is that still what it's called) by any chance? Because I was looking at that Jercy ask you had w/ Percy's most fertile period being the full moon when Jason is rutting, and I immediately thought that Nico could solve this problem easy.
Them being a poly couple is the sweetest but it's also so flavourful if only Jercy was established and they had to ask this as a favour from Nico/if Nico offered to help out.
— Jasico smut anon (I'm a multishipper too!)
jasico smut anon!! my favorite named anon (my only named anon it's fine) hii 💌
i loveee ot3/poly Things, those dynamics are vastly unexplored & slept on imo.
i would like to think that as far as fertility goes, being a demigod of a death god renders nico just about infertile (which is fine by him, eff them kids as they say 💀). this means that his partner wouldn't have to wear a condom (stds being put aside in this magical smutverse? it's fine), & (if you want a domestic lore drop) if nico were to want bio kids he could pray to the gods & probably get that arranged. but that's besides the point
as far as nico joining the couple, i don't think he'd offer the favor because he's too shy. i can however see him making some kind of crude joke or two about the predicament, and it opens the floor to further conversations on that. i could see a lot of nervous back and forth, mostly because nico's worried about messing up their relationship and friendship all around. jason & percy would assure nico that he's got nothing to worry about, that their relationship is rock solid, they've talked through these things, & they're both really into nico. and nico, of course, is really into them. he can't believe that they would offer him this, and he gladly accepts.
picturing the first time in which jason's rutt hits him particularly hard, and he brings nico into his & percy's bedroom. even though jason and percy can hardly stand to be in the same room as each other during this period due to their need, part of their agreement was (at least for this first time) percy should be in the room with them as well.
jason would have nico on his elbows & knees on the bed (again with going at it from behind, sue me). he'd be rough with nico, in part because of his rutt & in part because that's what nico prefers. he'd push nico's face into the sheets, driving into him as he manhandles him, exploring every inch of nico that he'd always been curious about. as much as he loves percy's swimmer build, he can't help but adore how lithe nico is. nico is stronger than he looks, of course, though he has a tiny waist & is so pretty when he arches his back—especially when jason tangles his fingers in nico's hair & pulls.
& of course, percy thinks he's gotta have the best view from the front. there's jason behind nico, his eyes hooded but dark as he grips nico's hips hard enough to leave bruises. and gods, percy wants to be nico, but he also loves the show he gets to see. he runs his fingers through nico's hair, gentle where jason his rough, his heart racing at the feeling of his sweat. nico's ass looks so good pressed against jason's hips, his back arching perfectly, his face flushed and wet lips parted to let out moans and whimpers.
and the look nico fixes percy with, his large eyes dark and pleading...gods, percy is gone.
he didn't initially plan to join them this first time, insisting that if he became too needy, he'd get himself off. still, it was a route they'd talked about, and nico insisted with equal stubbornness that he would be very willing & able to get percy off at the same time as jason.
so, percy lifts nico's head up, a thumb pressed to his bottom lip. and when he softly asks nico if he can use his mouth, nico's almost coming on the spot, nodding eagerly.
and so, while nico is supposedly being a 'lifesaver' to percy & jason, he's also getting his fix like nothing else. he would be the first one to come, whining around percy's cock down his throat. percy would be next, unable to handle the feeling of nico's throat & the sight of jason making him feel so good. nico would swallow like he was made for it, and that alone would make percy think of round two before nico even pulls away. jason would be last, drinking in every sound from nico & percy's lips, every sight of their pleasure. he would hold himself off to the last possible moment, wanting to try to be sure that his two partners had finished first. it wouldn't be long before jason would come deep inside nico, for once not worrying about pregnancy...despite how good nico would probably look while pregnant, too
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11queensupreme11 · 1 year ago
It sounds like part 4 is just going to be the ror!gods going "oh well this will be fine what's the worst that could happen" only to be immediately proven wrong by the pjo!world. To them Percy's world probably seems like some kind of apocalyptic dystopian death world with a personal grudge against Percy. New horrors everyday. Anthonius is allowed to exist. Can you tell me each love interest's least favorite thing that is not Percy related? (ex Poseidon hates that pjo!Poseidon is a whore)
poseidon: absolutely HATES the state of his seas. his counterpart only has a kingdom because he didn't think to conquer and expand??? pathetic. it's so polluted too, WHY DOESN'T PJO!POSEIDON KILL THE HUMANS FOR SULLYING HIS TERRITORY??? there's aquariums, FUCKING SEA WORLD, grocery stores selling dead fish, countries whose main diet consists of SEA FOOD. poseidon is frothing in the mouth with rage
hades: absolutely hates the relationship the elder olympians have, especially the big three. it actually kinda hurts him how broken this family is. he's very disappointed in how the pjo!big 3 behave. they're having petty arguments with each other and killing each other's kids because of it! he is especially disappointed in pjo!zeus, he's become a power-hungry, paranoid, tyrannical king and that says a lot because his little brother is literally called "the tyrant of the seas"
loki: absolutely hates the idea that pjo gods have fallen so low that they would lay with a HUMAN and have half-breed children (which is very hypocritical of him because he's in love with a HALF-BREED, but he'll just say "she's an exception ofc! 💖"), then have the gall to look down on them despite literally needing their existence to survive? no seriously, loki hates how the pjo gods actually NEED humanity to exist in order to not fade away. it's disgusting to him
beelzebub: hmmmm this was kinda hard for me because there are many reasons he hates the pjo verse but most of it is percy-related. the one thing he really hates is how dangerous everything is. this man is super overprotective (for obvious reasons) so learning that demigods literally have monsters hunting after them like 24/7 makes him worried af and paranoid. the fact that percy's constantly sent on quests and wars??? he'd hyperventilate. it does not help learning that greek demigods barely make it to adulthood 💀
apollo: this one is more specific, but he hates how pjo!apollo wasn't allowed to save artemis after she was kidnapped. pjo!apollo wasn't allowed to interfere and literally risked getting into A LOT of trouble by breaking ancient laws to help percy and the questers. ror!apollo really really REALLY doesn't like the "no interference rule".
but i think THE NUMBER ONE THING that ALL ror gods hate the most..... is how restrictive everything is in the pjo verse.
think about it. there are SOOO many things that the pjo gods can't do that would just baffle ror gods:
they can't go to each other's realms/homes. early in the lightning thief, percy asks why can't zeus and poseidon just go to the underworld and to beat up hades for stealing the bolt and chiron was like "they're not allowed to". like, that's just insane for ror!gods!!!
they can't reveal themselves to the humans??? ror midgardians don't believe in the gods anymore because the ror gods literally hate their asses so much that barely any of them go down to midgard anymore and just chill in valhalla. meanwhile in pjo, humans simply stopped believing in them and the gods decided they should play along and have hecate create the mist so they wouldn't know about the "mythical" world
they can't interfere too much in the lives of humans. humans are literally fucking up the environment in pjo and gods don't go around committing massacres as punishment because they're no longer allowed to interfere or something like that 💀 then there's the ror gods casually committing genocide on multiple nations and even going so far as to COMPLETELY WIPE OUT ALL OF HUMANITY 💀
can't go around killing humans whenever they want cuz they need them to survive. also connected to the one above. pjo gods need demigods and humanity in order to not fade away from existence. which is VERY weird to ror gods because their existence is not influenced by humanity AT ALL. it's why they're able to commit so many genocides against them.
can't raise their demigod children. yeah a lot of ror gods are gonna be disgusted at the thought of half-breed kids existing but like.... they're genuinely confused as to why pjo gods can't raise them cuz wtf
can't act freely so they gotta use demigods to do their dirty work. connected to the "can't go to each other's realms/homes" and "can't interfere too much" rule ^^. because of how restricted pjo gods are, they gotta act indirectly by using demigods to do their dirty work for them (pjo!apollo couldn't save his sis because he wasn't allowed to, had to literally break ancient laws just so he could give percy and co some help). ror gods have no such restrictions and can do as they please
and im pretty sure there's more, but that's the gist of it that i can remember rn
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livealittleoc-cb · 18 days ago
Valentine’s Day Update!
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♥️: HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY EVERYONE! Don’t mind the glasses *yawns* I woke up a bit ago, getting ready for my shift with Venus! Excited to be able to help this time around.~ Seeing people falling in love always makes me so warm. 🥰 Morning shift is the best shift cause I get the rest of the day with my little loves! Me and Cu are also trying to get Eros in the spirit of the holiday. *giggles* Di and Aphrodite are convinced Eros is going to be grump this year too but we have faith he’ll come around! I hope everyone has a special someone to spend their day with Friend, Family or Partner have a fun day! If you need any last minute things I’n the person to call, always open to help~
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💘: HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY! IT’S MY HOLIDAY EEEE *wiggling around excitedly* I’m so please with how everything seems today, I took Dot out for a walk and saw how pretty the humans in the area decorated everything. It’s so lovely to see. I have the afternoon shift and my appointments are a little spread out so I get to spend time with my sweeties, I’m so excited! I’m thinking this is Eros’ year too! I think he’s coming around! *squeals* I got all dolled up for today too, have to look pretty while making people fall in love. That’s what I always say. Oooo I CAN’T CONTAIN MYSELF MY FEATHERS ARE PRACTICALLY ALL RUFFLED UP FROM ME FLUTTERING MY WINGS AROUND. I really hope everyone is spending it with someone, it’s my true wish 🥰 If anyone wants company I’m always open to making new friends!
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❣️: What is that people say today…Happy Valentine’s Day? I don’t seem to be as… enthusiastic as the other two. This isn’t my favorite holiday by far but I have to do what I was created for. I have the night shift which I don’t mind, I had a busy morning we had a Valentine’s Day shoot for a magazine. Ares was overly friendly today, hugging me and talking to me a lot. I let up on him because of the day, he even got me some flowers so I won’t complain. It’s…new. I dislike the holiday but I can’t say I don’t appreciate the people in my life. *soft smile before rubbing the back of his neck* Anyways, I’m looking forward to taking a walk around during my shift. Some fresh night air will be nice.
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⭐️: Happy Valentine’s’ Day to everyone! Hope you’re having a good day 🥰
🩵🩵: @monsterhigh-cb [🐟🤍💍 && ⚡💙 && 👻💜 && 🐺💕 && 🎤💖 && 👑💛] @evicted-oc [☕️🤎 && 🐼🖤 && 🔦💛 && 🧊🩵 && 💄🖤 && 🏴‍☠️🤍] @theinvitation-bot [🐭🩶💒] @welcome-to-maniac [🐇🖤 💍 && 🌻❤️ && 🌕❤️‍🔥 && 🐿️❣️ && 🐉🩶] @fantasyaespa [🐈 💚💍 && ☀️🩵💍] @multi-joong [🌧️🧡💒 && 🎨💚 && ☠️🖤] @kardpackcb [🌙💝 && 🐺❤️‍🔥] @obsession-cb [🍰🖤💍 && 🍪🖤 && 🧁🖤] @themuses-rp [💃❤️‍🔥 && 💀🩵], @lunaaofthemoon [🌖💜], @raiden-oc [🌑🖤], @badbf-cb [🍭💙]
Possible New Residents: @faywithlove @folklore-cb @welcometosector1 @reve-rv @oppositesattraxt @coffeexdreamcb @silcntxnight @thesugaredalchemists @redlight-cb @shin-haneul @crimson-l @clubwnderland @dragonrider-cb @demigods-ateez @secretscb @fallenangels-cb @elmyraoc-cb @dc-heroes-cb @kavengers-assemble [DM + / -]
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nakasumi-sims · 5 months ago
Cody and the Reaper's Rewards 💀 pt 1
(Note: this is somewhat of an AU)
It has been a couple years of Cody taking a break from ghost hunting after he and Satoru moved out of the dorms and into their own place. It would've been impossible for them to afford such a place without the treasure they found the night Cody proposed to Satoru. Things have seemed to go well for the couple, even in the uncertainty of their safety. The two married, and Satoru got the family he always wanted, now with three little ones of their own which Cody still can't believe. Cody still runs the paranormal investigator business, but the rest of the gang has moved on to chasing their own aspirations after graduation. But they still visit Cody and Satoru often. However, there's still one problem that plagues Cody the most. Satoru is a god and he's just a mortal. How long can their happiness last like this? He can't be just a blip in Satoru's life. It's too painful to think about leaving Satoru alone. Even their demigod children may outlive him, but without immortality, death will come for them too. The boys know they can't let that happen. They will find a way. They have to find a way to stay together...
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One afternoon, Nicholas comes over to visit. Just the usual hanging out with his bestie and his favorite nieces and nephew. Today, Cody has a proposition for Nicholas. "I've been doing some research in my spare time and I came across something. I haven't really asked Satoru about it yet, but y'know about ambrosia, right? From the old greek myths. What if I can figure out how to get a hold of some?"
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"I'm down to help. Actually, I'm kind of excited! It's been way too long since we've done any investigations together. I'm not really sure how the hell you plan to go about this, but we could break out the old crystal ball and see if you can still commune with the spirits. Maybe we'll find something out that way?" Nicholas responds.
"Psh, I can still see and talk to ghosts and stuff just fine." Cody scoffs. "Damn, I haven't broken that old thing out in a few years. I'm sure it's around here somewhere. Hmmm...it could be in the attic."
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The two managed to find it up in the attic. Just like old times in the dorms, there's no space for it to be sitting out constantly, especially now with demigod toddlers running around. With barely any proper space for it still, Cody decides to set up their seance in the laundry room. Expecting answers from the spirits about ambrosia is a long shot. However, it looks like Cody's managed to get a clue. Let the journey to immortality begin!
Scratch that. The investigation is put on hold for the day. Nicholas has been called home and the kids need some TLC.
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Our daddies get to work on bathtime for their little dumplings. Cody takes care of baby Kazuhiko's needs. While Satoru bathes Sayori, the middle child. Cody never imagined he'd be married with kids. It's chaotic, but he'd do anything for them even if, at times, they drive him a little crazy. Satoru's absolutely in love with their life and one of his favorite things is dressing the kids up in cute outfits. Which Cody can't do for the life of him. Hell, he'd let them run around in mismatched everything or naked. Not to piss off Satoru, but he thinks it's fine and he has a hard time trying to put any traditional clothing on squirming toddlers.
After bathtime, Cody helps Kazuhiko try hummus for the first time. It didn't go well. Then the boys got all three kids down for bed and decided to take a late nap which turned into them sleeping through the night in their clothes.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 2 years ago
Interesting fact in Norse Mythology, Thrud is Thor’s Daughter, but in RoR Thrud’s half human, so my question is… do it you think Thor had a Human Lover? (If he is Thrud’s father)
I’m ready to throw hands (If I don’t see him react to Thrud’s death I’m gonna slap him) Thrud’s such a pretty girl and a big sweetheart (Her Maiden Face was too cute!)
Like, how exactly do the Valkyries work? (Are they related RELATED or because they’re Demigods they find solace and develop a bond with each other deeper than blood because they’re discriminated for being half human?) Hercules is a Demigod but he wasn’t born that way (And is liked by the Gods, as shown by their cheering and he had a plushy toy some children own I. want. one.)
So many questions, and not enough answers! (It doesn’t help that the Manga is released monthly, but luckily we now have a DILF to make the wait more tolerable 😂🥹)
I know a few weird facts in some mythology (I wanted to take a Mythology class for a elective but I didn’t because all they ever really teach is Greek, Norse and Egypt, then repeat, which sorta kills it, when you want to learn Native, Japanese, Hindu, etc, etc.)
Sorry if I’m being weird, when I’m comfortable with someone I reveal just how weird I can be (I like your writing, it feels therapeutic and your blog has a nice energy to it, like when you finally come home after a long time away and you can just relax the second you open the front door) I’m so weird…
I have ADHD and Autism so I can keep going on a subject or rapidly change it like when your flipping through channels 💀
Hello my darling one!
It is very interesting to see if RoR follows actual mythology with Thrud being Thor's daughter, however, I've noticed with RoR that a lot of the mythology isn't exactly the same, according to the myths we all know, such as Adamas and Zerofuku being added in.
According to some mythology, the Valkyries were all princesses, who when they died they took up the mantle of the choosers of the slain, so I think that while not related, they are sisters as they are all kindred spirits, being similar in nature and finding kinship with each other.
So due to them being humans first, and then ascending to be demi-gods, I think that's why they are discriminated against.
However, in volume one of the manga, it touched on how Brunnhilde, in mythology, was turned into a human, after disobeying Odin, as the myth goes. She is a bit more sympathetic for humans because she was a human for a time after being in Valhalla (either just this once or was a human who ascended then went back to being a human, details aren't clear yet).
I agree with the questions, because more keep popping up, like why exactly is Seigfried in prison? The big one I have, is who is pulling the strings for this tournament, as in, who is the one who first told the gods to destroy the humans? I'm thinking there is something shifty going on in the shadows, because Brunnhilde knew the gods were going to destroy the humans without her intervention and Ragnarok, so something is going on.
I wish that it would update more frequently, at least twice a month, because I need to see more of G.I. DILF!!
Good insight my dear one, I like having discussions like this!
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gontagokuhara · 1 year ago
OKAY I FORGOR💀 TO MENTION THIS actually idk if I already said this but I LOVE the way you write kokichi? Like kokichi's jesterism clowncore energy is not talked about enough in this fandom, he's not just a lying troll, he can also be a corny little canned-bit filled jokester! He can be your angle! Or yuor devil! But he and Kaede give off such an "annoying little brother"/"exhausted oldest sister" vibe in pointy objects it never fails to make me laugh and also feel feelings!
Also ngl writing my lil (literally >2k) review gave me the energy to do my writing assignment so thank you for indirectly but also directly contributing to me not failing my class LMFAO
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hi hello!! first of all thank u again for ur very sweet comments i keep rereading them . actively working on the next chapter and i reread them like an hour ago <3 also you are so me re: the writing thing literally i am writing this long ass response out as a warm up to getting started on the chapter again I SEE U. solidarity u got this class
as always below the cut because i like to yap (no spoilers butttttttt call it a small hint of what's to come next chapter)
ANYWAY !!! im glad people like that choice <3 his general silliness tends to get lost in canon in the midst of such a heavy fraught situation (where his dumbass is instigating fights constantly......) and so i feel it more natural to have it bleed into him in pointy objects you know? his backpack also offers just unreal opportunities for clownery and i can't help myself. i have issues with a lot of canon/fanon portrayals of kokichi so with him (as i do miu, and kiyo, and kaito, etc) i like to do the classic mogul move yoink & twist. i take character that needs fixer-uppering, mash 'em around like playdoh, and make them mostly the same but......better in my humble opinion. i feel like i do that pretty well with kokichi, and hearing those choices are appreciated makes me very happy <3
in that vein the kaede/kokichi dynamic is SOOOO important its one of my favorites ive worked into pointy objects i think. justice for my real protag kaede BUT her biting the dust so early both robbed canon content of what a friendship between them could look like. but it also gives me LOTS of room to pick up their barbie dolls and make them have good moments together. speaking of pointy objects canon, they arrived at camp within about a year of each other, before a lot of the other mainstay demigods began living there full time. gonta, miu, kaede, maki, and kokichi spent a lot of time as the only ones at camp; kids like kirumi/tenko/himiko/angie/kiyo are all summer-only, and full-timers ryoma, kaito, and kiibo came later (ages 14, 16, and within a few months of sonia giving them a soul [roughly the same stretch of time as ryoma's arrival], respectively).
all that lore TO say: kaede and kokichi grew up together in a lot of really important ways, and the dynamic that developed over the years very much is that exhausted older sister/exhausting little brother who are fiercely and kind of unexpectedly protective over one another. i could go on about all of the early full-time campers' dynamics because there's a lot within those five especially that i've like. developed in my brain? but havent fit into the 170k words 💀 the mind palace of spiderwebbing character relationships is very vast for how much has actually made it into the fic.....but wink wonk we WILL see a taste of it this next chapter
and finally, re edits: i did my one BIG edit fest back in may, and since then there haven't been any major changes. that said, i do reread the prior chapters quite often (checking details to make sure new writing doesn't have any discrepancies, getting myself back in the headspace to write shuuichi's voice, etc) and do occasionally find typos or phrasing or sentence flow i like changed, so i do fix those as i see them. that said, i DO know what you're talking about with chapter 3; that was a chapter i did pretty majorly redo in may, and there was definitely some redundant word use and odd sentence structure i went back and corrected. but i haven't made any changes that drastically alter the contents of the story; not more so than i did back in may, at least!
ok this as always got very long but it was as always very fun to answer!!!! thank you again for all your support MWAH MWAH and im sure we'll make contact again soon enough!!
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choerrypuffs · 3 years ago
HI LANA!! Just wanted to tell you that you hurt my feelings with starlet and i didn't appreciate the sudden angst attack 🥲
Jokes aside. Is it ok if i ask for tips on how to writing a long fic? i always end up doubting myself or procrastinating because i get stuck. And just any other tips that you think are essential :')
hi lovely!!! i apologize for hurting your feelings and blindsiding you like that 😔 though i am a lil happy bc i wanted to inflict pain when i wrote it 😈
of course you can ask for tips, my love!! though i will warn you that i may not be the best person to ask for advice bc 90% of the time i do not know what i’m doing 😅 but i will try my best to explain how i personally do things!!
first i want to preface with long fics do NOT equal better fics. i think a lot of people automatically think a 20k word fic is better quality than a 3k word fic when that isn’t true. if you’re able to tell a good story within the 2-5k range then there’s no need in trying to drag it out. 
that being said, some people want to make their fics longer for the sake of character development or a complicated storyline or both, so here are some suggestions: 
make an outline, separated scene by scene 
this is probably the most important for me when it comes to writing longer fics. it sounds pretty basic but it helps so much!! i used to just rawdog it and write as i went, completely coming up with ideas on the fly, and i still do this occasionally but for the most part, it really helps a story come together when you have a rough outline of the story. and by rough, i mean it can be rough, i sometimes just insert a line of dialogue and separate it with a slash. for example, here are some of my notes from when i was drafting my jeno demigods fic
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and this was just the first version of my outline bc i later separated these notes by scene and added to each scene as i came up with more ideas. of course these aren’t set in stone and i often ended up changing things as i was writing but it’s good to have a general guideline! 
having these scenes separated is also helpful bc it gives you an idea of what the word count for each scene is! mine are usually between 2k-3k words so even having 3-4 scenes could potentially mean a 6-8k word fic already. 
have the fic take place over a specified amount of time
i think using this plot element is one of the best ways to guarantee a longer word count! for example, if the fic takes place over the course of a week, that is 7 scenes (assuming you don’t skip a couple of days) and even if they’re only 1k words each, it’s a 7k word fic already. 
write out of order
while this is not a technique that i use, cat and moon do this and their fics are top tier so i trust them on this 🥰 i can’t help much with procrastination bc i suffer from it myself but i think writing out of order will help with the getting stuck part! it’s a good change of pace to just work on a different scene when you’re stuck something else. i simply cannot do this bc i change so many elements last minute so i need to write in linear order so i keep things consistent 💀
i hope these tips were helpful and good luck, my love!! 💕
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jayflrt · 3 years ago
i have toured asheville and i’m touring app on wednesday!! i’m hoping that will clear it up for me 😭
i need to quests on my asia acc and to farm,,but it’s so Repetitive bc i’ve already done it on na yk
oh for sure, starter cons are a huge flex
i wasnt surprised tbh? like i’d stopped being her friend/moot bc of the asks she answered abt minor adult relationships and riki but it was disappointing
drawing w/o guidelines IS really hard, i did his nose, then his eyes, jaw, and then his hair (his hair gave me so much grief)
i used to only do traditional but i prefer digital now (i do have a nice tablet which helps a lot) bc it’s So much faster and kinder on your hand
i bought glitch mode 😼 so i will show u my pulls whenever it gets here
i’m also done w this semester and ready to graduate holy Shit i want to be free 😭
i’m also writing a bff2l mark fic… markly my beloved (aka avoiding my demigod series and my 2 series on my sideblog HELP)
omg that’s so exciting !!! i hope you have fun 🥰🥰💗💗 how did you like asheville?? :o
no yeah that’s why i ditched my NA acc by inazuma arc LOL i just didn’t wanna do the inazuma archon quest again but maybe i’ll wait until the whole genshin story is finished and then play it all the way on my NA acc so i can go through all the archon quests at once and not wait like half a year for each region 🤧
i had my eye on her since like december if i’m gonna be honest 💀💀 never said anything because i saw a lot of ppl blindly defending and knew i’d be hit with the victimization anyways, but i just kept my guard up LOL and yeah i remember the riki post (oops i almost wrote tweet) with the minor-adult relationships …. it was v strange
omg yeah i haven’t used a tablet before but i tried to do digital art on laptop with a wacom tablet befofe :’) it was nice but i prefer traditional bc it’s easier to interact(??) with the art, if that makes sense
omg exciting !! :o i pre ordered the albums and digipack but i still haven’t been able to see them yet bc i set it to my family home LOLL who are you hoping to pull ?? :o from an nctzen perspective i don’t mind whichever member but from a collector perspective i hope i get jaemin, renjun, mark, or hyuck 🥲💖 my wallet is going to die HAHHA
bff2l is superior prove me wrong 🤩🤩 mark is honestly so versatile for most tropes ♡ and i also get random fic ideas when i’m close to finishing other fics 😭 and then it completely distracts me from completing the fic LMAOAO like i’m trying to write my spiderjake fic but my summer romance rich kid heeseung fic is creeping in 👨‍🦽
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11queensupreme11 · 7 months ago
In your opinion, how would you rank the 7 from most powerful to weakest?
ooooohhh ok ok i'm gonna have fun with this
i'm gonna rank them based on physical strength, speed, intelligence (specifically in battle), and power (like water manipulation, darkness manipulation, etc)
(also im gonna be adding nico and thalia just cuz hehe)
(additional also: i'm ranking them based on hoo, not any further than that cuz i don't remember much afterwards 💀)
im gonna start with the top cuz this surprises no one:
FIRST - percy jackson (duh)
literally no explanation needed, it's percy jackson 💀 he's got it all: super strong, super fast, super powerful, and he's scary intelligent when in battle, and this was all BEFORE he even got the curse of achilles. the curse just gave him an even BIGGER boost than before. he's pretty much the closest thing the humans have to a mortal god tbh.
SECOND - nico di angelo
I KNOW THIS MIGHT SURPRISE SOME PEOPLE! but i genuinely do believe nico is the second most powerful demigod. solely because of his excellent control over his powers. he may not be the physically strongest or fastest or that skilled in his sword, but he has exceptionally good control in his powers!!!
THIRD - jason grace
this guy is like... perfect. physically strong, fast, good with weapons (sword and spear), and good control over his powers, AND strategic in the battlefield. he was not only the praetor of camp jupiter, but he stayed there since he was TWO YEARS OLD, and the thing about camp jupiter is that they're an army, and jason most definitely know how to lead an army.
FOURTH - hazel levesque
her powers literally woke up gaea 💀 that, and don't underestimate the mist too
FIFTH - thalia grace
honestly, i didn't know where to put thalia. we don't really get to see much of her after the first series, and the only reason i'm putting her in the top five is solely because she's a child of the big three, and children of the big three are naturally powerful af, so i feel like she should be somewhere up here.
SIXTH - annabeth chase
is the only one who doesn't have super powers but that doesn't mean she should be underestimated. she is not only scarily intelligent in battle AND outside of battle AND knows how to trick/manipulate her enemies, we know she's physically strong and fast. we also know that she stayed in camp since a very young age, so she's exceptional in hand-to-hand combat and multiple weapons (dagger/knife, sword, bow and arrow, etc.) due to camp's daily training regimen.
SEVENTH - frank zhang
he's a son of mars, so he's naturally going to be physically strong and strategic (battle-wise). also, we know he's adept at several weapons too (bow and arrows & a spear). plus, he was literally so powerful that he needed to be limited via stick 💀 (poor kid). let's not forget to mention he's got a bit of poseidon's blood too which granted him the shapeshifting ability that percy's jealous of (lol).
EIGHTH - leo valdez
he's low solely because of physical capabilities, sorry! he's not as strong and fast as the others, and he's not that good in weaponry, but he makes up for it with his fire powers and his genius intellect. if you reread the second series, you'll notice that a lot of his fights were won through by outsmarting his opponents (+ his fire powers too ofc, but him being really really smart helped him a lot).
NINTH - piper mclean
(if we're going with how rick wanted her to be, she'd probably be up there with the children of the big three ngl 💀 he loves her too much)
piper is not that physically strong or fast, nor is she that good of a combatant, but this is mostly due to inexperience. leo is inexperienced too, but he makes up for it with his intelligence which... piper doesn't have much of, at least in battle. she was stated to have trained in swordsmanship when in the argo ii, but that was described in a single paragraph and she was magically adept at it later. a lot of characters had to be downgraded in order to make her stronger: annabeth became dumb and emotional during a fight against a giant so piper had to beat her, the aphrodite kids were weak and useless to make her stronger and different, charmspeak worked on GAEA despite rick providing us a list of ways for charmspeak to fail and gaea checked every single one of them, etc. 💀
so realistically, she'd be down here at the bottom.
aside from hazel, everyone in the top 6 have years of experience in the demigod life (+ immense power) while those under are pretty new to this and lack proper experience, so i definitely believe the lower ranks, with more time and training, could move up. would they be as powerful as the top 3 (percy, nico, and jason)??? i lowkey kinda doubt it, but they could probably climb higher than thalia and annabeth and MAYBE hazel.
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11queensupreme11 · 1 year ago
Could Percy beat the ror gods in a fight ?
Like in the first chapter Thor said something with "maybe she will be a war goddess" and than someone else said "do she look like she can fight?"
im a percy stan and i WANT to say yes but ever since i started planning arsenic blues, i had to think real hard about the differences in strengths between the universes and i came to the very painful conclusion that canon-percy probably would NOT be able to beat anyone in ror 😭
yes, i don't think canon percy could even beat the human fighters either ���😭
to be fair, ror is a seinen anime. seinen and shonen animes always go above and beyond when it comes to characters speed/strength/power/endurance/stamina/etc feats and ror is no different. (i talk more on the powerscaling here: 1 & 2). like, we literally got a character who moves so fast that they can surpass time (father adam!!!). and that guy was human.
meanwhile in pjo, there are some ridiculously strong characters, but they're not like.... shonen/seinen anime-level ridiculous, you get what i mean? and it wasn't like percy really beat gods/titans at full power without help:
kronos wasn't at full power. he was getting there, but percy was fighting a weakened kronos who was using the body of a demigod. he also had assistance from annabeth and grover
the ares fight. it was a fight to draw blood, not to defeat the other. ares was the first to draw blood so the fight stopped there
hyperion fight. he had a lot of help from grover and the other satyrs
of course, he had A LOT of moments where he was able to take down super strong enemies, and there was also him taking down hades and his minions after receiving the curse of achilles and choking akhlys, but canon percy's physical feats are not on par with the feats of the ror characters 💀
this is the main reason i set the story right AFTER pjo and before hoo, that way, percy would still have the curse of achilles to protect her when she's in the ror verse. the curse of achilles is gonna be VERY important here cuz it'll help her be somewhat on par with the gods. it's not just 99% invulnerability that she's granted, she's given other cool bonuses too:
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i will ALSO be making percy a little more powerful than in canon because, again, she's gonna really need it here
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livealittleoc-cb · 2 months ago
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Merry Christmas @demigods-ateez Family Pt 2 <3
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“I’ll go to the ends of the Earth for you if it means you’ll give me a second of your time, a small smile, anything. I fear I might be falling for you and that scares me.”
🪞: I don’t really understand this stupid holiday, why give gifts when you can just get yourself stuff-. *purses his lips* But I thought I would be kind and gracious and give you a few little things so… *pushes the bags forward, crossing his arms and looking away* Merry Christmas or whatever-.
🦎: My turn to give you your gift! I’m stealing him for a second! *pulls Hwa away* okay we’re far away enough. *grins* I’m giving you intel as your gift~ So Pride isn’t good at giving gifts he doesn’t remember what people like so keep that in mind if there’s something you don’t like or won’t use *laughs* he’s a big spender hence all the bags, he’s been on a Sanrio kick too so a lot of it will be Sanrio themed. I know he’s gotten you a My Melody ring and little plushie, he won’t tell you this but he has a matching Kuromi ring and plush in his room somewhere. He also won’t telllll you but he likes you in pink so expect pink gifts, there’s sunglasses for sure some other goods I don’t know the rest. *pats his back* if you tell him I told you any of this your head will be on a platter *beams* Merry Christmas! *skips away*
🪞: *glares* What did he tell you-?
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“Oh starlight.~ Dear starlight.~ Keep shining bright with every passing second, keep smiling like you do because I can’t get enough of it.”
💀: Merry Christmas!~ *smiles and holds up the plushies* I thought these were perfect, I associate you with stars and moon so I got you your very own. *snorts* They were too cute to pass off on and I don’t think I’m the only one who associates you with them either.
🦎: *pops in* Heyyy~ Merry Christmas or whatever *laughs and holds a small box* I got you something for your glasses you’re the cutest with them on~ Include a little stars and you look perfect~ *winks*
💀: He’s not wrong *shy smile* he did need a little help though he has a hard time picking out gifts. *hums* I also got Minerva some little treats for her gift *looks away, swaying a little* I hope you both like the gifts
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⭐️: Merry [Late] Christmas and Happy Holidays! 🥰
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choerrypuffs · 3 years ago
omg hi im currently working on my own nct dream series because of how inspired i was of your demigod series and cat's not clickbait series !! ^_^
i jus wanna say how much i LOVED jeno's e2l fic it really really helped me get through the week as it was smth i looked forward to reading every night :( your portrayal of the characters (esp cat!! she was the funniest character,, but i was lowkey imagining her as cat from victorious and then i realised that it was quite literally your moot 💔) was so fun to read and you brought everything to life!
i also really loved the dynamic between jeno and y/n and how raw and misunderstood their emotions were 😭😭 the fight scenes were so detailed and thrilling and they kept me wondering omg what's going to happen next. you should really give yourself a big pat on the back for keeping me hooked for a whole WEEK ive never been so dedicated to a fic before oh my days 😵‍💫 OH AND ESP WHEN JAEHYUN WAS THE TRAITOR!!! i had my doubts abt him the minute cat didn't like him (she felt like such a big sis character so i trusted everything she said) but i did think for a split second that maybe sicheng was the traitor,, thank goodness he isn't that would have been so disheartening 💔💔
lastly, back to cat being in your fic!! i thought that was a really cool way of incorporating your friends into your story and i jus wanna ask that if i did that with one of my nct fics would that be okay? ^^
this is so long im sorry <///3
hi, my love! i showed your ask to cat as well, and we are so honored and flattered that our series inspired you to write your own!!! 💕💕💕 i'd love to hear more about it! what is it going to be about 👀👀👀 give me that exclusive pls 🎤
thank you so so so much!!!! i'm so glad you enjoyed it and it makes me so happy that it was able to give you some sort of relief though the week 🥺 LMFAOOOOOO NOT CAT VALENTINE FROM VICTORIOUS 😭 we have plenty of asian rep so we don't need miss ariana nguyen 💀 on a serious note, i'm glad you liked the side characters!! the hades + poseidon siblings were unexpected fan favorites and it just makes me feel like super accomplished that people cared 🤧
omg yes!! jeno and y/n's dynamic was super important to me bc it's e2l and i'm an e2l supremacist and i wanted to make sure that i did the e2l dynamic justice without venturing into toxicity bc a lot of the writing in that genre tends to veer into red flag territory 🤧 ahhh and thank you for mentioning the fight scenes omfggg 😩 i swore i would never write action again after my atla series but i never learn 😭 writing those took ten years off my life span so i really appreciate you bringing them up 🥺 no omg i should be giving you a pat on the back for being able to get through that 22k monstrosity without losing interest 🧎‍♀️ if i don't read it in one sitting then i'm not reading it at all DFJSKLSK
honestly cat ended up being right about everything so everyone just needs to trust what she says 😤 i debated a lot of potential members to be jaehyun's accomplice, and lucas was almost going to be it but then i decided it against it 😌 unfortunately sicheng wasn't a contender logistically but who knows 👀 i do plan on writing more short-form content so...
of course that's okay, my love! incorporating my friends into my fics is actually something cat inspired me to do bc she put me in one of her fics first! i think it's super fun and also you don't have to come up with your own side characters and make your own personalities for them 🤩
don't apologize, my love!! i love answering long asks and thank you for taking the time to leave me such a sweet message <3333
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