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eldorr · 7 hours ago
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First Row: Versions 1, 2, and 3 of Demiantrunu Second Row: Versions 1, 2, and 3 of Demipylaer Third Row: Versions 1, 2, and 3 of Demiantrunuflux Fourth Row: Versions 1, 2, and 3 of Demipylaerflux
Demiantrunu: A combination of Genderantrunu and Demigender. Demiantrunu being: 1) One part of one’s gender is Genderantrunu (being fluid thru masculine and unaligned genders; plus feminine genders either partly, conditionally, and/or rarely. And never a binary man/woman, while also experiencing unaligned genders to a higher degree), while part of one’s gender is something else. AND/OR 2) Being demifluid, where part of your gender is static (not fluid), and the other part is (gender)fluid, in this case Genderantrunu. [The feminine counterpart is Demipylaer, and the xenine counterpart is Demifluvil. Can also be called Demiorernet or Demiflorernet.] - Demipylaer: A combination of Genderpylaer and Demigender. Demipylaer being: 1) One part of one’s gender is Genderpylaer (being fluid thru feminine and unaligned genders; plus masculine genders either partly, conditionally, and/or rarely. And never a binary man/woman, while also experiencing unaligned genders to a higher degree), while part of one’s gender is something else. AND/OR 2) Being demifluid, where part of your gender is static (not fluid), and the other part is (gender)fluid, in this case Genderpylaer. [The masculine counterpart is Demiantrunu, and the xenine counterpart is Demiamnil. Can also be called Demiorerter or Demiflorneter.] - Demiantrunuflux: A combination of Antrunuflux and Demigender. Demiantrunuflux being: 1) One part of one’s gender is Antrunuflux (being fluidflux thru masculine and unaligned genders; plus feminine genders either partly, conditionally, and/or rarely. And never a binary man/woman, while also experiencing unaligned genders to a higher degree), while part of one’s gender is something else. AND/OR 2) Being demifluidflux, where part of your gender is static (not fluidflux), and the other part is (gender)fluix, in this case Antrunuflux. [The feminine counterpart is Demipylaerflux, and the xenine counterpart is Demifluvilflux. Can also be called Demiorernetflux or Demiflorernetflux.] - Demipylaerflux: A combination of Pylaerflux and Demigender. Demipylaerflux being: 1) One part of one’s gender is Pylaentflux (being fluidflux thru feminine and unaligned genders; plus masculine genders either partly, conditionally, and/or rarely. And never a binary man/woman, while also experiencing unalined genders to a higher degree), while part of one’s gender is something else. AND/OR 2) Being demifluidflux, where part of your gender is static (not fluidflux), and the other part is (gender)fluix, in this case Pylaerflux. [The masculine counterpart is Demiantrunuflux, and the xenine counterpart is Demiamnilflux. Can also be called Demiorerterflux or Demiflorneterflux.]
I’m gonna add this onto every post but these definitions are based on the definitions of the other GFFS terms on the LGBTA wiki, so “unaligned” here actually includes abinary, atrinary, etc. genders that aren’t xenine. Basically any gendered feeling that isn’t masculine, feminine, or xenine. (Which also doesn’t include Agender, or other genders that describe lack of gender.)
Also if you want more details on what conditionally/partly/rarely/higher degree means check out the GFFS tag on my blog looking for the non-flux/non-demi equivalents. I go into more detail on those posts, as I’m trying to cut down and shorten these posts to the basics.
Demiantrunu and Demipylaer were originally posted on September 20th, 2022. Demiantrunuflux and Demipylaerflux were originally posted on October 5th, 2022.
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eldorr · 7 hours ago
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First Row: Versions 1, 2, and 3 of Demifluvil Second Row: Versions 1, 2, and 3 of Demiamnil Third Row: Versions 1, 2, and 3 of Demifluvilflux Fourth Row: Versions 1, 2, and 3 of Demiamnilflux
Demifluvil: A combination of Genderfluvil and Demigender. Demifluvil being: 1) One part of one’s gender is Genderfluvil (being fluid thru masculine, unaligned, and xenine genders; plus feminine genders either partly, conditionally, and/or rarely. And never a binary man/woman, while also experiencing unaligned genders to a higher degree), while part of one’s gender is something else. AND/OR 2) Being demifluid, where part of your gender is static (not fluid), and the other part is (gender)fluid, in this case Genderfluvil. [The feminine counterpart is Demiamnil, and the non-xenine counterpart is Demiantrunu. Can also be called Demifysernoc or Demislyphernoc.] - Demiamnil: A combination of Genderamnil and Demigender. Demiamnil being: 1) One part of one’s gender is Genderamnil (being fluid thru feminine, unaligned, and xenine genders; plus masculine genders either partly, conditionally, and/or rarely. And never a binary man/woman, while also experiencing unaligned genders to a higher degree), while part of one’s gender is something else. AND/OR 2) Being demifluid, where part of your gender is static (not fluid), and the other part is (gender)fluid, in this case Genderamnil. [The masculine counterpart is Demifluvil, and the non-xenine counterpart is Demipylaer. Can also be called Demifysentet or Demislyphentic.] - Demifluvilflux: A combination of Fluvilflux and Demigender. Demifluvilflux being: 1) One part of one’s gender is Fluvilflux (being fluidflux thru masculine, unaligned, and xenine genders; plus feminine genders either partly, conditionally, and/or rarely. And never a binary man/woman, while also experiencing unaligned genders to a higher degree), while part of one’s gender is something else. AND/OR 2) Being demifluidflux, where part of your gender is static (not fluidflux), and the other part is (gender)fluix, in this case Fluvilflux. [The feminine counterpart is Demiamnilflux, and the non-xenine counterpart is Demiantrunuflux. Can also be called Demifysernocflux or Demislyphernocflux.] - Demiamnilflux: A combination of Amnilflux and Demigender. Demiamnilflux being: 1) One part of one’s gender is Amnilflux (being fluidflux thru feminine, unaligned, and xenine genders; plus masculine genders either partly, conditionally, and/or rarely. And never a binary man/woman, while also experiencing unaligned genders to a higher degree), while part of one’s gender is something else. AND/OR 2) Being demifluidflux, where part of your gender is static (not fluidflux), and the other part is (gender)fluix, in this case Amnilflux. [The masculine counterpart is Demifluvilflux, and the non-xenine counterpart is Demipylaerflux. Can also be called Demifysentetflux or Demislyphenticflux.]
I’m gonna add this onto every post but these definitions are based on the definitions of the other GFFS terms on the LGBTA wiki, so “unaligned” here actually includes abinary, atrinary, etc. genders that aren’t xenine. Basically any gendered feeling that isn’t masculine, feminine, or xenine. (Which also doesn’t include Agender, or other genders that describe lack of gender.)
Also if you want more details on what conditionally/partly/rarely/higher degree means check out the GFFS tag on my blog looking for the non-flux/non-demi equivalents. I go into more detail on those posts, as I’m trying to cut down and shorten these posts to the basics.
Demifluvil and Demiamnil were originally posted on September 16th, 2022. Demifluvilflux and Demiamnilflux were originally posted on September 25th and 26th, 2022.
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