#Deli Near Me
it’s so dangerous learning that restaurants near me have really good fucking food. Bad bad thing for me to learn
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emeraldxphoenix · 6 months
what kiss trope is destined to be in your narrative
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The Kiss of Death The primary instincts of all creatures — sex and death. If you can combine the two they become a bigger selling point. Though not exactly graphic, the Kiss of Death is still sensual, seductive, and very, very deadly. The Kiss of Death comes in many varieties, including: hypnosis, narcotic effect, and sucking out the soul of the victim, which may or may not result in death, depending on the story. Crucially it can also be a symbolic gesture — the kiss itself does not bring death or harm, but the person who receives it knows that his days are numbered.
tagged by: @rvndrkhlme <3
tagging: @wcrriorhearts (your choice) , @theresastargirl , @othunderous , @sioraiocht (lilith) , @cffidelityy & anyone else who wants <3
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julianbashir · 10 months
the unspeakable things i'd do for an everything bagel with a schmear of cream cheese and lox right now.
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wickedhawtwexler · 1 year
i get sooo worried about going off my adhd meds, but honestly i feel like i sometimes exaggerate how bad my adhd is because the last time i was unmedicated for a long period of time (right before i was diagnosed) i was also literally suicidal and had severe anxiety which uh. definitely exacerbated the lack of focus 🫠
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peatmosses · 2 years
Okay.. the deli manager told me I should come in sometime tmrw on my day off so I can watch the World Cup finals live w her. And honestly I think she’s right. So I think I’m gonna have lunch the tomorrow and bring my book and read until my heart is either fulfilled or broken entirely but with an audience.
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guiascercademi · 1 month
¿Hay Delis cerca de mi ubicacion?
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girls-and-honey · 1 year
swiss cheese,,,,, beloved
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scarfacemarston · 5 months
Teacher!Natasha x Teacher!Reader Oneshot
For Lesbian Visibility Week! If you enjoyed this, please note and reblog! Feel free to send other prompts or requests! Prompt: The students come into your classroom complaining about Natasha as a teacher not knowing you're her wife. This is version 1. You sighed as you glanced at the digital clock on your computer. Damn. Your planning period was almost over, and you really needed to finish grading these essays. Soon, you would be back to teaching your high school history classes for the day. The period ended far too quickly as students began to file their way into the classroom, discussing this and that. You were so engrossed in your work that you were hardly paying attention until you heard “Ms. Romanoff” mentioned not once, not twice, but in a string of sentences. Oh boy. Ms. Romanoff was one of the more controversial teachers at the school known for her no-nonsense attitude, sternness and sarcasm , but she was also fair with a dry sense of humor. “Why did I take international politics as an elective? Oh, that’s right, I thought it would look good on my transcript!” One student said sarcastically. “She’s so nitpicky! I got an A-. AN A MINUS!” “Hers is the only class I don’t fall asleep in anymore. Not since….last time.” “She’s so strict even the Macklin brothers shut up.” “She’s terrifying. I heard she used to be an undercover agent in the CIA”. You smirked at that one. You should probably look into that rumor. “A spy? Shut-up, man. Who’s going to believe that?” “I heard she was a failed actress.” “I heard she voiced the Russian Siri.” “I heard she’s a rich heiress that lost all her cash.” “Look, guys, I don’t care. She just ripped our class to shreds.I just can’t right now. Nearly the entire class failed her last test. These test corrections are going to take all night.” “At least you’re allowed test corrections! We’re her AP class and the only way we can make up points is through a new essay.” “She’s scary. I swear” “I think she knows what I’m thinking and then that makes me think more and then she thinks what I’m thinking and that thinking makes my head hurt.” “I was ONE minute late to class and she gave me a late slip!” “One time my grandma called me in class, and she made me pick it up.” You shot a quick text to Natasha before the bell rang. Her classroom was two doors down from yours since you two were technically in the same department. Time to log off your grading program and begin class. You pulled out the binder with today’s lesson plans ready to begin. “Wow, you all are full of comments about Ms Romanoff today.” You said neutrally. “Miss Y/N, you don’t understand. She’s so ….uh, extra.” You withheld a smirk. Natasha wasn’t what you would call extra, but she was set in her ways.” “I don’t think she’s extra. I think she just has high standards.” You responded. One of the students rolled their eyes.
"Do you all talk about me like this when I'm not here?"
"Nooo Ms. Y/N, we would never!"
"Well, maybe you could extend the same courtesy to my wife next time," you said, withholding a laugh. The room fell silent. A pin could have dropped.
“Fuck” you heard someone say under their breath. “Language”, you chastised, but you couldn’t say you blamed them. You saw the students in various forms of awkward shuffling, a cough here or there or “Ummm” or “Uhh” as students tried to form sentences. “Wait, you’re married?” a student questioned before being glared at by the others. Your fourth period class was near silent for the rest of the period, with the students seemingly still in shock. One minute til the bell rang. You saw a flash of red hair out of the corner of your eye. Thirty seconds. Natasha knocked on the door. “Hey, you, we’re all ordering from Robert’s Deli for lunch. You want your usual or will you finally try something new?” Natasha teased. The class whipped their heads collectively towards the door. It was becoming harder not to laugh. Natasha narrowed her eyes. “What’s going on, Y/n?” “Oh, you’re scaring my class, dear!” You said, smiling widely. Natasha scoffed. “Dear, huh? Oh, so they found out, didn’t they? As if us entering the building together and leaving together in the same car wasn’t hint enough that we’re married.  Yeah, I might have scared a few of them. It was well deserved, trust me, Isn’t that right, Reynolds?” Jason Reynolds sank down into his seat, not meeting Natasha’s eyes. The bell rang. The students couldn’t scramble enough as they grabbed their bags and rushed past Natasha. You gave a small laugh as you finally met Natasha. “You’re a mean woman, you know that?” “Hey, you texted me, babe.” “It was great, not gonna lie. Sorry the “secret” is out.” “It’s not like we’re closeted, we’re simply professional. I’m surprised they didn’t figure it out sooner….or maybe I’m not.” Natasha muttered. Your stomach growled. “Alright, I’ll look up the menu. Find something new to try for once. Promise.” You said in response to your stomach. Natasha nodded. “Don’t want you to scare the next class because you’re hungry.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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graveycrd · 2 years
living in manhattan now has significantly changed how i write about things based in this city lol.
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allurilove · 3 months
If y/n gets pregnant with a yandere, what will their reaction be when they find out
(good luck with your math score)
lol tysm!
Yandere boyfriend:
“…but…” He comically gulped. Your boyfriend stood there unsure on what to do and say next. You saw a flash of confusion on his face as he tried to figure out the last time you two were close in an intimate way. He was silent for a while, his eyes slowly traveling down to his groin, and he swore he always used a condom.
“We live in a tiny apartment near campus, it’s always noisy because of the frat parties, and you still have school to finish.” He scratched his head. “How would we take care of the baby?”
“What would your parents think too?” Your boyfriend groaned, his head now in his hands and he gripped his hair. “Fuck, I don’t want them to hate me.”
Yandere stalker:
“Do you know who the father is?” He asked first and foremost. When you give him a look and put your hands on your hips, he scoffed. “Oh don’t act like you haven’t slept with your ex. I know what I saw.”
“Listen, you don’t have the best track record.” Your stalker rolled his eyes and his hand is now placed on your shoulder. “Regardless… I’ll help you out.”
He pulled you in for a hug, his arms wrapped around you gently, and he slightly swayed you back and forth. “Only if I can name the baby.”
Yandere husband:
He wasn’t surprised when you came clean that you’ve been pregnant for about two months. “Hm.” He pretended to be deep in thought, and his fingers stroke his chin. “I knew it. You were acting strange…asking me for cuddles and stealing my lounge shirts.”
“Do you want to keep the baby…?” Your husband asked you gently, and he took your hands into his. “I know three kids can be a lot… let’s just think about this alright?”
Yandere knight:
Yandere knights heart dropped and he sighed deeply. He knew he shouldn’t have given into his desires and take you that night. Gosh, if your parents found out… he would be executed immediately. Your knight touched his neck, his fingers felt his wild pulse, and he thought about how much he would miss having his head attached to his body.
He could imagine it now. A public execution in front of everyone, the people booing him and throwing rotten food at his body, while one of the guards leads him to the guillotine. Your knight gulped and he reluctantly nodded. “Thats… quite unfortunate.”
Yandere classmate:
He immediately looked displeased and he crossed his arms. “I hope you’re joking.” Your classmate took the pregnancy test from you, and his scrutinizing gaze was now on the plastic. “Can we pretend that two lines means that you aren’t pregnant?”
Yandere neighbor:
“Really?” He brightened up by your words and his hand is now pressed against your stomach. You weren’t showing, but he was excited at the thought of starting a family with you.
“You know… I’ve always wanted to have a family of my own and celebrate the holidays together! Awww, c’mere love.” He opened his arms.
Yandere best friend:
“Oh. OH!” He loudly gasped and he slapped the sandwich out of your hands. “That has deli meat! You can’t have that, right?”
He then sadly looked at the disassembled food on the ground, and he sheepishly chuckled when you glared at him. “Sorry, I was just trying to save my friend and the little one… please don’t hurt me.” Your friend joked and he started to run off when you took a step towards him.
Yandere blood bag:
That wasn’t much of a surprise to him considering how active you two were in the relationship. It was bound to happen anyways. He shoved his face with healthy foods, worked out extra hard, and made sure his body was in tip top shape. He exposed his neck to you, and he felt your fangs sink and break into his skin. You drank hungrily, and he had to keep his mouth shut. He didn’t want to complain, especially to someone that was pregnant, and he just took it.
“Ah- baby be careful.” He whined and he rubbed your waist. “I feel light headed…”
Yandere chaebol:
“About time.” He huffed and he got up from his chair. “I’ll start designing the baby’s room, hiring a night nurse, and all that. Just keep yourself healthy, and walk often.”
Yandere chaebol started to dial his mother on his cell phone. He referred to her as eomma, and he talked to her in his native language. He actually sounded like he was being respectful and polite, he then wrote down recipes that were perfect for pregnant women. For example, the seaweed soup was given to the woman after birth. He got up, walked past you, and he handed the list to his private chef.
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kayhi808 · 2 months
First Crush - 5
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You arrive at the Tower, Abby woken up early, excited about surprising Bucky. She holds your hand and does her version of skipping as you make your way to Bucky's office. You run into Captain Rogers in the hallway, "Abigail Rose! Good morning! Hey, Y/N. What are you guys doing here?"
"Hi Cap. Do you remember Captain Rogers, Abby? He's Sergeant Barnes' friend."
"Morning, Mr. Captain." Abby moves closer to you & wraps an arm around your leg.
"Abby wanted to leave Sergeant Barnes a surprise."
Kneeling down, "You brought Bucky a surprise?"
Abby nods cupping her hands around her mouth, "It's secret."
"Oooh, ok." He smiles at her, "I better let you guys get to it. Have fun."
Bucky dropped by his office on his way to the gym to get in a workout. His phone bings with a text.
Steve: Incoming. Surprise headed your way.
Then he hears Abby's chattering approach his office. You lightly knock on his open door & Abby squeals & jumps up & down.
"Abby! How are you?"
She looks up at you and you smile, giving a small nod before she runs over to Bucky's side. "Mr. S'gent, you're home!" He notices, she places her hands on his Vibranium arm while hopping up & down & it makes him laugh.
"You can call me Bucky."
"Mr. Bucky."
"No, just Bucky."
Nodding, "ok." Her smile is from ear to ear.
You step just inside the doorway, "Sorry to interrupt, but Abby wanted to drop something off for you." Abby runs over to you holding out her hands as you pull her letter out of your backpack.
"Tank you, Mama!" She hurries back to Bucky's side & he lifts her onto his lap. "I mades it."
"Did you? Wow!" He puts the drawing on his desk. "Is this...you?"
"Uh huh! The banoons is 'cos you did a good work."
"This is beautiful, Abby. Thank you so much."
Leaning back against his chest, "You melcome."
"It's welcome."
"It's what i says, you melcome." You smirk & shake your head.
Bucky shrugs, "I understood it perfectly."
Your heart is about to explode. Abby is thrilled to see Bucky again and you've never seen Bucky this animated before. He's really not as intimidating as you once thought.
"Baby, we better go and let Bucky get back to his busy day."
"Cans Bucky comes with us?" You meet Bucky's blue eyes over Abby's head. He cocks an eyebrow at you.
"He might have plans, honey."
"I wasn't doing much today. I was just headed to the gym," he smiles at you.
"Wants to picnic? I gots bread for the ducks. I can share wit yous."
"You know what? I love to picnic!" He looks down at Abby's surprised face & laughs.
"See Mama! He loves it!" Clapping her hands, "Comes, let's go!" She hops off Bucky's lap & tries to pull him up.
Bucky takes his new drawing & closing the door he tacks it up on a corkboard he has behind his door. It joins the first drawing Abby gave him. You see that & you smile at him.
Again, Abby almost loses her mind. "Mama lookit!" Bucky picks her up so she can view it better. "My mama said you can't forget me because you has my drawing and sticker."
"Forget you?? I could never forget you." Abby hugs him around the neck & kicks her legs in joy. You grab her legs before she kicks him in the groin.
"Careful Abby." You look at Bucky & laugh.
"Do you mind if we stop off in the residence? I'll grab my stuff & we can go."
"No, that's fine."
There are a few floors restricted for agents that reside in the building. He brings you upstairs & you wait in the common area while Bucky grabbed his own back pack for the picnic.
Stopping at a deli to get sandwiches for lunch, Bucky ended up picking up the tab and adding a bunch of cookies and brownies for dessert. Abby gets a special ride on the shoulders of the Winter Soldier. She's never been so high up & couldn't stop giggling.
You were able to snag a small spot near the pond, spreading out a blanket under a shaded tree. It was such nice day. You brought some bubbles so Abby ran around trying to pop them. Bucky would blow and you and Abby would compete to pop the most. The 3 of you played tag. You wore Abby out. Soon as she ate her lunch she was out like a light for her nap.
Carding your fingers through her hair as she sleeps, "Thank you so much for joining us and for lunch. She's never had so much fun."
"Thanks for letting me come along. I don't think I've picnicked like this since 1935."
He talks about his life before the war. His friendship with Steve. A little bit of how he's still trying to assimilate to being an Avenger. He's enjoyed the day because he never gets the chance to...play.
"I think you've got an open invitation from this one here."
Bucky laughs. "How old is she?"
"She's 3."
"She's very... articulate."
"You can say it. She's a chatterbox. She doesn't stop talking. Even when it was just jibberish, she didn't stop. It used to drive her father nuts. He didn't have a lot of patience."
"He's still in the picture?"
You shake your head, "He passed away last year."
Bucky frowns, "I'm sorry for you loss."
Everytime you hear those words you feel guilty. You feel like you should feel a loss, yet you don't. Not really. You were dating Abby's father for about 6 months when you found out you were pregnant. It wasn't planned. You and Jason weren't even talking about marriage. And yet you decided to get married because of the baby and that was a mistake. Jason wasn't ready to be a father. You're not even sure he enjoyed fatherhood while he was alive. He was on deployment or missions and away from home a lot. His life didn't change much. You were already thinking of asking for a divorce. He didn't take an active part in raising Abby. He would never have gone on picnics with you and Abby, let alone run around and play tag with you both. Or blow bubbles.
"Thank you."
"So, its just you two now?" You smile and nod. He gives an off-key rendition of Bill Withers "Just the Two of Us," which makes you snort laugh. "C'mon, I wasn't that bad!"
Abby stirs awake from your laughter and Bucky's outrage. "Mama?"
"I'm sorry, Baby. Did we wake you up?" You lift her onto your lap and she snuggles in, sticking her thumb in her mouth. "Did you have a good sleep?" She nods. "It takes her a while to wake up." You rub her back.
"She woke up just in time for the ducks."
Abby pops her thumb out of her mouth, "Ducks?" She stands and wobbles like a drunk person so Bucky reached out for her. "Bucky, yous ready for ducks??"
"Whoa, take it easy." He laughs at Abby's excitement to feed the ducks. He scoops her up while you find your stash of stale bread. You make your way to the waters edge, and Abby instructs Bucky on the proper way to throw bread at the ducks. "Don't hit them in the head."
Bucky looks at you weirdly. "She used to try and aim for their mouths & would hit them in the head. I told her it's not nice and to aim for the water in front of them." Bucky laughs.
Once the bread is gone, you start packing up your things. "If you come back to the Tower, I can grab my car & take you guys home."
"It's ok, the Metro stop is close to our building."
Bucky insists, "It's no problem. Really."
"You don't have a carseat. Abby needs a carseat."
"Ooooh. Right," Bucky frowns.
"We're fine. I promise. We do this all the time," you give him a reassuring smile. "Baby, come say bye to Bucky."
Abby runs over & launches herself at Bucky, who quickly catches her. She gives him a loud kiss on his cheek. "Tank you for my samich & cookie."
"You're welcome. I had fun today."
"ME TOO!!!" Bucky picks her up & plops her on his shoulders.
Reaching for her, "I got her."
"I'll walk you guys to the station at least." He grabs your hand in his and you all head off to the Metro.
Next chapter
@waywardhunter95 @ordelixx @wintrsoldrluvr @rebeccapineapple @onceithough @crazyunsexycool @thezombieprostitute @ilovetaquitommmm @julvrs @unaxv @s-a-v-a-n-a-34 @winters1917 @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 @mrsnikstan @hisredheadedgoddess28 @itsteambarnes @otterlycanadian @enchantedbarnes @purplecolordeer
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foone · 4 months
I spent a while on red-27 which is a decently world to hang out on most of the time. They've got a mostly unified socialist world and aren't worried about immigration so you can totally just show up and hang out without needing fake ID or anything and you can get by without local currency for a long time, since most stuff is free (they've got one of those monetary systems where money is used for luxuries, not necessities: so you can grab a sandwich at the deli for nothing, but if you want to get a big meal at a fancy diner, you pay for that.)
But the annoying thing is that, because of their MLMY roots, they don't really believe in a lot of mental illnesses? And it's worse because they're also very much against stimulants.
So sure, it's nice to take a break from living in capitalism, but eventually I gotta come back to a world that can sell me Adderall, you know? My brain doesn't work.
(they've got historical reasons for this: some Incidents between ww2 and the former US going socialist means they think of stimulants as being a drug you give to your forced labor workforce to make them work harder. Free citizens of a socialist society don't need to be pushed harder, it's a whole "from each according to their ability, to each according to their need" thing: it's bad to try to make people more productive by dosing them with stimulants. Which, I mean, is valid if you're talking about a theocracy dosing their slaves with near-meth, but I think my ADHD situation is a little different, you know?)
I need to find somewhere else I can hang out on, without this issue. And no, Yellow-14 is not an option. They're maybe a much nicer socialist world to hang out in terms of being able to get the medicines you need, but they're not a terribly safe place to hang out on if you're gay or trans. Which is kinda darkly hilarious considering you can get hormones at your local pharmacy for free, no questions asked?
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simp4eshal · 7 months
As your Husband, I declare you mine.
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warning: smut, yandere behavior, kinda ducbon ?? idk, possessive and jealous spencer, marking ?? also sorry if i made mistakes
As you stood there, chatting casually with your colleague at the office party, you couldn't help but feel Spencer Reid's intense gaze burning into the back of your neck. You'd been married for a few months now, but he still couldn't seem to get enough of you. You knew he was jealous, but you also knew that he wouldn't let it show. You turned around, expecting to see him watching you, but he had turned away, pretending to be engrossed in a conversation with someone else. Little did you know, those green eyes were boring holes into you, his jealousy rising with each word your colleague spoke.
You felt a strong hand grip your shoulder, spinning you around to face him. "Let's get out of here," Spencer growled, his eyes narrowed. He didn't give you time to protest as he practically dragged you out of the room and down the hall, his long, muscular legs carrying him at a swift pace. You tried to keep up, your high heels clacking against the floor as you followed him.
Finally, he came to a stop in front of a closed door, sliding it open and pushing you inside. "In here," he commanded, shoving you roughly toward the bathroom. You stumbled, landing unsteadily on your feet before regaining your balance. "What's your hurry, Spencer?" you asked, your voice laced with annoyance. "I was just talking to him." He glared at you, his eyes darkening further. "I'm your husband," he spat. "And you belong to me."
His words sent a shiver down your spine, and something inside you responded to the possessive tone in his voice. You felt a strange mix of fear and arousal course through your veins. Without another word, he stepped forward, his body looming over yours. His hands gripped your hips, pulling you closer, and then his lips were on yours. The kiss was rough and demanding, as if he was claiming you as his own.
When he finally pulled away, you were breathless. His eyes were dark and intense, staring deep into yours. "You're mine," he growled. "And you always will be." Without giving you a chance to respond, he pushed you roughly against the bathroom counter. "Now," he said, his voice low and menacing, "let me show you how good it feels to be with the only man you'll ever need."
His hands were everywhere, touching you, caressing you, making you ache with need. His fingers danced over your bare skin, pushing up your dress, hiking your panties to the side. He growled again as he felt your wetness, the heat of your desire. With one swift motion, he knelt between your legs, his lips finding their way to your folds.
You moaned, arching your back as he began to eat you out, his tongue lapping at your sensitive skin, teasing you mercilessly. Spencer's hands held you in place, his fingers digging into your thighs as he devoured you, his mouth moving faster and faster. You could feel the pressure building inside you, the need for release growing stronger with each passing second.
As you neared your climax, he paused, lifting his head to look up at you. His eyes were bright with lust, his breath hot against your skin. "That's it, baby," he whispered, his voice rough with desire. "Let it go." With those words, he resumed his ministrations, thrusting his tongue deeper inside you as you came, your body shuddering with pleasure beneath his touch.
When at last you were spent, he stood, his breath coming in ragged gasps. His eyes traveled downward, taking in the evidence of his claim on your skin. The hickeys he'd given you were scattered across your neck, shoulders, and chest, each one a mark of his possession. He grinned, a wicked glint in his eye. "They'll see these," he murmured, "and they'll know you belong to me."
Then, with one last kiss, he turned and left the bathroom, leading you back out into the party, his possessive hand still gripping your hip. As you followed him, your heart raced, a delicious mixture of fear and desire coursing through your veins. You knew that no matter what happened from now on, you belonged to Spencer Reid. And you had no doubt that he would make sure everyone else knew it too.
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wannab-urs · 6 months
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Savior Complex
Pairing: Javier Peña x reader 
Summary: Javi wants to take care of you, but you won’t let him
Warnings: angst, brief not quite smut, horny thoughts, food mention, toxic relationship, reader is wearing a skirt but is otherwise undescribed, javi grabs you in a nonsexual way, arguing. WC: ~570
A/N: Written for @beskarandblasters Phoebe Bridgers Drabble Challenge
Javier Peña Masterlist | Main Masterlist | AO3 | Kofi
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He rolls the windows up against the onslaught of rain, but doesn’t put out his cigarette. He needs it, truly, with you riding shotgun. He doesn’t really know how he keeps ending up in this situation, tangled up in your mess, except that when you call he answers. 
Javi is trying to concentrate on driving, but your activities in the passenger seat are making it exceedingly difficult. The car veers slightly to the right as you take two of his fingers in your mouth, swirling your tongue over his sensitive fingertips. He nearly drops his cigarette trying to right the car. God your tongue feels good. He glances over at you to catch the sight of your pretty lips stretched over his fingers. His cock presses tightly against the zipper of his jeans. 
He pulls his hand free and tries to slip it under your skirt, but you stop him. You’re constantly riling him up just to push him away at the last moment. It’s a game for you, he thinks, and he hates it. But it makes it all that much better when you do let him in. 
He pulls up to his apartment and follows you up the stairs. Inside, he heads to the kitchen to get food and water for you. Other than the beers, he only has left over empanadas from the deli down the street and a bottle of mustard in his fridge. He reheats the empanadas so you have something warm to eat and sets them in front of you where you’ve curled up on his couch. 
You tell him you’re not hungry and he rolls his eyes. You refuse to let him take care of you – throwing every attempt back in his face – but you keep calling him to rescue you. He sighs and tells you he’s going to bed. He’s too tired to have a fucking pissing contest over you not eating his leftovers. He shuffles off to bed, hoping you’ll join him. 
You don’t join him. You know he wants you to, but you just can’t tonight. You can feel a storm brewing, a fight that will threaten to burn down Javi’s government issued apartment. But that’ll be in the morning. Tonight, you wrap up in his afghan and curl up on the shag rug on the floor. 
You sleep well until your nightmares wake you screaming. Javi comes running in to help, to save you. But you don’t want him anywhere near you right now. He yells at you for not letting him help you. You scream back that you don’t need his fucking pity. You throw his afghan at him, stuff your feet back into your shoes and take off out the door. Javi chases you, grabs your arm and presses you up against a wall. 
You’re going to let me take care of you or you’re going to stop calling me for help. You don’t get to keep doing this to me. 
And he sounds so serious you nearly believe he’d stop answering your calls, but you both know that’s never actually going to happen. You kiss him instead of explaining why you’re like this. You crave him, his closeness, but you can never open up to him about the things you’ve been through, nor can you bear the burden of his secrets in return. 
He drags you back up to the apartment to take care of you the only way you’ll ever let him. 
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ofstarsandvibranium · 1 month
Beachfront Bliss
Fandom: Top Gun: Maverick
Pairing: Billy "Fritz" Avalone x F!Reader
Summary: You're walking your dog, Delilah, along the beach until she decides to chase after a handsome man playing football with his buddies.
Manny Jacinto Characters Masterlist
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The sun is slowly setting on San Diego. You'd just gotten home from work and now you're getting your dog, a border collie named Delilah, ready for her walk. She's excitedly shaking her tail as she stares up at you while you hold her leash.
"Wait," you command and Delilah sits, watching you expectantly.
You clip the leash onto her collar and open the front door, "Good girl!" Delilah promptly races out the door, only stopping when the retractable leash has met the end.
"Come!" you call for her and she rushes back to your side, sticking to it as you walk down your street and towards the beach.
As you grow closer, the sounds of the waves crashing on the shore become louder. Once pavement becomes sand, you slip off your sandals, stuffing them into your tote bag as you continue to walk.
There isn't a lot of people on the beach since it's midweek. However, you do see a group of people playing football.
The commotion alerts Delilah as the two of you near the group. There's boisterous laughing and hollering. The group spreads out as you grow closer, so you walk further away to not potentially be hit.
You avert your attention ahead, moving on from the football group, however, Delilah seems very keen on watching them, trying to stay in place.
"Come on, Lilah!" you lock the retractable leash and give her a warning tug, urging her to continue walking, "Let's finish your walk!"
Your commands fall deaf on her ears as she watches the group continue their game of football. One of the men throws the ball and another tried to catch it. The ball grazes his fingertips and causes the ball to go flying in your direction. It falls a few feet away from you and, before you could even blink, Delilah pounces at it. The sudden movement frees her leash from your hand.
"Delilah!" you shout as your dog starts running around the beach with the football in her mouth.
The group of people all laugh and begin to join you in the chase for your dog. Delilah clearly thinks it's a game as she dodges and weaves through everyone's legs. Men and a few women topple into the sand as they attempt to catch Delilah.
You and the others eventually start to slow down, growing tired of your dog's antics.
You stand there, hands on your hips, looking at your dog like a disappointed mother. She meanders over with a pep in her step and drops the football at your feet.
You sigh, pinching your nose, "Thank you, Lilah." You pick up the football and hand it to the nearest man. His tanned skin and toned chest are on full display. He's wearing classic ray bans and a smile that makes your heart stop for a moment.
"Sorry about her."
He chuckles, "Don't worry about it. Never thought it'd be a dog to take down a group of Navy Pilots."
Your brows shoot up in surprise, looking at the group of people around you, "You're all in the Navy?"
He nods, "Yup and I think you just proved to our Captain that we need to work out more."
You giggle, "Yeah. Again, sorry about her. She's probably a little stir-crazy. Haven't been able to take her out as much due to work. As you can see, she has a lot of energy."
The man kneels and begins to pet her, "She's cute so I'll forgive her. What's her name?"
"Delilah or Lilah or Deli."
"Well hello, Delilah, I'm Billy, but my friends call me Fritz."
"Fritz?" you look at him confused as he rises to a stand again.
"My call-sign."
"Frtiz! C'mon, man!" one of the guys hollers.
"I gotta-"
"You should-"
Both of you speak at the same time and stop with a chuckle.
Fritz holds his hand out, "It was nice meeting you..."
"Y/N. Nice to meet you Fritz," you shake his hand, "Enjoy the rest of your day."
"Thanks! You too! Maybe I'll see you guys around again!" he gives you a wave and heads back to his Navy friends who were all in position for the next game.
You watch them for a little bit, admiring the very attractive group of people before you. Then you chuckle, ruffling Delilah's fur before tugging her along. She's apprehensive, wanting to go back to "playing" with her new friends.
"C'mon, princess. We gotta go back home and start making dinner." Delilah reluctantly proceeds to follow you through the sand, leaving her new friends behind.
It was your friend's, Jackie's, birthday and she wanted to do a bar crawl. You were one of the designated drivers so you've mainly stuck with water throughout the night and keeping a careful eye on your friend.
The next bar on her list was called the Hard Deck, which is apparently home to a lot of Navy officers. When you hear this, a part of you hopes you might run into Fritz, but there's no way, right?
Your group clamber into the bar, which was jam packed considering it was a Friday night.
"It's my birthday so feel free to buy me drinks!" you're already drunk friend hollers. A few men already begin to approach her ready to fulfill her request.
You tell your other friend, Abby, that you're going to find a table for your group. She gives you a salute and turn back to watch the rest of the group.
As you're weaving through bodies, you suddenly bump into someone, spilling their drink.
"Shit! I'm so so-Fritz!"
He looks at you in surprise, "Hey! Y/N!" then looks at you confused, "I'm kind of surprised to see you here."
You snort, "Yeah, um, not a place you'd usually find me at on a Friday night, but it's my friend's birthday," you point over your shoulder to Jackie with her birthday crown on her head and down a shot as your friends and a few Navy men cheer her on, "We're doing a bar crawl, but I'm the DD."
He nods in understanding, "Got it."
"Actually, you don't happen to see any free tables, do you? That's what I was doing before I bumped into you. Also, I will definitely get you a replacement drink for that!"
He chuckles, "It's fine. Really and you and your group can join me and my buddies."
"You sure?" you look at him apprehensively.
"Yeah, besides, I know a few of them will definitely pay for your guys' drinks," he gives you a smirk.
You snicker, "Alright. Let me go grab them."
"I'll follow you," he places his hand on your lower back as he follows you back to the counter where your friends are gathered.
"Hey!" you tap Abby on the shoulder, "This is my friend, Fritz," you point to him over your shoulder and he waves.
Abby gives you a questioning look, "Friend?"
"The guy I met on the beach because Lilah stole their football?"
"Ooooh!" she waves at him, "Hi!"
"Hi! I told Y/N that you guys can share tables with my buddies and I."
"You sure?"
"Oh yeah. Some of them will most likely pay for your drinks too."
Abby snorts, "Well I can't deny free drinks." She proceeds to tell the other women the plan and grabs Jackie's hand, leading her away from the men chatting her up.
She stumbles and you catch her, "Easy there, babe!"
Jackie spots Fritz over your shoulder, "It's my birthday!"
He laughs, "So I heard. Happy birthday!"
"Thanks!" she looks to you and not so secretly says, "He's cute!"
You chuckle, "Yeah, babe. Let's go to the table, 'kay?"
She nods, "Okay," and follows you and Fritz towards the back of the bar. He stops at three tables filled with the same group of people you saw on the beach weeks prior.
"Hey! Beach Girl!" a brunette with a thick mustache calls out.
You wave, "Nice to see you again."
"What're you doing here in our neck of the woods, beautiful?" the tall blonde one asks with a grin that makes you roll your eyes.
Jackie stands beside you and you gesture to her, "It's my friend's birthday. We're doing a bar crawl. This is one of our stops. Jackie, say hi."
Jackie waves, "Hi," she looks at everyone in awe, "Why are all of you guys so hot?!"
You facepalm, "Jackie's filter flies out the window when she's drunk," you explain to Fritz.
"The guys are gonna love it."
The men let the ladies have their seats, standing around them and making conversation.
You continue to stand beside Fritz, fanning yourself. He looks at you in concern, "You okay?"
"Just getting a bit warm."
"Wanna step onto the deck? It's just out there," he points to the double doors behind you. You take a look at your friends and make sure they're okay before you step out.
Once you're outside, you give a sigh of contentment. The cool breeze immediately chills your body in a welcoming way.
You rest your back against the railing so you can still keep an eye on your friends. Abby looks at you through the window giving you a questioning thumbs up. You smile giving her a thumbs up back and she goes back to her conversation.
"When did you guys start the crawl?"
You look at the time on your phone, "About two hours ago, but Jackie and a few others pregamed. So by the time we hit like the second bar, they were far gone already."
"How many more bars are on your list?"
"Jackie wanted to hit ten, but I'm not sure if we'll even get to the fifth one." There's cheers from inside as Jackie downs yet another shot.
"Not much of a drinker?"
You scrunch your nose and shake your head, "Nah. This overall thing isn't really me, but Jackie's one of my best friends, so I'll come out of my cave for her."
Fritz's nose crinkles as he laughs and you think it's the cutest thing ever.
"How's Delilah?"
"Good. She's happier now that work is starting to slow down and I can take her out for longer walks though."
"She hasn't stolen anymore footballs, has she?"
You snort, "Fortunately not, and she hasn't managed to take down another group of Naval officers either."
"Hey, she took us by surprise. We'd already been out there for a while, our energy was already low."
"Suuure. Keep telling yourself that, Fly Boy."
The two of you stay out there for some time, getting lost in conversation and each other's company. You've discovered that not only is Fritz handsome, but he's funny, kind, loyal, and a nerd. He has his parents and two sister back at home. He's a very family-oriented person and you admire him for that.
You two lose track of time and before you know it, Abby is coming out to you two.
"We're calling it a night. Jackie's is so far gone and some of the other girls are getting there."
"Alright. We should start closing tabs then."
"His buddies took care of it," she nods to Fritz.
You and Fritz grin at each other, "Told you," he says.
"Well, thank your friends for me. And thanks for keeping me company out here."
You step to leave, but Fritz stops you, "Wait, actually, is it okay if I get your number? I'd like to take you out some time."
You smile and nod at him, "Yeah. Of course!" you two quickly exchange numbers and promptly head back inside with Abby.
You gather your friends up, Fritz and his buddies helping you and Abby walk Jackie and the others out.
Your group piles into yours and Abby's car, waving at the group of men, "Thanks again, fellas!" you yell out before driving away.
Fritz stands there with his buddies and once you're out of sight, they begin to badger him about getting your number.
He reluctantly says that he did and his pals cheer him on with pride.
Before he goes to sleep that night, Fritz sends you a text:
It was nice chatting with you. Let me know your schedule so we can plan that date. Hope your friends don't give you too much trouble.
Sweet dreams. - Fritz
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arminzblackbimbo · 2 months
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my love is like...wo
blackfem!reader x obsessive satoru gojo
tw: mdni, obsessive behavior, whiny gojo, missionary, nipple play, ribbon as rope, tied up, lots of talking, oral (fem r.), possessive behavior, rough sex, gojo cums a lot, clingy, choking, biting, eating cum, lots of pet names, period mentioned briefly, and bad spelling !!!
gojo who needs you 24-7.
he can't help it, he tried to warn you when he first starting catching feelings for you, that he can be very obsessive and clingy. you just thought maybe he'll text you more than average, but no he wants you by his side all day. he can't be without you.
he follows you to the toilet leaving you no space to even think. clinging to you in the shower helping you wash your body. helps you shave and wax, even exfoliate just so he is close to you. even when your on your period he doesn't mind, he even helps you shower then under his watchful eyes. rubbing your stomach to relive your cramps and putting his hot body on top of you
he knows he has to let you out the house sometimes but if it was up to him you would never leave. you would stay by his side all day. he shouldn't have let you leave. what if you don't come back ? what if you just leave him for his possessive ways ? the "what ifs ?" clouding his mind making his stomach feel queasy.
so invasive of your privacy that when he doesn't know where you at, even with your location on his phone, he needs more reassurance. "where are you sweetheart ?" he sighs on the phone with you. he's worried about you. so much anxiety in his stomach since he let you out his sight.
"gojo i'm at the store remember ?, i'm getting some bread for tonight" you wanted to make deli subs. of course with gojos help but you know his time apart from you is allowing him to have so much stress. you can only move so fast.
"please hurry up and get home, i miss you" he has to occupy himself until you get home. cleaning up and pacing back and forth. taking his time in watching your little bubble on his phone, while you travel. he has even paid for the monthly trial so that he knows where you are. if your walking, in a car, and even how fast you're going.
he nearly jumpstarts when he hears your keys open the door. "(୨୧) what took you so long ? i was so worried" he feels his breath pick up just looking at you. the butterflies in his stomach making him feel nauseous every time he sees you. you just roll your eyes giggling when your barely through the door and gojo's already kissing your face with all that he has. giving you sloppy pecks "i've missed you so much" you can see his hands shaking when they make contact with you.
you close the door behind you. turning to look into those icy blue eyes "i was only gone for 30 minutes" you say when you feel those long arms wrap around you, melting into his hug loving how attach he is to you. how he can't seem to function without you.
he has no shirt on walking around with only sweatpants. enticing you to see his hard stomach and his bulge in his pants. "felt like forever" he mumbles into your skin. face smooshed into your neck. "i'm going with you next time" he squeezes you tightly pulling you close to him. inhaling the smell from you.
"aww baby, i missed you too" you pet those wild strands of white when you set those bags down feeling his strong arms lift you up, pulling those legs around his lengthy waist. you start rubbing his naked back to calm his nerves. letting him guide you to the couch as you see those groceries sit by the door
"lay down let me just take care of you. just want you next to me" he lies you down. hurrying working you out of your clothes as you try and calm him down. his neediness making him anxious for your closeness, your body near his makes his blood boil
it makes you laugh at him but you grab his hands slowing him down "wait hold on, gojo you don't want subs ?" your trying to keep your shirt down as you giggle at his hands getting you naked.
he shakes his head " no, no i need you right now" he's desperate he wants you to be skin to skin with him. snatching your shirt off of you, and reaching for your pants and adding to the pile. reaching for your bra and throwing it across the living room.
he spreads himself on top of you laying his body between your legs, while you work your hands through his hair. letting him soak in the contact. hearing his groans of relaxation as the stress leaves his body. he doesn't know how he can breathe without you. he loves his chest on yours. feeling your heartbeat beat with his, letting the heat radiate of each other.
settling his face lower so that he can place soft kisses along the middle of your chest . feeling your heartbeat under his lips. he goes to cup your chest feeling the weight in his hands gripping his hands lightly when you groan placing the sweet pecks along the skin "mmh i needed you so bad i missed you" softly licking the skin. "so much, so much"
he suddenly gets up he get the idea that he has to keep you here, he doesn't like the separation. he needs you closer. he has to tie you up he doesn't want you leave him ever he will break if you do. he goes to the bedroom leaving you by yourself on the couch "gojo what are you doing baby ?" you call out to him. he comes back shuffling working off his pants and he has pink ribbon in his hands. the same ribbon you use for your hair in the mornings
"sorry baby i had to go get something" he lays back on top of you. adjusting your legs so that he has you in the perfect position. he works those panties off you breathing hard when he sees your juices string free. he proceeds to tie you up in a way that leaves your legs spread out for him ribbon hooking around the back of your neck keeping your thighs wide open for him. you can see behind his eyes there is determination and obsession he has for you, you let him get out his fixation.
seeing you spread out for him looking so succulent his eyes sparkle, "perfect, you look so good baby" kissing your legs that's suspended. "now you can't leave me" he whispers kissing closer on your thighs. you giggle at his whispers like you can't hear him. he works his mouth closer to your mound. hungrily eying you as his mouth waters just to get a taste of you. particularly panting when he sees the flesh, the way your pussy is puffed out between your legs. he is whining to put his tongue on you. moving his head to lay between your legs. he marvels at you "so pretty, the prettiest"
he lets his mouth salivate and goes to swipe his tongue, letting the taste hit his tastebuds. his mouth slowly working while he licks at you. placing his arms under your back to support you. making those smacking sounds while you start to softy moan above him. "mm gojo feels so good" your shaky hands grip his white hair feeling the way his tongue is toying with you. making your back arch into his arms.
he collects all the juices that start to leak out of you, twirling his tongue around you to quench his thirst. making his eyes roll back into his skull while he swallows all that he can. he can feel his brain thumping making it hard for him to focus on the task that his tongue is doing. he suctions his lips using the tip of his tongue to lap at you. causing your legs to start to twitch, your clit throbbing in his mouth when he starts to suck harder.
your moans getting louder and your body starting to quiver. he starts to roll his hips into the bed grinding against the sheets feeling the arousal course through his veins. he gets more euphoria from pleasuring you then anything else. to hear your moan and taste you on his tongue, it makes him start to groan out.
you can feel the vibrations against your clit under his tongue. your voice shaking as you breathe out "goj-gojo". the words making him use his sholders to push your tied up legs even farther back as he starts to try and eat you whole, the words making him hungry. he is trying to use his tongue to hypnotize you, to keep you by his side so you'll never leave.
the feeling has you overflowing with emotions. has your legs trying to spring free with each and every move of his tongue. he is an expert with the motions, he know how to rotate and suck his mouth to make you shake and shiver. his hands under you back squeezing you tighter trying to keep you still so he can continue to swallow more of your cream "g-gojo feels too good" your toes starting to curl when he doesn't even slow down, he is too needy to not have your liquid hitting his taste buds.
his whines from grinding into the bed are vibrating into your folds causing more pleasure. he loves the taste if he could keep you in bed all day and be between your thighs he would. he wouldn't let you go until his jaw get locked, but you won't let him he's tried. maybe if he tied you up more maybe he could have you to himself all day. he can feel you start to shake rapidly getting ready to taste your cum he starts suck your clit and twirling his tongue faster
your vision gets blurry and your body tenses completely when you gush into his mouth. he is quick to swallow it all, drinking up more when you keep supplying him more. your eyes rolling back when he keeps moving his tongue to overstimulate you "ugh b-b-baby that's enough" you try and push his head away but he is wrapped tightly around you.
he is whining loudly when his mouth stills against you. you words knocking him out of his trance you put him in, almost forgetting about the boner in his pants so worried about eating your pussy till he can't anymore. he gradually licks you clean gulping down the orgasm that coats you and plants a soft kiss on those fat lips and slowly pulls away watching you pant out and chest heave
his lower face completely soaked when he drags off his boxers, feeling the strain in his length. whimpering when it smacks against his stomach and makes him tremble and moan. leaving him naked and bare when he comes closer to admiring you laid out and glistening for him. your pretty face watching him only makes him harder, he has to look away. looking at where his mouth only lied moments ago.
his guides his width to come inbetween those swollen pussy lips running along your juices, coating himself with the cream that you have created so he can enter you easier. his whining already taking up the room. he can't contain the sounds as they bounce of the walls. he can feel the muscles in his thighs start to tense and his breathing starting to quicken.
your both sensitive for different reasons, your sensitive from the assault of his tongue. and he is sensitive from his contrast grinds into the bed. he hits your swollen clit with his enlarged tip causing both of you make those sounds that bounce off each other.
"imma cum baby" he shakes out. he always cums like this, not even inside you yet and already his stomach is clenching up. he can't contain himself around you. you feel the ropes hit your stomach and coat your skin with the hot cream, as soon as the words leave his mouth. his high pitched moans making you hold his face to relax him holding his trembling jaw that makes his lips pucker
pecking his lips as his eyes flutter close tasting your juices. letting him calm down from the high he has fallen into. his width becoming harder now that he is already sensitive. "mm baby let it out" you say as you continue touching him, petting his hair to make him less stimulated your touch only makes him feel the effects more
his eyes are just the white part while he tries and come back to reality. "i need you, i n-need you" he starts to babble, words being hard to form with his mouth, shuddering as he positions himself against you. slowly slotting his messy length into you, throwing his head back as he does. he is so thick you grab him to lay on top of you so you have something to grip too.
you can feel your body shiver the ribbon keeping your legs from moving as he steadily starts to try and pierce you deeper. the feelings so intense already, "gojo please" your face squished into his neck when you feel him in the back of your walls. he stuffs the rest of length into you impatient to start fucking you. that spot near you cervix being brushed making your eyes rolls back
he is breathing hard feeling the burn in his thighs happen again. "shitt im cummin again" his mouth wide open "im so sorry sweetheart, your t-too tight" he whines when he pushes his head into your neck. holding strongly under your back when his tip jerks inside you having the stream of the white liquid puddle in your cushioned walls
he circles his arms tighter around you making your waist come closer to his, breathing hard when his legs stop shaking from the burn. you kiss along the side of his face while his moans quiet down gradually "you ok gojo ?" he doesn't answer with words only nodding with slight whimpering and starting to slowly grind into you making the space behind your belly button start to tingle. the way your legs are tied back allows him to reach too deep into you. the tip of him catching on your cervix making you clench up tightly causing gojo to suck his lips onto your neck, suckling on the skin.
his moans so loud as he humps into you, his voice high in pitch while his teeth catch on the bruised skin of your neck. he pulls his hips away to push into you roughly. your body pushed against his when his hips slam into yours again. he is starting a brutal pace that has your legs already shaking. his head lifts from your neck when goes to kiss your lips, moaning louder than you when your tongue starts to twist together. you messily kissing him makes him roll his hips stronger, clit catching on his pelvis. your nails coming to scratch on his back when he starts to make your body tense up again. lips swollen when he pulls away biting your lip, letting it pop out his mouth
he pounds into you harder feeling the pain you supply him from making him draw blood on his back. the pain mixed with pleasure has him short circuiting "don't ever leave me, i love you. i love so much" his deep strokes that make you want to wrap your legs around him but because your so spread out the feeling is almost too ínstense. rolling his hips to hit the back of your walls making you cry out, making your legs shake in those pretty ribbons again.
"ahh i w-won't i swear" you whimper out feeling like he is trying to overwhelm you when he starts stabbing into your womb, drilling into you with a new possession. not liking how you not saying you love him. hips moving with anger the emotion making him be harsh with you
"i said i love you, you don't love me anymore ?" it's like his madness is express through his rough strokes into you, that feeling has you shivering. you can't form any words making his blood boil even more, he moves his hands to hold you securely onto your legs that shake. "hmm (୨୧) i said i love you" he moves deeper. wanting on you to confess your love for him
"n-n-no i love you so much" you know how he can get, how he can overthink and make himself a little unpredictable over you. you have to reassure him let him know that he is the only person you want, the only person who you love like you love him
"i should keep you tied up so you never leave. keep you here for me" he is being so rough. letting his mouth flow all his thoughts that have been brewing in his mind. though he is pounding into you his voice pouts out contricting himself
your stomach cramps when he hits a certain spot in you making you put your hand on his abdomen trying to stop his harsh movements. your nails digging into his hard stomach. "gojo baby slow down" your voice wavering as he plows into you. "too rough" your feeling that warm sensation in your stomach again it's creeping up on you
he trying to stop him pushing your hand out of the way. "don't make me tie your hands sweetheart, trying to take this good pussy from me" he goes to grab at your neck wrapping his fingers around the column of your throat and squeezing to bring you closer to his face. cutting off your airflow "you don't understand what you do to me. you make me act crazy" he can feel you tighten your tummy at his words while he is pecking those swollen lips. "i just love you too much, i'm sorry for being so rough sweetheart" he pants out words coming out breathy due to his constant movements
he start to act animalistic biting your delicate skin of your shoulder licking to your collarbone where he sucks and bites you also. holding your neck tighter as hips move wilder. your so close you can feel the slow build up, the tension in your body bubbling in you "but this is my pussy, mmm all mine" he is biting his lip, fighting the need to cum in you for the umpteenth time "i love this pussy, all just for me" he is groaning when he grabs your hips letting you collect your breathing to continue those strokes leaving you shuddering "mine-mine your mine" he can't seem to say any other words your juices leaving him in a hypnotic like state.
the ribbon digging into the back your neck when your legs start the flair. trying to set themselves free. your back arching in as you continue to wiggle around. the constant pressure near your cervix has you getting louder. "go-go im gonna cum baby"
he can feel your plush walls swallowing him harder. your cream coating in such a thick paste when he looks at where you connected with him running his hands past your hips to touch where your so wet and soft. you skin feeling like velvet when his fingertips connect with your skin.
"so pretty, you're so pretty for me" when his fingers come to rub soft circles on your clit you can't even warn him about how you feel the lightning in your stomach and that tingling in your walls. the way your juices fly out out his stomach seeing your mouth gaped and your eyes crossed white has him almost at the finish line
his hips still rolling into you and his fingers still circling your slick flesh dragging you through your orgasm making you feel it 10x harder. "oh m-m b-baby " he is speaking gibberish can't seem to form the right words.
his voice squeaking when you feel him jerk on top of you. his high pitch whimpers making you drag your nails harder in his back because your body is still shaking. your still feeling the strain in your walls. you barely snap out of it when he softly kisses your lips. "i'm sorry baby i got carried away, just missed you so much"
your too tired to say anything back as he pulls out of you cautiously watching his cum drip out of you. "so sorry but its so pretty" he whispers to himself lowering his face to be parallel with your swollen folds. moving so that he can give you a long lick. you reach to grip his white hair.
he can taste all his cream when he puts his tongue in your tender hole. "and you still taste so good" he stops when he hears your tired whines. moving his lips to your tied legs working those ribbons off of you. kissing where the strained marks lay. your legs finally free when they wrap around him he still apologizing when he carries you to the bedroom. "you forgive me ?"
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