#Deepsense AI
symlinks · 4 years
Andy Thurai
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AI Hiring: The Next Frontier
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“[Frrole’s] DeepSense has ... reduced me to a series of data points. The system has yanked information from my social profiles, from LinkedIn to Twitter, in an effort to sum me up as a person. The purpose? That recruiters might be better equipped to scout and understand potential employees. Hiring professionals bring their own personal bias to the table in how they interpret and understand possible candidates. The tech isn’t infallible, but AI-driven systems promise to eliminate some of those prejudices.”
“For some tech companies, AI’s place may be most valuable for shortening the slog of application vetting. Companies like Ideal introduce these systems into that process early. Instead of one person reading through hundreds of resumes, they envision a process in which AI can quickly sort through data. CEO Somen Mondal compares its tech to a recommendation engine, much like Amazon or Netflix — a first line of defense against high-volume hiring. Ideal connects to a company’s applicant tracking system, works out who has applied, and compares it against people who have already been hired and are doing well.”
“AI’s presence in hiring is intended to streamline a taxing process and cut human bias, but it comes with its share of concerns. In its 2018 report, AI Now found that ‘the gap between those who develop and profit from AI — and those most likely to suffer the consequences of its negative effects — is growing larger, not smaller,’ as it relates to concerns over bias, discrimination, due process, liability, and overall responsibility for harm. Machine learning has already proven to be problematic in many instances. Amazon killed an AI vetting project after learning that the software was biased against women. Even AI-driven assessments on jobs like babysitting raise concerns over how well software can differentiate between actual bullying behaviors online and a joke or movie quote.”
The Verge, January 30, 2019: “The Next Frontier in Hiring is AI-driven,” by Megan Farokhmanesh  
AI Now Institute, December 2018:  AI Now Report 2018 (62 pages, PDF)
AI Now Institute, December 2018: “After a Year of Tech Scandals, Our 10 Recommendations for AI: Let’s begin with better regulation, protecting workers, and applying ‘truth in advertising’ rules to AI”
How Predictive Tools Affect Equity
“While new hiring tools rarely make affirmative hiring decisions, they often automate rejections. ... Predictive hiring tools can reflect institutional and systemic biases, and removing sensitive characteristics is not a solution.”     
“Nevertheless, vendors’ claim that technology can reduce interpersonal bias should not be ignored.”
“Even before people apply for jobs, predictive technology plays a powerful role in determining who learns of open positions.”  
Upturn, December 2018: An Examination of Hiring Algorithms, Equity, and Bias, by Miranda Bogen Aaron Rieke (73 pages, PDF)
The Verge, October 10, 2018: “Amazon reportedly scraps internal AI recruiting tool that was biased against women,” by James Vincent
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jobboardsoftware · 6 years
Robots are SPYING on social media to assess job candidates
Robots are SPYING on social media to assess job candidates
By Harry Pettit,
ROBOTS spying on your social media profiles could stop you from getting your dream job.
Recruitment AI used by companies to pick out applicants scans your posts for signs you might not be right for the role.
Known as DeepSense, the tool assesses your personality based on your online activity – even if you haven’t applied for the role and don’t know you’re being assessed.
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deepfinds-blog · 6 years
An AI Analyzed My Twitter Feed and Discovered I’m a Shithead
An AI Analyzed My Twitter Feed and Discovered I’m a Shithead
It’s fairly certain that, given the incredible amount of data about our habits and thoughts that are collected and analyzed and stored by our devices and accounts, The Cloud knows more about ourselves than we do. If our entire conception of self is distorted by the delusions and lies and beautiful memories we rely on to get through the unlimited hell that we occasionally experience, then who’s…
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frrole · 7 years
The age of intelligence
The internet as we know today is ~25 years old. When you want to take a critical look at the evolution of the internet (and related technologies/software), there are many perspectives, but in this post, I am going to take a ‘product’ perspective of this evolution.
The first many years of internet products were about better automation of workflows. Communication got automated (email), discovery got automated (Yahoo/Google), transactions got automated (Amazon), interactions got automated (AIM/Yahoo Messenger) and so on. When I think of what the dominant ‘product’ perspective during this time was, I prefer to think of it as the age of workflow automation.
Now before I go on, let me clarify. Automation of workflows has been happening for hundreds of years. Or thousands. Even software enabled automation of workflows has been happening for tens of years. But I see internet as a fundamental break-point that has changed, and will continue to change, the way this automation materializes.
The age of automation gave way to another age - the age of design. It had been around for a while earlier, but I would argue that this really went mainstream post the launch of iPhone in 2007. The primary objective of this age was to optimize the already automated workflows in software products. Make the workflows more efficient, make them more effective. Let them serve users better. And serve better they did.
And today - for the last couple of years for that matter - a new age has been upon us. An age of intelligence. Or if you don’t mind a tiny bit of hyperbole, then an age of Artificial Intelligence. An age of algorithms, an age of intelligent software. These algorithms can make determinations that would take exponentially more human time, or would otherwise not be possible at all.
This age is like nothing that we have seen before. If the first age was about automating workflows and second about improving them, then this age is about something absolutely unfathomable - not requiring those workflows at all. Because if the software is intelligent enough to take decisions on our behalf, then do we really have to bother about putting in place an ‘optimal’ workflow for the user?
“Just as all real-world workflows became software, all software will become intelligent.”
- Zetta Venture Partners
The thing with software intelligence is that it stems out of data. Just as for humans, it stems out of ‘information’. There are 4 broad kinds of data sets available for us to help build this intelligence, as I have written earlier.
But before I talk more about that ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce you to Frrole DeepSense.
DeepSense is all about creating intelligence from social data - a data set with years of history, for billions of consumers (and not just the few 10s or even 100s of millions that any product might have in their own systems). Enough to know every consumer inside out, while respecting their privacy.
Again and again in our discussions, we have come across Product Managers who have hit the same pain points when they have tried to work with social data - either it is too expensive or they have just had too hard a time building the right attributes and insights.
That is where DeepSense comes in. Building attribute-profiles from social data and making them available in a ready-to-consume manner, with little more overhead than the overhead of integrating an API.  For example, It doesn’t just tell you what a person’s personality is like, it tells you what that is going to imply in a professional role. Or when dating somebody. Or when a consumer complains to a service provider. DeepSense makes social data actually usable.
If you have a product that needs to be consumer aware, then DeepSense is built just for you.
Think of DeepSense as a third layer of intelligence, that works as a perfect complement to captive + web-data derived intelligence. As Product Managers in the first two ages, a lot us have had to contend with ‘either this or that’ decisions when it came to product features or UI design. But we don’t have to do that anymore. As I have already said, the third age is different in its very essence - including the fact that intelligence is inherently complementary in nature.
There is a high chance that we are just in the early days of  ‘consumer-aware products’ cycle. As AI agents/bots become more commonplace, they are going to have a critical need to be consumer-aware. Digital interactions are so context-less, that this intelligence is going to be crucial to have a realistic shot for an AI to build an emotional connect with a user out there.
As the folks over at Zetta have said quite eloquently, there is no other possible end-state for software than to become intelligent. And for that to happen, all data sets are going to play a pivotal role. Some of us, and some of our products, are going to be the ones leveraging all of these data sets and making that happen. And others are going to be collateral damage left in the wake.
The choice is ours to make.
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howtofindthemoney · 5 years
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blogiabr · 6 years
A próxima fronteira na contratação é o controle da inteligência artificial
O DeepSense AI de Frrole não tem coisas boas a dizer sobre mim. Meu potencial de estabilidade - a disposição de uma pessoa de “dar tudo de si” antes de sair - é cla(...) source https://blogia.com.br/-/NzczNw==/A+prC3B3xima+fronteira+na+contrataC3A7C3A3o+C3A9+o+controle+da+inteligC3AAncia+artificial
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yogeshmalik · 6 years
DeepSense Combines HPC and AI to Bolster Canada's Ocean Economy https://ift.tt/2Ka20T0
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micaurus-blog · 6 years
AI helping to save the whales - IBM IT...
AI helping to save the whales - IBM IT Infrastructure Blog https://ibm.co/2MJa5ly
AI helping to save the whales - IBM IT...
Researchers turned to IBM and AI to determine why right whales started dying in the North Atlantic Ocean, and discovered strategies using DeepSense.
IBM Get Social Hub
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larspibm · 6 years
AI helping to save the whales - IBM IT...
AI helping to save the whales - IBM IT Infrastructure Blog https://ibm.co/2MJa5ly
AI helping to save the whales - IBM IT...
Researchers turned to IBM and AI to determine why right whales started dying in the North Atlantic Ocean, and discovered strategies using DeepSense.
IBM Get Social Hub
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blogonlineworld · 6 years
AI helping to save the whales - IBM IT...
AI helping to save the whales - IBM IT Infrastructure Blog https://ibm.co/2MJa5ly
AI helping to save the whales - IBM IT...
Researchers turned to IBM and AI to determine why right whales started dying in the North Atlantic Ocean, and discovered strategies using DeepSense.
IBM Get Social Hub
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eurekakinginc · 6 years
Posted by shilpisraut via /r/artificial. Join Discussion: https://ift.tt/2rOOexo. Curated by: www.eurekaking.com
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troyreams · 7 years
DeepSense Uses AI to Evaluate Your Next Hire https://t.co/sfWVkKIEdn With so many variables at play when hiring a new employee, DeepSense has found a way to simplify parts of the process. Using artificial intelligence, it automates candidate evaluation by analyzing readily ava…
DeepSense Uses AI to Evaluate Your Next Hire https://t.co/sfWVkKIEdn With so many variables at play when hiring a new employee, DeepSense has found a way to simplify parts of the process. Using artificial intelligence, it automates candidate evaluation by analyzing readily ava…
— Stephen Harris (@stephenbharris3) March 7, 2018
DeepSense Uses AI to Evaluate Your Next Hire https://t.co/sfWVkKIEdn With so many variables at play when hiring a new employee, DeepSense has found a way to simplify parts of the process. Using artificial intelligence, it automates candidate evaluation by analyzing readily ava… http://twitter.com/stephenbharris3/status/971394613260021760
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danielwillsonblog · 7 years
DeepSense Uses AI to Evaluate Your Next Hire https://t.co/sfWVkKIEdn With so many variables at play when hiring a new employee, DeepSense has found a way to simplify parts of the process. Using artificial intelligence, it automates candidate evaluation by analyzing readily ava…
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DeepSense Uses AI to Evaluate Your Next Hire https://t.co/sfWVkKIEdn With so many variables at play when hiring a new employee, DeepSense has found a way to simplify parts of the process. Using artificial intelligence, it automates candidate evaluation by analyzing readily ava… http://twitter.com/stephenbharris3/status/971394613260021760
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chadspaulding · 7 years
DeepSense Uses AI to Evaluate Your Next Hire https://t.co/sfWVkKIEdn With so many variables at play when hiring a new employee, DeepSense has found a way to simplify parts of the process. Using artificial intelligence, it automates candidate evaluation by analyzing readily ava…
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DeepSense Uses AI to Evaluate Your Next Hire https://t.co/sfWVkKIEdn With so many variables at play when hiring a new employee, DeepSense has found a way to simplify parts of the process. Using artificial intelligence, it automates candidate evaluation by analyzing readily ava… http://twitter.com/stephenbharris3/status/971394613260021760
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benjaminlopez222 · 7 years
DeepSense Uses AI to Evaluate Your Next Hire https://t.co/sfWVkKIEdn With so many variables at play when hiring a new employee, DeepSense has found a way to simplify parts of the process. Using artificial intelligence, it automates candidate evaluation by analyzing readily ava…
DeepSense Uses AI to Evaluate Your Next Hire https://t.co/sfWVkKIEdn With so many variables at play when hiring a new employee, DeepSense has found a way to simplify parts of the process. Using artificial intelligence, it automates candidate evaluation by analyzing readily ava…
— Stephen Harris (@stephenbharris3) March 7, 2018
DeepSense Uses AI to Evaluate Your Next Hire https://t.co/sfWVkKIEdn With so many variables at play when hiring a new employee, DeepSense has found a way to simplify parts of the process. Using artificial intelligence, it automates candidate evaluation by analyzing readily ava… http://twitter.com/stephenbharris3/status/971394613260021760
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