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miles would actually slay certain kishore kumar songs so hard
#this post is for me and the one other desi person who dwell in these parts#he could do kishore kumar's energy justice#imagine him singing bachna e haseeno or om shanti om the og one#cott era miles would be perfect for eena meena deeka#oh god how to get miles kane to obsess over old hindi songs now#miles kane#delulu hours fr
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"By day, Deeka Strange is an LA influencer, but by night, she’s out of this world—literally."
Day 5 of the MintoberCAS Challenge by @themintsimmer
#THIS WAS THE MOST FUN ONE YET#sims#sims 4#ts4#ts4 simblr#black simmer#ts4 screenshots#sims4#mintobercas
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Abiari Abiini Aboalo Aboele Aboine Abueke Abuele Abuilu Abuuko Acaire Aceone Aceore Aciale Acioto Aciuku Acooru Acuane Acuano Acuaro Acuiti Acuuka Adeila Adiana Adiepu Adioru Adoari Adoile Aduiko Aduoki Afaapa Afaaru Afaiku Afaima Afaine Afieli Afionu Afoinu Afoope Afoore Afuama Afueka Afuene Afuola Afuupa Agaera Agailo Agauka Agaulo Ageure Agiiko Agoapi Agouki Aguipa Aguuto Ahaane Ahaera Ahaoru Ahieke Ahiiki Ahoopo Ahuonu Ajaite Ajauki Ajauno Ajiele Ajiemu Ajiire Ajioni Ajoeka Ajoepo Ajuaro Ajueli Akauno Akeiru Akiatu Akiuno Akoana Akoipu Akuimu Akuore Akuure Alaali Alaati Alaemi Aleino Aloaku Aloara Aloati Alouna Aluilo Amailu Amaito Ameema Ameomi Ameono Ameule Amioto Amoana Amoape Amoepo Amooli Amoupu Amueni Anaame Anaile Anaoki Anaopo Aneoko Anielo Anieno Aniiri Anoame Anoeru Anoute Anuimi Anuinu Anuote Anuuri Apaato Apaili Apaime Apaone Apeapa Apeomo Apeoti Apiina Apiiri Apioti Apoome Apoonu Apuipi Apuoke Apuota Apuoto Aqaapo Aqaete Aqaita Aqaulu Aqaura Aqeema Aqeolo Aqeuto Aqiiko Aqiola Aqionu Aqueru Aquile Aquola Araeri Areeku Areenu Areino Areulu Ariiko Ariipi Ariuma Ariuru Aroara Aroitu Aruapo Aruata Asaaku Asaali Asaole Asiopu Asiuru Asoamu Asoiko Asoimo Asoumi Asuole Asuuno Asuure Ataete Ataute Ateita Ateomo Atiapi Atiapu Atioti Atiuro Atouma Atoumi Atuule Atuupi Atuura Avaipu Avaiti Avaole Avaomo Aveani Avearo Aveeke Aveena Aveupo Aveuru Aveuti Avianu Aviema Aviomo Aviore Aviura Avoako Avoora Avouki Avoulo Avueku Avuiti Avuoro Avuupe Avuuti Avuuto Awaata Awaoni Aweume Awiero Awiila Awiomo Awiupe Awoelo Awoili Awoipe Awoole Awoori Awueru Awuili Awuoke Axaapi Axaime Axaoma Axauti Axeela Axeole Axeula Axeupi Axiata Axiene Axoini Axoinu Axoome Axuiko Axuini Axuoma Ayaatu Ayaimi Ayaira Ayeilu Ayeoru Ayeuku Ayiata Ayiute Ayoapu Ayouma Ayuuli Ayuuma Ayuume Azaolu Azauri Azeame Azeika Aziepi Aziete Azoili Azooko Azoume Azuulo
Baa Baaku Baali Baamu Bae Baene Bai Baike Baiku Baila Baipa Bao Baole Baoma Baoti Bau Baupe Baupi Bea Bearu Bee Beela Beene Beero Bei Beira Beita Beomi Beori Beu Beumu Beupi Bia Biane Biano Biaro Bie Biere Bii Biilo Biipe Biipo Bio Biore Biu Biuko Boa Boalo Boame Boapa Boato Boe Boeku Boene Boeta Boi Boire Boo Boope Bou Bouke Bouki Boume Bouna Bua Buaki Buapu Bue Bui Buila Builo Buimi Buipi Buo Buolo Buolu Buomi Buona Buotu Buu Buumi Buuti Buutu
Caa Caana Caate Cae Caeko Cai Caiko Caiku Caire Cairi Cao Cau Cauku Caure Cea Ceaka Ceaku Ceamu Ceani Ceara Cee Ceeku Ceeme Ceepe Cei Ceime Ceino Ceo Ceomu Ceono Ceori Ceu Ceula Ceumu Ceuro Cia Ciali Cie Cieko Ciero Cii Ciilo Ciinu Ciipa Ciita Cio Ciu Ciula Ciuni Ciupa Coa Coaku Coapa Coape Coe Coena Coene Coi Coira Coo Coomi Coone Coono Coopo Cou Couko Coupo Coupu Cua Cuaki Cualu Cue Cueki Cueko Cuelu Cui Cuiki Cuila Cuo Cuolo Cuopa Cuopi Cuopo Cuoti Cuu Cuumu Cuuni Cuupe Cuuri Cuuta
Daa Daana Daato Dae Daelo Daema Dai Dailu Daini Dao Daona Daopu Dau Dauma Dauno Daupo Dautu Dea Deali Deama Deano Deapu Dee Deeka Deeku Deema Deeri Dei Deo Deoma Deomu Deopi Deori Deote Deu Deuno Dia Diara Die Dii Diime Diito Dio Diolu Diomo Diopo Diota Diu Doa Doano Doapi Doe Doeki Doeko Doeku Doero Doi Doo Doolu Doopa Doopi Dooti Dou Doute Dua Due Duele Duelu Dueni Duenu Dui Duila Duini Duipa Duo Duoro Duu Duulu Duumi Duumo Duune Duunu Duuto
Ebauru Ebeete Ebiame Ebiilo Ebiumu Eboipa Ebooti Eboulu Ebuame Ebuono Ebuoro Ebuuku Ecaopa Eceale Eceeno Eceepu Eciale Eciiki Eciitu Ecioki Eciunu Ecoamu Ecoeku Ecoupi Edaeka Edaike Edaitu Edauni Edeake Edeeko Edeume Edeunu Ediemu Ediepo Ediiki Edioru Ediote Edoeli Edoetu Edoira Edoore Edouko Eduani Eduili Efaeme Efaile Efeitu Efeure Efielu Efieni Efiole Efiulo Efiuru Efoeta Efoime Efueme Efuero Egaeki Egaino Egaura Egeala Egeapa Egeira Egeope Egiapa Egiape Egieku Egiura Egiuto Egoatu Eguira Eguota Ehaeke Ehaeta Ehauke Eheake Eheeni Eheumo Ehiali Ehioro Ehoori Ehuiku Ejaaku Ejaate Ejaopu Ejaoti Ejeepa Ejeome Ejiepe Ejoete Ejuane Ejuime Ejuoni Ejuula Ekaami Ekaano Ekauno Ekeine Ekeipa Ekiuko Ekootu Ekouli Ekoupu Ekuame Ekuite Elaamu Eleotu Eliete Eliiri Eliula Eliura Eloamu Eloino Eloiri Eluali Eluami Eluika Eluure Emaama Emaani Emaoko Emaomi Emeero Emiepu Emiiru Emiuko Emoiki Emoipi Emuero Emuona Emuupi Enaaro Enaate Enaoru Enauku Enaupi Eneemu Eneima Eniiti Eniotu Eniupe Enoama Enoana Enoeki Enoira Enouma Enuotu Epaame Epaeli Epeeta Epeure Epiuru Epoeri Epuire Eqaeri Eqeipo Eqiopu Eqouka Eqouno Equala Equato Eraami Eraeka Eraike Eraite Ereomi Eriiro Eroeko Eroini Eruari Eruelu Eruite Eruulu Esaani Esaemo Esaomu Esaora Eseele Eseepe Eseuko Esiatu Esiuku Esuato Esueme Esueri Esuite Esuope Etaaku Etaena Eteoka Etiunu Etoami Etoano Etoapi Etoeta Etoipu Etoona Etuani Etuona Etuuko Evaame Evaari Evaeka Evaito Evaoki Evaoku Evauru Evealo Eveati Eveemu Eviani Eviape Eviomo Eviuka Eviuko Evoane Evoape Evoepu Evoulo Evuano Evueki Evueru Evuita Ewaake Ewaole Ewaoti Ewaule Ewaune Eweina Eweone Eweopo Eweuna Ewuina Ewuoka Exaamo Exeela Exeola Exeolu Exeuko Exeupu Exiila Exiopa Exoeke Exoute Exuimu Eyaera Eyaumo Eyeena Eyiena Eyouku Eyuaki Eyuopa Ezaipe Ezaono Ezaula Ezeari Ezeato Ezeopu Ezounu Ezuiru
Faa Faama Faane Fae Faeka Fai Faiku Faito Fao Faome Faoru Fau Fauli Fauri Fea Feaka Fee Feemi Feere Fei Feila Feili Feiti Feo Feoli Feoni Feote Feu Feumi Feuna Feuri Feuti Fia Fiake Fiaru Fie Fiemu Fiero Fii Fiilu Fiipi Fiipu Fiite Fiitu Fio Fiotu Fiu Fiutu Foa Foaki Foamo Foanu Foapo Foato Foe Foela Foemu Foi Foo Foono Fou Foume Foupa Foupi Fua Fuapi Fuare Fue Fuenu Fuepe Fui Fuitu Fuo Fuopa Fuu Fuune Fuupa
Gaa Gaano Gaati Gae Gaeku Gaeli Gaeri Gai Gainu Gao Gaomu Gaoni Gau Gaumi Gea Geaki Geama Geame Geari Gee Geeki Geemi Geeri Gei Geo Geoma Geomo Geoni Geu Geupe Geuri Geuru Geuta Gie Giela Gieru Gii Giinu Gio Gioku Gioma Giu Giuko Giule Giulu Giuma Goa Goale Goalu Goamu Goe Goi Goili Goino Goo Gooko Goole Gooma Gou Goura Goute Gua Gue Gui Guilo Guipi Guiro Guo Guota Guu Guulu Guumi
Haa Haani Haaro Hae Haeli Haepe Hai Hainu Hao Haola Haolo Haoni Haopi Hau Haula Haule Haumu Hea Heanu Heape Heapo Heati Hee Heeli Heelo Heemi Heenu Heepe Heepo Heere Hei Heiku Heima Heinu Heo Heoki Heono Heopi Heu Heuko Heula Heuma Hia Hiani Hiara Hie Hieme Hiemi Hiepa Hii Hio Hione Hioni Hiora Hiu Hiuma Hiutu Hoa Hoapa Hoape Hoe Hoele Hoi Hoipi Hoiro Hoo Hoola Hoote Hooto Hou Houlu Houtu Hua Hualu Huami Huamu Hue Hueka Hui Huipe Huo Huole Huonu Huu
Ibaami Ibaelu Ibauna Ibeiku Ibeoti Ibeune Ibeuri Ibiamu Ibiipe Ibiuki Ibiulo Iboaku Iboolu Ibuuke Icealo Iceepe Iceolo Iciapa Icieke Iciuka Icoite Icooka Icoome Icoupi Icuone Idaori Idauri Ideape Ideumi Idiapu Idiipe Idiomo Idoako Idoalu Idoame Idoapa Idoepo Idouma Iduapo Ifaepo Ifaiti Ifauke Ifaume Ifauta Ifiaru Ifioke Ifoira Ifuamu Ifuula Igaare Igaepe Igaure Igieme Igiimo Igoena Igoepi Igoete Iguuru Ihaero Ihailu Ihauki Iheoku Ihiapo Ihoame Ihoami Ihoete Ihouti Ihuate Ihuepu Ihuite Ijaine Ijaula Ijeemi Ijeima Ijeono Ijoana Ijueni Ikeilo Ikeoka Ikeupi Ikiimu Ikoimu Ikuane Ikuura Ilaana Ilaili Ilailo Ilaope Iliake Iliomu Iloaka Iloopo Iluano Iluini Iluuka Imaoki Imiaku Imiatu Imiupa Imoiru Imoonu Imouka Imuake Imuumo Inaato Inaora Ineapo Ineare Inietu Iniupi Inoepa Inooli Ipaere Ipeipa Ipiako Ipiata Ipiite Ipoali Ipoope Ipuame Ipuapu Iqairu Iqaoma Iqeote Iqiela Iqieti Iqiipe Iqiora Iqiute Iqouno Iqoupi Iquamo Iquamu Iquelu Iqueru Iraako Iraori Irauli Irauni Ireoli Ireote Iriata Iriime Irioku Iriomu Iriuro Iroana Iroaru Iroele Iroito Iruelu Iruimi Iruupu Isailu Isearu Isiapo Isiule Isiumo Isoele Isoima Isoiro Isouna Isoute Isuako Isuare Isueke Isuino Isuuki Itaema Itaene Itaire Itaunu Iteapa Iteilo Iteuki Iteumi Itianu Itiepa Itioru Itooku Ituiri Ituuri Ivaira Ivaomu Iveake Ivearu Iveatu Iveenu Iveepi Iveepo Iviari Iviire Ivoipe Iwaana Iweepa Iweili Iweima Iweoka Iweulo Iwiane Iwiiro Iwoani Iwouto Iwuope Iwuori Iwuuno Ixaana Ixeelu Ixialu Ixiana Ixioku Ixoati Ixoine Iyaatu Iyaimu Iyaore Iyaura Iyeeno Iyiemu Iyiipu Iyoena Iyoetu Iyoolo Iyoora Iyuira Izaeku Izaepo Izaipe Izauni Izaupu Izeepe Izeoro Izieli Izoaku Izoare Izoemi Izoiro Izuame Izuete Izuoki Izuura
Jaa Jae Jaela Jaeni Jaeno Jaepi Jai Jairu Jaita Jao Jaoke Jaomi Jaopi Jau Jauri Jea Jeamu Jee Jeenu Jei Jeire Jeiro Jeo Jeoko Jeolo Jeomi Jeotu Jeu Jeulu Jeura Jia Jiano Jiapi Jiari Jie Jieko Jieme Jiene Jieta Jii Jiilu Jiinu Jio Jioki Jiomu Jiopu Jiu Jiumi Joa Joame Joapu Joe Joene Joi Joime Joo Jooni Jou Jouli Jouna Joune Jouni Joure Jua Juamu Jue Jueno Jui Juiri Juitu Juo Juona Juone Juono Juote Juu Juuku
Kaa Kaaku Kae Kaemi Kai Kaiko Kaima Kaina Kairu Kao Kaoku Kaopo Kaoru Kau Kauko Kea Keale Keana Kearo Kee Keela Keeni Keeti Kei Keito Keo Keoma Keopu Keotu Keu Keume Keune Keura Kia Kiata Kie Kieru Kii Kio Kiomu Kiopo Kiu Kiumu Kiura Koa Koani Koapi Koe Koemu Koi Koika Koita Koo Kooto Kootu Kou Kouku Koulu Koura Kouro Kouto Kua Kualo Kuano Kuanu Kuare Kue Kuela Kui Kuimi Kuo Kuoli Kuomu Kuote Kuu Kuule Kuumo Kuuta
Laa Laare Lae Laela Laepi Laeru Lai Laipa Laira Lao Laolu Laore Lau Laume Laupa Lauru Lea Leane Lee Leeki Leepe Leeto Lei Leimo Leine Leinu Leo Leola Leora Leote Leu Leuku Leunu Leupu Leure Lia Liako Liame Liane Liara Lie Liele Liete Lii Liino Liira Lio Lioma Liomi Liopo Lioro Liotu Liu Liumo Liupi Loa Loapu Loe Loelo Loepa Loi Loini Loipa Loo Loopa Loopo Lou Loulu Loune Loute Lua Luapu Luata Lue Lueki Luelu Lueno Luenu Lui Luilu Luo Luoku Luu Luuka Luuli Luuma
Maa Maamo Maana Mae Maela Maele Maelu Mai Mairu Mao Maoka Maolo Maopu Mau Maulo Maure Mea Meale Meati Mee Meele Meepo Mei Meimu Meipi Meo Meoto Meu Meuli Meulo Meuto Mia Miaru Mie Mielu Miemi Mii Miimi Miira Miiro Miiti Mio Miopa Miote Miu Miuke Miuku Miuru Miutu Moa Moe Moeli Moepe Moepo Moi Moimo Moite Moitu Moo Moomi Moote Mou Mouka Mouke Moulo Mounu Mouru Mua Muame Mue Mueko Muela Muele Muero Mui Muima Muine Muini Muinu Muo Muolo Muoti Muoto Muu Muuki
Naa Naate Nae Naeke Nai Naika Naiku Nao Naoki Naoma Naope Naopu Nau Naula Nauma Naupa Nea Nee Neeni Neepe Neeri Nei Neinu Neito Neo Neola Neoto Neu Neupe Neupi Neupu Nia Nialu Niama Niapa Niata Nie Nii Niike Niiki Niimo Nio Niono Nioru Niu Noa Noali Noano Noaru Noata Noe Noene Noere Noero Noetu Noi Noinu Noo Noola Noona Noore Nooro Nou Nounu Noupa Noupi Noupo Nua Nuaka Nuala Nuatu Nue Nueme Nuemu Nuepe Nuere Nui Nuiku Nuira Nuire Nuo Nuome Nuopi Nuu Nuuni
Obaeno Obaoka Obeoke Obiamo Obiamu Obiapo Obiimi Obiure Oboaku Oboima Oboimo Oboine Obuelu Obuemo Obuopu Ocaatu Ocaetu Oceeme Oceere Ocieri Ociipa Ocioka Ocoare Ocoeka Ocooni Ocouro Ocuike Ocuiku Odauki Odeate Odeimi Odeira Odiome Odoepu Odoiki Odoipo Odouku Oduape Oduile Ofaatu Ofaeli Ofaika Ofaori Ofauko Ofeeri Ofeolo Ofeule Ofiepu Ofieri Ofiuru Ofoato Ofoino Ofuule Ogaepe Ogaule Ogauti Ogeeka Ogeuli Ogiema Ogieta Ogiipa Ogiiri Ogoaki Ogoero Ogoolo Ohaoko Ohiome Ohoanu Ojeita Ojieka Ojoaru Ojoepo Ojoora Ojuapi Ojuini Ojuumi Okeilo Okeipu Okeulo Okiopa Okiuna Okoani Okoape Okoate Okoela Okoopa Okoume Okuepu Olaeti Oleipi Oleoli Oleopu Oliepu Oloamo Oloate Oloilu Oloula Oluume Omauni Omeoto Omoone Omuera Omuiro Omuumo Onaami Oneile Oniono Oniota Onoiru Onuate Onuina Onuuka Onuuke Opaori Opeuru Opiape Opiepe Opiura Opoiku Opoino Opoipu Opouma Opuaka Opuipe Oqaena Oqaila Oqaipi Oqaolu Oqaupu Oqiare Oqoime Oquano Oquilu Oquimi Oquuki Oquumi Oraamo Oreako Oriaku Oriale Oriuni Oroapi Oroire Oroulo Osaeme Osaika Osaite Osauru Oseito Oseuna Osiako Osioru Osoapo Osoiko Osoopo Osuonu Otaopi Otauni Oteati Oteeke Oteeru Oteete Oteime Oteipi Oteoma Otiari Otiaru Otiela Otiemu Otiomi Otoire Otouna Otuame Otuura Ovaeta Oveapo Oveine Oveula Oviepo Ovieto Oviiko Oviopo Ovoanu Ovoara Ovoemo Ovoule Owaepi Owaeta Owaoka Owaota Oweomi Owioro Owoipu Owouke Owuika Owuile Owuite Owuute Oxauro Oxeeku Oxeiri Oxeuro Oxoeli Oxoini Oxuali Oyaimu Oyaipi Oyeako Oyeati Oyeemo Oyeero Oyiomo Oyoemu Oyoini Oyuemi Oyuito Ozaapi Ozaike Ozauko Ozeeno Ozuamo Ozuato Ozuepe
Paa Paaki Paana Paape Pae Pai Paili Paina Paite Pao Paomo Paore Paoto Pau Paure Pea Peali Pee Peeli Peemi Peeno Peero Pei Peilu Peino Peiti Peo Peoli Peu Peumo Peunu Pia Piapa Piapo Piare Piari Piaru Pie Piero Pii Piile Piini Pio Piolo Piome Piu Piumu Poa Poala Poare Poata Poe Poeki Poepa Poero Poi Poimi Poina Poipa Poo Poola Poomi Poore Poote Pou Pouma Pua Puano Puari Pue Pui Puiku Puina Puo Puoko Puu Puuma Puunu Puuro
Qaa Qaama Qaame Qaare Qae Qaeto Qai Qaika Qaike Qailo Qao Qaoli Qaolo Qaomo Qaoto Qau Qaumu Qauna Qauru Qea Qearo Qee Qeeme Qei Qeipu Qeo Qeome Qeora Qeu Qeuno Qeura Qeure Qia Qiana Qie Qiele Qii Qiiku Qiipi Qio Qiopu Qioru Qiu Qiuni Qiupo Qoa Qoaro Qoati Qoe Qoenu Qoere Qoetu Qoi Qoilo Qoimo Qoo Qou Qua Que Quela Qui Quita Quito Quo Quoka Quolo Quonu Quotu Quu Quupa Quupe Quuto
Raa Raaka Raako Raalu Raati Rae Raena Rai Raimo Raipi Rao Raomo Raoti Rau Raula Rauma Raumo Raupi Rauri Rautu Rea Reaku Reala Reama Reani Reanu Reapi Rearu Ree Reepi Reera Rei Reiko Reipa Reitu Reo Reoti Reu Reume Reupi Reuru Ria Riame Riapa Riatu Rie Rii Riina Riine Rio Riomi Riotu Riu Riula Riuri Roa Roalu Roami Roapi Roe Roete Roi Roiki Roila Roile Roimu Roo Rooma Roopa Rou Roune Rua Ruapo Rue Rueka Rueki Ruemi Rueno Ruepo Rueta Rui Ruini Ruiri Ruiro Ruo Ruoke Ruoma Ruu Ruuni Ruupu Ruuti Ruutu
Saa Saamo Sae Saelo Saeme Saemo Saenu Sai Saine Sao Saolu Saopa Saoti Saotu Sau Sauno Saupo Sea Seapo Seari Seata See Seeka Seeke Seeki Seeku Seeme Seeru Sei Seini Seo Seoki Seomi Seori Seu Seuli Sia Sialo Siama Siapo Siara Siata Sie Sienu Sieti Sii Siiki Siimi Sio Sioka Sioma Siote Siu Siupi Siuro Siute Soa Soale Soalo Soana Soato Soe Soeru Soeto Soi Soilo Soina Soine Soo Soolo Soomo Soonu Sooti Sou Souro Soute Soutu Sua Sualo Suapo Suapu Suaro Suata Suati Suato Sue Sueke Sui Suina Suipa Suo Suotu Suu Suuka Suula Suure
Taa Taata Tae Taelu Tai Taike Taite Tao Tau Tauno Tautu Tea Teaka Teali Tealo Tearu Tee Teemo Teeti Tei Teimi Teini Teipa Teo Teu Teuri Tia Tiale Tie Tii Tiila Tiite Tio Tiora Tiote Tiu Tiuke Toa Toala Toara Toe Toeme Toemu Toi Too Toomi Toopi Tootu Tou Toume Tua Tuake Tuapu Tuaru Tue Tueku Tueme Tui Tuina Tuipa Tuiro Tuo Tuopu Tuori Tuu Tuupe
Ubealo Ubeane Ubeula Ubiupo Uboota Ubuuki Ucaipe Ucaoni Ucaune Ucaupi Uceala Uceapi Uciira Uciolo Uciopa Uciunu Ucoano Ucoire Ucooka Ucueko Udeami Udeika Udieru Udoete Udoote Udouko Uduano Uduomu Uduula Uduumu Ufeeri Ufeile Ufiemo Ufoali Ufooma Ufuope Ufuupa Ufuuri Ugaipu Ugeane Ugeeno Ugeita Ugeuto Ugiito Ugiure Ugoira Ugouko Ugueri Uguetu Uguiki Uhaali Uhaeto Uhaita Uheari Uheemo Uheotu Uhiemu Uhiuma Uhoala Uhoiro Uhoori Uhuola Uhuuto Ujaike Ujaimi Ujaola Ujaone Ujaota Ujauro Ujeapa Ujeimi Ujiema Ujiere Ujiipe Ujoopu Ujooru Ujouko Ujouma Ujouro Ujuamo Ujuare Ujuate Ujueni Ujuoka Ujuore Ujuune Ukaamu Ukaite Ukaumu Ukeima Ukiatu Ukiepe Ukiupi Ukouta Ukuuku Ulaula Ulealu Uliepa Ulioke Ulioru Uloemo Uloote Uluupe Umaaka Umaaru Umaoni Umaupi Umeeri Umiaki Umiato Umiepi Umoiku Umootu Umuaka Umuelu Umuina Umuone Uneara Uneita Uneore Unoolo Unooti Unuamo Unuane Unuelu Unuuki Upaaro Upaema Upaupi Upauru Upeele Upeuri Upeuti Upiama Upiene Upionu Upiuki Upoeta Upuite Uqaana Uqaeka Uqaota Uqeoku Uqoare Uqoito Uqoopo Uqouro Uquari Uquimu Uquupu Uquura Ureeta Uriapa Urieru Uriito Uroeme Uroepu Uroero Uroura Usauno Usaunu Useale Useumu Useupa Usienu Usoumo Usoure Usuani Usuelu Usuire Usuopo Utaoto Utauku Utaure Utearu Uteuli Utiako Utiipo Utioke Utiuta Utoapo Utoero Utouli Utuimi Uvaoro Uvaure Uveape Uveate Uveela Uveipi Uveupe Uviero Uvioli Uvioto Uvoemo Uvoepo Uvoini Uvoule Uvuiku Uvuumo Uwaaki Uweamu Uweeku Uweili Uweolo Uweoma Uwiika Uwuala Uxaatu Uxailo Uxaomu Uxiemu Uxiiku Uxoomi Uxuaki Uxuemo Uxuoto Uyeeme Uyeito Uyiiku Uyiura Uyoumo Uyuonu Uzaape Uzaiki Uzaiti Uzaumi Uzeano Uzeeti Uzeoti Uzeulo Uzeuti Uziola Uziolo Uziopi Uziuke Uzuopo
Vaa Vae Vaemo Vaera Vaero Vai Vaike Vaime Vao Vau Vauku Vaumo Vauna Vautu Vea Veata Veato Vee Veelu Veemi Veenu Veere Vei Veira Veito Veitu Veo Veoka Veolu Veomi Veopo Veu Veume Veumu Veute Via Viame Viate Viati Vie Vieli Vieme Vieno Vieto Vii Viike Viiko Viire Viita Vio Vioni Viori Viu Viuru Viutu Voa Voake Voe Voene Voi Voiko Voito Voo Voolu Vou Voumo Vouri Vouru Vouta Vua Vuapa Vue Vuemo Vueni Vui Vuilu Vuipa Vuiri Vuite Vuo Vuome Vuomo Vuope Vuu Vuuki Vuumo Vuuru Vuutu
Waa Wae Waeka Waepa Wai Waimi Waimu Waipe Wairu Wao Waome Waonu Wau Wauki Wea Weaki Weama Wee Weeku Weeti Wei Weimo Weite Weo Weole Weona Weora Weu Weuka Weula Weuna Weupo Wia Wiame Wiapo Wiapu Wiatu Wie Wieko Wiena Wieta Wii Wiine Wio Wiome Wioro Wiu Wiula Woa Woale Woape Woe Woeme Woi Woimi Woipi Woo Wooko Woole Wooni Woonu Woora Woore Wou Wouti Wua Wuane Wuaro Wue Wueko Wui Wuiri Wuito Wuo Wuopo Wuori Wuu Wuula Wuuno Wuupa Wuuto
Xaa Xaalo Xaami Xaamo Xaape Xaata Xaato Xae Xaeka Xaemi Xaeri Xaetu Xai Xaire Xairi Xairo Xaita Xao Xaoka Xaopi Xaopu Xau Xaumu Xaupa Xauta Xautu Xea Xealo Xeana Xeata Xee Xeenu Xeete Xei Xeimi Xeimu Xeiru Xeite Xeo Xeomi Xeote Xeu Xeune Xeuni Xeura Xeure Xia Xiana Xie Xiepa Xiera Xii Xiika Xiime Xiine Xiito Xio Xioti Xiu Xiute Xoa Xoamo Xoana Xoanu Xoari Xoate Xoe Xoela Xoemi Xoera Xoi Xoiku Xoime Xoipo Xoo Xooko Xoono Xoonu Xooru Xou Xoulu Xoupo Xua Xuanu Xue Xueka Xueri Xui Xuita Xuo Xuoko Xuole Xuore Xuoro Xuu Xuulu Xuumo
Yaa Yaala Yaalo Yaane Yaani Yae Yaele Yaeme Yaemu Yaera Yaeru Yai Yaiki Yaitu Yao Yau Yauka Yauke Yauta Yea Yeaka Yealo Yee Yeepa Yei Yeo Yeope Yeopu Yeu Yeuke Yia Yiaka Yiaro Yie Yiero Yii Yiilo Yiipa Yiita Yio Yiolu Yiona Yiu Yiuli Yiuma Yiumi Yiuru Yoa Yoalu Yoama Yoamo Yoane Yoara Yoe Yoi Yoine Yoiti Yoo Yoola Yoomi Yoonu Yoori You Youko Youlo Yua Yuako Yuaro Yuate Yue Yueki Yuenu Yuepa Yui Yuina Yuipa Yuiro Yuo Yuoki Yuolo Yuu Yuulu Yuutu
Zaa Zaako Zaata Zaato Zae Zai Zaike Zaima Zaoki Zaore Zau Zaume Zea Zeake Zee Zeeko Zeelu Zeeru Zei Zeito Zeo Zeoma Zeomu Zeopo Zeu Zeumi Zia Ziara Zie Ziela Zieti Zii Ziiki Ziipe Zio Ziomo Ziu Ziunu Ziupe Ziute Zoa Zoe Zoeke Zoema Zoi Zoo Zooku Zoome Zoona Zou Zouru Zoutu Zua Zuanu Zue Zueku Zuelu Zuenu Zueri Zueto Zui Zuita Zuo Zuu Zuuka Zuuli Zuume Zuura
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hiii i was tagged by @trivialoveclub to post 10 songs you like that have names in them 🐋🎐
suzume by radwimps, toaka
heer ranjha by rito riba
for aisha by memba
utatohibiki by hiroyuki sawano
dear layla by full throttle4
eena meena deeka by kishore kumar
maria by kim ah joong
hikari by androp
senorita by vav
pappu can't dance by benny dayal
tagging: @strawberryextract @hobifinity @oikawas-toris @harubirus @ghibliu @tatamitimemachineblues @breadmp3 @angefairy @ce1estiial @kaynielsen
10 notes
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Eenie meenie minie mo
i was in 5th gradfe and we got 3 goldfishes unka naam rakha tha eena meena deeka they died in a week i miss them sometimes useless little pretty fish
4 notes
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Indies (Lifetime) Playlist Tributes to Music Legends ! -PART 15
Yt Link:
184.Kal Raat Muzse Tu – Dharam Yoddha
185.Ek Tak Ant Thak – Jawab
186.Are Re Chunri Udi Sajan – Krantiveer
187.Dil Mare Deewana – Mafia
188.Chal Gaya Apna Chakkar - Miya Biwi Aur Saali
189.Galo Se Khelu Main – Hitler
190.Main Ladki Aur Ladka Tum – Hatyara
191.Chui Mui Chui Mui - Sher-E-Hindustan
192.Dahi Ka Dhoor – Goriya
193.Love Me Honey Honey - English Babu Desi Mem
194.Badmaash Aashiq Aashiq
195.Gore Gore Galo Wali – Hatyara
196.Ras Malai – Chandaal
197.Tullam Tulla – Jwalamukhi
198.Aaj Kal Ki Ladkiyan - Chal Mere Bhai
199.It Is My Love - Khoon Ka Sindoor
200.Sola Kiye The Pure – Rangbaaz
201.Saari Baatein Hoti Hain By Chance - Pehla Pehla Pyar
202.Iski Hoon Na – Kaalia
203.Tere Dwar Khada hai Jogi - Eena Meena Deeka
204.Addha Sach Bolta - Sarhad Paar
205.Kya Roop Hai Tera - Raja Ki Aayegi Baaraat
206.Kya Jalan Kya Jalan - Aaya Toofan
207.Dhoom Dhadaka – Veer
208.Lehenge Se Lage Hawa – Dushmani
209.Shadi Kar Le Sadde Naal – Jwalamukhi
210.Mujhe Kambal Manga De - Sher-E-Hindustan
211.Zindagi Se Maut Ki Mulaqat Hai – Bandish
212.Khud se har koi rutha hai – Veergati
213.Arrey Arrey · Sanyasi Mera Naam
214.Na Dikkat Karo Na Disturb Karo - Ladies Tailor
215.Karta Hai Kabootar – Mr 100 %
216.Humke Lade Sajan – Goriya
Yt Link:
Gulab Jism Ka – Anjuman
Naam Goom Jayega – Kinara
Huzoor Is Kadar – Masoom
Dil Dhoondta Hai Phir Wahi – Mausam
´’ (sad version)
Zindagi Mein Jab Tumhare Gham Nahin The –Dooriyaan
Zindagi Zindagi Mere Ghar Aana – Dooriyan
Kisi Nazar Ko Tera Intezar – Aitbaar
Awaaz Di Hai – Aitbaar
Ek Hi Khwab Kai Baar Dekha – Kinara
Rut jawaan jawaan raat mehrbaan – Aakhri Khat
Raat Banu Main Aur Chand Bano Tum – Mangalsutra
Hoton pe aisi baat dabake chali ayi – Jewel Thief
Hey Mujhe Dil De - Mr Romeo
Dil Dhadakne Ki - Trikon Ka Chautha Kon
Mera Rang De Basanti Chola – 23rd March 1931-Shaheed
Zindagi Phoolon Ki Nahin - Griha Pravesh
Aasmani Rang
Surjomukhi Tera Payer Anokha Hai
Taras Rahi Hai Nazar – mehak
Aapko Jo Dekhega – Badal
Nayi Umar Ke Naye Sitaro - Nai Umar Ki Nai Fasal
Jis Ka Allah Beli Hai - Be Aabroo
Do Ghadi Behla Gai Parchhaiyan -Yeh Nazdeekiyan
Ek Pal – Jorua
Zara Dheere Zara Dheeme - Ek Pal
“ (part 2)
Karoge Yaad To har baat yaad – Bazaar
“ (part 2)
Ab kahan jayenge ham – Sansani
Kabhi Kisiko Muqammal Jahan Nahi Milta - Ahista Ahista
Dil Ne Tadap Tadap Ke – Faslah
Ye Paudhe Ye Patte Ye Phool - Ek Baar Phir
Aane Se Uske Aaye Bahaar -Jeene Ki Raah
Boliye Sureeli - Griha Pravesh
Zindagi Hai Ki Badalta Mausam - Ek Naya Rishta
Aaji E Probhate - Guru Dakshina
Hoke Majboor Mujhe Usne Bhulaya Hoga –Haqeeqat
Beete na bitai raina – Parichay
Piya Bin Jiya Nahin Lage – Daasi
Saawan Ke Din – Bhumika
Rangmahal Ke Dus Darwaze -Satyam Shivam Sundaram
Jise Samjhe The Hum Afsana - Ek Naya Rishta
Ae Khuda Yeh Bata – Akarshan
Tumse Jo Baat Huee – Clerk
Zindagi Cigarette Ka Dhuan – Faaslah
Badalon Se – Satya
Sath Sath Tum Chalo – Sitara
Mitwa Bole Meethe Bain – Parichay
Yeh Kis Bandhan Mein - Doosri Dulhan
Naina Lage Lage Re - Madholal Keep Walking
Bholi Bhali Maa –Trimurti
Pyar Hame Kis Mod Pe Le Aaya - Satte Pe Satta
Yaaron Hamara Kya – Abhilasha
Yaar ladki shandaar hai – Painter babu
Sheesha E Dil Men Teri Hi Tasveer – Gehra Zakhm
Title song – Chakra
Gaan E Amar Puja - Guru Shishya
Mehfil Taan Sajdi - Beti No.1
Jab Andhera Hota Hai - Raja Rani
Saathi Tere Naam - Ustadi Ustad Se
Sarfaroshi Ki Tamaana - Shaheed 23 March 1931
Zindagi Milke Bitayenge - Satte Pe Satta
Do Deewane Shehar Mein – Gharaonda
Kitne Hi Salon Se - Do Ustad
Sajana Ka Kangna – Sitara
Hanste Hi Hanste - Tumhare Bina
“ (part 2)
Jeeyo Ke Ek Saal - Nyay Anyay
Ye Pal Hai Masti Ke - Hanste Khelte
Logon Ke Ghar - Griha Pravesh
Machal Kar Jab Bhi Ankhon - Griha Pravesh
Masiha – Raavan
Meethe Bol Bole – Kinara
Piya Tujh Aashna Hoon Main – Nishant
Jane Yeh Mujhko Kya Ho Raha Hai – Ek Baar Phir
Dure bohu dure rakhaliya sure – Guru shishya
Thodi Si Zameen Thoda Aasmaan – Sitara
Koi Nahin Hai Kahin – Kinara
Log Kahte Hai Main – Daasi
Andhiyara Gehraya Suna Pan Phir Aaya – Saaransh
Kya Takalluf Hai – Jail yatra
Aao Wahan Tanhai Men Tehlen · Kahan Tak Aasmaan Hai
Har Jeevan Har Yug Mein – Nai Imarat
Ek Adhuri Si Mulakat – Dahleez
Main Bhatakda Hi Raha · Mughlani Begum
Dil Aakhir Dil Hai - Dil Aakhir Dil Hai
Na jis din teri meri baat – Traffic Signal
Dekho Hum Dono Ki Yaari - Double Cross
Dukki Pe Dukki Ho - Satte Pe Satta
Zindagi Haseen Hai- Badhti Ka Naam Dadhi
Duniya Chhute Yaar Na Chhute - Dharam kanta
“ (sad)
Tina Mushkil Kar Diya Jeena – Dard e dil
Jab Kabhi Mud Ke Dekhta Hoon Main – Hip hip hooray
Suraangini Kamaal Karegi – Parmatma
Ayaash Hoon Main – Ayaash
Zindagi Meri Hai – Raavan
Ek Akela Is Shaher Mein – Gharaonda
Aaj Bichhade Hain Kal Ka Dar Bhi Nahin -Thodi Si Bewafai
Ahl e dil – Dard
Saiyan Bina Ghar Soona -Aangan ki kali
Yaro Nilam Karo Susti- Prem Pujari
Na Tum Bhoole – Barrister
Bhool Gaye Hum Sab Kuchh – Tere pyar mein
Jheeni Jheeni - Phir Kabhi
Koi Purani – Jumbish
Ditti Heer Likha Ke –
Aye Khuda Shukr Tera – Razia Sultan
Suliyo Pe Chad Ke Choome- Jallinwala Bagh
Salam Kijiye Janab Aaye Hain – Aandhi
Ek Taraf Hai Yeh Zamana - Chor Sipahi
Ye Jo Tera Shehar Hai Ajeeb Shehar -Red Swastik
Pind Chhod Chale Ne Posti – Do Posti
Chand sa chehra – Gehra zakhm
Dibar Ki Dileri - Paththar
Rishte Jo Zindagi Mein – Kunwari bahu
Aisa Kyun Hota Hai - Dharm aur Qanoon
Nigahen Churao Na Daman Chhurao – Faslah
Na Sharab say khabi wasta Na tha silsila - Salaam Memsaab
Han Dekh Lo Ishq Ka Martava – Charandas
Mahzid mai jakai – Sanjhi
Apko Mai Gul Kahke - Gunehgar Kaun
Aa Hum Bhi Jawan Hai – Poonam
Aaj Teri Bahon Mein - Nyay Anyay
Khota Paisa Nahi Chalega – Dooriyan
Sajan Aaye Ho – Ratnadeep
Patthar Ka Hai Sanam – Sansani
Simat Ke Baharon Mein – Jumbish
Ae Dil Tere Mukkadar Ka - Zimbo Finds A Son
E Jibana Mane nuhe Aaha
Jaane jaa meri kasam tujhko - Jab Andhera Hota Hai
Idhar Ka Maal Udhar – Deewaar
Mandiro Me – Kondura
Arre Han Jalao Deep – Fareb
Jo is duniya se – Gunehgaar
Sanam Ho Khuda Ho - Dard-e-dil
Char Dino Ki Ye Zindgani – Gunahgaar
Ek Nazar Dekhna Hai – Dard e dil
Bada Kabootar Udjayega (video song) - Bada Kabootar
“ (full audio)
HIS VAST ~ 280 GHAZALS COLLECTION (freely audible below):
https://www.jiosaavn.com/song/chandni-raat/HhIpXz8FQkc - 13 songs
https://gaana.com/playlist/tithipatel-xndda-bhupendramitaliekaarzoo - 9 songs
https://gaana.com/album/gulmohar-hindi - 9 songs
https://gaana.com/song/ghazal-ke-phool - 9 songs
https://mio.to/album/Bhupinder+Singh%2C+Mitalee/Aarzoo - 8 songs
https://gaana.com/album/surmayi-raat - 8 songs
https://gaana.com/album/yaad-e-mehboob - 8 songs
https://open.spotify.com/album/1tPZIidLUOlqRVxMYIjWpw - 5 songs
https://gaana.com/song/yaad-e-mehboob-se-zinda - 10 songs
https://www.saregama.com/album/aksar-gulzar-bhupinder-singh-mitali-singh_108040 - 8 songs
https://open.spotify.com/album/0bWkieHW2ELTFT2wtf8Vuv - 9 songs
https://open.spotify.com/album/6djGpFhWyDwgwmEl6qZ9BM - 4 songs
https://gaana.com/album/ek-haseen-shaam-mitalee-and-bhupinder-singh - 8 songs
https://gaana.com/song/woh-jo-shair-tha - 13 songs
https://gaana.com/song/matke-te-matka - 15 songs
https://open.spotify.com/album/0rz6LNSwcKKiLUa2W0UL1F - 12 songs
https://open.spotify.com/album/58Smb9s0QvWNSuJOb72a19 - 12 songs
18.https://gaana.com/album/aapas-ki-baat-ghazals-bhupinder-and-mitalee-singh - 2 songs
https://www.jiosaavn.com/album/saahil---ghazals-by-mitalee-mukherjee/KoibSLDPNDU_ - 13 songs
https://open.spotify.com/album/7CtVw7dv7YHlp2Dy4P3pvH - 7 songs
https://music.do/music/1442899794/shabnam-bhupinder-singh - 8 songs
https://open.spotify.com/album/1ncd09l3GOmBQtfVoxoPZN - 12 songs
https://open.spotify.com/album/7baflaxytMVw61FWcPfXvZ - 8 songs
https://open.spotify.com/album/144Mx7ArVO03g3gBKXQL7T - 10 songs
https://gaana.com/artist/bhupinder-singh/urdu-songs - 19 songs
https://gaana.com/album/shama-jalaye-rakhna-bhupinder-singh - 4 songs
https://open.spotify.com/album/1b30TYZkc7rqaN4JfYLxlj -8 songs
https://gaana.com/album/dard-e-dil-mitalee-and-bhupinder-singh - 8 songs
https://www.jiosaavn.com/album/jo-mange-thakur-apne-te/QhWkNmBz-8I_ - 8 songs
Yt Link:
Tumko dekha toh ye khayal dekha – Saath Saath
Hothin se chhoolo tum – Prem Geet
Tum paas aa rahe ho – Veer Zaara
Hoshwalon ko khabar kya – Sarfarosh
Koi Fariyaad – Tum Bin 1
Teri Fariyaad – Tum Bin 2
Haath chhute toh bhi rishte nahi chhuta karte – Pinjar
Aisi Aankhen Nahin Dekhin' Full Video - Aapko Pehle Bhi Kahin Dekha Hai
Har Ek Ghar Mein Diya – Dhoop
Woh Kagaz Ki Kashti – Aaj
Khumaar-E-Gham Hai – Leela
Bohat Khoobsurat Hain Aankhain Tumhari – Vadh
Badi Nazuk Hai Ye Manzil - Joggers Park
Aap ko dekh kar dekhta rah gaya
Kehta hai baabul – Baabul
Teri Berukhi
Tera Chehra Kitna Suhana
Tamanna phir machal jaye
Heer – Shaheed Udham Singh
Na Tha Kuch To Khuda Tha - Mirza Ghalib
Hai Lau Zindagi - Hello Zindagi
Humsafar banke hum sath hain aaj bhi – Aashiana
Ishq Hai Loko Rab Di Puja – Laung da lashkara
Tera Chehra Hai Aaine Jaisa
Benaam Sa Yeh – Dhoop
Main Aur Meri Tanhai
Chak jigar ke
Waqt ne kiya kya haseen sitam
Kahin Door Jab Din Dhal Jaye
Koi Yeh Kaise Bataye – Arth
“ (in ghazal)
“ (Heena Serial Title song)
Huq Huq Aagah - Guru Gobind Singh
Hum Ehkaaj Jagat Mo Aaye – “
Mata Gujri Ne – “
Hazaron Khwahishen Aisi -Mirza Ghalib
Shabad – Khushiyaan
Har ek desh ek manzar – Palchhin serial (Title song)
Sar Hi Na Jhuka – Nirvana
Dhoondala Dhoondala – Nirvana
Nashili Raat - Zulf Ke Saaye Saaye
Tere Aane Ki Jab Khabar Mehke
Gora Gora Badan -Zulf Ke Saye Saye
Dhua Utha Hai Kahi – Leela
Khumari Chadhke Utar Gayee
Babul Mora – Aavishkar
Tere Khushboo Mein Base Khat – Arth
Teri Aankhon Se Hi – Dhoop
Bazeecha e atfaal hai dunya mere agey - Mirza Ghalib
Yun to guzar raha hai
Pyar Mujh Se Jo Kiya Tumne - Saath Saath
Kaise Kaise Rang Dikhaye Kali Ratiya – Kalka
Amritsar Dee Gali Gali Wich -Anokhe Amar Shaheed Baba Deep Singh Ji
Aah ko chahiye - Mirza Ghalib
Mirza Ghalib - Mirza Ghalib
Dil hi to hai - Mirza Ghalib
Rakh Ke Dher Ne – Ek Baar Kaho
Unke Dekhe Se Jo Aa Jati Hain Muh Par Ronak - Mirza Ghalib
“ (diff video)
Dost ghamkhwari mein meri - Mirza Ghalib
Phir kuchch is dil ko - Mirza Ghalib
Oo Sathi Mayus na Thi tun - Pyar Kare Dis
Tum Hamare Nahin To Kya Gham Hai
Jhuki Jhuki Si Nazar – Arth
Kabse hoon kya bataoon - Mirza Ghalib
Mere Dil Mai Tu Hi Tu Hai, Dil Ki Dawa Kya Karu
Main Kandyali Thor Ve
Zulmat kade mein mere – Mirza Ghalib
Gujrat Ke Firaaq Sun – Firaaq
Ye bata de mujhe zindagi - Saath saath
Sacheyan Aashiquaan nu kuj Khauf nahi
Jajba Inqlaab da - Shaheed udham Singh
Mittar pyare nu (shabad) Guru Gobind Singh ji
Chunan lage jadon
Na mohabbat na dosti ke liye – Phir barsaat aye
Chitthi na koi sandesh
Raat khamosh hai
O Saathi – Pyar kare dis (Sindhi film)
O Maa Tujhe Salaam – Khalnayak
“ (extended version audio)
Muh ki baat sune har koi – Neem ka ped
Din aa gaye shabab ke
Phool khila de – Life Express
Miljul kar hum yuhi har pal – Billoo Badshah
Laagi ram bhajan ni laagni
Baat niklegi toh phir – Ghar Pravesh
Jaag ke kaati saari raina – Leela
Sagare jagat mein – Leela
Main kaise kahoon jaaneman – Nargis
Dono ke dil hain – Nargis
Diva bale saari raat
Zaraa si bhool mein hum
Tum itna jo muskura rahe ho - Arth
Phir pukara hai – Ek Baar Kaho
Deewaron dar pe naqsh – Abhishek
Mujhse bichhad ke khush rehte ho
Meri ajab hai zindagi – Abhishek
Hum dosti ehsaan wafa – Doosra Kanoon
Zindagi mein sadaa muskurate raho – Raahee
Phir aaj mujhe tumko – Aaj
Ye sheeshe ye rishte – Khudai
Ye sheeshe ye sapne
Is nigari mein
Pyar ka pehla lhat
Dil tarasta hai
Ab kiska chehra main dekhoon
Kadi takreta haal
Ulfat ka jab kisi ne
Zakhm jo aap ki inayat hain
Har ore tabahi ka manzar
Jab se kareeb h ke chale
Laung da lashkara
Hare ek faisla har imtehaan
Kahin kahin se har chehra
Khoya khoya
Pyar karaan nu
Mujhse tumse mohabbat
Bhool jana (1)
“ (2)
Raat ankhon mein dhali
Aansoo kabhi chhalke nahin
Khumari chadh ke utar gayi
Ishq kya hai
Dard apna likh na payi
Hey jag trata
Tumse bichud kar
Nashili raat mein
Ye faasle
Ajnabi – Raavan
Tu hai shikhar
Ye Hindustan hai
Gudiya tujh par ek pal
Tere bayaan Ghalib – Part 1
Tere bayaan Ghalib – Part 2
Mujhe tumse mohabbat
Raat khamosh hai
Sarakti jaye hai rukh se
Mere jaise ban jaoge jab ishq tumhe ho jayega
Mai pilakar aapka kya jayega
Kuch na kuch toh
Mere dil mein tu hi tu hai
Agar hum kahen aur vo muskura den
Ye kya jana mein jana hai
Wo kagaz ki kashti
Sar jhukaoge toh patthar devta ho jayega
Aap ko dekh kar dekhta reh gaya
Patta patta boota boota
Phoolon ki tarah
Mujhko yakeen hai
Raat ankhon mein dhali
Tera chehra kitna suhana – Video song
“ (non video)
Chulle aag na
Tera chehra hai aaine jaisa
Gum soom ye jahan hai
Tum hamare nahi toh kya gham hai
Khamoshi khud apni sada ho
Bebusi jurm hai hausla jurm hai
Rishta kya hai tera mera
Bahut pehle se un kadmon ki aahat
Jawan hai raat saqiya
Kainat chale
Wo nahin mila
Apni marzi se kahan apne safar ke hum hain
Uske hothon pe kuch kapta reh gaya
Aadmi aadmi ko kya dega
Mitti da bawa
Pyar ka pehla khat
Der lagi aane mein tumko
Ishq ki dastan hai pyare
Umar jalwon mein basar ho
Bas ek waqt ka khanjar
Mare kareeb na aao
Koi dost hai na rakeeb hai
Teri berukhi
Kaun ayega yahan
Tu ambar ki ankh ka tara
Jao ab subah hone wali hai
Mohabbaton mein
Manzil na de chirag na de
Yeh mojiza bhi mohabbat kabhi
Parakhna mat parakhne mein
Ek brahman ne kaha hai
Jis din se chala hoon
Main na Hindu na Musalman
Mai rahe meena rahe
Uski baaten toh phool hon jaise
Koi samjhega kya raaz e gulshan
Chand ke saath kai dard purane nikle
Tere qadmon pe sar hoga
Ye peenewale bahut ajeeb hote hain
Baat niklegi toh phir door talak
Zindagi kya hai
Aap agar in dinon yahan hote
Saun da maheena yaron
Na keh saki bahar
Din aa gaye shabab ke
Tamanna phir machal jaye
Rone se aur ishq mein bebaak ho gaye
Jawani ke heele haya ke bahaane
Kal chaudhvin ki raat thi
Aap se gila aap ki qasam
Dosti jab kisi se kee jaye
Shaam se aankh me name si hai
Main aur meri tanhai
Muskurakar mila karo humse
Fasila to hai
Hum mein hi thi na koi baat
Dekha jo aaina
Zindagi kya hai jaanne ke liye
Aap aye janab
Sare pindich pyare
Yt Link:
1.Baandhi re kaahe preet
3.Bekarar dil tu gaye ja – Door ka rahi
4.Tu hi sagar tu hi kinara – Sankalp
5.“ (video) – Sankalp
6.Tere bin jiya
7.Boliye sureeli – Griha Pravesh
8.And ang rang chhalkaye – Sandhya (video)
9.“ (audio)
10.Kajre ki baati
11.Saat samundar paar se/Papa jaldi aa jana – Taqdeer
12.Tum nahi ho magar – Shaheen
13.Sona re tujhe kaise milon – Ankhon Dekhi
14.Apni baahon ka haar de – Kaala Sooraj
15.Kar singaar aise
16.Balma re ab tose laage re nayan
17.Sur bin taan nahi
18.Nanha sa phool hoon main
19.Jeevan ki jyot na bujhe hey Shankar
20.Mausam mausam lovely mausam – Thodisi Bewafai
21.Saanjh bhai jamuna ke tat re
22.Chalta chala jaoon – Shabash Daddy
23.Jeeteji kuchaye dildar se – Ghazal
24.Main hoon teri amma (happy)
25.“ (sad)
26.Main na bataungi – Khandaan
27.Aap agar aap – Griha Pravesh
28.Bansi bajaye koi jamuna kinare
29.Thani thi dil mein
30.Kya batayein ishq zaalim
31.Muddat hui hai yaar ko mehman kiye hue – Ghazal
32.Ye bhool hui bhoole
33.Main khush hoon
34.Aankhon mein tum
35.Jaana kahan hai
36.Mauji hain manmauji hain
37.Ghadi milan ki ayi
38.Pyar ke badle pyar chahiye
39.Kya jane ye duniya – Toote Khilone
40.Aaj pyare pyare se lagte hain
41.Somwar ko hum mile
42.Tum jo hame itni pyari
43.Jara pyar ke safar mein
44.Thummak thummak naach naache
45.Tum base ho mere dil mein
46.Do dilon mein hamesha
47.Panchhi re ude gagan mast mast
48.Ek do teen chaar – Madadgaar
49.Sapnon ka raja – Chalte Chalte
50.Bheegi bheegi wadi mein – Dil hi dil mein
51.Har manjhar ek veerana hai – Apna bhi koi hota
52.Sari daal di mope rang
53.Main hoon son machhariya
54.Jise yaar ka sachcha pyaar mile
55.Pyar kiya hai pyar nibhana
56.Dekho re dekho re
57.Sawan khele
58.Jeene na merna de
59.Aaj socha hai khayalon mein
60.Tumse kehna hai ki dushvar hai tum bin jeena
61.Jhumta gata sawan aya
62.Masti mein jo nikli
63.Jab ati hogi yaad meri
64.Jiske liye sab ko chhoda – Saajan ki saheli
65.Meet mere man ke
66.Ye duniya hai naqli chehron ka mela
67.Kya batayen ishq zaalim
68.Dil lazzat e nigahe karam & Bhoolne wale se – Ghazal (video)
69.“ (audio -1)
70.“ (audio -2)
71.O Go Piya – Bahut hua sammaan
72.Rama pani bharne jaoon toh – Payal Ki Jhankaar
73.Ek baar kaho – Ek baar kaho
74.Haathon mein mere bhi mehndi lagao
75.Ansoo khaara sagar khaara
76.Na main radha na main meera
77.Hay mehman kaha ghame jana hoga
78.Dekha toh tha yuhi ghaflat
79.Aaj bahut si baatein humne
80.Jawani rang daalo jawani aayi holi
81.Is nasheeli raat mein
82.Mil jaate hain milne wale – Phaansi
83.Teri khatoon ki kya doon sazaa
84.Kaun gali gaye shyam
85.Dekho kanha nahin
86.Sitaron saamne aao ki meri raat kate
87.Usne jo kaha mujhse
88.Tum bhi akale toh kuch bhi nahi
89.Khaali pyala dhundhla darpan
90.Pyala chhalka ujla darpan
91.Khile na kaagaz ka kabhi phool – Zamaanat
92.O balma mere balma
93.Hey maine kasam li
94.Chal chal kahin akele mein -1
95.“ -2
96.Pardesiya tere des mein
97.Oonchen bhawanon aur sherawali maa
98.Pyara safar pyara lage
99.Jhirmir jhirmir sawan aayo
100.Dekha toh tha yuhi kisi ghaflat shiyar ne – Ghazal
101.Shubh ghadi ayee re
102.Devar ji aai holi aai
103.Suno na Bhabhi –Thodisi bewafai
104.De ragdha ho tagdha - Goraa
105.Main ban than ke nikli
106.Aaj naye rangon ki
107.Yaari meri yaar se na chhoote
108.Buddhe teri chaal buddhe
109.Bheeni bheeni ye bheegi bheegi ye
110.Raat aai re ho saath laai re
111.Mana teri nazar mein tera pyar hum nahi
112.Le daal de saiyaad bedi paao mein
113.Jeevan ki bagiya
114.Prabhu tum antaryami
115.Ae sapnon ke raja milne aaja
116.Are chaar bhai jab najar
117.Aaaj loota do
118.Geeton ki duniya mein
119.Mohabbat mein nigahon se
120.Chham chham chhani – Mahua
121.Are Char bhai jab nazar te – Aankhon Dekhi
122.Jab jab apna mel hua – Mahua
123.Main paapan kamon ki maari – Teri Pooja kare sansar
124.Gora gora badan – Zulf ke saye saye
125.Madine wale sun le
126.Dheere dheeree dhal na jaye – Bombay by nite
127.Adaon se hamari na bach paoge - Dulha Bikta Hai
128.Aasmaan se tod ke tare – Woh din yaad karo
129.Ab aur na mujhse sharmao
130.Meri jaan
131.Apni aatma se poochho – Aatmaram
132.Ga ga re daducha
133.Mazya kaljacha
134.Savan ree teej – Kaat gayo bicchdo
Bitaie rasiya
136.Kahan chamke kidhar chamke
137.Chehra chhupa liya
138.Jare ja jare ja
139.Ya Ilahi bekason ko sirf tera
140.Saagar kinare do dil hain pyase
Yt Link:
Sakhya re sajna
Aala fulpankhi shravan
Meri aashiqui (marathi version) - Aashiqui 2
Saang mana - Photocopy
Bagh dolyane tu
Aamhi mavle mavle
Tu pyar hai kisi aur ka
Mujhe neend na aye
Saat janmachi saath
Tula kalnaar nahi
Ambabaichi kadhu nazar
Tu rani majhya swapnachi
Navi gadi ani rajya nava
Bedardi tu majla sahara
Dil tera de de mala
Khatyaal garva
Tu jithe mi tithe
Ye na pori javal
Aambyachi dangli
Chala jau maulicha aarti la
Ye na janu
Tuljabhawani pavliya
Palki nighali Pandharila
Deeksha bhumila tya jau chala
Sarya jagat one number
Mandiri kalas bolala
Tyag murti tu shant chitt tu
Shloki gurucharitra
Shri sukta rigved
Yt Link:
Kabira - Yeh Jawani Hai Deewani
Iktara - Wake Up Sid
Pardesi - Dev D
Mallo Malli - Mausam
Do Din Ka Ye Mela - Gulabo Sitabo
Gud Naal Ishq Mitha - I Love NY
Gal Mitthi Mitthi - Aisha
Shiv Ka Baaje Damroo - Jo Dooba So Paar
Gaytri Mantra
Bulle Shah
Saibo - Shor In The City
" (remix version)
Mangal Raat - Trip To Bhangarh
Sone Piya - Band of Bandagi
Madari ka bandar - Gulabo Sitabo
Allakh Niranjan
Hare Krishna
Aali re - No One Killed Jesica
Parinda (search)
Dil Parinda
Udd Jaa
Dilli - No One KIlled Jessica
Twinkle Twinkle - Ujda Chaman
Raahi raahi - Mumbai Delhi Mumbai
Aaja meri jaan
Hey Bhagwan
Kalol ho gaya
Aaj jane ki zid na karo
Aas pura diya maula
Aasmaan ke paar
Rab - e -Illahi
Ishq wale chor hain
Yt Link:
Jiya jale
Kissa hum likhenge
" (remix version)
Tu hi tu meri saanson mein
Apni jeb mein lakhon
Soja soja chandni
Mere dholna
" (Bengali)
Saat rangon ke sapno mein
Hansta hua ye pyara chehra tera
Jaya jaya swamy
Yt Link:
.Tum mujhe bhool bhi jaao - Didi
.Dekho ji mera haal – Solva Saal
.Darshan do Ghanshyam nath – Narsi Bhagat (1957)
.Mera nanha sa dil hai – Oot pataang
.Jhumti bahar ayi – Do Aadmi
.Nigaah-e-naaz ne – Barsaat Ki Raat
.Krishna naam bol – Narsi Bhagat
.Tarana (shastriya sangeet) – Suvarna Sundari
.Mujhe apna jalwa dikha – Sim Sim Marjina
.Payaam-e-ishq - Babar
.Ye ishq ishq hai – Barsaat Ki Raat
.Chandni hai bheegi bheegi – Sim Sim Marjina
.Pooja jap tap – Pawan Putra Hanuman
.Nazar hai kanto se teekhi – Black Shadow
.Mere ram kaha ho tum – Pawan putra Hanuman
.O maa pyari maa – Nai Maa (1960)
.Hole hole ek bhi na - Jwala
.Kashti ka khamosh safar – Girl Friend
.Alee Alee - Tathastu
.Apna banake phir – Mumtaz Mahal
.Bach ja nazar ke teer se – Patal pari
.Maine dekha hai – Safed Ghoda Kaala Sawaar
.Sadak pyar ki – Fashionable Wife
.Aaye ri kaun sakhi – Gokul ka Chor
.Assalaam aalekum - Kalpana
.Kaune rang mangwa – Heera Moti
.Tulsi Ramayan baal khand – Tulsi ramayan baal khand aadi khand
.Chandni jhilmil kare taro – Chandra Mukhi
.Ye jo mere paas hai – Pehla Qadam
.Sun dukhde hamare – Naag Padmini
.Man ke paas – Shesh naag
.Manmohan man me ho – Kaise kahoon
.Ghir ghir chhayi - Naata
.Ban me bole – Teen Bhai
.Shukra kar humne tujhe – Toofani Tirandaz
.Naino ke baan chale – Chalta Purza
.Aa jao aa jao – Poonam Ka Chand
.Bhabhi ko gudiya banaungi – Ghar Ghar Ki Baat
.Ae bekal bechain – The Last Message
.Hay mai mar gayi – Sara Jahan Hamara
.O daiya re daiya – Black Mailer
.O Bambai wali chhokari – Miss Chalbaaz
.Jhumati bahar hai – Tin Tin Tin
.Yaad hai ye husnwale – Alam Ara Ki Beti
.Adao naaz ko zaalim – Tipu Sultan
.Humko duayen do – Pehli Raat
.Ai Gardishe Jamana – Alladin Laillaa
.Mata o Mata jo tu aaj hoti – Ab Dilli Door Nahin
.San san san wo chali hawa – Kaagaz ke phool
.Main pyar ki laila hun – Mr. X
.Masum duaye sun le – Char Minar
.Bedardi beimaan - Ustad
.Jaha yahi hai toh – Char Minar
.Ghunghat hata ke – Rangeen Raaten
.Tera gora gora mukhda – Elephant Queen
.Na main dhan chahun – Kala Bazar
.Darde dil jara jara deta hai – CID Girl
.Dil ke sahare – Gun Fight
.Mohabbat ki dhun – Dil e Nadan
.Aane aane do - Isi ka naam duniya hai
.Ye haath hi apni daulat hai - Masoom
.Zehal e miskeen – Zehal e miskeen makun taghaful
.Na khanjar uthega – Barsaat Ki Raat
.Na wo humare – Dil e nadaan
.O lootnewale duniya ko - Dushman
.Samar kand ke yar – Changez Khan
O jane wale babu – Kala chashma
.Radha ke rasiya – Narsi Bhagat (1957)
.Alif Zabaraah – Love in Simla
Humse karega jo muqabla – Bhala Aadmi
O dilwalo – Amar Singh Rathod
.Koi dukhiyari – Andher nagri chaupat raja
.O mere pyaro – Zameen Ke Tare
.Hat hat hat jaa re – Suvarna Sundari
.Kaase kahun man ki baat – Dhool Ka Phool
.Mujhko pahuncha de khuda – Khul Ja Sim Sim
.Maalik tere jahaan mein – Ab Dilli Door Nahin
.Tum maa ho - Babar
.Tum meri raakho laaj – Dekh Kabira Roya
Chupke se dil me mere - Shikar
.Haath pasare raste raste – Ek Ke Baad Ek
.Mujhe tarke talluk ke liye - Sahara
.Na to karavaan ki talaash hai – Barsaat Ki Raat
Awaaz de raha hai - Gauhar
O ruk ja laut je aana hoga – Changez Khan
Din hai suhane – Naag Padmini
.More salone kanha - Naata
.Aankho pe bharosa mat kar – Detective
Kali do din ki – Veer Durgadas
Apne khatir jeena hai – Dhool Ka Phool
Nayi nayi ye preet hamari – Aadmi
Jaye na man ka mit – Bansari Bala
Maine dekha ri – Shesh Naag
.Ganga ki reti pe – Mirza Ghalib
Chori chori chori mat dekho – Amar Singh Rathod
Khushi milne ki – Makkhee choos
Chal mere lalu – Rifle Girl
Manwa uda jaye – The Last Message
Chal raha Swaraj ka jhagda – The Last Message
Kisi ko kya khabar – Shahzadi
Ae dil e bekarar – Mumtaz Mahal
Hum tumhare hain – Husn Banoo
Billi bolee meow - Chaand
Bhutnath bhakto ko sada – Chandrasena
Mast hawa hai - Sitamgar
Ghar ghar deep jalao re - Ayodhyapati
Hum teri lagan me – Zindagi Aur Hum
Kali kali ye ghata – Zindagi
Jo hua so bhul ja – Jo Huwa So bhool
.Gham ki badli mein – Kal Hamara Hai
Maiya mori main nahi – Gokul Ka Chor
Ye dharti hai balidan ki – Chaand
Mere achhe papa – Jeevan saathi
Mujhko pahuncha de – Khul Ja Sim Sim
.Khuda khair kare – Salaam e mohabbat
.Bansuriya kahe bajai - Aagosh
Ye jawani – Sunehra Kadam
.Mujhe kehte hain kullu kawwaal – Dulha Dulhan
Nichi nichi nazare uthao – Alladin Lailaa
Yah dil de de – Jungle Boy
Meri raahon mein aane wale – Sheikh Chilli
Peepal tale ghar mera – Jevan Saathi
Chale ban ke piya – Shesh Naag
Is vrat sa koi vrat nahin – Gaj gauri
Sapno ka Chanda aaya – Mr. X
Aaj ki raat ko – Haseena
Jhoomo mastiyon me – Gypsy Girl
Haule haule jiyaa dole – Rifle Girl
Yauwan me hun - Suhaag
Aayi aayi re malaniya – Oot Pataang
Jiye teri Mumbai – Dekhi Teri Bambai
Banna hai humko - Tankhah
Aaja tu raja – Raj Tiak
Ram duhayi – Andher Nagri Chaupat Raja
Meri akhiyon me – Badshaah Salaamat
Chali chali matwali hawa – Madam XYZ
Hum bhi the anjaan se – Main Suhagan Hoon
Kaho ji hum kab tak kanware – Andher nagri chaupat raja
Main padh rahi hun – Captain India
Lehre ye dole – Golconda ka Qaidi
Pyar ka mar jana – Sim Sim Marjina
Ye ghar aapka hai – Sunehre Kadam
Jig Jik Ja – Mohabbat Ki Jeet
Main to Chanda ki nagri se – Bansari Bala
Kurbaan wale kurbaan – Safed Ghoda Kaala Sawaar
Milaa le haath – Chhabili
Na chands sone deta hai - Poonam ka chand
Kaho kuch bi zabaan par - Aadmi
Ab to Ram bhajan kar lena – Ghar Ghar Mein Diwali
Hasino ke jalve - Babar
Ek baar to mil lo gale – Andher Nagri Chaupat Raja
Apna samajh ke – Zindagi (1956)
Aaj deewane chale – Tipu Sultan
Aaya aaye re – Jo huwa so bhool
Dil tha masum – Hatimtai ki beti
Hum tumhare hain jara – Chalti Ka Naam Gaadi
Naino ke baan – Haseena
Ye duniya hai mukkam – Rifle Girl
Kahi dur koyaliya gaye – Baraati
Dil nishana ban gaya – Gauhar
Gori ho gayi - Ramman
Ek chhaliya shikari – Elephant Queen
Baje ghungharwa – Rifle Girl
Uth jayenge jahan se hum – Bhai bahen
Chunnu patang ko – Zameen ke tare
Jab paap ki aandhi – Neel Mani
Bijli si dil pe giri – Allaadin Lailaa
O topi wale babu – Dekhi Teri Bambai
Yu kehane pe – Shahi Farman
Hum tumhare ho chuke – Rangeela Raja
Raste mein beirada – Choron ki baraat
He nainva na pher – Picnic
Husn hansta hi rahega – Sim Si Marjina
Mere nadim – Bhai Bahen
Gora na pade kala na pade – Zalim tera jawab nahin (Contd)
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So, my good friend @carmenramcat told me that Sam (@bryan360) doesn't like meats because he was not allergic, he doesn't want to be a predator to eat his family, I guess that is why he gets meatless options, right after Baco just killed chicken little and he also told him to kill the townsfolk of Oakey oaks and and blow up the town, afterwards, we might as kill destroy Eena Meena and Deeka and their home, and fry them up and feed it to Foxie. 😐
Just ignore the gruesome 3D art there if you were uncomfortable with it. ^^
Tags/Mentions: @murumokirby360 @paektu @leapant @asteriskdatboi @rafacaz4lisam2k4
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𝟭𝟬𝟬 𝘁𝗵 𝗕𝗶𝗿𝘁𝗵 𝗔𝗻𝗻𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗮𝗿𝘆
𝗛𝗮𝗽𝗽𝘆 𝗕𝗶𝗿𝘁𝗵𝗱𝗮𝘆 𝗥𝗮𝗳𝗶 𝗦𝗮𝗮𝗯
𝗠𝗼𝗵𝗮𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗱 𝗥𝗮𝗳𝗶: A Legend Remembered
On his 100th birth anniversary, we celebrate the life and legacy of Mohammed Rafi, one of India's most iconic playback singers. His voice, a blend of power and emotion, continues to resonate with millions across generations.
𝗛𝗶𝘀 𝗟𝗶𝗳𝗲
Born on December 24, 1924, in Kotla Sultan Singh, a small village near Amritsar, Punjab, Rafi's journey to stardom was a testament to his talent and perseverance. He began his musical journey by imitating the chants of a local fakir. His family moved to Lahore, where he honed his singing skills and performed at local events.
In 1944, Rafi moved to Bombay (now Mumbai) to pursue his singing career. He faced initial struggles, but his talent eventually caught the attention of music directors, and he began recording songs for Hindi films.
𝗔 𝗩𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗲 𝗩𝗼𝗶𝗰𝗲
Rafi's versatility was unparalleled. He effortlessly transitioned between genres, singing romantic numbers, patriotic songs, soulful ghazals, and energetic qawwalis with equal ease. His voice perfectly complemented the emotions of the characters on screen, making him an indispensable part of Hindi cinema.
Some of His Most Iconic Songs
▪️Chaudhvin Ka Chand Ho (Chaudhvin Ka Chand)
▪️Aaj Mausam Bada Beimaan Hai (Log Kya Kahenge)
▪️Tere Bina Zindagi Se Koi (Aandhi)
▪️Kya Hua Tera Vaada (Hum Kisi Se Kum Nahin)
▪️Dil De Diya Hai (Dil Diya Hai)
▪️Gulabi Aankhen (The Train)
▪️Eena Meena Deeka (Anari)
▪️Pyaar Hua Ikrar Hua Hai (Shree 420)
Achievements and Recognition
Rafi's contributions to Indian music were immense. He received numerous awards and accolades, including the Filmfare Best Male Playback Singer Award six times. He was also honored with the Padma Bhushan, India's third-highest civilian award, in 1967.
Haj Pilgrimage
In 1972, Rafi embarked on a pilgrimage to Mecca, fulfilling a lifelong dream. The experience deeply impacted him, and he often spoke about the spiritual significance of the journey.
On July 31, 1980, Rafi passed away unexpectedly at the age of 55. His sudden demise shocked the nation, and millions mourned the loss of their beloved singer.
His funeral procession was attended by an estimated 1.5 million people, a testament to his immense popularity and the profound impact he had on the lives of his fans.
A Timeless Legacy
Even today, decades after his passing, Rafi's music continues to enchant listeners. His songs are an integral part of Indian culture, and his voice remains timeless. He is remembered as one of the greatest singers of all time, and his legacy will forever be cherished.
On his 100th birth anniversary, we pay tribute to the legendary Mohammed Rafi, whose voice continues to inspire and entertain generations.





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Asha Bhosle: An Icon for Aspiring Artists
In the vibrant world of Indian cinema and music, few names resonate with the same timeless charm as Asha Bhosle. Over eight decades, her voice has not only defined the essence of Bollywood playback singing but also transcended generational divides to remain relevant in an ever-evolving music industry. From her melodious renditions of romantic ballads to her peppy dance numbers and soulful ghazals, Asha Bhosle’s voice is a bridge connecting the golden era of Indian music to modern sensibilities. This article celebrates the unmatched journey of a living legend whose voice remains eternal.
Early Years and Humble Beginnings
Born on September 8, 1933, in Sangli, Maharashtra, Asha Bhosle stepped into the world of music as a necessity rather than a choice. After the untimely demise of her father, classical singer Pandit Deenanath Mangeshkar, Asha and her elder sister Lata Mangeshkar began singing to support their family. Asha’s first break came as a playback singer in the 1940s, but she struggled to carve a niche for herself in an industry dominated by stalwarts like her sister Lata and Shamshad Begum.
Her initial songs were for low-budget films, but Asha never lost hope. Her determination and unique voice stood out, eventually earning her collaborations with major music directors of the time. Asha’s rise was slow but steady, proving that talent combined with perseverance can overcome any obstacle.
Versatility: Asha’s Hallmark
Asha Bhosle’s greatest strength lies in her versatility. She has sung songs across genres, languages, and emotions, ensuring that her music appeals to a wide audience. Whether it’s the classical mastery of “Parde Mein Rehne Do” or the seductive cabaret vibes of “Aaiye Meherbaan,” her adaptability remains unmatched.
Her collaborations with RD Burman, often described as groundbreaking, saw her explore bold and experimental styles. Songs like “Dum Maaro Dum” and “Piya Tu Ab To Aaja” brought a new, youthful energy to Bollywood music. Beyond Bollywood, her ghazals, such as those in the album Dil Padosi Hai, showcased her classical roots and ability to convey profound emotions.
Crossing Generations and Genres
Asha Bhosle’s career spans eight decades — a testament to her adaptability. She has sung for heroines from Madhubala and Helen to Kajol and Urmila Matondkar, proving her relevance across generations. While her contemporaries remained associated with specific genres or eras, Asha embraced change with open arms, lending her voice to modern-day remixes like “Kambakht Ishq” in Pyaar Tune Kya Kiya and international collaborations like her Grammy-nominated album You’ve Stolen My Heart with Kronos Quartet.
In addition to her Bollywood repertoire, Asha explored regional and global music. She has recorded songs in over 20 Indian languages and several foreign ones, including English, Russian, and Malay. Her ability to adapt to the demands of different audiences solidified her as an artist without boundaries.
The Emotional Connect of Her Voice
What sets Asha apart is her ability to infuse emotions into every lyric she sings. Her voice has the power to make you dance, weep, or fall in love. Whether it’s the playful mischief in “Eena Meena Deeka,” the haunting melancholy of “Chhod Do Aanchal,” or the undying romance in “Chura Liya Hai Tumne Jo Dil Ko,” Asha’s voice brings life to words, making each song unforgettable.
Listeners often find themselves relating to her music, regardless of age or background. Her voice acts as a time capsule, transporting audiences to moments of nostalgia while still feeling fresh and relevant.
Awards and Accolades
The recognition Asha Bhosle has received over her career reflects her exceptional contributions to music. She has won numerous awards, including the National Film Award for Best Female Playback Singer twice. She also holds the record for the most Filmfare Awards in playback singing and was honored with the prestigious Dadasaheb Phalke Award in 2000.
In 2011, Asha Bhosle entered the Guinness World Records as the most recorded artist in music history, a milestone that further cemented her legacy. Despite her accolades, Asha remains humble, often emphasizing that her love for music surpasses all recognition.
Asha Bhosle: A Name That Defines Timelessness
What makes Asha Bhosle truly timeless is her ability to reinvent herself without losing the essence of her artistry. At an age when most artists retire, she continued to record and perform live, winning hearts with her boundless energy and passion. Her influence extends beyond the world of playback singing; she has inspired countless singers and musicians globally, leaving an indelible mark on the music industry.
Asha Bhosle is more than just a playback singer; she is an icon, a legend, and a voice that continues to echo in the hearts of millions. Her ability to bridge generations and transcend genres is unparalleled, making her a true gem in the world of music. As we listen to her songs, we not only celebrate her remarkable career but also embrace the emotions, memories, and moments her music evokes.
Whether you’re rediscovering her classic hits or grooving to her modern numbers, Asha Bhosle’s music is a testament to the timeless power of melody. Let her journey inspire you to pursue your passion with the same dedication and resilience.
“What’s your favorite Asha Bhosle song? Take a trip down memory lane and immerse yourself in her timeless voice. Share your favorite track and the memories it brings!”
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·:*¨♥ COVER REVEAL ·:*¨⁀➷
Fated to the Alien Rebel, an all-new fated mates, forced proximity, sci-fi romance from bestselling author Erin Hale, is coming July 5th!
Pre-order your copy today → https://amzn.to/3UJSYRf
Add Fated to the Alien Rebel to Goodreads → https://tinyurl.com/ftargr
Influencers, sign up for the promotional tour here → https://tinyurl.com/wotsu
I’ve built a new life on the planet Tavikh, spending every day seeking penance. And despite witnessing three of my new-found friends find their fated mate, I don’t dare hope to find mine. Not when there’s a chance someone from Earth will arrive to take me back to face the consequences for what I did.
But when a gravely wounded warrior is brought into the healer’s tent, a single touch from me triggers his mating marks to appear. Maybe my punishment isn’t having to return to my planet, but rather being given a mate only for him to be taken from me.
Jodah Ever since Deeka blessed the other warriors with their fated mates, I have wondered if the goddess will find me equally worthy. After awakening from a grievous injury, I discover it is the healer’s apprentice she has chosen for me. Except, despite my mating marks, I do not feel the mate bond within, leaving me to question whether Deeka made a mistake in her choice. Or perhaps I am being tested. As I recover, and we spend more time together, there is something about my mate that makes me hope the bond may still form. Now I have to decide if I will follow where my heart is leading me or reject the female who may or may not be mine.
0 notes
It’s happening again, and whatever it is you’ll hear it on Snackpoint Charlie. Music from elsewhere and beyond and then some, live at 10pm EST Weds April 17 on WGXC 90.7-FM in the Hudson Valley, streaming like an eternal flame at wgxc.org, and podcast download at the link below
Snackpoint Charlie - Transmission 137 - 2024.04.17 https://wavefarm.org/wf/archive/f70y3w [ ^ click for download ^ ]
1) Yalla - “Muzikalnaya Chayhana” from SONG - 88 https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2szfgVuG1h/?igsh=MWp0cXQ3djUzZzEyeg%3D%3D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ecVrcYj6DQ
2) Pattie Sisters with Enteng Tanamal & His Comets - “Aku Lupa” from PATTIE SISTERS WITH ENTENG TANAMAL & HIS COMETS https://madrotter-treasure-hunt.blogspot.com/2024/04/pattie-sisters-enteng-his-comets.html https://www.discogs.com/release/2793376-Pattie-Sisters-Enteng-And-His-Comets-Pattie-Sisters-Enteng-And-His-Comets
3) Okoi Seka Athanase - “Mambo Marie Madeleine Houi Bin” from CHIA ELISE ME WOYE https://africangrooves.fr/2024/04/07/okoi-seka-athanase-mambo-marie-madeleine-houi-bin-ivory-coast-1977-disco-2000/ https://www.discogs.com/master/1703099-Okoi-Seka-Athanase-Chia-Elise-Me-Woye
(underbed throughout:) Pinchas Gurevich - “Woodythedumblooper” and “Sansoslime”
4) Immy & The Mahoots - “Axom Amar Rupohi” from FROM ASSAM WITH LOVE https://www.facebook.com/immiandthemahoots/ https://www.lilypadinman.com/home/2024/5/19/immy-amp-the-mahoots-record-release-party
5) Kishor Kumar - “Eena Meena Deeka” from ROCKET INFINITY: THE GLOBAL RISE OF ROCKIN' MUSIC, 1942-62 https://canary-records.bandcamp.com/album/rocket-infinity-the-global-rise-of-rockin-music-1942-62
6) Dug Dug's - “Lost in My World / Perdido En Mi Mundo” from DUG DUG'S https://www.discogs.com/master/327236-Dug-Dugs-Dug-Dugs
7) I Notturni - “I Notturni” from I NOTTURNI https://africangrooves.fr/2024/03/31/i-notturni-i-notturni-lebanon-1970s-i-notturni-self-released/ https://www.discogs.com/release/15321205-I-Notturni-I-Notturni
8) Shan - “Anbil Valarnthai” from SRI LANKA: THE GOLDEN ERA OF SINHALESE AND TAMIL FOLK-POP MUSIC https://akuphone.bandcamp.com/album/sri-lanka-the-golden-era-of-sinhalese-tamil-folk-pop-music
9) The Mendis Foursome / මෙන්ඩිස් ෆෝසෝම් - “Bambara / බඹරා” from MAMA BOHOMA BAYAUNA https://radiodiffusion.blog/2024/02/25/%e0%b6%b8%e0%b7%99%e0%b6%b1%e0%b7%8a%e0%b6%a9%e0%b7%92%e0%b7%83%e0%b7%8a-%e0%b7%86%e0%b7%9d%e0%b7%83%e0%b7%9d%e0%b6%b8%e0%b7%8a/ https://www.discogs.com/release/7102756-The-Mendis-Foursome-Mama-Bohoma-Bayauna
10) Lucky Star Musical Club - “Njoo Nakwita” from MAPENZI YA ASALI / NJOO NAKWITA https://radiodiffusion.blog/2024/02/18/lucky-star-musical-club/ https://www.discogs.com/release/7961271-Lucky-Star-Mapenzi-Ya-Asali-Njoo-Nakwita
11) The Brothers Hawk - “Funny Funny” from LET'S DO THE FUNKY - THE SOUND OF THE BROTHERS HAWK, VOL. 2 https://radiodiffusion.blog/2009/08/02/the-brothers-hawk/
12) Abdallah Oumbadougou - “Tigrawahi Talgha” from AMGHAR - THE GODFATHER OF TUAREG MUSIC - VOL. 1 https://abdallahoumbadougou.bandcamp.com/album/amghar-the-godfather-of-tuareg-music-vol-1
13) Los Invasores De Progreso - “La Bola Buche” from PERÚ SELVÁTICO - SONIC EXPEDITION INTO THE PERUVIAN AMAZON 1972-1986 (ANALOG AFRICA NO. 36) https://analogafrica.bandcamp.com/album/per-selv-tico-sonic-expedition-into-the-peruvian-amazon-1972-1986-analog-africa-no-36?from=footer-cc-a804187023
14) A Million Mercies - “Frühstück in Historischem Ambiente” from UNTEN IM SÜDEN - WESTERNGEDICHTE & WEG ZUR HÖLLE https://amillionmercies.bandcamp.com/album/a-million-mercies-unten-im-s-den-westerngedichte-weg-zur-h-lle
15) Acid Mothers Reynols - “Smelling Oneiric Asado” from VOL. 3 https://vhfrecords.bandcamp.com/album/vol-3
16) Tony Schwartz – “Home Sweet Home” from THE NEW YORK TAXI DRIVER https://www.discogs.com/master/499231-Tony-Schwartz-Dwight-Weist-The-New-York-Taxi-Driver
17) Lingua Lustra - “Syntax 2” from SYNTAX https://silentrecords.bandcamp.com/album/syntax
18) R. Reger - “(excerpt from) The Cathedral of Time (soundscape) for VCS3, Arp 2600, Mellotrons, Hammond Organ and Percussion” https://rregerakaashenactuariesofasgardreeg2600.bandcamp.com/track/the-cathedral-of-time-soundscape-for-vcs3-arp-2600-mellotrons-hammond-organ-and-percussion
19) Nika Son - “wildness of waves I” from DRIFT https://futuraresistenza.bandcamp.com/album/drift
20) Andreas Trobollowitsch feat. Alex Kranabetter and Martin Eberle - “(excerpt from) TRUBA” from TRUBA https://futuraresistenza.bandcamp.com/album/truba
21) Brian Gascoigne – “Phase IV” from PHASE IV (ORIGINAL MOTION PICTURE SOUNDTRACK) https://www.discogs.com/master/826317-Brian-Gascoigne-Phase-IV-Original-Motion-Picture-Soundtrack
22) Henry Hall & The Gleneagles Hotel Band - “Home” https://www.discogs.com/master/19713-Various-The-Shining-Original-Sound-Track
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neeba gu warp nar? 😂 sego mauwe deeka nork 😭 nee hadla 😭
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Deeka, a longsword user, has been messing up every sleep we got on this diablos for three hunts straight and not only that but also messing up the wake up hit when it's weak by just draw slashing it BEFORE WE PUT BOTH BOMBS DOWN OR PUT THE TRAP UP
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Famous actor Sameer Khakkar who played the skeleton in Nukkad has passed away. Recognized in every home

Death of Samir Khakar: Samir Kakar, who made viewers admire his strong acting across the broadcasting and film worlds, bid farewell to the world today. 71-year-old Sameer Khakhar has been in the entertainment industry since the 80's. Sameer Khakar started his career with Doordarshan's smash hit series Nukkad. During this time he was seen playing the role of a drunken man named Skull in this serial. Alam is that to this day people know him only by his first name. Sameer Khakhar's brother Ganesh Khakhar broke the news of his death. How did Sameer Khakhar die? Sameer Khakhar's brother Ganesh Khakhar spread the news of his death through the media. He said he had trouble breathing for a long time and his health continued to deteriorate in recent days. Under such circumstances, he suffered respiratory difficulties yesterday afternoon and was taken to MM Hospital in Bori Bali, but fainted. After that, he was immediately admitted to the ICU. He later died at 4:30 a.m. from multiple organ failure. Sameer Khakhar was living alone away from his wife. Please tell us that Sameer Khakhar lived alone at IC Colony, Borivali, Mumbai. His wife lives in America. Sameer Khakhar did not rely on any introduction in the world of acting. He turned to film after working in many superhit serials and his film career has always been good. Let me tell you that Sameer Khakhar was last seen in the recently launched web series Farzi on Amazon Prime. Samir Khakar movies Talking about Sameer Khakhar's acting career Sameer Khakhar who has been in the entertainment industry for 38 years has worked in many films and serials. Apart from Nukkad, he has also appeared in many Gujarati TV shows. Apart from this, he played the famous drunken car driver role in Salman Khan's Jai Ho. Along with this, Sameer Khakhar also worked in Shah Rukh Khan's serialized circus. Sameer has worked in many smash hit movies like Parinda, Dilwale, Eena Meena Deeka, Terror Hi Terror, Raja Babu, Return of Jewelers Theme, Top Number, Pyaar Deewana Hota Hai, and Hum Hain Kamal Ke. ALSO READ- Rakhi Sawant started crying on stage and Adil betrayed at the start of the song. video reference DISCLAIMER We’ve taken all measures to insure that the information handed in this composition and on our social media platform is believable, vindicated and sourced from other Big media Houses. For any feedback or complaint, reach out to us at [email protected] Read the full article
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