iloveramensm · 3 years
Deckard Shaw
imagine ideas! could be one-shots, full on fanfics, imagines, you get the idea. Feel free to use these! just send me the finished fic or tag me bc i love Shaw sm and he needs more love on here! <3
- imagine being Luke Hobbs sibling who helps out w/ his daughter and also missions and meeting Deckard as they try to save the world from a virus.
- imagine thinking you and deckard were going to be something as you fought to save the world (set in the luke and hobbs movie) and seeing him kiss that girl who steals from the mafia and getting jealous/hurt (find this imagine here!)
- imagine the morning after w/ deckard
- imagine being Luke Hobbs sibling who left over some argument between her and Luke, then being recruited by Mr. Nobody to help w/ the rogue Dom situation (whatever that was), and Deckard takes a liking to you (ive imagined this like mr. nobody is like ‘and there’s one more addition’ *reader enters* and hobbs is all like ‘y/n?’ and the reader is all like ‘you fucking liar fuck you asshole’ and basically they start arguing then deckard checks them out or something)
- imagine Deckard taking your virginity
- nsfw alphabet w/ Deckard Shaw
- imagine he cheats
- he gets jealous over you and ___ (could be like luke, or someone from like the fast and furious movies)
- you get jealous over him and the girl who steals from mobs or mafias whatever it was
- imagine cuddling deckard
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funnyexel · 4 years
Deckard Shaw x Fem!Reader Pt.1
A/n: This is a three part short story. I’ll be making a masterlist for this story. I suggest watching The Fate of The Furious before reading this fanfic. (if you don’t that’s fine too) 
Summary: It all started with a simple plan to eat but what happens when a certain man leads you into an inevitable path? Masterlist Masterlist Mega List
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After a long day of work...
You sat on your couch defeated. You didn't bother to eat, having using all your energy to change out of your work clothes. Switching your laying position a bit, you stare at the ceiling. Inhaling and exhaling. Finally, you work up the strength to turn on the tv and enjoy some mild entertainment. "Six Fugitives remain uncaptured. Five including Dominic Toretto and his accomplices. The sixth highly cautioned if seen, De-"
You muted the electronic box, now tired of the noise. Getting off the couch, you look yourself over in the mirror. "Spongebob pants?" You shrug and say about your appearance. Grabbing your keys and phone, you exit the apartment. Going on a quest to get pizza. While walking about the city streets, your eyes trialed to an unconscious man in an alley way. "Uh, excuse me. You okay?"
It was 1 am in the morning, very unusual to see someone in an alley way. You took baby steps towards him, he didn't move nor flinch. He just laid there. The closer you got, the clearer his wounds became. You put your head to his chest to make sure he was breathing. You sighed and hoisted him up. "This is ridiculous." You say under your breath as you take him inside your apartment.
Struggling to bring him inside, you manage to sit him up on the couch. "What the hell am I doing? Helping a stranger on the sidewalk, that's a great idea, Y/n!" You say with great sarcasm. Speed walking to the bathroom you scavenge for the first aid kit. Now with a stool, you sit in front of him. Slowly patching him up, his arms had deep cuts and bruises. 'Some of these bruises look old.' You thought continuing your actions.
While applying rubbing alcohol to his wounds, he winced. "Sorry." You then move to his chest where the bullets were. You had no experience with removing bullets or bullets in general. "I'm gonna try to be gentle." You warned him before using chopsticks to remove the bullets. "Not the best thing to use but it'll have to work." You successfully removed both of the bullets, earning groans and winces of pain from him.
Now finished patching him up, you leave a glass of water and a note on the stool in front of him. You give him space and escape to your room, so you could change out your sweaty pajamas. You walked out the room in sweats and a sweater. He was still there in the same position as you left him. "Thank goodness it's Friday." You huff and sit at your kitchen counter. "What happened to you?" You ask but received no answer.
You lay your head in your arms on the counter. Mistakenly falling asleep. While in dream world, you heard a deep british voice. "Thank You." He whispered. The sounds of chains echoed your ears. Your eyes slowly blinking open, viewing a new environment. A brightly lit room with mirrors all around. You looked around in confusion. A million questions popping in your head. Behind you, you heard a door creak open.
Multiple footsteps approaching you. Turning your head you see three men. A brown skin bulky man with his muscles clearly showing through his shirt, A pale skinned young man in a nicely tailored suit and a security guard. The two guys stood in front the table, you were chained to and the guard stepped back. They both stared at you intensely. "Why am I chained up? Why am I even here?" You lift up your wrists a bit. "Do you know why you're here?"
The young man in the suit asked. "No, that's why I asked. Am I in jail?!" You look around with false amusement. He then slams the table, you jerk back a bit in discomfort. "Are we in New York? And what day is it?" You continue to ask questions. He fixes his tie and stands up right. "No and it's Saturday." He steps back and lets the muscle man take over. "I'm Luke Hobbs and your name is?" He was intimidating. "Y/n L/n." You hold your hands together and relax your body.
"You have associated yourself with a World Class Fugitive and Assassin, Deckard Shaw." You bite down on your lip to block a chuckle. "This has to be a prank. Is someone pranking me?" You slightly laugh and looking around but your eyes meet Hobbs serious face. "You're being serious..." Your face dropped, you still couldn't believe that you just helped a fugitive. "And we know you're an accomplice." The young man accuses. "An accomplice?" You laugh at him.
"If I was an accomplice, I'm the most unprepared accomplice. Who takes out two bullets with a pair of chop sticks." You stare into his soul and scare him a little. "Chopsticks?" You nod to Hobbs. "Therefore, I am not associated in anyway with this man. I just saw him on the street bleeding. I didn't know it would lead me here. Where ever here is." You roll your neck and sigh. Hobbs uncuffs you and you rub your wrists in relief. "Follow me."
You follow close behind him, out the room and into a hallway of inmates. You keep your eyes straight ahead. He guides you to, two isolated cells sitting across from eachother. "Am I getting locked up?" He shakes his head. "No, you're just going to talk to Shaw." You nod with a small fake smile. You stand in front his cell. Awaiting interaction. As you and Shaw lock eyes, your phone rings. 'I still have my phone?' You take out your phone and answer the call.
"Hello?" You slightly look away from Shaws' gaze but still feel his eyes on you. "Y/n! I need some cars girl." Roman's voice echoes through your ears. "I can't give you cars right now and plus I'm off today." He groans loudly. "Girl, come on. You got the cars, we got the money. Remember?" You roll your eyes at him.
"Yes, I do remember that. But Roman, right now is not a good time." Shaw perks up at the mention of another name and Hobbs comes into your eye range. "I have to get these cars. Y/n, I'm hungry!" You heavily huff.
"Look Roman, If I could go and give you the cars so you can stop bothering me, I would! But I am not in the predicament to give you the cars as of right now. I'm not even in New York!" You take a deep breath in and calm down.
"Don't play hard to get girl. I'll even pick it up this time." You could see his annoying smile through the phone. "Stop! Stop, this isn't working. I'm in JAIL Roman! JAIL! I cannot do anything for you." You crack down on him. He asks a question softly then repeats it.
"What you do to get locked up girl?" "I don't know what I did. I'm just caught up in some shit right now. So, do me a big favor and wait until I get out or better yet get cars from someone else!" You then hang up.
As soon as you put your phone away, two guards grab you. Alert from the sudden action, you kick one in the stomach launching him back and with your now free hand knock out the other guard, only one punch needed. Three guards, grab you and immobilize you. "Get off me!" You grunt in the guards hands as they drag you back to where you came from. All the while giving Shaw a show.
While passing more inmates, you saw the opportunity to get the unwanted guards off you. You shove one of the guards off you, head butting him, grabbing his taser and tazing the other two guards. "I can walk by myself." You scoff and drop the taser. The immates hoot and holler at your actions. Hobbs drags you back into the mirrored room. "Back to stage one." You exhale. "You know Roman Pearce?" Hobbs asks.
"Yes, I sell him cars. And don't ask me what he uses them for. I don't know. They just come back wrecked." You roll your eyes remembering the left overs of once great cars. "We know what they do with those cars. Who do you work for?" The young man speaks again. "I work at a dealership. I only know my manager." He huffs and leaves the room. "You can leave now. We'll give you a ride back to New York."
A few months later...
'Why do I keep thinking about him? That criminal.' You kept repeating this in your head. With the time apart, you somehow got Shaw stuck in your head. Drilled in and not leaving anytime soon. 'Those eyes' You recited. You could day dream about him all day. Hobbs and his side kick have been sending people to spy on you and you hated it. If they wanted to know what you were doing, they could have simply gave you phone call but not all things are as simple.
Over the months, you did wonder how Shaw was doing and if he is ever going to get out. Even though it's none of your business. Today, you left work a little late because you were working on this car for an important client. You unlocked your car, opening the drivers side door and sitting down, tossing your purse to the seat over. You heavily sighed and blew some hair out your face. "Hello darling." You jump and look in the rearview mirror.
"Shaw?" You eyed his features and took in this eye candy. You couldn't keep your eyes off the rearview, just looking at him after months passed is a real treat. "Aren't you supposed to be in jail?" You narrow your eyes at him. "Not at the moment, love." He smirks. You look away from him and look in the side mirror, then back at him. "How did you miraculously come to New York? Don't tell me you came to play nurse and patient." He chuckles at your humor.
"You would love that but no. I came because of Toretto. Seems the bastard has gone rogue." You start the car and tie your hair back. "You're doing it alone?" You pull out the parking spot and drive away from your workplace. "Of course not. I do not want a death wish. I merely came early." While driving you proceed to talk to him. "Why exactly did you come early?" He scoffs and gives a deep chuckle.
"Isn't is obvious? Love, I came to see you." Those words struck your body, mind and soul. It even made you blush a little. "You barely know me..." You now focus your attention to the road. "And what does that have to do with anything, y/n." Your breath hitches at your name leaving his mouth. 'So he does know me to an extent.' You thought with a small smile. "How much time do you have...until you have to leave." That question came out more as a sad statement.
"Don't be daft, I'll come back in one piece. At most, I have about a few hours." He glances at his watch then at you. You groan in annoyance at the sudden burst of traffic. Cars now bumper to bumper. The silence surrounds the car but not for long as your phone rings. You reached over and took your phone out the purse.
"Hello?" Shaw studies your body, to determine who you're on the phone with. "Y/n, babygirl we coming to New York." You roll your eyes at the cringe name. "How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that." You hear laughs in the background. "Y/n. I need you to meet up with us." Your eyes slightly widen at the familiar voice.
"Sorry, Hobbs. But I don't work with police." Shaw plainly smirks at your smart response. "Shaw flaked on us so we need a backup." You recognize the annoying voice and put the phone on speaker. "You're quite incorrect there, side kick. I don't think he flaked. But I heard what happened so I'll help." Shaw clears his throat in the background.
"Anyway, what do you want Roman. I just left work but I can circle back." You receive a ping on your phone. "Come to this location. We have everything you need." Hobbs says. "Ok. Before I hang up, there's been people watching me for months could you call them off." In the background you could hear Roman saying something but your didn't hear it right.
"I didn't send anyone to watch you." At his words you stop your car in the middle of traffic and take your key. "Ah shit." You go in your glove box and pull out a stack of money, shoving it in your purse. "What?" Roman asks. You ignore him and speak to Shaw.
"There's a bag in the backseat grab it." You say to him and get out the car. He follows your act. You ditch the car in the middle of the road and start running between cars. "I'm getting chased right now. I'll see you-" Before you could finish your sentence, bullets start flying. "Get down!" Shaw hunches you down with him while running. "Bye!" You quickly hang up and pay attention to your current situation.
"This is so infuriating." You snarl. Hiding behind a car with Shaw. "Darling, why do these people want to kill you?" He says in between breaths. "I kinda took some things from them." You look back at the shooters then to Shaw. He was gazing at you. "And here I thought you were innocent." The corners of his lips curled but only for a split second. You snatch the bag from him in irritation. Digging into the bag you take out a two pistols.
"Here." You shove the gun into his chest. "It's already loaded, ammo is in the bag." Leaving him in front the car. You get out of your cowering position and stand tall, shooting at the incoming goons. Your face was firm and drenched in determination. While shooting you advanced to their side. 1 shot, 2 shots, 4 shots. You clicked your gun one last time before running out of bullets. You tossed it to the side and engaged with hand to hand combat.
Kicking one into the side of a car, making a small but visible dent in it. Then climbing on the nearest car, jumping on the shoulders of an unsuspecting goon. Raping your legs tightly around his neck then pulling all your force back to the ground. You landing on your feet and him unfortunately on his back. To finish the job, you pull back your fist then knock his lights out. You look up to a gun pointed at your head. A spark of fear was set in your eyes but your fear faded as they collapsed on your past victim. Thanks to Shaw shooting them in their head. "Lets go." He grabs you by the arm and makes an escape.
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mcreadsstuff · 4 years
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For any fanfic writers out there, More Deckard shaw imagines please 🙏❤? Would love to read them
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queenxxxsupreme · 5 years
A/N: I've been working on this for a while. Hope you like it:)
Warnings: violence, fighting, brief mentions of Deckard Shaw with a thigh holster
Word Count: 3.1k
Summary: Deckard Shaw proposes
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Nothing really scared Deckard Shaw. After years and years of carnage and bloodshed, he’d grown accustom to what others would call horrors.
However, the sight of you angry at him terrified him.
Your jaw was locked tightly, your darkened eyes avoiding him as you worked on getting together what you could find to patch him up. A first-aid kit had practically been thrown on to the table beside him, along with a few towels.
You pulled a chair around the small table to his side. You brushed your hair over one shoulder as you sat down. He watched you with a guarded look, unsure of just what you were planning. You leaned across the table to get the first-aid kit.
“Say something, sweet.” He urged quietly.
“I have nothing to say to you.” You were beyond angry. You were furious. Why was he so stupid? Why couldn’t he just stick to the plan?
“You always have something to say.” Deckard rolled his eyes. You took the hem of his shirt and easily ripped the material so that you’d have access to the two bullet wounds on his torso. “Could’ve just asked me to take my shirt off for ya, sweet.”
“I’m not in the mood, Deckard.” You flicked a light on and waved the flame underneath a pair of tweezers. He looked away from you for a moment and across the hotel room. “You’re such an idiot.”
“Yeah, I know.” He muttered. 
“You remind me every day.”
“Shut up and be still.” You leaned forward to retrieve the bullet embedded just below his left clavicle.
“You sure you don’t wanna cut me open a little more-,”
“Don’t tempt me, Deckard.”
Silence fell between you both as you worked to get the wound patched up. He winced just slightly at the stinging sensation. You pulled the first bullet out and placed it on a gauze pad on the table.
“You’re never this quiet.” He commented before grinding his teeth together. You gave him no warning as you started digging around for the second bullet just between his ribcage and his hip. 
“If I talk right now, Deckard, it’s only going to end with me leaving.”
“You’re not going anywhere. It isn’t safe.”
“You don’t get to tell me shit about what is and isn’t safe.” You pulled the last bullet from his body and threw it and the tweezers down on the table. You were less than gentle with patching him up, letting just how angry you were seep through into how you were acting. This showed Deckard just how upset you were with his how he had been earlier today. You didn’t intentionally hurt him, but you weren’t gentle with him either.
You stood to your feet and started to leave when a hand latched on to your wrist. Deckard was on his feet and pulling you back to him in a heartbeat.
“Let me go, Deckard.”
“Not a chance, sweet.” He shook his head, looking down at you with a soft gaze. He opened his mouth to apologize but you started speaking first.
“I’m done with this, Deckard.” You ripped your hand out of his grip and took a step away from him, shaking your head as you fought the tears in your eyes. A lump began to form in your throat, threatening to take your ability to speak.
“The hell are you talking about, Y/N?”
“I’m done with you putting your life on the line for me way more than you need to! I am done with you thinking I’m incapable of fighting my own fights-,”
“I know you can fight, Y/N-,”
“You say that, but your actions today say otherwise.” You shook your head. “I’m not going to watch you kill yourself because you think I’m some damsel in distress all the time.”
Before he could say anything, your phone buzzed on the table. You moved past him to pick it up.
“What?” You snapped. 
“It’s me.” Letty spoke. “Tej has eyes on your hotel. There’s MI-6 agents outside getting ready to storm in after you two.”
“Of course there are.” You sighed out, fighting the urge to throw your phone across the room. “Thanks, Letty.” You hung up and tucked your phone into your jacket.
“I really don’t like you playing nice with them, you know.” Deckard commented as you started for the door.
“And right now, I really don’t like you. Put a shirt on. MI-6 is getting ready to come.”
“Where are you going?” Deckard picked up a black long sleeve and tugged it into place. 
“Wherever you aren’t.” You didn’t even make it two steps down the hallway before he had his hand on your arm, pulling you back to him. “Get your damn hand off of me, Deckard, before I put another bullet in you.”
He held your hard gaze before letting you go.
“I’m not letting you out of my sight, Y/N. Not until we fix this.”
“Sorry to interrupt your little moment, love birds.” Hobbs spoke as he and Roman jogged down the hallway. Where they came from, you weren’t sure, but you didn’t really care either. 
“We don’t have time to fight now.” You called over your shoulder to Deckard as you started for the elevator at the end of the hall. “But once we get somewhere safe, I’m going to kick your ass.”
“I’m looking forward to it, sweet.” Deckard glared at Hobbs, who stopped by your side at the elevator. He never liked how you were relatively close to the D.S.S. agent. Friends weren’t something you made easily, your trust was something you did just give out to anyone. Only a small handful of people had earned the rare title of being your ally. Luke Hobbs was one of them. 
“You two okay?” Hobbs whispered to you.
“You don’t care.” You let out a sigh, rolling your head from side to side. “You can’t stand him.”
“No, but I can put up with you.” He teased lightly and winked at you. You cracked a little smile, one that didn’t go unnoticed by Deckard. Even if he hadn’t been the one to make the smile happen, he was glad that someone made you smile. At least you weren’t pissed at everyone.
“So if you two don’t work out, baby doll, you think we still have a chance?” Roman casually leaned against the wall next to you. Since you two had met a little less than a year ago, he’d been playfully flirting with you and once in a while, you’d humor him and flirt back. 
Sometimes this drove Deckard insane, especially when he knew you were doing it to make him mad. But it never made him jealous. He knew you’d never leave him for another man. Still, Deckard didn’t like it. You were his. 
The brutish ex-military man drew the gun from the holster on his thigh and clicked the safety off. Roman noticed this and stiffened up. You paid no attention to your boyfriend, knowing he wouldn’t do anything-unless Roman acted on his words. Roman Pierce was mostly talk. 
“Oh, baby.” You feigned a pout, putting your hand on Roman’s arm. “We never had a chance.”
Deckard smirked from his place behind the trio, pride taking him over. Roman put his hand over his heart. 
“That’s cold, baby.”
The elevator doors finally opened and you froze. Half a dozen MI-6 agents in tactical gear were in the elevator. 
Deckard grabbed your arm and pulled you into his chest, then threw himself against the wall. Roman and Hobbs dove against the opposite wall, evading the rain of bullets. The doors closed almost as quickly as they had opened. You looked around, confused. What just happened?
“You’re welcome.” Tej’s voice came over the earpiece you forgot you were wearing. “Now quit standing there and get your asses moving please!”
“Thanks, Tej.” Hobbs moved away from the wall. 
“That was great.” Roman’s breathing was labored from the adrenaline coursing through his veins. You pushed yourself away from the wall and out of Deckard’s arms. 
“The elevator’s not going anywhere.” You observed. The numbers above the doors still said the box was on your floor. “Can you move it down on floor, Tej? Keep the doors shut.”
“Of course I can do that.” You could hear him roll his eyes. 
“That’s not going to help us with anything, Y/N.” Hobbs said. “We’re still stuck in a hotel full of agents who now-thanks to you two-think I’m a bad guy.”
“It’s not our fault you affiliate yourself with us.” Deckard stubbornly crossed his arms. 
“Open the doors for me, Hobbs.” You ignored them and gestured to the sealed elevator doors. 
“Why didn’t you ask me?” Deckard muttered as Hobbs moved towards the doors. 
“Because you’re still bleeding.” You glanced over your shoulder to him, briefly glancing over him to make sure he was okay.
“What’s your plan, Y/N?” Roman asked you as he went to stand next to Hobbs. The doors had been pried open and the large man was currently holding them open. 
“Ride the elevator down. When we get to the ground, we have a better chance of fighting our way out.”
“Good thinking.” Hobbs complimented.
“Yeah, well I’m pretty positive I’m the only one who has a brain out of the four of us.” You slipped underneath one of his arms and wrapped your hands around the think steel wire holding the elevator up. You supported your weight with your hands until you could get your legs wrapped around the cable. From there, you could slide down and quietly land on the elevator car. 
You looked back up to the boys, placing your index finger over your lips to signal them to be quiet. Roman was next. His landing would��ve been rough had you not grabbed his jacket to steady him on his feet. Deckard was after him. Even with his injuries, he made it down with ease. Hobbs was last. You moved to one of the sides of the car, careful not to let anything of yours touch the walls. 
“Okay, Tej. Take us to the ground.” You told him, putting your hand up to your ear. Deckard watched you for a few moments, his piercing blue eyes studying you carefully. You knew he wanted to say something about the conversation you’d had earlier but he wasn’t going to, not with two sets of ears in the room. 
Once the elevator hit the floor, you decided you were going to be the one to take out the MI-6 agents in the elevator. You ordered Tej not to open the doors yet. You needed to keep everything confined. You worked better in small spaces.
“Come on, Y/N. Let me go with you.” Hobbs didn’t like the idea of you going down there alone with six heavily armed men. 
“No offense, big guy, but you take up more space.” You tied your hair back into a ponytail and rolled your shoulders. 
Your eyes flickered to Deckard. He was silent but his eyes spoke a thousand words. He wasn’t happy. He wanted to argue with you, to tell you that it was ridiculous for you to go in alone when you had three, scratch that, two abled bodies to go in with you. Roman was just there to provide any distractions. Fighting wasn’t his thing. But after hearing that you were ready to leave him earlier, Deckard knew it would be better for him to shut up and let this go than to fight it. You were a big girl. You could handle yourself. You knew your boundaries. 
You looked to Hobbs and nodded your head once. He pulled the hatch open and you jumped down into the elevator car, on to the agent directly below you. He collapsed under your sudden weight on him. You pulled the baton from his waist and turned to hit the agent right behind you. The space was too restricting for them to use the big guns they had in their hands. You had the advantage, and you knew this. You smirked as you spun around and caught another agent in the side of the neck right where his protective gear ended. He cried out at the pain. 
Arms wrapped around you, pinning your arms to your sides. You gritted your teeth together and threw yourself back before throwing yourself forward, The sudden shift in weight caught the agent holding you off guard. He stumbled forward, releasing you as he toppled over you. You caught yourself on your hands and knees. Using this new position, you swiped your leg out to kick the agent to your right as hard as possible in his knee then again in his stomach when he collapsed to his knees. 
Someone grabbed your ponytail. This made you livid. You couldn’t stand when people grabbed your hair. Ignoring the stinging pain, you rolled over on to your back and managed to put yourself underneath the man kneeling behind you. You wrapped your legs around his head, not shying away from suffocating him with your thighs. You grabbed his hand as he tried to grab your thighs and pull you away from him. You twisted his arm painfully until you heard a snap and he let out a high-pitch yelp. While you did this, you noticed another agent reaching for his taser. You moved out of the way just as the agent reached down to tase you. 
He was suddenly thrown across the small room. You looked up to see Hobbs standing over you. 
“I had it under control.” You growled, bringing your elbow down to connect with the face of the agent between your legs. He fell unconscious. While Hobbs ensured the rest of the agents weren’t going to get up any time soon, you pushed the agent off of you and stood to your feet. 
“I just helped you out a little-,”
“I don’t need your help.” You cut him off. Deckard and Roman jump down from the top of the car, the latter landing less than elegantly. “Tej, open the doors.” 
“Okay, but I’m gonna warn y’all. There’s a bunch of trouble-,”
“Just do it!” You yelled. You were itching to fight, the anger boiling in your veins making you a danger to anyone around you.
You pulled picked up two batons and twirled them in your hands, the corner of your lips pulling up in a devilish smirk.
You weren't sure how the fire in the bar of the hotel started. You were too focused on fighting the armed operatives trying to stop you. You'd lost your jacket amidst a fight with a female agent and your shirt was torn. Your hair began to fall from the ponytail. You were exhausted. Your body ached and the number of cuts and bruises were increasing steadily. Not to mention the fire alarms were going off and the sprinklers decided to soak you. What was left of your shirt clung to your torso.
Roman and Hobbs had managed to get to the doors. You couldn't see Deckard but you guessed he also made it out.
You flipped a table and took cover behind it just before bullets flew your way. Instinctively, you flinched from the impact of the bullets on the wooden table top.
The echoing bangs stopped and for a moment. You spotted a pistol just out of reach. Knowing it was probably a bad choice, you dove out of the safety of the overturned table and grabbed the weapon. You turned and in the same instant, cocked the hammer, putting a bullet in the chamber. With your thumb hovering over the trigger, you stared down the gun at Deckard.
"It's only me, dove." He breathed out, holding his hands up to prove he meant no harm. He was battered and bruised, blood trickling from a wound on his temple.
You put the gun down, letting out a breath you didn't know you'd been holding, and looked around the room. You two were the only ones standing.
"You good?" He asked, taking a few steps towards you. You nodded, glancing down to gun in your hands. This was it. "Come on. We need to go-,"
"I'm not going with you, Deckard." You put the safety on and tucked the gun into the back of your pants. Who knew if you'd need it later.
"We don't have time for you to be dramatic, Y/N-,"
"I told you I'm not doing this." You shook your head softly. Your throat began to burn and your nose started to itch. "I could've lost you today, Deckard." Your voice lowered to a broken whispered.
Deckard glanced over his shoulder, letting out a small groan of disapproval for what he was about to do. He'd wanted to wait until a more romantic moment, a moment when he'd planned everything out. As he turned back to you, he ran his hand over his face.
"Your the best thing that's ever happened to me, Y/N." His voice was quiet, curling his fingers into fists by his sides. "I'd kill for you."
"I know." A soft little smile crossed your lips. He'd done in numerous times before. Deckard Shaw would move mountains and raise hell for you.
"It's hard for me to see you do what I do, sweet. I can see one wrong move you make and you.... You're dead, sweet." He whispered. His fingers uncurled. He brushed his thumb across his fingertips.
"It makes me feel like you think I'm incapable of holding my own. You think I'm weak."
"Sweet, you're the strongest person I know. You've put up with my ass for years."
You laughed gently. Deckard carefully watched you. The anger in your eyes had dissipate.
"Marry me, sweet."
Your lips parted as you stared across the room at the man before you. Your heart was still thumping from adrenaline, but now a new found rhythm began. You started to speak but the sprinklers stopped and the fire alarms went out. You briefly glanced to the ceiling before looking back to Deckard.
There you both stood, covered in blood, bruises, and wounds. Your clothes were soaked from the sprinklers. You looked like a wreck but somehow he didn't look too affected by all the fighting he'd been doing. Maybe it was just the fact that his shirt was still in tact while yours was ripped and revealing your black bra. The scene wasn't ideal. No one in their right mind would choose to propose in a room full of bodies, some of which were not living.
But this was yours and Deckard's life. The chaos was what had brought you two together and together, you survived in the brutal world.
Wordlessly, you crossed the room. When you got to him, you hesitated to put your hands on him, remembering the wounds underneath his shirt. You settled with cupped his jaw in your small hands.
"Yes." You breathed out, a little smile on your lips as you leaned up to kiss him. His arms slipped around your waist. He pulled you closer to him, ignoring the pain in his torso.
"I love you, sweet." Hearing the words for a second time today made your heart soar. Deckard Shaw wasn't one to admit his feelings out loud. You knew how he felt, he expressed his emotions in other ways. But hearing him say it was unlike anything else.
"I love you, Decks."
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selenenyx0124 · 4 years
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Imagine spending time with your love Deckard Shaw.
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f1z05 · 5 years
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Life of the Shaws and Shobbs - What A Day (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/9hlwLiCGV4 Moslty The Shaw Family and Shobbs to this because why not!? Enjoy these random fics, may not be updated as frequent but will try.
@omnivorousshipper here you go for starters, if u can’t open it, tell me :)
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right3ousrawb · 5 years
Will these two ever get along?
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suiting-style · 3 years
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Fast and Furious Jason Statham Deckard Shaw Cotton Bomber Jacket For Men available in Black Color in a reasonable price.
Shop Now: https://bit.ly/2U0zWeg
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eigaandhollywood · 3 years
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Hobbs & Shaw celebrates it's 2nd anniversary today
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iloveramensm · 4 years
im not very consistent but when i have new imagines or whatever, ill put them here!
also i think i made it so people can request? idk i might not do them all but for the times when i do come back to writing, ill def go through them!
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all american
jordan baker 
such a flirt
imagine jordan looking at you like this when...
imagine youre spencers sister & jordan is into you
fast & furious
luke hobbs
luke hobbs imagine ideas
deckard shaw
deckard shaw imagine ideas
it takes two pt. 1 pt. 2
i wish you were mine pt. 1 pt. 2
the originals
elijah mikaelson 
365 days
imagine getting dressed up to go to massimos club
imagine ideas - free for anyone to use
harry potter
severus snape
he gets jealous
imagine ideas - free for anyone to use
Black lightning
tobias whale
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FAST AND FURIOUS (HOBBS & SHAW) DECKARD SHAW JACKET Deckard Shaw (Fast And Furious 9) Jason Statham Jacket https://t.co/qP6sjPKKid #fastandfurious #hobbsandshaw #deckardshaw #deckardshawjacket #fastandfuriousjacket #jasons https://t.co/yuY2OQCzYB
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queenxxxsupreme · 5 years
Dating Deckard Shaw
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-he’s super protective of you, that’s a given. He knows you can kick anyone’s ass, including his, but he can’t help his protective nature. He wants to shield you from all the bad of the world -he's super soft but only for you -you're the only one who gets to see him when he wakes up all sleepy eyed in sweatpants that hang a little too low on his hips, showing off his toned and muscular torso -mornings with him are your favorite because a lot of times he doesn't sleep well, most of the time he will just lay in be with you and hold you, he'll wake you up by slipping his arms around you, pulling you into his arms and his chest -"morning, sweet."  "morning, Decks." -he's only cuddly and soft™️ in the mornings when he gets up on his own after a rare good sleep, if someone wakes him up, he's grumpy—grumpier than usual. He mumbles curse words and grips the pillow under his head tighter in his steel-like grip -"Come on, Decks. The team's heaving a meeting."  "Tell them to fuck off. M'tired." -you've got him completely wrapped around your pinky finger  "Decks, come on. I want to cuddle."  "I'm kind of in the middle of something, sweets." He’s fixing a car or messing with his gun collection when you decide it’s time for bed.  "I don't care if you're in the middle of fighting the whole damn world. I'm ready for bed. You better be there in less than five." -you don't do jobs together very often because Deckard's overprotective nature tends to be a problem for all of you -on the last job you did together, he ended up with a couple bullets in him because he was too concerned about your safety -you had the ability to make him forget his training -and Hobbs always made sure to tease him about it -"Hey lover boy? How about you quit making googly eyes at Y/N and make yourself useful?"  "How about you fuck off, wannker?" -your relationship isn't perfect, you both have attitudes and your tempers can get the both of you -you'll fight over the littlest things sometimes and it will escalate into something bigger -theres yelling, screaming, cursing, projectiles are launched across the room, sometimes towards the other person(mostly from you towards him), one time he crossed the line when talking about your messed up family and you fired a few bullets at him, you were careful not to hit him, they were just warning shots -but you always made up, you always apologized and made things better -he doesn't show his affection in public, being as he doesn't want anyone to see that he has feelings for you. They could use you against him, but behind closed doors, he'll hold you in his lap or hold your hand even if you want him to. He likes to have his hand on your knee. It's not a sexual thing(most of the time), he just finds comfort in knowing that you're there when he can't constantly stare at you like the loving dork he is -jealousy isn't something that Deckard and you have a problem with. Sure you flirt with people a lot on different jobs. Most of the time, you try to not flirt with others when he's around. He gets possessive more than anything. He doesn't like when another man's eyes wander further than they should, eyeing your chest or your ass in the little dress you've squeezed into for the evening. -on one particular mission, a drunk mark had decided to get physical and put his hand on your thigh where your dress had rode up. Even from where Deckard sat across the bar, he saw the gesture and decided he couldn't let it slide. He let the man ogle you all night but him putting his hands on you was too much. -Deckard was across the room in the blink of an eye, the mark's security team jumped to stop the mercenary. This started a fight. Civilians screamed and scattered, running for the exit. You let out a sigh at the sight of your boyfriend, rolling your eyes at him -all in all, you loved him and you couldn't imagine life without the big gruff Brit, he drove you insane but you wouldn't want it any other way
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selenenyx0124 · 5 years
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Imagine joking around with Deckard Shaw.
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faux-jacket · 4 years
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this Jason Statham Fast and Furious 7 Deckard Shaw Leather Jacket to look as good as it displayed in the movie. 
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larsenilustracion · 5 years
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Sábado de trabajo y más trabajo! Como decía ayer con un amigo, nosotros los Freelancers no tenemos #puente jiji 📢 NEW POST ALERT UNA LINDA "ESPÍA" jajajaja o bueno eso pienso yo :3 este personaje se me ocurrió después de ver #fastandfurioushobbsandshaw que por cierto aunque a muchos no les gusto a mí sí 😍🤗 😎 . . . . . #spy #espia #rapidosyfuriosos #therock #jasonstatham #deckardshaw #hobbs #larsenilustracion #girlsanimation #bluehair #aqua #movie #inspiration #sketch #newpost #ilustracion #characterdesign #gaomonpd1560 #gaomon #artstation #cute #kawaii #badassgirl https://www.instagram.com/p/B2Zi1Hgh1PL/?igshid=171q8novstsal
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right3ousrawb · 5 years
My Deckard Shaw fight compilation
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